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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1905)
- . -TT ., --v B83(Yyp8 0f. Life Insurance Liwli'' it Ls - Win "iv . a-Crl) ALL, SA3 GLAFIIE .11 An aaaoclatlon for mutual benefit and . Improvement la the reault of a bis mt lng of the newsboys at the Men's He aort Uat night. The asoclatloa waa aa ' slsted la ita organisation by -A C Ra. ' In chare of th boys' department of 'th Ilea a Resort,- and others -who are interested In the walfarof th-nw-boya. Officers wr' elected aa follows: Richard Kullsch, president; Julius Wi der, vtccpresldent; Sam Cohen, secre tary: Ralph W. Hoyt. cashier of the ater : chants National bank, treaaurer; A. C. : Raa, H. Oemlna and W. Bloom, member! Of the executive committee; R, Ander ' aoiv sergeant-at-arms. - The association ' '.will meet . on Tuesday evenings at the . ' -vMen'a Reaort..' ;.. - We deliver four ttmee a day both . .1 north and south of 'Washington at reel. Liellvarie leava store at :8 and 11 m, I and i p. m. To Inaure prompt - delivery the order 'ehould be left' twenty tnlnutea In advance of the time for the - - departure of the wagons, Quality la to the merchant what character la to the . h man. Quality la the word - that rulea . l -our atore, 20 years of gradual euoeese '-,., meana much, to you; it clerks-sad II .. i wagons-constantly, et your aervice. -F. Dresser Co., Portland' a greatest, gro aery, Seventh- and. Washington, . ' Eaat ;.. Fifteenth and Broadway, ; y : -n -The' United States evangelical confer- - enee, recently closed at Salem, aaalgned ,Kev. A. A. Wlntera to the Klrst Evan V gelicai church, East Tenth and Sher--yv, man streets, thla city. Rev T, I R. Smith', who waa at that church for sis. , -n months, waa aent to Colorado. Rev. K. -' . JdcVlckers waa returned to St. Johns, , where he has done auooeaaful work for . ...'one year. Rev. J. Bowersoz .la , one of the state' pioneer ministers, and waa . returned to the Second ' church In Al ' ' bins. - Rev. II. I. Pratt, who baa been ; presiding elder for four year, was re turned to the Portland, district. , ,. - ' "''li' tt.' Mayer of Belaaco and Mayer, y .' 'purchasers of the Columbia - theatre. started for San Franctcao last evening. .'. having failed In bla effort to aecure , ; possession of the house at aa earlier date than July 1, when Manager Bal- ; lard s lease expires. Before his depart ' Ure Mr. Mayer confirmed what baa al ready been atated concerning the. firma '' plana,' . namely., that a atock company would be put In and the name of the house will be changed to Belaaco theatre. Another effort will be made by the Sao 'Francisco manager to take possession ."Jun W i- :i'y'-j ",.- The Portland Board of Trade Journal ' . has issued a creditable "manufacturers ' ,-, edition.", containing matter of Interest . regarding many of the factories and the . . nature of their products. In a compre . henalv article by Seoretary Mclaaaoe, of the Manufacturers' aaaoclatlon. It la - atated that .there are 4,500 factories In - Oregon,- moat of which are located In : and around Portland. The Issue contains the complete annual report of the presi . .. dent of the Manufacturers' aaaoclatlon. T,' and .other Valuable matter. , . Ti ":-' The Phoenix Fuel company, W..' E. '''. Rothery, Florlan Fuohs, ' Cortlandt I Parker Louis A. Oreenley -' and- Paul , Strain were elected . members ,of the t,. board . of trade yeaterday.-. An eastern j glass factory aaked for a report oa the feasibility of 'establishing a plant here. . t, and CapU J. II. Flak waa delegated , to : ...make a .teohnloal.. Invest igatlon. . An : -tern drop-forge and malleable.' Iron : foundry asked 'what opening, there waa vtn Portland and' the Inquiry waa referred " to A. B. Hammond for report. '-s, f . ; -y , To. recover. $4.(00 balance due on . t. rot. Louise 8. Clark haa commenced - suit against William C Noon, Jr- H. M. ' Cake and T. J. Armstrong. It Is claimed that a H.00O jiot waa given to Clark , by the late W. C Noon In aettlement -of bualnea between .them growing out -of , " (he. management by Clark of the Noon ": farma In Columbia county. Part of th ' not was paid, leaving a balance of prin cipal and Interest of 44.S0O. . . I" Prof. C A. Duniway of Iceland Stan- ford. . Jr- unlveralty ha been aelected a one of th elector to vote on addl- . , tional name of famoua American for ftlacea In th Hall-of Fame. He la , aon of Mra. Abigail gcolt Duniway of thliclfy. Among the chief Justices e ? .lected aa electors la C E. Wolverton of ; .Oregon. . - '.....;.. .- Evert raior guaranteed to give per- feet satisfaction or money, cheerfully - refunded, le the way Albert Bernl, the V druggist. Second and Waahlngton, doe - hualneaa. Every ahaving man can aave ,' time and money by getting a good rasor and being ma ewn barber. . 1 ' Clearance sal ef a lot of trimmed ', hats for ladles and children. .,- Becker' Millinery,; Third atreet. . , , J ' After n Illnes of two weeks, remit- lng from concussion of the brain, caused V t. , A good opaque cloth WinJavhade, any color; ALL DAY THURSDAY 184-6 First Street V. :Win(rJoW ''viS;.'-;'! ' 1 . . - - ... . t v. y ''JL First Plink in the Plattorhi of the , Republican Candidate , v ; for Mayor. ! PROMINENT MEN MEET V- t . AND PROMISE HIM AID R G, Morrow Says People Are Tired of the Present Star ? ' V Chamber' Politics. : L' "Boys, if you elect me mayor I prom ise every f man . luetics .and an even chance with every other, I will sur round myself with men who, will per form tbelr public duties aa they do their private duties honestly and with . an eve single to the weal of the people. I'm In 'earnest about thla mayor bual ness. I've gone Into It to win, and ap preciate "your help In reallsVrta' my ain bltton to. head the city government and make a record of which my friend w 111 be Proud." .-. v:. : Thunder 'of applauaov " followed the foregoing statement of W. B. Olaak of bis platform a a candldat for mayor, at the second meeting of the Clarke Republican clubs, laat night in Allsky halt. About 100 men were present. , "When R. Q. Morrow, 'who ha teen recognised a a aort of orator emeritus for th club, brought a mesas ga from Charles B. Ixtckwood, secretary of the Republican end Young Men's . Republi can clubs, asking, the appointment of a committee to confer with liae com ran- tee from those clubs on the Selection of a candidate for mayor, man. after man arose and declared With vehemence: "Thla la a Olafke clubt We're for 'BUV flrat, last and all the time,' and won't listen to-any other nam in that con nection.' . . . i- - f - s -i- However. the committee of flv mem ber a was named today by President Mo Oulre, and . will endeavor to ' convince the other dub that -Bill" Olafke to the Moses who can lead the city Into the promised land where There are no grafters, and honest " men 7 administer government. '".(: v - Th officers of the Olafke club are: Hush MoOutre of- the Paciflo Paper company, president : W. - H. Corbett - of the "Willamette Iron Works, vice-president: Paul . W-. Cuater of - the Union Printing company - and editor : of ' . the Tradesman - and Commercial Review, secretary; Charles 1 Maatick of Charles Li Mastlck Co., treasurer; -executive oommlttea,. O. M. Brown of the Hasel wood Creamery . company, Ferdinand Dresser of F. Dresser tt Co., Edward KUnam of How. Davis KUham, Ed ward Newbegln of R. M, Wade Co., Oeorge- Lawrence,- Jr.r'.of 'the - George Liawrenos company: George W. Hoyt. assistant cashier of the Merchants' Na tional - bank; R. O. Morrow, attorney; C K. Warren of the Massachusetts Ufa, A. I Barber,-a prominent Woodman of the World, and James Thompson of Wadhama at Kerr Bros. . A sort of experience meeting was feature of the, evening and abort ad dressee were given by Bdward Na begin. George W. Hoyt. H. C. WbltUer, j. p. riniev. w. w. KODtneoa. J. i. Mastlck, jr. N. Blair, 8. M. Ludera, J. H. KeUer. Jamea - Roberts, .. F. W. Arias, James McKercher and W. H. Chapin. - R. O. Morrow explained th purpose of th clnb. savins in part:--; - "The present administration ha not been satisfactory to the business men of Portland.. In fact, old-time political methods are not plaaalng to men who respect tnemsetves. ana mis ciuo is protest agelnat the self-appointed con tra! committee which dispense political power aa a tryrannteal boss. A naw Idea la In the air. Hereafter, men tnuat come out In the open and' declare their political - ambition - and make their fights aa Individuals, rather than aa the pets of some star chamber organisation that regards the people legitimate prey for their system of spoils. W. B. Olafke ha conceived the laudable am bition to be mayor of Portland, and It la our purpose to elect mm to tnat otnee. It's a matter of Individual merit, not of electing a man because he chancea to be a Republican. . - Then they went at the task of organ isation and volunteers to work In the precincts wera enrolled and assigned to th dletrtctr tney aeiecteo. . by a fall. C K. Steven; who waa a resident of this city for the past Si years, died laat night St Oood Samaritan hospital. H waa a charter member of Industry lodge No. I, A. O. tT. W. He la survived by a widow aad daughter, Mrs. William F. Woodard. wife of a member of. the firm of Woodard, Clarke eV Co. - ,...- a i ; 10,000 Immigrants Wanted To locate along th Oregon Water Power ' Rail way company Una between Portland and Bstacada. - For Information Inquire of th Oregon Water Power Townalts company, lit First trt Phone, Mala - v " J ' C Xstacada Offers Opportnnlties to mahufaoturers which - meana million of dollar 1f properly handled. For In formation Inquire of th Oregon Water Power Town sits company, lit First street ' Phone. Main Sit. ' A modern house Is not complete with out- hardwood floors.- They are ; sani tary, beautiful and everlasting. Aa your carpet -wear out, call at 18 Tamhtll Street and- Investlgat. - Portland Hard wood Floor company. . Phone West S01. Vlavl Hyglenio Horn Treatment for the permanent euro of all female trou bles, - Lady pnyalclan In charge, con aultatlon and ..examination free. Off lee hour, S a. m. to I p. m.; SS Lewis bldg. - Becker Millinery.- lirthlrd - street ladle. 'don't fall,. to examine our ex treme low prloee on our large asaort ment of trimmed tiata. a , ..- IT Ladlea' hat cleaned, dyed and pressed. Latest etvlea.- Pacino Hat Wofka. SSI Third atreet. Clay S., Bock wurs'tA Boc-wnrt:rOrder will be taken untll-j Friday evening for delivery Saturday. Chicago Market. 144 Fifth atraet. : , .r . Roller skating rink open every after noon and evening, fit Russell street. Take 17. .car... Oood- skates. . Instmo tlon free. , .:'- - Reliable man to Interview business men. Apply 41 Washington straet. Wednesday or Thursday. rt " tt , ssaaaaaeasaassj ' '",.' , Try a meal, without meat at the Vege tarian cars, lot Sixth atreat . ' t.- , ' Changi of phone Analey, Main 4(71. . Qalll Ital.-rrtnrh reaUurant. Ml fpshut ,'',ek your grocer for Oolden Cheddar! State. Printer J. R. Whitney la her (mm Salem. accompsDled by Mr. Whit ney. - , tr, . . .. ....! .. ' KartaoKT An EASTER EGG That -will answer for a nest egg is a bank account, small or . large, showing deposits in this sensible savings institution, You. may or may not know that we pay 4 per cent, interest and compound that annually. Every -facility afforded here for profitable investment and safeox wages, income or in bented funds - ' . .- " -Sixth -and Morrison.'vr LOVE SBAC3TS . ... v.. ' r 4. : "' . - - PROHISED BRIDE Meyers Returns to Seattle and Leaves Detectives to Watch r -..f Miss' La Chapeller v BUTCHER LEAVES HEARTS A--. AND FURNITURE HERE Charmer Promises Not to Speak - to a Man Until Groom Af r,jA A r Claims Her. . AA'; Back to hi butcher shop In 'Seattle has gone W. C. Meyers, who came to Portland to marry Mlsa . Tlllle La Chapelle, It Hood atreet. - and the young woman la In poaaesalon of the furniture for which he brought suit. He has her vow that aha will marry him in -June.. , , Before ha consented to leave the fur niture In her ear ha exacted a promiae which. If broken, will destroy whatever right or Interest aha -may have In the property. She promised him, by the quiver - of Cupid, that she would not speak to a single man in his absence. and by.tb blush -of Venus that she would not aoconfpaay a "genf. to theatre,, to , th Iarka., or to ,fhe, fair ground. ! '. . .1 tlHut -- if I Meyer had fed full on cruet experl noe .alncse he--reached Portland two weeks ago. ' Ho Is not so credulous, and though1 hi sua t shines only when1 she smiles on him, her action have caused a cloud of doubt to appear on the . horl- son or hi love. Bo he employed, a de tective to watch her movements' until hs could arrange his business In Seattle and return to Portland and have the matrimonial fetters forged. The detec tive win watch her dally, and If he sees her In th company of another man he will telegraph Meyers, and the lover will take poaaesalon of the property. "One of the things thst I regret more than an the others." said Meyers, "Is th fact that the revolver the man used In driving me away when I -went to call on her waa a little gun I had given her. It was a .S-oallbre,and aha had fre quently toia ma tnat aha waa afraid to stay - at home without a weapon, and needed one to take car of , our . prop- y... . 1 . , . - , PLANNING COMFORTS A A A FOR LIBRARY TOTS Th children of the library are eacer- ly. looking forward to the long promised moving, which they expected laat spring, but didn't get; and looked forward to In the fall, and were again disappointed. Now the expected change la to become a reality, and when It comes there 1 to bo a real house-warming, and It will certainly be a gala day for the tots. The time of moving - cannot yet be atated. for the change must be made while th dally work goes no, and. will be slow. ' -'.! Mis Millard wiU take eharg of the uaual story hour on Friday, and tell of the story of Theseus. Miss Haasler will bo at Mt. Tabor to assist In the ar bor day exercises, and the soldier story will bo omitted till the next week,' when the battle of Hastings will be the sub ject. - . - . May day , will be observed with the uaual Maypole. Dr. . Stephen .8. Wine presented the department with a email scroll of ths pentateucb In the original 'Hebrew. ;,' - - 'j -r : - WILL TELL OF FAULTS COMMON TO CHILDHOOD 'Common Faults In Children" la the subject of the-talk by Mra. BL C Cle ment at the meeting pf the Home Train ing association tomorrowat t o'clock at the T. W. C. A- Sixth and Oak street. Th subject will practically cover all the problema of mothers in connection with the rearing of .children. A general dis cussion will follow. Women are asked to bring name of books they consider suitable for the mothers' library- which I being started. -.The suggestions will be need In purchasing new books. - An important meeting will be held at the Holiadar school- Friday at I: J o'clock, and If practicable a neighbor hood -circle WUI b formed.- , . HOW TO GET PRIZES IN : PRESIDENTIAL CONTEST e , 4 - Prise winner In the Preelden- . w 4 ' tlal Ouenelng Contest, which was - 4 ' run In connection with The Jour . 4 nal. must send thetr certificates 4 4 ' to The Central Press association, e 111 Monroe atreet, Chicago, 111., e 4 1 which will attend to 'the, prises. e 4 ' ,-.-.: --' e 4- 'e Little Cold. Thotmand of "live sacrificed evey year. Dr. Wood' Nor way Pine Syrup cure little colds, cures big eolrts too, down to th very verge, of consumption. ... s . IS Ij7-AT Ad EuD Chinatown's 1 Fat . - Cede, Who Eloped With Itinerant Fisher. man, Arrested in Vancouver. - - - '. 1 's- TRAVELED AS MRS. DOWNS, : " 'COMPANION AS VALET Sue Wong Says She Enjoyed Ex. : ; p erience and Is Ready to . Pay for It. A ,: ' . '; Flv week ago slant-eyed goaeipa of Chinatown discussed the scandal caused by th elopement of Sue Wong, the fat belle of Chinatown and wife of a rich merchant, with . Hop LU an Itinerant fisherman.' . Jewels valued at S600 and a large sum of money, the property, of ner lord, also disappeared. Duck Foo, hitaband of the girl, had returned, to his native land on a aaored mission. When the. great joss was In stalled la the new joss house on Second street It was found that be bad a green ye where a yellow oae ought to be. Duck Foo, a member of. the . company which bought the god,' and noted for hi piety, waa dispatched to China with all speed ' to purchase another . eye for . the painted, Joss. ' Ha departed, six- weeks ago and . left his wife In . care , of brother. A week 'after his departure Hop LI, a wanderer,' landed in Portland from Alaska on a flahlng vessel. Duck Foo's brother' invited him to hist home. . After the excitement following the elopement sad ths robbery had subsided, a warrant of arrest waa Issued for the fat belle and her olive-tinted Apollo, and placed in the handa of Sheriff Word. - At th hotels where ehe stopped Sue Wong waa known as Mrs. Rose Downs. She apoke fairly good Sngllah, and said aha was of American birth, though of foreign descent, and was . traveling for pleasure. - The nam ef Mrs.' - Rose Downs was remembered In many town where she. and her constant Chinese companion visited, s Finally Sheriff Word heard of the peculiar pilgrimage of Mr. Down. H traced her from city to .city, and at laat located her . at Vancouver. B. C ' "Don't glvee dam," : ah aaid, when notified of her arrest. ' "Had vellee good time and make much fun. . Oo . back! Sur."' "-' ' , Sheriff Word left yesterday for Van couver to bring Sue Wong, allaa Mrs. Rama Aaviu tn Pnrtlanil for trials : ' Th Enterprise Grain Milling com pany. 1:6.000 capital stoca. naa rx Incorporated by Charles vuxms, j. -i Murphy and D. K. Murpny. Accidents come with distressing fre quency on the rsrm. cuts, bruises, ings, sprains, IJr. inomaa ucieoina I relieves the oaln inatantly. Never aafe without It. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Has Successfully Demonstra ted the Fact That Disease in All ' Its Various Forms Can Be Cured Without the 1 Use off Medicine or Surgery. "X, THIS IS NOT A THEORY BUT A SCIENTIFIC FACT. Accustomed as we have elwara been to reiy upon a rugs 10 relieve our suner Inge. t la not to be wondered at that there ahould be some who would doubt the efficacy of a new sclentiOo treat ment - ' 1 -. - -The eohatant offerings of suggestion 01 aicaness, ootn . oy our xnenaa . and , DR. C W. HARR18. ' . .. - . , - physician, especially a clas who nu merate an almost endleaa array of dls- eaaee to which fieah la heir to, la fraught wiui no ena or trouDie, yet.-we cling to the old dogmas and old ways of living. How few of ue are wllllne- to af-aso a new thought, or to give due credit to-a man who has spent time In research after the truth; No man In recent veers Is entitled to more honor for the good that he haa doner tn the matter 'Of relieving humsn suffering than Dr. C W. Harris, of 11-24 SelUng-Hirech building, thla city. A -conscientious, bard-worklna atu- dent of the dlvln lawa that govern man a well belner: he stands reed v todav to offer positive proof of the emcacy of me new scieniinc vrvnement ok niwHS No doctor ever administered medicine eoeceesfully In half so msny cases ss are, now being permanently cared by the methods of thla masterful man. The charges for his treatment are so re aonable and the paymenta made On aurh eaev Diana that anv on can take ad vantage of this treatment and become well and strong. - , Dear reader, if you want to know the truth., about the greatest power of the umaa race, ir you want to take some rart In rescuing yourself and other rom a life of suffering and sorrow, you should call on Dr. Harris at onoe. r you wish to learn a profession with vhloh von can aorosnollsn more s-oed In than anything else, and at the aame time make a good, honest living, you should. consult this man - relative- to that, as hese lectures see now snlns on and they are contlnuona, and one can join the clans at any time, but aa the course proceeue the prloe will b advanced. ',' t."i -.'-'; A;i' ; : 1 A-jj": V ' i " J J V: ' " KAf-.!.. A;' bSBbbbSW 'V'-'SjMSBaBBaBaBBBkesBaBaBsiBBBk. awawawassawasBl The Northwestern Mutual Life a Mutual Company in the , , ' - '. : Truest Sense.'', 'r ''; (yrosi the Iasaraace Observer ef Aerfl 1, loS.) Nothing could be more timely 'than th report of the examination of th Northwestern Mutual Life - Insurance Company by the insurance ' department of Wisconsin. . It smphaslses a fact which cannot be too persistently urged, that In the recent disclosures of bad methods, not life insurance has come under Indictment, but those Individuals who- hav been responsible for-tbe evil exposed. ' ' ,1 - ... ' " The Northwestern Mutual Life Is. a company which - standa as a distinct type. In slae it outrenks all other com panies except the three giants. It la so large that wr there anything In herently - bad In magnitude It would ahow th ill effecta. On the contrary, however,, th Northwestern Mutual Life presents, all the merits of the conserve' tlve small company while retaining all the legitimate .aggressiveness of th big' company. .":",.:.'..-'-.."' The report of the recent Investigation begun early In November. 1104, 'and con tinued to th end of .January last,'' 1 most lmpresstv In those features which show the line of ' demarcation clearly drawn between it and those companies which of late have com In for wide spread criticism.- Tills company, with Assets aggregating nearly $15,800,080. is shown to be managed with the aame sealous sense of duty to th policy hold er which exists In ths most conserva tively managed life insurance compa nlea. With an- annual income exceeding 3(, 800,000. th company la managed aa economically as though Its income were One tenth that amount. 1 One of the moat impressive features of the report relates to the safeguards which exist' against the abuse of th proxy system, which tn ' aome mutual companies haa rendered the policy hold ers utterly Impotent to oontrol the man agement. . As long ago . aa 117 the oompany established the rule that all proxies must . be executed within days preceding the meeting "at which they are to be used. No one Is permit ted to vote on more than 18 proxies, and "no- officer, trustee, agent or em ploye" of. the company I permitted to vote aa proxy for an absent member. It would be difficult to devise? a 1 surer method of preventing the packing of a meeting with proxies. . Under this plsn tt Is possible for anlndlvldual policy holder to command consideration. We shall hav to forego any elabor ate review of the financial condition of the company as found by ths examiner. Suffice that ths company . is stronger than Its own conservative valuation of assets had ah'own It to be. Of the dis tinguishing merits of the-company-we shall aay more. And. first, as to Its economical management What stronger endorsement could any company aak than the following In the report of th examiner: - - One ef the prtnHpal aetata Is whleh I wish te direct year attentloa la this partlea ef the eowpeny's ststeneat la the low eosnalMMia rate which Is paid te the Mteecy force for the wecareeient or ausiaeas. Tats anr rata w sot be result of beokkeeplng ssrtheds whereby lenw et the east ef ebtalalas the saalnaea hi charged to ether aeeottnta, eat resrsspsts the actual easditloa et affairs. I saw dnlre te en toot attoatloa to the eeenoaileal aassser In which taw eoBspasy aaniniaters us easineaa st Its home office. The salaries pst sre erate, aod the expenses mt the ooeiiMBy sie kept well within the kwdlag oa Ita predileaas. When it is remembered that the great est drain tininn the resources of the companies which have been conspicuous aa bualneaa gettera arises from extrava gant commissions ana salaries, xno se cret of the North-western's large divi dends to policy - holder Is here " dis closed. - ;- - " The nubile of late naa -received con alderabla enllshtenment as to the In vestment methods of certain 00m Denies. It has seen how closely allied with Wall atreet have been the relations of aome companies. The Northwestern Mutual nas entered inco no aucn alliances, j n report aays that Ita. nearly 171,880.880 of bond a "consist of allt-edged tJovern ment, municipal and steam railway bonds,' and among th last named Is found none which Is a second mortgage bond: or bonds Issued upon the deposit of the stock of railroads aa security. Tha eomnanv does not Invest Its fund In atreet rallwav. electric light or in dust rial corporation bonds." The com pany la not interested In any syndicate operations, nor nns it , one cmi w veated In the atock of any corporation.' Tt owna no banks or truat companies. Neither, does it keep large auma of money on deposit in banks, where It may be found of use In pushing- Wall street vent urea. These are negative vlrtuea or a positive vaiue. After referring to other commendable features In the management of the com pany, the report aaya: "The oompany la a mutual organisation in tne atrict eat and beat sense." While the eomnanv Issues semi- tontine policies the moat of its business Is on the annual dividend basis. The aeml-tontlne policy holders are treated with exact Impartiality. The same rate ef dividends is apportioned to the annual dividend and aeml-tontlne noil- ciea each year, and tha holders are-kept inrormea aa to tne amount 01 accumu lated profits annaally. One method or the company is unloue. It does not try to force eeml-tontlne policies - upon applicants. The report explains . me pian aa r 01 lows The com Deny sees set, however, eomeel the soury aeioer sc ue nme Tnat s policy M sisaaa te bin te nake a selection of the awaser la which the dividends, sre te ha paid. At the ef the mma rear fwbea the first divi dend la apportioned) the policy bolder receives bo tics ef the sntoont ef each dlvldesd. ssd la reqneatad te Ineieate the aiasnar la which he wishes It applied, I. ., ss s cask payment Bona his seat preatlnaa, as s reverakMiary ad dition, or ss the hegiaslDg ef hla eenl-tentlne mala tlon. Thla, yoa will perceive, re r the poller holder from aay lafloenee ef the agent was mlsht desire, for varloas ions, to write seatt-toatlns eoatracta isstead ef aasaal aivldead eaes. The effect ef this method has been to cause a reduction- in the number of eeml-tontlne policies issued, while there haa been a large Increase In annual divi dend polloiea. The experience- of the com peny utterly refutes the claim of the tontine Or deferred dividend compa nies - that the publio prefers policies with a gambling sdlunct We have space only for the follow ing additional extract from the report,' which sums id the merits of the com pany as. follows: , Thla la a company- Beers ted hr ths sollev holders sad far th. beet Utereats of the pellcy holders. Its bnetneaa la preen red Bnder the snnervtema ef the officer, et the agency de partem! at a low east and at s rata which dnee aet involve a sacrifice ef the fands of old policy holders for the parpoae of pvtUsg B.w enee noon the bonks. The aiembera af the ancy foree la the field seem te ee-eserste with the home office nnnaceaent In placing neon) ine nsose a nm aeairaeie eiaas or risae. Th. medical department Is eannblT an offl. etently orfk-erea. ss remits a bow, for the tallty exnertencs ef thle eenmaav hss The- lonaea einerlenred have been leea rhea aeventy per cent, et the talmla or esperted. loan for s somber of y.iXS, The smllcnl eirectar grten abeomte and Bntrnm meled eootrol ef his department, snd m snh rcte te a Interfereaee upon the part ef ether effleefs. The legal, actuarial and elective departments have efficient beads whs inakmslr guar ths interests of the poUcy solders,- x That tha Korthweatern Ifntual T.lf Is deserving of the encomiums thus pro nounced upon It all who have any inti mate knowledge of Ita affairs and nteth oda will oonoeds. - And companlea like he Northwestern Mutual are todav sav ins- life Insurance from belna over thrown by the suaplcion which the had method" 3M, aome companies hav aroused In the public mind. -i The above onmpanv Is represented In Oregon by 8. T. Look wood A Bon. who report that the new business of the company up to date thla yesr shows a large increase over- the corresponding period, of last year. . p. -W . I v.. - . " .' '. - ," . . , ;i 'Extract from The Orejonian of ApriVH: "Butter tJ milk and cream sre exposed to contamination of dust-bica atmosphere and noxious odors." This extract Is taken from an article exposing the filthy conditions existing In soma ' markets. - : ::'-r;iJ:'i:''-y V''': ;': 'v' " ' 1 v ... Is made from Pasteurized cream and packed in airtight, germproof and odorless cartons. v V. A ( .. :- The only butter on the Pacific Coast giving you this safe guard. ' t l t' 1 Atk your grocer.-. Insist on getting "White Clover' in cartons. t ' , T. S TOVNSEND CREAMERY CO. Phone Main 4077 44-46 Second Street PLATFORMOF V.B. GLARiE ' ' . " .' " Candidate for Mayor : of the City of Portland -If I am nominated and elected,' I will during my term of offloe pledge myself to aivs the City of Portland a clean bualneaa administration. Or what la termed the Roosevelt plan, fear or favor to none; justice to all.' - "The laws pertaining to gambling and other vices, ss well a all other lawa. will be enforced. - "The Pollen Denartment will be com pelled to enforce aU ordinances. Fir and Street Departments will be made as efficient aa possible.- - 1 win not pieage mysau 10 any mo tion or set of Indlviduala, Thla leaves me free to carry out a policy that wiU be for the beet tntereata of all." Do you believe in that Kind or a pol icy. If you do, flrat, resistor your party politics before April It; - second, cast your vote at th primaries In May for W. B. OLAFKE. ' Th City of Portland has had all klnda Of administrations, but up to the present time It has never had a bualneaa administration run by a ouainess man. wno enters tne oraee rree zrora nil prom laea snd obligations to politicians. The, marlstrstlnn st the court bouse are opea from T:t0 a. m. to I P m. j ; , ';', . . . Tan Shoss and Straw Hats Th season Is getting full si for th change - of your clothes. W are well prepared from head to feet to save you money on a large variety ef new stock just in. It Is moat a pleasure for the consumer to find Just what he like snd get the exact slae. That's why It Is ad visable to come early and be suited at JOHN DELLAH Ooc trs aad TasahiU aad Third aad For modern dental work.' World-re . nownea specialist. Lowest prices consistent with first -class -work. - ..'.. 7 X '"''' ; T09 tq th " ' NEW YORK DENTISTS TOTXTX AJTD MOmmiSOaT BTS. : Open day and night, from t:tt a, m. until 10 p. m. .. - . AWBWXMMMY. . COLUMBIA THEATRE TONIOHT. ALL WEEK, ' MAT. 8ATUB0AT, f In the powerful play. WOatAJT AwAXaTST WOKAsT. ' Breams, hoc. She. J6c. JSc. Mstlnee. u. lie. loe. Downtown hem ofcs eeea nil Sav. Pelly Vardee randy nhop; Mala 110. Bra alas at theatre) Mala 811. KBIT WRsK "DOBA ' TsTOaBX" BMPIRB'iSLa '" . AUMIHglON , ' H MATINII BVKBT DAT A.T 1U P. K, One Shew Kvery Night at :1S p. m.' - All Tela " Weak th. Seoaatioaal Memdraaa. "The TkUt-of-Uive R!an" Aa Baeelleat Stark. I serial Bcesary, itsisio(u:i;!:iu::i rOBTLAAfi , New enca. Take Pnrtmsd Heights ear sed awt eft at Hawthorne Terrace, eae ek fnna ear Hoe. eiimntag. aiertrw n, Moaf aasnlflcent view la A-- a. a- hssntlfsl affect et newarfal nr,- h-vaa top sf toner. Opea a a. m. te p. m. ASKIbUC a 1 C J. II j, . ' t m Jl''' ja"sB A special Fon THURSDAY QVM SS.TS aVMnCSai TOM 'Xarge, strong and roomy ' rodded Rocker, golden oak finish. . It's a bargain for tn. price. . Htinry Jenninrj ' : -ITS-IT Closing Out Matting Sals Having a very large stock of fine linen warp matting on hand, we must positively close ft eat te make room for our new stock of goods to arrive for th fair trad. . W also have a large stock ef new canton. - crepe and lines - em broidered patterns - for . lad lea waists and dresses, pongs silk and other fine goods, such as grass linen, table - center pieces, Japaness and Chinese latest novel , ties, curios, etc.. at lowest price, ; 287 n:oniscM i AJiWSJBalJasTTB. GRAND ,.- siamovs tuA"rrrTi. -.'r-'; BAD ABO BTBOX, ' ' . 0. W. 11 LIB. . , . v HOBAV AMD ITJhOS. " ' , BiBBT CUtt , ..,'-',.', v AUf. o rt. v. w-v-. SaAmTDweuOr. Adsilaslea le. few boo la laaar.a tn tOe. , Boa seam 3Be.. DAUEIV THEATRC Third aad Tamhlll sts. Besting A ytesd. Ma, aaera, Largest Vaodevtlle Hoase la Samara. The Naw BUI: XTdLX lBOTTTB. ' Ttn AXXTBS. h. UraoaU. ' -" W1WB ABB trUAB. fXAM WTXBOB. DtAwOCI TBIO. BIOdBATB. - Aimlmlos Its to sar seal, laewa at l:fcX T:U and p. a. mil ABO PIAMABT, " ' Slegem and tmaeara from Paris. - rirnt Waetera Appesrasee. , BW fOTeA a TA JOBaA Am a B0s..vd. . Asd rem Other Seaat Asia. - snows a m, T:ao, r. m. APbliaajOM lea TO A BY (BAT. r- e -p g r- . mm Ll I J I- A k r 1