The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 11, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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v ... MB i TM llj' ir Vf ',-'7" ' '
Setered at the poetofDce et PealoaV Or
ceea matter. - . . - ,,.
toetece ur Huk pl : w se .
pe paper, I ut: It le 80 pagtsj, "
rasxuv umtaiit imnnrinr
rwlta4.Brac.aria Special AdTerusB
las Mwi s treat, bow Xrs;
svmcsotxox mjum
In by Oarrief,
Tba Dally Joero.1, with Saaday. t "! ?
Tha Dally Joaraai, 1 jraar ! S
I ha tell jaarenl. witfc BamJay. aaoatke. J
The Dally JoarnaL with Saaday. t a""-! J2
The Dally jaoraal. t aa.,.. J"
The. Dallr Jmil with Handae.' -13
The Dally journal, wama. ........
lha Dally Jearaal. With Sunday. eoothe.l JO
ee iMiiy joaraai, s moetoe.....
The Dally Joaraai, with Sunday, 1 .neath..
laa halla I 1 . . ...
Ike Bonder JooraaL 1 yaar. ....... ri!2
aha Saaday Jeeraal, eaontke ..... ....,
- Tha Saane-Weealjr Jearaal.
Tha Beal-Weekly Journal. 8 te 18 paea
., aaase, auaetraiew, a
- E&tte.tow
axes, espreaa erdera and assail- aneauata -are
P. 0.-Bo Ml. Portlaed. Or. :
tL. T......1 1.. w toniU aa ' aala at tha
fcoisa. JDAt H. aallar Ca.J W. .,!
BiCAUO PaMofJoa Kawl oapaaj. 1T1 Paar-
aara acraat. - ..
ZlKNVCK. COU. Kcadrlck Bot BUwawpy
eaatpaay. BU BaveataanU atraati waeB,
piltrratB aoa tta airaaia.
ri'NSMUlR. CkUi. MeCarralla.
JUNtAI! AI.KMi Poatalllea Booh
10S ANCKLEh B. r. Qardnar. JowJ
. ortB atraats OUrar Maiaaa, M
hllNSjLAfou at . Karaaaach. M taatt
" lira atract. .
V TOHK CITT Braataao-a. Oalom aaaara.
AHA htUUrd Hotel rtrwi ataBdr Mrflaatt
hlatioair campaay. ISM raraaa) atraat
ai.t uii riTT kna Hatal Kawa auad
fctiiua Mr. aa U'Mt Baron atraaC aoata.
T. LOUIS Philip Boadrr, tawait atraati
t T. Jatf, 80S Ollva atraat. . . .
AN IBANClacO W. K. AMInf. Palaca Bajal
Nawa atand. and 1008 Markat atraati OoM.
aatlth Braa.. 0 Sutter atraat.. aa4 a'at
. Kraaria botal; ronter ft Oraar, Farry koUd
ln; N. Wbaatlay. BM Katoaa atraA
XATTLC Balalar finaaV Kawa ataad; laa lata
Kawa maipaay.
POKANB, WASH Jnfca W. Oarhaal Oa.
kACOMA, WASH Caetral . Mawa aoarpaayl
VICTORIA, 8. a VletorU Beak luUiaaiy
- -j Agonoir. tuxM TOMOKBOw.
w. 'aikM taft Hm mtrmmt. at 1 ft
. a. .aL Mala' of faraltnra and aanaral haaaahoM
ruraiaawaa. t l aiam. una
W1ATEZK BSrOXT. v ' ," .
-rroata, SaaraI1y lbjht.. wmrrnd In acarly
u utUu ml tha aorta Parlae atatra tbla
Unix and tha aoadltloaa ara faTurabla for
fraata aala tanlaht, bat tbay will aot ba aa
Baary Bar anarai aa ioy wera uua aaominai
moraty aoaailioaa cwauaoa la laa aoawwm,
mm,.; haa araairrd la Colorado. Wyoralna. aorth
ara Aiiaoaa, Utah aad tha Taiaa paubandla.
A tbaadaratara. U fapartad at FbaaBii. Aria.,
with braay Mia and Uaht.ValD baa fallas la
axtraBM aoathrra California. Rata baa alaa
ot ia tad la tha Blddla Mlaalaalnpl and Oh la
aiiya. aaa inaaca aonorm im new amum,
Tha tDdh-atloae ara for fair weatbar la tbla
dtairtet Wadaaaday wiu alowiy riaiuf umpera
Waooinff Oarda. W. 6. tadrb Co.. Waak.
lactoa utaa aar. roaxta aaa w ninat m
Daolal E. Bowaua. zi; Kacnrra mmt, u,
waa. W. Hoadtay. 31; Edoa B. Uabbjaont, U.
BOI. Aarll 1, 4a M. aad Jfa., WilUaal T1.
ana trail noiw w rnuiH. www
OMATO April 10. ta Mr. aad Ura. r. Oanta,
S North roarth atraat; a aaa.
CHAMHRRS April 1. ta Mr. aad Mra. K. V.
('hamhera. 414 Eaarett atraat: a danchtar.
HlHiHtft April 8. ta Mr. aad Mra. J oka Ed
ward Hacbca. to aueaifaa atraat. a ana.
BKI.L April a. to Mr. aud Mra. irraak Ball.
' KWI Btantna atraat; a am.
SCHWARTZ April 9. to Mr. and Mra. W. t.
, Bcbwarts, 10M Maoadaai road; a aaa (h tar.
A BDKEB April 10. U
Hoaiai ararlrt Terra. i
DI KN AprU to, uiiiaa Dana. Cblldraa'a Bobm;
ararlrt tmt.
MITt HElJ April 10. Oladya MltehtU. ChlV
drea'a lioaw; ararlat ferer.
rr.H;i8)N April l, Mra. arfonoa. aM Mar-
ahall atraat; dluhtbarU. .
ANDBRHON April a. Otla Aadertoa, 221 Mor-
rta atraat: dluhtharla.
MULKU April 10. Kalpa MIIMT, BBBTCr Bad
llalarht atrraU; BMaalra. -
MACK KNKIE April 10. Calharlaa MirKaaxla,
421 Btark atraat; acarlat ferer. . .
DO VDIjAII April T, J. H. Dondlah. a(d 42
. yeara, at Good Bamaxltaa hospital; cause,
ahatrartloa of howcla. Barlal .at Dona Fir
CAt'tlS April T. rVlta Ganaa, ayed M yeara.
at Hotel Bberapbals; raoaa, aatbma and
tnberrnloala. Barlal at Doaja Fir cametrrr.
BkADLEY April 10. Kettle Oradoa Bradley,
aared 10 yeara," at Saad Ha mar I tan boapltal;
' cauaa. paralyala. Barlal at OTacoa City, Or.
4 "
Crramatortaai aa Oracaa City ear Baa. aaa
allwood; aiudera. arlaatlAe. completa. Cbaraas
Adalta. 14a: rhlMrea. 128. TtalhDra a.
ta a p. at. rortiaaa vrctaai
rarUand, Urcgoa.
raaaraj alreetora and anbalraara, 230 iblrj
traat.. fbaaa BOT. , . , t
J. P. Haley di Hon, faaaral aleeetara and
wibalaMra, roraar Third aad Madlaoa a treats.
OfAaa af eouty roroaer. Talepaoaa Mala a. ,
Faaaral wreaths aad eat flow era a aaarlalty
at Reaa City Uraaabaaaa. Twtataaooad and
Caat Marrlaoa. opa. eaawtary. .
' OUrk Braa. for aawtra. 2W Morrtaoa atraat.
HAHX Aorll 10. WlllUaj tlaba, rep.lra to
eJAeaoa. Twelfth hatweaa U.I. mmA
atraete; coat Sift. -- .
TAN UK) April 10, J. Taa Loo, dwelllaf.
Blsaiark hxweea TUlrtaaalb Aal foortaantk
.m, am
"BOUIAN April 10. Martla U Ralmaa, dwe.
ubc, noruiwOT oaiweea aaaoa and BMd-
ara atraats: mat, t2.au0,
BVLXJ VAN April 10, C. A. nlllaia. rapalra
ta aalooa. Williams aeetme bet wee a Fremont
aad Beeel ftreets; cost $m.-- .......
Bit IMN1 April 10. 1. II. Klrhmaad.' re.
pairs w dwalllaa, Kast Thlrtreeaad between
Itelaaoat aad Kaat Morrlaon streets : eoat, tWku.
BK kV AprU 10. H. B. Rica, dwrlllna. Waaca
aetwraa Twaatyeeoad aad Twenty. third
1 street! ; east, 12.OO0. . . .
UMIIORD-AprU 10, leor taacford, ra
aalra ta reaioeaea, 1 wealyeool batwasa
1 iari ana a.ecrrt atreeia; coai. soot I.
nolAIAN April 10 Daisy A. Ilolntaa at at., t
: atory frsata balldlnit, Waablaytoa between
Meretitaautk Bad . Klfhtaaatb streets; cast,
, tlCOOO. : , . v ,y4 . waiai Aaeaam
iBdward Mendeaball to . Msttbleaaa.
sooth H 't blork t, rtty jiJ00
C. H. Tbayar aad wife to W. laefcaaa.
' pi era property beclaalad anatkeaat aar' "
aer hkerk . Jasaea Juboa aadltloa
Mary T. Htrunf et al. to B. Ualllanata, ,
traa'a addltloa d.Boft
t: 1. Brink aad wlfa to I. W. Kendal
at al.. Jot. 14. Moa 11, Uaeom Park
Aanaa 1.000
twlltnc rt a I to A. I. IIMeaberc.
fc'ta -J i. inraaalra. Mark a. Iarel. .
weed l-atk 230
touuaa F. lica at at. to O. B. Vaa '
i" iiy e-oaraai, a atonus.. I ua
1 ha ball, JoanaL with Sunday. aaentke. l.BB
Tke Daily joaraai. T axnUta -iJ
2 aa bally J avail, with Bunder. 1
lee Dailr. nee week. eeU.erea. Baaeey
Sentiment of Fandom Favor.
. Reception for Portland :
' '. '. Team. "
' '.,;t '';r: (
Grandstand Repairing, Is Ar",der
-. ndJfi'BIIU riVSva .
:0; Season Are Bright ; '
rina waeV from tomorrow tha Portland
baaabaJl toarn will opem tha ball aaaaon
in, tha conteatlnff taam being
tha Loa Ant-alca nlna. From tha ooi
atvowiDK Blretuly roada by Manarer Mc
Cradla and bU men. for which tha local
fana ara and should b Juatly proud,
soma aort of appreciative .demonatra
tlon should ba made in the team's honor
either when they arrive Tuesday eaen
Inc or Wednesda before the came. o
far PortUnd has mora than proved the
early predictions mua resarwu u
. . j .kiut Aa hew man. da
splt-'th4 rtoonvenlences experienced
ourlngeay. irauuns tna
felt In playlnf the openina; sames away
from home, eapeclally whan the oppo
nents happen to be a team of seasoned
players. '.. -.
in.. e. . homo wars more than
della-hted at the bold start Portland-
made whan the two iirpi gamin war.
handily taken from the Angels, and from
.v. . mkIImmI on erent about the CltV It
UW WVM..UV.,W " . "
looks aa If A hearty reception Is in store
for the boys upon their return. If some
one would but" take the initiative and
a tart the ball roll In. The chances for
Portland: returning wun a percewmca w
.too ara very blight, as there la but
ii. i. ..v. ih.i aifnTrarila'a nine is
stronger than Oakland, both In fielding
and batting. Bnouia roruw ma
aeries,' that is, four out f n
to be played, a percentage of .600 will
be oppoatte . Portland's name .in ma
t . k..' kn nih an aaa alnce a Port
land team has done anything like what
McCredle has accomplished this year,
not to say anything about the thousand
I..-.. v.mi. .nA h laannolntmanta that
luckleaa fans are heir to, that a real
respectable standing auring me oponms
games is such a surprise and treat that
. l. - a-ithrnia nan Viarrllw believe
ui .auva . -
It, hence their timidity In touching off
the bonfire. ' -
. rt.wa Kail Vaama In thla CltV are Bl
scarce as new ideas, and now that there
Is sliver lining in roe aay, aneauins
l. avaele a rsA fuanl liaTht UDOn
n t.-A'm tjam lat tha local fan-
dom awaken and rise to occasion and
stand by the taam te a man, giving uie
men the kind of a reception to which
an honest wall meaning aggregation is
entitled. I t
After many delays, during wnicn time
it looked as if nothing would be done
towards repairing . the grandstand
and bleachers at Recreation park.
Work will begin tomorrow morn
ing by - exposition workmen, and
If the . weather remains good.
h nA atafed win bear a rejuvenated:
appearance k week hence. , Secretary
e A., haukall aaaAKtatlnn. tiaa
tPVIl lUi Wl
had the fence wtralghMned, repaired and
painted, and it presents a so""
ance. Mr. isiy aiao naa "iwjuuin w
readlnead lor tne opening gamca.
; The arrangements for the big field and
track meet to be held at the Columbia
university Saturday, April IS, Have been
completed, and from the.' number and
class of the entries so far recorded, the
air -promises to ecllpae anything at-
lemptea at toiumuim neiora. -
.The Oregon Agricultural college track
team will be represented by 11 athletes,
who are well known on the tracks of the
northwest: - The Agrlcs wno will eon
teat are Smtthson. .Williams, Swan. Gra
ham. Cathey. Beach. Howard. OreenhalL
Moores. Sims and Cronlse. These stn-
letes will be accompanied by Coach
Btimaon and Trainer Trine, and confi
dently expect to carry off the honors for
Paclflo university at Forest Grove will
send a five-man team, comprising mil-
brook, Petersen. Oaten, Boyd and Diner
nick, all of whom have excellent records
in events of this kind.
The local Y. M. C. A. team will com
prise seven crack athletes, under the
direction of Physical instructor uaDDitt.
Tha association entries are Livingston,
Bscchus, Wilson, Parrott, Harrison, Bal-J
ley and Poplo. - ;
The state university af Eurene will
send three men with Captain Hug. and
the quartet the cream of Ore
gon's track athletes and are expected to
bring home the honors. .
The other competitors will come rrom
Fort Stevens. Forest Orove soademy,
Portland High school. Multnomah Ama
teur . Athletio club and the Columbia
university. .' " ;
itobtz rosTXJurs
The North Portland team won two
well played games on Saturday and Bun
day, defeating the Nonparlels by a score
of f to and the' North Paclflo Dental
college team by the score of t to i.
The lineup of the- North Portland
Notiparlel game: ..
North Portland." . Nonparlels. :
Harold ...........e.....
. . x iiunina
M. Dranra. ...
p........... Crandall
Ooddard ,,a,.2h.w.,,va Terlan
Campbell Paff
Turk ss..V Reed
Lensacher .,.....rf .......... Hoffman
McPherson .-cf Lamotte
Harris ......... ..If Llghty
iWirteea, kta g and T. block CotK
i. U llartman at al. to W. V. Joha
nna and wire, lot . mors s, aubdl
Tlaloa St. Jobna HelitaU
frank Loratnto E. M. Lor tea, lot ,
blork S3. Afblna
Jeanetta Oaodmaa et at to T. X. Ab
bott, mh la waa ia, oioes i, rare,
dlaa Tract; 12x100 feet befinnlnf
southeast corner kit 14, block 7, Fare
diaa Tract addltloa
Alexander D. barlroa and wlfa to J.
UMNimaa at al.. lota l ana J. Mori iz;
lota IS and la, block T. Paradise Rprlng
v..t t .
Bark Land company IS O.' M. rtontwell.
lota SU, si aaa . smci n. uniaaraity
fark--. r i..
P. II. Marlay and wlfa to M. Goodman.
12x10(1 tart eaat ana adjoining iota 11
and la, block T. Faradlee Bprlnfa
Traet ,
Perdtaand Otilts and wlfa to H. t. Cat-
bill, lota S aad d, block Z3, SulUraa a
t. A. Hart and wlfa ta . Larara, lot 7.
block 2. Metsyer ddltlna
Srottlah-AmerV-aa Ineeatment rnropaay to
city, certain riant to lay water mains,
etc.. la rettysTovo Bear Tall street. .
Hary B. Bradford to J. ' P. Ketrtfen,
anem m arrea oeviantna aentawaat cor
ner eertloa IS, towasbls 1 aeetb. ranys
2 eaat
afOTXOa 10 AMATaTOM. y
All notices- of amateur base-,
ball ' games, challenges and ath
latlo events must be sent to this
office before, t o'clock s. m. on
the day for publication. Ama
teur mariagere Should pay at
tention to this rule, ss the keep
ing of It wilt insure a proper '
report - of their doings. rl'he
Journal, . .
Captain Latpurette Is Rounding
: Up Men for Pig-t
- skin Struggles.
(Special Dlapatck ta The Joan-sat.) , '
University of Oregon, Eugene, April
11. Althoush It ia rather early In the
season, Manager StMwer knd Captain
Jack Xatourette ara-getting their plans
In shape for the next years footbau
season, which will open here at the unl
veralty Beptemher IB. The coach for
next season has been the main point on
which they have been working, and It Is
almost definitely decided that Duell, a
fast half n the Columbia - university
teem of last year, and strongly .recom
mended by Dick Smith, and who haa been
A teammate of Smith's for three years,
will ooach the team. . Duell Is a big, fast
man, and has played guard, tackle and
halfback on- the blue and white team.
He has been offered a place as assistant
coach on the team for the next season,
but desires to - come west. - As Dick
Smith will be practicing law In Astoria,
It will be -almost Impossible for hlnr to
be here all the time, but he will be In
fcugene the earlier part of the season
to get the squad la shape and supervise
Duell's work. Hs wilt also give- the
team' his attention during tha season
when be can spare the tune, as ne no
stras to do all he can for,, his alms
mater. --. "--'.. .;.
' Two teams, A and B, are playing. - A
Is at the bat In the last half of ths ninth
Inning. The score Is to 4 In favor of
B. Two men are out, a man on second
end another on third. The batter bits
the ball Into fair territory, but It Is not
a hit. There Is no putout, no bane run
ner hit by the batted balk no assist and
no error, and yet A wins the game by a
score of to 6. What was the playT
Readers of The Journal are Invited
to send thetr answers to the problem to
the sporting editor. f , ,
The following answers to The Jour
nsl's baseball pussle, published yester
day, were received, and are as follows:'-
Snorting Editor or Ths Journal: l
think that it was a blocked ball, and be
fore it was returned to the pitcher the
two runs came In and the batter reached
first base. MILDRED MEYERS.
Snorting - Editor of : The Journal:
When pitcher delivered balL' man on
third started for plate, man on second
for third. ' Battar hit ball to second base
and beats throw to first. Overruns base
and runs for second, and while first and
second baseman are chaalng him up, two
men score. 1 ' ' C. BAETZOLD,
Xll vine street, city.
, Sporting Editor of The .Journal:- ;A
hits a aTosnder to the second baseman.
who makes a good stop and throw to
first basemsn. The first baseman
oatches the ball all right, and before the
batter knives. The runner touches first
base: the umpire calls him safs because
the first baseman did not have his foot
on tha base: the baseman becomes ex
cited, goes to Mok the umpire, .while on
the hit, and through the other runners.
score. - - .- s.
' . , Portland, Or.
' Sporting Editor of The Journah - Re
ferring to pussle In your paper, I think
I would suggest .the man at bat makes
a slow bunt along the third base line,
and the man on third runs In, and tha
man on second advances to third. : ana
on the throw, to first the man on third
runs In. ' EDWARD H. bkubo,
I ; - . (04 Oak Street, City,
(Journal 8 pedal Berrtca.l ...
Memphis, April IL Miss Ines, while
leading the bunch Into the home
stretch yesterdayj fell and broke her
neck, and Lady Savoy won the race, the
event - being the Tennessee Oaks, at
Montgomery track. Jockey Phllllpa had
a narrow eecape from death, summary:
Four furlongs Jurist won. The Sara
cen second. Charlatan third; time, 0:60.
. Seven furlongs Lieutenant Rice won.
Old England - second, Qolden Mineral
third: time. 1:10. . .
Six furlongs Ivan ths Terrible won.
John SmulSkl, second. Pinker ton third;
time. 1:14H..
Tennessee Oaks, S-year-old fillies.
Bweepatakas, value $4,750, one mile
Lady Savoy won. bis leee secona, uruia
third; time. l:43 Vs
Flve and a half furlongs Lady Ka-
varre won, Oadow Brcese second, Rustlo
Ladv third: time, 0:51 H.
Mile and a sixteenth Uncle Charley
won, R. F. Williams second, Auromsster
third; time, i:4j. .
'' Baelaf ia Oaliforala.
San Francisco, . April 11. Favorites
had m fair deal at Oakland yeatarday,
three of them winning. The track was
fast and the finishes were exciting.
Summary: ' ;
Three and a balf furlongs--Chantllly
won, Legal Form second, Mldmont third;
time. 0:41. ' - i
Six furlongs Ocyrobe won. Sterling
Towers second. Toupee third; time, 1:14.
One mile Sincerity Belle won, Spon-
doollx second, Royal Red -third; time,
1:41. '
Mile and SO yards Bab won, Qolden
Ivy second, Posssrt third: time, 1:44. -
Five and a halt furlongs Ruby won,
Neva Las vecond, Peggy OJeal-thlrd;
time, 1:07.
Six and a hair ruriongs High Chan
cellor won, Tocolaw second, Morlta
third; time, 1:20.
' (Jearnal gaaetal Serrlea.)
. Tacoma. .Wash- -.April , 11. Tommy
Burns, the Chicago boxer, who is sched
uled to meet Dave Barry In this city
In the near future, rescued an Infant
from almost certain death yesterday.
Tha. child waa In Its carriage, which
got away from the mother and rolled
down a steep bill, and Burns perceiving
the dsnger, gave chase and overtook the
runaway lust ss It was going over tha
curb, and reatore'd the little one to Its
mother, who was almost frantic.
to stof woatBaT BatTTnra. -
(Jeeraal Beeelal BeraleO
New York, April 11. Th Jockey cluhj
na insuea an edict wnicn is to prohibit
official messengers' going through the
stands and accepting wagers from wom
en spectators.
Fighing FansTpf Opinion That
' i James J. Can't Be; "'
' - Whipped.. 1
Should Champion Retire Ken
tucky Boxer Might Wear.
. Heavyweight Honors, v
Must James J. Jeffries, heavyweight
champion of the earth, go through life
uawhackedj Must hs reign till old
sge and decrepitude force him to re
tire, and then go to his ranch without
ever feeling the Joyous sensation of a
knockout, without ever hearing, faintly
and ..through a whirring lias, the
voice of the referee announcing ITan;
and out?" - It looks that way. despite
the earnest attempt which was msds
only a - few nights back to find the
giant a fitting ad veraary., - - ,
Now that people have had time to
reflect upon the Hart-Johnson battle.
and all that It showed to the critical
aye. tha same old - feeling - of dls-
oouragemenL. of Impossibilities un
realised, has setUed on the fans. It
Is candidly admitted by everybody that
the ' best Hart could hope for would
be a decent showing and an ultimate
wallop oh the jaw. He has as much
chance to win- as a snowball on a hot
griddle. The long and rangy Johnson.
of course, was really a Joke all the
time a' harmless black bugaboo,
stuffed and inflated . to - frighten Jeff
fries, -but without any qualities which
would scare the champion as much as
finding a bullfrog In - his bed on
sleepy morning: Johnson, In a fight
with Jeffries, would -not -have-rumpled
the champion's hair. Jeff would have
walked over to htm and swung twice.
The negro's heart would have Jumped
uri in his mouth with such Impetus that
the shock would have knocked him over.
Bo- much for Johnson, and" what - for
Marvin -Hart? Nothing at all,' except
that he Is strong and game!
. Hart Is a fins young man though.
no soring chicken a good fighter.
and plenty good -enough to contest for
the heavyweight championship. If there
were no Jim Jeffries In. the way.. He
could be safely trusted against all the
men who now move In the heavyweight
sphere, with the .one exception or the
champion and against the champion
Marvin seems to have no show. For
this gigantle Jeffries Is not only
huger man .than Marvin, but he excels
Hart in all thopberers-of the -ring, even
as he does In slse. Vest as he is, he Is
actually quicker snd fastsr on his feet
than Hart, and can go round a ring
with a speed which the Kentucklan could
never equal. Beefy and clumsy-looking
may be his arms and hands, but they
can fly, around at a clip too fast for
Marvin. The generalship of ths ring In
every detail Is all on the side of Jeffries.
The hitting power Is all on the aids of
Jeffries. The defense, the ' ability to
stop blows snd then return them light
ning faat-fhese things are also with
the champion. Such la the relative skill
snd flxhtlng powers of the men that
Jeffries could , whip Marvin Hart were
the two men of equal slse. This being
the fact what chance has Hart against
a man who knows more about fighting
than he .does,, and Is a much larger
fighter? I - (.
- No the heavywtKht laurels will not
hs yanked from Jamas -J. Jeffries this
season, and. the y anker, when the yank
does come, will -not be Marvin Hart If
Jeffries carries out his announced In
tention of retiring Marvin Hart rooks
like 'a pleasing and popular candidate
for the vacancy, but Marvin Is destined,
so far as personal encounter with -the
champion Is concern ede to get nothing
better .than a lovely licking. '
Somewhere In the world today Is the
man who is destined to whip James J.
Jeffries if Jeff keeps on battling.
Somewhere In the great list of dally
tollers Is the . youth who shall some
day wear the crown, but the general
nubile . doesn't know Just where, and
neither' does the young man hlmaelf he
hasn't dreamed about It. Perhaps he
Is working th a farm and thrashing
other pumpkins in father's barn after
the chorea are done. Perhaps he Is
wearing -the- ilua-jacket of -Uncle Barn's
good navy, and knocking out other
Jackles In sportive competition. Maybe
he is swinging a sieage in a oiacanmitn
shop and developing a whack like that
of Bob Fitsslmmons. Wherever he Is,
and whatever he Is, he Is a giant In his
stature, a Sandow In his strength, for
such must be the man to wnip Jerrnes,
and such a man will some day come
unon the fistte scene. " Until such
msn appears it looks as though the
mlnhtv champion . Would reign un
checked. with not a soul to balk his
sway. . . '-
.voajuxa nruT saxxjls.
" 'Special Dtapatck 'to . The Jofersal.,
- Dallas, April 11.-The Dallas Athletio
club's bsseball team played the Mon
mouth Normal school team ai Mori-
mouth Saturday afternoon, - losing - the
same by a. score of 11 to 7 in favor
of the normal boys. . Thorpe pitched for
the stats normal. .
(Special Dispatch t The Journal J ,
' McMlnnvlUe, Or, April 1L The tax
payers here, in a vote today, decided to
bond the city in order to raise funds
with, which to Install a new water sys
tem. . All taxpayers, both menand wo
men, 'were allowed to vote. However,
only 117 votes were caat 141 were for
and 41 against leaving a majority of
7 votes in favor of the bond.
- The project Is put In ths hands of a
commission, which Is authorised to Is
sus ths bonds. This scheme has been
the-subject -' of much dleouaalon, alnoe
last year. There are two lections, one
In favor of getting water from Baker
creek, which will neceesltate almost
twice the amount ol pipe needed. If the
water is taken . from, near the head
waters of Cowles creek. There are
several large springs In that section.
especially ths Hauser, Hartman and Mo-
Call springs; also in this, region ara nu-
JCAs-nTTAcrrrjans or
Chimney Pipe, Sewer Pipe, Fire-
Proofing. Drain Tile, Building
Brick, Flue Lining,. Vitrified Pav
ing Brick. - v ..1..
Diamond Crick Co.
Office and Tard Foot Ankeny BL,
Portland, Or. Phone Main 111.
Absolutely the best furaishment for YOUR needs ever
we have a mighty stronsf proposition to make you. i
Come and see the BEST
'J On Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments
Trat I-ess than Elsewhere for Cash " :
The Portland Loan Office
,. . ... -w - .-.,.-... ...... - '
Marx w&Btoch,
$1 a Week
Your : Spring change In .
? ' good form bujr ;
yQnder- t
wear ,
Will make you feel like a
new man becausei of its :
health - giving properties.
Try it and judge foyoui-i
self. It receives the in-.,
dorsement of physicians
the world over, as well as '
everybody who wears it
'Ask for free booklet. .
Hotel Perkins Bldg. ": '
merous other springs, wtilch can be
tapped 'as oocasion demands. ' In either
eaae -situated di
rectly above the 1 Masonic cemetery,
which la tO. feet above the city. No
definite courae has been decided upon,
but the latter- seems ths most feasible.
- (Special Dlapatck ta The Jearaat.) '
Corvallla, Or., April IL The Benton
county oourt Is offering two prises for
ths best -collections of Benton county
woods, to be exhibited at the Lewis and
Clark fair. . Tha .prises, will be awarded
at the May term of court.
Iogan llayea, who for 17 years has
been manager of ths' Western Union
Telegraph office snd agent' of the Wells,
Fsrgo Rxpress company In Corvallla.
has tendered his resignation from both,
and Is to go to Portland April 18, where
he will become assistant cashier of the
Oregon Barings bank.- Krnest Miller be
comes msnsger of the Western Union
Telegraph office here, but no successor
has yet been appointed lor the Wells.
Fargo company." . ,
Props. '.
' : n.
!E3 iw2C3 PlJ2r rvQuOCO ' " . '
Phone East 812 for our
mattress on the msrket
$1 a Week
74 Third Street
$1 a Veek
The Hew Northwest
Is ; wsll ' represented by ' '
prose and verse Id ' r .
;h:;v-:aprii.: 'iyy
Sunset Magazine
"With Lewis and Clark,"
'hy Julia Fraawr, la ''
. other well Illustrated ar- ''
, ;J tlcle - about Portland's "
- great expoaltlon, and peo- :
pie of the Northwest
-' ' should read It snd send "
n , It east -Other articles ' ,
include: "American For- ;
," eat Congress," "Japan's i .
: Mission In the World,9
Tree Telegraphy," eta. ;
v ,' , Good short stories and .
. '.. verse..
Headquarters for"
and ;.
Thbtl and Yamhill Stsv. 1
. cn. Gu::.Ts
ticca s tc::is
. MaaaaamaaaaiMa
Asttas es the'Staed sad Ntraas It raplseas sal less
aai Piaaaas, Oiawaiar Bias laa naa.
To aWa Hm sas gtraiaytAf ft Hi), ' -T
S.aaaea IVsstiisai fnm Af Oaiwa
fa Ormmtw Mmrvm ferae, re waraaa fa Ittmn.
nSfmUui - T Sim MaaOy Sraaa,
fs Stat Kl itf I Kg Ih (ara T luk L ear Aettrm.
TtOmtKldnit Daaaaa Tm Htmm$ Lhtr tftt,
U 0 ass0aar. U Cava Jaapasafa v
WiaiaM atf Oeasf awZaa,
f OFrHICC,lla.MXSS0XUla.
m. aoaAarxo oo, rarxLADsxraaA, a.
From the sad experiences of others who
were shipwrecked In the business worl
because of their lack of knnwledaa. nf
up-to-date commercial methode. what
you want to know la the quickest and
moat successful ways of doing busi
ness. Why not take the - courae -In
Bookkeeping and Shorthand that we Of
fer T
lJrth and Morrlaon was. Jtojrtland, Or.
Open all tha year. Cell or send for
. a-auuogue, - .
.' - .awatsasaaaao
ofTered. In addition to that,
; 1 , "., - V
lEa Portland
- 10RTLANI, OBJtOON.-- ; -Aawarican
Plaa $3.00 a Day
' -,
Special rates tnade to families '
and single keatlemen. - A modern '
Turkish bath esUblishraent In the
la tke worst eiaaaaa aa
earth, rat the aasleac
te eora WHKN XoU ;
VO. Vaay have pirn-
plea, -. spots en tke
akla. Bene -la - tba
sxMta, alears.' fklllag
kalr. Docs palaa, ca
tarrh, aad aoa't laow .
It la BLOOD POISON. Band te DR. BROWN. ;
s Area at. PMiadelpkta. Peaa.. far BROWN'S.
BLOOD CURE, 12.00 par 'kettles laeta aa.
aauiita. gold la l-ortlaee aaly ay yraak Naa,
Portland Hotel Pbanaaey. e
- oixz - voncss.'
M iLw ' riufi.
Ntle"ii herebr gtvea that tbeO-aBefl
af tke City et Portland, Oresoa, at a aaaatlas '
keld aa taa eb aay of April, 1006, declare
tke aaaeaaaaaat by erdlaaace Ne. 14, MO, foe
Ike Impeoreeaafit of Kaat Alder atraat, froae
Ike eaat Una at Kaat Talrtr-alsfctk atraat -te -'
tba waat ilea ef Kaat Tblrtj-alatb atraat.
la the asasaar srevMaS hy ardlaaaea He. 14.- '
tut. a poo aaek lot, part af lot aad parcel af
lead, which are specially aad pecallari kaaa- -ted.
to ba as follows. la: j
LAND BLOOk t. lat f . OL T. Bowaai. M M,.
M S, a T. Bowes, (U TS; let S. 3. T, -Bewea,
$XT; let 10. Berths Taa Tkiek,
- t80.S: lot 11, Georee M. Btraaas, fM.e: lot
. ia. Weoras II. Btraaaa, to M. BLOCK S.
kt I, Mary P. Harlar7aa.Ti lot tV-Atary P. .
Harley. pUM; tot S, Mary P. Itarlay. Mi.SSi
; lot 4, O, W. sad Maraarat T. Aleaa, in
. hrt . O. We sad Maraarat . Altaav ta4.W
. lot , . W. aad Itarsan V. AUaa, i., :
TetaC S7S4.S1. - 1
sA aUteaseat a afeaaaald- lamaul baa -btea
eatered - la tke Docket ef City Uena, c
aad la now dae aad . payable el taa afar
ef tke City Treaaarar. la lawful aaeaey et '
tke United BUt-a, and If -aot said wltkla.r.
Be ears fraai tke '-data . ef tbla aotlea anrw ...
proeeediasa will be taken for the eel lee tow
af tba aaase aa are praelaad by tke charter .
ef tke- City ef Fertlaad. -
Tha - aboea aaaaaaawat will bear sBtereaa -
jo aaya aiisr ua ana seancatiaa ei ui
Aaottar et tba CltT of Partlaad, -Oresoa. --
Portland. Oregon. Date ef Brat sakltniUeee
April 10, -ISO. , -. ' .
tor ntraorntxaTT . oi
ur ujin inm. ' I
Narlee bereby glvea that the Oaasril.
ef tba City ef Partlaad. Or roe, at a BMetlaf
keld aa tba 6tk day af AprU. ISO, declared -tke
aaeeeaaaeat by erdlnaaoa No. 14.528, for
tke lasproreaetat ef Beat Alder etraet. frees -the
eaat Ilea et Beat Tklrty.foBrth street so
tke weet Ilea of Baaarslda Third Addition,1
la tba asaaaer pro Tided by ordtaaaoa No. 14..
lis, apaa each lot. part of lot aad parrel'
et land, wklra are a pedal if aad ReceJiarly!
beaeflted. to be aa fnllowa. els:
BLNNT8IDK BLOCK S, tot 1. Samaet Aader.
aoa." kr - totnte, Basil lot I. -
Mra. Dalaaa ltltcbell. 10.21 1 lot B, Andrew,
V Nelson, 1.7; lot B. Andrew NebM, $14.03 1
lot IS. Aadraw Nelaoa. f 1AM aortb U I B
feet af tot IB, Lealae Ceaay,; Berth
, SB 1-B feet of lot 13, Lsaiee Caaey, 11.18;
-waat B0S4 feet of aonth BBS-8 faet of to
!. W. 8. Drake, 121.06; eaat B feet of Booth;
a 13 feet of tot 13, Ira O. R hat tar , l.oe;
aoatb SS 1-1 feet of tot It, Irs 0. ghattack. e I
Smith, .fJ8.71; waat IB feet of tot B, a B.
Bmltk, IT.71; east SB feet af lot B, Jennie
' C. Croaler. fIS.OO; tot, . Bunoel H. Bmltk,
821.10; -lot 10,, Samnel B. Bnrtk, BIT.T4I
.lot 11. Laretta M. Tarlar, flB.73 fat IV
Bsaiuel H. Bmltk, tXt.M. '
, tot IS, Title Guarantee A Treat Oonpaay,!
BB.CBj tot IB, Title rfinsran tea Traat Cam-1
aane. 0.ST; tot 14flHle Uuaraatae TraaB
CoBipany, 0.BB. . ,
SUNN r BIDS BLOCK B, fat 8. WV fef. Unekle.
tXLK; lot B. W. If. Moekle, B0.13; lot 4.
W. M. Moekle. $0.08 i lot T, W. If. Moekle,
811.0H: tot 10. W. M. Moehle,1 $11.08; tot 11.
W. M. Moekle, 8111.01; tot 14. Aioaao P.
s,a,. L la w mf A lima
P.V, ,1 Vl . ' ...'TOW . .WW, W ' W-
lot 1. Title Onarantae A Traat Comoaa. -
$2.00; tot B, lille Guarantee A Traat Com.
' nana, $o.S6: lot Title Onaraatao Treat
Catapany, $0.88. Total, $441. TS.
A atatrnieat ef aforessld aattaawrst bas
beea entered In tba Docket ef Cite Liens, -aad
la now don and parable at tba efBre
ef the City Treasorer, In lawful awney of
Ike United Btatea, and If not paid wltfel
80 dart from tba data of tela aotlea aaek
proeaedlnse - will be t a Ire a for tba collection
of tke same aa are provided by tba charter
ef the City ef Portland. t . .
Tba akor assessment will bear In reran t i
10 days after tke Brat pabllcatloa of this
"T"' -' ' TH08.' C'riRTMN. ; j -
' Antlltor af tke City ef Portland.- Orefmj.
Portland. Orefoev Pate et Bret pokilcitlea,
April lOr-lBOB. - - - '
PROVUflST or ssooso nun.
Notlee la berenr 1en tkat the Conaell ef
the City ef PortUnd, oresoa, at a. aieetlne -,-keld
on the Btb aay of April, lenB. declared
and, drbsou, at a. meeting
lay of April. 1900. declared
it kr erdieanoe Ma leftM, lor tke
ImproTement of Second street, from tke center
line of Artbnr street to tba aorta Una af .
Woods street la the Btsaner prended by ardl.
naaca No. liblrjl, apoa each tot. . part et tot
and parrel af land, wblck are apecUllr aad
necnnsrly benefited, t ke-aa follows, eta. t - -CARl'TMRRM
ADDITION -to Carnthen addltloa
to tke tlty ef Portland BLOCK M, kit 1,
R. V. sauta. asvau, mi aj. u. smith.
em tke
$fll kd; a parcel of Und lylas betweea tke
aea-tk Una of Wooda street and a Una 9in
feet smith pf and parallel wltk tke aontk
Una of Hooker street snf betweea the west
line ef Beennd treat, and S Una 100 feet
west thereof aad parallel therewith,' R. C.
Smith. $141.12: total, $211.08. . '
A atateeaent of aforesaid a-aeasaent ' ktt '
heeS entered la tba Ikwket ef Ulty Llena. and .
to bow due aad payable at tke office of the
Ity Treaaoree, rn lawfal money of tke United
Btatea and If not paid within thirty days from
the data jnf thla Dotlce, Buck proceed Ui will
be take for tke eolleetloB ef the eaaaa as ara
aroTided by tke ckarter af tba City ef fort-'
The ahaea aaaeeaaMnt wilt bear Interest tea '
days after the Brat poMlratlon of thla net Ice.',
- , TII08. C. DEVLIN. I
... ' Andltoe ef the Clly of Portland. Oreaed.
??!?. 1- " PebUcattoo,, Portland, oregoa,
, April 10, 1MB. . . . ,
' -