The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 10, 1905, Image 3

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    "Tiie FSS 0?;'ALL S3.00:-ELAjT
! j ,'.'.:.' Cv :rt cf Two Ha
Dr.YL C. Cr !;h W,:i Hive to Da-
was cr.s jf cTncr.cror
Large Ri!;tri:tion,Sld to Ce
Due to Effort of H. R.
, Albee. '
. "I expect to refuse the support of th
' Republican club and the Toung Men's
W Republican club for the office of
1 mayor," said Dr. A. C Smith today.
"which wee offered to me by the eov
mtttee appointed for that purpose. ' 1
know that I oould not arrange my affairs
- ., so ' lo de juetlcele. the office, werai I
. J elected, and therefore my declslo ItaVI
' been formed IP tell the committee to-
. -nlsht that I nnot accept."
', V Dr. Smith &Tas been retarded as one
of the strongest Candida tee in the Re-
' publican party, and has been imponunea
to permit, the use of his name as a can
' , dldate. Many . oupporters nave oeen
't awaiting his permission to vet to work.
, ' and his determlnaflon not to accept will
' put a stop to their efforts. . . '
.... -I ma raeonalder nr decision', con
;, tlnued Dr. Smith, "but I hardly ythink-1
i will do -so. " l anau consult womm .
-'friends -later today, but do sot aspect
to han mv mind en the subject.
" . r. v IWrh Thomas Hlalop. D. J.
'. i Qulmbv. N. H. Bird and H. Ik Kevelle
. ! compose th joint cemmlttee from the
.. f two clubs that will call on Dr. Smith
. onlht ' and hear hla decision.' '
''. Raglatratlon la expected to be lively
"i this week. ' Saturday,. fl voters were
enrolled, 'S9I Republicans; and tS.Dem
or rat. The total up to Saturday night
. v was T,i7, of whom S.III were Repub
j Means. tSI Democrat and lit who did
'not state their party. The books are
. to be open Ave days "Toore, until
; o'clock -Friday night. If the regtstre
; tton for theee live days b the same
daily as for the latter part of last
week, the toul of rettatretion will be
ll.eeo. , . . ..,--; -. ;
The Increase lately has been due In
v large pert to the greater activity of
the supporters pf H. R. Albee. and today
I hie stork as a candidate lor the Repub
, Ilcan nomlneUon was stronger than at
" ; any previous time. '
"Lees than 19.00 Republicans voted
for congressman last June.- said Miller
Murdoch, attorney for the Munlcipel
v. association, "and perhaps ' there ere
J.0 new voters added to the Hate this
year. It Is apparent that about I1.0M
' ; voters will .bar been registered when
" the books dose. Of these, more han
1.090 will be Republicans.
WUh the res lit rat Ion so close to the
1 total vote of the Republican party, Al
' bee will receive the nomination. Th
next few days will tell the tale."
The Clarice Republican club will meet
i tomorrow night, to perfect rganlt
1 tlon. and aspects to make a strong ef.
fort to win at the primaries. '
Circulars have been issueo oy me
, Whnleeale Liquor Dealers' association
to all dealers In liquor-and their friends
eyrmr-hat the scanning
4hvllata candidates and will make
official selections soon, when they will
. expect, theft supporters to get In line
a these candidate. It Is known that
f prefer Mayor Williams' re-election,
as to ether etndtdete. only rumor
(Speaks. It Is understood that the aaeo
eat loo has not decided on. the remainder
Af the ticket, - . n -
The Lane Democrats have been e-
r. eedlngly active for the past few day
-and are making claims that their man
. will easily recelva the nomlnattoni
They state that Lane now-, has a ma
" Jortty of alt Demoerata registered,' and
that the lead gained by their man wll
be Increased materially coming
, ; Ave days. -. . m .1 ' -
Commlaalonar Saya tha Chargaa
Against Huntar and Phillips
Will Be Invaatigatad. i
'Investigation - will' be made
by the
' police commission of. the accusations
.made against Wlrlie . Hunter, recently
appointed patrolmen by Msyor Williams
on recommendation of Chief Hunt. Sen
ator Slchel held a conference -with the
chief yesterday and 'stated this after
noon hat .something -would ba "done
without delay, r - V
, "While no formal charges have been
hreferred egaJmit Huatar," said Senator
Slchel, "such statements as these can
not be permitted to go unchallenged. If
Hunter Is guilty of such conduct as ho
' - has been accused of. he does not deserve
. to be on uie ponce roroe. 1 - -
-. Hunter Is 'accused by older members
' ' of the police force of living with an un
. fortunate woman, whose earning he re.
reived, and of hsvlng been a "booeter"
for gambling games at Frlts'a saloon oa
.Burnalde street. . -;.'
- . It ir also probabta that tnveattgatlon
'' 'will be made by the police commission
of statements made by member of Uie
force which reflect on Robert Phillips,
another recently appointed patrolman,
who. la as Id to have , been the contort of
lewd women.
' ' Phillip has been a favorite of the
'chief since he was on the force pre
' . vlously. and as a mark of the chief's ea
' 'teem Is working In plain clorhes. Hun
tr Is st present engaged In looking after
tne carrying oi garoage m ins uuurwn
, dlatrlcta -' -
DeclarattoAs of Intention to- become
Candidates for the Republican nomination
Vera filed by a number of, counnllmghle
" taapirants this afternoon, at followsi
-Robert A.- PreetoVt, 7aThiirman street,
J'from the first ward; W. kV McGregor, HI
T-vBelmont street, from the eighth ward;
K B. Msnley, an Williams avenue, at
vlarge; John Klrkley. MD Macadam street,
from the sixth- ward.
' '
'I Tea and cofTee go by taste
. alone;1 and .pastes are many.
. Schilling's Best teas are five,
and coffees four; all different;
r money back alt; at your grocer's.
d ' . The new Juvenile court, from which much was expected by those who d
d secured Its authorisation by the last legislature, was found today to be 4
d- virtually Inoperative and possessed ao powers. e
,' The statvte creating It does not confer oa the Judge the authority
d' to Incur any espense for probation of floors, and there tore cannot carry
out Its mandates.' . ; ' -.'; : . .' t,
'' , The statute Is. still further defectiva In that It confers on the Juve
nile fcourt no Jurisdiction' ever ViraM -" misdemeanors committed by
Juveniles but gives the court merely an advisory authority.
, Intthe opinion ef competent lawyers, the law simply enlarges
- slightly , the powers of the Boys and Girls' Aid society, and a three
line amendment to. the old law would have accomplished all the new lw
does by altering the powers of the oounty Judge. . .' -' ,
- The. discovery, will be a disappointment to those who advocated
the measure "which was drafted with the Intention .of having the Ore
gon Juvenile court practically the same as those In Colorado, and Cajl;
fornla, where It has been highly su ceeesful. . . . .
. . ..... ... .
Detectivw, Rstlng's Long Stirch
for Slavo Girl It at Last
V Succastful'. .-
Vsnsrsanc Sworn ' Against tha
: Manj, Who Told Polica of ;
y Har Imprisonmant.
Rescued 'from a life In the Chines
quarter far worse tban slavery, little
Tin Yuen waa turned over by Detective
Realng last Bight to Mrs. Holt,, superin
tendent . of the . Presbyterian cninee
mission, where she Is closely guarded to
prevent her maater from kidnaping her.
Toe Chinese bad rormea a pian 10 get
her out of the elty and into the interior
of the stats, whera she was to hare been
kept until the hue and cry of the chaae
subsided.. Then It Is probable that she
would have been- quietly returned to
Portland.'"' :-
An intimation that the girt waa held
In captivity was given the polio sev
eral days ago. Detectlv Reslng waa
assigned to make an Investigation. Sev
eral tmes he got on her track, out ana
waa takeat from place place. Baf fled
for a timet the officer succeeded last
night In rescuing the girt from a house
on Second street " ) .
Tin Yuen -is pretty for one of her
race. She is about is year oia. nne
speaks fairly good English. She says
aha was Imported from China, but did
not know what fate awaited ner until
ahe-eiad reached thla Country. Time and
again, It la said,, she was beaten byher
maater because , she ' failed to dohla
budmaw '. . ,1 . M . -J-iV
The Chines are said td have sworn
vengeance against the. person who aotl
fled the police of the girl' presence In
the city.. -.4,,: ? , ;
(SpKlsl Dbbettfc The eeuraalul .
Condon, Or.. April 1. JB. Thomp
son. - th -railroad 'contractor, who haa
been In Jail here sine last- December on
a charge of murder, waa last Saturday
found guilty by the Jury. Thompson
quarreled .with Alee Ooerlcke, th eook
In- Thompeon V Small's - railroad camp,
over 'a trivial matter, .and, picking up
a batcher-knife, stabbed th cook In th
later. -.'.'Thompson took th witness-
stand In- his own behalf, claiming aelf-
defense, but his story was not strong
enouch to convince the jury, -
v He will be sentenoed today,- when
court will adjourn for the term. -
Cyme Bennett of Lone Rock, who
pleaded guilty to assault with a danger
ous weapon, was sentenced to pay a fine
of t. . v : - -..'.-.
' W. H. Moore, president ef the National
Oood . Road association, Governor
Oeorge- B. Chamberlain, H. W. Ooode
and other will .oonfer tonight on the
question of holding th good roads con
vention this year In Portland. . After the
meeting Mr. Moor will reach a decision
In the matter. - ' - . -
It Is said tha middle west la preferred
as the place of national good road meet
ing, owing to th acceaalblllty for dele
gate from all parts ef the country. Mr.
Moor favor- Portland, and will us
his Influence to bring the convention
here. If the necessary expenses of th
meeting are- provided for. " , -
Carl Sederman was enticed Into a
fake" same of Poker by bunko men
at 1H North Third street lest night
and fleeced out of 170. H doe not
know the names of th men, but met
one of them eeveral time and talked
with him on the atreet As soon as he
found out that he had been robbed he
told th police of his lose.
Thieves pried open a rear wmoow of
the store conducted by the Reynold,
Dotaon Co.. at Portsmouth, laat night,
and slots 40 pairs ef shoes and Jewelry,
valued at ties. The only clue t th
Identity of th lawbreakers Is fur
nlshed by the two chisel they used on
the window. On bear . tn initials.
'N. H. B. ;- 1 V.
(jHrail Rseelat tervtea.t 1 .'U .A.
Madrid, April In a clash between
workmen and polle today many work
men were Injured. The. polica charged
th workmen eeveral times. u .
... ,. a
Uneraat aaeHal arlM.f
St. Petersburg, April 1. Nine shots
were fired st the governor ef the prison
I I.ibsa last night. The governor was
not hart snd hi assailant escaped. .
San ; Francisco Papers Say Mr
Tatar Grant Heard "Parsl-
.I,: falM With Pleaaura, -
Compliments Wagner By Saying
''. Piaca Is Almost aa Good
as Show Girt.':
While conquering Oaul for the repub
lic, Caesar went to Rom occasionally to
eat a dish of nightingales tongue and
listen to speeches oa the art of waf In
tha forum; th legend also says that
painter travel to Paris each year to bee
the marvelous work of the masters.
When James Lane Allen was winning
fam aa a Writer In Kentucky be made
frequent trip to Boston ta breath the
air of literature. .......
Peter Orant. let of Portland, once for
a brief epell of -Tonopah, now of Reno,
Nev, haa Journeyed to Ban Francisco to
bear 'Parsifal." Mr. Orant Is said to
aav been highly charmed with the pro
duction and (6 have pronounced' It an
unqualified kuoceea. It waa the first
production la San rranoiaoo of the Wag
nerian event and music-lover tnrungea
the Orand opera nous. . .
Him. Nordic waa Dundry and Anton
Van Root took tha part ot Amfortaa.
VI me. Nordics, wtD not visit Portland and
her Itinerary doe not include Rend, Nev.
So those who would, bear, must perforce
go. to the bay cltyv -
ea and women rich' end 'famous' "on
tha. Paclflo coast and Indeed who arH
kaowa throughout. America listened to
the great , production of the Wagner
triumph. Those who have aehlsvd promi
nence in any particular art were there.
In th list waa Peter Orant of Portland -4
. Numerically Portland waa not repre
sented aa well as lta musie-iovera would
have desired. But what It lacked In
numbers, Portland'a representation made
up In thorough appreciation. - It Is aald
that tha Portland contingent, which can
hold an ace full with stoical Impertur-
blllty. was somewhat hysterical In its
admiration. '
x From no other towns la Oregoa was
there a representation. Mr. Peter Orant
waa the only one from Portland men
tioned tn th Examiner's net or promi
nent people, and It la said that h I
quit eatravagant In It praise. : To
thoee In whom ha ha eonflded It 1 aald
that he remarked that the . Wagnerian
vent was aJraoat ar good aa th produc
tion of "Th Show . Qirt," which ap
peared at the Bmplr la tht city several
weeks ago and draw pecgea nouae.
- www avmAX bovtb. .-$.
(Special msaatek te The ermL
Chehalla Wash, April Rural
livery route No. t will be atabllabed out
ef Chehalle at aa early data. Inspector
E. C Clement was her yesterday in
connection with the route, and will rec
ommend Its eetabllahment. There ar
1ST houaee on the rout, and people
will be accommodated.
a j,
Portliaifi Createst took Start
Is approaching We have a
splendid line of Easter gifts,
among which are ,,;., ,v'.-
Dibles : "Tv
Prayer Books '.
We have the handsomest
and most complete line' of
Bibke ever ahown. :
. Booksellers and V
. - :, Stationers
foil Things at Ut'Jefrku
Recently tTrected Congregational
Church Scene of Enthu
siastic Gathering. ; ... . :
Nearly Tree Thousand Dollars
Raised at End of Session
t to Clear Debt. i".
" (SMlal Dtspateh te The loeraat) '
Salem, Or, April It. The new Con
(relational church recently erected tn
Salem at a coat of IS, too. was formally
dedicated . yesterday. Th . bulldlns;.
which Is handsome and modern, stands
the comer of Center - and Liberty
streets. "This .church society waa oris
Inally founded n -July At 1MJ. and has
teadUy Increased- from1 membership
of four' to nearly 100 at the present
time. Th first paator Waa Rev. Obed
Dickinson, who Is now dead. Dr. W. C
Kantneri tha present pastor. Is the ninth
to have ehara of this cong-re ration, and
Ms pastorate haa lasted longer than that
f any of hi predecessors, a he took
hp th work her on October f, 114.
The dedicatory sermon waa preached
by Rer..H L House or Portland..
"Kvary building stands for something.
ss th home, for the family; the court-
houee, for Justice; the college, for edit
estlon: the etore. for trade, and. tha sa
loon, for all that I opposed to whet Is
baat , In life." said Dr. House. "The
church stand for th existence of Ood,
the keeping of tb word of God la man's
Ufa. aid of tne nonesi aouDier, educa
tional aupremacy, heart aupremacy and
At the doss Of ths sermon nesrly It.
0 wss raised toward paying the church
debt. Only about II. 00 of indebtedneif
now remains unprovided for. -
Mrs. Etta Bquisr Beiey ana uinora
Whit Kantner aang. "
la the afternoon at ociock, -a
good cheer and greeting' service was
held, at which addresses wT"deltverd
br Rev. P. 8. Knifht. a former paator
ot tha church: Rev. W. H. Bel leek, pea-
tor, of the First M. K. cnurcn or inis
city, and Rev. c r. uiapp.tna numiay
school missionary. Mr. Jama Carries
SlM uk a solo. '
The evening sermon- waa preached by
w. R. c Oaklev and the church form
ally dedicated by the paetor ana peopis.
alias LAla l KeeDiee ana mmm eiaas
. One of th anthem at thla aerv-
ic was composed especially for the oe hv Clifford White KantnerT son
of ths pastor, who himself composed th
dedicatory hyma which was sung by ths
entire congregation. ....
A large number ef new member were
also tsken into tne cnurcn nw awn
ing service. - ' : ;-
Montana Woman Loses Three of
,Har Boya In Short Time,
tha Last; by Poison.
(Ratrlal Mapatcb te Tit lesraaL) '
Butt, Mont, April lO.-r-Advlcee from
Virginia City, Mont, state that Stephen
Cahllt I dead from th erreet ot poi
soning caused by Uklng a dose of corro
sive sublimate miaed with arsenio in
the supposition that it was epsom salte.
Not having the meoicine in tne nouae.
Cahlll borrowed th fatal doe rrom
naiahbor. He uved ror neany iwe
week fighting for bis life before death
releaaed him from hi terrible agony.
This Is the thira son vsniu s roomer
hsa lost In three- yaers. . Tha first died
of pneumonia. Thawond waa killed In
ruraway. wnn Bifpnnn tar a
fourth brother narrowly eecapad erl-
oua Injury. While standing by a wagon
ha was overcome oy suuuen rainineea
snd fell against th moving wheel of
th vehicle. . He wa picked . up niy
slightly hurt . ,
A peculiar circumnianre eonneciea
with the three death l tnai earn
brother died after taking out. a lire
Insurance policy. After thd second wss
killed, th mother entreated Stephen not
to have his life Insured, but he disre
garded her pleadings. Now th broken
hearted woman Is convinced that the itv
eurtng ef her snn'e lives I responsible
forsll her sorrow. f
: Preferred Btoek Oanaed Seoda. .
Allen Leals' Vest Brand.
Clackamas County Citizens Ex.
perimehting With Chem- 4
' . '" leal Fertilizer. .
First Suggestion of Law Damon
etrated Waa Within Knowl
edge of tha Ancients.
(Beedal Dlemtch te The JaarmLV
- Oregon City, April 10.--A number of
eltlsena In this county, among whom Is
Attorney J. W, Draper of this city, ar
xperlmentlng with the nitrogen - bac
teria - fertiliser fnrnlshed, without
charge on proper application, by the
agricultural department . Thee sipert
menta ana being watched with great In
terest oy people In this -county ngaged
In agriculture. If reports leeued by the
authority, or under approval, of the
agricultural department ar - to be
eredlted, tha chemical fertiliser will
revolutionise agriculture, sine with
comparatively no espense. tb product
of a gtva piece of ground can be in
ereaaed from lot to 1,00 per cent
Th prlnolpl upon whloh thla re
markable fertilisation la baaed, accord
ing to ths agricultural department Is
that nitrogen la th all-Important ele
ment' In erop production. ' It bag lao
been demonstrated sclentlllcally that the
"wearlmx out" - of land la . due to the
exhaustion of th nitrogen It contains.
This defect has been In a measure
remedied by the dissemination through
out th soil of fertilisers, th coat of
which became aa tha years passed so
eacesslv that farmers ehose to abandon
their poor lands, rather-than cultivate
them. - It remained for. ehemtatry - to
Inaugurate, what -vtlll aparenUy,. result
In an agricultural Millenium.
Judge AT 8. . Bennett of .The Dalleat
who will repreeent Senator Mitchell. In
the land fraud trial, arrived In th city
this morning. ' He' I reported to have
declared to friend that, contrary o
common report he I anxious for an
early trial of his client snd will do
everything posslbl to expedite th hear
ing of hla case.
Mr. Bennett Is also oounsel for the
Butts Creek Land dt Lumber Co., and
for Orand Juror Northrup Indicted with
John Hall, Charles F. Lord and others
on chsrges of conspiracy against spe
cial prosecutor Heney. He will also as
sist H. B. Wilson In th defense of Con
gressman Williamson, , .,
Charles.. P. Lord" spects iaTUTe thlsj
afternoon a, plea in abatement. to the
Indictments found by the federal grand
ury against hla clients.. Henry Ford, ex-
United States ..District Attorney John
Hall, Harry Rees and others, Including
Mrr Lord hlmseir.
This Indictment charged the defendants
with conspiracy against Francis J,
Heney, United State district attorney,
to Intimidate "him snd to obstruct the
land fraud Investigation. Ths plea drawn
by Mr. Lord Is based on the allegation
that one member of the grand Jury Is
not a clttMi and that two etners are
not on tne laa roil. y
On apparently good authority It I re
ported that II. S, Rowe, ex-mayor of
Fort In nd. will be endorsed by two and
probably three- of-the Republican club
of this city for th nomination for
mayor at the coming convention. '
The Republican club, the Toting Men'
Republican club, and th Nee Deal Re
publican club will probably glv - Mr.
Rowe a uninlmous sndoraement ' which
mean that he will recelvo- tha support
of all entl-msohln element except
Ing the Municipal association, wnlch 1
supporting Albee. . -
riaaa t t aUoh
ar often frustrated by audden break
down, due to dyaponala of constipation.
Brace up
an lass nr. Kings new
Llf Pills.
They take nut the material
which ar rlncaln your nrti, and
elve von a new start. Cure headache
and dlssHirsa, too. At Red Croee Thar-
macy, putn ani lien airna, on ine
way to the poatofflce. . He, guaranteed.
. Shown In dozens of exclusive styles of Soft and
u'. the fashionable straw shapes for summer,' now
Three Dollars
The Greatest Clothing House
Pnounbnld arid
Potaya neney auiel Tut sot eely
tops Vhacoujh, bat heals and strength
ant tha luagi and pravantg gariotU fw
nits ttom s eoid."T . - " - v
Thera i so danfef of Pnoamonla,
Consumption or other serious lung
troabio If Foley Heney and Tap
la taken, ss It will cur th tnost stub
bora cough th dangerous kind that
settles oa th lung and may dovalop
Into pneumonia ovar tight...;
If you hava a cough or cold do not
riak Pneumonia wha FaiaVa Heney
sUtd TatP will cur you quickly and
atraagthea your Inng. '
Remambar tha , nam Fwlvya
neney ana Tap and refuse any
substitute offered. . Donottakechaaoag
with soma unkaown preparation that
coats yoa th sam when you can get
FwWra Hoiy aad Tais that costs
yeej M aiara andViaaafa and oartaia-
iaraaulta. Contain no opiatea. ; fc
Curai After PhysJoian. laM Ha
- Haa Ctmpten. .
B. H. Jones, Paator M. E. Church,
Grove, Md. ,r write: "About eva or
eight year ago t had a very sever cold
which physicians said waa very sear
pneumonia, and which they afterwards
pronounced consumption Through a
friend I wa induced to try a sample of
Foley's Honey and Tar, which gay me
o much relief that I bought om of
th regular six. Two or three bottles
Cured m of what the physicians called
consumption, and I have sever had any
trouble with tnv throat or lungs stsce
that Urn." . -."
Thrs s!se-25c, '50c', $1.00.
Th 50 cent sis contains two. snd
One-half times aa much as the small sit
and th $1.00 bottle almost six times
a much.
Kaa TMvtB ataa fmaapasy ssafsadatea
.- - wars m Oo..
Walla Walla. Wash.. April IS Th
Walla Walla county teachers' Institute
convened at the high school building this
morning for a five days session. There
sre more than teachers employed In
the county, , and It la expected nearly
every on of them will be In attend
ance tomorrow. Many of the country
teacher have to travel, long dlstanoee
to reach thla place and may not be able
to enroll before tomorrow morning. .
The seeelons will occupy each day
during the week, and evening leoturea
and entertainments will be provided each
day. J. 11. Ackerman, superintendent of
the Oregon schools, will deliver a series
of lectures during the Institute. ...
jsnromTat tMJMvnm am.
- (Mpectal Dlapatrh w Tfce ioarnal.)
Tetah. Wash., April 10 The annual
convention1 of, the Ep worth lc-?ue of
the Spokane district of the M. K church
I in aeaalon here with a lare attend
ance from every section Of the t Tlrt.
Among tha apeakera are Kev. V. t.
Hawk, presiding elder of the I ane
district; Prof. Norman F. ( ' n ef
tha Bpnfcane high an1 -t t.
Raid et Walla WkTIa. The v j . ys"
session rosd this afltrrt . I
Stiff Hats; also
displayed. Price
in the Northwest
...... -.,.
( ,-, c )
Leaving the. center of the city front
which you'atart reaching the' center of
the city ef your destination; ver ,
smooth snd level tracks; giving rest and
comfort; riding beside running - water
moot of th way! through th Centers of
population te the gateway et com
merce; when you travel by the v - i
Forinf arauillon ni rale -appryTa ! .
. t , i. . c;. W. C BKACHRJCST, i
Nor. Pae. Coast Agent tS Third etreet.
. Portland, Or. . t '
Oen. Agent, lit Monroe St. Cc- VI.
Vilh Levis G Clr:
. ; i t tniA rjuuMm 'r" .
-Ii u iBtsreatlng Article 'la j
';;;:,APn.iLr::' j
Sunset T.larczlr.2
This article Is well lllue-1-
' '. t rated, and should bersad
by people of the North
west and . then Sent to
-; their eaetern friends. It
will help to show them '
the enterprise end prog-
rees of the Northweet .
'w better than many lettera .
'would. Other artlcl, i
" short storie end veree. ' '
sols mxaxa rwe amaxxxa.
Extracted and filled ebeolatelf wtthoet
pain by our late eolntlna-siehed, pt- .
ented and used by us onjy. . Free xa.a
InatlOA. . t . . . ' t
ranawowsi tiatu and those artwi
dread bavins: their tee . extracted ar
invited to call at our ice, wnere we
will d.monatrat to their entire aat'e
factlon our claim for palnleee attract
ing. . - ' .. . , - . , ... .
H1LTBH ri LLI ......
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