ti:z czzcon daily jour.::Ai; rcTL.".::D, SPETS KOT !H WILD ELECTRICITY HAS filuE UE(1 0.1 ViLLIS m K r.MYC3ALTY RACO .i FAVC3 IfJ TOfiOPAl AWES EMPLOYES : HIS OFFICE STAFF . Fu.T LOS AdXtLES Roanoke Will Carry Vast Numbar Portland Club Members Fail to Huge Machine Jn Arc rtoprri 01 Nearly as Many Officers Watch Platform: Honesty, Efficiency, i Find an Opening In Min- i l -; ;;."', Ine Camp. ; . CHANT AND DALE FORCED : General Electrio Company. . - v Blow Out. i Station as Are Employed Pa "trolling Whole City. Economy, and Anti-Machine '"'-";' "'-. and Graft. ' ' : ' ; of Bottles on Every Trip, 1 This Summer. - .' . , BwyhUi Will Bot It ' aTorataide WiU lav It Te Law fe Herylsid. '" . v IIZ fCwZDS a cuahdian The baeisee sua wk I tee bear W look m.aiy trytsg to ovoteom the resalt ef Me ewa aoeloet aom re at home eeould look after iav At rt eight of eaodraff vrhlch at aettaloee die.... hwrbfw1 ItarpteldoWBOiild be ve. It cvo aori(i ad afp falilog hair br doetroyln tha d-""itf l". A 4"'-tM hair drilling a.ur fivoINO IhorAkTLI. SHORT CIRCUIT DOES "A CHIEF.COMPLAINS, TOO. ; WILL BOW TO NO BOSS ; SCRAP. TIN ANOTHER after . health d pareoaal eoauoct aeeos n : TO DEAL FOR RENOITES , : DAMAGE TO.THE PLANT , OF HIS SMALL FORCE AND WILL WORK FOR CITY " . ITEM OF HER CARGO a f uaruian. To a Betlee desdraff sad toUlog kalr Is in e( pi 1. 1 no.. i-e waea belunee eesavs bo will waate iaoar.Dle f: "v; v., f 1 1 ':':..- ttt Sarta4ltS. ' lead IOr,Sbwat. It tZ" 2 CI., Up. t, UtoH,W(lL. ht MBpIt Conditions at New Eldorado Not W. Lewie Stands at His Post and Effort to Find What Inside Force Candidates for Councilman De- Ocean Trade With Southern Call ; Pleasant. But Gambler Find ' ; ; i . of Money. ' U ,. Is Burned by Carbon ; Sparks. . . " V'"-' ; Does in Line of Duty - Fails; - v- clare Themselves and Their -. Political Preferences, i V . fornia'Has Proved a Mosf y " Notable Success. V "l . Vfttn i -T ",a e,w W-. vs-., '"'., Hletory repeats itself ia gambling ' In other things. ' -,.;. ." , TTl hl MAnlhi a n 'th.o Ynrtlftnjl fluty proad' of It, political prestige and arro : gent In the' exhibition thereof, said to - the Orebeutn people: .... "It yott think you can coma out hara rroai Montana and butt in. go anad. Wa'll tach jrou a few thing! befor you .-finish.-.- - -r-- ---- f - C-U. Now these am Portland club men are knocking In Tain at tha door of To- ... no nan, tha naw Nevada mining' camp, humbly petitioning to ba permitted to ' put in their roulotto wheel and faro tablea, ven though tt bt on Hh. third floor. Bays tha city marshal or Teno- . pah: ' . - -. - ,"If yu"nockr' that hava bean causing ao much tronbla think you can coma hara from Portland and butt In. '" go ahead. Wa'll : teach jrou ,a. faw - things." '- ' . - - ': It la a humiliating position for tha ; - Portland club, and its cup of bittern baa been f Iliad to tlia brim by aealng tha ' Blaster get in on tha ground floor. . With a handsomely furnished gambling hall, located three doors distant from tha Tonopah club. Jack and Bugene Bin der ara aald to be "coining money." With no Mayor Williams behind them. with no friendly council to do their bid ding. And with no opportunity to Keep the knob polished on the door of a Chief of Police Hunt, it appears.. Peter Grant and Harvey Iale have been forced to enter the game at Reno, Instead of To nopah, lev' miles distant from the base of active' operations. - This interesting Information la con tained In a letter from Tonopah sent Col. J. X Berg, manager of Erlckson's. by J. J. Shea, under data of April L Aside from Us reference to the Port land club, the letter contains other Items . that will be read with avidity. ' - - 1 "If a brokn-lown apart U missing from PartUnd and anybody wants -to lo cate him." Bay a Shea, "toll tha searcher riot to waste his time on tha world at large, but devote his attention to that atrip of country lying, between, Shasta I irtnga. In northern California, to Gold, tielda, Nv. If you don't know the ad dress ef a a port, send the letter to Reno, with instructions to forward It to To nopah and Qoldf lelda. if ot called for," They play big games at Tonopah.. A few days ago. It la reported.- a well rnown sport "est In" at a faro game at the Tonopah club and ."dropped" I1I.00 before he arose, y . - .-.--. i The ratio In tha influx of population Is represented to-be about -la-."Un.: horns" to every miner. , Work at pres ent is eeld ta ba scarce, and tha money la circulation la mostly that of specu la tors. Shea declares, however, that tha camp will before long ba Immensely rtaK. - .......'-. . Pnow, tha author of tha letter aay. t s almost coatlnually, aoeompanled by - Mng winds. . Automobiles and atages - rry passengers between Qoldfleldg arid , i inepah. There has not been a day or , r ght since Shea reached the camp that .. hue not formed. . - 1 never saw such winds as they have .' tare.' ha writes. "Ride one- way, and yea are cut by Its front teeth; turn round and travel squarely. In the oppo site direction and Ita canine teeth tear . "They had an epMemlo Of pneumonia and typhoid fever bare that waa awful." he asserts. "They ; tell me that in a camp of . people tha deaths for a -while averaged It a day.1. From two to el .hi iliv have dropped off since I ram. A large majority of deaths Is among those who 'boose and expose --t bemselves to tha . lemen t a. . "Tha coroner here ia a most enterpris ing person. A few day" ego he aent his Undertaker's wagon after a Dr. Piper, supposed to ba on the Hat of 'dead ones,' viMr was nrettv sick, but the call did , not worry him. He expressed hi re grets and told tha coroner to call again a little later." - ' . ' .. UNITED IN MARRIAGE r -AT PORTLAND HOTEL , An Important wedding waa solemnised . last night in tha reception rooms of the Hotel Portland, when Dr. Stephen B. Wise tinlted In marriage Miss Florence . Koshland and iAidwig Hirsch. both of whom ara prominent tn social circles. Some guests were present. Including a. number from out of town, and after the eeremony an elaborate wedding din ner waa served. The parlors were hand somely decorated In green and white, apple blossoms end-magnollaa figuring prominently..' The dining .room waa delicate in pink. The bride waa at tended by her slater, Mrs. Ben Goldman, ef San Franolsco, and Mr. Hirsch by Leon Hirsch... Mrs. Phillip Jscoby of San Francisco was another alster of the bride who attended the wedding. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodera - Bernhelm and Is a favorite aorlally. She has been' very elaborately entertained- during the past faw weeks. . , 'cats osoraa Biuain. . (ftseelel IXaaaMi to The JeerMl.) . ' Walla Walla.' Wash.. April Tha county convention of Modern Woodmen , of America was held here yesterday afternoon. D. D. Yates of this city was chosen aa delegate to tha state camp meeting at Spokane next month, and he waa Indorsed aa a candidate for delegate to the head camp at Milwaukee. . . CiU ARAN TEED Pcro ccd Hcilllful "":; ' j-V " " ' ' .''-', . ' aa' aemeattraMd by emlneat caeailsts aad pbysifllaAS. wko tenlfy that food prepared with tt la abaalateiy free from roebeUe saJta, Urn, niasi and aaupoala, . ' ; JC-::af:r2Bc:nta laliins PoDdor t i With a ' aeries - of 'explosions that sounded like the discharge of a string of firecrackers pendent from a balcony in the celebration of a Chinese New Tear festival, a huge machine In the ere room of the Portland General lectrlo com pany blew out about o'clock laat-nlght. Ia trtoe occurred a acsne 'suggesting Dante's Inferno la miniature. Devotion to duty resulted in W. Lewis, aa em ploys, " having his right, hand badly burned by flying sparks. V ' v- The excitement following the blowing 9ut of the fusee, due to a short circuit on the windings of machine No. z, Jed somebody -to. telephone police headquar ter.. By the time an investigation was made, however, - the power had been shut off and reserve machines ..were nreased into service. v Htmuiianeoosiy witn tna oiowuig out of machine No. t. two "T. H. machlnea, as . they are called, "went out. - Mil lions of green sparks filled the large room, and da tiled the operators. car bon splinters flew In all direction. The room was overcast with a sickly green la h base, -aifd- tha ateady hum of the machinery took on an ominous note as tha flow of tha deadly electric fluid waa- Interrupted by tha , defect in Its workings. ,.' ''J'V'v-'' ' '': ''.;' Under these trying conditions, wnen a false move Would, have meant instant death contact with any- one of lbs hua-s machlnea making a man the me dium through which would hava flowed MO volte none or the operators lost bla head for an inataat. Lewis had hold of a commutator, tha release of which would hava caused extensive damage to tha machinery. With fiery carbon aplln ters raining against his hand, ha clung to tha handle until the switches were turned aft The hand of another em- ploya waa aUgbtly burned. .. . Xnere waa no aeiay ia ioe Aism wvr- vice. Extra machlnea were immediately brought Inta service, and naw armatures erere n laced in the ones max naa oiown out owing to tha abort circuit. Within five minuUs.au danger waa past, ana the machinery waa again humming Us accustomed tuna. . . . EASTERN RAIL RATES; ARE MUCH TOO HIGH ,'t" ' , " ' 1 '";- v"i V'.f George' H. Daniels Thinks Fares . " to Exposition Should Be r Reduced. , : . . . t A George H. Daniels, general passenger agent of the' New Tork Central railroad system baa written officials, ef tbs ex. position, declaring his Intention of doing all he can to induce tne (run line paa- sena-er associations to reduce tha rate- Additional advertising for the exposi tion has been ordered by General Pas aenrer Agent A. M. Cleland of the North ern Paclflo In tt leading dally papers of the east and middle west. Souvenir cards will also ba printed for use oa tha tables In all Northern Facino dining earn, snow ing a picture of the oriental exhibit building and containing a synopsis of tha attractions at the fair. .. . ' Chicago merchants hava decided to minimise as far aa possible the commer cial Influeaee af tha exposition la favor of Portland. They, will send a party of representative merchants In a special car for a tour of the Paolflo coast to spread the greatness of Chicago's trade reputation and try to arouse Interest- of Pacific eoaet mercnanta in cmcagoa merchandise. Frank V. Hlbbard of Htb hard. Spencer Bartlett. la aald to have charge of tha arrangementa. The dele gation will ba out three weeks and visit tt cities of the southwest and tha Pacific coast .. . ' " ' : ' LESSONS FROM THE : 1 .YEAR OF. JUBILEE At tha Fourth Presbyterlsn church Mr. Dickson and Mr. Hart sang solos with Impressing effect. Dr. Toy's dis course was a fitting close to the day of prayer: and a number of persons came forward and made a definite confession of their faith In Christ. His text was Lev. xxv:10, and the them "The Tear of Jubilee," He aald: m "We are living In the day of the ac cepted year of tha Lord, but tha dajrof the vengeance of our Clod 'Is coming. In the year of jubilee all indebtedness was eanoeled. Christ's sacrifice baa can celed our debt to God, if wa would but take the redeemer in God's way. Many bar their hearts against Jesus Christ, as he begs to pay their debt to God. - "The year of Jubilee was also a time to set the captives free. .. Christ will set you free from all tha bondage of sliv.The year of Jubilee was a year of absolute rest. Our bodies now become 'tired and weary, but over there w will praise Jesus Christ 161 days in tha year and every minute of the day. But there is, rest here. We can hava heaven on the -way to heaven.. But this eternal rest we ran obtain only by being under the blood.".- . k : ' : DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE ' - MEETING THIS MONTH Officials of the Oregon Development league hope to open the state convention here April tt and 17 with 1,000 repre sentative Oregon business men in at tendance. Every one af tha tt commer cial organisations In the league Is ex pected to send delegates, and in bounties where there la no organisation the peunty court and city officials ara asked to appoint representatives of their com munities to the convention, as Important action will be taken relative to the plan for league headquarters at tb Lewis and Clark exposition. - The railroads will sell ' round"" trip tickets to the convention at the reduced rata agreed upon, for trains arriving In Portland en the evening af April tt and tha morning of April tt, over the South ern Psclflo and the -Oregon Railroad A Kavlgstlan company's lines. The re turn coupons will be good for. passage April II The Southern Pacific rat will be one fare from Glendale and fell points south III Oregon; north of Glendale the rate will be one snd a third fsre. The me conditions will prevail on tha O. It N. line, with Xa Orandajas, the JLAimUUI AOUU, - f By adding a man to his heavily pad ded office staff. Chief of Police Hunt at an Inopportune time drew attention this morning to the fact that during the day time only It patrolman cover beats lu ths whole' of Portland.-' With two men oa sick -leave,, four square miles of terr rltory commonly supposed to be given police. protection are left at tha mercy Of the' criminal. element, -laii.- For months tha cry of the venerable chief haa been "Give me more men.' His principal excuse for the failure to catch the rogues who nave seen ear rylng on their depredations at will ha been. "There are not enourn- men in the department." .Placed on the defense by City Councilman FlageL.:. Who ac cused him of conniving at tbe violation by ssloonmen Of the 1 o'olock closing ordinance, he endeavored to protect himself by the oft-repeated declaration that -I, haven't enough -mea -to enforoe mis orainance. And yet. with new men added to tha force at Intervals, with large part ot the residence districts unpatroled and with crimes of every description stead ily Increasing, Chief Hunt haa constant ly Increased his office staff, until it now Includes nine men. ' , Patrolman John Malonsy la tha last addition to the offlcV staff. His exaot duties are- not plain, but he occupies a position behind the railing that make the police clerk a kind of subdued dig nltarv. - At times he actually, appear to be busy with th chief voltrmlnou correspondence. - For the most part. however, his function seems to pa ta Impress th casual visitor at tha sta tion with th slse and Importance of Chief Hunt'a manifold duties. Aa the office staff on the day relief is now constituted it consists of tha fol lowing: Captain Grttsmacher, in charge; Desk -Officer-wendori. warrant- umoer Golts. Police Clerk Leonard. First As sistant Police Clerk Qulnlan, Second As sistant Police Clerk Maloney. Jailer Branch, Assistant Jailer HeUyer and Patrol Driver G ruber, i - r Four of these men. at least, ara not needed in the office or around the sta tion at all. Branch haa the official title of Jailer, but ba la kept constantly employed altering and - repairing - tha chlefe private quarters. Qulnlan ana Maloney are supernumeraries. The lax method la vogue is clearly snowa oy tne fact that with three clerks, th detec tives ara continually annoyed by falling to receive their reports until hour after complaints have been, made, .Captain Griuraacher would not object to answer ing tha telephone when th warrant of Seer was busy in court. .. Tha injustice of tha present 'system- Is magnified by th treatment accorded th patrolman- ef the day relief not marked for th special favor of th venerable head of th department Twice a month these patrolmen are called on to do the "dog watch" at tha station, which means that without extra pay they are required to put in five hours additional labor at night. - This is not required of th patrolmen-on any other watch. and I th source of the bitterest com. plaint heard in the department. Patrolmen doing the "dog watch are sometime forced to alt at tha station all evening, with nothing to occupy their time. : Again, they ara utilised as mes senger boys, and not Infrequently ara Sent out to assist other patrolmen, who have shown themselves perfectly com petent to cover their own district un aided. , "W forget these thing whan election come around," said a member of th force In disguising the imperfections of Chief Hunt's "system." principally due to hi bamt of playing favorites. . , 11 i i ' ' ... . ' ..;... w . " . - d ' The following number of peo- 4 d ; pla hava signed the petition re- queitrng- the - i'new "telephone q franchise to Be put t a vote at the June elections March 11........ March tt, aiarca . ...... March 14... March (... . March IT.. March II....... March It,.,.,.... March 10. ............ ...... March llii:.... .......... April 1..... April-1.,.. ........... ...... .April 4e)a.aae)J . .April 1. 1. ....... ..v.. ...... Total ..r...urr;'........t.ltt M'MILLAN WILL GRANT KERRIGAN'S REQUEST George McMillan,' th American Ath letic union' representative tn this elty, notified Herbert Kerrigan this morning that as soon as written application was made to him be would at ono glvs per mission for th sports at th Lewi and Clark fair, to be conducted under the A. A.' IT. Jurisdiction. " This plan; la in keeping with th rules of th knlon. Mr. McMlllan also requested that Her bert Haoser and A. O. Douthttt, A. A. U. representatives at San . Francisco and Seattle respectively, be placed upon the general committee, a it would give the union th representation that it deserves on so. big aa occasion aa the sports will be at the exposition. -. - , . . i Mr. McMillan also states that his bus iness Interests will not allow him to act on th geaeral committee named last night '. ,. ' . . , . TEETH OF CHILDREN .(. , Few mothers know how vitally Im portant Is th oar ef a child's first teeth. Th beauty of the permanent set depend almost entirely upon It. SOZQDONT TOOTH POWDER ; used with' S0ZODONT Liquid, prevents accumulation of tartar," yet being free from grit., doe not scratch th enamel. Do aqt experiment oa baby's teeth. In sist on SOZOPONT. : . ' .' . , . jrciB Mil , Uflmu.maTii;0?AaT.e Willis Fischer is th latest to an- nounoe . himself as ' a candidate for mayor. He is a Bepublican, and reside at 121 Wht taker street. In his notice of intention filed In th office of th city auditor ha aay: ' "If I become mayor. I will give to th people of Portland aa honest, .efficient and conomlcal city government, free from the control or dictation of any po litical machine, ring or boss whatsoever, and without publlo or private graft I desire the following words printed on the nominating ballot after my name: "'For honeaty. efficiency and econ omy and antl-machln and graft' " . Frank. Bennet candidate for nomina tion for councilman - from the . Eighth ward on the Republican ticket, declare In hi notice of intention that if elecUd he will use hie utmost endeavor to se cure better fir and police protection for the Eighth ward, better improvement of streets and elevated roadway, and more extensive street cleaning and etreet sprinkling; that he will work for rea sonable return for all privilege grant ed, and will do all in his power to con. duot the affair of th city on business principle. , A. ft. wuiis or 7 apoxan street naa declared himself a candidate for nomi nation as councilman at large on the Republican ticket . A Democratlo candidate zor council man from the Sixth ward haa appeared la the person of H. W. Parker, who filed a declaration of his Intentions with the city auditor today. If elected he will give tbe people a' fair and . impartial hearing on all questions; will favor the city paying for fills, bridges and all other publlo utilities, ana win oppose district assessment and taxation, he says. . ..- Peter-It O. Wiser, or sl Koaney avenue, a Democrat has declared' that he will seek tha nomination to repre- seat the Tenth ward In tha city council. He believe ia high license and aa open town, and declares that h will work. if elected, to bring such conditions about .:'.- "'" :. .m ONSOLIDATED MAY USE ; .N. P.'S NEW BRIDGE Although official of - th Portland Censolidated railway hava denied th report that an arrangement haa already been made between that company and the Northern Paclflo Railroad company for use of a bridge to be built- by the Northern Paclflo across tha Columbia river, the Portland Consolidated is going ahead with an effort to secure a right of way from the end of It present Woodlawn ear Una to a point oa Shaw Island,, opposite Vancouver. Tha - company's agent ara figuring with land owner between these point, and last 'week - closed contract with Frank (Walker, helra of th Love estate, and others. ine company euppweu plan la to bridge Vancouver slough, es tablish on tha Island a Junotion station in connection with which the Vancouver ferrv will be operated, and be la a poa: tlon to aend it cars over th Northern Paolflo bridge a soon as It la com pleted. The Consolidated explain th move by saying that trouble with shoal at ita nreaant ferry landing naa oom polled it to establish a new on, but people on the peninsula take, the move to mean that when the Northern Pacific brldgea the Columbia the bridge will t built near tha east end of Shaw's island. . .' , . .. . " 1 Last Performance "A Runaway Girl' -Ta last en-form. ore et the satry snaleal eesMdy, 'A Banaway ttlrl." will be gives tonight It tbe Marqaaa area theatre by the Poller Lilliputian Opera compear. Tomorrow (tlday) lht asd Saturday autlaee "A Gaiety Girl" will be the MIL Batardey slfht "A Amertrea Millionaire" wiu Be toe last per Imam ' tea DTMORt MseCCBwat. Tbe Poll.ro. are a . aouble ersmaliatio asHiag the world's BMsy sad varied aaraanneat attractloaa, MUM cum boots eniirair or on(ni aud gifted JaTenllea verying tram to 14 years. Tbey are bow m.klat their third tour of the UslUd Bute, inoy bst penwan Is' every city of consequence la te arirat, Boutk Africa, Chtsa, Japaaand tse Philippines. v: Advtnc Sale Tomorrow. Y . " tWHd.rt sviralns St '10 o'rlnck the acrasce sale of aeote will opes for "The Marrl.se of kitty," walck will be the at traction at The Maraoem Grand theatre next Moncar aoa iwta.r mania, .pni .v ... .i K.i'h Bwmber of th eomnaoy oeeise apectallr tied to hie part and ...lltr. Vrom Max tuia civee toe di from M Flamaa dowa to the orniiU. careful actio log an enmlr.nl. eolta r alpUrl. It la a hlfh-claoi pertonB.sce. Price hare been reduced to SB cent.. Au ceata. Tt ceots eod 1. with boxra at ll.fA (Grand Theatre, Btonxm sod Zaeche at the Qrtpt theatre this week are preeentlnt to tbe public the stoat varveloaa seevr-welaht act ef the times. Their deeds awakes the wonder ef all. Owl.. to tha fact that the naaafeowet lit. reeelre onsieeoue reooeet. eorr few seat, have been t apart la tbe laiBMUat front ef tbe heiioe at 30 seats eaca. . The piaa awwts wits very aeseral approval ea tbe part, ef the' eatress of. the i Star Great feilt At the atac-tble week, thee la one of the trans-eat v. ode. I It entertlannt ever pre sented I thl. city. Tbe bird act ia the talk of the tows because ef its exceptional novelty. The remaleder ef the bill la oa a par with the hlh atandard ef ex.eelleaee always axaloUIOMl at this theatre. . for th eotnlof week the Star will offer a act Import from Paris. . '. Columbia Re-Openlng Sundajr. After week of derksne the Colombl will rooaea Sueday afternooa with tbe aew Colom bia Ntork company, preeentlnc tbo etreng, ab-aorfetus- drama, notmin Aic.IbH Woman.'' The lr oae ecoa chown . .. bring Mpecl.llr ad.pte for the renrs.nlml forrr. of the popu lar mmnenjf, and the leads will he I the care ef Vetttriae Couatl.1 sod Doaald Bowlee. - m i ' High Clatt Melodrama. : Hum to attract ilg crowd, to tbe Urrte. The pnl.tll-e befweee-wcto are-of ttie- ntnl khrb order. There Is aa air ef ra.tlc tlfe'asd whole mdm tamlll.rlty about the play that mokes It ef keea Interest te lovers ef reallem. i. Baker's Good Bill. There la not a dry onmhae In the Karer'a Mil. Ira crowd tctlfr to tble every dey. The Mn.lr.1 Tbora; McLalit end Mrlln. I'nw- and Tbeohald. - FroecM. lUiherll. II. card. Jea Wlleon .re tmd. The biogrark has. aaa Ma iutuaj uX . AT THE THEATRES. , Two carloads of Seattle bottled, beer will be shipped on every - trip thai tbe steamer Roanoke makes from this port during the summer to Lo Angela. contract for tha business haa Juat bean closed with the Northern Brewing com- Jan y by the local agent of the steam ship line. Scrap tin la another shipment Which will b made regularly on th vessel to the southern California city. Owing to the high ral)road charges It Is the first time that freight of this sort has ever been sent to point below Ban Francisco. " ' '".. - Agent Toung. who looks after th In. tereat of the Roanoke, aay th expert roent of placing her on the route, one that had never before been . -seriously considered by any other transportation company, is proving a greater success than waa expected by th promoters. Freight rate hava been reduced to reaaonable figure, and ha ears it i now possible to aend product to southern California which could not be shipped heretofore. Before the season 1 well advanced he believes it will be neces sary -to take car of th trad at In. tarmedlate solnta, ' ' The Roanoke arrived last night with a big shipment of fruit and general freight from Lea Angelea. She also car ried tt passengers, tt , of whom em. barked at tha City of Angela, 11 at Ban Francisco. 17 at Eureka and II at Coos Bay. A greater number would have taken passage at th Bay City had not a mistake been mad in advertising ner ailing data - . Arrangementa are being made to eon- vert the steamer Int an on Burner ana equip her' with hoisting machinery' so that freight can ba handled more rap Idly. The Willamette and Union Iron work hava ubmltted bid for th con tract Part of th work will be don while th vessel i at a. i V. MAY USE NORMA. V Kaaua zaae Boat afay Be Opera Vtd Oeaatlo With portag aVsaa. ' . Tbe Norma." owned y Jacob Kamm, will Tan on th upper Columbia aa soon aa the portage road at Celllo baa been completed. Until a ahort tlm ago- ah waa under charter to the O. R. N. Co. and operated between Rlparta and Utw lston. and is lying idle at Rlparla. Bepreeenutlve of th Kamm una aay that if they do not op rat her om other company wllL Mr. Kamm prefers ailing her Bh ia capable of carrying about 109 tons of general merchandise and tt ar t rjasaenaer. J. , W. Mariner, of Blalocav or., naa th matter of purchasing hr under con sideration. - Ha la one-C the heavy wheta)Wr f Qllllam "county, and was on of th main factor in having th Dortac road built If any other teamer are placed on the upper river it ia artl that they will have to be built above Celllo. It ! lmpoaslbl to get a vessel up ther rrora fort la na on account of th proposed government canat This being the ease. It la-al-raoat certain that th Norma will ba th only boat that will be placed on that route la- th first few months that th portage road 1 operated. Tha only other boata on the upper Columbia are owned by the O. R. ac N. Co.. and it is nmhahla they will continue to be oper ated between Rlparla and Lewlaton. It la said that tha Norma'will b abl to handle tha business In a very satlsfae torv manner until th wheat crop, 1 ready to move. By that time it' la thouaht- other boats will have bean built for th run. KILBURN IN PORT. ; May KareafW Baa Betwa Bay City ' ,U.aa4 Bomthara PoUt r. -y Under a new management,' the Wat aonvlUa ' Transportation company, th teamer F. A. Kllburn, CapUln Thomp son reached Portland last night from Baa Francisco with general freight and about tt passenger. After . unloading at th Albers dock she moved to th Oceania dock to take outward cargo. The Kllburn may make only on or two more trips to Portland when the company will place her In commlaaion between San Francisco and a small port lying near Watsonville. Cal. Th teamer people say they are not posted on th aublct Until rcnuy in v.u burn wa operated by tha Kusaell Rogers linn, and it i aald they will plac another veeael on th northern route in th event th Kllburn 4 taken elsewhere ' . V ALONG THE WATERFRONT- "WH. Irving has resigned as pursr of th steamer Mascot on tha Lwt river route, and Van Briatlgan succeeda With a new oil plairt, th tamr Jes sie Harklna want down to Linn ton thl morning to gat a upply of liquid fuel. Bh v'U go on th Waahougal run In plac vf the lone, which will get a gen eral overhauling and an oil plant Next Wednesday the steamer Rose crans Is due-front Monterey with a cargo of 81,000 barrel of fuel oil, "which will be discharged in th Llnnton tank. Har next trip will be to Tacoma with a simi lar cargo for th smelter at that place. Tha Portland shipyards ar building another scow for - th Oregon Round A Companion A delightful little traveling compan ion, inaispeneaoie to many wpo are the "Little Comfortere" -Dr. . .... Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. By their soothing in fluence upon the nerves of the brain and stomach, they prevent dlsslne, lck stomach and headache car sickness. j Dr. Mite' AnU-P&la Pills car all kind of pain quick and stir, ar perfectly harmless, and do not affect you in any way, .xcepi to .win. mi nerves snd cure naln. For real comfort never enter upon a Journey without first securing a package of these "Little Comforters." . . .. "I am pleased to - recommena Vt. MlleiT Antl-Palil Pill. They not only cured a chronlo headache, hut since, if my head shows a disposition to ache, one Tablet stop It I give hundreds of them tn sufferer on tralna, and derlv much satisfaction from th relief thev afford." M. H. CHARTUS, Traveling Hale.man, Bt. Louis, VI n, - - : Money back If first bottle . fall to X H 4og..l ussi -sy soil ia ulltjyt Denent. Lumbar company. It la to be a dupli cator of the acow Oregon, and the own. er want an appropriate name for- her. beginning with "Or - r ' ' - , Bchooner Virginia win leav up irora A a tor la. la th morning; h la under Bhartar to take lumber to Baa Pedro, A. Kelly, fifth vioe-presiaent ox the International Longshoremen un ion, who ia spending a few days on ths sound, is expected her boon. B tea mar Columbia, is acheduled to aatl for Baa Francisco tonight-with a lull mm af ereneral freight . ; Thla morning th llghthous tndr Maasanlta lelt up tn nvar irom Aitona to replace a number of buoya in the Columbia river, one wiu oe m irui k land harbor In a day or two.. - Captain Edward and iruuer ar in- neetlna the atearoer Nellie, - - By Monday It la thought th Amrl can ghlp C F. Sergeant loading at tha caa dock, will be raoy- to sail xor Nushacak. Alaska. . Toniwht tha steamer Redondo and Cascade will sail from Baa "Francisco for Portland. . Th former will atop at Eureka, but Is expected to reach here Sunday afternoon. . ' - ' ' v. Bchooner Bequoia, , lying at . tna nay elty, haa been chartered to take lum ber at Astoria for a California port British hip ' Carnarvon Bay. -which sailed last fall graln-ledn for South Africa, discharged her cargo at Port Natal and aauad xor nangoon to ioa lca for England. -: - ' '-.r- 7 MARINE NOTES. Astoria. April (.-Arrived dowa at 8 and Bailed at t:tt a. m. Steamer Aure us, for Ban Francisco. - Balled at m. Steamer .- ZUmor. for Tillamook. Arrived at Tand Mft tip at ay Steamer Nortland. from Ban jrraneiaoe. Ban Francisco, April , Btamr Cascade aallad for Portland at noon. Ban. Francisco. , April . eauea chuoner Beauol. for Astoria. i Astoria, April I. Arrived at i a. m. Schoonsr Virginia, from - Ban iron ciseo. ..'. .'. '.'.';'.. Astoria. Aura . Condition or Th bar ttaia, tnodarate? wind, north, light; weather, cloudy. ; : . - , - On Saturday - th Britlah btaamshlp Sandhurst ' under charter te a Ham- burs firm, to load forage for ih orient will reach Portland. Bha ta now at Se attle taking on eat; at Portland th cargo will be completed with about 1.100 tona of baled hay, now awaiting par at th Albers dock. All the freight la supplied by Henry Matt of thl city. who i also loading tha Britlah team-l hip ivyaea-witn a similar oargo -at Tacoma. ' It wa his intention ta bring har to Portland to lead, but the plan war changed when th vel reached the sound. Tha vessels will . clear for Tslngtau. China, but It' Is supposed that an effort wilt be made to deliver th earaoes to th Rualsan army. Th Ivy. den will b ready to sail th lait of th weak, v .""- ... ' V ToOlTSBAXJI BA.TB. Thlrtr-ona ahllllng and three pence I th rat at which tn untied ship Lonsdale was chartered to carry lum ber from Portland to Taltal and Ante. fogsta. Chile. - Unle a fair rat can baecured for carrying a nitrate cargo from South America loTJurup Captain j Berkley aay tha Lonsdale will come to Portland Immediately after her lum ber ia discharged and wait until the new wheat crop is ready ta move. The veeael besan loading yesterday at th Inmaa-Poulaea mill. - : GRATEFUL TEXAN SENDS ' GIFT TO MR. M'BRIDE W' C. -McBrlde. general agent of the Oould lines in Portland, yesterday ceived a handsome umbrella aa a token of affection a eouthrn railroad presl dent hold for him. Th umbrella will probably not be used to shed Oregon mist, a it hold too maay memories for Mr. McBrlde. Last August O. M. D. Grtgsby, presi dent of the Texas, Sabine Valley Northwestern road, arrived in this city. accompanied by his wife. . He was taken with an attack of inflammatory rheuma tism soon after, hi arrival, and wa re moved to the North Paclflo sanatorium, where he lay helpless for months. Mr. McBrlde waa notified of his Ulna by Teis friends, and hastsned to render all aealstano possible, Whlla Mr. Origsby waa ill hi wife wai pruad t undergo wnat was upposeo to d a simple operation, Bh never recovered consciousness and died - the following day. Through the trying tlm that roi- lowed, and for rour weea aiterwaro, Mr. McBrlde and a fw other railroad men 'Who had long known Mr. Origsby attended to every detail, and when late la December Mr. ongaoy wa am to leav for hi southsrn horn Mr. McBrlde accompanied him . and completed , hi education- aa a . irainaa nurse. air. Origsby was not an emotional man. and when he and Mr. tcria parxea. au ae could aay waa: . , - . - -- if vou aver need a Jon, it m anow and I'll fir tbd beet man I hava" ' Yesterday th umbrella cam, witnout letter, note or explanation, and the x pros tag alone told th sender rsl denc. Th "tlck" I of aurllng 11 vr and Ivoryc and th finest silk pro ourable clothes tha ribs of th flft SPOKA-ME MAN SLASHES . f THROAT vITH RAZOR (gpedal' Datpatek t Tb JeornaL) '' Bnokana Wuh. April t. Edward W. Bruce attempted to commit aulold last night la th Oandy bout by cutting ai throat with a rssor. . Bruce' despondency wa to result or troubl with hi wife. They decided te eparat and th ghastly deed was done after th refusal of Mr. Brae t ac Company him to th theatre. The cut la about fiv Inches long beginning un der the left ear. He bled for 10 min ute befor th arrival of a doctor, otherwls hi condition would not be cnnaldered - so serious. . He wa taken to a hospital for treatment. Mr. Bruce I a clairvoyant and thl tuoug ht to b pxa cut of tat Irpubl. FRESH ATTACKS BPOi, UATTUEVS No Relaxation of Effort to Down tho - Oregon Political . ''ty'.? 'f. BOSS, "i "'C-rv-Vr PERNICIOUS ACTIVITY " v BASIS OF CHARGES Assertion Mads That He Uses Hit '(: Place to Further Private Pc-'-' v- litlcal Schemes. f;:V- United Bute Marshal W. F, Matthewg till ha. reason to lie awoke o' nights, 1 for hi ' political f o ar relentleasly camping upon .his trail, Freeh proof a ' of his pernicious activity ta politic haat been prepared-and forwarded to Waah- , lngton, and other charges of till graver ' character ara also aald , to . have been mad. . - . ; . .r'- ;. W. A. Storey and Capt B W, Spencer ara bitter anemlaa ot Mattbaw and hav bean active in procuring vldenc ' which might Jead to bla removal from ., office.'. Ther ar many other, who , joined force with them, and th at tack upon th former boa f local Be publican politic haa been all along tha Una. , : -' v One of th " charges mad ta that ' Matthew has constantly Interfered wltla .'. appointments la th poatofflee, "eapecl- ally under former postmaster, and. that . ha bag used, th patronag of tha offlo as an - adjunct of th Republican m chin. Appointment . and removals hava been mad at hi behest to reward hi favorite and punish those who had incurred hia disfavor. In a similar man . ner h haa interfered in th affairs of city and county offices. . Numerous af fids vita have been procured In substan tiation of the accusation, and It l confidently predicted that . tola . removal ta only a ftueetlon f tlma RI01NTE CARLO OPPOSED IN CLACKAMAS COUNT Y W. A Knight Will Rght Ffenchy Crattoh's : Gambling . Resort. '..vv ; 'V A. Isaac Oratton, known as'Trendiy. will not have a gambling nous in Clackamas county, if his plans can' be thwarted by W. A. Knight and other Influential property owners la tha vicin ity, at Mllwaukia. The campaign against the proposed Mont Carlo haa begun. Oratton and other leased a piece- eg ground 10vby 0 feet adjoining th home -of Mr. Knight and purposed con structing a gambling house and pool room aw th sains be sis a thee con ducted at Georgetown, outside of Se attle, hoping thus to escape Sheriff Word and th law. D. It Jlendee leased the ground to Oratton and he has been '1 notified by Mr. Knight that a leasing- property for - thl purpoa la against the law be will be prosecuted If gam bling opena there. Mr. Knight alao baa tha backing of tb county authorltie ot . Clackamaa. who declare there shall bo no gambling ta that county. - - nil i m i i .. .-. GLASGOW EXPERT WILL v: - ; ; SH0W CHICAGO HOW I i (Joaraal gaeeial aarvtc. . -Chicago, April . Mayor-Elect Dunn ; received a ' massage . today from Lord Provost of Glasgow acceding to tha ; mayor's requeat to send the head of tha ' Glasgow tramway system to Chicago In -order ta advise the new. executive re- gsj-dlng- th preliminary plan for a municipal street-car Una. The majority of th council placed themselves on rec ord a willing to support Mayor Dunn In his effort to give municipal owner ship a fair trial -..I -.-,-.:-,': w . Bend to-day for a 7Bo.' set Of Satfajl Ileal t a Treataaea VRglgL Hav clear, hea thy cal9. MannfUa rosy akin, luxuriant hair.. :f f. - UaBdruff. Falling Hair and all disease , af scalp, skin and nlood ara due to germ. . And gklakaalth Treataaeat Is th onlj .,. afa, quick, permanent economical cure, ' ,'' 10 prov it merit w win giv yu , Sbeolutely VHEB the first set of Bklsm , ealth Treatasent If you Will use It . . Bklahealtbi TrestBieat eonslsta of HARFINA - BOAP-cnedlcaUd, deodoria. ; Ing, germicidal, fragrant! beat for batbj ' . toilet, nursery, scalp, hair and for baby. 1 - KfNHBALTH OINTMENT Infalllbl . Oerm-kJller and Skin Healer. For all ; kin soreness. A sovereign remedy, foi v Files, goftens' soothes and heals. aKlNHAi.ril lABuais- vegeisDisi ehocolate-coeted. Destroy ail dleaa nU : crobee, purify and vitalise the blood. iv you nave never irieo: Hiu.au . rreatsaeat. send us thla oounon and wa Will mall you an order on your druggist for a full els set aad will pay tha drug . gist oursolve for It. - - - .. C It' a 'b.H gift to prove th wonder ful power of tkJahealtl. Treatmea , ' a skin. calo and blood cleanser, m . complexion, hand and hair beautlfler, , , ', Cat Out This Coupon. ' nil eat the blank, esd mart te th nil Bay aseeleJtlee tfe, Hewara, iiew .ereey. Mr dleeeae Is. ................ Here aovee tried ftlateeHh Treetmeat, but If yo wM send e a 7Ac, set free 1 villas It . OIe fall Mm en eeMrein.' " Til ogee siay ant appeer .l:Vi - 1