The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 10, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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mm for mayor
While Mother Hear the Goepe
Dr. Chapman Urges Gathering at
.! Children Are Cared for,.
' V : ' Association. ' , "
: . Armory to Register in I n-
! terest of Morality. ; '
i ' ' t . .-I-,-, ' - ..-
Hundreds of Men Ask Dr. Bieder
wolf to Pray for Their Im-'
mediate Conversion. ;
' Over a Hundred Native Sons and
, - Daughters Have Pleasant
: Experience Yesterday. '
c? i:o:;e TRAifiEBs.
I ' i ' - " -
f i i
ci V7 li ' VV V ? v-rJr "
' 1 1 i 4-t i' ; ll
. On hundred and fifteen babies were
: cared for yest erday.ln tna improvised
nurseries at the Marquam building and
. the Whir Tempi during tha meet-
:' inn for women only. ' Thee nurseries
nave bn ftaturea of th revival.
The creche la th Marquam building
:. yesterday wu a well organised affair.
under th direction of th Horn Train
liia association. Mr. Ra muel Connell,
president. : At tb foot of th elevator
In the entrance to the Marquam theatre
members of th aasoclaUon took chart
- of th bablc. and they were Uken to
. the Knlaht of Pythia helL. on the
.:tfhlh Boor. Ther were toya and plc-
lure book to- entertain the children.
i Thoa who Joined , th nuraery corp
yesterday were;. " '
' Mr. Samuel Connell, Mr. Robert
Tate. Mrs. John E. Lathrop. Mr. Edith
Darling,. Mr. Bvelyn Dudley, Mrs. C
M. Younz. Mlsa Nellie Redman. Mrs. A.
H. Lomax. Mrs. F. H. Miller, Mrs. J. U
Kingsbury. Mis J. a Dunkle. Mia
llasel Msckensi. Mis Mayan Boehmer,
- Mrs. J. Jl. Koulke. Mlsa Bdlth Wlae
man. Miss Mary Miller, Mlstr lesduska
Carey, Mi" Celeste Pygert, Mis Helen
urown, Miss jttasei srown, aura, ivniv
Wendllng. MrY D. D. - Warren, Mrs.
Wallace Morse. Mrs. . A- J. Brownll.
Mr. H.'W. Fries. Miss Bavag, Mrs.
Frank 8avage, Mra,' E. C Clement, Mis
Margaret Clement.' :' "
Luncheon was eerved to the little peo
ple, and they were looked after accord
ing to ' methods employed In kinder
garten s. Mrs. , LeUhrop took them
through kindergarten exercise and read
etorie aloud. At the White Temple
were 10 children, and there 4b sain
plan waa .followed..'-- ,
The' Home ' Training association has
carried on tbls work through the entire
aerie of revivals, and has also provided
Ushers when . th . meetings were for
woman only. '. , .. ,, -- '
At the Forbes Presbyterian church
last night. Mr. Naedbaat took for his
text Eaek. iS-81, and spoke on the sub
ject ot "Heave th Home of. tb Be
liever." All that h said led. op to the
thought that without Christ there could
be no heaven.
' Referring "to th question' of those
who , have never beard of , Christ, he
aid: "Thoae'-who hav never' heard
of Christ will not be Judged by the goY
pel.' but by their own conaciano."
: Then h turned on hi hearers, and
said: "Far - better, for you that, you
never heard the gospel than that you
should hear and reject It There must
be preparation for th heavenly life.
"The monopolists who , are . trying
to corner th earth won't be there. Their
money would' keep their minds - from
ood." . y V., '
, He closed with an appeal to those who
wished to prepare for entrance to the
heavenly city, and a number responded
to the Invitation., ;::
' Evangelist diaries Btelsle addressed
large gathering at the Men' Resort'
yesterday afternoon on "Ch rist and th
, Worktngman."' He was attentively lis
tened to and, as usual, waa the subjeot
t)f a croas-flre Of question at tH con
clusion of th sermon. t , v
I Offer AU Stomach Sulferm Full Dot
. .;....:.:.. Iart Worth of my Remedy
Free to Try
r - . v I . J .. f
- i, : ,. - , - ,. ,V
' t eei effort Is rfvr fall liar's worth free
twee see srine Is M eretBarr ivsifdy. Ordlsary
maedlee teet sysisteas. My reaaedy tteta
the eaasrt that sroenee tb ywptoots. Bjtae
nm treatswat set be kept up forever ea
loog ee the eaase la tkere. Mytrntaieat may
hm stoppe aa aooa ae It baa removed tbe cm oar,
lor that Is always tbe ead of Usable.
' StoaaaHi troubto U ant really eletSMs. bat
s sys-ptoa. It la a symptom tbat a eertala aet
ef serrea Is alUnc. Not tbe votantary narvtie
ibat eeable yo te walk and talk asd art hat
ibe aotnmatte atomeck serves ever which your
. Blind baa an eoatrol.
I have not room kere te explain bow these
trader, tier servea control and eparat the
atoaiaek. How worry brreka them dowa and
ranee Indignation. How mlaoae weara them out
and eenace tfyaprpala. How eeslert may brlinl
o kidney, heart, aad ether- troablea throuf a
armnathy. I hav set room to explain bow
theaa nerves may be rsaebrd and atrenstbeaed
and vlUMaed and nude wpII by rvmedx I
apret thirty yeara In pwfietlnf now known by
ImCftata everywhere aa Itr. Khuop'a Beatoratlve.
1 have aet roem te explala hew tbls remedy, y
teaaovlna the eanae, pole a eertala end te In
aHsvatlnn. beleblnc. hnrtbam. Ineomnla. are.
Vouaneaa. drapapaia. All of tbeae tblnae are
Tuny expieinea in um poos
. wbe yea write.
I will aead ye
I more than a million horses my remedy Is
' knew. It baa cored stomach troablea ant eoea,
at eeoeetedly ever and ever ayala. Yet yaa
saay not have beard ef It or bearin(. Buy have
delayed or donkted. so I make thai offer to
awa. atranser, that every poaelble eseoae for
doebt stay be removed. Rend me no money
snake son no promise take no rtak. Hlnmly
. write sad nak. If yo kave not tried my rm.
edy, I will send ynl as order es yoor drnrglat
for a fall dollar bottla not aample. bat tbe
vgalar etandard bottle be keeps conatanUy ea
hla ebelvea. The drasriat will reenlre ne eon
dlrJona. He wtll Bet-opt my order aa eheerfallv
aa tboiisk ynor dnllu laid peter him. He WIU
ee tse nui to me.
Will rae aereot this eunei tsnltv la laawa m
mj evaeima ahaolot'ly, ow t be rid forever it
all forma of atomaeh trouble to be rid sot only
f the trable. bat of the very ea which
produced Itt . Writ today. . , ,T "
' yer s free order for
a fall dollar bottle
yo Stoat a4r-w
Book 1 e Dyapepete.
Honk t en tbe Heart. '
Bosk a ea tbe Kidneys.
lie. (weoa. Boa A tT-
twm a ror womes.
Kaetwa. WU. . State Bonk I for Mea.
. wklca sek ye want.
MIM ma, a are aftaa eared by a ataflo bottle,
rer sale at fwty tboaaand drag stares, .
:' ':.'.:" X: 'i 4"
Shppp s
.. ,. . . j .., , , .. . . '.i- . , . ,
This is th closing day of the even-
gaiistio revival. Dr. Chapman la ad
dreaalng a great throng at th armory
thla afternoon, and there will be fare
well service jn all of the district! to-
ns"- .. ' ' v.; A " .r
Vee tarda y waa notable In the remark
able, campaign. The-great event wa
th men' meeting at the armory, where
upward of f.oeo heard Dr. Blederwolf on
'Ood's tier tleman. It waa one of the
moat Impressive sermons of th rle
and, aa 1 -charaoterlatlo of Dr. Bieder-
walfa preaching, contained many stories
of pathos which visibly affected Ms
hearera. . The response to the evangel
ist's appeal for reformation was 'great
Probably 200 in the audience lifted their
hands for prayer and a good percentage
of them took part in the after-nleetingi
acore or more of conversions wore
made publicly ,-.
Before the sermon, Dr. Chapman apok
a few word on political condltlona. B
urged, every man present to register ami
vote in the Interest of morality. . When
he asked "Who wilt be the next mayor
of Portland?!: men in tbe house shouted
the names of their favorite candidates.
and after order-had been restored Dr.
Chapman expressed hi belief that "a
man of righteousneaa" . would hold that
Office, -u v'.-'v. . .
Tbe muslo at the meeting Included so-t
los by Fred Butler and Harry Maawell
ana a aaenioa uy ma maje qannaa.
While this meeting waa in progress
L'Dr. Ostrom waa addressing a mammoth
gathering Ot women at the Marquam
Grand. When that bouse was filled an
overflow meeting was held at the-White
Temple, where Evangelist Thomas Need
i . spoke.. These . war among tn
moat- interesting service of th cam.
palgn. -i. - v"i
At tne reauest or - in proprietor ot
Frits' theatre. In th north end. Evan
gelist Snyder visited the notorious re.
sort last night and preached from th
tag on "SowingVWlld Oats." It cost
each man 1 cents to hear the gospel
preaohed there, but the crowd Ailed the
theatre and listened attentively to
very impresslv appeal for th better
life,.: ,,1.-..: , ' ,.f,V..,t.,.-
At the Men's Resort, earlier in the v
enlng, Mr. Snyder spoke to a large
crowd and made It conversions at tb
conclusion of tb meeting. '
A rreat crowd at Calvary Baptist
church, laat night listened to Evangelist
H. W. Btough on "What Muat I Do to
be Saved." : - -i .; "
The Interesting narratlv ol Paul ami
811a waa th bear of Dr. Btough'a ad-
dream."-. - ' sr-,?- .. . -I v 1
The first step toward heaven 1 the
wanting, to be saved; an honest desire
to get right with Ood," said th
preacher, "The second step la th win
In mesa to let Ood save you. The great
light ia with your will. . We can pray
for you, can plead with you and can
give you our earnest sympathy; but it
ia you, yourself, who must take tb de
cisive step. Every man who goes to
heaven, goes not head first, but heart
first. ... ' : "' '-v -' '-;.j
-You must bellev that Jsus Christ
died for you. Doe that sound thread -barer
How many people fall to grasp
It algniacane! '
"To believe on th Lord Jeauls Christ
you muat bellev that he ia able to
aave. .To whom would you rather trust
your aplritual welfare of all th lead
ers of the ageaT T Confucius? Look
at Chinatown today, with all ita mis
ery and degradation. To Buddhaf Look
at th heathen horde of India, wber
Buddhism has reigned aupreme. . Mo
teacher of all th cult and ethical aya
tem can oompar with thla Jesus, tb
Christ Non of them professed as
much aa Jesus, who went down te
death and then returned te comfort
hla followers.", ? -. .". -;" "
emwaamxaMaamnamyammlnaHamwM 'r ,-.wivu-.
Th O race M. BX cburch was crowded
laat night with th overflow from the
Chapman meeting. Mr. Butler rendered
on of hi most effective solo. Dr.
Clarence True Wilson, th paator, deliv
ered an earnest sermon on th first
Psalm, taking for hla text. 'Th ungodly
are not so." He said there were marked
differences between tbe righteous - and
the wicked. He contrasted th poorest
specimens of a Christian with the beat
moralist, and showed tnat ttt advant
age are with the man who trlea and
falls, rather than with the one who Ig
nores Ood. -' V-.' Yi ' '
. The Grace church wilt begin a series
of special meetings on Tuesday evening
immediately following the -Chapman
meetings. In order to still further help
those who had begun th Christian life
and to giv thoa who hav not yet de
cided another chanc.
The largest crowd ever seen at a
street meeting -in Portland gathered
last evening at the corner of Third and
Alder streets. . Mr. McComb did not
preach a h usually do, but called
on several new convert to tell of tbelr
put lives and how they had, since the
meeting commenced, decided for Chris
tianity. Th meetings were greatly as-
WIHted by Charles Hart, whojAPg two
elections, and B. Lee Paget,, who also
eang. . , .. ,. -.4. ... .. ., ;
n i " -
It was statsd at Central headquarters
In th T. M. C A. thU morning that
more people 'attended church and more
people Joined churches yesterday than
on any other day In the history of Port
land. In every district there were over
flow meetings and hundreds of people
wandered from church to church In the
evening trying to find on that was not
overcrowded. , ' , .
Th ministers of Portland aad vinlt
Ing pastor met Dr. Chapman and his
sseioptstee at ! o'clock thla morning at
th T. M. C A. auditorium, whea brief
service wer held. - .- .
20 styles;
Commencing at
1 f
ss - I
, Absolutely the BEST
RANGE on earth.
; Warranted 'perfect
bakers ; small users of
V fuel; not to Jburo out
in 15 years, t Your old
, stove . taken : as part
r payment
',' f" .J v .';:"'
T ' , . .' 7 t; .
". .J.'. .' - v. " ..
" .' - ' '
( '
, Commendasat
' I '" '. ' , , ...
W. F. Smalf Sas Poctrlns of
,i ' Literal Place . of Eternal
Torture Is Hideous. '
' 'Heaven or hell i right where you
alt; wherever you may be, and wherever
you may mak It," said Rev, AT. 7.
8maH, pastor of tb First Unlvrsallst
church, in commenting laat night on
th revival services held In this city
the paat three weeks. 1 thought that
hell had been relegated to th back
ground," continued he. "but when I at
tended these meeting I waa depressed to
hear- th word used as of old. I heard
the llterallstle part of the Hlble held
up without discrimination. They spoke
of a black," impenetrable bell wber our
friend and loved one must gt aad
where the majority of th bumaQ race
diudI guv' .' ',(,': - ' ; .
"There i n eaeus for preaching
such a hideous' doctrine from a Christian
pulpit )n this enlightened day and eg.
' 'TiY.-'.'.i.'.vtVi: - -
. n J
- aamTaWmmammmmma
, lor lalkats tad CUltlrsa..
Ttj ICfcJ Yea Km Alursjs Ccrsfct
' Barg 'the " rf Jiff j
1 t r r
-1 cr 0 L
. . S . .... ' , ty1 ... ' n , . ' ; y i .... . . . . ... v : r:
I know ther war men and women on
the; platform wher this aoctrin'wa
preached who did not believe It. nor did
the men who preached tbls doctrine M
Uev it. - -v. i
"One evangelist aald: V 1 try to keep
mor hell out of mencthan men out f
hell.' That la tru doctrine I do not
believe that these . evangelists . who
preach th obsolete doctrine of the lit
eral hell believe what they are saying
themselves. It may help a few, but . It
wtll turn away many more whose intel
ligence 'cannot accept the' doctrine as
compatible with The attribute of a 1oy-I
ing Ood, th father of us all. - v v
"This evangelistic movement la some
what different from the' usual . revival.
In that It lack th element of excite
ment, amotion and sensational hysterics
that ' sometimes attend such meetings,
although' there has - been manifested
Intense feeling In th meeting I hav
attended." -.: . .'-' ..
. ,. .. ,,.
(special IMapatek t Tb JoorsaM .
Olympla. Waab.i AprU 10. Mayor Boyd
f Bpokan has closed a deal for a male
Ik frora tb . Turn water park. The
knlmal wtll b taken to ' Spokane and
placed in th City park there. It will
be trapped and shlppdd to Spokane In a
padded cage.. Tb prtc given for th
animal la 1176. ' -
Governor Mead . has named Joseph
Irving of Snohomish county as a mem
ber of the forestry commission. Irving
was a member of th recent legislature
and author of th forestry law creating
the. commission. Thre more commis
sioner sr to-be named by th governor,
tire state land commissioner acting as
cx-omcio m em ner,
- 175 First Street
v:-yVJ.':-v- X .
Dr. Walton Speaks of the Work
r. Here and Give Itin-f-
MHev. R.' A. Walton, tn evangelist who
baa been -In charge of the work at the
Men's Resort for th past three week,
will begin a two week' special meeting
at Oregon City next Friday, assisted by
R. N. Jeffery, vocalist and ' chorus
leader. All the Protestant churches tn
Oregon City trill unite for- the two
weeks' campaign. ' After hla work . is
finished there Mr. Walton will go to
Oakland, -Or., wher h will bold a two
weeks service. Marshfleld and Baadon
will also b visited by Mr. Walton and
Mr. Jeffery, and a month work will be
Chlmny-Mp, Swr Pip. Flr
Prooflng, Drain Tile, Building
Brick, Flu tdnlng, Vltrlfled Pav
Isg Brick. u.. .
Office end Yard Foot Ankeny St.,
Portland,-Or. Phone Main Hi.
The Home
given to the town. Th meetings at
Hanaon win close tn season for Mr.
Walton,' and the others of th Chapman
evangelists "will finish their work la the
west and south at about th sams time.
' Speaking of th work at th Men
Rmrt Mr. Walton, today ald! ,
. ' "I bellev that aa much good waa ac
complished at the resort as anywhere
In Portland. . The people reached ther
war of the class that aeldom attends a
church service, and I think aa many
man were reached aa at any of the other
service, and I am sure mor ef them
needed 'help, i About 115 who professed
conversion at th resort meeting and I
am.aur that -many other wr set to
thinking and probably .helped to a differ
ent mode of living." . . ,. '
'. ("Peeial rttopatcb t Tiewiial.) i
ROseburg, . Or., . April - I. Frank
Dlary waa drowned yesterday morning
near Olid, on tb North Umpqua river.
The man, who waa a river driver, waa
riding a log down th river, when it
struck a rook, throwing him into the
water.. -,-v, - .. ,.-.,..,. ., -.s.,.1 . .,
Rpaeial Dwsaieb ts Tse' faaraat.) '
' Washington, AprU 10. -An army chap
Iain la making a big light for promotion
on th verg of retirement. H la Chap
lain F. Nave, th senior captain ef hi
corpa, ellglbl to promotion to tb grad
of major on account of length of Mr
vice at least, - and I making an effort
to b advanced to tbe next higher grade
prior to hi. retirement on April KL Chap
lain- Nava la being Indorsed by venous
religious bodies of bla denomination, and
mm h i a I i . . i tizrrtar a
m r3 i l r i'f 1
C7 ra:;c33
v J
.Use Wood or Coal;
policbed steel body;
asbestos lined. - Every
improvement knjbvn
to ranse makes, $10
cheaper than may range
of equal graces. - Your
old stove taken aa part
payment, T- -
; Dr. B. O. '
ZMBitUt that ra
, 1 lavas .li pain ht
dsntal ,opratlona.
Wfr Wekmgtoal
9tn sev. Sevoutka
eared thoeeaa
at nam or narveoa imuiitf, lasomnla aa atro
phr. They clar the brain, etrenfthea the
elrentatlaa, Stake dlseettoa perfn and imparl
maraetle vla t the irhole being. , all drains
ana ton
best V
ateoned Dermasentlr.
- 11.00 ee
ar aafaad ,
imtes guarantee to,
lft.00. Mall-4 sealed.
ho.k tree.
rvrmae man. arrn pi., rniiaaelphla.
Pa. geld I Portland only br rraak Nan,
Pnrtland Hntet Pilar
his cause Is especially championed by
Senator Dick of Ohio. Should Chaplain
Nav b promoted befor April M to th
grad of major, h may, on retirement,
become a lieutenant-colonel en account
of service from mt to 1W5, a a private.
Eleventh Illinois infan-
iai m J
mm mm mm massBmajmMVsmW f
yxWaiv-Hlbr ""Vms4 knttaen for thatr ,
a a T am fa over riftv Tem-.
. It anodes - W t..aoJtm aba nut aUart . ,
i sU r . W" w"d ami is the best '
.Baal- ffve .iln. ... I
in company A.
t '
a 1
b) ' . ' '
i 7