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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1905)
IT w . . Ii TU.Z)AY , X v AlsIL 4f lwJ. Ttrwlllleer Land Lend . Company, SO.; Compear, po.ew; Company, "80.f6; CompaBy, o.u ; 'lrwlll,..w Twill Trwllhk;er Laud Lead lot lot 10, Terwnuger Laud Cvuiusuy, o. BLOCK T kit 1. TnllilM Ijuid lUul So.oo; lot 1. Terwllligar Laud Oeumeny, ho.Tu; Jo 4. TerwIUIger Land CWhii, 4 ' Et 4, Turwlliicer Laad ' Coaupauy, o, Terwiiugsr uaoa compauy, u, - TurwllUger 1 Land - Company, 7, Terwllligar Laad Company, H, TerwIUIger' Land Company, 8, ; Terwllligar Laud Company, ID, Tevwllligtr Lend Company, II. Tarwllllcar La ad Cooiosar. : tot lot lt at. tot 12. iTerwlliiger "Laud Company, LOCK 8. tot 1. Tarwllllmr Lend til fu.86; lot 2. TerwUUger Laud Compssy, 80.86; m o, "jorwuuger lauu ixinipsuy, fwwi a , - lurwiuigsr UM lot 8, Terwllllca Land MS.1 TarwlUlcer Laid tot T, TarwIUIcar Land wj a, ia-wuuir uwi ev.e BLOCK: t, lot 1. TerwUUger Laud Company Bona: lot f Tarwllllnr Laud ComBSay. 80.83: d lot fc. Tarwllllger Land Compaay, ,-f0.ui kit 4. a., . s. Tarwiiucar- iad TerwIUIger Land TerwUUger - Laod TerwIUIger Land Tnrwllllcer Laad Terwllligec Land TsrwUUcer Laod Company, Company, 88.83) Company, , 8o.oo; Company,' So.; tot lot toe tft lot Company.; Company. 10., it. lompanyj lot TerwiUlaar Land CmwuA kit 11. ' Terwllligar Laud ', Company. lot 14, TsrwUUeee. Laud Company, . kit 15, TerwUUger Laod Company, kit 18. Terwtllleur Laad ' Company, kit 17., Tarwllllger Lead Company,, BLOCK 10, lot 1. TarwUllfar Lead Company, S0.06: kH 4.TerwllUeer Land Compear, So.Sd; lot 4. , Tsrwllllger Laad Company, 80.88; M s. xsrwuiwsr mim -vompuur, w..i 4 lot lot kit 8, TafwIUIger Laud Company,- su.oo; 8, ; Tarwllllee Laad Oampaar, J0.5; Tarwiuicef uaaa uoopaBr, v.w. , I, TararllUnr Laod Oompau, t , ' Tarwllllcar Laod Canipau, . lot 10. Torwiuiser : Laad OooipaBj', i.w. n V BO HA. BldOCK 1U lot 1. Ttrw.ll.fcr tn4 Cp La, tl , I ml rAiniiani ' m9 V 1BTUHW t , TwwllUf Laod Coouiaoi, Laod Ooaipaar, Land OoBipaar, Laad - oAipaay, Laod UonpaaT, . Laad Ooaapaay, . tot . tot , tot .1. Trwiai(r farwliUsar ranrUUnd ' TarllUar ,ad Oonpaor, toa " id. TarwllllKar Laod Oompaor, tot 11, TarwUllgar Land Doiupaaf, , tot J Tarwllllar Load Oampaar, M U, Terwllllaar Laod Uoupaor, to ' la. OWwilUmr Laod OouDaar. lot' IS, Terwllllar Laod CkHDuari,. ' lot. IS, Terwiliiccr Laoa voaupaoy, , tot IT, Tcrwllllrr Laad ' Uoaipaorr tot . i. . TtrwIIUser ' Land CoaupaBr. : - kit ' M. ' Terwilllgar Laod Ooupaoj, tot SO, . TarwIlllKer . Laod Oompaor. BLOCK 13. tot 1, TarwUlliar Laod Oonp fU.B): tat a, Tcrwuustr Laaa uaapaor, i lot B, iarwiiiigr uaoa . unruv. kit lot tot X i-arwiuiaw ; Terwllllr TtrwIlUcar Terwllllcer , Tarwllllger ' Oatuoaur. Laod Oomoaay. od " UtmBaoy, I I aad ' Uowpaar, and Ooanpaay, T-.n.t 111 lot tot uiiupany, . sw.uoi Company, ; Su.00; Compear, , 80.86; Cuniuauy, So.Oo; ? tot' luV, Tarwllliccr Laod Oompaoy, - Vlot 11. rarwllllar Laad Ooajuanr. , .v tot 11, : Tarwllllaer Laad Oompaoy, 12. , Tarwllllaar Land uoaipaar, la, Tarwlllliar Laad Oatapaar, tt.aa; .14, TarwlUlcer Laod Ooupaar, 0.W K, kt. E. Bwleart. tu.e; toi l. U. . lot la. HaliMt. tot IT, TtrwIlUcar Uod Uompaof . 0.Nur tot 18, at. K. Bwlgort, 0.80, BLOCK 13, lot 1, TarwlUlcer Land Ooaipanr! S0.6S: tori, TrrwUUcar LaDd'Oumpaar, . '-at . Terwiiiiair tot , Tarwllllcar , tot 5. . Tarwllllcar tot : , : TarwlHlcar ' tot ' T. Tarwllllcar Oaaipaar, Oaaipanr. Land Coanpaar, Laod Company, Laad Oompaur, Land Ooawaar. lot I,' Tprwllllcar lot - , Tarwllll ' Laad ; Oaaipanr, aUOoj tot 10, TarwUUcerX- Land Companr, tti ACM la. lot 1. TakwilUaaa Land Cob oanr. M.f: tot t, TarwllUcw Laad Oampaar, .; lot t, Tarwllllcar Lead Oampaar, o.; V TarwUllgar a, Tarwllllcar , Tarwllllcar T. , Tarwllllcar , Tarwllllcar IBM uampanr, LaadV OoaipaBr, fO.SO; Laad Company, to. 05; Laad tompaar. 1 0.06; tot ; lot H- tot tot lot Laad Ootupaajr. 10, Tarwlllliar jaud uampaar, tot 1L : -i m m 1 1 imp mnw - '. loiao: . tot ) lot la, tot It, tot 15, r'tot .la, . tot IT. TarwIlUcar-. Laad Oampaa, Tarwllllcar Load uaaupany. Tarwlllurer Laod Coautaay. TarwUllcer ' Laad Campaar, TarwllUnr Laad Comoaar. TarwIIUaar Load Oatnnanr.. XxbA; tot IS, TarwUllcar Land Oompaajr, M.M. BLOCK 15, tot 1, Tarwllllcar Laad Coaipaar, wa.m: lot x. TBrwiiUB-ar Laaa uoojpany. au.oo: tot a, Tarwllllrar Laad OoaipoBr, fo.aa; i lot ' , TarwIUica Laad Oaaipaoy, 0.116; .lot A.i.TarwlUlaar Laad Uampaar. au.oo . TrwUUar .Laod . Compaay, . u S; Tarwllllcar Laad Campaar, 0.; tot tot icar mm u owhv BIX1CK la, tot 1. TwrwlUarar Laad Company, X, Tararuucar Laad (Mnaaar, fuaoi Tarwllllcar Tarwllllfar TararUllcar Tarwllllcar Tarwllllcar ' Laad Ooaipanr, fo.Co; lot . 4. iot S: ,iat r. Laad tnmpaar, 1 Laad Companp-CU.aft: Oompaar, tO-of; at a. Tarwllllcar Land BLOCK IT, lot 1. Tarwiiucar Laod OBWir 0 tT: kat t. TamlUlca Laad Ooaipaar, o.ot tot t, Tarwllllcar Laad Oaaapaar, tot tot , Tarwllllcar Land Oonpaar, v -TarwUlajar Laad Campaar, " , ' Tarwllllcar " Laad , Campaar,' 7. ' TarwIIUaar ' Laad Compaay, tot T. tot 8. TarwIUIcar Laad Campaar, Tarwimcar Laod ' Compaay, . tot lo. TarwIUIcar Laad .Oompaor, Tarwllllcar Laad Cornea nr.- tot 11, lat 12. TanrllUaar Laod Comoaar. tot 13, TarwllUcar Laa4 Company, tot 14, Tarwllllcar Land . Company, tot JaVi Tarwllllcar Laad ' Campaar, tot IS, Tarwllllcar Land-Compaoy,- laa 17.' TararllllKaa Laad Comnaar.. . lnt ' M. TarwUUaar Laod Oomaanr. M. , BLOCK 1 tot 1. Tarwllllcar Laad Company. : tot i TarwlIUcar Laad Oompaa, fO.W; tot k, Tarwllllcar Laad Campairr, 0.; tot tot tot Tarwllllcar (BUBI uampaay,; Laad Compaay, fo.oo; Laid Oamaaar, ' tO.tto; Laad Oampaar, fOas; Ind. Campaar,; Land Company. u.oi Laad Oomoaar. Taraniiicar : Tarwllllcar Tarwllllcar ' Trrwtlllcar Tarwtlllcaf lot tat tot tot Tarwiiucar BLOCK n. tot L, at C. tVlcart. M-TS: tot J, at. K. owtcart, 0.rf: tot . at. K. iwlcart. &.( tot . U. B. 'Awlcart, W i tot t, Tarwimcar Laad Campaar,; tot , TarwUHccr Laad Companr, fa.88; lot T, Tar arUUcar Laad OotlrpaaT ,o.fJa: tot 1. TarwlI Ucar Lead Cormpany. $0.0; tot , TarwlIUcar Laad Oaaaaaar, Q tot 10, TarwlIUcar Laad Compaay," io.dSi tot 11, Tarwlhlcar Laad Company, M ar.; tot 12, ' Tarwllllcar Laad . Oompany, io.Cft; lot -13, Tarwllllgar Laad Company. taS: lot 14, TarwIIUirrr laad Company, latB) tot IS, Jt. B. Bwleart, 10 6i lot IS, It 1. Bwleart, I0.6S; tot IT, kt B. aTWlcart. $0Mi at K. twlfart. (BDBMTHnOlt Or . rABT Of BLOCKS M0. t AND no. , rairaa ran iuuua a, aaoon rUw I at tot D. Fall riodlay, O.dO; aab ; fUalawa 1 ef tot IV H. B. Long, BLOCK - 4, aabdirlaloB 1 ai tot a, U. B. Long, to. SO; Mbdratawa C lat iv It B. Laac, fa to; obdlTMoai I ( lot 1, IL H. Lone, (0.S0; ' aubdlTlalaa 4 at tot A, It R. Long, t0.SU; aabdlTUloa of tot A, B. It Laoa.; anhmlalnt-a at! lot A. St. B. Lamt. aOAO. -; i o.5: PCABaON Bad HT8 B UC K U, lot t Bllm A, aiaaa wiaca. nan aa, mumr, mi a. HI hat A. Caraoa BaUtn, Bdra mt. tH.STi: . tot S, Brian A. Canoa aatara, Hirlra of, tot 4, KUaa A. Caraoa Batata, Hatra of, tot , Blrm A. Caraaa Bauta. Hav at. tot f. Bllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Batra of, tot T, Bltaa A. Caraaa Batata, Hairs ot m a, Biiaa aw jaiw nw "wii J-- IUjOCK 4, tot 1, BUsa A.. Caraoa Batata, Hatra a, fO.SOs tot 8, Ktlaa A. carana Kauta, IlBD: m a, a.uaa aw mrmm ami, LflO: lot a. KUaa A. Caraaa BaUta. 08: tot a, BUat A. Caraaa Batata, ' !tra pt, 80.4b. BLOCK 88j tot 1, Kltm A. Caraoa Batata, Hatrt of, 80.SS; tot 1 KUaa A Oaraaa Bauta, Hrtra at, 0 05; tot 8, KUaa A. Caaanti rtorata. Main at, v.a;tot 4. Bltw A. Caraoa Batata, Balra a(, i 0.86; tot . Ilia A. Caraaa Batata. Hairs of, I 0.60; tot , Bllaa. aw rw Matra at. I 0.SB: tot T. KUm A. Caraoa Bauta, Hairs at, 80 M; tot t, Bllaa A. . ' Caraaa Bauta, Hrlrn at, 0 84; lot . BUaa A. Parana Batata. Hairs or, at iu.kubb "A. Caraoa tatata, Balra of. 80. So: tot 11. .KUaa A. Caraoa Batata, taeirs o, au ; i . mm - bHt. ttm aaaat Satra at, s .lm nt if Halra at i 4" i . tot 18, BUa A. Caraoa Bauta, Hairs of, 80.BJ; l tot 14, Bliao a. Caraoa Kat.ta, Halra af. 10.48; -x u. ,7 ml Sa.nHi. lct .1A. Baaa kt Bxarraa, S0.6n. BLOCK , lot . EHaa A. caraoa natata, Caraaa Batata, uta, Iklra at. 80 So; tot 2, Bllaa A. lata, Hairs of. tO.M; tot 8V Bllaa A. itata. Hairs af, t4.80 tot 4, Bllaa A. rtata, Hairs at 81.29; tot 8, Kllaa-A. Caraaa Batata, Hairs at ii.2; lot 8. KH ram Batata Mra ml iu.i lot 8. Bit Caraaa Batata, Hairs of, lad; tot T. EUos A. Carsaa Batata. Hairs of. 8a.K. . BLOCK 8T, tot 1, Rliia A. Caraoa Katau, Halra of, 80.00; lot 8. Bllaa A, Caraoa Batata. Hairs of, 8o.8oi, tot i, BUaa A. ;r " tot i, Kllaa A. I 'oil, BUaa A. 1 .' , tot a, Bllaa A, ' ,! tot T. Rltaa A. , ' , , tot 8, Bllaa A. tot 8, Bllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Hairs at, 80 8ft; ' lat 4, KUaa A. Caraoa Batata, Hairs of, 80. aft I Caraoa Batata, Hrlrg or, fv.oa, Caraoa Batata, tlalra at, 80.aH; , Caraaa Batata, Halra it, fcl.aT,; Caraaa Batata. Hairs of. 80. at): a a wit-, a -' aw uAM a BAaft- tot ft, mint A. Caraaa Batata, Halra at 80.6A; tot 11, BUat A. Caraoa Batata. Halra at,; tot 12, BUaa A. Caraaa Batata, Hairs of, 8O.6A; tot 11, BUaa A. Caraaa Batata, Hairs of, 8ii.d; tot 14, Riiaa A, Caraoa Bauta, Hairs of, 8i.n; i, - tot 18, KUaa A. Caraoa Katata, Hairs af, 8a3; ; tot IS, Bllaa A. Caraoa Batata, H-Ira of, ftl.ari; . -t IT, Vitas A. Caraaa Batato, Halra of, 80.SA; 1 , tot It. r'as A. Caraaa Batata, Haws of, 80.SA; to 1, I -a A. Caraoa Batata, Hairs of. to Ml; aw. , 1 4 a. araoo riita, iiatrs at, au.ani t a. Caraoa Katata, Halra of. 8oaa. t 1, KUaa A. (arann Ralata, 1 tot 8. Kllaa A. Carana KaUta, ; tot 8, KUaa A. Carana Katata. I t 4. 1 A. Canwa KnUta, ' . l A. I a y -ta. lat II. K ftOCK 1 -rs af h -ira of r 0 a' I 4 .a. m kS, , Fairs sf, 80 : tot T, flan A. Caraoa Folate, . 1 -ira or. '; tut , taa A. Camoa t.iata. holrs at, to.oa. hM. k, F-s A. Carspn uataia. ncira ar, 4.tu. lub, w, i . K'laa A. Caraaa aetata. Belra af. 80.45; tot j Kuaa A. Caraua feaiata, belra of. 80.40; tot s, miau A. Caraoa aatata. Heirs ar. su.00 rVK I 'M ah. fU.IMj W, A. Caraoa -.iat, Hwra of, 8U.66; lot 6, BUaa A. caraoa Kauta. rielraar. su.oo: fet T. Kllaa A Caraoa fcatata. blrs of. 80.80; tot 8. KUaa A. Caraoa katata, heirs of, 8U.M. BLOCK X, tot U Kllaa A. Caraoa Katata. Ualrs at 88.10. PLOT 1 Karl sod Jaook Wsirh, 811.aU 0AIUI0N HKIQHTb Lot P. Klin A. Can Batata, Hulra at. 8n.: tot Q. JUtW A. Caraua ' Batata. Hairs at 80.26; tot at, aUlaa A. Cat W UCU, U., fV.OV, MFV HI. A. Caraoa KaUta, Halra of. 80.21; lot T, Kllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Hvlrs of, 80.80; tot V, BUaa A, traoa raitata. nam 01. so ZD: lot V. EUaa A. Caraoa Katata, Hatra of, 80.80; lot W, kUlaa ' A. ibob Batata, tiaira or. A trlangalar trat of laad lying pstwsaa tha aaat llos of tba Portland A WUlaoiatta Yal- - tor Ballwar Compaoy a right of war and UM cantor uoa or fetarriaoa atroat sztandaa aaat arly m lu pi aaiat aouros aad tua aorta llua at flakw Csratbata duoattoa mod data. W. a. aVmlta. 80.30. . - j A tract ff mod aoamtd aad daaattid . foltowa: CommoBnlBC at tka tntaraaotloa tba Borta llua of . llnka Caratoara doaattoa laaa claim wita taa aaat una af Hood atroat; , tbaaea aaat atone said dooatloo laud claim to tba waat bank of tba WUlamalta rlaar at tow Salar aaark: tnonca aootltarlr aloug tba wast mk af Wlllamatta rlrar to a point . faet aoa ta at too atrtb una ' tba said do aattoa. land claim: toonce wwot CSS. feat: thai north alone a atralckt lint to wbora tba an ma would bs IBtamax'taa by too nortb Una at Llneola atraat If axbtudad aaatarlr la Ita araaant aoaraa; taeoca weatarly sJoue said sztoaamo .of tha oorta tins of Luoola ajtroot u a 'Point 100 fast aaat of too aaat , Una at Hood atraat; tbeoea aortk 100 toot V along a Una -109 faet aaat of and parallel wiin too aaat una 01 . nooa street; tui . waat eJaog a Una 100 faet aortk at aad par allal wltk taa aortb line of Lincoln street U attended aaatarlr to tba west Una of H . treat; thence aortb alone tba east line at Hood street to place of Melonlng, Portland Lomoanng Maasractunag companjr, 8a.o , A tract of laad lying betwooa tw ttaoa ra . inanlialr Au faat and -10 font aortb at aad parallel wltb tba aortk Una of Macula street ' extended eaatartr aad bat wean taa east line af Hood street aud a Una 100 root aaat tnereof aad para 11 1 therewith, Aaata aad Bdward . Dnla. XU.Ha- . A tract at laad Irlag batweaa tba aortk lino ' of laaaola atraat exuadad aaatarlr aad a line ao net aorta rasraor ana asrauei tnsrewita V and batwaaa tba oast Una of Hood street sad a Una 100 foot aaat of and parallel therewith. Fortiaaa, I sianwiag aisaarswaring wspufi 8046. .... ......... ; A tract of mad hoaadml aad aVacrtbad ta tot. a towa: Commencing at polat oa tha toft hank af the Wlllamatta riter 10 feet af tha soatbeast eoraw of tot aumplng haasa; tbeaaa west lot , tost: tboooe aortk 2U0 , , feU; theaea aaat -r to the J wast Banlr r wtllaailitu alaar at ' low water mark; tbeaca ap the west bank of sold river to a Bamf due aaat of niece of beglnalagl tbeaca west ta place of brglnolna Ahw a car la la rlcbt of war 10 faet wide extending la a aortnwastarir anweuon arom ana tract ta tba aaat Una eX Hood atraat, Cltr af Fart : land. 88.30. . - . A tract of lead Boandod sad lasriHisd as fol- lowa: tJammenclns at ' af the Bllaabata Caratnere doBBtloa land CarntBerc Addition to the City of Portland as ' told oat by the HoSth Portland Baal Katata ., Aaaoelatlan; tbeoea north aa tha aaat Una of an id addition to the northeast comer of said addlttoa: tbeaca wast to too east Una of . Macadam street; thence north along the seat . line of Macadam street to Its lotereectloa with, taa north Una of Ltaeola street It tnaa aaatarlr t theaea aaat atone aald ex- tanaloa of Lincoln atroat to Its utereecttoa : wlLk too waat line of a tract at veyed ky VI. O. Burrell aad wife to the Port ' bad Lam baring A Uannfaetarhig Companr or dead recardad la hook 83. page 110. Beeord af Pasns. Maltaomah Ctmnly; tbeaca eooth ta the anathweat eomet of a tract an by the Booth Portland Baal KaUta Aaaocla ;tma to tba Portland Lamberteg ktaaufaetur- , ma- Caamaar or aaao ana rocorevea in book . 84. Dace 'JX Bacord af Daada, alaHnomah Cooatr; thenca east ta tha aorthwast eoroar of tha Water Works tract, action 8, towoabla 1 aeath. ranco 1 asst. wiiiamstte merHllaal .: theaea aaat to the wnjUuaetta rlrar at low water mark: thence Booth alone t . then ef.eald river to place of beginning, ears and except tha right af war af tha Portland A -aruiamette Valley Railway Comnanr and a tract owned by Warwick, Oregon Kailway A navigation uompany, bjw.uu. A tract of toad lying between tha wast tin ot us roruano m wuiaaiona vauay- nau read Oompany'e rich! ot way aad tha WU laaaatta river aad batwaaa the aoath boandarr Una af a tract owned by the ataltnoiaah Trenk raatonr. aactloa 18. townakln 1 aoath. range 1 seat, Wlltamatta htaridlan. and the norlh Use of tract of land eaat of the Port land A Wlllamatta Talley Ballroad CompaDy'a riant at way ownea or Anmony ttocge sna kicherd Ktsrp. sttaatod la aactlsn 10, towa oblp 1 ceath, range 1 eaat WU la statu atidlan. harw Arnokl. Traatea. a.4o. A tract of land lying aetweea two Unas re spectively 28 feat aad 43.3ft faet aoath of and parallel with the eoath line ot tract af mad earned by tha ataltnomaa Trunk factory, anrtloa 10, township 1 aoath. ranee 1 - aaat Wlllamatta Meridian, aad between tba oast II aa of Macadam road aad the weet Has af the Portland A Willamette Taller Ballroad Oonnaar"s tight of war. Marls Arnold. 80. 8S. '; A treat af land huaadsd sad aeocrlbed as fol- towst Comaaeaclng at tha totoraeetiea) of the north lino of TerwUllcar doaattoa land claim with tba wast Una of Macadam road; thenca eutb 8.a) feet; thence west 880 feet: IbKnaa hartb 830 (eat; thee re east 600 feat fa flace of baglBOlng, Hat el Portland. A tract of laad hue aria d and dssrrlped at tallows: ' Crime, earing at tba Interaeettoa ot the aortb Una of the TwrarlUtsae deoatlon claim W1U tha aaat Una of Macadam road: the era sooth SB 0X1 tbeaca aoath 2U dtgrees west 1.40 chelae; thenca north 88 oegraaa wast 831 feet; theaea north 2H dagruin aaat 1.40 chains to plaos at kaglaarag. John Kirk lay, 83. T8, A tract af toad Unaifd aad dim 1 Bind aa follewei Cimojiarlng 188 feet aoath of the lataraerttoav af the eaat Has ot Macadam road with tba aortk Boa af the TarwUllcer aoastloa land claim; theaea Broth so eaat S31 feet: tbeoea north 2T tort: aarterly to wastsrly bank at WlUamatte river; ' theaea northaeat atoag said nvar m fewt; thence north 88 decrees went 42 faet: t hence eoath 2 degrees IS miantes wvat 82.4 feat; thence north 88 at grata wat 831 feet; theaea eoath 100.8 feet to place at beginning, aamoel U. and Jamas a. Dorraaot, I8.86. . . A tract of hrnd aeoaded aad dntLilktd at fol towa 1 Commencing 18 feet aoath of Inter sottlod at oeet Una of Macadam read with north Una af Tarwllllcar doaatioa .toad claim; theoos aoath 88 decrees east 821 feet; thence aortb 27 feet: thanes aoath 88 degrees east ts west hank a Willamette river at tow water ' mark; tbeaca sooth wmt a long the waat hank of said river 143 feet: thenca north as de grees west BoB feeti tbeacc aorta 1W.IS rrei to place of beginning, Charles P. . Baoaa Bstata, Helra at, 80-TA. . . A tract of laad bounded and dsaerlbsd as toh tows: Commencing et a point ta tha oast Ilea of Macadam road 203. 7 S faet sooth of the intervactloa af the seat Una of Macadam reed with tha north line ot TarwlIUcar do aattoa land data; theaea aoath stong east Use ot Macadam road to tha math oast comer ot "J. Oberls's three-acre tract," recorded la Book O, paga 283. . Record et Deeds, Mnltnoaiah Oeajoty; thence Booth 80 deorraea aaat IS. 33 chains ta waat bank of WUIamette river st tow -water mark ; tbeacc northerly slang the treat, bank at said river to the aoath Had of Charles p. Bacon Katata, Hews , of. Tract. ssctton 10, township i Bootk, range 1 east, Willamette Meridian; thenca west stong tha Booth Una ot the ssld veariao r. BMoa aotnie, ovum place of haaisnlag. Mel fas Bias helra af, tract, ta thai; Trunk fna- wry, . A tract of toad lying ketareoa the aoath line of Multnomah Trunk Factory tract, Bae tloa 10, townebln 1 south, range 1 eaat. Will smetts Meridian, sad a Una 28 feet snath thereof and parallel therewith, and astwsen the east Una of Macadam road and the want Una af the Portland A Willamette Valley Ballroad Coauaar'8 riBkt at way, Leaina John. 80.40. - .'. ; 1 . . A tract of land lying batwaaa two Unas respectively 48.2ft feet and 83.28. feat sooth .et aad parallel with the eoath Una of 'Mult nomah xrana Factory tract, eecuoa 10, ta we ak ip I swath, range 1 seat Willamette ' Mertdlaa. and' between tba eaat lino of Us Macadam road sad the wast Use of the Port- Isnd A WlUaaaatte Taller Ballroad Qpapany a right ot way. Loals Oberle. tUMO. -A tract of land lying betwera raw tinea re eacctrrely 88.8 faet sad 121.28 feat sooth at and parallel with the aoath Una of Mnltno' mat Trash Factory tract. Section 10, towa ship 1 sooth, range 1 aaat, Wlllainetts Meridian,, aad betwaea Ike eaat line of Mec 4am read sad the waat line of Portland WlUaaaatte Teller Ballreed Compear a right nf way. Clara Bobarta, 80 4A. A tract of land lylug between two Unas ra. apsctlvsly 131.38 feet ead 14V .20 faet emits sf and parallel with tba eoath lint at Mult nomah Trunh Factory tract eecttoa 10, towa shla 1 sooth, range I seat, Willamette Bier 14- ' ton, and between tha oeet Ime ot Macadam road and the weat lino ot the Portland A Wlk- 1 toamtte Valley Hallway Company's right ot : way, Katharine Peldmaa. 8o.40v A tract ot leod lying betwera two' lines pa inactively ano.23 feet ssd 148.28 feel south et and parallel with the eoath lino ot Mult nomah Trunk Factory tract aei-tlna 10, tewn ship 1 snath, reuge I east, Willamette merid ian. Sad between the eeat lino of Macadem mad and the weet line ot the Portland A Wll- " Ismette Valley Railway Company's tight of way. Pater Oberle, . 88 80. ' All that porttos ot j tVart of kind lyisg waat at tha rlgut of way of the Portland A Wil lamette VaUey Kallraad (kiDinaoy aooaded sad deecribad as fnllowa: Ceeamaocmc on tea '' aaal Una of Maradam road et the northwest corner of s 2M-ecrs tract said la kohlltaet at. M hoett M, nags .3v 'X' , Deads, Vaatnomah Owatyl fwaiea tooth aWrees &4 uunuiaS, a it 8 T8 c-atos luaats sooih SO degrees, wewt l.tai euaina; tbeoea north 88 dairnieo 23 minutes, went 80 cnalna thence norm Id aVcraeS 6 minutes, eaat LOT ciiaaia, is piacs 01 nag inning, e'ajuss tManati, 1 1 . A tract of land boanoad and described as ftt- kenu Oommooclng st s point In tba weat lliw ot tha rlxbt of war of the Portland A Wil lamette valley Bauroad company emieh . IS feet hortb of tan iwieer l um of the weal line ot aald right af way with tha north llua of a one-acre tract coo rayed to Beda Kub - lar, recorded la book 84. Bags 80S), Beeord of lean, atattnemau txiunty: uienca nor to oa oa greea 3S mlnulae. west ltto feet, to Macadam ruedt tbeaca mirth atone tha east Una et Macadam road 63 feet I Uienca sooth 88 deartea so oi inn tea, east iou reet. to too arose line ec too aforeeald right sf way ; thence soathorlr along tua aaia riant ax way to 111 are ot so- Ilnokie. Anthonr kogge and Blcaard W. atora. ; A tract of land bounded and describe aa " follows: Commencing st northeast eorasr of TarwUllgar donation land claim; thsoos north 88 degrees 84 minutes, wast 14.8 chalnal tbeore south 2 dtgrtas 18 minutes, wast 1.40 ; chalaai thenca south 2 degrees, west 3.06 ousins; ueoca eoath 0.1a ennins: tnancs ooain 4 a eg rose, weat 8.11 euatne: Uienca aoath od , decreae 38 mluotea, east 8.TB chains, aa place ax oscinnmg-, tnencs norta oa eegreea as mia- a tea, weet 885 feat to aaat line of thatlrht et way of the Portland A Willamette V alley ' Ballroad Company: theaea soatbarlr a kmc aald , right of way 8X1 faet; thenca south 88 decrees o mutates, eaat ana rest; tnencs aorta w oe grees, seat 2.M8 enstns; tbenco aortb 23 de- , green, oast a.oa eaaina, to place 01 osginnug. Anthony Boose sod Richard P. Btnro. 811 AS, A tract of land b united and dsscribad as 101 Iowa: tamoieaeuet 818.1 teet aorta. IS ds- greee 21 minutes seat, of the north went soraer , at the Fagm twe-scrs tract, recorded la nook 6. nara Sua. Beeord of Deeda. Multnomah ; Coanty; tbeoea eaat T8 dagrees, T mlnatas ewm, Me .i-i line va l i,nt v t way w lue Portland A Willamette Taller Railroad Oom 1 pany; tbeoea north 13 dagrita. seal HO feet, more or toss, to driveway ; thanes north 88 do- Sees, so mutates weet, along said onvewa oast Una ot Macadam rand: theaos aoath 1 - digram. 27 mmatea went to flaee af kaflav 4llM. Bnuna. L, Oola. $oM. , A tract ot land- boemilee sad dtaulbsd ss foltowe: Ooauneaclng at northweet corner ot the rarss) two-oors tract, recorded as book 41, , Bags Sua. Bsoutd sf Deeds. Multnomah Coanty; .Ihaoes- north 18 decrees, eaat CO tool: thenca ' south 88 dames 84 mlnotes. oast lM.B feet: thence aonth 13 drama, waat 80 fsat: theaos - north as sucTtta as mine tea, west IM.I fest ta ntoce of brsinninr. Fred Noble. 80.08. A tract sf laad bounded ana deecribad ' aa follower uommonelnc 60 real north, II oe graaa ST minutes east sad 112 fast Booth j 88 oegraaa 14 minutes east, rrom aorthwaot 1 nor of tha Faraa taa Bias tract, recorded la , book O, pace 803. Record of Deeds, Multnomah ; uouoir; tnenco bouib ow occrees m missies. eaat J1I3 feetl tbeoea north 13 digtees. east 84 net: thenca north TS decrees 7 mine tee. west 113.8 feet: thenca couth 10 dewreen IS mlnatoa. west 88.7 feel: thenca north 78 de crees 80 mlnatas, wast 87 fsat; theoos aonth . IS degress 27 mlaatas, wast 10.8 feet; thenca aoath T8 di greea 3d salautas, east 87.8 faet; thanes aoath 10 dsgrees 18 minutee, went 884 feet. 10 piaoa at nagmaiag, warn Au-usy, 81.20. r. A tract of Insd bnnnrled nnd dtm rllad ns fol low a; Commencing 13 degreee 27 mlnatas eaat 60 feat from the northweet Corner of the racan two-acre tract recorded In hook a. Bags 80S. Beeord of Deeds. Multnomah County; thenca aorta is decrees srr minutes, eaat bo faet; thence sooth 78 degrees 88 mlaatas, wat 87.8 feet: theaea sooth 10 degrees IS mla- 87.8 feet; thenca sooth 10 degrees IS min utes, west IUt8 rest 1 thenca north SB de great IS minutes, west T1.2 feat to olncn - of be. rune, Joun ntier, u.,-- ... -tract of. land bounded and dsscribad follows: Commencing 137.8 feet north - et aorthwast corner at Urn mesa twe-scrs tract recorded hi hook O. sags 808. Beeord of Deeds. . noiuwaiu Mmmi nwew aoria ae wearvan 41 .. mine tea, east 44.8 feet; thenca aoath TS de grees i minatss. east B3.S rant; tnencs souta ' 10 daersot IB mlnotes, wmt 40 feet; thence north 79 degrees 8 minutee, went 86.6 feet to , puce et bef lulling, cnarisa 3. .. Molawarta, A tract af land bounded -and dsscribad as followe: Commencing 110.8 feet north. 13 ao ' greee 27 minutee seat from northweet corner af .. the Ferns two-acre tract, recorded la booh G. pegs 803, Record ot Deeda. Multnomah County; thence north 13 decries 27 mlnatoe, ssst 28.7 ' fart; thence south TO decrees 8 minutes, east ttfi.S feat: thenca eoath 10 degrees 16 mlaatas. ' west 2S.T faet: tnencs aorta 78 degrees 60 " mlnstee. wsst 8T facte ta place ec heskismg, Loals Oberls. 80.20. A tract, ot land bounded and described as follows: Commencing st tha northwest Bar ' Bar of fbs OoodnoBgh A Clark foar-acrs tract, ' recorded la hook P, page 47, Beeord of Deeds, Multnomah County; tbeaca north 23 degrees, seat 8.07 chain a: 1 thence aonth 88 net re, a BS minutes, wea T.3B chains, to tha weat bank of the Wlllamatta rlrar at low water mark: thenca an tha west hank of ssld river 8.08 enema: tnencs aorta as Of greea so ausntes, west 7.14 chains, to place af beginning, Csth- enne n ag an, ci su. A tract of land bounded and dsscrlnsd -follows: Oommcnctoc at aorthwast corner et tna tiosoaoucB t'iars lour-acra tract, re corded In book F, pace 487, Beeord of Deads, Multnomah Coanty; theaos sooth 24 degrees, weet 8.84 chains; thence soath 81 degress 80 minutes, ssst 8.86 chains; theaos north. 28 degrees, ssst M chslns; tnencs north 88 de grees 30 mlaatee, wsst TJ4 chains, to placa of oeglnalng, Bisslnger A Cnw 8W.T6. -A tract of Isnd nuonded and desrtlhed sa follows: Commencing 8.34 chslns soath, 34 de arses wsst. ot northweet earner ot the Good. nosgb A Clsrk four-sera tract, recorded In boor F, para 407, Heoord ot Ueeda. Multnomah County; thence Booth 24 degrees.- wsst 1JS chelae; thenca south 82 degress, west .02 chaias; t hence eoath TS degrees 15 mktalss, ssat 4.87 chains, ta tha wast bank of the wuiamstta rivsr; theaea aleog tba weat bank of ssld rlrar aortk 35 degreee, east 2.48 CBsiss: taanca aorta au nigraea so minutee, west S.06 chains, ta plaos at Imgraalhg, Leull Klmmerman- SA.BK. A tract sf land bounded and diisfifhtd St foi towsi Omamsnrlng north 13 dtgttts 27 mls- ites, sast 1X3.1 feet frost north-west corset of naco B03, Record of Duds. Multnomah County: tnencs south TB decrees 7 Bilautee, ssst 176.1 fsst; tbeaca north wea terly 84J teet alone the weet Una ot the right, of way of tba Pact eau m nuaamw fwai nam nao eBp,a tbeaca north TA degrees f mlontas, weet 1T1.2 feet; thsnea aeath 13 decrsss 21 mlaatea, weat 84 feat, ta pises sf Beginning. T, A. Foadlck, fU.T. A tract af bad hnnmlad and daarrlhsd as fid- tows: Oommeaetng st tba sue lowest corner af tns uooanougn A cisrc rour acre tram, re sorded ta book P. sacs 487, Beeord of Deed. .Multnomah County ; tbeaca south T8 dtgutt IS mlaatee, ssst T.14 chains: thsaca north 18 degrees so m tan am, ssat 400 feet: theses north TB degrees IS mlnatas, wsst 6.8T chslns', thenca south 83 da gran, west 103.65 fsst, ts pises of beg Inning, Portland Trust Com pany at vrewon, e.o. ...... A tract of tend BaatnAeil and gnai'lflitrl aa to. tows: Commaachig at tha seuihwest corner at the Ooodaongk A Clark four-acre tract, re corded la book P. page, 487. Record of Deeds. Multnomah County; thenca south 7B rkgdsea 80 mlnatas, sast 7J chains, to the Willamette river; thenca soath 4 degrees, west 63.2 net; thenca north TS at grace. 80 mtuntsa west, ts sast lias ot Macadam road: thanes north 81 Be grim 47 mlaatee, east 47 tost mors or toss, ta pUurs of oeenntng, Cksrlss Dslth, 82.80. A tract af toad bounded end described ss fol towa: Commencing st a stabs In tba sast Una of Macadam road 06 links seuUisrlr trass the sou Ui waat onrner ot the Brick Vsrd : tract section IS, township 1 soath, range I sent Willamette tnerldlaa: thence eoath 78 decrees. 80 minatss aaat, parallel with suaUl Una st ssld Brick Yard tract 8.1S chains to waat bank af Willamette river st tow water mark ; thence atoag wsst bank sf ssld river aouth 40 degress, wsst 82 links thasos aortb TB do- rsas. 80 minutes weet. parallel with south Ins of aald Hrlrk Yard tract. 8.24 chslns to the east lias of Macadam roads tnonca norta 80 degreee. oast 84 links, along asst lias .ot Mscsdsm road ts placa of-beginning, Jena klerasn,, S1.T&: A - ' A tract Sf Isnd boondad aad das cribs fl Sf al--lows: Osmmeaelng at southeast corner v of block C Portland Homestead; usance sast to west Una of Macadam road; thence northerly along said wsst Una of Maradam read to Its totersecttoa wltb the east Hoe of the old coanty read) theaos southerly along astt Una at old coanty road ta Us placa ot ksglaaiiui. Unknown Owner, 8ii.4&. ' A tract of mod bounded sad dsaerlbsd aa fol towa: Com me oclng at the southwest corner ot John k. lamas tract, recorded ki book 28, pags 480, Mscord of Dseds, Multnomsk County : thoace aonth 80 degress, wast ISO feet; theaea aouth 76 degreee 30 mlnatas, ssst to wsst bank et WUlaaaetta rrrer at tow water mark i t Hence atone the west bank of aald rlrar north 40 dugists, asst to eoath. seat comer of ssld John Klemaa tract) t bancs north. TB degrees 30 minutes, wsst along the south line of said Jena Kleraaa tract ts placa of beginning, Hiram Tvrwlllirar. 83 .SS, A tract ot Isnd bounded end described ss fol lows: CsmBwnelac In tha east line of Maces am road where earns m terser ta lbs' w eater ly cxteutlsa la Us present course the north Una of ths Keller A Wymsn oae-scrs tract, re corded ta book O. pegs 602, Beeord ot Deeda, Mahnomen Coanty; toe sea stong ssst Hue ot Macsdaia road north 21 degrees 30 minutes, west 138.4 feet; Isaacs north 14 degites 10 min atss, wsst 104.4, feet; theaos Bar lb T aVtiess 80 mlnotes, weet T.S fret as ths place of be ginning: thenca oast 70S A feet ta weet beak of WUlaroetle river at low water mask; thenca . north along Us wsst bask of mid river 1ST feeti tbsaea wast T31.70 fast to eeet Una of Macadam road; thenca sosth 1 degrees 80 mla atas, east lhh.44 teet to placa f bet a lug, John W. Langdon, $10.70. . 1 A tract ot land boa ailed sad described ss! Bhl lows; Coramescmg Is ths saal Una st Mao adam' rssd where name Is Isteraectad by ths .enrth line st ths heller A vYymao one -sera tract, recorded In book O. pare 302, Beeord ot lieeris, Multnomah Coanty; thenca aortherly a king east tins of Msrodam rood ss follows: Morth 21 degrees 20 minutes, -weet I3M.4 fsst: thence Berth It degrees 10 minutes. Wast 194.4 feet; thence north T degrees 30 minutes, west 2S feet; theses north 1 degreee. 6 mlnotes, wast aO SO feet as ths place of heg inning l thence eaat 74048 feet to west hank sf W II iametre rtver st low water wisrk; Uienca anvthtrly atoag Ins west hank sf said fiver AULd xsstl taaaoa north. -Li dag ran 10 mhv CTTT r -n,'- i-eei--. tea, sast HOT feet, more or uns. to soath Hoe of Moffett trnrt, section 18. township 1 soulk. range 1 ssst, WUlamstts nwrldiani ' tusnes west along aouth Una ot ssld Muffett , tract ta tua Seat Use of Mscsdsm road; theses south stong ths -sast llua of M aoa dam road to piace ot -beg ion lug, lerwuucer Land Cuar psuy. 837.06. A tract of Isnd bounded ind dascrfbsd ss foe .towa: Comnienclug in tha asst Uns ot Msa- adam road where saam Is tntsrssclsd by the north Uss et Keller A Wrmaa one -acre tract rscsrdsd la book O. Bags 303. Beoord ot Deeds, t Multnomah County! thanes northerly along eaat line sf Mscsdsm read sa follows: , North 21 degreee 30 m la a una, wsst 188.4 feet; theses nerca is atgixua ju mhtntss, west 14.4 recti ., thanes north T decrees 3k mi as lee. waat 173.84 feel at place at beginning ; toocs asst to wsst bask of WUlamstts river st low water mark; ibeuea aortlierlr along wsst beak of ssld river - 88.13 feet: Ibeoee wsst to sast Use of Mao- adsm road; ihsnca seotherly slsug ssst lias or Macadam road, smith 3 degreee 8 minatss. ssst feet; theaea south 1 degrees 38 hilnutaa, east 30.08 feet to pises sf beginning, Mary P. Ureen.. C7.1B. - ,1 " A tract of land nuonded and deecrlhed ss fbl- , tows: Cumineaclag at a pout la lbs ssst Uns 'ot Mscsdsm read where same Is Interaecied by north, lino ot KeUer A Wytnaa one-acre tract, recorded la book O, page kU2, Beeord of 1'eeoa, Moltuoeoah Coanty; thenca north lbs esst Uns of Mscsdsm road ss follows: , Morth 21 degreee 30 minutes, treat 138.4 test: 118.2 teet aa ths place of beginning; tnencs .eai west. Dank ot wiusmstts river at low wtler mark i thsaca nartbsrly stong wsst hank of aald river to aoath Uns ot Mary F, (ime a tract, recorded la book 234, psgs 68, Record of Deeds, Multnomah County; thsnea waal stong eoutk Uns of ssld tract ta ssst Una ot Mscsdsm read; thanes south along seat Una n of Mscsdsm read to aiace ot beginning, Anna "at Harnett. 88.20. , ' A tract of toad bounded sad described ha' tot- lows i Commenelttg at a point la ssst Uns . of Maes dam road when same Is lati by the north Una ot the ksUer A Wyuiaa oue-arre tract, recorded la book O. nags 803, Beeord of Deeds, Multnomah County! thsoos . iwii et - - - an . i- - tile a -tnancs north 14 decrees Id mlsutas, wsst ,113.34 fast: thencd ssst 10 wsst bank of WU lamstts river st low water mark: southerly a kmc ths west bank of ssld rivsr aim. 4 fsstrthsncs west 467.04 feet;theaee north xo oe greea. weet so teet; tnencs wsst tuv teat theaea north 23 degreee, west lsa.88 feet to placa o " A tract . of Boat i of ssais feet so ot rheglaa rieteber Linn. 821. 48. tract hf land Irsac betwaea the aouth line boundary street sad a westerly extension m Its present course and s Uns 131.44 Boutneriv Hum una oeruuei tuerewiin and aetweea tns west Una of Macadam road ana tns aivmkm tine Between ssctioas la 15, township 1 south, range I east Willam ette msrldlan. B. W. Siahnai and Emms L, Oorbett 820.80.. , A tract at hand lying betweea two Haas re- 131.48 feet 'sad 443.18 feet south and parallel with south Uns sf Bonadsry street end a wastsrly extent too of ssms In Ita present course and between the westerly i 11ns of Mscsdsm rssd sad tha division Una be- i twsea sections 18 and In, townanlp l soath. rasge i east, Willamette msrmnn, I Blaahsai. True tee. 8A2.0O. - A tract af Isnd bug betwaea two lines rs .apsctlrtly 443.18 fsst aad stekOS feet aoath of sad parallel with south lias af baundary street sad s weaterly sxteoston of sbbm in Ita protest course and be twees tha weaterly Una ot Maeaaam rosa ana tna arvmioa una ds- 1 Iweea aactloss IS sad IB. townshla 1 soath. ' raaga 1 asst WlUsmatta msrlilltn. Claxlada f a. Hmlth. B4X.An. A tract of laad lrlnc betwaea two lines re spectively 680.SS feet and 82S.B feet aonth sf ana parallel wita ton souto line ot poanoary street sad a weaterly sxtsastoa af same la lu - present conns and beta-sea the westerly Use of Mscsdsm rssd and the dlvtoloa Uns bs- twees sections IS sad 16, township 1 aoath.. - ranga 1 asst. wwaawna snTUita, Anna U. ' Harnett. Uhn. 1 A tract at land rrlng betwaea a Tins 228.8 ' feet south of sad parallel with soath Ime i Haoadary street and a - weaterly . . thereer la ita present course sad tha soath , houodarv Una .of tba TarwlUlcer donation , laad claim, and beta een tha waat Una sf , Green's Addlttoa to Portland aad tha dl . rlsloa Use bs twees sartlons IS sad. IB, town ship l soath, rancs 1 asst. Wlllamstta oarld- lia Jcmn W. Lancdan. S&Z.SB. A tract of Isnd bounded aad daacrfbad as fc4- towsi OemtneoclDg at a nolnl kt ths Una af Macadam toad where tha ssms Is la- ; teraectsd by ' tba aouth Itns Ksller A j wymsn ass-sera- tract, rarer aea m book n. psgs sos, Hecora or ueeoa, staitnomaa uooary tnenca soatn - south 8 l 30 mlaatea, esst 100 fsst; . thsnea north 23 desists, west &0 fsat: thanes ' north 88 decrees 80 miantes.- east 100 feet . thenca north 28 derrsea, wsst 60 fsst: tbeaca : north 80 decrees 80 minutes, wsst 100 feet: thenca soath 23 dsartss, sast 28 feet to plaos . sr beginning, city et rortiano, su.ou. . ., A tract of land bounded aad described ad tot Oommenclns et n nolnl In tnn - bank at Wlllamatta river st tow water mark - 102.34 feck aortb of aonth lias of TerwIUiger , aonattoa ssaa Claim - t tee no -aerra ew asgrttt 8 minutes, wsst to osst Has of Macadam road: thenca north 13 degreee, west 804 feet; thence - Berth 17 decrees 4 annates, west 240.84 feet thenca north 21 decrees 27 m mates, "West . 670.84 feetl thenca sooth. 80 degrees IS mis vtsa. ssst 100 feet; tbeaca aortk 21 dtgrtas . 27 auhntss, west 28 feet: tbenco south 80 da . greee 18 mine tea, sast 46LS feet to nines af ' beginning, 3oha tit May , Jonas . .Company, ! B4B.OO. A tract of land bounded and described as fol lows: Commencing st ths southeast corner : af tha TerwIUIger doasttoa laad claim; thence : wsst 8 .28 chains: thenca aortb 14 dtgrtss 80 mlnatas, sast 1.8 chains; thsnea ssst 8.28 ;' chslns to west bank sf Willamette river st -tow water mark: thence soath 14 digram 20 mlaatas, wast 1 chains to placa at begin ning, loom unarm. S3. 20. . A tract sf toad hounded and desciflied as fol towa: Commenctog where- tba north Una sf Thssns Btsahsns doaattoa laod claim inter- v sseta tha weet bank af Willamette river at , low wstsr mark) tbeaca weet B.40 ens ins; "thenca eeaterly 8.47 chelre; theaee Berth 4. OS cuaios puce ex sweunme, save sna sxespt J sera described la hook 288, pars 78, Beeord tf rrttat, Mnliamsth amsty,, taols Arnold, ; A tract of land Bmn8d aad Cewrlbed ss fol : lows: Osmamactog at a point 208 fsst south erly from where tha soath Uns of TerwIUIger donsttoa laad claim fateraacta tha asst lias sf Mscsdsm read, and thenca easterly IMA feet st rlcbt ancles ss ths place of beginning; .' tnenca southerly 80 fast parallel with tha easterly lies sf Macadam rssd; theses east erly Bo feet to weat Uns sf right ot wsy ot the Portland A Willamette Teller Ballrosd Company; tbeaca aortherly 88 feet atoag said rlcbt sc. way ; tbewce weaterly ta pises af bs Cinnlng, Joha Arnold, 80.80. - tract ot aud boaawed aad dtsnlhsd ss fol lows: , Commencing at soatkwest corner at Lasts Arnold tract, ssrtioa IS. towasblp 1 ' aoath. nag 1 sast. WUlaaaetta mertdlas; thsaca sssth 13 dierin. east 2.27 cbsIm; . thenca east chains to wsst bank of WU - lametts rtver st low wstsr mark; thsaca north lo dug re is, west 220 rhalani thence west ts pises of beginning, William and Banana Oal gsr. 84.66. . A tract of Isnd hounded tad dtsrrlbtd ss tot- tows: Commencing at aontbwsst enrnsr of ths WUliam aadKosina Uaiger tract, sscttoa IS, towBsblp 1 south, range 1 eaat, WUlam stts meridian i tbeoea weat S.0U chains; thsnea 'soath 14 degreee 30 mlaatas. wsst 1.70 chains; mat 8.08 ensinn; tnancs aorta is oo- mlnatas, west 1.70 cnalna, to plaos crass 30 st nsglnsliwfc Oallforato Powsef worse, - A tract at toad lying between tba west Uns sf Macadam road sad ths east Uns ot stocks ' 24, 87 ssd 82, Southern Portland. Oregon, snd betweea the soa lucre boundary of tha TerwU Ucer donsttoa land claim ssd tba aortk Una . sf blocks 28 snd 34, Mouthers Portland. Ora- r, and also aortb Una sf Carolina street B. Tnemnson, 807.60, . . . A tract of toau tymg bttwasa ths wsst Has of Macadam rssd sad toe eaat lias of tots 8. 7, 8 and . btoch 8. arena's Addlttoa ta Portia a. 1. and between tba south Una nf the TerwUilcsr donsttoa land emha snd ths sooth line of tots 8 sad 8. block 8, Uresa'S Addlttoa te Portland, School Durtrirt No. 1. 84.30. A tract of laad lying between tha west Ilea af Paitaa Park and ths dtvwloa Una betwaea sect tone IS nnd 16, township 1 south, range 1 eaat. Wills ma Its markUsa, and betweea tna Bonis line at tha Blavla road and tns north . Uns af btock 18. Pultoa Park. Fnltoa Park Land Company, 29.75. A tract af Isnd lying betwaea tns wmt Una at Paitaa Park and tha division Una he twees sections 21 snd 22,. township 1 sooth, range 1 asst. Willamette meridian, sad betweea ths aonth lias of Porta street snd ths sorts Ibis i sf Ox street sa tha north aide sf btock 2d, ' FUltaa Psrk I -and Cemoany. 8S.20. . . A tract sf land beundi 4 aad deacrtbed as fol towa: OMnmeodng 10 chslns wsst and B ud , chains north, 1 degrees Wsst af norfhsnat eor- ,S ner or ewi g, ruiton; tnenca east o.ov enainsi tbsaea aortb a ni grits, wsst b.i chslssi thsnea West along south tins of Ne vada street ta a point aorth 1 degrees, wsst 2.10 chalna, from placa of beginning ; ttvaacs south T dtgnis, eaat 2.10 chslns. ts placa af beginning Kete a. Blughsra. $2-38. A tract of laod bounded aad dew r I bed as fol tows: CnmmenrlBC 10 chslns west sf aorth asst earnsr of block I, Pslton J thenca north T degrees, west 4 02 rhalas, lo soath Una sf Nevada street; theaea weet atoag soath Uns sf Nevada street so rest tins of rlcbt af way sf tba Metronomes Railway Company: thanes southerly stosg east Una of Ssld right ot way to nurrh tins of btock 48, raltoa Psrk: tbenco esst stone north line of Pulton Psrk is place of beginning, U, w. Corbstt Batata, Hairs at, S60.T0. - A tract of Isnd hounoed and described as fol lowe: Commeactag st soutbasst its ass of btock 4, Ptiitont thenca easterly along Berth Una af Rlvervtew Cemerery, aactloa 22, town. ship 1 aoath, rssrs 1 ssat, WUIamette merid ian, lo wsst line of Macsdsrn mad; theaea northerly slong west Uns of said road M nortbasat earner of stork 4. Pslton; thence Boaiberly slcog the sssterly Uns of btock 4. Pultoa, to place sf beginning, Ueocrs T. and Mary M. rfughes. tlJn. A tract of Isnd bounded and desrribed SB fol lower Oomrnrnring 21.40 chains west snd 8 .VI chains north of soatbeast comet of Thomaa Hiepliens dona l ton bind rlslm: thanes norih TO desvass,-- wsst 24 8-8 rads; tbeaca north 20 Seriate, eaat ta eeat line of Canny street; thsaca sast U asst Una at Hand itrettl theaea omr kott: OUT B0TICX8. Pultoa Parti thsnea south 10 degreee, east 6 chains, Bwrs er lees, to wsst Itns of Tay tor's Ferry road; thsaca south 36 decrees, weet 8412 - cnalna; thence sot Ik 7U oegreea,. west 1 . chslns, to plsea at beg toning, iierawa Msta- gcr, 813.86. .: A tract ot bind bounded and described af tot tows: Commeuclug st aorthssst corner tot t, btock 103, Fultoa Park; thsnea north 80 fsat; ' fiance north 40 decrees, ssst S4S fsst la s ; staks 60 feet sosth from aoath Una st ths Metager tract sectlos 22, township 1 south, range t eeet, Willamette awrldlan; theaos sssterly parallel with south Uns of ssld Mets- cur tract to a stake In west Una of Taylor's terry road: theses southerly ts esst I hie of , btock 103, Fulton Psrk; thsnea north 100 feet ' to northeast .corner of ssld block 103; tbencs wsst 100 fsst to plsoa of brglanlng. Portland " Clay Compsny, 87.16. - Au Irregular tract of Isnd lying between tba . south Una of block 4. Fulton, and sa sssterly extension of ths ssma In lu present couras '. snd ths West Uns of Mscsdsm rood, the north Uns of Hector Csmpueil (toast ton land culm, westerly uns et Mscsdsm rosa ana ths sssterly Uns of Taylor's Ferry rued, Biv srvlew Cemetery Assoelstloa, 804.25. A tract of issil lying betweea ths north Una of Hector Campbell's donation land claim and ths south hosudarr of ths City of Portland and betweea the west Mas of tha Wllla metis rivsr st tow water mark and ths wastsrly uns at Ucoue's Perry road and l ay tor's Ferry road. : Ban and except plot 1, ss uuowa on ths nmp or port land, urecua, pumuMiea or tuo - ius tiusrantee A Trust Ooiupaay, Bsclstcrad, No, 75, Hiverview Cemetery Aaaocla lion, t;H0.70. A tract of land bounded aad described ss fol lows: Commencing at ths intersection ot tha . north line ot tract desrribed In book A, page 6M), Beoord of Deeds, Mulinoaisa County, with asst Hub of Tay tor's Perry road; thence north . erly along said road 2U0 feet; tbenco weat 80 feet to esst Uns of .Mscsdsm road ; tnenca south 200 feet; thenca sast ts placa of . be ginning, security, havings A Trust Company, ; L30. - A tract nf land bounded sad deecribad ss fol- . lows: Commencing 30 feet south and SO feet weet at aauthwest corner of block 88. Fua- tua Park; thenca ssst 00 feet; ttienca aouth ev teet; tiience want l.w leei, iiwaw pwuia , 2M0 feet; thanes weet 130 feet; tbsaea north soO fest ta place of beginning, Byron P. Card well Batata. , Heirs of. 84-26. A tract of land bounded and desrribed as fal krws: ComBiencInc st ths Intersect ion of the aortk Uns of Ltooerana tract recorded In buug hi, pegs 80S, Beeord of ltoeda, Multnomsk County, with ths aaat Una at old Tsytor Ferry road; thence north along said reed auO fsst; thenca osat ss Wills met to r I vert thence follow ing the Btesnderlngaaf ssld river ta the north . line of ssld tie her man tract; thanes west Is the placa ot beginning. Hoary B. Dupsat, 80.78. : a tract of land bounded and described as fol lows: - Oommeaetug 8 clialna ssst snd 18 chslns south ot northwest comer of north eaat Jnartsr ot taction 22, township 1 soath, rangt east. WUlametts msrldjss; rheoce sast B cbslns; tbencs south 8 decrees, wsst 3. TO chslns; thenca west 4Jh chelne la ssst lias of Macadam road; thenca aortherly stonf ssst Uns of Macadam road ta place at beginning, Becarity havings A Trust Company, 8W.0O. ' A tract of land bounded aad described ss fol lows: Cnmrnsoclsg at northweet corner of . block B, Paltoa Park; thence north TB fast; tbsaea east to wsst bank of WUlametts rivsr at tow wstsr mark; thenca stong ths. weat bank of river ta northaeat corner of block D, Puium Park l thenoa wsst to piaoa sf begin ning, Charles Lstbermaa, 84.60. . A tract of lend bounded snd described aa fol : tows: Commsaclac at southeast corner of tot d, btoch I. raltoa; - tbeaca soathorlr along wsst Una of Taylors Kerry road to a v point l fast aortherly from sort heart career of btoch T, FuUonr thence aortherly stong a i lino parallel with northerly line of block T, -Fulton, to Ms Interosattoa with tha mmtherlr Use of tot 6. block 1. tulton, it J. Bclgsl- man, t2.2B. - . , A tract ot hind bounded aad described aa follows:- Commencing 22.18 ebsms north snd . 12.64 Oh t Ins waat of southeast corner of . Thomas Stephens donsttoa Isnd claim; theaea Berth TO degrees, ssst 8.08 chslns, to ' weat bank at WUlametts rivsr st tow wstsr mark; thsaca stong west bank of Said vlvvr, aortb hW Wliuia, WU, -vy .11. , umnw mvwtm degrees 30 mlnatas, ssst .66 chain; 4 hence ; wast cnalna ; 1 nance sontn a oegieee so minutes, asst 2 s8 chalna, to ths plaos af be ginning, Francleca Hchmltt 86. MB. A tract at laad bounded sad described as fol towa: Commencing at three-mile post Is Mac adam road; thsnea asst to wsst bank of WU lametts rivsr at tow water saerk; tbsaea anorth stong tha wast .bank of ssld river ta Vsatbeaat corner of bisek M, Fultoa Park; tlisnes wast stong tns soath Uns of ktorks M ssd 14, rslloa Psrk. ta Mscsdsm road; thence south to piaoa of beginning, Xhsodore ; Nleolst 87.80. A tract ot land bounded and dSBrrtbrd aa fol lows: Commencing north IS degrees, wsst 2.03 chain a. from sontbtnst corner ot Thorn aa Btspheas doaattoa Isnd claim; thanes wsst 8.74 ' chslns: thenca north 33 decrees 30 mlnotes. West 2.22 chains; t hence north 88 degreee IS m Inn tea, west IX , ebsms; tbencs north 4 . oegreea SO mlaatas, wsst .J chain north 2 Or trees 30 minutes, west 2.60 chslns: thenca north 21 degreee, west 2 Chains; lb tart ' north 20 degreee, weet 4 chains; tbencs north 43 degrees watt Xd chalnathence south 28 decrees, esst 8 chslns; theue 'south 18 degreee. ssst 4.87 ebatae, to pises sf aa Clnnlng,vJoseph ssd Frank Webber, 818.86. A tract M hind bounded aad deecrlhed as fol. tows: Comaienclng st a point to tba sast ' line sf Macadam read whan seme to Inter ssctsd by sooth lias ot Themes HtrpheaS do astlon land clslmi tbeaca north degrees 80 m hi u tea, west 1.T8 chslns: tbencs north 83 degreee 30 minutee, weat 1-22 chains; thence ssst parallel with tba said donsttoa Isnd claim Uns A 74 chains ta wsst beak of Wil lamette river at tow water mark; theaos south- ' sely 18 dtgniis. sast atoag tba wsst bank of aald river, 843.28 feet; theaee weet parallel ; with aad ISO feet south af tha south Una of the Tbotnns Blsphssa donation land claim te tba asst Una of Macadam road; thsaca aorth i along oast Una of Macadam road ts ths - place . of kaglanldg. Boasrlck L. Msctosy, 27.80. . A trset af Isad bonndsd -and daacrlbtd ss ' follows: Cl mm i oclng at eostheaat earner of . tot 30, block 14, nonthera Portlandi thence weat 2IAA fast: 11mm anutb 8 distaes 80 -iin.t.., .... y p., ,f WeTg-i.ietjItraetae tsSTthe ira aveve sast slong north Una of fiends etreet to wsst lias of Mscsdsm road) theaea aorth . atoag west Una st Macadam read la placa : at baglanlng, Joseph Weber, 80 73. A trset of laad bsoaded and dsserlbsd as follows: Commencing si totersecttoa at wsst Una af Macadam rssd with sosth lias at Ne vada street; t notice wast 814 feet stone south Una st Nevada surest: thence aouth 8 digram 30 mlaatas, ssst OS.2S fsst; thence esst 214 feet : thenca north 8 decrees 80 mlaatee. weet MJtt) feat, to pkwm ot heglBBlsg. ktelchtof TssBlsr, 810. A trset t Isnd branded and oseerlhad ss - follows: Commsaelng 16.18 feet aorta, 8 de grees 80 mlBstea aaat from aorthssst earner , at btock 1. Fultoa; thence northerly stong ths wsst llos of Msoadam rood 80S.88 teet; thence ' weet 214.8 feet; thenca north 86.88 fsst south Una of Nevada trset; thsnea wsst 37 M tret; thenca eoath 120 feeti tbssca sea Ik 8 . degreee &8 minutes, ssst sVtLSs feet; thence ' north 88 degrees 41 minatss. ssst 211.28 fsst : to placa at beginning. Hons Bones, ST. 18. .' A, tract ot laad boaaoed aad deecrlhed - as follows: . Commencing a. 87 chaias aorth, 8 Oe- - greee 30 galnutes asst, snd S Jw) castas watt of Borthanst corner of btovk 1, PnUoa; theacr . west 1U3.4B fsst: tbsaea asrth 8 desists, we . to soath lino at Nevada street; tnenca eaat 18S.4B lost; theaea aoath to placa of beginning, ' Charles l. and Kllss ChriswnseB. 8210. - A tract af hud bounded snd deecrlhed as foUowsi Commencing at northeast corner of btock 1, Pulton; theucs west 10 chslns; thence north t oegreea, west BJ2 chains; thsaca ssst suo.ic lest; tuenas south 3 Oegreea do mm a tea. ssst 241s tli Umoea aortb 88 de greee 41 situates, . ssst 311. 38 feet: tbsaea south 8 degrees m mlnatem, ssst 1X13 feet, ta i place of beginning. P. fcUnaorge, tlfl.lo. A trset ot laad bounded snd described ss follows: Csmmsnclng si sou incest corner W btock 7H, Pulton Park; thenca tat 3U0 feet .' to ssst Una sf l lrat strset; thesis north 8W feat ta sooth Use of Logan alreet; thenoa east to sortbwest earner at ssld Mack; thence soother ly stoog west Uns sf ssld bkxk ts pises . of bsguulag, ralion 1'srk Lead Compaay, 82.86. . A tract af laad bounded aad described as foltowe: Commencing si ssaibssst corner of btock 87 V. Fulton Parti thanes wsst 200 fsst; ' tbsaea south SO fast; thsnea oast 20U fsst; , theses Berth 80 feet ts place sf beginning, swath Purtisnd Keel Kstats Compsny, 82.10. : A tract ot Isnd bounded and described ss : follows: Commencing st s point 60 teet sooth . Bad SO fast weet of aorthwast eorasr sf btock , 73. Paltoa Park; thence sooth 260 feet; theaea weet srw teet; tnencs aorta sou ion; looses Boat StW fsat la place ot begtaaius, ttougrsge tlea Math Israel, Sh.TB. . A trset af Isnd beunded and deecrlhed aa follows: OsBuseueing 80 feet south ssd 3D test wsst ot sou Ui weet corner of btock 12, Psltna Park; thence ssst TOO fsst; thanes south ta Internsrtton af north Uns of Pooler strset with weet Uns sf Blichtk s venae; theoos weaterly ta Btovrnlh avenue: thenca north to north Una of Kiiraca street; thanes weal duu : test; thenca north to s point So fart astt sf nurtbsaat earner ot block S4, Pulton Psrk; tbencs weat 180 feet; thsaca aorth 80 fsst; " Ihsnoa ssst SMt fast: thsucs south 30 fssl ta pteee of beginning, Vtoeent Conk. S&M.Sn. A tract of land boeuded sod dascrlbe .as follows: Commencing st aortbeaat earner of " lot 6, btock 10U, Fultoa Park: tbencs north . SO tart; thenca north 40 degress, east 383.4 . feet an aoath line of Metager tract, eecttoa , 22. tow nab Ip 1 south, rarge 1 east, Willam ette meridian; thanes northeasterly parallel wltb wast line af aald Metscsr tract lo south Has Of Hssel street: tbeoea weet to a point due north of aorth eett corner of btock 103, Fallon Psrk; Iheuee'snaih In northweet sor aer of ssld black 10SX tbeoea east loo feet ta l.laee ot beginning. Vincent Cook, 80. TO. A trset sf land lying betweea the center Una af Second street If extended snath In Its pres ent course aad lbs dtvleksi Uns hetweVa ese- ttoos 21 snd 23, township I sooth, range I east, Willamette meridian, and between s Uns 30 feet of awl parallel with snath Uns of btorks W. 4 snd 4&, rsltnw Park, and the north line ef htoeh 83, ths nor then et erly and , northwesterly lines ef Mock 73. Fallen rarh, llesry Pleckensleln, ll.;ll. A trlancejar trset af lend lying balwaea . the sosth Una sf Tsytors rervy road, the wstterly Has of ousts Ftrry goad and tha . CITT X0TICZ8. dlvltlna Una betweea sections 21 snd 22. . township 1 south, rungs 1 esst Willamette 1 Meridian Congregation Beth iaraet 84.1U. ' A trset of laud lying betweea the aouth ; lice ot Seymour rveaue aad the south llua ef stouadary atraat extesoed - h esfariy la lu - prceeut cuurss ssd between ths west Uns rbf Macoud alreet aad ths dlvlelon lias hstwsea sections IB snd 18, township 1 touth, rangs 1 esat, Willamette Msrldlan, Bare aud except the . Indrrmuble tree! below described, Ter llllger Lend Compsny, 888.16. A trset sf land hounded sod deserlbrd ss fol- tows: Commencing on east side of Maria ' county road 2,o24 feet north end 432 feet east ot south Uns of ths TerwUllcar dons tton land eatlrn, whets asms Is Intersected Sths division Uns between esat Vi and wsst of sshl donation laad claim; thence south decreet 60 minutes east 488.2 feetr theses '. north 81 degrees 10 minutes east '. fool; thence north 68 decrees SO minutes -wast to the . southwesterly Use sf ths Bin via county ' roadi thenca northwest Hi decrees 10 mlB stea west 200.6 fret; I hence south 2 decrees 46 minutes west 43.4 feet ta placa st begla--nine. Uottlleb Inaersiubls. 8 46. T - A tract ef land bounded ssd deecribad sa Sol. towa:- Commencing si northwest . corner ot Mock 148. Cerutbers' Addition to tns City of Portland, as told out by the Booth Portland ' Beel katata Aeeoclatloor thence south 2l faet; thence Weet 480 feet; thenca aorth 2o0 teet; tbencs. east 480 feet to place of bsgta nlng. Mrs. R. A. Owens Adair, 821.00. A tract at Isnd bounded snd described ss fob : tows: Com mead ug st northwest corner of black 148, Csrutbers' Addition to the City of Portland, ss Isid out by ths Booth Portland ' Rmi, Batata Aaaocla t Ion) thence weat 80 feet akug the south Una at Carry strset It extended westerly In Its present coursef , thence north -320 feet parallel with lbs west ' llos of llrat Street; theuca esst lu the south- west corner of bhxk 120. Cnrnthers Addi tion to the City of Portland ss laid out by the ( South . Portlsud Rest Katata -AaaoeUttou; ' tbencs south -'120 teal to placa at beclnoluc, WllUsm M. Oreeory. 33.13. -All ths Isnd seed and occupied by the Ore. , goo A California Ballrosd Compsny tor right st wsy purposes, except where ssld right of . way la located In streets, lying between the Borta Use of Flnlee Caruthera', donation land claim and tba aouthsrw boundary uf the City ' sf Portland snd 'between the weat bank of Willamette liver st low-water mark and ths ..-division Hues .between- nestioad 4 and 8, 9 snd 10, IB and 18. 21 snd 22. 'township 'I south, rsugs t saat WUlametts Meridian, Oregon ct California BaUrosd Csmpaay, -.'StiT.on. --..i - All tba unplatted land-lying between the north Uns of Hberidsa street aad lu rentlos westerly In lie present course snd the south Una of PI nice Csrutbers' donation Isnd clsim and betwaea ; the west line ot . Fourth street snd Its extension southerly . and a straight line extending soathasstarly from tha lutersectloa of ths aorth Una of block ST, Caruthera' Addition to Caruthera' Addition, to the City of Pertlaad with the weaterly Una sf said btock ta a point In tha south Una of Flnlee Camthrn' donsttoa Isnd claim where It hi Intersected by ths division Una between sections 8 snd lo, ' township 1 south, nogs 1 eeat. WUlamstts , Meridian, Oregon Railway A Barlgxttoa Com pany. 854.00. All Iks snplatted land lying betweea tba south Uns of P. tsratbera' doasttoa toad claim and . tha soath Use of KUaa beta Carathen' dons ttoa Isnd claim and betweea the division Una betwosa sections 8 and 10, township 1 soath, rings 1 asst. Wlllsmetts Msrldlsn, and tns ' west Una ef Pint street except two pereeh) at Isnd rrwBsd by Mn. B. A. Owens Adair ' and William M. Orsgory, Oregon BsUwsy A i. Ksvlcsttoa Company, 82U4.0W. ' A tract sf land lying bet wees aa easterly txteualon of the 'north Una of - Cars tsars street and a Hne ISO fret aortb thereof snd ' parallel therewith and ketweca las eaat line . ot nooa street sna a uns as iset esst , thereof snd parallal therewith, Jeraaaak Worick. 80.TB. . Right ot way, Portland Corswitldsled Railway - ItemnH Bl HI V OA. IW.I llnrUM T . . , . THOB. C. DKVUN, ' Auditor af tha City af Portland. - Dattf ef Brf.t publication. April 4. 106. .- OOmTLZTIOaT ABB A0CXPTABCX 0T Hfr noTxmxsTT or oobbktt btxht. Notice Is hereby given that Charted Wanner. City Bactnear,- has Sled la ths of see ef the BBdrrslgiied nutlet Ihst Nick am A "Kelly, soetrsctora for the Impraei stent sf Corbrtt street, seder the provisions sf srdlnsBes Not 18.0M, hsn completed ssld street from tba center line af Woods street to tha ecu tar Una ot O rover strsst. Said accepUBcs will be conaldersd by tba Bxerutrra Hoard at 4 e'clecfc aa ths Ttb 4a y of April. IROS, and et tortious to ths ae csptasea ef said street ar say part thereat, may bs Sled la tha office at tna aadsrslgnsd st sap time prior thereto. -'. (-.. TUB BXHt'CTlTK BOARD. r THOB. C. DBVLIIf. . . ' ' ' ABdltor of the city ef Portland. : Portland, Ospgoa, April 1, 1006. OOKPLXTrOV AJTD AOCXPTABCB 0T DS- TBOTXXXaTT 0T MAOBOLIA BTBXZT. ' ... NstJca la hereby gives that Charles . Waassr, City Knglneer, has Bird la ths ofsce of ths aadenigned notlcs '. that alebiack A ioplln, aootrsctora for ths improvement of MsganlU street, nader tha nrwrisloaa sf ordinance No. 14.140. ban completed said strset treat the esst Has sf Bust Ktahtk atraat to the waat line of Dorhsm sreaus. Held acceptance will be earattdered by tba Bx ecu tin Board at 4 o'clock oa tns Tth day sf April,. lOuA.- and objections to ths aeeept aaea of asid street sr say part thereof, may bs lied ta ths sfSes sf ths aadarslgasd at say tims prior thereto. THB BXBCTTITB BOARD, - ' V By TH08. C. DBVLH, ; Aadltor ef the City ef Portlsad.. , Portland. Oreawa. April 1, 10B. . OOKPLZTIOsT A2TD ACCEPT ABCB 0T XX nOTYatCVT 0T BBBuT BTBXR. Notice Is berrhy given that Charles Wsassr. City engineer, hss Bled In the ofnes at ths undersigned notice that K. J. Dtbuhr, eon- t of Jeeaup "t I aauei ins pisiatuius at has completed ssld street from the sast Uns sf Mlehlgaa svesue to the, crater Una sf Mls dselnnl aveane. Hid Bcreptanea will bs eonaldered by tba Bxornttvs Board at 4 a'rtoek aa the Tth day sf April, IPOS, sad objections to taa accept a see of said street, sr any part thereof, may be Bled la the ernre of the aadenigned at say fjmt prtof thereto. - TUB rJXRrrrriTB BOARD. ; i ; v '" ' By TII08. C. DEVLIN, Aadltor of the City of portlsad. Psrtlsnd. - Oregoa. April 1. lBtaV t COmTUTIOB? AJTD ACCXPTABOB OT RWZS Uf TWTJfTT-SIXrH BTBIZT. ' Notice to hereby given that Charles Waanwr. City i Bnclncor. hss filed la the off lea of ths asdenlgsed, notice that J. B. Slam moss, eoo. tr actor for too cousli actios af a eewer la Tweaty-slxth street . aoder the provlsloBa If srdlnsnca No. 14.4o8. hss completed ssld sswar from the esst Una of Walnut street ta a aoa necttoa with tba sewer kt Nleolsl street Bald acceptance vdM. be esealdered by the Krecallvs brnrd st 4 a'etock on ths Tth day sf April, lOiA. snd objection to the acceptance of ssld newer, or any part thereof, may ha filed la the office of tba snderalgned at say tims prior thereto, THB KXBCTTITB BOARD. - '.f , '. By THOB. C DKVLIH. " ' ' ' .J Aadltor ef tha City ot Portland, ' Psrtlnnd. Oregon. AprU 1. lOOS, COkTPtrnOB AJTD ACCTPTABCK 0T- tat . TBOTIMIBT 0T AIBBW0BTH ATXaTTTK. , Notlcs Is hereby gives, that Char lea Wanner. City Knglneer, has filed to the off let. at the sndervlgned. notlcs thst BeehUl Bros,, cou rt acton for the Improvement sf Slav worth a Venus, under the provisions of srdlnsscs No. 13.811, hart completed aald atraat from the west Uns of Union avenue to ths center Una sf Kent Tenth street. Held accep lanes WlU be eomtdered by the Executive rtoera st 4 o'clock en tha Tth dsy ot AprU, tWA, and oh Jert lone lo the acceptance of ask! street or any " part thereof., may be filed ' hv- rhe" office at tba underlie ned at soy tana prior thereto, . . . , TUB KXKcmTr! BOARD. ' ; !"!' By THOB. C. DNTUM. Aadltor sf the City sf rn-tlaad.. i Portland. Oregon. April 1. 1108, OOMTtmOB ABO A0CTrABCX07nr. TBOTaalXBT 0T, BBTABT BTBXIT. Notice la kereriy given that (partes Wtssee. City Knglneer, hss filed In ths etflea of ths andentensd. notice thst Olenites A iopUn, contract"" for ths Improvement of Bryant street, nsder tha pnvhrkmn sf ordinance No. 14.137. hsn eornnleted said street front the renter Has of Wilbur strset la tha salt Uns sf Delswsre arenas, 'n '' Msld screptssco will be eonaldered by the Kxeentlve ftoard st 4 a'cleefc on the Tt h dsy of Aprlt 1. and ocijeellone to the acceptance nf ashl street, sr sny part thereof, msy bs filed la the efflea of tha snderalgned at any tisM .prior thereto. ....... . , . " THB KXBCmVI9 BOARD. J 1 ' V." , By TH08. C. DRTLIit. . i i ' 3 Auditor of the City of for Us ad. Perllmd. Oregon. April I. 1006, : . . COB TT. niOW AJTD ACCrPTABCI OP 1st 1 T KOVIktlBT 0T BBTABT BTBXBT. ', Notice Is hereby gives that Cbsrtes Wanner, Clir Kacloeer. baa filed ,1s the effct of ths nndenlened, notice that M. J. t'.mley. eon. tractor for the Imsrevement sf Brytnt. trreet, under the nrovlalmis of ordinance No. 14,1:17, hat eomiileted said street fram tka esst llos of Wsksth avenue to ths renter Use et Wilbur strset Held brrefitsnes Win r-a eonaldered fcv the Kterutlvs Hoard at 4 0 h on the Tth dat ef April, llsft. Sad o' ' t to the aeee-tsi- of mid street, er s..y v ,.l t e.if may ha filed In the office ot the BttWr.od st ay Una prior thereto. ; TUK r ' afVI! P-' '.'."'. t. t I I 'V ' " "e t- i 1 1 rurUaad. !,. if i '0L T.J ..CJ . 1 r-TnVn " Jar.a Uvw-4-s a-t 3 Trains to the East D;;ly J Tkrosgk Psllmaa stssdard aad toarlat shwa- , Ing san dally to Omaha, Chicago, gpok-- 1 tourist atoening can dally to kanass t fl tsrouea Pullman toanei sisening san (p aUy ssndastadl weekly to Cnicago. Becuanag f to ths Bast dauy. ... ) TJNIOM DKPOT. Y Lssvss. Arrtvas. , CBICAOO-PORTLAMD " 8PKCIAL. :.,.B-"- e?:.?'s" Tor tha Kset vis Boat- - i Inctoa. ... .. . ... ' - ; ' Ll , , 8P0KANB PLTKR.i if:.,'.-'.' s, 'i Tor Kaattrn Wsshlng- -'.'. ' ' " ' ton. Walla Walls. Lew- : B (. 8:08 a. pV , leton, Coeuc d'Aleee Belly.. DaUy. , &- JPuTm '': ATLANTIC BXPRKSS. ' L, '1B a. an. Colombia Blear Division. POR ASTORIA and way points, connecting with etmr. for Harare and 8:08 p.m. Dally. About ' ex. Sunday, Hetnrday. 8:00 p. sc. North Bench, str. Bas- scaaaasy, ttki, Ath-at. dock iu:uu p. ox. Tsmhill Blver Beats, FOR DA TTON. Oracoa . City aad Yamhill Elver . Cdnhi, sbnn. Bath aad DalU'.." oW, A ah -at dock. lax. Sunday (Water permitting); . . - Boaka aUrsr' Bsnta. ' Tiklp-hV Daily. . ax. Sanday. TOR LSWI8TON. lds.,1 :Q0 - am, snd way po1ntu rromMwdsP Rlparla, Wash., smra. IWedncsdsy Bpokane and Lcwietou.) Friday A boot S am Tweeds y .. Thnndsy Saturday . TICK-KT 0PP1CBL Third aad Washing i - pnoas Msla Tlt, Twt C. TP. BTIN0BB. Cltr , A. U CBAI0. General rasnrBgat Aesst EAST SOUTH Lseves. tTHTOTf DBPOT. 0TBRLARD BXPBBBS trains, fur Kalam. burg. Ashland, nacra-i fflBB.ot men to. Orden. flea Praa- afdB . a. daro. Stork tea, Lsa Aa4 geies, ki rsso, nsw w leans snd tns Bast -Morning train eosv aeeta- st Woridvural r -t dally ' except oaaday 248 a. m. with trsla tor . Mt Ancd. Btlrsflaa. Brownsville, ittill field. Wangling aaat - Alhane naani 4.-08 a. a. "ta necta at Woedbura wlthl10:18 s. Mt. Angel aad SUlver-l too local. . Corvallls pssstogw. 11184 8. Bk l!SJfc hfccridaa paestnger. I"B:xpb. m. Dally. MDslly, except Kunday. rtrtlsnd-Oswacs aburbaa asrrtoa Bad TnasUU XMwleto&. "'" -Depot foot of Jefferson' Street Lean Portland dally for Oewvao T to a. ox. I 12.80, 2K. 8:66, 8:20. 8 25. T e. 10i18 p. a. Dally (except Banday), B:S0. 80, S:SS. IS 1 lis.) 4:10. 11:30 p. Bx. "nndsr aoly. 8:W Rstaralag rrem Oeweg. arrrn Parttsad ' :8--a. J SS, S OS. 8:18. T:M. f i. 11:18 a. ax, Dsllr (axeepf Beads ft 8:28. "Jr t-JO. 10-10. 11:48 a. m. Bxerpt Msaday. Lii a, m. Boedty snly, 18:00 s. m. ... Leaves from asms depot for Dallas aad In lev. mediate points dtllr (exeent Basdsyl 4:14 p. m. Arrtn PortbiBd 10:10 a. m. , . The Meuesaws. hVnmeurk Meter La saarstsa aaiiy te nwwn, . . seetlnr aitfc BimtbernPaelfta compaay'B trss Plrst-tsss fsn tram Part lewd a rUnaaa-e's aad BaK prsBelass 830. berths SB; atstad t. .a fare SIS. seeoi1-elsn berths UM. - TICieTe TO xamrv veai. . "-ve " gaps a, rntna. wnnsrstw now tlty Ticket iMJee riwner Third, aad irajrn ei i rewe . C. W. STING BR. W. rfWIAPJ, Uty tmcsi Agaws. . :--TIME-ARD OF' TRAINS Portland t UNION DBPOT. -Arrlv ' Paget Bound Limited. a i-. e . Olyapla. Bosth Bead Ma. at 4S8.aV. aad Orar's Ban nelnts. North Coast Limited. for Tsraess. Hesttle, Butte. Bt Peal. Mia sm noUs, Chicago, Newi 18 p. I rnWSBs. xm-k. aiosToB sna petals Bttt and Bontheest Twlo-Clry Btorssa. far TseatBS. Reattle. It kana, Helena. Bt. Past Mlnaewoolla Chleaeo. USp.l Ta.h. New Torh. rVwroa sod sll BMsta Bast aad Bneirheeat. Petret Hem ad . Kaseee Oty-flr. Lmato SpeelaL for Tsaenm. Peettlr. Sanksas. Butts BlUlawa. Denver. Omaha. Kanaeej 2:38 a. SV TMp. a. nty. ot. Louis snd sll potato Bttt sad South nst. ' - Alt trains dally sxeewt Bewth knack.'-; .-,-a, 6 CHARLTON. i Aealersnt flsmial Psssragea Ageaf. ' 2J9 Morrlsoa at. ear. Third. rsrUssd. OsV Astoria & Columbia , 1 River Railroad Co. rCPn Las vea. PNIOW DBPOT. Arrives. ' 8:08 a. Sx, Pa Maygsrs, Rslntor, Il:14a.'m, Dally.. , 1 Clatakssis, Wettport. Daily. ,1 Cllftoa. Attoria. Wsr. . 1 ' ' . - rentno, Plant Ham- , ' j 1. .'.: omad. -' Fori tsveua, 1 ;. , ,; Oesrhsrt Park, BessMs, ' . ' Aatarla aad Bat shorn. , ' t) : rmrn. ' iprsB8 daUy.,.' ' ,.aa,. m.' 1,,', ..a Aatarla Bxprtes, , ' J.,0, MATO. i v 0. T. tad r. A-. Aatarla, 0. C. A. TTTWaRtT (mmerelat Ageat 242 Alder strsst Phono kUla 808, . ., Ticket 931am 221 Tklrd Ka ( Trsfisr-ont 'r. - FACT ' to bpokak" r-. " , MlN.Nf.Al " - ALU , I IS Vile I e--l i.o. ' 2 1 ,A t, v M' ; V