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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1905)
i TII3 CnECON DAILY JOURNAL. POnTLAIIX). 7" :?i r: V . ' ftatsred et the aoetorSoe ef Pwrttoad. Or - for trsaspartottoa thread tbe Mill ae esosBd J slues Bullae. . ... , ; . - ImUii or sine la eopeeer Por S, 10 er page paper, 1 cent; HUM aagea, S cealsi v e pages, cant. .... . - asv wvwAarra. VlUm-BiUiaU Special A vertiel eA ner. i tt faaaaa wnt, aw Xuckj XrltxiM atoUd- ) Lu ..mimmmm- ... ... . . .. " . ksvMournoa bakb. . r . a, n in " The Delto IwuJ. wltk Sunday. 1 awar.,,T.BS .00 SI1 I im itaiiy lowul, 1 year......... f Tk Italljr Journal with Sunday, v lb Dally JoaraaL moBine...... "lbs bally Journal, with Sunday. .Oka ball Joura.l, months v a Ike Dally Juaraai. WlU Sunday, t Ska Dally, pee week, dellversd. . t ilraeluV4sVr.......r, .... s Tbs Daily. w waak. delivered. a.oo itha. 1-M .... LSI tk. .1 ' excepted ............. ' . . ' . OW. mm HaII. .. ,.- - . ' .10 The Dally Journal, wltk Sunday. 1 lwe...eTO0 i The bally Journal, 1 year J-0" Tk balljr Journal, wltk Maaday, moatae. S.TJ . She Dally Journal. ajoethe...;. 11 The balljr JournaL aritk Sunday, I aeon the. ll0 jm aeiiy souraai, g aaonus. .' bally JeornaL wlU Sunday, 1 .! .we .i h. r.. 1 1 . . . . k . . ... .'.The Sundae JoaraaL 1 aar.'I...... ' lka aaaday JaaraaL aaatha.k 140 i, -. Taa aaU-Waaklj JaaraaUr Taa Saml-Waakly Journal. S to U aaaa m.. . III..,.. i ,1 MArkaft M. ?-1 aUaaaimldX naV iVaVaV'iwauS . MUa, aanraaa araan aa4 aajall anaoaaU aia -' P.- lo PartUod. Or. - I WHUI XBX JQVMMAL VAX BX rODX ' i Tka looniaf aa ka foand aa aala at Cat followtna plaraa: BoidB. np-HO H. Sallat Oe.J Wr . He- ' lotyra. - . : - - CUlUAUO Peataflca Kava aoaBpaayr m Saa - aora atraat. - - bKNVtB. Xr.O. KaaaYIrk Bank Btaarf - compaay. hi Baavntaaata axraaj a. aixuaath and Cartla atneta. ni'NHMUlB, CAL J. McCaraatr. ; VJUNKAU. ALASKA Poatofflra Book atara. KlKsifl rrrv-V.. km Naara aoaaoaay. LUS ANGEI.KH K. r. Oardnar. . Boat Spriac atraat; OUrar a Halaaa. aUk vpniia auiat. 'lil.N.fEAPOUS H. I. KkTaaaasb. W 'aaaB Third atraat. KEW YORK CITT Brrataaa'a. Gaioa aoaara. (M.UrN ri.rU. Kmn uin..i. M AHA Millard Hotel Nava ataad; MegaatB StaUoaarr oompaay. 110a ymriaai atraat. ' BA!.T i.a k'k ri-fy -. Hotal.Nawa ataad t. Barasw Hroa . 41 Want aecoad atwt. aaata. T. LOUIS Philip Racdar, 010 Lacaat ataaaC B. T. Jctt, hot Ollra atraat. . BAN rtANClSCO W. B. Ardiag, PaUea Batal Nawa ataad. and 10M ltarkat atraat; OoaV amltk Craa.. X iMittat atraat, ad Bala ,': rraeda botal; t'oatar ft Oraar, Farry aallaV InajS. Wbaatlay. t0 Natoaia atraat, , SEATTLB llalalaa Craad Mewa ataad; Baatara rara aaaipaBy. ' BPOKANB, WASH Jnha W. Oarkaa Oa. . TACOMA. Willi Caatrat Maaa riwiri 1MB HtW L. .U. s VICTORIA. B. & Vlctofia Boa BtoUoaary wxAtm rpomi. tJirkt fraata awurird airala tbl BMralac -la M'hlla Bo ' aeaaral . at oral la aotad la taa . 1 nltad SUtas. tba araatkar la Bvarly all I tlana la aaarttlad. Wood raloa baaa fallaa la l aitraaw aoutkara CaUfarsla. Arlaoaa a ad Kaw ; Mnloa and' aaa Baa attarrad la aoataara I tah. Colorado, aaatara Montana and North f Dakota. Bala la alaa raportad at arattarad iilacaa la ta aaatxra atata. Daiaf aaaateat n tba ailddl AUaatlc and Kaw England :. ritatrleta. Tba taaiparara kaa rlaaa la Brltlafc -t alumbia. aaatrra aaaiostoa, Idako aad araat ' ara Mvatana. and fa I la a la aortbera California. Tka ladtaatkwa ara fa aora Ma (or abowara In thai daitrtet Tkaraday. vacvpt la sontbara Idaho, wkara .ctandlaaaa will Inmaa without , aaacb, lf a ay. rata reaaltlac tbaratroM. . - 1UMMXMX LIC V JhBJ Hoffmaa. !,- Aaaabaua- Raa. il. . I'ctar Andaraoa. Su; Anna May Muiuter, 21. - . i ... Waddlnf Carda. W... Bnltb Oa., Waaa ' lugtoa kldf ., aor. Koartk and Wuhlnf toa ata. iTA March SS. to Mr. a ad Mra. J. H. X. aaf ja aaiaioa airwi; a bob.. CrraMtorlaaa oa Oraaoa City ear Maa Ballwood; Biodera. aclaatlfl,rtaaiplata. Cbarcaa i aoaiia, aa, vuuara, 'a. aauBBra I. B. to t p. at. rertlaod Craamtloa lanelatlea. - ariia . vravua. v.. - . ,1 , ' - Taa Cdward Holnia tladartaUaf ea fnaaral dlraetara aad aBbalBara, 120 atraat., rbaaa COT.. . v v I. T. Plalay 4 Boa, faoaral dtraetara aad aaioBioaara. aoraar i nira aad Madlaee auaata. vioca a. waaty lauim. aaiapaoaa Mala ranrral. arraatha and rat aWara 'a asaetalty .at Roaa CtryOraaaboaaa. Twanty-aeroad aad uax zstatx niitmi,; ; Oltmbla Baal Xatata ro.-a T. V. HalL . i lots Ibc., block 18, Paninaulir Add : Na. ...... ...... . T. O. Banla to U Hcf, weat TO faat Int 1. ' . north IT laa at araat TO feat lot 2. J r 24. Albio (.400 Tf inoia &jia nu Bnapaaq lo tl. 1W rraarla. aauth M fait lot a. block Hd. : Baaayetda Add w ISO ana o. rranrm. aoncn a I eat lot V. : T. blerk M. Branaide Add 7.. , Staph w . amrory aad wife ta Wt -il , ' Klpar. oU 4l. 22. clock 3. Gray- 5 brook , A area ' Praataa aad wlfa to T. H. Blaa ! roa. at aU ota 4, ft, block 17, Klnaal I "ark r-. D. MrKaaa et al. ta M. b. Cartlaa. SOxHM feet bi-f. ISO fart aooth lularaertloa' diW 00 E. Blxtaanth aad B. Htark ; 8,000 ' aiiawonn iinnii uina ib ri.-B. Mcltoa ' - aid. lota 1-13 toe., block lt. Oakboret . . 1 t anrad Woalfle aad wife to i. Walaa, Maclaay Bat. Oa. ta aV. O. McPbcraoa Ce'. f plana property baa. 30 tavt north aad XI h. j-w in., m a, oiocv iiz. ciiy.... l.ana fart aaat of nortbtaat cor. black 14. niacKiatoBa au - Joahoa B. Mrad et aL troetraa to t' k. t Meraaa, lota B. , earth . feet lot 4. block . Maad'f Add B.000 .Alaya Harold to b. Btoataabarc. .waat U . aorth lot 12. Haalrwood T! 1 t Morrjaonf and wlfa to J. U. Plttanciv. waat Xm Iota 11. 12. block s u..i.. ' nicblaad A. A. Conk 'Bird-wlfa to Y. J. Tracy, lota 2M i- 10. block 106, Waat IrrlnftoB.., ano D. B. baebar aad wlfa to w. Lualllna. i u. . acraa saetlea 1, towaahip 1 auuta, ranjre ' .Portland Loaari'r" Ori', ' iiL ' to' i! " Banner', I esatb y, lot ST, block 80. Uwe Plr Cam. Jofin M. Wallaua Bad wife to 1. p. H Hoffmaa, lot 1. Mock 2. Mt. Tabor 1. H. taabsra to ioBard KrwkVrk'.'lot T. black 1. Hleae Add Joha B. Br I cham aad wife to i u Km. 2S0 100 260 Boa. piece property W at point Inter. , aaetloa ot Booth line Morrtaoa If ritaod .f 1,f tafr ' .c-- 4.500 van rirual w t . aT. IMTIOTO, WU B. B ' T. kkark I. ArWta Park Me. 4......... , Blcaard WUllana to W. J. Mckaaa. lot 1. eiora a, wiiuama Arcana Add.... f.-W. Torrler end wlto to W. R. OHffltb. let 1, block 1, Woodwortk'a Add tieorre W. '"co and wife to O. T. Holl- 10 j raTcr, mn,l, , a. III. 21, ), 2 Ju ' block B. CollMa Plan' . J 1 IWIA Force aad wlfai kite B. t, bkx:k "M. n -... 1 1. trill. i ' "Joba Al liaokla and wife te u'w.'Am, daraoa, lot . block It, York 1 Ouatare B. Braara to b. c. Braare. lot T black a, tMldaaHtka Add .;.... . (tot rear ' taearaaee and abatrarta to real atata freai the Title flaaraBtaa Treat aaa. pa ay, Caaaibar af Co war re kaUdlnc. . , btojdiwb nrnxm.- I.ttOrORD prfl 10, Oaorca tncford. ra- paira te owaiunc. Twaaty aaceod. bctweea m.lOKR. April 11- r. Pfraar, rapalrf to wereheaee, Pilaraath. bctweea lerctoy .44 Mnrrla mtrrrtm; coat. $o(IO. Ha iB April II. M. A. Baaa, rceelra to dwatl la . Baat Blirk, aatweaa Eaat Wiaalnatoa aad Vaat Aldar atraat; coat, BA00, ItRaprit April II, A. B. bra par, dwatllnt. Watdlcr. btwara lemtk aad JElaktb etratta; " coat, BJ.B7B. Mil lB April 11. Mra. Millar,, repatra te 4-lllr,f. 471 Beat Ab Btract; coat. flM. . r. BV. f rt.Apcll LI, Portlaad Conaoll. dated NafHrar enmnear. per aara. enrnaa LJVyJ2.'r"1 "r" 'rT"':.rT' "."O". I - t BROMltUOl aV .UACJillXb-AprlJ U, Brem TODAY'S MARKETS BUTTER LOWER Ofi WEAKER FEELING Receipts Are Very Heavy " and Stocks Are Piling Up -at w t! ' an Alarming Rate. ; ICE CREAM FACTORIES HOLD UP CREAM PRICE Eggs Ar Quoted Fim While Chickens Sell on Arrival , ' n'ai Top Values. ' Trent Street. April 12. Tba principal fca tores af the Portland wholesale markets today M ... .. ' . .... . ' . Hotter market la a vuddla. Ka ara quoted quite firm. ' ' Chinook. Balnunr abswB losa of eaat. ' Car baaaaaa aad car Trcetables. , '' Apple market' ra food, abapa. '. Wool aad amkair cornea faster. . -. ' Paacy potatoes eery ecarca. , Batter Market Is la a Meddle. As- was eirloarrely told In- The Journal yesterday tha rraamery market la abowtD a aerere weakness aad prices ara" lower. ' The ary beat nadea ef aatalde rraamery stocks ara auoted no bicker aloti the street than 21 Me a pound and awsb aalea ara balnx made at 80e a ponad far tba eholeaet (rsdas. . Lanrar receipts aad a smaller aaweat af parckaaea ay the retail trade are tbe prladpal lactora. Notwltkatandlna tka fact that moat ef tbe city -ereemerlee Tiara- rot tbetr oaoUtVinl oa tbe beat prBdart -aerersl af then ara bomiob ap ta 2TVho a pound. The rlaal dealera dalta that these aaotatloB are beUf aecretly cat aad Bay that they tiara the bilk) to prove their eonteBtloa. ' Tba tea eream season Is prac tically open and the larger creameries-want More sweat cream for Its maovfaetsre. Ia order to secure tale they are boldlne; up the price of better as bleb as I bar caa in sa ef fort to pay hlab prlcea for the eream In tbe try. within tbe next law oars u toe preaeut eoadltloas eoatlnae the city craam erlea will beeln to pnt their anrplna stocks into cold atoras-e. This may pnestbly , baaa ataadvine affect nine the tone off the mar kat. California batter Is eemlnc la eery fast sad tba trade la fair at tka lower prices. Bom of tba best Calif orals, product la Belling lone the street aa low aa Hs bat some ef the dealers are noldlac But for an additional Se a pnaad. ... v K ' Xct Ara aaetad ftnita rim., Tba era aurkat Is a noted qnlte firm today, Tbe receipts ara not near ao haary wbils tbe da aland is rood at praralllnc raioea. ,tbb bobi try aurket Is booming aad fancy beoa ara easily disposed ef at 16e a pound. Bome fryers sold oa tba atraat this saoming at loasa. Any kind at eblckra or rooster will bring Joe or erer. '- '..- Oragoa BeUs.tha Baoard. ; Tb following article la tbe California Prnlt .Grower b reoslng macb adreraa talk aaMmg tbe bop fraternity bare: Tbe blgb prlcea obtained fa? laat year's pro dnctloa of bora, together witb tbe fast that California was the only one of the Pacific coast states which bad a lerger crop In- luod than la lttoA. made tbe year a prosperous one for bob erowera. California rained lsst yaer a beat A2.U00 be lea ef bona, this being tba la ra cat eroo produced la the stste stare thst at Java, waea tae yieia wss ai.wiu bsibs. Tbe California paper baa evidently erred in thle matter for, the fallowing table ataows the bop. crops of tbs various states for tba past two years: , j ... : v ... IbOX. ". 1004. Oregon .....ItH.WlO ' . V2.AO0 (alifornla .....................fto.omt ,.', S2.(NM) Waahlngtoa v . .ao.OOO 3S.0O0 It will be see at a glance that net ealy was tbe boo orooocttaa of Oregon larger In lou than la 1M bat In 1004 the production ef boos la this stats wss the larseat for say oar section la tbe entire- world. -The market Is Tery quirt at tka moment, bat the tone Is aorta fair. Ko lata sales are reportetl. Taaey Petateaa Tsry earas. Thera la a rery great, ecardty of potatoes and buyers whs bate bees) out fr tbe past twa days in aa effort to locate soma, acerse, re turned hoaas tbla anamlng witbeot aaakliui a ala gle parens ae. This shows sxactly tha acarclty of atoeka. t A coaalderabla amsunt of Colorado potatoes ara now en tbelr way bare for local trade. Tbs onion aurket Is firm wltb trading as well aa supplies aomlnal. Today a wboieaaie auotaiioas, aa rsTisea. sre ss follows: , wrsJa. - near ana reed. - WHB AT Nominal; rluk aad red, Bel bias Beam, vaayaw, e7, bib?", BABLKI read, 2.avi rolled, IM.OOt brew- tog, . . COUP Whole,. 93t.avi cracieo, amoo pat KTB 1 68pr earl.- , . ! OATH No. f, wklta. t. 00: ariT. I'UIUB Bastsra Oragoa Pateata. HO; atralgbts. aa-les sipora.; raiiey, 4.10: arabam. Us. S4.00: 10s. 44. 6: rra. Ms, fS.00; balee, 2.T. MtlXBTUPa'B Braa, 11 00 per toa: nrid-dllnra.- AiS.00: - akarta. eoeatry, A2S.UU; ckop. 118 00. . HAT Timothy. Willamette Taller, faaey, 100; erdlaary, fiz.00; eaetera Oregoa, B1S.00 nil ad, $1100; clever. 11.00 grain, , $1100 ckeet, I140. , . . Batter, Xfgs aad Vsaltry. BI'TTFiB FAT Bareet, 2SVac: soar. 21 Me. BI TTER t'ltr creamery, best. JBc: aaeead grade Zlc: ouulde fancy, 2nft21Ucs ordinary 3or; t'aUfornla. 21r; a tore, if.ajlttc. KOt'.rV No. .1 freak- ttreaea. JUaulUc CHKBSB Maw rail cream, twin, loci Toang America. J7eyii'c; eaatara. uajiaike; California, lftcl Cbeddar. lac. l'OLlTKX thickens, misea, Oh per in; me. Ida Dcr lb: rooateca. , old. lnc aer lb; yoang. per lb; brollera. 4.notio par dos; fryers, ffi.Vi per dos: ducks, N.0i.i0 ios; geeae, bsj,vc per ui; lursexa, jittfiee ei.Uai.0tw aa. ' mom, weal ana xidae. . H0PB Oontract. IWUd. Ial7ai 1004 4U2&0 for ebeleai 3U024S. for primes aad medlama. .. . ... ISQlSc; ana, 21 23c; a asters Orrgoa, no. - .... MOHAIR Nominal, 80CS2HC. ' BHRRP8KIN8 aseertu. lwttaOe: abort waoL ftiic: medium weua. BUtXoue: kaa WooL kAM.i OA . r- TALLOW Prime, per lb, dSs Ma. S and graaae. 2j2M. Junius Msa-aatni .per' ia, aoying pnee. , v HIDBB dry kldee. No. 1. 1" Tbs and op, Ksjldtte per lb; dry kip. Ho. J. B to IS tba. 14c; dry calf. No. 1, aadar B Rw, lBOilBe: dry aaltad hides, tears. Brand. 60 lbs ar over, SVkSJ Hi BO to 0 lbs, SVe; aoder do lbs and rows, 8JSc; sUgs sad balls, soand. dj7c; kip. 1 to SO lbs, 5c; eon ad. 10 te 14 lbs. Q Sc; calf, souad, Boder 10 lbs. VtOlle: greea (oaaalted), la per lb less; calls, le per lb toe; borse bldee. aaltad. each. ll.Sstfl.T5: drr. each, SI ooei.BO; colt bides, seek, C&0c; goal asine, commoa. eacn, luejuecs AvBgora. ta wooi-aa. each, mctjsi.ou, , rraita aad Tegetnklaa. POTATOES Heat Oreeon. Sl.10e11.2K- ear lota. f. o. b. coaotry, S106U1.1S; aerond grade. "Hd.i'J aara: nuymg. car Kta, aosxwc; Kany Rosa. SI.iotii.2fr;. sweets,, bast. Il.60ril.o0: crsted. II. 76; new California. 4c per lb. OXIONHS4.uo4.So, buyer' prlcea, roaatry, M.00ey4.16; Australia, S4.So9.0U; garlic, ( uc iwr id, PRKRH FRCITB Aoalea. eatra fanev. St M fancy. Ureaoa. I&akoa- ear box; rhea grade. tO475e per boi; erangee. navel. S3.ooas.M box: aapaneae oraagee. autaooa oox . ea,Hi p. weniKce, .u. lejai imoanea iac tier lb: lemoea eoolca. U.7S nee haai fancy, 18.00 per Jaas; Mmee, Mameaa. OSa per I'K); alneepplea. St OOdto oO: eraaberrles. eaet- Sll.ov oar bbl: California atrawherrlae. $3.0l per crate. VKOBTABLKS Taralps, TSstBOa per sack; esrros. (l.Ooejl.10 per rack; beets. il.So par eacm; vraaa rBeuaea, ana par aoa; caooege, Oregon, par ct; flsllfornH, fl.0)l. IB; lettuce, botbeaae, tl-tBOl-OO Par cratei greea Sappers, Te per lb; CblQ peppers, lea per to; fcld A Hacbfeld, etaree. Tbnrmaa, between Twenty-fifth aad Twenty-sixth streets; cost, RITLsOIOR April II. J. T. Rot ledge, cot- rage, ismbill. belweea - Thirty -aecoad. Bad Thtrtr.thl.rf ef. ..I St ft,m kri-IitXlK April It, 1. f. ' Jimied -eaat. face, Beimont, neteeea East iB(r'r-eeeoed and Kaat Thirtv-thlpJ eiMt.! Mt gl Son. STOI'T April IL H. B. Stent, eottsge, Far- tnry. betwaea Twentr-aecoad sad Tweaty. third afreet. : eaat 11 BJMI. I r. Ft K RTQaA X X A rrl I II. If. T. Meherrniatm. estate, corner Watiater itraet Bad MJehlaaa ;-reaaaiaat, l,b00. , . , d a d e e e d d d d e d d Tha -news and Quotations of e . eastern and western exchanges d printed in this lseue of Tha e JournaJ ar furnished by Over e beck. , Starr - Cooko Co. Chi ts rajro Board of Trad Brokers, 103 Third street, " ."'! s relerr.' SS.TSdli.oa ner ' erete: tomal ricrlda. So.&o; Mailcaa. psrsuios. SL00lt.2S: nls plant. Soe aai boi; string besns, 12c; eaullflawei.' Ore goa.; California. 11. SS . par crate: rhubarb So per lb; pampkina, le per lb: horsaradlab,, TajSe per lb; eprouts. aa; srtlrkokes. SOBITOe Bar doa: .botbouee' lettuce. si.ootai.TB per bozi vregoa raaiaaea, Botjeua per aoa; greea onioue, t par wi eeparaaua. per jo; - spuiaca. . toe par uwi auuaao. tRIaD ICO FRUITS Apples, evaporated. TtjS per lb: Bprlcots. SMile par to; Backs, -Vs par lb less; peaches. Sdtlilc Per lb; bears. I per to; prunes, Italian, aiawe French. lHt4e per lb; flga, CaU SttttdHe par iramia aiaea. BtiaHe per id; uuroruia wntia, -alums. Bitted. aer Ibl dates. per lb; tarda. 11.60 par IB-lb bos. Hresorlos. Bata. Xto. ' COAR-Baek baala CnbS. S JO! eowdarad. I 0o; fralt grsauuted, fd.OS: dry cranalated. So. no; beet granoutea,; etrxa i, ae-ao roldaa C. tt.U: bbla. 10e M-kMa, SSei beaea Sue sdvaaca on sack baala. lees Z pec swt fdr cssb. la dsrsi aBante. MOjUoa bar lb. sttirtHi letseaioc , . f-Oirfc-ua PmkMM heaiiAa. S14.M. 1 . I I. .... t. T - Am Am t Oa a 1 BA Uble. dalrr. Boa. 111.00: loua. S10.TB; Im- norrad LIvaraooL Boa. 117 00: lUoa. S1S.00; t'l . , . aa. . tu kkl. mm mm mm Oa M.505 boi bulk, 130 lbs, 4.0oa&.u0; sacks. . . ... .l.Mli . . U 1IUV. mVtm, mm, W , I , SALT araa Half - eroaud. 100a. fr oo: 60a, per ton, 17.90: Liverpool, ramp rock, IS.S0 nee font ko-lb rock. 17.00: 100a. 18.71. (ABova prices apply ta sales os mes uaa car ma. var mm as saeeiaa prioaa awjwi so luauonai. GRAIN B A OS Calcutta, -Tslratto. IS. TS 08.00 per 100. I Jspsa, No. 1. 4c: Na. 4c; bead. BMfJeci Adjas. Vkl RICB ImiierkU new orieaens, Creole. 4c. BEANB man white. 4r: I area white, me pink, SVsci bsyen, S.e6; Llmaa, SHl Mazlcaa reoa, re. .) NUTS Peaaats. TUet Vambes. BMe 'psr Ibl raw. as 10 Me to- maatad. t aocoaauta. Sr4S0c per dos; watnata. 14(JlBe per lb: ptne eats. loajlSHe per Ibr hickory pats, ios per ; nuts. Bsstera. lorxiec per in; nrasu noia. lfie nee th, rtlheee IftSBiaa nee Ibt fSBCV Hasans, 14)IB per lb almonds. ISO ios far IS. Tsiats, Coal Oils, Xto. - R0PB Pore Manila. 14a: ataadard. litis: m, ...-mc. ma oraow aiaa aaa, , COAL OIL- Pearl ar Aatral CasaS, tla Per gai; water white, Irea bbla. loVkfl per-gal; woooon, ire par gal; beadllgnr, ito- Sac per gal; Iroa bMs, ISfee per gsL ussous-eetf, i psr.galr xroa bbla. par gal; atove, cases. seiaa par sat; Iron bbla. lae oar aaL lac TrRPKNTIKE la eases, STe. per gal; bbla.. oar eal. BiNrr.NB es-dee.. eases ana ear aaL traa bbla lSUe par gal. WHITS LEAD Toa kits, TU Par lb; BOO-fk mra, r s per io; wss wis, as per in. WIRB NAILS Present baaa at 13.80. LIN8KED OIL Pnre raw la bbU, Sic par gal i, Ooo per gall genalae kettle boiled, casea ner aal: bbls.. SSc ner aal: aruuad eaka ear lots. 12S. 00 ner aoa: bam than car bata. eov.w per (OB. - Janata, risk aad in liaison, FRkSH MIATB Freat street Beef, etsera. mti per.iot pora. Block. TQTHe per lb: ackers, 77He per Tb; bulb), ft 4c per lb; wt. SOto per lb; , mutton. SOTe ui lambs with pelts. 12.B0ail.00: ve.l. eitra. dHt7c; ardlnary, SeaSHs par Ibt Bear, ee per ID. BAMS. BAC0H, arrc. Portland pack (local) hama, 10 to U lbs. I2e per lb: 14 to Id lbs. w .a io iev l"m, imw pjT jo, cottage, c per lb; braakfaat bacon. I2aiee per Tb: Dlcnlc. Sc par lb: reaular abort elaera. amoked, SHe per lb; asMked, lotie per lb; clear oecsa, uneaaosea. ae per - lot - emoaea. - loe lb: Lnion butts. 10 to IS lbs. Bnuunoksd. Be oar lb: - amoked. Pe nar lb: clear ballUa. ' mm. smoaea. lie per id; smoaea, ue par lb. lAtVAJj lahl itettia Mar, 10a. ioe par lb; 6a. lOHe per lb; Bo-lb tins. 10e per lb; a taa at readared. 10a. 9Sa per. lb; ae. aa lb; tuba. n ner Ibt Boa, Sr psr tb. ' CANNES SALMON ColumbU river t-B) talta. .SO; S-lb talis, SZBO; raacy 1-Ib Seta. SS.00; -lb fancy data. il.2S; fancy l ib avals, $1.75; Issks tolls. Dink. BostStJet red. II. SO: autoni VIZ a I "iinn nun w-aim. as im air: I rod. T. par Tb! aonaders. So par halibut. 7 He per Ibt, crabs, 1.23 par Ooa; strtpsd baaa, lOfJISe - par lb; . ea. riao. 7C Deri lb: ealtnoa. ebtnook. . loc: staelbeads, par Tb; Trueaa. all vara Idea, Te per io; BerrtBg, ae per lb; aoiee. ae par lb; ekrlmpe, las' per Tb; shad, drasssd. per lb; Parch. Be per lb: a bad roe. per lb: shsd. Be per 11i black cod, ds per lb; elfvt- esaelt. Be par lb; (lobsters. livc: , fresh msrkerel. Be per toi cTawoae, w per oos; . Bevoorrs, os par in; Sturgeons Te per lb. uibtebb Hbosiwatsr Bay, aer gal, fS.B); ir aaca, ?e per id. CLAMS Bard BbelL aer box. Ss.00t llama, 12.00 par boa. FIRST HOGS COME FOR ALMOST WEEK Receipts at Stockyards Fair To- .x day Tone in All Lines " Quite Strong. , Portland raloa Btockyards. April 12. Llre- aroca rvcripmt : Hon. Cattle. Sheen Today...!,... ..... . 1SS . 148 week ago t,... .. .... BM rrermns wees.. io oo Wltb the esceptloa ef tbe arrivals of hoe. there wss not muck of Interest la tbe loesl urea toes maraec toosy. Tbia le the iiret dar that hoys have beea received la tbe yards tor simost a weeg ana euneaqsanuy tsere la a t-etter demand. No changes In once, however. The tone ,1a . both cattle ,aad abeep remains orrirlsl prices ror Ilveatork! -llnga Prlcea nominal. Beat eastern f5.(d.OO; blorkerk and China fats. stocaers ana leeoers. a.oitiaj.7a. Ilrbt and medlnm steers. Sa.AOeT.S.TB: old and iirnt cows, s j.noirz.To; suckers and feeders, 2.oh; bulls, I.S0. . Bbeeo Beat fancy sneea. a4.MiRS.00: ewaa. Ba.Dtsa.ov; spring ismos, oicjoe, 4 .1 BOO ITZAST TO HIOKXBV Cblcago, April 12. Llveatock receipts: Him. ftettle NImm Cblcago 22.000 lS.OOr) 20.0H0 Ksnass Clly.., 10.000 i..7,(n . B.000 Umahe 10.000 4.0o0 6.000 Hogs opened stesdy to higher with S.S00 left er. Heceuts s vesr a so were zs.taat. rricea: Mixed. W.4,)ra.n7t4tr. good. - SS.ST4kaB.B0: ruugn. Bo.aovfa.oo; iignr. in.iugo.n, Cattle nteady to strong. Sheep Steady. COTTON FUTURES ARE FIVE POINTS DOWN Kew York. April 11 Cotton futures opened to t points lower end rlosed B points off. Today s errtclel cotton market: Ooen. Hlah. Low. Close. iannarr 77U TH0 T7B T7oti7 April m,,. ... ... ... 741V41 May W W 7NI 7fir.iM June T4T "747 , 747 T47U48 SUiy ....,.e.... TOO - 'ini t W JWI Augtutt To Tal 7Vl , ToJriS rV ptember T82 - T't3 T0 . 7,-wM) October .l. i.iii 771 T71 TTS c 7r8 November 1., ........ TTB TTS 4 T7S ., T887 December T72 TTS 771 770 A 71 ODAY'S PRICES IN : ' THE .WHEAT MARKET aBBMBpjBBBBPBBpBpgaPBBBBSB) Ma Option ' d Open. Close. 4 tl.KHTj , 4 Chlcag;o .'.,..$1,111, Milwaukee .. .. New York.... Rt. L4ula Kansas Cltr... 1.1IH a 1.07 V. 1.01 A 4 . . e . .iJVk . -JdlrtneapoIJ 1 T4 J.ST TJulvUlt i . . Ban rrsnclsco J.44H 1.44 V a 'Per cents, ;' . , .. . v a) HEAVY RISE in EARLY TRADIhG In Chicago May' Option Goes to One Sixteen and Three Quarters. ' 6 ' ' PROFIT TAKING CAUSE OF THE LOWER PRICES Strength In Corn Market Is Main tained All Through the ' : . . Day. TODAY'S TTHEA'T MAEKIT. , Open, ; Cloae Close . Osl " ' Todsy Today " Tuea. ? Today May..........ll.lAat 11.18'AB 11.14i S jio'A SPt iJMHa -14,, il t .tw Cblcago. Anrll 12. laran a Ttrvan ear In wheat MlBaeenolla wlrea aa excellent eaab demand; wltk .choice No.,1 at 6c over the May. Htocte decline 2S,ooo la for four dare. nausss-t.ity aara wneat M aniet ana ateaay. The action ef tbe market Beams to Indicate profit-taking on tba- advance aad Borne abort selling oa continued favnrsble weather. Jonee' report eoacernlng winter wheat In vrtrlch be bbM It la sufficiently optimistic to look for a total field of 4O0.000.0O0 bushels of winter wheat, bad no effect oa tbe market. All things ronaiaered. - tb market doee not act at all badly aad - seems to - suggest' less confluence upon tba bears. - y ... Oora Strength XaiaUlaed. Tne-T-orh -trade shows tmtttle-Tnereaar. but strength la o-rTl maintained. Undoubtedly tbe email receipts estimated for tomorrow con tributed something to the strength ol today's session. Tbk market - see-as - to us ta act well. .. .4- . , . r t . , . -Cash Qata Slew.'' '" Fortr-f Ire thooaaad hue be la of cash sold In this market tells the story of a slow cash demand. Unices this development of the mar ket Impre-ras. we feel tbe toad will become very burdenaome to tba long holders, especially la tbe May option. ... Tne tendency or tha provision market js enchaaged. 1 .'',...'' lodsy a offlalsl markets: - . ' - WHEAT. '' ' ' Ooen.. - Ulah. .Low.. Close. 11.I&HB .17 HA May.. ...I l.ih $ LlcVv I 1.15 bapt. . .82 V 14 .ta .,- .82 AnrU . . .riN .48-r.A .48-iA .SVi .so4B , .rto ., 2"-. 11SS B 18.07 t. :k Way. y..... . .4S4' ; . .44 .484 ly....l .4si .4I i .4St Pt..... .40! ..,., " .H July apt OATS. May.;... .so , .30 ' .SO Jnly... , ., .Wn MESS POkK. 12.S0 11 M ; 13.1S 11.0T ' LAB0. - .-', Msy..... 11SR July. 11.10 April..... .... May T.M Julr 4 . , TK) T.2T - T.4S I T.42 T.tJO T.eo T.2T B T.4B ...T.6T T.1S TUB T.12 kept. .. mm T 1HOHT BIBS. Mav....--T il T.12 T.10 luly.,... T.ST T.8T , :T.M Sept T.6S T.56 . T.32. OUTSIDERS SELLING r ' -fiPftPiinrn rtfiTiAii ucirCMDcn ur i iur. " .1, -: -.v.- Baa Franclace. April IX E. F. Hnttoa A Co. ssvi The wheat market todav wu waak on account of heavy selling ef the December opttoa by out aide apecalatora. Large lateresta woo are long ralleo ae give any aupport aad It la evidently their Idea to bay more of thle wheat at a lower Sgorei May waa not very active, but showed a slight weskaeaa tn sympatby with Oecember. . Hecelpta are .fairly large, but In tbe main the tone for . spot staff to slightly Improved. In barley December wss week end large tradsrs aa well aa outsldtt-s were taklna Drorlta. Tberawaa sotttlng doing la tbe- May. Beccipta Today's af Octal 11:20 a. m. market: WHEAT. Open H(sB7" Lew. ' Close. May.-;.. 1.444 $1.44 W,;$U44H . SI.44V uecam-mr J. a- . l.zs " BABLBY. May rnrnrn, 1.1S . , ' ...... . 118 B December .aw . . .SB r-. CnCcVOO CASH TfaTXAT. CWcago, April 11 Ckeb wheat: ' .. TodaT i: Tnea. Bid. Ask.. - Rid. Ko. t red............$l.l-4j We. :S ad . . 1.02 No. I hard. 1 oa.. 1.1RV4 No. t bard .as No. 1 oartbanu 1.IBU 1.17 If $l.ld aya.av a-a Of a. J 1.1BH l. l.l 1.1 MStt , l. 04 14 00 1.1T IIS 1. no Mo. 1 eprlpf.v. 1.00 1.00 1.00 I, rKIaTJLmT, BKXPBXaTTB AW9 CLXAIAMCTS. Chicago, April IX Prlmsrv recelnta: Tndsy Year Ago . ' : . -S Itaah. f Real, Wheat .V.;vr.-.....'.-.rna-aa2.4im 240.000 Corn 746,000 . 828.000 Shlpmeats: . . , Wheat 1M.0O0 24T.raa com 4MS,ntJ0 800.000 jotbi clearances lousy: nnesc a no xiour. et.ow aaaKa, vorra, aoviuov onaoeja. Cbieage Oranl . Oar Lata. . Chicago, April 11 Orals ear lota: - Cars Grade Eat. IBM Wheat...........'. 22 0 . ft; 1 uorn ........... 4. . on 3-11 Oata 30 10 34 Wheat rare today: Mlnncapolla. lid; Imtotk, xear ago: minnaapoiia, n,t; j-uinia, V. - XJTTUF00L OKAUf MAJsMIT. ' TA VvYpool AprU 11. Close: - Wheat. Msy. TVd, HA id: Jnly.- Ss TVd. ate no: ae- tarn bar, Cora May. 4a Itad, I4d up: July. 4s,3d. er. v-mu. a. av Hd dowa. ': 'J! I?tx corrzx Art. t ntnr lors. anrtl ll. Lorree r nturea closed 10 to IB points low era Today s efnctai coffee aurket: . - Rid. Ask. I ' Bid. Auk. April ...... Id. 30 lu.'tnlOctoher . ,6.7B lA.SO , S.SO 6 So S Ml T OO Msy ....... S..1S S.40 Novaml-er June ...... 4,4B S.60I December July ...... S.oO " S.66! Jannary , August .... S.on S.AFabrtiar September , S.T d.76 March .., , S OB T OO , 7.00 T.0S , T.OS 1.10 Teraura Coffee Btarksts. New Tork. April 12. Havre aad TTalnhnre coffee declined 44 point. Klo reeelpte. 1,000 bags, marset inactive; asntoa, 4,000 page. Wew Yark Oesk Oeffee. Kew York. April 11 Cash coffee: Ka T Bio, 17.C; no. a nanioa, arte. u OOVSTOCX JDrkTTJIO nocxB. - Sad Krenrleeo, April li.-4fftclsl closing, Baoenlne Te. Inn Bin. Bnlltoa ....... (Savage Bid. S .7a Belcher .24 IPotoal -.11 Con. Cal. Ta.. l.Wi Union Cob..... . .TT Ophlr lO.STfti Yellow- Jacket. .2T1 Caledonia ..... ir:xrneqner ! 4S' . .2S .87 Mexican 14ft .MA .25 IHale Mover's en. Mercur lAndee : . iBlmmons ...... Scorpion .... ' fit V " I UArOTACTVMmMM 0T '. fhlmney Pip. Bawer Pipe, r" I re proofing, Lira In Tile. Building Bricks f lue Ualng, VUrlfled Pav- log Brick. t . Diirnond Erlck Co. Offlc and Tard Foot nVeny Bt-J PortlaTid. Or. Phone Main 19. Situation Is Rather Critical in Creamery Cut ter Market Prices Receive Another Set-Back With Big Carry-Over Stock. ' SOELTECOXOII, IS VERY DULLIS Rise Four and 1 Three- Eighth 1 Points Over the Closing 'i. ' of Tuesday. . AMALGAMATED BREAK IS PREDICTED BY LAWSON Almost Entire List onv New York Exchange Closes With , v ';;;..; an Advance. .: ADVANCES. : Ansconde .... . 8'4 Norfolk M West. Amalgsmsted- . Alcblaoa, . com do Dfd .... , )S ii'if. - Central . Wat., West . u reooayivsnia . 4,Preea' Steel, Com. , .mHeadlng 1 . ken. SteeL com.... 1 . W 4 4f , . .T w. a. -m vj m J- Smelter, com do prd Car. dt F., com no pfd .... Bllt. Ohio. .... ai-. . - , pfd .., St. PauL...'....v. 1 rioieao. com..,......1 1 I do nfd - c, k. w..;., Rubber uoooa, c.., Canadian Par..,.? laltedt Capper Ji, Loula, i, Mash , jj HOCB ABIBDO, H. P., com.. Tann. Coat' Msnositaa ...... N. P.. com......4 Matropolltaa ..... do pfd ......... -U Steel . contr .., baty.- com ....... -ta oo pfd. . . 4t.l .da . Pitt .' e..e. i Missouri rae a... Rugsr .141 Erie, first Colo.' Bo., com.... HiUreat rh.-::::::-a8 IlL Central v. uas Max. Central Tax. Pac, Erie, com U 1 Bock Islsad, pfd. .. A SlBubber teaods, , pf d . HI mmmt K. Vnrk Aor!! 12. -There wsiL mm. hniitah feellne on Chans a . today and K matter commoa bad a boost of 44 points over the nrevloua close. una saies wra rm., tk. ..) traeaactionS for tha day amount ing ta 1.18,kio abaraa. Lawaon came to tba front again who a raimeiua. "Look oat for theTpriees whan Amalgamated breaks." Tbe only response to this wss ins boosting af valnee, Amalgsmsted touching be the next minute.. Todays ortlciat atoca auini mix SESCKIFTIOlt. Anacoada Mining Co. . . . Atual. - Copper. Oo...... 126 so Atchlaon, - com.,.....,,. Nl4 do waferrad. ......... 103 linos Am. Cat at Foundry, c do preferred.... ...... Hill, 11(11-4 142 1141 W Am. Sugar, com..... Am. Smelt., com.l.. do prvferrea 12H Baltimore Ohio, com do ore f erred vn Brooklyn Rapid Transit ranadiaa r-acinc. com. Chicago k Alton, com. 16.114 eo 81 00 preurraa C. O. , W., com.... ( hi.. MIL St. Paul. C 4s - K, M. , com .... Chicago Tarartnal Ry.', Chesapeake arOhla..., Colo. Fuel It Iron, cox Colo. Southern, com. a - do aecoad preferred.. Delaware d . lludeoa., Brie, cam. ......... .v. .do socord Preferred. 2314 lTSVa -140 6S MI'S 27.: SO OI . so do- flrat preferred. Illrnole Central. Ix-ntavlllaB- NaahvlUs. 141- Met. Bt. Ry.. Maubattan Ky Mexican Central Ry as Minn., St. P. a 8 la. M. llTtt no pceierreo Mlaaoun PsclOe... M. K. T., com. Ab itrrfarred , u j 101 loaK new xora lenirut...... IMS United cat-par Norfolk A Wee tern, com 844 rscrtn Aeiancaa N. ., Ont. at Western 101 10144 1 SIM Blni Peansylvsnia - By. ......4 1424 142S, ilOta 141SH4214 1 OS. HI ION H P. a. L. at O. C. Preeaed Steel Car, do preferred 110". 41 i ilk raclfle Mall B. S.. Ce. Beading, com . do second preferred do flrat Bret Rep. Iron a) Steel, do preferred Bock lelaad, com. . do preferred...... Sontbern Ry.. com. do preferred ...... 21 SOU 84 J Soutbera Pacific,. ST at U9 St. U H. W., com., do preferred. ......... Texas Pacific TeBneanee Coal at Iroa.. Toledo. St. L aV W., cl do preferred Untoa Pad Ac. - eoaa.... . ' do preferred. U. S. Leather, com.... do preferred.......... C. 8. -Rubber, com.... do preferred..... TJ. 8. .Steel io., com.. do preferred..... ....1 Wheel. A Lake Brie, e Wisconsin Central, com do prcf-rred.. ........ W. I'. - Telegraph..;... 117 07(4 10214 t-Ht S4 frfer-san, t-uui .. ,.......... do preferred ! 44 82W Rnl-ber Gooda., Si do preferred H 07 Hi VYTU, 107V4 Pennarlvanla. exlshta. ToT aal for day, 1. 10. 800 abaraa. ;-,Call money, 3 per cent. . bostosT com Stocxb; Bottna, April 12 Official copper close: Bid. Bid. Adventara ... S.00 Aliens - 20.7ft Arcadian .... 1.29 Atlantic ..... Blagham 2S.2S Mohawk M.7S ' Old Horn 26.00 (ecenl fta.00 ' Parrot ....... 2S.0O Pbnenlx 1.ST14 Calumet OSo.OO IVUtncy .. ltm.ntl Cetitennlal ... la. 00 Copper Mt.... .SO Copper Range) - TS.7B Khannon Tamarack 1 KIM .. IJS.OO .. . 0.T5 .. llt Trinity iaiy near. ., l ja.iai Franklin .... S.ST'4 Winona 'Victoria 4.00 Granby ..., S.00 Wolverine ..... 100.00 (Jreeoa uopprr ai.tar f.lnc 12.00 A Mass .; 10.B0 Ltak 42.73 Mlrblgsn, ask . ... TovorAa knraro rooxi, ... San Francisco, April 11 Official closing. morning session: - - Bid. I . . , Bid. . Montana 18. IS I A dams ..1.1.1 Midwsy ....... 1.B3 IMobswk , ....... .27 A McMsmsra .... .45 IIMila .2 Belmont .1.20 inanoan .40 A North Btar ,... ,.41 (tjolumbla Mt. ... .40 A Heecae ........ .12 IJambo .Mi (told M(. .14 I d Ettea...... .2T Jim Butler ... .87 iBIack BtUta ..a . i Nevada asked.. .iH nuver r-i-s .... Ton. Ritta..,.. 4.R0 'told. Anchor..., .ST Red Too .!" I r"T onen... .in b (told Held m. Ijphlr Ton .SPA Sandstorm eu . nniirrog.. ... .m .) luiamoua rra..., .,ai . Dome Stake ... '.82 I POlTtABT) BAVX ITATXMXsTT. ' nesriiars .tTM22ll.d . 13,807.23 BSjIS WALL ITBEat wOSSIf. ,. Kew York. April 11 Tbe Wall Street Journal aara: Londoa la about stesdy. Thers eeeme to ne a p-canrui auppiy ox atocna as ise h-sb eiewd. A eond deal of burloa of Illlnnln Central yestertsy was tbonght to be for Unloa t'ecioe. 1H nanse gainea 110m rae aup-treaa-ary einee Friday IseVI.OOO. Mlaanarl PsrlSe OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO. .' . " . ' ' '. Members Chicago Board of Trade. 1 . ' "' , mAnr, raeTxaxora, oottow, btoox AjnvB0aTis. - 1SJ Third Street, McKay Building. Portland. On-. .WlSOl sTTBUtCTXiT OOBaTMrjSaTIOBI BTsTXaTBBB. ' . Continuous Msrketa by Private Wtre. Quick Service. REFER KNrrB Lads A . , Tliton, baokers. aad Vnlted Btstes lSatloaal Bank ef Portland, ,", . . . , ' ,..;'.). ,' ADTT1T3EMIJITS will be received at re -pilar aula ofOce ra lea . st the following placea and cent to Tbe Journal la Ume tor publleatloa la tba next tsaoa: H0BTH, j' . A. Preatoa. druggist, tld and Tkor- aun a treats.- t i Kob HIU PkaraMcy. M CUsaa atraat, corner Slat. . , A. W. Allan, pharmacist, lltb aad Ma. i-gball streets. - - : . R. B. Jscto. coaferttonerr. 00 Waak ., log toa street, comer lutn.. . '. BOTTK. ..! ''V' 9- t. Jones ' Oa., . drugglat, rraat . and Olbba atrsebj. , . ' Cottel Lrug Coaavauy,. Flrat gad Great, , atreeto. 1 . - " ; ' . - - '.- - ; ; rZAMt KB. Tuttle'g Pharmaey. 8A1 Mlaelsslppl ave nue, . corner Shaver Btreet, Mlrhols A Thompson. 12S Russsll atraat, corner Alblna avenue. . . Janrke Drug Company, corner Haa -- tborae pad Grand avenues. " - J. A. Wck. tobaccos, 24 Crosby (saat . Bad steel bridge). V. . B. F. Fultoa. ooofectlonery, ST4 Baa y ' Barnalde. corner Union svepue. - - -iBsrsm Busk, tobaceoolsts, liil Orasd rrriat ', J. B. Worth. pbaratoctoV W. piston ' - ttrMta 1. ' 7 ; B00EXTTS". . ' ... v -. Brook ly a Pharmacy, corner ' Powall and f Mllwaukle streeta. C'A Oeaa Pslat, WeU Taasa, r; Where One Man Qets Kicn ; Through aasardous specutatton . a hundred (et ""w'kera one man slays poor througk the Slow pirthods of saving a hundred get nrn. . The wiaerian.--cBoon--e--'we a placea bla money la - "THE OLDEST TRUST OOMFAJIZ . ... OBEwOM." ... j ' ' CAPITAL1 $300,000 Thst paya per cent Interest on sa Tinas- so counts and issues 1-jtareat bearing certificates of deposit tksc pay rrom wr tarest, aad caa be draws at any time by str ing a certain number of daye' aotlce. . - Write ---oayaor- oue a-oon 01 , . IXlljrTATI0.,,: ' ;. i ' , ' PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON - IOS Tblrd BtreeL ' BENJ.'l. COKES. H. L. PITT(H'K... Prealdent ....Vice-President LED PAH 1ST. ....... 0. 4S0LTRA. . . . . .Secretary ..Asslataat bocretary i S3 Grsad Avesne. Phone East 811 'He la from MIssoarL f STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINO. i Xotlca la bereby given to., tba atockbolders of tba Bunker HIU aad Sullivan Mining aad Concentrating Company (aa Oregon corporstloa having Its principal since ex ise i-iir 01 a-on- land. Orefon, tnat a apeciai "eeung e ina etockboldera of anld company will be bald ... .rtedtial afnee. tSx-oau Na. bo 1-504 Cham ber of Commerce Building. In tba City of Port iron. oa Wadnaaday. tbe third -day of May, WOS. at tba aonr 01 etevva e caaca la the forenoon, tor ww iw,e,wwB -wpw-.' To conalder and act upon a contract autbortard 1 ,. wnard of IMrec-torB to be entered tote by said corporation wltb JXf. Tacema Smelting Company, wherein sod --wnerrby it is agreed that the Bnnker Hill aad Sullivan Mining aad Concentrating Company ' shall dispose ef tbe product of its mines for a period of years te said Taeoma Smelting Company, aad to con' alder aad act upon each other mat tare par ta lain to said contract, lie icrsaa aoi oawnitona, ana to transact each other business g atay come before said assettog. ' Bald meeting Is called and this notice' la given as required by tbe Board of Directors of eald nsmaeny at a meeting thereof .duly called SadTild oa -tba aevantk day ef April, 10B, and In due accordance witb Sertloa S.of Article IX, ef the By-laws af said compaay. Dated at roraaao,. uregen, xnta eeventa any April, 1006, 'a1sonat r- H0UA, ' Secretary of tbe Bunker Hill and- SulUvaa Ml Bins ana tJonoentraiing tonr-aay. earalaga tbs first weak to April shows sa la ereaae of $24,000. Steel Plata eeenelatloa de cides sgatost an advaoce la prlcea. tiM IXAJfCTBOO LOCAL STOCXB. Baa FTascisco,' April 11 Local stocks eloa- to, 10: -.. V - ,BU A.t Contra Costa water ............. Borlne Vallev W.ter ........ Jtot itt Mutual Electric IS ' : 11V& F. Gaa at Eleetnc... raivs , at Olaat Powder Ilawallaa com S SO Hoaokea Sugar .................. siv. . . Hutch laeon Sugar .............. 1T 1S14 Makawell Sugar - m Pnanhaa Susar : Alsaks Psckers' . . . CsL FrultcsanersV , SS Cal. 'Wine Assr: ja Psclfle States , Tel. 104 ios CARNEGIE LIBRARY . FOR FOREST GROVE - -. (Bpseial Dlepstch' to Ths.,Joaraat.) Forest Grove, April 11 At the ret;- ulsr mecllnc of the Stste Study club, a club organlxed br the Native Pauch- ters After tbe dlsbandment of the stats organlxation of Native Daughters. Pro feasor J. R. Robertson gave the history of Pacific unhrerxlty from the beginning up to the present time. Me spoke of All the leading promoters -of the school which sided the Institution by gifts of money. . Among them wars Henry Ward Beecher, Edward Everett, Samuel F. B. Morse,' whose' telegraph Instruments were presented to the university. Pear. sons snd msnjr others. ; President Ferrtn read a letter rrom Andrew Carnegie concerning library building; for the university. He stated that . arrangements were not completed. but that the conditions thst Mr. Car negie demanded . he thought could be met. 1 '''..' -' " " " .." T refer red Btook Canned Ooods. - Allen At Lewis' Beat Brand. Best ' creamery ...... Soe , , Good creamery ....... Dairy butter ...14 and eoc .....:ifc 13c ,..".10e Kees. S eoeea , . . . .. Best sagsr-enred ham Picnic and cottage ham .......v.,..,. Bemember Mafnrdav la chicken dav. Chick- ana, js ana e poona.- , .. . LA OSAVSI CBXAJIEBT, ' Se4 YaatkiU, FREE LAND IN OREGON is the richest grain, (rait tni Mock stcfjos ia the worls. Tbeumnei of acrct of Und st sctusl cost, af b-Hgation. Dead direct from State of Orcsort. aVftlTK TO-PAY. BOOKLET ami MAP FREE. Drachirtm Irriguioa sad Power Ceo aaaj,C la-l 1-1 sMcKsjr Buunu,PsrUand,Oirroa. BOw-mno, nointm m co- . y tEaUbllabed UN.) , u WDAT ABTD TOOat aaatOUatff, Boon 4, arrotiBd floor. tTXAMOSBal Or OOllMCUCnB. DIED April 11 at bar borne, lo l B. Moral son St., Mrs. Babrlua J. Reed, axed SS yeait ' and 11 months, pf spnoplaay. Fuaervl Thura. day at 2 1. 0 p. m. from llolmsa a as -rtak. Ing parlors.' Friends Invited. . Dr. T. it. Ford, paatur Suaujalda M. K, eburt-h. etfl elating. , . DIED Van Vtaet, April II St her home. 14 1 Hellwood St.,-Elisabeth A. Vsa: Vleet. aged SM years. II months, 4 days. Funeral aer . vices su Friday, April 14, at Oak Urate k'lrni, Wssblngton. j T'J . -sm l , r -"imj , B0TICE. TRCNTEB'S SALE OF MILL MACBINEBT.-. Sealed bide wlI be redslved for the. stork , ef machinery, ahaftlng. mill eunpllea sad : efdee Sxtures ef tbs westsra Mill , Supply , company. Same can be Ins parted st Na. 40 t First street, city. Blda will be epened April . IT, leXXV st lt o'clock a. m. Certtfled check for one tenth ef tbe amount muat accompany , all bids. LEWIS 0. (1ARRIGU8. True tea Bankrupt Estate et VYaatars Mill v. , Supply Compaay. . . . ; pipes at Tltrt, TOI Chamber of Cooimarca. Attorneys fur Trustee. . ; 1 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice le nrreny given uai tne nrm or arlawold At Paeglay, tailors, kaa thla day been dissolved, by mutual consent. Mr. (.'rant Phrglry re tiring. All bills due said firm ara to be psid to Mr. A. II. (IriswoM. and all indahtsdneae -of said firm will be psld by ssid A. H. Orle. wold. 'Tha patronage f tbe old customers of sold firm Is reapectfnlly solicited for Mr. Uriawuld. Dated April 8, ISUS. A. M. URIIWOLD, ' GRANT PHBGLET.--' ton abb nnrs. Eltkar Lest ar Fannd Mva-rtlsamaata. nte 1 wares ia ia eaats," ssas. . LOST Oay Waahlngtoa at., betweea First aad Bixth, smsll Purse with a bill of- boaat bold gooda aad key. Leave at Journal ,f. flea or pboaa Beatt XOaa. Reward. . . 4 STOLEN Black mare, - weight about 1.S00 lbs.. wmta spot on loreneee. taaea oa taa aigbt of the 4th of April- 2B for return or lav formation leading to arrest of thief. . LST Lsdlea black seal , mine, Banday, Bonn, near Kaat Hixth aad East Morrlaoa; name in. slue: notify- B.. A. Moultoa, at poatofSce, Reward. . . ... : FOUND A clam to have batr mattresaaa vaiea ana retarnea aame day. raeae Mala 474. .Portland Curled Hair factory. LOST Tones, Mark cow; reward it ra Bur aad to, e. CToruperg. Arieta r. ti, - - mXLr WAJTTTnV M AT I, SKOTJRB A GOOD POSITION ' la Clerical, Technical er Commercial Line. , We receive calla from tbe largest corpora. ' ttoaa, aaanafaeturere' aad aaarcaatile bouaaa ' throughout the United rltatea for competent aa Icemen, eaeeatlve, clerical and technics I men, paying from $11 a 'week to go. 000 a year. . We- kelp capable men to bettor poalttona without danger to tbelr present Connection. , We sasars yott of oonslderstloa far every . position yon sre competent ta fill, ao matter where located, and tell yea bow to bring ' year ability to tha attention ef bendreda -of employers who aeed high-grade aw a. .. ,,- Call or write BUSINESS MEN'S CLEABINO H0CSB. B04-1 McKsy bldg., IOS Third st. Portland, Or. WANTED Energetic ana eacb consty to poet mgaa, strvertisn aoa a 1st n Dure aempies; ssi ary lw weekly, and expenses; honesty and s disposition to aara salary- mere assent la I tbaa experience.' O. A. Parker, T20 Ckeat nut. at., Pbtla., Pa. - '. - SINGI.B yeaag man af good address, age It to , te travel ana learn aooa paying ouai- Bermaneax poeuioa xor xae.jjgui gorty i.r . give telrpbeoe loornaL. .... number. Aaaresa u as, care. YOUNG nie-who write wall and compose a businrssllke letter command sttentvm whea ana waring want sda; private lessons given. -Addrsea F 11, care JoaraaL , , WANTED Maa to work all summer for crip ple, who, goes In wheeled chair,. Belling, smsll arriciee; -no raising; pi.ev aer-oay. s. t.ui ver. .411 FaiUng at. I, 1 t 11 ' ax4 WANTED SoUdtor for real aeUtoafSce: lady er gfatlemaa, wtTB experience, call bet, S ar as. aad ft p. m. 122V4 Grand are.. ja, v ........ . .. ... .. : PLi;MBER Jobber and man nnderatanda calk. era, eaat iron joints, uu va rirat. car. First and 'Salmon. - - PORTLAND . School ef Telegraphyt .cempUte eoaraei experiee-cea learner, suo f irex su , WANTED S Srst-clam painters and t tlatora. 1 per nay. jxppiy too voiiege an. IF you waat a noma, see Joe Nash, et Naabvllls addltlea. Mount Scott car line. XtX WAJITn raiALX. LADIES and girls to asstot la a new Uaa ef fancy warn? eiv per wees ; experienca an- t necesaary: work caa ne taken boma. Call at office, 28, Morrlaoa at. v Tba Cosmos, room B.-.. : r ,i ' LADIES Earn 30 per 100 wrirlag short let ters; enclose stamped e ova lope. American Belt Worka, Bata via. 111. market; good propoeition: gi room 1. t4S4 Waahlngtoa. - -t- W ANTED Middle ' aged ' woman -tor - general -work la rooming bouse small wages to atari with. D7 irving st, rving stj LADIES Tear aaasa oB a flne vlalttsg earea. Sc. postpaid. Royal Card Cm. ttratterd. Caaa. W A NTT D Skirt " aed sbrrtwahrr finishers. , loon, vaagaa sr. raona maia 0002. IF yon waat a home, see Jos Naah, at Bsshvllls addltloa. Mount -Scott car line. - . . WANTED A gtrl to aaw at M N. Nraetaeatb at., cor. Raleigh. . , WANTED A gtrt for feaersl' housework. ' ply 714 Johaaon at. . . Ae. aTXL WABTTTt--aTlIg 0B FEXALt. WANTED By reliable company, men aad ' woman of fair edncattoa. to repreaaat them here and other territory: permanent position; eelery guaranteed. Call or addraaa O. A., 182 Third at., cor. Jefersea. Hoqra a, m. to S p. m. ; ' ' . j -' BTTTATldlfB WABTXTt- sTIT.Fi - YOLNO MAX, good nenmaa, - grs finite from - a Dual sees college of this city, desires posi tion as bookkeeper; moderate salary; city refereaesa. I 17, cars Jearaal, MARRIED maa with' good references wsata - steady employment where there Is eksara . te work tip; sobm experleajce ia since. Ad drees B - 80, care JoaraaL MAN snd wife,.' both yoang and good k net leva, would like a position ot, some kind in city. Phone Msln 40B4. ' WANTED A Job for a - bey ' en " a delivery wagon; age IS years rea. S4B First at aame 'Mr. J. Lack tsar. .. e, -.- j .-, WANTED Poet rtoa by flrst-clssa Bleat cutter: good referencsa. Address 1 sa, jouraal. CARPENTER woata Job or repair work. Pbooe Mala BOwa. . . - ITTJATI0BS WABTri-IstALli WntVTBrn-Poeltlon In millinery etora Is en lee lady or la salt department; have IB yea re' . -- - - - I- UiIIm' tellorlae. . Call mm v.l 1 talon ave.. north. . EXPERIENCED tody wlabea poaltloa la lsdlea . or mea r tailoring aoop; nee years ex perlraee. Call or. write tiaioa avs.. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants te do housework; sweeping, dialing or worn in rveiciag BOBBB. Room liS. 687H WHUsbw aye. . ... . WOMAN ea east side wsnts work by day sweeping snu ousting; ensi sioe preferred. Addraaa I SO, care Journal. SITCATION- WANTED Experienced salcaladr wsnts posmon in. ory wui aiore. Addrrs 1 21, ' JournaL ' UOrSEKERPINO by middle-aged woman for a lady employed during Iks day, : Addraaa 4 2T, care Journal. - , - 1 .' . .... TWO women wleh bonaeeleanlag by tbe day; Phone Hood 141. rooms S snd a." TOUNO XJkDJ wants work for afternoon lad . evenings. Phone Hoed 841, , POSITION wanted ss wst trees In hotel. Ad- "l areas I 2S. Jonmsl.' ' ij FOB RENT aOtrlEXEXPIBd ROOMS, One fneartian la - this alasalloatlOB. rate words far It easts." 1 "ll" ri'RNISRED bBusnkeeprng aad slagle by tne weeg er br month: gle. bsth Pboae. 17 1H Third St. , . e ; THE LINDA VtSTA. alcely furnished henaekeep. ' 1st sad alalia roams reasonable. U7 riftb. ! 1 4... ,,t .