'lt::'.Ll' ' ' ; i: '.4- ,1 Ted feW, taselse fm UH W JUfkt 0. W. D. fonn, O. F. AUea, sAG:::3rro-ecD AD YCUSUaElYCIE Dr. Chapman Preacher lmprt$- ive csrmon to cij crowo in : -,v;!v-:. H ?,.'; TEMPTATION DEVIL'S ; COMPLIMENT TO YOU ..' : But If You Yield to It You Lost . tour i uuen rf iui ,--.. t'.'At. the White Tempfe .last evening Sj every available Mat Waff aooupled, while wwap v jrvuyiv vwayi u 1 pimiip room along ths walla. Mr. Butlsr's ren dertng of Gounod's "Nasarethf was welt L received. Dr. Chapman took bis ext xrem 400 u:e, wmca ne renaerea say goodby to Ood and die." Ha apoka la part, aa oUowai-----."-tr-t , "You do not And It wrlttsn la' that way, but you will aa my point First, let ma aar that Job la a raai oharacter. The book of 'Job la aot mythical. , it la tha raai story of a raai man. It la given to how tha amount of (offering wa can etand when Ood la with us. Bat I a an think of aaotbar reason. ' It. la given to aa that wa max know that temptation la not sin, it la tb yielding that la sin. "Mr. Mayor, whoa ba aaya that tamp tation rattier a compliment than etherwlss.- It la tha devil's compliment to you. - Thoro la something la you of which ha would rob you.- When wo are I worn n a with Ooa vlalary to' esrtsin. Your temptations may aoom to -eoma straight from boll, and they do. Year Bufferings may ba too doop to doaorlbo la human language, Thara la much temptation on tlta part at raaar of ua to ..fall away rom Ood, aometlmoa, baeauao aia takoa pooaaaitoni - aowatuaoa ba 1 caoao Indolanea haa aot ua. "Lltarallr. 'Curaa Ood and dta la. -Bay a-oodby- to Ood ajid dla. - I want to poak of thla In two Waya. First, thers ara thoao who aaj -oxlby to Ood for a aoason.. Sscond, thara ara thoao who say Boodby to Ood,' and Ho takaa thorn at their word. For Blblo llluatratlons. taka Lot. ' Ho said It. Ho loot touch with Ood; and aot onlyhla, but ho loat bis Influence over his owa household. Tboa Jacob was deceitful, and dlaoba dlent Ho said 'goodby to Ood' and ba reaped tho penalty,' aa you and I saust always da Then take Samaon. Hla trouble was 'that' ho trifled with temp tation. He was a man of mighty power, but It was not hla power. It was "when the spirit of the Lord was apon him.' 'v that be slew the Hons and carried away tbe gates of Oess. . V " 4 "But there Is a ohance for you to ra I corer. The eagle with the brokan wing aarar soared so high agala. - That is t aatare.- But Ood oaa take a life that baa sinned, and make It better than it 'ever was. There Is only one way for I you to come 'back. Confess - that" yofl A are a sinner, and need Ood. What la the ' greatest ain la the world T It la unbe ,' lief. - . ' ' "Don't say TJoodby to Ood.' Three things you need to do to tecorae Chris-' C tlan - First, atop and .think; second, flake this book; third, confess Wm." , FALSE LIGHTS LEAD H'. h THE SOULS FROM GOD ' The Forbes Presbyterian church was well filled last night whoa Bar. Thomas v Heedharo talked on .."CapttTlty and : Cbrlat'a Deliverance, from It" He be ;. ';gan by telling hew, ain held men eap- r'i fc "Tou can get rid of a bad habit by . ' force of wUU" he said, "but so long as ' the sla Is there other bad habits will . Spring , np to take Its place. A tiger . cub may be made a pet but let It once taate human blood and the tiger nature cornea out with all Its fierceness and .' conning. "Christ delivers as from sin and Its J.' eonsequenoe; from the ainfut world, and from satan. There are many false . Jignte tare In Portland for young men." He told of tha lights used by pirates to decoy Teeselav . "The lights of saloons and ambllng ouses---the red lights which you see -'(are-taae Itahta. Tour only dellreranoe , la to fi your eyes en the true, light of Chflit Who will accept him now 7" A, au'-r responded to the Invitation, 'it's ta l roMe that grow Into big . rnlda; tne I r roMs ttt end la con-eu-nptlo-i 1 t-m. Vvatch the little a ; , ood a isoray line ayrap. freacbera and Sincere, Ueroben of IYe Batlar, Tej : OLCODIfiTDEYP Dr. Odtrbm Sayt Mn Aro ' Ro ' figlous I CrtaturM.' From i 4 : Crtdlo to; CrveC ;v ; LEGACY OF A GOOD NAME - A BETTER THAN RICHES ift- After th Sermon Many People ; Remain to Get tho Prayers -i-- :V:; of racher.'-V.'-. -,-,-T;1.-,..,..-Srr. ,.r x- .,t j.-,. - ; ;y ' :y , tttt" v :f .? K. : ' The First Congregational church au dleoce has aaldora Ustsaed. to a,, mors dramatic ar eathusiaatlo dlscourser than was given last evening by Dr. OatMm, who for an hour outlined the purpose and Intent of tha great sacrifice of Ood In His Bon Jesus Christ Ministers and audience were alike thrilled and from tha crowded pews fervent aniens as were 1 a saired beard. ' . . . The meeting waa opened with oonoert conducted by 1 Singer John) P. HUlia. A well trained chorus, which has developed wonderfully under the leadar'a direction., sang wonderfully well. There la ae suspicion at. rant about the evangelist, but his manner la almost Irresistible.' . Something of the enthu siasm of Dr. Ostrem was reflected In his audlenoe, for Its attention was of the closest and It responded to the requests he made.- - , Announcing his text from John lit' II. which ever ainee revtvale have" begun. s en w xa.viiie isr -jraua-aieia. , urn at once placed before his hearers a series of arguments tending to show that religion la aa vital to a maa aa the blood In his vela. , - , "KeUglon,"e said, "la a thing which all men possess;- no man oaa get away from It Whether wa know It or not we are rellgioue oreatnrea, and wa show this every day in the acta of our private Ufa Man U ftrst of all religions. He waa rellgioua In hla childhood. Maa la last of all religious, for when he comes near to death and hovers near the bor der-land of eternity,-he wanta then to know about religion. After man 'haa gone it la better that he leave a good record aa a Christian than a fair name in the market place. It is the best In vestment that be oaa leave to his chil dren, and the man who does leave t his family the legacy of a religious Ufa is tha one who achieves tne greater suc cess. - ' " , ' ' Although he talked aa hour. It seemed to ko In a flash, and It waa hard to be 1 love, that the time for dismissal bad ar rived, when with an Invitation to all thnaa wha wars interested to adjourn to an after-meeting downstairs, the fath ering broke up.' ; Dr.- Oetrorn is to nave enarge 01 ine large -' Sunday afternoon service -for women, which la to be held In Marquam O rand theatre, and he haa hla commit- teee and details well in aano xor tnia last great union service - of the earn- palgn.,;,. W'V PARDON OF CHRIST fe ;: FREELY OFFERED. TO ALL Evangelist H.rW. Slough apoko" at Calvary Baptist ahurch on ' "How, a Robber Was Saved.- - from tne tea-, "Now Barabbas Waa a Bobber." He aaM in part:- .. - -' ' The condemned and sentenced robber was the first to get aa InkUng lata -the meaning of tha atonement. It waa a very real and practical thing for htm when Jesus unnet. too jsaraDDea- piece and disd upon hla croes. It waa no hypothetical, theolog-lcal dogma. That fatal rnornin as ba wattea-tna earning of the exeoutfonef It waa the most un believable thing; In the world to find himself before a erewd crying for his release Instead of his blood, and to feel the wrdt and ankle ahaina struck off and to hoar Pilate say. I- rtm o. ' "He saw ' a pale, genua laeed man atandlna with him on whom the crowd eeemed to vent its hatred. He thought h must be a fellow ertm'nal nntll be heard Pilate declare throe, times ovsr. 1 find no fault In him.' . How he, a fmtitv sinner could be released on the morning or Me erurtmrton and another whom Justice declared Innocent could be taken and condemned waa tha mystery thst he tried to unravel It la etlll the mystery of theiagea- v -Tet Barabbas realised that It waa a perfect exchange and Jesus a perfect substitute because Barabbss was. Wholly aocept the pardon offered todays RELIG10;iVITAL1S the Evangelistic Party Now la Portland, 7. r. HlUla, O. T, Park. Hint Maxwell ag HlUla, O. T, hk, Rmr sfaiweil, s - raas mcaaoa, ninfor; aev. caarisa Stalin; it. OiIiib, Jr. t' Beery Oetraea, Sc. I Be EfiD .OF CAtlPAIGfl TDREE A Some of the Greateet Features r i of Revival Have Been Re . , . r. served tothe Last. CLOSING SERVICES I v -C v NEXT MONDAY NIGHT Full Procram ' of ,1 Evangelist's Work for the Next Three pays Is Completed. ; ; . .Three days yet remain ef the revival aampalgn, and seme of tha greatest fee turea nave been reeerved aattl the las. The program from now an will ba about as follows,'.' -..-.v: ,-: Tonight Services in all dist riots. Saturday night Meeting for. Chinese at T. M. C A. and for Japanese- at Tay lor street Methodist church; the latter Will be addressed by Dr. Oetrorn. Mass meeting at Salvation Army .hall, a dressed by Rev. J. I MoComb, an "Jerry McCaoley -.. - Sunday afternoon l o'clock) Men only, at armory, addressed by Dr. Bleder- wolf; women only, at Marquam a ran a. addressed by Dr. Ostram: boys, at T. M. a A-, addressed by Dr. a tough; serrioee In eu districts in the evening. - . , Monday afternoon (I o'clock) Final rally at armory, addressed by Dr. Chap man aa "The Relation of the Christian ta Amusement" . : .V . Monday . evening Cloeing samoes .in I all of the dlstiiuta Farewatt- to ina evaacellata. r At the metre meeting tnaaay in tne armory the Chapman quartet and Mr. Butler and Mr. Maxwell will, all be heard. It la expected that I.OOt men will attend. . .-; Dr.'Braugher occupied the palplt.at ths Centenary church last evening. . - There were no afurnoon meeunga to day. , -. , . . Bvknaaltat MoComb addressed the em' ptoyea of the Inman-Poulasn sawmill today noon and Bvangeilst Btelsle con ducted a meeting at the Portland Iron Works at the aaae hour. DR. BIEDERWOLFS PLEA MAKES CHRISTIANS Taylor Street church is pscksd every evening. Bvangellat Blederwolf preached a most convincing sermon from the text "The Wages of Sin Ia Death," last night'and at Ita close scores of woman snd children signified their in tention to lead a Christian Ufa Miss Imogens Harding jot Oregon City rendered a vocal nolo tilat waa greatly enjoyed, and Harry Maxwell sang sns of those gospel songs for which be Is deservedly famous. He la takinjg a great interest in the chorus that he is drill ing for tha Immense gathering of men to be held la the armory. next Sunday afternoon.) ,.' .. ; . .:. - The people Who have, been attending the Taylor street meetings are already expresslag their keep regret that there will be only a few mere opportunities to hear the popular evangelists, Messrs. Blederwolf and Maxwell. ; .4,:.? nil m " -- - THERE'S NO ESCAPE IF YOU NEGLECT SALVATION it is certain that none ef the noted evangelists haa endeared hlatself mora to the people to whom he ministers than Daniel S. .Toy ef South Portland dla trict '.The announcement lsat evening that hs would be at the Fourth Preaby. terlsn church" every evening until the close of the campaign was greeted with spontaneous and voctferoua ' applause. The same oaa be paid of Frank Dickson, ths singer. .'-.'-' ..:. Both slnsTrr and preacher were - at their best lsat evening. Mr. Dickson's rendition of. "Where.. Will Ton flpanl fternltyr-will never, b forgotlea by thoee who' beard It And the the most eloquent presentation and mssterly ap peal yet beard wss made by Dr. Toy from the text. "How shall we escape If we J heflect a treat salvation T"- L SAXTATTOaT . snrxoa. Rev. Dr. Steugtv ef tha Chapman re vival brigade, will condurt the service st the Salvation Army hall. No. 1 corps. St Davta street tomorrow night at i.t o'eloca. mm Ui ' semes Bait Prea Ttip arr. I. U b. wuam,' ninaer.. Tairs bow a... Taotaes v. a. A. Wellla. H. 'Paper- Pbete sy Aene. WAGES OF DEATfl PAID BY TOE-DEVIL Dr. Walton Warns Large Congre gation Against Committing .. the Unpardonable Sin. r - LIBERTY OF CHOICE p'i IS LEFT WITH EVERYONE Willful. Persistent Reflection of Christ ; Is : Great; Offense ;, " Against the , Spirit. iL;-...; Dr. Walton's subject last nisht waa "The Unpardonable Bin." He took ns his text Heb. x. it, -For ir we sin wil fully ' after that we 'have received the knowledge Of the truth, there rsmalnsth no more sacrifice for sin." "There Is universal concern whether or not' this sin has been committed' said the speaker. . "Beoause men do not wish ta believe ' what the scriptures teach on the subject thsre ia a great variety of opinion as to what Is ths unpardonable sin. What la this sin for which there is no forgiveness? Tbs great business ef the Holy Ohost In this world Is to present Christ ' and every man haa the liberty of choice. He. can take what the spirit offers, or he can serve the devil and receive the wages ef death. - Na maa ever' committed the Unpardonable sin who acted on his con cern to be right with Ood. . The man who Is willing to -drift is ths man who will not see and closes his eyes so long that be becomes blind.- Once he could repeat now he can find no place for repent- l ones- Jesae waa inter 'nan1 the spirit no longsr strlvss with him, - "The Steps to this horrible end we first a knowledge. of truth; second, a wllfuL " aeralatent - rejection of Jesus Christ to blaspheme every work of the spirit In the effort to Justify self. The moral . Judgmsat becomes- befogged. Danger la put for safety the bad for the good; a lie lor tne truta. v, DR. OSTROM DELIVERS MESSAGE TO THE OLD The. old' folks' meeting at the First Presbyterian church yesterday after noon wsa one of the most Impresslvs events of ths revival campaign. From all carta of the city the aged gathered; those who were to Infirm to go by street cars were sent by csrriagss sup plied by ths congregations of .the first second and third districts. Dr. Ostrom preached an eloquent ser mon to the old people and a good msny of those In attendance testified to the happiness they had won by leading Chrlatlaa livss. -. ' r The muslo was under the direction, of John P. Hillls. who' also sang a solo. MANY RESPOND lb : :t EVANGELISTS APPEAL A large congregation greeted Evan gelist McComb at Montavilla last night Grace Baptist ' cnurcn was xuiea ana many were turned away. - . - . The Bvangellat preached a powerful sermon from John 11L II. At the close, when the invitation was given for those who wanted to be Christians to rales thslr bands, many responded readily, and when the evangelist invited them to "go to the front and give their hands to Pastor Farmer of the Methodist church and Pastor Lsarn of ths Baptist church scores .went forward. , - Charles Hart had charge of tne tau- slo and a rousing volums of song wss the result Mr. Hart's solos, sang with spirit and understanding, were tender and winning, . - - - - -. .,.' : .. aobb tvmam sxmb. . : (gpeelel Inspatek to The loarael.) Hood River, Oft, . April T-Mrs. . R. Pealsr. who came .to Hood River st years ago from Ohio," died Isst night Shs Is survived by hsr husband and one eon. Milton. Mr. and Mrs. Peeler- eeie- orated their goKKHi weooing last June. ' For Infants and CMLdra. Bear the Csutueof stsgers. DEV El3AR P. liILL IISUdCZLECATE Chosen to Represent ; MinistersJ : In ni$rsxsS .Trtdes . : . CownciL SUGGESTION MADE ;.'. H PY THE EVANGELISTS Ltbor Unlin W1.1 Choose a Rep resintitivf ta tl in Minis . terial Association Meetings.! Dr. Edaar P. Hill waa this mornln. seleeted by ths Portland executive com mittee aa fraternal delegate from the Portland ministerial' union to the Port land Federated Trades eounolL This action Is the direct outgrowUt ef ths work of Dr. Charles Stelsls. the labor- men of the Chapman evangellsta, whs - recommended a closer, snd more sympathetlo union between , the labor element aad the church, ; The ministers' .delegate will 'set for thera with the working peoples' union and will have a Prt in all discussions and a permanent seat among them, aa he will all the privileges of a. member-, cept aTote. ' " V ' ; v ...k.-. ' The labor union will elect a delegats In Similar manner who will be granted the asms courtesies In all ths ministers' meetings.. Dr. B. U House, Rev. B. Nel son Allen and Rev. M. M. Bledsoe, the executive committee, made the selection of Dr. Hilt because hie long snd Inti mate acquaintance with labor conditions In this olty aaakss him a strong maa for ths place. .. - , : , . - - AllflDAL SESSION OPENS Ifl SAlEf ' - .!,',,-. . . is : - i United Evangelical Church Con v , ferenoe Assembles With , V f:iHJyX Many -PresenL ; ;: . ST. JOHNS SELECTED AS 7 :t. NExT MEETING PLACE Three- O'Clock Addresses. Each Day by Bishop to Be Fea- t tures of Occasion ' - (BpecUl Dtepateh te TVs JearaaL) Salsm. April T. The tenth annual session of the Oregon confereDos of the United Evangelical church convened In Salem yesterday. Bishop W. F. Hell Of Chicago la tha preaidlng officer, Other oflcertr Of the' conference are: " A. A. Winters, georetaryi O- 1 Lovell. assis tant and CUT.-Hard, atatlstlcal seore- The ' ministers present are:' - A. A. Wintera Dallas; ' O. Ia- Lovell.- Pendle ton; C T. Hurd, Salem 1 B. K. MoVlcksr, St Johns; H. U Pratt Portland; M. J. Valentine DallasfS Prof. D. M. Metsaer. Dallas college; K E.' Fisher. Dallas; J, Bower sox, Portland (. O. H. Phelps, Day ton: ' Francis - Phelps, Hlllaboro: Dr. Locks, I-owsll; A. W. Brickley, Brooks; W. V. Arnold, Sauvsr; Chester Oates, Dallas; W. M. Palm In, King's Valley; S Wood. Corvallls; W. B. Toung, Bods vuie Charles K, Burresa, Maplston; A. W. Tssts. Dallas. ' - - - -.Ths following lay dslegates are also present: O. C Ramsdell, King's Valley; Ralph Harris, Dayton: Nathan Sulttsr. St Johns; D. Crltchlow, Dallas; W, M. Crltchlow. Lawisvuis. Ths morning assslon wss consumed In the appointing of committees and ths selecting of a place at which to hold the conference next year, St Johns Wsa the unanimous choice of the mem- bsrs aad the-aessluu of l0t win pTaeldl there. The principal fssturs of the afternoon session was tha lecture by the bishop on the theme of "Why -Borne Minlstsrs rail." Some .of the rsssons be assigned for failures were: "Lack of proper ideas, lack of Judgment lack of seal. eoldaess. . discontent Isck of - tact in ability to adjust difficulties, hobby riding, making pubiio personal reflec tions. Ignorance of conditions In . th,e Held, procrastination, lack of system and lack of power. ... - last night sn evangelistic service wss conducted by Rev. W. B. Toung. The I O'clock address esch day by ths bishop and the evangellstlo service in ths svsn. Ing promise to be features of the con ference.,, .... . LAWYER IS BUNKOED BY CONFIDENCE OPERATOR ' (Bptetai DUpetrh to The JeeraaLl "Walla Walla. Wash. April 7. Attor ney CT M. Bsder Is loser by $100 cash through the operatloneof a smooth con fidence man, who seems to be making followsrs of Blsckstone nis special vic tims. A stranger giving the name of Thomas appeared at ths lawyefe office and asked to have 'collected an account against a man at Waitsburg for 1121, duo on the sale of a team ef horses. It was charged that a John Murray had purchased the horses and refused to pay for them. Mr, Radsr wrote a letter urging settlement, sna in rcsponss re ceived a check fof $2i, the sum de manded, less, II as a compromise. Thorn ss sccepted the settlement ' Ths Check wss msde psyabla to ths lawysr. and hs presented It at the bank, where it wsa, cashed; . Later the psper was rstarned as a forgery, and ths law ysr had to pay back the money. Ths lie was retained aa a fee, the remainder having been paid to the bunko artist No trees of the maa has been found. ASKS FIVE THOUSAND : : FOR WOUNDED FEELINGS "(Rperlil tnsaeteh te Tea Iwul.) Colfax. Wssh.. April T. A IS.OO damage suit for breach of premise wss Sled In the superior court this morning by Eva P. Harris, who, in ths complaint sets forth thst Edward C. Hammerly of near Pins Ctty promised to marry her snd that ths' wedding dsy wm set for December 14. 104. but at that time and since Mr. Hammerly hss- refused to marry her. She claims that she -was willing at that time and la still willing to marry him. Shs basss her suit ea the fact that she prepared her wedding clothes Isst December, and that since thst she haa been greatly humiliated and has been without the home and ar fed Ion which were promised hsr. . Spo kane snd Oakesdele attorneys have been retained, respectively, by the women and man In the ease and the esse gives Jjuomiae ef being bitterly fouant Between the usual type of encyclopedia and the New Werner Sh C"'. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNK A is briefly, that tha letters rtn.- tha, la to be said upon their subjects, and by the world's foremoet late; while oilier cyclopedias merely give the gist of the matter for ha . reference. - - . . . , .... . , ,. . ,- Compare' this' kfng of reference works with the best of the othare. a 1 you will see the difference. Few of them run over fifteen volumes, contain mors thsn 10,000 pages. This encyclqpedle contains. . QCli 0" 'QO"" ! o ci rziQ ' o o 00 1 0 O op ' O (71 -ClQ ' C fit CtQ ' i O "OO -Ti itt on czi rzi( 00 '0iO O.Q '"Cr t(2i rzQ 11 to 31 Masiive Volumes - Weight Asoat BOO las. as "rotmas, sttj-tbt bbx- - - XtOir, wttk Vow amsTioaa ' - . Arttotee. 'S TOXitrarsiS, amxbxoAsT - ADDXTTOBTS. ITew Baltioa, SMvlaea te laos. X TOitracs vzsa to arrs- TIIUTIO BJAOIlt STV9T. y Cunder Haroldson, Disappsarsd Sunday Morning, Diss of "TT Acuta Afcoholisn'i.f 7t EUGENE SEWER CONTRACT ' AWARDED PORTLAND MAN Nsw Warehouse for Storage of - Woof Being Erected by ; ; Woolen Mills.' (aseclal Dispatch e The JoaraaL) . ,' Eugene, -April 7. The dead' body of Ounder Haroldson, a fsrmer residing In the 8ptncer creek country, about ! miles southwest of Eugene, wsa found this morning about T o'clock between two long rows of wood at the Eugene Excelsior mills by a .W. Taylor, super intendent of the water works, who wss looking tor mushrooms. - The body wss lying face down,, the head resting on his . arm. There waa no Indication of suicide or murder. . Pbys(olans stats that death wsa due to acuta alcoholism. He had been drinking heavily for sev eral days bsfors his disappearance and had avldsntly gone to the plat where the body was found to sleep. ,(u ; Haroldson had been missing since Sunday. April S. He came to. Eugene one Say last weea sna spent several days here, being Isst seen on the strsets Sunday morning.--He leaves an Invalid wife and two children. - y . ' Swe- Ooatraot Awarded. "Tha city council has let the contract for the construction of three new sewer lines to John P, O'Neill of -Portia nJ. His bid for esch llns was sa follow High street sewer. lll.170.2l; pour teenth street sewer, tVl) alley sewer- - between - Beventn - ana r Btgntn streets. ,1.I04.01. Total. I14.M7.I0. There -werefsur other bids on the work. two by Portland firms and two by Eu gene- men.' .'.'.'.','----, ,; ; -i. JTew Maokiaery. ' A nsw warehouse for ths storase'of wool for the Eugene woolen mill la be ing ' erected on . ths depot grounds ta this city. -.There. will be large shipment of wool from eastern Oregon to ths local mill this, year, and as there Is aot storsgs espsclty snough at the milt a warehouse Is a necessity. The new owners of the mill, Wilbur at Wright of Union. - Or., are now overhauling the plant and expect to have It In operation by Msy 1. .j ------ --- J. M. Martin, who has recently rebuilt his brick works west of rr"S snd In- talled entirety new.tr- ---y ef th latsst pattern thrr- gan oner Ho". 1 -y be lis a t: 4. DEAD BODY OF LANE ' The vCOUHTniAHfOUKD M 31 fjsssiva VcIut.:: totaling ts.aoa donble-cnlumn pa. ;embelirahet with 12,000 maps, dlar e and Hlustratlona If Its pagee were re- Srlnted In volumes ths slaa or ins or inary novel It would require, (00 such books to contain It) , Every one of the articles, meps an1 Illustrations represents the ' highest thought skill and authority.- More tiuit . t.OOO eminent contributors have covered every subject la science, art. philosophy. . history, blogrsphy, trade Industry sua professional knowledge. Ita scope and authority are. In fset. absomtsly anapproaehed by the ordinary snoyclopedls. 1 . , . . , ; , f : , . Its Value in the Ikzz Is ths greatest of all because Its articles give enough material. In tlieesselves for study and horns work. Instead of re ferring the reader elsswhere. So com plete are they .that many of them nave been reprinted as text- books for ass in schools. ' ' Is there' anv snecial branch of atudy ; In which you wish to ground yourself tnese winter evenings r Are you Inter- eated In Astronomy or Eleetrlolty, oe Wood-WorklngT Do yoa wast to learn about Russia, China, or Japan. . wnatever una or rve":n u e"7 j It la all here, easily sccsssibls; weU -worded.-anor exact. r-r The Final Marvel tbet this areateet ef aarrekiselaa Is slee the rheepeet. The leteet edltiea. reeleS. -to isue, la kelaf sapUe4 U s ert tlrsa ea reaarkable teras. . ' Our extraatve esverttoms Sad gletrHMttag .. farllltiee aa alna as eeatrat ef tke eettre dltlM, . wairk la selsg sea Street free the factory to eminent, at t per eeat dlaeaat aed ea tense eo eaey tk.t It te wltbia the rerh of every an aad weaMa wsa eea epara TKa CXXTS A BAT I Aa4 the heeee are llrnvd rlsht la tear ketse sa part-eat ef the riaax soixas! . run of SAPotios" FREE " ZXaUTUI tim. '.' Oa reeetet ef the seases tea la ear ae IU eead a haaS- eyelopeeSie effer we will eemety erlata aaS aaoad cepr ef the na" ae. It aDSeare la "Ute et Kii the BrlUaalee. W ae tkle te ekew hew eetaenewealTeiy ana laiereetlaely sabjects are treated la this earyeiopaeuta. Send lit Inquiry Cecpsa Ttirf Oar special erfer et Sfty per rest sites eat 1. Usuiee. . Tea tMet be sreaist te ha tare ef a set ef the New Werare TSreatieth Cea- tnry KdlUea be tore tae - iBtvltahle aav Is price. By aw eaaraysMat slaa eea eecsrs s eet-ea the HTDHt ef Ouilar, - aad the resielnaer eea be , pal4 at the rata of ' tea crate e day for i eaert tuae, ()st est the laeairy oapes sad vaell It te se NOW while yes ere tootles a It aed let ea tell Tmt atere eeeat tia remarkehle beak hergtia. The eatpiiei beiew brtaca attrsctlrs eeaipla pages sad fait par Ucalars. ' . . -. - r . Cat eat and ell tkle eoapeo edey. "r: ' '-'' t-T-oa -- v- -. .;' Pans SsiUlsg, m Ksrast sweet . aaa yraaetoee, ; rieaee stag twtthest eaet te a Mat pie pee aeS eertlciil.re ef roar New Werner Twut i Ceatary BVUtlea aeyrtepaeeia BrIUSBlcs after alee free cepy "life ef Mepeleea.". . saaes .it,,(-y,.fKt . .-. ' ! ; . t ,.' ' '' 1 ".' '44 .4-, ..4. ,,,- w.M..,., Tews Ststs etaeeeeeee oaxoov jovbhax. BVaxav. Orchzstrcl!: It tzzx i Crchtji Instrumental mu slo, thst ef tha Orchestra - la the noblest and - beet Itself the aggre gation of all the accepted aaaana by which man haa ever ' expressed .htmsslf la music, ths ' compositions written for.it ara " among the Srsnd sf forts of human ganlua. . , ';-'.'. 'With remarkable . fldelity and with a beauty and variety ef tone coloring " Impossible to de scribe, It ' stmn- Istes the various ' voices of tha or- . ehestral . family the flu tea the ' reeds, tha horns, ' the , strings, tha braaees now sep arately and in de : tall now - one or more together." producing theme and variations ' now altogethsr In one grand climax ef barmonlo power and grandeur. If one la a musician, the Orehsatrelia can be played with the keys the sama ss an ordlnsry manual Instrument ; but it can ba played even better with the Aeolian , company s perforated muslo rolls. In which case no technical knowl edge is nscessary, and only a-short pe riod of practice. . . . tillers Fiano House cordially invitee anyone who Is Interested to visit their ararerooms and see and hear the Or- beatrelle. - - - ' . -' ." : ..-'. - ' Store 111 Washington street, corner Psrkv , - v Other large stores 'San franc Isce, Stockton, and Oakland. Cat: Spokane and Seattle, Wash.L Boise snd Lewis, ton, Idaho. ' .' BENTON COUNTY COUHTiU HOLDING ITS SESSICrJ (special Dlepotck ta The JearaaL) Corvallls, Or, April The Benton county sourt hss been fa ssssloa el Monday, and will close Its bus In 1 some time next Wednesday. Nothlnv r t Importance hss been done. It belt I t 1 usual monthly meeting of the eem j stoners and roufty judge. An order of she county eourt, ar4 yestsrdsy, turned ever te the g "i road fund 1 10 thet haa taea for 1 era! years held ever from the I Mnd, which a few yes-s 1 ated for the purpose cf t constructing blrycls county. ' t r I