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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
-V ' t. ( ,n AAJXttatXXT rx ji'---jTiti3rT or Notta to hereby glroa that th Ooairll at I ha City of t-ortlaud. Orecoa, at awilii kll mi the ttk day of AorlL IMS. declared tie muni by ordinance No. 14,5ol, for the ImnreveuMnt of Mlaelaalripl avenue, from taa (rank Um of KUHunwortb areau to laa art Una af Waal Pkeu taunt-, In to bumi Covlded. by-'ordlMBM Ka, 14.B-0, two aarb t. part ef lot aad parcel at land, wbich ere Boerlally aad pacoUailj bMfltd, 'to ,, b follow. r1: - WIST PIEDMONT BLOCK 1, lot 18, Tk Security Hiving Truat Company, 43S.WT) :, . lot IT, The Security Saving Truat Com , Mar. $32,28; lot 16, Th Security Baring A Truat lmpny .S; tot 10, Tbe b ' . rorltf Saving it fraat Company. $28.11; lot 1, Tha Security Bering A Trait Com- mm, $3.3; lot 18. Tka necurlty Sarin h Trat Company, $27.04; lot It, The be. ; -curlty Bavluga A Trust Company, $3. (6; 1 lot ft, .TbeBectxrlly Saving A Trust Couv ray, $2.4; lot 10, Ttv Security Saving TrMt Company. $40 bd. KUK IC 11, lot It, Tba' Security Saving Truat Com , saar, $31.43; lot IT, Tba Security Saltan Truat Coaopanjr. $22.88; tot 18, Tka Security i Railage Troat Company, $14.82; lot IS, Security Earlae Truat Corneaey. ITS; tot 14. Tbe etorurttyBavlnee Truat mpaoy, $16.80; lot IS, Tka Security Bat. Inge Truat CoaaMny, $16.71 S lot IS. Tha Security Seringa Truat Company. $18.62; lot it, Tba Security Saving Truat Cetn- pony, $24.21 1 lot 10, Tba Security Bavins A Trnvt Compauy, a4.14. BLOCK 18. lot 10, ',: Tha Tit la Guarantoo A Troat company. $Jd.B4; , . lot 8, Tha Tltla GurintM Truat Company. fto.Tt; tot , Tka Tltla Ouarantaa Treat Compaar. 2.0; lot T, I. a. Hlcka. (2S.T2; f1 ., lot . Tba Tltla Uuarantaa Troat Oompanr, . 1.M. HLOCK . lot l.TOa TltU (ruarau. to Troat Companr. IM.50t lot 1-Tka Tttl Ouarant Truat. Compao. fM.M; lot S. Tha T1U Ouaraota ' Truat Company, i : W0.BT lot 4, Taa Tltla OuaraatM. Trual ' Vompaar, tSO.Wi lat, Th Tlti tiuaranta . Truat Company, tM.W; lot J. Tb TUla .'. Ouaranta Truat Company, t'JS.lli lot T, Tb Tltla Ouarantaa lYuat Company, 128. IV) V lt . Tha Tttl Uuarantaa Truat Dompaay. I2T.M; lot , Tb Tlti Ouaraata Trurt oaipany, 3T.. BUX-K 11, -lot f 1: Tb ' , Tlti tiuaraota Truat Company.. S0.M l ; lot 2. Tba Tlti Ouarant Truat company, ' ' 9l o. . a Tk. 'it, fluanniM J, Truat tympany,. $14.; lot 4, Tb Tlti. Ouarant Tnat Compaay, 415. T tot 5, Tb T1U Ouaranto Truat Comoaay. (1B.CT ; 'lot , Tb Tlti Guaraat Truat Company. IS Mi lot T Taa TlthJ auaranto Truat Comnaay. I1T.M; lot . i, Dwlfht - Cfcanar a9T fit A n l AumbIm A Traat cXJ Company WT.4S. X1ACKI, lot 1, Tba ; ' Tltla Ouaranta Truat Company, $38.04; lot S. Tb Tlti Ouarant Truat company, M0.! tat S. Tb Tlti Ouaranta Truat Company 22.M; tot 4. Tb Tltla Saarunta Truat. Compaar, 20.e; tot 6. Tha Tltla , . uuaranra ivuai vompany. fimat, . vw, . $!... ' '. ' ! . A autemoat ft braald aaacaamant baa ba rntarnl In tb DocofC Cl'y IJn, lilli Mi' lu' ml Darabto at . tb otar of taa City TrMarcr, In lawfal moay of ih vaiieu vucoa, aa . , av taiu w.." . bu day from tba data 61 tbU bMle aucb proroadlna-. will b takaa fur tb eoltoeUon . oi in .aama ara poiaa or uacaaawr ; f tb ' City of Portland. -'"V- : , Tba abnra aaaaaanwot "Will boar latrat 1 day aftat tb Ant pobUflaOou o( tkU 7 aatlro. .. ' . - v Auditor of tb City of Porttand, Oroawi.--rortland, Orrfoo. Data of Brat publlcatloa, April 10. lBuft. . . - ' rem " mytoYzxxirr Of . . mM STMXTv i-v - 'Notlc " to hereby ' la thit. tb Oaanetl f tba City of Portland. Oroaxm, at BMatln bald aa tka 6tb. day it April, 1MB, doelbrod tb a a Moot by ardlnauo No- 14. 5M, for - to lmprormnt of Blrar atroat from tb . iwUwraVrly Un of Kaadolpb "troat , to llaa 140 t't aoutbaaatarly tbanfroaa, in tba maaaar pTldd by ardlaanc . Mo. 14.S1, k k. In, Ia mmA mmJ m l.ul hlrb ara aprelallr s sad Mcallarly aaoadtod, to be aa follow, tw: ALBINA'ttlVBIt LOTS HouU 40 foot of lot .' . Loull Nlcolla. 4Z3S.SU; aortb 8 ft of lot O tanla Nlrolla. IIM.U: aooth & faat t of lot . City of Partlaad. 22.61. ALBINA BI-XIK T9, lot 4. lame B.' bloat- I. Moatoomery . Kato t. Holr af, ttd-bl. HIXKh; To, .lot I,- Jama B. Moataomary IMata, Heir of, ItM-M) aortb to Teat of . lot 1 B. Moataomory batata. Balra at. . V1M.H. lOtal, 11.141.10. ' A iiirti I of .tin.-! aaaaaamaal boa aotarod ra tba Docket af - City Lleaa. and I aow . doe aad payable, at tba office - of tka au Treaaure. la laurfal aaxr af i tk Unltod ttotea, aad If aot paid within t no aar from ta aate ox laj aatio aoa . I aeaodlnf will b taken 1 for tb ebltoetlea V of ta ' aam aa ara Drorlded by tba char tar a-af rb City 'of Portland. " ' . .To aaoe aatmamaat win noar jnrareac day after tb flrat pubUeatto f Vtbla "aito.T ... - ; " . - 1 , c ' - Taos, ' t. Mn,w;r Auditor of tb City of Port la ad. Oratraa. ' Part lead. Orrna, Data ot drat aabltoaU ..April ;10. Itajft,... ' ,., l.'HMMiie.a . Mm iBTVBATbritnT - ( ' un TiunaToi iTmzrr. - ' rTottc' to- bereby ' clrea that tb Onaaell af tb CTty af Portlaad. Orecoa, at a maatlni bold aa lb ttk day of April, 1M0. declared : the aiaaawat ba. erdlMaoa. Jio. 14.oae. for V be lmproTmat" of Kaat WaabloitonT' (treat. rrom ta aat iib or Eaac nirty-to-ra treat ,, ta tba. waat IIm of Suanyatdo Third addition, la tb awaaea- aeuadded by wdlaenn No. 1. I t-M upon- each lot, aart af tot aad parrel af lano, waira are penalty aaav. pecamriy Deaa ted. to be aa 11 Iowa, rli:l v UNKYBIDI BLOCK ' 1 lot . 1. Boa. . . . ri.iu. 'lanu m iiulh uvajat'Bi waipaaiy, , ( $.; lot B. flaaayeiito laad Imnroremoai loaipany. .in; 101 a, eoaayaio lataa lmprremt Vmpa. $4.01; tot a, Bunnyaldo Lano m imaroremeat company, $xai lot " . a ..aai rui a. , . j..; a.R;iot la. iTeoanra at. nraaoa, bvi.mi V -lot laT "Buanyald Laad lmprTmat Oaav J :. aany, fl.aK; lot 14. Pie dot Irk M. Braaeb, u.iu: jot la. -rreaertca hi. Braaea. "BLOCK 1, tot 1. Jam Da W bar lea, ftd.U; lot t. B. If. Blmootoo. II lot $ 'ttaonr. Id Land m rmpreTemeot Company. $1.13; lot B. Buanyald Land1 m ImoroTemaae- Oom- t way. $ao.TH; lot . rrlnk B. UoaUard, $21. M; i . 14 i oj feKkM. in ta. ..kiln a I at tot M. Ida- B. Paroot. lT.4a: aortb 4A feet af lot IS. C M. IMlley. ao.TI; aoatb ad trtt -ot lot la, Ida B. Parent, $l$.ze: aortb t 4t feet of tot Id. a M. Dllkr. $0.40. k CROftlFK'S ADCtfTION TO BABT POBTLAHTV BSIA'k-'B.' . W " Ut - OA . p-wn put, t . ' JTJ mitiw A vrumjie-r, mo. rof ( .'. lot B, Halbert H. Croaier, $29. ao; tot Hal. oerr it. i-rooter, aa.aa, i i jim nawerr u. f u Croaier, $30.45; tot II, Halhort H. Croaier, $il.4l; tot It, Halhort H. Ooator, $38. TT. l NNTHIM RIXKK T. lot 8. all He (, Itabenelrk. $T.42; lot Bj- Charto W. aiuta,; mi a. twna w. maura, a I .' io; n. j. Hrmitfo, hv-iq; iov; ju, uarri mr iaeooaei .t.s"; nil it, marina a. uatua,; mi , aeymour u. rrieaaiy, in.ix; 'lot IT, Ouatar and Anal Petaraou, 8T.0T; lot It. Tektte A. Mod on. $44.81. BLOCK 8, 'lot M((1 A. . Uataka, $43.54; tot $. . Mirrt a, i.ataaa. ai.avi m , atarit'e a. Uiaukaj $0.80; tot T. Mary . M(ee. 11B.4T: .,. wt H or lot 10, aury J. Miaee. $T.BH; Mat ' ' U of tot 10, I.. B. JeaklM. f MHot II. L. '. ' f.j Jetiklna, tlB.4 tot 14, tamwl H. Bmlth. . tM.itt: tot IV Bamnel H. Bmlth. I12.TA I enoBIBrJ'B ADDITION TO RA8T PORTLAND buock X. lot l, -mma at. arnmeor.; : tot t. (ant M. Brhmeer. $28.62; lot $, Hal- J,'" tvert n. Croaier, $22 M; fet 4. ' Halbert II. ttrraier. wm.ia, tot a. rt. c naramaa, w.on; lot .H. C Bardawa. $20.05. TotaL J ll.14I.laV - ' ' " -A atiteaanrt f 'aforeaaM laiaant bat p been entered In tba Darket of City Llena, i aad la aow do and Dannie at tb of Are of the City Treeaarer, In lawful atoaer ot i -tn catted niatea, ana it m para wiibib t tn day from tb -date of thl aotlr aoeb pi m eauioae win u. in ,ur iu cvfiwvjitvw of tba' earn a ar nroahtod by tba roar tar ' f tb City af Portland. i 1 Tha a bore taaeaament wilt bear ' tatoreat -Id diyi - ifter tb . drat - puhlleattoa ' f JM '::y-,. : X thob! c.;'-- 4:':-' '- Aadltnr f tb City of Portland. Orecoa. . i Pert loo d." Orecoa. Data of ant pubUcaUoa, April 10, 190B. , - , amubxzvt ro mrxomtxwi ov notice I aereoy circa tnat in voooeu , af tb City of Portland. Orecoa, t a meetlar .held ea tb Oth day of April, 108. declared . Ik aeeaenvnt by erdlMne Fi. 14.K1Z, ror 1 tb ImproTomont of Fourth atreet, from the i aautb IIM of Hooker atreet to tl aorta una of Weoaa alreet. In the manner melded by i avaithARM ai u m u & nm rt tit itot aad parrel of land, which, ire eperlally "and aemilltrly koaeflted. ta be a foUewa, ell; I CARCTHP.RS'' ADUITTOM TO CARlTHBBeT A DPITIOPf ""TO CITX OP " P0BTL4BI Bl.OCbV T omI so feet of north ino . feet, . Btlfoar, Outkrl A C., $T.4; went .$. feet f -eeet d feet f north .100. feet. Loom Tntmmer, $U IR; waat to feet f Hit im feet af north 100 feet. - Ao Wilah, $3.T; net M feet f aortb , " a ract or aoatb 100 feet, Joaeph and th torla Klmmetter. tM 4.' aortb 41 feet of .' eon lb 2 feet of lat M feet. Mary Jurbe- mlrh, $45 06; Mat T4 feet of eootk $0 feet. . .' Hatrle Johaaoa, $48 M, went M feat f t , .)( feet at aoatb $ feet, Tletor Oeoffroy, $t.8T. : - ' - ..jr...,.,, A parrel f ted lying between tb weat noe eaynru arroet a a a Una 100 feat wear thereof aad parallel tberewltk, and between ! the aortb and aoatb Mm of Porter afreet. ' " eiteaoe weatwrlr In Ita preaeat enurae. Ore- - Co RalbMd Kaetcatlna. Company; $ A Meral of lend boanded aad deerrlhed a fotlnwa: Comaienrlnc at tba Intereaetloa af 4; anatb IIm ef porter atreet. i leaded waterly I't It aeewflt eaaeao wllk Htm wa llae of . -roartb erreot, eetahllhd. aald oetnt 4 belac feet Baulk and BAB feet weat of oauwaai aaraar af block BT, Cardlbar' A4- aauwaaatJeTa ajiBaiiikaaawa.i w . iaaMtcaBmwaaa dittoa t' Cerutbarc Addltloa ta the City of hni', t weat oa e.ith lino of Por ' ter a e del weaterr la It preaent emir-e , a f.t to weat U-e of old kourib irr- , .e. 4 aothy 00 feet, thaao aat and -' let.wua fcHitb Una of porter . avert, e .eoued weaterly In II preMot twm , I t tt weat line of roortb atreot a now euioUeheV thM norlhwrnterly oa ' Waaler1 li.o of Fourlb treat t keilanioa. 'Ptlea C. rlaoa, $ft.lS. ' Aaatorly 1 1 teet of a parcel ef laad bouadee) and deaenoed a followi: Oommaoelns at a - point an east Una of Ponrtb atreet, mid " point belod 110 feet aautb and 0.lei feet Met .' f amtibwrat . Joroer of btork aT, . taro'ben' J v.nioa to Carotkera' AcMltloa to taa City of-t-ertlaad, thono waat lud.l feet to Ml 11m of aid fourth atreet. atodod '. aoataarly, tbeae aoatb .oa tb weet II M of -old Poartb Itreet toaed t feet, fheare aaat ll$.tt feet to tb weet lm of fourth atreet aa aow Mtabllabed, - thewea aorthwee terry oa waat Ita of Pourtb , atreet to beclnnlaB. tt- Da BaoadltU BsUto, Kali af, $i4.ed. . baalarly lou feet of a parcel of laad boand4 ' kad deaerlbad aa followi: Commencing at a - point oa waat Um of Pourtb atraet u aow - Mtabllabed, laid polat blng 10 feet Math : and 10 on feet Mat af eoulbweet corner ef block BT, . Caratbera' Adltloa -Hp Carutbm . Addlttoa to ta City of Portland, theuce weat ' aad parallel wltk eautb Ua of Porto atreet a i tended woatarly la It Dreeeat eourao, ll.e feet to woat Ua of old Pourtb atreet, ea ttaded aootberly, tbeaca aortb oa Mid weet 11m of old Pourtb atreet eitartded SB feet, tkeare Mat 111.(2 feet to weet Um At Poartb . Itreet u .aow Mtabllibea, theooe aoutbeut oa weat Un af Poartb etrMt to Wglualag, - Harry t. (iodahall. $24.14. dealer ry 100 feet of a parrel of laad baad4 i and deecrlbed m follow I Comroendac at la toraaettoa ot aortb Um of Wood etreet aad weet Um af Poartb itrMt aa aow Mtabltahad. aald. point beloa 20 feet Booth and 2B.TB feet east af eoathweat earaer of block BT. Cirutbora' Addlttoa to Camtbera' Addltloa to . tb city f Part laa 4, tkeaee weat aa aortb ' Um ot Wood atrMt. MUndod lat feet to . weat Um of eld Poartb tnt eitenoed aoatb rly, bhaac aortb oa Mid weet Um of old Pourtb etrMt xtonded J0Q 1m t, tbeae Xat ' aad parallel wttb tb aautb Um "of Pert ee atreet ztoadodr wmtorly 118.48 feet to weat Una of Pourtb atreet a aw eatab llabed, tbeae Mater ly oa waat Um ef Ponrtb ' etreet to begtaalng, Chartoe Juk. BftT.BT. CABUTHERB ADDITION TO CABCTHEST . ADDITION TO THB CITT OP PORTLAND BLOCK 47, ill ot lot 8 weat of Orecoa 'California Railroad Company right of way. Oabrlel Baumgartae. 8Sd.82. ' . AU of tot I waat of Orecoa California Rail road Corapany'a right d.rti JfUaabetk v- Baumaartaar, $44.10. ' All el tot 8 woat of Orecoa J Call ferula Railroad Oomaaay'g rlgbt f way, Jeramlob Worlrk7w48.T$: . . All of tot 8 woat af Orecoa A California . Railroad Company rlgbt af way, Jeremiah , Worlrk, $48.04. All of that portion af block T. Carutkera Addltloa to Carutbari' Addlttoa to tb City . ef Portlaad lying weat1 at a Use 100 teat Mat af aad parallel with tbo aait Um ef Fourth atreet, need by tb Orecoa A California Ball- road Cmaaa for. rlgbt of way parpoM, . Oregon aadi Calltarala Ballraad Company, ( fit.. - . AI1 of tot I lrlag aMt- of tb Orecoa A ( California Railroad Compear' rlgbt of way aad Weat ot. a Um 100 feet Mat of aad r bariltol with, the aaat Uaa of Fourth atrt, 57b. Smith, 80.t4. Bj- A parcel of bad lying betWMB tb eait Um "of Fourth itreet i7 Un 100 feet Mat thereof aad parallel therewith, and betweea ' tb aortb and Booth Um of Porter atreet ' e i tended weaterly la Ire preaent coorae. .Ore coa Rallmd A NarlgittM Company, $44.84. AU that - partlea of a parcel of toad lying . weaterly of a llM 100 feet eaeterly of and parallel with tb eaeterly - Um ef Feartb . meet, wbleb ta bounded aad described a tol t ion; Beclanlng oa the'toatb llaa-of Partec treat extended weeterly la It preaent courM .. and tb weet tda ef the Orecoa A California .Railroad Cmpui'l right of way, thence weet ; 6M.T0 feet, tbeaca mtotlt 100 feet, thence Met W.JB feet to tb Weat Mm ef th Orecoa A California Railroad Coarpeay'e rlgbt of way, - tbrne aortbwmtarly ea the weet Um ef the Orecoa a California Raltmad Compaay' right ef way to plao af beglanlog, Lacreti " r-aah. tB.1T. " - A parcel of land bouoded aad deacrlKCd ' follow; OoanrnerMlng at tb totoretctloa ef the aooth Um. af Porter etreet ax leaded ' wmterly la Ita preeent eourw. and Mat Um af Fourth etrMt aa a Mtabllebed. Mid '. polat being 80 feet Booth gad 11. Id feet Mat ef tba eouthwmt corner ef block 8T. Ca- rutbor' 'Addlttoa to Caru there- Addltloa to the Cltr ef PorUaad. tbeaca aaet m the enuth Um of Porter etrMt extended 78. 26 feet. ' theaee waat aad parallel with .Porter atreet , ex tea dad W. 02 feet to tb aaet fin ef Fourth . atreet a aow MtabUahad. tbeaca north weat erly oa tba aaat Um of Fourth Itreet to b finning, Weary Tbonrpeoa Katata. Heir of. Rl.BT. ' ' Wmtorly (00 teet af parcel af land bounded . aad deaerlbad aa follow: Commencing at Jn- trcttoa f tb aortb IIm of Wood itreet and tha eaat Um of Fourth atreet a aow, eetehllehed. Mid -polat being too feet Math , aad 80.22 fact Mat ef tha ana th weet corner af block BT, Cera there' Addlttoa to Car there' Addltloa to the City of Portlaad. thence Met on the aortb Um af Weed atreet M.PO feet, tbeae' aortb it right angtoe ta Weoda " etreet 100 feat, tbanre weet aad aire lie I - with the aortb Um of Woode, etrMt 108.1! , fMt to tb Mat Um f Fourth Itreer ai aow . MtabUahad. tbeace aoutbeaaterly ea tb Mat . Um ef Feartb itreet to bectanlag, Ottrer O. Holme. tT.4B. - AU of that aortloa af a parcel of laad lylag weeterly of .a Um 100 feet eaeterly ef end parallel with tba eaeterly . Um ot Fourth trMt M aow. tbllabd which I bounded - aad deecrlbed m followai Coromenclng at In termttott of aortb Um of Wood atreet and wort Um of wrecoa California Billraad Company' rlcbt of way. thence writ oa north II M ef WeoOe etreet P1.7 feet.' tbeae north t rlgbt angto to Wood itreet to a point 100 fMt aortb ef aortb Um of Wood itreet. thence tut aad parallel wttb Berth line ef ! Weoda itreet $2.14 feel to point ea weat Una ! ef Orecoa a California Railroad Compear'! .tight ef ara, tbeaca eoutheaetcrlr on weet- - eriy Um aTOregoa A Cillforota Ballraad .' cornea ay-a rlcbt ef way to beclaalac Loatoa , bt. f-oeter, $1.88. Total $JT.12. A ftitemeot ef iforeaild ' imeeement - bn be entered la the Docket" of City Lleaa. id I . aow due aad payable at efbre ef , tb City Treaeurer. In lawful mowr ef tha United Btotee. , ind If aot paid wltbla SO Bayi from tb date ef Uto aotlre ducb nreroodlnge will b takaa for the collect too of the Mma aa are proelded by tba charter af the City af "Portland. f Tb Iboeo imenment - will - bear interMt M - day after tb Brit public tloo ef tbla if TH0B. C. DBTUlf. " . And I tar af tb City f Portland. Oregon. Portland, Ore bob. Data ef Brit publicities, April 10. 1008. rem ' ntnomtm . or .,;. 7ACT0BT BTBZXT. ;- Motto - la bereby ctrea that tb Council ef th City of Portlaad. Orecoa, It meeting held ) the Btb day ef April. 1MB. declared tb leaeeiraeat by ardlaaac N. 14.B2T. for tb ImproraaMnt of Fictoey Itreet, from tb rath llaa of VmgbB Itreet to tM aortb Una ef Tbnrmaa etrMt, la the maaaer- prorided by erdlMBc - No, 14, T, ipon eerk lot. Mrt ef tot and parcel ef land, which ar BMCtally and peculiarly henelted, to be aa followa, wVuto! ADnrno! to tub city ' of PORTLAND BLOCK 1. tot X. Oeorg flood. II.ud; tot $, Oeorg Good, $ 1t lot 8. Mary - K. Wttona, $87.10; tot T, Mary K. Wllaoa, $86.l; lot To,, William Reldt. $23. 1L. A parcel af land lying between (be aoatb TM ef U Mb or atreet aad aortb Um ef Thurmen itreet lad betweaa Um eaat IIm of blncb 1. Wltoon' Addlttoa to tb City f Portland. . end a Um too feet eaat of and parallel with lb Mat Km ef Factor itreet, Bylreetor ' rirrell, $8 $8. s NORTH PORTT.AIfn BTVCat t. aoutb tt feet of tot 1, WtlUim Reldt, $22. l; nertb to feet ef tot 1. Joaeph Dolph. $ao 2 tot 2. H. P. BIIbmb, $62 T; eaatb 4U feet of tot . t. Nick Jacobean. $4. 04; aortb 10 fMt ef lot t, William Reldt, til.2B; aoatb H of lot 4. William Reldt. $30.00; aoctlt H af tot ' 4, Oerar Peterroa, $1; eeet 48 feat ef tot B, Herman Heeeoa. $11$,' wt SB feat af lot 8. Oscar Peteraoa, $07.80. j All af block 8. BlacbletoM Addlttoa to tba City f Partlaad, lying weet at a Use 100 ' feet eait of a parallel with thl Mlt UM af Factory Itreet, Aminda Reed, ta.M. WILSON'S ADDITION TO THB CITT OF I-ORTLAND BLOCK 1 tot 1, 1 Willie m U. . Km, $24.87; tot 4, William C. Kona, $M.$4; lot 6. Peter Miteon, -$r.12; tot 8.. Ledd A Tlltoa, tO.M; tot 8, Trid A Til toe, $2.61. NORTH POBTLAND-rBLOCK 1. tot 1. Jacob . Mayer. $dl.r; tot . J ecu Mayer: $ttfu7; tof I. Jacob Mayer, $87.42. Total. tTTt.PO. " .4l tatemaat of aforeeald taeaiuil bat heea catered In - tb Docket ef City Llene. ad la now doe and payable it th office f th City Treaeurer. . In lawful maaey ef the Halted Bute, ind If not paid within to dan from the date of tkll ' net Ire such proceodlnga wllf b taben - Par tb collect lou of the. Mma ire proelded by tba charter f tb City af Portlind. .n The abor aeaeiiment Will bear Intereat 10 dayi ifter th tret pobllcattea at thl jbaartlataTAV I , ! THOB. C. DtVI.IN, Andltor of tb City of Portliad. OregM. ' PorUiad, Oregon. lUtl of Brit PUbllcilloa, April W. 1808. , pmOPOBZS IKP10TIbTXT OP BR0ADWAT. ' Notlc ' to beeeny glee tbit it tb meeting af th Cm act 1 el tie City f Portland, Ore. ana, herd ea th ttk day ef April, lou, Ua following rceolotloa wii idofted: . Aeeelred. Tkal tbo Council ef the City of Portland, Orecoa. deema It eiaedlent. aad par peaea ta Impror BrMdwif from tb Met line of I'nlna irenne t the net Una ef Beet Beeenteeitk itreet, In tb fellow lig mnoar, .wltl ' ' . , 1 Plret -pe gridln ta itreet m tbowa' by the City .Fnglneera pliM ind eperl flrat lona. Becoai By roMtractlng irtiflrlal ateaa eld. r r eaejeajeM walk la arrardaaco' with tfc C"f l,Jr, plana, spec tiua ed e w ao - ' , . , oaattacttow Br Xltl -tM nira fx-t CO"e. ; , . e . . r roortb By i laying froce ". . , . ' J Ptfih By coiwUruclbg wi a alowwalkt la ecurnanre wua tee Cl'y . bxilnaar'a . plana. peciMcaltoM iod Mtlmaici. ' k Bald ImproeeuMiBt to be made la acmrdiBC wltk lh. ....., mr,A ardlnaarM of the City of Portlaad in toe plana, apoolfleattoaa and M'imate or ,tae city ww", efnre of the Au lor oA ti e Cy ef-Perttoad en im 4b e y ef ApHl. ! . lodoraed; .' Clip Kaglaesr'a. p.eM asd aiMOiratloaa tor t ta proTemont of BrMdwiy from the eeet line of trnUn ttt iim Mae IIm of Beat Bomb toentb atreet lad tba MtlawtM of the work to be Bom aad the probable tonal aaet Tlw m.1 nr uU 1 . he M proelded by the city roar ter aooa tba aeoe erty eneclaUy tad peeuUarly beMuted thereby, and wnlch b) bereby declared t 0 111 J be tot,' aart tbareof aad parcaU of lead lying betWMn a line 100 feet north at and parallel with tb aortb Um ef Broadway aad a Ilea 100 feet eouth ef aad parallel wttb tM aouth line ef Broadway and between the Mlt Uae ef Union mm aad a Um 100 teet aaet ef aad parallel wllb to aaat Uaa at Beat Bena toentb atreet. ' Th bjueiBeer-i eatlmate ef th probable total coat for tb lamrvTeaMat af Mid Bread way la $2,724.00. - The plena, ipeclfleattou and eatlamatea af tba City kngtoeer for tb ImproreaMst of aald Broadway at hereby adopted. w . BeaolTod, That, tb Auditor ef tba City ef Portland be aad be to hereby directed to (Ire Botlr of the pre doped Imprwreaieat ef Mid atreet a provided by rba rlty charter. liemoaetraacee agalaat the abor Inrproro BMpt amy b fltod la writlag wttb tb loder tgMd wltbla 80 day from tb data of th flrat aabllMMoa ef tbli aotloa. Br. ardtr f tb Coo on I. .' - . . ,, . -. THOB. C. DBVtllf. ' ; '- . Andltor af th Cite at. Portlaad. '"Portlaad. Orcgoa. April 8,'ltOo. 17a ta at arai puuuoauoof rxoroixD nusorxitxvT'or wxbt onv MALI OT WATKB VTXXXT, Node la hereby gtrra that at the bJMtlng ef the Couacll ef the City af Portland. Ore cos, bald ea the tth day ef AprlL lbua, tb feltowlBg iMetiUM ra adopted: r . Beeoleed, Tbit tb Couaoil of tb City' f Portlaad, Oregon, deema It expedient aad Pr poaM to lmpreae al Vk ef Water itreet from the routh Uae of clay it reel to the aortb Um of Columbia afreet, aad the ecu the it i later eacttoa ef Water and Clay itreeta, la accordance with the pleae aad ipeetfUettou of Jib City Bngtaaar, la ta following maauer, to-wit t Fine By gradlag th Itreet la aecordaaca wltk tb City Xaglaer'i plaM, apecUlcaUoM aad aeTI Tax tel. Bormd By JUBBtractlng artlflclil atowa cwraa la ircordanM with th city Bnglaeer'a plaaa, peclflcatloxia end eetlnxatea. Third By coMtraetlo artificial atoa elAe walki 18 fMt wide. Including eurba, la a, eordane with the City fag) MOT' alaau. P0 UlratloM and Mtlmatea. Fourth By aetructluc arttflcUl atoa ctde. walk 4 fMt wad - la accordance with the City Batiaaer't plaaa, apactftcatloM -aad aa tlmatoa. Fifth By Bringing tba etrMt te grade with toM block on a bed of concrete 'not torn then tocbM ta depth ta aceordiooa with the City Engineer' plaaa, apecl'icatloM aad ee tlmito. Raid ImprorameBt "to be made la aecordaaca with the charter and orduaam of tb City of Portland aad the plaaa. epodflritioM and aetlmatea of the City Kuglneer, filed la th office of the Aadi tor of the City of Portland oa the 4th day ef April, lBW, lodoraed; "City Bnglaeer'e plaM aad ipeclflcatloo far tb I mar ore merit at Water atreet from the eaatb line e of Clay atreet te the north - Um ef Columbia etrMt, . aad the Mttmatoa el the work to b doM and the probable total euet tbareof." , , - The coet of Mid lmnteemeut to M imnii d II ure-rldod by the city charter apoa tbo prop erty epeciajly and peculiarly boMflud thereby, aad which to hereby declared te be M follow: Lota 7 and 8, block 101: tola 1 aad X block till tot 1. i $ aad A, block 11$; tota t, aad 4, block lit; all to tb City of Portlaad. The Engineer'! Mttnute ef the probable total coat far -the imnroaemeat of Midi- Water atreet la $3,122.00. V . The iboee lmpremat la t be c lamed ai a atoM btocb- ImarwramMt aad abill ba mala talned by th city for a period of 2b year, provided that tb owner at majority af tM property benefited by aald Improve me at or aay portion tbareof ahaU aot petlOoa for a a or different Impamauat be for tb ; axplratlan af eucb partod. - - The plana, aperlftratloak aad eatlaato ef tb City Koclnecr for tb - tmproTemeat af Mid Water atreet are bereby loop ted. lieiiiTeo. iw ua Auuiuir . ex xm viiy ex Portlaad M aad be to bereby directed to tie aotlre of the prnpoaad Impro-reamat of Mid Itreet M proelded by tbo. city, charter . atoaxoactrinoM agalaat tb a bora lmpreevmnt may be filed ha wrlUag wltk tba aadetalcaed wltbla tn any from taa data af the flrat publication of tbie notice. ....... .By . order of tb .Council ' ..'v-j' xrjin. v. vifiiia. Aadltar af tbe-Oty Of Portland. ' 1 Pertlaad. Oregon. , Dato ef Brat aubllcitloa, April. 8, 1006. . noroBXD iatpROTxifKjrT or , twajti- S.-: rOTBTX BTBXXT. ' Notice to hereof glee that -at tb BMetlng of too Couacll ef the City ef Portland. Ore gon, bald en the1 tth day of ' April, laoS, tb following reeolutloa waa tdoptod: Beeolred, That the CmbcII ef the City ef Portlaad, Orecocr; derma It expedient aad pur poaM to Improve' Twonty-fourtb itreet from tbe aortb Una ef Flandera treat, to tb center Um of Otteaa atrMt, la 4h following ma- aer. to-wlt; - -Ftnt By gradlag tk atroet full width with full, InreraectloM to proper Mb-grad. kroood By eonatructlng artificial atoa aide walk la acrardiBM with the City BDgtaeerl aliM, ape-HftoetioM and Mtlmatea. , Third By rooatrurtlng artirtdal ttoaa urb. Foortb By laying croaiwilka. Fifth By oooetractlpg atone cuttera. tlxth By' brio ring tb atrMt full wldfh with full toterractloaa to tba Mtabllabed grade with macadam. Bald ImpreMmeat ta be made la accordance with th charter aad ordlMacM of tbe City ef Portlaad and tbe plana. epeclflrirloM .and eetlmitea ef tM City Engineer, filed In tbe office ef tbe Auditor af the Cltr ef Portlind ea tbe 4th dip ef April, loot, ladorMd: "City Bnglaeer'i plaaa" aad apMlftoettoM for - the Improvement af Twenty -fourth etreet tram tbe north Um of Flandera irreet ta th ranter Um of Qltaaa atreet, aad tb MtlmatM of tbe work to b don aad taa probable total coat tberMf." Tb coat af raid Imprenmeat to ba laaeeaed H provided by th elty charter upon tbe prop erty i peel ally and peculiarly benefited thereby, and which la hereby declared to' ba all tbe Iota, parte thereof and parcel! of lied lying betvnea a Um 100 feet out ef and parallel with the Mat 11 M ef Twenty-fourth etrMt led a 11m 100 feet weet af and parallel with tbe weet - Um of Twenty-fourth etreet and be twee the aortb Hae af Ftoadera itreet vaad tbe eooth line t CIImb atrMt. Tb Bnataoer' Mtlmate of the probe trie total root for the ImprOTemea! of bald TWMty-teurth treat to $076.00. . - Tk i bora Improvement bt t be r limed ll a mac dim Improvement aad ihiU he main tained by th city for period ef four yeeri, provided tbit tbe waeri of a majority ef tM property benefited by Mid Improvement or any portion thereof abill not petition for a aow ar different Improvement before tb expiration af eucb period. - Tbe plana, aperlflcartoM and Mtlautoa" af (be City Bngtaeer for tba Improvement ef aald Twenty-fourth atrMt are bereby adopted. - Rewlved. That the Auditor of the Clip ef Portlaad be aad ba to bereby directed to give Mtlea ef ' tbe ertipoatd Improvement ef Mid treet provided by tbe city rberter. ReaxoaatrancM a galoot tba 'above Improve ment mar he fltod la writing with tbe under etgnod wltbla 20 day from tb data of tb flrat pubHcattoa of tbla antlee. - , . By order ef tb Council. ' ' "" ' . , i, - THOB. Ot - DEVLIN,' i ' - - A orl! tor ef tha -City f Portlaad. ' Portliod. Oreco. Date at imt piblicitioa, April 8. JtOS. . . . i K BXABaXBBlfKirr FOB TjrPBOTlaTXirP or KAiT h4 rm or bitu btrxxt. la amapHaar with . - reaaruttoa adopted at tka regular meeting th CmbcII. held en tbe Btb day of April, 1006. deelirlog tha etetrlrt benefited by tbe Improvement at tbe Miterly tdH feet of Elver itreet from the tooth Um f AIMna ivmm to 100 feet aautb ef tbe Mutb Um of AIMaa aveaue. lid directing tb Auditor ot the City of Portlind to arepire a preliminary aeaemment opaa tbe lota, block tad Darrein of land wltbla Mid dletrfrt. - New, therefore, noil re to bereby liven that curb ameaammt I u file la lb office ef tbe Auditor of the City of Portland ind with whom ny aad ill ohJecttoM ihall be filed to writing, and notice to further give tbit tb CmucII at Ita regular meeting en May t, 1008, will hear and conalder all sblecttoM to Mid leeeee- meet by pert Ira aggrieved thereby or latereeted therein, and ell Mcb pertlre Ire bereby warned aa to depart Iherirrom aatll to cempleted, - ... THOB. c, VlTLin, Audller of the City of Portland. Date ef. flrit aubllcittoa. April 8. 1H, rmorouD bkitkb.- m xabt mobbison " f BTBXIT. '.. '",'( Notlc M bereby given that' tt th meeting ef tb CmbcII at th City of Portlaad, Ore- Kn. bold oa tbo tth. day of April, lie, lh Uowlng reanlntlM Wll idepted: Reanlved, That the Conor 1 1 ef' th City af PrtlU, Orogna. deem It expedient and pur peeM to roaatruct a eewrr in Beet Morrtoeei atraet from tbr Muter line 'of Reel Thirty ninth Itreet to the eewrr In r'.eel Mnrrleaa etreet at thl weet Hn f Et Tkn-tylghth itreet. Bald eewrr to be eowetntcted ef vitrified lower Iilne with lit aeeeaairy cllrhhaalna, mubolei, miibnte ind branehea, ed to bo-, ef th following dioMMtoMi t 10 lacbto toar toald ct r- dliuutar from a point la tba center Um at boot Tblrty-alatb itreet to a point la Beat hum ham treat it Eaat Tblrtylghtb atrMt: tbeace of J2 IncbM clear Inalda diamotor to a potnt ta Eaat Morrlaoa atreet at tb mat Um of Eaat Thirty-eighth (trMt. Bald newer to be euwtructed la arkordanee With the. e aar tar iod ordlnaacM of th City f Portlaad and the plxna. apMlflcatloM and Mtlmawa of tb City Koglaeer. filed la tbe office of th Andltor of the City of Portland on tba 4th day of April. Ilea, lodoraed: "City Bnglnerr plana aad epeclfleattoM for a Mwer In Boat Morrlaoa etreet from tb mmot Ium f But Thirty -ninth atreet to tbe Mwer la Eait Morrtoan etreet at tbe weet Um of Beat Thirty-eighth itreet, and the MtlmatM of tbe work to be doee aad the prabebto total ooot tberMf." Tb Mt f aald arwer to be meanl aa provided by tbe city chartor apoa tM prop erty epaciatlr and peeuUarly hmcf Ited thereby, and which ll hereby doctored to he lU. the lota, parti tbareof and percale ot lead tying BeteMa a IIm 100 feet aortb at aad parallel with tM aortb line of Eaat btorrbmn atreet aad a Um 100 feet south of aad parallel with the eouth IIm ef Haat MorrtoM atreet aad between tbe Mat Um ef Eaat Thirty-eighth (treet d a Um 80 fMt Mat af and parallel with tbe Mat Um of Kin Tblrty-alatb etreet. - m Tb Kngtreer'i eatlmate ef tba probable total coet for tba eoMUvcttoa at bald lower to $31 T BI. ' - The plane, apaclflcattoM aad MthnitM af tbe City Englaeer for tb eouetrueUoa ef bald aewer ire bereby adopted. Reeolrrd. Tbit th Auditor of th City af Portlaad be aad a la bereby directed to glv aotlM of the proooaod onatructlou f aald Mwer m provided by tb elty charter. , RemoMtraBCM igilmt tbe above art may ba filed In writing with tbe aadenlgnad within 20 day from tb data af tba tint pubUeaUea ef tbla notto. " '-.;..- , . .; By order af tba fjMMli: ,w ; ' -,.... THOB. 0. PBTLITf, ' "'" 1' Auditor of tba City at Portlaad. ' Portlaad. Oregon. Data at Siet pabllaaimn. AprU B, 100. . , pbopobts bxwxb n bssto .btuzt. Notice to hereby given that at tbe roMtlng of tb ttouaell of th City af Partlaad. Ore- gon, Colli n, held en th ttb day of April, IMOO, ta I lowing reeolutloa wm adopted r Portlaad, Oregon, deema tt expedient aad pur. poaM to eoMtruet- a aewer la Boston atreet from . a polat 3 feet aortb f tb aortb Um of Dopant itreet to -a eaanMttoa with tbe Mwer la Batoa atreet at taa eouth lux ot Dlson ItrMt, ' Bald aewer ta be aoMirueted of vitrified arc pip ot 8 IncbM clear hwldc diameter with all aminry MtcbbaalM, Bx holra. tompbotoa aad brioche. - . ... . - Bald aewer to b eoMtrueted ta iccordinc wttb tb charter aad ordinance of tbe City uf Partlaad and tbe plaaa, tpeclfl ration and eetlmatM of the City Enctaeer, fltod to tb offtc of th Auditor f th City ef Portland on th Btb day af AnrlL 1006. ladoreed: "City Eagiueer'e pUM aad ipMlflcaUoM for a Mwer la BentM itrMt from a paint 26 fMt north ot the aorta iim or uupoot etreet to a connec tion with tbe aewer la Benton itroet it th aoatb IIm af Dlxeu atrMt, aad tbe MtlmatM of tb work to b doM aad tba arobibto total Mt taeraef." Tb eat f Mid aewer ta be a 4 m proilded by tb city chartor upon -to prop. arty epeeiaiiy aaa noaeiiariy oeoeruea iMreoy, id which ta bereby decurea to m iu tea iota, porta thereof aad pare la of land lying bet worn a Um 100 fMt nertheaaterly from aad parallel with tbe BortbeMtorly Um ef Beaton treet aad a Um 100 feet eouth weeterlv from end parallel wttb tbe soatbwMtorlr luxe of Beaton etreet lad betumea tbe aurtbwmtevly Um af Dtxoa atreet and n Um 100 fMt north- weeterly from aad parallel with tha aorth wait er lr um ot vupoac "treet. . The Raglnerri cetimite af . tba probibU total coat. nr. taa eooarxucuou oi enra en m i.m. ' x- Tb plio. epeelflcattoM ind Mtlmitei of tie City Kuglneer for the ooMtiadttoa af Mid wr ar bereby adopted. Revolved. That tb Auditor of tb City at Partlaad be aad he ta hereby directed to glv notice of tb peoppeed rooitroctloa of Mid aw aa provided by tbe elty charter. BomoMtraacM agalnet tba above aewer amy b fltod In writing with tb aaderatgaad wltbla 20 day from tb dato af tba tret publica tion ajt law Bonce. By order ef tba Couacll. ' I - . THOB. C. DBTUW. - Andltor af tbe City af Portlaad. Partlaad. Oregon. . Data of flrat pubUcaUoa, April 8, 1806. . . - nOPOBZD BXWXB tV rOXB BTBXXT. NotlM to hereby rlna taaf at the niMtl t tba Couacll af the City af Portlaad. Ore con, held m tba ttb day af April, 1IM6, tb following reeolutlea wm adopted ; Keeoireov - Tie t in council oi im city ar Portlaad, Orvgm, doe me It expedient aad Pue aaaea to rjoMtruet a eewe la rerd itreet from K fMt north of tba north Um at Park venue to tba aewer tn Twenty-third and Waehlnltua treeta. Held aewer to be eoMtrueted ot Tit rifled " ww ptpe ef IncbM clear lasld dl aaxetar with all necoeaary catcbheiloa, amn io lee. iampaolea ana m-enene. - Bald Mwer to be eoMtrueted la aceerdaaee with tb chartor aad ordlMacM of the City af Portland aad the plana, epeclftratloM aad Mtlmatoa ef tb City Bog bxoer, filed la tbe office af tbe Auditor ef the City of Portlaad M tba 4tB day ef April, loua. Intoned: "City Engl ooer 'a plaM aad epeclflcatloM for A amr la Ford etreet from 2S feet aortb of tbe north Um of Park avenue ta the newer la Twenty. third ana wautngtoa lireeta, aaa im eeti matM ef to M aoM IM able total Boat tberMf." ' Tb coat of MM newer to ba Iniail M provided by tb city charter upon tbe property aped ally and peculiarly be net ted thereby, aad which to berofav declared te be aU tbe lota, parta thereof . aad percoto af toad lying be tarn tba eaat Um of Ford etreet and a IIm ion, fMt eaat tberMf aad parallel therewith, ad betweea . tbe loath Km of WiebUurtoa troet aad tb aortb Um of Park aveaoej atoe til th tota, parta thereof lid parcel of toad ring hetweM tho weet lino of Ford atreet aad a m ino reer wvex tnror aaa aarauoi lM,l,h . - lAMaa . Ilu 1AA ImI Mn.a of ead peril lei with tba, Mutb UM of Veah- Ingtoa treet and tba norta Um af Park ava- Tba eogtneor'e satlaxata f tba probable total real for ta oom tract ua af Mid aewer . . , ... Tbe pliaa. eperlBcattoM and M,tlmatM af tb elty engineer for tbe Maatructtoa af aald Mwar ar bereby (doptod. . Revolved. That tb Aadlto af the - Cltv ef Porttand b and b to hereby directed to give aotlM af taa proaoei a conatructmn . af Mid evwM M vovlded kr tM cttr charter. Remonatraneee acalMt tbe above aewer mar he tied In writing with tbe aaderatgned wltbla to day from tbe data af tb Brat aublleattoa Of torn notice. ' ., . Br ordee of . tk CnaaetL '! 1 -xnuB. v.'Vavtyin, Auditor af tb City of Portlaad. Portlaad. Oregon. Dato af Brat pub Ilea lioa. April 6. 1806. . rxoroixo imovTaTxT or btcolai . ' '' BTBXXT. ' NotlM to bereby glvm that it the meeting ef the CmbcII ai tbe City of Portlaad, Ore goo, held ea the Btb day ef April. ItoB, tba following rMolttioa wta adopted: Revolved, Ttet tbe Couacll of tb City af rortland, Oregon, neema it exrweieni inu par. pom to Improve Nleolel itreet from tM Met IIm of Twenty-fourth itreet to the weet IIm of Twenty-ilith itreet, in tba following mia nee. to-wlt: Flrat By gradlog tb (treet full width wttb fbU tatevaeetton to thl MbgriM 11 fiVM by tb City Boglneer. Becoad By cooatructllg artlflclat ttoaa lid. Willi. Third Br MMtrartlag drttflcltl ItoM curb. Pnnexa Bv torlM eramwilka. . ' Fifth By MMtructlng bt aad ttoaa cut tar. Blitb By bringing tb artiee af tba atreet full width with full totorercttom to proper grade with macadam. ' Bald Improvement to be made la iceerdiBee With th cbirte and ardlaancM of lb tlty ef Portlaad aad tb plana, pclBrattoM and eetl matea of tb City Engineer aied la th f In of tb Auditor ef the City ef Portlaad on tb Btb flip or Apni, iwa, laaornra: "City Boglneer' rUm and loerl Scat lore for the Improvement of Nleolel itreet from the eaet Hm of , Twebty fourth Itreet to the weet )M ef Tweatr-elxth etrMt aad tbe MtlmatM f tb work to b doM a$d tba arobabto total coet tberMt." The raat of Mid Improve meat to b a. mill a arovtded by th city charter upoa th property podaUy and meullirly boMflted thereby, aad which ta bereby declared to be II tb tot, parta thereof aad pareela ef laad lying between a Hm 108 fMt northerly rrom and Mrallel with the northerly. Um ef Nlcelil Itreet ind Um 108 feet enatbevly from aad peraltol with the eratberl Um ef Nlcelil eueet, lad betweea a IIM too feet Matorlp rrom ana periiivi wm im Mit erly line of Tweutv-fourth itreet lad a Um 100 feet weaterly from aad parallel with tk Weaterly IIm f Tweetyollth (trMt, Th Engineer'! eetlmete ef tb probable ratal mm far tb Improvement ef Mid Kle- etol etreet I $B,T7.00. .... . . Tb abor lmprvawat m te m ilaaeea m t macadam ImpravemMt aad abill be mala telned by tbe elty far a period ef flv yean, provided fhat the evrnera at a majority of tM property benefited by Hid Improvement er any portlaa tberMf ebill not petit lea for a mmr or dlffvrrat ImDroviBMnt he tore tba expiration at urb period. TM plane. apecirieoveieaBi aou mukmivu er tbe City RaglMe tor the ImpvoveaMat af mid Nleolel itrMt IV hereby (dopted. , BeMlved. Thlt tbe Auditor of lb Cttp f Portlaad be lad he ta hereby directed to give entice of tb iinipoaed Improvement af mid Itreet Be provided by the rlty charter. ReawMiaTranceo agiiMi im leova impro. meet any he filed In writing with tha under lined within 20 dayi from tb dill af lb flret puliMiillou of thl nolle. By order f . tb .tonne! L , , thob. e. rrrr.irt. 1 1 Aadlrr f th City at Pm-lland. P-vlUnd. Orecoa. . Dat at Bret pabUcaltoa. April 8, I , .'. --t . f TT NOT"-. PBorosxs ixwu in ioijnda ATranrx. Mottoe to krby gtva that at tbe meeting ef tbe Council of the City af Portland. Ore- n, bold ea the eta uay or April, ivun, ia llowlag rueoliitloa wm adopted: ' . R-I-A 'last tha Canaoil of tbe City et Portlaad, Oregon, deema It expedient aad purpuaM to eooetruct a arwer to Maltnda va m from the weet Um of Finny U. King Uirt to (owe la Mali n da avenue at eeoooa bead ef Mid avenM. Bald Mwer to be au. tructed ef vitrified ewr- nip- lght IncbM clear Inald diameter, with all neeeeeary nlcb- bulna, minbelea, tompbolM aod oraacaaa. Nald newer to be ceutnerted la 1 roue dance with tt .hflrtM a a oc-tluaacM of tbe Cltr of Portland and tb plana, BpedflcattoM and eotlmau ot tbe City Engineer, filed 1 tbe fflce of tbe Auditor ef the Clip of Portland on tM th day of April, lot, ladoreed: "City engineer a aiaM ana epeeirH-eiioM xov a www In Mellada avanM from the weet llneof Fanny 0. King tract to tbe Mwer la MeUnda avenue t aecone mm, ana toe eaximatea ox iao to be dona and tba arobabto total coat tbare- in- c-oex as eoiu www - ww ' nrovlded hv the elf charter aooa tbo prop erty epecliilv and peculiarly beM filed thereby. nd .which la lereoy aaciireu o m u tote.- porta thereof aad pareela of laad lying betweea a line 100 fret north af and parallel with tb norta Hn of Mellada avenM aed a IIm 100 feet Moth ot ead parallel with tbe aooth Ita af t MeUada avenue and between . a Um 60 tm weat ef aaa parallel wnn toe weet Una of Milluda avenue and it! liteoalou outhMiterly la Ita preeent eoure aad a Um 60 teet weat af- (ad naraUel wllb tbe weat line of th Fanny O. King trict. . .. . '., Tb Rcglnervl Mtlmate et tba arobabto total Mat tor tb oamtracttoa af aabl tat tlftte It wBB-" " J' Tb plana, apoHflcatloM adetlruta ef the City engineer for tbe com tract loa - at aald Mwer ire bereby adopted. - - neooivio. mil ta aouixtxr ov mo Portlaad ba and ba to bereby directed to glv netlca of Ibe neoooaod COMtructlon Of . Bald ewer ll provided by tb dty charter. BeamuitrancM agalnet tba abOM eewev may be filed In writing wltk tbe aadonlgned wltbla 20 day from tb dato ef tb flrat pubUca Uoa ot thl notice. -- ; - Bp ardrg oi taa . Council ' . . . .. . THOB. C. BITlW.v Auditor of th Oty ef Port U ad. Portland. Orecoa. Data af Brat pabltaettoa, April 8, 1806. ' . - - rxoroixo bxwxb w TAjrcourxx ;.- ..v ATXNTTX.' Notlc to hereby glra that at tba auetlag t tb CMncIl of th City f Portlind, Or. cotf. bald oa tb 6th day of April. lwoa,.u following rMolutloa wai dopted: ' . HMOIVM, IIM IM IMBIII OX too Xliy OX Portland, Orcgoa, dee mi tt axpedlrat aad por noM to conatract a Mwer la Vancouver avenM from 23 fret aouth af tbe eouth Um of Alberta treat to th newer- ta Vancouver ,1 venue aad Fremont etreet. Bald aewer t be eoMfractcd of vitrified Mwer pipe with aU neoemary MtrbbaatM. menbolee, tompbolM and brancbM, and to M ef tb fonowlng Olroenatoae: of 8 lueieo clear Inald diameter from a potnt In VanoMvar aveaue tb fMt eouth ef tba eootk llM et Alberta atrMt ta a polat la Vancouver avenue t Bala itreet: the ore of 10 roc be clear tailor- diameter from a point la VaaoMver avenue at Bate atreet to a point la Vaacoover aveaue at BlaadeM itreet; tbeace of 12 IncbM clear loot do diameter from a point In TaaoouvM a vmm at HlaudeM itreet to a polat la Vie coaver mm at BhldmoM atreet thane ot 14 IncbM clear laaide diameter tram a polat In Vancouver avenue at Bkldmor itraet to a polat la VaamavM iimh it hkavee atrMt; thonM of IB IxwhM etoar tnalde diamotor from polat la Vancouver a vmm at Bbavar itreet to a la Vancouver aveuM at Filling Itnet: then f B4 loebe claw toald diam eter from n point la Viaeoaver ran do at Failles itrMt te a eoaaecttoa with tb eawer In Vancouver IvraM it Freawat etreet. i Beld aawer to M eoMtrueted la iccordinc wth tba chartM and aedlnancM af tba City at Partlaad aad tbe plaM. apeclflcattone aad 'MnmatM r tM ciiy angiMev, xiieu in too fflce f tb Auditor of the Cltr of Portland a tba 4th day ef April ,114), lodoraed: "City Engineer'! plaM lid ipoclflrattoM for a arwer la Vancouver a vmm from 88 feet ewttb ef tbe aoatb Um ef Alberta atreet to aaweg la Tee louver a vmm aad Frmoat itreet. lad tb aetlmatea of tbe work te M aoM aaa l uwhaku inimi mm lharant - Tbe eald mwot - la to be coortmcted tor. th purpoae ef eewerlng and draining au the mta, parti tberMf aad pareela of toad within tb aurrte hnniWi mmt ' mmilhe M fallow: ComaxeMbig at a point la tha eaat Um af Taaeourer tvMue 100 feet aorta et taa aorta Ima at Fremoat atreet 1 the are eaat along a Um loo fMt aortb af aad peraltol with the aorth Um ef Pre moot (treet to a polat 130 fMt Mit af the eaet Um ef Viaoauver IVMue; theaM aortb alt right aagto to a polat la ta ranter Um ef Alberta itreet; tkeuc wt atone the Haue Um of Alberto atreet to a aoiat 108 fMt weat of tbe weet line ef Height in not; thence aoutb Btong 11 M 108 fMt weat ef aad parallel with tba weet Um af Height l venue to a polat BOB fMt aouU af tb aoutb IIM of Filling itrMt; thence eaet along a Um B00 fMt Math ef aad parallel Wllb tb aoutb Um f Filling (treat to a pole I 108 fMt weet f tb weet Un af Vanoouwe ive aue, thence eoatb Btoag a UM 108 fMt WMt ef nd parallel with tie weet um ef Vuncourer ivmm to a point BOB feat Booth ef tb Math Um ef Beech itreet; theaM eaat long a Um $) feet tooth of aad parallel with the enuth Um at Bitch Itroet to tb pbw f heglaolng, 1 . Tb oat af Mid Mwer by be tainiil M provided by tbe elty chartor apoa tb prop arty epec laity aad peculiarly beoented thereby, aad Which ta bereby declared te ba all tbe lota, parta Ciereof aad parrel of land lying wltbla toe dietrlet nertinberor . . mmmu aaa eo- BeHheA. The Eaglnew'l Mtlmate af tb probable total tnet for the oeMtreeitoa t aabl Mwer la tA.A40.lrl. Tbe plaM. enneincattoM lad Mtlmitei af tbe City Eoglaeer for tha MMtructtoa af aald arwer are bereby adopted. Banolvad. That the' Aaditac af tba Cltr af Portland b ad be to bereby directed to give ant Ira ef tbe proeoaed eooa tract loa I MM newer m nrovldod by tb elty charter. Kemooatrancee agalMt tha Ibove aawer may M filed In wrltlne with tbe underelrned wltbla 20 day from tb data' f taa flrat anbltoa- Uoa ai ibm notice, ,dar-a tA-CuBcil,-;f-.s THOB. C DEVLIN, - Andltor of the City ef Port la ad. PnrtliBd. Oregon. Dat af Brat publication, April 8. 1808. PB0P0BXS IEWXX IN XAJT TWXBTUTX .- . -. BTBXXT. .. " . - NoHc la herahr gtVM that at tba avaetlnt f tb CmbcII of tb City of Porttand, Ore- folki b. held ea tb otn aay ar apru, jvuo, la low in rMiutioa wm laopiea: Beeolved. Thet tb CmbcII ef tb City ef Portland, OregM, deeam it expedleat aad parpeeM to roaatrurt a eewer la Eaat Tin. ttotb atreet from 46 -feet aouth et the aoutb Hm ef Eaet Stark irreet to tb eonnertloo with the aewer ta But Oek itreet it Eaet Twentieth , (trMt. bald eewer to be eon tructed of vitrified aewer pipe af eight inrhe rleir I Mid diameter with all aocMMry catcb baalne, minnalM, lampbolra aad brtnrkee. -Bald aewer to be cutractd la aceordaBC with tba charter aad ordlMacM of th City f Portliad and tbe pliM. ipednctttoM and MtlmatM of tb City Engineer Bled I tb race ef tb Aadltor f the city ef Portlind M the 4th day ef April, laod. Indoreodi - "City Engineer'! pliM aaa ipertncicioM lor n Mwer In Eiat Twentieth atreet from 46 fMt aoutb ef tbe aautb Um ef But Btirk atroet to th Beat Oak -- atreet aewvr, and tb MtiamtM ef tbe work- to be dM aad tb probable total get thereof." The coet ef Mid arwer to be aaeemed m provided by tbe city charter upon tM prop erty opertaUr and peculiarly beeetted thereby aad Which to bereby declared to be all the loti, part thereof and parcel! ef toad lying between a line 100 feet eautb ef aad Mrallel with tb Mutb Hie ef But Stark itreet' and -UM 100 feet aorth of and parallel with the aortb Um af fait Btirk atreet, aad be tweea the weat II m ef Kaat Tweatleth Itreet nd a IIm 10 feet weaterly thereof and par allel therewith. d betweea tb mm Um f Beet Twentieth etreet ind a MM 100 facti eaeterly thereof ind parillcl tlerewirk. The Engineer'! - vertmate ef the' probable totil ml for tb eonet ruction ,ef Mid aewer to $282.48. , ' f Tb plan. iperltcatleM tad MtlmatM af the City Engineer for tbe CMatraettoa af Mid mwm are hereby (doptod. R centred. . Thlt th Auditor ef tb City af Partlaad b aad ba la bereby 'directed to give Bet too of tb arepomd eeoelructloa at Mid arwer -proVldd by the rlty charter. Remouatranre igilnet tM ibeva aewer may be Sled In writing with the uadorelgned within to day! from tbe date of tb Brit publtrattoa af thl Mile. By order af the .CneiueU. - , THOB. C. DEVLIN, . Auditor af the City ef Portlaad. Portlaad. Oregon. - Dato af Brat publlritloa, April 8. IB08. -- PX0P0BED BXWXB W ' FALL BTBXXT. at-raar txxxt and , twxntt-nintn 8T1KXT. Notlc I hereby clvea that it tbi meetlno ef tbe rennet! otj the City of Portland, Ore gon, held im i My oi apru, jwua, ua iellewlng roMlnttoa Wll loop ted : - - Reanivia, mil im tuiiKii er im city r Prttod. OregM. diem It expedient iM nar- poaea ta eoMtruet a Mwer la Fill (trMt. Oulmhy atreet aad Tweaty-alnth atrMt, from tbe north Um of Petty freva (troat la Pall (treat to a aoiat la tiuimny atroet; laearo la Oulmhy Itreet to ( point la Twenty-ninth treat ;, tbeaca north la Twenty-ninth atreet v in newer in itiieign i itreet. Bald (ewer tn be roaatrortrd at vltrlaed eewe Wm ef (bjht IncbM etoar Inald diameter, lb all taaitr eafrlbaelna. maikolra, toairbolM aad brache. -1 Bald aeaee to he Mnetnteted la tcenrdanca with the renter and erdlnincee at tM . City of Portlaad and tbe plana. pielnVulloM led MtlmttM of th City EnglBoee. Bled In the eftr r th Auditor et tb dtp ef Portland a u. Ub dor af AmrU. Uua. Udoraed: . "City .-c:.v) ': ' '''. A".' : :.. - ? v - -- ' tint Nonozt. Engineer'a pftM aad apecltcattoM for a mwot In fill. Qulmby and TwMty-Blnlb atraete from the aortb Una of Pittygrovu itreet la Fall atrMt to a polat la Qnlmby atroet; eeet to Qulmby atrMt to P!1 Twenty-alnth treet north In Tweaty-nlntb atroet to lewer to Uitoigh (trMt, aad tbe Mtimato f tba' work to b doM and tbe probable total eaet thereof." . . - Tbe coat of Mid aawer to a aeaeoted M provided by tbe elty chirtM apoa tbe prop erty aoectally aad peculiarly beoeflted thereby and which to bereby declared to be all tb tota, parta thereof sad perMle ef toad tying betweea a Um 100 fMt mm of and panltol with tb eait Um af Tweaty-alath atroet and a line 100 ee well1 of iod parallel with tM weet 11m of Tweaty-alntb atreet. tad between a Um 100 teet touth ef aad- parallel, with the auutb line ef Belelgh itroet end a Um 100 trot aoutb of and parallel with tba Mutb Um of Qulmby atroet; (toe all th tota. parta thereof and parcel of lend lying betweea a Um 100 fMt aorth et end parallel with the aorth Mm of Oulmhy itreet aad a Um .100 teet Mutb ef aad piraUrl with tbe eouth Um ef Qulmby troat, and between tba eiet Um ef Fall treet and Ita exteoelon northerly In Ka proMat roarer, and a UM 1 teet weat of (nd parallel with the weit II M ot Twenty. nimn atrMt; na inm an toe bjo, vwmwm thereof aad pareela ot toad lying betWMB a Um ino fMt north ef aad parallel, with the north Jlna ( Oultnhv atxoet and the north Una ot Pettygrove atroet, and betWMn tbe eM in ox rill trMt aaa ita extenmoa nvuno la Ita preeent enurae. and a UM 100. feet WMt et aad parallel with tbe weat Um ef Fall itraet aad Ita xtoailoa aartbcrly In It precnt gOQrt4b( Tbe Eoglneor'l eetlmit af tba arobabto totol rmt for tba (OMtructtoai of Mid mwer .1 aoHl 84. The plani, tpeclftcitloM tad' ' eeti mate of tb City Kaglneer for tb eonatructlM at mid Mirer ara hereby a dopted. . .- miiiva. l net im aanitor et w PWtlMiut h mmA ha te XiMhr dlrected-to glM aotlc of tbe ' proponed eonetructlon ot aald arwer aa provided by th city charter. ReevtmltrincM agalnet tb ibov lewr may be Bled la writing with tbe aaaoralgned wtthla 20 dayi from tba dato af tba Bnt. pubUeatloa f tbi aotlc. ' - - . - Jr By erarr et ue council. . . ' . . . THOB. -C.' DBVL1N, - ; Auditor ef the City ef Portliad. Portlaad. Orecoa. Dato at Brat publication. April t, 1006. xwxi ' IN PROPOSED HAWmOBNX AVXNTfx. ; -'..-. . rr. NotlM to berabr clveatbat at tb BXMttlg f tb Council of tbf City ot -Portland. Oro con, held on thetth day of April. UnA, tb IxiiiowiDg roooiuriM wm buodtmi ' BmoIvoB. That the Couacll ef the City t Portlaad. Oregou. deema It axpedleat ; aad par- to eMatraet a aiwer ux niwiwn. from 26 fMt eait af tbe Mat Um of Kaat Tweary-ainth (troat to tbe ewer ta Wamt WVtlrrlrU atrMt. Bald BBWOT te M CM- tructed of vitrified aewer pip of eight IncbM etoar taatda dliBMTtar, wttb all nerwaarr eatcb baelM, maBbulea, tompbotoa and brancbM. - - nald aewer to a oonetrnrxew iu atin arf.w . . mmjt .1. iii,ai af tM City of Partlaad and the plane, ipeclflrattoaa and eetl metre er tne t uy sogincer . . oftce at tbe Auditor ef th Cltr of Purttond n tb tth day of Aoril. IbOB, lodoraed: "City Bnglaeer'e plaM and aoactocattoM tor a town ta Hawtbarne rnu from 86 fMt eaat af tb Mil Um ef Imt Twenty-ninth (treet to aewer In Eaat Thirtieth atreet, aad 4be Mtlmatea of tbe work t b doM aad tb probable totol coat theroor.'- - Tha Mat of Mid aawer to be llliutl M pro vided by tbe city chartor apoa tbe property pecUlly and peculiarly bewailed thereby and which to hereby declared to be all tbe tota, parta thereof aad pareela at toad lylag betweea a IIM 108 tort aortb et ead Banker with, tb north Um at 111 wt borne lvalue, lad a Um 100 feat Mutb ef aad parallel with tba eouth Ue a! Hawthorne aveoua aad between tbe Mt Un ef Eaat Twenty-atotk atroet -and a Ito 100 feet wt of aad peraltol. wttb tb weet 11 M af Kaat Thirtieth atreet. The Cltr EnHnoer'1 Mtimato af tb probable total coat far tb MM true tlo af Mid Mi 1. it an on Tbe plaaa. gnedflcettoM aad eeti ma toe ef tb City Baglaeer for tba com true tton af Mid arwur eaoTrad'. "Tb.ttb. Aadltor f ... City f Portlaad b aad be to hereey airectM xe giro notice ef tba pruaoMd cooatructlou . et Mid mwm M provided by. tbe rlty chartor. BeamMtraaeM agalMt th above aewer mir be Bled Ib writing wttb tba undemigoed. wlrbln B0 'dayi from tb Ml a IM am aabltoattoa ef tbto notice. ; By order of tb Council. , THOB. C T3BVTJN. - Aadltor af tba City of portlaad. PartUnd. Oregon. Data af Brat pubUcitloa, April 8. 1806. rxorosxs etwix IN XAST ItASTJeON BTBXXT. Mailea te herebv elvM that at tbe a iHng of tba Council of tb City f Poraad. Ore- gon. held oa the 6th day ef April, lUuS, th loi lowing reeoiai low ww . BeMlved. That tbo OmocII of tba City et Portlaad, Orecoa, deem It axpedleat and pur noaea to coue tract a eewer In Eaet Medtooa atraet from loo feet weet of tha weat Um of Eaat TWMly-olnta irreet ra im mwot ib nw Fkirtiuk aneat. Bald aewM to ba eooa true ted of ntriftod Mwer pipe. of -otgbt Inched ctor tnalde diameter wua an aiemiiry, hxcbmbxbb, uiknia. lamnbolea and brancbM. Bald aawer te ba eoMtrueted to BCcerrlane wllk tbe charter end ardlMoeM ef tbe City f Portlaad, aad tM . ptoaa, apoclficatlooa aad MtlmatM at tb City Engineer Bled la tba of flea ef tbe Aadltor ef tb City f Portlaad M the 4th day of April. ItoB, Indoraed: "City Englneer'e plaaa aa4 apeeiaeatioM nr a lewer lb aan auaieou itrMt from too feet WMt at the ,.. llaa of Eaat Twntr-atotb atrMt to eewer In tut Thirtieth itreet, and tb ee lima tea ef tbe work to be waa aad tea arobabto total wt thereof." Th root af Mid aewer ta ba leeeeed al provkSea by ta city enarrar apoa xoa- prop, erty epeeiiUy and peculiarly benedted thereby, ad winch m bereb declared to be all the tota. MMa thereof and aarceto af laad lying be me a iim KKI feet aorth af aad parallel with tbr-nortb ttae of Beat Madlaoa etreet aad a Um 100 fMt aouth -of aad parallel wltb the BMth Hm af Eaat btadlaea atroet, aad be tween a Um 160 fMt weet of an .Mrallel wllb tb WMt Um f Eaat Twenty-ninth itreet and a Um 100 fMt weat af and parallel wltb .. 11 al Kaat Thirtieth atreet, Tb eaglneer'l eetlmate et th probable totol mat tor tba com tract loa at Mid mwm to $2112.80. ..... -The plan. BpedflcattoM (d Mtttoatae f tb City Engineer for the eaaaxracttoa af Mid ewer ar hereby dopted. Heeolved. Tbtt tbe Auditor ot- tb City ef Portlind be and b to hereby directed to give Mtln of tbe pcopoaed eoMtrncttoa af Mid Mwer M provide .1 by tb city charter. RemoMtrnacM agalnat tb ibov lewer may be Bled In writing wltb tb aaderatgned wltbla 20 day from tbe .data of tba Brat pubUcaUoa ef tbla Mtwe. , By order et the Council ' , v THOS. 0. DEVLIN. ' Auditor af tha City ef Portland. Portlaad. Oregon. . Dato af flrat pebltoatloa. April 8. 1B06. rxorosxa sxwxx n xoosivxit stbxxt. NotlM I berabr given thlt (t th BMeltng f the Council ot tbe City of Portland. Ore gon, held m tn otn My or aprii, ino, tai A.llaarlM eanolnttoa WM adonted: Beeolvrd. That tb Ceuaeil af tb City af Porthiud, uregon. Mima ii expeoieax aaa pur poare to conatract a aewer da Hooeevelt (treet Sherlock (verme ind NlMteMtb itreet. from I no fMt went of Bier lock avenM In Rorjeeveit atroet to tb (ewer la Viagha itreet t Nine teenth treet. - Beld mwm to be eoMtrueted ot vltrloed aewer pipe ef eight Ino bra etoar IMIde diameter wun in neraaaary caxcaoMiM, nmnhotoa, tompboto aad branch ea. Bald eeWer to ba eoMtrueted la teerardane wltb tbe rbarter and wdlneaeM ef tbe City af Fvrtltnrl. and the plaM, eeadecattoM and retime tea of the City Engineer Bled In tM ffW ef the Auditor of the city ot Porttand on the 4th day ef April. 1006. Indoraed: "City Engineer'! plaM and epeclnratloM for a Mwer la Rooeevelt atroet, Sherlock aveaM aad Nine teenth treet from 100 feet wait ef Sherlock aveaua In ILoeeeTelt itreet to Mwer la Vlaahn treet, and tM MtlmatM ef tha work to be done, aa tee proniBie total emi inaroor.--, The ten of' ea Id Mwer to he laaaaaad ll provided by tbe city charter upna the property eperlally lid pMullarly beaetted. thereby, .lad which la hereny declared to be (11 tbe lot, part tberof and parrel! of Uad lying ; be tween a Uae 100 trot Met of and Mrallel with the eest line of MMleentb itraet, ead IU litem el oa northerly I Ita iterant rouraa, and a Mm in) trot weet of and parallel wltb tb eeet Um ef Nineteenth etreet, and Ito eltea a inn northerly tn Ita area eat eonra.' and be- twee tbe center IIm ef Rooeevelt atreet, and Its extenelon eaaterly tn It preaent eouraa, nd Um too fMt north of and parallel wltb the north IIM et vaugaa itreet; ilea siocg ll, Shectork' ddlttoa to the City of Portlaad; and etao a Mrovl nl toad lying between two tine leepertlvely 100 feet and, BOA feet weet ef and peraltol ' wltb "tb wvet - line of- Nineteenth atreet end It MteMlon northerly, and totween the eraitb line of btoch It, Bbertocb Iddltloe, and It etteaete aoaterly and a Um 1o fMt Mntkerly tberefrom and par 111 therewith. Th Kuglneer' eetlmiti ef tb probebto total mt for tb roMtrwvtloa af uld mwot to $4f$ 84. Tb plana, intcattoM and MtlmatM af lb City RnglMer for th imiIih ttoe at M arwer ana Whr adonted. 1 BeMlved. That the Aadltor ef the City af PorUaad M aad, a ta hereby directed M give notice ef the proponed roaetruetloa af Mid (ewer provided by tM elty etortrr. Reuxonitriorei agalMt tM above aewer may be tied la writing with tbe andeeatgned wl'- tn dev from tbe date (t the Brat paaltaeiae af thl aotlc. By order f tb Counrll. ' . .. ,, THOB C, ri.. Andltoa ef th riv ef I ' Perilled. Oregon. Det- ef . ..4 1 . . April , 106. - , r (wTj. ; if Traios to the East DaIly--3 CH1CAOO-PORTLAND 6 18 a.m. Irtd a. m. t ru.iAU For ibe Eaat rla Bnat- lOaily. i Dalle. . J r. ... ,r Ingtoa. BPOKANB FLTBB, Per Eaeteru Wanking.; ion, waua waua. caw totoo, Oscar - d'AtoM aad Croat Berthari 8:18 a, to Dally. ; IwhBii Dam. aotaia. -. . ATLANTT0 ' BXPRRBB. SrlStatt, 7:16 a. Bk aw to past rla- Mast Dally. . tog Ingtoa. I""' Columbia Blvar pivuUew. FOB ABTORIA a a waa 1-nO n. na. Abowt ' ".' pelnta, eoaoectlng with tmr. for IIwbm mad Dally. , ax. Sunday. Saturday. BlBBB. Bt." norta Beach., str. Baa- mm. Aab-at. dock. lo:oo p. m- TarnbiU miver Bowto. FOR DAYTON City and Yamhill Bin, polnm. atmr. Ruth aad! a.l 78 a. to. Dally. .1 Dally. mooa. aaa-er. Cock. . Water permitting.) 8Mka Elver BMto. POB tdrWISTON, Ida., and way potato from Rlna rla. Wua-. 4:00 a. at. About t pm Tun day Tkoradap Sunday Wedneadiy Friday BpokiM and Lovleton. T1CEET OfTICB. Tklrd aad Wiahlngten. pbOM Mala Tit. - - -ft W. BTtNOER, City Tlckrt AoWat, JL to CBAI0. Oeeerii PlaaeaaW AgueetT EAST YA SOUTH XAlvea. I . ONION- DEPOT. OVERLAND BXP tralaa, for Bilem. tan- I, aaamM, aaoro- ,aa n.M Baa laa. : SB TJB-n,l elaro, Stochtoa, LM Aa- Cae, El Faae, New 0. M aad the Boat, Horning arain a aocta . at- Weodbara daily nrept aaaeey wttb tral far bit. thoOBrBb auBa. av BrewaarUto, Bar tag- fill d. W ndU and) narron. . a7Xl naas t i mif.i Mt. Aagel aad BUn ton feral. T:SB t. m. I OnrvilMe $MiBgir. 4 .-60 p. m. Bbenaaa pauMnger, Ttally. Ilttolly, Mcrp Baadnp. . rmltana Oeaat MWbaa Saevtoe gam ' Depot font af Ut farnaa (troet. ' Tmn Portland dally for Oowoco T b . It 60, t:0. 1:66. 6 2d. 8:95. T , 18:18 B. laaaul. IJB. I'M. B:td. : I ' ;tet nvf 4:10, IIM a. m. Sunday nuf. Ratarnlag turn ftowaga. arrtve Pwrttend -ee a.CT, , 1BA. B:On. a ll- 7:J. 8 1 11:18 p. m. Dally (exeepttwaoav) 2. : 8:20, iS:10. 11:48 (. m, Bxcept Moaday, -12-J a. ra. Sunday Mly. 10:08 a. m. . vimrm from mma depot for Delia and tatM. I 4:10 a. an. Arrtv rortmaa lo w a. . . ,. Tba Iadepeadence-MMaaMfb ntetar . tea eporatM dally to blMmouth and Beet In wttb BMtbera Paclneeomaaay' Jraas at Daltoe aed ladeoendeaca. . Ftrat-claar fm from rwmt im T nd Sen moctaco beth $S : MaaVwM) fire- 81, CMond-otoM bevthe 2.t0. Ticket! te Eaat era potato and afeb) laMB. Cblaa. Honalabl ad Aaatrana y-. : OfBro lOTMt Third, and ImIcu etreera. Pheaa Mala VIS. .Ticket o m rnvnll OOVAN, Oty Ticket Ageet, TIME CARD A ' or .. TRAINS' Portland t , UNION DEPOT. Paget Bound Limited, fee Teeeme. flMttto. OlympU, Boufb Bead ad eray a . Bar oar polnta. North Cm it Umlted. for Tacoma. Seattle. Butte, tt. Pial. Mla-I neapolla. Chicago, New) Vork. Bwatou aad poiatal xaeT ana noatneeei. Twln-aty Expraea. Pari Taeemi. Brattle. BmH kiM, Helena, St. Put, MlnMipolla talcago. New York. Boatoa aadl II point. BmI aad Bmtbeaat. Pucet Bound Xaaaee Clty-trt. LmW BpertaL for Tieomu, Benttto. SpokaM. Butt Bllllaga. Dearer. Omaka. Keaaae City. St. Louto aad ill point! BMt aad Sialh Mil.. ' All trtiM 4Mlf io 'uipt oa Sonrb . D. fTflABIVrOrT. Anrtetant Oiaaral Paiianger Ageat, -228 Morrtaaa at., aar. Third. Portlaad. Oa. Astoria & Columbia ' River Railroad Co. CNION DBPOT. Ami, 8 M BV Dally. layanr. Bat 11:16 a. St. ItoUy. Clitahaato. Wmtport, Clifton. . A 'tori a. War- reatoa. Via vet, nam- mM. rort - Stevens, wMraalt Park, beaetda. t ' Acteria aaa aniatia, t S '-, ', v . Bbptotb dally. ' Aitorta Niptmi. ' . ' iv"'i t.-dtB.' roBp. i Dally. Tbroagb Pullmaa rUadard nd Vjurtot etoece , lug ear dally to Omaha, Cat c go, BpakiMi toortot aleealng care dally to AlMae Cltyl throarb Pullmia tourist aleeptog en (pernen ; illy eeadasted) weekly to Canm BeeUalaa) rhitr vara laeatl free) to tb taa dally. -UNION DEPOT. 1 LeavM Arrlvoa. - E S ' ' " f I AJTtveal ncxyil Diparnj. I AJrivwal a.atlHnlBB U' Y "- " . . V ' 48Bav TtowB-a. ' ;.'..',, --i J i" .... -.: - -t ' v tit ' llStoBtJ ,'."J-4'-:--.-1 .'' J. :?l:.' '-. v . ' r ' . ,: v "' e ' , . :Ba.Bb fMtoBV I ' ' r - j - - 1.0. MA TO, i -. O. r. aaB" FY A, Aatorto. 0. ft A. STEWART, ftommeeeUt Agent. Sat A MOT atrMt, rboaa. Mala Boa. . ;! 4 . .....'.;.,. .: M -V U. .. ' ' Ttatost OffiOw US Tbtt m. a-j. Tinttonnax.ritotl awtof Train at LzZly - faot Tir.:, ltINNKAIOT M, C . i Al.t K..., . .. DaTttwht tr-- thi: i ' and) Rax-ey a . - i ' vara, raw, a i til I". Jl. -a Via,-. .,. : 4 'i . , rr c. it;'