The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 13, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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Hu::mq CLU3;
r jmbtrhlp Committee - Issues
Address Urging a General
t'tX'l.i Co-Operation. ' r,.
1A ) '
Entrance Fea After June First
. Will Be Twenty-Five
.: Dollars.
Th following Ictttr hu ben lasud
by th .Multnomah dub In order to
arous Interest ' among tho ntmbtri,
with a' view of increasing tn mmer
hip of tho club: ' ' .'
. "Dear 8lr Tho sttentlou of tho mem
ber of our club la at thla Urn aspect
allr direct to the advlaablllty of pro
moting our Intereat eoilectlvely a a
club by taking advantage or the on
oral condition of prosperity surrounding
us. -At bo time in our history has auoh
a, favorable opportunity- presented Itself
"for advancing . our- Interests. Now la
the time if ever, to ao atrengthen our
membership that adveralty cannot over
take us. Lt ua etrtke while the iron la
hot, and make, the most of our, golden
opportunity. . ' '
."There are hundred of young -men In
our rapidly growing community , who
would make ua dealrable member and
who could easily be Induced to affiliate
themselves with our , admirable organ-
nation were He great advantages and
noble alma. Judiciously presented to
thel consideration. W all know oni
ot them, aome bf ua many of them who
would five the matter their favorable
consideration If we would present It to
.them clearly, earnestly and peralatently.
"May we count on your aid and In
fluence? . ' ,- 1 .:
It inthe ardent wish of thoao having
in charge the welfare of the M. A. A. C
to Increase Its rnemberahlp before June
1 (the. date set for making our mem
bership' fee $24) to 100 names, thus
.making our club a 'tower or strength
and an Instrument for the , greateat
.' good In the community for year to
'come. ' - - - -
"Let each and every member put hie
shoulder to. the. wheel and lend a harp
ing hand In the good work.
- "Let us not wait for othera but make
' an7 Individual effort and record for our
selves. . .. . .i
"It la the total of lltUe thing that
' count.' 4
, "Every name added to our rolls will
help. ' . '
"Let ua ge. the thing done.
. "J. W. HOLMES.
: . . --K. W. BLACKHTONB. '
r -H. r. OATLORD.
: " T "Membership Committee."
' Peter Grant, who recently returned
' from Ban Francisco, where he wltneaaed
the 10-lnnlng 1 to game between Port
land and San Franclaco, nays that Will
Essick Is one of tho best Ditchers he
haa ever seen and predicts that the
' youngater who 'pitched and won the
groat 14-innlng game yesterday will be
one of the leading twlrlera of the league.
Mr. Grant sl apeaks highly of Big
'John McLean 'and Jakey At, and for
that, matter the- whole team, which, he
ssys. 1 certainly the best team Port
, land has had in Toars.
Dugdale waa one of the anxious crowd
that hovered around the 'Score board
-laat evening, and when the returns fl
jially arrived. Dug started for his 1st
supper wearing a, broad smile, and re
marked that "Portland certainly baa a
fin club this year.'- The Seattle man
,lf t . for homo laat night after algning
Andy Anderson for the Belllngham team.
"The signing of Andy makes four men
secured In thla city for that club. They
are Jack Drennen, who 1 to manage
. the club. Collie Druhot, Ray Reed and
Andy Anderson, and In addition to this
Quartet Dug secured young Callff of
. .Drego-Clty.- " 1 -
'Friaoo lost two straight games to
Tacoma and now they commence the old
howl about a crippledteam and .will
. soon run through the category of ex
cuses If the team should lose a few more
games. With Corbett and Mohler oat
of the game they are somewhat crippled.
- end , well enough, and the ..only place
they are ahy la In the pitcher's box. .
r H -. Charlie i Shields finally came arouad
"and pitched fine enough ball to win from
Morleys Angels. Hejield the Loo boo
. wane at sti sisr. ..... . . ..
The Schiller and the Eaat Sides' are
practicing hard this -week for the next
contest in the City- league series, which
will be played at the league grounda on
Sunday. Thla will bo the laat game for
several - weeks, as the Portland Bluea
will hold forth at the park for a couple
-of weeka, and the two. local teams are
doing their utmost to be In the beat pos
sible shape for thla game.
Druhot and Reed will make their fare
well appearance in this contest, and It
. Is also quite likely that Drennen and An
' derson will play their first game of th
season. Sunday. t -';.,., -" .
Nearly everybody in .Oregon is pre
paring to visit the fair.
SfsislsMs Via Ssvs It.
The emzaxsTsUb
ciTTE eceiY-ourre attwcttye
The seseHS with homely fMtm wtlt est
lafe sttraetreeaea It kar sea si ueaiwl
wtsi as sbsBSaaes at keastlral has?. Bst.
as th W kni tb hwt fwlomf ef I
slOis ataraeavsaasi
'CwyMi WTB lm It,
ArruoAriews at nouimmmt BAmsas noH.
We 4n erswa sd bride work witaeet sals.
Ose IS yeaf essarleae Is ptaU work -bM
to at fma amth Msi(erUbly.
Dr. W. A. Wis aa Umm a safe way to
attract taeth, ahaalstelr wltboot pals. Ir,
X. P. Wis la aa expert at fold fllllag aad
erewa as setAa week, litrsetlag ft
wkaa plat r sr art waia. -
WISE BROS., Dentists
railing Bvoelsg. r. Tab as Wash Ma
Ossa aislBse till . Snseay tnm (
U Is, Or. Mala BOSS.
ti t r. wtf.
Essick and Graham Engage in a
' Long and Interesting "
''i -- . Battle. "M:-M;:-
(Jearaal gpeeUI gervtes.)
Oakland. Cel.. April II. Portland .
Oakland t. It Inninga.
Battries-Eaick, Oarvln and McLean;
Oraham. McMurray and Byrnes.
, The Portland Blues, after 1 Inninga
of heart-breaking baseball, succeeded in
trouncing the Oakland nine yesterday
afternoon In the presence of a company
of fans. The contest was stubbornly
fought and furnished many mtxed-up
plays for th spectators. ,
i. Oraham and Essick Ditched superb ball
throughout the long game.- each pulling
out of soma tight holes, ana lieiaea
their position -excellently.
, It waa BUI Esslck's corking two-baae
wallon that scored McLean In the 16th
with the winning run. ' Ksalok triad to
stretch his hit Into a triple, but was
nadlad at third.. Esslck's run around th
base tired httn aomewhat, for he weak
ened In the last hair, ana Manager sac
Cradle sent Garvin to his rescue, and
the big .Texan pulled the gam out of
th pi by striking out Kxuger. i ne
score:.'.'' "' '""
- -.- - PORTLAND., - '
"y AB. R. H. PO. A. JS,
Van Buren. If. ..... 4
Clark, lb. ' J,
Bchlaney, in. i. v
Householder, cf. ..... T 1 -J
UkTmiIIil rf. T 1.1 I 0
At, sa. ............. 0 i ( f
Runkle. b. .......... 1 0 If -41
McLean, C .......... 7. 1 f J! ' J
Ksslck. p. 7 0 11 i
Cstes, If. ........... I 1 J
aarvln. p.
.......... e ,v
ToUls . ; ....... ...:
t-U 41 it
. . AH.
R.M. PO,
Van Haltren, ef. ....
Pranks, as. ......... 5
Krua-er. rf. . . . .... 7
King. If.
btreio, ID. ..........
Deveresux. lb. ...... 6
McMorry. o,JJ,itl, , t f .
ilmtiHm. b ..........
Byrnes, e. ...........
Moaklman . ....... 1
' Total . . .;........ I 1 41
Moakiman batted forV McMurray ' in
th ninth Inning. - -
Portland 1 MMMIHHMf J
Hit iOl 0llllt 10
Oakland . .1 1 J
. UltS ,..111111111111111 i i
- Stolon baaes Householder. Runkle,
Kelly. Three-base hit Householder.
Two-baae hits Kelly I, Clark 2. King
t. Franka. Devereaux. Keslck. Sacrifice
hits Franks 1, Ats, Kruger, Strelb.
Devereaux 1 Van Hajtren . First base
on errors rPortlsnd. t: Oakland, t. First
base on called balls Oft Essick. 11: off
Oraham, S. Left on basss Portland,
lit Oakland. 14. Struck but By Ealck,
: by Graham T; by Garvin. 1. Hit by
pitcher Clark. ' Double - play McLean
(unassisted). Balk Graham. 1; Essick,
1. Tlraf of rams Two hour and t
mlnuea. Umpire Davis.- - ...
' ' Seattle Defeat Zsm ABgeles '.:
Lo Angela. April 11. Charlie
Shield waa In fin form yesterday and
held th. Angel safe after the second
Inning. 'Gray and Baura were batted
hard by tb vlaltora. Score:
.-. R. K.E.
Los Angeles ... 1 1 7
Seattle ". 1 1 i 0 0 I 11 1
Batteries Gray, Baum and 8pls;
Shields and Frary. Umpire Perrlne.
. PACxrxo ooajtt UAVira. , .
t e
Sas rrasetsee ......
Taeoiae ............
U Asssles
w o
d rl tI e l m
our AT
;o OZTT.
. Jewaisl Speelal lerrlot.i
AUantio City. N. J- April IS. Tb an.
nual tournament of the Atlantic City
Golf "club.' which opened today, has at
tracted many of the moat prominent
player of New York, Washington,
Philadelphia, ana other cities. Th
tournament . will c continue three day.
Judging from the promptitude of play
er and official In th qualifying
rounda today th tournament will go on
record a th most successful event of
Its -kind that haa ever takenplace
(Jeeraal Special Berrle.) ",
Hot Springs, Ark, April li-Terry
MoGovern.' th former featherweight
champion who. cam to thla place for
his health,- la thought to be surrerlng
from , a serious brain malady and haa
been sent to New Tork for treatment by
specialist. ,-i -.- . ... v.. ;
The ' Columbia University baseball
team defeated the Behnke-Walker Busi
ness college nln In a one-aided, gam
yesterday by the score of II to 4.. Th
feature of th gam war th catching
of Otto Moor, th batting of McKenna
and the fielding of Ray Hinkl of Col
umbia. . ,
ts Lm fee iillsi.
kUl the
"ft tb halt M aeaaty m hnk eiaeaaad. Tk
aassran siKreoe coa u, srttti r turn
rla hair with lata daaaraff. itekla
seal as talHaa salr. Mewhr' Brplele
eascrsr asesiy ef seanty asa sratits
tk hair t stew
a aassr wtusm. A ee-
ncktrsl hair drwln.
slla..Jia U At
nn. w. A. wTtx
avaqci;;g phizes
Many - Fin Thoroughbred Ca
nines In the Ring Before
' y , Jidge Davies. ,
Work of Judging Progressing
; i Rapidly and.WiU Be Rn
' v ished Today. '
' SseeUl IMapeteh to Th oarsaL "
Seattle, April It. Judging at th 10th
annual bench show commenced at 1
o'clock' yesterday. Judge Daviea. of
Dewdney, B. C officiating. He dispose,
of the classes In short order, and fin
ished th pointer before adjournment.
Tha attendant was lsrss and much In'
tercet was manifested. ' The Judging
will recommence at 1 o'clock this morn.
Ing, and It la expected that all class
will be finished by early afternoon. : --
The following Is the list of prises a
already awarded:
St Bernards (smooth) Puppy dogs
and bitches Mrs. a P. MUechamp. Alt
Rapell first Limit doga and bitches
F. O. Smlthers, Chief Lescht first: S. T.
Mil champ, Alt Kapall second.
St, Bernard (rough coated) Puppy
dog and bitch W. W. Boulter, Mon
arch first; P. G. Smlthers, Chief leschl
second; F. & MUechamp. Alta Xapell
third. Open dogs F. G. Smlthers, Clo
first. Winners dogs W. W. Boulter,
Monarch, Winners bitches F. O.
Smlthers, Clo. . i r-r---
Great Danes Open dog and bitch4
R. G. Morgan. Duchess of York first;
R. o. Morgan. Lord laondes bo rough seo
ond; C P. King, Juno third. Wlnnrs
R. G. Morgan, Duchess of Tork.
Greyhound John Bagly, Hasel Belle
flrst; R. O. Morgan, 'Frisco Boy second.
Winners John Bagley, Hasel Belle.
Newfoundlands Henry Walters, Mas
ter Jack first; F. M. Ilumber, Jet seo
ond. - ' -
collies (black and tan) Novlo dog
Rev. H. G. Mason, Bauble, flrat. '
Collie v (other than - trl -colored)
Puppy dogs Dr.-Klover, Bcllps Laird
first; Ia H. Tenny, Laddie second. Nov
ice dor Dr. Klover. Ecllps Laird
flret; W. J. Jsnnlnga, Prince Ormonde
second; Pter - Oleson, -Laddie . third.
Limit doga Dr. Klover, Ecllps Laird
first. 'Open dogs John Mcintosh,
Prince flrt; Dr. Klovar. Ecllps Laird
second; W. 8. Jennings, Prlno Ormond
thirds Winner dogs John Mcintosh,
Prince. Winner bitches Dr. ; Klover.
Glentann Queen, i ;i .
' Pointers Puppy doga under It pounds
J. A. HI1L Castor first. Limit B.
Hansen, Beauty Boy first; W. B. Mao
micklng. . Dion second ;--wK. A. Jones,
tji.. .hiwi T.tmtf Anwm evar iB nounds
C.OB - V " v
W. A. Wed sen, X. C. Rip first; R. C.
Smith, Dick seoona; ic - emiui, xm
third. Open dogs H. B. Hansen, Beau
tvs Bor first: W. B. McMlchen. Dion
second; K. A. Jones. Bias third. Open
dog over IS pounds N. A. Wedeen, K.
C. Rip first; R. C Smith, Dick second;
b r imitii rrA third. PnDtrv bitches
B. A. Swift. Dolly first: Oscar Jonea,
Plain Slater XI second; Miss Lissl Rick,
Lily third. Limit bitches under 10
pounds B. Hansen. Diamond Spot first;
Fred Fries, W)io secona, r. . ui-ma,
Madge third. , Open bitches under tt
pounds E. A. Swift, Kitsap Juno first:
S. Hansen, Diamond Spot second; Fred
T .ntt MrA OmKtk hitches OVOr 10
pounds Luks Garwln, Lonestan Queen
first, winners ooga -aver poomn
N. A. Wedeen. K. C. Rip. Winners
bitches E. A. Swift. Kitsap Juno.
The ' Catholic parochial school ' meet,
which wss held at Columbia university
yesterday afternoon, waa won by-th
St. Francis school team, which scored
77 points to St. ' Lawrence's IS. St.
Mary's and St Patrick' schools failed
to acore any polnta. 1
Keoghrof St Franctsv-warth tar
performer of th day, winning moat of
the events for hi team. Summary:
Broad Jump Won by Keogh, St Fran
cla Slnnott St. Francis, second. . Dis
tance 14 feet IIH Inches. -i
10-yard dash, open Won by Keogh,
St Francis; Scbumacker, St Francis,
second; Sauvln St Lawrence, third.
Time, I-l. , .
60-yard dash, fourth grade Won by
Phelan.- St Francla; Neldermeyor, St
Lawrence, second ; Martell St Lawrence,
third. Time, 7 l-l.
10-yard dash, fifth grade Won by
Calouri. St Lawrence: Ksyaer, St Fran
cm, second ;-Whlttker, ,8t Lawrence,
third. Tim. 7 1-t. - ' '
- to-yard dash, sixth grad Won by
Gagln, St Franc!; Carmody, St Law
rence, second; Sable, Bt Lawrenc.
third. Time, 7 Seconds.
to-yard dash, seventh grad Won
by St Francis school, which .look all
three places. Time, 7 seconds.
10-ysrd dash, eighth grade Also won
by St Francis. Time, 1-5. - .
10-yard dash, ninth grade Won by
Keogh, St. Francis; Sauvln, St. Law
rence, -second: Slnnott St Francis,
third. Tim. l-t. f - .. ..
High Jump Won by Keogh. St Fran
cla; Van Hoomlson. St Francis,, second;
Calouri. St Lawrence, third. Height,
4 feet 1 inch. .
, 112-yard dash Won by Keogh. St
Francis; Sauvln, St Lawrence, second;
Slnnott St Francla, third. Time, 10
440-yard dash Won by Schumacher,
St. Francis; Slnnott St Francis, second;
Van Hoomlson, St Francla, third. Time,
1:11 1-t. . .
zJioaosra TULTxuf to
Th Portland lacross etnb has called
a meeting of Its members for tomorrow
evening at the Multnomah club, when
officers will b elected and plans dis
cussed for the coming season,
. The club now has over JO crack
players on Its rolls an "arrangement
have been made to organise them ,lnto
two teams, with which, to open the la
crosse season i In this city on May 14.
The baseball grounds at Twenty-fourth
snd Vaughn will be th scene of the
lacross games as well as of th club's
practice, ...,,;
teraal gueelsl wiilii.l -.j- '
I Nashville, Tenn., April II. Th anion
of th Cumberland Presbyterian and the
Northern Presbyterian churches . has
been assured by the required number of
votes. The ganeral assembly of both
churches will meet May 17,- when th
votes Will be declared, tt will be two
years probably before th union will b
actually perfected. . - - .,. .
TO ' AjrratTatv
(Speelal Dispatch to Tk Jeeraal.) '
'. Salem, Dr., April II. Th number of
inmates of the asylum wss increased
yesterday by two. when Sheriff Taylor
of Pendleton brought Samuel Jhnsn
and William H. Suann, , ". .
fos colu;.:dia r:.EET
'.'."'' L' " ':
Many Young Athletes to Com'
pete for Honors Next ' -.
Saturday, 'r-.' :
Th entry list for th big athletic
track and field meet to b held at Co
lumbia university Saturday afternoon la
completed, and all th organisations in
tereated will be represented by the best
talent possessed by each institution.
Th gam will start promptly at I -S0,
snd as the entries are all recorded there
will b no delay In pulling; off th
A summary ef events And entries fol
low; . " . .
v Svena assl Bnsriaa, V
O-Tard Dask OolnnbU selearalty, Kelly,
Itoet Ureses asrlesltural eellace. floilthaos.
Williams, Catbey, Orasssi, Swsssi Teuoc ataa's
Ohrlatlas aaaaelattaaj, . Unasateal -Multnomak
AsiaUor Atktotle clss, QaaaUs, Kenigaa, atul-
uf ee.
- Braad Jasjp Coliunbl aalssrstty, Kelly. Res;
uresos s,STiesitaru college, bwsbb, smr.
Urabasi. CTonlas: - Pacifle. Petroa: ' Youns
lies' Carta tUa assseUUua. UTlaaalsa; rort
Steeena, Hoew,' Itrotllrk; staltMHaafe Aawteaf
thletla elub. O. Kaerisas.
00-Krd Deeh, - Academy and Htrtl Behael
Portlaaa 1IIB acbool, Uawklns, Miuer, roanr,
Nlefclo; XvsllUa scaaeaiy, Buatoa, Brows,
MO-Xard Dash Oolambla anleanlty, Walab,
Meaar. On In a. Cowan: ' Oraaos Asrlcaltsral
eoll.aa William; nmllksoa, Oreesbaw. lira
bam; Fort Htaeans, UgfUr, Sprint; Multnomah
Amateur Atbletl elab, Brows; Portlasd Ulgk
acbool, Hawktss, Nlekloa, Kobtaett.
Hlmk Jama Oraaoa Aarlcsltural ' eelles.
Swaas. Moerea, HmTtbaea. Cronlaa; PaeISc sal-
veralt. U. W. Pbllbrosk; Fort aterena. Bed
dlck. Laeri Mnltsemah Amateur AthUU Club,
H. kerrlsaa. Campbell, O. Karrlfes. - '
Pole .Vaalt Oreaxm Arrlrollural eoltega,
Moore, Rwana, Croolae; P arise, Boyd: Ynau(
ates- csruciaa saaoeuiioa, unDBwni atuit
sojaak Amateur Atblatle elub, - it Kerrbjaa,
Oammla. O. Blavilaaa.
H-sUl Rasr-OolumM anlTsrslty, Waleh;
Oraaea Agrtenltnral. coilag. Beech, BswarA
Oreaasaw; PaelSe, Petaraoa, Uatea; xousf
Mes's Csrlstlas aaaoelaUoa. P4e?BhecbBt t'ert
Stevens, Hosts, HUtos: stsltaomah - Amateur
Athwtl 'club; Rrowa, Hansen, rietehar; Pert-
sad High aesesl, liawklne, Harrlaoa, Klrklos.
m-Vard IXak Columbia aalTralty, kslly.
Meanri Oraaua Aarlcnltaral esUesa. WlUlams.
Bmlthsea, Orabam, UreesAaw, Cathey; . rort
Stevena, Beddlcfc, King; Mulrnomak Amateur
AMieue cub. uaaasua. atiuugaa; rsrussa
Illab aebenl. lfimra.
f-allla ..Has Portlasd High .school, .Caaoa.
nicBoua, Houaetta; wetoi agrieuirorai eoi
lesa. Howard. Bear.. Oreesbaw: PaelSe. H.
W. Oatea: Yonag Mea's CbglatlaarvaaaoeUttoa,
WlkWB, UairuoB, Parrett, Baerhaa; aUltsoSMk
Amateur Athletla club, Mara, BaBaea.
Shot Pat University ef Orison, O. W. Rag,
Orecoa Airleaitaral eolleg, Wllllaau, Welker,
rian; PaeMe. Pbllbrook, Dtnerslch: Yosaf
Men's CbrUUaa asaoeUtlea, Bailey; .rare .stev
ena,. aglohara, . Dvorak ; Mnltooaiah Amateni
Athletle elub. Jamea. RaodfrL
BO-Yard Lew iiordUa (olnmbia ' salvefslty,
Kellr. Bosi Orecoa Asrlealtaral eollese. Moore.
Cathay, Bmltfcaoa, Swans; x)Teans Maa'a Cbrts-
oaa aaaociatioa, Li nag. ton ; auinaemaa aa
tour Athletle elsb. O. Kerrlsaa. F. Plateher.
1-Mlle BaUy Ootambla, Kelly, Bee. Means,
Walsh; Oresua Agricultural college, Oreenbaw,
BsUtbaoB, Beach. WlUlama, Oranam, Cathey;
Port Steven. Heddlrk. Klac. Hoover. Hllver.
Job nana, Hllbn. ( arena, MlUerl Maltnoauk
ABiatanr AtaarMe eias, arewa, uaaasus, msui
eras. Fleteber. KarrlsaB.
H-Mll Ralay, Hlsfe Seseel sad Aeadeav
rortiaaa Bin ecnooi, reaur, tiawaiBs, moors,
Caaos, Wllfcrj Taalltaa acaoamy, Bustea,
Brows, Assam, War.- - - -
Fifteen grammar schools will compete
In a apeclal on third mil relay, Vlv
parochial schools will asset In a special
one third mil rly Medals will b
given each member of th winning
teams. . X.-. :y:
Two teams, A and B, are playing. A
Is at th bat in th last half of th ninth
inning. Tb acore is i to 4 In favor of
B. Two man are out. a man. on second
snd another on third. The batter hits
the ball Into fair territory, but It la not
a hit Thar Is no putout, no base run
ner hit by the batted ball, no assist and
no error, and yet A wins' the gam by a
scor of to I. What waa th playT
Readers of The Journal are Invited
to send their answer to tb problem to
tb sporting editor. , . . t,. .
Sporting Editor. Th Journal. I got
th correct dope for your baseball pusale.
The ball was banted to th snort stop,
and as he attempted to field It, he
dropped dead. - That aettlea th dispute.
. . ., ..B1UU HAINGS, ..
First Baseman Schiller Team.
Sporting Editor, The Journal. Sir;
In answer to your salutation as to th
baseball problem, I say the batter hit
the ball In safe territory and running to
first baa an-accident-occurred which
detained th runner until th man on
third and man on second soorod, th um
pire calling th runner out, which I say
la no( hit. no error, -no put out. or no
assist, and oblige, .
vr jnol patzen. :
Sporting Editor.' The Journal. Siri
Enclosed find answer to 'your pusale,
which I think Is correct Th batter hit
the ball In safe territory and the man on
third and man; on second crossed th
horn plat, of course both runs count
ing, and the umpire called tb batter out.
and even If tho Mmplr was wrong his
decision went, which ended th gam
and his position also.- Tours,
.' Albert Dauterman.
Sporting Editor of Tb Journal. In
answer to your baseball problem, the
batter hit th ball and It goes over the
first baseman's bead and he fail to get
the ball in time to put the. runner -eut
While the two men on bases are scoring
th batsman failed to touch first baa
and was called out after the two runs
had been made, which would "fnak th
scor to In favor of A. . :
Lf, V , ; WAX.TER H. ORB, .;
Orand Theatre,
' Sporting Editor of Th Journal. Dear
Sir, In reply to th pussl In last
night's Journal, would ssy I think that
when A- hit th hall, the man, on third
baa started to com fn.A should hav
been out, but th umpir didn't see the
play until after the man on third had
scored. Truly yours,
.. JACK. DA VIS. - .
Car of .Ooodyear- Rubber company,
... 17 Fourth atreet. City. .
I On Friday the Portlandacaderey and
Portland high acbool' tesmf will cross
bats on Multnomah field for the first
time this season. The greatest rivalry
exists between the wearers of the or
ange and whit and those of the csrdi
nal and a hard-fought contest Is looked
for.' Th paat two . weeks of clear
weather have given a good-opportunity
for practice, and both team hav been
working hard. Th gam is called for
1:1 o'clock. Ed Rankin will handle the
Indicator. The teams will line up as
follows: , , ' . ' ' '' 4
P. A.. Position. P. ItS.
HlgKtas -a e...... wewell
T. Myers........ ..P.. ......... Qoodall
Moreiana id usnong
M M vers ....!b ...Ott Can.l
Houston (Cspt).. ,1b. . .K. Heed
P. Myers.. ....... .ss... Magne
McPherson ....... .If ........... . Oaks
H. Reed. w .ef ........ .. Masters
Marsden .rf Montag
, inan e Blch-
sr often frustrated by sudden break
down, due to dyepepsla Or constipation.
Hrsee tin And iaiia Dr. Klni'a Naur
Mr Pill. They take out the materials
wnicn are cinsging your energies, and
rive you a new stsrt. Cure headache
and dlsslness, too. At Red ( roas Phar
macy. Slath and Oak etreete, on th
way to tue poaiomc. 10, guaranteed.
I - ' -r-,.
..Our ligures plainly, show. -'
that . thrifty people lean '
; save money by. buying "
etheir Hats .'and Furnish- '
; Inga here, v Take a look' at;
''"''!': y ''; .'J' ' V. b '
;- .."" - .v: :. '..'.-
The Robson
Hats at $3
! . -:- . j, - ... . -
- '' .,''''- ; " '. -
Monarch '
Shirte at $1'
Fancy Hosiery
' at 25c ; ,
Arrow, Cellars
2 for 25c
Robiiisoh x '
i- Hotel Perkins Bldg.:;
Paltlted Shlnsles
gained by .
-"using ourt -
machine. - '
Shingles a r
palnied all over
when - dry. thus
forcing paint
Into all the
pores, render
ing i them wa
terproof. . This
prevents t h
nail from
matins, or the
hlnsle from warping, er- rotting on
tinder th lap.' They can' be laid
to Inch nearer to the weather than
other shinklen and atlll give better
aatlaf action. The paint used Is man
ufactured solely by us and Is espe
cially adapted to protect roof from
moaa and Are. It contain no creo
sote or Other ingredients .injurious
to tin gutters. ' Our modern process
enables ua to paint them all over as
ehesply ' as you can paint a few
lnchea on th roof.
We Invite you to call at bur fac
tory and see for yourself the merits
of our process, or phone your ad
dress and our representative will call
and give you full particulars, -
BUck Dfimond Paint SUigeCt
Office and Factory 4IT B. Main St
-3-- Crv111aonr-lBi- " -rmt "
' from good food. Why 1 Un
ncl Sam th biggest man on
' : earth T ,Bcaase of good food. ,
. w are th bast fed people In, world-!: cehU A packag.'
' . : r-' ;. .- v - ' ' ' . "
The) aan ahines. ' , .
Hrveit when .the grain is rip. ;
'Gfeen Slab-Wood, i9 inches, $1.73
per load. .1 .''rtv-iS'-'
Dry wood, 18 inches, $1.50 per load.
Q55 Front vSt.
Portland Sawdust Company
on. gu::;i's
by removing the cause) .
OUftl iLioua-ggs,, :
. by aiding dUfestlon
so 1.0 nuti muootsTs, on st sran, osr
nnoALrr or rajca. sis. ran box
sincvnams roaraag sampls box.
earth, yet the eealeei
te ear WhbN XOU
lMii Many hav pla
pUm, apou ea th
kls. - ora is - th
smth. sleet, fsUla
hair, bos palna, ca
tarrh, and don't know
t. ntuirt bnlallf aw no aanwu
MS Arch at., Philadelphia, reaa.. fur BROWM'4
BLOOD 1LKB. .uu per net tie; laeta eae
month. Bait I Part land only by Prask Mas,
Portland Hotel Ptiarmary.
r :c::.i fc files
O - j nes sewSoo aval
form, aa wall aa auiad, 1
y pr. r-osanao's pile s-emaxiyi
audbMabioS.. AOaoraatnwMwa, SuaaJ
i.walciviMwaaU by sL taUaarrae.Wrtta
awl. Txaaamawnu
aaeas reaeeaaa. vm.mut
1 trnowis
. ' ' v!!"-v a - - .
Dr. V7. NcrtcarDavia.
We treat eaceaaafnllr all Belvaae.-Berveae and
ehrosls Slaaasea ot mea: alas blood, stoeisra,
heart, liver, kidney aag threat troublee. We
cure BYl'KIUti , (wlthoot Meeurr) to' stay
euret forever, In 90 to SO' dare. we remo.e
STH10TLBK, without operation er pain, Ja It
Sara. . ' -
We re drains, "'the ' result of" aflf-abnee.
Immediately. We eaa'reetore the sexual vlsne
oC soy sua 60 by bmsbs ot local treat-
swat peeuuar to . eoraeive. . . , ( '
We Cure Gonorrhoea In u AYeek
The deeter ef thla Instttnts ere all retnlar
sradoataa, hav had ' many yeais' expsrissee.
hav baea kaowa la Portland tor 16 rears,
have a repatatloe t saalntam and will nndr
take se-eaa saleee eertala ear esa a ef
fected, . i . .-. ' ;.. .
We gnerante to ear la every eaae we sadar.
take r rhars a fee. Oossaltatton free. Iiet
tera eaafldeatlaL Inatraetlve BOOK ITOS stgji
sulled free Is plain wrapper,.. .. .
If yea esBset call at offtea, writ for ose.
tloa blank. Ilea treatment Sweceasral. .
Otfle bean," to t sad T b . osdars and
-t:... kollcaya, 10. U iX--y, - .. v,
Ts sMdlag apeHallst la rh Northwest.
. KaUWiahed 188.
Dr It Norton Davis 4. Co.
Tea Vy Betel. . ., Car. Third sad Pis Bts,
o. a EE WO
'Th Qreat Chines Doctor i "
,1s called great be-
cauae his wonderful
cures are so well
' known throughout
the United Btates,
and because ao many
: people are thankful
to him for saving
: their lives from
-l'. v He treats any and
-f. all diseaaea with
htrba, roots, buds,
hapli. lid v.alahlaa
' that are entirely un
known to medical acteno In thl conn
trv. and throuah the use of these harm-
leas remedies. This famoua doctor knows
the action of over 609 different remedies
that he has successfully used in different
diseaaea. Ha aruaranteee to cure catarrh.
asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, ner
vousness, stomach, liver,- kidney, fe
male trouble -and all private disease.
Hundreds u of testimonials. . Charge
moderate.- Call and see him. -
" oonxnurAXxoM rasa.
Patients out of : th city writ for
blank and circular. , Incloe stamp. Ad
dress - -
. tit Alder street. Portland. Or. ? Stair
way ot IB1H Alder atreet leads to of
flee. Mention thle paper. . .
.11 .
- lavlcg the eentsr of the city from
which you start reaching the center of
th . city of your destination; -over
smooth and level tracks; giving rest and
comfort; riding bealde running water
moat of th way; through the center ot
population to th gateways . of com
merce; when you travel by th . , '
- vlines:. :; ,
' For tnfertnirtlon and -rata apply to
Mor. Pa Coast Agent. I Third. strt,
Portland, Or.--. , ,
- '!W. B. JEROsOB, !
0n. Agent, 114 Monro iW Chicago, IlL
, t Is" wn'' rprntd "'. by
: proa and vr la y .. .'
Sunset Magazine
. 'With Lwt and Clark.".
by Julia Fraaer, Is an- ,
- . : other well Illustrated sr- - -.
, . tide about Portland's .
great exposition, snd poo- ..
pie of th Northwest :
1 should read It and aend
' It east. Other articles -. , , :
Include: "American For- 1
.' .est Congress." rJapan'a
Mlaslon In the World,".
. ' Tree T'elegraphy," . eto.
' "Oood short storlss and . ,
versa . ;
Headquarters for
Elastic r
trusses v
Thlra aiid-Yarnhill Sta.C -
A Fine Country Home
fl acrse 45 In cultlvatlon.(Vna hou
. I barn; t orchards; running water;
, school and church near place: only
10 miles from Portland; a real Ideal
, home; will cell all or a part; easy
' terma, low Intereat. - ,
11 sons Near Sandy peMtofnce: II In
cultivation; 4 alaahed; good plas
tered house; good barn; running wa
ter; tools and furnltur go with
plac..$l.JJo,4 . . I
Charlooon Q. Smith
T.' b I '
At M W
r r.
West a.
U.... ...
. - V . aV MM . m ' ' I
OUARANTKa) to .nuke yoa no etaarge if I
fall to call yoa by same in full, names of
your' friends, enemle or rlvala, - t prosua
te tell you whether yew boehasd, wife e
eweetheert I true er fa la, tall yoa bow te
sals the lev of the es yoe swat dear,
area tboegk sill away; sow- to ssceeed ia
husls. apeealatktB, lawaulta; how to
ma rry the oe of roar ehoiee; hew to r,
gala youth, health sad vitality, .kemava
evwT Induenoa. care drink habits locate .'
treaanr,. cure nervous dUeasaa. .
. How eaa I have seed loch I ,
How eaa I neeeed Is baaloea '
How eaa I make my heme happy T
. How eaa I conquer my enesueat '
. How eaa I marry the eae I cseee! ' ;
. "' Hew ess I marry wellt -'.,,.. .
, How aoos .eaa 1 BMiryt' ".,'' ,
How .eaa f eonMia me rfvalt '
Hoar eea F make 'any on love ami " ; -
How aoo will say lovw propoa! .
, now can t awx s mixrr i . . ,
' How eaa I set a good pesttlaat v " '
How eaa I remeve bed Influent est . '
' v How ess 1 control any enet J. '
f-r How make dlataat ones think ef .st "--77"- .
; How eaa I Sold my hoahand's lovsl 1 '
How eaa 1 keep my wife' lovet - .
mmmm 7 1 4
saikOOi ttm -BlallllSlI fall
MAIVTL WsiriMHl Sorsy
Tk sew vaahMl ayHnea, Htt.
faaaSanrVel Otmmvm lSBWreAsjm
Uiaatrated hop aaafcd hstves
nil n.niMi k.r, aai SlMnttona na.
awa.ato mmmim aw .
WalsaaaetoladU. MA .! CSX
siaaws mens w sera.
' roa : DmuTzitzsTr ev
Is ' hereby - give that ' the- OhasdW
f th City of Pertlsad. Oresos, at a nwatlsg
held a the 0th day ef April. IMS. eeclared
the SBseeeaaeBt by erdlssscs lis, 14. MO, tw
the Imprave st ef Best Alder trt, flea
th aaat tin ef Bast Thirty -eight atreet te
th weat lias ef Bt Thbly-alaU street.
Is the BHsser srevtded by ordinance Me. l,-i
01. spea each lot, part of art and prl e(
land, . waieh sr speeUlly and peculiarly ssj
LJl.SU HUH., s, art T, V. T. no wen, f.6e
lot B. . C. T. Bowes, MS.TBl let ft. O. T.
Beweo, aLT tot 10. Berth Taa Vkwrk,
SU.S; lot 11. Oeorit at. Btrauae, fM.SS- lot
"11, Oeorse af. Htraoss, M8.S. BLOCK 8,
lot 1. Mary P. BarleyTlSATS; lot S, Mary P.
Hurley, 3 BeX lot . Mary P. Hurley, AM Si I
' lot 4, O. W. and Margaret .. Allan. .;
.Jot .. O. W. sad Marsaret V. Alias, gA.oi
lot , a. w. saa sasrgsrw.v. AUes,
am ti
- 'A statrmeat ef afaeeaald aanmai kaaj
btes satered la the Pocket ef City MenaJ
and Is sow do sad payable at the fsee
ef the City Treesnrsr, In lawful aiasiy
th United 8tte. and If sot paid within
SO Sara from ts data ef - this aotlee asek
amradlan will ha taken frw the awllaecloaJ
of the name aa are provided by , tk csartmrj
er ta- t lty i roriuna.
Th sboee seesest .will - bear . htsreet
10 days aft tb Brat , pahUratloa ac thla
- i " V THOg. C DBTUM. f
Portland. Orecoa. Date ef ; Bret sablleatleej
April jv. lwun. ,
dlBBBBWlWT TOE - latrstOvs3rXsTr 0M
v-xast AUZB ai-axsT.-. ..
Kotlc I hereby ' slvea that tb Osssctll
ef tb dtp ef Portlasd. Oreewa, at a bmnXIm
held ea th Btb day
th aaaesaaaant by J)
ot Antil. lSDS.
'. eeejareoi
by jordlnaBca Na. 14.42. feri
tb Impreeeaaest ,f -Beat Abler etraet, frses
ths cast Una g naat isirty-iosria srreai la
tb weat . Ua af Hssayalde Third Addltlea.
Is the amsBBer Drwlded br erdlnsae Ne. 14.-
II A bbob eseb let. psrt ef . lot sad DereeU
ef had, - which sr apedally sad paeallaxl
beseSted. t be follows. : vis:
BtNNXSTDB BLOCK 8, tot 1. Banset AwS
. ens, SX.oi ; lor X. S. teomls.; lot S,
lMr.' Orlana Mitchell, pl. lot S. Andrew
Kekma. l.T; lot . Asdrew Nelaon. 1S.0S;
lot 1V Aaorew Nalaoe, tlAM; north M 1-S
feet ef lot Id, Lsnln Oaaey, AOJB; north
Ml-B feat of 14 IS, Lontse Ceaey, 1.1;
west SO 14 feet of amith - feet of lot
- Ji, W. S. Drake, .! t f ee f sooth
' a a.g t of k II, Ira o. Bbattark, gX.oi
aootb sl fawt ef let Id. Ira O, Shattack,
r Smith, tm.Tlt west 1 feet ef lot C. B.
Smith. 17.71: eaat S5 feet ef let 8. lannla
C. Crolar. flB.00; tot, S, Saamet B. Smiths
111 lO: tot 10.
lot 11. lerta M. Tartor, I1A.TS; let VU
u. Basmei tu emita, pii.Ter
Bameei M. Bmua,
lot 14, Title Oaarantae A Treat Compear
..SZ.03S m is, xiiia voaraniee m jroai uame
paar. 0.t ; lot Id, Tltl Uaaraate A Trssi
tlJNDWBli0s: , tot 4. W. U: MeeMaJ
SS1SO; lot S, W. , M. MoehU.f0.ll; tot 4J
W. Ml Mnla. B0.O81 lot 7. W. M. MsahlaJ
, 11 LOU; lot 14, W. M. Moebla, SILOS; tot 111
W. M. BOIIM, . , m aa, 'Shhibw r
Mead. 1X0U tot IS. A loose P. Mead, 10.1U
Breaks, aat.po: let a, Lanra sriwaa, sai. Tan
loe 1 Laura Breahe, J1S.4S; Jot d. laaael
Vandava and Mearies Waltes, S1S.O0: tot AJ
Job tpperlr, 1.J1; lot V W. O. Butasj
.101 1,, 111 ! uoaram-w m iwi wwajwnyd
bq mi- u 1 1 itle Oaaraatee A Traat Oaaw
pany, uW; tot t, TI the Ooarant A XrasB
Oempaay. (OAS. Total, seoi.isv i
A suteserat ef sforeaald ssneamest hat
seen atrd la .lb Docket f aty IieseJ
asd I sow doe aad payabl at , us sfSesj
of the City Treasarar, Id lawful; money e
tb United But,, and. If . sot , paid wltblsi
10 days from the date of this notion ear hi
....iina will be taken for the eolleettoai
of tb nam as are provided hf th chart
' latareetj
i.ef thai
ef the City ef romaae.'
Tha alane awaeaaaient Win bear
10 day' after tt Bnt pah Bee tloa
- . . wans. ' O.' TlBTVTjn)
And Itor ef the City ef Portland. Orecoa.' J
Portland, Oresea, Date ef Aral pnbUcatloe,
April 10. lBO. v- .' ':. . . T
pROTnoori or bboobb btexr. .
.HM hi barahv arlvaa that the Oaeaufl a
ths City ef Portlasd, Oregon, at a
k.M oa the fth day of AnrlL 1B05.
a BMetlasj
, dWlaral
th aaeeesBMat by erdlsanfa Me. 1455A, tor tba
Imprevennnt ef Beeond atreet, from tb sJ
line of Arthur a treat t tb north Mae - st
Ai atreet la tbe maanar arnvlded b mea, I
nance W. 11. apes eaok tot, part ad to
aad pa real ef Mad, which are nwetol1y asd
aeenuarly bmadted, te be a follows vie. i 1,- I
CAKCTHKRS 4UUITIU" ts t aminer addiaaal
to the City ef Portland BIXK;K Sd. lot Ll
ft. C. Smith. lot t, B. C. Smith,
$31,141 a parcel ef land lying between the
". north line ef Wood atreet and a llae B
foot enatb ef and parallel with the eeetb
Ms ef Hooker street snd between the wt
line af tmel atreet, aad a 11 o 10 ft
,:: west thereof and parallel ttievswltb,, B, O4.
smiiB, fiii.u; wtai, a.ii.o. t
' A' ttemeet ef sforeaald aaaeesmesd
la the lknka. cut I
to bow dee aad payable at tb off lea of the
lily Treaasrer. Is lawful aMmey of the United.
Statee asa u m paia wkbis lawty ear
the date ef thle Botle. each nraeeaalinaa artil
he takes for the enltorttoa ef the Mm arw
nrevldod by tb chart ac f the City ef Per.
Tbe above aea.aeaaant will bear 'Intereat w
day after Is Bret puhllcatlos sf this nottoa.
Aadttne af the rite of Pnrtlasd. Qiiaaa. -Vat
ef Brat pabueattoa, twtlasaV Hingis.
ft uvmmamtmmuuiu
ripanran. tfmtL k.
-fTBs. - AT -V
; -