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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1905)
At Vr. Lr..iJU J W W aw.-.. ..." . . RAILK0AD3 AGx3 ia;c::j HI Trancportatlon 4 Companies W,fl Give Low Rates for Great ;.v . Le aue Convention. I MEETING TO ES HELD . . HERE . LAST OF APRIL Toe late for rsieJsa. .. NOT A IIAIe7-G.0VE.1 1 s"-jt kaeerlsdse ef sralp a. r to km t t t)-s haw gea Its sou. - 4.. t e tae halr-e-oula, Irm-i, tae o---r reitfmal tisaU t la to mu v te ea- M toe e aaa,. Baryt- t 4 Ojia; it eases ass-waif, stotse t-- f aad re-V-ves Icwrfng. A o-l tt Hi assise; &1VSS extrenciHaary rsuia. Iry it. rt itat . ses.rvv for a -m ksaaw a a . . Bswtes'a ffs'-?s win est gsew ssir From Some Points Fare and a ; Third to Be Charged for .-. the Round Trip., - ef hair has- tka sals to rmm as setare l-: as. la ehsasaa bain isas. It iwa set a s-ir.f nr- - mmJUW, t AT Xm Bare) si a WOl ease Ik rereUle wm save Ik - - saws AJ F - -(!4w::ff A. 1 What Cartoonist Seed Sw M VGOLE CITY I0PAYF0SES South Portland ; Declares, Jtself Unanimously for the Spe k cial Two-Mill Tax; -ugldsj4assmeehngs AND HEARS RESOLUTIONS Cart Side and Willamette Heights People Will Join for Cen 1 ' eral Assessment. ' Shall th entlf city par tor brid-M : costlna-11(,000 or mora, or ia tba bordaa v4p jcfai with dUtrlcta, aa at yreaant? Houth Portland aaya tha city abaU aa . rare this burden, beeauae ft III of fen , cral beneflt. and of no especial Talua to a4, locat -aijrtrtccr"':' . -!' ' ' ' , ..'At nmtlDi of about tot property tioldra In TarwUllgr-a ball last renlna . the aoath Portlandera ornld. for this catnpaiffn. ..Thy will arod man Into all parts of tha city championing- tb S mill . trpaclal bride tax provided by tha mea sure that passed tbroucn tha legislature. . Mora,, tbay wilt hava two man at each ' precinct voting- place on election. ' Woe be unto', tha candidate for a municipal office who does not declare himself in f BTOr of the I' mill tax and who does fa tka pctaf when the system is full i f winter Impurities, thst must be got Hd of, you onght to take the Bitters. saklaa; else wont do the work so -.l-sJy nor so well.- ' That's why w g you again to Insist, on having , Hosteller's Stomach It will purify and enrich the blood, tone up the dlges- twe organa aaa positively cure - $prte4 Fe?er ' Sletplcsnm General Debility ustirenm '.r. ; Cslsv U Grippe r dHiiarla Try oaa bottlaand test lis value for ywinwif.' it wUl pleaa r9 '.v- -J ex. aT . "ii . . r- , '.r , -mv J if m rwu a '.-. . s 1 n 5A.CH -213 ROLLARD When H ,W Invited Behind Ha not incorporate argument tbarefora la his speeches. Though he be a favorite of tha populace and strong aa east wind, he will and tha Inhabitants -of south Portland thwarting his hopes in thai section of the city at least. , Judge John V. Cap lea waa chosen per manent chalrmaa of the . meeting last evening. He spoke on the Injustice of the district tax for bridges over the great ravines of the city. . He was fol. lowed by V. K. Strode and Hark 0Neil. and in their path came others of ora torical powers.' A unanimous spirit pre vailed. The meeting decided that aa south Portland had led the fight against the district assessment plan, and was really Instrumental la having the t mill it waa the duty of the same peo ple to continue the- campaign' until the referendum vote bad been' taken in Juno. No doubt waa entertained that the mea sure waa 'popular among the masses, and It the heavy money Interests of the oantral part of the city did not defeat it, the speakers believed the referendum would be found more pronounced than the favorable vote of the legislature. , Another meeting Is te be held la south Portland on April 31, and arrange menu were made to hold a meeting oa the eaat tide also probably about May i. There baa been . a. conference with the men living along Sullivan gulch, wao are prospective sufferers from district taxes for bridges across ' that chasm. These men give assurance that tha eaat side property, bolder la a champion of the mill special tax. When the big meeting Is held oa thai aide of the river. south Portland will go la a body and fur thr the good work. , -t , ..t,.. . ' It is also stated that tha residents of WlHamette Helgfata district, affected by the Balch gulch steel bridge improve ment, are In league with tha south Port land men In this campaign. Arrange ments will be made to stir them Into ac tivity. Reports from - various parts of tha eaat aide, ' where', there are ravtnee and gulches td be spanned,' are said, to Indicate favor for the 2 mill tax. AU of those who feel thus will be brought into line, if the south Portland men eaa accompllab tbls-and. . - . ' If the voters of this city understand the situation, J have net the slightest doubt that a heavy majority - will be registered for the I mill Special bridge tax,' said Representative E. B. Colweli, father of the taw that is going to ref erendum, ; "That all such. Improvements eorting 111.00. or more should boro by the city at large seems to be conceded by all except the heavy property Inter ests ia the oentral portion at the eity. The only oposition we expect is from the same source that developed at therg Is lets re, which 1 term tsa moneyed in teresta. '. w '''' . ' TVhen tha bill waa enacted by the lag lalatura. It was especially provided in the draft I prepared, that a majority of those voting on this issue should control, and it If not necessary to, have a major ity of altr the votes eaat for any candi date or on any issue." - .., -j. - , .v , .' -:' ' - row , AT 9VmyAJnMXMl gpsetel tHspateh is Tas fearaat) -Independence, Or April 4. Odd Pel' Iowa ball ef Buena Vista was- burned Saturday- Loss, $!.; insurance, II. OOO. ; McReynolda Bros., occupying the store end pestefflce lfT the building, suf . frrcd a loss of tl.fteo. which waa oovered by, X,M insurance, ,-..1,v ;,.tV,- . . 6cne to MeetLthe JMembm -joltl 225 POUNDS VEIGOT Unit FOR POLICE And If You ' Are Over Six Feet , . Four You Needn't Go - Around. ,; ' EMIJNATJONSFQR, APPUCANTS IN APRIL Good Men Wanted for Fire, Po lice and Street Depart- . ments of City. , , The scope, of the proposed examina tions for patrolmen, firemen aad engi neers fo the fire and street department and tha eity ball was mapped out today by tha civil service commission. The ex aminations for engineers will be open to all applicant over SI years of age, with the exception of those desiring to enter the fir department, who shall be under SO year old. i', . ' ; - The examination will consist of sim ple problems In arithmetic, copying IS words from plain oopy, and a physical test Experience will count largely la the grading of applicants. ; The examina tions will be bold in. the office of the civil service commission April II. ' Applicants for positions lu the fire department, will be examined. April II. The written work, including simple prob lems in arithmetic, and . copying lit words from a plain copy, will take place In the afternoon..' The athletic test will be tha moat Important feature of the ex amination for firemen.' All applicants will assemble at Multnomah field at I o'clock In tha morning where they will be required to climb an aerial ladder It feet; an Incline, ladder five rungs, band over hand; carry the 111-pound dummy up and down the Inclined ladder! Jump Into net from the second story and run is yards -In less than IS . seconds. ' . lBche, high and welrh. 1 thaTjli pounds or who is over feet. 4 Inches bigh or weighs over SIS pounds are eli gible to positions In the pollc depart ment. The age limit is 15 years. . Applicants will be required to run 100 yards in II seconds, take a-written ex amination la simple problems In arith metic and copy 110 words from plain Copy..,: ;'. .,,,!-''.: . ;, . An spplioant without apparent physi cal defects wUl' be rated . but for all physical . defects which.. will .impair his efficiency, eredijts will be deducted ac cording to tha nature of the defect. - The examination will be held April S. - . . . Plana e SUoh ' i ' are often frustrated by sudden break down, due to dyspepsia or constipation. Brace up snd take Dr. King's New lAtn Fills. . They take out tha materials which sre cloarglng your energies, and give you a new start, i Cure hnartiche and dlxxlnexs, too. At tted Cross Phar macy. Birth an1 Oak streets, on ths way to the postomca.. SbC giisranioad. AT THE THEATRES. v v i .The Marriase of Kitty." "The Marraiae. ef Kitty," . which has de Srated ptay-goera la sdjaeent citieB with Its wH sad aarastsg eo-apllratlees, eestee to the sUrqoua ortad taeatra, stoaday aad Tram dey Bights, AsrU 10 sad IV with Manager Jolea Marty's admirable entapasy and that reaay, clever asd es-to-saU eestadiaa. Has Plgatas. as Sir Bagtaald, was'! esaseats te the Burrtage with Kitty, ealy to eerry sat the ooadtttees ef a will, aad waa, after . a year's abeeaee retoraa to arrange far a dl- Bade seraelf lata a frlstat at the tuns ef her suaiase really very eharausg, ae oe pmteeaa to fall in love with her. The de-ua-etcsl-wey te which she atngs to" see ears Lane aernnpastat-at ia ese ef her sutaoda ef caaraitBC him. Tbe advaaee sale ef seats will epea next irrldey raaraiag at 10 e'eloek. - ( .. . The Grand's-Great BiU. Tke bin at the eraad this week WeaM de credit to any vaadevtlle beese, even en Broad way, Hew Tsrk. Bartlett aad Celllas, direct tmm Chlease. have a novelty la gretoeeae aad eeeeatrie - eeaeedy. The KOtle trie, Sentck artists, sreasated aa eriglnai Biaeleal Can. Lee Tong Foo, s OiiiMee, sang twe hariteae anlas. Hasnos aad Eaerbe aerfornied laai mhies (rata ef stmurth. Orvllle llteher eaUveead e black-face etamp speech. ' Mr. Banner seat "Miiim'i Boy.". Marray Hill aeag perodlss aad eoaiaMBtad ea curreat topics, ( ; A Runaway Girr. Tonight- . Tealrht, Wednesday aad Thonilay atithta the Pollard UUipotlaas. sow pUylag a bms aweassrel engssvairat at the Maroaaai eram) theatre, will present the mnsieel loeeiedy, "A neaaway OW." rridsy alght aad tatarday BMtiaee "A Gaiety Olrl" wlU he the MIL Sat urday Bight "Aa ABMrlcaa Mlluoiialr" will be tbe bill, tteau are sew selling far the entire eek. ' ' i ,-'. 'At the' Baker. ' hfaaater Seatiag has a great bin tkis week alas big acts. ' The prtee reaniaa the aaaaa all ever tbe heoae aftersoea aad evealnglOe. Al Haaera, the world's grsatest fsauUsiulst, is aioee worth the price of .admlattoa, to my sothiag ef tae ether Mg acta. ' . - , Nugget NelL v' ; Picked to the eoora was the Lyrie last evening and the company made aasthr his hit la their pradn-tloa ef -"Nogget Hsu," U which atlas BUa WUsoa adpsara la the title reto"'1 " "" '- "i ' - ' -' r "; ' e -flr' ITim TattataTSOaTSI. - The following number of peo- e pie have signed the petition re- e d questing . - the , new telephone .' e e franchlae to be put. to a vote at e 4 ' the June election; v ' " d e 'March SI. ,.".,..'.;:'.:' "SIS 4 '.March tl. .,.... ... . 171 4 a March SI. lit e 4 March 24... vr.....,.....T III w March 91, . f , . , , ; 101 tea, e March ST,.... M7 ; e March z. ...... 5 e March 21. ., .,.,, , ' 431 e March 10................... 371' 4 March SI. SIS 4 Aprtt l . . . . t . .i, i .. .k,., 411- e Aprli S..M. ....... 404 w TV - Total 1 1 . .1,131 4 4 e 4 4 1 Srraf erred Stock Oaaaad Ooeaa. AUttt Iewls Beat Brand, ;. , Oftdals of the Oregon development league and the railroads have temporar ily settled their controversy over tha rate to be charged members attending conventions of the league, and the Port land convention recently called eS wlU be held. Tbe new dates for the conven tion are Wednesday and Thursday, April SI and 37, and the Marquam theatre is the' meeting place. . , -v : . - ' The basis pf tha compromise la a fare aad1 a third from points west of X Granda on the Oregon Railroad Navi gation company lines, and from points 'north of Olendale on tha Southern Pa- else Eaat and aouth of those points tha rata will be one fare for the round trip.- Tbe one fare rata will accommo date delegates from a number of good towns. Including La - Grande, - Union, Baker City, Huntington, TVelaer and -Ontario on the O.' R. es N- and Olendale, Q rants Paaa, WoodvUla. Gold Bill. Med ford. Central. Point and Ashland on the Southern- Pacifio, ;.. i l: ' . There will be no certificate plan. AU travel on tha datea set will go at the reduced ratra. U la said the Portland convention will be a monster meeUrig. The omoera of the league would have held out forav one fare rate from all points. ' but their position was- some what compromised by me wiiiamena valley league convention, which took go tlon practically forcing the holding of tha - Portland convention of tha stato Leagua. - ; - " A : -: '' The program planned : will ; be per fected, and the eon van tlon will be held In sections, giving special attention to good roads. Irrigation, and varloua other features. The idea of arranging fvr permanent headquarters at tha exposi tion, with representatives of tha league from every locality in tha state. wlU be carried' ;Ottt. '.'' - l. 1 ' . s SCOTrSEATOa IN Arr: SUCCESSFUL ROLE Popular Actor Starring; as Big , v Stockholder in a Paying r ' .Gold Mine..- - Om SUaitnn it the flaltrmhla theatre stock oompaay left last night for Cali tv. nth., rn.Tnh.ri will re main idle -for thia week, at the .end of which a summer season of three weeks will be begun at the coiumhia. -; air. Beaton has nothlac to worry about aa to the early closing. A few ' days ago hs received word tnat tns aiaynewwr mine in Placer ' county, California. ' In Which he Is a shareholder, had resumed mvina- dividends after a period m 11 years' lnacUvlty. , Te oack up the as sertion Ue secreiary sen mm uuma, s i as rnllnwad br one for S&0 two . . i.m TnrflMitlaea tjolsit to the continued prosperity of this property. . - - . ..AA AAA prior to ll years ago ' .,v w taken from, tbe Mayflower In a short season. Suddenly operations eeasea Now, It appears, the vein baa been re located ana gooa isnsas we tockholders, :. -i i tha, ttaamar Leema beaan making round trips every day to 'Wood land, on the Lewia river. Instead of to L center. - Covered from Hssd . to Foot , with Humours Forty BoHs on Head : ct OneTinw Doctors and Drag Bills $100-Eiby Grew Worse. CURED BY CUTICURA ; FOR FIVE DOLLARS ,; Slra. Oeorfe H Taxker, Jr., SiS Greenfield Aveane, Mllwaakea, Wis., a a tratcfal mother. M,Whe.'flx tno&Uu old," ahg saya, ' my little fid weighed a pound aad a half less than at birth. Wheaonesnontholdaacab formed on her face, tpreadina aatU It ' completely covered her from head to foot, followed bv boils, having fortr ' on her head at one time! and more on her body. Then her akin Started to dry up, and it became ao bad aha could not shnt her eyet to sleep. On month's treatment with Cntieura Soap ' and Ointment made a complete cure, and bow my child ia aa large, strong, and healthy as any child of her age. ' The doctor's and drag bills were over on hundred dollars, and my baby ' grew worse all the time.. Then we , spent leas than fire dollars for Cnti eura and cared her." CUTICUM A BLESSING V. TeSkln-Tortured Babttw1-; Wad Tired Mothers. :.!- r; - The suffering which Cntieura Soap and Ointment have alleviated among the young, and the comfort they hava afforded worn-out and worried parents, have led to their adoption ia count less homes aa priceless curatives for birth humours, milk emit, gcalled head, eczemas, rashes, and every form of itching, scaly, pimply akin, aad scalp humours, with loaa ef hairt of Infancy and childhood. Gas ran teed . absolutely pare. , j 'af.,Ototana.Sfal Siirim t war,4. rtN1 1 a Ctm. Cr mmm f isa 4-ssjai"vs V-Wa.- ' iimiinrnriii-oiinr- 1 1 IIIIIIILULIII I I UL wuiiuLnruLbunc Promoles Di -ssUonfceerfur-ness and Rest .Contains neitfar OtxttrnMorturie norMjaexai. KoxTlAacoTic. :, A pcrfecl Remedy To r ComBpev Hon. S0ur StcraaduDiarrhoeM WornsjConftfeioi nsss and Loss of Smeep. v lteSiiaile Signature of- r?' new "vorac. KXACT COST 0 WKKPfOL REVARD OFFERED TTFOrfJISCKEAflTS Officers' Have Clues That May ueaa to tne Arrest or the At. ' tempted Train Robbers. FUNDS APPORTIONED L - : ; FOR SCHOOL DISTRICTS Judge Galloway of McMinnville Opens Marehermof XSri' cuit Court at Albany.' ; (Bpeetst Dispatch to The JeareaL) " Albann Or- April A.- Secret service men and the local Officers worked all day yesterday investigating tha attempt to wreck - the - Southern Pacific south bound limited Sunday night, and' have elews that promise arrests In ' a few daya -. Malice, not ro berry, tbe detec tives believe Is tbe motive of tha wreck. reward of 1600 la offered fori the arrest or Information that wfll lead to the conviction . of . each one concerned In the attempted train wrecking:-. County r superintendent W. I Jack son yesterday afternoon apportioned the funds for the school districts In the county, distributing more 'than SSI.0SO among the several schools. ' He made a payment of 110 to each district $1 for each 1 teacher who attended the county teachers institute, and II per capita for tho children of school age enumer ated In the several districts-. .The sum distributed was larger than . waa ex pected and many of the country schools will be enabled to hold spring terms contrary to expectations. The Albany district receives' . 1 1. S SO for its portion. Judge William Oalioway of McMinn ville yesterday afternoon convened the circuit court for tbe March term. A Camber of orders were made in cases pending. last evening the divorce case of Laura P. Haynes against W. , F. Hayneo went to trial. ,. The .plaintiff charges desertion, and in order to estab lish thst it la necessary that desertion for a year be proved. It developed that the woman had lived with tha husband for a day or two last fall, y It waa as serted lhat she was forced to do ao, snd tha case waa adjourned until this after mob. . , ' ' "." ; 1 M - - ' . ' REWARD IS OFFERED FOR, DISCOVERY OF ASSASSIN ' (Special Dispatch The Joerael.) ' Roseburg. Or., April ..The county court yesterday offered a reward for the person or persons who murdered Jseob Renter. March SS, at his home in Little canyon, 14 miles west of Oakland. . Tbe only hope of the officials, sinee there ! no clue, is that some peraea who had a reason for disliking Router Is holding back Information. . , neuter's father and brother believe that two men shot him. , , - . .1, iii a rvnnxi. or mom a mottmam. . The funeral of ; Rdna Hoffman, who was murdered by John Coleman laat Sunday morning In a room over the Palm saloon. Will take piers at S.S0 o'clock tomorrow at Flnley's undertaking parlors. The Interment will be at Lone Flr'ccmetery. .. k A' Ullliiiii immJ Tfej KinlYcj Ilcvd. Bears the Signature' of For Ovor Thirty Ydars P Jll "WET" CANDIDATE WINS AT EUGEHE F. M. Wilkins on Citizens Ticket, Elected ' Mayor Over Ariti- Saloon Representative. 1 CREDITORS OF SOAP; - ' ' FACTORY GET NOTHING Lane County Good Roads Asso- ciation Preparing to hold Annual Convention. f . , (SsaeJal Dtapateh ts The JearaaL) , .v.. Kugene. Or Aprlr 4. In the annual eity election held, yesterday,' V. M. Wil kins, the Citiaena' or. ,:"wet" candidate for mayor, waa elected over C 8. Prank,' the anti-saloon candidate. All of the Citlsens ticket except city recorder and councilman - from the first ward wss elected. There was no disorder at the, polls, and bo arrests were made. The majorities of those elected are: - Mayor! r, M. Wilkins (wet) ever C 8. FTank, 1S2. Recorder b. F. Dorrlsdry) ever R. B. Bryson. - ST. ' Treasurer Frank Retsner (wet), no opposition. -Counoll-rasn First ward- T. H. Oarrett (dry) over M.i Bvarverud, S; second ward. L. O. Beckwith (wet) over M. V. Mitchell, 101: third ward, Darwin Brlatow (wet) ever EL J. Moore, 10T; fourth ward, 8. S. . Spencer (wet) over B. F. Dunn. S7.. The creditors Of Ox u Bowdsr, bank, rupt soap manufscturer of this rttywtlt get nothing out of the estate, which ha Just been settled by Referee Winter, meter. The assets amounted to about enough to pay the costs . of the, bank ruptcy proceedings. - . . Tbe Lane County Good Roads asaocis tion la preparing to hold the annual con vention of the association In Eugene, April SS. The members of every county court ia Western Oregon- win oe invuen to attend and Dartlcinate.. Judge Scott of Marion county and Judge Ryan of Clackamas Will deliver addresses before the meeting. - Wsk Po(7(!or. 17ITII0UT A PEER No other . bakinp; powder com bine all tbe perfections, Insist upon, getting it if you want purity, . 'Ithfulness, efiectiYeness, econo- AW- i w jiv - In mm T ' TW0 wSSsafwaWMI wwwWWIV flNsW ujy and rdkbiity.v;.'-:Vv. 1; liOL 3U7cw j - . ,,.'. -.-..i , ; i '. .' ' '. ,'..