The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 10, 1905, Image 13

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    r r r i
CITT aonC-a,
' Unties lwriT rm ' tkat the DMnrll
or the IVy Of torxlShl. oreeon, et kneeo
- held mi t Oh, ft A mil. U.S. -
Ik aaaee l 'Ur t hm Kc.M'j. I
' the lo . t t I -Munt BV a. fr
t ths a. , a e' . nnm IT- M t
' aortk i -a k 1 t k.. -moot. In ti4 aun
Covsa br ero..-aee ho I4,20, a
t, part or lot end parcel Of land, wnifb s-e
. sweeten e saw peculiarly oeasnie, ta
. t -. 'a: v
. W. , r OMONT BLOCK 1. M , Tha
r ,Becar"y i en- Iruet Company, I '7;
tot 11.1 k,,-rltr Revises A Tnal Cos.
Br, $ -e-JO tot 1 Tk Seeertty ffsrtnee
ex iriic uoimir. sey.aai toe la. tm nc
rarity farlce Tract CMiur, ti8.ll
." , lot 14. The Security Havlage A Tract Cam
'f NMoH; Wt 18, The Security Saric
& . mi .www, !.; wi is, ?d -eurlty
lvi-e A Trust GonptDr, ki3.oa
let ft, Ik bsewlty barings Trust Cent-
ray. 83.03; lot 10. Tk Security Revlcr
Tract Compaay, 340.88. BLOCK It. lot
' 1H. Tk Security Savings A' Truat Coav
, ; paBy, t1.43; lot IT. Tk Becurlty Savlnxa
jruet uompeny, est to, in rjecurity
Balj Truat Company, 814-W: lot 14,
I Tk Sorority Sariass A Truat Company,
,. flBTB; lot 14.' Tk beearlty asvlags Truat
- Compear, $18.80: let It, Ths Security See-
lass A frost Company, 118. Tit tot li. Tks
' Security Savings at Truat Company, (18.52;
i lot 11, Tk heeUTlty Sevlnge Tract Coan.
nauy. 134.21) lot 10, Tk Security tarings
, at iruat Coaipaor,-!).!., 14. lot la.
ni Tltia uuaraato Truat iiapanr. aoa.p
' Wt .' Tk TIU UuaranU A Truat Companr
,. (4M.T8; lot 8. Th Tit I Quarante A Trnal
, Coaaar. 80; tot T. 1, U. Hleka, 823.1a
r lot 0. Tk Tit la Oaaraataa A Truat Couoaoy
. 8I8.6& BLAOlf 2. lot 1. Tk Tltl 0arB-
: ta A " Truat Ooojpanr, tM SOi lot . Tk
nut UBUUTOI m l uaa oinoonj.
W 3. Tk Tltl Ouaranta A Traat Campaar,
'S .i-.8ab.OTf let -4, Tk Tltl Ouaranta A
."'A Truat' Coaiuany, $M.0j tot 8. To Tltl
,V;,tM Tract wmfmj. a.u. m
Tk Ittl Ouaraat A Truat CompaoJ, $23,121
lot TH Till AainitM a. Tmat coaaaaar.
831.88:. tot t. Tk Tltl Ctaaraato A Tract
Company, tST.08, BIOCK 11, tot 1. Tk
Title Uaarantaa A Traat Ooaipaay, 880.24
ivus uairania aa Iran unpwit,
lot 2. Tk Tltl Ooaraot A Traat Oaai
821.84: tot 8. Tk Tltl Ouaranua A I
OMnaaar, J14.83: tot 4. Tk Tltl Ouajranta
A Trnal Coanaar. I1B.T81 tot 8. Tk Tltl
. ituarant .Tract uai
Tk Till Gaarcate A
t ' , 218.18: tot T. Tk Tltl Ouaranta A Traat
. : Company, 81T.M; tot 8, Pwltkt Cky.
:s 2T.0il tot . Tbj Tltl Onaruta A .TrW
Coanany. 8T.Su. BLOCK 14, tot 1. Tk
' 'Title Ooarantc A Tract Compaay. 838.04;
. . tot 8. -Tk Tltl Ouaranta A Traat Compaay,
V W 8. Tk Tltl Oaaraata Truat
Compahy, 822.88; lot 4, Tk Tltl Oaaraato
, .A Tract Company. 83U.88; lot 8. Tk Tit to
- uuarcate Tract VOTBpany, 1S.W. , zviai,
- atataaaont ' of ' alnMuM aaawaiaant
' catar-4 In th Itoekat at Uty IJena.
. nf la aow du and payakto at tka ofOr
or ua t.lty 'ireaoaror, la lawtui amocwy ok
c tk United Atataa, and If not paid attain
M day (rem tk data of thla not Ira cock
; ... pronullnia will k taka tut th wltoetlon
, of tk cam a arc procMtod by tka ckartat
' r tl t.'lty of Portland. -
V - Tka aboT aaaraamrnt Trill bakr latcroct
'HO day aRar tk arat public! tod al tkU
4 no. Ira. ' . -'...
.. . ' ' - THOS. ft lEVL,ln, ,
; Aadltar'af tk City of Portland. ;Ottx.
Porltond, On-Mk- Data ( arat 4kilcttoA
A Mil Ilk ftkaafl -,
iiuiuuiT rot uiHOTUiin or
. " Kotlc ' "I krky (Iroa that tk Council
; tka CMy t'ortlcud, Urfu, at auwUBf
.held a the 0th day of April, lituo. dcelarad
rto aaacaauwiit 'fcy ordlnaaea No. -14.838,' for
- tk ' Improraawnt f Hlnr ctroet fram tka
act th water ry lln of Raadolnk atraat to
' 11m lo fact eoutkoaatcrly tkeretroaa, rn th
. , aucnar -prvrldcd r cy rdlaaac Mo.M4.8l8.
Bpoa oark lot,, part of tot and parcel at land.
t antra ar aciaiir in poeauugr Bnata.
. .to b aa folloma, -la: -'ALBIXA
BIVBR lxyTS Itoatb 40 fat of tot
t. Lou l Klcolla. 2338.20; aorth 88 fact, of
lot a. Mm kiioaiia, flHK.aar aooth -08 foot
- 01 lot -9, 1117 t rortiaaa,, '
ALMNA--BLUCI. T8. tot 4. Jaaaaa - kta
', (tnaary katata. -Borraf, 83.88i lot- 8, Jaaara
. 0. auaifoawry satata, tuira 01, fa.l.
. kaUt. Hr f, 1288.02; Bortk l fret of
, .. wt a. jaawa r. moaiacmtry uun, flair of,
8144.83, Tatai. 81.141.18. , --
' 1 lUtnmt of afuroeald aaeaeaat kac
1 cB catared la tka Docket ' of city Lima,
and la now do cad parable-ct ti etkee
"-of ,8b city Treacuror. la towful money (
,tk l altetj Butca. aad If not paid wltkla
k dare from tk data af tola notice aarfc
praraaAlna . erlll Be Ukea for tke coltoetloa
. m r aaaat e ar caiTlacd hp, aha Ik Clam
j JTk boo -aacaacmoat .crUI Wa. laataraat
16 . tfaya .Afta lit 8rt -pacilcatlea .ml tkU
tatkti.- . 1 : ' I . .
-V-!- ir. : CHOP). ftfMTUH, r
1 -Aadttor af tk City af Port la a 4. Oreena.
'. ' rotttaad, Orapjaav Kata' f 8rat poklkattoa.
M(. Taaiiairivc arauii
Sot Ice hi hereor Irti that -tk Council
at tk City M Pertlaod, Oreaoa, at atretic
: held oa tk 8tb day of April, 1808. declared
the aacaaaaMM by ardlaance Ko. 14,838, for
tk ImproTMMat of Kcct Wcchlattoa atreet,
from tka a cat lis af Kact Talrty-tklrd ctret
. ae tna tract no at Maayataer Tklrd Addtttoa,
la tka mcnarf aicrldci kr arniaaara Ma. 14..
'. 221, apoa oack lot, part af tot and parcel of
,jana. -wcira ore a penally ao pecaiiarly aaa
aim. 10 ov aa iviiowa, via 1 . - -
, 373.88; tot t. ctoaoyalda Land A ImprmcMai
tempaay. ,$n.ol; tot 8, Suaayalde Land A
- Improeamtat Oompaa. f4.ul ; tot 3. Bunayald
,? Land A Jmaroeoaccat Uompaay, 23.83; tot
v. ouaayaiae bana at -improrma teupaay,
- '334.81:. lot 12. a'radarlrk M. Braark. kil.a:
Z'. Jot 16. Banaycld Lead A lm pom meat Com-
... paay. ai.av; lot le, rreoerlrc M. urcncB,
a . 82.83! tot 13. rYtcrrU M. Braach. 83.88.
BLOCK 1.: lot t. Jama D. WBartoaw 848.38:
"rtot" - af. - airbs.- 3l.ot-tot 8, 8f-f
' eld td A laiproyeaMnt Compaay, 81.12; I
, - tat a, nunayaioe iama m tajpraramcat uom-
paay. aw.Ti: lot . rraak B. akmtkcreu izi.ka:
, m m . a-arami, i.ia; aoaia seer
i of -tot 13; Ida B. Parent. 81T.48; Borth 8
v in or tor la. v. m, vniey, u.t t: aoaw c
. fret at tot 14, Ida B. Pare at, fllM; sarU
48 feet af tot 18. fl. Ml IMller. ko.40.
. BLOCK 1, tot T. Halbert H. Oroaler. 222.80;
em o, itm n. v. . it,, w , .v e, aal
.' hcrt H. free lor, 832.84; it 10, tUlkart H.
, Ooaler, 830.48) lot-II.- Halbert H. Crodar,
'- 138. f lot IV Halbert H. Creator. 838. TT.
.il NNTSIDIC BLOCK . T, - tot- 8. - KaH
. rUheoelrk. ' 814.43) lot 8, Ckorlec W.
Maata, 80.48; tot 4. Thar lee W.Mcuta, 84.88;
,-. tot,T. B. J. Mckllltoa, .838.18; tot 10, Carrl
M. Jarot. 38.i) tot ti, kUjrtle A. Octafca.
843.381 tot 10. atoymonr 0. Frleadly, 88.13;
(u lot- IT, Oaetae and Aaate Prtereon. 7.87;
tot 18, Vatota AV Badeoa, 884.33. BLOCK I,
" lot 6. Murk i, Oatcka, 843-34; lot 8.
i-toet-rl . A. tiataka,' 1.20r tot 4.' Mafato
Uataka, 80-80) lot f. Mary J. Marea. I15.4T;
- t v-aot af tot 10, Mary 3. Marce. 37.88: aaat
; 4 r( fct 10. Im B. Jeakina, 8T.80I lot 11, L.
, : K. Jenklno, 818.40; tot 14, Ham eel H. mlth,
' 814 IS; lot 18. Bamnal U. Omit. 212.T2. -
k - BLOCK t, tot 1, Bmma U. Bchmeer. 838.10;
tot 2. Kmma M. Icbmeer, 823.83; tot 8. Hal
, ' hart H.f malar,- 323 3j tot 4, Halbert H.
Onator. 834.33; tot 8, H. C. Hardmaa, 8M.08;
tot 0. U. C. UardBMB, 830.88. Total,
- 814414a. - -. . . s. - .
''A alatemeat f aforeaald cmeeameat hec
'. her a aatared - la the Docket of City Lien,
and la nunr do end payable at th afare
of th City' Treaearer, In lawful avaaey of
fka. United State, and If not paid wttkln
, 30 day from tka dare af thla nolle aarh
, proreedlnta will ha taken for th cellertloa
of tka Not a "ar prodded by th chartor
'f k. City f Portland,
Tk chore acceccment will heaf . Intrrect
10 dy,, after, th tret pnbHccttoa of UU
TH08. C. OKVLIK, ? ;
. Aoditar af tk city f Portland, Oreana. '
Portland. Oreaoa. Pato Of Irat . aahltoatlaa,
' April 10, 1808. , ' - ' '
) t , iw rOTBTS ITMZT.
.tottr to Bereny ciren teat toe tearern
f the CUyht Portlaad, Orefoav at a aKeilnt
held OS tk 8th day f Ap-U, 1005, declared
th aeacesment by erdlnanc No. 14.832, for
4 the 1 Improrement of Fourtk Street, from too
ve.i a line 01 naoner eireer mw wtmi mimm
.of Weeds ctreet. In th manner ptvrtdrd by
, nrdlnanc . 14.188, apoa cooh . tot, part ef
tot aad career of land, which are cpeclelly
end peculiarly bnatd, to b follow, rlc:
p BIX1CK TO.' occt 80 feet Of aortk. 108
- fret, Bclfonr, OntkrU A Co., 373 4.1;
. weet 80 fact of occt 80 feet ef aortk
1 100 feet, Loals TnimaMr.v $13.18? weat 20
.ii feet Of eeat 100 foct of north 100 feet.
Acnes Welek. 83. T8 ecet 80 feet of north
, 8 feef-nf conth 100 fret, Jeerpk and Vic
, torla Xlccmetter, 88.84; anrtk 43 feet ef
: aooth 83 feet of occt 80 feet. Very .acke-
mirk. 843.88; eeat T4 feet of aoutk 00 feet.
' S.'" 'obnena, 348 M; west 20 feet ef occt
'2fl of soalb 80 fort, Vic tec Oaeffrcy,
' 33.8T. . - - . , .
' A poreet of had lyine between the west
r." ef iamh 'otreet coda Use 100 trot west
thereof and parallel Cberewlle, aad act week
the north and eotrlb line ef Porter reet.
J; ac tended weaterly la to precent enorae. Ore-
ri Ballroad A Narlscttoa Company, 88.81.
. . ,.'"' lead hounded aad deerrlhed ae
reltowci tViaimnclnp af the rctereertloa of
. eeatk 11 ae af Porter ctreet, ei reeded wectarly
. In He preaent coerce with the meet lln of
' Jnortb ctreet. he now e.tahll-hed. add pntnt
I. erle 00 f ,.t a--1 C t f-" weet of
eoui.weet V . e Bletah.. Cw- A4-
r' J - cl to th City
-1 e -i " l a of Per
il In tic preaee
Ui m eia r ouna
nreet, ,.-- 4 y eO feat.
; aat tad t r , . , a- tk lie at porter
a- e' ,,-d wameriy I lf y net oaora
1 to wat in of m un a -eet a
Bow -ried. thrnea e-.awe a
vaeter' ' of tonu ctret lav- hvaiaalBaV
I-,. t foct of a carrel af Iced boanied
e4 1, t a tulioaa: C. -ameaetnc at
e t le of 10 vlA a treat, aa
po- I betas- I I vt acuta and 8.84 feel
- of e- t enrae of Hock 07,
Cnru'era A- .,..e to Ccraiaen' Addlttom to
tna uity ar fort Und, tnene want 108.10 fact
to went Ua f old Fourth ctraet, extended
ceutbarly, tbaaoe J aoath a th weet
lln f old - roartk atreet eztonded
2o feet, Miear aaat 11A29 feet la tbe wct
una or f oaurik ctreet a air Mtaoilebed.
tbeaoa aorrkwcctorly oa wt Una of roorth
eiren a aoianiaf. la, v cMaaoitU Jtalel
Ilerra of. 2 ,.44.
hcctarly Iir) feet af pmrocl of land boandrd
cad deecrltoed aa daltowa: Onanaa rlae at
w; Co
; point en weet Ua of ronrth ctraet aa now
, aatabllebed, aald point beln 100 tact couth
av-ou .zec aaac or coatBweai ncraar at
block 87. Carathera' Addltloa to Carutken'
' Addlttoa to tka City af Portlaad, tka weet
aad parallel with couth line of Porter ctraet
. tec led weaterly la Ita preeeat eoarc. 113.44
.: feet to woot lln of old Fearth atreet,
(bom aonuieriy, tkeaca north oa acid waci
. Una af aid roorth ctreet ei tended 28 feet
- tbenro aaat US.82 feat to weet Una t Fourth
ctreet as sow oatabllckad. thenee aoatkeaat
. aa weet una of roartk atreet to beflaaln-,
Harry S. Uodckall. 320.14. . -
. Eactorly 100 feat of a parcel of Ur4 bounded
' and deccrlked aa to Howe I Comateaclnp; at ln
tereertle of aorth lln of Wood ctreet aad
weet una ac rearm atreet aa new eetabOatved
aald pelct belap -800 tact eoatb aad 20.T8
feet aaat of cowrhwoat aoraer of' Hock 87.
y Cera there' Addition to Caratkara1 Addlttoa to
. u t-ity at rertiand. tkaoe wact oa north
' Una af Vaoda atreet. actauled las feet a
1 weet Una of aid Fourth arroot extended aoatk
ww, wa noTia am aaia wear una or 010.
roarrs, -atreet - eatoaded 100 feat, thane
act and cardial with the enuth ilea
af Porter atreet eitended weaterly 113.40 foct
o went ua art coorta atreet aa aow eecao
licked, theoeo eaatarly oa weet Una of roarth
urreer. 10 neennnine. injrua ieiii. hjvt nr.
aun-a. ar, an ac an want or orec-oa
California Kallroad Compaay's rifht of way,
uconei naaaicarriMr. aaa.aa. .
All af tot f weet of Oreeea A rjaHfarals Ball
i road Compaay ylfkl of way. 1 Kilcabctk
riaainvcrTnar, pea. iu. .
All of lot 8 weat of Orerok A CaUfernlc
w'ortlf4 88 I'f7'' lh' JorsUh
All f ' tot 8 weet af Oreava A Ccllfornta
Bdlroad Oaoapaa'a rlht of tray, aramUk
Work. 840.04. . . 17
All of that porttoa of block 07. ' Ccratkery
Addition to Caratkara' Addlttoa to the Mtr
. of Portland lylna weat of a lln too toot occt
of and aaraltol orltb tka aaat Una ef roartk
ctreet, cee oy tk orofoa A California Ball
roa uompaay for rtrht or way
Oregoa sad - CsUforala . Railroad , Compaay,
812.40. - -
, All af tot lylnf coat at. th Orerna A
Ccltforaia Ballroad Compaay'a -rioht of way
aaa wact oc a uaa 100 feet aaat of aad
llel with tho aaat Ua of Fourth ctreet,
I. 8 mlth. 80.84.
Be real af toad lrlna hatwaaa tka aaat tine
of , Fearth ctreet and a line 100 feet Mat
J thereof sod aaraltol therewith, aad beta-oca
th aorth and aoath Una of Porter ctreet
r-itaa4ed wectarly la It preheat acaroo.-Oro-
a-oa Ballroad A Ma-rhrattoa Compaay, 844.84.
' All that porttoa of a parcal af land lylnr
weeieriy or jin jtar veer eaereriy 01 ana
- paraltoi with tka eaeterly lln f Fourtk
treat, which la bounded and deaerlbed aa foe.
towc: Baianlnc oa tka couth Uno of Porter
ctreet extended weaterly la Its aiociut coorea
aad th weat line ef the Oreeea A California
Railroad Compaay'a rlht of way, thcaoa weet
B8.T0 feat, tkenc aoath 100 .feat, thence Beat
' 80.28 feet to tbe weet Una of tk Oreeea A
California Ballroad Company' right of way,
- theac aorthwesterly aa tka west Ilea of -ra
Orrroc A California Ballroad - Oempany'a
, ntac ar way to pate oc Def laauc Ueerou
Neck. 8t.1T. 77.
A pareci of lc-nd koacacd aad diatrftcl aa
follow: Common rtnar at th latareacttoa f
tk aoutk lln of Porter ctreet eiteaded
westerly la Ita preeeat aeajree, aad aaat Una
of roartk ctreet ae Bear aatabllebed. aald
potat celas 00 feat aoath aad 11.T0 feet aaat
ar to aoarao-eat corner af block 87.- Ca
rn there' ddlttoa to Ccnrtberc1 Addlttoa to
taa cit ar r-orusnd, taaaco eeot on th coatk
line- f Porter ctreet , x tended T8.28 feet,
tkenc weet aad aarallcl wltk Porter atreet
Y extended .08.03 feet to tk Beat Hn of Fourth
ctreet as new eetabllabed. tkeaca aorthweat
erly aa the ecet Hoc of Fearth atreet to be-
fiacinf, . nrnry -tnompeca Aetata,. Htt8 of,
at r. -
W re terry M0 feet of a PC reel of land boaadtd
aaa aeccrwea, aa- loieewo: uomacendcaT at la
teropcrtoa af the aorth Mae of Wooda ctreet
and tka aaat Ua of Fearth ctreet aa aow
eaiaDiianeo. aaia potat betas- 280 feet aeata
aad 80.22 foot east of tbe couth erect earner
Of btorh 0T. Caratker' Addlttoa to Caratkara
Addlttoa to the City of Portlaad. thenna eeat
a ta Bert Baa or Wooac ctreet 80,80 feet,
tkenc nertk at rtrht . amies to Woods
street 100 feet, tkenc weat .sad aaraltol
with the aorth lln of Wood ctreet 108.18
feet to the aaat Una of Fearth atreet as aow
eetabllabed. tbe re aoathoastorl oa tho eeat
na or ronrth atreet. to bectaauic. OUrar
sit or that portion or a parcel or land Mas
weatorly of a Una 100 feet eaatarly of aad
paraltoi With the eaatarly line t Foarth
ctraet ea aow aatahllahed whlc to boaadad
aad deacrihed aa foJtowo: Cocnmeadatr at In
terceettoa of aorth Hoc of Wood atreet aad
treat line af Oreaoa A rallforala flelleoed
, tompauy a ria-at or way, tkeaca west ea aorth
line 01 wnooa ctreet vz.t reet. tkeaca north
at rlsbt -ancles to Wood street to a poiat
100 fort aortk of north Ua of Wood ctreet.
,. tkeara ecet aad aaraltol with north Ua of
wooes afreet u.i ree to oalnt on wact Hne
A Cslr-farata Ballroad Oempaay's
rlsht c4V way, tkeaca aoatkeecterly aa wact
erlr lln af Oreaoa A California Ballroad
r company- nrnt of way to berlnslns, Louies
kL Factor. 31.00. Total 8H5T.1X
A atateanrat ,f aOarcaald amcccmeat hes
Men enterea la tna Docket of city sLlena,
nd It now ne pad aayakla at-tfca. ofttce
of taa city Treaearer. la lawtnl meaey af
tka Lulled Btatee, aad -If aot paid within
days from toe acta ef thla notice each
prnfcertlaia will ha taken for the cellertloa
of tk cam aa er pro tided by tk charter
of ta uty r rortica.
Tka above caaeaaparnt iwiti bear. In tercet
10 days after th Brat pubttcatioa af thla
octree, . . . '.
i..-THO.- C DBTXTrT, i
- Auditor of th City ef Portland. Oreaoa.
Portlaad. Orea-on, Sato af Brat BakllrnUua.
npru iv. law.
Not toe a) kerebr rlren that tbe Coaaril
of the City of Portlaad. Oreaoa, at a ametlna
acta an tna eta aay oc Apru, lexis, arcicred
tk caeesement by ordinance Be. 14,827,
tbe Improrcmant of Factory ctreet, from tho
aoath Hne tl Vaashn ctreet to Ike Berth linn
T barman street, la the) acancer pro tided
ordinance N. 14,387, npon each tot, part
tot aad parcel of toad, whirk are epertully
aad pecnllcrly hecrOtrd, te
as xoikrwc
iictirtn sxiinTl"!T to thi ti
P0RTT,ANI BLOCK 1, tot 2. Orory
tl. 85 J lot 8, 0 cor re Oood, 8.31; tot '
.. Wllaoa, 357. Tu; tot 7, Mary K.
eeora-e uooa.
e. Mary
aaS.81: tot 10. Wlllkn Beldt.
A parcel of land lying hatwaaa the aoath Ta
af I poker ctreet aad aorth Una ef Tkarman
atreet and Between tke eaat nno ot mora I.
WUeoa'e Addlttoa. to the City of Portland,
ad a line 100 feet eaat of aad parallel wltk
tka east lln of rectory ctreet, Blrccter
vcrretL. co.on.
NORTH PORTLAND BLOCK t. aoath 32 feet
of tot 1. William Raldt. 832.11 1 aorth 30
rect r tot 1 Joeepk Doipb. a-to w; tot a.
H. P. Kllaee. 83.T8; aoath AO feet of lot
8. Wick Jcroboon. 848.04; aorta 10 feet of
lot 8, William Reidt, 811.20; coatk U of
lot 4. William Reidt. 830.80: aortk M of lot
4, Oeccr Pateraea, 830 81; act 40 feet of lot
ev ttormcn jacaeon. ee-id;
wmmm ev.iv. week n w
. u fui e
lot o. ficcar Peteroaa. 807.80.
All af btorfe 8. Blarkletene Addlttoa ' to the
Uty of Portlaad, lylnf weet of a line loo
' feet eaat ef a parallel wltk the ecet Une of
Fnetery street, Amaada Reed. 38.eS.
PORTLAND BLOCK 2. tot 1. William C.
Naen. 3 47: lot 4. William 0. Nona. 8AS.84:
- tot . Peter hfctcoa, 8M.12; tot 8, Ladd A
niton, te w; lot p, idd A Tlltoo, 80. BT.
NORTH roaTLAND BLOCK 1, tot 1, Jcmb
Mayor, $01.43) tot 2, Jacob Marart $84.07;
. tot 8. crok Mayer, $57.43. Total. 8TT4.80.
A tateakmt of aforeaald cecececaeat ha
beea entered la tk Docket of City Llena,
and la aow doe cad payable at th efdee
af the-City Treasurer, la towful money of
the united autre, an ir pot psi witnin
SO dare from tbe - dare of this notice each
ci im 1 mere will k . taken fey" th. ooltocttoa
of the came as are pmrldkd by Ike rkarter
of tk City of Portlnad.
Tho chore acceaeatent Will ' bear Intrrect
10 day after tk Bret aabllcattoa ef thla
aot lea. , . t -
' A editor of the City of Portlaad, Orefon. '
' Portland. Oreren, Lt of- tret nabllcettoo.
April 10. 10U0. .
Notice kj hereby siren that at tbe meetlnf
of the Coonni-ef rha-Cltp af Portland. Ore
ton, held en the ttb day ef April, 1808. tk
foltowlne; resolution cms adnnted: r '
BecclrodL That the Conacll of Ike 1 City ef
Port Iced, orerea, dee me It ecpedlenl and rnr
peera ta Improve Broadway front th Met line
ef I.'nlna aeeoae to tke ecet line of Rcct
BeeVnteealh ttrret; la th flIowlaj macner,
to-wtt: . -
rirat-Re gT4ln the ctreet chew by
tk City Fng Ineere flafh pnd aperl fleet lone.
Second By oonetrvrUng arUflclal aton aide-
d'tloa to Prn(i
rouraa h t I -
walkt la- I'wtaart w'-h tk City Kogiacea-'t
piano, apaci euena and e- - .
Inlrd Ay . ceactru. ..4 -JcUl BUM
toorth By ' lerlntr croaewe
link By or .,rctlu w
4 eloWwslfca
sceerdcwi Wi ti-e - 'f
Buerlneationa a 3 e. '
8id lmproee-eat to "re aa4a la accord-" oe
wiia xaa, caartm- aaa 0 ee m ia viiy
of Portland and tle p' -a, t xdfrattoua and
eattowtra ef tke City k " '. filed la tbe
offloo af tka Auditor at t. ef Portland
a too 4tb day of April. 1 I need: "City
l.nalnoar'e plane aad a -a- .at)--e1 far tho laa
proTeaiaat of Broadway trt Ua ecet lie ef
union 4 venue to taa at lie ef -dat ao-rew-tacath
atreet and the e-Hmateo af tho work
to be ooae aad tka probe a foul occt taereor.
The coat of said lmkraeeeneat to ke a
aa prorlded ky tke cliy euarver neon tke prop
erly epeeiauy saa peculiarly soaeutea wereoy,
aad wblrb la hereby oeocred to ke all tk
lota, port thereof aad parrel of land lylnf
between Uni 100 teat nort of sad parallel
with tho north Una of Broadway aad a Uaa
100 feet coatk of aad eorauel with tke couth
Uoe 'of Broadway and betwoea tke eaat Uaa
ervUntoa arcaoe end a Use 100 feet cent C
aaiT paraUcI with Ua eeot Ua at Aaat Serea
toenta atroct. ...
Tke Bnclaerr'c ectlmcte ef th arohahla
total ooet for th. Improrement at aald Broad'
war to 22.TB4 0U. .
The pubs, spodflcattoaa and octlaawtse ef
me Lity Knstaeer lor tke lap pro rem cm as asia
Broadway ar hereby adoptrd. -
BeaolTod, That- the Auditor of th City
of Portlaad bo sad ha Is hereby directed to
pi re notice of tbe nropoacd Improremeat
aid atreet aa Broetded by tbo elty charter.
Remoontrancec spalaat the Shot laipree.
ment may be filed In wrttlef with th uadcr
elraed wlrhra 20 daya from tho data ( th
tint seblicatlon of tfato- nettcc
By order of th Council., r
- f ..,--. -. thos, e, rraxiN, .
' " ' Aadttor bf tka tatr of Portland.
Portland. Orofoa. Dete, ( Bret pabllvctlos.
April B, 1KB,
Notice to korefcr rlron that at the aeaetina
of the Council e the City of Portland. Ore
aoa, hold -oa tbo 8th day af April, 1800, the
101 lowing rasoinnaa wee sooptaa: -:
Bcaelred. That tk Cooarll of tbo City af
PortUnd. Oreson,- die .tt-cjcnedlent and por
pueas te laprote west tt of Water street from
the couth Uaa of Clew atreet to tke aortk Uaa
of Columbia atreet, aad tho aoatheaat 14 later
eeottoa ef Water and Clay tract, to secardaaca
wtta the picas sad epecirieetieoe or, tke city
Bnclaoor, la the 1 feltowlns meaner, to-wit:
rirce Br aradla tka atreet
with tho City Knciacar's plsac, apedliccUoas
aad eetlmctea. .
- Seceed By coaetrbctinc artlflelal atone eorba
a accaraaaea wita ua city sngiaccr picas,
spclflcstlocaVad Oct I ma tee.
Third Br hcncbraetlnct artlftdal ctona aid-
Walka U feet, wide, Urlodlas rurba. Is ac
cordance with tho City Basiaoers plana, ape-
UlraUoaa sad eetlmates.
Foarth By ooetractlaB artificial atone aide-
wciss a reet. wise ut aceorasBca with ta
City Knflooer'a plaaa, epeclflcctloo aad as
timateeT . . . ,.. ...
Fifth By brlniBC tho street to trad with
atone block c oc a bad of concrete not tone
tkca 0 inches In depth la acoordeaee with the
city Kssiaaer a Place, spsclticatloa aaa es
time tec . - - -
Said iMpratemeat to be nacde la sccordaaca
with the chartor and ardinancec of tk City
of Portlaad and the plane, epedflcattons and
ectlawtos of th City Bnftseer. filed la tbe
office of th Auditor of the City of Portland
oa tk 4th day of April, 1608 .Indorsed: "City
EDftnear c plana sna specincstioas ror tbe
Improvement of Water atreet from tho aenth
line of Clay ctreet . to the north . Uno
Columbia atreet. sad th eetlmstea ef tbe
work to be don and th probable total oust
laerooz." v
The enst of said Imprerement to he
as proTlded by th city charter apoa
ertr enerlaUr and necallarlr be Be ft tm
erty eperlally and peculiarly
'lted thereby,
and which to hereby declared to be aa follows:
Mite eon e,- wwi ivi , wum a lan e, oiovre
111: lota 1. 2, 8 aad 4, block 113; Iota S aad
4, block 118; all la the Ctty af Portland.
Tbo Knstaoer'a eetlmate oft the - probable
total eaat for tbe lmnroTemant of aald Water
ctreet is 38.122.00.
- The snore impraeemeat 1C to be iad aa
a etoa ktoca Ijnpreeemaat aad akan bo aaala
tslned br tka eltr tor a ncrlod of 28 ream.
prorlded that the owners f a aestorlty of tbe
property Doner tie oy eaia improvement or aay
porttoa thereof ahsU aot petluoa for a new or
different I m prove aeen t he tor the exptratloa
of eneb period.
Tbe plana, apec I fleet loss sad eetlmctea ef tho
City Bnclaoor for the Improremeat of aald
Water ctreet are aeroby adopted.
Beaolred. That tka Auditor of the fire af
Portland bo aad he la hereby directed to aire
notice of tbo proposed Impeevemeat 08 said
ctreet aa provided by tbo city charter.
Be meant 1 aacaa em rest the a he-re tmuiaacmeat
mar be filed la wrltins with tka oaderalnad
wirhla-20 daya from tb date f taa first
mKliM. arlnlae aueVdu. . '
canatuifVaiiBvai WA aVsBsni nrntysit.. -
. By erdrr of th Coonrll. ' : ' J:
; 1 THUS. C DITUa.
1 - Aedltar a the Oitv mt Farttond.
Portland. Oreaoa. . Data of arat anhllraftoa
apru 0, inc
raorotXD rjrjBOTXncarr or
Kotloe Is hsrsbr straa that at the nuntlnw
wx toe voawcu os xno a.ity or rorusaa, A
aaa, held oa the Sth day of April. S3L
tollewtnc reoolntlon was sdooted: '
Reaolrod. That tka OaaacU af tna Ctrw ef
Portland. Ore con. deema la oxpedlsnt aad par.
pocas to lmprovs Twenty-foorth street from
tho aorth lino f FUadere ctreet to eke aaatci
Ua ef Oltosa street, ta tho tolletrliig anxa-
Ftret By" sradlat the atreet fall ertdth with
tall Intereectl
tiaaa to proper can-ere oe.
- Srocad By taaatiaiitlna artificial areoa atdo.
waic a ta e recreance wlta tn city
Diane, eaarlftoattoae and satlmatca.
J mro ny coneu-nciia art in eld ptaao awrba.
rooria ny layins iiuceacikc
Fifth By coaenraettes scoria nttera. ' - f
Plxth By- brlaalaa tke atreet toll . mMtfc
with full Intaraecttoaa to th ectabUabad arad
With csscadam.
Bald Improvement to he'maoe la a rear de ace
wita too xwxrcer aaa oroiaaneaa ar ene rvte
tauwuui ihjh nn, apeanran
aatimatea or too uty cncioerr, nied
ef (Ice of tbo Auditor of the City ef
oa tbe 4th day of April, 18U0, Inlaw 8: "city
ncineerp puns aaa epedncattoao for tho
Imnroremeat of Twenty-foorth ctreet fraea the
north Uno ot Flanaera street to the ceater
Uaa of Ollaaa street, and the ratine tea of us
to a eon ana tka preaabla total eoct
The soot of sold 1mm en mi at to ha aaMaml
as nroelded by tho city charier apoa the prop
erty eperlally and necallarly benefited thereby,
and which is hereby declared to be all ' tho
win, parse laoreer ceo percale oc land lylna
eaen n Baa 100 feet eaat of and ne.raii.1
with tho occt lino' of Twenrr-coertti at,.
ana a "ne iw pert weat or ana parallel with
tke weet Une of Twosty-foarth atreet and
between the aorth lie of Fie odors ctreet and
the aoath line ot Oilcan atreet.
Tke Enaioeer'e eetlmate of tk arobabto total
coai ior tne improvement ac ssia Twenty-fourth
lirwi go owio.uu.
no aboe Imprevemect k) to be cleaned as
macaoam impro-remerit ana eaau ha male.
tallied by tb city for a period of four years,
nroelded that tke ewaera of a aaatarirv ee ke
property benefited by aald Improeaeseat er aay
cert ton tkcroof sksU aot aetltlaa tea a new
or different ImnroronMnt before tb expire tkm
ef each period, r , .
Tbe Blanc, cocci riratloud sad eatluafee U
rao city Bnctneer In tk Imprnesmant a aald
iweaiy-iaann ctreet are aereey aoopted. .
Beaolred. That th Aadltor of tbe City Of
roruaco b aad a at aeroby directed to five
notice of tbo areucccd Imoraarement af ecu
atreci oc previa eo ay tea city charter.
Kemons trances saralnat taa above lawa
atont mar ho filed In written wltk tke nndee.
atyned wltkln 20 days from the del f taa
lirwi, ruviiniuva n mie wevice, t , ..
sty roer 01 taa teanrti.
V' , THO. C. DFTLIN, '
Auditor f tb City ot Porttosd.
Portland. Oreaoa. . Sato af Brat naktfaietiaa:
April a, ie -. '- , 1
bait ssh nn or axru itbxit. .
Ia eomollaaca with a reselatloa adoaeeJ
at the re ruler BMetlnc ef tke CoomHL. heu
oa tke 8tk day ef April, 1000. declartnf tk
durtiirt benefited by tk im pre re meat of tbo
eeeteriy m reel oc aivor ctreet rreaa tk
aontk line of Alblna aroooo to too feet mmii
ef tbe Booth lice ef Alhlos crenoe. sad dlrertlae
the Andltor of tbo -City of Portlaad to prepare
a pretlmlitery aceiecmoat anon tke tote, blocks
ana psreem or lane witnia eel aiitrtet.
Now. therefore, notice is hereby clven that
cucn sacescmeni ic ea 11 10 in tne errirw ef tbe
Aadltor of tbe City of Portland and with whom
y aaa cu oojeciwao oncu DC ruea la writlaa.
aad notice la fartker Sires tTJst tbo Conacll
st Its regalsr meetlnt oa May 3 1008. will
boar aad coadder all ebtorttoao to said sscccs.
ment by parties eccrleved thereby or latereated
tberola, snd Sll such par tie are hereby warned
net to depart tkerefrom oat II each reemea
sent to completed.
-' 1 Aadltor of tho City of Portias A
Del at first pabUeattoa, April 8. 1008,
Notice Ic hereby rive thct st th Owetlnf
f the Council of the City of Portland, Ore
eon, held an tke Sth dsy of April, IPut. h
foltowlM reeolntlon wee adntitad:
Keeolred. That tne toe or 1 1 or tk Ctty' of
Pertlcad, Orecoa, resa It npedlent and nir-
poee tn rooetruat a aewer la Kact Mnrrtenc
atreet from tke canter lino of Beet Thirty
ninth atreet to tke cower In Feet Mm 1 icon ctreet
ct tko weet lino of Beet Tklrty-elchth atreet.
Raid aewer tn be emictraeted M eltrtfled newer
tine wltk all I nceeeeery rctrkhcclna, mssholea.
impkoto cntl hrcm'he, knd to bo of tk
folio wind dlBMBskmc; ef 10 lscbe elesr Inside
disoMter frorc a anlnt ta tb ceater Ua of
-at TkirtT-alath t to- a pat la Beat
eTtoan street at s t -n -th ctreet:
teence of II inc. a c -r 1- c euameter to
a potat ia W"t i ni 11 toe wast
Une ef Wet latrty-ew ..- acreat.
Ha id eewer to be nvoeinictcd la secerdanc
cntn tno char tee end. arw-aancea ef tke City
ot Portlaad and te plra. eosrifVattoaa snd
earimstos of too City k toner, fid la tk
f nc ot the Auditor of t Lttr of Portland
no tko 4th day of April, !"-, Indorsed! "City
Batrlnsor's puna and SMOcincattono, for a aewer
la kaat sforrtoea ctreet from tke crater Una
ot Bast Thirty-am lb atreet to tko aewer la
Beet Morrlaoa atreet at the weet Une of Baal
Talrty-ela-kth atreet, aad taa octlautos of tko
work to b , don and tea probebl total cost
Tke east af aald aewer to be nanesaed
prorlded ky the elty charter apoa tbo prop
erty epocUUr aad pecaharly kearnted thereby,
and which to kereby declared to b ell tbe
101s, pans tceriiat on parcel or lead 171ns
between a Uno lis) feet north of and parallel
with lbs north Una of Bast Morris on street and
a Una 100 feet aooth of end paraltoi with the
aoutk line of Cut Morrtoon tract aad betwoea
the oast Uaa af Coat Tblrtr-elgbtk ctreet and
a Una 80 feet eaat of aad parallel . with to
east Uaa of Beat Thlrty-olnti ctreet.
Tha Baineor's eetlmate of th probable total
coat foe . the cioc treaties of aald aewer Is
The plsaa, spaclfleattoaa aad estimates at th
City Bnylnoer tor tb twouttrwrttoa at said eewer
ard hereby adopted.
Beeolved. Tbat th Aadltor of the City of
Portland bo and he la hereby directed to sire
aotlee at the proposed ronetrurtlon . or said
sewer aa peovtded by the city chartor.
ttoshoastraace sralnat tha above newer amy
ha filed In wrlttn; with th naderal-ned within
ee ee xmn ia as is s taa (wst puouosuon
Of Ula hotles. ,
By erdrr of tbo eonnctl -4 '
. f '-.-. THOS. C. DBYIJOJ, ".
- Aadltor ef tb City of Porttosd.
' Fort Iced. Orefunv Data at Brat pabUoctloa.
April S, 1808. -, .
rBorons aTwxB tar anrxov rrKxn.
Notic Is hereby cirea tbat at tho meetlnc
ef tbe Oeancll of the City ot Portlaad, Oro-
Cm, nei oa tno aw osy or April, , loon, tb
I tow! or, resolution was adopted;
Reaolrod; That tk Council ef the City of
Portland, Oreses, deem It spdtoat aad par
poeis to coastraet 0 sowar la Beaton street
from a aolat 20 feet north at tka aortk Una
of Oapoat atreet to a eon sect ton wltk tbo
eewer la Bantua atreet at tk Booth line of
Dixon street. Said cower to bo eoactrncted
ef vitrified eewer pro of inches clew inside
diameter wltk all ncneciary catchhaalaa, aua
botoa, Ismpbolaa aad braaebce.
Bald aewer to ho eooatreeted $ aewardnTmw
with tka cbartet aad ardlaaacea of tka Cltr
af Portland and the plana, apeclftccttonc end
octlautos ef the Ctty Bnclnoer, filed In the
offtoo of tbe eAodltor of the City of Portland
oa the Sth dapVef April, 1000, Indorsed! "City
Enxtneer'a plana and apectf toatlona for a tower
la Benton atreet from a point 29 foot north of
uv aorta una oc uapont street, to a tnnaee
ttoa with the aewec la Beaton atreet ot tka
aoath Una of Dlxno atreet, snd the ostisaatea
f tha work to he dona aad th probable total
soot thereof."
Tha roat ef aald aewer to be smuecel cs
Brovlded br tho aitr charter anon tbo oroo
erty epectally and pecnllcrly benefited thereby,
nd which to hereby doctored to be sU ths
tons, parts thereof aad pe reels ed lead lyluc
between line 1U0 feet aortboestsrly from and
para Del -with ths aonhoaatorly Use ef Men too
ctreet snd a lln 100 feet aontkweeterlr from
aad parallel with th aoathwaeterty Una ot
Beaton letreet and between the rjorthwoctarly
Une ef Dlioa street and a Une 100 feet north
wee tarly from and Bare llel with ton nortkweei-
Brly Una af Dnpont ctreet. .
lac jcn-iar ectlmcte or. tn preeabm
total coat tor tha ooaaUuctioa of aald sewer
The plana, epoclflcattonc and eetimctec f th
Olty Baalaaar for th ocBstrorttoa af aald aewer
are hereby adopted.
Beaolred, That tbo- Aadltor ef the City of
Portland be aad ha to kerebr directed to tiro
notice of tko nropocad cooatracttoa af aald eewer
as provided by tke dtp charter.
Bemonetraaces asclnet th above aewer may
he filed tn wrtttaf with the anderotcnod with la
20 day from tka data of tbo Bret PabUcs
tton at thh) Botlco. ..
By Oroer f tha CeunrlL . ; :-i
, THOS. C. MTUrt.
' AsdHo af tka Citr ot Portland.
Portland. OreeoeL. Data at Brat naklloatton.
April A. 1806. . . - . .
norotvto bzwxb a roma trtxa. '
efotlca Is herehr rlrea that at tha maatls
af the Coanell of tha City of Portiand, Oro
foa, held on tho Stb day at April, IPOS, tha
fol lowing renotntlea -wee sdoptod : .
aveaoiToe, -tnat. too uoaneu oc tn city oc
Portlaad, Orecoa. dee ma It expedient aad pnr
poeca to conatroct a sower tn Ford atreet from
28 foot nertk ot th north lino of Fork even 00
to tka aewer to Twenty -third aad Wash tax toa
tree Is. Bekt cower to be conetructed of vlt-
rlftod aswer MM f S lnc boa clear lnalila dl-
c meter with U neceeeery octchheolac, man
hoars, lamnbolcs aad braa eh ea.
. hold eewer to ha eoactrncted la aeesrdsaos
with the chartor and erdiaancaa of tka Cits
of Portlaad and tho place, epeeiflrstioaa snd
eei id a lee ox xae i-ixy nasmocr, xitea
office or tbo Aadltor af tbo
CUT of Portlaad
oa tb 4tk day of April. 1008, Indorsed: "Ctty
Bnglnoor's plans snd aprci flea Uooa for o newer
la Ford ctreet from SB (est aortk ef the north
Use of Park arenas to tha aewer la Twenty-
third and Weaning ton streets, ssd th eati
ma tsc of tho work -to bo deem and tk prob
able total oast thereof." . '
Tke coat of aald sowar to bo oeeeeeed as
provided by tb city charter apoa tho property
e peddle and peculiarly benefited thereby, sad
wsacn ts neropy oecicre to no ell taa tots,
eerta 4k ere of and nareato of laad Ivine ho.
tweeu the eeat llae of- Ford street snd a Una
iw 1 eei eaat inorooi ana parallel therewith,
aad between tbe oocrtb Una ef Waahinstoa
ctreet and th north Uao of Park avenue; alae
aU taa tots, parts thereof aad parcels ef toad
lying between the weet Uno of Ford etreot
end a nno 100 eeot west tboreof aad parallel
therewith sad betwoea a Una 100 feet coatk
of -aad paraltoi with tho aoath Uaa of Wash
ington street aaa ua aortk ua t fcrk svo-
Th enflneer'a oetlmato ti th probable total
at far tha ooaoUuutoO at ssld aewer a
Tho plana, csortacsrtons ssd eetlmates of the
city engineer rnr tho
ar herrbr sdooted.
Reoolvrd. That the Ahltor f tk City
Of Portland he cad he Ic kereby directed to
Siva notice oc taa nropooca oocenrnetton af
ssld aswer as prorlded by th city char tar.
BomonetroBeso agaleet fka shoe aevrer mcy
be Oled ta writing with tha nadi reigned within
So days from- the decs of -tho Srst aanlleattoa
ox torn BaiKO.
By order or tke cotrorti. .
' Aadltor ef the Citr of Partlnnd.
Portlaad. Oreaoa, Date af Srst aobUoaiien.
a 41 e ISM
'J '-, "" BTBKKT. '.'-
Notice Is krrrby rlren that at tha meetlne
of tho Couocll of the City of Portland. Ore.
aon, held oa tho Sth day af April, IPuS, thd
10110 wing resolution wss sooptaa:
Keeolve. That ens uoaneii or tk City of
x-orunna. uienuuu nvm is aaneainx nna oar.
ooae to Improve Nicola I atreet freta tbo occt
loo or Twenty-nwirta atreet to tke Went lis
oc Twecty-aixth atreei, la ra toitowliig maa
r. ra-wix:
First Br srsdma th atreet foil width with
full Inter eectloae to tke subgrad ac gives
ey tn t,-ity swginoer.
raoaa uy eonairncling aruaciai aton aide-
Third Br renal ructlng artlndal stone curbs.
Fourth Br. tarlna crosswalks. .,
Fifth By constructing boa aad (tens set.
Sixth Br brinrlnr tn carfare of tho atreet
run snarn wita run . inter cecuons -to
rrarle with macadam.
Meld Imprerement to bo made Is accordance
Wltk tke eksrter end ordlnsore of ths City of
Port lead sad the plana, spsclSrations and eetl
mates of the Olty Engineer filed In tho ot
See of tho Aadltor of tbo City of Portland an
tna sth osy sr April, ibb, isoorsea: "city
Engineer- plans cad spcclBcattons fop . the
lm nrove meat . of Kteolal street from tko eaat
Uao of Twcaty-foartk atreet to tko weet Une
or Twentyotxta etreot, ana tne octimctee
of the work to b dame aad Ike probckl total
oei taerouc,"
Tko reel or ssia improve meet to be ' cs-
aesaed aa nroelded br tbe eltr charter
tbo property epectally and peculiarly baaeflted
taerenr. aaa wnirn m eereoy aectarea to
II tke tots, parts thereof sad percele of
toad lying between a Uao 100 feet northerly
from end Bersllet with the northerly Une
ef Nicola I street aad a Ua 100 foot aoatheriy
from and parallel vita ice seatorrir tine
Kim lei atreet. and betweea a lias 100
feet eeetarlr from aed parallel wlthr tha aaat-
erly line ef Twcoty-foarth street snd s line
loo feet westerly from and sera I lei with tke
weaterly nna of Tweuty-clxth ctreet.
lb KOgtaeor c ectlmcte ox ice prooenw
rai reet for Tke Imprerement ot aald Nle-
Otol street to $0, TOT. 00.
Tho a bees improrement ay te no classed ss
mars dam Improvement aad aha 1 1 be male-
talned by tkp city tar a period of fire years,
aewvlded tkat Ike owners of a majority ef Ike
property benefited by Ssld Improvement er
aay porttoa thereof aha 11 set petition tor a
new or different lenprorcment before tb
xptratloS) of each period.
The plane, cpectflrstieae snd satHnste ef
the City Bagineer for tbe improvement of mid
Klcolal atreet are kereby adopted.
- Beaolred, Tbef tbe -.Aadltor ef the Ctty 'of
Portland be ssd ho Is hereby directed to give
notice ot tbo proposed Improrement of eatd
atreet a provided by tho city rkertar.
Brsmiacticacea agatoat - tk a hove Imprwe.
meat rase ho filed tn writing with ths nndr
clgned within ( Acre from tb- dot af tb
firat pnhllcstien nf thla notice.
ay eedrr 01 ta., teuacti.
, ,,... ' THOS. C. DBVLIN. ,
' ' Andltar pf tb city eM-ortlacii '
Portlasd- Oreaoa. ' Date at Brat nbUcolloa.
AprU 8, -1808. - . . I
FBOpctr trm w nruvBA atkbttb.
Notlea la hereby rlrea that at tha ametlns
ef - too Conacil ef tbe City of Portland, Oro-
Ccr. held ea the ttk day ef April, IVuS, th
imwi- 4 reeolniloa was sdoptod: y ,
h.eeo,,d, Tust tk Council of the City of
Porijand. Oreaoa. deenie It expedlrct , aad
purpvres to conctrset a sewef la Mellnds srs
bub freoe the west Hn of Fenny Q, Kluff
tract to aewer in hteUada avenue at aeeoad
band of acid avenue. Said eewer to be con
etructed ef rltrlfied sewer pipe eight inches
clear laalde diameter, wltk aU aeceaccry catck
baclne, naanbolae, laaipkolea and kreaehaa.
' Seed aewer to bo cooatraeted to eceordaBca
wltk tko eksrter end ordinance of tbo City
ef Portlaad and tbe plans, aped fixations snd
eattmatos ef tbe City Kuslaeer, 1114 ,a tb
oixiew ox 100 ABUltor ox tna .vixr oi vwrtian
on tb 4th day of AprtL 1"0, laaoreeA) :lty
BaeTtneor plane and cpeelflcattooa for a aewer
ta la 1 la da avenue from the weet line of fanny
0. Bins treat to the eewer la Mellndn avenue
at Bcooad hood, aad the eetlmctea of th work
mateC af IBS WOTS
to bo doaa aad th probable tout toot thero-
The east bf ssld newer to be Ocaacced
provided by th elty charter npnn'the prop
erty anec tally and peculiarly benefited toeroby,
end which Is hereby declcred to he ail- tbe
tots, parts thereof and parcels of toad lying
between a Hn 100 feet north of and parallel
with th north Uaa ef Menada arcana aad a
Baa loo foot couth of aad parallel with tko
coatk line of MeUnda avenue end between a
Uaa 80 feat weat ot aad parallel with the
weat Uno of MeUnda c venue end Ua extension
eoatbaaetorly la Ita preaent course and a lino
ko fact weat ef and parallel with th weet
Uas of the Fanny ii. King erect.
The Enflneer'a estimate of th krone bl
trial roat tot B coactruciwa oc aaia sewer
to 81Sft.ll,
The pises, spoetflesttons knd eetimctec ef the
City BnglBoer fur tke eonstractloB of Mid
sewer are kerebr sdooted.
Received. That tko Auditor of tho dtp of
r or t lens be aad be pj hereby dlrertea to give
notice of the proposed conctractloa ef aald
eewer aa prorMcd by the city rbarter.
Rrmnnatraocee cgalnat ths shore eewer may
ho filed la writing with tke naderclgned within
20 daya from tbe data of the first publics
ttoa ot this aotlro.
By , order of th ConnrlL i ' i
, : . - TH08. C. t)BXI!f,
- Antntor af tbo City of Portland.
Portland', Oreaoa. Daw ef Srst pubUoetloa,
April 0, 1005. , : . .r ' -
- '- ATBeTVI. . " -... , ",
Notlea ts herotir rlrea tket st tka meetlne-
Of tho Council -of th Ctty of Portiand. Ore-
Cn. held ea, the Bth day ef April, . 1WU0, tk
Ikiwlng recolutloa wee adopted:
Rcoolvad. That the Council af the Cite af
Portlaad. Oregoa. deem It expedient aad pur
poses to nan t rue t a eewer In Vancouver c venue
from 20 feet south of tho couth Una ot Alberta
atreet to the aewer In Vancouver cvraue snd
Fremont street, acid sewer to be ooae true ted
of vitrified sowar pip with all ' aeoossary
catrhbaslns, manholes, Ismphotos sad
krsBenee. sad to ke of tke foltowtxur dlmeaatonei
of 8 t nckee clear tunlde diameter from a notnt
In Yaneenrer venue 30 feet eouth of tho aoath
inn oc Albert nreet ta. a point in vaaeaaewr
srenno et Bcla street ; thence of 10 tacfcee
clear Insla diameter from n point In Vancouver
seen no at Bain atreet to a point la Vancouver
I venae at Blandena atreet: thence af 12 tor-boa
clear Inside diameter from a point In Vancouver
avenue st tmuoens street to n pout in Van
couver c venue at Bkldmor ctreet; thence of
14 tnchoe clear Inalde diameter from a point
In Vsneoarsr srenno st Skldmero atreet to a
point In Vancouver aroooo at Hbcver atreet;
the ore of 18 Inches clear Inside diameter from
a point Ta Tsncourer treaoo at Shaver ttreet
to a point In - Vancouver arena at Falling
etreot ; theses of 24 loch clear Ineldc diam
eter from a point la Vaaocuver aroaas -at
Falling atroct to. a connection with tho power
to Vancouver arena at Fremont street.
Bald newer to be eonotrueted In accordance
with tho charter and ordinances ef the city
of Portlasd snd the nlaaa. BDeclftra tioo and
eotlmatoa of tho City Engineer, filed In th
office f tb Auditor of the City of Portland
Sn tne ttk day ox April .1000, Indorsed: "City
laclnoer's plan and epeeiflratlooe for a aewer
la Vancouver arenas from 20 teat eouth of the
eoatb Uao ef Alberta atreet to aewer la Tan-
roarer avenue and rreaioot etreec, eu tbe
oefimetas of tho work to be doaa aad , th
probable total coat thereof."
Tbe said aewer la to be constructed for tha
purpose of cowering sad draining U ths lots,
parts thereof sad psresls of land within tbe
district bounded aad described as follows:
Commencing at a point In tbo east Une of
Vancouver uvea no 100 feet earth ot tbo aorth
Uao of bTOinont atreet: tkeaca eaet etoag a Une
100 feet aortk of and parallel with the aorth
Uao et Frwtaont atreet to a potat 130 feat
oc too east lis nc
tbeaco north at rlsht annlea to a nolnt In tbe
center lino of Alberta ctreet; these wast atone
tbo renter lln of Alberta atreet to a point
ice) feet weet ot tho weet Uno of hLalght aro
aas : thence- eouth alone a 11m 100 feet weat
pf aad parallel with tho woot Uaa at Ualght
avexioe to a poiat xoo tost aeata ac taa coats
lino of PelUn etreot; thence eaat along s
Use 200 feet couth of and paraltoi wltk the
couth lino of railing atreet to a point luo
cert west or tao weet uno or Vancouver a ve
nue, thence sooth stoop; a lino 300 feet wast af
ana parallel with the weet - nna
of Vancouver avenue to point BOO foot aoath
of tko aoutk Uno of Beech atreet'. thence eaat
clous a Une 300 feet aooth of Bad do ra llel
with the eouth Uus of Beach Street to the pleas
ox oeginninel. -Ths
oust of aald oawer to
prorlded by the elty rbarter apoa tha prop
erty cpecxaiiy sna peculiarly canal lieu xnoreoy,
snd which Is hereby doctored to ko sll the lots,
ports thereof sad percele ef land lylna within
ua awtrict nerciacerero
The Bngtaaar ecHmatc af th probabla total
cost for tka lonclim lhia af aald eewer to
se.Beo.Bz. -.
ins puns, sperxneaaeno saa ceurostee oc taa
city anstoeer tor tb construction of ssld aewec
are aerebr armored. '
ctocolred. Thct tha Asdltor of ths City of
Portlaad be aad be to hereby directed to sirs
aettro of tb proposed construct loo ef acid
eewer as Me viae a ky tka city charter.
' Bemouetreseee ccalnat the sbovs aewer
be filed In writing with the aaderslgBod wlthts
zo pare rreen the oat c -the rust aabUca
xiow vi max am ice.
- By order of tbo Coanell.
- ' j Aadltor af tho Citr of Partlnnd
' Portlaad, Oregon, Dat f srst Publics Uoa.
apru 01 jouoi
ntorOflxa xwtb tv zabt twibtutk
Nstla I hereby riven that at tho meatier
f th Coanell ot the City of Portland. 'Ore-
Cn, held on the Sth dsy of April, 180S, the
Homing resolution woe adopted)
Keeolred. Thct the Council of the Citr
of Portland, Oregon, doemc It expedient end
so rena truer c sewer is aaat 7 wen-
leth etreot from 43 feet enuth ot the conth
Hoe of Eaet Sterk ctreet to tbe connect loe
with the aewer la Eaet Oak ctreet st Esst
Twentieth atreet. - SsiA aewar n ha ena.
trotted ef vitrified eewer pipe of eight Incbee
eieer inmas Oleaster witn cu neceeeery re teh
eed ne, manholes, lam pom re snd branches
Raid cower te be oouetruetod la aceerdene
with tho charter od ordinances of tho Citr
of Portlaad and tbe pis no. opeclScattone and
earlmatee of the City Engineer Sled la tke
office of tk Aadltor of the Citr of Portlaad
on tna ta osy sr apmi. ibud. indorsedt "Citr
Bagineer s picas snd spectacsttono for a aswer
la Ecet Twentieth ctreet rrom 40 feet eoutk
of. tke enntb lino ot East Stark atreet to th
cut ok street sewer, ana tha eettmatec
of tho work to he doaa aad tha probable total
est tnereor."
Tke cost sr acid aewer to as assessed
prorlded by tho city rbarter npon the 1
erty cpeclelly aad peculiarly heneSted .thereby
ssd Which la' hereby declared to bo ell tbe
tots, porta thereof ena parcels or lend lylni
between a line 100 feet snath of bad osrsllel
with th couth Hne af Beet Stark street snd
s Une 100 fset north of sad paraltoi with
the aorth line of East Btsrh street, sad be
tweea the weet line of East Twentieth ctreet
end e Uno 100 feet weet erly thereof snd par
allel therewith, and betwoea tho east Uao of
Esst Twentieth ctreet end a line 100 feet
seterly thereof snd parallel therewith. -
Tbe Enslncer'e estimate of, tbo prohsMe
total cost far tb coaatrnrttoa ot said eewer
to aaoa.4.
The ptoye. eperiSestloos sad eetlmates . of
the city Engineer for tbe rone true ttoa of
old aewer srs hereby adopted.
Reenlred. Thct tke Aadltor 4f the dtp ef
Portlaad he end ha la hereby directed to giro
notice of tbe pruaeosd eoostrnctloa of ssld
moor ss frartded ny tke city rbarter.
Remonstrances egslnst tk abfltw aeons' may
be Oled In writing with tbo usdrrelsned within
20 daya hen tks data wt tka Scat pahUeatlea
sr tnis notice, -- - -- - ;T
By .erdrr or tn council.
' Andlror of tk City ot Portland.
Portlaad. Oreaoa. Data of Srst Bab lira tloa.
April S. 1800. -
btjTmbt mm An twabti-bibtm
Notice to hereby rlren that at tkemeerlno-
oc tao 1 eciBCii et tao uty oc rortlend. ore
aoa, ketoT- en tke Bth day or AprU, 1808, the
following reeotnttoa wss adapted:
Beeolved. Tkst tke Coaaril of tk City of
Portlaad. Dregoa, deems It expedient ssd pnr-
peeea to construct c eewer ta Fall ctreet.
balmsy ctreet and Twenty elctk ctreet, from
the nertk Ua of Pettygrore street la Fell
street to a polal la, QuUnby atreetl tbeaco
he Qnlmby Street to a porat Id Twcaty-alatk
street; tkeaca ' Berth 1 ta Twesty-nlnlk
ctreet ts tks aewer In Reteigk . ctreet.
Said sewer to be eoactrncted of vitrified eewer
pine of eight Incbee clear liwtda -diameter,
wltk all neceeeery - rstrkhcalns. manootoe,
lemr Holes snd hranekea.
as ta sower a no eeeerreeren m aceordcaes
with the rbarter and ordlnaeeen 'of the t tty
of Pert land end the plana. etiectcV-sltovi snd
eetlmstea of the City Knsiaeer, Sled In the
ntftre nf the A editor of tbe I lie of Pottlcnd
s Ue 4th day of April, IPOS', Indorsed: "lit
Baglaaer's plcaa aad SMdacattona for p eewer
la Fail, Qulmhy and Twenty-aiatb atreet
from tka north Uaa ef Pettygrovs street la
Fall atreet to a poiat ta Qulmby Ctreet; eeet la
Qnlmby street to a poiat In - Twenty-ninth
atreet; north In Twenty-ninth atreet to eewer
la Ketotgb ctreet, sad tb eetlmctea ef tke
work to b dene and the . probable total cent
Tke sect eft ocid cower to p acaeaacd as
prorlded by the city rbarter upm ske prop
erty epedally aad pecuUarly heoeated thereby
nd Which to hereby declared to he ell tho tote,
parts thereof aad parccla at toad lying between
a Una 100 fee eaat of aad paraltoi with tbe
east Uaa of Twenty-ninth ctreet aad a Una
loo fact weet ef aad parallel, with the west
Ua ef Twanty-alnik atreet, aad betwoea a
Use 100 feet eoatb ot aad parallel with tbe
eouth Hn of Raleigh atroct ssd a Una loo
feet esoth it and parallel wtth tb aoath Uo
s vuimoy street; cico ail tsc rote, parte
. thereof aad .pa ree la of land ly(nf between 1 a
I vw aw ej-aw pereiiei wiw tew
aorth Uaa of Oulmby atreet and a Uno 100
feet eouth of ssd parallel wltk tbe coatk" lln
of Ouimby street,- snd between tko ecet Una
ef Fall street end its' sstenston northerly In
Its precent rearer, and a Una 100 test weet
sf sad parallel with lbs west Una of Twenty
ninth ctreet; ssd slso- all the Iota, parte
thereof snd parcels of lsnd lying betweea a
Une 100 feet north ot and paraltoi with tho
aorth Una of (faimby ctreet and the aortk Une
ef Pet 17 grove etrecL cad betweea tbo oact
lln ot Fall ctreet end lte extension northerly
la Ita preeeat eooroc. - snd a Una 100 feet
west of ssd parallel with ths weet Une of Fall
street and Ita extension nortkecly la Its percent
eoure. . '
Tks Engineer's estimate of tha probable total
cost foe the eooatrsctioa - f 014 sewer la
3581.B4. - - y ....
Tk plena, eperlftra t tons - ssd eetl me re -of
the Ctty taglnrer for tho cone traction of
acid eewer' ere kereby adopted.
Resolved. That Us Asdltor of tbe City of
Portlaad bo aad he to hereby directed to five
notice of the proposed eoootracttoa. .of ssld
newer ss prorlded by the city charter. -
KrmoBstrsBcea a sal net tke above eewer May
he Bled In writing wllk ths aaderalgned withta
20 dan from tho date of tha Srst PUbUcettoe
of thie notice. ' 7
By order of tha Cownrll.
' - Aadltor of tbo Ctty'ot Portland.
Portland. Oregoa. Dat at 1 Srst publics Uen,
April S. 180S.
inm is
; AvarrnL. .
- Kotlea" la kereby glvsn tkat sf tks meeting
ot tho Council of the City ef Portland. Ore
goa, bold en the Bth day ef April, I80S, the
to I lowing reeolntlea waa adopted: ,
Ureolred, That the Conacll of tho. Ctty of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pur
poses to cone tract a eewer tn Hawthorne
srenno from 28 feet esst af tbo cast lino of
Bnet Twenty-ninth street to ths - eewer la
Enst Thlrttsth street. Ssld aswee to bo con
etructed ef vitrified eewer pips o4-lsht Inch
leu inside diameter, with sU nee emery 'estch
bsslas, manholes, tompholea and hrsnckes.
Held aewer to be roaetracted la secardaae
with the charter and ordinances of the City
of Portland and tko plana, apec location and
eetlmsteo of the City Engineer died 1 ths
office of tho Aadltor of tb City of Port Und
on the 4th dsy of April, lot. Isdorsed: "City
Beginner's plsns aad speetaeattoto for cr aewet
la Hawthorn avenue from 28 tret enst af tb
sat lln ot Eaat Twenty-ninth atreet to eewer
la Eaat Thirtieth atreet. aad tho ectlmctrs
of tbo work to be doaa sad the probable total
oest thereof."
. Tho cost of ssld aswer to ho imail sa pro
vided b. the-cUy ckax tar upon the property
cpeclelly and peculiarly benefited thereby aad
which la hereby declared to bo sll ths - lots,
parts thereof snd percele of lend lylnf between
a lln 100 feet aorth ef aad parallel with the
aorth Une of Hawthorne svence, and a Uao 100
reet eouth of aad parens! wita tao araca uaa at
Hawthorne avenue aad between tbe eeat Une
of Eaet Twuaty-alBtb ctreet sad a Uao 100
feet weet of and paraltoi with th weet Uaa
of Esst Thirtieth street.
Tbe City Englnoor'e estimate af the probable
total cost for th cone traction at ssld Jewry
to 8130.08. -
Ths plsas, spsHncsttsns and esttmstos of the
City Rnglneer for the ooaetractloa of aald sowar
ore hereby sdopteoV
Resolved. That the Aaaltar of the City of
Portland be end be I kereby airectea to give
Bottoo of tko proposed eo detraction st ssld
eewer a provided by tho ctty charter.
- RemonstrcBces against ths sbev eewer easy
bo Oled In writing with tho nnaemlgaed
within 20 days from tha oats of tho Srst
Buhiicetioa Jot taa notice.
By order .at tka CooaHJ. '
v . ' THOo. C. DBVUN,
i- "... Aadltor of tho Citr of Portland.
Portlana. Oregoa. Date ef Srst pobltostlea.
Apru a., laoa. -
nolens btwxb
nr sam,- sxAsraoa
.-. v ,r:;.-wnsxt,
Notlc la hereby slvea that at ths meeting
or tb conacll or rn ciry oc r-oruooa, re-
Cn,. held oa tbo 8th day ot AprU, UwO, tb
ihMcins raanmtton waa adontad:
Keeolred, Thst tbe Council of th CMy of
Portlaad, Oregon, dactn It expedient and par
penes to rooetrsct n eewer In Beet Medtonn
ctreet from 100 foot weat of tka west Una af
Eaat Twaaty-aiata atreet to taa newer is Beat
Thirtieth atreet, - Said eewer to bo eonsti acted
of vitrified sewer pipe ot eight
inside diameter with aU aoesacary cstckhssiss,
manholso. tomnhotoa aad brenckec. .
Bald eewer to bo conetructed In sceordaoc
with ths charter and ordinances of tbo City
pf Portland, and tbe pleas, spselncattons
aad retime tea of the City Rnglneer Sled
ic the effleo ot as Aadltor . f tb
Citr ef Portlaad aa tbo Sth day of AprU.
lima, tndnreedi "Cltr F.nctneer'e nlsaa sad
spoclOcatloBS . for Is sower la Rest Madtooa
street from 100 fort weet of tko
west Una of Beat Twenty-alath atreet to sewer
la Esst Thirtieth atreet. ssd tke eattmatae
of tke work to be Ooae aad tha probable total
The coot of said aewar to b
prorlded by the city rherter apoa tko prop
erty epee tally ana pecsiterty neneatea mereby,
cnaLwhlrb to -kereby declare to bo sU tbo tots.
porta thereof and percele ot lsnd lying be
tween n lln 100 feet north- of snd parallel
with the north hue of Esst Msdtooa ctreet and
a Une 100 feet aoath of sod, parallel with
tbo aoath lino or Boot elaeieoa street, ena Be
tweea a' Uao 150 feet weat of and parallel
with tka meet Una af Beat Twenty-ninth atreet
and a Hne 100 fret weet r Sad pare llel" with
Ike west Hn of Bast Thirtieth atreet.
The engineer e. eetlmate oc to pronsaw satsi
rest for the oaftracttoa of ssld aewer is
$203.30, - - - - ( , t '
Ths plsns, . speelSraitoas aad setinutee of
tha Citr Bnrrnecr for the ceastroctloB at aald
sewer are hereby sdoptod.
Ueeotvea, That too Aadltor or tea iityeer
Portlaad be sad ho Is kereby directed to tire
aotlco of tke proposes conerruetion 01 ssia
sewer ss aroridad ky th city charter.
- Bsmnnstreures age I net the char aewer may
ha Sled to writ las with tbe aaderelsned within
30 days from tko data of tho Srst publication
or this notice. -
By order of tha Council. , ,
Aadltor of tko City of Portland.;
Portland. Oregon, Dat ef Brat publics Uoa,
apni a, jwub.
Netlea la hereby clven that at tbe mooting
of the Coanell of the City ef Portland. Ore-
Cn, ksld an tke 3tk dny of April, lift. Ua
I lowing reeolntlea woe adopted ; -
Keeoivea, met tn tmani or tae city 01
Portal nd. Oregoa. deema It expedient aad par-
ancea to conatroct s eewer in Kooeeveit treat,
Bhertork srenno snd Nineteenth street, from
1j fset went of Hbertork evecue bt kooeeveit
atreet to tbe Merer la Vccghn street at Nine
teenth street, ria id sewer to ko ronatructed
ot vitrified eewer pipe of eight Inenee clrsr
Inciiie aismster witn su neceeeery catcnossius,
mankotoa, Umpholea aad brsscbea.
Ssld cower ta be oeoetrnrted la accordance
with the charter aad ardinancec of the Ctty
of Portlaad, and tbe plana, cpectflcet tone and
eetlmctea of the 4-ity Engineer Sled ia tbe
office ot the Andltor et tbe City of Portland
on tke 4th dey of April. 1ier5, indorsed: "City
Engineer e plena snd epecinrstiooe for C eewer
In Roosevelt ctreet, Sherlock cvenne and Nino
teeatk street from l'1 fort weet of Bhertork
avenue la Rooeevelt ctreet to sewer In Vaughn
ctreet, snd tko eetlmctea of tko work to ko
ooae. and tks probable total cost thereof." -
Tke cost of cold aewer to bo eeeeessd sa
provided by tka rlty rkarter npoav tke property
cpeclelly end peculiarly benefited thereby, snd
which to hereby declared to be cU tho Iota,
parts thereof end parcels of land lying be
tvessa a Una 100 tret reet of sad paraltoi with
tko eeet Hne of Nlneteeotk street, cad lie
ex tendon northerly to Its present coo ree, and
line inn reef weet 01 ceo parallel with tbe
nest lln of Nineteenth ctreet. end It exten-
cmn northerly In Ita present eemree, aad be
tween tke center line of Heaoeeelt street, sad
lte extension easterly ta Its preaent course, .and
y line 100 feet north ef end parallel wltk tke
north lino of Vaughn atreet; Uao black 13,
.hertork'e addlttoa to tke city of Portland; end
elan o oarcel of land lying between two bnee
respeetrrely 10 reet sad 3u0 feet weat af and
parallel with tho weet - line of Nineteenth
ctreet end lte extension northerly, and between
the cootk tins of block 13, nkerlnrk's oddltton,
snd Its ettenatoe eeat erly aad a line lain fart
eoutkerlr -therefrom end parallel t here wltk.
Tke Knglneer'e estimate of tke probskto total
coat for , tke esoetnictien sf , said aewec to
$403.04. .' I
Tks Plsns. cnarlSeattono end est Ida tee of tks
City Engineer for tks construction ef ssld sewer
are kereby adopted. 1
Reenlred. Tbat the Aoflifnr nr tka Cltg of
Portland b snd he hi kereby directed tn give
nolle of tbo proposed eenatroctlna of Mid
eewer sa provided by tks elty charter.
Kemnoetraeeee sgalnet the tbaea newer mar
be led In writing wltk tke auoerejgnrd witbla
20 data from tke date af (ko Oral tm hi Ira Ilea
of this notice.
By order r tno t e"eii.
, r. tnilt,
S0J --,, , - F- e4,
Pertla'sd. Or.
AprU 8, 1806.
Co- ie4l.e ,
C- -s-m,-kTgajh- --fa a
pormm vasjccl
a . i l r v
aV-Trtins to the Esst
. Through Pullmaa ctendard end taavha etosa.
Ing cars dally to Omaha, Chic go, bpea-ee
towrtot eleeplag ears dally- to hUaaaa C-.y
thraagH Pullmaa tourist steeping- coca -o
elly osadocted) weekly to Caccsgo. B ed '
. UNION DEPOT. ' ' Arrlvcn!V-'
SPECIAL, :15 s. SV .. . ,
For tha Eaat rta Boat- '"' Du : , , y
' . , Ingtoa. f - ' "- "-
', SP0KANB FLTBR. ; -.: -' J ' j -.
Tm Ecetern Washing- . .. . i
ten, Welle Walla, Lew 0:18 p. BL 80 a. ahj,
totoa. Corns d' Atone OsUy, , 0Mj. .
snd Orcst BerUcrn -.- r ; -t
pelata, . . . , 4 ' r-;,
A TLA NTT0 EXFBBM. e-.g- T18a.Bh,
Celamhto ' BJrer Ptriatoa. " ,
FOB ASTORIA aed way SKWs.m.1.. . -polnts,
connection- with Dslly. . ' A -tmr.
for llwseo aad es. Suadsy. " aa. '
N"rtl Baa- Saturday, a chtoday
mlo. Aak-at. dock. I0:i0 p. aa.
, .-- 1 .i .,
City aad TamklTl River
T0 s. m,
fftats, starrc. Rntk odiDu
Pally. ; .
ax. Sonde y.
Modoc. Aah-et. Snch.
a. Svsdcy
(Water permitting.)
sad wsypalnte from
Ripe lie. Wash., soars.
Spokane end towtstoa.
Shout 8 pa
Thursday :
TICXBT OFFICE. Third and Waahiagtoa. - Tabs.
Phone Mala T1& , .
: A. U CRAI0, Oenersl Pcceeager Agaat,
trains, for Re leva. Bice
bnrg, A ah land. Sacra
3;30 p. m.
mento, Ogdon, Saa Fraa-lere) f, m
eleven Dwuve, eiww wee,
re lee. El-Peso. NwOr4 r
toenp and tno Boas.
Morning trstn
secta at
dctlr exeunt
S;30a. av
with . trsis for , ML
8 -40 a, av
v - -
AageL 8 1 1 r e r t e o.
BrawssTuis, a p r 1 a g
f laid.
waaaiiaB saa
Albany pomi
4:00" p. 1
necto nt Wood burn wltM
10 JO , m
ML Angel and Ulsar-i
ton toesL .
, CorvallH paaseasrer.
Rbsrldsn pseeenser.
T:SA a. m.
4:50 p. as.
8 :5- S. m .
r ei Ue cd-Oc woge awainaaa aemes saa
. errrmiian, , ,
Sopot toot of Jeff et ena styes.
' le Portland dally for Ocncco T:30 a. Bkl
1X80. 8 08, 3.83. S;24 0:28, f.drf, 10 10 a. m.
Daily irscepi ftonday. 8:30, 3:30. 34. 18
a. m. 4:10. 11:30 p. to. Bosday ssuy, $t
. ' m. - 1 , . ...
Retwrnlsg from Oswego, arrtee Pert lead d"y
8:80 s. m.; 18, 8:00V 0:10. T:4.. 0 C ,
11 :10 P, Bv Ttolly (except nnndnyi a o. t:
8:80. 10-1O. 11:48 a. as. Exoept anoaatsr. 13 ei
a, bl Bandar eoly. 10-00 c. m. .
Leeves from nn depot for DsTIna Ssd la tee
med I ate points dslly (except Saaday) 4U0 a, av
Artiea rortmsa 10:10 a. m. . . -
The Indeneadence-Moamosth Voter Line
s.ile ta MaaxaaoTh- and AarrhK Ww
nectlng with Southern r-a.-ISe. empaay's tracas)
at Belies aaa
Ftrst-clses fata from Portland to Baeramcato
nd Ban FTSScrtaos P). berths Pi-. Swcond-Ce-SS
fare 31. ceoDrd-elaec bortbo S2.h .
TIcfcst to Enctern points snd E'lrepe. htap
fapsn. China, Hmrla aad Asotraxia.
my ncuex ., "-7--IngMn
streetc Pboo Mela TI3. - ! - .
a W. STTNOBR, . . W. H. COWAN,
Uty licnrt Agrsi-i ,-. - .
Facet Swaad Limited.
r Tsosms. oeaiiie.
Olrmnla Koutk Bead
8 :30 s. SA,
end wrey'e - Parker I
c!". ......
norm (.eevx xemirea.
Tor Tacoma. Ssottto,
Butte. St. PesL Mla-
neeneUa. Chleoga, Nevri
T.-OOa IB.
rors, yjostoa sna potsts
Best sad Rontkecet.
Tnia-Clty Einraao. tor
Tacems. Besttle. 8po-
sens, Helens, st, real.
Mlaneaaolla ' Chleaao.
11:48 a, mi
Near - Verb.' Boeton sod
sll antsta Eaat - aad
Puret Scan Ksnmc
Clty-St. Louis Specie L
for Tsosars, . Seattle.
Snekaaa. Hatte Bllllnoa.
Jienrrr. Omaha. K a cocci
8:30 a.m.
City. Bt. Looto end ell
potntp seat aad BoaUX
Met. I
All trains dally exceot oa
kresck. A. D. CHABLTON.
A cetera st Oanerol Pccceofer Agewt,
229 Morrtosa at., oar. Third. Partlssd. Or.
Astoria & Columbia
Riven Railroad Co.
ltjcLi y
Leaves. tJNION DEPOT. A reives.
' ' - ' i ' " ' '
00 a av For Ma y gars, Ra later, ll:1r) , as.
Psily. Clsrsksals. Wmtpert, Du, . -
.- Clifton, , Astoria, War- .
' renton, r la eel, Baae-
1 "T-- BMod. " Fort Steven.
. ,' GMrhcrt Park. Seoolao, I
Astoria sad Saeihara. ' ';.,
- "... .......
T:Oo';,.-X '.UT.'af' :80,-.'sv'
; " , . Astoria . Bantsaw
1-1 1 . ' anATO,..
O. 9. aad F. A, Aasarla? tto. .
C A. BTEWABT, Commerdsl Ageat, 28 AUny
atreet, . rkoaa Mela too.
TteBsO OtBeo Ua TZZ ti i - t )"
1 TrricTeOort rv-
4 . , Tt-ssJtT38 LT
TO BPOKAfr. TT. ,"
- Uayli"t
and f o- r r
"T t