The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 13, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Si V,
-l.:"VV...;..Jrj.V. - ., , . . "J
1 1 Last 'Chase of, President and
- Party Made Toward tast y ;
Line of Reserve
' Roosevelt - In High' Spirits and
X : : Will Leave for Colorado
''H'iThU' Evening."'' ;-:
:r, .-y v.
J tfeuraal Sprcial Berries.) '' , ' " ",
f Frederick, OkJa, April 1. The preeli
'." stoat concluded a four, day' hunt In th
.Indian pasture reserve " at nooik today.
The last wolf chase waa made from the
camp toward the seat Una of the re
. Serve, where the president took dinner
' y and rested. . ''
He la expected here at I o'clock this
'afternoon Governor Ferguson ' and ,
party are.ewalUng the president and
will escort him to th train, which
, leaves at :.5 o'clock for Colorado.) At
' present the president la expected . to
' make a brief speech to the crowd
- awaiting him. ' :
Aside from th wolvee tha party killed
II coyotes and the president captured
two coons Tuesday night. , He la In -high
. ' SpilitS. '':' ' .
Th .resident's special Started for
Frederick from Ft. Worth at Is o'clock
thta- morning and reached here at A
'clock this afternoon. '
Arrangements have Men completed
for the president's hunt In Colorado.
ravboTi from over all the western part
-of the state will escort the president
'from Newcastle to the hunting grounds.
The president will be welcomed at Trin
idad by Governor McDonald and a party
of National guardsmen and army ' of
ficers who will accompany him back to
'Colorado Springs. ... ; - - - -.. ., : .,
Wan. Patterson's Counsel Wants
to Inspect Minutes of '
.: -y.y(:: Grand jury. ...
' ' (Jesrssl Special Berries. V
XsWTork. April It. Argument
, the motion of counsel for Man Patter-
; son to .inspect the minutes of the grand
. Jury - which. Indicted the actress as
' co-consplrator , with J. Morgan Smith
and wife, was adjourned today by Jus
tics Foster until tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow J. Morgan Smith and his
- wife mOX plead to the Indictment re
turned agalnat them by the grand jury,
charging them' with conspiracy. , with
Nen Patterson to obtain money from
Caesar Toung. Miss Patterson will also
be arraigned on the same charge at the
same time. -f-'.V''
, . Smith denies having purchaaed . the
platol with which Young was killed- He
ays that he defies aayons to 'identify
- htm .as the man purchasing the " re
' volver and that his complete record of
T . . ' 1 J H.J
: rum movemenu c u ma - uajr vhw . ifuun
' was bought are' written out and in the
trunk that was isonflscated In Cincinnati
' by the district attorney. Hyman Stern,
the pawnbroker, who sold the revolver
4 with which , Caesar Toung was killed.
. ha not been able to positively Identify
Smith as tha msa who purchased It. .
J. Annand of ST114 Oraad avenue and
. W. J.. Clemens, of Grand avenue ' and
Howard . street hsve declared their, lit
. tentlons to become candidate for nom
inauon orr tne . Kepuoucan : ticket a
" councllmen at large. . They stand on the
. game platform, which la:. r T ,
JJXfaot-aovsrnment ot by and for
th people.".' i i . ' r ' :
' Annand 1 local .manager of .the Pos
tal Telegraph aV Cable company.
Sam 'Wagner, - Republican candidate
' for - councilman of ,. the Second . Ward.
(declared himself for honesty la all de-
pertinents In the city government J
; C - VL Wheeler .of . 131 .East Couck
' street,, Republican candidate .for coun
"ctlman from tha Eighth ward,, states
t that if elected h wUt administer tha
(affairs of .the "city 'In. a businesslike
. Banner. - -.; i . . J v ,
TT.T.sTP IT p:
. (Jaaraal ftpeclal .Serrtca.) 1
t St Petersburg April laW-A derrick
at, the PutUoff .works fell this sfternon,
-'killing-11 men and Injuring 16 others.
Made'and Repaired
by.Experts .
. . , . w ... v . 4. f
If yon .have some Aid Jewelry,
not In use. bring it to us and
we will turn out a modern
rwg 'or pin for you.
Then should "your ring he
toc 'Small or Isrce, well a 1m.
It to ""Bt- perfectly,, and in a
manner -like new.
Your brooch may need a new
Joint, pin or retch. We do this
in a thorough way,, so as to
-t-y- . , . -' '"
A feature, executed according
to the latest Ideea and moat
finished - workmanship, either -in
gold or platinum settings.
Are reasonable st all times for
, only flrat--lasa work. It's th
only way ,t aatlsfy. .
Fcjdcrihcimcrr :
j. Cor. Third and ' Washington. ,
tfsweiera, viirarsmiios, -,
. , - Optician
,;.'. - -H I4-f V'''r ,?
' '
e '
WMle Inspecting the steamer
e I.prllna this morning Admiral e
e Kempff ordered a fire drill. Tha e
e- order was cheeni jt, earnea ouu, w
The men tworked Wih a will, . e
e and their officers smiled ar- e
e provingly as tbey thought of e
the compliment they would r-
' celve for their promptness.
"But alaa! ' There was something
Adyilra) Kempff wanted to see
eq ths other aide of the boat
' In starting for It he got la 11ns
with the hose. :
His mouth.' eyes a ad pockets
were filled with water; hs waa .
drenched to ths skin. As soon
as he had wiped the water out
of bis eyes the Admiral made a
run for the hotel to -change his
clothing. This don hs continued
his tour of inspection. .
-V'.r.: , ... .... s, ,:;;-'
Cot. Hawkins Protests Against
Appropriation of Waters From
Rivers and Creeks.
COL I L. Hawkins, on of the park
commissioners, has been before the
county court to protest against the ap
propriation by -Lafe Pence of tha sur
plus waters of Sandy river and Belch
and Johnson, creeks under the irrigation
laws of the state. . . Colonel Hawkins
lavl th&ft . Ptin - im nnt antlnv In load
jalUu mnA that.hla purpose Is to retain
the waters and overcharge the 'people for
them later, -Pe lice filed notice aeveral
months ago of his intsntlon to appropri
ate water In these creeka to carry into
execution plans for an elaborate system
of irrigation canals and works to jiup
ply watsr for domeatlo uses.
i.omro.iBsioner names sisiea coasy
that the county court had no authority
to adjudicate such matters. When
County Judge Webster - return from
eastern Oregon the matter will be re
ferred to him. .
It wa claimed at the off to of Pane
that Tile projects rest upon exactly the
same legal right as had been invoked by
every, irrigation enterprise in tn state.
(Continued from Page One.)
have been able to accomplish So much,"
said Mr. Busch. "I shsU take the sta
tistic you have given me and figure out
the per capita and compare it with that
in our own part iof the country.'
He was strongly impressed with the
growth of Portland and the "great pros
pects of the entire Oregon country. Ills
verdict on seeing th exposition ground
wss: .
! "This Is simply beautiful beyond de
scription. It is not too large and yet
there Is no ground -to spare." - :
The Intimate knowledge Mesars.
Busch and Bchutler showed regarding
streets, locations and various conditions
In ths city occasioned-" surprise among
the Portland men who - aooompanled
them.,, It I said they have Inspected
every street In th business district,
looked thoroughly over ' th residence
parts of the city and. . driven to ths
Whit house and other suburban points
in their three days' visit Ths party
will leave tomorrow, in Mr. Busch's
private ear, for the sound. ,
(Continued from Pag One)-"'
Probably the moat efflolent nre sta
tion la the etty Is located at the Lewis
and Clark air ground ' near th eh
trance. Certainly It Is th best equipped
and has a force of men as experienced
and capable as could be gathered. A
dosen such battalions might work in
vain when, a tinsel building wss thor
oughly In the grasp of the flames. .
' Thurmata, - Uphsur, - Twenty-third to
Twenty-seventh streets are ' among
thoas which have been lined with close
rows. of temporary structures.
. Building , Inspector. Howard Whiting
and Chief Campbell of the fire depart
ment are contemplating ordering the
large canvas-roofed 'lodging house at
Twenty-sixth and'Vaugha streets torn
dowit ' It ls located Just scross the
street not more then to feet distant
from the public comfort building In, the
exposition grounds, and If a fire should
catch In the lodging houss It would en
danger the fair buildings. 1
The building inspector will visit that
vicinity this afternoon and may order
some change, and Chief Campbell will
Inspect ' several. - buildings tomorrow
morning. They win order Are escapee
on a large' three-story structure which
I nearing .completion,
The restaurant and hotel men in th
vicinity of the fair ground started
cleaning up their premises and repairing
thelav plumbing yesterday, according to
Instructions, and the health officer and
plumbing inspectors will Insist on them
complying with city regulations . .
Important results are expected from
the meeting of housekeepers tomorrow
at 10 o'clock at th School of Domestic
Science, 111 Tenth street, o look Into
the matter of bettering the conditions of
the markets. Miss Tingle will speak
on the conditions of the markats in
Portland as disclosed on the tour of In
spection by the women, and will eom-
Lpnre them with what they should be.
She ha had much experience in such
work and la abls to give valuable . aux-
gestlons from th many place she hs
visited. '.
lr. - Me Cerdwell and r Dr. Woods
Hutchinson will present their views. - A
general discussion Is Invited, as the pur
pose of th meeting Is to arouse public
feeling to such a pitch that .conditions
must .change for.jthe market men to get
trade. :--.-. - . ;.. -
rr There Is 7 no ' ' pepper Iri
Schilling's Best grngrr ; there's
nothing wrong in Schilling's
Best anything. f" , ;..;
fiO K0?E of m
Final Conference: tor End Team-
4 ; sfers' Walkout. Ends In v
ftV;; Complete Failure .
Minor Disturbances Characterize
Progress ok Labor Conflict
; This MorhTn'
- J (Joarnal Special aertlce'.) -'''. f
Chicago, April 13.'What Is consid
ered the final "conference of both sides
In the teamsters' strike adjourned this
morning, having failed to agree upon
any plan' by which the strike could be
arbitrated. The teamsters insisted that
the garment .worker be considered in
any 'settlement but the employer, re-
ruse to- arbitrate anything out . me
teamsters' phase of the dispute. . -
The executive board of the Federa
tion of Labor will be called to consider
calling out the express drivers and
other affiliated unions, with a view to
extending the atrlk. .
Employer . will also hold a meeting
this afternoon to formulate a plan for
an offensive campaign. Each aid ' li
determined and bitter. . Minor isiuro
ances characterised th progress of th
strike this morning.
The sfforL-saada. by Mayor Dunne! to
act as arbitrator waa unsuccessful. The
mayor offered to act a mediator, but
th employers declined on the ground
that the teameUrs had broken their
agreement with Montgomery, Ward
Co. by , ordering a sympathetic . strlks
snd that therefor notnlng could be don
toward a settlement by mediation.
A number of clashs occurred toaay
between th pqjlce and strike sympa
thisers who blocked the street and ha
rassed the non-union teamsters for act
ing as strike-breakers. A number of
heeds were cracked, but hone seriously
Injured. Several men were hauled from
the seat of Ihetr wagomv beaten by the
mob' and wagon overturned-- and
wrecked before they could be rescued by
the police. ' ,
Attorney Will Argue on the Pleas
in Abatement Tomorrow Be
fore Judge Bellinger.'.
- ,'V-.
jUgumenta.wlU b-neard tomorrow
bv Judsr Bellinger on . the plea Is
abatement interposed by Senator John
It Mitchell and other fraud cases. In
this behalf It is allsged that ths pro-;
esedlng of the grand, Jury are null and
void by reason of irregularities in the
organisation of the jury and because
frauds J. Heher was ao . properly
qualified to appear before the Jurors In
the capacity of United States district
attorney; - " 1 ' '
Question of law and of Tact are
raised. Mr. Heney will appear ss usual
for the government in the argument
and ths defense wilt represented by
Judge A. S. Bennett The questions In
volved are Important, for the reason
that if the pleas In abatement should
be sustained, the indictments returned
y the grand Jury would be Invalidated.
, Mr. Heney declines to dlsouss the
subject but it Is evident that he la
confidant that th objections raiaed by
the defense will not be sustained by
the court .- . . -
' V1: , , ... . .. -. .... ' '- ' .; ( ,'-
Moran Brothers Refuse Rev. Mr.
" Stelzle Permission to' En
ter Ship Yards. - :
r (Joarul Special Servlca.1 ' ' -8eattle,
Wash, April 1 J. Reverend
Mr. Stelxle, the. labor union member of
the Chspman evangellat party, has bees
forbidden to addrsss the men In Me.ran
Bros. shipbuilding plant and refused
admittance to the yards on account of
his union afflllatlona." '
Moran Bros, tt non-union concern,
having had many fight with th union,
and have barred from their premises
all members connected with trsdes
unionism. Unaware of this. Rev. Mr.
Stelsls announced that he would address
th men at the Iron work during th
noon hour today. He, wss refused ad
mittance tor the yard, and a conference
Is being held with a view to permitting
revival services among the employes.
Mrs. Nora Stone died at Good Samar
itan hospital at 1:10 o'clock this morn
ing as the result of being deluged with
biasing oil from a lamp thrown at her
by Blanche' Tompkins In "Liverpool
Lls's" -notorious north end resort An
Inquest will be held by Deputy Coroner
Arthur L. Flnley at. 4 o'clock this af
ternoon, and It - Is expected 'that th
Tompkins womsn will be charged with
manslaughter 'She la now- held at the
city prlsonr-and the police are locating
ths witnesses to th affair, l , '
'Death resulted either from secondary
shock, ss the woman was frightfully
burned and was exceedingly week ever
since she was taken to the hoapltal, or
from blood poisoning following the ab
sorption of ths oil,"' ssld Dr. J. C Zan,
the city physician. !. , ; '
(learsal pl SrrrW.) -. .. '-.
Parts. April J I Captain Rods, a
French .attach "with tha Mahchurlan
army, reports that the Russian army I
reinforced and -now ready to renew the
battle.' He ears th Japanese advance
guard Is barely 1 miles sway and. fre
quent skirmishes occur. V-
. ' (Josrsal SseHal Bertfrt.)s
Clarkahurg. W. V., April It. Sevan
prisoners In the county. Jail at Westoa
blew up a portion of the structure with
nitroglycerin early- this morning and
capsd. Bloodhound ar in pursuit
Telegrams From Railroad Men
' . Tell of the Reduction In t
Rates to Portland.
l Telegram ,irom P. S. Eustis, ' pas
senger traffic manager of the Burling'
ton; Howard Elliott, president of th
Nortnern i -a cine: w. A. uieland. general
pasaenger agent of the same road; T.
I. Whitney, passenger trafflo manager
or the Great Northern: Charles 8. Fee.
passenger traffic ..manager of the 8outs
era Pacific; E. O. MoCormlck, asslsUnt
trafflo manager of th Harrlman lines.
snd George 11 Daniels, general passen
ger agent New Tork Central railroads,
have been received by A. L.' Craig, the
Portland Commercial club and the chain
ber of commerce announcing action by
the Central Paasenger Trafflo associa
tion .confirming th action by the Trunk
Ldnea association .. in is granting a one-
fare round trip rate, plus 11. for the
entire period of the Lewi 'and Clark
fair, and for all national convention
held in Portland during that time. .
Th Atlantic Paasenger association's
Indorsement of th rat is now ths only
action lacking to make it unanimous.
snd this action I expected to be prompt
All the passenger officials named sent
telegram of th moat cordial and con
gratulatory Character. - Mr. . Daniels'
message was particularly felicitous snd
predicted great business from eaatarn
territory as a result of the low rat ti
th .fair. . . . . j :
But td Make Up for This There
Will Be No Improvements -:
on the Bike Paths.
No bicycle tax has been collected this
year: hence there will be no work oa
th bicycle paths provided for by law.
The law has been Inoperative since ths
decision of Judge George was rendered
last year, which declared that deputy
sheriff 'could not lawfully seise bicy
cles and. their riders to collect the tax.
A teat case waa carried through th cir
cuit court, and Judge Oeorg ruled that
th bicycle tax - collector could only
approach owner and rider of wheel
and ask them to pay the tax, and could
not us fores In effecting th collection.
Under th rule laid down by Judge
George, th county court did not Issus a
warrant to th sheriff this year to col
lect the bicycle tax. and, without this
warrant, the sheriff la not empowered to
msk th collection. .
Th law passed several year ago pro
vided that th tax on wheela should be
tl.W a year, and that the money should
be expended by th county court In build
ing patha for th exclusive us ot wheel
men. Last year deputies were appointed
to collect the tax, and went out to watch
for rider of wheels. Several setsures'
were made, and finally Rt. W. Montague,
th lawyer, waa subjected, so be alleged,
to Dsrsonat ladurolty In being seised
and handled sifughly by on of th depu
ties, and In 'the suit brought to aster
mine th right ot wheelmen, he won
th case, '
; '." -
' , . (Jeersel Bparlal Servtae.)
Naw Tork. Aortl . It. Th National
Commandary. Military Order of Foreign
yi'ara, is holding its fourth triennial con
vention in thlo city, tn sessions Do
ing held in the governor's room or tn
city hall. More than a score or state
commandeiies were represented at the
meeting whlcfcjwa presided over by
th commander general of the order,
MaJ.-Oen. Alexander S. Webb, U. S. A.
. The Military Order of Foreign War
Is ,aa-association, historical in charac
ter and patriotic tn aim. having for its
scope th period of American history
since . national , . -Independence was
achieved, and standing for the honorable
prlnclpUnof nattonal - defense : agalnat
foreign aggression, it wss rounaea in
1114 to perpetuate the-names and serv
ices "of commissioned officer who
served1 either In th war of th Revo
lution, th war with .Tripoli, th war of
1 tit. the Mexican war or the war with
Snaln. - The organisation ha received
the recognition of the United State
government which authorise tn orn
cers at ths army and navy who have
been admitted to companionship to wesr
the Insignia of th order on all occasions
of ceremony. . : .
(jroaraal 'soelal ServW.l )
Atlanta. Oa, April II. Preparations
for the meeting of the Antl-Tubereulosls
lea sua. which Is to be held In Atlanta
next week, are practically completed,
and the Indications era that the conven
tion of distinguished 'medical men will
be one of the -most sucoeaaful conven
tions ever held In the south. Prominent
physician and health authorities from
ail section of the country wilt attend
th meeting, and the local medical fra
ternity is msklng arrangement to re
ceive and entertain them In a becoming
manner. . The convention will be held In
the hall of the houae of representatives,
snd Governor Terrell will., deliver , the
address of welcome.
TO a I fati BlMSMIiT. '
George Bowers, aged tl years, was
taken to th city prison last night by
A. W. Bchsir and John zouer, who res
cued him from a alough bordering the
Willamette river, - near Llnnton. He
tried to threw himself In front of two
trains while being taken to Jail. His
condition I du to th excessive use of
intoxicants. ' - :
oosa ovT.wrrac
Cornelius K. Stevens, sn old sailor.
died ht th qood -Samaritan hospital
yestsrdsy morning of concussion of the
brain. H was Injured nearly a month
ago. by Jailing to the cement sidewalk
during sn attack of dlsslness.
. i ... ..
Obstinate eases-oCCancrum Oris hav
been relieved, after tbre or four . appli
cation of . ' . . ..
. . . . ' -.'- .
A.complet cur ha been effected' with
in a week from three applications a dsy.
It 1 a wonderful dentifrice. Nothing
to equal ,lt. . , ' ' '
-:,---.-r.,..'. ';-..',',r
. a - '. '., . : . .: ' '
EAST Slarav Cfcf...AI-0
V4 . w-wsaa-sam i isj
But at Present City 'Water Board
Cannot Grant Manufac- ,
- v : " iturers' Petition. ' ' V
Manufacturing plant on th aat aide,
Including th Fichtner eV Brlatow com-.
pany.'John Deere Flow company, A. H.
Averlll, Mollno-Baln company and the
Buffalo Pitta company, are attempting
to get better fir protection. There are
no large water main 1n th vicinity of
their warehoua. and th lnauranc
rates ar high. , ' "
PeUtion were filed aaklng for auxil
iary pip llnea on Belmont and Tamhlll
streeu from tn river to second tret
with which th f lreboat could connect in
time of fire and pump water to th
bulldinsa Insurance underwriters prom
lssd. ths propsrty-owaera that If auch
pipe lines wer laid insurance would be
reduced. ' ' The water board y e tarda y
decided that It could not grant the petl-
The . board decided to recommend t
tha council the dedication of a triangu
lar piece of ground at Powell street and
Mltwaukle avenue xor street purposes.
Blda for 1.000 tons of cast iron water
pipe and an optional' 1,00ft tftns. besldesJ
450.000 pounds oi special castings, were
opened and referred to the auperintsna
en and engineer to carry out th fig
urea and mak .recommendation. ' Th
big of the Oregon. Iron V Steel company
waa lowest for the pipe at iss.dv ana tonv while tha blda for the cast
ings were 'a tie between the Oregon Iron
A Steel company and the unitea eiaiea
Cast ' Iron A , Foundry company, at t
cents a pound. The Crane companye
bid was lowest on 46.000 pound of pig
lead at 4.tJ a hundred. V
Tha anarterlv report of superintend
ent Frank Podge showed that 'the re
ceipts for ths past three month
amounted to Jll4.tCs.t0, and th, dis
bursement 40.ll. -i- .
Ir. ' J. C Zan. the city' physician.
denies emphatically that ' any friction
now exists or has ever existed between
himself and Dr. 8, C Blocum. his as
slsUnt. Hs "deprecates th impression
which mar be received by the public
from a recently published article la re
lation to an order Issued by Chief of
Police Hunt by his request
This order waa to the errect tnat in
all accident, assault and attempted sui
cide easea hereafter the police must no
tify Dr. Zan Instead . of lr. wocum.
and that should he be busy he would ask
that such physician a h might desig
nate be called. - ' ''.''''.
"It la right and expedient.- said ur.
Zan, - "that such . things should be re
ported to the head or-nn- omce. - o
norts of crlmss are made to the ehlsf
of police and men are assigned by him
to make investigations, tn my own
case the public naturally expects thst
as city physician, having Jurisdiction
of such matters, reports shall be mads
to me. Th request I made, leading to
the -order Issued by th cr.lef.waa not
because I underestimate Dr. Blocum s
services In the slightest, but because I
am the head of the office and may be
looked Ion as trying to shirk my duties.:
. .
Rapid Progress In th building of th
CeUlo portage road Jla ahown by a re-
Dortrecetvea rrom tn cniex engineer.
About two miles are now- practically
eomoleted: th long bridge at tap
Horn la ready for th rails, which will
be laid at one and the locomotive can
then cross and haul materials for trace
lsy'lng beyond. ' -
Track laving is being pushed at Ce-
lllo, en gin house spur, bridge No. 4 and
mess house curve. At Celllo the mess
house, engine house and coal chute are
completed. - Foundation . post ' ar la
place for a warehouse at Big Eddy, a
wharf ' boat at Celllo I about half
built and another at Big Eddy 1 well
tarted. Staging i all in place. .
. Rail and bridge raaterlala ar on the
ground.1 About It men ar at work on
bridges. It wharf boat and 1 on
track work. - .- ; ... "'.;;,.
' Joaraal SpeeUI 'Berries.)
Bethlehem. Pa April II. Again this
quaint Moravian town Is th Mecca for
mual lover from - far and near. ; th
occasion being the Lent festlvsl of the
Bach Cycle, similar In plan to th festi
val of last December. The program
opened InTthe Moravian church this
afternoon with two centaOaa. "Jesus
Sleeps, What Hope RemslnethT' and
"Th Solemn Moment I Impending."
Thi evening will be heard three works,
-J With My Cross-staff Gladly Wander,"
"Strike, Oh. Strike, Long Looked For
Hour," and "There I Naught of Sound
ness Within My Body."
Ths festlvsl will contlnus until and
Including . Friday. Principal - among
th soloists ars Mr. Nicholas Douty,
Mrs. Oertruds Msy Stain, Julian Walker,
Mrs. Mary Hlasent 4-Moss and. Miss
Lucy A. Brlckensteln. . ,. ',. .
Pise's Oate fee Oeatmytlo tare Oeagbs sad
Cold.. Br all srutslsts. 3B.
Photograph of th Concrete Construction company mixing concrete on Buraside street for H
the stone block pavement. The only contracting firm in the city that has a Batch concrete,
mixer. ' Call and see the machine work on the Burnside bridge abutments and you will be !
convinced that you will get better ebnerete if you have it mixed with thi machine. Office 701 '
f .:- v".'- , , Chamber of Commerce. ;'Phone Mata
. ! From sixteen to nine teen ;
-years of age, 7 that : we .have-'
:: the Finest, Snappiest Style
' w f i ' for you ever shown in Fort ;
. .-; land-just the kind you will
, ; like. Double-breasted styles
r'i) '? are best, though we have 'aT-
; splendid variety 'of Single:
i v-i breasted Suits as well Prices
f v. ' range from $15.00 to $25.00
: ' ; T v a Suit : Give us a look for
r. V'1 . We will surely, jplease you.!;
The Never Satisfied Energy of Scientific Men Has
A at Last iviade Known the secrets
Z'sh'r&'V. i-?:: of the Ages. .?4y;!
Is It not wonderful that there Is In
the minds of many people a 'lingering
doub. as to th ability pi any person
to accomplish such remarkable cure as
? .r ."'at
- DR, C W, HARRIS.. ,
i , , -
are claimed by Dr. Harris, of this city?
Th thought and teaching of centuries
I that It I impossible for humanity to
be well and strong. We have come to
regsrd'slckness and poverty as a neces
sary part of Ufa, - ' . .-. .?. 1 . r.-"-..
In view of this It Is remsrkable that
so many people should hsve been ready
10 aocepi ine claims or jjr. narria ana
present themselves for treatment. .
The explanation of It Is all so very
simple snd so thoroughly rational and
common Rtiae thst It is milckly com
prehended. . A brief -reference msy be
j ... . .;,
'4 ,
- -r. r' , '
, N
here made to the wonderfnt work which
he la doing in curing disease of every
kind without th use of drugs' br anedl
otne. Testimonials have been printed
from time to time, -and ..hundreds tf
grateful patients covering nearly every,
form of disease, are .ready to. testify. ,
To, begin with, sickness U an abnor
mal condition. Th system 4s out of
balance. Gradually on-function after
another la implicated, th aymptom
grow worse and medicine falls to. effect
a cure. "...'
Common sense would Inatantly say,
"Restore the balance, readjust th dis
turbed functions and nature will work
out th cure." 1 - 1 '
Now that Is precisely what Rr. Har
ris taschss, and what h doe In dosens
of esses day after day. He to able by
his system of treatment to . Instantly
stop the Inharmonious action of the
functions Involved In sny disease, and
sompel them to resume or commence
their normal action. But one result Is
possible. The Jarring conflict which la '
gradually tearing the body to pieces la
reduced to harmonious action and na
ture msses a cure. .
. The Mwr is within von and Dr. Har.
rluUllsealltto curyou. Morspyer.
ho Is sble To Instruct you-In the use
of this power so that . you will be able .
to "accomplish tha same,, work-that he
Is now performing so successfully.
- What Is Nobler, 'fy s
What wish Is greater or nobler than
the desire to bring, happlneae- and
strength to weak fellow manT The abil
ity to do It I within you. In order that
others may be properly - equipped to
push forward this" great work of res
Cuing humsnlty from the error of cen
turies 'this dread slavery of disease
Prof. Harris hss Instituted a course of.
Instruction. In this course of lectures
he hsndles the subject In every aspect
snd Impart to you th results .of years
of research- and study on the subject.
Application for instruction ahould be
mad as soon as posslbls as only a lim
ited number -can be accepted at this
time. It la also neceassry. In order to
secure treatment promptly, thst all ar
rangements be made In sdvsnce. - Iir.
I tarns is sgsin ciompeiieq to call at-
tegtlon to his utter Inability to aee pa
tients In the evening or on Bundav. Cut
this srtlcls out and bring It with you
tomorrow. It will entitle you to a freo
consultation,- and ynu will be glad Ilk
711 the others of the action you hsve
ken. - 23-24 Selling-Hlrsch building;
Washington street. Portland, Or.
180.. , . :" -'r ',i
, - -