The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 11, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tiis cnrccrr daily journal; Portland, u.r i:y:::;ia "
...;r.0A9 WILL:
i; CDilT FflllTLAflD
: T-Iamath County People Are
Raising Money to Subsidize
I ; . the Weed Line. .
targe Part of Sum Needed Has
. ' Already Been Subscribed
, . by Landowners, f '7. "
"About $I5.0 hu bMi pledged in ths
campaign te ralae a bonus of 100.M
am one the people of Klamath county to
Indue tbe Wood railroad to extend Ita
line to mUea from Its present terminus
to Klamath Falls. When tho road Is
! built a county 110 miles lone and 10
mites wide, about the S lie of the Stat
of Massachusetts, will become tributary
S oramerclsJIy to Baa Francisco Instead
i Portland.- unless -a ooaotor -railroad
proposition to poshed forward from' tbe
'J northwest u " . " ,.':',:,
George T. Baldwin, county Judge of
. Klamath county, and W. a Worden, a
; prominent teal estate man of Klamath
Fafla, 'are ' In Portland on business per
taining to the Weed railroad enterprise.
' It Is said that a number of owners of
: extensive land tracts In Klamath county
reside tn Portland and that Baldwin and
Worden are hero to secure pledges of
assistance In raising the Weed bonus.
Judge Baldwin said:
' "if we set this Weed road extension,
it will be built by way of Sheephead
pass, ever aa old route, surveyed many
years ago by. C. P. Huntington, when
r he was building the Southern Paolfle
north from Ban; Francisco.- He would
' have built the road at that time by way
of tbe Klamath lakes bad It not been for
the necessity of stopping- the progress
' of the Oregon California southward
from Portland, and to do that he turned
toward the Bisklyous and met the O.
C at the state line, leaving Klamath
county out of the undertaking. . Since
that, time we have bad little or no en-
rouragement In the way" of transports
"tlon prospects until this Weed road
came forward with an offer to extend
Its line-to Klamath Falls, t think we
wilt be able to meet their requirements,
and raise th bonus of tlsO.voO.''
ThmiN about people In Klamath
' couarr. an area that Is aa large as the
old - Bay state with more than 1,000,000
people, and It la said Klamsthreouniy will
be equal to Massachusetts In productivity
when her-irrigation possibilities are de
. veloped. The- town - of Klamath Falls
has about 1,000 people, and the remander
of the population: is engaged tn Tanning,
fruitgrowing and stockrsislng. . The gov
ernment la perfecting plans for reclaim
ing between KO.000 and MO.Me acres by sn
Irrigation systsm fed -from the Klamath
- lakes.- Tbe land without irrigation pro
dttoes fruit potatoes and hay.
District Attorney Manning Says
He Will Resisf .Any More
v - ; Continuances. - -
. District Attorney Manning will re
aiat further attempt to - postpone the
Tanner creek - sewer cases, and unless
Preatdmig-. 4udge Oeorge orders con
tinuance the trial of. K. M. Rlner will
. begin Thursday morning. Rinsr Is In
dicted polntty-with W. C. Elliott. K. W.
Rlner. J.- M. Caywood and Henry Chan
' dler for obtaining money, under false
" pretenses from 'the city In connection
- with. the execution of-the. contract held
,Wy the Rlners to buUd- the Tsnner creak
incwer. -...,'
- This morning Ed Mendenhell, of ooun-
4 'sol for Rlner, appeared before Judge
George and gave notice that If he'could
not locate a certain witness who has
been In Msrlon county, and be assured
i, that he would-be In attendance at the
trial, he . would mova tomorrow for a
i -further continuance. Deputy District
! iiiaiuv yiuw who waa c resent to
' represent the district attorney, 'with
T whom previously ha had held a eon-
' m J . ii . Ik. natri- that' ft-
plenum iiuuiihw -
i : ; lays would' be - resisted, and that the
j - rat ate would Inelst on an immediate trial.
Today District Attorney Manning and
J Deputies Adama and Moser devoted sev-
.oral boors to the preparation of evidence
. . and the arrangement, for Ita Introduc
tion. They are prepared' to go into
r court with evidence that will, give the
atate a strong ease, and express the be
C,Uef that they wlU secure a conviction.
' The allegations are that the 'Rlners,
' ''with the others Indicted on the sams
'charge, con a pi red to defraud the. city passing to acceptance.-the Tanner
creek, sewer In a condition not at all
"in keepings with the plans and speclfl
. rations, and 'that falae, pretenses wsje
made in foisting on the city ths deTect-
ivs work. ' . . V ,; ,.' ;
" congregation SAYS '
i- It waa made plain , at the meeting
'- In Forbes church last night bow 'much
-j Rev. Thomas ' Need ham -has endeared
himself to the people tut the Alblna dis
trict There wss a crowded house to
hear- him, and many requests for ths
' . prerers of Christiana for those ..who
v were desr to them. -The meeting was
; . the most Impressive of eny held In the
. Forbes church, Many were the expres-
ekms of esteem for Mr. 'Needham and
Mr. Powers, tbe singer. ;The dlffersnt
' ' nastora of ths district voiced the feel-
Ings .of the. people for,, thn ' In the
midst of singing and .handshaking and
1 a chorus of ."Qod bless tou; ths evsn-
. geltsts took their departure.
fki BZZatAX. reeaeay hsA
Kaat ymg sad S'SH . awe. awer
1 Ut t- sr. as are las-t
sms awer
; ,.- kV BM W weraeafs ef
. I -a . te. ..a fkXana aaar.
I J ' w -. w
' aOIN&I: CaVQ
'fi '. 'mldU 'gsvas U.
frnNtmn at noitmn mmm now. '
HEAVY BUIiDEfl lil .
Uncle Sam Will No Longer Pros
.; ; ecute Men Who Sell Uqtior A
: : to Indians, ry-!
.- ''uJ .a.-' ; :, !
George Bradley Wat Discharged
Today Because or supreme
i '- Court's Decision. . - i
Oeorcs Bradley was this morning
brought before the federal court on
the charge of selling liquor to inoiane
and an motion of the deputy district at
torney was released as the United 8tatee
supreme court had decided that the atats
courts . should nave supervision em
such cases.. The deputy district attor
ney and Judge Bellinger conferred on the
reported decision, and It was oecioea w
let . the state courts . tsks such action
as they might see necesssry. It Is not
probable that Bradley will be rearrested
on' the charge. .. "v.".
. This decision or ths supreme ooun
will take from ths federal cdutt and the
district ;attorney, much . of the work
which has encumbered the dockets here-'
tofore, and the general sentiment Of the
federal authorities hers Is that-a great
burden has -tteen lifted . and they are
glad of it - ::'"
The circuit judges in ths various coun
ties will handle thla class of cases from
this time on and the- government will he
saved a "considerable expense, as , the
transnortstlon expenses and witness rees
will be reduced ,at least per cent aa
the' trials will be held near where me
offense Is charged, to nave seen com-
' Dr. Joseph Hickey, one of the best
known dsntlsts In this city, shot him
self In the left bresst shout t:ll o'clock
last night with a Il-eallber pistol, and
Is now lying lor-a critical condition In
the Good Samaritan hospital. Very lit
tle hope Is entertained for his recovery.
What led Dr. Hickey to attempt to
take his life la a mystery. It la thought
that tie mutt have been suffering from
a temporary fit, ef Insanity, due to insomnia-with
which he . has been af
flicted ..for-the past ix months. It is
said that he was devoted to his two lit
tle sons. Kenneth and LsRoy, aged and
years, respectively, and te his wife
who Is also a dentist and assoctatsd
with him In his practice. He has been
successful la business of late years.
; Two .-change iwsre made la the di
rectory of tbe Oregon California rail
road at the annual meeting held today.
The name of B. A. . Worth ington was
substituted for 'that of J. Kruttschnttt
and William Crooks for, that of George
Andrews-.!--. - - -'-. '
The directors selected are: ' B. H.
T T I -'. WnrlhlnrtiM . M. ' fL
Huntington. xN.i ,T. Bmltn. , R... Kpejil)
k. - JdcCracken. IW D. Kenton,. Ik' A
Pielda, W. W. Brotnerioevrvi s. toman,
William Crooka.
Offloera wUl be -elected jy tne -oi-rectora
at a. meeting to bo held next
.Monday., j y I ' . ' : :.:-'",
-v--.' .. - '. ,-.., ; - .
"Tbe- thlrd bienhlal stateesmp' of he
Royal Neighbors- of America Convened
this morning at ,10 o'clock tn the IO of. P.
halt There were delegates and -all of
the camps of Oregon -werS represented.
Mrs. Mlna Bowen, vlce-o'racle. Is pre
aid ins. At the- forenoon- stsskm- com
mittees .were sppointed on resolutions and
order of ' business, 'snd' this .arternoon,
after receiving and passing" on the, re
ports of' those committees, the camp
will proceed with the election of .officers
for 'the next two 'years. '.Adjournment
will take place this evening. If . possible.
raal1n waa found a-lllltV of
gambling thla morning and waa sen
tenced to psy a fine of I 0. . -Though
convinced of the man's guilt Judge
Hogue did not believe an appeal; would
result In A conviction.) and thereupon
did not fine tho defendant In an amount
allowing an appeal. , Costello wss
charged . with enticing can : Beaermen
into a poker game at Third and Burn
side streets and fleecing him of 170. .' .
oiniuo nu. ;
- James Candello waived ' examination
ftn the charge of asssult with a. deadly
weapon with Intent to commit murder
thla afternoon in the police court and
was hsld by Judge Hogue to the grand
Jury, without bonds. , His victim, Pletro
Totso. still hovers between life and
death at the- hospital. Judge Hogue was
asked to accept a bond, but refused, say
ing that as Tosso msy die, tbe charge
may have to be changed te- murder In
the flrat degree. .
tmvTzi to marrrauvra.
At ths closing service ' In Calvary
Baptist church last night Dr. H, W.
Stough was presented with a silver nut
bowl and set of erackera by Pastor Mo
Glade In the nsme of tho congregation,
and Rev. O. W. Plummer presented to
Mr. and Mrs, Colllson, In tbe name Of
ths chorus,' a . handsome ' silver cake
plate. ' The last sermon wss on "Grow
ing la Grace."
TSe late tar ir'
"kUls tke mini e-m"' ' - .
fa J. Jj- L. U;.M; ?erT
swer R rM-rMr aatenva the Searfrarr stlna; ataaa
MS H taJHag hat lad srtRarta the arala asalaet
-aaaa H raiafartl-a. I Jatlabtral hair SraaaMg.
la at ! Iteklaf laeteat Its ' P-e-hatr.
lerlu fiH Its mmtmrm. St year hahr
D rM-rMr mrtt the Saarfrarr aik-iMa; aura
Sfea Iteklaf laeteMir- li
II Wlur 'aaavai Ita ajilaiat.
-wu. Va. k. a. ta aaea
Ex-Sheriff Offered Police Chief-
taincy If He Will Support
Certain Candidate
4 f:
Says If Present Incumbent Is Re
Elected Hunt Will Remain
f Head of Department.
William A. Btorey. ex-sheriff of Mult
nomah county, Is to be chief of police
of Portland. If the plans of certain poli
ticians are .carried, out At a - recent
meeting of politicians Interested In the
election of Republican candidates It wss
decided to offer the position of chief of
pothWTOTtr. Btorey, provided he would
consent to sunnort. the nominees. A
committee called. on him and submittsd
ths proposition, to which ho has nop yet
replied positively. ; -
"I would not accept the position un
less posttlvsly assured of absolute con
trol of the department" said Mr. Btorey.
-No man on the fores could talk to ma as
Jos Day talks to Chief Hunt I do not
care to discuss ths nature of the propo
sition that was made te me, nor do I
ear to name tho candidate for mayor
who. If elected, would appoint ma. : But
you can be efcrS of this much, that
ir Mayor Wllliaraa la rv-waciao, nuui
will be the chief for another term." .
(Continued from Page On.)
later Goorgo Peebler was added to the
Jury. ' - - - - r
Objection la made to the legality of
thla Droceedlng. Carl Phelps waa ex-
oused January ST. Pred O. 'BufTujn was
sHded to the jury December 11. All or
thee acts are cited as evidences of the
disqualifications of ths jurors. : , Ths
plea then proceeds as follows:
"That he ought' not to be compelled
to answer ths said Indictment because
one Francis J. Hsney appeared and acted
before said grand jury in ths prosecu
tion of said charge, part of the time aa
a pretended United States district at
torney, and part of ths time In ths al
leged capacity,. of special or assistant
attorney; that said Francla J. Hansy
was not at all or any of said time a
permanent or any resident of the dis
trict of Oregon, but a resident of the
stat of California, and that hs could
not lawfully act. or appear as district!
attorney or special attorney, an never
was. and oould not be by reason of said
non-residence lawfully or i legally ap
pointed to said office, and never had
legal authority to -act aa such district
attorney; that he cam to Oregon Yrom
said state ef California temporarily
only, and for the purpose of prosecuting
this cause and other causes of a similar
nature; that hs expects and has always
sxpected to return to said state of Cali
fornia to reside permanently as soon
aa these, prosecutions are completed;
that said Francla J. Heney Is vary
d re lu diced against this defendant and
has been very active In working up feeld
Ing against him through tbe newspapers
and otherwise, both In and out of court
and that he was, as thla defendant Is
Informed, believe and alleges, very
vindictive and bitter In his prosecution
of said charge before said grand j"T
to find this Indictment- and this de
fendant alleges that if said Fsanela J.
Heney had not so unlawfully appeared
before said grand Jury thla indictment
would not nave been brought all to
defendant's substantial prejudice, all of
Whteh defendant is ready to verify." A, ,
Further on' th statement proceeds:
' "And defendant. Is Informed, believes
and therefore allege!; that said Francis
J. Heney remained with ssld grand jury
and was present , when they were de
liberating on the evidence and on the
charge made against this defendant pre
sented .In this .indictment and that bo
greatly prejudiced this defendant before
said grand 'jury by arguments and de
nunciations againat this defendant made
In their presence, and by threats and
intimidations toward all or a portion of
said grand Jurors, all ' to dsfendant'a
further substantial prejudice.
. Wherefore defendants prays . judg
ment whether he shall be called further
to answer . said i Indictment, and. prays
that ths1 same may be quashed, and that
ha be dismissed from this count and
go hence 'without day."-
. . Slat of jmchsll's Psfsass. ;
Ths proceedings- this ' morning , dis
close. In part -the line of defense which
Is to' be adopted by Senator Mitchell.
The Indictment to which he demurred
and filed a plea In abatement is baaed
upon the charge that Senator Mitchell,
while senator, received compensation for
services performed before a department
of tho United Btatea government, in
violation of section 1711 ef the federal
statutes. According to the evldenoe in
the -hands of the government Frederick
A. Krlbs employed the. firm. of Mitchell
A Tanner .to expedite the patenting of
numerous claims which hs owned, pay
ing I1.H0 for their services.' - Senator
Mitchell used nis innuence at Washing
ton to hava ths. patents Issued, and It
Is declared that he received his propor
tion of the money paid the firm by
Krlbs. .v -; -
In' this esse the government has a
"mass of formklabie evidence. ' The deal
ings of Mitchell Tanner wlth-Krlbs
Were laid bare by. the sensational dis
closures that. resulted, from Judgs Tan
ner's recent admissions . after he had
been Indicted for perjury, and from the
testimony of Harry Robertson, Mitch
ell's former prlvsts secretary. . Th -attempted
substitution of a spurious part
nership agreement by Senator Mitchell
when he. returned .to Portland last December-la
a damaging feature. of the
case, and the booka of th firm have
supplied evidence of tbe dealings with
Kribav,,, This lndlctmentja regarded as
ths strongest of ths -four returned
against Senator Mitchell. ';.
' V Moral Tarpttude. '
In' the opinion of Judge Bennett this
Indictment does not charge acta "In
volving moral turpitude" on th part of
Senator Mitchell, and this was given as
ths resson- why ha did not walvs tech
nlcal objections and consent to trial.
Ths penalty prescribed by ths statute
npon which this indictment I based Is
mors sever than that for conspiracy
to defraud ' the government . For both
offenses the penalty la , Imprisonment
not exceeding two years and fin not
exceeding 110,000, but. section. 1711, upon,
which , this particular . Indictment la
based, provldee further that any person
convicted of -violating It shall bs "ren
dered forever thereafter Incapable of
holding any office . of. honor, truet of
profit under the United States."
Tbe acts charged against Mitchell by
the four Indictments sr similar In title,
that la each case ho le accused of ac
cepting money for services, .which, un
der the federal statutes, he had no right
to perform. f, ' " "' '
Edward D. Stratford, lormer (special
TCie OCctO
',w-k'" A:, f . J 'a . t r .st . ' -41ft'
m-m "J nil.' . - : . an iui j i . . a. J j
';".ID!oDi't (B Amy More
agent ' of- the' interior department ' who
was Indloted with offlclala of the Butte
Creek Land . - Lumber, company,- ap
peared in tbe federal court thla morning
and entered a plea of not guilty. ,
i' . wiksn ' AiiejgMsVY 'V.L
' Four of th accused were arraigned at
1 o'clock, all .being Identified with the
Butte' Creek Land, Lumber. Livestock
opera tiona. . Secretary Hamilton H.' Hend
ricks was arraigned on, the charge of
subornation . of ' perjury., and,' also ta
ths general conspiracy to defraud the
government of land and for fencing pub
lic domain. With him on, th charge of
conspiracy, and fencing publlo domain
were also arraigned President Wlnlock
W. Btelwer. ex-senator. Clarence . B."
Zacharey. and CTyda.JS. Olaas.
- Judge A. 8. Bennett ef Thd Dalles ap
peared aa counsel for all four of tbe
men. and after waiving reading of the
Indictment filed a plea in abatement
taking the am JegaL exceptions to the
eases that were taken in the plea filed
in .behalf of Senator Mitchell In the
morning. District Attornsy Heney. on
the part of the government excepted to
the plea at this tlms, ststlng that , It
was too lats for the defendants to avail
themselves of this privilege. Th dis
trict attorney asked that argument on
the plea be Axed -t-an early date, and
Friday morning waa named by Judge
Bellinger aa a Urn when he could hear
counsel. V" , ""," ' r " f ,
IaHJnaSasnt Against Xlm at Washlagton
.Ikaiy w ft Over XTattl Fan. r
- (Waahlagtea Bereaa ef The Jostbsm '
Washington, April 11. Representattv
Hermann left here today for home pre
pared to stand' trial on the various In
dictments pending against him In the
United States courts for th district of
Oregon. ' v ' - ' . -
No preparaUona have been mad by
government offlclala her for the early
trial ' of Hermann - on the Indictments
charging fraud againat' htm in th dis
trict of Colombia, " District , Attorney
Beach said today that Hermann's case
probably would go over until fall as
ths government had several postofflcs
cases to try which it regarded of much
more Important than Hermann's, v
Th sultan of Turkey has ordered
hundred women's gowns In Paris,
and yet some people wonder why he can't
kla Aahta. ... V ''. ' .,
when you get the ' TJ on'1
know how ft happened-no one do-a.
Tou won't cere. You wUl be too mis
erable. , But you will be. intensely In
terested In how to gstV d of it
.ion thnaa cold chills rrom
chaalng up and down the spine, th
fnc"..ot palna ln the limbs nnjWk.
nausea, eougning mm, .......a, -
charge from, the yee and nose, muo
eulsr pains, andi. that .brain - racking
b,Thelst treatment known for this
dreadful affliction la; t- r -
Dr. Miles. Nejrvino
Dr. Mller Nervine cures by building
op the nervoue syslstn and destroying
the germs which poison th blood. If
taken 'When flret symptoms appear Is
almost a sure prsventlv '.
"I suffered several, weeks with Orlp,
snd nothing I took seemed to benefit
me. I suffered slmOst death, until I
tried Dr. Miles Reatoratlve Nervine.
From th first day I felt better. It
relieved my misery snd pain and gave
me an sppetMe, snd in a few days I
hsd fully recovered. MRS. OEO. B.
liAliU 14 Ie St, Jackann, Tenn. '
. Money beck if flrat iUle falls to
benefit ,"-,'. . ' t
3& Tr;
S a. - ' i s - a. jt . m i- - a
-S. W ' r ' .aK a.eaa alSxA a"ea StfelSa ggh JtaS aVa gtHth dl&th dta at aat ataifk afmffk at
V ,- r- "" r
m e- i a i
WELL AT THtt 5 AMU. rKiwiia
the Store Where Your
The Oregon Presbyterian Women's
Missionary socle fV of the First United
Presbyterian church la holding its an
nual convention. ' The first sesalon
opened at :! o'clock this aftersoon,
and delegates from the various churchea'
of the state reported, ; Th afternoon
waa occupied with-the report of offi
cers and committees, and Mrs. Gordon
of Warm Spring gave a paper on "Th
Story of a Native Christian Lit."' i
The evening session will present
number of . Interesting papers, chief
among them the talk on "Th Jerusa
lem Cruise." by Mrs. Park of Salem, who
attended th recent world's - Sunday
school excursion to Jerusalem. Tomor
row morning th bu tineas session will
be called and new officers will be elect-
dent Mrs. Elisabeth Dalglelsh, -Portland;
vice-president Mrs. W. P. White.
Albany: secretary, Mrs. W. D. Howie,
Shedds; corresponding secretary. Mrs.
David Scott Kast Portland; treasurer,
Mrs. Samuel Toung, Albany. '
This evening's program follows;. De
votional exercises, Mrs. Dalglelsh, Port
land; thank-offering service Mr. Gib
son. Portland; talk on "Th Jerusalem
Cratss." Mrs. Park. Salem; "Our Duty
Toward Foreign Missions, Miss Irvine,
Albany., .... .-' ' , ' ;V
At ths trial of Herman Schroder be
fore Police Judge Hogue and a Jury this,
morning.) Attornsy J. F. Wstts asserted
thst Policeman Lee used to drink a
good deal fn th saloon of th defendant
at 471 WUl lam a avenue, and that the
officer had testified against him on the
charge of keeping open after hours be
cause ho had grown "sore." Judge
Hogue refused to permit the Introduc
tion of such testimony. - v-, r
Ths court said ths question was on
the guilt or Innocence, of th defendant
and not on the motive governing any
body In filing th charge. Th Jury
found Schroder guilty and bond ef 1 10
on appeal te the circuit court was filed.
(BpeeUI fMapateh. ta The JeoraaL)
" Seattle, April II. Immigration offi
cers of Juget soundjorts will refuse to
allow pasasngers on vessels touching at
Honolulu to land, fearing a spread of
leproay as jt result of recent notion of
th Hawaiian legislature tn violation of
th segregation laws. A Junket of 401
persons recently visited ths leper colony
on Molokal laland and mingled freely
with ths lepers, taking no trpcsutIons
against a spresd of th disease. The
action of the' fegialatur hss been re
ported to Weshlngton. - v V'
',",.;..;, ion rem soomT. -'K'y
. The NewEngland aoclety, at IU meet
ing last evening, closed negotiations
with Dr. HU1, of HiU's Military acad
emy, whereby his academy, which is to
bs converted tnto a hotel during the
summer. Is to become th headquarters
of ths society, for social purposes and
for ths entertainment of New England
visitors to the fair. It was also voted
to Join tbe stat societies In ths main
tenance of a- general headquarters,
where New Rngland people can register,
snd seek snch Information as they mar
desire, arrangements for, which srs now.
being made. ,
. , l-,ltl
t 1 "." ' i : - " .' - . . f
-.' ,'-.,?,-.',;;; ' I " . . J ' '
.A"'- v.-.vvfek(if' 11 I .I j,5
.:-'.:,;...;; ;;:;mt ' . &'
Credit Is Good
'; "Wamu Against Woman." .--f-
' The Comabta Stock eMapear wHh Chnuiae
Counties end DoaaM Bowles la tbe leads,
ma this week la aae of ta ant noted ef
.the eM Enguaa meledniaMM. "Weatea Againat
weataa," etaced as ptfiaalad la aaMtera .tjla.
It le a sroaoanced eaeeeaa, , aa baadrede of
patrons are anealr ezpeaaalag their pleaaaee that
there Is still a high elaaa, popular rio4 alaea
ol asmaesMBt left foe tfeeea whnaa taate re-,
aolne seeh. "Woaii Agateet Wesuia" will
eoatlsoe aU the. week et the ColaaUne. - UtV
laea Betarday. - . -
Mext Sunday matlaee the first performance
ef "Dorm Thorae" will be given by the Celnsv
bla Stork eaaqMay. - Thla faaaoae tove etory ef
the yoaager g.aarittoa has baea dreautlaed
and suae into a- snst ebarwlag play, aod Its
prodacttoa will be iookoa forward s with -a
good deal ef latereet , .
aawaasBsaBa-ssoes-Msa - yf-
Pin Bill at Baker. , ;;
The taudevlWe fflfrtbsliairweet
la Joat s little bit the eaperh ec ha pride,
ceeaora. which nana that it la the beat ahew
la towa tor (he sawey. The big attraetlone
hwtade Wayne Lastar, the- awobatie Saacarv
whose tare ta the' beee of the aart ever glna
ea a Portlaad etage; sunaphla Kennedy, s a lag
aMSg lasti usiaata)lata ; gtaaley sad Alleea,
the child woadere ef the world ef eowedy;
Iagomar, the boy sugielaa; the Deagoa trkr,
euaMdlana, and the Hugo Brae., acrobat. Be
Idea all taaae. Jeaa Wllaoa has s sew illoe.
trated aesg. "No One r.a Tabe Tear Place,"
sad the biegraph's plrtsres are - brand sew,
. ' ..J'.'...'
, t Tht Grand. Theatre....''':,,.
Left sight the erewda were a great at
the Oraad that auny watted la tbe lebby for
half an boor trytas to.rt Is. The Sbaakos
have doae tbe war.- Their dseda ef Sarlag
bold the ipei'tateia breatklae. - The net o(
tbe Mil, laeradtsg the Ihfmaed eaartet Rand
tad Brroa. George W. Iiralla, Moraa aad Wll
aoa. Alt Bonner aad the graadlaeepe, are all
awrs thsa erdtoaHly great '
-V; A the; Empire.' ;X'!
' Piftaas haadrel people S day atteadlag the
Klnplre theatre aonada big, bat It reqairea
that saaber te wake the sew eteeh eaapany
yMf timykna L'ai
Bat It sesw ahrtreaaUg akla afaetlnnf Ke
eedetit, Hseta ef hasat SMUera allr s
HcrJIna Ccop
ta baby'S.hath. Kills dlseaas p.raj".
ladneas reatftil sleep. Keepe baby aweet and
bealtky. Per raabea, bttnir-m. eemfnla.
ltrblag, all akla eareaaia, B1IV1NS SOAP
la tnily woaSerfal.. Whit It dona for baby It
win do for yea. It's the ami aatki.. aiuf
do for yea. It's the anat aostblae nd
satlafylaa ef toilet bath aad Bnraenr aoaoa.
No anlaial fata, Medirated. AaflaanMe. Be
eeenalag. Eefraablag. Raalraa. 1'iumL
Alreatk afrtae Btlsaa la Erery CakC
Trrlt Tea'll baeMVtaeaS. Tares Ke. ntH
Bna, eakee, V. llrnnlata'. Rma leoetl-
UK, no snap le awetrared like HarSnt.
. .i...i.v,uir.i i' roiur na i .rm ni
TIES CO.. NEWARK. N. J. Take Betting
Cored wit host thla algae tan . . .
t7 tfGtceH'; ,
netauS,ssia pws -
vvmoat Koo i i'amo 'onnrooojh
$D,e a week : 1
390 Washingtbri St
a paytag Tea tare. At the bm tinea aad evening'
perfarausaaa assday alanat 1.M0 palg a4
aaatoaa -ware eeaatedi It le like all bargain
propoattlaas eelaa le the eaerat "The '
Ttckee-rf-teave Maa" hi giving aatlif action,
aa tbe eeapaay aad the prodeetlaa an iml
lest The 10-eeat price has eaagbt tbe pablle
as sseeeae la eaeared. - A sntlses le gives '
every day at 1:1(1 o'clock end see (erforaMacs :
each sight St ;!.': --. ' .
' Uew Melodrama,
ge "Hag
the Pawaahop." a thrilling BMlodraaia fraei
tbe pea ef Klls tllaoa, waa pnaeeted yeater-,
day aftaraooa by the Lyrte Theatm gteek
company. .It la a drama et urteaee emo
tion, end foil fcf the quality we call 'heart
Interest." ' The play la well writtea as the
altuaUeae which follow- the powerfal story tt
Ilagar an thrilling from the ttm ef the enr
tala te the last Tbe Lyrle eaapaay haa aever
bad a better vehlole for the esploltatlea ef
Its Bwbon, '
" 1 y 1 ' ; - "
Clew Acta at Star." '-j
Of the aiu fas tares aa the Star bill the
greatest le perte e4 DtatBaat. stagers and I
aaacere iron rim. iaia ai tea. airangaoa
ParleUa vaadeville act ever offered la tke
Bortkweet la addition te thla there are
ether soreltlee, ssrb as the Xoyarraa, globe.,
nllera; Jeaea ssd Bobtnaaa la eaaMdyt reeley ,
and Abaeea a a roaatng ekearat Mr. and Mrs,
Mck Tracer A Oe.. la "The rriaky Mr. Jooaa:'
Boacee Artmekle, . the tlagar, aaaSpthera.
V-- '. ' r: lraattfTime Tonight ' ' -
The Marriage ef Kitty." a dellghtfal faretat
eemedy aaeeeaa. which pleaaed a snt-alght
aodlesee at the Maraaasi Brand theatre ant
sight, will be gives thla evenleg at :! e'elerk .
lor me la. i iuw id. can la raBtpoaea ec aa ,
excellent eaapaay ef playen, headed by- th
veraatlle eomedlaa, Mai rtgnaa. .
ii -, '
Hoti Springs, Ark., April .11 errf '
McOovern. former lightweight champion,
will. probe bly never step Into the -ring;
again. He la suffering from nervous
prostration and will be taken to an east-'
ern sanitarium In a few days by Stat ,
senator iim nuinvan oi new xora.
4 '- s . I M
LJr n UUlT.
to Yesttfal Gofer:
Tftt heea tmaMed With daadraff a leas tine,
lifter oalng aae bottle ef Batrbealth I foand the
daadrag goae aad mr hair, which was twe-thlrds
gray 1I yean old), reetoied te Ita natural
anhora eolor-O. EICHIfAN, La Oroaaa, Wis."
- Btlrbaoltb Snick If art lira bach yevthhU eelot
te gray hair, bo aiatter bow long it baa bees gnf
ae white. renMina dakdng. kllle the
: gens and Stopa hair falling. Don sot stala akIS
se Haas. AMed by BARrTNA SOAP a ad gktx
health. It saotbas and beala tbe ecalp, atopa lOtht
fee aad preaMfea gae hair growth, targe too,
baitlea. dnirt1eti. Take aethlsg wltheat tlgsa.
tan rails ta Co. , - - , v. - , -
rr;o C::? C.7:r
Slga this, tabs tn any ef the Mlowln
he fotlewln dreg.
Hay'a Balrhealib
giata ana get a one. soft la Hay'i
and a Me. eake Harfina Meitlcated Bnap. beat fnf
l, bath, toilet, both for eOe.t or erat by Phllo
wi.7.nFH-n.iiifai m., iMnri, j. .,, prepaid, ea
tvclpt ef SOe. and this adv. .
PW soap not given by drngtiat withest thlgo I
vaTiro nr. aaa aaj. Bar atauaaaua.
WOOltVuu,' . oxjtftza cel. . ronrtk
i aad Washlagtoa, v .
i fc-v..,
... . ,.