The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 09, 1905, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 20

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., v
"Want Ad" Rates
rt,.art on Wanted" Male er Pamela.
5 cajixa ns unx. Oaaaiiag I
M IM Una,
' imvmii h n words roi u :
v- 4cuiXtTtkiv -. -,';'f
BTVATtov -wanted mmUhua ,
sltaaa- Male or Iwtlt, Isiauid aaa ..
'r . tlase (m , Daily Seadsyi
. WIDCtT BATB- riwBitl-iai .ftoelus'rae
KnntT BATBf ratodhat n Sunday
s T am per UM psr enssns. -
timTIRmtt Be
luiliin Was by I
dayBBad by - '
mart be to f serrasl
t. a'slSS WMI
k fetursar nw ,
fag to anre ilmHatl .,,.-.'
. r:-krxsi;-roiB son an ,
Jearaal "west ad." ulfc' wive
v.i TMf ad. a -flea rates east M '
will he toUrered to Ike Jssurael ef.
tee wttbeut farther oa to ye. Oee
nar hex ar haaa Wsatora TJatoa,
, . . 4 . A-. avaaaaavaMaaaa t ., ............
We Ixiivc Houses and I-ots in
ell parts of the city, r Let us
lend you money to. build . You
i'cdn pay, us on installments.
Cs me owner: l'-
rcimiiD trust company of creoqn
Third Straat.' " - .
Cotter than County
: .- ;;-':.:;;.'Vi.-.v.v.::.r..;?.j.:
Ara roa rOAalag . for a bargala la Portlaad
wat ald) mil ratal J If ao. t bar tots
oaarad wltb bolldlnira, partlr bnataraa, baUaaa
- aldeaeea. oa Twolfta at.. Nortb, aawraaiinc
- 11 par cent af prtea aakod; 8 par oat will
-r tovw, Inaoraara aad kora proprrty In
air. Hera la aa m rant bnt InrrataMat.
d ranta bar aot bWa ralaad aa aaroaat nf
fair, A&.iMO ar $M.0l eaah aacona tola
v 4aabe aroprrri', . kalaaca aa ar - bafora A
. mrm, a par ernb . f . .
For , partleatara, . writ. pboaa .ar call , oa "
. joici w FirntriCaiR:
Otoy . M kariek Kit.
tS Grand Araan. .
Pboaa Baat bia. '
"tie to fraai MlaaoarL"
KliEPaXL la tbla aitr. at tba- faaillr rai
. . daar. Sn. 104 Kaat Glvbtrratb atraat. April
' T. laiiK Klaia Jrnale. arrd l raara. daarbtrr
af-Mra. 1. Uarpall. Arllnrtoa. aad (raadcbild
af Bdwara Aiiaar of taw city.
'. wrrora) aonox.
TUB Pranarlraala Sorlrtr of
Orrajoa will awt la commit tea
. raoaa. City Hall, kloadaj arra
Inc. April 10, MOB, at o'clock.
' All fuiiaar Pannarlraaton af
Waablniiton, Idaba and ftrrfoa
, ara larltad to attrnd.
W. U. OFf-BTKl Kr-BR. '.
Baexetory rVaumrlraala Hortrty af tirefoa.
JPORTLAND Teat No. 1, K. O. T- M air
a,, aaother aaa C tfcrtr caorabl prlaa whlat
,. partlm rrldar rtniof, April la. iaa- Bail.
Maranaai Mdf; lea erraai ana raa; aa
BUaalua IS eeata.
ai'MNKS W. B. C. NO. 21. Barto tba flrat
aad til Ira Saturday of aaeb aanatb at p. aa.,
to L 0. O. r. hall, ear. Orand are. and B.
f pnar at. Mlaarra A. Plana, Breelaeati'laa U.
,, Hardnmaa. aaeratary.
.1THB daaea to b atrra by Nomab CHrcla, W. O.
f w.. oa April 12 and May 10 baa bar
. Kotlra 1a karrby aiaea tbat tba BBoVralrnad
arm raealT aaalcd Mda. antll Moaday, taa luta
day af AnrlL ISO, at :80 o'clock a. m.. tot
all tba plant and property af tba Ooaat Banc
. IjiBberlBf Compear, a I taa tod at aad aaa falla
Uty. Polk county, Oraaoa. .
HaH plant cunaiau ar oaua in - eavarrnc
l.ooa.ono feet of flea yellow fir tiaa-
r, fall aaadnf aaalpraent locclar railroad
4 aactoe. plaolac aalil. dry klla. aad pnrttoa
the Bacbinarr aecraaary far a aawailU af
oo.oaa reet 'apacity. rv., c - .
' Aa laaaajtory of the property ran be eeae at
laay oftVa at PaUa City, f rf oa. .
AU blda aaat be addreao.i aad dellrerad to
aaa aa Traatoa by o'clock p. a. at tka 1UU
day of April. 1IX.
i Tka rtrnt la 1 1 ma ti d to reject any aad all
kid. . For fartbrr particular addrre . .: ...
' Troatot Ooaat Bange Utmbering Oapaay.
PaUa City, Oregoa.
. . Holed bid will be recalled for tba etock
; ; f machtaery, ahaftlog, mill aopplles aad
. ,. afSr Sxtaree af the Westera Mill Bapply
, , company. Same can be Inapected-at bio. 40
. first street, city. Blda will be opened April
.. " 17. 1O06. at 10 e'diocb a. sac Certified check
. tor one toatk of the a moo at Baat a company
t all bids. LKWIS V. GAKR10LS,
Trnste Bankrupt Estate of West or Mill
(' ' Pnpply Comieay. -
' Pipe Ttfft. TAt Cbaaber at Com mere,
: Attorarya for Trastee.
, OREtMIN Alniiodl .No. 171, W. O. W.; Beets
, Moaday slant la Unas' bsH, corner WUllama
i ' are. sad Bussell at., at S o'rlork. '
f . MART BANUALL. Clark.
BOTAL. Circle will glra sa soma aad necktie
', social April 12. Ablngtno lildg.; whist,' re-
freabaienta, prises and danelng; admuv
elotw IS rentK.
. Xrrber Lest ar Feaad Mtsrtlseroeata, taw
, were to 1 eaato." aaos.
.aVOST- For terrier bitch, aboat T moot ha old.
v white, two black ears. Reward If returned
-,. fo 71 N. Park, ssd aa qaeetlone naked. .
POUND A place to bare hair matin rear
eatod ssd returned same day. I'heaa Msla
. 474. . Portland Carted 11 air factory.
Limit Male fos terrier, roaad black spot oa
' back, black and tan bred, ear pertly white.
Rtom to 124 Second St. Beware.-
' LOHT Mai pointer doc. temna aad white, 10
montba eld.' I'aen Went 133S after today.
' Hewsrd. ' ' t
iiT-Deed and atwtrart to tot Ih St. Loala:
please leaee at Molt Candy tu, 1-T2 Flrat at.
Heal aetata, roaming hoeae aad haslneas
ehaacee epeelalty. . S70 Barasid. Msla S0SS.
Remoeed ta 1H Hvrtk aecoad at. Phone
it Bed 11- . - - .
t iva aaatn.
. - . M K. leeoad a, . .
' Phone Malt) IBS.
tors; help ire so employers. ur
UPI.P wanted and sanprled, male r female.
B. 0. DBAkR. H ftaahlagtoa St. Clay
18 MtRRION 4naiMa Stoat Pmp. hfwarpi
. skillet labor faralabed. Fben Msla Ska.
AU'lNb eTwplnysaent Bares Help faTBalkSd
' mar '. watxd-miti,
Hkcffian a iinciD position
In OerlVal... Technical or Commercial tin.
W twtln nla troe tlx Isrgest oorpore
: ttons. ' mdnuf ncturers' ssd msrceaUle bousas
. thr-Mgheut , tb United Slots lor competent
saicaattcn. execuiiviv clerical eaw """h a.
' men, saving rrem I IS a week to 8A.800 a rear.
W help capable . an to batter position
without danger to ' their preeeBt canctloa.
We sssurs yon r cooeioerstiou lor. twrj
pixltlun lot) ara eompetral, ta All, aa matter
'.where located, amt toll . yon how to brine
our ability to IM attention at' hundred
at raptor" who a4 algh-rade aw a. ..
Call or write ' ,L
Mckaybldg.. IMS Third at., Portland. Or.
WtKTvra Tntnn? uanr. 22.80:- trtmmermvn,
vlfBO; planer f order. $2.26; mill and yard-
4 men, exou; rigging rustier,, a tn",
.2.2n; 4 m an, 12 to: 4 barkers. 2 ;
-on4 nttrra. f i.tiU rant; mhrn; oim Hua
lar. Loaibaraiea'a labor Bwvaa. Sua MoT-
INOLB yaaar af good addrraa. aa tl
to- 2)4, to Iraral an toara goo4 aarn baat
: araa; frauBat analtloa tor tba rlrht part;
fir trlryhuea auaibar, : addrraa D , eara
TOL'XO aa who wiita U aad cnaipoaa a
bualuraaiika toitar wmaiaad attonttoa wbw
, auawarlos araut atoi prlrata liaaaaa irca.
um araut aoa; prlrata
i r 81, vara JoaraaL
WANTEO lor awa to. aa4 (nr oar an
baalnraa Bmoflalthn t ana tbat Ton will Ilk
biinca bla pa. Addrcaa tidf Atk Co., 187?
, Madrid, M
UKS waatad ar'wbar. toHl algna. dlatrlbato
clrmlaro, aamplra, araMBt awina-
tlnat rood par. Aawrlraa I'alea, roatlac
aldg., Cblcaas.
WANTKD Ataadrantorr. Toang nil wltb I10
; raak tor food. Wltlmata bualaraa oftca work;
aa akoppr ar aaaata. . C 10, care JouraaL
WANTKrv Mm ta dlatrtbatr aanplra. tark
alina. f.1.A0 dallr: aa eanraaalas. CoatlaraU)
Matrivu tins' Merrica, . llitcaca..
PRINTER WNTK1 WHb wxmrT. to tola
ate laarat-claaa wwapapar propoalOoo. 4
dreaa U 7, eara Journal. . M
WANTED Cpbolatmr to rapair furnltara at
aara la Oaborn hotoL , Call at IT Uraad ar..
' arar Haat Aab at. ... ..
WAXTKD Vonnf bmb with ex prrtmca drl t
J wacoa. a( aloe, .jtaanm . aa,
oaraaL .... ,. -
PORTLAND BriMaJ ' ( Taken phr; maapbrto
eooraa; uprleo4 .toarkor. - V Klrat at.
WANTBD Palater and Maerbaarera.
W. P.
r boo at va.. IKOT Beimoat taunnyaiaai
WANTED S emart canraaarra; ' aaa aara IS
par aay. apply aa viar ai. t
WANTED Erraad boy. ' Call Daabaa itj. Co.,
oo nw at. - ' ..jj. .
WANTED A bmb, to beat rag. Call at SS
Kll. rt. . '
WANTED yoaag ladle for eboru aspnaltloa
.. abow; good - chance for beginner ' steady
work, good part diatribe yaureelf, air ace,
,' height, weight, ceaiplulaa. Addraa is,
eara Joaraai. .... -
WANTED Lady or genlleaaa of fair educa
:. Mob to work an aaUry of 11 to f IS a
week. ZHH Third at., car. . Jeffaraua. ,
LADIHH Bara $M per 100 writing abort let
ten; enrba atamped eTajp..-Aaarricaa
' ; Belt Woraa, Batort. I1L
WANTED Mlddleged woaaaa to araak dtoke
i la a reatanrant aad da graar! work. Call
at M waaaiagtoa at.
LADIES Tear aaaa ai B to) elaltlag
Sc. peatpald. Boyal Card Co., StraUar.
WANTED Lcdlaa to - daawaatrat tka weader-
ful wrlnkl trratmeat. ataae. Sale, 121 13th.
WANTBD Experienced tewing girl by ' i
nakar at 17k 17th at., caraer XaakblU.
WANTED Experienced aalreladlee 1a ear dlf
fereat departmeat. The Ellrarflrld Oa. )
WANTED Experienced mat hands ' la' aa V
t ratios ma. . Tba Bllrnrrield ca.
m WaJrncn-it iti o rtmAXB,
WANTBD Mea Bad waaiea to start la a prodt-
alle baalaeaa; d Tart lain aMttea with yoar
name pnatea a rrr. neaa etamp tor par
' tlcabrra, Cblem. Pfelfer Ca., Dept, , P. O.
bos iavO, Pltubarg. Pa. -
WANTBD riret-rlaae aklrtawker., MT AUrty
Drag, raoae rronc ri.
WANTED Work la easdy - factory by yoang
man: etnetiy teaiperaia, gnoa woraer; caa
. to tosra caBdyaaaklng; aoato sspejrieaee; oaly
reaaoaabl wga at petted. , AOOraa as,
'eara Journal.
i n . ti r w . ,
experience la the atatlooary. bolating, puaap
Ing aad compreaaad air; also car af dyaa-
Aoariaa B. - aa, aara JBUraal, -
CLEBICAL poattioa or traeellng sole man; here
experieac la Beary Barowara aaa grorariea;
21 year of ge; good penajaa; good haMts.
aosrias v on, eara journal.
MARRIED aaa with ' goad reference . want
. steady ampioyBeat where taara is eassc
ai ov, care journal.
ENGINEER Tboroagblp competeat, practical
a tea at aad electrical saglnaer wants a poej
. tioa. that reqiilrea a good , Baa. Addreaa
P. 28, car Jouraak ' 1 :
ElTlTATIoN wanted - br aartr karhw
, elderabl baaiaeaa axperlear. ' aa clerk or
aalcamaai oat of tow preferred.
P. 28. Joaraai.
TOL Na maa Uring wtth bra Bather waat
. hoaeework: wages a abtort. Call at
M 41a40 nTrtt ecMa nr'
MAN. 2S, wants posit loa a chsnffrsr; two
years experience; machinist by trsde. Call
at cigar etore, 24th and Vaugha sts.
820 Front St., bet. ciay saa Manet, or
call ap through telephone West 447.
GOOD, sober men. bandy with tools, want
work af aay kind: wage ao object, rhon
Hood loftl. 143 Ash St.. room 4.
MAN of SO, as shipping clerk ar sealataat. or
pssiuen in wnoieaaie oovam, wiiung w
ap. Addreaa C AO, car JoaraaL
MAN and wife waat work aa grain, fruit
er stork rang. , , , Addre i F, . as, , car . Of
RNOINEEB want posit to, atatlonary or tocs-
awtire; roccccnco. aaoresa w . Journal.
BOY. IS year old. want Job after school aad
Saturday. Addreaa r an. ear JoaraaL ,
CAKPENTKnV wsrHs b ar repair work. Phoa
wain iwu.
WANTED A woman of SO years' experieac
in Ban Franciaeo wanta t take ensrgs or aa
sat la rbsrge of bosrdlng or rooming boaae;
neat rerereare. aoare aao' taaca, 1'
Mnla 4;a, ..,..'.,,..;;,
AX Aawricaa lady wants poslttos a boaaa-
KlllMI ! W .lll-'n" , u, . - " w . .i r ' . wav
ing boaae. Addreaa U. So, care JoaraaL
YOUNO weauo, ex peri en cad. wants . positlna
in chare ol notei. rist or- targe rooming
aooreso Sk au, rnrw eawraaa.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wsots to do housework:
sweeping, dusting or work la rooming boas.
Room 88, B67H William are.
WANTED To' take cbara of roomlna-bons
'by competeat woman, ca n furatsh reference.
AdArea D. SS, ear JoaraaL - .
LADY waat place la a widower' home er a
family of 2. or woiila take care of ehUdrea.
1 Tsleptome MtHa 4U7S.
OtMlD conk wsnts plsc la sa American fam
ily, will -do second work, or laaadreaa. : Ad
: drass D. 22, care JaarnaL ;
WANTED Dressmaking d plat aew lag nf all
klada; price reasonable, paoas Mala an7.
WANTED Good, lie areata to aell ear stork;
dMtrlet epea la Wsshlngtoa d Oregoa;
. oatats furnished free: comsrlsslea asid weakly
. Write at aara for particulars aad choice of
territory. Oregoa Naraery Oa., . Same, Or.
AOEXTS -Try our thread-ratting thimble; tare
time, teeth and temper: too per cent) aend
for sample snd ratstnguei--price 10c n.
Wtoa A Co., MW7 LsfayclU are.. St. Lul,
gooD, Br agents wanted to sen let ea eeav
mbudoa ta one af the rbolceat sabvrb af
Purtlaadx - Addreaa P. O. Dot TO, eity.
WANTErVoAeeate to baadla hlf k -class toilet
ssiaEPre, ieaw laawifl
BOOMS (a an part a
dty.' toralaked.
inn!, 140 ilntAorir blda'.
Cadar alreetloa ef the Lewi apd dark lair
''' . ' :.. .varperauea.
.... i Phone Mala. dSaS.'
W araat flrat-claa furnlebed ran ma. ehM (a;
. caa get yoa the top prleast book yow room
aow with H. C-Bowera. 1 tor Hand Hotel, or
' the Lcwia Ckuk Hotel Co., nuts si
' Orrgonlaa bldg. ' . . .
WANTED Borland J ana neaa gratlemaa dealre
neatly faralabed room In. reepectabl prtrata
' ramuy, netgaoorDood OS tBe reir . grounae;
. kindly state terme aad partlealar. Addreaa
Japanese CoBmiaaloa, . Admlolatratloa blug.,
fair graaada. ,
WANTED T bay a paying and profitable
nualDoaa, wholeaak prefarred. far about fao,
duo cask. Dquara Ileal Brokeraga . Co.. 121
Baeeatk at. I'dou Mala 40H0.
IP TOD want to rest year koaaekeeplag roams
flat them with the Lawi a t lara (uraiaaea
Room aaaoetotlea, 121-JiarU Sixth at. pkoaa
Mala Ml. .
PMNTIHT, with wife Bad baby, year old. dealraa
rornn and noarfl or aouaaaeeping roam in
schnc for doatal work. Address l. It,
ear JoaraaL -
PRtH'EHTY- OWNERS Par. lo dare we wIR
rent your property I any kind) free. Bipoel
tloa Lesaiag Co., IM Cbmmerclal block.
WANTED To rnt. by May 1. T to S-raom
noaae; walking dlatanc. ol poatornc. rhon
Rent 1S1T. . ' .
WANTED 4 ar S Bafamlahed roonae. wast Stoe;
atoto eoaeealaacea. O, 111 nrst at. - -
raoaa axaia aena, at sit rim au ,
WANTED Mora prylng Bad whltewaehiag;
tba aaly gaaollna . compreaeea ear apraying
oatflt a the eaaet. M. O. Mnrraa 4 Co., I$
Mllwaakla at. Pboaa East 2817.
WANTED Child1 to csre Tor and hoard; will
glae (drantag ' of klndergsrtea ar arboot.
Mellwood Print Kladrrgwtoa, SIB VnxatUU
arena. .
NOTICE TO SHOWMEN Wanted, "CoaTlct'e
Mnantnr." pictorial and other papers ao
objection to pickups. Addreaa 0. 40, care
Journal. ....
HlOHBrTT price -paid far mea eaat-aff cloth
ing, aheee aad hau at as North Third, raoaa
Black- Sua. Orders promptly attended to.
WANTED A geat'a wheel', mnet b ebeap for
caaa; gira conaitma ana mnte. - Aaaraos
P. Q. ., Bast Third. at., city.
WANTED Ta hay a haU terrier ar good watch
. aog; price Baat aa raaaoashhv Aadraa r sw,
.care Journal, i.
WANTED ShetUnd pony: state age, aad
color, inquire ar addnaa aoocm. Baker
tbeatr. -
WALLPAPEB cleaned on the wall; satlafaa.
tkaa gaaraataed. .411 Third at. Mala 4901.
boy light spring wagoa aad
Addreaa D SS, rare JoaraaL
WANTED Steel range- and holler attached;
atoto price. Addreaa E. 82, care JoaraaL'
SHORT ORDER Printing Bom
laaaad aad Waahlngtoa eta.
i P. J. Ryder,
Clap isas.
HOPS wanted by Oregoa Boa Co.,
aad Marrleoa at. . ' -
BTOOK tokea oa pastar. Phone East 201T.
Oaa tosartlah la
that alsayinattoa, rata
m e
S- CNFPRNISHRD reoam tor houaekeeplng;
. bath, pkeae; 0 mlautee' Walk from F. o.:
2 minute car aereir; option af furatobed
' kitchen. SSS Baat KreretU
FOB a eeuofa. 'S alea room: bath, saa. attic;
, aaltahla for light heaasksaplag. . SuS Fraat
, C. bet. Soar ma a aad Caratker sts. laaulra
LA BOB room en PortUnd Heights aattoble for
housekeeping; keel kicatioa oa the Heights;
water and pboaa.' -Call Mara SOUL
LIGHT, aew, elegaatly farnlsbod boonekaeplng
apartment; gaa range, rnaalag wsjer. .O03a
Alder St.. The LoWnadale. .
S stogie rue
gas, bath aad
by the -week ar by
pboaa. - S71 Thhrd at.
floor: eultabl
heaeaheepliuT - ran. -r ai
floar; eultabl for S ladle or aaa aad wife.
- Phona Baat 2S2S.
THREB aafarnirked . koaetkoopiag roasas. rent
awry reaaoaabat to good tenants, aa children.
' SU SIsU.
THE LINDA VISTA; nicely farnlehed nooaeheep-
Ing pad single :
i reasonable.
7H rirta.
I NICELY famished hneaekeeplng raoaa, groaad
floor aad yard. .4S7 Baat Morrhwa at.
1.T8 WEEK, Isige, thsa. faiulatud. buumkjp
. Ing room; IsandrT. bath. 184 Hbermaa.
POR B BNT Sal to af heasekseplng raoaa. Call
264 Clay St.. corner Fifth.
TrTB "MONNASTES, tSSK First at.; aiagla
. reoma from 1 to SS; faralahed hoaaekaeplug
suites from f 1.7B to SS per waek; noma par
Bight, SO aad t&c; tourists sol id tad. -
TUB DBXTEB, 1S4 Twelfth, earner Washing,
ton, entirely newly faralabed Hums of Till
DEXTER ANNEX new toady for occupancy.
- Phone Orssa 4SS
FOR RENT Faralahed meats, single sad house
keeping, saaay and nicely furalabed, centrally
.' located aad rsasoaabl rents.. Address 232
First at. . ...
NEWLY rnrnisbeeT room; electric Ughtst porce-
lala batb, ererytning ;
tsnce; 2.M per week.
voera: warning aia
Fifth at. Call
today. ' .
MARQITAM HOUSB. 14BH Sth Rooms ea euite
er alaglei houaekeeplng rooass; gss at ore.
. bath, alar trie light; trass lents solicited.
BOOMS. SXB0 week; best la tba city;
" thing new; hot and sold water, bath, etc.:
northwest corner Beeeateeatk aad Otortoa.
KICB front room, three block from either
t car line; ' a Ian two furnished housekeeping
bath, raoae Mala iwnj. ami trsTB).,
WELL lla-hted single fnralshed room with bath,
phona snd large yard wtth flowers. Call .at
. 04 East Klereath. cor, wsshlngtoa.
" THS OTIS "New building, new farnlshlngs.
. eery homelike; rooms f2.M per week and
up, Ksst Burnsids Into a ar. r
BENT A handsomely furnlalied front
I with sll modern ronrenlences; rsasoa
abl. . Addreaa D 87, cars JoaraaL
mt aicNT Nicely faralabed ' front - mom. 1
or I gentlemen, 110. Sl Better at., Six-
trentk St. ,ea. t ......'.....
sti-M T rnralshed room for rent with' as? with
. ant board: H block from V rat Una. Apply
270 ly .
THE OLADSTONB S12H Sealer at. faralahed
la; BSOCr saw managaaiaam BTisau sua
bla. - i
LABOR, bright room, part ar full board, for
- S. Sit Tweaty-seeoed St., R. Pboaa Msla
' 1091. - - - - - .V .
NICELY furnished
wlfa pboaa, gas, bats.
12.60 per week aad ap.
it in jerr.
CLEAN, cheep-- furnished rooms and lodgings,
- 84S Kigbtoeath St., S blocks from fslr grounds.
CHEAPEST aad best located ream to PertleaA
1 week aa. OUman, Flirt aad Alder ato. -
HICKL.Y fnralahed rooms. 11.28 aer
. as. 247 Fifth, bet. Msla aad Madlsoa.
bath, gaa and nheo
sU at. Mala Satl.
reasonable; No. 44d
P1TBNISHED raoaie, SOS Thermae -at.,
to I2.S0 per week i eeerythlag aew.
0NB fnralshed room, enttahle tor twa, .abm
heaaekeeplng rooms, an uisy at.
4S0 QI'IMBY ST.Newly ranrrratcd,
farnlabed bodronrns; SB per month. ,
FOR RKNT Nb-sly fnrnlahed front room for
tw gentleman, ai nsria mniu st.
NEWLY faralrbed, anlet, tranatoat reeaa
Foartk St. Phoa Red 2382.
NICELY furnished
leartoaatk U .
" '' -wi. r ' '. ' ". ir '', -V"-
T'. . -." -V .J:
' .
' U J'
v: .-'.' J'"ur. AfrV
( it o.of'v- 7 -v :
$100 PRIZES for; boys and girls
, ' 'Tku 7otnaa win pajr aJ tn tT Ckkrtoom aa4 Tm of JUglt
worn TB) Joaxaai irsm Ads" wklok m sa to tkla of flea sad a.'
tMpaad tvt tJt Tb JaatfamX. ' . , : -
-.- 4Ba foUoartBC xaartTibeAleaai aarafallyt '
; Brarr Oartooa aad Tnraa af JlxtaO anrl m Matnrtktll s
"Wast Ad" Uka SIMM under tka tlffaraak cJaaaUtoatloaji ob thaew paoto'
ta ha aaad tm atthaa tka dailp aa? Baaday laaoa af Tka loxtraaj. Tka
tkMfi for tkaaa adrartlaenaaarta ta II wctdB fot it Mts 1 a adTartlaa
axaat auoeilad ttM laa mkam IS aaafmV'
Jfo Ctortoom or Tana of jiafla la aaUrad la tka aoataat bbIsm aVpeomV
paalad hp -Wul Vd" and tka aexvr for . . '- ; " -
Tka dmartBir bb4 tm aaaa-l ba U Mask Ink aad oa oa aldd af tka ';
paper aaly, aad tka paper ataat art to larpar tkaa aara tacoiaa :. -Tka
waraa laoooatpaaylxMr aaok atartaea ataat aot aa amor tkaa alx Uaaa ta ;
laactk. Tka prlaaa wiU ka awardad smog) for tka arhrtaailty of tka aa
Blfa tkaa tka eaaaratloa -
Tka aanxe. af aad addraaa af tka okUd vka draws aaa af tkaa Oar
tooaa aad wixtaa a Taraa of 9tagU aaaat k wrHtaa aa arary aaa aaat
to tkla fas, ta tka oklld'a awa kaad wrtMaaT,
- ' If year fatkar ar asatka aaaaot gira yam oaa af tkaaa "IFaat Baa,"
-saraly aiasa frtaaa or aalgkkor oav . .;
. a vara ta look for your aartrUaeaaoat ta tka pPv
' Tka Oarteoas aaa "Waat Va" aoay ka dallrarad ta Tk i'oazaal ar
sat kp avail, ' !.' ' a ..'.'
yjaarly arary ekild aaa wrlta m Taraa aad draw a Oartooa, 1 If yours ;
ka accepted, you wlU reoetra $MM la saoaay aad law yaur plotura ta
Tka JouraaL . ,. . ; ; V '-.Jv-v .':
TOtlNO aaaa, tf pea want to heard aad roam
la a BarBaaaat sad flret-cmae.heuar, - whan
rata are esesedlBgly low. aad wlQ ramala
the eaae next aamaaar ss they ara new. call
at tba Aster House. 251 Seventh st corner
af Madtoea. TaL Mala 1281.
THE LIN DELL New Foatlly, hotel. Market at.r
bet. Third and Fourth; eteaa heat, electric
' light, poreelata hatha; bgat 'oatslde raoaa
with aretlaaa board; two peapla. Sda-SaO'
SS aaoath. Phoa Mala S6S1.
BOOM and board for I peraoaa. employed;
geatlemea preferred; 1 block ta car; pleaty
of fruit nsj.f lowers. Address E. Si, rare
JoaraaL .
BOOMS Blngl aad ea aalt. aicely faralabed.
.-table board if dealred. naooVrn coarrenlencea,
cms la, ST2 Fourth at., corner Jefferaoo. .
BOOM aad hoard la prtrate family for
genlrraenM - g bath, pboaa. Seed evoking,
central. Pboaa Mala S30S.
BOARD aad room for featleeaaa st 22S West
Psrk; bath sad heat. Pbeae tall. praa
' aeat boarders prefsrred. - -
NICELY furaaibed ftoart parlor, eert table for
two: oeera it aaairi; . aata. xa.
fVTTOVi Tenth rt. ...
820 QL'IMBY aesr Twenty-fifth. S blocks from
fslr, elersntly faralahed rooms with Board;
hath, tolsphoa. .
BOOMS and board, brick Sat. bath,
Cntlma preferred. -. SSS Irrtog,
la 8387.
FURNISHED rooms, with board
tog. SIS Nor thru p.- cor. Plftosath.-
FT'RNISHED room with board, 8S0 East Nlstk
St., N. . Fhsae Scott aova.
aew modern cettsge, bcsotlful location. Call
aay day After Monday. 102S Wllllama ar.
4 fTN FURNISHER ' honaeheenlng
free to Iftth. Call today, -17 Mill at.
WR bay your tkraltare la aay eusstlty tor apot
eaah or sell It at your real dene. Be aer
: and tan ap rartiana -aacuoa aooam, aau
. froba, tor. aaat resetm, , -v , .
year furs I tars far rea at year reldaea s
at til First st.
IP-ROOM rooming houee and hall;- hall paya
reat for entire building; fine locatioa for
fair: 1700; each snap doa't last long. ; Call
. Sosm Thofeeea st.
NEW. good furnltara of S-raom flat faralabed
complete; eon rent roe ma Jf dealred; eery
rea aoa able. 2BJHCU1, near Sth. Mala 2S42.
FOB SALE Furniture of o-coorn boas with
lease until after fair; price S2S0; rent fid.
Inquire 2HT North Fourteenth; aa agents.
f-ROOM houee for reat,- IIS: furniture of I
rooms for sale; piano If desired. . Monday,
B.W East Taylor near Thlrty-flrat.
unnitlf . T-room hone, cloaa In. alcrly for-
, nlsbed; will sell furniture cbrap; accouat
leating city. Phone Ksst 1(574.
NICELY fnrnlahed front room la new modern
flat, suitable for two; balk adjoining; gaa,
pboaa. as auriat st. - .
POR sale cheap, a ale M of farattare, also
lease of house. C II 301 Front at. Party
going east. -
FURNITURE of S room bona la good rocs tioa;
reat 140; lease If desired. - Pboaa Mala 2S47.
PLEASANT, newly fnrnlahed S-rnna flat; par
ties going to mst the city. 8.18 Mala at.
FURNITURE of T-ronm bona la beet location,
S4M; rent reasonable. 0S Madleon. 1
- COMPANY. w. .
Trry deatrsble new and strictly toodera S-rooa
flat, 827 Mill t. .
Nic d-rooa flat, N.' tatoa are.. Best cor.
of Ankeny.
Very atyllafc had heahrlfnt . T-room ' eottoge,
e Vt Ksst Thlrtylxtk snd Salmon sts.
Fnrnlahed -S-rona eottoge, s Eaat Forty-fifth
iri nassingioB. " t
.. a nr. i a, iw rirai n. f
FOB BENT Modem cottage, S rooms. SSS Msot.
so near acuui -"'"'
Kleatermaa, SI Nrtk Tweoty-Srst at, ar
824 raiting biub ,
Plaaoa saa rssan a. f
porlcBced aea. 110 Third st. Mala last.
FOR BBNT T-eooB bones, cleae to. west side,
820 per mouth, nonrre ueai nrvssrnsw w.!
1st 7th St. Phoa Msla. 4080. ,
,ffiiHrn leas eat tare. 880 aer asoath.
10 Eaat Sixth at., N.
ail away . wis, p
or Monday aaomlng.
NEW t-mna beuar, pantry, bath I atmrter block;
, full basement; ens block to car; tllghlaad.
entt 074. . . ,
FOR BENT A wait-torn Is bed S-rnom booae "to
, good, reapnnalhle party, , laaulra 111 Weal
rem. rroai isva. .
POR RF.NT -room cottage, faralabed. . Call
. S4t Sixth' at., Smvtay, bet. I aad S p.' Be.
6 ROOM cettsge fn rent, partly
404 Kaat Hoy t, cor. Or ad ara,
a"". ...
J ; I'.'l.', .'"'"' aa'. J ''
'5 rvsjj, -vjLra-eJB
LA ROB storeroom la bnslneea center; Sna b
cation; reaaonabl. Addrrs C 41 Journal.
FOB R UN T Large office room, Mohawk bldg..
econa floor. . lor reat or- to lease, inquire
at room 2a). . . - -. '
I OR 4-rosaa farnlshed flat, tw Mock to Eaat
Anaeny or aaoataTiu car line; rent fib. la
eluding water. Call at S3 Ksat 22d at.- S.
8MAIX kslL furnished, pleas Included, eultable
for assail society of about So. Monday, Wed
rteerley, Tharsdey and Hstardny nlgbu. 127
First St. Address F 28, ears Journal.
BTrtnrxti chavczs.
RUSUNERS CHANCE Eatah1laad maaufaeti
Ing factory of fen pnaltloa aa sales ma Barer
. to mas of ability to tae charge of cosst
svnmne, was caa urceet Iran a.i.nrto to AS.
000 la stock ef company r ae apeculstlon; to
eestmeat fully gaarauteed with sshiry or
eommlmloa for eer rices; machine Is atandard
ana aaa Mrgs traae.v wrlta for psrtlcuurs.
MACHINE CO., BOX 424, Wichita. Baa
WANTED A partner with $1 700 la old aatab
llahed tea wing transfer, lime, cement snd
. boa ruing stable, partner to mauaga the-bnsl
eusiaess aone mat
S4S.O00.0O, net S,OOD.OO.
. Addreaa
r. 2i.
cars journni.
FERTILE soil, par water, dellghtral climate
lead af alfalfa, ennlae snd clower- Vne rnl
Information ' addreaa the Columbia Boothera
irragattoa OS., BJB Worcester block. Portlsad.
AT FAI GROUNDS 120 rooaas. urge restaur,
aat aad well located booth apace will aoa
be erected and for sale reaaoaable:. half to
' acceptable party. Expoaltlea Leasing Co., 210
teauaercui oiocs. ' - ;, r
WB hare aereral aalonaa tbat ara well located
and aning peed' buelneea that we caa aell at
towtUufttiCTBnl talk ; ynit a , about
12S 7th at., room 1. Phoa Mala 40S0.
FOR RALE tatereet 1a a nay tog baa I neaa;
party mast hare 84.000 or S.noo to laesst;
a gooa pro position a ngat parry; meat
, either a work ma a sr salesman. Addr
Watts Marble Woche, The Dslbm, Or. .
BI'MINKHrl ama bSTlng ether latereata want
I, , aa r s aaa tir taarr sj utai ajsw ara at w a-irvaawtat sjr4l
r Id-roonT baialna home, north of Bnrnalde St..
near the depot; mnet Sara 80O0 cash, Psr
ttculsrs 24S lb : Stark - U - .
AN experienced rtrorsetcr snout to proceed to
. England would like to hear ef anything drat
class yoa bar to offer; ealy large concerns
; considered with prlartpala ealy. Addre C
87, car JonrnaL
WANTED Maa SB secretary and treaaurer of
the Ireland Excavating Corporation, salary
fl.ROO per yeer; mnet tske stork la corpora
Ion not leas than 12,600. Addreaa E. 23, car
juaroai. . .....,-.
WANTED Partner, lady ar geat, ta act as
cashier la rea ta or ant and draw salary of 2S
r, a week, who I willing to lean proprietor
saw; aecnniy ti.ow. iva eta ar-., room a.
OWNER of a good esloo haa other totereats
and will take partner aad g1r him chsrge
of h as loon: should mske lots of money
tnia -year; sow res.mreu. . rarticaiari 248 Yt
atara ax. .
FOR SALE Good cigar and trait stand, ta
Sna location; lust the place toe a bustler.
inquire at loa
North Six Ik 'st.
GROCERY store la pond locatioa. city.
, particular call aa James Thompson,
' Vadium A Kerr Brother,
PARTNER wanted for: a a tore; f:KM reqnlred.
, rintle eselly learned, rhaaee to make fluo a
month, call 24fti atsra st.
FOB SALE Clgsr store and aakwa. 717 John
eon at.; also store next door, for reat; good
.vauration lor reatsuTsat. '"
FOR SALE Br 'Owner, a Srat-etaoa cigar, ren-
.fectlotrery aud frnlt store at Inroir. Ib
s quire at He. 207 Flrat at. '
SS-ROOM rooming aad tirardtng-honar; toll:
rent 1-40; only SRAO; geaulna anap. Show a
from 210 Commercial bkxp.
WANTED Spec -with anme eonreaaloaary In
fslr; good proposition: Investigate. Addreaa
P.. 8S, rare Journal.
QUARTZ and placer claims for sole ta Cracker
t rees ararncx rrmai fi.w w aestaaj,..; Mi SU
Smith. Bourn. ur. i 4
FOR SALE First -class aaloon. At location;
low rent.
Theatre Bl
low rent. F. 8. Keating, B04 Marquam Grand
mg . . . -
St eno to 81.800 to latest la terltlmate bnaiBeae.
wltb aerTlceSj aa fates. Addreaa F. 82, care
- of Journal. .
FOR SALB At a bargalnrnomlng or hoarding
honaa of 8, 11 or 23 noma . Call at 2i
Fifth at. " :
POR SALB Stock and Sxtores tor - Sc coffee
hense; a bargsls. Csll sr eddress 802 Baat
Clsy St. . . ....
BRSTAUBANT prlrllega to less
la aartltna
suula tb. fair grounds.
ao Twaatyeitth.
A- GOOD baaiaeaa at a dlacountt arnat aell ea
. arcouBt of health. Address F. 27, JoaraaL
FOR SALB onfcclbmery and cigar atora, good
- buelneea Stan a. inquire 2.D -jnira at. 1
RESTAURANT O Fifth at.; snoney-Saakar
ssd ehesp. F. Facto, lesta First St.
CIOAR. tobacco, confertlnwery ssd frnlt tor
- fr ale ebesp MO Fourth SL
t cir: l
- . ftiWPIka' IV0-;P CO.,-. .
Bubal . CUauer of f -JJioerc. '
, ' . Phone -raala 6' -4. - '.. .
'We bare a number of chow reaajlBg -boase
Inratloos for aale. rrh one la a gusrsateed
Ke-iaMlima. All tit lea gusrt steed. . Both
ire sud seller protectei""
S'J rooms limisrkeenliig; teees over the fair;
.1. u.t mouth) ' good fnemiur aad flrat
. class location. Price ti-0.
24 rouses Huns, struiiy modern; hot And
"rout water rn each room; all new furniture;
furasca heat; rent :V with 'lesss; right la
the besrt of city, M.8; 12,000 cash, bsl
' auce ta suit.
2 rooms Housekeeping; - good furnltara;
beet location In tb city. for the-fair; gaa
llgbt aud furnscs-hest. Prlc ll.TSO; rent
reasonable. .. rt .e - t.
f . 82-room house: traaelent; staato heat, ae
and electric Hgbta; one of the best furnished
bouses to tb city J aow clearing over d00
per month; leas ever the fslr; rest very
reseonebl.. Prlc SH.3O0. .
r la-room house, part hoaeekeeplag; furaltar
U flret-claaa; rooBM all token; chespeet rent
In city; $00; gss and sloe trie lights; Jeffer
aon St., near West Psrk. Prlc 82.100.
11 rooma Rest .V: elegant furniture; ant
and cold wnur. gaa' llghu: facing the Fifth
at. car Una.- prlc fuooi tuOO essh, halancs
to suit. ' '
. IS rooms Boardtng bouae Vlth three bsae
'Beat rooaw; furniture . all ftrst clsm and one
tear, old; rent 80S with leaee ever fair; -beat
cation In the city fur n goad boarding
house; Tenth St.. Bear Salmon. Prlc ll.SOo.
40 rooms rrss eer the fair; all on one
floor; rent 800; fnrnltare all la good condi
tion gaa light: Income now 450 a month.
Price 84,800..
Restaurant oa Washington st., ' rent ISO;
tbln Is a anap for tba fslr. Prlc H.bflO.
Kestouraat. and coafectloaery a tor. -Waa.
Ingtoa St.. near. 12th; real 40, with Waa.
Price 7S0. ' . . - - '
- -New Home Bakery Bake area, all cooklag
utenalla, counters, showrasea, work tsblee snd
ahelrlng; all good stock ea head. Price l-ISO;
. rent S4o; subreatpart af apace for la, Icsr
Ina your rent 2l ' Morrlsoa st, - , .
. Tandy Store Sixth nt. Iocs Hoe; rant 827 60,
with leaae; tin Mock af candy aad else re;
. two living yooaat aad ruanlng water.' ITlcs
.Shoo, t. . . , ., - .
Hsiooa oa Blxta st, ; gnoa nxtare ssu a
good business; the beet buy aad lbs ches
rent la Portinad. -with leaae over tb
Sou per month. - Prlc 81. Boo. -
Boom 8, Cumber of Co;
210-JiU Ablnston Bldg. lOAU, Third SC
(. .,, I'llONB MAIN laee
i nooMixa bouses fob' alb. ,
We s-iv necll attontlok to tb sals af room
ing nonscs and aauuie taa asms amy upon
a If time te rommlasloa.
IllAalnTKH - TI1K TI11.B ur KTZ.BX
to rooms Corner brick, an af the beet la this
city; eleers over S.'Kw tooathly; 88,500,
rooms Pars well; leaae tdB raootk; osraer
will sell oa eesy terms; 82,100.
20 rooms biotlern aad alcgantly fmrnished;
1 SoO.
18 roo-aa Newly ' furnished; rent ' 880; aaly
82. MO. .
25 rooms Corner brlrk, mil aa sa Boor, with
good leaae: 81. TOO. - . -
PC. ..rooms Modern brick, . partly faralahed;
spleodld kraee; gt.ano. .-. ; .
10 rooms Nicely famished. Nat HO; 847a.
20 rooms Newly . fsmlebed, esr fair site;
ai Ai aoa " " . ' ' -
80 room Good transient ho, will clssr tb
prico esc moots ourisg taa taur., uu at
off lew - f,a? nsrtlcalsra. .
10 rooast Newly faralahed; rery deslrshls a
' cation; SftOO.
Any number of sum Iter bouse ai attractta
rarai. t;a 11 ana oso wbbi w, awvw vm unrr
No trouble to show pea, aad pleaty of funds
-to assist Buyers. r
tt yoa want a goad restaurant, w hare It at
i the riant Brioe.
Splendid earner grocery srirh 4 nice Irrlng
' rooms; . a coca . at rosi: goew xrsuwi . awai
81.000. v . - . .".'- " ' '
Baker t. city : everything new aad Srst-elaas
splendid trade: 11.860. -THB
10 reran, central, eery good furniture,
, alway fall, rat 10: oo.. -
tioa, reat 3S; SBOO.-
I room. rsntrsL faraltar good, rant 28;
y-'Bstoa. ." - .C w ' .' 1 . e,.... 4.
. '.... :t-e- 1 11 '. .t-c "'- '
a now, fy, block from Waebfagtoa -, tea
' to. lease; StajO, " ' '!,"' S i
I roome. good osk furniture, rsodera bouse, porce-
Isla natn, gss.'naeemenx, cswu-si. encsp .rvui.
So Mlghburbood; a bergs la; AO0. e .
28 . Wsshlngtoa atrart. , -
honinxa noussa FOR SALB.
IT rooms nicely fnrnlahed. close In. ,,,,.$100
roosas nicely fomlshed. close In...... too
to rooaa steely furnished,-etosa In...... t0
2d rooms 1a best paying boos la the city 8180
aoaai at taa grsainon; nig aseewy a
8rooes, all fumlahed, an 12th Bear Wsablng
tnn. S4i0: rent nlr 820.00 aer month.
Meat market aad arecwrr store for aale cheap
. oaty, : , ( ,. ., .,, , ...
Clear nrna' nnlr took this aa.
20 rexsm famished, rent SAO per Booth; prlc
only g Too. ou; m i bibs this. - - "
Lurt yonr bars a las with as. We eaa sell them.
We hers burera for all kinds of houses.
' lota aad good farms, both large aad naalL
CIOAB (tore, a ehelVa location. In trade, real
ajo.av; a Dig aaap; a-ais. . ,
Lunch counter aad chop houee, rery central,
... leul ma, am- trao. .aj. ,j .
Claar stsnd 'snd bllllsrd - ball, very rentrsl
- monsy msker; 13,000. 'v .; .,-.
Choice buil neaa Warkm oh St. Johns car line,
lot 2ox too feet, new bsos, 18x20 feet; bar
'."gala; 8280, , , - j : .... .
, iW8a WaahlBgtoa atreet. . .
'VV"".'' :'". FOB SALS.' ' " ' ' '
. mr V a n aalkla aJ. ffaa(a
fnlly Improved, house, barns, etc., U mile
' to car Use, mscadsmlasd road thraagh - cen
ter or property. , A saa uaw reiueea io,
K; make aa aa ePe.. , -:- .. - ...
Buelneea ; sreperty u . block ' aa ' Morrlsoa ' at
weat side,, close . la. ""'.t ,;
Vslnahle 14, block aa Wsshlngtoa St., wsst Mda,
' cksss in. T .a4' v '" .. '.,.. ... "'-. '"' :
Onnrter. half and full block ea Eaat Morrl
sou st. ; tine residence property, bounded by
10th and 12tn. Alter saa neimont sis. 1
... Bi t IITEL A KKRNH, --
" ....'-,',, . 7y.B. Bralde. ', ,
INYBSTKIATE THIS Excsptlonsl opportunities
for every line ef nneineee saa iBVestmest la
the new tows "Whit Leke City." Klssjatb
, county. Oregon to be opened eona by the
, Oklahoma a (Hregon- Tow salts rernpssr.
Tb sits ef this new town Is located la
;th besrt of the greet Klamath Valley,
where . the gnverement propose a (a expend
$2,000,000, carrying out the irrlgatloa project
- af an tb mim in inia valley. .
"-.For further information csll tt-th roa
, pnay'e Psrtlsnd or Oca, room 82 Buaeell bldg.,
! cor. reurta new morneew mim.
FOR SALB Best 7 -room Moming-bonss la
Portland, price td&O; rent -8211; locatioa.
Habwasningtrm at. it win ge xsonosy. r. a.
a.tia,,llllai ai . . ri aw a.,,.1, J , W O
Jveatlng, 8Q4 Marquam Ore ad Tbeatr Bldg,
FOB SALE Stock general vercbasdlee, splendid
, farming una msnursctanng town, psnulstloa
1.000: rare opportunity. 84.1
tarn as an.nov
r. v. mi if o, ananasraeia, or.
WANTED Hustling yanng hnsiaeaa - asa - aa
' partner la office at Sacramento to aaaaage
. large Oregea- wsuiMStien: must have amall
capital; large remuneration. - Addreaa B 2a,
cars journal. - ,
1 ' i
I HAVE a borlnea tbat pay $200 a awath
that I will aell tor gz.noQ caaai ansa
swans for sellliur l none but those that
business need answer. Address F. SO, JouraaL
HOURS for rent, rarnitnra for Bala! best
est loo; alaa t-chslr berherabnp, long leaae, low
rent, good business: owner leevlet town; lead
any, aoureas u 01, csrs jssrssi.
$ino RFSTAl RANT-, aewly fnrnlahed.
. t living reoma, fin location, rent $10;
; sell it eact, Addrrs or call sVS East
128 Seventh to. Bon 1-29.
. phoa Mala mi., r ' .
There la so abe ran . lofsto too Is a
profitable buai,ea 10 bstte sevsn'se toe
we rsa. We mese a ai..-,ltr oT fci oiN-1
CHANCES.' Re ua sbt bujlrv bOOll.'l .
IIOI-MKM. P - 'TACKS - ',--. t.JA AND- .
BroRKH. MCA'P M Altai t , er ky klad of
a busineas prut-wltloa. Vts have 1 m' In ail 1
sines, to sll hH-silons. sad at aetuhl value ur i '
lee. We-handle authiug unless It. 1 worth
lb prlc asked. - , , ' -..l-'-
WANTLD Msa with renltal t Invest In tb . J
Ireland Excavating Stesm Semeer Corpora-
, tloti; large Interest oa nsuaey Inveated. Ad-
dreaa K. . 22 car Journal -I - t ,
FORw SALB Good paring" maaafactortag boat.
neaa. Clears um psr suontn; a eompetltlon:
smsll espltsL For psrtleutara sail at, Jua
tlrand avanoe. , ' V. Scbmld. V -
WANTED Rnameea maa to BiaD - brunch
office ft Oregoa Coriorttoa at trosno, Cf I.;
'must have, email capital; sslsry Aad commls-
loa. , Adttreae F. 22, JuoruaL 1 -
SAUKlN SPECIAL $1,000 will give yea hslf
Interest 'With aa extra good Baa to a very
..' rentrsl saloon; should sell to first calleV, at
: 84k 14 Stork st. .
WANTED By party holding long lease ea Mora
room oa Morrlsoa at. ,
part a,
la lesltlwai
business, r will
r 82, The JoaraaL
And reat. L.
$408 TAKES good psyiag baalnsaa; eonfectlnn-
ery, cigar, ugat groeertee; living roots. W1
, Powell at., east aide; car. ators, Brooklyn
car. ;.. .;: . ....... - , .. . .
MA LP latorart and 2-8 proSta. good pay tug fur.
. nlture storey $700.00, If token at once; aara
other baalaee. Addraaa F. 83, JoaraaL ..
FOR SAI.B IX -room roomlsf -souss; fins fnrnl
tare, low reat; must aell quick. P. S. Beat
Ing, 004 Marquam Grand Tksatre Bldg.
SOLID manufartnr leg bustneee; partner wanted. ,
mnet have 81.200 and be eatisSed with $l&
a month, dntlea easily learned, ops te tnoe
' angh IsveeUgstkm. ' CsU 248 Stark St.
WANTED Perm having $500' to $1,008 Wha
vmuld Ilka a safe, asre, gilt -edge iavwstsMnt
her la Port land. Fur personal Interview aV
P. 40, JoaraaL
1BA BOYS well patronised ranch eonateri ether
Important - affair compel quick sal. Call
210 Com moc rial block, Second and Washlagtea. '
' KB IAIB BT8L BSTATB, - "' ' .."; -
Ad isHtoamsat Bartototog to Baml KstoK a
. ttexa aato "81 wsrss far II eato." , . ., ,
All tb following place ar on tba car. line.
aad Brat S with far, . '
I acre Near Mt. Tabor reeervolr, aad ea
Pawelt Valley road, near Lenta car Uaa. ,.
; . prato, S3SB per acre.
S sere John eon. U mile af Lento, aew boost ,
coat ever 82.000. . . , . ... v r.
. ' Prlc. SI.SO0. ' ' ';
I at rss Oa Woodstock Use, large booae.
I .
anrroanded with platted property, and will
i mate 2 mta, 0O1HKI, which sr eelllog ear
' $200 to t2 per lot. Other lot property, ad. .
. joining are held at 8280 to $400 each, aad not " .
as desirable as tpeae. Price, 83,500. ' .
I cre In Mllwsnkte, Or., ea R. R,. au la ;
. M.ltlaa final ana anme Cm, If , aa . a , heir la aH ,
: Price, ll.aoo.
.. 1 v.
acre Oa O. W. P. A Ry. C. line., rich
river bottom lead, 8 acre been cultivated.
" baa walarpewar aad sightly bulldjug , Isca- '
; -taoa. -' ,.,',,,
, . 1 e.a. aun, aer,, a.., v. -
IT acres Oa Bile of car line, S-rnoa boo,
small ham. T acree 'hops, 4 acres orchsrd,
" 1 sera of strawberries. 6 acre psstur land.
chtrkea boase and ysrd. Urge .woodshed, tw
. horses, oae celt, set harseas, waena, Jersey
, cow aad calf, new . plaw and cultlvetor. tele- .
" pboaa la Boose, enengh wend la Ihed 'for a
; yrsri sum krat-clsaa oslon land; taahll.loti.
' ! e . ' a - :' .'r.-.1'' .rr. T'
, . it B.'S.-roOK A CO " "
.y ''.. .,. 1
'-V' - t '.' . .-. . J-
FOR SALE asaft to 70 . , "
; Three choice building lots ea car line, Jnt r
eaat af Bunnyatde; 6-ml nut earaervlce: will
advance anneey to build.
-0 Third Street.
'.'.' CHEAP HOMES. ' ' '' "
'.' I acres, choice building tract, faces street
ear tine end adjoin city Hail; a rare bar
gala;-$1300, , ', .44.Xk"t. ' ,
.40 acree, goad lead, running water, If
. mllea from Portlaad, ea O.
$1.200, - : ;, " . ;.
w. rv B, B.
- 122 acree. near Oregon City, 40 acre cut.
tlvated. springs aad running water; aew 4
. room boaae bam, etc.; B. F, D. to farm:
.near aawgUll; a golden opportunity; -"
per acre, t ., , , .' . .;;.;, ;
. 4-rooa hone aad one -lot. 80x100 feet, fruit
and shads tree; so, block from Hawthorn
, sra.; eo. - ... ,.. V. .-. j, :- .
New bonae, 114 story, 18x24 feet aad twa
lots, oav-Mla-Jkoit ear .line; $32o. , '
. '.'. 288h Wsshlngtoa SL, , ;
FOR SALE 8250 In Woodstock . port'so
most attraetlv snborh; Iota lntrxlnO, nerry
..lot a-corner. .We will loan yoa money to
build; yen ran pay aa to Installments, -,
" ' ... . 108 Third Btraat.. - t..v, -
- L
FOR SAI.r5.20rV- .
- Cbolc quarter block on Beat Madison - St.
, close In; line locatioa; Improving rapidly
snrv-ainded br besutlful homos! a bargsln.
f ' Jim Tsura nireer. , . 4 -r, . "
, ,128 Beeenlh St, Rooms 1-2-8.. , v
Vv:' ; 1-hua Msin Anew, v.-i; ;.?'..-; ';
See ks for geenlne and actaal bargains In REAt,
Estate, houses, flats, vacant loth
and ACREAGE. Own your own horn. nnd
' stop psylng rent. You never will be able
r to buy enespec then new. ar ea better, terms.
We will loan yen money ea real cat sts. sr
ashe ysa bullalag leene. ' 4
. !
WFraVoVrWItr,.t EM ind fTrntrm. " lot ,
. soiioo, level sad high, Bne flew, ea car line;
" 108 Third Btraet. , .-
BPRRFTT St.. aesr 1Mb room heme. dotA
lnO' Ideal 1st property at aaerlflce Sgnr.
' A. F, Sweaesna V , rooms 1118 No, 2n "
Waahlagtoa ft, i Mala lots.
BVERFTT lit.,' en block from Waablngton at. '
Cerner, Boil 00: seat location fin; apsrtawnt
how. A. F. Swemaon A Co., 11-12 No. r
- Waahlngtoa rt , Mala 8086. , .
SUNNY81DK Ixat. enrner 87th and Salmon;
must sell. A. P.. Swenaaoa Co., ll-lj No,
208 Waahlagtoa at. Mala S)t8.
, r
FOB RAl.a-ia.KsVr. , . . ' ,
Very neat n-mom cottar oa Eaat A ok ear
at.! near Twenty-aecond; fruit tree, nice
lawn, cement walk, all modern cimvenlcwces, '
60-font frnnt.
.,,: ., :'V " Third Street.,..'
1 :
.Ireto ah I irt at raeaa msia .
r-r.-a -'