The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 10, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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    rnz : o::::go:j daily: jouniiAL. r ctlai.s.
. IT YEAR . r.I AY
a -
Ctatittics'6f Iron and Steel Ex-
; porta Show Big; . Increase v
Over Pterloue Year.
; , . v - . . v v -"
Rapidly Developing, Sections of
Canada Call for Large Ship-
ments.From America.
(W.hinxte Bureau' ef Th Journal.)
VYah.tsto.v April 10. The', prtwnt
, flacal . year, bid fair to taka the record
for xporl of Iron and steel manurac
i ture from th United State. Statt-
! tic of ha Industry collected by - the
J department of rornmerce and labor snow
I mu tnese vxports in n nrav wisu.
I months of the present fiscal year ex
ceed those In the corresponding- months
of any earlier year, being for thla yea
I tt,t0.000 In value, aa' compared with
$ll.W.O0. the high record mad la the
'first -eight months of 101.
- A most gratifying ahowlhg for thla
' year la made In the comparison be
j tween exports and Imports ot Iron and
! steel manufacture. In 1I8 exports of
Iron and steel manufactures during the
'eight months of the fiscal year were
1 lesa than half the value of Import of
.these goods, being 111.100.000 exports.
a unlnit ttl.ttS.000 Import. . In 1I0S.
I during the same months, the asporta of
Iron and stoel sre about ftx time as
(much as the Imports being IS5.I00.OOO.
as ski Inst 114.000.000 Imports. Thus
.' the balance of trade, which lit ' tCSSi
showed, a total of 1 11.000,006 In favor
-of ' the Imports ot Iron and ateel. In
10e to date show a total of 171.000.000
la favor of exports. -
. The growth In value of exports of
certain article of Iron aad steel manu
facture between list and 101 Is a
.follows: Machinery, the leading Hem
of export In the Iron and ateel schedule,
hns Increased from lt.4IT.040 In 1111
to t3t.0M.06S In the corresponding
months of the present fiscal year. Under
'.the head of machinery are Included loco
motives. In which the growth waa from
. Inbi.est In lteS to $l,t4.41-in ltot;
printing preaeee, from tilt. 141 to It74.
ltt; - sewing 'machines, from tl.t4t.4rl
to tt.t0t.tt4. Steel rati have also In
creased In export from tLn.4l In the
first eight months of lltt to tl.000.04t
In 106 to date. Over half of the lat
ter value represent alilpment to the
rapidly developing actions' of Canada,
while Japan almost equal Europe aa a
market for American rail. -The
Indication are tha It will be
found at the cloe of the present fiscal
"year that the export over Import of
-nn and steel for the entire year will
. be considerably more than 1100.000.000.
fSpedal Dispatch te The louraaM ' -Salem,
April 10. The following corporations-filed
their artitcle with the
secretary of state last week: '
Central ' Seed - company; principal
office, Portland. Ore.; capital . stock.
t500; Incorporators, W. J.' Makeltm, F.
C. Hoocker. and N. V, Bimon, . .
i. New Publishing: company; principal
office. Sumpter, Ore.; - capital atock.
tl.OOO: lncorportorL-Chrle Lleben
ateln, I. A. Andrew and Fred Fontaine.
The Farmer' Exchange 4k Forwarding
romnanv: nrtnnlnal office. Xucln. Ore
gon; capital atock. M.000: Incorporator,
. H. C May. W. 8. EseU and J. La Hind
man. -
Bank of Whltelaka City; principal of-floe.-
Whltelaka City, - Oregon; capital
atock, tlt.000: Incorporator, F. T. Cook.
M. IX West and I jO. Weat
. Baker Light tt Power company; prln
i.clnal office. Baker City. Or.: ' caoltal
John.. 3. H. Parker and FY N. Averlll. i
" Klamath Telephone 4k Telegraph com-
pany; principal office, . Klamath Falls,
. tin: capital atock, - tlt.000; Incorporat
or. Louis neasig, i. n. nmi ana zx.
H. Hesslg. . ...... . " :
"7" Tlie Gresham. Trading a Packing com
pany; principal office, tires ham. Oregon;
' capital stock, tlt.000; incorporator, T.
'hort. , . . -
Lynn Canal Packing company; prln-
' clpal : ornce. Asiona, Oregon; capiuu
stork, ISO.OOO; " Incorporators, F. A.
.Fisher. O. O. Moea and Otto E. Carl-
SOn. .... .,. .,. ; - -, . - T;
Mt Hood Railroad company,; incor
(porated under law of - Utah; capital
. atock. ' 1260.000; attorney v In fact,
Charlea T. Early. .Hood River, Or.
'. . "V. (BMlal btspateh te The JoaraaL ' .
Aamaaa, ur., April- 1. a movement
"looking to the eeubliehment of a no
nlclpal lighting and power' Plant for
Ahlanri waa instituted last vmp. hM
the people by a large majority asked for
1t and latar tha lealalatura. amended the
charter so aa to permit ita purchaa. .
-Recently the city council commis
sioned M.-'T.. Eggleston to- writ con
tract with the residents to take light-
mi .iun nwir nrrm iron ue pro
- posed city plant and h ha pro creased
'-. wall that the enterprise u ssaured.
is in. vtrunvit hkuk. iv tn w nil Jk.
. The contract ; cover practically all
the lighting business of the city within
the limits of the present service and the
canvass I designed , to embrace the
' whole town,. .
1 Under the agreement., mad the city
plant ha secured bualneea sufficient
t guarantee a revenue above expense
"from the date of installation. 1
tern .which Is a money-earner. It 1
' figured thev electrla plant will earn al
- moat aa much money aa the water. ya
tem, with only a fraction of the Invest
ment that 1 bound up In th latter. .
' 1 , . , t ' ;
I (leoraal Baeelal ferric. )
A- Wahlngton. D. C. April 10. Th
supreme court todays held that th law
passed by congress limiting th number
of Juror to try criminal cane - in
Alaska la ' unconstitutional. Th -decision
glvea Alaska a different set of
statutes from th Philippine and Porto
Rico, declaring it to be an organised tar.
titory. In which the constitution of th
United fltalea la In force.
STw Oare-for Oaaeet. ,
All urrac cancer are now known
In be curable, by Hucklen' Arnica
Marve, jus. waiters. 01 uvmma. v a.,
rltea": "1 had a cancer ton my llo for
leara. that seemed Incurable, till Buck
len'a Arnlna Halve healed It. and now It
perfectly well." Oiiamnted cure for
cuts an4 Uurna Jtc at Red i ron Phar
macy. Hl'h and Oak streets, on lb way
te m jwniuuiv.
Dr; Fritjof Nansen, the Explorer, Who
'. Norway.
. ","0 aaxa ' . . f
Stephen Codman. Jr., Marries
" Beautiful Mary Sullivan-, For-'
.V merly an Artists'. ModeL . .
- "(Journal Special aerrlea.)
' Boston. April 10. Stephen Codman.
JrH a wealthy . Boston . rchltectr can
bplcuou in aociety of thla city, and
Ml Mary . Sullivan, - a professional
nurse, formerly employed at the Maasa-
chuaetts general hospital.. were quietly
married yesterday at . the bridegroom'
country bom In Westwood. '
The marriage la the culmination pt a
romance covering several year. Tha
nrida l th daughter or a former
Charleatown contractor. Early In child
hood, . her, exceptional .beauty attracted
much attention.
Edmund Tarbell.' th artist. Induced
her to lt for hi art classes. . The artist
spoke enthusiastically , of ' her beauty,
but after a . week's experience in' hi
tudy, aha returned to th convent where
she waa being educated. .' , .
When Ml Sullivan waa It; her father
died. . and aha was -. obliged to leave
school. ' Tsrbell's admiration ' for ' her
had not ceased, and she poaed for aim
for aeveral of hi moot' important can
vase. - j m '. - j.
Th bridegroom belong to a Boston
family of great social Importance and
wealth. Bishop Codman of tha Episco
pal diocese of Main 1 a brother. ,,H la
a Harvard graduate. . "; ; ' v . ..." .
(Special Dispatch ' te Th jooraaL) '
.- Centralis, Waah., April 10. A mass
meeting will be held In this city tomor
row evening to, fully discus tha pro
posed Big Bottom elect rlo railroad ques
tion. Thi matter waa taken up at a
meeting of th Commercial club of Cen
tral la last Friday evening, at which time
a large delegallon.Pt farmer and other
was present. At this meeting the work
already done and mapptd out for -tha
future waa explained and fully described
by Mr. Wardell, who ha been engaged
by the farmer of eastern Lwla county
to promote th enterprise. Th mem
bers of th club did not feel Justified in
Indorsing the enterprise on behalf of
th city, and for thla reason a .ma
meeting was called, .v v .- -v
Part of thi rout will depend on
whether th terminu of the road would
be at Kelso or Caatl Rock, by way of
Toledo, Chehall by way of Napavlne,
or Centralla through the Salter valley.
The disposition of th promoter of th
company I to com direct to Centralla,
but in uch a case the people- of Cen
tralla and vicinity would be expected
t guarantee a subscription to th capi
tal stock of at least t&O.OOO. - ' ,
Toledo mis promised a subscription of
110,00. with certain right of way . and'
terminal privileges, should th Una pas
through that city. Mr. Wardoll said
that It wa th Intention of the com
pany to bond the. road soon a tha
right of way. had .been secured and th
grade placed In readiness for th rail.
-,;v .- ah
'(pedal Dispatch cs Tbe JoaraaLt '.
Pendleton.- Or.. April 10 The fifth
annual district Convention of - th
Knight of Pythias for this county wss
held at this place Saturday evening, and
wa attended by about. 200 delegate and
grand ' lodge officer. - Addresses were
made by Grand Chancellor t. M. Curl,
Grand' Vice-Chancellor M. ' F. Davis,
Grand Keeper of Record and Seal 1 R.
Stlnaon. Frd 8. Grant of Portland, and
also member from each of ' th lx
lodge of thla county. Initiatory Work
la .the third rank wa don and a team
contest held between the lodge from
Athena and Pendleton, the latter-win
ning by a close sqor. Th session was
presided over by W. M. Peterson, dis
trict deputy, and following the Initia
tory work a banquet was erved at the
Hotel Bicker."'- . :.T-"T-Vt-
(Jodtaal Special Berne. 1 '
Boston, April It. "Neithea Lieutenant
Grant nor any one else ever, handcuffed
Jefferson . Davie," aald Oen. Nelson - A.
Mile today in reply to the charge
that Mr. Dvl had ; been rolatreated
while a prlaoner In hi charge. .
'The only Iron ever' put on Davis,
were light leg iron put, on by a civilian
employe, under order and Instructions
from th war department. ..They. wore
put on while aome rharfge were being
msde In his quarters for the purpose of
preventing tragedy, or preventing I) via
from Injuring himself or any of bin
guard 1 adcmiiUng. an. escape. .
My Btcom Prirn Minister of
California Pioneer Verifies Theory
by. Searching for Work
miens Refused.
Aged Man Convinced That Men
" Past Sixty Are No Longer
- Wanted in This World,
1 (Journal Special garflea.1 s:
San Francisco, April 10. At th g
of 71, Timothy W. Chamberlain, ot tit
Turk street, aald:. "Dr. Oaler 1 right
whan he aaya that a man over to should
be chloroformed." ' Last night, at' t
o'clock Chamberlain' body wa ' found
llf ele,' lust off th south drlv Mn
Niolden Gate v park, -v near Seventeenth
avenue. He had taken chloroform.
Two curious boy prowling through
th bushes cam upon the remain of
th man, a well known California pioneer
of lltt, and a well to do citlsen who
had held several office of . honor and
trust"," Dut whose face, upturned to the
sk, aeomed tlll to bear upon It th
conviction- that eelenc was right, whea
It et the period of man' usefulness
at limit of three scor year.
Chamberlain, with hi wife and son, T.
Starr Chamberlain,' aged 20, haa been
living In Elaine apartment at 132 Turk
treet for - two . yeara. Although well
fixed with thi world good, Cham
berlaln had a desire to mingle in affair
of actlv Ufa. . A few day ago h start
ed out to e-lf he could get a position
aa bookkeeper.. "...
' "I have read Dr. Osier's theories," h
aid. "I shall now go out and see if he
1 right. It may be tru that men of
my age are no longer wanted. I think
be may be right." , .
He tested the theory.. . His corpse
lying In the brueh with an empty chlo
roform bottle by hi aid tells th re
sult .- .. ,
-.- ... (Jooraal Special Sarvlea.) ,
Olympla,' Waab April 10. Th slat
as prepared by Governor Mead for a
tat' railroad commission comprise tb
following men:' '
It A. Fslrchlld. of Belllngham, chair
man; Stephen- J. cnadwlck, or Colfax,
second member, and either W. I Ben-
ham or George W. Dickinson, of .Seattle,
third member. , Benham la from Spo
ken and formerly with the Great North'
em railroad. Th aalary of the commis
sioners 1 04.000 a year. It I under
stood that Fairchild'a appointment will
be made In the near future. Th other
appointment ar not expected for aev
eral month a cj- ;- .....
("Plal Plapatcb to Tke Joareal.)
1 Helena. Mont, April 10. United State
Judge-Hunt-today -set for trial June t
the esses against R. M. Cobban and' ft
other on the charge of perjury and
ubornatlon of perjury In connection
with extenslvs western Montana land
frauds. ' Th government - allege that
Cobban Induced th Indicted parson to
taka up landa, turn them over to him.
and that ha In turn a agent of Senator
Clark transferred them to W. A. Clark.
The government haa also sued Senator
Clark for recovery of the landa -
1 1 '
: ' ' ' - " :
(Journal gpeelal Serrle,)'
Br6cton,1' Mas.,' April 10. Th ho
firm of EL B. Q rover k Co., In whoa fac
tory th disastrous oil explosion oc
curred on March 20, resulting In th loss
of ft live and a quarter million dollar
ulit property, -voluntarily assigned todiy
lor tne oenent or tneir c realtor. .
1 The Orpheum.
Th Orpheum theatre continue to
draw large crowd. Tha program this
ensuing week I still mors attractive
than last week. . Th new ballet by th
"Pretty Pony Girls.". Is particularly at
tractive and ianrfrably staged and re
mind one of ' Interesting - eeene In
"Klorodor." 11st think of It, five hours
nf conttmimi high-clan aaudevlll land
burlesque for 10 cent -
Only : Bacteriaologists of Prop
erly Equipped Concerns Can
j Be Supplied at Present.
Government Holds Patent Upon
Method of Growing and Dis
tributing ; Organisms. , .
, ' (Waahlnftoa Bares f Tb JsornaL)
Washington, April .10. The depart
ment of agriculture flnda itaelf obliged
to Issue a circular 1 letter to correct
erroneous statement ' which ' recently
wer printed quit- generally In the pub
llo prea regarding tha free and un
limited' distribution of Inoculating m
terlal for leguminous crop. . - ' '
A On . result of tn . unauthorised
publication ef the inteutlona of the de
partment request . have com In for
Inoculating material far In excess of the
ability of th department to aupply. and
the applicant have to be turned away
empty-handed. Th facilities of th de
partment have been taxed to the utmoat
and for om ttm It ha been Impossi
ble to meet the demands In . fact, the
total quantity which could be prepared
thla aeaaon wa promised to applicant
early In February.
. . Th patent which th ' department
hold" upon th method of growing and
dlatrlbutlng the organism wss tsken
out In such a way that no one can main
tain a monopoly of tha manufacture of
sucn culture and o aa .to permit or it
being taken up and handled commerci
ally. The commercial product la being
handled quit generally by seedsmen.
1 Upon application th department ha
furnished all necessary Information to
th bacteriologist representing properly
quipped concern, but it cannot assume
to make any 'tatment which could In
ny way be regarded as a guarantee of
the commercial product; nor. 1 it pre
pared to Indorse all of th somewhat
extravagant claim mad for 'this dls
covery. The authorised tatmnt
made by the department In reference to
plant Inoculation may b found In
farmer' bulletin No. tit. ;
Annual Session of United Evan
gelical Church Ends Wrth Ap-"
P - pointment of Delegates. .
(Special Dispatch te Th. JooraaL) : '
Salem, Or., April 1. Th tenth annual
aeesion of th Oregon Conference of
the United Evangelical church came to
a close In thi city thi morning, whea
the assignments of pastor for th en
suing year wer announced. '
. Among the important reaulta of th
ae salon wer the raising of a tV00 sub
scription for mission, providing for th
raising of 1 400 for the erection of a
church at Mapleton. and th announce.
soent-of pledge ot t&OO mad by the
Church Extension society for th build
ing of a paraonage at lrrlgon. .
. Yesterday morning member of th
conference filled the ' various pulpit
of the city. At th United Bvaagellcal
church Blahop Hell preached.
. Pastor were aaalgoed for th year
as follow:
. Portland district H. I Pratt, preaia
lng elder. .. ,. .
- Portland. -First Church-t-x. A, Win
ter. Portland, Second Church J. Bower-
, St. Johns B. K. McVlckar. -.
Troutdale R. W. Harrla T
HUlaboro Frank Phelp.
Laurel P. S. Iock. -,
Dayton and La Fayette M. B. , Young,
i Brooks C P. Gat., , ; ) ,..
Salem H. A. Deck. ;
Sodavlll . and Sweet Home W. 8.
Plowman.. 1 .. -
Irrlgort Q. Ia LovelL ; .
; Chehall S. Edward Lanner.
Dallas District M. J. Ballantyn. pre
siding alder. 1 - . -i
Dallas C C Poling. x
Bridgeport M. J. Ballantyn.
Lewlsvlll and Kings Valley H. J.
HolsappeL , -
-- Beulah and Alsea--8. M. Wood.
Florence J. 1 Burn. , , , . 1 "
Mapleton C, A. Burri. . --
Independence and Buena Vlata A.- W.
Brtckley. -...:,....' , . ,
... Guy F. Phelp appointed conference
missionary. . . I
. (Special Dtapatrfe to The Jooraal.)
Chehall. Waah.. April 10 The fu
neral of W. -P, Slmonds was held here
Saturday, under I. O. O. F. auaplcea. Mr.
Slmonda was born July fl, 1115, near
Boston.' Hlsx father waa a minute-man,
and hi two grandfather also wer sol
dier - in th revolutionary army. Mr.
Slmonda waa a forty-niner, . and made
somvmney in tb California geld field,
returning later to Mlaaouri, and after
ward to Iowa. Eleven year ago he left
Iowa and , went to Texas, coming to this
city later. Hs leavea a widow. Jan Sl
monda, and two ion, George P. and
Prank Slmonds. : Th former 1 night
marshal at Chehalla, whil Frank live
at Ottumwa, lav ... : j
" 'r ; (Jenrsal SpecUt Servlot.)
' Kansas City, Mo., April 10. Several
hundred employer of printer - from
tat wast of th Mississippi met her
today to taka step preliminary to fight
ing th eight-hour day, which th In
ternational Typographical union; expects
to put In fore next January. . Officer
of th United Typotheta of 'America
wer. present at th convention which
organised thi morning.
- - . : .' v , ;.f - :
(Jearael Speetal Sarvloa.)
Fairbanks. Alaaka, April 10. Th
spring term of th district court opened
todsy to consider a small number of
civil and criminal case. It baa - been
decided not to call a grand Jury to In
vestigate th misconduct of official till
tb opening of navigation
The spring cleanup amount to fully
M.O00.T0O, and may reach tMOO.OOO.
tOTi xdrtm 4,000 YSaUU out. -
From the Rom Corrlerre dela Sera.
We poseee many- lov songs of the
old Egj ptlah, but a genuine Jove let-.
uiy vivy rDiiu n
' ', '.; y ;. .:s-"'' .' ': ".''':
Oregon Water .Power Townalte Co.:
v' Gentlemen: I read you prise offer for best advertise"
. ments calculated to sell lota In City View Park and, upon
your advice, went out to see the property. 1 had a rea
son of my own, also, for going) it waa to aatlsfy. myself
-that your property had real merit; otherwlae your offer
would ffttver had no. allurement for m. ..
The first thing that Impressed me waa the evidence of
unwavering faith In the future of Portland whloh must
' hs-e prompted th extensive Improvements being mad at
The Oak" for the pleasure of th pedpl. i Not' only at
. "The Oaks," however,, Is this' faith manifested, but every
where, both In Portland, tn Oregon.- and among all people -
who have tnveatlgated our undeveloped resources and who
have noted how public lntereat i centering In th north- ,
west. - - .'.' . '"
If Portland. I to ae th development which 1 uni
versally predicted for her. aside from any special lnflu-'
eneauwhlch inajb. reault from th Iewla -and Clark fair and .
"all UlrtfHar. efforts, then lota In. City View Pars ar cheap
at any price which they ar at all' likely to. reach before
; they r all sold, and it 1 vary f to aay th tlm wilt '
- b abort. .:'' ;-'
I do not -know of a : mor admirable residence suburb
. around Portland from ao- many stand polnta. ,-. We bav
' many fine location, but for health, pleasure, quiet, con
venience, beauty of scenery and aurroundlnga. nearness to
what, muat soon be th most alluring plessure resort 'on
the North Paclflo coast "Th , Oak" and from every
other consideration that goe to mak a auburb home
site. City View Park cannot, b excelled. ' Opportunity la
written al) over it. . . . . , '. , vv-,
LOTS $350 IP
Oregon Water Pbver
Toivrisite Co. :
134 FIRST STREET. Portend, Ogon
v- ..-.r.i .
I bav a t-room ' modem ' Colonial
houaa. with full basement and laraa
attic; plumbed for gaa and wired for
electricity: it haa cement walk In front
and on aid. 1 convenient to two car
line in upper Aioina ana within 1
mlnutee' walk of th ateel bridge;
In a very atghtly situation and vary de
alrable for a home. It I worth tl.IOO,
but it must be sold and na reasonable
offer will be refused, and term will
be mad to suit. Jook thi up at onoe.
SIS McKay Bldg. .. ..
A Fine Country Home
Tl crs 1 5 in cultivation: fin house.
x Darns: z orcnaras; running water:
school and church near place: only
10 mile from Portland; a real Ideal
home; will sen all or a part; eaay
term, low lntereat.
ISO acres Near Sandy postoffle: It In
; cultivation; 40 Blaaned; good plss
, tared houee: good barn; running wa
. ter; tools and f urnltur - go with
1 p lac.. $ 1,260, , , , . f . .. ,s. ; .....
Charleson L Smith
SIO Allaky Bldgv Vaoaa West SSI.
V-l KtJIAKatiCSStll.
w it7ma-v I FatBlgelfarBSSalSTal
fU I taSan I Slatkartw.lBSaaiawUeas,
1 e..i i VI IrrltoUaee ar alaarsttoa
M sa a sf siaeeas BMBibraaaa.
f ImN CaMarlaa. palalaaa. aa as. aaiHa.
IREvjUttCaUruOt. gtmt er soiaaeeea.
, tlsISBTI,t 1 Bmt4 by Sliagglil, -
v.Ba. j 1 ww van. im wtmm wrapaw.
Jey asanas, araaai at
Clraalaf aant aa aaaaaaa.
a k the richest fraia, frek tM stock spedoa 1m
th world. Theosuei of sent ofkad at acmsl
coat ef kripOM. . - Daei direct from Stats ef
MAP FRIE. DeKhatc Iirigatiea sod Power Ceoa
paav, 1 1 o-1 1-l a MtXay aWlaiaf,Partias4,Oretoa.
8TANDABO Steam Carpet-Cleaning Co. Carpet
' eleaned. refttted, sower ao laid; siattraaaea,
' fi-ethers renevatad. - Rsat Ttllrd, north, sod
.; Paelne sta, , Pkoo East 30. . llerrlna A
rairimAi, MOT! ex.
KtKJU Al the realdence, MOt East Stark. April
; s. lwus, CbarlMi S. Face, soa ef Ms. and
Mti Adas S. ftt. sta 30 years, 4 avontba.
, runeral wlU taka Clara Wedneaday. April It,
at 2 p. bi., fnna Methodist Eplaraps) chorea
.' at Mount Tabor. Friend Invited.
ter liad not heretofore been found. Only
recently; In Chaldea, wa a lov letter
found, written on clay. Though th
latter haa much formality for such a
missive, tb reader can feel th tender
ness that He hidden between It line.
Th document wa produced, w should
ay. In th year 3200 B. C and waa
found In Slppar. th biblical Sepbar
vanl. ,- Apparently the lady, lived there,
while-her beloved -' waa "a ' realdent of
Babylon. The letter read: -
"To th lady, Kaabuya (little ewe),
ay Olmll Marduk (the favorit of
Merodach). this: May th sun 'god of
Msrduk afford you eternal Ufa I writ
that I may know how your health 1.
Oh, lend m a meaaag aboil t It, I live
In Babylon' and have not seen "you, end
for thi rcaaon I am very anxious. Send
me a meesag tlfht will tell ma whan
you will come to me, so that I msy be
happy. Com In Msrchvsvan. May you
11 v long, for my. sake, -
triv n -
1 A
Portland, April T, ltOS."
v 4 n
Fsyehle pahalst aad
eUhnoyaat. - Special
U ttla week: My raU
tt Baimlatry readin
and dead trssee elalr
VDraar sluloss. Ma. I
tall of ebausss, aee-
eaatm, rainine. Bar
rlases. dlrareea. law.
., snlta, travela, deetha.
lIi.TL"r""ot.."""M " pay sw Botblas. I
wiak to .how tb. elttaeas of Vortland that "here
la. thla Brofeaalos taat asderstasds hla
wsiseas saa la ao I.ka I am 14 yaue bafata
Cb!ie J.4 yoa to es-MaTor-StBrey
and T. T. Oear. .. f k. ..... .
goe. I have read the palaw of tb snt anted
personacM ea eitker alee e the Atlantic. . The
Imprints are et By rooms for Inapertloa. No
darkened rooms er cabinet, I say wltaoot fear
ef contradiction that I slaad today tbe ackaowl
edced king peer of all la ay prefnoahie, I am
ker. (my tllrd with adealea to b'lp
only tboea wbe soneatly wish te better tbelr
eoadlrkm and are willing to employ the aervlees
I e true palmist aad can alve a thooeand time
the valoe recetved. I aak no ene to seller
mii wem ssui tney are teeronshly
eonvlaeed that I have koowledm that reeuirad
tear of study sad careful training te acquire,
ly days ef eisarimeetln are over. My prof
slonal . serrlcss are a boa te tb amliltloua.
dlacoatented and anhanpy panple. This week
?-...l)on't forget toe nam. tHFTErt.
mimaju, am bixib sw set. Alder sad Morrison.
mxTTjrs aoncs.
ZAOV, v 1 Fennaylvanla Society ef
AjP4 Oregoa will meet la eomrnltte
mf ' room. City Ball. Monday even-
I ? J 'f' iprU 10 1B06- t eVIock.
. a 1 ; A" foreier PenoaylTanlsna of
.TiTV waaomsion, ioido aa Orego
TYvrs .. sr Invited to attend. . "
Saeretary PBnaylvaala Bodty ef Urates. -
. HARMOItt IX)DflB, A. p. A A.
m. state communication ' . thla
(btoaday evealn. T: o'clock. Ma.
muai paoapwr -jaire aa Alder at.
.Work..'" V" c gree. A cordial
Invlutlo to all tt. U. By order
W. M. RCFCS ft. BALL, See."
IVANHOB LODOB. No. 10, K. ef P.
ugniar roeymtioa tonlrnt at S dork
belldln. Baqnlr ranhv , Vlaltlng
X - L. VKY8BT. O. ft?
FRBD P. HOLM. K. of R. and S. '
PORTLAND ' Tent N. 1, K. O. T. M., glvea
another one ef their enjoyable peine whlat
parties Friday evening, April 14. Kike kail,
Marqaam bid.; Ice cream and cake) ad-
' mlaato IS cents.
' ' ''
' Notice Is beretiy gives to' the stockholders
of tba Banker Hill aad Sullivan Mlnlna an
Ooseestratlss Company (aa Oreaoa eorparatlon
baring Its principal offlca at tb C'lly of Port
land. Oregon), that a special meeting ef tb
toekholdea of aald . company . will be hold
at Ita principal of Ac. Room No. B0I-6O4 Cham
bar ef Commerce Bnildlnc. la tb City of Port
land. Oreson. en Wednesday, tb third day
of May, 1003, at 'tb bow of lva ' clock
la tb forenoon., for tb fallowing parpoa: ,
Te nanaider a4 act npoa a contract antborlaed
hr the Hoard of Directors t be entered into
by said- corporation with tb Taeniae Smeltlnc
Uompeay, wnerein ana wnareoy it la agree
tbat tb Bnnker Hill asd SnlllTaB Mlnlna and
Onseentratln Cnmpany ahall dlapoa of tb
product of ita mine for a period of years te
aald Taooma S malting Compear, aad to con
alder sad act apoa aach etbor matters pertaining
te said contract, ita term aad omdltlons, end
to transact each other euelares as Bay com.
before eald meeting. v
Said saeetlng la called and tbta Bailee I given
ss reqnlred by-the Beard nf III rector f aald
company St s meeting inersof . enlx called
and held o tbe seventh day of April, lixft,
snd la due accorrtanc wttk Seetkm . f
Article IX, or tn Hy-iawa or aald company.
. Dated at Portland, Oregon, tbl Barest h day
ef April, 19t. , . ' . ,.
Secretary nf the Bnnker Hill snd Sulllris
liMlac aaa veacsatrauaf immv . . ,
Branch Offices'
. ABVISTItyigT win be reomred
st regular, mala rc . rate at tb
follow In place and sent to la aosmal ,
, la Urn far publication la the aaat Issue: .
, ... , r... Bj0fiTnr, ' .-
It. A. Preatoo. dragflat, ttd and ' Tkor
ma a street.
Kob Hill Pharmacy. 00 fllliaa straat.
enrnsr 'tlat.' -
A. w. All.. Bbarawelst. 10th aad Mar
Shall stneta. . . ;
B. B. - Jacks, eeafaetkmery. 000 Waaa-
Ingtoa treat, mm 10th. ; .
'B. r. Jones ' a Ce dragglat, Froat
and Olhba streets. .
Cottel I'mg Company, First sad Great'
. streets. . , ,
'-.- t,, . -IAST WDX. . J
Tattle' Pkarmaey. sM Mlaahnjlppt .
' 7 iib. enrner Sharer street.
Nlcbola A Taompaoo. 128 Uuaeel! wtree,
corner Alblaa aveaao.
Jancke Drag Canrpany. eara. Haw.
taorpe aad Orand araa.
I. A. Dick, tobacco 234 Crosby (aat
end stael brldga). - '
, B. F. Fultea. eoaferrtoaery. STt Xaat -
Bomeid. earner Union arena. ' ,
Ingram A Bh, tebaceealata. 11 Srsa
- araaoe. ,. . . .i-- .-. '""
t. 'tt.. Worth, Bbaratactat, Belaat
street. -,v - ''
,j. . . BSOOSXTS.
Brooklyn Pharmacy, corner IwweU aad
S-. Mllwaakle - streeta..-, . . -. ..' 4. .
rn.ouin nmrr wmrxar tm
';. i- wmtpw. i,
Wlabrni Ita draoslfnra te feel ' at liberty . te
ennaiilt. It wbea they aealr iBtormatle a
adrlea regarding larcatmanta, ,.
Our boos ei , j. ,.;.-, ..
Will iDtmtino. fttnd for It .1 r-Vi . y.:
. lot Third BUt. ';x-
.. ' ' .,.'. '-' '- - ' ' 1 ' '..
BSNI. I. rt)H...'..-........fJlraJdent
H. L. PITTOCK........ Ttee-Proeldent
B. LBB PAGET Secretary
J. 0, GOLTRA .Asslataat SeenUry
On account of removal to now Quar
ter we will lease our present building
for term, or year to suiiaoie tenant.
RulMlnw suitable for heavv atock.. or
machinery on upper floors. - Fin corner. .
tor room and basement. "
--m nWXaT-aTOBSOaT OO. .
Tel. til... lint axut Balxaom. '
' St Oran ' Arenna...
Phoa Bast SIX.
"Ha la from Mlaaowra
KELI.T Died. I thla city. April . ISej. ,
Jirldgrt Kelly, wit er ancbari aetiy er
Sycamore, Or., aged tv years. Funeral aotlcw .
BrKPKLWIe this city, at tbe .family yaal.
eeace, x.o. io nwei a.igneenn ntrnet, aprii
T. JatiS. El ma Jeanle.. aged 1 years, daughter
of Mr. 1. RueiwU, Arlington, sad grandchild
ef Kdward Allaky of this city.
Utber test er feaad adsartla sbbb,
wars far m u, eaea, ...
FOUND A ptae te keve hakr mattreaae
tiih sBe reiaxBva aunt aay. rna
did. Portland Curled Hair factory.
LOST Male petnter o. lemon and white. 10
moatao oie. ... raowe n nas aaoa alter . tossy. .
Reward. ..' ..v
LOST Arrowhead stickpin. April 10. Retnrn te
wans rargo a uo., eiprea. ana get rewara.
. Boner.
Sealed bits) will be racaleed for th stock
'. ml . machinery, ahafttng, mill soppUes snd
,fac xtures ef the Weatom. Mill Sappiy.
cnmpany. Sam can be Inspect at Ne. 4
First .treet, etty. Bide trill be opened April
. 17, 10OS, at 1 o'clock a. m. CerUfmd check
for ea tenth ol th mDBt amst accompany
all bid. LCWIS C. GARRICIl'S,
Tmat Baakrept KsUU et Western Mill
.. Snpply Compaay. ,
, Pipes Tifft, T01 Chamber et Coaimerca,
Attorneys for Trustee.
KOT1C1 le hereby gives that st s regular meet
ing oi taa uoaneu er in city of Kortland,
State ef Oragoo, as be held In Ita chamber.,
at tbe City ball, la eald city, at S o'clock
p, m., Wedneaday, April ltt, 100, there
will be pr.nuted a petition fae- tk narrowing
ef Davenport .treet, la Orevar'e Addltlo to
eald etty. to 40 feet la width ea each aide f
eald ntreet, along Ita entire length, from
Governor' .park to Psttoa road. -
All parties ppnaed an each actio are la
vltd to preaant their objection.
NOTICB H hereby give tbat tbe undersigned .
wiu present a petition ror tbe vacation ef an
: that portion of Alblna arena la the City
A wf Portland, county of Molt noma h, tat ef
V. 'I'. IJIH. M.,wwm Mil. 1 1 1 w v. I I "
cott atreet and tbe tenth line of Kllllngawortb
avenue, la said etty, to th council ef said
eitv at a reenmr meetlna tn M bald at th
' council chamber In th city kali la aald elty.
on wveneaceay. the aay or May. im. a
S e'cloek p. m. - M. B. THOMPSON.
Dated MarCk SI, 1008. .
A v
WANTED work la candy factory by yong
to mr. cuuauiufi "mi. irii.,. ,.i,
reaaonabl wa ; expected. Address W Sb,
esre Joarnal. . ... - t
TOCNO Oarmsn, Si, deslrae poaltloni expert-
rnced bookkeeper la bans, nnurtng miu col
lector, tlm.ka.per: reommBdatlons from all
pUess worked. O So, oara Journal. .
CLERICAL pnattlna or trar.llng aaleamaa: have
expenene in saury .mi.u. nnw-rievi
1 years ef sgei good pmati; goo habit.
'Address D tt, rare Journal, ,. .
MARRIED Ba with; good referearea want
steady employment wner um in cnanc
te work np; eome espwleaee la ofSee. Ad-
B SB, ears Journal.
BNOINEER Thorengbly competent practical
steam an electrical anginear wants a posi
tion, that require a goad man. , Address
F. SS. care Jooraal.
MAN, SS, wants position aa eaaaffeurf twe
year experience; - nmum oy irao. cell
at cigar atora, Mtk and Vaagh at. -
OOOD, eober ma. bandy with tools, wast
work or ay una, wages ao enjeck ron
Hood 1WL S4t Ask et... room 4. ...
MAX of to. .a ahlpptag clerk or easletaat. or
poaitma in w nniea ie noose wining is wark
up. Addr U, oS, ears Journal.
TOUNO mi wlshee work ef aay tied; willing
m wvra . - si- niervncaa. AO-
dress O SS, ear Journal.
MAN and wife waata Work grata, frail
or aiors range, Aoorea r, 9 ear ef
ENGINEER want poaltton, stattoaary or loro-
moiirc; reieaf no. Aqnrean r H4, Jouraal.
BOT, IS year ild, wanm job after scSnof gad
w mrr, I.I. .n.r..,
f HI'FNTi -.nt. ).,, or repair vera, rheae
000 reel
BBtasaj aBSJ a ,...- a k
"i..V :