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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1905)
t'ZM REJECTS ; riAvors CHOICE St. Johns' Body Refuses to Con- ... firm Proposed Appoints " , .; to Marshalship. LICENSE PROBLEM AGAIN , TROUBLES THE SOLONS Can Regulate Saloons But Ap- 7 parently Cannot Grant a Liquor Ucense.V 7 " Th Mt ti it ,ow.' ta, .It Ha Hi fir of Mrs. r. W. ciwari. " Murrlaoa street. Td.ahon. Hast k . Th. ' rn administration , of Bt Johns began tu ml work last night wttm the bonds of the treasurer, auditor and marshal were received ana approver. iTha chief faatur of the meeting was the rejection bjr-Uia council of three namaa .offered y.,aUyor King for the office of rlty marshal. The mayor authorised -tha iencil -to -choose a man from tha thrta name who were: R. C. Clark, Qeorge Mh.irUn ml John Verdigan. Tha . council almost unanimously rejected all thaaa namaa ana aa no mora wu- i r.a ; h tha mavor tha appointment ' of marshal waa deferred until a later ' , meeting. , . C R. Organ. Who haa flllad tha offlca acceptably tor tne wi ! years, may be appointed aa his name . would ; probably be acceptable . to the council man, but Mr. Organ, though act--ive In tha recent campaign, announced that he did not seek the office and al lowed the mayor a free choice. ; . Another peculiarity of the now la ... moue StJohns charter cropped out when the liquor queatlon waa discussed. It waa dlaoovared that the council could do an almoat unlimited amount -of regu lating the liquor trade but It apparently had m right to laaue a license.. More than a score of men would have Hied their' applloatlona for saloon Uoanae In St Johna and considerable sentiment exists favoring the granting of a few . licensee to' responsible parties On ao , count of the deficiency lu the municipal atrong box, or rather the deflolency that will exist when the needed improvementa are made. '.. . ' , The following committees of the coun cil were named by the mayor last night: Ways and means P. i. Peterson, C. 'B. Thompson. H. W. Brlce. ' y Streets and docks B. T. Leggett, C A. Unquiet, J. H. Shields. licenses B. T. Leggott, XL W. Brlce, . C IX Edwards. .. ' Water .and lights Charlee A. " Lln qulst. J. H. Bhlelda, P. J. Peterson. Public ' buildings and grounds C 8. Thompson, P. J. Peterson. II. W. Brlce. DOSSaTT ; Suit haa been commenced in Justice Beton'a court on the east side by A. Anderson to collect from ' Nets kelson money alleged to be due for work done in building a house for the defendant. Yesterday the defendant Bled hie an swer, which is somewhat unique. He states that the house was not built as planned nor contracted for, and in proof of this charge affirms that the stairway . leading from the first Boor waa so nar row that neither a bedstead nor spring mattress could be taken to the regions above He' also alleges that the plain tilt neglected to build a flight of stairs to the basement and left out four win- Further it is charged that the apstalra waa ruined by the placing at a partition which made one of -the rooma too small for sleeping- purposes.- - After which grievances the defendant asks tha court to give him judgment for a considerable amount and tha costs at the suit. ... , :' ill-, . I OBXSCTS TO jrOYSXWO) OIIMB. Nellie Kelly has - commenced auit In . the eaat side Justice court sgalnst Mrs. C E. Campbell, the grounds of the suit ' being the objection of the plaintiff to paying $20 for a bath. . The brief of the ' 1 fendant persuaded her to enter a aanl- :, tarlum conducted by Mrs. Campbell at tsi East Aakeny street. The plaintiff allerea that aha was then in feeble I health and easily influenced. It la fur- -1 ther'atated that on entering tha aanlta ..' that eight hours later friends ana reia- i took her"to the Qeod Bamariian . hospital, where she still remains. The plaintiff desires tha return of the t0 4 M 1 1lA4n thil In Ik, 1 rht Itnttrfl . , iihi m " V vb - - ; she remained In the sanitarium She re- reived one bath and no other treat- . m.nt Tfr la a!lmril that a Mm Anil waa - , made for the 110 and that the defendant -I refused to return the money., WMfiJti mw mooMxaw acoim. ) ; () .be-most Important of the east i " aide buslnesa Improvementa la nesting completion. It being the two story room Mng bouse at East Morrison and East Klghth streets, being erected for E. J. ' Finn. Though erected primarily for the ' ' fair trade It is substantially built and will be conducted as a lodging house af tar the fair closes. : Tha building . con tains . SI rooms and will coat 111.000 whan completed. Where it now stand there was a scum-covered pool three months ago and the first floor la SO feet from the ground, plies, being driven to form the foundation. The building win bo readjr for tenants May II and many of the rooms are aireauy remea. , K4BT wXDB TOTni OMAjrmWw. . Though rather oonfuaed as to iuat What, candldatea to support, east aide voters are gradually organising and this evening two meetings will be held by the Republicans of east side wards to se lect a committeeman for . the various precincts. Ballwood Republicans will meet in Fireman's hail and those of the eighth ward will meet in tha east side Justice court at East Washington street and Union avenue. Generally the voters of the east side take Intereat in but two announced candidates for the mayoralty, Mayor Williams and Councilman Albee aparently dividing the, attention of the voters. The recent appearance of the mayor before a number" of east aide clubs and associations having aided him In keeping bis candidacy before the voters. . . "ir. UaTZTBBanTT VAJUC SITU OatOWS. Building acUvlty la unabated, la the University Park and Portsmouth dis trict. W. P. Baldwin thla week pur chased two lots at Portsmouth and will build a model residence. - J, J. McHale has begun the erection of a 11,110 house at University Park, the house being a six room building with, .every modern improvement. J. F. Martin and I Mar tin, the lumbermen whol recently pur chased "lots In University Park, have commenced the construction of two IU- S00 houses.' 'The latest 'improvement Is aa 1 1.100 residence (n. University Park for Je Buskirk, work on which haa just been commenced, : 1100 1100 WILL ENJOY GREAT "ON THE ROOF" Meeting of iths Society in This City on Saturday Promises to Be a Success. -. Half -a hundred or more ""kittens" will be inducted into the myaterlea of the Hoo Hoo of. the Pacific coast at the great meeting which will be held In Elks' hall April 11. Members will jour ney to Portland from every city and hamlet in- the Pactflo northwest to take' part in the festivities and to plan for tha society's gathering at the Lewis and Clark exposition. Circular letters have been sent aa follows: - . "Aa the Boo Hoo annual la to be held In Portland September 0, it makes this an eventful year for the' Hoo Hoo of the Pacino coast. Xou are expected1 to lend us your best ef f orta In making thla a grand success. Make up your mind to be present and don't let any thing keep you away.- . . Contained in the circular are the fol lowing Instructions: s t ; - "Klrst Tou must not fall to attend. Thla meana you. . v "8eoond-i-Brlng with you one, two or dosen good eligible kittens. "Third Instruct these kittens to be at the hall at 7 p. m. sharp, ao that we may examine their claws before the -rourxn xne concatenation will start promptly at t o'clock p. m. Thla mean S o'clock. . '.. - "Fifth Tha on the roof will be held In the same building, ao you will not need : to carry your umbrellaa This part ot ths program will consist of something novel and new." Thoae unfamiliar with the terms ef the Hoo Hooa are assured that "on. the roof" meana tha banquet. . ASSESS: :iiT FLAN "WILL DE -ADOPTED Ancient Order of United Work- . men Is Facing Most Seri X ous Crisis of History, 'j DEATH LOSSES HAVE BEEN VERY HEAVY PAST YEAR The Danger of Disruption Con fronts Oregon Jurisdiction If Change Is Not Made. From a circular sent out by the grand master workman of the Oregon Jurisdic tion of the Ancient Order - of. United Workmen, it appears to be a foregone conclusion that 4ha order will adopt the assessment plan at a special session or the grand lodge here. The meeting will be made up of practically the same too men who attended, the grand lodge session in Portland last July, and at that time rejected the new plan. . Orand Maater Berchtold; in calling the subordinate lodge - representatives together in special session, qpeaks of the danger of disruption that confronts the Oregon jurisdiction unless It shall immediately decide to adopt the supreme lodge's plan of assessments, i To meet the death losses of this year there have already been eeveral double assessments, and these calls are increasing, because of the dearth of - young men in the order and the - predominance of ex tremely old members. ' Advocates of the' new plan say it will place them In a position to compete strongly ' with old-line Insurance oora panics. The A. O. U. W. waa about the flrst fraternal insurance society to gain prominence la tola country. Twenty years ago it waa the greatest insurance order, and was growing at ' a tremen dous rate. A. O. U. W. officials say that after they have accumulated ' a reserve fund under the new plan, they will make It a rule to invest all the money In' Ore gon socurlUea. ' - '."V?-...: MANAGER SAYS IT WAS V VALL EDDIE'S FAULT W. H. tauitaera, manager of the Kad derly-. Transfer company,-declares that the report of the accident at Sixth- and Flanders streets Saturday waa incorrect in stating that the driver while going at a rapid rate ran into Kdwln Welch, Jr., who was on a wheel, severely Injuring the poy. "It was one of our teams and Henry Baldwin was the driver," be said. "He was driving at an ordinary rate, and not rapidly, when the boy on a bicycle dashed from Sixth into Flanders street The boy missed the front wheel ef the wagon but struck the rear wheel. soon, aa tha accident occurred Baldwin stopped the team and went into the drug morav waoro-tno aoy-naa been earned." Two men who were there at the time state' that-ihe driver did not stop after the aoeldent, but kept on - down the street at a rapid pace. One of the clerks In the drug store where tha boy was taken to have his wounda dressed says that he aid not see uo driver come Jn the store. , , . ,.' ; , . . r ' '.. TOM WOU SS FAJI, The United States clvfl service com mission on May 1 Win held an examina tion for the positions i of . trainmaster, yard foreman, yardmaster-work train conductor, locomotive engineer, switch engtneman, switchman, . swltckman's helper, trainman -and locomotive fireman in the ' Panama canal service. Those who are Interested should call on Z. A. Leigh, poatofflce department, thla city. CHICAGO MEN WILL 1 . SPY OUT THE LAND i , . . i A delegation from the Chicago Com mercial association starts tonight over the Burlington for St. Paul, and will proceed over tha Northern Pacific on a tour to' Portland. Turning back here, they will go eaat over the Union Pa ctflo system. Their avowed purpoaela to "get acquainted with the- merchant of the Pactflo northwest" WhUe the Chicago men will be wel comed as eastern visitors, their mission is not , of a character to inspire very warm sympathy among commercial in teresta .in Portland or on the sound just at this time,' when tha Paclfle North west Coast Jobbers' association Is In tha midst of Its struggle with transconti nental railroad traffic managers for a readjustment of rates that will give Fa-.j cine coast manufacturers and Jobbers a fair division of the trade territory Chi cago now Invades, and to which local men believe they haver the better right . The Chicago men will travel in a Pull man hotel car, and their tour will last a month. They are scheduled to atop at Bt Paul, Little Falls, 8t Cloud. Fargo. Moor head. Mandan,- t',- ijvi, James town, - Billings, L.lvlnaaton. butte. Helena, Missoula, Spokane, Seattle. Ta- coma, Portland, The Dalles, La Grande, Boise, Nam pa. Pocatello. Salt Lake City, Ogden, Cheyenne, Denver, . Kearney, Orand Island, Columbus, Omaha. The delegation Includes the following men W. p. Haynla, Illinois Steel company; John -a. Miner.1 John O;. Miller. Co. yerdlnahd P. Armbruster, Barley 4k TyrelU Frank . Hibbard. Hlbbard. Bpen car, Bartlett at Co.; John H. Hardin. F. A. Hardy Cat J. B. Defenbaugh, American x.umoermans K." i Crampton, National Bank of the Republic: K. . U. Kim bark. Paper Mills company: James MeVeagh. Franklin McVeagh A Co.; W. r. Hypes, Marshall Field CO. HAVE YOU GOT YOUR - V FAIR TICKETS YET? . Commutation tickets for the Lewis and ., Clark . exposition were placed oa sale this morning., at Woodard, Clarke Co.'a drug atora. There are two forma 0 tlckeu for H1.S0. i and ' HT tickets for fto. The. books wlU be on eale for li daya. It ia settled thaf the cruiser .Boston will ' spend ; the aummer- montha here. The Puget ' Bound Oystergrowerg' ' asso ciation has decided to collect a unlaue exhibit for the exposition -In . the form of a miniature oyster , bed. It will.. If practicable, be a part of the Thurston county exhibit. t 1 v , Director Do sen haa arranged with- a Chicago1 diamond cutting firm to make a display-showing the process of cut ting snd finishing gems. - Governor Mc Donald of Colorado has signed the Lewis snd Clark bill, appropriating tt.f 000. September T has been selected aa Idaho day ty Governor Gooding. '., XJsSTITUTB OOsTCUT. An Interesting program' has been ar ranged by William Bernlck. aecondof- flcer of tha British ship Pythomene.'for the Beamen'a institute, 100 North Front street, tonight at ( o'clock. ' Thepro gram will include: Piano aeleotlona by Mias Kllsebeth Hoben; recitations' by Mlaaes L. Haggeman and Eugenia Craig; soprano solo, Mrsk Gilbert Ferneyhaugh; violin solo, Miss Anna English; baritone nolo, Mr. Ryland; - eomlo song, N. B. Regausch, third officer of the Holt Hill; minstrel song. Horace Pallant, third of ficer Dumfrieshire; songs by J King, W. Bersnich, 1 second officer . Pythomene; Herbert Lit t en, - Pythomene; J. Blackr burn, Lonsdale; W. H. O'Conner, second officer Lonsdale, and the "Myaterlea" by ' 'Come . and ' See." - Accompaniata, Misses Hoben and Brookav - ; .,. -1 V Itching' piles?' Never mlnd lf phyali clans have fallM ,to "cure you. Try Doan'a OJntment No failure there, to cents, at any drug store. aafai tat Stook Canned Oooda. - Allan .Lewis' Best Brand. " The Feed That Dees Good mssm The Cod Liver Oil Bmalslan "Par Exoel lenee" for. Oangna, . Oelaa. ana. Mm . .1, T.. 1 T-.J nrogglsta. two alaea. Mo sad $1 ' ; Trial Bottle Free by Mail ' J to all sending name and address 4 , Oroanufalgs Co., 98 FWSUyww Yerk MB JWUPli-'lJ V ' j I j - , We want to remind you that our GREAT SALE of ; ...'. ,; r-saw';.' ., tin '.,', a . t I I r ' ; is'stilTon- We have added many new , : linesTecently and biir; sales-i; men will be glad to PROVE TO YOU4hat you can be as WELL DRESSEli for : EASTER iri one of Qur iiits for $10 as for; $15 in ot : stores. -'f.':;-:; any styles are our window5many; more v inside.::- v . ' Comehih td over and you will find "that WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO mlk X TansAre the Rage ! 'And if you want to see the, prettiest and nobbiest line in the city look in -our windows. They are full of .the . season's choicest offering all shapes 1 and styles. Our long' suit 1 is our '- strong line of "-" . '..''''' ..'. Three and a Half SHOES AND OXFORDS. ) There's'ho use paying $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 when for .80 you can 'get shoes just as good in every detail make, : style,-finigh and shspeAndr-moreoverTHEY-WEAR-WEtUAND LONG. : , ;, , ; . NOBBY SPRING HOSIERY- 1 j Pretty Patterns, Best of Quality, Popular Prices. " . Vanduyn CS r 'MEN'S SHOES EXCLUSIVELY; t-p"T 270 WAS H I N O TON S T REE T Walton ' "YV .'! 4'.. " : . : rtnally they propoaed to pilot ln,,lf pV.x, a r,vrwar- &', ."wwi the rvr-;-'''i- j -?; - mj:-.:L--. r,. -Ju, -y- swtvS-. " W'vv-'V'.y W'-'.:' f ; r .', . .I'. ' J " $StVf--: ' him to the dens of fllth, and he L-;?lf" readily agreed to go. In order to ; , show bow an eetabllahment ought to be conducted -they proceeded to a -well-known - creamery where they found a eold - storage ' room, whioh waa whitewashed or lima-washed twice weekly, the floor included. Other floors of the creamery were . whitewashed every nay. rto noisome oaors pieroed the keen noses of the women. But several blocks distant they found another creamery, the floors of which were littered with ill-smelling mbblsh and' ahAH ' fthnrnln.mAm mrmm ..... rated from other departments . of tha . . . . . , . . . . - . . .. . nuDinnnnni . only -oy low pamiiona The kitchen of a strong-smelling res taurant opened into tne creamery, also nan market. And butter absorbs impurities from i atmosnhere more resdllv than an v " otner substance, ' tney said. '- ?,:! ,' aBl - The floors were unawept, malodorous " r. '' Sunnysacks abounded,! rubbish was , aounaant ana two dogs nad free license ; through the place. - Dirt was on the A Visit of Inspection i aV '.CIS iVil t ..-,' v v: j.vvff,".-.: ..,t.. - v-.-" r wim ana tne nuiers ana unnumbered JE ' tU ' :. r j : V . ' , -. '-": - - , ; " ; AX? , 'P'dwi had thelr.,happy home every- 3 " ftl V-'""- i .-;.;!. :;.. - .u . , .' .... ,. , ;.'.' :7- ::- , J&iYj'Vr. where about . . . 4.. , " . M It ' , '?'?' , J I. ;.v ' ;:, . ' ' 1 V . , i , r lit ' rocaedlns to a meat and fish market ! '. " " '.. ' Y' i VV-. ' t - , :' t . ' A,-" .; .r lJmuA- the women found a quantity of the dyed 3,M tM .' .' 'x 'f. -i V ' -V. '....'' '' f-" hrimpa. - v, ... ', tJ,- . - ' .-.-' . . ';, - .-. - X: ;. z: creamery was-afloat with 'water and 'drainines. as v Everv sten inth-trv1urtitM of our oroducts. .,'''' ' ' ' . - r t ..... . ' . v " y" " ' : ,. .- perts. , -:- . . . ....!'. . ,. ... , -" ray Markets V-' Here are some of the things Hazelwood has to w . s ' ! . " 1 insist on Uaving iiazei- Under, the head. ."I'oul With Decay Markets . iiere are some omne things . Found-in Bad Condition Food Unfit for Use the do1" otdtr, to produce as fine a grade of butter story is told in yesterday's Oregonian of the visit ??. "" ouner, ana as nncice cream as :; of the women of the School of Science to the meatji?!zeJcrn1 'nsh ahd butter markets of Portland. In the columns Flush the floor withireshBull'Run water every of graphic description. of filthy conditions there is little. while all day.Iongv i ' ; l only one paragraph- of commendation for any of V: Whitewash , the "flooCorice every - twenty-four, the places visited the paragraph which' the ar- ' hoursV; '.:Vi:..': ' ':,'.,.L' v"v,; -) rowpoints. ; The "establishment" referred to. is the7 ' . Ctrii;,; " ,f "m ' . .vu Hazelwood Creamery, at Fifth and Oak streets.' " . other utensil, after each usaee-sterilize with steam Tne women . came without .warning as many T after thorough cleansing. ' : ' men frequently come to the Hazelwood Cream- ' : r.ra' ait 'r... : m i. .1V! - eryr and as all women are . welcome in the tur- . Hazelwood grade .that, does; not meet the ptrictest wood Dutter '' ; . We deliver it fresh daily to the grocers. If you ' get a pound that doesn't seem just fine, there's, , r something the matter with it. .You wilj confer a ; great favor on us. by returning it to us direct, so we ' can investigate. Every pound js perfect when it :. .leaves our creamery. v ' "t A',Z: L''ii- '.'1 The little extra that Hazelwood costs you repre sents the care and cleanliness which helo to make moils of the. busy, afternoon. ,; The floor- of ..the ...requirements. , , -'1 ' " , up the HAZELWOOD QUALITY. ; . - ':'- v' :-.--'w .:. -;' - ,.. .,. ;.; v.. .V... . V ' i, .. : .. i "'.''..' !k' -: '. -.i; -V: ,v - ,