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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1905)
0 .;al racons: YAR RISKS UP AND WILL GaillCIIERYET SELECT DELEGATE Mrs. Gsrtruda Simmons of Port , t land Will Rsprsssn Stats y ; ! at Supreme Camp. , . Last Twenty-Four Hours Have Seen Advance . in Freight ' Insurance ' to Japan. ( Grcatcot of all Modorn Romodloo for COUGHS. MRS. ROSE M'CRAfH. ALSO ! OF THIS CITY, ALTERNATE SEVEN TWENTIETH PER ( COLDS and CONSUMPTION. ' CENT IS NOW CHARGED Auxiliary,: of Woodmen ' of the ; World Elects Officers and Enjoys Fine Banquet. . A' apirited content In the third bi ennial meeting of ihe atate camp of Oregon Itoyal Neighbors of ' America, last evening, resulted in the election of Mrs. rtrude Slmrnone, of Oregon Roee camp. Portland, to o as dries-ate to the Buarejne camp at TopekaKan.. 4n June. Mra. Rose . McOrnth, . of Marguerite camp, Portland, waa .chosen alternate., Tha 'state camp sessions 'are held at Mrs. Gertrude Simmons. Jt'.of P. hall, in the Marquam building. Thev beaan Mondav evening, with a re caption to state members. - The Royal Neighbors are the woman's auxiliary of the Modern Woodmen of America, and re very, strong numerically In Oregon. Sessions yesterday and last evening con cluded the camp. .The next oienniai tate camp wil be held et Pendleton, In April. 1W. The following state of ficers were, elected to serve until tha, time: '., State oracle. Mrs. Clara Mills, Acme; -vlce-oracle, Mrs. Elisabeth, Rich. Astoria; state . recorder, , Mm. , Mary Traver. Pendleton. . ,- v , ... l Mrs. Mlna Brown, of Marguerite camp, Fna-tland, called the atate ramp to order. Addresses weremade by Mrs, Gertrude Slntmona of Portland and Mrs. M.' A. Mooter of Mosler. Mrs., 8. H. Haines contributed a musical selection. A ban quet followed, at which the 'following delegates were present: Mesdames Lena Flnley, Crawfordavllle; Ida deque, SaJem: Rose McQrath, Tortland; Jer. trade Simmon. Portland; Tillle Hill, St, Johns; . Essie McCullom. Lenta; Leona Graham. Clatakanle; Alice Truelone, Lebanon; Elisabeth Rich, Astoria; Augusta Link, Eugene; Mary Traver, Pendleton; Clara, Mills, Aemei Rosa Coffman, Seaalde; Ella Herron, Monroe; Belle Kendall, HiUsboro; Laura Ooutder, Grant Pass; Mercy. Wheeler,' Cedar Mils; Carrie Broslns, Hood River j Lucia Gosling. The Dalles; Mary Comer. Cot- ; tsge Grove; Ella Powell, Prlnerllle; M. iA. Mosler, Mosler. , .''.;. Tuesday's 'session was presided ever tyHTsr Mtna Drown, of - Marguerite camp, Portland, state oracle, and Mrs, luste Parmenter of Salem was appointed ; atate recorder. 'v The following commit tees were appointed: Resolutions Mrs. M. ; A. Mosler, Mosler; Mrs. : Mercy Wheeler, HiUsboro; Mrs. Ella Herron, Monroe, ..Order of buslneaa Mrs. Ger trude Simmons; Portland; Mrs, ' Elisa beth Rich, Astoria; Mrs. Easie "McCul Inre, : Lenta. Credentials Mrs. Clara Mills,' Acme;' Mrs. Ida Plaque, Salem; Mm. Tillle Hill. St. Johns. - A Dollar's Worth Free To.Any Rheumatic Sufferer 1 atk ae apolt ee rcfereae ee ecarlty. There tp aottalsf te rl eothln to pnBl . aetblng te per, eltber new er later. Any Bbea - aietle eafhrer whe awe sot kaow my rtawdy - auy, bare a fall 4ollri worth fre to try. I willlnsly awke tble liberal offpf becauia I know chet Dr. gheep't RbeaouUe Benedy auj - lie relied apoa ALWAYS te bring the atoieet re lief; tn.t Bedirtsa eio. Veen before I die eeverrd tble remedy, I etadled-4he aatar ef r KtMtiBMtUau Far Bbrematlat W -really v- ; , Crystallized Poison! I .Year blood ' I elwere fall '"of potano the I polMe yea rat d drink and bmtk Into your : ereai. It In th sarBoas of the blood to absorb and ' carry eft rbla rry tiolaoe. And. the kld rra. which are- toe blond alter, are expectrd to doanae tb bhrnd end send It bark through th clees, t galhvr more polaoa, which . tbry. la tare, a I II ellsilnate. net awmotlBMHt the kidser fall.' And mowm tlmea, rraaa enane othrr can, the blood c.ta ee fell ef polane that thry ran not ebnorb it all. . This la the Mart of Khramatlan. The sotaoa aereamlata and rrintalllaaa. Th crystal look Hk tittle grains ef sturar or of tne whit sand. Tb bWwd cerrte. thwsi and thar Inerraaa la elaa. Tboa, wba It ran carry than no lona-er. It dayoeita tbrai Is. a Joint on a bona an?- krber. -"! " ' r" 11 " ' , ... , , ,. r- ' Tb twine Is 'year 1rc the doll era In yaer arm a a ratsy da these are tb estward atin f tb anaeen erystals. And th twlatad limb . ee4 Snanhahl enentah j( tb enftmr wb baa allowrd bis araiBtnnis te s anbrwlad and nattredad for yoan thaa er is erldcaeae ef what Hheuaiatlana. aatsctd. eea d. RiMaaullaBi leclndr htabase, arietlra aa rnlela, swat foe ell thea are the result ef rneeaMTie sotsssi id xa rialaly, tb sret thing do Is to ranove fh Hk But thla U ajot eoash. Tb t'OHMA TloM th eotaoa oraat b etomod. so that eater stf Mn s rtianr te dbsnlra and elimi nate tb rrrstala wblrh bar already formed. I ism this w doe there can b ae- car a awraanaet relief. ; , I eMrrbed tb wfcnhr earth ear a eeertAe foe BhawnMttam aam.thlws that I or ear ssralrian eld foal aaf. as awaerlMng aartblns that we eeaJd esaat ea net ealy ecraatonallr, bet httid ease ere mrawttsMS vni by a 'stag te Sr. Shdop's Rheumatic Remedy ... ; :. ' f . . ,: . -" If Russia Wins Naval Battle Jap anese Ports Would Be Closed to Coast. . War risk rates from Fertile coast porta . to Japan . have .; increaaed .. from one fourth to seven twentieth per cent within the last 14 hours ; a notice of the advance was mad public yesterday at the local Office of M. C. Harrlaon Co. ,? Thla figure Is quoted on products for ' immediate rahipment.' -and "a -very perceptible advahoe 4s likely to be made at any time. . v: It the ' Japanese . fleet should be oe f eated. it ' Is aald rates would . increase to such a figure that it would be ira poaalbl to make shipments to Japan, Since the fall of Port1 Arthur the In surance. 'against aelxure has -been so high as to prohibit shipments to porta in Asia controlled By Russia. Tne last quotations amounted to- 71 per cent of (he value of the cargo. - pf late all pre. ducts from the Paeino .coast intended for those ports bave been carried to pome neutral port in China, whence the consignees' of the cargo , assumed the risk at transporting the nrelghf by means of small craft In a roundabout way to the Russian, forces. In the next month or two several mil Hon dollars' worth of flour, as well as freight of almost every description, will be in transit , from Pacific coast ports to Yokohama andrJCobe. . . BIG LUMBER CARCOES. Many Tee Oclag to Manila and West ... Ooeat of Booth Anterloa. (Two . lumber carriers-, the schooner AI exsnder T. Brown and the British ship Holt Hill, will complete their cargoea Saturday.' The Brown la being loaded by the government for Manila and will take out close to 1,000,000 feet. Nearly as much will be carried to the aame desti nation by the schooner J." W. Cllse un der charter to the- government, and ex pected shortly after the middle of the montb. The Holt Hill, Captain Parker, in port from Hamburg slnoe November 24 will take about 1,800.000 feet to the west 'coast of South America. 8ke being loaded at the North Pacific mill. ALONG THE WATER FRONT. Steamer lone was taken to tb Port, land shipyards yesterday for a general overhauling. This will take three weeks. The steamer Jessie Harklns will have her run between here and wasnougak - Balfour, Guthrie Co. chartered the German shin Niobe this morning to load 4-Iumber at Portland for the orient 'The vessel Is now at a Japanese port, but is expected to sail for the Columbia, river In a few days. The Niobe haa a carry-' ing capacity clone to.,00,00(feet of lumoer. . . ' . The boiler recently installed In -the steamer Dalles City, did not glre satis faction In the test yesterday, and the vessel did not go out on The Dalles route this morning." A few alterations. t is believed, will' put everything in proper shape, and it Is the intention) to Dlace her in service tomorrow. r. V Uutamlth. IaosI amnt foe Rm. sell St Rogers, received word thai the ateamer South Bay haa been chartered to take the- place of the Aurella until the latter haa been repaired.. The South Bay is practically a new steamer and of about the same alxe as the T. A. Kll- burn. She will leave San Francisco on Friday for Portland, and Is expected Monday evening.; The Aurella will not miss more than one trip. l-Teaterday afternoon th oriental liner Aragonla moved to "tne-Alaeaa dock. where she finished discharging her in ward cargo at noon today. She is at the (lour mlllslaklng cargo, and will probably be there a couple of days. The British steamahlp Dumbarton is waiting for ber berth. - ' ' Schooner Mabel Gala will complete her lumber cargo at the Inman-Poulsea mill tomorrow for San Pedro. Lighthouse tender Manaanlta arrived this morning from the mouth of th ALW Vg For the rarif ef Rheamathna are Torrwber and semlne relief I rare. I spent twenty year la experlmofltlnf before I frit natMOed that I bad a certain remedy for thla dread dlaraae a ramrdy which would not only clraa out tb pelaos, bet ea which would stop its icrmauoa. Crcrtain ReUef 1 Tb eerret lay In a wonderful ehemlral 'ootid te Genaasy. . Whr I found thla rbomlral I knew tbet 1 could make a Kbtumatlo cure ' i wwt. w pranicail rrrrain. - Bat evi thee, brfora I made aa anBoanr.mmt hfn was willing te pot my aaam en It I made mora tase s,ou teats! And my failure were bat f This Germaa chemical la not tb only liurre dlnt r as In Dr. Snoop's Rboumatle Curebet. It mad tbe remedy poaalble mad peaalbl an aehlerrment wblrh, I doubt Sot, ooald bar bets iimiv ,u no vim WIJ, Tbla rbrmlcal waa rr Th. loo. was bleb, ta coat m f4 0 prr pound! Hot what la M M err peend foe a RKAL ranwdr for th world's saoat salnfal dlaraaot I RCAL. rrllrf from th greatmt tortare humaa bht know! I doe't meaa that Dr. ghoop'a RkeamaM Cure caa tore boey fnlnt Into, treh asaln that ie tmpoaslbl. But It will Or Ira from th blood th polaoa that caasr pais and awdllns. and thru that ta th end of th pals end sw.U- in in. nn ire Tng-auriw ins isa ml of gnu. manam. j aat la way 1 can afford to make thla Uberal offrr thai Is why 1 caa afford to 1 rinni ooiiar inai- finruraatt auf. trrtra, th world over, may leara ef mj reawdy. ryt Smply Write Me- Th offer Is pea te everyoa. ' everywhere, whe baa not tried my remedy. But ra msei writs MM for tbe frr dolUr aatti.. b. will srnd you sa errirr oa year drncelat which 11 t:ot ", fl,rtl' would eecopt a dollar, 11 will band yea from hi shl e standard (lrd parka ca and be will and the mi w jnvrv ar a couoi lions be eniremrsTs. i an that I sec you to do la ta wnir wrur mmj. win arue you my book en Bheumsttsm haadde. It te frr,- ft -will help m ta undmtud your ra., Addrea v Bwwp, asos w eiiaacieer wis.' packty. Os sale at forty tbeasaad drag ttarea. .. t- mail . fiver. Coming up stream aha replaoe-l a number of buoya. ... ' Maj. W. C. Iduistltt left for Lewlaton last evening; to Inspect government property which baa been used on- th Snaka river for a number of years and said to be useleeS. ' ' Steamer Caacade cleared, for San Francisco eaterday afternoon with IS. ooa xeet of lumber. ' '' liocal Inspaetora Bdwarda and Fuller will inspect the schooner A 1 vena this afternoon at the Portland mill. Bear Admiral Ksmpff Is making the round of ships here. He la on of the moat energetlo government representa tlvea that ever visited thla port; ha pars little attention to the i-hour rule, or tho 1-hour plan, aa aome of them are wont to ao- ho la 'tip and going" all of tho time. MARINE NOTES. AstorU. Orvprll Arrived down during tho night Barkentlne T. P. Emlgh, Arrived down at S and Bailed at t a. . ra. Bteamer Oregon, for Saa yrandaco. ' - - San Francisco. April U HaTTedaf 11:30 .am.-K. Steamer Columbia, for Portland. Arrived at Id la at- night Bteamer Noma City, from Portland - Aatorla. Or., April II No bar report; wire trouble. Astoria. April 12. The barkentlne Am axon, from Honolulu, arrived at 13 o clock. '.' --a : SXSaASXD UAXLOWm SSOAPB. Captain Bcbutt, of the German bark Profeasor Xoch, who waa arrested for allowing aome of hla men to escape af ter being . notified by tho Immigration commissioners that they were suffering from a. contagious disease, was dls charged today, says the San Francisco Commercial Newa,.- The Judge of the United States district court decided that from tbe evidence submitted by the com. mission ers, while the captain did not use due vigllaneo to prevent their escape, he did not connive at it. The aame course will be taken with tho other two captains. ' . ' ' ' Captain Benutt ta wen known at .Port land. ; :. V ..J. - ' 1ho following number of peo- pit have signed the petition re- ' questing the' new telephone , franchise to be put to a vote at" v the Juno election: t.v , , ; e March 21..., Ill . e March IS. .................. I7 March, 21 ........!. (14 March 4. (84 e- March 4S...T....... ....... 80i March XT .................. ' 17 e March-tlu... ............. . 411 Mareh ft 4SI March 19 I7t e .March II....... Sat e April 1. a. 411, e April l.i. .......... .i...... 404 e .April 4............ lot e April S.....,.tMf , 4S1 4 April S94 April T... ............ ...... til April .. ; ,.... 415 April 1 64 4-Aprtl 11... .i .i.... 141 Total .1,101 4 .mmmmiMMmmmmymm- .- WATCH THE JOURNAL'S V J BIRTH NOTICE COLUMN One of the storks In tie aviary at the city park escaped from the keepers at feed log time yesterdey and has not yet been recapture. - The bird flew across Willamette Heights and waa soon lost In the forest beyond. The keepers made frantic but vain efforts to capture the tor. -J'k,- .. r, , I.'.''- - mnunon i1 terribly, los't flesh, could " ing eighteen months I gradually reached the last stages of iconsumptibn. No less than ; seven ' physicians v treated me and aU gave me up' saying I was incurable I was' absolutely helpless. , The whole family; wore v themselves out caring for me. 'One day mother and sister came to my bedside and said Ihad but a. day ' . or two more to live. Tears rolled jdown their cheeks as they sobbed the news. The doctors had declared . I. was in the last stage, and no human being could save me. I was willingvto, die, but before-.'going to the" A cruel grave, Jwantedtogoouti and see' my dearly beloved, town of Sidney once' more. They told me such 'V1 ' a thing was impossible that I would surely die before I got back. . But I insisted, and to gratify my. dying -v , , . wish, a carriage was fitted up with a bed of pillows, and . to this I was carried and slowly driven ' around ' Court House Square. I got home more dead than alive." v Through the mercy : of Providence,' someone " '. brought a trial bottle of medicine said to be a consumption cure. No one imagined ior an instant it .was , worth trying. But ' as a drowning person grasps at a straw, so I tried this 'medicine. I was better after "tak- ' ing two doses, y Mother got more of . the medicine and I took it, ; improving all the time, Today -1 am as : ";. well as any reader of this ' tion. , I declare before God and man that every word here printed is true.'"' - . - . ; .' ' ' ". (Signed) - ' BERTHA SHERK. ; V This remarkable testimonial, on file in the office of Mesjrs.-W. H, Hooker & Q)., Buffalo, K. Y. proprietors of Dr. Acker's -"Celebrated English Remedy, is ouched for by them, as well as by prominent druggists' of Sidney, Obfcwv Y'U':p-, ACKER'S ENGUSH-' REMEDY '. '. " .. . . ' .'''' .. . ., ' v . r .'!. . t" ... ..;.. , . : ' ' ' - )",-, "f ' , t ' Trill stop a coajyli at any time and cure tho worst cold in trrelye lioaroe . T7o .. v HaTe encli confidence in , tnls jjreat Remedy that xro sell ; erery bottle tinder a most positiTO caarantee, that your money xvill be ;reiftmded if yon are not entirely satisfied ac., 50 ojad oo per botUe k . ; SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY S. a SKIDMORE DRUG COMPANY. , . V . ' 1 $5.00 A LOT We have been Instructed to sell all the lota remaining unsold amounting to 111. la,,., ....... .... OCEAN SIDE ft; at IS each, and to sell 14 acres adjoining, platted Into I and 10 acre tracts, at til R?.r acre, ocean Side Is situated along Ilwaeo A Shoal Water railway. fronting on a most beautiful sandy Deacn, about one mile nortn or ixni Beach, and la one of the moot bean t If u summer resort situations that osn be found anywhere on thla roast. The lots are easily worth from ISO to 1100 each: the land adjoining Is worth over 1100 per acre, xno aucn a snap as ima nas oeen oirerea in the laat 10 years.. . , Fine lota on East th street. Wood. Iawn."!100 each. . . Excellent quarter acre lots In Boot's Aoaition at iz eacn. ' Sightly comer lot. 4-roora cottage. In rara riaca, ior .e. . . A quarter block on Grove street, mam. mom xruu ireea end lovely srounda. 9 room cotuge; a very cosy homo; $1,000. r. vthedunn IJ X LAWRENCE CO. H0LLADAYPARK ADDITION . Eighteen new houses now un der construction others to be commenced in : . a few days. Twentv-two lots sold last week. Everyone who contemplates owning a home should visit Hoi-. laday Park Addition. . Concrete sidewalks, nne parking system, sewers, gas and electric light Holladay Park Addition is only 30 minutes' walk from tha Cham ber of Commerce. Lots $500 to 5800 each. .f , The Title Guarantee . 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerca A Fine Country Home Tl aerea S In cultivation: fine house. school and church near place: only ; 10 miles from Portland;, a real Ideal , nome; win aeu an or a part; eaay ' terms, low Interest. lflO aeras Near Sandy postoffloei IS In ( cumvaiion; u aiaanea; gooa piaa ; tared houee; arood barn; running ter; tools and furniture , go with place.. 11,110. , . , .. ;.' . . Charleson 01 Smith 10 AUaky aiag. Pboma West Ml. Northwestern StS : Investment Co. Eastern Oregon wheat landa and stock ranches. Call and aee ua. Wa have aome good properties for sal. . ., Rocmi 218-220, Abinton Building Phoaa Bad 1TM. ' POBTlVaBB. OB. MAZMm WXX.U POUUTBD. , The atata board of health has been In- veatlgating the wells In tha town of Halsey. Or., and haa found them nnl. luted. These conditions are thouaht to be caused by drslniae from cattle cor. r At .wil itM.t MliHas. jtjbYB) . - ,4My homejs in Sidney, Ohia . I hav been riearer death with consumption ; than"' any other . living person in tbe . world, and I want you to read this, so you ; can; tell others. I took a severe cold and neglected it, . I grew . worse all the time, and at : the end of- two 1 years. I had run: into consumption. ' JI coughed not v sleep; and became so dreadfully weak that I had to take to bed. Ii the follow-'f paper, and the medicine that REAL? ESTATE ';,,'::..'-FOR SALE BY I TheTitie. Guarantee & Trust Co. TlxlOO feet, on St. Johns oar Una and Wabash ava, facing aoutb, (A. 121.) lloxlOO feet, within few minutes' walk of Peninsula station. Fine place for email chicken ranch. . Terms can be ar ranged. (A. 21.) 8650 tSxlSO fMt, oa top of Mt TabobFlii k..llaiH - TUT . at a f VWMUlJIg apikVs . aU. A A - SIOOO New cottage of 4 rooms with 10x14 feat. jb. sstn su,,soutn 01 iiawmorne ava (S..2H.1 , 100x100 feet. N. K. cor. K. Pine and E. 10th. High ground. Few minutes to &.-Anaey car. ,(KrrVl -v:" 81250 New house 4 rooms, lot 10x100 feet, at West piedmont, close to the big csr barn. , Terms, . 009 cash, balance on Uma, (A. 129., 91450 New house rooms, bath, pantry, basement, cement foundation, lot i full Ov.100 reet, near tne com pa. Piedmont. (A. 11T) ny a barn at West 81600 House rooms and lot 10x100 feet on union eve., near railing at. ia. " $1600 Hoajse I rooms, brick oasemenc large broad plana, lot 72xk60 feet, I Mocks from Montavllia ear' at Claramount st Easy terms, o. L izzo.) : 81800 t;"r.i House -rooms,'- modem, bath, large pan try, saa. sewer, lot 10x100 feet, on "11" car line, cor Williams ava, and Alberta si. . a. iiw.t V , 81500 Beautiful lot (6x100 feet, on Larrabee at., commanding nne'vlew bf river and harbor. Few minutes walk from Steel bridge, .it. 101.1, . . 81800 Houset rooms, brick foundation, nice fruit, email 'barn, lot 10x100 feet, one block zrom sunnyaide car. , (8. 120.) , 4 -, 82200 ' V ; : ". vi in win Mn it s.k m A tn -i .... with small cottage, close to car and oiepnens scnooi. tie. r. jtt. , , . . -w:-; 82100' .: ,1 House 7 room a, bath, lot- 60x100 feet. union ave. near r enins; sw ; i A. 117.; . 82750 -j House I rooms, furnace, full basement, lot 60x111 feet, Morrla St, near Union ava. Terms tone, third cash, balance on una, . . 1 a. 84250 House rooms, grate and furnace, with rot evxivv leei. ooauyier bu, near l(n St. H. 114.) 1 . 83500 v-, House rooma, grate, furnace, barn, lot (0X100 feet. 177 Wllllama ava. near Broadway. (H. 111.) . V'" 83000' ' New house ('rooms, bath, If. a CV full baeement, lot 18x100 feet, two blocks from cor. B. Main and B. ilth sts. (8. ti. v' .; - . ,,' " 53300 Modern house 7 rooms, bath, baaemanr. brick foundation, eleotlio lighta, good barn, lot (0x100 feet, close to ear, (B. P. 244.) - - v - 7 r .. - . tlTUI XBSVSUB9. " . , ABSTBAOTS PUBMXSBBD. -j. The Title Gticrentee & Trust Co, ; S aad T Chamber of Coats eree. .J water, and aa soon as results are made known steps will be taken toward reme- W tew. cured we- was Acker's English Remedy for Consump- ! ; CUT OUT THE The beat war to do it la to noma out ta BVKL.x'N. where wo sell yon -a house and lot, ready for oocu pancy. at rent rates and less. . ' GIIOMESX At Rent Rates Evelyn is tha best and latest tract : - put on tha market In tha Mt, Scott district. It Is selling very fast. , Thla district la by far outstripping " every other suburb. Don't waft un ' til too late. Take Mt. Scott oar on ... First at reet.. Agent on ground. City . .office open evenings. Geo. IV. Brown , Boom SOS raOlmj Bnildlag. . V Phoae Stats win. ARDMORE Tha most desirable building site In Portland, surrounded by palatial homes, with an unobstructed view of our fa moua mountalna; tha only ea cluaivaly hlgh-claes resident - firoperty kupplled with bitu--. Ithlo streets, cement side walks, Bull Run water: newer and gaa laid to each lot. Take Washington atreet car to City Park and get off at Park ava noe. For plate and prices call 'on or addrea. - GRIK9STAFF St SCHALK : v3 ' sds tRAjuc si. MERE ARE THE SNAPS ISO aerea 80 aores In cultivation f good nvumv aiiiu u.ia( aai.r V i U.U inO house; orchard ; Jn Yamhill county. rnosi iivv, miles from Portland- a aerea cultivated: larca ore herd: hrnu ahd barn;. 14,000.. . .:.,. ., . room house, full lot; will trade for Hlllaboro or Forest Grove property. ; ream cottage small lot. weat side 14(0, IK cash, 111.10 per month. , Houses and lots or farms for sale or exchange, -,. Charleson QX Smith S10 Allsky Bldg. Vhoae West SSI. $1000, New House for Sale New, 4-room eottaga In good location on car line; lot loxil; terms to suit pur- cheser. Apply owner, 101 . Sherlock eali ilock. t PhbneMala, 1441 ' :,v , Twenty Acres, $450 4 II mtlee from Portland, near railroad . atatlon and boat landing; house, barn . and fruit; acrea In cultivation, beings choice garden land: several acrea in pas. ' ture, the balance in timber; tha timber 1 land la ateep, balance)., gently sloping. 4 ; 13 Acres $125 ter Acre. This tract Ilea aoutheaat . of Wood' , afock. half mile from tha new car line up Johnson creek: lust aa good as other . lands held at 1200. Will divide to suit purchaser and make easy terms. , . ' oRoom House, $800 7 I reoma, two unfinished up stairs: nk-a front and back porch, all very neat . full lot and well-kept yard and garden; East Uth atreet north tlOo down.;, . . Compton ccQlbson ; ;j - 100 Abtagtoa Bldg. i I have a -room modem Colonial house, with full baeement and large attic: Plumbed ' for aaa and wired ror electricity: it haa cement walk la front and on side, le convenient to two ear -Unas In Upper Alblna end within-10 minutes walk of the steel bridge; Is In a very sightly situation aad very da- slrable for a home, it Is worth 12.100, but It must be sold and no reasonable -offer-will be refuaed, and terms will ; ba mads to suit Look this up at one. - WHAULEV to ACRES, all cleared and fenced, on ' 'Powell Valley road, seven miles" r from Courthouse. Part cash.' bal- - t ance on time., John P. Sharkey TeL Main, 180. - 701 Chamber of Com, . Cheap Lots For Sale 10x100 Llnwood U.'.:.i..9 SSB 100x100 Richmond .............. S SOO 100x1(0 Woodlawn ..:,......... S SOO 1x100 Sunnyaide .........( .S SSS TBxlOO Highland S SOO (0x100 Eaat Everett and 10th st.S SOO 100x1(0 Hanson's Id Addition. . . .S10SO (0x100 Eaat Portland- , . . . . . . .SlOSO i. 100x100 Eaat Portland ' These lota, most of them, on Improved streets and car lines. J. L. Wells & Co; :-r . M OBAJrD ATBSnTB. PORTLAND .I. HEIGHTS The Choicest 1 Residence V Section In Portland - - Oar list ef Hrlrhte preparty Is tars and varied. W nff-t lot from IftO te ll.fton. U a ala kev aararal iars Irarts - In flsitth a AMltloo at tcmptlnf nrlres. Wa a ea tM, term, aed will advance SMoay te build.. .-. . PORTLAND TRUST CO. of Oregon ' , lp9. THIRp OTRtJUT v JJOR. SALE