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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1905)
! n n rir ; ; ; :i ;t jc x ji x xxxxxxx 1.4 - law mmm THE EXQUISITE FLAVOR OF Over Forty Years Old, Has Never Been Invoked and Should voked and Be Killed. X THIS IS CONTENTION OF NEASE'S ATTORNEYS ...,,' r- ' . , . i . . , . ... . . " . .. . -. ' e he IllllSiiiilpif illii g V 'v. -... '.-:"': . ,., . .-o.Vv'V w:,r;"V .'-.-v. 5 I lit c 2 S Jl A JM;M x X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X AND ITS MELLOW DELiaOUSNESS AP-PEAL- MOST, STRONGLY: TO PEOPLE'.: OF REFINEMENT, HENCE : fT IS CALLED ; THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN Sold t til BntluMi crs'in4 by Jobbers, ' J. :' ' ' WM LANAUAN SON. ilUmor, UL v -iv 1 , : 1 ,, flACuEil' AliO SAW Many Cottagt, Rats, Apartment Houses and Business Build-' ings Being Constructed. ARCHITECTS' PUNS,. : : : i FOR ARTISTIC HOWES In Every Section Are Seen Signs f -iof a Remarkable Growth ; " in Population. .,A Portland architect! ar . boy wtth pi na p fvr cuttasca, flata ami ftiHirtiiiAiit' faouaea. SpeclAcstlona for tare bual- ncaa buildlncs, to ba aracted aarly thla eaaoa. ara nearly raadr for to bidders. . Conatructlon work will soon baj-la-on tha Bweenr bulldinf at-'tha ooraar of ltorrlaon and Savanth atreta. tha Mar- ahalKWclls company'a . warehouaa, tha . Concordia. - elubhouae, - tha - Bllrarataln hotel, and tha Weyerhauaer lumber mill. - Plana ara - bains prepared ' for a I atory realdanca for Robert . Smith, on Eaat Eighth and Thompson street.' Mr. , V. li. Vlnksn will erect 'six iliti at the corner of Serenteenth and Couch streets. Tim Kinney la havln plana drawn 'for . a J -story dwelling-, with basement and attic, on Kin street near Main street A S-etory residence with basement ajKl attic will be built fori Albert Felden- helnrer at the comer of Main ' and f- Klns atrteta. B. B-Rlch hai drawn for ramodallna; three store fronts, j. A. Curry will build a bungalow on Portland Heights.' . A aaodern - wayslda inn -will, be built a St. ; Helen's road, near the exposition, grounds. It will be UOxlO feet, tw atorles, with a ball room on the npper . floor. Tuere will also be stables and an auto shed. - An apartment house will be built at Second and Lincoln streets for ' Mr. drawn for a J -story dwelling with base ment and attic. In Alblna. F. A. Nltchey will erect a S-atory dwelling at Marshall and Twenty-fifth streets. Plans are be ing drawn for. J.. D. Coleman for " a group of eight flats to be built on Davis and Nineteenth streets, and for remodeling - a residence on - Nineteenth near Davis street H. Miller will re model a resldenoe at Twenty-flrst and Johnson streets. Three large and mod ern dwellings are being built at the corner of Twenty-flrst and Kearney streets. Two large residences are under conatructlon at the corner of Davis and Fourteenth streets. P. W. Torgler will tu(1d a ' J -story dwelling on East Salmon between Twen tieth and Twenty-flrst streets. L M. hsa plana' drawn for a l-alory residence on Eaat Morrison near Thirty seventh street. A. O. Hall will build a 2-story flat building . on Kearney , near Twenty-third street . Nash Bros, have contracts . for , two residence on Eaat Everett between Thirtieth and Thirty first' streets.' v.i- .:-. U- j IKGASTATE TOlEflTS OF RAKI :...f-,: vat But: In Peter Schutler Says He Spent ?. Some Weeks Trying to -. '.0 Find California, jv':. f t :- ' - - r. -.: I-,:. -,1- AMAZED AT RESOURCES OF OREGON COUNTRY WSBDXsTO. ) ' This evening at I o'clock at the Sal' vatlon Army hall. 111 First street. Major Fynn, the divisional officer, will, conduct the hallelujah wedding ceremony-of Captain Louis Brugman and Lieutenant Bessie Davie from Oregon City. Re freshments will be served after the cere mony. ' ..-. ,: t; . ; n-1 Preferred Btoek Oaaaed Orooda. . ' Allen Lewis' Best Brand. - - mm : :.'?. i I MX' if mm MEN'S SHOES EXCLUSIVELY. The Factories (MmersioMm; And our big orders were long in being filled. ' But; : now the new goods are coming in almost too fast for us to handle. : We've got lots more on the way. It means we've got to put Shoes on lots of feet to , p. win out. Our famouv c ..J .. Shoes and Oxfords - ..... i . . . Are just the thing, though, to stimulate heavy buying. When next you are on Washington street near Third and Fourth, just take a peep at our windows. They are full of the nobbiest . i, -: r. '., spring and summer Shoes you ever saw. 4 ; 1NOB13Y SPRIINO HOSIERY ' k ''" Pretty Patterns, Best of Quality, Popular Prices. VANDUYN & WALTON . 1 270 WASHINGTON ST. ; X Believes That Its Developtnent ' Has Just Begun and That It Has Wonderful Future. ooBntry and If it Peter SchuUer, a wagon . maaafao- lureLCJLCWcago, Jajsiportlsjilsttorj He is aocompanled by Adolphus BuscJi. a St Louis brewer, the tatter's wife and daughter- Miss Bergv and Carl Conrad, general manager of the Busch brewing Interests, . , . "Tou have a great oonntry- ralns so much of the time here, as I have heard, it must keep busy to rain As much' af It has the last 'few weeks In southern California,' said Mr. SchuUer. "We have been going about In the rain, looking' for California, Bridges i have been washed out, the crops have be;n damaged, and the rain has kept right on" falling. ' We have spent a part of the winter in southern California, and are here- to see your city and the prepara tions for the Lewis and Clark fair. Ho far as I know. It la a pleasure trip for alt of our party." . Peter SchuUer Is the only surviving son of the original Schutler who estab lished the pioneer wagon factory at Chi cago In 1141. This -la his first visit to the state of Oregon, Although he has for many years tteea represented here by the Deere company, he has not found time to get' any nearer to this -field than southern California. This is a country of opportunities and a great future-he said. . "Its develop ment has .Just begun. - While other manufacturing Industries wlll come in great numbers, the wagon making In dustry will probably remain In tha mid dle west, where we have the great sup- in vi nw uwiwriiujB. uicuu najs uui the necessary hard wood for manufac turing wagons on a large scale.' Mr. Busch has extensive business con nections on the Pacific coast and buys a large quantity of hops annually from Oregon. He is at the head of one f the .Jarre breweries of the Mississippi valley, and' was one of the active pro moters -of the Louisiana exposition. The The party visited the Lswis and Clark fair grounds today and was charmed with the beauties of the site, and sur prised at the extent of tha undertaking; HEAVY FROST HURTS 5 ? v ' HOOD RIVER FRUITS (SpeeUl Dispatch to The VearasL) Hood River. Or., April 19. The heaviest frost during the blooming sea son known here for years fell last night Apples "are -safe, but cherries, peaches and strawberries are slightly damaged. The government thermometer reriatered 10. A hail storm alas visited this seo Uon yesterday. '-, . , (, y ',, , Accidents eome with dlntresslnr fre quency on the firm. Cuts, bruise, tings, sprains. ' Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil relieves the Daln instantly.' Never Sttft without 1t- Prosecuting ' Poolroom ' Cases Oregon Says Statute V ' ' la AIU.1 J : hit muvn ruivv. -1 Contention ' for, application of the argument of . non-user' la the ease against M. C Neaae. f or maintain ing a. poolroom In deQanee of the public nulsanoe statute, la ; strenuously . op posed by counsel for the state of Ore gon, and the law books containing au thoritlea bearing .pn, common law deflnl tlons of " publlo .nulaaacea have been carefully conned. The ease la attract ing general attention among attorneys; and th briefs submitted to the supreme court have been read with Interest The statute of nuisances was enacted In Oregon 40 years ago. It haa not he- fore been invoked Jn this state to. pro hibit . poolrooms. -The Nease brief, as sumes that non-use of the . statute Is virtually an- expression v of opinion by officials and the judiciary of , this state that the nuisance statute does not apply to poolroom gambling houses. . t - - This argument of non-user is reeard- d by the counsel forNthe state -as Il logical "and Inconsistent with the law. Attorney-general A. M. Crawford," Dis trict Attorney John Manning, Henry D. McGinn, of counsel, and Mr. ' Manning's deputies, 11 B. Adams, O. C Moser and Bert Haney, have signed a brief with the supreme court In which they draw what they hold te be the-true distinc tion between publlo and private decency. and alpo cite authorities bearing on the point at issue as to nuisances, In sub stance, their contention la: . . , --; : . . . Birth 'of the Statmte. . The Oregon statute in question, known as section' 1930 of the annotated code. was incorporated, la - the code of Mew York state in 114 by David Dudley Field, William Curtis MoVee and Alex ander H, Bradford, who. were authorised by 'the 'legislature of that state, to pre pare a penal' code. From this - draft Judge Matthew P. Deady took section mo of the Oregon eode almost literally. and Judge Deady'a draft waa accepted by the Oregon legislature and passed as reported by him at . the session of Sep tember, 114. v "'' ' ; The New Tork code builders . at tempted to name all possible crimes and misdemeanors, but thinking that they might have left some for which punish ment was not provided, drew the publlo nuisance staHute, which refers to acta that' outrage the publlo decency. Injure the publlo morals and diaturb the public peace, in order that the New Tork eode might be absolutely complete,'- This was done for the reason that New Tork was substituting ' code practice fof the common law, and it was necessary . to provide a code sufficiently comprehen sive to cover all possible contingencies. it waa mis nuisance statute, alleged the state of Oregon in the Nease ease. that was embodied in the Oregon code when the legislature adopted the draft prepared by Judge Deady, and Its con tention is that It Is competent to In terpret the statute In the light of the Intention of the lawmakers as indicated by the well known Intention xf those who drafted the New Tork law from which the Oregon-. law was. taken. ' -'Kow Most Was OofvleteC ' ' In the 71st New Tork reports is the reoora oi ine oonvicuon or jonn most, the noted anarchist, under the public nuisance statute, for publishing a news paper In which, he advocated , , -murder of public- offlciala. . There., was - no speelflo statute covering such an offense. but the court held that the nuisance statute covered the case and upheld the lower court in . recoratng . judgment against Most In the celebrated baccarat decisions of Sir Henry Hawkins, of the queen's bench, England, acknowledged to be one of the most, learned In the history of Jurisprudence, this language was used "We do but administer the law as we believe it to be, and so have existed for many a long year, though It haa been so panity,- thst at last its existence seems to have been forgotten; and, quoting tha language of Blackstone, YoL 4. page 171, Irag, "our laws against gaming are not so deficient as ourselves and our magistrates la putting those-laws Into execution.' " , M. C Neaae Is represented in the ap peal by Dolph, Simon, Mallory at Gearln, Watson Buckman and W. P. Lord. i rt9Lw.K Vvt .y:-. :V;:.v:.v.Iv'-:;.,fi.;.v ;v'',' ,.i;..:'t . v 5 i j -" WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF FIVE DOL- nSbr'ovcr . DEPARTlVIEl BASE BALm : UNIFORM & SUIT. : This will: .V piwebbori to m "'i a? A A O 'lA''2iT' Al " t A T t t r 'i 't. in v ill ii Willis ln-.Tnr inr. sn.niiTrv iin nnvs rMTTirrnn .. . fv'' WHEN YOU SEE ; IT. IN. OUR's som mm ' ., ma ':N -'-.ft ' ' .''.( v -. .. " '.- 'c. ... - 'i .' -. ' j-f . I--; -T'vv- ..-.w. f . "... f f. .t-;--Sv- ';' ; T'v : -"'A : . : '' '.,- - , - -'v- m. . ...:.v,-: i . .' : . -h ' " :Z' :"v -.'v ;- t : '.s -i'' -'";'.-',,; . v. ,. ..- ' '-... ; - .'. ' i--- . j. ,; ... . .i-.. ., , . ' . . i ,.!. .. .. .. :A.r ' s ' ''J '". ''. , ', j'" ' " - "' -'- '."' !'S" ' .-'j-. ' J...j " .'vfc.;.wia : . .., . . . '-'.:' ...:'' m . ,.;r - i i - V .-' ';.-. ;-.,'. , ' '.. , . .-V-... ',..(.. ."-if j . ; u -.'. . .... ' . i . MOVER' '.- -. r , ',- x 'rV ; .'-''-.., -:-. -v . i.-'- ;'", - C"':-..:1: -a';v" 'i ;.;v.' . '' -v' '1 f W'- "1; W THIRD AND -."5 , v. r. t. HISTORIC DOCUMENTS -RECALL PIONEERS Valuable Collection of Late Sen ator Nesmith Becomes Prop erty of Historical Society. Many documents of considerable his torical Interest have been presented to the Oregon Historical society by Mrs. H. B. McArthur. daughter of the late Howls Baby Today? Better; thask 74m. In fact, fluite welL Fat round and' fnll rtt iif and mischief. - Pink and white flesh, dot- tea witn dimples, no cough, no h digestipn. -", 'i'.i.v ;t"x:;:,;:. All on account ft ,-',':' j'..' (" admhustered by a mother whose lore was tempered with common lenie. She knows that OZOMULSION is t fountain of energy for grown -ope. too. It stops ' waste of . flesh. It makes plenty of rich brood. Fof j)ale, feeble folk it i the chief nourish er at life's .feast , It cures Coniump'tion when taken Is time; All druggists ell it so cents and Stoo tha bottle. Let us send you ' - . ' Free Stasia Bottle fey MsH Write letter or postal to ; ; OZOMULSION CO. . ealae Jfl 1 York, ! : " Senator O. W. Nesmith. whose property they, were." . , .,v One of the most Interesting la a cer tificate of five shares of stock la the Portland If Valley Flank Road com pany. Issued to J.- W. Nesmith, October 1,-llSl This company built a road ap the canyon through which bow runs Jefferson street which waa the first plank road built oa the' Pacific coast , la the collection la a letter written In 1MI by A. B. Harden of this state, .telling his' brother, O. IX Harden, the best route te travel to come from the eaat-'toz OregoiK A large hand-drawn map' -of -the -WlUemette valley was on the back of the long sheet of paper on which the letter was written. Tribu tary streams and location of towaa were accurately given.'- ---.,- There is also the report of Colonel James W. Nesmith of the first regular mounted volunteers to Governor George I Curry,- made November it, 18(1, re ferring to the operations connected with the Tskima Indian war, and the commission "of C. M. Barkwell to the position of surgeon general of the Ore gon, territory, made hy Governor Oeorge & Curry In IMS. Letters from . General John C Fre mont' Jesse M. Applegate and Joseph Watt dated In 1861. 186 J and 1164 re spectively, to Dr. John McLoughlln In which they commend the latter very highly for his services.. In the interest of early Immigration In this state are th .the doHectlon. ..... ;'-, . . . : ; tittle Colda" - Thousands of ' lives acrlflced every year. Dr. Wood's Nor way Pine Syrup cures little colds, cures big colds too, down to the very verge oi consumption. . . . SSSSTSi A TK 1 O i: V r 5 ' 'iy'A') !1 0 On all Mixed Paints boosht before -Vs. 'A "i't II Mil- v at mm MAY lOth, at CO. MUSSEN & -v PUSH1NQ PAINT PEOPLE : Northeast Corner Second and Taylor Streets eVSSSSetSa,aa)4iet We ee erewa sad sHose werk wttaeat Bam. Oar U years' esperleaee la plate werk ea ables as te fltyoar amth eesitertskly. Dr. W. A. Wise ass teand s ssfe way te extract trnta, sbeotately wttaeat pats. Dr. T. P. Wise Is sa sspert at (oiS fllllag sad erewa see brldte work. SitreeUag fNe waea plates er bridge are ordered. DS. T. P. WISS. WISE BROSr, Dentists eOJae- SviUhw, ear. AM eat Wash Sea Opsa evealBss till a. m. onesys (real S l IS, Or. Mala StaL OS. W. a, WISS. mm 1RP0 I ID I II f IN WOOD PRICES " . . r'i";' . ' Jr ' ' '..''.. ' '."V -' ' -'. FOR ONLY 30 DAYS SS3T. N. ',.-"''' '. '''-'-'' '. !.ii.' i'-.'l .".V.'v--.; ' t 2.25 . 1 z..:sr 1 1 t'.-. -111,'.; ,' 1 a VV) FZB SXAaTyo09 tWCOMU STSCLOW AMM ' o V ' 1 -Y . fQ Sf. Y, i . v . f . fob TSOEs Bzsnuo ent. A'A:':i' ' '" -.';-'j;V"; '''T K '. ' ' .';'" S ' Owen short stab, par load..'....fl.rS UX?S 1. ; mtr rs. 1 " T x " " - ftj .Dry ahort slab, per load.........l a.BO v ; s 275 ?5l . 225 1 ' 1 k , hj malde. per load H 2.2 S " .'. ij , avrV I. , '. (, " ; - i , . '. - 4-foo dry wood, per eord ..'S.2SV ' ' '". .,'.;.'.. ' .-.'.' "v- -.--- 3 .;,,.".',.. Block wood, per losd... $3.00 ' - " ; Sst y " 1JP A 1......'.. .ShteepS Fortlaad Stents, WfllasaeMe : ,': Kt A-rAk -7 fY, q Stetglras and SSoaaS TnT , . - - f -'." ! .'; V) -.'... P 1 , . ' - A;' .:."'' 4 s ' ' "",'' , Ossop 4-twt trees slsaweeS Ayt iwaasewesi'' 7-"!,.'. ' .J . 5 ',.,-''.."'. '' ' Stleai bmIibS Is ewtrlets are '. n00; II '' Wll- I t '-.' : ;' ' bort areea weed, par loss. , 1 'ilV'' ' rfT? I' ' I ii I 5 r-Amy:Mr y-arlvi' , v.vff) II . lilt- ; -i - n0. ; 2u yrtRar' . . r al,u wbstsiob V ; ' , ; r tjtyj S ' 0rs shorter load. ....... ...$1.75. atimiil Ferttaad .-aa4 WO" . ."v ; " .' Dry short, per load S2.SO ' ..lasaetaa Stelghte, k -. ALU AVnOTZIIDG Oreea shorter loed. ......... .fl.TS atimiil FerBaad aad Dry short, per load S2.50 ' laaawtta tUtghts. k v ury -ioot wooo, inr wra,., ; s frrw warra aegw 0rff ciocaa, fr 4ua. .a,w .. w aUTD SAYS XT. ' I BANFI ELD-VEYSEY FUEL CO.1 Phons Mssln OOTMIRD OTRS: t- 4-