Tii2 cr.rcc:; daily jcur.::AL, i ctlax:j. ODAY'S MARKETS :::iEl PRICE, 111. FAKCY POTATOES Dealers Art Bidding Up in Order t to Purchase the Better Grade - :'f. " t&U 5tockt.,.;.u: i WITH SUPPLIES NOMINAL ; - ONIONS ARE GOING Up Detter-Tone in Egg; Market Creamery : Butter Weakens antTDeclines Again. rmut Street, April II. The Vr3pst feetsrea ef Om rartlaad wnoleeaia msrseis iiwuf j ' Terpentine Jhr advanced. -" ' v'i ;.i6-aaey potatoes much higher. . .'.-.- ... . - - Onion valor atlll climb, r " ' , INmltry atlll rare end klgk. ' ' "; . Better, torn te egg market. , - Cmara better le tower aga'a. " ;"7 ? , Kaluw plentiful and down. . ",,"'. vt -Toe drrae.d areata better. , t t , Tone la wheat and Boor sail. . ' - Taaey 'lMaaeee CIubb Higher. . . Tk demand for taaey Oregea potatee kaa become ao atwooanced hi to California aad eeuinweetrm market rhor - price ara being forced HI with loaf efrldee. Lata yeeterdny 'j nfnrMN and today aa high aa 11.11 lx pnd . waa paid at reentry shipping aetata tor eatre j itnrf food aad at thta fl-ura dealer ara . atlll very aaxkma ta Durehae. A batter toa 4a prevailing all through tbe potato market. the cheaper srsdea ending a dm aala at ad " vanced agarea. - It Just secerns know a day i that about ar ar ale cam at aitra fancy po . . vatoe aad beea pwrkaaad mar Waaboaral dur ' tn tba paat fw dara. It had para aaltavad ' that all ta atorka f that aarttna had baea rlaDd ap aa tar aa tha taarjr rw 0f oa IW" - ' x t ' . . , - Oaiaa Maaa ItUl OlkaMac. - r-al taara la a atarb Hraarr toaa to tha Market tadar. iNMlra ear Ikat there la aot a alagla rare ta parrbaee pnw aad that the aaaana la ended, rmnt tble tlaxi forth aatU tba coatlnf ii f aew rallferala aaleaa thai aurket Will be enpplled with -atorka fran Aaatralla. rrtcaa UI raaga apward. 1 . . Tarpaattaa la Aieaiaad. Ybrre area aa a Are are of te per (alloa ta - tba faraaar ejaetatleae at taraeatlaa eixJar. Tha : aear ala are; Caaea die, wood harrela e ' 3ar (alloB. , Paaltiy StUl Mmrtt aa4'SiB. ' 'T '; . The penltrjr market ahaara a aaattaaatloa at 'the fnraaer ararrltr. Reralpta ara -fair bat deaaaad la vtrr ood. ' All arrlrala ara hfia ' nc tba' very' top ealoee. Qalta heaTy ablp ' aieata at draaaed poelrrr ara bHa reralTed from aaatera polatfbat tkU arUl aot effort prlraa. ae pricea , ia 4ha eaat ara rail aa high, aa here. . . , A Batter Taaia XdS KarM. ' The tn aurkat la ahewlaa a daeidedlr lav v preTed faaHac. Reeelpta ara ahowlag d rreaaa aad. deaiaBd la aoer rerj coed. Barlnc ai reentry potota baa a (a la beea raenaard. . tbla betac aaa at tbe, principal raaara at the f hlbar raktaa, -; ! ' Craaiaarr Battar U Lawar Aala. ' ' All to ereakaeaa la tbe eraaaMrr butter alar1 '- ket. Tha reoalpta are Terr aeaey aad deawad la ebovln a derrreee. All tha hatter hoaaea i here are . areraappllrd aad a loaf front atreet , the Tery brat fooda ,r Ula at 23H per , ipeaed.' Onljr well adaerttecd braada ara -repted. California baUer la la heaTT arrival tot la' aalllas wall al par peaao. t taajatrr atore batter la ta daaamad. . Baeatpta ara aMdarata. - ., . . lalkaa Flaatifal aa4 tewa. ' ' ' Beeelpte at aalaaoa freca tba Bacraanrata ara rnarb beaeler aad thta baa raaaed tha price to drop lc per pound to lie. Unatrarr ta eaeral belief tha aalaaea aaaaea- alone tha Ootaaihla - thnj araaoa dora not open ant 11 tha aooa boor of April la, tnateed at aldalcht April la. Tha rbaase la tlaM waa aiada at tha kaat eaealoa . of -tha leglalatare. Thaa tha aaaaea will aot be'epeard bera aatlt Maadar Tom la Draaaed XaaU Bettor. There la a better teeKat' la draaaed . ptoata. ' RmelpU ara not aa bear aad eoaa at tha atorka which were placed la eald atorare a " week a to ara aww brine takes est. Tba la . prered fealla la la aU llaee, Tadaj'a whelaaala . uetatleaa, aa rarlaad, . 1 die aa foMawa: ,, ' tela, naar aad VaeaV ' . N -' - WBliT Neaiaal; cleb aad red. We; Mat, arena, wvaaj Turr, a"' M BiaMAl-i aao. ae.ev; rauea, erww -""cOBM TThola OEM TThoUTIM SO; cracked. $36. ee) pat kTMUl ar ret OATS Jia. lwklta, l 00: aray. PLOUB Baatara Oreoa Patenta,, 64 an; 'etralfkta. aa.76; aiperta, fX.aOCJI.oa: TalWy, - 64. to; TahBB.-Aa,- M.OO; m, ft-aS; rya. aua, aa.w; naien, aa. (a. , MIIXSTCrFa Braa. , 116 o per toa; arhV dllnra. takOO; ahorta,, eeutry, e2.uu; chop. ' 1 HA! Tlatofhy. WIlUaMtt .- valley. 1 faary, la.OO; nrdlaary, $12.00; raatera Orraoa, fla.00; , mixed. $UO0; clover,. $11.00; grata.' $11.00; . cheat. $11.00. - Batter, 4S aad Baaltry. .. ( , - Itml FAT fwaet. Sac; aoar. 14c. ' ' . BUIIKB City creaaiery. beat, aftr.2'V-: ae. end grade. - Sac: aatatde fancy, Xoc; ordinary, JSi4c: California. aoX2Hc; atare, tfitaidc. , fXMM Na. J freak Uregoa, . ITMttiac... ' CHUSI Maw rail arena, twin, idct Yoana- AaaerV-a. ITBlTWc; aaatera. Majlllh; CallforaU, 16c: Cheddar. Ida. IOL'LTky CbVkeaa. oGT lb: erne, vaae per iw. ivim i )trr lb; yonaf, ldc per lb; brollere, n? lb 14c i; brollere. 14 oufffs on ftrr 4m; fryera, lap per lb; ducka. $.00aB.OO per doa; geeee, 800c per lb; turkeye, 17U16 tr lb; draaaed. audjaitte per lb; aovaba, fa.SOttS.0w per doa. . Hepa. Waal aad Hide. ' i HO Pg Ooa tract. 1IW6. lBOlTe; 1004 crop, Bttxate for chalet; a024 for prUaea wad aaediuiaa. WOOL 160$ rttp, valley, coarae t aaedlnm, Uc; aaa, 21tl23c; eaatera Oregon, ltd) IJc. . , MOHAIR Nominal, ftne&tte. ' ftHBKI'SKINS Hbrerlnf, meaOc; ahort wool. aaedlna wool, foejaOc; long Waal, awtlll.OO each. - TAiiOW PrUaa, per lb, ddJSc; Ke. a aad greaee, 2Q3c. . CBITTlat BARK 44He pet lh, baying dre. . Hipes Dry hldea. Na. 1. Id I be aad ap, 1lHa prr Ibt dry kip, Na. 1, 6 to 16 lb. 14c; dry calf. No. I, aader 6 In. Idfjiac; dry aalted bldae, ataera, aoand. 60 In or over. IHfcJ He; 60 to 60 lb. t$c: nader a lba and rwwa, 0f. etaf and bulla, aoand. dQle: ktp. 16 to 30 lba, Br; aoaod. 10 Xm 14 lba, 0 e: calf, aoaad. anoer 10 lba. asCjlle: greea laaaalted). le aer lb Iran: eulla. lc ner lb 1 Pom hhlee. Ml tad. each, $I.BVai.76'. dry, eeeh, - ll.ooei.M; Colt hldea, each. anOM; poet eatna. coaunoa, earh, 104J16e:'Aafora, 1th wool on. each. ZScttll.OU. ' ' .:. ' rralu and TeaeUhlaa. ' l-OTATOEk-Heat Oreaoa. ai.10eJt.ZC; Par lota. f. a. b. rantry..$l,06jl.li; named grade, Ort$1.00 aack: bujrlnj. car lute. no&tMir; Karlr Home, fl.Ooel.3b; awu, . beet. il.(H4jl.ao; crated. $1.76; new California. 4 per lb. , OMONaV $4.004t4.S0, bnyera' price, conotry. $4.00a4.16; Aiartralla, ft'OOttS-OO; garUc, ldc per lb. . .r&WH rBriTB Applea, extra fancy. $1.00: ! TODArS PRICES IN nvVlTHE WHEAT MARKET ei .'' M aaaaaavaaaanannaannaannnaaa ' , ;'. - , May Optlofe ,:-vr: . Tuaatlar. MotuUr. Chlfago ....... .$1.14k I1.14H , Milwaukee 1.14 i.14 Kanaaa City.... .$1W M 1 New Tork.i..;.. BL Louln i MInneapolla Iultli Baa Fra ncieeoL , 1.T B i.e. i.T a ...... X.44HB' 1.44H -lUverpool , 6a Sd J Winnipeg tit,.,- t3 ' d Per. cBiL" ' : ') 0-.--.Th BWa BBdT MUIMU Of' d d .deastem ajU weahaia , axohajd-aa d d . prtatad la tkJa laama of Tha d d JownaaJ arc foralahad, bT rrar- d feaok. - Itan ft Ooaka Oax OU- d d aar Boartl of Tnda Brokara, d d ' 1M TklrB rtraai, , : . . d fancy Oredoa. TSQMa per boa: cheap sradea. 575e per box : oreafra. narel, 3.0CS.M hoi: japaaeaa oraneea. ouejeoa noz: twttoe tier 4: leoMaa. caolce. M.71 fancy, fS-M per boa) Itnaee, Meaicaa. aoa per IOU; alneapplee. da.OO0o.uo: eraaherrlea. eaat- era. eix.w pre Wli 'lauiurnie fluiwwi I laet tAfth tier crate. . tauaiaai.aa innapi imm prr aatni earrpta. el.Ouajl 10 per eark: beeta, fl.as par ack; Oreaia radlahaa. Soe par aaa: eabbaae. Orrsaa. per cwt; Callfoanla. (1.1001.16! lettaeat kotbouaa, ll.Ql.Cw per crata; (raaa aeppera. Tc par Ibt Cklu pappara, lae per lb) eeirry. f.Tb.MI per . . oraia; tomatoee. fkrtda.' Ilki: Meileaa. fZ.loia.M; aaraalna. tLaoll.av: Die plant. - aoa ear Vol; etrlna braaa. IV: cauliflower. Ore. goa. l wifjl.au; tantomia. i.no . per crate! reeaero ee vw w. e""P'. w per lb; beraeradteb, TJc per lb; aiirvata. an; arrJchokae. aoekToa aer doa: hothouea Irttaca. 1. 60l.I5 per bov Ore ton radlaaee. 100400 per aoa; ereeo oowaa, ee pee ive; aaparaaua, lite per lh; aplnack. 7M par buxi auab. DRIED raciTB Applea, evaporate. ianr err lb: eprireta, audisa per la; aaeka. Ha per lo laeai Itliac lb: paare, l per lb; praaea. Italiaa. IHfiy, per lb; Frtsch. 1H04HC per lb; flee, California black. attend PC id; taunraia wane,- pwt , plaaw. pitted. per lb! datea, foWaa. da par lh; tarda. 11.60 par 16-lh bos. . Taiertem. Bata. Xto. ' - - rOAadkcfc baale Co be. M SOI pewdered. td.0S; trait (raaalated, .0: dry traaalated. fo.Wi beet freaoUtee. I&.H; extra C. a.M; Eioea o, aa-aa; able, toe; paea, aoei aaaea, I' advaaee aa aack baala, lea Saw par awt tor caah. 16 darn: eaaala. ldlda par la. , 0ONIT IdMatlac. - - t orraa packaaa utaaaa. fiaaa. aXT Tiaa Ralaa. to. aa. aa. aa. Ida. (l.atl: table, dairy. - 60a. Ill.OOt loua. 10-J6; Im ported Liverpool, toe, 1T.00; lOoa, Ud.60; tMm. Il 00: extra Mae. bole. fa. aa. (a. 10a. M aOet Mi balk., ttB lha, .aua.00l aacka. aOa. dLosdc. - ALT Oeeree Half aroaaa. loon, par aaa, 1 0i); 60a. per ton, 67.60; UverpeoL laaiP rack, lld-M per ton; 60-lb. rock, (T.OOr lODa. ad-Ta. I Ahrtoe wl,. .Dilf tn aalee of wan thaa car lota. -Car lota at apodal prloaa eabjoct to. flaa- taarloaa) , ' OBAIN 'atAOa caicatta. fa.TDaa.ao par ion. HICB lnarlal lama. Ha. I. 4.cl No. S. c: Rew Orkeuaa, bead. , Adjaa. Creole ac -- 1 ' ItBANia Small white. 4c: lane white. H pink, kites hayaa, ea.au; Liawa, tike; Maslcaa a, R. -r hlDTS Peeantn. Wet taatboa. (14a per lb; raw. eajiue per in; roaatea. i KAoSOe per doa: walnata. 14dJ1oe 9 bl Pls nata. 104lSHe per lb; hickory aata, 10e par lb; rbeetaata, aaatera. lddjlar per lb: Bra all aata. 16 per lh: fllberta. 16tklde , per lb; fancy pecana, lddkla- per lb; alawada. 1S010 f lav " Batata, Oaal Oil, Bta, BOrB-rlMra Manila, lac; etaadard. ltt; Ml, lCti letle brand ataaL Ika. DUAL ,OIL- uaarl ae Aatra I Caaea. tta Cor al; water white, troa hbla. 16Ha par al; wooden, 17 pea (all headlight. nooWg, ra.ea. ana per al: (run bble, lHe per aL 6 in LJ --. aaaea. He per aal: troa M la, aa per pal; a torn, aaaea, 84t4 par (al; Iroa Bble, in per caa. TiafKNTIKBla caaea, 8Te per fall Mia.. per aa! ENEfKE -aa. a-. SSa. par fnl., troa hbla lav laue WHIT itr& faiAn tm la fu, ta iota. T per lb: leaa Iota. Be per lb. WIRM WAI1B FT.aaat haaa at I lad. LthgRID OIL Pure raw la hbla. 61 Bar Bat: ranee, aac per WU geaalaa kettle honed, aaaea, 6 per gal: hbla. 3 par gal; graand cake. car iota. f9.o par na; $M 00 per toe, - j toa; leee thaa ear lata. awnta. ran ana FRESH aHATB front atreet Beef. 4J6!e prr lb; pork, block. 7TH per lb; packer, 717 H per lh; holla. a(4c per lb; cow. . $04 per lb; mntten. SQ7 aad larnba with pelta, ' f2.noaa.00; Teal, extra, 47c; ordinary, , ajH par lb; poor. BACOB. ITfl.Port1aa pack ( local) aaaae, ia t 14 tea. iw per id; l ta IS lba, ia per rh; 1 to $0 lba, ia per. lh; rattan, he per lb! breakfaat baron, faqiae per B; plrale. 6c per lh; regolar abort dear. aa eauked. prr lb; aawked, 10)4 par lb; deer baeka. anaoMked. pe per lb: ranked, lot per lb; Union bntta,. H to If lba, ana rooked, a per lb; aaioked. 6 per lb; rlear belllea. . aa aanked. 11c per lb: amoked.' 16c par lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. 104- per lb; aa, lHe per ; BO-lb tlaa. lOSe per lb: Btaaaa readefwi. 10a. Se per lb; aa. f par lb; tub. per Ibt 6a. 64a per Re. CANNED iALVOX Colombia river t-Ih tatla. ai.8&; a-lh taint, $160; faary I -lb aata, $1.00; H-lb fancy date. $115: fancy 1-lb evala. $3.78; A leak a ulla. plak. aotjaoci red, $1-60; aeailaal V toll. 12 00. FISH Rock and. Te par lb; teandera. 6 per lh; hall trot. ?H per lb; erabe, $1.26 pe doa; etriped haaa. lOdjlfr par lb; cat. aab. Te . per ; lb; ealnaea, rhlaook. 11c; ateelbeada, per B; froaaa aUveraldea. T per Ik; herring, 6 per' lb; eolea, ae per Tb; anriaipa, lue per id: enaa, araaaia, par m , 20 per doa; Boa per IbT 1 ' ahoatwator aay. atare ron. 7e ' OtBTERg a hoe Iw tat CLAM (i Hard abeh. par ' has. $3.00; fjaan, ga.vv per aaa. A HEAVY-INCREASE , IN SHEEP ARRIVALS . ' ' ' 11 1 1 . '' r Absence of. Hogs Finds Market in Excellent Shape Cat- V v'f";:,tle Are Steady. : ' Portland ITnloa Stackyarde, April II. Uv. atack reodpta; v.j .. Hog Cattle Sheep Todey ....... .. Iw eVlW Week ago Pt 12S ' . 000 Frevloae week .. ... -Heavy reeelpta ware ehowa In ehrep today, fmt tbe tone of tba market la ateady with no Srtce ckangre. - No hog arrived and the mar et I la good aaap. Tba cattle market I ateedy. Official price tor llvwtnrk: ' . ' erlla Price nor.ilnal. Beat eaatera Oregon, 4S.6)ffa.00i blnrkera and China fata, $6.33; atockero and feeder, $4.6014.76. . Cattle Heet eeatcra Oregon atrere, $4.25: light and medium etcera, $1 .). 75: old and light owe, $2.6oja.75; atorkera aad feedcra, i(n balla. $1 60. . , - Kheep Beat fancy aheep, $4.WJB.0O; rwea, $4.20Q.ao; aprlng lamba. $Vkc. . 1.1 ' ' ' a, ' I : Hooa Acnrx to rr0B. , Chicago, April 11. The livestock reeelpta: ' , . Hoge. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago ...... .IS.iiiO , 4.0114 . 16.000 Kanaas City ......... P. 000 j P.000 ' 6.000 Omaha 1.000 7.000 ' . 11,000 Hoge Opened active to e irony with a.000 left nrer; reeelpta a year ago were 11,000, price: Mixed and bntchrra, $a..t)t(S.aO: good heavy, $o.0ttS.O: rough heavy, 3.3Jfc5.40; light, $6..10i5.87t4. ' . . ' , ' , . . tattle rltrong. 1 ' 't, '' gbeep oteady. COTTON UNCHANGED - TO TWO POINTS OFF I u New York. Anrll 11 Cot toe about 1 uolau off. Tuday a afnrlal cotton rket: . . Open, High. Low. Ckeie. .MilrfNl .4di4R January 7. 0 7. M . 7. no ?:! April ......- 7.47 T47 T.47 May ,.,,, r.v .V T.n June 7.60 iely 7.M Augnet , T.M H.ptrnber T.B3 October 7.60 November ...,.. ... December 7.78 III - T.5 T.ntiiani f.61iS 7.5441 Mi 7.67 na I.WtlM TavarTii 7.7174 T.76074 T.60 T.f.7 7.60 T.M 7.78 f0 t.M T.M T.aa T.aa T.T8. ; t.7 Uverpeel Oettea lUrket. Liverpool, April 11. Cnttea fatore C toyed steady 1 t I points kewer. . -' ; -WAit btexr oosair. - Kew York.' April 11 Wall vtreet goakln: American atocks la Loodoa are firm. la point aheee parity. There la a good demand Tor 1'nlon Paclnc m the leaa crowd. Harrrman etocka are etrong In Londoa. National Leed earplns for the floral year la equal ta A M per cent na ennwtwm. The henhe aalaed from the enb-treaaary a I ace Friday 6I2I.OUO. Twelre Indnatrlal declined .2 per cent; 20 active ralla adraaccd .21 per cent, -.... . perch, 6 per lb; ehad roe, par lo; nhad. 6c per lb: buck cod. ac par lb; allver amelt. 6e per lb; lohatera, 12Vir; freeb mackerel, ec per lb; crawt.n, 30 per doa; nouDdera, 60 par lb; V7IIEAT IS TRYIKG : TO DO BETTER Ml Chicago Market Today Had Much Better Feeling " and . Bt. " ri t- ruve viuaa nuvui up. :l ! JULY OPTION SHOWING , THE HEAVIEST ADVANCE Corn Pit Acts Well and Responds ' to Buying Oats Fol- lows Others. s : ' .' TODAY'S JTHXAT MARKET. ' Ooea t'toM : Clone ; Today . aloe. 1 fl.14 $1.14S .M7HA .fSA . .a a ' Cala Today Today May., ...... .$U4 Inly TM'i . kept. ......... .aii a. .ot) , .oo1 .00 ' Chlrarv " April II. Logaa ' eV ' Bryaa aay: Breomkall rablee tbat the decline In tha Liver pool wheat market la due to a beariab govera brnt reirart, Mlnaeapolla wlrea aa esccllent deaaaad for No. 1 Nertaera at $Hd4e aver the May. Kaaaaa City aaya caah wheat I ateady for tha good ataff. but te. however, low for poor. The market today waa bearleh: tha gov erament report leened Tea tarda - had Beea pretty well dleronated. Loral opera tore aa tea eeitiag atoe tor a mag im worn tatim lo take a amra halllnh view of tha wheat Itaatlon la geaeral and at a lew point today liberal barer, both covertag ahorta aaa lone- ncceent. . Sentiment among tba raak aad file, however, la atlll bearlah, made aahy continued fine weather and finer proepeeta atlll eihttlag. It ere me lupoaalble tbat tbaaa condi tion can be Improved upon, aad aay ehaage from thta Urn ea moat work agalnet the crop. While tb market'e actioa today ekowed bat Utile aaap. It ' aeeowd to eageeat that aelllng tireaanr la liable ' to be abarpiy eoateateo. Wbll preaent' condition prevail let bulla may find It difficult fo fore tba Urge ahorta to rover, aa receat eaeceaeee have made that ele ment atnbbora and defleat. Tbe aervoaaaaaa aad auddea prlcar 'ehaagea muet aeceaaarlly be expert rd after tha long decline, favorable weather and bearuh nrnaant report, bat all thing eoaaldered. tha actioa ef the market la perfactlr natural. The ckiea, tonight wee practically at tha tew aad tha aurket acted aa It It wanted to da better. .... ' ' "x 1 Cera Acta Wall. The eora market acta well aad reapond rradl to moderate baying. Tba market te atlll koka Ilk a good trading affair with aa apward tendency. We atlll feel that the aata market moat ahnw ereetae In roe do Into tha etocka to bring comfort to tha holla. Tha mar ket waa favorable, being affected by the etrengta In other pita, partlcalarly coca. Tha eolnme or pnainraa M vary email. . j.. , Today' afflclal marketei ; : .. - WnUT,'"' : One. High..-- Low. Cloaav M.e B 1 14 a 1.14. B 1.1KV4 aL14U Jaly..... -Mt4 ' .ntj T .Id .arA Bept .614 ' .azsft-. CORN. A aril Mar.... .4 4L . . .48 IZ ' .7S ,4a4 .47S . July flap.;.. . 471 V. May .2'l at July..... , 2 2H ; .a'Z t. . . .s Bept at RHg po. 'ORB. May..... lt.ftT 11.87 1H.10 LARD. nao , la.oj iita 16.07 T.1T T.26 T.41 T. T.io T.M 12 July.... 18.10 April..... ....- .... , '-' .... May..,,. T.TJ - i.sn t.is Jnly... 't.43 . T.42 . T.40 pt....e 7 60 T 66 T.66 May..... T.1S TOT July T.ST - T.8T ; T.M apt..... t oo ' t.m T.aa LARGER BULLS TAKE ' : - : ALL THE OFFERINGS aaa FraBclee. April 11. K. P. Rattoa A Co. 4ayi Th wheat market today waa firm and the targe bulla (are tha market strength by accepting all offers of tha December optloa. There In Bathing doing la May end It appears to ha the poor caah altuatloa that la holding tbla market la check. - Tha reeelpta were large aad th only barer are tba millers, whs hay itirtneto In barley Mar waa a teed la tha face of large reeelpta. bat there were few offers la the market. Nothing waa doa la December, bat tbe same firm feeling prevail among holder of this option. - Export demaad from abroad for tba We crop la excellent. Todaya official 110 a. aa. market: K . WHEAT. Onea. ' High. ' Low. ' Oloaa. iiu...:. .ai.44UB a. December... l.K 1.291. BARLEY. , May........ 1.1$ 1.1 '- December. .. .aa A 1.2 1.1a I A-Wla, whekt f , Today . Bid. Aak. Mon. Bid. $1.18 1.04 1.14 1.00 1.16 1.06 1 1.90 Na. t red. No. a red. $1.14 (l.ld 1.0S 1 1.13 1.12 No. B hard 1.16 1.12 1 15 1.14 ( 1.0$ No. a hard. ................ 1.00 No. 1 nortbem....; 1.14 Na. 2 nor t bera, 1.06 No. aprlng 100 . b BAjaTRxrr a orajb bktobt. Chicago, . AprH 11. Bradstreet s grata rs- Sheal Bast of Borkles. decree ae af l,o4.n hnabela Barepe and afloat, decreaee pf 1.000.. UUO hashels; total decreeee of 1. 64, 000 boshela. I 'or a liKTeaae of 661,000 baahela. , ; Oetn Increas of 61.000 haahela. . , - IXriBPOOI, BBACT V ABUT. ';'- ! IJverpoot ' April ll-loa: Wheat, May. na AdV lower: Jnly, na Tlad, lower; Beptember. na ttd. Vid lower. Corn May, 4a ifed, Md lower; Jnly, 4 8ftd, arhanged. , ' '.' " i--'.. .., ;' V - v" Ch'leaga wrabr Oar lets. ' . '- - Chlcaga, April 11. O rain car lots tars Grade Eat. 104 , its Whest Cora , Oat . .... 63 246 87 4 2. 1$ 41 ' 2 'y Tnr toss corriB xabkzt. ; Kew Tork. April 11. Coffee foraree eloaed 10 to IB points off with tha market ateady. Todays ofBHal coffe market: , . Did. Aak. '. Bid. Aak. Abrll ...i..$d.40 80. 41 October ....$ Pfl $d.M May ' 0.46 d. 601 November . 7.00 7-.05 Inn ...... d.M a.dol December .. 7.10 7. IS Jnly ....... d.M a.TOUannary .... T in 7 20 Aagnst .... d.76 6.80 Pehroary ' ... 7.20 7 1ft Brptembet . $.86 .ao March T.26 T.M ; ' Baw Tark Oaah . Oaffak" Wi'V Kew' York. April 11. Caah eof feel Ka. 1 Rio, Tei No. 4 aaBtaa, 8H. - "-"'--'-"Baw Tarh BBgar aTrtotT-"T" '''''" ' Kew York, April 11. Befloed aad raw engars Bhcbanaed. . ; $AB rBABOIICO LOCAL iTOCXJ. ' Kaa rVanctora, lag, 10:20 a., 1 April. 41c Local stock elo. '. Bid. Aak. 46 - na 'I8 60 Contra -Tnerfc B'ater Sprier Valley water Mutual - Electrrn . .- .V. r. .. : v. . Kaa rrsndacoaaa SJectrl (llant Powder , Hawsllsa Cammerrlal Ilonokea Bugar 214 .. 21 augsr ................. 17 Z 18 Insar 4 " 6 llntchlnaon an Kllaneaa ansa Makawall Busar , Alaaka Parsers' , 87tt California Wine 76 Paclnc State Telephone .104 v BOflTOB 00 PTT BT0CX8. -1; i-. ' Boataa. April 11. Of Mai copper . Bid. A IVms . ......$ 20 78 Mass ...... Klnc ........ 12 00 A oeceola .... Blogham .... .13 36 Pbnenls .... Calumet 8A.nO Onlney-,... Copper Ranta.. 77.00 ... Trinity Italy Went.... 14.00 1'tak Ilrenby ...... 6TH Victoria ... Ureeae rnppct 30.00 Isle Royal . clnetng: - Bid. .$ 10 60 .. eo.tio ' .. I.87H ., I0 M a.7 . .. 43.no .. 4 64 . . . ' 24.60 . vTfrr4 Stock Canaad Ooodg. ' Alltn Lwj' nasi Brand. 61 IA '. 41k .48B .44a . .aouA .n a 1 "" 1 . ' nrrpano f Agar wltiT. ' ' I . J" T 7, 7. " I Chlcaen. April 11. 4jaB Botter Fetling Exists in Potatoes and Onions and Prices Are 4 Showing V Steady Rise Ekjs Up, While Cutter li Lower. " f ; :l ILLINOIS CENTRAL :i ? VMS SENSATIOIiAL Shows a Spread of Six ; and Jhree Quarters During .To-'; day's session. ; : j: MOST OF THE LIST IS 1 ' - . QUOTED AT A LOSS New York Central Loses One and an Eighth-ood ' In Anaconda.' Cain Atchlasa, 'cem ... anger Brooklya ........ i Bait. Ohio Colo, t-ael HIN. T. Ceatral ... IV if ennarrvanla Proceed Mteet. ooai Beaatng ' Rep. 7teal ....... Rock la., coal .... noulbera By ..... " K. F., com ..,.. 1' Teiaa t 1'eelne ... t. U a. W., . at. l. a-w.. p, 1 Wla. Teat., com... St. rani C. g N. W H Cheea. A Ohla .... H Canadlaa Pae .... Com. South. . .om. U IVL A Hudaoa ... U Krle. 2d pfd ..... Brie, let pfd w... ' Wla. Cent.. pro... ureas weei ....... Bteel, com ....... Me. Ceatral ..v. Hiateel. pfd Katy. pfd ........ HIRnbber Oooda, rem Mlaaonrl Pat .... 4Weetara t'akta ADYANCE8. Aaacnoda Laacnoda SUIAtchlaea, pfd .... J4 kmalgaaaated ..,. Zigmeltar, rom ..... H IL Ceatral gi Smelter, pfd li A IlL Oantral dC Louie di Naab .... H I Metropolltaa Norf. at Wast Oat, i .Weat ....k 1 Pacl Mall ..-j., UlOae WH V. P.. f . Ul Rubber Oooda. pfd. 1 Walt Btreet. NeV-Vork.' April 11. mioola Ceatral waa aeaaatkmal la actioa today on th atoek exchange. It had aaly a fair evening at l2i and aooa tost H point, it strengtheaea ao faat aad advancwd a quickly tbat tb bears were completely beaten, lllloola Central touched the top during tha ai a.tna aroaad 168, thus firing It a apread daring tha eeeelon of $8.76. I cloaed strong with a rlae af $4.26 ever th previoaa seealon. 4 Today's e Octal gtack market i PBSCBIPTION. Anaconda Mining Co... AmaL CoDner t3a Atrhleon, com d preferred , Am. Car A ronad., eaat. da preferred.......... Am. migar, earn.. , Am. amelt., com.. do pre f erred . . . . Baltimore A Ohla. iuto an ore; Brooklya Rapid Transit lanadlaa Pad Be, aaa. CbL A Alton, aoa) do preferred......'... ChL A Ot. West, cam,, ChL, Mil. A It. Paal... Cbl. A North., com...V. ChL Terminal By Chesapeake A Oblo Colo. re A Iroa, earn, Colo. Booth., com....... do 2d preferred....... do let preferred ...... nelawarg A Hudaoa... 1. A K. O., coaa.. ...... da preferred... Erie, coss. ...... do 2d preferred....,., do 1st preferred..... llllBola Oaatral iii, lMU 1 l314rillBHt 4TH 88 81 1o 142U Loolavllla A Naahvtlle.. Metropolltaa Street By.. loyLZ en aiannanaa Ky.,... mvam-wk ventral .7 ,., , m.. aa. r. Bta. M Mlasoorl Paclnc...... 1181, lies M.. K..A T.. 81' da ireferret Kew York Ceatral. Norfolk A Wee tern, com North Amertraa........ N. Y., Ont. A Wee tern raonayivsnia By...... P. U. U A 0. C Prr aaa 8 Bteel Car, cog do preferred Pacta Mall 8. B. Co. Reading, com......... 86? . do second preferred... on rirnt nrererrea.... Ben. Iron A Steel, com do prof erred. . noes isiana. CO do preferred.. Beothera By.. w pie.f,,.u. ......... Boataern racing.... . da preferred "t. L. AS P., 2d pfd ac. u. ar n. r ., do prefcri'ad . . . Tezaa A Paelna... Tenneeeee Coal A Iron Toledo. St. L. A W.. com do preferred. ...... Cntoa raclfle. com. . . , do preferred ..t. D.'B. Leather, . com. do preferred. ........ V. B. Itubber. earn.... do preferred.......... IK B. Bteel Co., com., do nraferred WheelVA Lake Brla, i Wl.ceeela Central, eea do preferred......... W. T. Telegraph Wabash, com......... do preferred.......,., Bobber . Oooda. ......... do preferred 3814 log, 101 I8H 28i 61. a.1 23 484 ."14 low Total aalea for dsy. Money, a per eaat. - 1.138JO0 sharea. 1 TOvoPAx amrw btooxs. '. aa rraneieeo. April 11. Toeopsk stack sV aciat cioaa, morains aesaioai . Bid. I Bid. ; ...$4.60 :::-:i8 Montana .. Mldwsy .. McNsmara Belmont . North Star Reacae .. . (told Mt .. Jim Rntler Red Top ,. Goldfteld . $3 23 IToB, Extea .48 ' Mohawk : .. . . l.M ftlxle ......... .68 Kendall .18 Columbia Mt ... .16 Jambo ,.,0y.. .84 Jnmho Fs .a .84 --4RA .03 .28 .a , iRiack Bntta .... ..ia -.81- Wive Tick .21 .85 iold. Anchor ... 1.08A .14 Ray O Brlrn .... .oeJ ' .26 Ophlr. Ton ..... .80 A .82 O. Ball Prog .....88 , andtiors Handetorm Caeh Boy T.I. Home ataka ... Nevada ........ .14 IDUmaad Field., .so AUTBICAB fTOCBa IB tOBDOB. .. tondon. April 11. 2 p. m. Atehlaee ad vanced .. preferred advanced Baltimore A Oblo declined Hi Canadian Pacific advanced H; Cheea pea ke A Okie advanced H; Krle ad vanced ; llllnola Ceatral declined Hi Kew Tork Ceatral advanced 4; Ontario A Western advanced Norfolk A Weatem advanced 4; Nortkera Recarltlea advanced Ii Pennerlvsnls advanced : Rasdlng advanced , grate de clined H: Rock laland advaeccd 4 Boathera Pnelfle -ndsanced 'A: L'nlon alflc advanced United States Bteet advanced , nrererrea advanced M: Wabaah advanced 4 t erred advaaeed Cowsola advanced 1 1-18. OBTIABD BABX TeTTXKXBT. (lesrlnga Balaacea ' .T71.21.52 . BB.aOT.OI HIGH MASON TO VISIT - CITIES 0F.CENTRAL WEST . v (Journal apecUl Bertie.) V, " f Waahlngton. April 11. Grand Com mander James D. Rlchardaon Of tha Scott lah Rita MaBona, southern Juried lo tion, will start nasi weak on an extended trip through tha northwest for the pur bobo of Bleating prominent Brsttlah Rita Maaona of that section of tha country. Individually and in their lodgoa. Hla Itinerary will embrace" Duluth, Minna p Olls. Bt. Pnal. Fargo, Aberdeen. Mitchell. Tank ton, Bloux City, Omaha, Davenport And ona ar two other cities. AdvlcceT oelved atata that Ubnratrtcraratlona ara balng mad or bla entertainment at all places whdra tie will vtalt BTeferied Stock Caaaad Oooda. ' AUsa Lrswla' Uagt Brand. riEAT: LIARitETS Unthinkable Condition of Filth inese Discovered by Commit Jee That Inspects City Shops FOOD 1 PRODUCTS OPEN : . ' Tp POISONOUS GERMS Dirt, Stench, Putrefaction Are All the Result of Criminal v V - Carelessness. .. Twenty member of tba ' man sing board of tha school of domeatlo science, A department f tha V. W. C. A., ac companied -by. J. W. Bailer, etata food and dairy commissioner, innpacted sev eral of Portland's largest flsb and but ter marketa yesterday and found filth beyond description. - In . several astab llshments taa dirt waa allowed to coma In direct contact with food which waa Served to customer. In other places the meats gold were) found to be, in tha flrat atagea ot decay. ., i .' " .The women who comprised the party were: Miss Lillian Tingle, director of tha school; Mrs. W. J. Honeyman, prea- Ident or the X. W. c A.; Jdra. A. to. Rocker. Mrs. . James T. Falling, MUs Ksther Ooodmaln. Mra. Dell Stuart, Mrs. C- K. . Bronaugh, Mra. H. Jasper,. Mra. William Raid. Miss Howell, Mrs. M. E. Dal ton. Mra. M. It Calef. Mra. a E. Curry. Mrs. X H. Kerr. ' Mrs, J. Mo Roberta, Mra. Sarah Evana, Mrs. C 8. Jackson, Mra. E. K. Lytla and Pr. Maa H.-CardwelL " When tha women called on Mr. Bailey to get him to accompany them an their trip, ha .told them that tha stories of un clean conditions in tha city -marketa were greatly exaggerated and that there waa very little unwholesome food sold In this city. It did not take the women long to convince Mr. Bailey that large Quantities of food wore aold which, waa unlit for anything but tha garbage crem atory, i They first visited a well regulated creamery. ' where the ' condition were good and next entered a large cream ery several blocka away.. There-tney found thlnga entirely different. The floors were Uttered with Ill-smelling rubbish, the churning room waa aa pa ra ted from other establishments by low partitions, and tha kitchen of . art" Ill- smelling restaurant ana a nan roarxet opened Into tha creamery.' - At a Ban market they round a large quantity of shrimps which had been treated with a poisonous preservative instead of having been placed tn cold atorage. They found veal that waa so young that the women sickened at the sight- Food waa exposed In large quan tities on the counters where foul air and dust permeated with germs could reach It. Chickens and turkeys were found which had -not been drawn and warn blue and black because taey had been dead ao long. In tha rear of tha establishments they visited, without -exception, they found filth In great quan tities, i Barrels of pickels. sauerkraut and meats stood- open every where so that dirt could lodge in tuem, and in one storeroom - A chicken picking gang made Ha headquarters. - The sights fully convinced tha women that conditions were not aa they should be." They have decided that soma action la necessary to secure a competent in spector and deputies to look after Shops, markets and kitchens, and they will send s delegation before tbe city council and aak that body , to .appoint an. Inspector and one. or more deputies. An ordinance is now pending In tha city council which provides for an In spector and three deputies, but the mem bers have not manifested any great In terest In It, It la said there Is no money available to provide for tha aalaries of Any Additional health office deputies. Dr. U. R. Bieradorf. city health officer, agrees with the women that An Inspec tor Af markets should be appointea. He says great good would result Hs has only one deputy and that have more than thay can attend to. Recently he ordered the owners of marketa and res tail rants to clean up around their prem- lae a. ECHO'S PICNICS HAVE MAD1LHER-FAM0US . Owing to rapidly changing condltlona at Echo and the enthuslastn of her clti sens In clvlo affairs the Annual basket dinner there this year will surpass All previous picnics, for which the town has become famous In. eaatera Oregon. Lost year more than 708' people ant down to the Echo picnic dinner, and this year a much larger company Is expected. .The picnic will be held May . Over 109 Invited guests will be present be sides the entire country-side. - Among the special gussts will be Governor George E. Chamberlain. Senator C. W. Fulton, B. A. Worthlngton. vice-president snd general manager of the Oregon Railroad A Navigation company. W. W. Cotton, R. C. Judaon, A. I Craig. W, B. Coman. R.' B. Miller. H., B. Adams. IL M. Cake, Tom Richardson, W. H. Wheel wright Edmund C ' Olltner, Phil Metscban, of Portland: 'Senator Walter Pierce, T. 3. Haley, Judge Lowell, Judge Fee, T. C, Taylor and othera. of Pendle ton. .!. f' '; s ''":'.'" -' Echo Is 21 milea west of Pendlston, on the O. R. 4fe N. railroad, snd Is said to be one of the most promising points on ths line. It Is now having a sub stantial building boom, and the Sur. rounding countryTIs rapidly filling up.' A large new hotel Is nearly finished, two banks hsve just been established and - other.. evldencei.. of ' permanent growth, . are apparent The - adjacent country hss immense productivity In grasses and grains, end 1a said to be the- moat L profttaoTi alfalfa section In Oregon,';'',.-.:.- ,t; "'.....','',.l.!.. METHODISTS GATHER J. ' F0R TROY CONFERENCE - . ' (Jooraal Special Berries.) " .' Saratoga, N. T.( April 11. Leaders of the ' Methodist Episcopal church, both clerical 'and lay, are gathered here In large numbers for tha annual session of the Troy conference, which will be for mally opened this evening with the con ference examlnatlona and the celebration of the Epwortb League anniversary. The business sessions will begin In the First church tomorrow morning and will continue until Tuesday of next week. Bishop Warren Of Colors do will preside and A number of prominent divines will deliver Addresses during the week, ... - , .Now liberal- space will be reserved In All the newspapers for Togo . and Rojestvensky, r . , OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO. ' i 1 Members Chicago Board of Trade, r -- - 9MAim, nomnon, oottobt.i bttoou abtb BOBntB. ,. . . ItS Third Street, McKay Building,' Portland. Or. . , , ; A' ' ' . XV ' . ',.Wa BO A TaUOTI.T 00143b3SBI0BJ BTJBIBTXBB. ' i. ' . rorrtiBuwis" Markets by Private Wire. Quick Berries. REFER F.NCF.S Ladd A , iTUton, bankera. And United .Stataa National Bank of Portland,,, , j - vvOOvvvO lie xxiz-t-i: The- following" number ot peo- ,e pie have signed tbe petition , re- d questing tha new - - telephone d franchise to be. put to vote at:' d tha June election: ' 4 March Sl,,.,..o ,. 1$ d March 11, ............. k 7$ d March 11. .......... ....... $14 d March 14. .. i ........ s$4 ; d) March 2(. .;....... ........ '10$ d March 17. ......;.. ....... ItT March II. .................. 41$ A) March !.... 411 March $0. . 17$ 4 MArch 21....,.....;',....,... 26$ 4 April 1. 411 April 2 .............. ,V. 464 d AprU 4. ,...,....... S02 April I.........,......;.... 461 d April $04 e April, j e April $....,...,.,,'.. d ' April .. all -.'48$ .,:$ 8h . - , .V... ..... - v - 4) d - Total ,.,..'.....,.......,6$ d f amamwJnaaeaeMeM- S CLAIRVOYANT VAN CORTLAND 1 DO HRRERT SOLEMNLY AGREE AND dFARAKTKB t make yoa ae charge If 1 rail to call yoa by name la fall. Barnes of year friend, enemies or live la. I prootlae to. tell yoa wbelber - your hoe band, wife or aweetheert bj true or falaa, tell yoa how to gala tha love af lha aaa yoa moat deeu-e, even though miles away; how ta succeed, la eoainaoa. epeceiatioa. laweait; ' aww i marry the aa of roar choice;, how te re gain yoath, health and vitality. Betas evil InSuence. cure drink kablti . locate dleeaera.; . ' flow can I have good lack 7 . ttow cam I eucceed la BnaiaeaaT How eaa I make my home happy T . flow can I eoaMiuar mr eneenleel How can I marry th ee I cheossT now eaa I marry wen I How aooa eaa I aaarryl, . ' .x. I How eaa I eoeoner my rival! How eaa I make aay one love me? How aooa will my lover propoae.l " How eaa 1 set a letter? ;'f ' How eaa I get a good poattteat How caa I remove had InSuaineal '-' How eaa I control aay ane? How make dlateat anea tblnk of mal How caa I bold my hnanaad'a hre I How eaa I keen my wlfe'a lover- - ' HOURS DAILY. 10 TO I, AND RTJirBAT. $03 M WA8HI!fOTOff 8T., COR. PlFTH . AliO WABUIKUXON 6T8. . V7 Journal a,5- '-V ft TfBTrn ABT fJLAsaTJTOATIOV asaspt "Bltnarwa Waaaad" Mala ae yeaaeia, ' . $ OXBTg nm UBB. Oeaatug t BXMTkniXX ft ae tl WOBM BOB U , - SBTB BethlBg lags. . - .STTTATTO WASTES ad . althe Mala ee Female. I , ' time free. Bally a aasamyi - VrtAT BATB T Uemlliiijjhaoradlag one svmday tease) 86 OASTS pe Una HOaTTBXr BUTB fbrntadtag an - Isasaa) T$ OSBTt per lae per A O v I RT1AXM 1BTB araat Be Bi lenmel afSos.By.k e-eleea wees sags sad by 18 e'eieek Batniday aena- sag as saears inssisimai A. D. T. BTZSgTVaKB BOTB ere , Jenrnal "want ad." ageata. Area .' theea yea ad. at efgea rates sad W will he delivered U The Jearaal af. ,' tea wttheat farther one ta Ten. Vas fear enll ess ee paeae Weetera TJaiea, -ttaks 8tf. ... , V . 8TOCKH0LDBBS' MKETISQ, . Sonet lh herehy gives ta the efork holder af the Bnskar Hill aad Ballrrna Mining nd CenceatratlDg Compaay lae Oregos corpora tloa having Ita principal office at th City of Pert land. Oregon). . that a apodal meeting af the ateckboldera of aeld company prill ha held at Ita principal of floe. Booma No. Bni-604 Cham ber of Commerce Building, le the City ef Port land. Or iron, on Wednesday, the third day ot May. 1806, at the hour af eleven o'clock la tha forenoon, for the following parpoaeat - To eonelder and act apoa a contract authorised by the Board af Directum ta b entered Into hy eald eorporatloa with ane Taooma Bmeltln -ria Oomoany. . wherein aad whereby It la nai that tba Banker Hill asd Bulllvaa Mining and Concentrating Company snau rtiepoe at y eball tllapoe af pnidoct of Its mines for s period ef .years t Tacoma Smelting Company, aad to and net anna sack ether ma Mere nevtalnln to aald contract. It terme aad condltlona, aad te traneart such ether seslseas aa may com. before said meeting. Bald meeting Is called snd this notice la given aa reenlred by th Board Af Director of aald compeer st a meeting thereof only relied and held a the eeeenth dey of April. 1808. and la da accordance', with Section a. ef Article IX, or the By-law ar aald company. Bated et Portland, Oregon, thla eeveatk day af April, 1806. flltOROB T. HOI. MA, -i Secretary" f tke Bnnker mil aad Bulllvaa Mining and Concentrating Company. - tOtT ABB BOTTBaV ' Briber Lest ar lreaad admllaamiata. rata . were lor a ena BTOI.BN Black star, weight about 1.200 lha., white apot on forehead, taken on th night "f the etS-wf April; $2$ for rclorn or ln t formation leading to arrest af tklet. . FOUND A place te kave hair mattnaaia re no. rated aad returned eame day. i'boa Mala 474. Portland Curled Hair factory. , LfrPT Arrowhead stickpin. April 18. Return to Walla rarge A Co., ax pre, hd get rewsrd. LOST Diamond breech, April 10. . Betartt eel 400 Third af. end get reward. TOO 1AT1 TO CLAgafTT. WANTBD rst-clasj painters and tlatars, $4 per day. Apply 825 College at. ... .' P0WB1BU, S0aeOaTSJ Sj OOw ' , (Eatabllahed lll.) . x-f ' ' ;wTaAT ajtp btocb: BBOUBVJ. '' Boom 4, frona4 rioer. . CBT AaTBBB) OS? OOBTBrJBBOS. Cand.'dsts fcr Mayor, 1 o! tlatCltycf Portland .; ' "If I am nominated and elected, I will during my term of office pledge myself ; to give the City of Portland a clea t business administration, or what is termed tbe Roosevelt plan,- fear or, favor -to none: Justlo to all.' "The laws pertaining to gambling and other vices, as well as sll other lawn, will be enforced. f a-- . 'The Police Uepartment will be com pelled to enforce all ordlnsnces. Fire and Street Depart menta will be made s . efficient aa poanlbla. - i "I will not pledge myself to any fa- tlon or set of IndTvidusIs. This leave me free to carry out a- policy that will -be for the beet Interests of sll. t v Do you believe In, that kind of a to! Icy. If you do, first, register your party politics before April 16: - second, cant your vote st the primaries In May for , W, B. UUAFKE. - . . J - The City of Portland-has - had kinds of admlnlsrratlona, but up to th preaeht time it haa never had A buslnesit admloiatratlon run by a business man. who snters ths office free from all prom ises and obligations to politician.. ' ' Tha registration office et the court-, house are open from 7:30 S..m to $ p. m. ' ' , r TLOOR SPACE On 'ertconnt of removal to new ouar-'. - ters we will lease our preaent building for term of years to suitable tenant. Building suitable ' for heavy stock or ' , machinery on upper floors. Fine corner, store room and basement. ., ., lt , . ' TBTBJ nWXBT-SrODSOBT OOV -V ,. TL $12. rirst ASA atelaaatA. ' $2 ' Grand Arms. . ' Phone tie at SI A ' HBs Is from Mlaanrrf UAllBS) BOTICX. i i , . . r Anna ai tta a . a. A A. M. 8 pe.de 1 esoimaslcstloa tbla Jinreaar. evening, awai. jwic,. e'elocg. Work la M. M. degree. By erder ef W. V. . ' la. o. ravva, aw. . rrrBiBAi, yoTicxr MADBI.BT la thla elty, April 10, 1808, at, Oatmaa statue, tha residence of hla daogher, . 'Mrs. I. U Huff. Char Ice II, Madelay. aged 78 year. $ month. 4 dava. Prlends end , scqaalntsncea ere reepectfully Isvtted te at- . . toad tha funeral aarvlcea. which will be held- " at tha Klrat . Presbytertaa church, comer Twelfth and Alder etreeta. at 2 p. m.. Wed- neaday, AprU . 11 lateraaent Blvarvlevo WILUAMS la this city, April 10, laos. at hla late realdence, S08 Oeodaoagh building, v Toes Williams, aged 80 years, 2 awn tha. 7 . . IM 1 1 IV , ! . ia . m CWm Unlmen'e banal eernee L Third sad Balmoa etreeta. ' rrkrads ' raapeet- fully lavlted te attead. . - 9ZATX BOTIOX. Rl KPCLJ-In thla elty. at the family reel- . deuce. Kn. 104 But Eighteenth atreet. April , ' -4 7. Ita. Klma Jaeate, aged IS year, aaagntev ' of Mra. 1. Rnenell. Arlington, aad grsadcklld et Bderard Aliaky ef this elty. M'KINNBT Is thla city, April 18, 16Tv Xdna , May, daughter ef Mr. and Mrs, MrKfhney. q montrui. at aaa wooncy '.. , BUT ICR. .' KOTICB OP BBCBITBB'S 8 ALB. feotlee Is h-reer gtvoa that th nadaralsned receiver . , . ef tha Weat Coaat Bash A Door eampaay, -dory appolated each by the ch-cnlt cenrt of th stat at Oregoa for Multnomah eoaaty. Via tha aalt ef ta Piret Matmsal Baak ef Portlsnd. etalntirr. agalaat tbe west ueasc , Baak A Door compaay. defendant, will, by virtue af aa erder ef . the aald circuit eewrt "' ef lb atata af Oregoa fur Maltaomah eoaaty. : . duly made aad entered ea the Sots, day of March, leOA, offer for aala and eell et pablle a action to tbe hlgbeet bidder for mum la haad, '. at tha eoaaty eoorthonee doer la th city ;,' af Partlaad. Oregoa, ae Satarday, the- S2d day of April. ISuo. at 18 o'clock a. m., aa real property fcelongiag to tb defeedaatl . Weet Coaat BaaB g, Ixxar cornea ay, together-': wltk the arin. machlaee-y. etock an haad aad ' goo aa la pror.ee ef Baa nu factum, la ths pea seaatoe aad aader .the eoatrnl ef the reoelver. All bid takes at each aala eebject ta tha approval aad eesarmatloa of the aald clrealt coart. N. B. AVER, f Receive et the West Cesst Saah A Deer ' Company. v TRUBTRB-S BALBT OP MrLlr MACHtKRJtT. Sealed Mda wUI be received for the stack ef machinery, charting, mill enppUee and org re astore ef th Weetera Mill Supply V company, name can be inspected at Na, 4S ; -Flret atreet; city. Bide will be epenad April 17, 1806, at 10 o'clock a. m. Oertirted check , J for one tenth ef tb amount muat accomgaay , 'all bide. LEWIS C QARRlOGa, Traetee Bankrapt Estate sf Weetera Mill -Supply Compaay. . . i .' . Pipe A' Tiff t. 70! Chamber et Ceeusrrce. , AHerseys for Traataa. KOTICB la hereby gives that at a rex lay t- lag ef the Council of tb City at Partlaad. State ef Oregon, to he held la Ita chamber. et the ,Otr a. ai.. Wed Itr hall, ta said city, at 2 o'clock p. ai., Wedneaday, April 18, 1806. there ' will ha Br stated a petition far th narrowing af Davenport atreet. la Oraver'a Addltloa to aald city, to 40 feat. la width ea each etde at aald atreet. along Ita retire leegta, . troa : Cover sot's park to Pat toe road. All parti re oppeaed to each actioa ate le Vlted to preaent their object lone. . BBKBf MABOJf. . J KOTICB Is hereby gtvea that tke snderatgned . will preaent s netlllon for tha- vacation of all that pnrtlna tf AIMna avenue In the City ot Portland, eonnly af Mnltnomah, atata of Oregon, lying between the north Una ef Pree-' : eett atreet and the south line et Kllllngaworth , avenne. Is aald elty, ta tha eoanrll of eald . cltr at a regular meeting ta bi held st ths eennell chamber In the city ball ta said elty. on Wednesrday, tha $d day of May, lonfi. st 2 s' clock p. m. ' M. B. THOMPaOcf. .- ' Dated March SI, 1S0B. - . . BTTVATIOaTB WABTT7V-M8IT TOI NO Oermaa, 21, dretre poettlos; arperh. enced bookkeeper la bank. Souring mill enl . lector, timekeeper: recommeadatlona'froai all places worked. Q 26, care Journal. . 1 - CLRRICAI. position or traveling aaleaman; have eiprriene In heavy hardware aaT grocer lea; ' 21 years of agei good penman; good habits. A dor eaa D 88, cars Journal. , , iy MARRIKD mas with good reference wants steady smptoymest where there Is chanoe ..teeeHl ( siperiestlBOfae. Ad. dress B 66. care Journal. " OOOD, snber maa. handy wltk tools, wants work of any kind: wages a abject. Phone ' r- Huod 1681. 248 Ash at- room 4. . . MAN sf 20, ae ahlpplng -clerk or aaatatant, ee . poaltlea In wbolcaals hoaae; willing 1 work i up. Address 0 68, cars Journal XOUMO aisa wmhea week sf say kind; willing to work; can give beet ot referencea. Ad i dress U 82, care Joaraal. , . - . , MAN and wife, Beth yoang and gend hnstler, . wenkt like s noaitlos ef som kind Is etty. I-hone Mela 44. BN01NIGR- wanta poaHlon. aUtlonacy or loee. . santlva; reference. AaVdrea W 84. Joaraal. CAHPRNTRB wants job or repair wrk. Phone Mala 6803. . ' ' FOB BBBT H0TBIBEX"tB0 BOOMS. On Insert Ha hi this alaasltaatlea. rat "tl wards le It seats."' - . . .. rVRHISHRO koaeeteeptng by th week or by Bkm ' phone. 271 Vk Third St. and slssla - --- Baoatfei gaa, hath sad TWO eempletely fnralehed heaeekeenlng rnama, nee of-hatk gad peoe. grossd 8uor, Phone ' Feat 884. . p , . . . . , THS LINDA VIST A, sleety rnrnlahed h "Seeker r" aof ana single Iww .raaevaabla. . Ml fUlA. ...1- UU: 1