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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1905)
r L I "a . An'c&cr Wboh of Dcsy5c!ai5 Sucli co Pc?and Seldom Sex , The offerings along the sides speaX for themselves.. There is no question ss to the values. The only question is, do you , need the goods? Will you, in consideration of .the . low prices, anticipate your spring needs and come here? Decide quickly the opportunity is t6o good to pass by. Remember also, that your credit is good here. , .OlCishcndOlaVcck : ; ? Buys the Fcmous ; vfy ' Sco Our Incomparable JL ino of Carpets andiThcir . Extraordinaiy ivery Standard Brand, Every New and Up-to-bate Pattern Will Be Found In, Ou 'ValveV Ingrains, look Ilk velvet, vary fine; yard. ............ ............484 , - Tnrrmln Carne. extra, hear, fiat eolora, nretty patterns: a bargain at. yard. . . .. .TO . , Brussels Carpet, excellent, heavy fabric; yard.......................... -85et - Velvet Carpets, beautiful pattern; yard .................,.....-. : 93.SO. sm, fi.00 ns tmz, snm amt oasts ar m stotrsa. : r ll l r WJ. . saw- f - 1 a i - . iim fevXVW oac ssa vL VnT ' V sxsxsra czaxs, I VlVi- iVy W HTu I extra heavy, ewell ! W $2.75 ll I l a- . - -v Jfi juuuuuc-wuur hCoi Great Saturday Night Special From 7 to 6:30 o'Cloci 1(M Clock Bhelvea, Mko cut, mad In weathered oak flnlah, atronv. pretty and durable, wellf won a . Sped. SATURDAY NIGHT cents Eclipse Stesl Warranted' Perfect Bkr Wood or Coal. Warranted Not te Burn Out In II Tears Beat Raoae on Carta. 7 af $ 1 Dovnfl aWcck A Grcat Bargain in Dining Set nsletlng pedestal dlnlnt table; live mahogaay dining chairs, leather seat;, on mahof . any carved dlnlnc chair, one mahoarany . sideboard, one mahogany chin closet. This set la finest croteh mahorany, beautlul piano polish flnlah, and la cheap at our special price to close out. $ We- . r - SBOJt BX9, like out; worth II, special ?AQ4 ) $3.50 t B rlnwn ''tin''. . " rt "' ..I .-, " -1 .: 7im.iJ7J777T7T7mmA . $10 down on. $ 50 I $20 down on. $100 ; r STOMrj $25 Down. $2.50 a Week IRON BHDS 5oS7 TlJwisSi1 tr,?nhafraP andurabln ; worth 110. apoclal m rn ak $20.00 Other amounts . in proportion. - Very easy weekly or monthly pay ments. ' We Trust You 1 aTABCMOiai XBOIT US, In all eol re. beautifully braaa-trlmmedi a freat special $15.00 SIDEDOAODS mnaiU. fn finest Quartered aolden oak. piano poiisn nniso, ull swell front, a beauty i worth f 7, a great special at $59.00 PI . . , . i . . 07D-17D FinC STH. 210-227 mCJtJIILL r boxxo ooua oak sTDaTsoamn, fine bevel glass; worth 117.60, special, . $20.00 CARLOADS OF PIPE j FOR CAMP CARSOH r ',,' ...... ... -- . California Owners Equipping the ilz oi Property on a Most i -:.' "' Elaborate -Scale. ; ? 4 (8pe1il Dkipeteh te The MtaeL) l'1 1 Grande, Or, t April IL-r-Mlnlnf Operations at the Camp Carson placers will not be on an extensive scale this year, Is probable that the management will be able to wash gravel with limited equipment by mid-summer. llsavy consignments of pressure pipe Are being received and Superintendent Elmdorft la having It delivered at the property quickly as possible. Pour oer . loads of piping are on the sidetrack at .lUlgard. the nearest, railway depots and sis carloads of pipe and other equip ment and supplies will bo received lra- mediately. , . , - Preparatlnha are on oven a larger smle than by any predeeeeaors of the ' present owners, snd It Is -no et it r ra tion to itetei that the -Camp Carson placers have been the scene of some of : : .:- - . .... ttfie most elaborate equipment work ever done In the state. TU proposition of diverting water from the Grand Rondo at aav elevation giving sufficient bead to break the hard formation here involves a long canal and flumes-system, snd extraordinarily strong piping. "A lime rock stratum overlies much valuable ground, and even with the use of powder the head of water must bo sxceedlngly strong to accomplish anything. . . While workTs In full vwtng. it Is eeU mated by the management that most of the summer" will be required te get equipment In shape for regular opera tions. But when Camp Carson is agsln In the producing Hat, there Is no eppar' snt reason wny it should not become one of the most remunerative placers of the state, as it la known to have a rich de posit of gravel. J. U. Ferguson is gen eral manager of the property. ' RUMOR THAT MAR KLE V WtLir MINE IN IDAHO . Portland man were reminded again of, Oeorga B. Markle. the. peat week read ing that the management of the Port land Mining company contemplated re newing work on the Sliver Tip. Sitting Bull and Tuacumbla, near Delta. Ida. This was one of the Mark Is companies. In which nhs 'daring financier had great faUh.. While he was In the heyday of prosperity here there waa a force of 100 to 1(0 Vnen working there, and men be gan to believe, that .the fortunes of the Goldsmiths, fle Lashmuts' and others of Coeur d'Alene fame were to be dupli cated. Bat when Markle failed, the silver-lead properties . closed, and for the past IS years have beenldla. Ttie reports received' the paat week that there wss prospect of -the mine re opening waa the first indication of life there since the crash. . . In the Coeur d'Alenes mining . men nave believed -that when-Markle got on his feet again, financially, he would re turn to his work there. - lit Is currently reported that Markle. operating In tho anthracite Held of -Pennsylvania. near Wllkeabarre, with his brother John.he made big money again. ; , Since the Portland Mining oompfny ceased operating the railway Jiaa been brought nearer .the properties. Shorten ing the wagon haul materially. " sve for a half mile, the wagon haul Is now all dawn hill, and the ore known to be plentiful In tho workinga may be put on the market at a much lower figure. Silver hag advanced In pries and lead is In much better condition. . Tho pilne buildings -and workings -are not in bad shape, and work could ; .be resumed without much difficulty. . . "r- - amxqsrr tssjs ascsas. - . W.' K. tav1dson of the Eastern Ore gon Development rompany, and making headquarters at Pendleton, is In the, city on business. Mr. Davidson states thst when ha was In the Sumpter district re cently ha found work active, with ex ceedingly strong promise for ths sea son. Tho smelter wss getting ready to blow in. and had ore for 10 days' run with full" shifts, and many mines were producing at capacity. - ENORMOUS PROFIT ON SALE OF B. C. MINES ' sotdal fMapeUh te The leeraal.) ' Seattle. April 1. Donald McDonald, who -about a year ago purchased the LUtoot mining claims, near Clinton, Just across the Canadian border, at a re ceiver's sals for S00. hss disposed of the properties at tl.OOO.OAO. Tho deal has Just been closed. An English syndi cate was ths purchaser. At tho time McDonald bought tho claims he remarked that no might be beaten, but would develop them and try to get his money back. , somfsis mw BvxxaTnr. - The geological eurrey has issued th Alaska bulletin, covering all field opera tWme of the .sanrsy in, tho northern Held for the psst year. The summary Indicates the scope of this work, cover ing the prominent placer camps and some of tho logs districts. The bulletin will be sent to sll on application to the street or o( too survey. HELPS HIS WIFE TO MARRY ANOTHER MAW Colorado Man, Goes Ruskln One - Better by Buying Lovers RaHroad Ticket. ; - (Jearaal gserial Servtee.) Denver, Cola, April 11. John M. Cox of the Colorado eV Southern, an engine Inspector, is a second Ruskln. Ruskln secured, a divorce to free his wife when he -discovered that she1 and his friend Millet were In love, but Engineer Cox goes Ruakln one better. He not only permits his wlfs to get a. divorce, but after the divorce provides her and her lover, Andrew Swanaon, a ranchman, transportation to Cheyenne, that they might take advantage of tho Wyoming laws, which permit divorced persons to marry within a year after the decree la granted... - --- .:- Cox says that his wife visited the ranch where Swanaon was employed last summer, and Mrs. Cox and Swan aon became very much attached to each other. - When he learned that his wife loved snother more then shs did him, he ssld. he could, not hold her to her marrlago vows, - -, v An Extra Cos2 Of paint applied to window sills now and then makes the windows look a hundred per eent neater, preserves the ellle. makes the wood last longer, save you money,. When you would e-pelun go, consult us, see our color oarria of paints snd varnishes, and be aaaured of satisfactory results. ., v,.- Fisher, ThorSsc.n & Co, AOsV. TBOsTT AST KST.Z72Z3I CT3a i; s, n -1 1 r V v v .