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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1905)
'-u.;:: Atr rer.7iv.::: cu::dav ,iror.:::::o. apzii; - ( , ; J if" " " 0 P"" Tract cf Lend Covtrlnj Ci:ptoe !;y'' ; Hint's. VCACHUP" DAVI3 OrJCS ; OWN ID THZ PROPERTY Bald Promontory Rices to Croat Holht and Vlowod by 7 vMany Tourists. : ' I (Saeritl Dispatch te T J ear I.) " Colfax, Wuh., , April I. Among the many transfers of real mUU that nave taken piaca in whitman county ' during the last three yaara there ara nona of mora hlstorio . Interest than ' that made a few days ago where by the Canadian American- Mortgage , company conveyed to Harry Cornwall ' and William 8. Yearslcy. tha N.W. 1-4 of ikUoii iv. townahln 1L. range 44. t By tola legal description but HtUa in terest la ettaohed to tha land, but whan . it Is known that tha tract convoyed eovara Btaotoe Butte. - it bacomaa mattar of mora than local intoraat and ' record tha' tranafar Of possibly Via moat hlatorto 10 acres of Whitman 'county, and a point observed by mora strangers than any other place la east ern Washington. ....' ;.- Bteptoa Butta la a bold promontory ..'. rising out of tha Palouae hllla aome I00 feet above tha surrounding . country, , about eight miles northwest of Colfax and la located in one of tha moat fertile apote In Whitman county. It Is largely . paature land watered, by running spring and is a natural observatory overlook i ing the flneet agricultural scenes in the world. By the aid of a glaaa tha sur- - rounding country for a dlstsnce of 100 smiles can ba closely observed, while the Cascade mountains on the west, the Bel : kirk range on the north, the Rock moun V tain divide on the east aids, and the Blue mountains on the south, on a clear day 1 i can be aeen rearing their majeatlo and ' snow-capped heights or aa an ever-green -. border to the farm landa between.. 'fltentoe Rutta waa within tha land Trant- of tha Northern Paclflo railway - and waa acquired from the railroad '. company by James, D. Davis, - better .-, knowa aa "JCsshup", Davis In 110, and ' during tha panicky-years from ttt to " IStl paaaed to the Canadian American r Mortgage company under ' f orclosure proceedings. . ' . Until Mr. Davis death a few years JZ,t Bteptoa Buttle, and vjashup Davla were so- cloaely associated that to the average Paloueer the name of one Im plied tha other. "Caahup" Davis wss one of the early pioneers of tha Palouee , country. Ha was an unique and Inter eating character and ona of tha number of the early settlers who journeyed here overland bringing with him a goodly " "famllly and all hie possessions.' His ' first stopping place was St. John, where . he remained a few weeks until he aa cured a location, about one mile west of the Butta. where he eatabllshed a store .' and stopping plane on the eld stage road running from Walla Walla to Spokane. Tradition has It that the pseudonym ' "Caehup- waa applied to Mr. Davla '. whan, ha mada bis AreWpurchaaes In tha Pafbuse coutry. Ha waa a ahrewd deal r and after- getting .a close figure on ': time purchases. Invariably sought to ra- . dues the price by-"caahup" terms. . Whether or not this is true, it is Im possible to state, but "Caahup" Davla he remained until h died. ' Shortly after he located on Cotton r wood creek or flat be waa attracted ' by the great scenlo view afforded from Bteptoa Butte, and planned a develop- ment of tha property "that other people might enjoy it. He purchased tha land ; and on the aummlt of tha Butte built a ' rommodloua mansion, where he - lived during the summer months. He also gave suppers . and dances for ths enjoyment of ths young people of the neighborhood. .on holidays and special occasions and for a number of years before his death . his home on the Butte became an at traction for tourlera, who would spend an afternoon with the reminiscences of "Cashuo". Davis while enlov scenery of the far-famed Palouse coun try. ; ; v IDAHO LANDS THROWN OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT ' ' (Special Dfcpstr te The Josrsel.) " . ' Moscow, Ida., April . At a recent meeting nt the stats lend board it waa decided to' open the Carey act landa. under tha canyon canal; near Em met t, amounting to about 4.000 acres. May 1 waa fixed aa the date of the opening, which will be in Boise, under the su pervision of- the 'register of tha state land board. - The action of tha board 1 waa baaed n the report of State Engl near Stephenson, who had examined the recently completed dam and pronounced It all right and up to all requirements Applications for tha purchase of ' a large -tract of state lands In tha same vicinity was considered, but no final ao -tlon was taken. It la likely that a sale of the landa wilt be ordered soon. .' One of the most Important acts of ths board was the fixing of six months h tha time limit when all settlers must be on their Isnd. after they have" been notified that water is ready for dlstri ' button. . 1':'.: ': ; : '';- Tho Pooplo of Portland. . . ' Have recognised tha fact that the M. X " Walsh Co. carries tha largest and most ' up-to-date line of gas and electric chan- , dellers. glassware llndsay. burners, wels- . bach, eleotrlo auppiiea west ox cnieaga Contractors, by calling, can. secure aetl ( matea on electric light wiring, gas pip ' Ing wall, floor and bath room tiling: also mantels ano grates. Show rooms ; 141 Washington street, corner Seventh. , . 1 '- f .;, Way We Save One-Bided Kea. ' i O. 8. Marden In Success. . Faculties exercised or they will. not grow.', Nature Is too good an economist .to allow us to keep any fac ulty or function which wa do not em i ploy. We can have just what we use, , and thaf will constantly Increaae every . - thing else will be gradually taken away - from us. ' Man becomes strdng and pow jarful and broad Just la proportion to ' the extent and healthfulness of the ao- " tlvlty of his faculties; and it must not . bo one-s)ded, not. an exercise of one or two facuBlee, or one set of faculties, or the men will toppls over. Balsnoe In life comes from tbe healthful axerolae of all the faculties.. Ona reason why . wa have ao many one-sided men In this country Is because they puraue one Idea, , exercise one aide of their nature, and. of course, they cannot retain their bal- - ance. This fa one of the curses of spe cialties. They sre-a good thing for the rare, but death to tha Individual who pureuee his specialty at the expense of . the development of the all-around man. . t , A Flush man, going for a doctor, rode 4$ miles on one horte In three hours rlf " j , rc ::;iTi;;j tci? Cftn&r.z C-J;t Ciy Only CpejJc nz atTcrt Wcrt-WDtxtlna-, ," , ton a Cecret. "(Joaraal ByeeUI Bervke.)' , Fort Worth, Tex, April $. The presi dent Is spending a quiet day on the train this morning, and made ne speeches, save at Fort Worth, although there were crowds of people assembled at various places, cheering loudly. - An im mense crowd greeted htm here, . He was escorted to a stand where he mede a short address, exhorting the people to remember the . duties of good cltlsens polltleslly were those who were good cltlsens in; their domestic relations. Tho president la now ready for hla Ave days' recreation somewhere fra the wilds of . Texas or Oklahoma. The exact location of the hunting grounds Is a secret even to the people on the president's train. . - .... v.. ONE MAN KILLED AN0 ONE SERIOUSLY HURT ' (Bperls) Dispatch ta Tke Jesrasl.) Btarbuck, Wash., April I Nat Caswell-was killed and Jesse Carnegie se riously injured last night by being run over by a handcar. The ear paaaed over Caswell'a abdomen, and he died soon after reaching the hospital,. Ha waa a member of a Maaonlo lodge in Home stead, Tex. ' rmmm sobtbok Ionian. " (Jearaal Baeelal Bervlea.) Stockholm. April .Premier Bostrom haa resigned' as minister of state) owing to a disagreement with Crown Prince Ouataf, regent, on the subject of the relations of Norway and Sweden. . t the Portlacd Aucticn Rccnis 211 Firt St Phone Main 6655 A GREAT PLACE to- spend " a few pleasant hours, but a greater place to save a few MIGHTY DOLLARS, for the. simple rea son that when we receive the second bid on any article it U SOLD. ; - AUCTION SALE . Tuesday, April. 11, 10 a m.' TAINS. STOVES. RANGES. FINE PIC TURES. PARLOR LAMP, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, COOKINO AND LAL'N- DKT UTENSILS, ETC. 'Bale tt It a. . ana rp, at :ii nrst bc. C U FORD, Auctioneer. T 'AUCTWN. SALE . Thuraday, April 13, 10 a."m. Another verv aalart uurtiml it rurniture ana general house furnishings from Eaat Portland. Bvarv Ham In this lot muatbe sold at this sale beginning iv a. m. Tnuradsy at zil First St. . u. u ford. Auctioneer. AUCTION SAUL , Friday, April 14, 2T p m. at 811 First Street A T.T, KTMna rtm vnaucnrss STOVES. CARPETS. HIGH GRAnid CLOCKS, FINE SILVER PLATED CUT LERY IN SETS COMPLETE. BED- RJKft. CROCK ERT and GRANITE WARE and all the many Itema of houae. furnishings Jus as we receive them from our patrons to be sold at auction wimuui reserve, at jii rirat su V. riM fOKP, Auctioneer. , NOTICE ' .... . , We pay jpot cashJorjwijLkind f-furnitureTui laree or small quantities, and also receive goods to De soia at auction on co: T mission. . . The Portland Auction Rooms Phone Main 5W5. Sll lrirst St A. Schubach, Prop. S GIU1AN AUCTION AND COMMISSION CO. ' S. I N. OILMAN. Aatlnjae. ' - stebllshed 41 Tears. " Office aaa BeJearooma at 41S Waehiaf . : Auction Sales This week will be of interest to buyers of Household Furniture, Parties fitting up rooms will find many pieces of furniture suitable such as odd dressers, commodes, mantel and twice folding beds, cots, mattresses, stands, chairs, rockers, couches davenportspfl lows, etc. also some handsome dressers, and chiffoniers, oarlor furniture, etc. We have these goods in large quantities, to be sold for whom it may concern. and it will pay you to attend sale at roomsr No. 413 Washington street, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day. ; -;,'..' . ',,;;;:;'; . rvintT, ann il ' ' TMTrstBDAT, AFmHrlS. " - nuBAT, nn 14. N B.-Goods on our . floors must be as rood or better than advertised; '4 ' , ' ' t ' Vba balaane af tka BmMm. win be sold oav Taeeday. . B. U N. OILMAN, Auctioneer. AVOTZO laU fTOIBOSSOW) MOV. Ti mWmXb 10, AT 10 A. K. . We will Sell all the furniture of residence No. 407 Alder street, between . Tenth and , Eleventh streets. - B. WTt. OILMAN. Auctioneer. Snap at Irvinton ; Corner and 1 Inside lots. 17th, put Til lamook. Mignt sen separata, wa can aell all for It. 2 00, about the price of two lots In earns locality. , . , sromrmrp rnxmrn,: . SU Oommeretal eg,l Auction Is Auction rj j. T. wiLeon ; v ";: v .' Auctioneer. .' "; '' Uonity, Tcr?crnm:. t rxleiroom 1-3 Firtt Street, at l? a. m. Comnrtslna- the elaborate and. costly ifurnlsulngs of a IX-room 'Jn,.'?; moved to our saisa wra, w street, for aalei You will find In thia aale a massive Bldeboard In aolld wal nut. ' With bevel French plate mirror, two upright Planoa, Imported Arabia Lace Curtalaa. genuine all allk Portieres. fncy silk embroidered lace Bed Spread. Mission Hall Clock, mantel and two roldlng Beda. aantuiry Bed Couehee. fine osK Dreaaera, Commodes, a fine as sortment of musical Instruments, in eluding Banjos, Guitars, Violins, Zfthr er etcT fine II calibre Stephene Rifle, other extras Including Oraphophonee. Hall Tree, Pictures, twice folding and mantel Beda, Carpets. Peralan and Ax mlnater Ruga. r Art Squarea, elegant Wardrobe, Clocks, dlnlngroom Tsblee, upright Planoa, Dishes, Glassware, kitchen requisites and many furnishings not itemised. " .4. T WILSON, Auctioneer. Tuesday's Sale Reached by O. W, P. Cars. : 6n the Premises, in the Ladd Ad ?; dition, 84 Poplar Street. Cor t ner Hawthorne and East Nine r teenth Streets. Elaborate and v. Costly Furnishings. -To Be ! Sold on Account of Departure and Order of the Owner on Tuesday Next, April the 11th, Tat 10 a. m." . . ... ', " Comprising Rlcen Sons upright Pi ano, mahogany .Parlor Chairs. Kocxers and Tables, elegant Lace Curtains and door designs, silk Portieres and Draper lea, velvet parlor and hall Carpets, ee .l.rl..' Ifnrrla Chair., ladles Deak. Mission Hall Clock, costly bric-a-brac. Vaaee. Jardinieres and Palms, Box Couch, Library Table . ana Chairs In Columbia weathered and gold oak; Oraphophona 1UI disc records; Import ed r.nsrtea and ease. The duilncroom ca offerinre comprise oak Sideboard. China Closet, lit pieces Havlland China dishes. Fish 8et. Rogere Broe. 1847 silver Knives. Forks and spoons, otner cnina and dishes, select ftable end bed Linen. In the Den you will Tina cnoica for tleres. hancinga and draperies, weath ered oak Rockere, Table and Chairs, musical Instruments. The bedrooms ara furnished with ooatly brass and Iron Beds, expensive Mattresses, nown rn Iowa end coverings, oak and maple ?hlffonlere, Dreaaera, Commodes and etlet Sets. The sewing room comprises Hassock, drop heed Sewing Machine, Rockers. Chaira. Tables, ale. In the kitchen you will find Oaa Range, Kltch- en Treasure. xaoia, cnaire ana utsnsna. The' laundry, allorae-4 una. wringer. Boiler, expensive Oaa Hester Stoves, tcw besides - Law Hose, Bench Lawn Bwlfis. ate. . . Note Altogether ' this ssle - sffords nearly new, modern, up-to-date furnish Inga. Intending nnrrhasere can Inspect goods , by card Monday. Tomorrow, I p. m, . " r . ' -J, T. WILSON, Auctioneer. Wednesday's 'Sale At Salesroom, 180 First Street, . .. at 10 a. m. This, our mid-week safe, affords fine rieees of parlor and dlnlngroom furnl ure, library and bedroom furniahlnge. kitchen requisites end Innumerable Itema of value,- including Stoves, -Lawn Mower. sic - v- , - .: IS FridayVSale At Salesroom, 180 First Street, at 10 a. m. Furniture, Carpets, Miscellaneous. Including Shoes, men's and boys' Suits, Cigars and a great variety of other select furniahlnge of value. Note Bee Wilson, the auctioneer, or phone Main 1424. regarding the sale of your furnishings, etc. We have on sale at any time Cash Registers. Office Desks, Letter Pre sees. Show Cases and other fixtures. Including two combination Money eares, . , - '- - J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. FINE FARM r 524,0 171 acres sll well fenced end cross- IVV ( rrm IUI.I I1U , III V V 1 1 J, 15 seres In rys, it acres In oats and vetch, ti acres In timber and pasture; -room hard-finished house, porches, bsr windows, store basement: fine. large, new barn, painted red: fruits. perries; stone rruit nouse; watered by atream. anrinae and well: corners tn station on electric road; miles eaat of Portland, on fine, eevel a rive road; a very choice farm; ternta of sale verv easy: 114.000 can remain on the farm 14 years at I per cent Interact If da- sireo. - . , - . SIT Abtagtea! Bldg-. PortOaad. Or. $2200 Or tK00 down for new, t-room bouse. wnn s iovb, n diocb l rum car line. - $1800 Lovely t-room cottage (corner), modem lmorovenieniB. r. iirior atraac Mtinnv. side. .1..- - . : , Beautiful. new, modem T-roora ' real dance, full lot. between Tenth and Weal " , ww. aiuw, i ... vnrflin in all Portland.-,., H.H.STAUB IWi, steiram"M rsSMaei son. South of Morrison Street $3500 S5CC3 On market St, near Sixth, good 1-roonl house, fractional lot. On Montgomery St., near Park Bt.. 1-roora house, 40 foot front, Corner, fractional, on Seventh, with t-room bouse. On Hall St., near Weat Park, T-room houae, lot 11x100 feet. 1X00 WCA Corner .0x70 with 10-room house. S blocks from City hall. F. BRESKE Stoexa 444. Bherloek Blag, 03V. Third St, Choice Corner Lot gei so "Corner. 10x144. on Sixteenth Jk jsnd Petlygrove Sts.; (-room "house on Inside 14 feet; cor ner. 10x70 feet, vscant. a good business location, r. 8 RK 8 KB, room 414, Sher lock Bldg., ll Third mu Ner the Steel Bridge v Corner, with l-room bouse, two 4ilirJ blocks from the eleel brldce: varant fractional lot 10 same block for $740. Theee are the beat buya in that section. . - oom it A, Sherlock iUds, II li Jbjxd BU im.uim stMrlr snt srraln farm lh eaat ern Oregon; IdO acrea level, balance rolling: about 7 acres now in aijaira 10 acres more can do put in anana . water to lrrlaata: ISA acrea Cultivated I man hmia inrf karna. OUtbUlldHISS, T ' T l t nLl. I l.rntM f.Pm mntt ' a money-maker. iiz,v. . laa um. mnnA land: CO acrea fenced, t aorea cultivated, ti acres seeded to pasture; small orchard, nice stream . water: fronts main road: H roller to school, 17 miles from Portland, near Tualatin river. Bargain. H.uo. 8 aeras, nicely Improved: choice tree fruits. ' vlnevard. strawberries. : raao berries and blackberries; nloa house, - well finished; barn; at Oak Orova ou : Oregon City car line, . BO aasea good land, all fenced, part culti vated. 1 acre orchard, living , water, nice houae all finished and newly painted, good barn, on main road. VI 1 mile to school house, t months school . year, R. F. D. route, telephone in , house, 4 miles to growing county seat town in Willamette valley. , 11,709. ISO acres, If arras cultivated, ' houae. . barn, nice orchard, good water, fine outrange, convenient to railroad. In .. Clarke county. Waahlnston; CO stands of bees. cows. 1 horses, ws eon buggy, all farm Implements. ' Cheap at ti.ifte. .j. H seres. Ill gores cultivated. St acres of which is choice bottom land and acree beaverdami running at ream of water; two nouses, large -oarna, , an good; f .acrea In orchard; at R. R. station, -convenient to Woodburn. Bll -;verton and ML Angela a very choice larm; per acre. SB sens, wall located In Washington county; good Improvemente; splendid , orchard; near school; R. F. D. and the oeai 01 tana.; (s. O aores, near Reedvllte: 4.000 to i.000 eoros goon wooo; line spring water. Snap at !,. 0 aasea good land, all fenced; ST aores cultivated. IS acres nearly ready to plow; house, barn, orohard. hophouse. living water, x.beo cords good wooa on good road, convenient to both river and rail transportation; II miles from rortiana. ij.bvo. S sores, all caltlvated, on ear line; will divide, sail: on eacy terms. 41 aerea. on the Section Line road: 40 acres cultivated. This piaca, Includ " ing all tha personal property, Is going m a oargain. v- . : - -. i good land: all fenced: li acree cultivates; gooa nouaa, nam ana or chard; 1 team, I wagons, l hack. 1 mower, 1 hay rake, i harrows. 1 cul tlvator, z plowa. sll small tools, 111 'head cattle: 1H miles to boat landing. ' Price for all ll.ioo. - ,. . --HEHKLE& BAKER i - Prices Qo Up! Prices of all . lots et University Park and Portomouth will bo , ad vanced io per cent on Mar X, 1905. Dont forget tho date. Prices will advance rapidly from.' that data on, Wo hove told you that loto at Univer ity Park will sell for $1,000 per front foot within tho lifetime of persons now living-. This statement roots on reasoning from cause to effect and not on risionary prophecy. , It win not require a glimpeo to convince any person that business of immense im portanco is now in process of develop ment on tho whole Peninsula and Uni veroity Park is tho very canter of thia buoinooS movement, Tha-sooner you invest tho larger will be your profits within the next five years. . Prices $60 to $300 each, one tenth down, balance 15 monthly on each lot, no interest, no taxes, abstract with each deed. FRANCIS I. M'KENNA, Room 606, Commercial Block, and ' University Pork SUtion.. Empire Investment Co. oom 0, Chamber ef Phone Main lllo. $7500 7-room bouse, - new, room cottase. all an. I- atrictlv modem and Tn the the best reef- dence Da art of the city; full lot 14,000 cash; balance at 4 pea, cent. $1030(TS jot and &oiis of STt rooms, new end strictly moatrn. noi ana miii wa ter In each room, furnace heat, aaa and elertrio lights, Al plumbing, porcelain bath on each floor; the moat complete and up-to-date houae In the city. Will aell for half caah and take a lease from three to five years. Location, Four teenth street, near Taylor. " EAST SIDE $1800 0-room house, modem end up-to-date, lot- 44x74; East Twentv-elahth street north. IS00 cash; balance 120 per month. 04An T-room house, all modem Im AZnllll provementa. lot 00x104 feet; PfeUVV the beat house In tho ad dition; Tremont station. 1 1,400 cash; balance I per. cent. 49 AAA l-room houae, sll new, In jIOIIIIII Bood neighborhood: the best SJMJV WV part , ef Sunnyaida. with modem Improvements. Part cash. Empire Investment Po, . v 1 S Chamber of Commerce. 1 . ; The Greatest Bargain in Portland : The finest S scree on Portland Heights, without exception. nth the moot aublime and magnificent view of anything; up there, of city, river or eoun- try for SO ml lea or more around; east, weat. north and south, with s snrlnc of water on the same.- Only f 1,000. Worth 11,000. Must sell. v .... E Dubois ; sosh Home Seekers Ahd -Investors sre Invited to Investigate the possibilities of the Justly famoue Waldo Illlls, among which la centrally located the little town of Shaw, which Is 40 miles south Of Portland. 14 miles eaat of Salem. Advertising metier fur nished upon request. For further Infor mation call on or write . Byron, Fuller MABZOST OO. MAW, OB. Sec The Owner Tf you wish to buy or rent the elegant s-room nouss at set ropier street, me most sightly part of 1 , . Ladd's Addition . 144 feet from Hawthorne avenue ears. Nothing like It can be had for tha price, or on such eaay terms. Bee it today. ' OSASU B. STOBT, .. t Ttlepbone Mala 3170. lt Front St. cJJ- vL! uU ll Tha great WEYERHAUSER LUMBER CO.the largest him ber concern in the world has completed the purchase of . its magnificent mill site at '' for ' which ,. they . paid nearly $100,000. a Few people in Portland or Ore gon realize fully ' what this por tends. It means immense devel opment in all lines of lumber traf fic in the Pacific northwest and it means growth and develop ment hitherto not dreamed of. .Even die casual observer can see this at a glance. - ; ' : The shrewd far-seeing' Investor Is now busily engaged in looking mm o real estate and buying ai oppor tumty offers. , , 7 Property haa the greatest future of any property In or near Port land. This cannot -be ' denied. Within one year from now it will double its present value. . Why do you not take advan taye of this great opportuni We Have About Thirty liots: in near the Weyerhauser site and convenient to car line, which we can sell for a short time yet at $5 DOWN AND $5 A MONTH In two weeka they will be gone and you will not again be able get such good property as cheaply.-; We also have other 1 properties of all kinds on our list. St. Johns Land Co. The Pioneer Land' Coraptny; Phone Union SICi. t- Jchrj, Or. St JO K 1 St St Johns ill V-: -: TO CO Cwt tCnTT5V tD "."V : riEssavcz; parti - f 1. : If you tatend Purttefrj Cubotca Lctj fcrV-v;- All we ask is that you co cad Extniina thh Adil-cn-pfiyWitCc& Yea VzXVzz 'fp JOlHt CA FARe' WW. BB nirtCRNKD TO TOU ON THE QKOTJKTX But you need -not take lurwh refreshments will be served FJtXC. -1 , ' The trees are all in bloom now. Jt will be a treat for you to sea theen. Lota are all in cultivation with fruit and berries of all hinds growing oa thsm. -. .. ; . Pxtoea otoo and upwards. Terms, SO-00 down and S000 per month. j ' Take Mount' Scott ear. get off at Kern Park and Resenrolr Park Bta 'tton. walk five blocks nprtb. Agent always on ground. For further particulars cau wn ...., sao -sag FBOVT bt. Mamagtsg $5.00 A LOT ' We have been Instructed to sell all the lots remaining unsold, amounting to 114. In . ,. ,, ,.t .OCEAN si DE at ts eachl and to sell 41 acres adjoining, platted Into 4 and 10 acre tract a, at 110 per acre. Ocean Bide is situated along the Ilwaco Shoal Water railway, fronting on a moat beautiful sandy beach, about ona mile north ef Ing Beach, and Is one of the moat beautiful summer resort altuatlona that can be found anywhere on this coast. Ths lots are easily worth from 150 to S100 each: the land adjoining is worth over 1100 per sere. No such.a anap aa this haa been orrerea in tne last is years. Fine lots on East- Ith street,' Wood lawn, 1100 each. Excellent quarter sere lota la Root's Addition at fit each. . ' Sightly corner lot, (-room cottage, In Park Piece, for 1140. . , A quarter block on Drove street, mam moth fruit trees end lovely grounda, 4 .room cottage; a, very eosy home; 11,400. Magnlfioent new modern T-room bouse, full lot.- on Clackamga street, HoUaday Park, tl.ioe, . ;V. - O THE DUNN LAWRENCE CO. XOOVa FARMS From ' our Hat of more than ' 14.000 aerea of farms, aome of the very best thst are for sale, Intending purchasers can certainly make a aattafactory selec tion, we nave personal Knowledge or the moot of our properties end such we guarantee will be. found lust ss repre sented. ........ Can or-write for descriptive list.: JtWningV Lodge Acreage This rinely located suburban a ore homes tract la on the O. W. P. fly. be tween Portland and Oregon City.- The location la fine, oi both river and rail, and In time will be solidly built and very valuable,.aa well aa furntahlng one of the most desirable home sections about the city, not of email and cramped lote but broad acree at cramped lot prices. Wa are Very materially enlarging this borne section by placing on tha market an addition to Jannlng'a Lodge, equal In all respects to the original and adding vaiue , ro avery jot soia ana yet 10 pa sold. Secure a noma place ' have the . opportualtv. This will be shown intending pure wniie you property purchajsera at any , time. , The Shaw-Tear Ccmpcny On O, W. P. electric line, short distance east of BoUwood, Stop At Wichita Station . Prtoe SIM Oe SOOO Per Aero. . : , ON INSTALLMENTS. . . Q. FABBT, Bealdemt Agent. KNAPP & MACKEY Beexa S, Ohaeaber ef Commerce. Cheap Lots For Sale 50xl40-r-Unwood .. OSS 100x140 Richmond ..S BOO 190x110 Woodlawn S OOO 44x100 Sunnyslde S SSS 74X140 HighUnd .....S OOO 49x100 East Everett and SOth st.S BOO 104x110 Hanson's 2d Addition..,. S10OO 10x100 East Portland 41000 100x100 East Portland ..........BOO00 These lots, most of them, on Improved streets and car lines. . . , J. L. Wells & Co. '..' m Savajn Avaanrm. for: sale I have a 4-room modern Colonial houae, With full basement and large attic; plumbed for gee and wired for electricity; it haa cement walk In front and on side, is convenient to two ear lines In Upper Albina and within 10 minutes' walk of the" steal bridge; ts In a very sightly situation and vary de sirable for a home, it la worth liSeo, but It must be sold and no reaaonable offer will be refused, and terms will be made te suit Look this up al once. WHALLEV SIS aSsXa " a:::.: a a tHct; 441. I Owmsev rSOsTJI HAZM TeV CUT OUT THE The beat way tor do It Is to come : out to RVBLTN, where- we sell' you a house end lot, ready for ooca- paney, at rant rates and less. At Rent Rctca ; ' Evelyn Is the best and latest tract Sut on the market In the Mt. Scott. . (strict. It Is selling very faat. 'This district Is by far outstripping . every other suburb. Don't wait un- til too lata. Take MU Scott car oa.. Flret street. Agent on ground. City , office open evenings, '. . Geo. W. Drown Booxe SOB VoJUak BaildJaa. sist. . . :WXXBE The '. most deslrsble bnlldlnej stta in ' Portland, surrounded by palatial bomesv with aa ttnobatructed view of oar f s ' moua mountains: the only ex clusive! y high-class resident riroperty supplied with bitu Ithle streets. ' cement side . walks. Bull Bun water; sewer snd gas laid to each lot. Take i Washington street ear to City Park and get off at Park avs ' aue. For plate and prices esJl ea or address. ;v -r. t '.r-f.rr: ' . 6n:rosTArr & sauLK - soesnrj mi tfronaugns ; h ' Addition Ghcjci' lota facing 'Saat 14 , streot, between Bast Everett v and East Glisan, at raasonillj - pricea. , " - ': , ;'': T ' WAKEFIELD, FRIES Ct. CO "9 rnoos wnmm te Ha-bcr Vir.7 . i ' Ul ap foe toea Oy . tfriy tt dBs4satOefta srWtteH T sues is. ,.- I Grindstcff 6 Sch:!:i tv so ACRES, all clearttTahd fenced, on runu tsuviscu, ifvra a- j " from Courthouse. Part cook, tJ ance oa time. , John P. Shark TeL l!a!a ilo. foi C I J v. - -