The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 11, 1905, Image 7

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l w ..-
Portland's F o r nost
Store, with Largest
Stocks on the Pacific
forA K?yl YVcrcecttr
Cort:tv Second Floor,
V Annex Salons.
Coast ''.-r-.-i
. 11 -
: "-:.'.;.-. SCIENCE ;y.
Tea Room
. ; Second Floor L-y
Under the Auspices of Port
land Y. W, C. A:v:-
" Tea Coffee" Chocolate
Milk in Bottles ," T V "; . 1
v'-SV;' ' Vegetable Soup;:. :
. Chicken t, la .'Marengo , with.;
J Rice Croquettes
. Poached Eggs on Anchovy1
." ; Toast;.;, 1 ;
.Chives Omelet y ''.-
Tongue Sandwich; ;V. ,';''
', '?$,' ) ' Four-Minute Eggs ;
Boston, Brown Bread v
' Hot Rusks
. v Napoleons (France) V
U if r "U Xi i V
- Relates an anecdote of his first experience as a Mississippi river pilot, and says it was obtained during
one long anxious night while the boat was anchored in midstream, a fact not known to him till the
break of dawn. Many business craft are "moving" along today the same way-and their pilots don't
. xnow tney re ancnored. This store is on tne m ove au tne tune, . just now there's an added brisk
ness evident everywhere due to the near approach of Easter. Because of, our splendid preparation to meet the wants of the Easter season, youH find a mani
fest spring awakening thro'out the store. . Every section has blossomed out with the richest materials,' the smartest styles and the rarest bargains of the year.
lliat Even Natfare Herself ! Now Assumes
A granl demonstration conducted by Miss Eno showing the correct method of making any delicious flavor of "Chocolat.Menier " a cup of which will
oc seryco-rree vo-au our guests lor a. icw oiyi oniy ' on jliutu rioor. , ' j.,.;u.;7t?.'C' ';-i " ' v'- ,: V ;;; y r;-i.. -
Result of I, a School Vct3
i at 10 a. m. Today
Reginald Carter," bellboy
The Norton ., . . . .1M.C51
'Arthur, Taylor, M7 & A:
! - Shogren ..... .183,8:3
Mae Hughes, Knight's
Shoe Co. . . i . . . . . . .103,787
Guy DePue, ; Portland y 4 ;
Delivery Co 30.1C5
Arthur Lindborg, Lind- :: j -5
borg Grocery- i;
i P. H. Battin, Wadham r
:' : & Kerr Bros.,..; 420
" v:v?:v:;:.:l;.,4C3
Scattering ....U?V.y 77.C7a;
Total .Vi:;; f i;l.MM7t "
Distirigxiishcd - Styles iiu
Bikra Salons Annex -
Second Floor
Being always on the alert to catch the whims
of Dame Fashion, we are enabled to get the
first inkling of her newest fads and fancies ;
thus it is that this store produces and shows
first, 'without .exception, the very, latest un
shapes .and materials, as well as finished.
creations in charming Millinery. Being im
bued with a practical knowledge of the mil-'
linery business front inception to finish we
are always enabled to not only' maintain our,
position as leaders in exploiting newest aru-
' thoritative - styles butt to strengthen it by
. . . . . f . ."
aisiancing compcimon ianner every, aay.
.Weeks ago we predicted that blocked shapes;
would' be ."it? this season. iThe fact is.hpw
established among eastern millinery houses
a sryieTepuiauon-- worresiaeni wew xorx
tiqyer gnitnpsarhipment 1 oi , tne newesr
shapes,, receiyea Monday. 4 On sale today,
extremely smart and fetchigJ--v V
Prices range.. i...'.... .Sl.OO to 3.00
A Big Sale of
ner Sets
. - . .
Third Floor, v
. r; . cj ner . sets. , i . . : ; v
Neat brown decoration,-' fancy shapes-.
60-piece Dinner Sets ; our $4.80 value.
Special, set ....'..,. .1 , .3.70
6(Miece Dinner Sets ; our $6.40 value. ,
7 Special, set . . ii , . V. .-.'. .4 .SO
100-piece Dinner Sets; our $9.60 v
. value; Special, set ,i. . .Ti-.745-AMERICAN
'Decoration, small, neat; spray of green
With "pink flowers full gold v Hnelight
weight and fancy shapes '""""
50-piece Set; our $6.25 value. Special ' " i
. at, set .... . V i . T'.'i :. . . i . ; I f4.02
60-piece Set; our.SS valuer Special 7, ".
." st, set;;?:.vj.v.;..v.r..r;..v.?ej
J00-piece Set ; our $12.45 value. , Spe- :
cal, set .......'...... ."V-. ..0.05.
Dishes of fancy 'shape decoration, enam
eled border- pattern green Scroll anL small
roses; very' dainty ;(v',r C'Ur;. vr.
80-piece Sets; our $7.20 value Spe- -.
cial ' at, set. . . . : ; ; . . .$5.84
,60-tiece Sets; our $9.60 vslae. Spe-.
- aal at, set . . . . . . , .,.$7 AO
100-piece Sets; our; $14.40 vslue". r -: r r-5
Special at, set. .'. ::;V. .$11.50
Lawn Mowers, prices up from.... ..$3.70
4 Garden Trowels, prices up from. . . . . .4e
Garden Spades, prices up from........C5
; Garden Rakes, prices Mp from . . . . . . . . .23
(Garden Sets, 3 pieces, prices up from. 112
Garden Weeders, prices up from. . . . . .
Garden Hose, C'O feet, prices up from $4.50
Lined with -zinc,' enamel1, or porcelain are
big savers' of ice, prices up '
Hrom ........'...i.:. .....v;.. $14.40
- $18
1Tv-w, OU.'4. t TiTl4- 0.: Tuesdav and
Ivly yv OXlii L VV Wednesday Only
.50 and $20.00 Values, for $13.85
v A fortunate purchase of a leading eastern manufacturer by our resident New York" buyer.
..The maker's season is over and he is starting oh fall business fust aiwe are commencing
, ' the summer selling. Our Mr. Shipley was' fortunate enough -to secure the balance of his ;
spring ana summer lines at arasucauy reuuecu prices cnaoun us 10 give our pairons a
', ; saving of nearly third off the regular prices. A timely offering indeed and the ; suits -
are the prettiest and snappiest styles' shown this season. All made up in exquisite work-
-manship, attractively trimmed wonderful vtlues-the best $18.50 and $20 Shirt-Waist '
;' Suits in town. Materials include Mohairs, Etamines and fancy Panama cloths, in a color
line embracing blacks, navies, browns and mixtures in brown and blue effects. Every ..
suit in Very latest style, skirts in the newest plaited -effects, trimmings of fancy, buttons ;
and stitching effects One must see the suits to appreciate the full meaning of today's '
i sensational offering of suits that every woman needs for present and summer wear. Not
a value under $18.60 and more at $20. Just about enough for two days' . Q 1 Q C
' selling at, ..f . i .. '.' ........ ..'. ........ ...... ... saC -
VSoecial showines of new Raincoats for protectinir the new spring crowns from -the olenti- r
ful raindrops that are bound to come with the April and May showers, and splendid ;
almost indispensable in traveling, lne greatest showing west of CIO CA 4 CTC
Chicago :. .... ..... . . . . ., . . .... .... . ............. ; . . . . 10 9 io
See Fifth Street Window 'Showings.', ;-;' '"jh:,-;- :' ';- -;: ':'y:'r
m 9 r x v 1 mm m
ft 11 .11 ll'VA
Get a fiood start on the Easter gowns this week io time to "spare now. x is very new fabric is here-oi
n view1. In facti choice is v the
better now to the extent that mantrof the:clusiveryleaibC,ddbrillianc .4o. thedrs good assortment wtll be gone in a few
"weeks.' not 'to be again replaced this seasons They are fmported fabrics, often in one, sometimes in two, or at most three dress lengths.
. . . . m A . - . . t t x. .l.. r . . . . . . ? .1
,1 ne big regular lines oiler, oi course, a pracucaiiy jncxnausijpic suppiy ; ana n is a laci inai nnc as inc past collections were in xneir aay
and season -
This ' Season' ' Exhibit Excels ' All
L ........
Other -
4 ",;
'And to rare Sorts and staple goods
alike applies this tact : Bought now
and fashioned at- leisure, both, you
and yourdressmaker .will accom
plish entirely satisfactory, results.
, Every Easter some women' are dis
appointed because the gown didn't
arrive on time. Heed this hint and
m - rew la irm v i t mm. m m t
:--':.;i-v"v:': -v: .:',;-:t
Be Ready for the Sunday Promenade
'Two weeks henee The prices were
never so low. You'll save money
I. and vexation -both foes tea-wonv-
an's ' good looks by buying early "
this week. Here's a broad hint - ofl
what's in' dress goods and what's
to pay if you buy this. week. A lot
of equal values get no mention
come, and see.,- Extra . special this
week: : r.y.;. ,
.. Imported French Silk and Wool Crepe de Pari
I $3.00 regular grade specully reduced to, yard.
F 4 tr I . J ,. . . . '
?.ou regular graac vpeciaiiy reuueea 10, yara ............
$2.25 regular grade specially reduced to, yard. ."C , .1 . , i ; ,
$2.00 regular grade specially reduced to, yard. ...... . . . . .
$1.75 regular grade specially reduced to, yard.v A . . i ; .
$L60 regular grade specially reduced to, yard. ,..
lhese fabrics have positively no equal at the regular price
and no fabric is shown that makes a richer, prettier gown, (
' Colored Dress Goods Specials. .
Silk and wool Crepe de PaTris; the
swellest fabric ' in " dressy ' suits
woven. For coming week, we place
our entire stock of this dressy fab
ric on special sale at prices that
should tempt thousands of our read
ers to flock to Portland's largest and
best dress goods store in multitudes.
Our regular $1.00 grade, in all even
v ing and street xolors ; unequaled
-at the regular price. ' Special '
' for the week, per yard. . .'. v77
Our regular -$L25 grade, in every
, wanted color, cream, black and all
evening shades.: Special for -----
the weekTper yard.......,..EW"
Our. regular $1.60 grade, the largest
assortment of shading shown, with
beautiful rich silk finish. Special
for the week, per .
'--.-' yard fl.16
Our, regular $1.75 : grade, rich,
4ieavy crepy weaves, full ' color
; , , ; assortment to choose from. Special for the week, per -t
, i yard ................... ....... ....... .. ..f 1.29
V .; Our regular $2.00 grade, same as above. Special for' the
7 V week, per yard..'. ....i. .f 1.56
I Our regular $2.25 grade, same as above. Special for the .
i ' week, per yard. .... . ... .. . .. ........ . . ...... . . .f 1.78
Our regular $2.50 grade, same as above, ' Special for the
' ; - week, per yard..'.. i. ;..'......... ..?1.08.
54-inch AI1-WJ Spring Tailor Suitings, 42 different colors and
:v 'vrf styles to choose from 1 our regular $1.50 quality. Spe- 'I
;Vi cial for the week only, per yard. . ................. ....98
ct jri
Important airid Interesting Sales in ;
Wanirobe j Stores and;
Second Floor Annex.- -'r.
Art Shops
The Children's Appaxd Stores, Wonen'e Uxx!srmux!2n and Skirt Sections and Art Shops are Fairly Abloom
With spring-time freshness, Easter loveliness and interesting 'values. .Throngs of eager shoppers have
been with us the past week, glad to share in the maenificent economies. We've double theTnducements for
the timing week the Easter business! JaJnllJwiflgWe'rt sure you'll be interwted after you resd of - j
some sample values in the offerings.
V.'.'l'v, Children's
blue and white checked Gingham
A - tf I 1 .a . w
;t Aprons, in luouicr, nuDoara style, lace
4 ; trimmed at collar and sleeves ; ages ' .
v from S to 8 years. Special at. ,L . . , , .19
' Our Children's 'Bonnets this season are
the handsomest and most dressy creations
that can be found, oftthe richest materials,
. very-tastily ; trimmed in dainty laces, rib--bons,
chiffons, tucks and embroidery. r.fy
Another 'shipment' of Children's French
Dresses came in, in long slips and short
French and Mother Hubbard styles, in plain
and elaborately embroidered.' The .excel
lence of materials, daintiness of designs, fin
ish and variety of styles and materials of our:
Children's Wssh Dresses makes the price at
which . they re offered astoundingly low.
Ladies' Corset Covers, of fine cambric and
j nainsook, in a great, variety of pretty,
styles, in tight fitting, full .front and;
j' French effect, lace and embroidery trim-
' , med; regular price $1.50. Special
at ....... i v . t . . . . ..... . , . 89 ,
Ladies' Muslin . Cambric ' and Nainsook
Drawers, trimmed in tucks, lace, insertion
:", ? edging and embroidepr; regular price ' 1
. ' $1.00. Special at ....,......... . .G9f ,
Ladies' Fine- Nainsook Gowns, low round
' slip-6ver neck and elbow.sleeves'ririmmed ' ,'
: in vaL lace insertion, beading and edging,'
; or gown of fine muslin "V". shaped neck, .
, yok trimmed in clusters of tucks, 2
rows of embroidery insertion and embroid
ery edging at neck and sleeves; regu-
ular price $f.25. Special at. C2?
j: - it j
' ''. ' ' .... ,
-Great Special Sale of
' w j ". . -v- 'f ' . -A K'.u
Starts Today
' ' in the '
Tarn pi t it.:
First Floor. v , ;
Hotels "and Re
tanrant aa well as
Housekeeper ar
interested in this "
' event ;;'
This is, one of the plums in the linen pie.
When we arrange our. year's program of
linen selling we scatter thro' - it bargain
epochs that help to make this store famous
for its character bargains just as the cook
drops a raisin here and there in the pudding
to help along the flavor. Here's one of
the biggest raisins in the year's pudding
stick in your thumb and pull out your share
of the plum. 500 dozen that's all won't
last long Richardson's famous Irish Linen,
full bleached and warranted best wearing
qualities. While they last you may select
r $1.50 values. v Special, the doz,.81.C3
t $1.75 values. Special, the doz. .SlX3 :
'S $2.00 values.,' Special, the doz. .81.42 ,
$2.25 values. - Special, the doz. .81.C3
'. $2.50 values. Special, the doz, .$1.C3 "
Extra Special Pre-Easter Values in the
Annex Second Floor,
FOR $1.37. v .
Ladies' Fine Cambric or Muslin Petticoats,
extra wide and full, deep Spanish flounces
with clusters of fine tucks or hemstitched
rtucks and deep embroidery ruffle;
J: regular price $2.00. . Special...... 81.37.
Always on hand a full line of Fleisher's
Knitting, Germantown Zephyr, Saxony
Shetland Floss, Shetland Zephyr and Span
ish Worsted j-;;
German ' applique center , pieces, 327inches
square or 20x54-inch scarfs with plain
. center or openwork, scalloped or hem
stitched edges; regular price 65c. '
Special at ..J, ............ .47f
Linen Center Pieces of fine, and heavy linen,
. 18 inches square, in a great many designs ;
regular 65c and 75c. Special . , 1
SV i......f.......4..4.Y
Another shipment of Scott's perfect forn
fitting Invisible, Bustles came in. AV
have them in all sire', cbrs, rab, b!:: ;
. and white .. i
Sizes from 00 to i; rc-.l.r CTc. itci:l
at ,,..r....
Sirs 4 ; reuhr 75c. F-rr:';l xt
f i 5; r r CI O. . f; .! 1