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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1905)
..iiv.lwvw i ir - - v r- . w Li.. . ; iv i. it E q:;'i pad i ll. fJ1. k. ...... Cqurl .-.Lrr cf W.: s fcr This F!ic3. cccd covzr.;::.:r:jT ticxet. v:rp all n:oa flacis ; . ' ' i. . i ', ' , ' . . f.'aw Administration la Plad.ed to Economical Mom Rula ; .; . s, '. . . T: :. Platform, .' : '. ? V . "W. H. -King wUl b our nest mayor. Whoopr .. v -. -'. Thl wss the entbuslotto anndunc- - ment mad by an excited Bt Johns cltl- can at U-,l o'clock laat night to th hundreds packed about tba - polling place. , Th band expressed itself with 'violence, the aleepy dogs . voiced their t Satisfaction, and tb men, women and urchins roused the', echoes,, with their - clamor.'.-. '' f ,, ;v ;... - -'' . --i. ' :'.''' Th election la a Victory for th Citl ,' tens' Good Government (lea rue, for jr ' capt the head of the ticket Its men were yf.lA.Kiag. f ' v r 1 . V- 'J. t-'i 1 ' ' '' ' i 1 j. '!'': ' placed. In praotlcally -every office. The .. race; between, Mr. Mohahan and.Mn . Jobes waa even, each candidate having lit Votes when tba return were made, lir. King aacured Ufc . ;. . .The full ticket and the party of each .candidate elected fa:, -Mayor, W. JC KUik. Independent, .recorder.... J. W. Hanks, good government; treasurer. F. v W.. Valentine, good government; council J men at larger IV J.. Peterson, Independ ent; B.' T. Leggett. good government; , rC, 8. Thompson, good government; first .''ward, C IX Edwards, good government; 8. A. LitMqulst. good government;, we v 'ond ward. J. H, Shields, good govern - t ment j H. W. Brtce, good government. i 5- . The policy of the new administration, jaa announced by leader today . eHyttowt poaslblertoaaas eas - sistent with ,.th growth, of, the .city; -'hoiieaf. administration, and-enforcement of all laws ami ordinance; management -of 81 Johns' affaire by cltisene of the place and .better . municipal Improve ments." ) I'-'r ; .' ' . t The election yesterday while quiet waa at times somewhat Interesting, eapeci rally to (ha men who tried to vote but . had not ' the .. right. .- Many challenges were mad and aoveral were prevented from casting 'their -ballot.- Each party ' had watcher at each polling place-and ' thla -watcher had the name of every voter of Bt. John, who waa- authorised to cast a ballot Hardly a man chat ' Isnged dared swear la hi Total . Tba ting did not -begin until after ( o'clock In the afternoon, lor tba ma- . iorlty of the resident of tha place artff employed In the mills, factories and docks of tha town and InTortlahdrand -. watted nntll tha last boor to cast their j ballot. Bnortly after the evening whla .Uea blew long line of men marched to the polling place. , ' On of the thing that perhaps decided the election was sprung by the good gov ' i ernment league at a mass meeting Bat airday night. Thla was a., letter from Governor Chamberlain' private . aecre tary to the effect that the St. John charter had been altered, erased and re ' vised after It had passed tha legislature - and while- on Its way to the engroaalng clerk. The changes mad were of a mwJ tur to favor outside Interests, In the opinion of many St. Johns voter, and those who lobbied the charter, through ' the legislature wei regarded as the au ' thora of the alterations. As the-lobby-' 1st were directly interested In the eleo : tlon the secretarV a letter waa a strong '-' factor In tha closing tight; J , ; , ; Y FOUR NEW STORES. IToedmra stall wA sttor . BoJUlag ' riaaned Xrfxial Capital. .;' Thoogh business- houses have , been ! ' voing up- constantly- for , the last 'twj year At 8C Johns such . Is .the growth - of the town and th demand for buslneaa property that more extensive . business i Improvement are Being siatnen si pres ent than-ever before. O round waa broken yesterday for a $,09 frame store build ing on Jersey street near Philadelphia ' Cochran Brother are the owners of tha BroDerty and it 1 understood have al- . ready rented the store room to . new ' ' bustnea eatabllsnmenta. . l , ; . M. I Holbrook wIU build three large II l i lull Pcrd-i '."t Crtn Hxva th Only .-; ;.Cit In thi Whc! Pacia -V ' Northwest. CIFTCF V.'.ZO I'.OZZlti v ' TO EPICCOPAL CHURCH Wi.'l C Installed by the Middle k .; of August or Earlier, If ; , v :- '- Possible. Portland la soon to have th distinc tion of owning the only set of chime In the northweit. They will announce k.m..w,, frnm the tower of Trinity Episcopal church on August 16 or much eariler a th Installation, can pos sibly pe maae. ' - Tk. .kiu IM he the rift to Trinity pariah of Rachel N. Morris, daughter of Bishop Morris. ' There will be nine bell in the set,, which I1 being- constructed by the Meneely Bell company-of Troy, N. T. Chester Meneely, secretary of th 4a n tha i-itr end .will per sonally supertntend th Installation. , Th Meneely company oas hlmaa in manv at the churches Of tb country, among them one for Henry H. Rogera in the Memorial church to his parent at Falrhaven. Mass, rnis cnune was tba moat expensive ever sonde in MfwUr. time. Raw. Dr. Morsan Dlx of New Tork elty write of these chime: ' -.- i-v-v-'J'- ''-.. "By th use' of lignum vita clappers all harahneaa and shrillness are avoided, and th sound produced are delightful to the air. That is tna case who u Westminster peal, in 8U Agnes chapel im nariah . tt la, a constant nleasur to bear them, and not ' even the most neirouapersoii. unlea arrecxeo ny men tal disease, could be dlsr&rbed by the ringing. 0"h tone ar Indescribably sweet." ...:;v ,vV?:v' - r' ;. MR. WORTHINGTOM.IS i VICE-PRESIDENT NOW ( -., - 'iw,.,-.'i-.-''., - - ' : At a meeUng of tha board of directors, iiaiii . tVuiav- fl A. Worthlnarton .waa elected vlce-prealdent" "of v the . Oregon Kailroad at navigation company. u last meeting -of the -board of director of the Oregon at California,; Kailroad elected vice-president of that corporation: Mr. WortJlngton occupies tn poatuon or general mauas a flniith.r. Paxtlflfl flomnaiiT'i line in Oregon, and of the Oregon Railroad Navigation company, ana ua.-suiwawai line, i '-. ."; -.r'i ': ; . .... ' --.",, ii WET ELEMENT VICTORS " -IN WOODBURN ELECTION .'- (special Dlapateh te Ts Joaraal.) ' 1 Woodburn, Or.. April 4. The city elec tion here yesterday resulted In this elec tion of the. following ticket t"Oerge K. Bee be. mayor; O. D. Henderson arid H. I. Brown, councllmen; Oeorge A.- Landon. recorder; B. C Berry, treasurer; W H. Broylea. marshal.-'- - --- ';- . Tha saloons won by a vot on th 1 (cense question ' of 14S for and 111 aaalnst. - There was only ona ticket in thsj 14M ? ballot were oaW..,V 0!itlSREADr:r:OR;.; . NEBRASKA PUILDING llaml Bneelal Marrle.t '".,- ' ' Lincoln, Neb, AprU ' . Th ' sum . of siz.oo la now rwaar ror mm mruun exposition. ' Oovernor Mickey Signed th Lewis and Clam appropriation via tasi night, and It I now a law. i. .. - - : ' BOTS) nfOO0T.- ',. , C Cook and Oeorge Snyder. 14-year-old bovs. charred with stealing 11 from an lUUan baker, appeared tn municipal court thl morning in . company witn their mothers. Th Oook boy. It was shown, supported hi sick mother, who burst Into sob and tear wnen juoge Boy and Qiria1 Aid aoclety for two months. After hi mother pleaded for hhn thoourt decided to parol .th lad on condition that.h repoTt t Officer Haw ley each Baturday, . Tb Snyder boy was discharged. two-atofy' busisess house on th alt of . tb St." John grove. On will be of brick and Ita upper floor will be used by th Woodmen as a hall! . In addition to the lour business mocks, m space In all .of which, Jiaa been rented before th foundation have been commenced, several other block are planned, - . VoozjaraCDUb Run most. . Thorough work among (he money In terest of Portland during the laat two weeks has, resulted . In sufficient funds being secured to make th eetabllahment of th Clark, woolen mill at Sell wood a certainty. Work will probably be com menced on th plant next month. " Th old Portland woolen, mill -alt will be utDlsed and for th present th partially burned building will be rem(deld and mad to serve until new structure ar iraTniinn but atoaa lajtd. . Th , Weyerhauaer timber gyhdtoat laat week added another 0 acres, coat ing $10,000, to it holding In St. Johns. This makea in all 100 acre th big cor poration ha purchased within the month on the St. John waterfaonL Land near th Weyerhauaer tracU ha doubled In price thla year and property that a year ago was sold In acre treats I being dis posed of now In lot at ISO each. till ' Nearly Four fvton Fest V.l Ce ' Chipped From Port Thie . , scarcity op urion nzn W0RRIZ3 OCEAN CAPTAINS Sailors Are All Going to Alaska to ; Enjas in the ; salmon ' Fishing Business. - Tha work of loading th American barkentine Koko Head for Shanghai with 1.400.000 feet of lumber will be com pleted this afternoon, . The barkentln T, P. Ensign and schooner Churcnui win complete cargoes for tit same destina tion thla week. The former' wUl take out 1.150.000 feet and the latter 100,000. Because of th scarcity of union sail ors, th sailor boardlng-houa men will furnish a crew for th Koko Head. Dur ing th past weak union men have been going to Alaska to engage In salmon flahina-. and it is doubtful whether the regular ooaetera can keep erewa during tha summer. Hhtuowners will have to pay a fee of $S6 for every man ongagedj lor foreign passage. Other craft in th harbor loading for eign ar the Alexander T. Brown, th British ship Holt H1U and Lonsdale. Tha Holt Hill is- taking cargo for th weat coast of South America, and Will be ready to sail next week. -.Th Lons dale moved to tha Inman-Poulaen mill thla morning, and it will likely require tha remainder of tn montn to loaa ner. Rha will also clear for the west coast Th German ahlp Henriette, chartered for. theorlent, will begin loading aoon. In addition to these th following coast ers ar being supplied with cargoes: Schooners Mabel Oale, Eric, Boraall and teamen Aureila and Harold Dollar. A hi riaat of ooastara will begin to ar rive from tha south,ttr part of th Week. ."'i J '-'. ' FISHING PRIVILEGES.! , Bid Opad t or SttUg m San Zslaad, Bear of h Oolnmbl. Vonrtua '4iM (nr. aalnlna Drlvlleres oirth south aid of Band Island, near the mouth or tn L-oiumois were re ceived and opened In the oftlc of Major tmr r i,,riiii vaatanlav. Tha arounda for lea have been divided into Ave parte, each having a low water rrontag of approximately M00 feet. Four , of Sa slaa inMIITIslfl nrniHIBBlB XOsT f-HBB S Ing the nttre site. Major Langntt wUl rorwara tn mas 10 wimwuira. h, v AnnAaltlAn ti tha leaslna ui.i w a i.,Ma " -" - -- w by th department. Many of those who have, pnb osnuf iD.inat iinu7.t" years aeciare iu.t va k..,t. a mAMimlv thav will be de prived of a mean of making a living during tn nsning season, im vnm as follows: . ... -j . u..'a. ri tKAA fnur altaat TL a at.w twn altaa; W fC Tlllant. Mt VUUVM, W I , - " " . ' 1400, on It; f1 TaiuV. A. ooviori. e.vvv, m u.iim.1. l, 1 1 1 1 b m llflA nna It; Eiics; lAnustrom. ., xwo D W al nil i a a. aa & laAna M I waa. WWO. BXITSwex - Bten'l&nd Bros. Johnson, I10,-one sice; . a. naseei - Iambi Rivet "Packers' aociatlon. ILOOO, tWO I; T. A.- nieniano. two ; Howard "Wluter.TtTBO, -two mttmm' Mala Baaikala- I1.&00..' tWO BltOai vnart A. imviSk urn iwi., V ANOTHER TRIAL TRIP. ' rrryboa Uo 1 B W Wffl Bav SoMOtl In a few day another trial trip will be given th new. ferryboat Lionel R. Wahater. when It la axoeoted. that ah will redeem herself. T. A. Baiun. tn marina architect. SSVB When sh,naxt go out a crew wUl be on' th craft that will under tana it Dusureea. . . At present tha Webater I lying near th re boat Oeorg H. Williams. ' and I preaenu sorry appearance. On of her aprons is nangm in a, jujameu uiau.i as a result of her last trip. On of th post on the starboard aid ha bean broken br setting In tov tloet t contact with th slip at th landing and th British hark Dumfriesshire which waa lying near that point Mr. Bail In la of th opinion that th county ought to stand th xpena of the repairs, a Ita representative . were . th direct cause of th da max.- However, he say repair will b made at once. With aa experienced crew on the' vessel he say ther will be no danger of her butting Into Hp, ships or anything els that will cause her to com to griar. - MARINE NOTES. v Astoria. AprU 4. Arrived at l:S0 and left up at 10 a.' m. Bteamer Columbia from San Francisco. - Arrived down at I a. m. Bchooner Luson. .", San Francisco. April 1. Balled at I p. m. Steamer Northland for Portland and ooelt porta. Balled Barkentln Aure ila for Portland. - , Astoria. AprU t. Sailed at 1:80 p. m. United State transport Buford for Manila.- ' -: .-.'---'.- ... ' Astoria, April 4.- Condition of th bar at a. nv, smooth; wind south; weather cloudy. ; . ..i v v . v : v , '' ' ATattarAW'MAXfc SBBTZOB. Soon th lighthou keeper and their famine In Alaska will receive their mail vary two week Instead' of very six months. a steamer operating either from Cetchlkan or Juneau will be en caged to carry th mail to th 'several stations. About SO keeper and their families will be benefited by this ar raagementv. :T-;; NEW FEATURE DEVELOPS ' IN EQUITABLE FIGHT " ' -v tJasnsl gpecial (ervk.'i ' ' ' NewTTork,' April 4. A new feature of th Equitable Assurance society ' right was - developed thla afternoon, when friends of Jam 8,' Hyde announced their Intention to depose President Alex ander at a meetltng of th board of di rector next Thursday. - t ... SCALE SIGNED AND ; ' : a:':?. -STRIKE IS AVERTED 1 - .. . (Jonrsal gpecial gervlea.) Altoona, Pa., April 4. Th committee of bituminous coal operators nd miner' cat commute this mominr signed the old cl for another year,- thua avert ing a rika of t,000 men.v ,- - T ; OABASLUr WHUMT MBBTIB0, Th Canadian1" society will hold an other of It social meetings at tha Olcn- dor hntel this evening. A gmxrmuslcsl and literary program has boon prepared. A, Murry of h'i'A City Complains Vat Bradley Fruit Com- , iv'. pany's Delay. ; :Z. ' ' : BROKER SAYS HE CAN'T ' ,ASIGN CHECKS NOW Explains His Hand Is Drokerv Reported to Have First De nied Receiving ' Shipment. a. U,V, ' a 'hlnnae'af ttllt CltV. ClT.. make complaint that he received no re turn irom in xiraoiey stuii woiiu; . ki .it ea nmiiti-v ahlrHwwl durlns v. ... . a v.. j w. " -. - . r t . March. Tha exact data of the shipment sna in numoer aocvruuia wt u company' fUe ar: - ' mw.w Kin xr n A A aCiin-r of Mill City. Or- to .Bradley Fruit company of A a - ahlaban 1 roixianijaa . wv vraiw vv.oax, - pounaat. asw.e. kill -KTa 1A . Vnrr. Af IflU VT Bw A-vw WW a- . City, Or. to Bradley Fruit company f Portland, two craiea. uucum, win welching 41 ponoda and th other 111 pound. ;'.' . : A "way out o. mx ui 17 v Clt, Of., to Bradley Frnlt company of Portland, thre crates of chickens. J74 The tirst eonsignment waa whi'f March . tha. second March IS and tha .i.M Uiwh 1. Kach Of tb shipment arrived la , tbl city a -day later...'. -.. .1.- n n.-, a ralatlva af MurTV. th hippr," for. whom he took th mat- ... ... . . nrh.. T went to th Bradley Fruit company air. uraum w.u k V. Kail taalnd auoh hlD- menu, and would thereforenot pay for them. 1 nt to atui v-ny '"r u of th shipments and found that on 'ia..K 1 ami tha third on March 14. I . -t ,A Rrarflav and ha told me " . --- A-- again, that na never receiveu umin.. & wii iv ., - - f ic her and found that Mr. Bradley bad signed for each shipment on the day 1 1 VM . Whan I nraaanted the facta Mr. Bradley told m that he might have received tn gooas ou w. remember. , Later when I pressed to 1 k.' ha waa aolns- to do he Mid that ha had not mad ny return be cause he had broken ai nan? " vua not sign a check.' v tw Vt-iiU .oomnanv en begin ning business In this city sent out cir cular letter- for-diatrlbutton smong th . . ru. tha Am la Indicated In tb circular th price quoted , wr far above the marxet nere, -anua apple war quoted at tl ano ll.Si a A.11. Mnitn. annlaa r.ould b DUr- chased on that date at price ranging from ZB cents to mm Th Bradley -Fruit company gave aa It raferenc th. Mercbanta' Rational bank of thla city. air. aurr .- ,1.1. raaivad thla letter: nr. Much ft. II OS. A. unia citvi- ncaDear Blr: Re- . . . Ultw nf ha 14th lnt. in relation to th Bradley Fruit eom- t a that thev have no pan j. - - . . authority, to refer to thia bank and 1 would auggeat that you -some person ally, or eend a representative, or mom friend her to w,in them without delay.. loure rr ""'f ' - r. i ..".' i .. vv. ni a. .i ii.k.iili1 National Bank." ' w. n,.!.. r tha oomnanv aays: "I am trying to do a iexn;iinxt and wUl not allow them to prosecute me. in w uiivpv whan 1 sret ready. but meanwhile 1 have a broken hand and cannot sign a cnocav HEM ARE PLENTY 1 OFFICES ARE FEV Candidates Come Right Out and Tel the : People What fcey-W I ' CandHst" msniclnal offloea ar appearing in larg nn- " 7 filed tneir vl v""""" z for th paopl-at th prlmarte for nomination nine yesterday afternoon. Oustav Anderson of 411 Park street Aspire to be municipal ermine on th Republican ticket. , - - Vow to th line; let the chip faU . . . - m 1. Kla nlaif nra. , ' Kdward H. Cahalln, a candidate forJ aw DannhiiMK nnminBiion amas vvhum man from th fifth ward, la opposed to an open town,-ana is noim. press hlmsslf. H ay: ' "If I am nominated and elected I will sdvooat honesty, purity and economy In city aflaira; neyona u w , . 1 . t am nntkoaad to What la known a an open town and to th Idea that ViC Ought tO P licenaau, """' . , . tha raaaon that it 1.... tni an v other ra- on. I request uw u wva -- to an open town', p. printed aftr my . , . . L - HHMM..a tallAl." . : nam a ou na mmiuj.. W. H. Barry of Hast Twenty-ninth - . .,k Maxidata for nomination on th Bspnblican. ticket councilman at large, declare thst h favors th rigid enforcement or in cuy oruiuu, . (mnrnvimtnt of atreeta more h.a a aw alvea In awarding contracts and that ha 1 opposed to tear ing up Improved streets oy ", without first denosit- ing sufficient fund in th hands of the City engineer to repair tne ara. ... H. A. Heppner of Tenth and Schuyler tata aaaka tha Renublloan nomination of councilman at large, His platform la honesty In tba Interest or tne laapayara . u . 4iMn.,M af hla dutv. William F. Merrlam filed hi Intention today to become a eanaiaaie ior nv publican nomination as councilman from n haU favor-.llberal polley In puh- 110 lmprovment,' saio MBU WUl eonnscat property. ACf RTAY OF EXECUTION IN MRS. CHADWICK'S CASE . (Jeeraal gperlal Servle.)- " Cincinnati, April 4. Ex-Federal Judg Francis. J. Whig of Cleveland, attorney for lira. Chadwtck, appeared In tb United State court Of ppal today to aak a stay of execution of the sen tence imposed by tb federal court of Cleveland. District Attorney Sullivan of Cleveland waa on hand to oppose the motion for th tay asked In order that Mrs. Chadwtck may be kept in Cleveland to testify In th bankruptcy proceeding. : All comrade of ticotit Toung Camp, No. 1. United Bpanlah War Veteran, ar requested to attend the funeral of our Into comrade, Herbert W. Card well, at 30 North Twenty.fourth street. Wed ties day, Xhrll .'S:30 p. m. Tly order. AIXILTU WOKLMtCommunder. : Oood teeth are ' esentlal to xcaTlJATIJaT . '- prop Without rood teeth ther cannot b , Wltnoat tnorougn mastication tner r ' cannot be perfect , - , BTOXTSB Without perfect digestion ther cannot be proper . ;. , s . -,'.,.,.,. t dVmTU ATIOB ' .' ' - Without proper aaaimllatfon ther can not be - i 1 ; - '. ., , ' Btrrmmow Without nutrition ther cannot b Without health what 1 f. ' .:. . ' Call and consult a reliable and com petent specialist in ueniiairy. tKX OMWIg s .............. .$5.00 ram ......$1.00 mu rrmmom ) 1 .BO f New : York!; Dental Parlors Fcurth nd Morrison Sts. . . . V "Ovr Sealey-Mason'." Open day and night, from 1:10 m. m. to 10 p. m. Faith In Ita goodness. Hop tn Ita futur and Charity for 'all such aa do not love tt for Itself;'' digest .' a - easily - as milk, pur , and sweet .10 cant a package. AT ALL, GROCERS. Hotel Eaton ' , Owaer Merrwaa aad West gark Stfts, '. NEW - v nasdMoiely faralabe. elegaetly eoaped, repranC, re Sflnotea walk froai heart of aaepptag and sasluaas dlacrtrt, all lante, airy, eotalde reoow, steaai heawd, eleetrle Hants, telephone-la- each- apart meat. ate. Ltu-sa etarea. leaaaiBc. sstokla, wrltln. ladles' reeeptlea parlurs.- Hawnm - rceerTed y wall ar trtaphoat. Ma eaaalsaa aieU tteiaa sad awasiwa. Room $I.OO to $3.00 m Day Special fates teOrmanreUl atea. . .'- . . BU. BAS XATOaT. ;' (remerly '. of Hotel Hedpath, Ipokaaa.) Y W P a r.FI CRRATIain i a III wan HttKuiirMiiiu -- ITS SEMI-CENTENNIAL r" J . ' ' .rVi-, '.' (Jorssl gpscUl Servlc.) ,' , ' London, April X. There will 3 potable demonstration at this Royal Al bert hall tomorrow when th Archblahop of Canterbury and : other distinguished persons, clerical and lay, will gather to celebrate th Jublle of th Toung Wo men's - Christian association. Juat to year hav elapsed sine th eatabllah ment of the association in England. It began at th period when a great Impe tus was being given to all movement connected with woman's work" by Flor- no Nlghtlngale'a unselfish devotion to tb sick and wounded In tb Crimean war. ' During tha absence from England of Miss Nightingale and bar band of helpers ' th Idea occurred to th late Lady Klnnalrd that a, horn would be desirable for them on tbelr return, and accordingly one was made ready. From earing JpTnursesto providing for other 'women In other field waa a natural" tranaltloiw, and the Idea grew Into th dsvslopment of th T. W. C A. sjinri IBWITUIB COBCBBT. A eoneert will be given at thhsStesSI Two. KX.TBB niaUBtM Near the function of the Columbia and Snake rivers, opposite' the famous Kennewick 'district ; "'-'-"; A Limited Amount of These Rich, Fertile Lands' Are Selling in y - a. J 1fJS lw l'iraw fjm rmrm wa". , v t Easy Terms, to Induce Settlement. : v - : ' V ' The soil consists largely of volcanic asn and will produce abundant crops. Is equal, tf not superior, to that of the Lewiston and;Clarkston districts. ' The lands which. sod at thos; places at $250 an acre are now selling at from $900 to $1,000 and in some instances $1,C3 . an acre. Those who purchased at the beginning were wise. - -.-;'.- : -, , , -' Biiv Now fore Two Riv Lands are $1000 an Acre ; r The immense power plant of the Snake River Irrigation company at Five Mile rapids on the Snake river will furnish ample water for domestic ahd Irrigation purposes as well as sur ' plus water power for manufacturtog industries. , " This is uan you anora 10 miss ur v ; ; r ; : Excursion rates from all points on the O. R. & and the Northern PacUic rsJrcad cr be had to Two Rivers. For further information or railroad tickets, aiirerj ! i'"-: ..." .. j 1, (" ,'.-""''"'- :- ' '::.,' v :'. " ' C. S. Jackson Gen'l Sales Agent; 246 Stcrk St., Periled,. Cr:; B. K nvla, Pndltnn, Or. C. B. Farrow V Co., Kun, Or. I. A. Hudson. The Dalles. Or. , 11. El well, Vancouver, Wash. Frost Hryant. Mora. Or. . i Fk Z. hrrison, Astoria, Or. . J. -A. Moehnke, Oregon City, Or. loiiTftiili! AIR-TIGHT, CICKLE PROOF AND : ABSOLUTELY SANITARY t 1 , .'. ; ... :. , . : . ' :. . .. ': 1 ' . 'i; -. :. .-, i ' . t ":''! , : .. - "' The doors and racks in all Buck's Ovens are white enameled, something youll find in no other "range. This not only makes it easy , to keep your oven as sweet and clean as a china dish, but the . white enamel retards radiation and reflects heat. You don't have to turn a pan of bread to have it -bake evenly. Your roast will not dry up or shrink . in a Buck's oven, it's really a self-baster. f :;, f ; - 7. The oven is only one of the many good points of BUCK'S RANGES Come in and let us teU you 'the 'others. ; . .? i' V: SPEAL SPRING SALE i: Remember we will r vour home, all ready for - Ranee or Cook Stove. cash payment down. But there's no risk in it we r-rrknow yoan be satistiearT r- t -;. ? fiO CASil PAYMENT REQUIRED YOU PAY $5.00 $L00 A WEEK; THEREAFTER "'.''.'si; .k ' J ;-vv;. ''.:.-A' '.' i ncco men's Institute tomorrow evening at I o'clock by the glsa clubof th T. M. C.' A.; under, the- dlreetle 1 Ms Caws tt, A. full and attractive program ha been arranged. ':..;4 " :j ''' :'- 1UIOI IB OOTBT. Ranaoka. charged with tha murder Riversj ::,J.-'' ' "At:':.- "- - V:-K.yH'- Washington Five, Ten Twenty and Forty Acre Tracts v ' A Pmm CAn tn Cftlrl nr Arr. : llnnti . an opportunity of a J. It Cleer, Clarkston, Wash. J. T. Orlner, Chehalls. Wash. , Bee ley A Co., Luson bldg., Tscoma, . Wash. ' W. W. Per-k. SOI-S Paclfle block, Se ' attle. Wash. . ' :r--?' .- now deliver and set up in-:u, use, any pattern of Buck's ' We do this without any IN THIRTY DAYS : :v.; 4 Urn of la Fugitaro, appeared In municipal court thla morning and watved a pra- llmlnsry hearing. He "was held to t..4 higher court and ' in default of bonds waa committed to the county Jail pend ing hla trial. , The thre Japanese wit nesses who are said to know tb detail of th crime appeared also in court and j will. he .held. without bond. lifetime ! r ; Hereford r'-v", " HiKhane, H . Jno. A. Lyons, Hover A rwtw . . . Walla Wan. '-. T 1". UmiiMt. t i W, I. Ixnn., , i 1 '..,- ' - - ' ' - , .' I "a. . .. ' V- " -' ' ' ' - . ' ' ' - . .. , y ,