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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1905)
"A. Bmi; Olrl" uu-a .Kn-btur, Vlolla BwUl V.. '-liuif JMI" ar i. .i. .. . Vaudeville ikt , lran4v VaadcvlUe The subject, "MountalnBunshln and Summer Gnow," will b given tomorrow afternoon, the. regular literary day of the Unitarian Women a alliance. Miaa ,Oer . truce Metcalfe,. a careful observer and writer, well known among newspaper and magazine contributor, will' be the essayist. Miaa Metcalfe la an enthusl astlo Mssama, having made frequent tripe with thla organlaatlon to the mm. mtt of some of our moat famoua rooun- tain peaks.. The lecture with, its Illus trations, will be given at the Manama club rooms . In the city hall ' at Z:30 o'clock . A short business sasslon will precede the lecture, held at the church parlors at I o'clock sharp., .f'r.-- ,.'.r Permission was granted by) tes'ju- - dietary oommlttee of the city councu yesterday for the People's Market com- pany to construct Its main building on 'the north aide of the city square at'Tnlrd and Clay streets Instead of between two aheda aa provided in the franchise. . a ' two-story brick structure will be erected. Instead of a one-story building, as first planned. ' Plana for' the proposed changes were euDmmea to tne commutes oy j. ' H. . Alexander prealdent of - the ' corn puny. The committee refused to refund to 1. N. Phillips l on the saloon license . tor the Parte house which - was revoked several weeks ago. ; . ' n -f..vj;. Suit to recover DO shares-of stock in - the General - aUeetrle-oompaovY' or- their value, f 0,0v, baa been beguu in the clr- - cult court br R, H. Thompson- against Clara E. Morey. executrix of the will of the late P. P. Morey. - The claim la that 80 shares in the Willamette Falls Elec . trio eompany wore- delivered by Thomp - son to Morey to be held for return ou 1 demand, and' were later exchanged for shares In the oeneral Electric, with dm I consent Now tha stock la retained aa a ' 1 part of the estate of Morey, and Thomp- , son seeks to establish his rifht to tnem. The Oregon Auto-Despatch eompany U preparing to go Into tha passenger business. . Two coaches sufficiently ! large to accommodate 24 people hare ar ' -. rived and others bave been ordered from the east. The company will put on an auto line from the business part of the 1 city -to the exposition grounds, choos- . ing route over the most attractive . thoroughfares In order to give paasan gers an opportunity to view the city -aa they go to and from the expoal tloa. Electric power Is used on tha big . macblnee. ,- . ' ; The first play td be presented by the . reorganised Columbia. NtocK eompany. which begins a summer season of three weeas next ru nosy auei-noon, ia a . melodrama, "Woman Against "Woman." The members of tha eompany who re . main on the new basis are Mis Chun ties. Mr. Bowles, Miss Douglas, Miaa ' Allen, Roy Bernard, Miss Wallaoe, Mr. , Bernard, Mr. Dills, Mr. Bloomquest and ,Mr. York. George Berrell will be the . Stage director at the Empire theatre. The Missouri" Pacific has lines from pueblo or Omaha through Kansas, City . to St. Louis, giving passengers their cboloe of routes. ", This is tha only road "over which through rates apply through both Omaha and Kansas - City to St. ; Louis, or points4 beyond. - The service nod equipment of ..this popular routs' are ,"lhe beat. If you contemplate an eastern , .trip write yr. C McBride, 1t Third "street. Portland, for . whatever Informs Uon you may ' desire. ' -. " : At jl ; meeting of the" Portland ' Ad Men's league last night it was decided to invite tha Peclno .Coast Advertising Men's association to meet here In July. C J... Owen was made a delegate to at '" lend . the - quarterly convention at San - Joee Apr a I to present the invitation. - Brief talks on "Ads That. Brought. Re sults," were made by C. C . Chapman. K. C Brawn, C. J. Oweaj J. P. Stepleton '; and? A. F. Wing. '. ! -.,' . '-','", , A pontoon wharf M by IS feet will be built by the city at the foot of Stark J street for the benefit of the. public, at . a coat of 1309. - Tha committee of" com ' - merce and landings of the council reef ' ommended tha executive board to make the improvement .yesterday afternoon. The wharf will be used aa a public land -.. Ing for pleasure and passenger boats. , "" -B. P. O. Elka The. members of Port . land lodge No. 141 are earnestly re quested to meet 4 n our lodge, room, in ; the . Marquam buUdlng, on Thursday, Anrll . at 1 p. m.. sharp, to assist in ayThgfieWrKT none roTogr- new building. Visiting brothers invited .to ' participate. By order of the exalted ruler.- Job B. Coffey, secretary.- V Bisters of the Mercy Homi Sixteenth and Couch streets, will call on business men of the city for subscriptions to -. slst in paying for the property.; -It haa ,'been stated that tha property would be . sold unless the payments are made, and : chart table, persons have naked that tha sisters solicit subscriptions. : i , ; (...;.'..,--Pure paints and oils. F. C Beach A Co.,- the pioneer paint company, agents . Senour floor paint, liquid veneer, lap-e-' lac, i Berry Bros.' r varnishes, Blackjaok harness QlU Meal's . enamels. ' Nsw t Era ,' paint, window and plats .glass. ltt I. First street. Phone -.. ,'y. 5.00 Immigrants Wanted ---To locate along the Oregon "Water Power RaU ' way company's Una between Portland . and Eatacada. .For Information inquire ' of tha .Oregon Water Power- Townslte . company. IS 4 First street. Phone, Mala i ,v;: ,;v A y; v;.; i ' Tha total registrations of: voters as to party affiliations la preparation for the city primaries now exceeds 1.000. ' ,- Testardsy It! Republicans and II Demo- LADIES' TAILORED ' -. " ''",'f '' "t ' ." 'V ' " ' - AND, Dolt! V 1 V 4 Nol the Common. Kind" ( Hemtt. Crtilay O'Co. '3 34 Washlnstom Sirt . r. :t Grind Tkeitrg, 1 ' L.TTI II .I - ... t-d tt.i i,1 ., v i ,C.l a e i. pbUloana, t.i 1. 'i i-V II "J did not declare as-to r i ty. L.vtn u.ys remain for registration, and tha benef Is entertained at the courthouse that the dally average ' will increase suffi ciently to bring(tna total to 10,000. ' Sam Crews, wlro stole S300 ffom Mag. 'gie Rees, wss sentenced today to two years in the penitentiary. ' A. McDonald, indicted for obtaining money under false pretenses by drswlng end passing check on one of the banks, signed with the 'forged signature of the Or pro prietor of a aaloon at Second and Couch streets, pleaded guilty, and, on recom mendation of Deputy District Attorney Bert Kaney. was sentenced to one and one half years in the penitentiary. ; - For improving the form, carriage and general health and correction of stoop ing shoulders, -contracted cheat and weak back nothing la more beneficial than a good Common 8ense- Shoulder Brace. Call and let ua show you the most prae. tlcal kind we can . help you -brace up. Albert Bern!, the druggist. Second and Waahlngton. . . ' The body of William Stewart, who fell Into the Willamette river at the foot of Main street yesterday afternoon and was drowned, haa not been recovered. - Dep. uty Coroner Baldwin. Who Investigated the affair, declares his death was sect dental. Stewart waa known as a ."gin " North Pacific Steamship - .company's ataamshlp Roanoke.' 1,400 tons, sails for San Francisco, . Los Angeles. Coos Bay and Eureka Thursday, April . t p. m. from Columbia dock No. 1. Office HI Washington street. H. Toung, sgent -'- Mr. snd Mrs. J. M. Richmond of Spo kane are vlaltjng Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Humphreys at 117 Orove street. . They ai-mroijt-( to- rtnrrtsviHe.-- Aia. -' Mrs. Richmond Is a sister of Mrs. Humphreys, , The New York state buUdlng at the Lewis and Clark fair has been purchased by Paul wesslnger. on whose property It stands, and he will take posse salon of it as soon as the exposition closes. . - A poatofBoe subetailon will be estab lished , in the Chamber of Commerce building., according to plans thst have Just been completed by Postmaster Mlnto. ;..:,r7t. (.. .4 ,vJ..".".:' t -'' Modern turmoil of -life', results ' In many ' nervoua - distnrbanoes. Take ' C C C Tonic. C C. C Tonlo cures 111 of fsets of too strenuoos pursuit of busi ness 'and pleasure. For sale by Knight Drug eompany.' -:'v.' ",; j -" ' . ' " Eatacada - Offers . Opportunities - td manufacturers which means mlluona of dollars If properly handled. For In formation inquire, of the Oregon Water Power Tewnsite -company., -dSa. First street ; Phone, Main 1C ' Lot-Black Cocker spaniel, female: 4 months' old: answers to the name of Blossle; went- astray In city Park, Sun day; . reward for- her' recovery. S7 Flanders street, between Twentieth and Twenty-first, - - -..-"'.-. -: , The new t. C Smith A Bros. Visible Typewriter la now on exhibition In our store at ill Third street' Failing JbuUd. Ing). L. A M. Alexander A Co, exclu sive dealers entire coast. , , t t , . Julia D. MoCutcheon was divorced yes terday from J. 8. McCutcheon by Judge Sears on the ground of desertion. ' Her maiden name, Forster, jwmv restored to --V. :J.'v'.V':'.'''';; " . x e -i --t,- c B. -4V 8,. -Cough and Croup Byrap pre? vents eelds developing into bronchitis and pneumonia. . Stops all colds prompt ly. ' For sale by Knight Drug eompany. -We-eleaa and press your clothes and shine your shoes for Let per month. Unique tailoring Co. 47 , Washington, Main fli, v. :...')..-. .a 1 Try A meal without meat at the Vege tarian care,l6t Sixth street, c , . , i '5- J ' : Aasley's display, Pfunders, Id and Oak Orpheum, Vanderllle, burlesque, eVrts. - - .'' - . " -- . ... , . Ask your grocer for Oolden Cheddar. NEW CLUB FEARS IT ' - Discovers Alarming Symptoms in '; ; i Two of th Older Or-V ganizationsV "new: dl" Revebllcans. who three weeks age Joined the organl- i satlon that was to reconstruct the party In Portland, are looking askance at the proposition to -have a conference Of a oommlttee of ten from each of the three clubs -tha Republican, the Toung Men's Republican and tha New Deal clubs. It appears .that Charles K. Lock wood is secretary of the Republican-club and of the Young. Men's Republican, club. The New - Deal members i aver that Lock wood. who la the active force In both his organisations, attending to all de tslls, virtually appoints tha commit tees from the Republican and. . the Young Men's olubs. and therefore would bave. 24 of the ! members of the con ference committee, and absolutely -con-trot its actions: . . . f - It has been known all along ' that there was no particular distinction be tween the Republican and the .Young Men's clubs. They work together, ban quet together and are known to be prao tlcally branches of a common tree. Hence the New Deal members do not know just what to do about the con ference proposed by Mr. Lockwood to decide what, candidate ahould , be sup ported for the mayoralty. . The committees of ten from the two Lockwood cluba are: Republican, by wards,, from 1 to 10 Dr. Norrta R. Cox,. George W. Hoyt. D. J. Qulmby, W. S. DunlWay. F. E. Beach, N. H. Blrl. W, P.-Keady. Thomas Hlslop, H. L, NeVelle and W. 3. Peddlcordi from the Young . Men'a Republican club, A. K. Preston, A. W. Allen. C. K Lockwood, W. M. Cake, B. F. Jones, It C. Smith, F. S. Bennett and N. O. Beutgen; no ap pointments have . been made for the fourth andvelghth wards. . TRYING TO DISBAR ATTORNEY JOHN F. WATTS - George H. Jessup has caused the com mencement of disbarment proceedings against John F. Watts. Seven counts In a presentation to' District Attorney Man ning assert that "Watta waa careless In handling other people'a money placed in his possession In his capacity as lawyer. Watts denies the charava In toto, and says they were intlgated by R, H. Mur phy, a former partner.- The grievance committee of the Slate Bar aasoclatlon, H. H. Norlhrup. R. W. Montague, T. O. Greene and N. H. Bloomfleld, will con sider th Charges. . i' . .. TrefeiMd tteek Oaasad Croeds." j Allan 4 Lewis' Boat Brand . , Frits Krelsler tt ; Tonight the Atrlan violin wlxard will give a recital which will linger long In the minds of those fortunate enough' to hear him. - Krelsler has attracted a great deal of attention wherever :he has -ap peared. After a fourth recital In Boston. one critic said: 1 r. ' . "Moonlight and his Faii-jrland! who could not see it all listening to - Mr. Krelsler s playing Popper a -Elfentansr The piece Itself is wonderfully descrip tive, andsrlth the rendering given it. one DOOLEY ON ''M (Not by P." tm m vead the rlailutlon ef rlspict riAmrm that ' were prestntld - to Chafe Huntr ksked Mf . Dcoley r j -Ba the inaipmo-nv -glare and Hlghwaymln: Y T Portland r suggested Hennessey. faoeUoualy. ? K . . Mimmlttav av the lxlcu- t. : w..' Th ive him a certificate av'' good moral i character. - an' said - if wf tows -were being broke Portland he didn't know anyinmn " . . wasn't the man that was tol;'. '-waa he charged wld breakln' any Uwa. Dooleyt' '' - 'v.. ' : .- Only as .aoeissory. aimer "-. - .vi s-iaid. riDrtslntln' the Sartlnder,' Shart Day and Big Pay -satin r uLt t OIU fwa ' mutmw , - union saloon min -were worrklng their . " . . . enntranr to the nun . uu.i w. municipal ardlnance that says they shall here from- to e, . te stape, te and attind the revivals.- To prove hla state mint. Flegel.took a fistful r good mamv an aV crvwu i a???s, ri -f-.lrw.n. an talked to ih9 bhoya betchune the 1oura w1" . should have oeen .. . new names for ould cocktails. Armed .7 "",.. th lvldenca he bad WIU im iwtiu . ---- collected, me frind e,pfr, fore the commia. tzT.,j. Zl -a rr fallln' to make the saloon min kpe Toonlon hours, atfput 14 mln on the stand who swore, they could git all the liquor that waa -good for thim In the ssloona" betchune wan o'clock an' five lit the marnln', an that the ohare anew iu - "An' pwha did the chafe . say to thatr .''- - ' "Ha putTarty-eigni gooa mm, thnre on tha stand to say that he. had nlver even heard Charley Rasa." "An pwhat in the name ar the dlrvll v.,. ,iii, i dA wld the QlU umsivr M - casef aaked Henneaaey, In some sur prise.' :",. ' '" ,.vi..kf in ha wnrrld. Hennessey. nawthin' at all. But Charley clouded the isshoos. ! Then tne commiay OVWIl ...M . ; - a .trlnchant typewriter make out a dl- TRAFFIC MEN ARRIVE ; TO DISCUSS RULES Will ' Decidw Whether ; Portland :. Shall Enjoy Advantage to " Which It l" Entitled. ' ;1 First to arrive for the conference be tween railroad officials and the trans pertatloa committee of the North Pa clflo Coast Jobbers' association in this eltv Thursday. Is the Northern Paclflo railroad party. Including C. M. Levy, aaalstant to the president; J. M. Hanna ford, second vice-president in charge of tratflcr J. O. Wood worth, traffic mana ger, and two Btetrograpbers. They cams last night, and will spend the week here, Bn Campbell. ' fourth vice-president end head of the t raffle department of the Great Northern, I reported 111 at his home In St Paul, and that road's Interests will be looked after by J. M. Han ns ford, assisted by-A C Eden, as sistant traffic, manager, who will come from Seattle tomorrow. J. C, Stubba, traffic director of the Harriman lines. Is - expected i here tomorrow . from San Francisco. '," '' ' ' " The .meeting Thursday Is .expected to readjust and settle for some-time to come the question ef. rates from Port land to the eastward, and. readjust con ditions In which, the Interests of-Port-Isnd and taterlnr Jobbers conflict. Spo kane. . Boise. Denver .and, even Chicago are factors in the distributive rate prob lem." k-'. ,. .. V !' - e- .. the Empire Tonight. could follow, the dainty tread of elfin fairy feet.' ' "It haa been said that Krelsler show the alrene artistry of Welniawskl' and the truth of these remarks waa self evi dent when he Interpreted thst master's 'Polonaise.'. 8o true to the meaning. - light and accurate was the' player that one and all felt the atmosphere in. which the composer lived and wrote his harmo nious melodlea." - . . . The recital Is under .the-direction of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman. ' ' - " TT CHIEF HUNOP P. Dunne.) ploms, ay merit' for the chafe, an' they said ' in it that the' only - way a ' man could wit late a saleen- after hours was Urjr-wrmahifT' the padlock off the front dhure v or - by committln' : burgUry . an" forcible.. Intry by rear window; ' an' v coorse,' the chafe couldn't know any- . . . . . . . . . . . . , . l Ulin av inai until . no ' saw i iu . m nepers that he ntvlr read." - ' i "Bat I tought someone swore' that the chafe hlmsllf . was in a saloon afther hours T' - r - - , "Its thure, Hennessey; an' when the chafe heard that they knew all about it, he admitted it like a man. But he swore that he I Just - s tipped in for a minute wldout hi uniform, an' be tut canfidant that the saloon man wouldn't have sold him the liquor If ha had reo ognised him, an' anyway the saloon man was a frind av his an' knew how to vote, -an' he had promised to be more careful nlxt time, an that to the blst of his knowlldge an belafe he hadn't been in that saloon again afther hours whin any wan waa there that, would be mans enough to make a-talk aoout it- ' . "He made a strong deft nse, .Doo ley,' amid-Hennessey, j admiringly. "Shure, an' the eommlttay could do no less than hand him a token av their es tame an' eanfldance. An'-whin the chafe writes a certificate av rtsplctabllity an' Impartiality for Big Slchal an' ' Olneral Baby the matter will. Mst. - I - v Pwhat did they have to do wid Itr ! "Why, they were the' eommlttay, an? sa they were on true for-mgnct aa tncomplttncy aa well as the chafe, some wan has sot to aivs them a '-rlsllutlon ay eanfldance an' It anight aa wIU be the chafe" -iV; ; See 9Oy Ada. for Baxrataa. A COVWLVS Aa til hardwood' 14 -Inch top. Inches high Htand Tame, wnn carrea round legs.-, worth and sold for .$1 everywhere. : Here all wsek only s YOUR CREDIT IS 0000 UXRK COVELLS IM-lae FimgT ST.- i Petaaerly Mew York FaraitBre Oo. -rXAoa to Birr FvmatTVaUs. Ui.. L . s,-v Confirmation of Statement That Northern Pacific "- Is Corning Here Over High Structure. WILL CROCS AT POINT NbT FAR FROM ST. JOHNS Easy Grade Hat Been ' Found Descending to Portland on . the West Side. . 4 : News received today In Portland from an absolutely reliable source . confirms the statement made by The Journal some time ago to the effect that the Northern Pad ho railroad will coma Into Portland over a high bridge across' the Willamette rives at Su Johns as soou as . the company bridges 'the Columbia, which will be done within the next two years. Surveys for the entire project. Involving bridges - a cross both rivers. are now completed, and the beginning of actual construction awaits only the final decision of Engineer Crosby as to the location of the Columbia bridge piers. - ,;. . .,- - surveys .-made by tne northern ra- clflo's engineers hsve proved that the road, crossing bridge HO feet above the surface of the Willamette river St St. Johns, csn find an easy'Srade seconding on tha west side of the river , to its, Portland terminals. A ens per cent grade drops II feet -in a mile, and by a route back of the hills It is six miles from the Portland Union de pot to a point on' the weat bank of the Willamette near Llnnton. . wnere tne road, will -pass - through a gulch and serosa the. river to St. Johns ever a bridge high enough, to olear the masts of the largest sailing vessels that float on tha-Paclflo.- a - - - From St. Johns to the Columbia, river bank the road has eight miles or more In which to drop to the level of the proposed bridge over the Columbia river, This -will be a draw bridge, and will be constructed on the most modern and substantial scale.. It will be one of the heavleat steel bridges ever thrown across, any river, and the science of bridge building will be tested to tha limit In the construction ef an Immense draw snen that will accommodate ves sels In all sorts of weather and take care of the great volume of navigation that Is expected to develop on the upper Columbia river with . the completion of the Celtic canal. ; BREAKS HIS RULES TO FREE BEEBE'S MAN Chief Hunt Hurriedly Releases Bicyclist Caught Aiding ; t - ' on Sidewalk. . ' Henry Foott sat In the polios station this morning and wondered. He was ar rested soon after-dawn while riding a rbicyole on the sidewalk. Others were arrested at about the same nour ana were held at the ' station. , Haary oould understand why they were held, hut as for himself wasn't as la the employ of Police Commissioner C TF. . Beebe, end how In the world could a mere police captain hold him. Foott demanded that he be released on his own-recognisance. -1 work, for Oeneral Bee be, J .do.", said the arrested man te Captain Bailey and other police officers at the station,' "and It would be well for you to- release me at once.' r ., - After several hours Chlsr or Polios Hunt arrived. He waa soon Informed of the predicament of Oeneral Beebe's em ploye, and the baste that was made by Hunt In releasing the man waa nevet equaled In the polios station sines the exhibition ef speed made by the chief when he released the Segro highwayman Ooode from Jail after the bandit had been Identified by two of hi victims. - After they had' witnessed the release of 'Foott, the seven other bicycle riders demanded forgiveness. Toere was notn Ing for the chief to do but release them on their own recognisance. . v- Several days ago Chief Hunt Issued ironbound orders to his captains that all bicycle riders s treated be held until be could, pass on their eases. PEACOCK FARM MAKES HONEY FOR OWNER 'V:. '; ' 'U Robert WalkVr. Has Cone Into ; , Fowl Raising Business -; V With Success. Portland hasnlmost within her doors a full-fledged peacock farm. It la owned by Robert Walker and Is located near Beaverton. Since the project was begun three years ago, Mr. Walker had raised about a dosen pairs of fine blrda. He waa In the dty yesterday with two male birds, one of which, bad plumage nine feet, four Inches in length. - , The peacock.' says - the owner, "Is not very hard bird to raise. The main trouble is In ' keeping the male bird from destroying the nest. . Tha female will hide away for this purpose until 5 Where Shalh For G'asses? Kyeslght Is toe Important to 'risk any doubt as to the skill -of the optician. Many years of practice here In Portland la ' a guarantee Of reliability. We have an F.XPER1ENCKD OP- TICTAN, who will sclentlflcallr examine your, eyes and will t tell you frankly whether "glasses are required or not. , Our office equipment la thor- eugMy modern. "We guaraa ' tee satlafactlen, ' i-A'MVvTlIGjdT- 293 n0RRIS0N-ST' ' ( mm asa ,y T . I "I J t I I . H. JENNING C . . . ... .'.',,,",.'.-'" ,' , ., '"' . t ALWAYS READYTO MOVE PUNOS4 SATES; riRNITlRE, baggage; mekqian- DISp OR ANYTKlMG " C MOVABLE : Kala l685 . , HIO N. Third St NOTICE TJi sua sWnes..'V.) "j.f Harveat when the train ig ripe. Green Slab-Wood, 16 inches. $x-75 per load. . :v''--V ' ' ' ;' ; . Dry wood, i inches, Sa-sei pet load. 355 Front vSt. Portknd Sawdust Conway RIGHT UP-TO-DATE . uw.'.i' ibnr.1 Mulls.'. Ton . Coats. Hats, Pants, Qolf Shirts, with a-general line of Shoes ana uxioroa iMwm, Men, Misses snd Boyn.T;S-x;;tU.'--w w. .rv .11 nnr ' rood! In plain figures and we make it very interesting xor tne wwunw. rwith everr Hot's Suit we give a Ball and Bat free-of charge. , -; . 'JOHN DELIiAR v isatabiished for 10 years, on comer First and TamhilL v . ': , : Also a newly4bcate- store corner Third and Davis.- ' - trtrtkh rMDCCB- MXKTSON Crest aarsalss la rose : banhee. All klada ef garera slaatfc. aa ' Uetlea gnemsSeea, zM Onaaa. . Oredmte '" Aawrleea Kekael ' ef - Ostassatay, j v KirtsrUle, sis. , Osteopathy:; ; BS. wlLUaJI O. tXACS, " Ofteoparhle Ptayslrtaa, - All CavaaJa sad ' 1i? buija bMf. , Bceeinaos Dsajraars T'lit'..5rUri. telestlsUy M portued. ' ; Wltheet Prssm. ' SXdSISS SBOSL OORCSBT BTKST KlOaS. mmm soauisrom. after the ; young , are . hatched. ' : After that It Is clear sailing; for tha male bird will (hen help to raise the young sters, '...-... The larger bird brought In by . Mr. Walker waa purchased on Front street by M. F. . Johnson - of Sherwood. . who wanu to keep it in bla home. It waa sold for 1)0. The plumage alone Is worth about S4, each year, i " , TOLEDO WANTS TO A : .. i - SPREAD ITS LIGHT V.;-:,' ;.'. .'... i , -'. A boom haa struck the town of To ledo, one of Portland's suburbs across tha Columbia river, in Waahlngton. The town clerk writes to the Portland cham ber of commerce. Inclosing copies of a splendidly ' written ' booklet setting forth the advantages .of the town and surrounding country. He says: ..In view of the fact that Toledo la suburb of Portland, and a large por tion ef our trade goes to your city, we ask that you place our literature in the chamber of commerce for distribu tion to visitors In Portland."- The re quest will be promptly granted, i Charles E. "Warner, formerly a resi dent ef Portland and now a cltlsen of San Juan. Porto Rico, haa determined to organise a chamber of commerce in the clt.of hla adoption." He writes to the Portland chamber inking for copies of the bylaws of that body. Ha says: I have carefully studied conditions bera snd am convinced that a grevt deal of good can be dene for Ban Juan i . 1 all of Porto Rico by a chamber et com merce that will work alone; t I'ns-s followed by the Portland ci. :." ' refnl f f - 1 ( Alias, i i - Kaddcriy Transfer Com. Company ; ( .v I Ms 4 4 ' ' s ' ' 'e ev ' ' sweneavjr. qasrter-ciT::l osk.: SONS r,? t ,'."'".'. .. - ; a . ' w ' MtM t : . o Portland " Do yon love good music? Toe 'ean select your - choice from a portfolio of too pieces of popular music 'of the world and Prof. - ' aterdam and hla Hungarian - or chestra will render It for yon.. ' Everything to eat and drink ' and it costs no, more In the Portland Eottl m than elsewhere In the city. E y week day night from I JO te 1. ' Is an Intereatlhc Artiela la . c:y-rAPivii;;'i-::--:; Sunset r.lagazir.2 This article la well ilras- ' . ' trated, and should be read . by people ef the North- . west - and then sent to their eastern friends. It will help to show them , ' the enterprise and prog- . f , rees of the Northwest ' better than many letters 1 would. Other- articles, . short stories and verse. SOXOsTTAU Dr. D. C. AMViMMMMTU. StasigM, Wessesday sad tteoday Bights, "A RUNAWAY -GIRL" . IWOaT BTOTTr SATTJKPaT BCaTOTSB, ' unR eos '., y i n I i ' j .' . -' .' " SATTJKOtT KT(THT. : wgjg ABDnUCABT sTTTiTiTOataJM. Bight srlnw TBe, so, tts at aaw..eJ lUs TOINIQMT Empire Theclr JO Direction Lois St Wyna Cornea. Prices $2,00. ?L50, CiCO DAIIEIX THCATn Tkwd and TamhlH eta Keating a Plead. K-e-' , agera. 4erge Vaadevtue Heeee ta Ssw.,... - TKB BTJglPsX TBTnS. ' : M LAId e0 lFL-i. to wXaS a o T twT,D, s.vw. xiaji wiLBO'e;. , A t. - TBA HOSAAJral, '; Adstteleel eowsauti. Ine; spatalra, Ice. PertacsMsria at S.W. Bad 0:10 a. su THE LYRIC THEATRE MVHTHTH ARD AXDCB ITrBUTS. . , . . Bnry AfuraoM sad . : U-A STERLING sTsXODBAXA. 1 !' NUGGET NELL" gaaetaltlas Betwsea Aets. rarforsMBeae at 9:30, T:M asd 0:1 t. OW I'aaal artea W adaiUslee. 10 emu. ' or and rirsr . oOBTGSvew or womTs. ' - BABTXTT i'B C"' li. 1I K i I IA Aj F ' TX. . ... ; . OeaU n, , ' J Tt I 'T S -J.' ' "' ... k, . ; . - - yt. iti r '. . . . ,- Tad fcA' -i- iw; i STAT T i.f i I 7ilh Levis S Chi 1 " VRlGiiT raesele.ttfl. V 'iieaTSBJB the-te- .. V 1 levee aH pain In , ' dental spars ttseis. ' ) SeSVs Waalgen . VJ St, eeav Beew-a. ' ssrs