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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1905)
t::z cr-Tccn daily joui:::al, rcr.TLA::D, :zz::zzd.y eve::::: d Largest ,Bnching in History, of Club Recorded at North-'-em Exhibition. :; PARTICIPANTS WILL . BE DISQUALIFIED i ' V ;v,v J, .- . ,' , American Kennel Club Advisory Board Has Issued lt Edict . k ' . ' (Special Dtepateh to Tbe Jonraal. " ; Seattle. April IS. When th 10th an nual exhibition of th Seattle Kennel club opened this morning: at German! bail the largest number of doga in tbe Malory of the ssaoclatlon were benched. Thla waa Surprising In face of the fact that the .pacific advisory board of . the American 'Kennel club has, placed the .ban' of dlaquallflcatlon on .all officers and exhibitor, but the old weatern aplrlt manifested Itaelf and no sooner tiad the ' edict . of disquallflcatloai been promul gated than the entries began - to pour in, string the . club 345. this year as against the largest preceding; entry . of ,.: Just 'what the outcome will be It Is ltard to determine. ' t Whether1 It means that the old Weatern Kennel league has a new lease of life and that there will be a. decided scarcity of dogs at 'the 'A. K. C coast shows, or that the' ad visory board will have to back down and remove the ban In order that their owri ahowa will not suffer,- As the mat ter stand now I4( dogs are withdrawn from - the circuit, including all the fa mous champion setters, of which' 44 were benched In the regular class and alx in the field trial class. . These in clude Champion Braoken O'lJeek,' Cham pion Pare, Champion - Mallwyd ' Neeg, ' Champion Elloree, Champion' Stylish Ser geant, The Deacon, winner of both field trial derbies last year, and Count Whet stone's Chief, winner of ' the all-agei takes. .'Never before were so , many racks - shown together and this whole sale ruling 'off will hardly be well re ceived by the other coast clubs, " Fox terriers are out In force, headed by the. famous old Champion . Nioda Daddy. Thirty-one are benched In this class. "They are a fair lot all around, with considerable class In spots. - The oolUe entry is light only 11 being benched, with some quality among the young dogs. 'Cockers are pretty strong with entries and bull terriers corns ' nest with St. Pointers show up with It and a good average lot. Irish setters 11 and Gordon ' there are Bostons and . field spaniels. Th display of trophies surpasses all previous efforts of the club, ? being offered. Many friends of the officials from all-over th country have donated. A very handsome solid silver loving cup presented by Clarence Jaeobson of Port land will be the eenter-ef a hot contest. It being given for the best setter In th ahow. B. Davie of Dewdney. B. C, arrived this morning and will commence bis labors at 1 o'clock. Among: other prominent fanciers present are Mayor J. M. Taylor of Rutherford, N. J'John Kepllnger. . John 'Considlne. M. A, W deen. Cook Inman. Julea Redelshelmer, C B. Blethen, Captain E. A.. Swift. O. Hartnagel. Arthur ' Bennett. ' John Morgan, Captain Turner of victoria, B. C. Captain J. af. Johnston of Vancou . ver. and ' many others :. equally well known. . ,.'.'.; ' , i ' ..'... ' .' ' .. The judging . will probably be con cluded by. noon tomorrow. MMMXA AT CAXBsX, ' tlesrssl Special ssrvtoa.) ' Carlisle. Pa April lS.-The Carlisle Indians inaugurated their baseball sea son today, lining up against th Mercers bur; academy team pa th - home dia mond. Th Indians have arranged a promising , schedule for , . tb,ls . season. Among others games will be played with the -University - of Pennsylvania, Dart month, Lafayetta, Holy Cross and Dick inson. - - '- .'';- - . t-i. .: -" '...'.'.'' i Knocked the cover off of that cheap imitation base- - ball, had your hand stung or finger disjointed by a hot liner" at close range because you didn't have la glove or mitt, had your nose broken while catch ing behind the bat because you didn't have a mask, ; don't you think it would be nice if papa or mamma would bring you here and buy youa new suit for y Easter, so that you could get with it FREE a genuine Victor BalL Mask or Glove? You know they are the best made, and every ball comes in a sealed box. 'So are our suits the best made, and sell for zTrX.rj'., r ut.'rzi:77: :$230to:$ ' i C5-CJ Ttlrd St.tO etnttn Starh-m Oak irc2iciaftWP cyan clothi LOST THE CONTEST - IN NINTH iraC Portland - Had Victory " In Its prasp But Let It Slip ; ' " ;. Away. . : ' (Journal BoecUl Service.) . w1in r--l AnHI 1 9 rfVeMlla'a m.Mt. niniiw IiajI woaiardava aame l- tk.l re in ho laat half of ... . " . . -- -w (h, .ImK Innln. Ihi aAM. W. f nil T tO three In Portland's ravor ana two men were out. when errors by Runkl and Clark Dermltted two tallies, giving th game to Oakland. " 'i TKMr the. ' tnrmmr Portland player, dispensed the slants slatsd to fool the visitors and Incidentally aiammea out a three-base hit that counted In the ' score or th uasiana ouncn. . Th attendance at th gam waa very nmr for there were scarcely! any spec tators in evidence at alt v v."', ; ' Th score: . . . j. ,r.- . y .'". PORTLAND. '' - I: - - . in R.H.PO.A.E. Van Buren. If. ....... J J j . J MtHjreoie, ri. ........ ; . j r r Schlafley, 2b. I I J J j i MaLean, c. 4 .1,1 J J Householder, cf. ; J Ats, ss. ........ 5 2 f ' l Runkle. Sb. 0 S S I Clark, lb. 4 S U French, p. .......... 4 I I 11 Total . ...... '. t OAKLAND. ARH.H.PO.A.E. Van Hrttren, ct ........ 4 S S Pranks, as. 4 S 8 4,0 Kruger. rf. 4 0 S 0 King. r ? r i .1 Z 2 Strelb, lb. 4 S 1 v.ii. 7 ik. ... I 4 1 Devereau. Sb. ....... 4 0 0 1 J- Byrnes, c. J i i Iberg. p. J I 1 S Graham" . ......... 1 I 0 Totals . . . ... I . ' M W-'-S rraaks 'out: hit by batted ball In eighth inning. - - . '"" 3rahan batted for Iberg In &lnth. J . BCORB BT INNINGS. 1 i I I I I T I I Portland.; 0 1 0 JO 1 v-r.-V a i a a a & - - - - - - j r - Wits . . w v . .. SUMMARY. .-. ,' r '' sttnien bases Van Buren. McCredla, flchl.fler. Householder. Van Haltren, Strelb S, Kelly. Three-bas hits Vsn Haltren, McCredla, Iberg. Twe-baa hit Byrnes. Sacrifice hits Iberg, Pranka. First has on errors Oakland, S. First base on called balls French, 1: Iberg, S. Left on bases Oakland. T; roruanu. t.; -Struck out By iberg. l. tut oy pitcher echlafley. Tim or gams n hour and St minutes. Umpire Davis. 9BPSAT sWAXJai'-f-X-. "to i (leoraal Special Serrlei.) : - . T a. IVi.iIiml An Hi it. Mike Fish- si's Tiger sprang a surprise on Unci u .nil th. Baals vesterdav and took the opening gam by th er of Jo 1. Tho-cor.; .. - - TanAim. - m A 0 ( 0 t 0- 4 BaV Fran 0 I 1 7 S Batteries Fltagerald and Graham; Banley and Wilson. , PAOXPXO OOAST ' , 11 7 4 CttJBg. m a. a rrasclaee 01 4 OakUae ............ Ioe Aaaelas ......... 0 I Seattle O) Si Last;............... 4 B B T ! ! OOMTJTO. ' B. F. Lewis, of Lansdown. Pa -will bring a big string of dogs to th Port land bench show. Mr. Lewis Is one of the most noted dog trainers In th asst. and make extensive trips . each year with a string of splendid dogs. Half the Ills that man la heir to com from Indlaeation. Burdock Blood Bit ters strengthens fend tones th stomach; makes indigestion lmpossioie. ' '.' WhcnYou Have Finished That .1 . .M m .IO 6 .500 .600 B .4IT a .aso (' ... - , ' . ' ... ,. , H... ; Eusy MAGNATE DUGOALE - ' HAKES HASTY VISIT One-Time Manager of Portland ; i Team Pay City Busi ness Trip. Daniel Edward Dugdale. a- former manager of th Portland baseball' team, known throughout th ball kingdom for his generous corpulency and excessive seal for brush leaguers, visited this city laat evening; and, before he was In town 19 minutes, had' signed Klrby Drenuen to play with and. manage th Belling' ham nine. The fat manager was never in a more Jovial mood and looked up all his old friend and spent a very large sveolng. I ''-.- . Dua-dal Is still very full of ambition and dreams about empire, building by day and by night. Hs la the Rhodes of Belllngnam and confidently expects to see his International league, flourish far beyond the wealth of the great organisa tions. " ' . Mr. Dugdals Is enthusiastic over th prospects of a aueeeasful season In th newly formed league and states that aU four towna In th circuit are tak ing an active Interest in promoting the new deal. ' -j--' ... 1 .''".' "One beauty about our new league, said th Seattle man. "is that we don't pay any railway f area, for yon know we can carry a whole bail ciud on tne boats from Vancouver td Everett, the length of th league, for the eost of the fare of on player from Seattle to Port land. - . ',.- J Dugdal has placed three of his for mer players In managerial 'bertha In the new league. - They are Jack Drennen In BeHingham, Billy Hulen In Everett,' and George ttowletts In Victoria. Colli Druhot. th .well known local southpaw, signed a contract 4o play with Bell Ingham In the new league. Druhot I a (capable youngster and should prove a winner In that com pany.... -.v; ,'' : J . '. WHO'LL SOLVE THIS - BASEBALL PUZZLE " t ,"f.-.-. Two teams, A and B, are playing. A Is at th bat la th last half of th ninth Inning; Tb score is to 4 In favor of B. Two men are out. a man on second end another on third. Th batter hits th ball Into fair territory, but It la not a hit. .Thar Is no putout, no baaerun ner hit by th batted bail, no assist ana no error, and yet A wins th gam by a score of f to t. What was the play T Readers ' of Th Journal are invited to send their answsrs to th problem to th sporting editor.. . , . : . - To th Sporting Editor of The Jour nal In answer to your baseball prob lem.' X think th batter hit th bell straight toward th umpire and he does not hav tun to escape It. so h get hit. and th ball rolls far enough to enable th two runner to cross th plat and th batter to reach -first In aafety. The men on second and third are always ready to run on any hit mad a there are two out and the only chan,o to win th gam would be to make a good run. Joseph rikdeu bus Raieics street. To th Sporting Editor of Th Jour nal My wile says I am getting gray working on th' baseball pussl. Bo I guess I am from Missouri where Hiram HardscrabbU blsw from, ED LEE, , Washington street. - To th Sporting Editor of The Jour nal I hav It! Th pitcher throw a wild ball and It passe th catcher and third man on base get In safe and on on second reach third safe; then th next ball A hits to fair territory and th man on third gets In safe, and A, seeing be get la safe doesn't run and Is out. So A .wins the, gam to B. -.-.. J. ii STAI4E1, t " General Delivery. To th Sporting Editor of Th Jour nal In answer to your problem as to how th game ended, I aay th batter hit th ball In fair territory and running to first base tripped and fell down and th umpire watching th ball, whit the man on third and th man on second scored, -and seeing ' the batter, had not reached first baa called him-out. , Which I claim 1 no hit, no error, no assist or no put out . - V . 7 v. TONT OLASSON. , HONITON CAPTURES HANDICAP AT' OAKLAND TramT8peaarBerrloe7i ' San Francisco, April - 11. Favorites had an sven break at Oakland yester day. Summary: Pour furlongs Southern. : Lady . won. Lady Kins second. I'm Jo third; time, 41. .'.' . ' ; - - Futurity course F. E. ' Shaw won. Pachuc second, Billy Taylor third; Urn. 1:11... Six furlongs Gallant Caasi - won. Toupee second. Sun Rose third; time. Mil and an eighth Kermlt won, Alio, tfath second, Hermencla third; time, l:4l-s. Five and a half furlongs Honlton won, Americano second. Sad Sam third; tlm. !:. - ; '.. ' " A Kontgoaury Park, '..f ; ' '. Memphis, April If .Montgomery Park results: " . -t Six furlongs Nannie Hodge won. Van nsss second. Censor third; time, 1:17. Four and a half furlongs George Lelper won, JUgh Chance second. Waste ful third; time, :ll. Six furlong Miss Oomes won. Dap ple Gold second. Barklemor . third; time, 1:17. ' '' Chickasaw club, seven . furlongs Stroller won. Ous Heldorn second, Judgd Hlmes third; tlm. 1:111-1. Steeplechase; - about a mil , and a quarter Myth won. Red Car second. Collegian third; time. l:vl JEFFRIES ARRESTED : . : FOR SPEEDING AUTO 1 . ;.. 1.. , ' (Jearsal SpceUl lerrlee.) 1 Mew York, April 18. James J. Jeff rie, heavyweight champion pugilist, waa in one of three automobile psrtiss ar rested after a two-mile chas last even ing . In - th Pelham Parkaway, - West chester. All three chauffeurs were ar rested, taken to the Westchester station and later admitted to bait to - appear this morning In ths Morlsjanla- court. Th puglHaH jccompanled th parties ta ths -station, but' when bis presence became noised about such a crowd of curious boys and men. filled th station that he sought refuge In a nearby sa loon, where he locked himself In - a back room until tils friends were ready to depart. . . . The thfee automobile parties were to gether. In on th chauffeur said hs was John Roach of - Westcjiester, and th other occupant, , who . said he waa th owner of th machine and gave ball for Roach, was John Murphy. In th sec ond machine, which carried JeffrlesN ths chauffeur said he waa James Bigs-low.- end another man in th machine, said to b it t-raert said b wag John Gallath. Th third machine carried Joha M- Ohaiie and hi chauffeur. George Mitchell. Bicycle Policemen Dunham and Gall aald the automobiles were, speeding more, than 19 miles an hour 'and they gavs 'chase. Tbe . three chauffeurs.' they said, paid no attention to their calla to stop; When, it la said, they lound their wsy blocked bit Policeman Storjohanna. they' submitted to arrest. ' Just before the three chauffeurs wexo released, Monro Crane, ..Democratic leader In Pelham Manor, appeared at the station on horseback, with hla two children on ponies. Hs mad a com plaint against all three chauffeurs for reckless' driving, alleging they fright ened nis and hla. children's mounts. He said be would appear .agalnat them loouy. WHALEN MAY BREAK : THE WORLD'S RECORD Hold your breath. '.Jimmy Whalen Is within striking distance of a world's record. Jack Chesbro, th famous Amer ican league twlrler, who la th master of the "spit" curve, ha pitched 48 con secutive inning without a single run be ing made against him. Thla la said to be the record. At- present writing Whalen baa pitched 4( innings without a msn crossing the plate on him. ..Whether he beats Chesbro' s performance In h Ik, next gam or not. Jimmy haa achieved a sen sational feat. It should be remembered that the San Francisco pitcher started out by blanking th Chicago National League club. Thia was no easy thing to do. Then followed' Whalen' double- headed victory over Seattle. .While this s a creditable performance, his pitch ing against the hard-hitting Giants froth Portland completely overshadows -1. Jimmy first appeared Inr the box against Portland laat Thursday, when he shut McCreedl men out, allowing them but two hits. Not a Giant reached second tbase, and XI batters faced Whalen be fore a hit waa mad off his delivery. Charley Hall's no hit and no run gam,' which he pitched against Oakland last .week, was the only exhibition that sur passed It, Whalen a second victory over Portland on Bunday Is fresh In the minds of tb fans. Us had Portland s sluggers at his mercy at all stages. Such a record as this would hardly have been possible last year, a th Seals ara a different sort of aggregation this year. On all Or occasions Jimmy enjoyed al- moat perfect aupport from his aasoclates. voicn nt uiu not receive iss. year. FAMOUS RACE TRACK . ' 'TO BE AUCTIONED - Joaraal SpeMal Bervke.) ',-' ' Baltimore, April 11. This 1 th date aet by th court for th sal at public auction of th famous Plmlico racetrack, and unless ths Maryland Jockey club sucoeeds In saving th property by bid ding it in the land will probably be out up Into building- lots. - This will not lnterefere. however, with th approach lng spring meeting of ths Jockey club. ' Th sal of Plmlico mark th passing; of on of th most famoua race courses in the east PI ml loo's memorable .contest-was th great raoe-Murtng the fall meeting of 1177, In which Pierre Loiil- lard' celebrated hors Parol waa th winner. Th race waa a S-mti and a half three cornered event, with Parol, Tan Broeck and Tom Ochiltree as con testants. To witness th race in which auch celebrated entries were scheduled people from all over th United Stat flocked to Baltimore, and so great waa th interest in ths affair that congress adjourned to allow it members to at tend. - .......,. .-.. - MORE ENTRIES FOR ; , COIUMBIA MEETING 'The entrlesfor the big field meet to be held at Columbia university Sat- urday afternoon are almost completed. and will be participated In by th finest track and field talent among th atb letlo 'organisations of th state. '- Tbe Portland High school will send a team composed of Hawkins. Foster, Moore, Wilson,. Nloholas. Scott. Casoa and Har rison. Master Hawkins, Samuel Sootl and Horton Nicholas show great promise and ar expected to overcome tb High school's handicap . in having loat by Armstrong, Bay Bradley and Robert Oberteuffer. the three .crack athletes, who hav left school.. ; . Multnomsh will be represented by the two Kerrigans, A. H. Brown, W. Han sen, C Fletcher. Mays. Saunders. Gam- ml. Fletcher, MXUllgan and Captain James. , - The parochial school events are being pulled off at Columbia, thla afternoon. ; DIAMOND GLISTEN IN GS Manager McCredla Is said to be mak lng-a. strong bid for -the servloes -of Fred Mitchell, the crack young first acker of ' th Chicago National team. Th deal whereby Jack Doyle Was sold to Toledo will enable the Portland man ager to eecure a capable substitute. Jo Corbett la on pitcher who doe not 'approve of th balk rule.. Jo baa a "balky" styl of tossing th ball over th plata. and If th umpire makes him out It out it wui bother him. When Jo was with St. Louis last year, he had hla troubles with th balk rule, and thla waa on reason why he was glad to return to California, wner h could pitch as h pleased.- Consequently Pres ident Bert's strict snforoement of th pitching rules . thia . season ' ' was not pleasing to Corbett ' "I think every pitcher should be allowed to pitch in his own styl," said Jo yesterdey. "14 take a pitcher "eight or It years to per fect himself. He wUl educate himself to pitch according to some set rule, and the next thing you know a committee will frame up eorae new rule and hs wUl hav to chang hi whole style of throwing. I'll tell you. It Is a great hardship on a pltoher. - Moving th box back or aneaa, or changing tn number of balls from four to three, that' a different proposition, but to tell him how he ehall stand in tn box and what movements he shaU or shall not make Is wrong, according to my way of thinking.". - .i--'- Pitcher r Jack Taylor may not be able tp play with th Cardlnala during th early part of tb season after alL He I down with pneumonia at present and' his . condition la considered critical by Manager Nichols. He was counted on to do tbe greater part or tne pitcning In th spring eeiT between th Brown and th Cardinals. , Jack McCarthy, th umpire who of ficiated tn this league lsst season, was married in San Francisco last Saturday to a Miss Corey of Sacramento, and the couplo ar now ' on their honeymoon. McCarthy la to umpire ror Ban John son In th American leagu during th coming sesson. ' " . ; t sroTZca TO AMATaVOmS. All notice of amateur, base ball games, challenges end ath letlo events must be sent to this offlc before o'clock a. m. on th day for publication. - teur managers - ahould pay - at- tentlon to thia rule, as the" keep- lng . of lawlll Insure a proper ; e report of, "their doings. The .4 Journal. , " 4 . . ': '.' ;-- ' From the sad eznerleneea of other who were shipwrecked In the. business world because of their lack of knowledge of UD-to-oaie commercial metnoas. wnat you wsnt to know is the quickest and moat suceessrul wsys ot doing busi ness. Why not tske the course In Hookksenln and Shorthand that we or. fert .,'.., ...... v -.. , DEIINKE-VALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE Sixth and MorrUoa frts, Portlaaa, Or. Open all 1 th year. v" Call or send for ... caiaiogu. ... k. , . FIVE' POINTS OF EXCELLENCE it . . -rr -.- '. Leaving the center of the city , from which you a tart reaching th center of th city of . your destination; over smooth and lavel track; giving reet and comfort; riding beside running water moat of the way; through th center of population to the gateways of . com- . . b. ...... -w'-nl v. .. . ' NEW YORK CENTRAL LINES '''-r-n- For Infsrntutlon-and rates apply to' ' - W. C. 8EACHREST. Nor. Pac. Coast Agent 1M Third street. rortiana. ur, . , 1 . , 7 'I . W. B..-JEROMk Gen. Agent, 114 Monro st, Chicago. Ut Is an Interesting Article" la APRIL This article Is well Illus trated, and ahould be read by people of th North- : . west and then sent to their eastern friends.' It will help to show thsa . the enterprise and prog ress - of; . th Northwest better than many letters would. Other articles, , short stories snd verse. Muniu Dr. W; Norton Davis. IN A WEEK w treat 1 HMlfa alt rfM aei eareaie Slaaaaaa at nmt ak klaea. SaaMk re STPHIU.1S (wltBoet BMresr-r) to star eerod forvt, la S to 0 says, we lian'l tratnrtin. a . Sara. . ... Wa - ibm -- .!. haawtlUtolr. We caa reatere tbe ami vtse as aay bmb aaaar DO y susss ef leeei BMp. 1 liar jm mm mim ; We Care Gonorrhoea In a Week The deetsn ef tbk) Isstiate ere ell retslsr traeaetas. Save a sr yeeis' easerlaeaa. it see keewa la Partlaod toe Is reers, kave a repetatioa to saaiatala aad will air take se ease aslias sartals care eaa ss ferted. We tsaraatae to rare la every ease we asder take er ehaive as fee. Censlatatloa h-ea, te. tots eeesdeatlaL lnsntu-e BOOK gOS UMM BMllea Dee Is- plals wrapper. i( res censor eair at oino-s (Sea aUak. Haste tnatmval Offlee soars to S aad r to s. tosdays as4 selldaye. ! to 1.. (.:..;,.. .Ts Issdlsg apeHaltota Is the Mutts sort. . Dr. W.Norton Davis & Co. as Vey Xetol. a. X. Omw. Tkitd ead Pom Sto. , MaXIAa-OaXMll. . O. QBE WO The Qreat Chinese Doctor Is -called great 'be- cause nis wonaerrui cures are so well known throughout the United States, and because so roatiy people are thankful to him for saving their Uvea from OPERATIONS ' He treats any and sll dlaessee -with powerful C h I n e se herbs, roots, buds. - that are entirely un known to medical science: in this coun try, and through the use of these harm less remedies. This famous doctor knows the action of over BOO different remedies that he haa successfully used in different diseases. He gusrsntees to curs catarrh, aathm. lung troubles, rheumstlsnvner vousness, atomarb, liver, kidney, fe male trouble and all private dleetsea. Hundreds of testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. COTgT7X.TATIOBT TMTM. " ''.'. Patients out of - the - cltv writ for blank and circular. Inclose stamn.1 Ad dress THE C. GEE W0 CHINESE " MEDICINE CO. 9te Itil., .t.t Thrift 1 n D . T.. way of 211 H Alder street leads to of fice. Men lion this paper. .. .. , , With Lewis & Clark Sunset Magazine S.. .mm.. cL.:::vov.nv r-'-v '.' y"f 'v'.j '-.';::; -' VAN CX)RTLAND I DO TTKBERT Ot-EMNLT AQRII AND OUABAMTKM to awke yem se raarse If I fall to call yoa sy sasw IS fall, saisea ef roar frtenda, eiMmlea er rivals. I areaUM to tell yoe wawthar rear huabaaa. wife er sweetkeart la true er . false..-toll yoa sow to sals tbe love ot . tbe ese oa SMat oeatre. ran tbeegh atltaa away; how to aueeaed is seal nest, apeealatloa. lawMilta; how , . to siarry tfc eae of yoor ekolee; how to re tain yeHth, health and vitality. bam Til InHueiM. caraa drink kablt; loeatae uvaaarea... earae sarveaa llmllil - - How eas f save toe rack -A-t How cas I semwed is saalnewT - How eaa I auk. ay sow hasey . 1 a.iow eaa I eanqoar sty imbImI How eaa 1 srry tk. oae 1 cb,aail -i How eaa I starry wIU -' How aooa eaa I atarryT - 1 . How eaa I eon snot sir rival 1 -, How eaa I stake say ese lm-tol . How aooa will siy lover sresoael . - .v ' . How cas I get s letter! How eaa I sot s good posltlaat . . ' . How eaa I toswv. bad iaaaeaoeef . How can 1 control any east - - '....- -'. . .. How BMke dtotaat eoea tblnk of smT i How eaa I bold mr bebaa'a lovel '- -How eaa I ke sty wife's lovT HOURS DAILY, 10. TO T, AND flUNDAX. B0SM WASHINOTniV ST., cor. -TUTU AND WASHINGTON STS. ' CiEK PALM Denotes the .Eights! of Tragic snd Artistic powers snd Tslents. -; Prof. Orast CkeeterfleM. th eeMmted sslw- Ist. ssa sdded s saatber ef Isjprlnta to kU eatreordlaary v eeltoettoa - of salsingtapke stoee bis suy la tows,' ssd sbms tbe sasiber le that of a - eertala yoang Uiy whoa, band sesotoa a caroer swot nattering, at least that Is wbst Cbeeterflrld. says. -, V .,'. ' i ; The yww ledy Is eutetloa le aew stsdylB bars, fitUag . hereelf tor - tbe -stags,', ssd U Cbesterfleld's prsdietlea ssd:tke.aees ef her sasiwilas frteaas ara raailad she eertalaty will SWTS la brIUIaacy. ' It la .told that by exasiralsg year sauss be tolta the ceadltloa ef rear beeltb,. wkat- alia wo, and wketber ec sot ye eaa be cares, f roe will aooa . Biake certala beslnaae raaacre; If year kosw l!f la er will b. kappy: it ywa win o. lorrvsaTo in im arxaire; lr roe will swot yoar obllcatloaa aad la nri b. telle tbe eomelrte etory of year life as taU by the laaguase of the band. rroteeaor UMattvneia s sariors are et I4H With etreet. between Aldrr aad Morrison. Tbey rawala open to tbe pablle oatil .'clerk at nlfkt aad. tbe fee asked tor ; s . complete reading Is ao ceata. . . . THE OLDEST PRACTICING :vV MEDIUM ; mm 231 Rfth'St Low Fee Low Fec. Tells yoor bsbm hi fall.- ' - v j-: Talla res hew to be-saecessfal Is veer n- dertaklnga. . - ' Olree tafarnattea, ragardtag .i mil i kinds ; of SO'lncaa - . Telle foe trathfvlly ef year love , affairs aad aettiM all dlfflrsltlM. , .... Tv Oltes sdvlee oa all family tresMes. Tells roa - bffw to wla the aae of vw choice. '' i ... . ' A eerret ye boo Id know. The sower to control. innwace ' or faacinato any en. yo love er edmlre. whatever. Bur be roar trouble. . call ea thla smew OOVgtTLTATIOV rkZi -' J Pall aad e me before aiTlae an. In -So. pair benraae etbne bare failed. - t have broaght- about merrta(a. removM evil .Infls nce. Bcaalted tbe aoparatod wbon' other aw slum have eald It waa imseaslbls. - ' . JHrlBg.XOlS SO. ' , ' ' 231 FIFTH STREET la MSB end Cole, we Maenwea. Aae. Bir,a i and Bay e( fm IrasMa Ml 4o- M --, faesleoloea. teetlmealais . M "fmHrnt fW Laa ? ur. kf ro tarn kali. It.tMtwiMU. Brtatg aairosiw .'aMOsfB-Aifia, gM7pol. BTan,i f . ssm By n l.xii ii. .!. . a sent to ptoto wrapper, CI i ii 1. 1. , mm mm, clairvoyant PajiiYiHiynirtiLio iCt a CnIc'kXBitlLa w r-VMa I VmBlgetrnrsaaatarel bimteenXI dlocbarewJaaammaatoBa, f Seareanil J . IrrMattone er slearaawne J' I e " elii'. ef m eeese mombranaa, LTv . - . J - Feleleee, aad net aetria CCjIb.."3 Cib.r?: n,Hhreireee-v fuii w. ef - ie Iwr ew - -f T-.1 i It boo-usb .1. mm -e toa , a.. -a . i all pain. et-w wind eoe sad Is ans baadi ' . aaw1 f fnr earHHMa, T I vzzzzij. crra xzxnzx rarwr F -.mlaatioa of -')llrnt tor the following pouuuM . I b b i t w: , L.'- "A." t -e gerviee. CTaaa 4 -ttuu.m-u of rxamlsatlm ' and relative w?sata ot aubjecto ea a. acele ArlthSMtle.llO; ep-rlfig from pUtq copy, lu; pbyalcal condition. v; athWtle toot. ial. Athlatle teat will take u at the Moltoo. ah ft. Id. aoiaar Cbanman and hinr. rlaoe atraota. Baturday, April l, 1806, bogm- Bins ai . a. m. Written oaamlMtlsa trill take place at th noma of tbe 1111 Bwrlre CoiaaiMloa. Cltr ' Hall. atrdy, April b. 190s, beginning at 1 , ' ' Ptotaioa ". Tire Poparfwit. ' ' Cleae la 1ramn .Huhlerto of eumhietloH and rtlallre-walgbts ef aublocta ea a scale at luo: - 1 Arltbmetle. 10s conrlns from plala eooy.- 1st '. pkyalcal condition. 0; etkletle toat, 00. Atkletlr teat will tak plare at tbe MV nanub Atkletle ld. - earser Chapman end tot' . rlaan -etrmtt. Saturday, - April S3, lvud, -.. be ginning it I I. a . Wrtttea rumloatloa win ' bo bld at -tha " reams of tba-Clrll Scrrlca OnmmWaton, Cltr Hall, Batorday, April St. 1B0S, beginning at I a a :.'. . ... Claaa T KnaltHert -unjorts er examination and . relative weights ef .ubleeta on . scale of loo: v - -. ' -' . AMtbsMne. if. ennnrar mm eiim easy.- in: Bbyalcal condition, : eirperirnc., SO. The samieatioa will b. held at the mama ' ef the Uleil gerrlro OammlMloa, nty Hall, , . O. IIUU. T, April io, it-.,. ivfi.nina it . , , . Piviaioa "O," litollneiaerviae. I riaaa 1 Tract loa Kagineen Subjects of x- asynatlos- aad reiatln welakts et anbloetn " S ara la of 100) .-.' Arlthmetlr. lOi eoerlmt mm slain eonv. in; ' phrairal condition, BO; ainerlence, 90. - Tbe iamiaatloa will bo bold nt the room of tbe-Urll Berrlre (ontaiieelon, -City Hall. HatimU. Anrll IS. IBQA. neelnnlnv at B a. m. .' n in . -ftv w.ii Mnhi.. .e ... exemuiatloa and relative weights -of sabjecta OS ocele of 100: ' Aiithawtle. 1K eneyiBg mis plala eopy, fl; phrairal condltloa, ; exparlenee, SO. The vxamlnattoa will be bald at tbe reems of tbo CIvU SerrTlre Commlanloa, City Hall. Hater- : aa Anrll IS. 10OA tiMinnina itli. ' .'-- ( uwhuji mm ftuifuaina . , , VV ' A. A. rWBTKtlT... '.'. .1.,' ' '-... -, - r. ja niLLin, . v--..- , -J,-Wi BLAIN. ' ' ' Comalwlosara. . " totd PortUaA ' Oresoa. April . IBue. ,. , - ro ' ntTsujTiicxaTC ' or ".;'.,.;,..,Tt ALXUEB.;STkXIT, : 'i'.,, -Notice Is hereby siren that the . flnanell . of tbe City ef Portland. Oregns, St a .meeting bold OB ' tbe btb day of April, 1BU6, declare the aaaiaimaat by erdlaaBee No. K.aao, - for tbo Improvement ef Eaat Alder atraot. (rem th. eaot tin. ef Heat Thirty-eighth etreet te tbo west Una of Kaet Tbtrtr-alntb atreot. In the meaner provided by drdlaaace No. It.. 101, Bpoa eech tot. part ef lot end parcel of land, which are apeclally aad peculiarly bene gted. ' te be ea follow, l via:' MA ITSvn FAKK AUlllTIOIf TO BTABT TOKT- UArlt niAim. a, m i, v. t. aowen, sob.on; Int 'B, C T. Bowvs. bM.TSr tot . C. t! Bowoa, .TB; lot 10. Bertha Tan Vlack. !tW.a lot. II. Ooorge bL' Htraoas, &.SS: lot X. George , at. Btraeee, Im.M. BLOCK t. lot 1, Mary F. Barley. 8.78i let S, Mary r. 'Hurley. 0t Ml lot . Wary T. Hurley, lef.M;? lot 4, O. W. and Margaret V. Allen, ieo.RS; lot a. O. W. sad Margaret T.-Allen, is.5; tot Q. W. sad Margaret V. Ailes, H.HX. A statosMBt ef 1 etoreaald aaaenat ''baa btea eatorad I th. Pocket 'ef Uty Llene, end le bow dee end payable et . the ersee ef the City Treeaorar, la lawful noser f . the. United Statea, and If not paid within daye from the date of this notice each -nreeeadlnse will be token for tbe collection ef tbe easw ss are provided ky the charter ' ef the-City ef Portland. . The. BBov. snamemoBt will near ' Intereet 1 day -after Ue Brat publlcaUon ( this , settee. ; - . V .. - - TMOBJ. 6-DIYMH '- - A editor ef ths City ef Portland. Oregva. awtlaad. Orese.-Dst ef Brat soblicatlaa. April . -MOi. .. . . . ro- ncrmoTiaixjrr or XABT ttin gTUXT. . -", Ketlee la hereby stwia - that the ' Oeaaetl-- ef the City et Portland. Oraeoa, st s Baeetlng say or apru. isob. oeciare: by erdlnance lie. 14. US. foe the Improvement ef Eaat Alder etreet. from the eaat lino ef Basr Tblrty-foorth street to tbe waet line of BaBBynld. Third Addltton, hi tae meaner nrorlded by erdlnaaes K. 14.- ' aia mamm each lot. oart ef let and nam ef bind, which ere epeelalry end pnonllarly heaeftted. to be aa Mkrwa. vlst gUNNVBIDB ILQCIl S, tot 1, So mne 1 .Anovr. soa, sx.ini lor z. a. Koomia, au.i lot a., Mrs. Delana Mitchell. t.Xl; lot .. Andrew Notoon, 1 J; lot . Andrew Nelaos. ia.O: tot 11. Andrew Nekwe, $164; north 33 l-i-' feet ef tot is, Loulae Caooy, lo ll north S3 1-3 feat et tot 13, Lonlae Ceaey,; waet 30 W feet .f aooth M 3-1 feet of lot II w. BV Drake. 331.03: eaot feet ef eentk, ' M I I feet ef tot 13, Irs a Baattark. 32-i; eontk M3- rest el wt JB, ire v. Baattacs, am as. .' -' - ' ' CBOAIEB'B ATWnOB BLOCK X tot t, ft . nmitn, Al.ia, io iw. ok mr a, v. Bmlth, 3I T1; eaat SB feet ef tot Jennie Cfneter, fis.ou: nt, , earnnoi n. esutn. -331.10; tot 10, . (amnol H. . Bmlth. 3U.74;. tot 11. Lorette M. Taylor, 313.13; tot 13. b. smith, trr. ae. ttlNNVBlOB TB1BD ADDITION BLOCK 4. . lot la. Title uuaraniee m irovt tl 03; lot 15, Title Onaraatoa dr Trast Com- ' paay. aii.eT: tot 14, Title tinaraatee A Treat Company; 30.83. .-.-..- gl NNVsiPR BUKTC , tot S. W. af. Hoehle, a.'O.SK; tot , W. M. Moehle, 30 13; tot 4, W. M. Moehle. 30.03; lot T. W. M. Moeblo, ; tILOB: lot 10,. W. M. Btoeble, tUM: tot II. Y. M. Moehle, 313.01; tot 14. Aloeao P. btoad. 313.01: lot IS, Atonae r. Mead. $10.13. CBOSIBB'tl ADDITION BlOCK 3. tot 1, Laara Rreeke, 333.10; tot 3. Lenra Breaks. 335. T3i . tot a. Leora Bnake. 3l.4A;- tot 4... laeea Vandays aad Maarlee Vfaltoa. $1S.0; tot 5. John Epaerly, 113-21; tot , W. O. Begleter. NNY8IDB THlBt ADDITI01 BLOCK , tot 1, Title . Onarante. Treat Compear, : 33.007-tot a. ula OuaiaaHa A Tenet Com. pany. o.98' VH 3. Title Oneraste Xraat Compeny.lOAt. Total, geal.!.- A .etatemeat ef etoreaald aeaaeaSMSt hes beea entered la the Dorkot ef City Llena, aad to aew due - aad - parable at - the ofSro -ef Ibe City Traaesrer, .la lawful aaaaes efj the United Ktatee, and v If set paid within M nare fiwn tao date of tale notice eneh proceedings wilt, he taken for th. eollectto of the same . ea are provided by, the thartcr ef tbe- City eg Portlaaa. The. - chore eaaeasment . will beer i latateat 10 days after the Brat ' siibUesttoa . ef this Bstlee... ... s: ' tHOB. 0. TUN. '' 'Aadlter ef the City of Portland. Oregos. Portland.. Oregon. Date ef drat. BsMlcsttoa, April 10. 106. i '. ..... wTrXntTBTAET ABIXSBMXXT TOB X3U ... PBOTKMXBT OB BKOOBB BTBXXT. - Nortec la hereby given that the Ceanctl of tbe City ef Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held on the 6th day ef April, lSOR, decMred tbe aaneaamest by ordinance No. 145M. Cor the Imprevemcnt of Second street, from the center ; line of - Arthur etreet to the' north line of Woods street In the meaner provided by erdl nance No. ISBbZ. upon each tot, part of lot and parcel ef bind, which are apeclally ssd pacurfaiiy benefited, to be SS follow, vis. I . CABl'THKItH ADDITION to Caruthera addition, , to tbe City ef Portland BLOCK as, tot J. . R. !. Bmlth. 33.2b: tot 3, B. C. Bmlth. . 331.M; . parcel of land taring Between - the - north line ef Woode atreei and a line 300 , feet Booth rf end parallel with. tbe eontk . i .line of Hooker etreet aad betwoas tbe went line ef Itorood etreet, and w 11b. WO' feet weet thereof ead parallel therewith, B. C Bmlth. $141.13: (stoL $311.ea, - - A atetement of af oraaald aaeeeameirt : bea , bees entered Is the Dorset ef City Uewa. ead v la aew due aad -payable at tbe eftlce ef tbe . City Traaaerer. 4a lawful mosey of the United Bute and If net paid within; Uh-tydurs from tbe date of thla notice, each sroeeedtngs will be taken for the eollecttos ef m-aaii ae are .; provided br the charter ef . the Ctyr of Port- The ahnve 1 win Dear Intereet ' toa dare after tbe srat sahllcatlea ef thle notice.' eaya aiiev wo - . TUOH c DBVi,IM- VAsdltnr ef the CWy of Povtldnd. Oregos."' te ef Brat psblkattoB, Pertlaad, Oregon, April 10. W08. -' ' -' " " Pcrc!fhCci7oEcicn BIBTOBIB BtAKKOO Has eared thonaaads c Mea af Nerveue Debility, lasamnls aad la - irw u l Wnlo. .OmithMi th. aveaey. no.v 1 . " lie. ' Perslae Med. .Co.. 335 Arch St., Phlladslnhla. Pa. Bold la Portland only by- freak . Mae, . notol Phnraaacv. ) v. euBta ' . an Quit BW B ail PrW)4B vV1l elrcaianon, .iiwiw. r-1 - . - imparl magaotlc visor tothe whole being. All drain "1