The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 13, 1905, Page 14, Image 14

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    Gr.G wluG RAPIDLV
fifty House Erected .There ki
; the Year Since the Tract
.. Wat Opened J.':-. ;
Fifteen Residences Now Being
Constructed and Several
More Are Planned. .
.1 to la
aUrrleu iunL lYUnkooe Kaat J7&. ,
Thar la perhapa ne new auburb of
lortland that la making a mora rapid
srowth than tba Flrat addition, th Jract
lying between Baa Twnty-lghth and
Kast Twenty-ninth and Eaat Burname
and. Eaat Hoyt street. A year ago tha
tract was named and placed upon tha
l.meket. and In that time (0 raaldanoaa,
(IlaUl VI lliwn V vwubiuwibu, v w. w
hav barn built. At praeent thara are
half a doaen planned, work on which
' has not rat bean started. Tha apeculator
and contractor hare not promoted tha
growth of tha auburb and practically
evarr house waa ball! aa a home by
- the - man who expected to make hie
permanent reaidenea there. While Jiie
h on sea -hare not been unuaually hlaH In
prtca, but few cheap houaea hare been
built and the 1.0 to H.SOO born la
tba rule. Soma of tha houaea that hare
been recntly completed, or that are now
' In tha course of construction, arai --
An tl.s realdenoa for R, W.-Oook.
between Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth on
: Couch. ' . "' -
A 12.80a house'at Eaat Dart and Bast
Twenty-ninth atraata for; F, A. Lln
' coin. . 1
" A litOO' realdene "lor" Cathrln lin
den on Eaat Flandara between Eaat
Thirtieth and Thlrty-flrat atreeta.
: J. a. Hutchineon, house on Eaat Flan
ders between Eaat Thirtieth and Twenty-ninth
atreeta at a coat of 11.500.
At the corner of Eaat Ol lean and
Thirtieth atreeta an $1,800 residence haa
... recently been!, completed for Harriet
Smith. -.' -
Henry Hwlnt will aoon occupy hla new
realdenoa at Eaat Olleen and Thirtieth
atreeta. tha coat of which will. be Il.ttO.
.A reatdenc . coating 11.100 . I being
mint at . un uiiaan nu. tmnnui
stretts. ' .-. . ' 4
Harry Menser haa built an 11.100 rea
ldenc at Thirtieth and Eaat CHlaan. 1
- Joseph Selltger la having bulltaa
11.400 residence on Eaat Everett near
Thtrty-rirat etreet.
John Herlockter haa recently' 'com
pleted a. 11.000 houa at Eaat Twenty
ninth and Eaat Oliaan atreeta.
P. I Reed la haying constructed a
house at Oregon and Eaat Twenty-ninth
atreeta, the coat of which will be fl.iOO.
James E. Blackburn will aoon occupy
a I2.S00 residence recently built on
Eaat Darla near Twenty-ninth etreet ,
R. C Brooks haa a house nearlng eom
pletion at Eaat Darla and Eaat Twenty
ninth atrteta. Ita coat being- 11.000.
"" Two houaea costing; $1,000 each har
been built by Tan W. Anderson on Eaat
Thirtieth near Eaat Darla.
J. J. Richardson la erecting- a house
-Juet-to cat Ton In our atore
that you may aee our fine Una of
' Spring- and Summer Bhoea w will
offer two apeclala for Friday and
' Saturday, either on of "which
should appeal to every woman in
'I Portland. -, ,-. , ;s. ;, ; -
:-:N6.(l "
Wonei'i aad j-Strap Kid
s, c ., 5aadaU, a all alzoa,
' t Full ralu at per pair. ;
No. 2
Wa Jiavs 6o pair of Wonti'i
Colonial Ties which to cIom oat
we will offer at " '
69 c
Sold regularly for ft.U, and waU
' .; ; '.' - worth it,' too. . ;. ; ,-
For Children'' and Boy School
Shoea we are the Sho Houa of
the city. Not only do w har
the ahoea that air satisfaction
; In wear, fit and atjrle, but we can
ear you money. - Try . deallna
here for a while and you'll cut'
, your aho bills In half.
aa Styl aa4
,233232 tiv!..!! ST. ,
, Fortlaad,
'i J. i
. -Friday ;
:' AND' ; . ;
. r'i w
Shoe Store
at Eaat Flandara and Eaat Twenty-ninth
streets at a coat of $1.600. .
Mr. Richardson la alao erectlnt1 three
houses at Eaat Twenty-ninth arid Eaat
Oliaan atreeta, tha total cost being- more
than ,ooo. . : ' -,
moa&aay Borer Settle ta taa Tow aad
Bafaa t 9pt. '
MUwaukie - haa . been afflicted, with
a band of g-ypslea for the -laat week
and various expedients har been re
sorted to In the hop of Inducing- the
rovina- tribe to mora, but Romany re
fused to roam. . The band 1 eompoeed of
20 men, women and duaky children, and
tha dress, tents and hablta of the com
pany prove 'them sTPsi's of th ancient
vintage of Romany; Their tents bear
strange devices, on of which looka.lUr
a coat of arms. Th women wear bright
allk headdreeaes and th men rejoice In
velveteens and wlderlmmed black hata.
The camp of thaband la pitched near
th mouth of Johnaon creek weat or tna
car barna. and for soma tint th cur
iosity ot tha residents led them to perch
on tha. high bank and watch' the- free
ahow In th camp below. But whan
a-rlmr children began to tumble In th
atreeta, lean doga . of bad temper de
voured family peta, duaky women be
south t th honor of reading a palm for
dime, and fierce looking bravoa
usurped the beat fishing grounaa, ins
Mil waukie officials began to hear com
plaints from their fellow cttiaena, and
aereral daya ago th leader of th tribe
Were told to move on by th mayor.
. Tha gypsies, however, could not more
on. because they bad no wagona, and
bow they transported their ton of bag
gag la atlll a mystery to th townsman.
After daya of argument and parlaying
th gypsies finally secured transporta
tion by boat to Portland, and In their
own good time will probably pull up
their ancient tent pegs and embark.
Meanwhile hen roosts are doubly locked
and th Mllwaukl dog stays under the
front porch.,.'.' ,. v- '
Mil waukl iranta a faoemaker. Laat
week It waa a barber., but when -th
ehavtng tonaorlal Tead that there was
an opening In Mllwaukl they began to
Journey to th town and th empty shim
will Probably aoon b occupied.. . ui a
ahoemaker la desired ardently. ' Bhoe-
leaa cttiaena walk through tba dust to
Sell wood. men. who har lost their aolea
load down th Sellwood baker with
their old ahoea and aend them to tha
nearest workman; farmers who break
a tug or apllt a collar fill th air with
their' complaint when they arrive in
town and discover there Is no leather
art let, within three mllea, and th ris
ing generation haa con barefoot ever
sine th froet left th ground. In ad
dition to thla, a nice shop haa been
kindly-prepared by th cltlsena of th
place for a ahoemaker, and th man
with an awl and long-noaed hammer
will receive a cordial welcome.
cxjxasnr wixr. axd rune cnum.
It Is probable that th. echool' chil
dren, of tit. Tabor will aid th Push
club 'of the place In ita campaign of
cleaning up th district , Tha work of
Principal Adam haa for aom months
been alonr the line of clvlo Improve
ment, and tha olaaaea have been Inter
ested In th caua of better horn aur
reundlnga. It la proposed by th teach
ers that the club or bualneaa men fur
nish wagona and th children will ahoa
their good will by loading thea with
th rubbish of a hundred vacant lota,
which otherwise will not be cleaned. In
other auburba th Improvement club
har offered prise to Interest th chil
dren, and money haa beea paid tha boys
to clean up racant lota, but th Mt.
Tabor children are ready to do th work
for th eserote Involved, If they ant
given aa opportunity.
wxu cULaJr v nwrxunil '
Tha Unlveralty ; Park Improvement
league haa prepared $00 latter urging
tha cltlsena of th Peninsula to clean up
their own property and such racant lots
aa may lie near them, and thla week
thea letter har been mailed. Though
th work haa devolved on a few of th
leader of th new club, they believe
that th reault will repay '' them, and
that practically every reatdent of the
peninsula will be --willing to follew-the
auggeauona . onereo. -;
An axceSlent program haa been ar
ranged for th entertainment that will
b given tomorrow evenlna- by the Civic
Improvement club at Artiaan'a temple,
Unlveralty Park. Wynn Johnson will be
one -of -the epeakera and other interest
Ing feature have been arranged.-Ke-freahmenta
will b served attha con
clualon of th program, :. , .
i ' 11 1 , 1 -jt:
Tha contest between th two eldVs of
th Woodmen of th World at Mllwau
kl for new member ended Saturday
night with an oyster aupper and general
good time. " Th month' campaign re.
suited In receiving (4 appllcatlona for
membership to th lodge, and so active
waa each party that th acor at th
close atood 11 ta II. -; ,
- bast azsa OTS. .
Mra. Sabrtna J. Reed died -yesterday
at her home, 1070 Eaat Morrison atreet,
from a stroke of apoplexy. Th funeral
waa held thla afternoon from the Hoi
man chapel. Rev. T. B. Ford conducting
th service.
At th maa meeting last night of
Sellwood Republlcana, MaJ. O. C Bell
waa elected ohairman and 3. F, Kero-
Chen. secretanTDf th Sellwood Repub
lican club. ' A. N. wuia waa indorsed
for councilman at large and A. H. Rich
mond named aa the precinct commit tec-
man. ' ....;,
After long delay, work will aoon be
started on th graveling of , Shaver
street, between Mississippi avenue and
Willamette boulevard. : Shaver haa al
ready been macadamised to MJaslsslppl
arnu. . ,
Four young Albany boy who ahould
hav been In aehool were found camped
out near that town feasting on chickens
that they bad stolen. . '
How I Sofcred with ftchbg cad
, Bleeding EcAm ; ; :
- No toBgM cam tell how I nllerad
lor fir wear with a terribly painful,
itcbiac, aad ' bleediaf eczema, mr
body aad face beaoje covered with
ore. Merer la my Ufa did I experi
ence tuck aw Jul sutferinf , aad I
loured for death, which I elt waa
ear. I had tried doctor aad saedt.
ciaea with oat aaeeeaa, but my as other
Insisted that I try Caticara. I felt
better after tb first bath with Cati
cara Soap aad on appHcatioa of
Cattcara OiaUncnt, aad waa aooa en
tirely well, (siraed) Mra. A. taos.
teUawM.Mkh.' a . :
:."'.'-..:.:a.:J"':.'. y.r'-''-
Special Dates Set Apart by ..Ex
position Officials for Cities
'-t'..y- and Towns, ;. V,''
Oregon Chooeei Leafy June a
the Month .for All Her '
; " Celebrations; ; ;
Th xpoettlon offlclals hav set apart
special 4ajs . for . 1 . repiwaentaUr
cltlsa of tha weat and northwest. Ore
gon, Washington,- California. Utah.
Idaho. Nevada, Montana, Wyoming and
ATtsonara repreaented. Of th total.
California haa th largeat numoer or
soeclal days, with Washington secooa.
nd Oreeon third.. The town wereH
designated at th request of th several
atat commlaalona. ' . ;
Following ar th - dat,- th eltle
and th population of each, according to
th censua of 10: r . .... , '
. V OTCgoa Sajav '
' Jun tx If onday Salam, 4.111; Dal
ian. -1,171; ' .
Jun . Tuesday Baker City, (It;
Sumpter, . . .'
Jun 7, Wedneeday Pandleton, 4,401;
Heppner, 1.444. - - v '
Jun . Thuraday The Dallea. 1,141;
Prlnevllle, 461; Moro, 116. -r
Jun , Friday Oregon City, MM;
McMlnnvllIe, 1.41. . ' ...
- Jun 10, Saturday Astoria, . 1,111;
HUlaboro, 110. - ' .
Jun lXi Monday Albany. 1,141; Cor-
unoVl,'"TaedarLaj Qranda, l.lll;
Union, I7." ' . -'
Jun 14. Wednsday--Ashland. 1.114;
Medford. ,7lt -JackaoBrUl,- Mir
June J. Tuesdsy Orsnts Paaa, 1,10.
June ' 17? Saturday Eugene, 1,111;
Cottag Oro'v, 174. . -"'
Waaalmrtoa Daya. i
Jun II, Monday OlympiaA S.8IS;
Kalama, 114; South Bend. 711. - 1
Jun 10, Tuesday Spokan. 14.141.
June II, Wadneaday BeUlngham, ;
Everett. 7.111; Snohomiah, 1.101.
Jun II, Thuraday Colvlll. 114;
Northport, 717; Republic, J.0- -1
Jun - -11, Friday Port Townaend,
1,441; Port Angelas, 1,111; Anacortea,
1,474. ' .
Jun II, Saturday Tacoma, 17,714.
Jun II, Monday Aberdeen, 1.474;
Montesano, rl4; CosmopQila..A,004; Bo
qulam, 1.401. 1 -"
June 17, Tueaday Walla Walla, 10.J
041; Pomeyoy, 161; Ooldendale, 711. .
June II. Wednesday North Taklma.
1,1 14 1 EUenaburg, 1,717; Roalynv 1.714.
Jun !. Thuraday Colfax, . 1,111;
Pullman, 4401; Dayton. 1.114.
Jun 10, Friday Vancouver, 1,111;
Chehalla. 1.771; Ceatralla. 1,100.
July 1, Saturday-aeatUa, 10.1.71.
daho Baya. .'
July I, Monday Bole Clty 1.117.
July 4, Tuesday Weiser 1,114. '
July I. Wednesday Pooatello, 4,044.
July , Thursday Wallac. l.llaV-
July 7. Friday Moscow, 1.417.
July t, Saturday Lewlston, 1,111
- ' "iomaaa Saya. - -
'July 10,' Monday Anaconda. MSI. '
July 11, Tuesday Missoula, 4.1(4. :
July II, Wednesday Qreat Falls, 14,
110.. ," ' '
July It, Thuraday Boaeman, Mil;
Billing, 1,111. '
July 14. Friday Helena, 10,770.
July II. Saturday Butt, 10,470." -
wj iiinlaa Bay.
. July 17, Monday Rock Bprlnga, 4,111.
. July II, Tueaday Laramie, 1,107. '
July 10, Wedneeday Evanston, 1,110.
July 10. Thuraday Sheridan, Mil;
Casper, 111; Newcaatle, 764. :
July II, Friday Qreen River, 1,1(1;
Rawllna, 1.117. . -
July 11, Saturday-Cheyehn, 14.0(7.
-7 OaUfornla Say. " ' 1 , 1 1 '
July 14, Monday San Diego, 17,700;
Santa Ana. 4,111; Orange, 1.114.
July It, Tuesday Riverside, 7,171;
San Bernardino. (.110; Redlanda, 4,717;
Colton, 1.1. ' - s '
July l(.,.Wdnday Paaadena, 1.117;
SanU Monica, rg.Oii; whittier, l.ito;
Redondo. III. t-0 ....
July . Thuraday Pomona, '- 1,110;
Monrovia, 1.105; Asusa. Ill; Duart.
July 11, Friday Bant Barbara, 0,117;
San Luis Obispo,-1.0J1; Ventura, 1.470;
Paao Roblea, 1,114,
-July l, Saturday Loa Angeles, 101,
471. . n - '
July ,11, 1 Monday Bakerafleld. 4.111;
Vtaalla. 1.084; Hanford. 1,111;' Tulare,
1,111,- .'.:". ' '
August I, TudayFrno, 11,470;
Modesto. 1,014; Merced. Bl,4l; Hay
wards. 1,141.. .'.
August I, ' Wedneadsy Santa Cm a,
1,(41; Wataonvllle, I.CII; Sallnaa, 1,104;
Monterey. 1,741; Faclfio Orovs, 1,411.
August I, Thuraday Baa Jose, M.
100; Bant Clara. 1.460; Loa Onto.
1,111; Palo Alto, 1.(11. '
'August 4, Friday Vsllejo, 7.144;
Napa; 4,010; Benlcla, l,7ri ' OUroy,
I, 1101 . . - . ' '
' August ' I, Saturday Sacramento,
II, 181.' '' '
August 7, Monday Santa Roaa, 0,171;
PeUluma. 1,171; Healdsburg, , 1,1(1;
Uklah, 1.IB0. V
August I, Tuesday Stockton, 17.100;
Oraaa -Valley, 4,710; PlacervUl. W4lii
Auguat t, Wednesday Marysvllle,
1,417; Chlco, 1,(40; Orovllle, ; Truck,
; Colfax, . -t :r- - i""
- Auguat 1. Tnuraaay Eureaa, t.sit;
Redding, 1.044; Red Bluff, 1,710; 8i
aona, : Dunsmulr, '
Auguat 11, Friday Oakland, 01,100;
Alameda, 11.414! Berkeley. 11,114.- . .
-Auguat 11, Saturday Ban Francisco,
141.711. . '.
v i " ' Vtjah Bar
August 14, Monday-Ogdn. 14.11 l. r
August II, Tueday Logan,'' 4.411.
Auguat 14, Wedneeday Eureka, 1,018;
Brigham, 1,111.
AurJ't 17t Thursday rrova. ' 1,1 It.
August II, Friday Sprlngrllla, 1.411;
Park City, 1.710.
' Auguat 10. Saturday Salt Lak City,
11,111. : '
wr4a Bawa,
August 11, Monday Tonopah, , -
- August 11, ' Tueaday Vlrgiala City,
Auguat II, Wednesday -Ooldft eld, s
-Auguat 14,- Thursday Carson City,
1.10.-' . - - - -..-,...,--,
August II, Saturday Reno. 4.100.
"yy Arlaoaa'lJaya,. Z'-
i August 'H, Monday phoenix, 1,144. '
Auguat 10, Tuesday Preaeott, 1,111;
Jerome, 1,1(1.
August 10, Wedneeday Flagstaff.
1,171; Wlnslow. 1,101. - . -
Auguat II, Thuraday Olobe, 1.411;
PI me, 41H SolcrooavUla, 111; Thatcher,
September 1, Friday Nogalea, 1,7(1;
Tombstone.,(4( Tuma, 1,111.
September. I, Saturday Tucson, 7,111.
SToozasrtr& min "Mjstuios.
' Mr. MeComb, of th Chapman rr
-gellata, remains in town to carry for
ward bis meetings at th corner of Third
Want Patlsnts Given Up us Incurct!3'
by Other Methcds ct Treatintnt, to
r ' ; y u Call and Cxamlne My
Do you know
.a know It ha Just ba la-
that eunllght la th only effo-
re of relief to th. awful
tlv aourc
carbro-plnal meningitis epldemlo rag-
ing in niwioriciiji vrnyr -eunpiy
because SinruOaTT la nothing more or
less than BUOTaiOZTT.
Professor Tyndall In hi ' ' work OB
ahowa that th . aun . la th : eternal p
aouro of all ' trrtarial energr thea
tectrlolty la surely, th great aouro of
all aTTniAJr or 11 f nergTf-ior the life r
enargy In maa ; or heart ao "far aa S'
physical energy la concerned, oomea rS
from th aun. It. la upon thla theory V4
I bar perfected my wonderful Electro
Radiator and for th laat t four yatrs H
har been curing people V given : up
as lncurabla . I - want .veryone auf- V
ferlng from JUUMATlBag. BTTOatAOM -
TBOraU, AarrXMA, chronlo dtaeaaea '2?
of, all kinds. Dropsy, ecaema or any dis- C
ease cauaed by XKPTTU . SXiOOD, a
poor circulation, to come and tak a
free treatment Tou are not taking a
aten In tha dark It eosta you nothing
If I can't demonstrate my treatment aa
Then you ar only out your time In taking th fre treatment.
It' not so-called Electric belt treatment -I get my electricity direct from
th great electrto power houa. t can giv you 110 rolta, but there la not'
ren th allghteat hock, but on th contrary, a ' pleaaaat, aoothlng aenaatloa
when th current pas sea tbrouglT you from head to foot My Radiator covers
th whol length of th body, and ta ao simple anyone can regulate th cur
rent The machine ar sold to Individuals and oaa be used In any resi
dence located In a town or city where there 'Is an electrto plant ' Just make It
a point to tak aa hour and com and examine my. Radiator. Too will never re
gret It If you ar not afflicted you may need on. 'sometime. If you ar a
sufferer com In and tak a free treatment My Radiator la baaed on scien
tific principles aad heat and BTTbTUQKT ar ' two of th great fundamental
prlnclplaa-of my invention. Com In and I will explain It more fully, aa I.
cannot do It Justlc on paper. Flrat treatment .fre; treatment for ,11.00;
11 for 110.00. .; -...." ' ;,; ; '.' .' ft.'- -r .v , . :-:...,." ,
4) -v.;
srr, oob. uvooxjr.
' 121-123 GRAND AVENUE :
and Aider streets. Laat night he waa
assisted by Dr. Clarence True Wilson
of Grace Methodist church, and Rer. Mr.
Atkinson of Epworfh church, and awv
era! hundred atopped to hear th earn
est meaaagea of thea workers. Many
followed the speaker to Grace church
. - Th. .treat
rmeettng open tonight .at 0:48. rr:--.---
Svlvan Farmer ; Flndt ; Three
.Armed Lads Trying to .
7---' ' Steal His Egg. "y
Arthur Wester man, commonly known
aa Robert, 10 year old, waa brought to
the county jail thla morning by a farmer
named Rab, who lodged a complaint that
th boy, In company with two othera,
entered hi barn with Intent to commit
robbery. Westennan 'admitted to Under-sheriff
Morden that he Intended to
a teal eggs, but th fact that he' waa
armed with a ,11-callber revolver and
had a box of cartridges In hla pocket 1
taken as rrldenc that he and bl com
panion war prepared to eaaay aom act
In Imitation of th bad men of whom
they, had read In th newspaper. -
Rab live at Sylvan, south from Port-
wltk BarSaa ).. fltlaaealtai Wat, L
wet) and SklaheaTth Tablet. A t-J
tire aa pnar cere Tor every uramg. sorDuis,
sraiy, aieming, rrasteo, pimp'T as. otmrn
kl din. - rrasted, aad Metekv
r, wltk Inse ot bslr. Pradeeee ler, kru
sealthy skul aad aara, rick, sad fcleea.
. Tirmntmtmt 7 Co
natetaf War! a Beaav, ,anltd.sBtl.
artte aatlakeatlth (ntnt.I aAeU JIMrmae,
bal tke akin, ss Bklwkealth. Tak lees,
&ew to expel harnor si'fs. All rertle.
Hargsa Saa far h Caoleala,
far aunalM, klarkkesae, rUnese, oH", ch.f
!. ekplng, reugk k4a. Natklss will glv
saw speedy ear. BO.) I eakea, Ol.
Ind ae. jmstete fnf Free Basaple gal
leuklets ts PH1LO RAT CO.. Mewack, M. i.
WOOSAmS, CTLaMa fj OO, FeattB
r - j - A v
V V lie.... k-v" --V ''f
T7f ..r(Wi4,
5 mJX -l
V ?l aa v --
. - v
1 '
applied by. my Radiator.
Fkoa laaia aaoa. Agaata waatoa.
rVia'- .''- '
will our.
An Oxford Season!
' We hare the Goods In the'
Men,, 'Women and
' Children-
KeiVs Oxfords ..$1S0 to 1U.00
Women's Oxfords LS0 to $150
CfcOditn's Oxfords $1.00 to $2.00
Boys' Oxfords' i to $2.50
land, and mad the- arreat of young
Wiaternman aa h waa .about- to ntr
th barn at tha head of hla small band
- j of ambltloua youngsters. Rab could not
catch th other, but thinks he knows
wdo iney re. . - -- -
Wben asked why h was' armed whaa
he Intended to do .nothing more desper
ate than steal eggs, the bey anawered,
"Juat for th fun of th thing. .
For th present a complaint of carry
ing concealed weapons will be - mad
against - Weaterman. He 1 a bob of a
dairyman living eouth of Portland.
osla sad
tar BM Toed
mmd eke Pate. Tkla OafM.
WMta br letter r Pestal Owd s .
;lf ' l LjJ t' 41 Srai aXAswoon vmxoas BSZ.OW in ,
. A . tO Hi,, .. ,, N fob M3M mmxat onr, .- - h,
II 1,1.. . i . H S Qreen abort alalk n-load. Mt.WK i. M.
II- .11 I I ' . . rU . . i .-.' ( . Black wnlUL Be Irtnit. I3.DO - ' .11
I 1 l--rJ. 1 Vf3T ,V 1 3 v : V ,' . ataaopl ForOaae Slgaa, WOIaaaoOM . - I
111., Jhlttii X- X, H - Xatglita aad BCoaaO labor. ' ; . . ' '
bl i .i rOl I 'I : 7 V i' ''' ' Ca 4-foot greea aUbwoed by arraageaieat.. .
r)l ' . I I .J I ..'.',..'.--'-'-.. ij-'- ; : . Pn Im-ism ) t.nct. r . - '
("I m ssm I. fK-i I , ' . i - ' ",r., , i. i. ,. M ... fc sbert gnea weoa, per ate.- r '
, .... ; ;, .'."-.'-',.... :. . . . .- .
Including; all that is new and;
desirable -are-found in theas-!
sortment we are now
for your inspection.
Buffum &
The Following Prices are
.PeacockRockSpiings 6.50 7.00
Kemmerer . j;v;-S6.50?'i 7,00
other coals proportionately low.
l The Pacific
At - : , . ' ' , CHAS. H.
, ' SOS IT aaktmgtea St. ' V
REWARD For Retern
: From Our Wtgoa
Two Days Moire Left of Our Great
-Saleioilightly Dam
At 50 Cts.
-. .... (VbUUbAA ATXVXWX OJi ..p;":.'c.;. '
Some Very Choice Patterns Left to Select From.
Cohri Drbs.,
Oreen short, per load
,pry.short, per load..l.;........f a.SO - aaa SMghta. r
Dry 4-foot wood, per oord....t..f2.aS OXTT TatES atAF OTTT
Blocks, pr load ....fS.OO ' v . ajtb SATB XT.
, Phono Marin SO THIRD STRqiJTl.
; ' Y
Retail, , Deliveredto Consumer' t
i Do not pay nor than $7.00 for tba : T
boat scraM ooal. :. ;..y j : X
Coast Cq.; i
CUUM, 'Agojil
: . , Tfmm est aaA STT . . i
of Roll of Linolecm Lot
Per .Yard
OTJTrt? ar.
182 First St.
1.T5 Bar0 Fortlaa4