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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1905)
in -iiuct to PORTLAND eva::gblu; . v v ...... v.. ; Tlib V.": Quality: ; CbOp V Portland's Foremost .V' ; Store With -Largest Stocks on the Pacific-.Coast; A COMPRESSED fc " " " ' ' -1 ' 7 " ' rr"i r'rt mm BCHOOL. OF DOMESTIC. SCIENCE. Tea. Room. " ., .' '. .. Second Floor, ' '"' t AUSPICES PORTLAND T '.M. C. A. MENU: Wednesday April 5th , ..".,, Tea. Coffee ( Chocolate'. " " - ; Milk in Bottles, . ' - Cream of Celery Soup. Shrimp Salad,' v'. .vVPoacAedEggs.'.;; Spanish OmeltU..'k"llA4?;.,, rif.i:.-: ': Tec Room Creamed Eggs.'s. 'Han Sandwiches. Hot Rusks. : Bread and Butter. . Napoleons (Paris) ; ' For ;,your convenience in choosin g weve divided these . splendid em- , broideries into three, lots,-priced as follows: ; , - k. i LOT l-Consist9 of usual 45c and '60c values j speciat; at yard,;. ,.,..251 LOT 2 Consists of usual 65c, and 75c values; special at, yard , . .37j4t y LOT 3 -Consists of usual 90c and $1.00 values; special at, yard,,.. 4Sf - Come and see for yourself v Get here promptly," but r give yourself u plenty of time to look over the grand exposition, -. Thousands of yards ; fine picking for early, persistent, bright-eyed shoppers. ; The showing is ; so. vast further description is useless Come and share. ... GS. Embroideries-; ' -J' Thousands of yards'in the unparalleled offerings today.' Beautiful corset coyer embroideries, -just 'arrived yesterday and offered today at prices, that must bring you eaxjy to the storey All new . embroideries, fresh as the morning from their 'overland trip.. Cambrics, Nainsooks and Swisses "the most' wanted sorts for use as trimmings by the busy needleworkers who are fashioning spring undergarments. The greatest values in town. . ; f ; '." r : . BIG SPECIAL SALE OF WOMEN'S LINEN COLLARS. ' First Floor Neckwear Aisles. yr ; -y A lot of pretty, new Linen Collars i n very -newest styles, .two and, three -. vy rows of lavender hemstitching, little, beauties for tasty neckdressings, , worth '-25c each; special todayfor, each ;,';,, V.:..i.l2H? .; 25c VALENCIENNES LACES ,10c YARD. ' A rare bargain in these beautiful, wide white laces. , You'll want to share these. .Select from values up to 25(c a yard, today at Vf.XO .V - . " FIRST FLOORvV p;''. " RESULT O? I. C SCHOOL VOTE AT 10 A. M. TODAY Reainald Cartar, BETXBOT 1 . THE NORTON J St. 4 II Arthur Taylor, It, A. SMO ORKN . . , a 12 4. ISf Mae Hughea, KNIGHT'S BHOB ca ............ . . tMi Our Da Pua. PORTLAND DE- UVBRT CO................ W.0I4 Artbnr Undborc LINDBORO , GROCER T , ,2I P. H. Btttln. WADHAU. eV -... KERR BROS. . m . . . ... 4&29 ' Scatterinc ...........j TI.MS Total Great Special Millinery Sale TomorroW ' -Hats That Won't Last Long at the Price SECOND. FLOOR, ANNEX BIJOU MILLINERY PARLORS. OfcTi Wortaa9 A . Ehw, XUlliMiT ' i plattdVl tta leader-. aU to aMurad. No , otbar houae . atndiea faahlona ao aaalonalr j or with nch aneeaaa. On staff of design-" era la nada up of laadera in their Una. " and 4r make, right here in our own etore, aome of the. moat eharmjng modela in the atookawmodela that rival the French creations, both in. charm and excluslreiMwa. Tla this different sort of hat ahowlng we Inrito your atten tion to today showing of hau prioea that meaa a loas to us monetarily bat the profit of many frtaiia'vi1:. 2i ; jo J NEW $Mt HATS : A.T ; A; .CHOICE. FOR ; tW'TlTv"- 2M new and very styUsh Turbans., Sailors and Dress Shapes,' mads ts sail p to f 4.00. As a apeclai inducement today, you may . select and until - lot to closed at. sack ............... 1.08 , Buy X Baby Oet the little household prince out into the ?; spring sunshine. Baby la s human bod' and "V needa the warmth and . sunshine' that Nature brings these days juat as the buds In 'your m. ' garde peed Uiem to open out ami grow. - Tea ; vi can't put too much sunshine Into 'baby's' life.' ! rZ.lBuy Oo-Cart today and trundle m est: Bby Qo-Carts, folding. 'adjuatabie, all rubber" , i tlrea. prloed at. each, from S3.7S to S12.KA i able, foot - rest, automobile gear, complete . with, cushion and parasol; prtoes, esoh, Ur tlS, $14 up to........... MO.OO Sterling:Values in these Dress Goods Bargains L SOUTH ANNEX FIRST FLOOR " ' : Tjg saJe should be of more than ordinary interest, coming1 as it does at the opening of the spring 'season, when making of Spring Gowns occupies the thoughts and busies the' fingers of multitudes of dressmakers and , home sewers. ; We quote example bargains:' ; , 1 . ' $2.00 Novelty Imirted Spring Suitings, In Panamas, , English Mohairs, Silk and Wool Mixtures, in all colors ana tne newest styles, spe-. 1 a 11 ........:..:....;...pi,Tr7 ( i $1.50 54-inch all-wool Tailor Suitings and 45-ingh ? Novelty English Mohairs,' au new colors ana panerns, spicncua laoncs rar omnwuBi Qima, w Waists,: Coats and Skirts; specially priced, per yard. Colored French Voiles f7'.- - All pure wool, with the, new finish, y ?1.75 quauty, 54-incn,' fll i: priced, per yard .4..- P 1 iTcU 1.50 quaUty, -46-inch, ll;'!, specially priced, yard 41 1 aeWsW . $1.25 quality, 43-inch, j spe- : dauy priced, yara 98c Every color is mduded in these' lines, both street and evening shades ; also blacks. r. " . v :.-r T" V" - $1JD0 Novelty Mohair, Suitings; id 'heat stripes, dot' nd Shepherd ijn i-iv checks, au colors in the line: specially reaucea, per yara...... ... vv . 50c all-wool PAlbatrossi all dolors; and new mixed tailor Suitings; spe- ' cially.priced, per yard..,..;....".4.. ............. ....a.... oeee se 39c v ; - . ;r An Exceptional r : Black Dress .jGoods Bargain 2,300 yards . Imported Black English Mo. ' hair Sicilian, fast dye and richly A " I finished;::. splendid 83c value; special only, per yard....;...0 S V r In the ; Easter r Glove Store FIRST FLOOR. . ' A woman ' to be correctly gowned " must be" correctly j gloved. No- is - ehanlnte si Tie and- fit . guaranteed as at this store. The . glore countries or Kurops bars ell contributed their quota, to the stocks the raoat expert, glore fashioners r of Franca hare Tied with each other tor perfection la- fitting the hand of . her ladyship -the American woman, ' and their products are here In the .. fullness nd -freshness of the new K v season. .'i-.. ''rY''--;..'-'C' v-; .' Our stock of Women's Kid Olorea . 1 for Easter w complete in every de- talL Buying Is best done now from full assortments , of the newest Easter ahedea and completetnent of sises. Oar famous "Monarch"; the , best glove In 4he world at $1.00 pain In black, white and il colors. . Two-clasp n.sgnet.'V- la 'J black..: ' white and all colors; the best dol - lar glove oa earth; price, , x the .pair .....'.... si.oo The Derby; pique sewed; all colors. . black and White; price, . , the pair .................-S1.SO .'. Reynler Kid Qiovee; l-clasp suede; In black: fit perfectly, and very stylish; price, the pair.. ..$31,75 Dent s , t-clasp , styles prlx seam: Parla point; ombroldered backs; , '. ' fo every way a most satisfactory .k Slove; price, the $1.50 ' The Eskay, l-clasp style, made 'of real kid; perfect fitting; very . ' dressy and durabls; price, . "': -t 'the pair. ........... ....$ 1 .SO Kid Cloves, long elbow length, of undressed kid; to be worn with elbow sleevee; very stylish; price, " - the pelr-V.... S2.BO : Boys I V . price, the pair.. ....-Sl.SO M Penny Savings In , Buying of . Notions, . Stationery, Jewelry, Toilet . Sundries and Small' Wares . , , V: . . J F!T 'FLOOR." "J " " i toe HAIRPINS lc Shell Hairpins, medium sIseTT dos. nS card.or larte -Vi sine t doa. en card, crimped, our too .value; special at. the card X&4 '. , fLti KBUEDLK " CASKS TSc Needle Cases of Fins' leather, 'silver-, ' -4. trimmed, contains large assortment Of best gold-eyed ' needles, our . .l-: ; 11.16 value; special at, each 7R : DARNING COT TON All colore; special at. the spool.:. 7.".7,72T too SCISSORS ISo Ladles? Nickel-Plated Scissors, I, T and t-lnch'alae. ! our 60o value; special at. the pair .,......i,.i..,..;..4,!.,...a5 ISC WASH CttOTHS 12o Wash Cloths, In rubber eases, aateea eo'vered,' . our Ito value; special at, each ....... .v., r..... ..22 . 15c CUFF PROTECTORS 10c Rubber Cuff Protectors,.' checked pat-" ttera. our Ite value; fecial at, the pair,. ........... ...... ,.,.,X&4 4S JEWEL POCKETS to Chamois Jewel Pockets, to tie around neck. ' silk covered, assorted colors, our 45e value; special at.. ..29 ' ;75o KODAK ALBUMS 45c Large. Sine Kodak Albums, assorted colors ' - and bindings, for unmounted kodak pictures, our Tec value; special at, each .4S ."."' 1 . ' D R IT O'S t ' " . .WITCH HAZEL, 1-oa. else bottles, our 10c value; special' at, the bet- , ...i......204t . COKE'S DANDRUFF CURE, large sue," 19-oa. bottles, our TSo value; ' , special at, the bottle ................................594 , PURE BAT RUM. large else, 1-pt bottle, pure, triple-dlstflled.' our tl.OO" ' value; special at, bottle ........ ........ .............. . OO v :'yAK,'U 8 T A T I O NKBT:V: Pfr "tea WRITING PAPER 10c 1-lb. package Parchment or' Bond Writing Paper,' plain, 110 sheets of paper,. In gray,-white or, blue, our ISo t " value: special at, the package... ............................. 20- LIQUID FISH OLUB, la bottles, our 7o valued special at the bottle 4g ' GLASS INK WELLS, patent plunger tops, our to value; spectsl at, each', i . '. 4 . t. '.. .'.'f.V .. 4 ..'.'.. ... . . ,100 v ' VEST-POCkET MEMO ' BOOKS, with red, covers, our So. value; special t at,. each '4 . . , . .........,,....,.,..,.... ..... ...3 NOTE BOOKS, tor stenographers or reporters, ouritt. value; special at. each . . . . , . . ........5 LEWIS AND CLARK INK WRinNG TABLETS, note slse; special ht, , .each .... ...,.... ,..44 JEWELRT. '7.- v .;A,:.' w 'A ':-"' " 1 r F 1o r We s t Annex. LEWIS AND CLARK . BAGGAGE-CHECK WATCH FOBS, nickel or , brass; special, each , v. .....'... 1. ...1S: WATCHES, nickel -plated, guaranteed for one year, our 11.00 value; spe cial at, each ., ......76V PEARL WAIST SETS, I pins to set. our 1 to value; special at, the PEACOCK-EYE JEWEL WAIST SETS, t pins te set-out o value; spe- -JS&L at. the set .... . . .. ......... ... t.3;' ' splendid Values in - PRXTrk , .; '.r-:?:, SPRING ..; - . . - y a&h Fabrics and Domestics:. - Fuurr flook. ", - A 1 cluster" of " bargains that meaa emphatic sarlngsta this week's buy era... It might be wen to clip thl list and bring It with you to the store. . SZll'lto., INDIA LINEN 10c, ' " Going to Buy This Suppose - You Buy 'Em Today and Save Part .or the Pricer-The Tair-Way" Shoe y. v v V ' v-' Store South -Annex First Floor. v; ''H. s;- Week? Store--South Ann 'MEN'S IN SHOES 11.10 Men's Lace Shoas, tan Rua- elan calf, Blucber cut. latest spring style, reirutsr f value 14.00; special, pair S3.29 MEN'S 14.00 ' OXFORDS II t Men's Genuine Patent . Colt Blucher-Cut Oxfords, new potato last, very styW . ' Ish, regular value t4.00; specUl, palr........f 2.89 u MEN'S t340 SHOES tl. Men'o Laee Shoes, chocolate, , Bhtcher cut. straight last, thoroughly made by honest . - shoemakera, regular value $1.60; epeciai, pair .$3.50 tl.SO PLD7PERS H CENTS Men's" Imitation": -r Slippers, rrttendld stock to wer(- regular i ; v ; C1.16 at! tli). racial, pair ........... C9f WOMEN'S tl.19 OXFORDS tl. Women's Ylci Kid - Lace. Btnoher Oxfords, four largo eyelets, patent tip, ' regular value 1.(0; special, pair....... 93.69 WOMEN'S tt.l OXFORDS $174 Women'a Patent Colt Oxford Ties, dun mat kid tops, Louis XV heei made on a blait-arch last that will keep its shape,, regular-. ' value. $1.10; special, pair ......v.... ....... 2.74 WOMEN'S tl tO LOW SHOES It. Women's Medium 1 '.All-A round Low Shoe, medium heel and toe, vlct kid, ,. ,. 'patent tip, turned aoies. regular value $1.00; nxctal. , , .pair m. ji.'i-: . . . . . 1 . . S2.S9 ,Very Fine. 1 Sheer -: India . Lrnen.' 40 V Inches wide, regular value Iter ., special, yard ......,.....'T...iO ZkAs: -v' tic' PIQUES' lie. ,. ... White Piques with ' fancy , Jaequard Sgures, variety of pretty up-to-date .- . styles, regular value Itc; special, yard ................2Se ' .)-XSc FANCT WAISTTNOS Itc Fancy SUk Finish ' Waistisgs with ; ' handsomely embroidered dots and figures, regular value tic; epeetsl, ,yrd '..'. .................. i . 1 8 ll.MBLEACHBD DAMASK Itc. ''" ... Fine Quality Bleached ' Damask. . 71 Inches wide, pretty patterns, regular value 11.00; special, yard...... 88 FANCT VOILES 1IH TARD. . 11.000 'yards Fancy Voiles snowflake saltings and. spot crepes; special at, ' the yard ...............1SM Bee our fascinatingly pretty new styles in Printed Organdies," Printed Irish Dimities, Printed Mulls,- India Mulls and French Printed Nets; low-, vast prices la the city,..'- ' SHEETS ' 4t EACH. 4 ?7". 100 dosea Foil Slse Sheets, UtM '. Inches, mads of heavy, round thread sheeting warranted to wear setls- A GREAT SPECIAL. t-DAT SALE' IN THE Womchrs Knitwfear i - - . n . 'j , . , - ... . ... ; Shops ; 4 FIRST FLOOR. Underwear Hosiery and Boys' Waists ft Tcts Than Usnwl PricCT : J Very timely such values as these, and aaving -women who appreciate dainty, serviceable under wear and stylish hosiery-will come here on r 7 .. Wednesday br;Thursday.. 1 And filr1 their wants, for weeks ahead. -Wednesday and Thursday only we offer Women's M ERODE White Lisle Vests, low neek. short' '. sleeves and low neck and no sleeves, with knee and ankle length, tights to match, big dollar quality; special, each KQ4 Women' a V-8haped Neck, Sleeveless,' White Swiss Ribbed Vests,-nest crochet trimming, zoo quality; special, each.. ......,,..,...... t, ...v. ...12H Women's Black Imported Lisle Hose, all lace and lace boots, embroidered, all full finished, splendid $1.00 value; epeclal. pair. ..j.. ...... ..i .654 Women's Back Macs Cotton, velvet , finished, Hose. . with white .sole. e ; quality; special, pair ..... i. ... j. .............. . i .20e Another lot of Boys' Waists. In blouse and shirtwaist styles., light and nc -dram shades, pretty stripe and figures, tto value; for, each. ...1M factorllrj special, each. 4S4 . t 140 PILLOW CASES 10c , Pillow. Cases made of " wire Smooth sheeting, regular vain 14c; spectsl, , each ........................ -lOe) lie PILLOW CASES ItttC . . . -1, ' Extra Weight Pillow Cases, made of best quality sheeting, regular value ' lie; special ... ..12He) Ncrw Airtvals to Shopping V. 1 OPEN TOpAY y , ART ; BECTIONr--EOOND . FLOOR. A large shipment Just received yester ' day, oa sale today. Five lots, priced at.. .12s) 354) A4 SOs) and TS ' , ; A REMARKABLE SALE OF ; SUPERB AND MAGNIFICENT ' ' : OLD OMENTAi;; RUGS ' Tit THE RUG STORE FOURTH FLOOR. 1 ' One must see the Ruga to fully appreciate what this sale means--Handsome Oriental. Rugs, In small, medium and carpet alsea. Including Fehrehan, Cobeatan, Khiva, Bokhara. Shlras, Daghestan. Shirekln. Bavouk. Klrnair. Shan, Anatolian. Bergamas. Kasak. Moesoula, etc. reduced this war a rare chance for collectors and eonnolaaeurs to save In adding to their collection of rug gema: 111.00 value, special,, ....... $11.00 value, special....... $10.00 value, special,...,.,, $11.00 value, special...... tll.00 value, special....... I17.S0 value. special. ...... $10.00 value, special.. 111.00. value, special........ S28.00 111.00 valuei special . . . . . . . S.IO.OO 117.00 value special ........ f 32.00 $40.00 value, special. k...., .934.00 $41.00 value, special .39.00 110.00 'value, special. ...... .944.00 $ 10.00 value, special..;,... 952.OO I1S.OO 115. TB 116. BO 11 9.00 12 l.OO I2S.OO 12S.BO $ 11.00 value. specUl.... ,..957.00 .$ 17.10 value.' special.. 959.OO 1 7100 value, special. ......95.oO t 10.00 value, special.. .....969.00 I 11.00 value, special. ......973.00' I 00.00 ' value, special. i , ... .978.00 $ 01.00 value, special..... . .982.00 $100.00 value, special....... 9S5.00 $111.00 value, special..... .9105.00 1140.00 value, special.,..,.) 1117.00 I1S0.OO value, special.. ....( 1125.00 1171.00 value, special.. , ,. 1145.00 1100.00 value. speclaL. . ...9I68.OO Third Floor Specials Rabbits, special from. each ......r;...,..r.j to 75 Chickens, special from. ' 1 each Sf to 50 Animals, special from, ' ''- '- eaea ....... ... . . . ; . . Bd to 0 Figures,. sieial'-fren,"1 j"' each .... ..... . . . , ..5 to f I.OO Vases of Clear Glass, special ' v from, each . ;V.S4 to SJ1.7S Decorated GUssware, special from, . sT. ' eej m .;.','v- a . jmm . . I n rtot t: C"l I 'w 4 IB IB II li L a m" .I'll is laMMVJ- w wtv .: f: Glass NEW SHAPES AND CUTTUJGS. A visit to our crystal room : is one of the sights of the city, t . v Nsppers from, each..,.. .925 up Oils from.. each. ...... ...92.75 up Sugars and Creamers tram, ' ' '' set'... ......r....95.50 up Water Boilers from. each.'.aS.SO op Tumblers from,. dosea.,.. SX4.00 up Bowls from, each, ........ 94. SO up Plates from, each. 4I3.SO up " Comporta, Olive' Spoons, Celery and Ice Cream Trays,' Decanter, Whlaky Bottle, etc, over 1.000 shapes and cut tings. y Some of the News Yet i . , ,r - We sell enormous quantities of Men's Outflttlngs, probably, more than any other two of the clty'a storea. -. There's several reasons for It. - Reason No. 1 Letter styles mads possible by keeplnc a resident buyer la New Tor Clcy the yesr ground. He picks the buds, other Portland ratores that only send. . buyers periodically get -the blos soms. - Our assortments are larger than elsewhere showni-'-Qssntlty. . buying the privilege of large out. ; let means a. smaller price for lis and our customers, as welt as more generous choosing. . Tee the men hsve ressons galore for making this their "Toggery Shop." . r " 'WEST ANNEXE-FIRST FLOOR. ' Here's' a "five-spot- inducement for Monday and week while quantities .last: .. - . . ' ,. JW place on ssle Monday a new line'' of Fourln-handa; regular iOe val ; ue; special, each. .2CV MEN'S tUO GOLF SHIRTS ' 07c , A line of Men's Oolf Shirts, new. , pretty spring patterns, detachable ,1 cuffs; regular value $1.10; , , special, each ............. ..97s) MEN'S 71c NEGLIGEE SHLRTS 47c A line of Men's Negttgee Bhlrta. ' . soft collars, strong Oxford cloth ; In light stripee and figures; ru f lar value 78c; special, each. .4 Ts) , ' $t 8UIT CA8ES $1.47. A lot of Dark Brown Suit Cs of . water-proof rubber cloth, brass . trimmed, leather handle, slses 11, 14 and 14; regular value li lt; :, special, each -91.47 . MEN'S Tlo SUSPENDERS lie. ' ,'A - new line of Men's .Suspenders, medium and narrow, llsles, oonlab ' and leather ends, new eolorlogs, .blue, ten, fancy gray, polka dot ' and asaorted gray and tan stripes; I our best 75o value; special ... Oe Specials From the Third Floor Stored It will surely be tbe pride of every one who has a lawn or garden to keep them trim and hat this summer. We ' all be anxious to make the best possible showing before the city's visitors during the coming exposition. We t t. few specials as reminders of what you Bay heed Tor Ihfs purpose all at under-prlces - TROWELS. LAWN MOWERS v t . ; ; Of good quality, every beating adjusted, so It will work properlyv e.. .-j li-inco bibs; special ai, cacn. . 14-Inch sins; apeclal at, each ll-lnch sine; special at, each .. LAWN MOWERS " f With hlsh wheel, ball-bearing, easy running and cutting. 14-Inch site; special at, each. ................ . .f S.15 -l-lncb otsa; apeclal at. each. ....... ..4...... ' ' FEATHER :DU8TER9. . : ' Of extra-fine quality, f laejtlnisb.AadL well made, ll-lnch slse; special at, each.. ................... X"-4 14-Inch slse; apeclal aU each. ............ ... .4 ft 10- rnrh slse; apeclal at, each;...,.................' 11- lnch else; special at. each..,. ................... mriy.- t.. ! . v : t.......j..;.....92.TO I...............1...i2.5 1, $3.15 ''.' .. . GARDEN : 1-pleee; special at, each . 1 -piece, larger; apeclal at, each Extra atrong; special at, each Oarden Weeders; special at, each....... Garden Spadna; apeclal at. each Garden Khovela, long handles: -ctal at, each., Garden Rakes, 11 teeth; special at, each Garden Sets spade, hoe and rake: rrl at. ' set ; 1 ,' ' - STANDAP.D TTT.XET Ft: A".... . r 10-Inch sine; w" i r enrh. . , ............ i-lnc - f t . e H..... ". . , 14-lm t a ; , t, 1............. 14-lnrb r : 1 l, H-l II , I j - . ) 1 ., e . J