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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1905)
1 c. Cihcd vcn tt t; cti-T, Rar'")l Carter tiOJJSOYi THB NOHTON"..'..f ' 1 'Arthur Taylor--. , A, , 'lM 'Hwae - ' KNIOriT SHOE' COMPANY. J.V. tOl.TTT Guy r Hu -.-.. r ' . , PORTLAND DELIVERY CO.. V. J9.1CI Arthur Llwlborg -. , . 1JNDBORQ. GROCERY .....,, ' I.JJf P." Hi Battiii t. .-( iV- - . WADHAM3 fc- KERR BRQ3 J;t '; ' TotaH. . 4 v idl.lSI Scattering . . ; . 77,oi Grand Total ...... .........,...4J.rl , i u .1' :, : M V ' ' lAJX,. ' '. . 'UND! AC 1C J' ok khtla:d v Ci'- ' . Y' A.'. C...A.. ."' . ," Tea..' " : ' .Choc , . ." 1 CoC; . . ,' Milk Earvd rom Bottl t ; ' i - Bouiado. . " Vtil Lott "With Saratoga 'Chips and To- - mato Jell.. . "' Shrimp Salad.. - 4 A ChMii Omelet. Scrambled Eggs' With Asparus,TIe. Curried Eggs. - . ' Ham Ban aichea. r PottlaadV Foremost-. i ' vStOC ; With: v Larg ealV ; Stocks . w tba , Pacific 1 ':, Coast XVashlnStca Sts. Hot Bolls. . , 'Maine Tea Cakes. Broad i id and Butter. I1 . ..J prtiOa X-i. Second Floor ew siT. S.. .",v .- ORAWD CPRmO EXPOSITION CO ! ; . P 0 U R T H t O OR'. Furnishitigs Decoration f .V, ;ExQuialta8electlona ,nd-T5naual ,Vala That Muit Itereat Prudent. Dla ( crlmlnatlnir Houaekepr Hotel Manacara and Roonilnf-Houaa Folk. r Wa have furntahed mora iieW hoteia and rootatjir-houaea thla aprinf than any other three Portland houaaa oombtned. TFlere a a reaaon for it: Tboaa ; thlnca don't "Juat happen." Hotel people are the meet critical, careful buyer on top of earth. They flratly require quality and , dependability; aecondly. appearance Had theo price. " No two out of three of tbeso renjialte ran win their trade, either. A atore . muat poaaeaa largeat and beet aeleetiona, neat dependable flttln,,nd pell at the loweat prlcea in order to et .their buatneaa. The largat bualneaa ef thla claaa in the northweat eentera here; .Don't you ; think we night act aa your home-flttera, toot A hint of our, quallflcatlona: -. ...-(- .: v, .. . f-vol . ' -.j. -"- 'tV7"' W- v. -k :t-':'; , .... - " ' '; .' i -' ." RUOB. COUCH -COVERS. CO MPORTER8, ENAMELED IRON. AND BRASS ' BEDSTEADS, BABY GO-CARTS AOT) ' 8EWINO MACHINES . at bpecial- prices;" ''.' - ' ( ' v'-'i. ,"r'"' -J" ". , 8MTRH A .iRYI O il" tm. ' x kl. 1l . Blnwvma Wiim aKnnt ' IAB In ell douhlo.faoxL ail vWOoL With ''m.mJ M'ait Ain lhbavatti Mcula trie mlue Boaolal Bale Brio.' . , . ' - - - m . each ..'. v '.' r ' Blaew lx Inehea, -our 11.00 value; peoial aaie priov aaxsk. Smyrna Run. ail wool, double-faced, alae M feet; our tU M Talue; apedal ' : .. aale price. eact)t; .., ... .,'... i ''f...f".' ?J80 2 ' Slaea TH1H t. our .value; apeeUl aale prioe. tth,.ys,(915.5 Blae xl$ feet, eur $14.00 raluej apeclal-aale prtoe, achi... .f lf0 Tapeartrr Couch-CoTera, ia handaoma Oriental 4eslne:' apeeial ' aale price, - ;j each . . . ............ . . ...... 4 ... f 2.7S f8.T5jr0 eJ4.50 8uramer-Welht Comfortera, filled with.' white cotton Land covered wiOr-pretty ' allkolen) prioeai each,-.i., ,r,.,,....,..Bl,35 550 0 82)0 .. ' . v.'- . ' V''-'i" '" ' '. ' ' . , V ' domfortera, filled with beat downallna and corr(t with allkona.; prtoea, : ; each...;... .;..,.$a.50Ba.75 3.0O f3.25 TO f4.00 :jVf,.-v-'."1 "t' .'V' -Jf x-, ; :. v. A MONSTER l' BHOWINO OP WHITE ' ENAMELED'- BRASS-TRIMMED, i . - BEDS AND CHILD'S CRIBS AND ALL-BRASS BEDS. V ' White Enameled Iron Beda, priced At, v ach ...v...."...3.50 S4.00 $4.50 5S.OO 5.00 5T.SO f 9.0O vr to ass Chlldren'a Crlba at, each... BT.50 TO 515 olid Traai "CMbarmt - each .fSO 535 5ST.60 540 545 TO BSO. Chlldren'a Braaa Crib, priced at, each m to. .$50 Top Mattreeaea' and Bedapreada of all klada quality the beat and price the lowest . . Baby Oo-Carta, foldlnf. adjuatablk all rubber , ', tire; prtoed at, each from.B3.75 TO 512,50 Bab'y Go-Carte, with recllnlne; back, edjuatable foot-re t, automobile , rar, , . complete , with ' V cuahiona and paraaols " prlo, - each............ fit fl3 514 VT TO 540 A new shipment of O. W. K. Sewlnr Machine' haa . Juat been received. ' nu. iu.iiiii ar thu' newest Imnroved mannfaeture-rwlth aolden oak' . 'oablnet. awell front, five drawer, automatic, lift drop head, bail-bearlna; it 1 rill i.tirnnr guaranteed for 10 year; price, each.4..., .....4. 526.00 flewin Machine, the same aa abov, without automatic llftiyaacbi .f 34.90.' 'O.'t.t t Sewing Machine, with oakr catoinet; five drawer; box topi price ' each ,.,,...,......., i ,,,,..., , V V 4 . $22.05 game aa'above, oak cabinet, with three drawer; box top; 'price, each. $21.00 SPECIAL EASTER SALE : OF. : Notions Toilet Articles Stationery Leather Jk. -Hit Goods 1st Floor Shop 1PINS e Beat Bngliah' Braaa Plna, ! count;. I aliea; aolld head and ' fine point; our lq Talua; speelal ati the Baper.v,-, , , ..,.'... i.... .5f : 'Beat American Spool Cotton.' for nand or machine sewing; IM yard spool;, black-or white; all-numbers? special at, T spools for..,.. ,.,.....,...254 . Sb' HOOKS 'AND EYES Jc Patent Hump' Hooka and Eyea; In black; medium . .,' slsei two dosea on eard; our fo value; special at, the card... .......... ,1 ' ISo 'DRESS SHIEliS" iOo-White, Nalnaook' Covered Dress Shields; N ti medium else; white en both sides; our lie value; apocui at. the patr..lOe) Beat-Quality Sewing Machine Oil, in patent oH caa; 4 eunc slae; our lie . value; special at, the oan,....i... 9s JPancy Turn Over Back Combe; ahell; Our I Oo value; special at, each,. ...12 l-rusiwd '.4- rtM Alliens ) l 7?f 1 ' ' ' . ill V;1 ' ' A " I I , 1 . I- J . net SO' many yaara ago, i - - eaheh this store first be- . gaa to attract .attention) it .."Oh.. well ', anybody with , , i, . tnonef can build a. store '', and ca sell some sorts , of gooda... Let's se;t; . they can. win a buslaeaa . In linens.". ', j- ' , .' . "And,, as; though; the ' whole C town had ' heard .the word through a meg- apbone,' oyr linens were. ' shunned w were not' ' winning a linen business. ' tt was a lucky failure . ' for the slownees seem- " td 'practically- a failure ' ;to ' u-for w set , 'lf perte towork.' studying f rr linen a n othestere : y had studied them? study- " ;. ' ing linens sa' only those ' who study them are Hn , en-makers and want to' eL-'. t.' :'.;' ". i, Our stocks grew so '? good that -they at last , commanded v attention and we won a linen busi-'; T neas.' ,-. . ! pur Spring Importation of Linens has Arrived, and v . '.the stocks are complete with Linens from ' 1 ' the best makers In the world.; n-y, T e-i'ja'e-i raw HINTS AND-' SOME SPECIAL VALUES XinCU t FROM THSLASTER READINESS. U i :. ' Linen ' 8hlrtwaUt CstsVonslstlng - of BMrtiralst ; r; .11,' Pront; Colmr and Cuff, made of Richardson's . OtOrC - " . real Irlsrf linen, hand-embroldeted. the linen In .1. ... , -either sheer. or medium ; weight; prlcea, the ' r i . J' r.i-:f2:0 $3.oo $35 amd $3.50 T - s;r 'Prett Dres and Waist Linens, In sll colors; ' "'' ' priced at, the yard, from;,.',;i .25d TO $1.00 1' "v vf conPlt new line o White Round-Thread Lin 7 " '"' ;'',-', V! ' : ens, in All width Alter Linens and all kinds : Wfcf " ot llntn that are eaally drawn for fancy work; . Mm a w w 1 prices, the yard, from. ..40 TO $5.00 very complete assortment of Pkncy Drawn work' and Hemstitched Table Cloth. Nap- I r'V.lUUV Vklns, Tray, Carving and Tea Cloths, al Jn.fbe Kw. - t aewet and' handsomeat destgrur. 'f ' :, , ,1 I ;:',r'f.v.v"";-;-""-. ... -; -.: . ... - W'. .? " f SPECIAL EABTER SALE" OP TABLE LINEN " i f ! SETS,. CLOTHS. NAPKINS AND TABLE v -'7";;' DAMASK LINENS THAT MATCH, ; " .' . Every experienced housekeeper is tempted by a bargain In Linens and rightly to, for the stapla l nesa of linen valuea makes real bargains the ex- - eeptlbn. But every ' housekeeper-, takes an' added : prM in hating her papery match table cloth and napkins, and ; also Ure denies . Whether two 'or, more alses, the table appears beet when all match with each other and the center-piece or piece In TS V ':., rt. 1 1 the linens listed below one may get patterns to match.' ..- .-- . ;-v,'.v" '' ' '' ;;;vl-damask .sets.' ', Fifty fine Satin Damaak Table Sets, whloh Include ' ., . 1 ons cloth Jid:e do sen napkins ' ' :iXtxU Inches In sise.:, ',';, . . Cloth txt yards, with en dosea napkins; '. special at, the set ...... .55.58 Cloth tills yards,' with one dqasn napkins: special at, the set ....... ...55.90 " Cloth txl yards, with one dosea napkins; ; special at. the est ,$7.57, Cloth bIK yards, with owe dosea napkins; special C the set ....... ....... ......$8.05 , " :-...V : SATDf DAMASK. , ',ry RlchardsAn's Heavy Satin Damaak, I yards wide, splendid wearing quality, awell new pat- -. '.f.. terns, our $1.15 value. , . Special at, the yard.... ...4..... ....$1.04 f I400 NAPKINS ll.ll Napkins f snatch the above, 14 Inehesj square, same quality aa the damask. , . ( .. our I4.00 value. ; - Special at, the dosea .......'.............$3-28 ; ;v:l BIO BPECIALBAROAIN in SHEETS. ; ' Best quality HemsUtcned Sheets, extra long. , Else tttxlK yarda, -our o value; -. , , ' '. 1 . special,, each .................... ..,.. -7 lif ? llse mtlK yards, our 1."0 Tames ' t special, each -v., m.. ............. .......504 Hosiery Bargains-r-First Flpor V ''v.';' -:l.m ,;" I. ;;i..:.t ".' '.v';"-r''V'Tka chlef'duty of these Underwesr mm 1 mi himiii r minis it r ne 1 7 . a, i ' - - .t7i. I - ' i 1 V m. Mm '' Women's White Cotton VestsT the M erode, long sleeves, . short sleeves, sleeveless, values best for the money; each , . , . . , . .......B04 'Women's' Sleeveless ' Vests', ' white ' cotton, Rlohelleu ' . ribbed, neatly trimmed; each 10d 12 AJTD 1B4 Women's Pin White Cotton Lisle -Vests, sleeveless. , Swiss and Richelieu ribbed, plain and lace yokes, -Jeautt; each . .... ...1... ....... 4... ...'. .-254 Woman's White. Pink and Blue Swiss and Richelieu' Sleeveles Tests, llsrs, silk tape and neat crochet ' trimmed; eech . .. ;...,;,,.'. '.,,,',.. .354 7 ZZ- world' beet make of merchandiae in . ' their line at -, the- loweat poeaipie prices, . In order to. do this we search - the mills of every producing country j pick the best saving on price by f i 'quantity purchases, and hand the . , savings to yeu. Again fickle chance - Mtepe In and nelpe to "lucky buya.-, m.ia u1r'. aBeAtaJ are benefit de- . V'"vSfv -'' ;t1t frcra th sources.. - j. ) ': 'aPairiAL. tor the WEEK. 5 -. Children's Black lo Striped Lisle . ues te lo; pair ..1... 194 ? Broken lines In Children's Blsck Cot- y V 1 ton Hose, out ait sises in im hot,, ., , ; i values f Jc, lc, JBcj all specisl at, pair'. ". . . .....18a. '' Women's Pine Black Gause Cotton ; Hose, spliced . heel, douoie soie, : ( 40o values; pelf .......... .254 V Women's- Black Cotton Hose, ' with - embroidered boots, our O. K. stock ' ' siwi hi values for 60c: special. pair i,........ .197 Women's tte Blsck Cot toy Hose, with ', white doubla sqis; special, pr Ttam ' Women's -Black Cotton Hose, with , ribbed tops, double sole, spliced . .!' heels, O. K. brand,; i valaee for, t pair . . .......,.35d , Women's High Grade Paacy Hose. selected from many lines, fine lm ,,;" ported stock, valuea run from ' ;; ' 75c to $1.15; special, pair... 694 Women's Long Sleeve White Cotton 1 ! Vests, splendid value; each.. 254 Womwi's White Lisla Sleeveless Vests, crocheted . silk tane. beauty; eacn . . . ov? iv wki.. Vasts, sleeveless, a great asaort- ment M patternai each ...754 51.00 ABO 1.28 Women's Whits Cotton Union 8ults, sleeveless, knee length, lace and plain knee; suit. ............ .504 Women's White Cotton Union Suite, hlah neck, long and short aleeves and low neck, sleeveless, knee length; - ' each. . . . . .... J. 754 Our Mered line of Women's ak Suits In aH styles and prioea ranging from 854 to 52.25 suit, now ..'complete. See them. . . , -' v . 1. 'iv; .V'TOIXET SUNDRIES. :,,:- ''.-,.. - , -z - r- ' ' -,--..-' Toilet Paper; eatra large siss rolls; 1 ounce; fins quality paper; our Uo value; special at, the rolt......................104 Talcum . Powder, violet perfumed; nest quality; our 'Ato value; " special at, the ean....;.........M.'..M...r.......94 LUterated Tooth Powder, .large also bottles; mr'tld Talus; ipe- . . clal at,, the bottle. ,.... . ......,. ...... 15 Imported Prench Perfume in Violet," Jspanea Lily, Lflae, crab applelavender, verbena, etc.; oir lc valuer special at ' '. (be ounce . . . , . , ,'. , . 10 Chamois Skins, extra' large sise; finest quality perfect trimmed skins; ear ISo valuer special at, each. .55 - stationery; American Paper Napkins, plain, with decorated borders; our loc , it talus; special, .the 104. ..... J. .....k.. '........... .,...6 Black Writing Ink. pest quality t ounce cones; oar lo vslue; special eC. the bottle,. ....,. ..,'..,..,,,. ,,.3 Writing Paper, ia hoses; fine smooth finish; plain or .ruled; ouY o value; special at, the bom. ....t.. ...... ....;. .Tt.lOf Wrltlaa Paper. Old English Writing Paper in pouad packages; amooth or rough finish; 110 sheets In package; our $50 value; special at, the package, .....1T Net or Twine Shopping Bags; our $5e value; special at, each. 19 ;'':" t - " POCKET BOOKS ' AND BELTS. '-,.'.' ,M Buster Brown Patent Leather Belts, in, red. white, navy, black 1 and brown; all alses; special at. each. ....t..,. ....... ..25 Ladles' Black Kid Leather Belts; crush leather; all alses; ur' $1.40 value; special at. each. .......OB Ladlea Combination Pocket Books. In all tine black, brown and . . Un leathers; our $!$ value; special at, each...... CS Here's a Host of :ams'mm Bare .4 kt In the Fancy Goods Shopslst Floor News to make, one's . month watsr. '-': . ' .' New ,'ef prioea on pretty" '"flxlna" so much needed s garniture - for . dainty - touche here and there on - Easter gowns. W don't need o tease women to read this. ' ." :,. v A,'-:- A SAEE ''.' - I'' ' i . ' . ' V'1' ' - (. : ".. ',- t Of . . . '. " . PRETTT EASTER RIBBONS. V '. 400 Ribbon 15a TarI A lot M bqautlfnl Alt Bilk sVt " In Taffeta Ribbons... S 14 and ' 4H Inches wide, whits, black - and colors; regular value Sta ,, and 45o yd.; special yd. 25 50c ILK CHIFPON- MDAL- uuno 1 sc. SUk Chiffon Medallions. I In. ; . square, heavily embroider- ' Ml In kU.I. . w,. ... ww. aim -Din : e , 1 j - . Persia effect. . . I Rwlsr .50o value; special. . 1 ll Regular 'tie' "val'seV '4"lnhet , MVj In diameter; special at. - ' 1 V : each 4 . t I 94 mm 4 v-VtO W0MENT1 PRETTY EMBROIDERBD ' COLLARS BARGAlNa A big Involoe of Dainty Embroidered Collars. In tarnoTer styles, just W V .7 7 wlU oonstrtut one of the special offerings at the Neckwear Coun ter tma week. For convenience weTe divided the values into three loU Tti-ST . . m ' wdly to" Prices for brisk selling v . LOT I Special aV ach .' " . .. .V.V.VwV.V.V.'.V. - Wnimri (a trmnnnMnm at . -umn A line ef Hemetltohed. Embroidered and Scalloped Embroidered Edge Hand. . . kerchiefs, a great variety, regular value 54a; special. sab......,..S.a ' '-r" -'S ;.-'.$l.4 CHIPPON VEILS 4$ CENTS. ' ... , 7 V A beautiful lot of New Chiffon Vll. in white, blacit green, "navy, amber. ?lpk. beige and ambrey effects, regular $1.00; specUl. yard....:. 494 ; " . .CORSET COVER EMBROIDERIES SPECIAL VALUES. V 1404 yarda ef Corset Cover Embroideries, in Nainsook. Pine Swisses and fan. brie, beautiful designs; special at, yard....... ...37tt AMp 414 Easter Footwear 't , ) IV , - ' ' " I, 'f eBBBBaVBa - r, i' ' 1 '' fc. ; '. f! ', " .' . t. ",. . , '- tV 1 ; : ' .: . it . GOOD NEWS PROM THE SHOE STORE ON THE ; - . '.... ..!.. "FAUt-WAT." " V ., "V"7,-West Aansx First Floor. ;,,-;: ' ' ' MR. & C. JAMESON. Manager. ''i , ' I New stocks, new methods and a new manager av.' im Dnuv duht j 107- iiixwi" ua saleswoman V ' ' to wait upoa women and children who wish. A' " v i'v " grana stoex or spienilltf shoes for all the famil- a peeness line ui air in new patent leathers. : Wolff, the Inventor ef the new patent leather. ; was a chemist, his line running to the prepara tlon of pelts for tenners. At last he made a . preparation that gave leather the leng-looked-for ..ahlny. aarfaee in a aafe way. -.He gave up his chemist's shop and now rank aa one or tn worM- ThM. mmwm. a ImI.-.a Km- uli. .1.. V. w."?!.. Wolffs Real-KWI la aa distinctly beet aa 1 Foerderer-e VICl Kid.- .-.j, : It 1 refined patent leather the difference of a linen collar versus oas ef eelluloid. . . , . ,; , ....... . . , . . v. , , r ... , - i. . ': ; : ' , ' r ' ; ; '""y. ' A , a . bio three-Day special bale op good shoes sta RtffTobAT. ! . "' 7iea that go to make it the best sale of the season. ;' .u . ., ;'..' . : V, ;' , ' ,. ' .' meks $$.$ shoes $i.$$. 'T r v One large rot of Men'a Shoes, in box calf, vicl kid and patent eoW made by the . ; Packard Shoe company, aplendid shoes, and our regular nrin on tham la , $1.60. and they sre sold elsswbere at that price; special for .three days only as too pair . ,, ... .,..,,,... , t ,,.,.', , , 93,L m 'wV "'., ."MEN'S $4.40 TAN SHOES $$.$$. : , . ' V,-Y':, ' Man's Tag Russian Calf Shoe, in Blucher, BaL and Blucher Oxfords, in th newest designs, regular $4.40 value special for three' day a only at, the pair ,V, . .- ..... .,',..,,,,. ..', .'.-, ....i.a 23Mk ;.V ;'' '. ; f .. ....... . .T-'.-Vw-. f '; - MEN'S SLIPPERS. ' ;.' ' '.; ' '-V ' '; 'l ': AND ,$. SLIPPERS FOR Its.';'.; 'i'"vH. "''' These Slippers are pet cheap, but' are all high-grade good that have never been put on apeclal aale before.'' They come in a light ten anakeskln; als - ehooolate snafceskln, tn epera style. The regular prices are $t.K and $1.75. Special price for three days only st. the pair. .$1.43 ";;r; .;.''; ; ;; ' i MEN'S $1.5 SLIPPERS $t4. . : :'-(v Men'a Black Monkey-Skla Blippera. our regular $2.50 value; special for three ' asys oniy, ye pair . .... t ..... . ........ ....... ...... . .... , 91.49 . WE CARRY TLORSHEIM'S CELEBRATED SHOES FOR MEN : And bars lust received all their latest style Tan patent' kid will be much - - . -wora this season. Ws have ahoea of this leather la both low and high cuts at popular prioea, . . , ;..-, .''"' - -'5 'y i ' "'"IMMENSE BARGAINS IN CHILDREN'S SHOES " ' ; i 1 I Aa experienced saleswoman in charge of ear Children's Shoe Department" tone who will take the greatest cars In fitting properly tn reet er our aoy ana gin patrons. ' ) ' CHILDREN"8 f 1.M SHOES $1 CENTS. . A ( pairs of Children's Best Vlcl Kid Button Shoes, with patent tip,, wedge -. heel, all dowa-te-date styles, slsea. 1k to I. width D and E, our regular , $1.50 value; special sals prioe, the pair. .....,.,,..;...... ..-,,.... .59 ' ' '-iX'-'-l v' -.CHILDREN'S $1.15 SHOES $1.5$;""' f,- "'.: '' " .V Tt pairs of Children's Patent Colt skin Lace Shoes, with matt tops, spring' ' 'heels, a all alses from I to 11, in wide lasts, the "Plngree" shoes, sod w ' ' regulsr $1.2$ value; special sale priee, the pair.. ..,... .$,!.. J . - -a.---; ''.. ' ' ' ' ' ' i ' .,. v. . , : - . , . . CHILDREN'S $123 SHOES $l.4. ' : , $4 pairs Of Plngrve-Made Shoes, rosde of plums-weight vlci 1 ' ' lsoe style, eur $2.24 vatae; . J sale price, the '-.... All hlg" the 1 r- . . " r:cxs on Krrrs r I $!.$. $2.T$ r