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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1905)
TllZ CnZCCN, DAILY JOUniJAL.' rcrnxAiriv - !'. .iSTA3ESI,C:3 D LESS GIVER : low Old Adage .About Money f W A Proved In ths Case of ; i : Pennsylvania Visitor.; .y & N. WILLIAMS FALLS v i. r ' AMONG SPIRITUALISTS left - Cash rtft Medium's Room , t Znd, Expected It Would J" v- -.' Be Doubled. ' V . .. y . .f v -. ' ' , - ' A. i, .'.-.V V- Believing be had been bunkoed-out of Jl.JWiO In sold and currency by splrltual SaUo medium. In, this. city. Q. 'N. Will iams, of Carlisle, Pa, has 9nt a com fmuuicattoa to Chief of Police Hunt ex posing the method by which he nays he ; induced to- part from 'bis coin. ' wtiHb the same olayed on the victim -was not-new, It was carried out cleverly, Wnd Williams did not- suspect that his looney had virtually been stolen until !everal days afterward. sr imn am .took no-action, but on his way to his i Pennsylvania home he became strongly W-onvlnced that he had been robbed and wrote to Chief Hunt en route. . VUliaros, It appears, came to this city .'n a pleasure trip, and - became- -ao-J-iulpred wlth certain persons who ; i4 him, to .become ' Interested In I irttoallsm. He, was told In particular of ,ne- wonderful accomplishments of a nedlumand her assistants In diAnlng h unknown. , ' - c 1, Aftsr several visits to this 'medium :.. man slated to be victimised-became Arm believer la her powers. He took 1 art in seances, during one of which a mystic prophetess of the seven veils" appeared to him. and advised -him to de 'poett 11,000 lit a- strong box, saying-the .- It , was. -explained to him that if the plrlta-wer favorable the money wouio !, doubled bv t o'elock the next morn- ..iine: otherwise. . It would have, dlssp. However, the victim was furthel una. if the money disappeared, it would 1-an that the spirits bad need of it for ilanthronio Durooses. and that WHl- . -ns would always be looked on In the ' Irtt world as a benefactor of denizens W.C ins shsdowy region, and his care and comfort would be their first, consldera Hlnfi" : . ' . , .- 1-'U ' sounded 'very ' well. Indeed.- The .victim 'thought it over, and after the '"mystlo prophetess" had floated into the 1 room on several ooeasiona,- waved her maglo wand and reiterated her. advice to the Pennaylvanlan he capitulated, and one night deposited ,U.00. in .gold and bills in a box in the medium's apart-Vents.- The box was placed on a table 'under an opaque cover; a gauss veil was (laid on top. ' . --" ,' At-, o'clock the next morning Wlll-',l-ni wwt to the medium's apartments. ,7i.e box was opened It contained only ; a slip of paper,, on which was written a sentence to the effect that the spirits neeiea the money, out wouiu ever mew ,-thelr benefactor. .. . b"iLDiKGs spring upl;; KJ ALL: DIRECTIONS 5" -Within the last tw months-all but one t-foot.lot of the block on Wash lnton between' Fourteenth' and nrteenin tstreeta has beeft improveo Dyconsxruo- 'tlon-4ft new bulldlnt s or remodel In c of ' -old' ones.' At the corner of .Fourteen m ,nd Washlnxton a two-story r frame 'structure.. 40 by. SO feet Is-being- erected bv. Robert Wilson., at a cost or st.ovv. t It wUl-contain two store rooms On the first floor, asd apartments In the upper Of OTV - ' ; . '' .1 , The ..Portland Consolidated Railway 'company, has plans completed for the erection of a JI.000 car. bars, on Savter street, between Twentythlrd and Twen tv. fourth streets. D. McKeen has sold 'to' M. -IX Curtis- by 100 feet at the 'corner of East Stark and -Seventeenth 'streets for t&.OOO' . ;-.. j-.' ?- 4 -B. E. Uertes hss bought front Joshua " R. Mead, trusted, three lots In Mead's art UUlon, for li.000. H. B. Stent will erect atwo-story dwelling on 'Factory street. ibet ween Twenty-second and - Twenty- j sthlrd- streets. H..F. Ueberman will Ybilld a two-story dwelllnr at the corner OI i uticniian ana ' mcvmwr- -mxrwim , a. . 'ft. trpej will build a $1,400 residence ' n Weidler between Seventh and Eighth streets. ". l. , ". ' " JOBBERS DECLINE GOLD i'j . : BRICK OF RAILROADS I- , ;. J." C . Btubbs, t raffle director of the . Harrlman lines, and J. O. - Wood worth, vt raffle manager of the Northern Parjfla, Arrived this morning from Spokane. They held a conference this afternoon with the Jocal- members of - the transportation commlttae of , the North. Pacific Coast 'Jobbers association, at which 'another ffort was made to settle the rate con ,troversy. ,'w.'"". ' -v- v ' "' " . , It Is believed that no satisfactory set- t lenient will, be reached at' this time. At the meeting a week ago. the railroad ' 'tries proposed, a plan of settlement that . ' .the .jobbers.: . after Investigation. ' pro "nounced a "gold brick." and at this aft- ' ernoon's session the brick was respect fully declined. : The Jobbers will prob ;bly advance a counter proposition. ' ; J. T. Hall and A. i. Savage of Marsh field. Or, delegates to the grand lodge, .A. O..U. W.. are in. town today. n ri i7 , ff- eiwisisa? fva? m smTX?WsT9 CI RED BY 4 t PraS Sou. SSeu elel, iKtei SAiBaealth joint.). Mr, tn kill I the ekte. wt lnlallMlIk Tlk. . Ut,knilliMiKtw. ill tninlili', r"a ffeapk rv tae Caaleafcmt f mmvt. Mark beees, re4i eanctuieMi. rhtf, V. -nt)io, roves NnttsWc will gtxm i --b e iear ent. ae. t eake. M ftr, f'' for Ifrwm laaslei . u4 . .1 s e V-,i RAT CO., Newark. W. I. -e -elrJlh paitwlr exes eeaeraff, r srm. -. and imnj Sna. thlr Salr. -ie 4 . setiM si laeelaf sracgkKS I U V TWENTY THOUSAND LOST IN INDIA EARTHQUAKES 4- IJovul SperUl Berrlee.) ' Lahore, British India. April 11. In the liht of fuller re ports from the districts devss tated ' by the earthquake last week,, the total Joss of life Is : now esttmaied at J0.000. -v The traders oslnc the Hlma- th OrMt JUm,' In th 9fXm ot - ttr.'l on flr and belchlnr smoke. Thl corroborats4 Xh Dfllicr or treninaousi toicswuv t tlvity In central AiUu . , , SPIRITS MO BETTER THAN CITY SLEUTHS Fail Miserably, In Effort'to" Find Man Who .Stole Mrs. Merrftt's- Ring. HAVE GIVEN A FEW FALSE - CLUES -TO -THE MEDIUM Prof essdr" ' Wyehe i' Second- Sighter, Seerhs to Be Suffer- : ,ing 'From;' Strabismus,' 1 .-: '- . -. - V" In thahone. of -recovering a. diamond ring that' was stolen two weeks ago Mrs. M. M. Merrittiol tne wrutna uwuij buiir. Eleventh and Morrison streets. secured the services of "Professor" Nye, who claims occult powers, to assist tne detectives on the ease. The -proiessor-. has ' sent the officers on many cluoe which he obtained in the spirit world. It was a valuable ring containing a rem worth about S ISO. and Mrs. Merrltt at ones communicated the news of the loss to detectives who began a searcn for the Jewel."' Detectlvo Day was inter ested to a slight extent in the capture of the thief,, but he accomplished nothing. Detectives Vaughn and Hartman were then assigned on the case, and the ser vices of the "professor" wsre procured. "Professor" Nye is a mesmerist. He kept a mesmerised lad in a Washington street window for some time, and the spectacle attracted widespread attention. am-soon, sa ne was-taken Into the con fidence of Mrs. Merrltt he threw himself into a trance and saw the diamond. f Beside him were gathered a number of friends of Mrs. Merrltt and others who were interested In the case, including city detectives. . e , "I besia to see the gem," said ' tho mesmerist in the throes of his second sight, "and presently will name the per son who is guilty. just a moment i begin to see the darkness is breaking, Row I see it plainly. ; tThe -diamond Is In a ring and ths ring Is gold. : It Is on the hand of a man In Tacoma,. who is stsndlng at ths north west corner of FaclQo avenue ana - k street, catty-corner from the drug store, He wears a soft hat. A dark suit of oUitbes,, and brown shoes with, broad laces. - ' -, --.-'.', '-'A a 'Uu4m- -' 1 Immediately a, of ..the detectives dashed to the telegraph offloa. ' '"Arrest man- at northwest corner of Paclflo avenue and K street 4mmedlate lr." he wired the Tacoma officials, "he wears soft hat, dark suit, brown shoes, and has diamond sing on his finger. The "professor" has had a number of other visions and the detectives have been quite busy since they were assigned to the case. No arrests. . . HELD UP TWICE BY JAPAN'S Steamship- Dumbarton Gets a Tasts ToTWar Experience on Way to Portland. CAREFUL SEARCH: MADE FOR RUSSIAN STOWAWAYS Captain Politely Asked if He De sires .to Make Complaint Against Treatment. ) The i Brltlah steamship Dumbarton. Captala Rettle. was held up twice in the same day py Japanese cruiici on the wav from the orient to Portland. Ths steamer reached here this morning. , "We left Karatsu, japan, on marcn 1," said the .skipper this morning, "and while we ' were passing through ths Tsuruga - strait, near the island oi Tcsso. we were signaled to stop by an armored cruiser. Officers boarded our vessel and made a thorough examination of our logbook, papers and whatever data they could find. . Then they went Into the hold and, . maae a searcn xor Russlsn stowaways. The officers asked me If -I warned to make a complaint about the Inconven ience. ' and said they would draw up Daners to that effect, and I could sign them and -they would be forwarded to the proper i authorities.' I replied that I cared to make no complaint, and they then bade ,me good morning and sailed sway."'-' "- In ths afternoon of the same day the steamer, wss again-overhauled, and the samB. formalities were gone through, but the commander of this craft, signed his nam and the name of his-vessel In the Dumbarton's logbook. Captain Rettle says hs is unable to decipher the oriental chlrography. As In the former case he declined to enter a protest. "The, officers. did not have much t say about ths war, continued the cap- tatn. ;rbnt tt"wa plain -that -they wers ' confident of coming out, of the contest victorious.- When .in port I wss sur prised to observe that . the war has bad no effect whatever'' on 'the commerce of the country..' Freighters are coming and going, .ana-there is no trouoio in se curing worklngmen to take care of toe cargoes." . . : No Russian war vessels were sighted. After leaving the straight mentioned the Dumbarton encountered strong north west headwind au tne way across ins Pacific. In. addition to . this a heavy Snowstorm was raring ths greater part of the time. On Monday morning Port Townsend wss reached and the captain received orders to salt at ones; for Port land. . ' Tba Dumbarton will load flour tor Ja pan, from the Portland flouring mills. and will begin loading this week. Tbls is her OrstjrUlt Is this port. Her last vnrm vit'fpiim ttnmhav In MCnitm with cargo- of cotton. ?. t - .. OILL TO CCi'iTEGL : IMBinAfl LliiES Morgan Men Claim That They ; Own Enough Stock to Con trol the Union Pacific " ........ fl . -,, GREATEST CONTEST IN WALL STREET HISTORY Great Northern Magnates Push ing Energetic Campaign V. . on A.ll Sides. ;." (Jearaal Speelal Serrle.) New Tors. April It. Ths Journal to day says: Either J. P. Morgan. James J. Hill and allies, or E. H. Harrtman and the Rockefellers will be In sole control of the. Union Paclflo after Mar S. On that date the stockholders of the Union Paclflo oompany -wUl vote upon a new Issue - of. 100,000.000 preferred stock, which has been approved by the board of directors, and one of the most bitter battles In the, history of ths war to control the' railroads, which has been going1 oi-for three years between tha two. factions, will be decided. ' ' . - Morgan men declare they own and oontrol the system, and that Harrtman'a purpose in asking that- 1100.000,000 stock be lasued is to give him a chance to get' hold of enough new stock to get hack the control, which Morgan bought unknown to him. t . - Wall street learned 'yesterday the story of the recent developments in the light Tor control of the Union Paclflo.'' Harrtman vtwo weeks ago discovered his control wgs in danger, and called a meeting of the directors. A ( stock Issus was then decided upon.. One big Wall strset operator talking of this tight, said yesterday i "There la no doubt mis cob teat win be the greatest that has ever ' taken place, in flwall street" At the annual meeting-of the stock holders of the Northern Securities com pany yesterday,' Amos T. French was sleeted a director in place of E. H. Har rtman. Harrlman's displacement Is the culmination of the long-standing enmity between the Hill and Harrtman parties Jn the ' Northern Securities company. Harrlman interests hold or Northern Securities shares, which -was not voted at the meeting, and which has-been .denied representation In the dlrectorv.' , . . r . , ., - This indicates that Hill has defeated Harrtman in his great light in which. he la now. victorious for . the. control of ths Northern- Securities company. It Is evident that the battle is not to stop here, bat is being aggressively pushed on all sides by the Hill and Morgan in terests and is a bitter fight to a finish. At nressnt it looks as if the . Hill forces stood a good chance not only of holding their own with the Northern Securities merger companies, but of wresting control of the Union and Southern Paclflo from ths Harrtman faotlnn AnA diarradlttnv Harrtman in a dosen enterprises in which Harrlman is Interested. Vicious attacas are oeing made against the railroad - magnate, that against him In the Equitable As suranoe society being but one instance. MISSIONARY SOCIETY;; ?: S ELECTS OFFICERS Ths Oregon Women's Missionary so ciety of the United Presbyterian cnurcn closed Its annual convention at the First United rTesoytenan cnurcn mis morn ing. A, parliament of missionary . so cieties opened the day's program, and all ths delegates wsre heard from on missions and tbsir needs. Mrs. wnson led a discussion on the relation of the missionary societies to. the church, and it was decided that the first duty was to the church. ' Mrs..W. W. Gordon of warm Bpnng reservation, and Mrs. David Scott of Portland, were chosen delegates from the nresbvterlal to the national oonven Hon in - Jane, The support of those present was asked for the work of the Travelers' Aid sseoclatlon. and - Mrs, nslrlelah .told of Its plans. Officers' were elected as roiiowsx hiss Irvine. Albany, preeldent: Mrs. T. J. WHson, Albany, and Mrs. Mo William a. Halsey, vice-presidents; Mrs. Park Sa lem, corresponding secretary; Mrs, Ooff, Hr.nch.-- recording secretary; Mrs. Toung. Albany, treasarer; Mrs. Gordon, SbedTTs, Junior secretary; Mrs. Bpeer, Portland. Uterarr secretary ; Mrs. A. w, Wilson Portland, . thank offering secre- Ury. , ... . i . - MITCHELL'S ATTORNEY IS EX-SENATOR THURSTON lev-flanator John M. Thurston of Ne braska is to be chief counsel for Sen ator Mitchell in the land-fraud trials. and he will arrive in Portland about April IS to. -Begin prsparations for the ,rOTt .. With him wiu be associated Judge A. 8. Bennett or The Dalles, who has thus far had charge of the cases for Senator Mitchell. - . ' Mr. Thurston was attorney for Judge Swayne in the impeachment proceedings before the senate at tne last session or oongrsss. , .-. Errata. , Through a typographical . error last evening in the announcement of. the Alaaka Petroleum and coal cci an vertlsement. on page 14, Instead of stating. "We own 11.000 acres. of fine oil land," the. advertisement was made to read "Fuel OIL", .The OU of ths com pany . is not a f usl oil, but ' the highest grade of Illuminating oil. , otxtomss, t . nrjrs. ..- . - (Jesrsal Speelal Service.) ' St. Petersburg, April 11. The demand of Rear Admiral Prince Outktomsky for a eourt-martlal has been granted. The court will consist of four admirals," Ad miral Dlkoff will be president Chinese reports state that -K&raamu- ra'a army, supported by Nogt's army, is moving northeast with ths object of In vesting Vladivostok and cutting Bus- sian communications: Thirty-thousand Jananese are reported to have landed at Dalny. March IS, and It is reported that six additional divisions are forming in Japan to operate against Vladivostok and Sakhalin. ; .There is just one way to bare good - ....'. v..,i-;-.'- v ' SB) ' Wkasj sealf : Y! bbBmb . '. economically: ''J 7r.';-''""l Schilling's Best, at your grocer's, rnooeyback. - : WHAT VAUiZVV IS jOFFEHZD The Ellsrs PJsno Hoase Has Ar ranccd So That They Can 5ult Your Taste In Pianos and Year Purse la Price. s v a v ' The traits and characteristics f pi anos are many, and admit of an almost infinite variety of combination. And this is a most excellent thing, for the tastes of plano-buyere differ as greatly as planoa, and there are few piano bouses that can meet the demand in quality and style as well as price. , Some ' people want a piano with a sweet, clear tone; eome prefer more volume, others strength; some like a much lighter touch than others. . Then again, there are thoao who ad mlr a. rlnhlv decorated case: soma a simple, chasts design, whtls others will hsve only a plain, classlo outline. - A dark wood case Is the preference of many, though there are numerous buy ers who are content, for one reason or other, only with- light wood.- Very well we oan sell you a piano with the sweetest and clearest of tones, a light touch ' and a richly decorated case; or the same tone with a medium touch and a simple oak or mahogany case, with various styles of decoration, or the piano may have a distinctly aym- Kthetlo tone, a light touch and a cass autlf ully classic, or whatever ' Other style or case you prerer, ana so on ana so on. No matter what you want In our Immense tine, embracing over SO makes, you ars certain to find ltVW y ajto rn nsr zs txzsi . :. - ' . . -v- ... . After you, have Befeoted a piano ex actly to your taste In every way, we can assure you 'you-will And the price even lower than you had hoped for. Every piano we carry is subject to special attention In every detail of its make and finish, before we finally de cide to addbt it into our family of tine, reliable makea It represents absolute ly the very best value obtainable for the price, - Selling all our pianos as we do, from the very hlxhest grade and costliest Chlckerlng, Weber. Kimball, Hobart M. Cable, Lester, Hasefton. Story Clark, etc., eta under our, low-price policy, they are every One the greatest, flneet bargains obtainable anywhere. In addition to this, we are always ready to extend the moat liberal terms In making arrangements , for paying - by monthly installments. - " Every instrumsnt is fully guaranteed In every resnect, and it's ''money back should purchase fail in any way to prove exactly as represented." See us or writs before you buy. ' ETters Piano House, S61 Washington street, eorner Park. Large stores also San Francisco, Stockton snd Oakland, Cat.; Spokane and Seattle. Wash.; Boise and Lewlston, Idaho.. ... .' - ') ... IS SAD FAREWELL Cet-Rrcfi-Quiclc Men Hike Away t,;: Leaving Parting Notice .Tacked to Door. DOUBLED PEOPLE'S MONEY" ON LONG-TIME CONTRACTS When , the AgWements ) Matured jSwinders Left for Parts Un- V known Many . Victims. Ji (Jearaal Speeiai Berries.) . Kansas City; April 12 -Patrons of the Amertcan Mercantile company, a get-rich quick concern tn the Hall building, found the doors locked (this morning, and ths, following notloe;, ' S ;. 1 ' ' ' . "Good-bye, . you suckers, good-bye,' '-The American Mercantile company Is said to have come from St. Joseph,1 It wrote contracts for Individuals who ob ligated themselves to pay certain sums for a period of 80 -weeks, at the end of which ths individual to receive his or ner money oacx. with a vary liberal in terest. Ths company's first contracts are beginning to mature, and patrons were demanding their money. From the volume of the concern's mall It is esti mated that the "suckers" number 4,00 or more. - Inquiries ' recently made indicate that the concern was operating as far wast as the cosst Two women who paid II weekly for 10 weeks called to get their money to day. Manager Shipley has disappeared and . the victims , are unable to locate him. ;. ' ' ' -," ' ':. . ,- - TEDDY JR. PUNISHED FOR FLIRTATION WITH, GIRLS (Joaraal Speelal Service.) Roanoke, Vs,, April IS. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., was one of a party of lads who stood 10 'minutes with their faces In a corner while the rest of his companions enjoyed a dance at one of the hospitable homes In Ablngton, where he has been visiting for the week. . Ted dy's companions were the sons of Doug las Robinson of New .York City and Dan Trigg. Jr. of Ablngton. i . This humiliation on the part of the youngsters was a penalty for flirting with soma school girls at tha Stonewall Jackson Institute la that city, imposed by Miss Kate Hunt, principal of the In- stltutlon. During the progress of the reception Miss Hunt dropped in and. upon being introduce! to the guilty boys, asked the hostess what she wss to do with 'the youngsters for flirting with her girls. ' . . , . When assured that the girls-would be relieved-, Crom punlstimsnt. youag Rooaevelt and his companions agreed to Miss Hunt s sentenoe and stood with their fsces in a-eorner for 10 minutes whlls ths remainder of the young folks danoed. . WIDOW AWAJKDXO sstatx. pee!sl Trtapateh t Tlas Joaraal.) , Olympla, Wish., April 11 Two years ago Horatio Hartley died near, this city, leavlBgs estate valued -at" SM.000. which ho. bequeathed to Olymnla school district, save ft.000 to his widow and a . Ilka amount to R- II. carpenter, a friend, who assisted In caring for him during bia.iast illness.- The .widow brought suit, contsstlng the will, alleg ing tnat ner nusoana was oi. unsound mind, snd this contention was uphsld by the superior court.' The supreme court today sustained the lower court, award ing the entire estate to ths widow. s C ASTOR I A v a rn. it j T.I tti Yea Em khi) E::;U Bears tha ' Elg&starsof 1 t"- 4. -V PrarJof'IerV ' ' -Kiurf: i; ; Here arc sortie attractive week-end special yaliife in our Drapery De at air opportune time for ; th ing her.aldiahce to seciire underrvalue prices. K you are contemplating ' any redecdration this .Spring it to have a look at these draperies. REGULAR PRICE, $3.50 SPECIAL, PER PAIR .Vl 'i . .$2.70 .' : REGULAR PRiqE, $3.50 SPECIAL, ,PER PAIR .7...e.'..,.r.,.4?2.80 1 , -REGULAR PRICE; $3.75 SPECIAL, PER PAIR r.;'.'..-,Vse.'....;'e:.f2.90T; v REGULAR PRICE, $4.00 SPECIAL, PER PAIR ; f 3.10 ;V' " REGULAR PRICE, . -v 'REGULAR PWCjfMSj REAL vU-: .REGULAR PRICE, N , REGULAR PRICE, REGULAR PRICE, REGULAR PRICE, REGULAR-PRICE", ' ' "': T "" ..i. ! REGULAR PRICE, ; REGULAR PRICE, REGULAR PRICE, REGULAR PRICE, REGULAR PRICE, ., REGULAR PRICE, REGULAR PRICE, , : -. . - SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT EASTER SPECIAL SALE V ' FRIDAY ISCCC3 J INFURIATED CALF - , ROUTS BICYCLISTS V ""'W ' ' Sends Riders Sprawling in Dust . and Makss Thsm Climb 'v ,'-.'..'.''.' Fsncss. ;S.'v:',-'''; ' fSnrUl Dtaaateh ts Tks Teersal.) DlxonvlUe, Or., April U.-There wss a lively encounter on the Deer Creek road, leading from Roseburg to Dixon vine, . between . a calf and three blcy- probably a dosen persons witnessed the encounter. , The calf, infuriated! no doubt at Us (- -j-k, e . "hike." vuahad at tha central figure as the three men ap proached ana sprswiea naer sua oi. tn ths center of tha road, then turned and dealt Ilk blows with his head at the others, landing cms sgalnst the mrA ihmatin. the other heavily as-ainst the grouna on ne buot bio . w . i h.n m.e a second at tack on the man against-ths fence, snd for "protection -tne maw neia- mw vicci. between him and his pursuer. The calf i . .,k(, with. miir1rnn Intent. and tha man climbed the fence for pro- tMiiAn- in. oiner iwu raw, nu r...lln tha el eh war thousht the calf was master of the situation, and also fled Into the fields for safety. The calf made several dashes at E. A. cti-vi.-. l. mm, wti.MMnon . If r. Hlnkla 11I1UU, W. " - turnsd two rather savage dogs upon It, snd it went over the fence as the men climbed back into ths road.. rr. ..,.,. le.tawt onlv far a few minutes, but wss thrilling enough, snd the lookers-on are wondering yet what ailed the calf. TREATED BY X-RAY WANTS TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS Because an X-ray treatment caused burns that permanently Injured Helm E. Ball, 1,0 damag'S sre-demanded Thursday, Friday and ,y.v ',' ARABIAN CORDED LACE $5.50 SPECIAL, PER PAIR ... ARABIAN LACE1 CURTAINS $4.50 - SPClAL, PER PAIR $5.50 SPECIAL, PER PAI R . . M ........... 7 .. . ' 4.00 y r $rJ.2PEaAL, PER PAIR ................ . 4.75 $13.50 SPECIAL, PER PAIR 8.50 ,;f $15.00 SPECIAL, PER PAIR TAPESTRY BORDERED N)RT1Eillil . .,T.. - - $ 7.25 SPECIAL, PER PAIR $ 9.00 SPECIAL, PER PAIR $10,00 SPECIAL, PER PAIR $13.50 SPECIAL, PER PAIR $14.00 SPECIAL, PER PAIR $18.00SPEQIAL,-PER PAIR $20.00 SPECIAL, PER PAIR .."1- - , --i - Great Sale 15 Slightly :: "f:: REGULAR immmwm 1 FOa POUa DAYS ONLY Come I.rly to Get 'Choice . ;. -of Pstferns. .1; '.-h Coiui Drbs.. J 82 First St; by C A, Ball, har guardian, from Dra. Alva D Walker and Ralph Walker. The case Is von trial before Judge Fraser. Last October Dra. Walker undertook to treat the girl, who Is years old. and It Is alleged did not use ordinary skill. with ths result that the child was in jured for life. With ths plaintiff sit ting on her fathers knee, and her mother also In court, , the case .Is belag heard befors a number of spectators Interested sjmendsjindjjRUitvejjj or Saturday wouli " be : wise' If V - . - ' . . e' , K : CURTAINS r.Vw. ...... . f3.75 ; . r-' t-r- "V 3.25' .. ;. ,f 11.50 v v.. mmrnym " - J ' A' 'itJf 1 &25 ' . . . . ,:. . . . i ,?:6.50 - i ..... .,V."i. 7 .00. . ) ....... . '.'!;$ 8.25 ( i.V.V.V,.!' 8.75 f ; 11.75 i. Q w.;.;.v;.;.?13.50 . , ' ...'. . , . s -H. it.-.. H- .i 1 1 1 EASTER ? SPECIAL SALE CUT GLASS BEGINS FRIDAY ; ' -. f of 100 RoUs I i Damaged ' PRICE 85c Maraocn at' saoser are counsel for the plaintiff, and W. W. Cotton and W. A. Clsland for the defendants. - , - " REVIVAL SERVICES' AT TRINITY M. E. CHURCH lst jilght a revival campaign was opened In TrlnityJa;.K,church, corner. Baat . Tenth snd Qrant streets. -. Ths service wss well attended and full of sntbualasro. - Mr. McComh pfescbed a Hamilton havs charge .of the musio. The meetings will continue throughout inje, ween. 1" , . .- .;- f -