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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1905)
I. f""" f s :- ' k "1 Lei i A t). I L - i L . i) ll I t , V, ... Uk. -J -v v ,. p. r- - .'.A . l:'r .a-U 'L y : r- i r-" S. :-;: . 4 fc-..(,,,. of KlT' Rear Ad.TiinJ ICempff Rnc!a Pre- cautions Taken to. Prevent - Loti of Life on Ctaamers. Had Cut One Partner, His Wife, and Never Used Tobacco ,;, - - .in Any, Form.; , 1 ."watt A St WOvnll i ..... ' 1 H-kH-of La4ft Ansa1 I e....,.....,,..i"uas-a ot ItM faaHa" Cin2 RunJncfsiLcf OJd; l--d ......... ... .... Vauoe.i ie b'r ........... . . Vsadevli' War ....... .....i -. .VsaOsvUM .'..,...,. . . -.-' .-.- , . i i Xaput- Ui9 are the , dates . selected . for a eonf erenee on Indian affairs, and 'a meeting of the Pacific : Coast' Indian , Teachers' inatltuU to b held at tb ... .' Lewis and Clark fair. ,The datea were elected by a committee oa-aonferences and congresses; composed of J. R. Wll- son. R. W. Montague. W. I Brewster, K. P. Hi;i, & t WlM tnd W. OEtlot, z Jr., The Joint educational .committee la . composed of . J. H. Ackerman,- w. is. . Ferrln, E. A. Orout and: J. C. :Zlnsr. , Superintendent Bdwln .Chalcraft, of the ; VWniwa -Indian , aenool, attended tne 'meeting'. ' ' ." " W.-J", Saunders, ' secretary and .gen' ' aral manager of the St. . Louis lluplnesa . v Mea'a league.' haa written a letter to the Portland Commercial club replying to a ,' '-query as to the effect of the Louisiana ' axpoaltloa on 8t Louis, commercially. Mr. 8aundr states that the city baa -. tbeea Immensely benefited by tbe expo ' alUonand baa felt no relapse. ' He aaya the city apent 110,000.000 outright for tbe expoaltlon, and If. the 'value of tbe fair ia measured by tbe benefit re 7Velved, the city could have afforded, to . jspand doable that-amount , ' 'i The moat satlsfsctory preparation for -.- fhs Mood, liver and kldneya la Kenyon'a '' Compound Extract of Sareapartlla, pre ' ' pared and Bold only-by Albert Bern!, tbe oruawiat. second and waaomnon. mia i preparation la ' the beat combination of .remedlea known to medical eclenoe ut '. -this age and haa no equal aa a system , irenovator and tonic - Large bottle, 75 icenta, or three bottlea for Z. ' y y : Delegates from all parta of the atate r will attend the eleventh aeaalon of the . , Oraod Court of Oregon of the Foreetere of America, which will be held here , May 1. Office will be elected, and ' ' three . representatives , will be selected ( to attend the supreme court, which eon- eaes In Buffalo, N. T In August. After 11 yeara of continuous service, Samuel i" Kafka, of thla city haa announced him 'elf aa a, candidate for re-election. Winiam Carr Morrow a resident of .. . thla city, baa been elected" edltor-ln-i chief of the Columbia Lake Review, one of the highest honors that hv bestowed , ' by the etuasnte of tbe law school of v Columbia antvefstty. He la a graduate : of the Portland high school, a member ' "ef tbo Second Oregon Volnnteers and a ' graduate of Iceland Stanford;' Jr., ual verslty. He ia Just entering the aealor year at the law school.-- - , -. After - oompletlng'' extensive street . paving operations at First and. Madison streets, tbo Concrete- Construction Co. " iiaa commenaed operation at Second and - Burnalde atreeta, where another - vaat v . Held of work will be atarted JVb taime s " diately. From second and Burnslds the construction company will mova to Burnslds bridge, where work will be . oommenoed on the abuttmeata. --' ' ' - For Saa Francisco ..and le kAhgelea, .teamer. Bedoodo sails direct Thurs ' day i evening, from Oreenwlch dock. 4; Cabin, Hi: steersge, tt to San Fran cfeco, and lll.ia and 115. Los Angelea, '. Meals and berth Included. C. K, Thorn p ' 9n, Kagent. 121 .Third tfsct.',:V; ;, ..e Immlgranta Waated To looate '. aJoag'tn Oregon Water Power Rafl- - way eouipanya line between Portland " nd Bstaeada.- For Information twruire of the Oregon Water Power Towns its ! . company. 114 First street Phone, Mala .'f Kataeada, Off era Opportunities ' U manufacturers which means millions of dollars It -properly handled, -. For ln- - formation Inquire of the Oregon Water ' - Power Townelto company, t lit , First ! street Pbooe. Main. II.' : "T J '". f ; .-..-j .- ; - Lest Black Cooker spaa lei. female; 4 months old; answers to tbo name of Bloesle: went astray In city Park, Sun-'- day; reward- for her - reooyery. t HI Fuutdsra street between TwonUeta'aad Twenty-flrst. ' r , ,. -y. .TiaTxHjrglenloJlomalTrea.Unnt fot. the permanent euro ot all female trou . blea. Lady - physician in charge, eon- aultatlon and examination tree.' Off too 77Bourv a, m, to p. m-t 11 Lewis bldg. Tourists, aa well aa city people, finan cially embarrassed, will find the Port- . land Lean Offlce, T4 Third street, the :' safest and most reliable place to trans set their business,'' Ratea reasonable. , ' Sale of convent-made fancy articles at ' St Patrick's hall. lth and Bavier, com mencing Tuesday,- April-11, -and eloalng ' Thursdsy, April II. Thla is a rare treat for all lovers of the beautiful.; ' '-'New' steamer Northland sails direct 'for San Ftandaco. : Tuesday. p. m. Cabin, til; steersge. 18; meals and - berth-Included. C- H. Thompson,' a goat, ;- HI Third atreet-: '.:. ' - t , Try a meal without meat at-h Vegs-J , - tarian care. i etxtn street, -' Change Of phone Anslty,' Main 4471. v OslU nal.-French resuarnt, (4 Upshur r. 'f Ask your grocer for Golden Cheddar. ' ' Prafsrred Svoeli ' " Allen ; Lewis' Best Brand. THB . - NKW ' OEM recently discovered in California and given Its name by Mr. King of Tiffany A Co., New York, acknowledged to-be the finest min eralogist In tbo United States. - .' . r OEM has a beautiful lavender- color and resembles somewhat a pale amethyst but far more brilliant and much harder. At night looka Juat like a diamond. - , Beyond comparison, when price Is taken Into' consideration, and make a awell hat pin, stick pin,' brooch or ring. . In the east they are sold at big prioea. , Of eourss they are. Having onlys been discovered a short iime . ago, and. we ava. been fortunate enough to secure tha sola agency for thla city of the Slckler mines, from which the . genuine stones are taken. . - Hunters will find It worth their while ts see them and we are pleased to have yu call and examine them. JAHC2R taos. Jewelers, opticians. 30 Morrison U m ; Kunzitc ) :.:th- I r Gem CM ALL COY 'H!3: ' ; FATHSft.COTH ACTIVE The Act Is a Misdemeanor; and " May Oe Punished by.a ( ' Heavy Fine.'V:'ri'J,v'. TU east side effle of IM Jew-sat is Is the sum nf Mia r. W. MrKlsner. SM.Kast irslarrlMa suoct , TtlcpSom cast ZTO. ff ., There are about It Alblna and Pied mont eltlsena who are , In danger of being brought - before tbe municipal court and fined from 15 to 1100, or im prisoned for-a term not exceeding 00 days.- It Is not probable tbat many-of tbe residents there sre aware of their peril, but through their" violation of or dinance .No 111(1 that unpleasant situ ation la hourly likely to occur., -' Laat week employee of the city engi neer's offlce posted more-than 100 aide walk -repair notlcea la. the district be tween Michigan - avenue and the St. Johns road In Multnomah' and Patton's addition. Within 14 hours half of tb notices bad been torn down and today a careful, - search would discover : not more than a dosea notloes la tbe entire district . Ia soma cases the notloes were destroyed by boys, but. la many others property- owners, who took the notice aa fit affront and who declared they were abundantly able to take cars of their owa sidewalks -without outside suggestion, removed the warning. ...'-."? Tbe city council la March. 1101. passed aa ordinance making It a misdemeanor to tsar down a aldewalk notice and fix the penalty as above. . Many of tbe resi dents of the district were not sware of tbo .law when they removed the warn ings' and some who were are wondering If the city engineer makes complaint when bis notices are destroyed. - Part of the fault rests with tba'men who posted the notlcea, ' for many of them were tacked oa tbe door steps and walks of the suburb sod aa the notices were on thla paper . Instead of maalla aa ordinarily, the work, of removing the Discard was easily accomplished and In some esses wss doubtless accidental. mrw OFFZotas t. The recently elected city officers of St Johns will tonight take, tbe oath of offlce , and the responsibilities of their various positions. Mayor C. A. Cook will aive un his seat to W. H. King; Re corder C. F: Clark will be succeeded by J. W. Hanks; Treasurer Frank Liver more wUl turn his -efflca over to F. W. Valentine and -the various eotinalimen will resign their places and be succeeded by the new members.: Tbe mayor will appoint a city marshal and attorney. Judge 8. H. Oreea Having been elected for tha latter offlce but resigning to al low the mayor a free band la choosing his . officers. The- announced policy of the aew administration is conservatism and as low taxation as Is consistent with progress. Some debts will have to be Incurred to -balld a, city hall, secure fire Apparatus 'ana improve, tbe - water service but itkese -will be i secured as cheaply as Is possible and probably a tio.wo bond testis win sumoe for tne neoessary improvements. , . ' , i i . i f It 'Seems probable tbat Grand avenue will remain closed between Bast' Stark and Oak atreeta for - some time.-' 'The committee recenly appointed to lnves ti nts the matter haa discovered tbat tbe elevated roadway must be rebuilt and that no. minor improvement will bo per mitted by the city engineer. The city Is ready to pay naif tha Improvement cost, but- every t Interested property owner must agree to pay hta shsro or, the work will not bo oommenoed. Wnile the majority of tbe property owners are willing to meet their assessment, and while the business men of tbe district desire the work speedily completed. there are a few t interested who sre standing out-for a cheap Improvement and so far these have not agreed, to the rebuilding of tha structure. Meanwhile the heavy traf no on urana avenue ia being diverted to other streets and the business, men are complaining of de creased trade.) .v.' i , . . ' ' omjver TO Residents of Vernon and Highland are trying to discover why the work of graveling. Alberts street ran from Union avenns la not oommenoed. Prac tically all the property, owners In the Improvement district.; favor the plan. The bid waa let some time ago and no remonstrance has been made, but .there la aa much mud and dust in the street aa there was before Vernon waa heard ot, and no Indication ot work being con templated has been ''discovered. The Vernon tract la building top rapidly, six housea being under construction on one black; and the demand for at least one Improved street for the- suburb is con tinually. Increasing. . The Carabanaa, thai Highland . ball team, ; met' defeat in a: gams with the east side carmen1 yesterday.. , The 'car men had not 'worked together as a team, but -some of 'the men who-had been handling lever brakes for. Ave., yeara wielded the bat so effectively that, the ball waa frequently lost la ths brush a block swsy. .Ths score wss 14 to 7 snd the Carabanaa made ot their total In'-tha first Inning. - That appeared so easy that a deep sleep settled over the nine.' during which: time' tbe ' carmen sent a dosen batsmen 'ever the borne plate and whea the - red-suited team awoke it was joa Ists.- . Aiii Awkward Error. The mistake was - made through a comparatively Small Word, but It meant much, H. Metser, managing owner of Reservoir- Park, planned to entertain a large ' number of excursionists at his beautiful addition on tbe Mount Scott line yesterday, bat his advertisement, which appeared' In yeaterday'a papers, contained the word "tomorrow" Instead of "today." ' Mr. Metagar announces' a postponement of ' tbe excursion; bat assures thepubllo tbat without -fall It will come off next Sunday. Mr. Metsger Is appealing especially. . to homeseekers. and la- making It possible for them to examine Reservoir Park without ' ex pense. - Car fare win - be returned to excursionists on tbe grounds, snd re freshments will be served free. Reser voir Park la the moat sightly of Port land additions, and time spent In In specting this beautiful property Is well employed..-.'" ' ,. ;.'' i r, - i m i Si i . ' v ' During Msrrh Harrlaburg merchants shtppM aoo dosea egga-besldcs much Poultry. - r ,' ' . Koromiour asm batshxbt. INCrECTING OTEAr..2RS : - WEST OF THS ROCKIES Coastwise Ships Give MostTrou ble as Crews Are CKanged . Very: Frequently. .i, ; Rear Admiral Kemnff. appointed by Secretary Metcalf of tha department of commerce and labor to investigate the steamboat aervlce in thla district, ar rived this moraine from San Francisco and lost no time In taking up his wots, At o'clock he waa on the waterfront looktnar ovsr a number of river craft His Investigation will DO coanneq mostly to aa examination of the life- saving apparatus aod fire equipment on the passenger steamers. t Aa be Jntenaa to make, an inspection of every , boat in local waters. In addition to tboae carry ing passengers from coast - ports, he will probably be obliged to remain sev eral weeks. - In reality he la making a reinspectton of all of the vessels which have been . Inspected by Captains - Kd warda and Fuller.- .. -. "While at Ban , Francisco and - otber California, porta." said tha admiral thla morning, "I found that the boata plying In Inland waters required the moat at tention. Nearly aU. however, carried the proper, equipment for fighting fire and to take care of passengers in ease of. accidents, but the crews were changed so often that many of the men were Ignorant of the duties -requirea in tha event that their servtoea ahould be seeded to aave life and property. On the ocean vessels tha same crew Is usually retained for a long period, and as a con sequence the sailors , generally know Juat whore to station - themselves and what work to do In tlmea of emergency .i' After the- Blocom disaster, .the ad miral aaya the department made manjr. new rules for the government of steam boat men. and a board -of Inquiry waa appointed to visit every district in the United States to see these were -enforced, as well as the old laws, which had fallen Into disuse. He was assigned to the First districU which Includes all of ths Pacific coast and Inland navigable waters west of the Rocky mountains. Since November 10 bo. haa been confin ing his attention to tbo vessels calling at California porta Saa -Francisco was first visited, thea San Pedro. Redondo, Sacramento and Eureka, and aa ha did not fully complete . hla work at tboae places, ho will probably have to return before forwarding his. report . to Secre tary Metcalf. '':.-' More particularly than . anything else." be continued. "I made it a point to-Inquiry Into the facilities for flght- Inir fire on the steamers ana what pro visions have been made to permit the passengers to escape In small boata The crews are required to drill regular ly once a week, and when I go aboard a boat . I ascertain - whether or not they have been doing so. At my request a drill is given, whloh I personally super- Intend, and It Is a very easy matter, to know by their actions whether y they have been accustomed to going tnroagn the perfurmaaees regularly. tKsch man ia- supposed to .know lust, jr Dsra to take hla atatlon when an .sodden oooursv and what work ia expected of bissV The admiral asserts tha he has. found but a small per cent of tbe firs hose sad llfe-preaervara carried by the steamboat companies defective. Wbea they dp not come up. to the standard they, are' con demned, and the company Is ordered to supply the - proper equipment Life preservers must be ot a certain slss and capabe ot bearing up a burden of 17 pounds when , thrown into the -water. Notices have to bo posted ia tbe quarter of the deckhands and sailors Informing tbom Just what Una of work they will be required to perform It a fire should break out oa board. It appears that heretofore these notices were placed la tbo cabin, where the crew bad no ac cess to them. - . ' " '"' .After completing his labors at Port land tha admiral will go to The Dalles, then to Astoria, and to 8eattle. where It la probable be will complete , tbe In spection service on tbe north PactAo coast He states u. .ul T t'noJb? for blm to go Into Alaskan waters this season on account of the magnitude ot the territory ha baa to cover. Admiral KempS has been oa the Pa- cine coast at irregular Intervals since Hit, sad has a number Of acquaintances la every port.-: In the year named he made a cruise all along tbe coast In the government defense boat Suawnea, which waa later lost near -Vancouver. B. C by atiiking an " uncharted ' rock. . In U75-4 he was lighthouse Inspector for tha Thirteenth district, with headquar ters at Astoria.' In 1191 he was at Port land for a few days In command ,of the Monterey, engaged in the. ooast defense service. . ' - ''.' '- '', ALTAR SOCIETY BEARS . ELOQUENT ADDRESS Right Rev. Abbot Thomas Talks - , td Organization 'of ,Ca-. : V; thedral Parish. r)-f "f At the. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception last night Right Rev. Abbot Thomas of Mount Angel, spoke to' the members Of the Altar society of the cathedral parish on "Ths Altar.". Many members of the clergy, among? them Archbishop Christie, and a "large con gregation beard aa excellent maslcal program.' - Solos- by Mlsa Elisabeth A. Harwass and Dom J. Zan ware features. Abbot Thomaa made an etoquent plea for . new members of the Altar society, and told of the good work It was doing and Its alma and hopes. "I raise my voice in earnest appeal and say. 'Behold, - this altar will be a testimony unto r you; a - testimony of your faith la Him who hides hla glory and majesty upon this altar, la order that we all may approach Hla without fear or trembling.', We hear lofty words spoken of tbo altar ot tha husaan heart, upon which w offer asertf lea either to virtue or vice, snd ths pagea will re ntals unopened until God shows them to tbo world la hla owa good tlaso. -There Is also the altar of love and hatred Lova is Ood's master ptaca. Whea Be created lova Ho consulted, his heart rather than hla Intellect; Hatred Is love's opposite.' Tbo altar at tha Catholic -church is' tha altar rot Ood's love for man. "Tbe poverty of tha altar- ahall pro. claim tha fact that you remember the beauty and comfort of your home, but forget the beauty and comfort .of the house of ' Ood. ' Its splendor shall stv) noanco to all that enter this church that Ood'a business la deaeito your heart, snd thatyou love the beauty of God's horn 9 aartltT.' . -. " vr r .-i,--.; , NEVER TASTE0 WHISKY y -'AND EVER GAMBLED A.--B. t Conley Sug2t :-That Without These "Necessaries'' ; He Has Been Happy. .' i.--'..''. ,:: '. -. - v - - '",;: :v.:-". :' " A. B. Conley, .."the wheat king ot the north . Pacific coast." . owning 14.000 acres of Valuable lands in the Grand Rohde valley In Union county, from which he realises annually a profit of 171,000,. haa come to Portland to make his home and enjoy a quiet life after many years of - intense - activity.' His sons now conduct the big farms in east ern Oregon, and Mr. Conley ones or twice a year visits -the scene of . bis former labors. Ha la a unique character, and has with remarkable tenacity, carved a fortune from the crude conditions of a region .that wss practically unexplolted When he went there... II years ago. A. B. Conley built tha Northern Pai clfld. railroad between Waltula and fipo- kane, and mado iso and 1190 a from the contract , Then he left the railroad business and . selected ' (the Orand Rondo valley aa the plaoe where money could be made by the man who. with faith,, in tbe -future, would devote himself-to the development of it great agricultural enterprise. ' . yesterday Mr. Conley talked about hla Ufa - . "I have never allowed the newspapers to lay much about me," said he, "be- causa i don't like to read the boasts of men. -When. I married il years ago, 1 could not read or .write, and. I didn't have a dollar in the world. I have ac cumulated some money and property and am now out of active management of my business.", ' '. ...- Mr. Conley haa certainly accumulated "some money and property." for be says ho could sell ale '14.000 acres la. Union county at -174 an acre, which makes his- landed holdings worths mors than 1 1.000.000. - - T have never sued a man. never been sued, . and never had a strike by men who wer In my employ,' continued Mr. Conley. , '1 have never Joined a secret order or organisation of any kind, not even a church. I .have never belonged to any one-but Mrs. Cohley. and TTiever bad a partner but Mrs. Conley. 'I have never taken a chew- of to bacco or smoked a cigar or cigarette. and rarely have taken a drink, and never drink Of whisky. I never played a game of any kind until last fall, when I learned whist and pedxo. I don't owe a dollar la' the world. i ' v "I have paid to Balfour. Qnthrie Co. mors than 147,000 la interest but that was up to six years ago. sines which I have never had to borrow money. I could loan Balfour, Guthrie eV Co. a few hundred ' thousand dollars now, it they wantsd it" ' . . -" - v. - Mr. Conley employs tha year, through 10 to 100 men. whom ha pays 11 to 11. SO oav. His wheat crop is an tna way from 100.000 to 400.000 bushels a year, and ho seldom fails to receive the top market, price, t One year, be aoatraeted to aeU to a JPendlqtoa firm hia entire crop at 41 roenta . s Jkaahel.' and ths market dropped ta 10 cants .before ho bad completed delivery at tbe wheat It broke -the firm that signed the contract - Mr. Conley la a. director of the La Grands National bank, which haa 1100, 000 of deposits, and is one of ths sound est financial lnatitutiona ta eastern Ore gon, He was tha "Fldus Achadea". of the latC M. Church, tha La Qrande banker who died la ' Salem laat winter aa the result' of an accident Mr. Church wss vice-president of Mr. Copley's bank. - Mr., and' Mrs. . Conley travel moat, of the time, and have thoroughly explored tha United State. He is 74 yeara old and able, aa he says, "to keep a whole yssf s business In his head, yet cannot remember a man's name 14 hours After hearing it unless be has " knows -.him for a long time." - -. . . 1 : . ASSO . '' From the Chicago Journal. The publication of Dr. 1 Weir Mitchell's muaI . 1 w fnllAwlfi tha aa thorns 75tlt birthday! attracts attention to the fact that our American authors have been and are today a- long-lived class. Dr-Hoimas attalDed tne age or IS. Whittter and Harriet Beeoher Stowe died at 14; Bryant at II: Emerson st 71: Irvine st 74t LongfeUow at 71. Of authors still living and with ens or two exceptions sctlvely at work, Julia Ward Howe will be IS in nay; rawara arvT ett Hale is IS; M on cure Conway ia 71; Mark Twain la II, and William D. How alia. 41. Holmes and Whittier both did soma of their best work after 75. - - , Extta Large ;.: Rccii Rocker Worth : 1.00 W $5,00 ' TUZSDAY ONLY ; ;: - - . , ' , Special sD week $2.00 SoUd Oak Diner for $1.25. s - ' - J 184-16 First Street jf ' III (Loveii MADE ASK v'. v-. a '"".-:'--- '''-' '''-'.,' I K' ' ' -'''li'-tl ;'' ', 6Og sl RoM 1 '' 4 .f, ':- ''.'' .l' :.y ", ' : .v'..i .'-.' -;' ; : ';'.'" ...... .v. " ..'''','. .,:: T. S. TO WNStND CREAMERY CO., 44-46-Second St. .,: - WHITE PIGEON ALL SAME AS BLACK CAT 1. . Fred ' HsjIow's,. Oijs Beautiful ; Bird Officiates Regularly fj- J ; at Farieral Services. . , Fred K. Harlow, of Troutdaleris tbe owner of a beautiful white pigeon that bts been used at graveyard services so often, that' it haa become a feature of tha funeral ritual of tha Wbodmen of the World. Mr. Harlow haa a large flock of pigeons, but the mftst conspicu ous Jjutbe snow-whita ana that Is fast becoming IhvMuable.-. " - - , According 'to the ritual that Is ob served ' at funerals" -by the order of Woodmen of the World, a dove la re leased at the grave when a member Is burled. The re ram on y has a slghln cance tbat la known only to members of the order. But doves, and especially white ones, -ars haW to obuin. so pigeons sre most frequently used..-: . Jt . was a long time "ago that the Woodmen flret had occasion to use a pigeon, and a committee at one i began a .search , for the 'right sort of bird. Tbev were directed to Mr. Harlow, and there they aetected the beautiful white Dtaaotb . At the gravs It. was released and mounted, high .Into the air. .Then It diaasDeared. . - ,r-."' ' A abort time later, the Woodmen again required a pigeon, and proceeded to the homo of Mr. Harlow. They .asked him it ha had a while oureon: be had. The bird was tskea to the graveyard, and re leased- It 'soared , fign inio in air, and dlsaooeared. ' ' - A third time the committee went to the home of Mr. Harlow, with the earne jresulta. -" ' The fourth trip ths commute maae to Mr. Harlow's home they were aaton- lahod to learn that ha would not sen tha naxticular els eon they wanted. . It was a beautiful white one. similar In appearance to the others that bad been nsed. but be refused to sen it now. ever, he would lena it. ne ssia. anq etace that time he baa loaneatne oira to the Woodmen regularly and haa re fused to accept pay for ita services. - Selling s bird onca Isn't so bad." be remarked. , "but selling It three ' times ousht to sattsfy any one, snd thoss who have bought It tnree time wnaiw have a right ta use It whcnMMlliejr please.', - ' ' ' ? ' ' .'. GATHERING EXHIBITS- FOR THE GREAT FAIR It. C. Lang, of Chehalls. lwls coun ty, Wash., who haa been looking alter the Iwla county exhibit st the Lewla and dark fair, was In ths city this morning In connection with hia work. Mr. Lac re says a splendid collection of coal, copper and gold ores, timber and Industrial reaouroes, will be brought to the fair. The county court has Just sp proprlaied ll.MO toy tha work, while the city of Cnehalla haa raised from ties to 12.600. and the total -fund available will bo about te.uoe. with this money a splendid exhibit wm oa maae. Mr. Langs ia ,also gathering mineral afyt jpther resources to take with . nlm to Germany, where he will seek to en list capital of the old country In de velopment work. - One of tha exhibits he is taking to tha old country Is a Inch block of wood sawed from a stump that waa nine, feet In diameter. Jt I told-them. X)f the alia of tbat tree, they would not be Here me." Bald he thla morning, "hence I am taking evidence that cannot be doubted." , rtrax extra butxts tohiobtt. . The monthly' meeting of the Mt. Tabor Puah club wilt be held this evening at the Woodmen ot the World hall In Mt. Tabor. At thla meeting the cow ques tion will . probably be brought, up by aggrieved property owners whoso lawns have been made a pasture plot for visit ing beasts and - general :: improvement plans will be discussed. ' v- " -' No need, to pay I2 or $28 for your Spring Suit when you can get the aame Identical Suit rrom - rfonn - Jjeuar tor SISJIO. SIS.OO or flT.SO. Not pec i saury w pay st.vv ana .e.u. iui yowr - Shoes ladiea ss wen aa men when you can get a largo variety to pick from at John Dellar's at . Sl.SO, S.OO, &3.00 end'93.60. lo not pay 11.0 and $ for a nlrs-palr of jits, or a good Hat whea you nna tne wry sum grade at. John cellars lor 93.00, 93.00, and 93.&0.' We save you a couple of dollars on a Boys' Suit, front- 10c to $1.00 on Boys' or. Olrls' right up-to-date Shoes or Slippers. V JOHN D2LLAR Ooods marked In plain. flgarea at strictly one price. Firat sjhI Tamhin and Third andJDaTiii'-; Stylish and Low Prices a - - 't ' v '" f- i -,-...'. ;.y:.y . FROM PASTEURIZED ? "AND PACKED IN AIRTIGHT CARTONS OR PHONE-YOUR GROCER.- " i ;.j i 'i..i.t a. . j.L- HENRY JENNlNu For ' modern - dental ' work. ' World-renowned speciallsta ' Lowest prices consistent with flrsUclass -, - r -- -work.. . -. , -;t .;: ; Go to ths .. . ':.;.' NEW ; YORK DENTISTS 'Opes day -and -night, from a. m. .... jUntil 1 pj m. ;.". AT THE THEATRES." Thg Marrigfe of Kitty.' . " Tatlskt kad loiarrow alftat at the Maraoaja 1 er4 theatre Jale Mom's spSMMlId eostpsny will sppear la "Tbe Marnac et ainy." xse eompssr Is s resMrkably eieesr eae. asd will he besdeg hr Max ncmaa. who greas a spleaald readluon ot khi part. The star Is srtclaal. and la nawdeS sa aa asissl. bat by ss smsbs lanalkk. sltustlos. Os Hlr Resbuld Bel- stae Is left s fartase' by -a saris ea tha eos- dltles tbst . he shsaia .s suu-rMS wnais s yer t isy woau whs area set ths wMew of a Perarlas. KeMse eonsana his eeltettars. whs sdvte thst he sheaM surry a wsswa wha weald saree te sarata tram hla st the altar, aad frea aheav stlsr sbsat yesr. h euald obi tin a drearce. . The aoUeltor fe sble ta Ssd this wonaa la the saraoa ef s SoeVdsagator wha has ha left wtthsat ' re oorres. . Is slsht ef the sadteses, ah does a" ut false hslt. aia ths mwj, hraM her w larks kit a slg tall, and etker wlss sukas herself "ss st)eet." . whea a lyar later.aetotse romea ess ser. ia a aretty little ruia ea laiae ataxia, aTmav aheat the eiTaece. he ada a ebarmlag wha Blrta with kin, suits te has. ssd Snail enptrntn hiss.. . - v . .,. f , ':. ::iX'. ,: :" Shcnkeg st the Grand. . - . . v ' ,-'-- The real Sbeaku faaily of sorebaU apeeared at' the Oraad tha sftaraooa. The ascTraa tum. sejraad all dosbt. la the sraatast ever ana anywhere ea this eoset m vasdrrflle. Otbar sltnetkws sre tbe Otesassd aaartet. slnavrs snd esssedlass; Byesa aad Baaa. skev-h srtlats: Heary CUT, the Aastrsllaa mntlrlaBi Oesrse W. laane. the Brnstrel maa; Wllana sad Mora a - la "A Rallmad Cataa ianphe;" Alt Boaaer ta s sew UHnttrated sobs. aad a great ptrrare ef "Ufa la Karaoe. and the njl Islands. " The whole Mil gives great ssthi faction. , . ; t- .' : ' ,. . .. j ','',''., ; " '.';.-? - . Sensationgl Star Acta. . ' The Baker theatn'elusaW' Its bin this aft ernoon snd latrodared s new set of star seta for the enmlmi week, earh ef which Is s sra aatloa. Tbe hirseat vadev1lle- fenas In' the esaatry Brnrfdea aaly the best of peosrans. and Bnwbers hi the west saa. as aiany novel-' lira h foand far a dlara, - , ..t j T. "Dora Thome. RTerxnne . who . saa read the great . Wv tirrj, "lmra Tbi-rne," will want to see tfie play at the Colnmbia ' rieit week. It will be lbs seroad af the- laat thres weeka at- tha Cotarubla Stock- emnpaay, asd will opes next Sunday siatlaee. - Seem saw oa sals. . New Jlgy .t Ljrric'..' . ? ' The Lyrie Stock eompasy is sivbis Its ftrst peHMWiasfe of "Bun of ta Pswneawp'' this sfteraoon te a bra; crowd.1 The . bill for tha weak stvea every pronuae ot betas aoa be lm-tant coaQorara at us eouipasy. V, '.' -v Mot That. The young millionaire ' tried ' to slip tha ring upon ber finger, but 'she hes itated :,v ;' .', . '.' '' ' " Tou' are wondering,' 'he sakl. with soma bitterness, "whether . I made the money that paid for this ring by meth ods of which you 'can ' conscientiously approve." ' .- ' "Not at all she responded. "X know how you made the money; you Inherited It from your father.- I am trying to remember what girt It waa who told me the other day she had aent It back to you." . " ' . . Ska Ooalda1 Help tt. ' rrom i he, f hies go Record-Herald. "Why ia tlia world." aalted the beauti ful young widow, "have you promld to marry him. If you don't lova hlmT , "Oh, I Just had to.- 11 was C.-- -t.-'Hum! fa Id he'd go and a . ot or drown himself, I suppnseT' "No; be said he'd go lini trrj-osa to T-i -" TEETH r-i.. . ", CREAM V V r: Vt-,Vt- (-.-rv- - , '. Phone Main 4077 A Tuesday Special A.Dlnlng-Room Tablo Ilka eat for Tuesday only for , ' ; $18.50 It'a the beat I IT value we ever hadV. Solid oak. finished In quarter sawed oak and polished. We have Just tl of these tables. SONS 172-174 Flnt Strtct AMUSASUUTTS. . TOKIOHT AVO TOMORBOW XIQBT, - ..' Mas ngsma- .' Aad aa eseallaat aappartuqr .eosjaeay la to TS1 XAJtBXAOa or - Frleai Lww goar, except baH I raws, II; laat rows. Tfie. BaVway, TV and Mr. Gat. lerr, ate sad SKc Boxes Sod loses. COLUMBIA TIIEATCE TOXIOHT. ALL WEKT, MAT.- tATUBDAT, .The Mew Ootasabls stack Ceataaay, Is tbe powerrol plar. . WOaTAJI AAAXJrST WOVAM." " BVearag. SOr. sV..a, 6e. Matinee, as. Ue, lOe. Dswatawa box efSre spew sll su, Dolly Vsrdea eaady shop; Mais 110. Kveaaag st theatre: Mala Sll. . , KEXT WBBK "DOBA TX0BjrS.r empire sri; Basldeat huaaser. '.' ";" '.'',:" ' ' ') .-'' ADMISSION -; ' : sfATIIfJW HMt DAT AT J:li T. K. Osa- show Bvsry Klght at p. as, AH This Week tba Baasatloeal Metodssais, The Ticket-oMeave Men" As Bxeausst gtaek. - ' Speeufl . GRAND HtnatLattl Tkm Rtal Shnk l , ., 4 XWAMIOgP aUABTrrTE.', .,,--y. BAMS ABO BTBOM. eo. w. liuz. MBAV ABB iI.AO. . Air. bos fv . X . 1-L... ' aATOlaOOSg. BrwwyaV-- AgeXj -arwSj9l---99aTr(Bs----asyw)aa?'' - faV-' afawaaaw ' . Box seats 2Se. . - BAKER THEATllO Third aad Taahlll .ta. KeaUnf Flood, btaa-4 . at. . Largast Vaadevlll Hoaae ia A wanes.. The New Bill: XVSLB BBOTHIBi. TFX ALLTVa. . STABXXT ABT AIUTJf. . . , XsTGObJA. .'"' 1 WTBTI ABO LIWAB. JXAJf WTLAOB. DiAaOVS TUB. BI06BAPH. Adailaetrta loe ta say seat. Shswg at B:X, T: snd S:1S p. CT A T nTLfWS ATflw Par aad a A-SAV , gaSa.a-a A Ks Waatuustoa. yimiJC A1TO CIAatAgT. ' ";;' . Slncna and Dsaeers from Par la. . Kirat Wastaea Appearance. TO gOTAaEAS A VITA , lOm ABO BOBiaaOB, Aad riv Other wrest Aets. MHOWS SuTO, T:sO. P. M. ADMIiWIOit lOe TO iXI 8KAT. WB L YRIC THEA TQE IBTKHTH AND ALDKR STftKVTa. , ' : K Kvery At tmooa asd Kveain;, ' ' : s' A BTEBLINO MKLODRAMA. Hagar of the Pa.vnj!.:p V '. gpeeialtles' Betweea Aets. 1 ". . 1 Per forma area at t.XO, T:SB sad :!( p. as. '. 1'aaal prtra ( adailsaloa. IS seats. ' .. BIAB1BR BBOa. OOKCBBT BTBBT BIO ST. Ms-ta miswsina U H J One day la, the week serve ' thla delightful dessert - say . Sunday ; dinner. Saves yow time, trouble and thnaght and 'oosV nothing. BTBTaTaMIT, It, cents AT ALL GROCERS. The r-t c From te Pr: A--' I 1 -. " ? . .. I V ' - t '