Tin: cnrccri daily- jour.::AL. rc:rrL.::D. . . .iiCi.Gr EUGEuE V IS INAUGURATED FflKMCRfl? V . C.'annial . Appolntmntr : Made, With Exception of Small Are and Message of New Exec , Wheat Comes Safely Through , ;..t;.,'j , Bad Weather.:,t;;;. f;,' . jtiv is Keaa. 1 '..',: ' V V : LANE COUNTY WILL NOT RESEEDING FULLY MAKES ;i I HOLD A DISTRICT FAIR t4-.;;..up for all losses s rhFriut:UM:A if itiir: njp' 'hlA'N1 a great special; sale op" the pine spring suits bought in r M m - pd7 m m mW f m m m mmmm - w t- : - J, Xltt JUAW 0 mTTkS Tf A A AmtA Tf east WaWW W -. Mow ds w s w mm m mm m f STOCK OP CAHN WAMPOLD A CO. AT 60 CENTS ON THE $1.00 OP: VALUE. THERE IS NOT MUCH ROOM POR ARGUMENT. POR- THEY ATBlB BY US ANP IT'S A CASE OP WHERE MAN MAKES THE OPPORTUNITY POR MAN. , v Order' of Railway Trainmen May Season Much Earlier Than Usual i LHops . Showing a ' Very ; V Good Growth to Date." ; i ' Run a Big Excursion to ; . University Town. ' 1 . - I .' interest 7 (Sseetal Mustek ts A JoorseU Eugene, Or., April 11. The Inaugura tion of MAyor-Elect r. m. wnniu ana nunctlman.Elsct -Darwin BrlstOW. T. , Garrett. I O. Bockwtth and 8. a : Hpsncer took pleoe at the annual meet ' Ing of the Eugene city council laat night The outgoing mayor la O. R- Cbriaman and tha outgoing eouaellmea T. B. An- Orrson, Ki. rv iftrimu nn jdu vruauue war mad: Chief of police. J. 8. Stiles ; night watchmen. Georg F. Crontr, B. A. nrrlntton: city xiorny,-1.. s. iaa; city eurveyor, Simon Klovdahl; street commissioner, i. tr, iunwr, ininin , street eommlaeioner, W. W. Purdy. . carder, city treasurer and atreat commis sioner aad - tha messsg or tM .ww . ;' L. T4Jf -u' " : - It haa baen decided that no district fair will be held In Eugene thta year. A committee was recently appointed to vlalt tha business men to ascertain what support 'would be given tha enterprise, but It waa found that It waa tha general opinion that an aocownt of tha largo number of Kuiena people who will at - tend the Lewis and Clark exposition, tha district fatr would not be well attended and would, therefore; not be a success. Koseburg will get' tha fair this year and neat, after which If Eugen wants if ah can hare it. Idttto Boy arswaad. ', Word cornea from Acme, en tha lower Bluslaw river, that a litUe son of R. A. Lowe of that place, while playlng'oa the. river .bank fell in and waa drowned. N parrloulara of the casualty are at . band, aa tha only means of communica tion Is by malL , 4 - Tralaaae Bsearstoa. ,: ' Ths Order of Kailway Trainmen, which conducted a big Sunday excursion from various . pointa In weatern Oregon . t I ugn on day laat May, more than !- t people taking advantage of the low rat to vlalt th city, la talking of re- pasting the excursion this year, -One of the officers of th order waa In Eugene yesterday seeking to learn what encour aejement the people here would give th project this year. . ,. ... : ;, ' .,- :, . ; - . Beat of Austrian Soldier. Auguatlne Loiter, a veteran of sev eral Austrtsa wars, having served In th army of Austria aa sergeant-major for It years.' died In Eugene Sunday at the ' age of It years. Heart trouble caused bis death. - Ha leaves a widow, on daughter Mrs. C. A. . Sachs of Eugene, and live sons: In different narta of tha country'. H came to the United Blatea in the early .-seventies a.ni 'to Oregon about is' years ago. , V M - - & ' . m . ' HOW TO GET PRIZES IN w $ PRESIDENTIAL CONTEST ' t pris winners In the' Preslden ' tlal Gueaalng Contest, which was , run In connection with Th Jourv nal. must aend thelr'cartiflcatea ' to The Central Proas association, lie Monroe streeU Cnloafo, 111, which will attend, t the prises, ' , t Seer.l DSfHik tt The Jssntal.) , Forest Grow, Or., April 11 The larg sawmill of William Lyda waa com pletelr destroyed by ,0,1- last night. ;The . mill wsa located four miles north of Forest drove.. It hsd a capacity of 40., 0 feet a day. There wis no Inaur- snce. xnis is-ine tiura Tntii MTi uyda has loat by fir, i About two years ago he loat at large mill located nine miles northwest of this plac on Pales creek. To asy JTISsey sarTerer wn has net tried sir Tmmy I ffer a fall Mter'e vert free., fimt sw maple ast a ragslat eellar settle standard alae aad Maple. Teak se epMlt--BO promuw. Yea taW se risk: The dollar battle Is free herauae atlna la ss erelnsrf remedy, and J feel aa ears jtt Its re sults taat I ean afford to auk tbls off or. , Is tee first plaee, my ramedr does not treat the klesers thessaelees. Sera. . treatawat M wraaf. rr tka kldaey are set te blatse for tbelr weakseaaaa er trref olarlUea, Tker Bare se eewer se twIf-rnotroL Tbejr are operated ss4 ertoatad by a tlay ahred at a serrs which aloee Is neaoaalMe for their oedlUoa. If the m;idaer serve Is street sad healthy the kidneys are stress sad healthy. If the Kidney DarTd sees wrong yea kaow It ky the laerl table ps sblt kidney trosble. . This tender earn si oely es ef a great sys t of serrea; thla ayateai eoetrnls sot only the kidneys, bet th heart and the llrer. and the (tonics, ror sisipUclty'a sake I bie railed this great serve systesi the "Inelde Mereea,' Thrj are sot the nerrea of fer 11 no net the am that enable yea te walk, to Ulk. to set. to think. They are the Beater mm us and every vital ersaa la their (lave. The eesv kea aesje far theae serves Is the "ay pathetic " e" here Me eaeh set Is ta each eloao aysi petby with the ethers, that weakness anywhere reenlte Is weakasae etsiywheis This W why I treat sot the kidney that tt ww dhv ma nM ,pi rm.r m & n wm m i , Thla Is the secret ef siy snereaa. This la why ( I caa afford to do thla snseaal fhlae te glee ewey rRK the flnfdeller sortie, that ANT riunuH ana anew, new my eeede. T - The ee 4a ones to w emisksrs. ee who have ; waa has not trted siy rested. Theae ' me It se set see toe erMese. So roe atuet 'write MB for the free Sol la r bottle order. I will then send foe as order ea yos drnggtat for s fall dollar bnttle. etaadard ataa aad aruu He will paae It down to yes from hie atork ee win aewa tae eiu aa sm Write lor the srdw today, i ,.. , 'Per a free order for Book 1 ea Iyspessls.' . m' rll Sllae BMttle aLank 4 u k Ll 1 re must addreea Tr. . book I ea the K I fleer! KlsmeeS. Shons. Bos m rtf. BOOB ror TV 1110 B- Beek for Mes. Book f ea Bhraenitlnu Rerlne, WU. Stale ' nhlcb Seek ye waaC Milt am are eftea eared fey a stsgls kettle. i x (Xseetal BtaM far sale t forty tbaueand drng ssmsb. . E Shoop's Restorative United States department of agricul ture, climate and crop bulletin of tha weather bureau, Oregon section, for th week ending Monday, April 19; Th winter waa favorable - for . fall- own crops of grain; and grasses ex cept in a few acattsred localities In tha eastern sections, where th cold weather In February killed aome grain that waa not well nrotected br anew. The ra- soedlng of these. are was soon after ward completed. The. fall grain which came through tha winter unharmed la in excellent condition; the plant la wail rooted and it baa atooled-lumurlantly. Forage . cropa have , made escsllsnt growth and pastures and ranges' af ford abundant feed for atock. Lambing la well along and th loaaea have been slight Ooat shearing la nearly com pleted and an averse clip of mohair haa been secured. : The season Is much earlier than us ual, aad the farmer bsvs thslr work well In hand. . Spring plowing haa ad vanced rapidly and many farmer in th Willamette valley have their spring Wheat, all aeeded. Early sown spring grain avrywhr baa com up t a good stand, and the grain orop wensrsJly I In a vsry satisfactory condition. Rapid progress haa also been made In plant ing gardens, and those planted early are making good advancement.' Hops are doing well and the cultivation of th yards la in' active progress; aome vlnea srs far enough advanced for train In end twinlns. and thla work now re- ulrsa considerable - attention. Corn planting baa Just stsrtea in souinern Oregon. ' ' ';'""'"'' - Beversl f roots occurred, during th nsst few days and fruit, which la gn- srslly In bloom, has Buffered to om stent; reports as to tn amount 01 damag are conflicting, but apparently neachaa have been Injured the moat. Poach, plum and pear - trees i bsvs bloomed very run, wane in appte ires are not so full of blossoms aa usual. The aotl Is now' In excellent condition for plowing and germination, but more rain wlU b needed before long, aa It la drying vtrepMiy ;.-; . ' Coast Dlskrio. i ? r-,;f DorsvUle. Columbia county, Joseph Hackenberg Weather favorable for growth of all grains and grasses; or ohsrds in bloom. or begtnning to bloom; fruit outlook good; cattle from fair to poor, but Improving.- " ' Traak, Tillamook county,-F. J. Oebar Weather favorable for all cropa; grass. grain and early gardens growing weu cowa freahentng and Increasing - supply of milk being delivered to all creamer- lee; fruit trees beginning to ouo ana bloom; strawberries la excellent eondl- tlon." v-' . Point Terrace. Lane county, B. J, Am- son Weather warm and sprtnr-liks; farmers . busy planting gardens; any gardana doing well; charrtea. plums. pears, peaches, currants and some ap ples In full bloom; grass growing nloely; all stock In good condition. ' Myrtl Point, Coos county, i ntrong Weather rather cool, but suitable for farming operations; grain and areas at least on month earlier than usual; can alderabl plowing being don; a grwatar nusBbar of creanerlea running now than uaual; stock In good condition;- fruit proa pacts good;" berries In bloom. Corbln. Curry county. W. i White" Weather all thst eould ba wlahad for, snd all cropa noing nlcsly; fruit' trees forward and in good condition; ajocx ex cellrnt; graaa fine. . T fi VVmuMlN Tallar. .Bandy. Clackamas county, P. R. Mstnig Fall grain la extra good and spring own Is growing nicely; weather very favorable for spring . sowing; potato planting progressing rapidly; fruit prom ising: grass growing laeu t , - uuiav Wmaiilns: ton . county. F. IL Maury Weather lavoraoia; lau grain looks fin; , early spring sown up ana growing! all fruit Iron In full bloom; light frosts, but so far no dsmsgs has resulted; esrly gardens .look fin. . i , . McMlnnvllle. Yamhill county..D. Stent e-Cold rain and frusta caused winter wheat to turn yellow, and it needs sun Shin snd warmer weather; does not look so well ss it did 1 day ago; fruit aeema to ba plentiful on the trees, and unless In lured br later xroet tne crop prom- laws well: aorta seeding being pushed. Philomath, Benton county, W. H. Boles Early gardens look well; enloo crop has a aood stAnd: fruit uninjured and gives Indications of a Heavy jrte.a, nop irarda bains eultlvatea. - Monmouth. Polk county, J. H. Moran Fine growing weather, soma llgnt frost, but . no damage; grain nearly all aown; ground In good condition all grain and grasses growing well. " - nervals. Marion county, Soott Jones- Toe week haa been a fin on and plow ing has been reaumad preparatory to owing oata and barley; hop yards have been plowed once; some are starting to plow a second time; bops growing fast being up two feet; twining ins yarue preparatory to training th vlnss haa begun. ' ' ' Brownsville. Unn county, J. t. Hani drain of all kind looks fin; grass on rang good; potato planting and garden ing lii progress, ground In fine condition; clover and alfalfa look weU; fine outlook for all klnda of fruit . : . Applegate. Jackson county, John W. PsrnoU. AU crop looking well; fruit not damaged by frost and well advanoed; soma early potatoea being planted; early gardens growing nloely hope doing wall; considers!)! acres gs will' b seeded or re-seeded to alfalfa. ; ' 1 Drrden. Josephine county,. H. S. Mss- tin. Weather nice and warm until Frii day, when a change to cooler occurred; there wss a heavy frost Saturday morn ing; early fruit may b badiy injured; grain and grasses growing nloely; atock on rang doing well: early gardena up; strawberries - bloomtng. - -i . . Oelmmbia Blvsr Tallsy. ( imnaaho. Wasco county, I. O. Ashen- hurst A good shower at th beginning of th week and warmer weather sines have cauaed grain and pastures to ad vance) rapidly. ,. - - - ' Condon, OUliam county, F. B. Btevens. Weather fin; fall wheat doing well; very little Injured by freeslnr. plowing snd sowing for spring crop well ad vanced; larg' quantity of sod being plowed; 'early gsrdsns planted; fruit crop Injured by frost) ground In good condition to work; stock doing well. More, Sherman county, H. W. Strong. Hesvy frost first of week weather very dry; fall sown whest bsdly 4sm- sged by freeslng. necessitating re ssed- Ing; ther will b a larg acrssg of 7: 1uTrsr ' i V I ' ifCC V W00 V V ed styles.,- Free Distribution spring wheat sown;' fruit of all kinds In good condition, t - i . , Adsms, Umatilla county. C 8.'Prgn. son. Crop" tn fin condition; so far wheat never looked better for th tin of rear; ground In fin condition; pas turns doing wall; stock of an kinds ex cellent; fruit tree are : beginning to bloom. ' except peach,' which were kUled; soms gardens are up. - ,., "... TlaltmM Bsgtom. . ': ! TiurnniervlUe, Union county, C T. Colt Weather warm and all ' vegetation making rapid growth; wheat beins; seed, ed; all work being pushed along rapidly rangs looks fine and atock Improving. Aahwood, Crook county, James Wood. Crops look well; nights a trifle frosty; days warm; rain needed; fruit trees are very backward; early gardeos . good; stock of all klnda doing well; grass ed FOOT CAUGHT IN . : 'i , .-!.. Ji 1- FROG AND CUT OFF Rudolph Olsen, In Alighting From ' ;; Train Meets WJth 'jSt- ; rlous Jnjury. , - (Bpeclal Dttaaleh te Ths fearsaL) v Albany. April 11 Rudolph Olson, a young Swede, -who was beating his way on the Southern Pacific from California to .Astoria, caught his foot In a frog In th yards here at clock laat night while trying to alight .from a freight train, and the train ran over bia foot, cutting It ff above the ankle.. . He bed oome from Cortland, Ct)M on his wsy te Astoria, whsr h expected to secure work with the Alaska Can ning company, and being out of funds. SOUTHERNERS GOOD FORTUNE Sam Hoorer Finds Something Better Than -Gold Mints. ' Ther la no happier man In thla whole wide world today than Bam A, Hoover. f Greensboro, N. C, Vho la receiving th eongratuiationa or niarnend anon his fortunate fjnd ot something better than gold snlne or , oil wella - Mr. Hoover In tvJette to av friend in Port land, wrltsa: -v , .'. . . "Three months ago I waa greatly die treased by nasal catarrh and sntlr deaf. ness In ths right ear. Th labor of hawking and ac raping to get my throat and nassl passages free from th foul secretions deposited there, might be about tqual to that of a slx-muls team with road-acraper to -gat the carta from the rosdslde to -the oenter. X purchased an outfit of Hyomel and Hyomel balm, and as a result of Its ass my head, throat and nassl passages are all free from secretions of any sort only as Kstur dssignsdand my hear ing in botn ears is nearly a scuts as it ever wsa" , ' Ther is no dlsagrcesbl stomach dos ing In using Hyomel; lust, breath It and ita pur fragrance wlir kill th catarrhal germs In th head, throat and , lungs. Hyomel balm uaed In connection with Hyomel, will cur th worst ess of 'ca tarrhal deaf neaa. '. .(- Th complete outfit costs but II. and estra' bottles $rs only' It csnts. Ask Woodard, Clarke A C to show you th strong guarantee under which they sell Hyomel.--It cost .nothing unlets cures. , mB,wm AT NO TTME IM OUR VALUES AS JUST -NOW. THE PURCHASE OP-THE BIG, FINE WHOLE SALE STOCK OF .CAHN; WAMPOLD ft CO. AT CO PER CENT OF WHOLESALE VALUE WAS AN OPPORTUNITY THAT, ONLY .OCCURS TO ANY- RETAIL-' HOUSE AT RARE INTERVALS. (3.85 POR WORSTEDS AND' PURE ALL WOOL CHEVIOTS, CASSIMERES AND TWEEDS, WITH C W.v ft CO.S r LABEL IN EACH SUIT IS GIVING OU R PATRONS NEARLY U00 IN VALUE , ... i "7'.Jj ''.V,..: .:, '' - WTtrf Alt t TTV U 1 MTV.T4 IT HT. Af:1c II N VTI NINH fAlSJK yunial. a 'lMMW-."waia mmm mmmm. ' ' I -J ETS AND GENUINE CLAY WORSTEDS, ALSO SERGES. TWEEDS, CASSI-; J MERES AND PINE CHEVIOTS, OF THE'' VERY LATEST -AND NEWEST f PASHIONS, GIVES YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE A PINE SPRING ; i ctttt. urnnTU'tllflA Tn 2ft"fJO. TN STNHT.r: OR DOUBLE BREASTED SACK ctvt rc urmi-iM TlbTMW.NST" VARTRTY TO SELECT U A MUWf fiaa. - 1 .m n.teie 'a nnnxriT etiinve UrtB STAfW TiTT a anar!af nhowino- of Confirmtlon V and children from 2 to 16 size an inimenst variety in Buster Brown, Nor-, '1 folk, double breasted and exdusire designs, A special sale pf $4.00 Suits," in dark and medium colors and pat-, terns, pure all-wool Norfolk, Cossack and single and double breast-, Do it now. y-V; ';; ;. ' :. ' 455 QC For $5-00 nd some $50 Suits, in Buster Brown, Norfolk, Cos j7JaOtJ sack and double breasted styles ; tan, blue, green, also fancr colors and Mtterns. A most lei?ant showine at a real bargain. ! Spring style Hats, i'; Caps, Shirts, Waists, Hosiery, tc aSSBlWSBBBBBSSSSJSSSl.SS of Balls and Bats: a? Extracted and filled absolutely without pain by our late sclentlflo method, pat. anted and used by us only. "ree zam Inatloa, . ' ' .' vsavotrt ssotU arid thoa who dread having their 'teeth extracted sr Invited to call at bur offlea, where w will dmontrat to inair enure satis faction our flalm for palnls axtract lTKTTJ JTILVTiR riLLINUS. ...'..;..... ..BO) GOLD FILLINGS.. ...7Sd and f .QV VI AND 10 UUliU ' ' ' " crownst::.. .Ts.ixriaa f w.w FULL SET TEETH. .........fS.OO Bdstbn Painless Dentists .v.' taiVa Kommiso re, Ova. Stslsg rraak aad Old Hours I:! a. m. to p. m. Sunday. :so a. m. to fii:sv p. m. To ba aare tot are In the rla-nt nl corns In and get bottle ot Dr. B. I Graver tooth powder, free. beat bia fray. When the extra freight on which he traveled reached thla city h left the engln on which b had been paaslng wood, dropping off the rear end of the tender. '.- Th Injured man'a crlss brought help and he waa removed te lira hospital whsr th right foot was amputated. and th left heel, which had alao been se verely bruised, waa dressed. - Hs was but 0 years old and. haa a relative, one William Arssmlth. In Cortland, Ul, and parent la 8wdn 1. , Korseme Qrgmais. ' Th Albany Driving aasoclstion or- ssnlsed laat night for th4 year" work by electing officer and completing ar. rangementS for tha sssson's work. , Th old fair grounds war taken over, on a lease for a year and th atslls and other property at th half-mile track used laat season were ordered sold. Th officers of ths club srs; W. it Hogan, presl rleett Vale. wteavnresldant: Dr. A J. Hodgea, acrUry: WUllsra Eagles, treasurer. B. D. Wells. O. P. Dannals and Prank Sklpton, trustewa. , ut ' ',: Aaamal SlMtUC.-. Th First Presbyterian church Is I evening held ita annual meeting and th reports of th officers and th av era! soeletlea cf th church snowed an unusually prosperous condition. Follow Ing th annual meeting refreshments wer served. At the roll call 117 mem bers responded to their- nam. , TO BUILD RAILROAD " 77 FROM DENVER TO GULF ;.".''.''" ,..', '"V ' " (Jenrsal Special Srrvtee.) i ' ' Denver, April 1 Arrangements hav - ' ' Soat tent ftwabla. ,' ; ;4 . , It Is a bad habit to borrow anything, but the worat thing you can possibly borrow Is . trouble. When sick, sore, heavy, weary and worn out by tha pains and poisons of dyspepsia, biliousness, Hrlght's dlaeaae, snd slmllsr Internal disorders, don't sit down and " brood over your symptoms, but fly for relief to Electric Bit (ere. Here you will find surer and permanent forsetfulness of sii rotir troubles, snd your body will not be burdened by a load of debt dlsessn. Af Red Cross Pharmacy, Hlxth and Oak street, on the way to the postofflca. 1'rlc tOc Guaranteed. L. HISTORY HAVE Wfl .EVER ' ...i- , j.'',:.',v Uld Euttt DfesS SuitS for bOTS at prices tnat youu luce. '' X'h '''- Pants Suits Estiter Ttoaini GaHady - For little Children and big: children because it com bines the cream of the cane with the cream of the corn. The ; Put np in gohs; Free Top With Every GaH v.f ;-'; ;'v:..."vEFerjr! child can spin the Top -;.: 'yly'l ': ! M to ; i)V; The Towle vSyrup Cd.n Towle'a Top Molasaea and Towla'i Tep Sorshma. ; T A 1 f A f tl O PricM M to SO per oent lower than aptasra Ma7lrMtanmnUL rNostrmf tothlsolnmroredup I I W Mast literal sdvaaees suae as aU srllatas sf valae. at lew rait ef lstareat. Fri- pay ua THE RELIABLE LOAN OFFICE ' . ' ; ' ; r ,' caa mTjaTi aa m sram norusa - .. . . LE.HOLZMAN. Pro. ' 61 Tt!rd CCCt, CCT. bees mad by Edwin Hawley and hi aaaoclates to xUnd th Colorado . Southern railway to th gulf, thus mak ing a through Una from this city t Galveston. . Thf cost of building th ex tension wilt be met by a bend Issue of M.ooo.oeo. -- 1 , - . Th Colorado Southern operates a line of road 1,111 miles in extent, from Orln Junction, Wye., . through Colorado to Ft Worth. Tea. Tha rout to Gal veston will be accomplished by the pur ehss ot th Trinity 4k Braso Vallsy rstlroad and th conetrnctlom of about mils to th gulf. Th construc tion-work has already been contracted for and It ia eipected th xtenslon will be completed In a fear. t. ' , k - ' ' . 'if'. SHOWN SUCH GREAT ;".': ; . .v?v-.. ' ICIJ WUKfKUS. T1H. , . V PROM. IN SIZES Si TO '-' fT " ,,J fVa nVfi.1Tt.AX . CTTAT91T. ..... . i el . t J 'A Hat to Fit Your Faea .... , s, -,'0. America's ' Greatest 52.50 Hat j. Ai (nil, .disphy of Easter, fash- -y r ions,lrf ail the staples and nor- t , V . , .; ; ' ;elties that is shown in the Hat y aiifh' n& " A ; -wortdDo it Now.t;v;8E!t ; ions jirf all the staples and nor 1 ' Tnrrl p'o-- Syrup rj0y met thst csat fce best half - gallons and quarts. 1 i. f , on ta know you are buying oa this plan. I I tj All w ask ia your honesty. Pay a fifth I I 13 ' dosm wear thj Watch bom and I 1 ar tharaaftar. iWtlMtMHatNtMil(ll , NOTICE Tha sun shines. Hanreat when th f rain ta rlpa. - Green' Slab-Wood, 16 inches, $1.73 per lotd."5--. ; ? . ' Dry wood, it inches, $1.50 pet; load. 355 Front St.; Pcrthnd Cr.v.cit Ccrsy .. . - ......... r Ohw. 'j o. A 0C- -;. f tjr;r r-"', f r -30 Styled 30 Shades and Colors HAT - u 1 :.yn mfi e-- . , i. r.:- Do Yea Pitrtnlit tht If YcaDcaX YcaShcdd Good teeth ar ssssntlai t proper ' Without good teeth there cannot ba . Without thorough maatlratfOtt thr cannot be perfect - . v . Without perfect digestion thr cannot Without proper asatmQattoa thara can- not lb ... - Without autrttloa thar cannot ba Without bealtt what1 t v;. I Call and consult a reliable, and -ooa' ynw, .ravua. . aia awu.avu,. oou oaown ivfriv iiiriv irviiiiAi . nviiiivi la iviiuui; ; .eaev4'e4aaBB.OO ' M. .M.eeea.ai.OO sou nT.T.nr IVS .,,.n.,,,oQg ' NewvYork fwiath'-sd Uorrisca Sts. -I J tvar Saaley-sfason's.' Open day and sight, from a, m t.i 10 p. m. 1 Dr.: B. E..v i) il vhSataalfl lesrttst - that r. Ilsvaa sQ psln bs " ' dsntal ' eperaUoaa. " . : 1 i' "S4S Waabiagis soa. Mveatv WRIGHT .e m nasnaiea mmm wmmsa anew about If wendareei ) 51 V 1. w.aii.fc nan aBj vfarair f V L Mea swl 8rn.h9m-htU . a oat TOnrenlent. , Tr be eeeffMannelr t-lkiaa. aena e mmr, sataend nans for li'Maraiaa teas a..-C It fll paruealara aa dlov y wetua e laoiea. TwjtTT.r iy enrrs' A wutrvt. the 'V ' Tr . as "V. - - j- -, . WWUMi,.,. . - V - c:3Tu:: cm:? s vneH by irminajs sf VoWi for tbar e . 'rn wn.le TeeUiliie; for oeer yifty Tears. ' 1 It euouiee tne eelid. eortni the gsna, sUea 1 all pus. sores wind sous, sad Is she ba 1 Af ;y A' 1 . . i . v. ..t t .' 'r' 3 ;T.;'' : 1 V .. V