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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1905)
T ! ' crrr icor- 3. CITT 3. C CTTT V0TI0ZS. or :. .rw atxxxx. . ... Notice Is hereby gtws that ths CouncM ' ef the City of Pur, iand. Ore . at rxuni 14 M the ilk Oaf of Apr a. lev. r-oarew , tha HMiwDt by ordinance' N, 14,6j1, tor , the Impreveuarnt et axiasleeinat avenue, iron tbs Bortk liu of KHUnnworib avenue to Ike Berth llu of Weat PieuoMiat. In tbe Manor Cevlded by -ordinance No. )4.u0, unoa mcb C, port of Wt aad parcel of load, wojcb arc pwiiu; aaa peculiarly do dud. lea. to follow, via . - WEST PlaDMfJNT BLOCK 1. tot,!. The ' security havings Trust Company. 119.11; . lot IT. Tha beeoritv IitIui Ai Traat (Jon . nr, 633 t lot 1 The Security ttavu e ' 1 m - trust ix eurity r Bsvlags Traat Compear, I Wo. 11 lot 14, Tko beenrlty bavlage Traat Cose. pany. t33.Ms -lot IS. Tho Security 8a vines ; A traat Company, , $TT.04 lot 13,' Tko be- curuy savtBga at treat uompeay. Saa.oo; . lot 11. Tbo berurity Savings 4 Traat, Cooh , . pear. I2W.U; lot 10. . Tho. Becurtl Mi visits Traat Company, MO M. BLOCK 13. lot V 1. The, Becurlty Barings Treat Com , pany, $81.40;. lot IT. Tka Becurlty Savings 4k - irow vompany, tzzovi tot lo. xao- oeeuntr Savings A Traot Company, $16.62; tot IS, Tho Security Bsvlngs Traat Company, v I8.TS; lot 14. Tka Security Savings Traat " ' Comnsnr. 818.60: lot 13. Tko Security Bay- ' : , lnaa Traat Company, $16.U lot, 13. Ta . Becurlty oatmaa m Traat compaay, oie-oSi u Ut 11. Tha Becarltv Marines A Traat Com Poor, 634.31: lot 10, Tka Beenrlty Savlnee m lruet company. asa.i. aLUCft I a. r iu, ,ina mi uusrsatee a; Traat uMV' . , -j . lot 3 Tho Tltla Uaaranloa Traat Company : lot av Tka TMla tiaaraatee True . , Csajpeny. 3S.80; fet t, i. a. Micka, $33. T3 kit d, Tka Title Ouarante li Traat Compaay, 318.64. BLOCK 2. lot 1. Tka Tltla Guarsa. . 4. '-. Traat Compaay, 33k. SO; lot 3. The .. Tltla Guarantee, A Traat Compaar, SM-M! f Jot s. The .Tltla Guarantee Traat txajpaay( ' . o-U PT: lot 4. Tka Tltla Gaaraataa It Trval .,.tMapaay".t:e.8: lot 8. The Tltla Ooaranto , f Truat Coopanjr, 3S4.P0; lot 0. To Title Uoarantoa Traat Compaay. Z8-Ul lot 7, - Tho Title Onaraatoa A Truat Compaay, 133.13; lot A. Tho Tttlo Ouorontao at Truat Gomoaay. t 327.061 kt 9, Tka Title Oaaraata Traat ;, ., Company. $17.00. -BLOCK It. lot, 1. Tha TMlo . Guarantee Traat Compaay, M0.X4 lot 3. Tka Tltla Oaaranta 4k Traat Coi miiaar. -. 331.86; lot a, The Title Guarantee A Traat Coatpanr, 314 M lot 4. Tka Tltla tjoarantoe A Traat Comaaar. I1S.T8; lot 6. The Title Guarantoo A Traat Compear, 314.471 lot 6, 4 The Tltla Cuaraatoe A Traat Company. - 310.33: lot T. Tha Tltla Qturaatra A Traet , inapuf,; lot a, vwifii looney, : 327.03: . lot 0. Tha Tltla Guarantee A .Traat ' : ompanT, U7.0S. - BIOCK 14. lot I. The Tltla Uoarantoa A -Truat Compaay. 333.04; u lot & The Title Guarantee A Treat Company, 330.20: lot It. The Title Guarantee A Traai V: Compear, 322.30;. lot .. Tka Title Ouarantoe kA Traat Company. 320.06: lot 6. The Tltto ' Guaranta A Truat Company, 113.38. Total, , 3l,2a.3. . ' ; A . atatasM 'of (foroaatd ' aaaaaanwot aaa Bt-oa eataroo. la .too jmcm ok miy kiioaa. and la bow One and payable at tka ' of ace of. the City Troaauror, In. lawrul money at the United Btatoe. a ad U not paid arttkla 30 daye from the data of thla aotlea aack arecoedlima will ka Ukea for tka eelleetloa of tho aaaaa aa ye provided ky the akartar oi too t;ty..i rortiaao. i . The aboTa aaamamant .- trill War . iDtaraat jo aaye. arm tka (rat . puDUeauoa ac u T :- '-litol6U. "ft' DSTUlC' ' Aadltor of the City, ad Port land. Ore coo. , PartUad, Orogoa. ,IU ot.Arat publtcattoa. prtt in, iwup. . , ... . AMKSSIfXXT TO JKPBOTUCEIIT OF , -Totlca la horoby tlrrn that the Ooancll v ' at ' he City af Jortlaad, Oroaoa. at a maetlac - kald oa tie Btk day of April, 1W06. dlarod : the aaaoaanwiat by erdlnanca No. 14,333, for - the Improyoment of Blror a traot '. from tka ' aorthwoatarly Uaa at Baadolpk atroet to a Una 140 feet aoathoaatrrly thtrarram, la the manner pronaea ny orainanee ga ' le.aia, apoa nark lot, part af lot and parcel af land, whlok are apeclally aad peculiarly keaekted, ALBINA BIVBai 'WTB-Boatk '4-far af ToT . a, lyoais nicoiia,; aorta an roat af lot . Louie Mroua. lss.So: aonth OS feel ' or lot . city or rortiaad. 3220.01. .ALBINA BLOCK TO. lot 4. Jamra B ' hfaat. . fomory Batata. Balra of, 03.o0: lot 3, Jamoa B. MoatfooMry Batata. Helra' of. 340.61. : BLOCK So. lot 1. Jamea B. kfoataomory " Batata. Hlr0' of. 3356.03; kortb 30 fret of a mt a, Jamaa H. HoataoaMrf Batata, tlalro at, 3144.33. ToUL 3L141.I8. A atataawat of afonaald heaeeamaat baa anlerad la tka Docket ut City Liana, dnd la now duo aad payable at tha afore Of tka City Troaaaror. la lawful awacy of , taa . vaita Btatxa, aaa ir not paid arttkla fW -daye from tka date af thla aoMne each pranaadlata WIH ka taken for- fba elleetloa , of the aaaaa aa are ' prorldad by. the ckartar ' af taa City- of ferttaeeV ' . The abera ajaaaaaaeat , will boar - latanat . -10 doya-aftef tka- knt - peollcatka of -thla ' Aaaifnr af tta Cltr af Portland IWna " Portland. Orefoa. Data, of Brat pukUcatioa, ; pn , o.. - , . - . - . tob mraoTjarxxT . or -J f ' -r- ABT WABSnrOTOaT TBKR 'dL. Kotlca la ' korebr airra that - tka Donaptl :. af tke City at I'ertlaad. Oregon, at a mootlna "bald. a tho 0th day of April. IPOS. docUrod -. the aiaaaamrat-by ordinance JSe. 14.S2S, for ' the imprareaaont of Kaat Waahlavtoa atraat, ', from tke eaat Una af Kaat Thirty. third atraat ' to tke waat Una of Bnnnralda Third Addition. .. la tka BMiaaer pnrrlded ky ordlaaara Ko. 14. S3I. upon eock lot, part af lot aad parcel of r una, .wnirn ace apeciaiiy aaa neeaiuriy aeaa. ; mfo. ro 00 ae roiwwi, tb; ( .. BUKXY8IDK BLOCK - lot t. Baa. f Braldo Land ' A Improrrrorat 1 Compaey, ( 373.06; tot 3. Baanyaldo Land A ImnroyoaMnl Compaay. 30.03; lot 3. Bunnyalda. Load A 1 Improvement Oompaar. 34.01; lot 3. Bnanydde , ", Land A Improremeat Compaay,. 123.33; tot - a. punnymoe UM improTemeat Company, 324.01; Ik.t 11 Frodorlrk U. Braacb, 327.64; : lot IS, flannyalde Land A Improrament Cora- pany, Bl.kOi tot-14. rrcdarlrk U. Branch, . . 32.8.1:' lot IS, rredorlrk U. Branch, 303.011. . BLOCK U tot 1. Jamea P. Wkartoaj 340.33) ,mt z. B. M,. Bimontaa. 1.0rii lot a. Bonny aide Lend A ImBrarownt Comnaarr. 31.13 - tot B, Hunnyalde Land A. InproyeaMtat Cora- paay. hi, 3Vi lot av-raa av Boatoard. 631 .Oat "tot 13, Ida K. Parant, 331.13: aoatb 00 foot . af tot 13. Ida B. Paront, B1T.40; north 40 , . root or wt is. v. H. uiuey, fv.ii; ooata no foot af lot 10, Ida B. Paroat, 31330; aartk -48 ft of tot 10. C hf. Dlller. - 7 CBtwiKR-B Addition to kabt poktlahiv .f BLOCK 1. tot T. narbrrt H. Croalar, 333.M0; wt ar naioart . itobiot, oaa-ao, mt v. uaf. , ' rrt H. Cmalar, 338.04;-l-t 10, Halbort H. I 'tVoalar; 330.46; tot 11. nalbort H. Croalar, 330.40; lot 13. nalbort H. Ooa tor, 33.77. BINNYHIPB THAiCK T, tot 0, Katie - KananetPK. oia.42; mt o. raarleo W. " Maata, 36.43: tot 4. Cbartoe W. liaata. 34 M: tot T. R. J. MchUlton, 38610; tot 10, Carrie ' m. yacocio,; lot 11, mayria a. (Mtaka, oao.iv; int 10, awymoor u, rnanury, an. 1 lot IT. Uaetara and Anala rVteroon. 3T.OT tot IS. TatoM A. Hadeea. 334.33. BLOCK 0. , tot .. kiagclo A. Gataka. $43.34: tot B, : aiecrie a. uataaa, f i.i m a. maaala A V . .L . . a, aa. , . . . . A . . . iia, - rmr, mw ,, w.i J . W'. a 1. I : waat H of- lot 10, Mary 3. Ifaaoa. $T.M; eaat , . 4 or lot 10, B. Jraaina, ?.ob; lot II. La ;: It Janklna, 310.40: lot 14, Ramoel II. ftnattk, . $I4.U: bat 13. Bamnal H. Pmlth. 312.72. - CBOHip.R-8 ADDITION TO KABT PORTLAND-, ... niAH K t, lot 1, Kmma VI. BHiraoar. 423.10; , - lot 3. Emma M. Bchmoar, $23.33; tot 3, Hal- -i Ban at croaiar. fjj ut a, naioort II. 4-roaixr, 4M.23; lot B, H. 0. If ardmaa, $.10.06; , tot l. H. C llardman, : $30 06. - Total, f.- 31.141.16. - ' r - . A atatrmant ; of aforoadtd Baaeaament baa 'i entorad In tba Dork at of City Llona. aad la aew duo and payabla at tba office ' of tba City Traaaarar, la lawful awaay of tba iraltad Btatae, and If aot paM wltkla t aa-. Ban BO daya rnrm tha data or thla aotlea an eh yarodlBB-awM1 b takan for tba eollecttoa , of tke aaaaa- aa are prorided by tka ckartar 'f tha City of Portland. , - The akoaw aaaaaamant . will baer Intaraet , 10 daro a fUt tba Brat pabllcatloa at - thla ' ajotlce. i -v. '...' . : - v.- r ' ' Aadttar af tka City af Portland, Orafoa. . i '.rortbiBd. Orafoa.' Data of Brat pablkatlo "'April- 10, 1806. ABB EB3KXXT FOB IbtrBOTUZirT 0t K : . rovinc imn, , ' Not Ira) to hereby - airan that tbo' CouivHl I of tka City of Portland. Oroaoa, at a meettaa . .bald aa tbe Btk day of April. 1B0S. darUrad tha aeeeaemaat by ordlnaaca No. 14.332, for ' the Improvement of fonrth atraat, tram the aoatk llae of Hookrr atraat to Ike north line of oooda atraaU. In tba manner provided by nrdlaaBca He.-14,130, open each tut. part of mt aad- parcel. af land.. which are apeo.aUy and pacnHarly banaflrad, to bo aa followe, via: . CABVTI1ICR8' ADDITION TO CARTTTHBRB . ADDITION TO ' CITX OP PORTLAND j-Jr;. BLOCK ' TO; '. aaat 80 faot Of aorth 100 . ,. frat, fealfour, Ontbrla - A Co., $70.4.1; ' . waat 30 faot of aaat BO feat of north l faot. Leal! Trammer. $13.18! wt 30 feet . of aaot . ino feet at aartk 100 feet. f" rBio, ao.o: aaat aw tart or botib : '3 foet of aimlk lfiQ faeC ioaopk and Tie- ' torta Klaamattar, 33 .34: Bortk 43 feat af aoatk 03 foot ef eaat 03 foot, Mary Jarhe- E!MI oaat T4 foot of aoatk SO foet. Battle aobaooa, 343.03; waat 36 feet of oeet ,- ."'.' 1 oeatb SO Jt, Victor ttoaffroy, 33.47. , A parrot af tond 'trlnf batweaa tka waat llae of roartk atraat and Una 100 foot weet i .parallel therewltk, aad ketwaoa f tha BoHk-aed ank Mao of Porter atraat, -j, attenOad waatarly In ito praeeat rooraa. (rro . Bad Ballraed A Navtoettoa Compaay, $43.31. t 1 ' ' hounded aad daarrlhed aa, ( followe; GnammHm at the latereerUea af aoatk Ilea of rrt- atraat. attaadad watarlf !" p" "t ro- wia tna waat Ilea -air J"h . a Kad, aald point '-- . , -t v.- t t , l-.. la d1'! to rerathaaV A"",tl to tha Cify of t-orir-ad, to- want oa a ath h" of Par . tar a- a-, d w 1 a la l.a praa nit oouraa 01.(3 f -t to c-u a of o.d Paurtfc traot. azuino-d ', aoonrly kO faet. thaawe - aaat and paraual' .wi. aoutk Una ef Forcer ' atraat. exUuued woatarl In Ita araeeat oouraa 106.19 foat to waat Una of Fourth atroet aa - bow . aatahllaked, tkaaea noruiweatrrly oa . weatariy una oc rourto atraat to. oecutaiac, 3 a O. Morrlaon. OaS.lA Baaierly luO foot of a parcel af lead bounded ano ooocriooa aa toiwwa: tximaaancinB at a po-at 'oo eaat Una of fourth atraat, aald bain 110 faet anatk and 0.04 feat eaat Bf eouthwoat corner of block 67. Carathera' Addition to CaraUMra' Addltlpa to tka City ot Portland, tbeoce waat 106.10 feet to waat uaa ot aid Fourtb atroet. aateadod aoutberly. - thence aoutk oa the weet 'Una of old fourth atraat extended 30 feet, fiance peat 111 83 foot to tha weet ' Una of loortb atraat aa bow eetahllabed, , tkaaea north waatarly oa waet Una of fourth atroet to paoinnlBC. V. DO BesedltU BaUta, Halra of. 34.4d. .... Kaeterly loo fee af a parrot af toad boaaded - and daacrlbod aa followai Commencing at a polat on weet Uaa of t'oartk atraat aa bow eaubllahod. aald aolnt halno lau (aot aoatk aad 10.SS feat aaat af eoutfcweet corner of ! oiora 67, carutharr Addlthia to Carat ere Addllloa to tha City o porUaad, tkanee waat - and parallel with aoatk Una. of Portal atroet . esteadad waatarly la Ita preeaat eourao. 113.44 . ao to waot uaa ot oia a our in atroet, ax taadod Ooutkrrly, tbaaeo Bortk oa aald weal Una at. aid foarth. atroet eitended 3S faet. tba era aaat 113.33 feat to waat Una af Fourth atroet aa Boat eatabllebad. Whence aoatboaat . oa went use or rourta atroet to oafuwias, Marry B. GodahalL 320.14. Kaatorty 100 foot of a parcel of land boaaded and daacrlbod aa foltowa: CommeBCina at 1b , taraecttoa of aorth lloe of Wooda atroet and waet una a I roartk "traet aa bow eataouanea, v mid polat bein 200. feet aoatb and 38.TS . feet eaat of aouthwaot eoraaa of block 67. Carathera' Addltloa to Caratkara' AddlUoa to - taa city or Pertlaad. tbaoca waat oa aartk Ilea -of Wooda a traet, extended' ISO feet -to . waat una ot old roartk atraat eitended aoatb. erly, thence north aa Bald weet Uaa of - Bid 7 roartk atraat eitended 100 foot, tkanee , aaat and. parallel wltk tha aoatk Una 7 af Porter atroet eitended waatarly 118.43 foet to waat llae of fourth -atroet aa bow eetab 1 llahed. tbaaeo aaatarly aa weet llae af roartk etreot to bea-lnnlne. Charlea Jaaka. 3BT.6T. . CARUTRPJRB ADDfTION TO cltrTRrM ADDITION TO THB C1TT OP PORTLAND uuaun. ai, an ar lot a waat er orawoa Callforala Raltooad Company'a rlfbt of way. vaonoi saampartwer aoo-ao. AU at tot T waat af Orecoa A California Rail eroad Cempaay'a rl(kt of way, BUaabetb Baumcartaar. 344.10. All o? tot waet of Orefoa A California neuronal ueenpaay tlSt ac way, deraa Wartok. 344.71 . AU of lot B waat af Omm A fllfornia - Ballraad VmpaJ'a rtebt of way, Jeremlak ;. Worlrk. $46.04. ( All ar tnat portloa or Mora , cam mere ' - Addltloa to Carathera' Addltloa to tho City at Her lie ad tyta woat at a Una 100 tort aaat . of and parallel with tka aaat Una at t'oartk . a treat, uead ky tke Oreeoa A Callforala Rall- . roe a uompaay tor right or . way purpose, i nregoa and California Railroad Compaay, t All' ef tot 3 lrlajr eaat 'af 'the Oroaoa ' California Railroad Company'a right ef way ' and waat of a Una 100 faet eaat of and parallel wltk tko aaat Uaa of Pouftb atroet, " C. K. Bmltk. SO. 84. - - . . . - A parcel od laad lying ketwaea tha aaat Una af Peurtb atroet aad a line 100 foot aaat thereof aad parallel therewith, and betweea the north and aoatb Una af Porter atroet eitended weaterly la Ita preaent cauree. Ora- - ooa Haiiroad A Navtgatloa Compaay. 344.04. ' - All thai port toe af a parrel at toad lying weaterly of a Uaa 100 feet aaatarly of aad parallel with the aaatarly llae of fourth a traet. which la hoaaded and daaerlhed aa fol. towa: Beginning aa the aoatk Una of Porter - afreet extended weaterly ta Ita praeeat ronrae and tke woat Uaa af tka Oregon A Callforala Railroad Cempaay'a rlgkt of way, thence weet B0. 70 foot, thence aoutk 1(10 feet, thence eaat 00.2S feet to tba waat Una of the Oregon A Callforala Railroad Cempaay'a right of way, thence Berth area terly aa tha woat line of' the . Orogoa-A CaMfomla Railroad Cempany'g rural at way. r. patch 04 Brglontng, Ua crate Noah. 36.17. A parcel of laad hoanded and daairlWd aa followe: Commencing at taa tntoraaetloa ef the . aoatk ' lino pt Porter atreet eitended - weaterly ta Ita' preaent rourae. and eaat Una ef roartk -atreet aa bow eatabllabrd. aald ; point being 00 faet aeatk .and 11.74 fret aaat . ot ta ooa tb waat corner at a lent 7. ua , rntkera .Addltloa to Carathera' Addltloa to tho City of Portlaad. theeee eaet aa tha aoatb . una or , r or tar : atroet eitended T8.3S faet. , tha ace weat aad parnllet with Porter atreet . eitended 30.03 feet to tka aaat tine of fourth err eat aa ,aow oetabUehed. thence northweat. ovly oa the aaat llae of tvartk itceet to ke- flnnlnkV' Henry Tbompi Im.ot. . - .. Weaterly 100- fpat f -a I Tbompoon .Eatate, Hrlre ef, aaaoal ae land beaadad and deaerlbeol aa foltowa: CommeBclnB at In- veraartioa ar ina aorta naa oc woooa atraat aed the eaaf lloo of fearfh atreet aa bow eeiaoiioiu-a. bi pout Deuuj sow I eel booed aad 60.31 feet eaat of tho aoatk weat enenee 1 ef block 07, CenUhere' Addltloa to Carathera Addltloa to the -Uly of Portmnd. tbeoce eoat aa toe aertR Una of wooda atreet 60.80 feet. toeaee noatB af - right aaglea to Wooda atreet 100 feet, tkaaea weet aad parallel wltk tka north line ef Wooda atreet 100.13 feet to tka eaet Uaa ef fonrth atreet Be bow eatabUabed. tbeoce eeutheaeterly oa tbe eaet Una of foortk atroet' to. begtaelBg,-Ollrer G. Holme. 307.40. . -... .. . All ef that port ton ef a parcel ef land lying weaterly of a lino 100 feat aaatarly of and parallel With the eaeterly Ilea ef fourth atreet aa bow eetabllabed which to boa need and deeerlbed aa followe: Com aw art ng at la- teraactioa at aorta llae et wooaa atreet and woat line ef Ore aaat A Callforala Railroad reamtr't right of war. thence vreat on north line ef Wooda atreet 01. T feet, thence Berth at right aaglea to Wooda atreet to a point jtar toot BortB et aorta use et weooa arreot theaee eaat and Dare I lei wltk aorth llae el Wooda alter t 62.14 foot to point oa vreat llfla ef Orofaoj A California Railroad Company'a right of ; way. tbeaea eoatbeaaterly en weat erly llae ef Orepwa A Callforala Railroad rompeay'e right ef way to ree-lrmlsf , Lovlaa hi. roatar. 81.00. Total SWT. IX A atateateat . ef hforeeald aaaaaament baa been emtareel la - tho Docket of Cite Llona. and la bow duo - and aarabte at tha ef Ore of tbe City Treaeurer. la lawful moaey of tba LnltaA Btatae. aa U wot aald wlr! 30 daya from tbe date ef thla aotlea each nroceediu-e will ho taken for tke eollortloa ef tha aaaaa aa are prorided by tba charter ef the City of Portland. The above aaaaaament win hear Intereet 10 days after the Brat " publication ' et tfcla notice. . . . , .-.-- ' THOB. C. DBTLIN, - - Aadltor of tbe City ef Portlaad. Oreaoa. Portlaad. Oregon, Data et flrat oubUcatloa. itprii ju, ueuo. FOR ntTXOTXMZaTT 0T ,, rACTOlT STRXXT. . Knttca. tor- haroor given - that the OoubcII af too, City of Portlaad, Oreava, at a Bteetliig bald aa the Btk day of April, 1006. decUred the eaoeaamant ky ordlnaaca Ko. 14.617. for the Imnreveanrnt ef factory atroet, from the noath line et Vang ha atreet to the aorth llae or - ThumMB atreet. lit the bmboot nroriflod by erdlnance No. 14,967, upon each lot, part et lot ana parcel at laaa, waiea are apeetaiiy aoa pecauarty BeaeBteu, ta ao aa roiiowa. : '. ...a. - WllvBON'B ADDITION TO THB CTTY - OF ,1'OKTUANU KLXK;K I. lot 3. George Good. 31.03; lot 3, Georga Good, $3.81; lot 6. Mary it. wimoB, aoi.m mt 1, nary r.. nimoo, 66 01: lot lO. William Beldt. 823.1A A parcel ef land lying betweea tbe aoatb Pae et cpannr atreet ana Bona una ot Tnurroan atreet aad betweea the eaet line ef block 1- . Wllaon'a Addltloa to tbe City of Portland. arm a una Ivv seoi ewt ok boo pmroiewi who tbW eaat line ot factory atreet, Bylreater ParreU. SS.08. NORTH POBTLANT BLOCK . aoatb S3 foet ot tot 1. WlllUm Reldt, Ball; north bo feet 01 lot 1, Jooeph Dolph, 030.30; wt Z. 3, Nick Jacobeoe. $46.04; north 10 feet of lot 3, William Reldt, $11.26) aoutk 44 ef tot a. William Reldt. $30.30; north. V of tot d. Oarer Peternen, $30.01: aaat 40 feet of tot . tiarmaa nanaon, aa,in: eaat aw seal, et htl, Oarar Petercoe, $07.0. A .J'VI ftw to vn a UAIIIU Aa. an.. afe.ll K Ullrt-aT. B. DBPI BlfJBf AU1II11DH U tfTW City of PerthBd. lying vreat of a Une loo feet eaat of a parallel with the eaat Use ef rectory aireer. a ma aaa Mean. ao.De. WILHON'B ADDITION- TO TUB CITT Of runiD stAicK b. mt K wiuiaa c V. tMai. Ia, a wriill.M rt W aaa ae. toi S. 1-eree Matnoa, $66.12; tot B, Lathi i niton, as. on: lot v. I .add m Tlltoo. ai.eT. H0RTH. PORTLANDS-BLOCK 1, tot ,1. Jamb Mayer, Sni-4o; wt 3. Jacob Mayer; 404.OT; tot 3. Jacob Mayer. 36T.43. Total. 3T74.0O. A etatoBMBt. ef aforeeald aaaaaamant haa beee. eaterad In tke Docket of City Stoaa, and to Bow due and payable at the efBco of tke City Treeeorer. la lawful aaosey of tho .VBlted BUtea, aad If not paid wltkla 30 day from the date ef tkle notice each areeeedlnga will ke taken for tke collect lea ef the- eame aa ere provided by tbo charter ef the-Cltf Of Portland. The aoera aaoieemmt will Dear . Intereet 10 dayo after the ra pabllcatloa ef thla aotlce. . ' -':. . . 'f . THOru C. DBTLIN) ' Aadltor af the City ef Portland. Oreena. 'Portlaad. Oreaeev Date Of Brat aabtlcatlea. April-10, 130S. . ' ' , . PR0P0BXB latfROvXKZlT P U0ASWAT. Notice -ta herary gteen that at tba meeting ' the Council af the City of Portland. Ore- Cn, held oa taa pre oay or April,. 180S,, tke llnwlnf reeotatleB Waa adopted: R reel red. Tkat tka Connrll of the CTty af port la na, larogoa, wibi 11 nineaient sad par paera to Improve Broadway from tha eaat lino el nlea aveoa e ho peat Una ef Boat Heventaaatk atreetv ja too fouewlef manner, to-wlt: ' .... - , fleet Br grading tha atreet ' aa whowa- kr tbo City Knglneer'a pinna and anuei flea llona. BououO-By anaatratllaB artificial alaaa aide- tlBOer't Tulrd hi eoatractlua ar. -icla) earbn. . , a-ou-eh tfw I..U. ., 1 i.aill, . otoao ' firth By aoaatructlaf woe a (Mewglka ta nceoraanca via the city .elecc Bnocirtca,lnaai .U aatlmarae Bald Improvemont to bo made In arcordaeee with tho charter and erdlaaneea ef the City of Portland and tho plana, epecifteattoue and aaumatee eg le Mty angiBoer. iiiea wue office ef tbe Aa'M of taa City of Portland en tha 4th day 0 April. -, ledoraed; "CUf Eugloeer a piana aad aped r tea 1 1 one for tbe laa, provaaont ot kweaoway from tba eaat line ef L'uloa arenae to toe. eaat Una af Kaat Bevea- terete atreet and the eatimaM to be done aad toe probable lota The coot or aaid lmtjeovament aa provided by tha city charter upon tba prop arty apeclally aad peculiarly bane riled thereby, and which la hereby declared to be all the lota, parta thereof aad parrela of 4aad lying betweea a Una 100 feet Berth of and parallel wltk' the north Uae ef Broadway aad a Una 100 feet aoatb ef aad parallel with tha Booth Una of Broedwax aad betweea the eaet line ef Union avenue and 0 Una 100 foot aaat af and parallel with the eaat Une ot Kaat fleveav teentb atreet. ' . Tke Knglneer'a rattaate ef the' probable total root for the Improvement at aald Brei war la 83.734.00. Tbe plana, apectfleatlou aad aatlamatea et tbe City Kngtneer for tha la prove mast ef aald Broadway are hereby adopted. - Beaolved. Tkat the Auditor ' ef tbe City ef Portland be and ha in karehr directed to glee . notice af the prepoerd Improvement et aald atreet aa provided by tbo city charter. Bemonatranraa aealmat tha above ImDrove- ment may be filed la writing with the under- Bignow witnin bv aaye I rem ut ante oa me flrat publleatloa ef.tale notice. , 1 Bf order of Ud CounrIL v V !. : THOB. C- DEVLIN. ' ' Aadltor ef the City et Portlaad. Portlaad. Oreawa,- Data of flrat publication. April S, 1006. ' rxopoBBS iitpBOTXbtTjrr or wxn one xAur o wATxm mm, Notice la herebr aires that at tba lUag Dro- et tbe Council of the City ef Portland.- C. held an the Btb day ef April. 103, tbo ltowlnf reaolutloa waa adopted: ateaeivea, 7111 tee ceuBeii or no city et Portlaad, Oregon, deeme It expedient and par- Poaaa to Improve waat ef Water atreet from the eautb llae ef Clay atreet' to tha Berth Una ef Colombia atroet. and tbe Booth eaet i Inter eerttea of Water and Clay atreeta, to accordance wuo tee piaaa ana epecineetlooe 01 the city Baglooer, la tbe fol lowing manner,- te-witi Plrat--By grading the atroet In accordance with tbe CTty Anginaer'a piaaa, eperiflcatloaa aad eetlautae. Brcoad By cwnatraetlng artificial troae. curba la accordance with the City Eoflneer'a plane, aped fl cat tone aad eetlamlea. ' , Third By rooatractlng artificial atoae "ilde walka 1$ feet wide, lac lading earbn. ta ae rerdaaee with tbe City Bagiaaar'a plana, apee Ulratloaa aad eatlaaatea. , fourth By contracting artificial atoae otde waika 6 feet wide la aceordanee with the city Knglneer'a plana, apectficatloBO aad aa tunatea. fifth By" bringing tbo atreet to grade with atone btocka an a bed af concrete nut leaa thaa 6 Inchee la depth la accordance wltk tha City Kaglaeer'a piaaa, epecUteatlona and oa U ma tea. Imnrevement to be made la accordance with tke ckartar end erdlnaaoee et tke Cltr ef Portlaad aad tbo piaaa. apectflratlone and eetlmatea of tba City Keglneer. filed la toe effk-a ef the Auditor at the City ef Portland oa tbe 4th day ef AprlL 1003. Indornedl "City Knglaeor'a plan aad - epeclflcatlona for . the la prove ment et Water atreet from tbe aoatk Una of- Clay atroet to the north . Una ef Colombia atreet,- and tha eattmateh of tke work to be dona and tke probable total cuet laereor.- The coat of aald Iwnranaaent to be enreitd aa provided by the city charter upon tba prop arty apeclally. and peculiarly benefited thereby. ana Which hi aereoy arc 1 area ta he aa followe Lota T aad 8, block 101 lota 1 and 3. block ill; lota 1.- 8. 6 aad 4. block III: tote 3 and dv btoek 413; all la the City of Portlaad. im nngiooor a eetiamte et tae prooaom total coat foe thar lmm-ovemont of aald Watee atreet la $3,122.00. The a bora improvement la to Be cuaaed aa a atone block Improvement and ehall be main tained by tba dty for a period ef 26 yeera. provided that the ewaera of a majority ef the property benefited by aald Improve meat or any Dortlea thereof aha 1 1 aot oetltloa for a bow ar different Improrement befbre the . expire tkea ef auch period. t.ity engineer tor tae impravameBt ox water atreet are Botany a 000 ted. - Beaolved. That the Auditor ef the City of Portland be aad be to hereby directed' to glee notice et tne propoeea improvemeat - at atreet aa provided kg? tbe dty charter.-. atamanatreBcae aarainat the a nova lmaeevemeat may ha filed ta writing with tho nndorehlnod Ithla SO daye from the date ef the flrat BOMlcatVHl ot thla notice. - -"e uy erarr 01 toe . council. THOB. C. DBTLIN. ' ' Andltne af tha Cltr of Portland. Portland. Orrroa. Data of flrat Babllcatlaa. a.a,, aaw. A . 1 a ,AAJt . ' PIOPOBED - rjtTKOTntBBT ' OF " TWHTI. rOTRTS STRUT. Notice hi kerebr riven that at the maetlae et tbe Council of tha City ef "Portland. Ore- Cm, nem ea tne eta any er April,, ipue, lowing reaolutloa waa adootad: Received. That tke Council of tke City ef Portlaad. Oregeo. deeme rt expedient and pur- peoea 10 inanrawe I weoiy-ronrra airer-t rrom tke aorth II nT of Plaadera atreet to tke center uae et uuaaa atreet, la the following man. T, IO-W11I . ' - flrat Br grading tke-atreet full width with fall latataertloaa to proper anb-grado. 'Second By conetructlng artlflHal atoae aide. walka la accordance with tbe City. Knglneer'a piana, eperirera uona una eatimatea. , lairo r rooatractlng artirhial atoae carpi. rourta ny laying creaawalhe. fifth By eonatroctlaar atoae guttera. Blxth Br bringing tbe atreet fnll width with fuU Intereeetlooa te tko Mtobllaaed grade wito aaarwoana. Bald Imnroveantot te be made la aeeovdaejeo with tha charter and erdlaaBcee ef the rtte ef Portlaad aad the plana, epedflcatloaa aad iBcor XJiaa le -toe 10 Cltr- or Portland ob toe eta any eg April, una, indoraed: "City Bngloeer a , plana and 4 Bperincatle-na for the Impreven-wat ef Twenty-tourth atreet from the Berth Uae et Plandera atreet te the center line af Wllaaa atreet, and tke eetlmatea of tbe work to be done aad tba probable total oaat taeeeer." Tha eoat of told Improve ate at to bo aaa reap I aa provided kr the Hty charter anon the ma. erty apeclally and peculiarly benefited thereby, aad . which la hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parta thereof and pareela ef laad lying betweea a line 100 fee eaat ef aad parallel with the eaet llae- of Twenty -fourth atreet aad 0 Una 100 feet weet -of and parallel .with tne- weat lino ot Twenty-rourtb atreet aad betweea the aorth Una ef r la adore atreet aad tbe aoatb Ilea of Gllaaa atreet. The Erurtaeer a eetlmate ef the neohahU Wat eaat for the Improvemeat of aald Twenty-fourth atreet to $076.00. - - The above I in prove meat hi to he rlaaeed ak macadam -ImnrovetBeat aad akaU ho main. tolned by the dty for a period ef four yearn, provided that the ewaera of a BMtorlty of tbe property benefited by aald Improvomeat ar aay portioB taereor anaii not petition for a aew or different Inanrovameat before' tko exnlratlon of auch period. The puna, eperiricatlone and eetlmatea ef tbe City KnglBeer for tne Improvement of aald Twenty-fourth atreet are krreky adooted. Keeolved, That tba Auditor of the City ef rortiand be aad Be la hereby directed to give aotlce ef tbe propoaad Improvement- ef aald tree 1 aa pronaea ny tea city enurter. RoatonatreBcea agalnet the above li Bient may be filed la writing with tbe under. air nee wrtnia av oare rrom ma data ef tho wet puDncauoa or uie notice. ny ororr ei toe , council. THOB. C. DBTLIN, I. v.- laJlla at l ,Ht. a K . , i PortlaB-f. Oregon. Data af Brat nubllrntloa. epru O. IBUB. UABBIBBlflBT TOR rktPROTXktXBrT OF BUST BBH TXXT OF BXTXR STRXXT. ' to oompllaaca with 0 reeotatloa adooted at the regular Bleating of the CoaadL held oa tha Btb day ef April. IO116. declaring tbe dlatrtet. benefited by tbe Improvement ot tbe aaaterlr 24 S feet of River atreet frota the aouth uaa or Aipina avenue to 100 reet couth ef tbe aouth line ef AIMna avwaee, aad directing the Aadltor ef the City ef Portlaad to prepare a preliminary aeeeeemeet upon tbe lota. Btocka aad pareela of toad wltkla MM dlatrlct, -Now. therefore, aotlce la herehr alven that poch a meet meat la ea file la tbo office ef the Aadltor er the city ei rortiana aaa with whom aay and all ebjeetloaa shall ha filed la writing, and notice la further glvva that tbe Council at Ha regular sheeting en May I, 1006, will hear and eooaiaer an enjeetioae te eald in a . , pujniana iw aoin aaoeoa- aggrieved tkm aby ar Intereated t each pan lea are hereby warned therefrom uatll oueh immiaa' Bent by part tea therein, ana an not to desert ment to eomnleted. i ,, THOB. C. PavUN, Auditor ot tha City of ParlraaB. Data of flrat pwhllratloo, April 3. lOuB. FR0P0BXB SXWXB Of XA3T "- ST1XXT. 0XBJB0B - . . . Notice la keeoby given tkat at tha Hmrlog ' tko Council ef the City ef Portland, Ore- eon, held ea the ath aay er April, loos, tho following reeelattoa waa adopted: . Retired. That tbe Connrll of tke Cltr et Portlaad, Ore-goo. deem ft rrrjedleat and par Boa, a te- eaaatraet a aewer ta Beat Mnrviaaa atreet froep the aaa tec Una of Kaat Tbtrry Blath atreet to the aewer la Kaat Morrlaoa atreet tt tha weat line of Eaat Thirty-eighth atreet. Bald aewer to he ennatraeted of vitrified aewer Klpe with all Bareeaary catch baatna, manbote, imphoiaa and branchee. aad to be ef tho foUawlag diaMBBteuet of 10 tachae eleer tantda walka la e- -wdanee with the C nlane. bom.. muA ailiaUi diameter from a point la the. eeetor Uae et kaat Thlrtr-alnth atreet to a Boiat ta Kaat Morrlaoa atreet at Kaat lalrty-eiebtk atreet; tbenre ef 13 tachae clear Inaida au a meter to a polat ta Beet toorrlaoa atroet at the woat Une of Beat Thirty-eighth atreet. Held newer to be eouetracted id' accordance wltk the charter aad erdlaeacee ot tka City ef Portland aad tbe plana, apedflcattoaa and eetlmatea of tbo City Bnglnear. filed ta the office ef the. Auditor ot tlie City ef Portland oa the dth da of April, lnuO, Indorsed: "City bngloeer a plana aad epodrieatlena tor 0 aewe ta Boot Morrlaoa atreet treat the neater line of Boat Thlrty-eiBth atroet to tba aewer la Eaat Morrleoa atreet kt the Weet Una ef Boat Thirty-rigbtb (treat, aad tka eetlmatea ef the work to ke. Bona aad tka provable total oaat uarreoi. The eoat af aald aewee to bo provided by tbe city charter upon the prop erty apeclally aad peculiarly beeeflted thereby, and which la hereby declared to be all the lata. parW-thereof aad percale ef toad lying betweea a llae 100 feet Berth ef aad parallel with the Berth Une ef Kaat Morrlaoa atreet and a una 100 reet aoatb ef and parallel with the aouth lino ot .tlaet Morrlaoa atraat aad betweea the eaat Une of Boat Thirty-eighth atreet and 0 Una 00 faet eaat of aad parallel with the oaat Una ef Beat Thlrty-alnth atroet. Tko Uugieoar a eetlmate of tbe probable total roat fog the oaaatriictloq of aald newer la $31T.S1. , . . . Tbe r'ana. epeclflcartone and eetlmatea af tha City Bngloeer for the cenatraetloa et aald aewer Received. That the Auditor of tbe Pity ef rortiand Oa and be la hereby directed to give aotlce of tbe propoaad eonatroetloB ef aald aewer ae provided by the dty charter. KeewaatraBrea age Ina t the above aewer may be filed ta writing with the nnderelgned wltble 30 daya from the data et the. flrat publleatloa ei -uue notiOB, - t, - . By 'order of the Council. - . . r1 THOB. -f. DBTLIN, Auditor of the City ef Portland. . Portlaad. Oregon. Date o( 3 rat publleatloa, April 6, 1006. . PBOPOBBD Bin XM BZBTOB BTKXXT, Notloe la hereby given that at the meeting at tbe Council of tbe City, et Portland. Ore- bod, - new ow mo tf in uay 01 aipr&a, irei at following roaolntlon waa adootad : Kaaulved. Tkat tke Council ot tke City ofl reet hud, uregoa. aoemo it expedient aaa par poeae to cowa tract eewar la Beatoa atreet from a polat 30 feet aorth of tke Bortb llae ef Dupeat atreet -to a eon neat Ion wltk tke aewee ta Bobom atreet at the Booth Una ef Dtxoa atreet. Bald aewer to be ooa true ted ef vl trifled aewer pipe ef B lor bee deer Isolde diameter with all aemweary cAtchbaataa, atoae hetoe. laoibholaa aad hraackaa. Bald newer to be reaetraeted IB aceordanee with tbe charter . aad erdlaaneea at the City ef Portlaad aad the plana, epectflcetiooe and eetlmatea ef the Cltr Bnataear. filed to the office of tbe Aadltor et the Ottr ef Portland ea Ua Btk day ef April, looa, tnOeraad: "City BaglBoer'a plane jind epedflcatloaa for o aewer ta Beatoa atreet from a pdnt 30 feet Berth of the aorth Hoe af Dupeat atreet to 0 eoaaec tloa with tha aewer ta Beatoa atreet at the aoatb Ubo ef Dixon atreet, aad the eetlmatea ef tbe work to be done aad tko probable total coat taereux. Tbe rest of aald aewer ta provided by the dty charter neon arty apeclally aad peculiarly benefited thereby, and which la hereby declared to be aU tba Iota," parta thereof aad pareela ef toad lylag between a llae 300 feet Berth aaatarly from aad parallel with, the aorthoaatarly Une of Beatoa treat had a Une 100 feet eoathweeterlr from ana parallel wit a tae eeataweeteriy line et Beatoa atreet and hate MB tae Borthweaterly line of Diana atreet and. a Uae 100 feet north waatarly from and parallel with tba Bortk waat arly Uae of Duooat atreet. Tba - Bnglaoar'a eetlmate at the probable total coot fog the eooatractioa at aald aewer la 3373.28, .'. Tbe piaaa. apeelflcatloaa aad eetlmitee ef the City EngtBoer for tha eooatractioa at aald aewer are hereby adootad. - Beaolved.' That the Aadltor ef the City et rortiand oe aad ae la aereay directed to give notice ef tbe propoaad ceaatractiea of aald aewer aa provided ky the dty charter. ' . BeraonatraBcoa agalaet tha above aewer may be filed te writing with the anderalgwad wltkla xv aaye ream the oaie et too Brat paouee lion ef thla notice. By order at the Council. . . THOB. C DBTLIN. Aadltor of tba City af Portland. Portlaad. Oregeo, . Data ef Bret PuhUaattoa. April B. 1806. PBOPOBKD ItTIt Ji TOU ItllBr rtetJee to kerebr riven tkat at tbe aaeetlu- of the Ceonell ef tae City ef Portland, Ore gon, bald aa tbe Sth day ef April, loos, . tho f.,ll.Kln. mmIhIIm . . .Awful. Maeolrod. That tke Council of tae City of reruano, uregoa, aerate it expedient aaa pur poeae to 000a tract a aewer la ford atreet from SB feet Bortk ef the aorth Une ef Park eveeue to tke sewer ta Twenty-third and WaahlagBxa atreeta. Bald aewer to be aosatractod of vtt- rifled erwer pipe ef lacbee clear Inside dl err catch boa kwa. anan e ureter wltk aU lamoaolea aad braacBas. - Bald sewer to be conei rooted ta acrerdanre with tho charter and erdloaacea of the city ot Portland aad the plana, apeelflcatloaa aad patlmatea of the City Engineer, filed, ta tbe sttico er tae aadltor or tne city or rortmod an the dth day ef April, lens. Indoraed: "City Knglneer'a piaaa and epeelflcatloua for a aewer la lord atreet from 26 feet north-'trf tbe aorth line ef Park erenoe to tea aewer ta Twenty third aad Waehlngto atreeta. aad tke eetl aates ef the work to be done and the prob able total coat thereof." Tbe coot of aald aewer te be 4 aaa mad ak ptevldod by the city charter a poo tbe property apeclally lasd peculiarly beaeflted thereby, and Which to hereby declared to be aU tbe tote, parte thecnof and pareela of -land lylag be tween tbe 'eaet line ef Ford atreet and a Una loo feet eaat thereof and parallel therewith, and bit wees tbe aouth Une of Waabtagtoa atreet aad tba aorth llae ef Park aveaae; alee all the tote, parte thereof-aad pareela ef land lylag between tba weat Una ef Ford atreet and a Haa 100 faet weat thereof aad parallel therewith aad betweea a lino 100 feet south ef and parallel with tbe aoatb Baa of Weak Ingtoa atreet aad tbo Berth llae ef Park ava- Thr engineer's eetlmate ef the probable total mat for tho - coaetroctton ef aald aewer la 3640.13. . ' , Tbe nlanu. anedflcatleae aad aatlma tea ef the dty engineer for the coae true tioupfjjd. jewer are aeieey euvptoa. Reeorved. That the Aadltor of the City of Portland be aad be la hereby directed to give aotlce ef the- pr opera 4 eonetructlea af said aewer as pre vide 4 ky the dty charter. Memnwelraacea agalnet tbe above aewer may be Bled ta writing with tbe aaderelgued wtthla 30 daya from the data af tha Bret pabllcatloa , By order of tbo Council. ' THOB. C. DBTLIN. "-- Aadltor Of tba Cltr af Portland. Portlaad. Oregon. . Data of flrat publleatloa. April B. JVUBV PX0P08XD XXPXOTXhfXXT '.v ' STRUT. OF - XI CO LAI Notice la hereby glvea tkat at tke enacting ef tke Council ef the City ef Portland, Ore- Cu. held ea the Btk day of AprlL 1006. tka I lowing reaorutlea was e sooted ; Boeelved. Tkat the Council of the City ef rortiana, trregou, ueemn it expoaieac aaa pur poses to Improve Nlcolsi street from the seat Ilea ef Tweaty-fourth atreet te the weet Una ef Twetity-olxth street, ta tbe tollewlng man ner. 10-wit : - flrat By grading the street full width with fuU Intereeetlooa to the subsrsds sa alven br tke City Baginear. reaa r tenetrnc.tiBg oraaeiai atsao stde- WSIKS. I Third Br count ruetlng artlBelal atoae curbs. fourth ny laying creaswaisa. Fifth By eouetructlng pea aad otoao set. tern. Plxth Br bringing tbe surface ef the atreet run width with run Utorssetteaa to grade with macadam. Bald Improvement to be amde In screrdaace with the charter aad ordinances of tbe City ef rurtmna una tne puinu. apeeiBcuueBS aaa eetl matea ef ths city Bngloeer 8 led la tbe ef ce, ef the Aadltor ef the City ef Portlaad oa the Sib day of April, 1006, indorsed: "City EnAiaeer'a plans and specifications for the Improvement ef Nlcolsl street from the eaat llae of Twenty-fourth- atroet to tbe weat Uaa ef Tweaty-elith street, aad tbe eetlmatea ef tbe work te bo uona aad tho probable total at tBereoc.-; The cost or told Improvemeat to he oe seed as prorided by tbe dtp charter nnou tae property specialty aaa pacanariy nenestad thereby, and which to hereby declared to be all ths tots, ports thereof and pareela ef isne lying Between a naa iwu root aorth erly from and parallel with tbe northerly Una of Nlcolsl atreet snd a llae 100 Poet southerly from and parallel with tbe soutaerlr Uaa ef Ktenlat atreet, ' and betweea a Uae luo foot eeeterly from and parallel with taa eaet erly Uaa ot Twvuty fourth street aad a Una uo reet westerly rrom aaa parallel with tke weaterly line ef Twenty-alxth street. The Bnglnear'a aatlma ta ef tbe probable total Coot for the Imotavamaat sf aald tile Olal atreet, to $6 707 00. . Tba above improvement m to no rlaaeed aa macadam lm Drove meat aad aha 11 he main tained by tbe dty for a period ef flee yeera, prodded that lbs ewaera ef a majority ef tbe property beaeflted by aald Improvement or say portloB thereof ehall Bet petition for a new or different ImarevemeBt hefaee tha explruttoa of sack period. TBe piano, speeiriesiiaaa esa aetiaaaree of tbe City Beglsoer foe the Impiavimaat ef amid Bleolal atreet are hereby sdopted. Received. That the Aadltor of the City af Portlaad be aad ha to hereby directed to give notice ef the pruponad Improvement ef said atreet aa provided by the city, charter.- , flemonetrtnrea sgalaat the. ahnvo laweia. meal may he filed la Writing with Ino oadee. algned within 30 days from tha date ef - the Drat publleatloa et thla aotlce. . ' By order ei the Council. THOB. 0. PP.TMJf, ' ' 1 M Auditor of tha City ef Portland. rortmoa. ' irtaee. Data of Bret pubUoatloa, April $, IPOS. ... hopobid Bzwxa a xxlotoa ATXBTTX. Notice la kercby given that at the meeting ef the Coaaal of the City of Portland. Ore gon, held ea the Bib day ef April, IkuS, tba following reaolutloa waa adopted: Heeotved, That the Council ef the City ef Portland, Oregoa. deems It egpedieat and purpuaee to coaotract a aewer ta Meluida a ve nae frota the weat Uae of ' Fnaay G. King tiact to aewer ta MeUnda avenue at stoned band ef aald aveuae. Bald aewer to be cua structod of vitrified sewer pipe, dght lac bee clear Ina I do diameter, with aU aeceeeary calch baalna,. man ho lea, tompholae and branchee. Kald aewer te be coBatracted ta accordance with tbe charter aad ordlaaarea ef the dty et Portlaad and . tha plana, apoptflcattona and eetlmatea ef the City Kagtaeer. filed ta the office ef the Aadltor of tbe CI City of Portland ea the 4th day of April, IKofJ, indorsed: "City Kagineer's. puna and epecineatioea roc a newer In MeUnda avenue from the weet Una of Fanny 0. King tract to the sewer la MeUnda avenue at aooofid hand, and the eatimatea of the work to ke dona aad lbs probable total aaat there of." ... . , Tke coat ef aald aewer ' to ke aaa rear $ aa provided by tbe city charter a poo the prop erty apeclally aad peculiarly Benefited thereby, aad which to hereby declared to be aU the tota, parta thereof and parcels ef laad lying between a Una 100 feet north of and parallel with tha north Una ef MeUnda aveaae and a Une 100 fart south ef and parallel with tbe south Uae oi. MeUnda aveaae aad between a line SO feet weet of and parallel with the want Une of Mellada avenue and Its exteealoa eoatbeaaterly ta lu preaent course aad a Uaa SO feet weat of and parallel with tba weat line of tha fenny G. King tract. The tuliae'i aatlma ta of the Brohabto .Ictal eoat .for tho eoMtruettoa. ef aald aewer te (lBO.u. ; . . The plana, aperlflcattoas sad entlmator of the City engineer .for tbe OOeatructtoa of said erwer are hereby adopted. Resolved. That tbe Auditor of the City ef Portlaad be aad be to hereby directed to give not Ice. et the proposed eoaatrerttoa et aald war aa provided by the dty rBarter. Renxonatraneea aaralnut the above aewer may be filed ta writing with the anderelgned wtthla 30 daya from the data of tho flrat publica tion of thla aotlea. By order , of tbo Council. .,,,..','. V TH08. C. DBTLIN. ', Auditor of tha City of Portlaad. Portlaad, 0-000. Date of Brat pub ilea Hon, April 8. 1006. . , , , FX0F0BZS BXWZR Dt TABOOrTH -. . .. ATXJIVX. . -v ', i Notice to hereby glvea that at tbe Bwetlag ef the roaacli of the City ef PortUnd. Oro- Co. held ea the Sth day ef April, 190$, the Hearing resoluttoa was adopted: Beaolved, That the Council of tba City af Portlaad, Oregeo. Iiibi 14 expedient aad par poeae to construct a aewer la Vancouver aveaae from SB faet aouth of the aouth Uaa ef Alberta atreet to the newer la Vancouver avenue aad f reason t atreet. Bald aewer to be ooaatraetod ef vitrified aewer pipe with all accessary eatrbhaalae, ' manholes, lampholas aad branchee, aad to bp ef the following dlawnstons: ef 8 inches clear Ina Ida diameter from a polat In Vancouver avenue 39 feet eouthvef the aoatb llae ef Alberta atreet to a polat la Vancouver avenue at Bala street; tbenre af 10 Inchee clear Inaida dlaaaeter from a potat ta Vancouver aveaae at Bala a treat to a potat ta Vancouver avenue at Blandena atreet; thence of 13 Inchee clear Inaida diameter from a potat la Vancouver avenue at MaBdeaa atreet to a point la Van couver arcane at Bkldmora atraat; thence ef 14 Inchee clear tootde diameter from a potat ta Vancouver avenue at Bkldmora atreet to a point ta Vancouver, liveaoe at Hhaver atreet; tbeoce ef 16 tacbee clear Inside diameter from a potat la Vancouver aveaae at Shaver atreet to a pal ut ta Vancouver - avenue nt Falling street': tbeaea ef 34 laches clear Balds dlaaa eter frota a point ta Vancouver aveaae at Falling atreet In a 'eoaneetloa with tha sewer ta Vancouver avenue at Fremont atreet. . Bald sewer to be eaaatracted ta accordance with tha charter aad ardlnaaces of tbe City at Portlaad sad the plana, spadflrstleaa and eetlmatea ef tba City Engineer, filed la the office of the Auditor ef the City of rortiand ob the dth day ef April ,loS, Indoraed: "City Engineer a bubo and soeriricatieae for 1 ta Vancouver avenue from 86 faet aouth of tba aouth Uae ef Alberta atreet to eewar ta Van. roarer avenue and fro moot atreet, aad the estimates ef Die work to oro ba bio total coat thereof. ' Tke said aewer Is to ke constructed lor tha Barooae ef aewee tea- and aratfitan- all the tota. parta thereof aad pareela of laad witbla tbo dlatrlct bounded sad deeerlbed aa follows eVJeaiamuclBg at a point ta the east Itaa af Vaaeouree- arenas 100 feet earth of tbe aorth Una ef Fremont atreet; tksaee east alang a Une 100 foet north ef and parallel wltk tbe Perth Una ef Freaaont street to a point 130 feet eoat ef tke eaet llae ot Vancouver aveaae; throes north at rlgkt angles to a solat ta tke renter line ef Alberta atreet; thence west along the center Une ef Alberta atreet to a point I08 feet west of tbe west Une ef Height ave aae; then re eoutk Bleed' a Uaa I0B foot west st sad parallel with the weat ltaa of Height avouue to a point 300 feet aoatb af the eoutk line of FslHng atreet: thence eaat Una BOO feet aoatk ef aad parallel with tba aoatb line of Falling street to a point loB feet west sf tbe weat line ef Vancouver S ve nae, thence aoatb along a Une 103 feet weat of and Barallal with the west line et Vancouver avenue to a petal BOO feet oeatb of tbe Booth Une of Beech atreet; thence east along a line 800 feet south ef aad parallel with the south Uaa of Beech atreet te tha place or Beginning. The eoat of nsld Bevree to be provided by tbe dty charter upon the prop erty eoeriaiir aaa peculiarly peaeiiiea taereor aad which le kerebr declared to be all the Iota. parts thereof aad parrela ef toad lylag wtthla the dletrlct hereinbefore boaaded and Oe- BcrlbeA. - Tbe Englneer'a eetlmate of tha probable total mat for tba coutrnctloa ef aald aewer to 86.040.02. . Tbe pUas, aped floe Hone aBO eatimatea af the city Engineer for tne eonetruetloa ef asM newer are Berebr aoonted. Beaolved, That tbe Aadltor of the City ef Portland be aad be Is hereby directed to grre notice ei the propoeea rooa tract ion at aa aewer aa provided by the city charter. BomuaairaBces sgslnet tbe above aewer asy be filed la writing with the Bnderalgned within xo oare rrooa the date 01 tae tint jaueuca tloa of thla notice. - w ' By enter of the CounciL ' ' : THOB. C. IflfVLTN. i Audltor-Of the Mir tr rortiand. I Portlaad. Oregoa. Data ef Brat publleatloa. April 3. 180S. PROPOBXO SXWXX Of CAST TWXBTUTM "j '. STRXXT. - Kottce Is hereby given that st the meetlne ef tba Council of the City ef Portland. Ore goa, held ea the Ota oay ar April, ipuo, ua following reaolutloa was adopted: Resolved. That the teuarll ef the City ref Portlaad, Oregoa, deems It expedleat sad purpesas tea eona tract a aewer la Kaat TWea tleth atreet from 43 feet aoatb ef the aoatb llae of Beat Stark street to tbe connect too with tbe sewer la Kaat Oak street st Rsst Twentieth street. Bald sewer to be eaa atracted of vltrlOed aewer pipe of eight laches clear testae diameter with all aeceeeary rstch ksBlnu, mankotes. lampknles snd branches. Bald Sewer to he constructed la accords aes with tbe charter and ordinasres of the City of Pre-1 land and the plane, speclflcatlons snd eetlmatea ef the City Engineer flled la tbe efBre of tbe Auditor of the City of Portlaad ea the dth day ef April, lonB, Indoraed: "City Rnglneer's plana aad speclflratiooa for a sewer la East TWSBtiata atreet rrom 40 reet aouth ef the aoatb linn ef Coat Stark atreet to tba Kaat Oak Street aewer, and the eatimatea of the work te ba dene aod Ua probable total coat taereor. - - Tke cent of aald aewer to ho provided by Us city charter upon the arty enact ally and peculiarly beaeflted thereby aad whtrh Is hereby declared to be all the lota, parta therenr ana percent or land lying between a line 100 feet aoatb of aad parallel with the aouth Una of Eaat Stark street end a Una 100 feet aorth of aad parallel wltk the north line of Baat Stark street, aad be tween, the Weet Use of Eaat Twentieth atreet and a line 100 reet weaterly thereof and par. allel therewith, aad betweea Ue eaat line ef Eaat Twentieth street and s Une 1011 feat eeeterly thereof aad parallel therewith. The BngiBssrs estimate 01 tne total cost for tbo eewetructloa ef a probable Id rawer la 8263.43. Tbe piaaa. peelficatlene aad eetlmatea of the City Engineer for the eona traction af said sewer srs hereDy erupted. Resolved, That the A minor of the city ef Portlaad be aad be to hereby directed to give aotlce or tne propanaa eooatractioa or aald aewer ae provided by Ue city charter. Remonstrances agalnet the above eewec mac be Bled ta writing with the OBderetgaed wtthla 30 days from the data ef the flrat nubllcatleB . , tki. u.u., e By order 01 too tonneii. THOB. C. DBTLIN, ; Aadltor of the City ef Pert lead. Portlaad. Oregon. Date 1 Brat sablamtieav April B. 1006. PROPOSED BXWZR IB FALL STRXXT, ootbtbt mtrt Arit . TwtMTt-ram STRXXT. ' '. -,'.: ' Notice to herebr glvea that st ths maetlae of the Council of the City of Portland, Ore goa. hold ea tke Btk day ef April, levS. Up following reaolBttoa waa adopted: Received. Tket tke Con net! ef tko Cltr of Portlaad, Oreeau, dee am It expedient end pur- eneee to eeoe tract . a aewer B fall atreet, Quimby etreot and Twenty-ninth atreet, from tbe Berth llae ef Pettrgrnve street to Fall atreet to h point la tjulmby etreot: tbeoce In Oalatby atroet, to a polnt.Ja Twenty-ninth tot; thence north ta Tweety-nlnth atreet to Ue aewer la Ralelch atreet. Bald rearer to be eeantrarted of vitrified eewec pipe of tight taehee clear inaida die met ar, with all airaaeary patch ha etna, maakoiee, lamp holes aad branches. paid cower to he oaaetrectea la accordance lib tbe charter snd ordinances op ths Cltr of Portland snd ths plans. spedBcstlona Snd eetlmatea af ths City Engineer, flled is the sfdrw ef Oka A editor of the City of Perted eu the 4lh day ef April, IPOS, Indorsed: "tivy. RnrlneeVa alans and aVjad Bastions tor 6 sewer la Fall. Oulaabr awl - Tweety-etata atreeta from the Berth Una ef Pettygreve atreet la Pall street to a potat te Qulavby street: seat In Oulmhr street to a Point ta Tweatv-eJntS atreet eeti north la Twenty-ninth atreet to aewer Raleigh atreet, r a ad the estimates of - the rk u ko done and tha probable total oedt la B work thereof, Tbe eoat of aald aewer to provided hp the dty charter a poo the prop ertr epecUlly aad peculiarly heoeited thereby aad which to hereby declared te ke all the Iota, partd thereof aad pareela ef toad lying betweea a Uaa 100 feat east ef aad parallel with the eaet Una ef Twaaty-olnth atreet aad a Uae 100 feat weet ef aad parallel with tbe weet Uae of Tweety-nlnth street, and betweea a lloe 100 feet south ef and parallel with the couth line ef Balelgh atreet aad a Una loO feet eeetk ef aad parallel wltk tka noath Use ef Qtiluihy , street; alao alt tke tots, parta thereof and pareela at land lying betweea a Uae 100 feet aorth ef aad parallel with tbe north Una ef Qaimby atreet and a Una 100 feet south af and parallel with the aouth Uae of Oultnby street, aad betweea the eaat Use of -fall atreet aad Ita extended northerly la Its preeaat rears, aad a Uaa 100 faet weat ef aad parallel with the west Uaa af Twenty ninth atreet; aad alao . all tba kO). parta thereof aad pareela ot toad lplnd bet wean a Une 100 faot north of and naralM with the Berth Has ef Quimby atreet snd tba aorth UnsJ ot g-eiiygrove etreot, ana Between io line of Fall atreet and Ha estcWoa northerly la Ita preaent courae, aad s Una 100 feet west af snd parallel with the waat Uae ef Fall atreet aad Ita extension northerly la its presaat The Rnelneev'a aatlaute af tha Brobable total coat for the seuatrncttoa at said sewer 14 $ol.Sd. -. j - Tba pUasV spadflratloas aod eatimatea ef the City Engineer for the eonetruetloa ef Mid sewer are hereby adopted.. Beaolved. That the Andltur ef the City at Portland be aad ha is hereby directed to give notice of the propoaad eooatractioa of paid aewee aa provided by the dty charter. Remoaetraoeee agalnnt tbe above aewer may be Bled, la writing with Ua unoevafgned within 30 daya free the data at the Brat publloatiea ef thla aotlce. . 1 , , By order ef tbo Council. . " ' THOB. C. DBTLIN. Auditor of the City et Portland. - Portlaad. Oregoa. Data ot Bret public tiea. April 3. 1006. - , proposed srwxR nt " . ATXXTx. :.:'.'.".. Notice Is Berebr glvea that at tbe msstisg ef the Ceauel4 -of the City ef PortUnd. Ore goa. kald ob tke Btk day ef April, Uuf. Ua following rssoiatloB' was adoptodi .... Beaolved. Tkat tbe Council of the City et Portland, Oregoa, deems It expedient sad pur- to ennrtrnet a sswur in nawiwarnw from 3B feet coat of the aaat Uaa ef Bast Twenty -ninth atreet to Uo aewer la Eaet Thirtieth street. Bald sswur to be eon tract ad of TitriOed aewer pine ef eight tacbee deer Inside diameter, with all neeeeaary catch basins, manholes,- tompholae aad brsBches. Maid aewer to be 00 Detracted ta ' accords ace with Ua charter aad erdlaaneea of the City ef Portlaad aad the plana, specifications and eatimatea of tbe City Ingtneec Bled tw Ue efBre of the Auditor ef Ue Cltr of Portlaad en the 4th day of April. IPOS, indorsed: "city Knglneer'a plena snd Bpedflratlone tor 6 sswsr in Hawthorne avenue from 86 feet oast ef tbe east Uaa ef Beat Tweaty-alaU atreet to aewer ta Bast Thirtieth etreot. add tba eatlaaatea ef the work te be dose sad the probable total cost uereer."' Ths cost of aald aewer to bo etaVa.1 he tko dt charter ansa tba BfuBSttT aperiaUy OBd pocallarly benedted thereby aad which la hereby declared to be au ue ton. nana thereof and nureshi sf toad lying hetl s lino 100 faet north nf sad Bare 1 lei with ths aorth lino of Hawthorne avenue, aad 0 Uae 100 feet enath of sad parallel wiU the aeaU Uaa ef ltawUorae aveaae and betweea the eaat Una ef East Twaaty-olnth atreet aad 6 Uaa 100 feet west of sad parallel with Ua west Une ef Eaat Thirtieth atreet. - The Cltr Eaglassr'e eetlmate of the probable total coat tor Uo. cons tract ion of aald ass ta llanos. . - -'- The plsns. aped sea lions aad eetlmatea ef Uo City Engl inter for the eouatrurtiaa of sold sewer are berebr adapted. ' , . . " Resolved. That tho Aadltor ef the City ef Portlaad be sad be la hereby oaroexoo: Be grre notice 1 af Ue propoaad eona traction of aald aawer aa asevlded by the dty charter. MeraoBStrs aeaa against ins uoors www bm. flled la writing wita tne uauwiaugneu within 30 daya from ths data ef the Brat enhlienttoa ef Ula aotlea. By order of tba Couacll. , ..,. THOB. C. DITUlf. ' Auditor of tba Cltr of Portlaad. Portlaad. Oregeo. Data ot Brat publics tiua. April 0. 1000. ,i PB0P0BXD sxwxm . n xajt , ITUXT. XASIBOV Wotlce to hereby rby glvea that at the Bwetlag ef tbe Oounsil ef tbo City of Portland. Ore- ana- hold am the Btb dar of AprlL 10US. Uo following reaolutloa was adopted: , Resolved. That ths Council ef tha City of Portland. Oregon, deeme It eipedlent aad par poses to coBstract a aewer ta Boot Madlaea street traot 100 feet weet ef tha want line ef Bast Tweatv-ataU atreet to tho sewer ia Bast Thirtieth street. Sold aewer to be coaetraeted et vl trifled aewer pipe et' dght tacbee clear reside dlaaieter wit a alt neeeeaary gaicaBsaii BaanholaB. Inmnholes snd branchee. Bald sswsr to be ceastrscted ta accordance with Ue charter and ordtnaneoa ef the City mt Phvtland. and tha Blaaa. BBedacattona aad eetlmatea of. tbe City Engineer flled ia Ue office 'of the Aadltor oc us rut ef PortUnd ea tbo dth day ef APriL 1006, tedorasd: "City Kaglaaer'a piaaa aad apedBcatleoe tor a aewer ta Bast Madlaoe street tram 100 feet weet ef tbe west line of East Tweaty-atoth street to aewer la Esst Thirtieth street, sad the eat laaa tea ef tbe work to bo doae aod tbo prebabls total TThe eoat of aald . sewer to be win nrovlded bv tba dtr charter noon the arty aperiaUy aad peculiarly booed ted thereby, aA thick m herahv ataclared to he all the lota. KrtS thereof sad parcels et lead lying be eea a lloe 100 feet north ot aad parallel WIU the north Uae of fast Msdbwa street snd a Uae 100 . feet aoatb ef aad parallel with Ua aouth line of Beat Madlaoe atreet, aad be tweea a He 1BO feet wear of aad parallel wltk tbe weat Una of Eaat Twenty-ninth street and -a Hbc 100 feet west st and parallel wlU the west llae et East Thirtieth atreet. Tke ensineer's estimate ef tko probable total eoat for Ua eonatrurtlea st ssld newer le no The plans. apedScatleao aad eatlaaatea of the City Bagtoaec for tbe coaetrocttoa of aald a. waa aaa, 1 1 1 .1, . BlIaBfd Reeolved. That tbe Auditor ef the City of Port wad be and sa is Bcreny airecroa to grre notice ef tbe proposed eonetracttou of aald aewer Oa provided by Ue dty charter. i Hetonnatraneea nanlaot tbe above aewer may be Bled ta writing with tke nnderelgned witbla 20 days from tbo data 01 the Brst pasueallaa ef tale aotlea. -By order of tko Couaclt ' ! i THOB. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor Of the City of Portlaad. Portlaad. Oregoa. Date af Brat publleatloa. April 8. 1806. , - PX0P0SIS SXWXX IB X0OSXTXLT STXXXT. Notice to hereby given' that at the meeting ef tbe Couoctl ot the City of Portland, Ore gon, held ea the ,4th oay ar April, louo, the Following resolution waa adopted: Beaolved, That tbe Council of the City ot Port hind, Oregoa. dee ma It expedient and pur. poses te construct s sewer la Roosevelt street, fetterlock avenue and Nineteenth etreet, from 100 feet weet of Sherlock aveaBO la Roosevelt atreet to the sewer ta Vaagba atreet at Nine teenth atreet. Paid sewer te he eooe tract ed et vitrified sewer pipe ef eight tacbee clear reside diameter with nil neeeeaary catcbbaalaa, manholes, tompholec snd branches. Held Bower to be constructed ta accordance. with the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland, and Ue plana, aped Meat lone sad eatimatea ef the City Engineer Bled ta tbe office ef the Aadltor at tbe City of Portland on tbe dth day ef AprlL Indoraed: "City Kngloeer a plsns snd speelOrstlons for a erwer la Roosevelt atreet. Sherlock area us sad Nine teenth street from Hal feet weat ef 3 her bock avenue ta Roosevelt etreot to aewer la Vsugba street, and Ue esttmatea ef the Work to be done, aaa ue prooeDie total coat taereor." Tbe coat ef eald aewee to bo i il . sa provided by tbe city charter apou -the property apeclally sad peculiarly benefited thereby, end which is hereby declared to pa all tbe tota. uerta thereof snd Bsrcsla ef. laad trine be tweea a line 100 feet east of Sad parallel with the eaet Use ef Mneteentb struct, sad Ita extensloa northerly la Its preaent coarse, ssd a line 106 feet weet of and parallel with the west line ef Nineteenth street, and Its exteu- aton northerly la ta lie presaat courae, aad Be tweea Ue ceo tee lino off Roosevelt street, aad Its ettonsloa eeaterly la ito Brecon t eourao, aad a line 100 feet north of and parallel wltk ths north ' Uae ef Vaugha atreet; alao block 13, resperttvely 100 feet aad 300 feet west sf and parallel with tba waat llae af ' Nineteenth atreet end lu extenaloa eortberly, aad betweea the south line et Mock 13, b her tor k e addltloa, and Its extenaloa eeeterly and a line loo feet southerly tnervfrem ssd psrsllel therewith. Tbe Engineer a aetiaaats of the prooable total 1 for tbe construe uoa eg aald aawer to $46 . 64. The olaae. spedSestloaa aad eetlmatea of tba Cltr Engineer for tbe eoastraetloa of aald aewe. are berebr adopted. Reeolved. That ths Aadltor er the City ef Portland be aod ha Is hereby directed to gtre notice of the proposed construct lee. ef eats' Oewee a pvavided br tha city charter. - BemoneUencee agalnet the above eewar may Ke Bled In writing with the aeaieeatgued wt .a 30 dava from the date of tbo Bret Pweltcn,aa Of s notice. Sf Ink Cnenw-II. ' TiiA. c. r '-v. ' "r t l-s C"v e V I r .' ( ) jh- A- ., v..'-..- u J Trains to the East Daily--) Tbreagk Pansasa staodatw aad taottst gtosm tag ears dally to Osiaha, Chlcaju, Bpokaaot toarlet 01800104 earn sally to 3. aaaaa Ityi through Pullmaa toortot slseptag cars (paraoe. ally eoodncted) weekly to Change. Bee Using ensnj1 rare tsests tree w m, aw uaiiy , UNION DEPOT. Arrives. CHICAOO-POETLAJtp BPECIAia, 3:13 a. Ok, Far the Beat eta Boat-Du' Dally. - lagtoo. .. - BPOKANR FLTBR. For Baetara Wasklaf-i tea. Walla Walla. Leer-1 8 :18 a. 4. SKWOa Bb . Daily. Isteav Coeop d'Atoael Dally-. aad area , Xortbsra A TlA arrtn iiaini Far the Best via SaaM Ingtoa. 3:18 a. m. T:1B O. I Dally. Columbia Xlrer DivwiasT FOB ASTORIA aad war Polats, cos netting with atmr. for llwace and 8 :00 p, a. Daily. eg. Baaday. Seo p. aa. North Beach, ate. --- Lau. auei, asB-st. oocg Wi p. m. TamkfirTrvsrstowaar FOR DATTON. Oregoal T0s. am. IWSB, .y am xamhlll Kivurl poanua. atmra. Ban ai Modre Aab-et. Ooek. (Water permitting. 1 Dally. Dully. as. BuBdsy. . Swabs River Ban to. FOR L1WI8TON, Ida., 4 00 n. m. A bmrtf ja' una way sotnii moaaay TueaaBy aiipsna, wash.. Widaiiaxy fTVovodoy Book a no and Le Lewletoa. IFridey Batursay T1CXBT OfFlCB. Third and Phone Ifala T13. ' C.W. BT1N0BR, City Ticket eta la. VeVaUU. 1 IkBM EAST SOUTH UNION DEPOT. 0VBRLABD BXPRKBB) trains, tor Be lam bar. Ashland. MO ih so. BMwta.egdeeil Uf Frao-syji g. . dace. Clock too. Leo Ami galea, n rase, new bm toaaa aad us smat, Morotar trala m sects it Wsodba Sail ' oaeaaA bsibmI $.-S0 3.3h, with train tor tot.lS$ to 34. AsgeL, a 1 1 e s r t e a.1 BrowaarUla. Spring field. Waadllos .am Natroa. Albany pom 4 .'00 f. 34. T:3 s.' m. Boeta at Wsed Mr. Aagol SB0 haa local. u Corvallls p aes as sr. Bhertdso paesaager. l3:P0O.B. ll:f-"' 3 14 i a. m. Ftoikial'Ooaag'sbMrbS Serv1es'aa4 TboA-H tbraa feet of Jeffs Lesve Poriland dally for Oe ease TOO mr mt 13.30. 3:00. 8:66. 8:10, S:2S. f.oJT 13.10 p. pa. Dally 'eltceBt Buadsy), S40. 6:30. 91 10:1 4 iTm-1 4 loTll.30 p. m. Swadsy ssuy. 3:V n-alng frota Bsawga. arrrva rarrMo4 0""f ' 8:30 a. m.: 1 36, 3:06. 6J18. TjM 1 HMO a. ua. Dally (exeant Bases y 6:33, Tr i, , 30, 1010, 11:43 a. m. Bxearpt llsailiy. Ud LSvee'from sT-i" dt tor DaHsB end tstoe BWdUto points dally (axeapt Boadsyl 46 to sb, eUe-Uth awaw, tMa' opera tea sally to ilnmiath aad Awo aedlag wits nwusta riow a e aaa. Pireeieea fare from Port toad to aad Baa Fraacaseo aaee. uwinw lore 31. aaaaail alaaa bertha S3.B4. TlckstS to amstarw waawro owa Tttr TVkat oVae. ceeurTird aad We. . - ' Btoln VI X , O. W. BTINOXm. W. K.'0frXAl. CUT ItOOSS avswsa. -. ' -:- TIME CARD OP RAINS Portland! UNION DBPOT. Paget Bound Imlred. for Tecs mo. Saattle, Olympts, Swath Bend aad ttray's Barker 4SB.Sk d:d$Sak. points. -. North Omst Limited. Butte. BL Paul. Mta-4 aeapslls, Chicago, Bow Tork. Beet o and Botirsj 3:8$ p. a. .r" .; .v' IM 6.6B. Bear aaa 600180000, TwiB-aty Eifraas.fse Taeoms. Sssttls, Bso kane. Helena. Bf. Teal, Mlaaesnollp ' Chtcsge, New Tork: nstoa aad UMs-rlasJ T4SB.b3, all . aetata . Bast .ssd "ir':i-' 4 t !' Seuthssst. - J Puget BeOng e KaassM city -at. .Leata far Taeema.- Beottle, Bnoksne. Butte Bllllnaa. Deavsr. Omaha, Kaassa f M B BV City. St. Loo la and all aetata Eaat mm aaat. All trataa dsllr exeeot aw nrsnch. A. D. CBABLtvit. Arslstsat Oeseral Psaaiagir Aaexct. 33S Morrlaoa eC. cor. Tkhrd. Pertlaad. tow Astoria & Columbia ; River Railroad Co. Sim . tem vas. ONION DEPOT. Arrives. i 8:00 1 m. . Far Msrgsra, Rstntar. n:ig . ' , Dally. Cutakaato, Weat pert. Dollr. : . . CUftoa, Astoria, Wsc- 1 , ' raatoa, flaesl. Baaa- ' mood, Fort Btsviaa. " ' ' I ' Oaerkart Part. Saalas, .. .. j' - Astoria aad Siaahms, fKMtoto- "- torrooo Sally. - .Mori, tgprta I 4,. r. .Mr.A,&Aw3h' C. A. STSWART. tmuaeeeUl Aua4. 4$ Aldar awwet- rbeae Mala 806. ;,..,v Teokot OUcm US rhtrS T I ,iU eesta I rsxndoorttlriane &,s.. TrsslndB DsUly FAOT T " "" TO r" V