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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1905)
tiis onzcou ' d jly jolt.::al, rcr.TL.:.r. CTXY VOTIOU. . a i.i i, uvi e ao, a- " . .. , . .--. ; .- . itu of ml 62Va feet of r ih'l4M I M 4, . Bo"11""'' Arrack of ' load Trie, -hw' "I"" . e ( Lowell iHH. ami a llae 110 'eel iiaeea the wl Upa-of Kroot "reet ed J . ?it& HOMWrr'n Ar-BLOck Tv Wjk l.o leet of tot 1. Ammiate "T"!1'' ". ! .re f tot , il.4o; MWIilwm " " r iT. i irli. .... 2.86; subdlrieloo B of M 2, Wrt WTBboT (2.86; sutollTtotou C of., tot on u w.nw, .rrrjr.!.1 it of f lot 2. Abbie I. Creeker. 2.vot eoutn , . 2, Juno Collins. ; enalh 'rLnitr it dltotoa H rfj S E l ... ,-ti. 70 feet of snbdlvtalon o' sut ulriatoa C et tot 8. Mrs. CiJuifd' hUItMoii D of tot .'i,-2w: 44.U6; aabdlvlston K ef "t'A Aaae, ' .wim l."!-!!!5. JL 1 "2 f"; t-viumai.,; i MellM B. stergsm, vv- Hlmoii ll.llroed Ooeipaa,. A! tot A .Jr1-i California Railroad f tioaipaBy. JSi'nT tllrieloa A ef tot 4, George H. '-: 2.65; snbdtrisioo B of lot 4, Mary P . meyer. 3.85: eubulrisioii C of lot -,fib; M M.K.I, u.ol); bdlUloii H ot tot 4, 2 aortk of aabdlTUto C of tot 1, 4lbtoa C of tot I. .i" if' m'-JL: wmh 42.5 f-t of .uMlrtaton of "t . Jaditk H. Htoon. 0.T5; rah4frlton H of , ' f hit jl l-tou-too K. Tra9r(OB, tnuitM. Jt.: mwT tot tjjrto. : . T.-j r,..-. I.OO! .MII i ot tot , b""4; fl.ltii; ubdtUlo T tot . rtom K. Jibdlvtato- of tot ' 1' i.l 1 t... true. bdlltom itSSL H f to? X T.arl B. -Pj? v.: . .i 4. Trmototon. f-t of iwrtk' H of tot At",f " 1.00t Mmlh J2V4 f ""! ,45 'oft of Irtr H of tot 3. frrt of wt"S7V faot of Mrtb H of tot Mr. . A. ttorrlooo, IU.T5;- walk JU tett ifooVk ft of wo f-tof urtk H it' mVM 1S5 fwt of nk48 tt; of . w w n itfkiw ft. tirmmtrr. all. lft rtk nt f f oath MC ox wro ST BLOCK W O-fT. T-U.n A of tot X A Joka Aadraw. i4J - . -tirlatoa B of tot t Joka Akwv JJ.40J wxllvlaloa C of tot J. Ja Aadrew. f J 40, aortlUtoa D of tot J. Joka Aadroar, JJ.40 , a4iTbtoa K of tot S, Joha Andrew, JA40 -llTl.toa V of tot 2. Joka Andrew. W.40 ....MUviatoa O tot St Joka Andrew, JJ.40 aolltaloa H of tot 2, Ja Andrew. 2.40; . ..odlvbiloa I of tot t, Job" A4re 0; V a, 8panr H. Cooper 2.); weat 42W . - ' n Im a Arnold Be. rial; all of aaat W ffet of tot 4 lyln aortk of the Orefoa A California Kaltroad cmnpaay'a rlkt ot way. W. A. - A. tract of toad rylng totweea fMj . . r Vfclo atroel ana a tin 7 ... . and oarmllel tkrrewltk and betweea a line fiet aoarh. of and parallrt wltfc tfce aootk ' line of Hamlltoa aenue' and tbe aortk Una .1 the Orenoa A Galjforata Baload g,av aaay'a rUrht of way, Wmoa Utalnee, 1.X5. A tract of laud lylaf ketweea twa Un re nertlnly 42V feat and 85 feet eaat of and palel whb th. eaat Una of Ohio atreet aad Ptwaea a Una 110 feet aoatk of and parallel wit a the aoutb Una of Hamlltoa avenue and ib" air ltoa of tbe Oregon A California ," nallToadOomnaay'a rlfkt.of . w' POTLANI) WH0aTnAD-BrX)0Ki 10 anat 42 feet f want Hi feet of aortk 110 feat af W..any,r, Hllfcrk-aa! g of to. , rny-artakt .7 way Pl-ajlr A. Ktrobrldce Batata. Helra af. tot 2 J.wb T Btrobrldfa KaUte, Uelra af. t JiaiTr Jooepk A, Wrobrld,. K.tatj , helra of, aortk 00 feet o tot 5. ! Thomaa Brhnelder. 2.0; aoatk feet af 5 north an f-et of lot a.-Aatea snrnotoerKer. i 2.o; aoatk 00 feet of north VJ0 lt ( i ..f aonth 110 feet af tot . Joaej iM. flekam, eaat 85 feet of anoth 1 W,at af tot a, Wmoi Bteloer. S.a0. BLOCK 12 tot ' Maetoay Kauta Company. 22.30; eaat I 60 feet . r. 4 f inr i a.rite.A. Wrinkle. " (1 to; eaat no feet af aabdlTtaloa! B of tot 8. Jtadle A. Wrinkle, 1.20; t4feet of aiilxllTWien ot . , , i , . 1.45; eet af ,t- k' if tot lTPer mSTiuSrmSS Tlaina r af tot 4 Perry U. Blytk, 2.00; .aaMeMM O tot J. Perry H. Blytk. JiW; mbdWlatoa H of tot 1 Perry U. Blytk. JSLkO. i i i William h. reekelmer. ' JL-2..1ri iwrtk 0 feet of tot 2, C. K. Boal. . a. an faet nf aoatk 1T0 feet of tot 2,' f K. Baal, 5.50; wwtk 42V feet af auf fPn X VMiin I IV -itw a .am a. iat. A Ponrror. (t .55 aortk 42 f . of eaat 110 feet of anaU fret of tot 2, - 1 to feet of tot 2. Theodora Brarker and J. . , n laternotorr, - n r vr r R, I .add, 1L15; eaat U of tot 4. Chartra - t lot 1. William A. Morrow, 2.66; ankdi . etotoa of tot 1, William A. Morrow, tt.; , anMlttotoa 0 af tot 1. reatoB W. OlUetta, 2.5; aaMleMoa D of tot 1, Preatoa.W. : tilllettn, 2.45i aobdhrlalon B af tot 1. 'Al- aert eenranoarB, t.v, ,uimwin w 1. Albert Pehrenbaeh. rJ-0: anbdlTtotoa 0 of lot 1. Joka Kopaekletrl. 2: aukdlTlalon . -a m a a SV .lv tl ata Cki A.t 9 M at .'"..rK." TTIi -V O 3 Mlaa If. V. Lawrenoe, (11.15; eaat H of tot s'noutk of the Orogoa A Onllforala ltall , road Compaay-a rlakt of way, Jnmaa, Paal- aea A CO.. .: all of lot 2 - nnrtk ' and weat af tea Oregon l aUfomla B-llraad rmpany rbxht of way. . K. Marley. 6 05; aU of - aoora "1 n' " r.iry. w , . forela Rallraad Ootnoanr't rlybt of way. Kl- Itaoa arncanapTaeo no. i. v. v. r., e.w all of eaat H af tot I ezeept the Oreawa r.lir.MtA Rallmad fVianrjanTa rlabt'af war. Joeeok A. Brrowbrlrtca, ir.. Batata, H'lra of. 7.20; weat 42 S feet of eaat 85 feet of aortk fret af tot 4. Orl Kliaa Kan feed. 2.45; eaat 42 feet a aortk 100 feat of tot 4. Otto K. Banford GaUte, lletra af. 42.4ft; - eaat ao Tret ex ai aw mt wbh. iw fret af tot 4, Tkomee K. Weat, (2.30: eaat teal w w w v ' " ea to ' 1 . KKBBKIAM'H BirBDITIRIO of a Bart af Lata ,-l and f, Btock A ,la Portland Hoaieataaa Fl H .A, A, eaat -a a ai , vn t. am Wllda I Lao. la. 7.45; eaat H of lot 2. Joka and Wllda U lankla. (T.25; eaat m -, ,. . .. I," l. .BanliM Ja. B' mana. (l.M; anMlTtalon 1 af tot 2, Kate . Hemtona. (1.86: anbdlrlatoa 2 of tot X Kate f. Baaainaa. (2.15: eubdl-hUoo af tot 2. kate I. Weaatona. (2.15; aabdlTlakm 4 of tot 2. Kate P. Heaatoaa. (2.15; anhdlThiloa 5 of tot 2. Rugene A. Sanatoria. (1.30: onh- ntKlirlatoa 7 af H 2, Kageao A. Maaatotnv ' 42. IS . ' " ' r dlTletoa A of tot I. Narlkern Caantlea la- . ... . I . ,A. ...... 1 . B of' tot 1. M, J. and 1. tMUaiher. (2.10; nbdTalatoB C af tot 1. William iL'Walpole, ' il: .aotxtltlaton I of "tot 1, Jarok Mtobel, . : enbdlThitoa of tot 1, Thomaa H. (tilth. .: weat feet if lot 1 Henry r-Mtnett. 44.25; aU of tot 2 earept weat P4 , fet af weal H af tot aVW. . OHtoa. ad.4,, , -art H of lot a, i . -"'". -, anoth M I fet af weat tt of tot t, Jnoa I). Kenneoy. ai.w; roa a, " SI 2. in; jo ni ai nnnw, w.w, i. , Joka P. Kennedy t0.B. BLOt:K C tot nam. (ILd: tot , Oeorya Uiltoek : fl I rABK-IMAirX M, tot T, Fnltoa far I Ana i oienaar. "-. ' " Park Ian4 IWeoaer, W 5. - PaHaa f'ara lana i iietan!r. w - t art i Aao -iwapff-r, ei ' ,. lark taad Mpaa. 0 45; tot , ialloa dTT V0TI0U.' eep"i I t P.rk iMrnd 0p7. 0 Si tot 10, roltoj f- I'k Laod 0onu.Br. tvu.45. BUtfK 11. tot '. PuHoa Park Iad Vluy. Vlin Park' laod Company. I".; tot JU. F-ullon fark tn4 t'omuany, Mi "t : -iiltoa l-ork Lao Compaojf, 0. i fff, Pulton Park Land CompiiM, BLm K 85, aouth 65 feot of totl. A. W. Tokta. ' ku.TO; airtk W ft of aoutk 1 foat of kit 14, Kktner Z. Mitrkrll. 0.5; aorlk d i faet , of tot 14. William and Charlw H. Halk ' , .8; tot T, Knlton Park iMUi tm. pany. .SU; tot . KllaabHfc Kntt,M.m; Jot . Kllaahatk Urtert, o.SO;ot . fcU- letk Kscwt. i0.; tot 11. Ellaabnlk art, kuSTi; tot 11!, Itllaabittk trl. TtUICk, . tot IS, kMlwo Park XJ J-"-: paw, 1.15. , BUM K as. tot T. . M. Loia ' Lard, o.ti' tot 8. 7U. Lombard, u.; ; to It,' ttoorre S. Mclntok,0.l)a; tot 10. , Wfctvtor. ".S; lot 1 1. Ellaaketk i IP. .I.Bft; tot 12. Ellaabotk . ";; ' BUK'K . tof l Kal: W. lloyt. 110; -.-tot . Baipk W. Hoyu o.i: ;'J..fh ' Utobtork. o t; lot 4. Joka (ilrbUrb, tot 5. John Utoflark. fl.ou. BUM K 40. all of wwat 5", fwt of tot 1 Mwpt kortk 5o ot. , Wllll.ia-ir Mrrulnl. fttlLOS: eaat 0 foot . of ml 100 teet of tot 1, Or iron Bulldloi Loan AaawfatlJ 0.85: hortk 80 foot of f nt 50 ( of lot aiuuuui a laa Aaaorlacioa. 0.0; mat too fact of tot 1. Mark t. (Vmatock, 0.T5; -tot it, LUalo K. Yoaoi, 0.65; tot a. Mary Bocboa, .; .'tot 4. Mary Uuirkcw. ' .06; tot . Patrh'k ' llu(hr, 0.05; lot a. KUa Rail, n.5; tot . T. Perry Jofcaaoa. 0 5; tot . I'oUla C. - lnrlit, 0.05; tot 9, Collin" C- Glrvin, 0.55; ' tot 10, I. . Harat, 0.55! tot 11. ' - C ; Konotika. 0.45; tot lli B. U. Lombard. o.5; tot la, B. M. Lombard, 0.5: tot 14. !. J. ltockw, 0.05; tot 15, Mary Koonla. . 0.5 tot 111, Mary Kooata. i.6( tot IT, Mary t.- Coiittack. 0.S. BUN K 41. tot T. W. M. MartaaU, O.U5; tot k, W. M. Mart mall, 0.o; tot 5. M nilam Macklntoak, troa ,i tr,- 0.43; tot. 10. William Macktntooa. trna- iar. .1 1 1 . KlMli. U - Oahh. 50.aA: ; k.t'ia,. William Hr'lmlm. U.To. BLOCK 46. ' lot 1, William uataaway ana Lavm Tkompaon, 0.a5; tot 2. William Ualkaway and Ckartoa U. Tbompana, 0.00; tot . William Hathaway and CluWk H- T&omp- ana. 0.35;. tot 4, William , Jiauiaawy ana William Chartoa H. Tkomiwon, .40; tot 5. William - Hathaway and lHarlea It. TBompaon,, au.oo: , kit . Carrlna Ha nam, 0.06; tot T, Catrlna Hanaen, o.tUl. BUCK 40, tot 1. . H. B. 1 Carmine,: o.tl5; tot 2, Hand Heweltr A.5; f-tot-A Ctara V. Carmine, (0.65; tot 4. Clara V. Carmine, 0.56; tot 5, tCdward U. Bewail. 0.55; tot 6. Kdward O. Bewail, 0.05; tot 1, Ooha r.. Calliaon, 0.6: tot . Cokn B. Cal . Itaoa, 0.tfc. BLOCK 4T. tot 1. Maria Btoek- uian, o.a5;tot 2. .Uarla Btockmaa, 0.5; tint S, Hearletta- Vwpphrtov.- 0.85; tot 4. W. J. ttraaba, 0.55; tot 6, WllUam H. Warren, t 1.55;, lot. ., William H. Warreat -o.6; t T. Ied--H. Buffum. 0.65; tot 8. Fred " U. Buffum; 0.05. BLOCK 4a. tot I. Emma ' ManNam, V.5; tot 2. Kmma Marqnam. ' tt.6; tot S. John r. Ooyae. 0.55; tut 4. Allee W. Caawrll, 0.5; tot 5. C. J. Deeker, J 0.45; tot 4. C. J. IVeker, 0.56; tot T. C . Decker. tot el C J. Uet-kar, 0.65; tot , Thomas A. Clarke, 0.45; tot 10, , , Valeria Bogera, (0.85; tot 11. Valeria Rofera. ,0.55; tot 12, Valerie Kogera. 0.55: tot 13, . Vatorta Kogera, 40. W; tot 14. Tkomaa A. i Clarke, : 4.45; lot 15, Tboauaa A. Clarke. 0.06; lot 16, Bra P. BteeL 40.811 ; kit 17, Walter . B. Praatoa, 0.5: tot 14. Henry , BteTetnv 0.05; tot IB, Alloa W. Caawrll, i.5rint 20, John F. Ooyo. 0.45; tot 21. ' Jantea Blake, 0.65; tot 22. the Title Ooar ' autee A Traat Comnauy. 0.95. ' BLOCK 4V, tot t, Kra P. Bteal. 0.85; tot 2. Kra P. BteeL 0.5: tot H, J. B. rJoott, 0.65; tot 4, J. R. BraU, .5; tot 6. Hiram W. Klley, tot 4. Hiram W. Riley, 0.05; tot 7, - -..11- tm aojm, 1 . U I b.. , B.tan n.5; tot U, Kra 8. Price, . 0.05; tot 10, 7IA. R-TFranrtt. 0.frtot liaJ -fL9 0.65; lot 12, Kra P. BteeL 0.85. BLOCK eo. lot i, wuuam maeaintoaa, au.ev; 'i a. : William Marklntoak, 0.50; tot (. William v aw a.a..aW i airla Iaw At Xim wo 4 IkataaAnar mot h uiiixdu awu.uv. a-J "W .e-ee. g awa. r5 tot 5, William H. Ilaaey. 0.55; tot D. C. TetifordV 0.85; tot 7. Joaepk Simon, troatee, o.n. BlOCK 00. tot a, Aania .. ralllngr-40.86: tot . Xarlfa J. railing, in w: let in. Patrick Haakaa. tt.5: tot 11. ' Patrick Hngkes. o.S; tot 12. Vnltoa Park V'lAad Comnanr. 4U.Hn. .' BIXKJK 51. - tot- 1. Joeepk Blnaoa. truatea, 0.76; tot 2, Joaapk Hlmoa. traatee. 0.16. BU1CK da. : lot l, Patrick and Mary Haghea, 0.66; lot 2, : Patrick and Man Haahea. 40.45: tot 2. Katk- , erlne Bcbeaermaaa, 0.45; tot 4. William : Loaee. 40.86:- lot St . WUlUm Heary. 10.45: lot 6. William Henry. 0.40; tot T. Jane Ryan. 0.55; tot 5. Henrietta A. Poppleton, an aa- At a. Heartetla A. PoDototaa. (0.66: tot 10, Pultoa Park Laad Cotnpaay, 4U.66; lot 11, Loa H. LpdegTatf. 0.65: lot 12. Loa H.'Tlpdegratf. 0.86. BLOCK 63,' lot 5, B. M. Lombard, 0.50; tot 4. B. M. La bard. 0.46; tot 7. Anna MeQollUa, 0.83; tot a, 8. D. Crowe, 0.(5; tot 2, B, 0. Crewe. 10.05.' BLOCK .84. lot T. B. M. IMnhard aad Paltoa Park Laad emoanr. ' 0.45: lot 6. B. M. Lombard aad Faltoa l'ark Lend Company, 0.66; tot a. B. u. lAmhard aad Fulton - Park Laad Company, 0.65; tot 10, B. M. Lombard and Faltoa Park Laad Compaay, . (; lot 11. . M. lomhard and Falton Park Land Company, ; 0.45; tot 12. B. af. Lombard and Pulton Park Land Company, 0.45. BLOCK 65, . rVkool Diatrlrt No. 1. (7.(0. BLOCK M, tot 1. Byroa, P.. Cardwell Hatata, Helra - of. 40. Kl; tot 2. Byron P. Cardwell Bauta, Helra at. 0.(5; tot 8. Byroa P. Cardwell RataU. Heirs ot. 0.45;. tot 4. Byroa P. - Cardwell - Hatata, Helra af. (0.46; tot, 6. Byroa J'. Cardwell Batata, Helra of, 0.(5; , tot 6, Byraa P. Cardwell Batata; Helra of, 40.46: tot T. Brroa P.. Cardwell Hatate. Heirs at, 066; tot i. Byroa P, Cardwell " Katata. Heirs or,; lot a, Byroa r. Cardwell KaUte. Helra of, 0.45; tot 10, Byroa P. Cardwell Eat ate. Helra af, 5.45; lot 1L Byroa P. Cardwell Batata, Helra of. ' BOflK, bt 11 trna P. Cardwell Batata. ' Helra of. (o 4S. BLOCK -47. lot I, Fred tltalyar. 0.46: tot 2. Fred Btalrer, 0.46; lot i H. M. Bonk. 0.65; tot 4. H. at. Baa a. li OT.; tot 4, Alice KreaMT, (0.45: lot 4, mUtt-Kwn," 0,a5f-to, fv-Aaaa- Kllaa E. ' fUarr. 0 0A: tot 5. Amelia K. and M. J. Morse. 0 45 tot . Price WankUn, 0.48; lot 10. WUllam M. Ferrln. 0.66; lot 11. Joka Twit. 40.85: tot 12. Joha Tway. (0.45. I.OCK 1Vi, tot V Faltoa Park Laad Oam mnr. (A 66: tot 2. Fnltea Park Land Cona- I nany. 0.65; tot 2,' Faltoa Park Land Coat' 1 unr. in M0: . tot 4: Pultoa Par Laad Com pany, ao.wp; ik o. ruiion rare law iwe panf . ao.vo. . niAeja. on, jot t. awibv rniae, bojk; m a, ueiiw rnree, eo.wj; tot . Marcos Eddy BpanMlng. 0.65: tot 4, Christ Haasea. 0.65; tot 5, Joka B. Mes- alek. 40.06: tot A Char lea A. naeber. 0.86 tot T. Charles A. . Docker. (0.46; tot ft. .Chartoa A. Deehee.' 0.66; tot . Charles A. Daeaer. 0 .66: let 10, Tlra Voa Bettaa, (0.46; tot 11, Horatio R. Holme. 0.46; tot 11 llomtia B. Holmea, (0.65. BliOCK 60. lot 1. Joseph F. I. sod Sadie A. Wrinkle.- 0.61; tot 2, Joaepk r. o. aaa aaaie a. wrtaaia, o.65; lot A Addle Parrla. 0.45; tot A Addle Parrla. 0.46; tot (. Byleaaes a Armltsae. 40 SSr tot A Andrew Hoimea. 0.(5: tot 7. J. B. Coartaey. 0.80; tot-. Biatera of tbe Holy Names of Jeans aad Mary, (0.66; tot A, I-ooy Dougbarty, 0.45; tot 10, Joseph Best. 0.45: tot 11. Colla C-Olrrla, 0.86; tot 12, Colin C. Olrrta. 0.46; tot n. SrU aana O. Armltare, 0.(5: tot 14. Byrraaa 41. Armltaga. (O.flB; tot 16. Boatawaat Port lead Rami Relate Coamaar. (0JI6: tot 1A riurthera Coaatles lnTeatmont Traat Com pany, 0.45; tot 17. Heetkera couatlea In eeatrntait Traat CbmBaBr. (0.46: lot 1A Northern Coo a Oca Ineestment Trust. Com pany. 0.65; tot 14. Joseph Best. 50.86; tot . 20, Andrew J. Dygert. Jr. aad Br., 0.65; tot M, H. L. Marine n. 0.(5: tot 22. H. L. MarUall, (0.(0; tot 23, A. W. Balrd, 0.65; tot 24. Jamen H. Chaee.- (0.461 tot 25. Maariee Ji. Coatclla. 0.45; tot 26, Flrat National Bank of rortlaao, Oregon, ao.m; tot 27, Frank hf. Warrea. n 85; tot 29. Fraak M. Warren, (0.45. BLOCK TO, tot 1, Vlneeat Cook, (0.45: tot A Vincent Cook. 0.65; tot 4. Vincent Cook, 0.66; tot A Vincent - Cook. 0.65: tot 5, Ferdinand A. IJta. . 0.65; tot V William Barnes, 0.66; tot 7. O. W. aad Margaret V. - A Ilea, io.65; tot A O.. W. and Margaret V. Allen. 40.8.-.1 tot 0, Harak Mitchell, (0.66; tot. 10. Maria ' wstrrfara, aoas; . lot u, Vincent cona. 40.861 tot 12. Vlaceat Cook. 0.45. BLOCK 71. tot 1. Vloeent Conk. (0.48: tot 2 Vincent (took. (0.(6; tot 8, Vincent Cook, 0.66; tot 4. Vlaceat Cook, 0.46; tot a. rrea B pa gem, 40.46: tot A Fred Bpagele. (0 68: tot 7. ji Hernhardlne Weatphal. 0.65: tot a, Rera- naraine weeipnai, f .ai; at v, e. a. aonng, : 0.65; lot 10, Jana WalL 40. AV tot 11,' Vla- rent . Cook. (0.43: tot 12, Vincent. Cook, a. BLOCK ft, tot 1. Vlaceat Cook. '. 0.66; tot 2. Vincent Cook. 0.65; tot 2. Vin cent Cook, 0.65; tot 4. Vincent Cook. 0.46; " tot 5, Vlneeat conk, 0.4B; tot 8. Vlaceat Conk. - 0.65; tot 7. Frank aad Mary Hackeney. 0.65; . tot A Lam Hackeney, 0.66: tot . Vincent . Cook. (0.05; lot 10, Vlneeat Cook. 0.65; tot 11. ; Vlneeat Conk. 0 .65; lot 12, Vincent Cook, n.5. BLOCJC 73. tot 1. Henry Ftockea atein, (!.:; lot 3. Henry PVckenstela. (1.80) tot 4. Henry Flerkenateta, (1.26; tot A Henry 1 Ftorkenateln, (1.10: tot 5. Heary rierkea atHa. (0.46; tot A Henry PtockenatelB, 40.40; " kit 7, Henry Klenkerxtrla. . 0.40; tot A ' Henry rieckenateln. . 0.40. BLOCK 74, Henry Ftorkenateln, 7.(0, BLOCK 75, ' Henry rtockeaateln, (2.(0, BLOCK 7A tot I. ' Henry Fln-kcnateia, (0.(5: tot 2. Henry ; Flerfcanatela, (0.25; tot 2, Heary (Wken ; stein. 0.16; let A Henry FtorkeaatelB, 0.05. j RMH7K MO, tot I. Kultoa lAnd Com nany. 40 4ft: tot 2, Prjltoa Iind Company, io.46. BUK3K 01, tot 1. rnltoa laind Company, . (0.80; tot 2, Kaltna I And Company, 0.45; tot A Faltoa Lead Company. 40.86; tot 4. Faltoa Land Compaay, (0.46; tot A Faltoa ' land Company. 0.65; tot A. Fulton laad Company, 0.46; tot T, Faltoa Laad Cos. Kny, 0 66; lot a, Fulton lad Comnanr, .66; tot A Pultoa I a ad Company, 40.86; lot M, Fnltoa Land Compaay, 0.46; tot 11, Killtea I a ad Company. 0 66; tot 12. Faltoa . land Com near. (0.65. BlOCK OA ,tot 1. Faltoa 1a ad Company. (1.00; tot A Faltoa 1 And Cnmpane. 40.Mi; tot 1, Fnltoa Iad t'empanr, (4.75) tot A Fulton land tm pany, 0.60; lot ,fc Fulton land Cemnaor, r n.46. , BUrTK 43, Henry Fleekeneteln, 4 7A Ml.fW'K M. tot a. Vincent t ook, ( Ml -tot 4 Vincent Cook. 0.76; tot 6, Vlaceat Cask. 40. 66; lot 1 , VUxeat Oask, '.'. ';' V ..... .. .. , CTTT aTOnCM. 0 40; tot T. Vlneeat . Cook. 0.65; tot. f Vlneeat Cook. (0.65, BLOCK . tot 1. Vim-eat Cook, (0.40) lot 2, VlBceat Coak. (0.04; lot u, Vincent Cook, (O.60; tot 10, . Vlaceat Cook. (0.66; tot 11. Vlaeeat Couk. (0 65. BLOCK 8. tot 1. VlBcent ,ook. io.mi; tot A Vlaceat Cook, to.45; tot A JliKwat Cook, 0.85; tot 4, VlaceBt .Cook. 0.46; tot 5, Vincent Caok. ' o.6; lot A Vlnreat Cook. (0.45; tot 7. Vincent Cook. t).ko; tot A ' Vincent Cookj o.46; tot A Inceat, Cook. (0.85; tot W. Vlaceat Cook. , o.8J; lot II. Vlnreut Cook. 0.86; tot 12, Vlaraat Cook, t.85; tot 1. Vlneeat Cook, : (o.a3; tot 14, Vlaceat Couk. 0 8A tot 15, Vlneeat Conk. (0.86; tot 18, Vlneeat Cook. 0.66; tot 17,i Vlneeat Caok. 0.45; tot 1A 'Vlneeat Cook. 0.06; tot 1, VlBcent Cook. 1 o.65; tot 20, Vliiceor Cook. 0.85: tot 21. vionuat v.A BiiM: kt fa. Vincent Cook. .'0.66; lot 23,. VlBceal Cook, 0.85; tot 24. Vincent cook, su.en; lot zo, vincoai 0,66; tot 28. Vincent Cak. 0.40. BLOCK ' BT.. tot 1. Vlneeat Cook, 0.50; tot 2, Vln ' rent Cook. 0.46; tot A Vincent Cook, 0.46; tot 4, Vlneeat Cook, 0.46; tot (. Vincent . Cook, .8: lot 4. Vincent Cook, 0.86; i tot 7, Vlneeat Cook, 0.46; tot , Vluovat Coak. 0.65; tot 4, Vlaceat Couk. (0.65; tot ,10. Vincent Cook, 0.85; tot 11, Vincent 'Cnohf 0.86;' tot 12. Vlaceat Cook, 0.60. , BLOCK IM, tot 1, Vlaceat Cook. 0.65: tot . A Vlaceat Cook, 0.86; tot A Vlneeat Caok, . 0.05; tot A Vlaceat Cook. (0.65: tot A Vlneeat Ouok. (0.85: tot A Vlaceat Cook, L, 0.45; tot 7. .Vlaceat Caok, o.46; tot A i Vlneeat unoa,; lot , viuceai ue. r(o.85: tot 10, Vincent Cook, 0.45; tot 11, " Vlneeat Cook, 0.86; lot 12, Vincent Cook. 51.85. , BLOCK UO, . kt 1. Vincent Cook, itu; tot 2. Vlaceat Couk. (0.65; tot A Inceat ook,' o.5; tot A Vincent Conk, t 1. 16; lot 6. Viuceat Cook, 41.00: tot A Inceat Cook. 0.86; tot 7, Vlneeat Cook, 0.66: tot 8. Vluceaf Cook. 0.66. BLOCK 100, tot 1, Vincent Cook. 0.40; tot A Vla--at Cook. 0.66; tot A Vincent Cook. 0.66; . tot A .Vlaceat Cook, 0.89; tot 5. Vincent Cook, 0.65; tot A Vincent Cook, 045; tot 7. Vlaceat Cook, 0.66; tot (, Vincent Caok. ,'(0.66; tot 6. Vlnreat Coot, 0.46; tot 10, Vlneeat Cook, 0.66; tot 11, Vincent Conk. 0.45; tot 12. Vincent Caok. 0.80. BLOCK 101, lot 1, Vlaceat Cook, 1.50; tot A Vin cent Cook. 1.10; tot A Vlneeat Cook, 0.85. BLOCK 102. tot .1. VLeeAnt -Uk, 6U.80; lot 2. Vincent Cook. (0.65) tot 3. Vlneeat Cook. 40.65; tot A Vlneeat Cook, 0.65; tot A ' Vlaceat Cook. 0.66; .lot A Vlneeat Cook, 711. SO; tot 7. , Vincent Cook, (1.10; lot A laceat Cook, 6.70; lot 4, Vincent Cook, 40.80: tot 10. Vincent Caok. 20.45: lot It. Vlneeat Conk. (1.10; tot 12. V Incent Cook. 0.70; . BLOCK 103, tot 1. '.Vincent Conk. to.64: tot - A Vincent Oook.' 40.86; tot A Vlneeat Cook. 40.66; tot 4, Vlaceat .Caok. ' (0.66; lot 5. Vlaceat ook. a86; Sot A Portland Clay (tompaayT 0.65; tot T, Port, land May Company, 0.65; tot . Portland , Clay Compaay, (0..15. BLOCK ' 104, tot 1, C. J. Decker. 0.45; tot A C. J. Decker. 1 (0.65; lot A Rdwla C. Johnaoa, 0.65; tot A John Daaey, 0.65; tot 6. Darld W. Ebertla. 0.86; tot 4, . Fnltoa Park Laad Compaay. ; 0.65; tot 7, Faltoa Park Land Company. (0.SO: lot (. Earn Marqiaun. 0 86; tot A D. li. Jscksoa. 0.65; tot 10, Fnltoa Park Land Company, 0.66: tot 11, W. J. tirambs, , 6.65; tot 12, W J. Oramba. (0.66; tot 13, , AlUauca Traat 4 Company. Limited, 0.45j tot 1A Alliance Trust Company. Limited. , 0.(0; lot 16, Rothacblld Brothera, 0.40; tot Id, Rolaachlld Brothers, 40.15; tot 17. J. M. Church, 0.05; tot 18.1 J. M. Church. (0.56; tot 10, J. M. Charch, 80.45; tot 20, . h H. Jacksna, (0.65; tot 21. D. H. Jackson. A.r.A, m u, m.iD piavn,, mn, -mm, , Jeaala R. Kirk, (0.65; tot 24, John Olehlah. r an u i lat -n. ia nianaiiL 40.-86: hit ks. ' Alice Maekensla. 40.43; tot 27, Alloa Mae ' keaale, 0.65; tot 22. Alice Mackeniia. 0.45. I- BLOCK , 106, aoatk So feet of block 106. . u a r.A-ii V--, niM - ee in. . norih 120 feet of btork 1A City A Hoburbaa i Hallway twapaay, 44.18, BiAtch. a. lot l, Ktta Willlajna. 1.00; tot A Klta Winiama, ' 0.80: tot A Fnltoa Park Land Comnanr. (0.45: tot 4, Kite Williams, (0.80; tot 6. Christina Fleckaaatela, 0.66; tot A Chrlatlna Fleck : eaeteia. 0.461 BLOCK B, tot 1. Fuitoa , I'ara Laad uoaqmay, . Park Laad Company, , Park Land Company, - Park iAtnd Company, Park Land Compaay, Park Laad Compaay, Park Land , Company, Park Laad OomnanT. 36: tot A Fulton M: tot A Faltoa i.40; tot 4. ' Fnltoa i.40:- tot 5 Faltoa i.46i . tot A Fnltoa i.o; lot 7, , ruitoa no;, lot a, Fuitoa 55; tot B. . Faltoa ; Park Land Company, 0.40. BLOCK C, tot i. ration r-ara iAaa toarnaay, ao.nt lot a, ' Fuitoa Park Land Company, 0.45; lot A 'Fulton Park Laad Compaay,. (0.50; tot. A : Faltoa Perk Laad Compaay, 40.60; tot 4. Pultea Park Laad Compaay,' (0.65; tot A Fuitoa Park Laad Compaay, 40.70; lot 7. Fuitoa Park Laad Company, 40 0; lot A . Faltoa Park Laad Company, (0.85; tot A . Fnltoa Park Land Caamany, (0.95. ' BLOCK D. tot 1, Fuitoa Park Land Compaay, 42.10; : lot A Fnltoa Park Laad Company, (0.65; tot A f Pultoa Park Laad Compaay. (0.46; tot A Fnltea Park Laad Comnanr. (0.86: . tot A ' Oreami A California Railway Coav ' pany, (0.7. BLOCK B, aortk H of tot 1. -tiara- rtnney, sw.Bt- aortna at "lot- Clara Flaaey, (0.46; aouth aif tot L. Mary I White. (0.(0! aaaU H of tot 2, Mary L. Whlta, 0.26; tot A Charles P. Tlgsrd, 0.80. BLOCK P. tot 1, Sarah Cur ley, , 0.20; lot A 8a rah Cm-ley. (0,40; tot A . m. sesn, so. on: lot a, reta uarwy,; tot 5. Rothschild Brothers. (LOO: tot A Rothschild Brothera, 0.86; tot 7. Rothachlld . '- Brothers. 0.757 tot A RoOisehIM Brothera. ' 0.7o; tot 4, Rotbaehtld Brothera, (0.70; tot 10, Rothachlld Brothers. (0.66. BLOCK u, lot I, u. 4. Decker, so. do: lot z, J. . Decker, 0.40; tot A C J. Decker, (a 40; . tot 4, Mary D. Ohormly, 20,70; tot . R. L. . Taompeua, 0.70; tot 4. B. L. Tbompaoa. (0.60; tot T. B, Ia Tkompaoa, 0.40: tot A A. J. Powers, 0.65; tot A .A. J. Pewera, 40.40; tot 10, A. J. Pewera, 40.40; tot 1L P. H. Marley. 0.78; tot li P. H. Hartoy. . o.TA BLOCK H, tot 1, 9. A, Walpole. OJl0rlst r. A. Walpoto, (4.dB;tot A Aaa B. Nlxoav. ALIO: tot A Ann R. Nixon. (1.15; tot A Aaa R. Nixon. (1.05; west 65 feet of tot 4. J. B. fallen. 0.40; rtot T. J. B. aUb, -0.401411 of tot lying aaat af . weat 65 feet, Bath W. Deefcar. o.60; all ef , tot 7 lying aaat af weat (5 fast 0.65; tot A : Moaea A. Bkare, 1.10; let (. Moans A. . Share. 21.05: . tot 10. Aaaea Rattenmaller. 1.00; tot 11. Llabeth H. Oortla. 0.(0; tot t ix, rexnea aaa Mary nagaaa, lot is, Patrick aad Mary Haghea! 4.80i BLOCK I, tot 1. Ana B. Nlxen, 0.80; tot 1 Ana B. ' Nixon. (0.7U:' tot 2. Ana R. Nlzoa. (0.46: . tot A Ann R. Nixoa, (0.70; tot A Asa E. iMzoa.; lot a, uarnet uaaaam,; tot 7. Harriet Dunham, 1.40; lot A B. M. laimbarA (1.20: tot 4. Antiwar Nemaeh. . (1.16. BlAOK J, tot 1. Byroa P. Cardwell Kstata. Heirs af, 0.70; tot 2, Rothachlld TVotbara. 0.75; lot A Rothachlld Brotaera. so.oa; lot 4, -Botaacniia Hrothera, 0.66; . tot 6. rVmthwaet Portia ad Real Batata Oom- ' paay, 00; lot 4, Rothsehlut - Brothera, Vl A ha 1a 9 II III l - ntdl Mi la4 41 Rothschild Brothers, 0.86; tot . Bothsehlld Hrothers, (; lot 10, notasekiid Brothers. 1.20; tot It, Rothschild Brothera, (LIB; . u e mi ii I .1.11 u.. - an rk. a , Rothachlld Hrotaera. 0.00; tot 14. Rotbs- child Brothers, 0.60; tot 15, Ratbachlld Brothers, 0.(0. BLOCK K, tot 1. Roths ', ehlld Brothers, 1.10; tot A Rothschild , Krotnera,; m a, itotBacaua arotaera, , 0.80; tot A RathachUd Brothera, (L10; lot A RathachUd Brothera, (1.10: tot A , Rothachlld Brethars, 0.06. BLOCK L. Faltoa Park Land Oempaay. 5.40. n BLOCK M. Fuitoa Park Laad Comvany. 41.00. fIJLTON BLOCK 1, tot 1. it. Rlegalmaaa, , (0.46; tot A R. Bleselmsaa, 0.60; lot A ' R. Riarelauaa, 0.60; tot 4. C. H. Flggott, KM; lot 4. B. Ktrgelmana. 0.50: tot A R. RlegekaaBB, 0.65; tot 7, R. Rlegelmanu. 40,46: tot , R. Biegelmaa. 0 55. BLOCK A Hubert Pattoa KsUte. Heirs Of. (A 16. ' BLOCK A all of btock 8 wast of Macadam , road, Aaron Walt, 83.15; all of btork 8 eaat et Maeaoam roe a, m. Bentoa wiiiiaaw, ao-in. ,i BLOCK 4, the King Kauta. 3.70, BLOCK a A Tyler Woodward. 4.86. BLOCK 7, , Akwaader Kleael. (5.20. BLOCK A tot 1, H. J. R, RJegelmana. 80.64; tot A M. . Morris and W. R. Morris. (0 66: tot A M. O. ' Morris sad W. R. Morris. 0.85; tot 4. Alice Berry nunn, ao.anj lot o, Alice iterry-nana. an. ao; mt a. at. . Morns sad w. K. mot. ' rla. 80.45: tot 7. M. a. Mnrria aad W. R, Morris. (0.45: tot 8. H. J. Rtoeelmaaa. (0.65. , A tract of laad lying between a Una ,60 feet anoth of and peralM. Ub Jhe-Aouth Una of ' btork A Fulton, audi the Berth Una ef btock F. Faltoa park, and a line 80 feet east of " and parallel with the eaat Una of block 1A - rnltoa. aad a Una 40 feet weeterlr from and . parallel wltk the -westerly Knee of blocks 4 ami t, ruiwn, mmwn iw Vn " v - 1 ' tract Aeennlaa he the Cite A flnhurhan RaII- way Compaay'a right of way, at. tt. HorrU ' and W, R. Morris. (115. L , ri'LTON Rt0t:K 14. tot 1. af. 0. Morrto aad W. R. Morris. 0.65; lot 1 M. O. Morris and W. R. Morris. 0.65: tot A M. 0. Morris and W. R., Morris, 40.48; tot 4. M. O. Mor ris sad W'. R. Moerla. 0416: tot . M. l. Mnrria and W. B. Morris, 40.45; tot 8. M. 0. : Morris aad W; R. Morris, (0.65; tot T. M. O. , Morris and W. R. Morris. 40.66; tot 8, M. O. ' Morris sad W. R. Morris. 0.66. BLOCK IT, lot 1, H. W. Corhett Katate, Helra of 0.65; , tot 2. H. W. Corhett tstate. Heirs of, 0.45; tot A Aadrew w. rrenm. an.8; lot 4. Aa , drew W. Frram, 80.66; tot 5. . J. Freum 40. 65: kit A R. J. rream. (0.65; tot 7. H. . W. Corhett Rats Is. Helra af. (0.66; tot 8. H W. Corhett Relate. Iltlra of. to 86. ' SOI THKRN PORTLAND. ORKOON, RIVtB JOTH fait l. r. il uiyta,; lot z. p. ,'lL Blytk. (1.06; tot 8. P. H. Blytk, (106; tot 4, P. H. myth, !.(; mt a, v. II. Biyth 11 n.t! tot 4. P. II. Birth. 81.06: tot 1. P. M. Birth. (1.26; tot 8, P. IL Blyth, (LOB; mt w, r. it. .wyta. i on; int . in, - r. it, ' Blyth, (0.06; Berth 2 feet ef tot II, P. H , Blyth, 0.44; sonth 27 feet af hit It, H. C. 1 Breedea. (a55 tot 12, H. C Breed en, (1.26; ' let IS. EL C, Breed s. (1.04; tot. 14, H. C, Breedea, f, 1.15; . tot ... IS. it . C, Irreedee, (1.26; tot' 1A II. C Rreeriea. 21.25: tot IT. It. f. Breeden. it.80: to la H. C. Breedea. (l.M: tot 111. H. C. Breedea, (1.43; tot an, if. C. Breedea, (1.78; tot 41. II. '. meeoen. st.iai;. let zz, H. t . Rreedea. 4224; -rmeH Tided 2 4 . Of - tot AT, Hannah Msaoa, (1.25: aadlelded 2-8 ef tot ' 24, Hannah Ma ass. 1 25: a ad I rifled 2-3 of tot 26, Hasaah ktasoa,' IL29; aaulrided i-t a( 0TTT VOTJCZJ. . lot 2A Hannah Masea, (LBO; 6ad1ld4 2 8 -ef 1st 27, llaaaah Maaou, L2&; aouirid-d .. 21 of tot 28, Uanaah Maaoa, (1.26; nu .l rided (-8 of tot 20. Hannah Maaoa. (l.ho; uadlrided 2-S of tot 80, Hannah Maaoa. 1.15; aadlelded 2-8 af tot 81, Hannah Maaoa, 1.15; aadlrided 2-2 of tot 83, ban- - nah Maaou, (1.40; ondlelded 2-8 of tot U3, Haanah Maaoa, 1.20; andlelded 2-8 of tot 84. Haanah Maaoa. 41.20; UBdlaided 2-3 of lot 86, Hannah Maaou, 1.26; undivided 2-3 of tot 8A Jxaaaah Maaoa, (l.t); aadlrided ' 2-2 af tot 37. Hannah Maaoa. 1.U5: nndlrided 2-8 af tot 88, Uanaah , Maaoa. 81.26; , andl- , Tided t- of lot HV, Hannah Mason, 81,26; ' aadtaldrd 2-8 o tot 40, Hasans Maaoa, 41. 26; . aadlrided 2-8 af tot 41, Uanaah Maaoa, 1.20; i aadlvlded 2-4 of tot 42, llaaaah Maaoa. (LI0; uodlrtded 2-4 Of tot 43, Haaeah Maaoa. (1.06; aadlrided 2-8 af tot 44. Haa- . Bah Maaon, (1.00; tfadlrided 2-8 of tot 45. Uanaah Maaoa. (0.85; uodlrlded 2-8 of lot A lUnnah Maaoa,- (0.86; aadlvlded 2-3 of ' tot 47, Hannah Maaoa. 0.80; aadlrided 1-8 of tot 23. J. r. Watsoa, 0.60; uodlrlded 1-8 of tot 24. J. F.' Watsoa, 0.65; uodlrlded 1-8 . ef tot 43, J. V. Watsoa, 0.06; andlrided IS of tot 26, J. P. Wataoa, 0.75; uadlrided l- af tot 27. J. F. Watsoa. (0.40; eniueioea 1-3 all lot as. J. r. watsoa, so.ou; uam elded d 1-3 of tot 2B, J. .'. W tot 2. JoF, ataoa. - uadlrided 1-8 at lot 80, J. F. Wataoa, , aadlrided 1-8 af tot Rl, J. T. Wataoa, ., AlBKliTnjeil a-0 ai ao OA, e. r. w aw,a, . luodlTiiied 1-8 of tot At, J, F. Walawu, biKllTldrd 1-8 of tot U4, J. F. Watsoa, - aadlrided 1-3 af tot 86. J. F. Watsoa. uadlrided 1-8 wf- tot 3d. F. Watsoa, 40.80; ! uadlrided M of tot 87, J. F. Wataon, 80.76; ..aadlelded 1-d-af lot 8, J..-F, Watson,. 0.40; t andlrided 1-8 of lot aV, J. F. Walaon, 0.6o; andlrided 1-8 at tot 40, J. F. Watsoa, ! aadlrided 1-3 ef tot 41. J. F. Watsoa, , andlrided 1-8 af tot 42, J. . P. Watsoa, undivided 1-3 ef lot 43. J. F. Wataoa, andlrided 4-2 ef tot 44. J. F. Wataoa. uadlrided 1-8 of tot 45, J; P. Watsou, ' andlrided 1-8 ef tot -48. J. F. Wataoa. " uadlrided 1-8 of tot 47. J. K. Wataoa. 80.48. BLOCK 1. aadlvlded 2-8 of tot I, Haanah Maaoa,- a35; aadivded 2-8 af tot 3, Haaoah aiaaen. , ao.w; aaarrioed' x-3 - oi wt 8v, . Uaauah Maaoa, 0.20; , andleided 2-3 ' of . tot 4, ' Hannah . Masea. 0.10; andlrided 14 at tot 1. J, P Wataoa, (0 20; vaaaiMoea i-a or lot z, J. r. wataoa, u.u; HH.ii . ,,,u vi mn mx a. ' e . , iwvu, ailui aadlrided 1-8 af tot 4, J. F. Watsoa. 0.05. - BLOCK X aadlvlded (-3 of tot . 1, Haaaah ' Mason, (0.45; andlrided 2-8 ot tot A Haanah Maaoa, 0.45; aadlrided 2-8 of tot 3, Uanaah - Maaoa, - 40.44; aadlrided 2-8 - of tot . 4. . Haaaah Maaoa, 40.46) aadlrided 2-3 -of tot . A Hannsh Masea, 0.46; , uadlrided 2-8 ef tot A Haaaah Maaon, JO. 46; ' aadlrided i-t of tot 7, Haaaah Maaon, (Vl.46; aadlrided 2-3 at tot A Haaaah Maaoa, 80.45; - uadlrided 2-4 af tot A Haanah Maaoa. 40.60; aadlelded 2-8 af tot 10. Haaaah Masea, 0.60; : aadlvlded 2-8 of lot II, Haaaah Maaoa, 40.26; ' aadlrided 2 3 e lot 12. Haaaah Maaoa. 80.45; ' aadlrided 2-8 at tot 13, Hannah Maaoa, 0.80; aadlrided 2-8 ef tot 14. Haaaah, Maaoa, 80.46; aadlrided 2-8 af tot 13. Hannah Maaoa, 0.20; i ttBdirided 2-8 of lot 44, Hannah Maaua, 0.46; ' aadlrided 2-8 ef tot IT,, Hannah Masea, 80.15; aadlvlded 2-5 of lot 18, Haaaah Maaoa, (0.4ft; aadlrided 1-1 of tot 1, J. F Watson. (0.20; aadlrided 1-8 of lot A J. F. Wataoa, 0.20; aadlvlded 1-8 ef tot A J. F. Watsoa, (0.2O; aadlvlded 14 ef tot 4, J. F. Wataoa, 40.20; aadlrided 1-3 af tot A J- F. Wataoa, 0.20; ' undivided 1-8 of tot A J. F. Watsoa, 0.20; . andlrided 1-8 af tot 7. J. F.-Wataoa 0.20; : andlrided 1-8 ef tot 8. J. V. Wataoa, 40.20; aadlrided 1-4-of tot 10. J. F. Watsoa, 0.25J - andlrided 1-8 of tot . 11. 4. aadlrided l- ot tot 12, J. . aadlrided 1-8 af tot IS, J. andlrided 1-8 of tot 14, J. r. F, Wataoa, 0.15; wataoa, ao.zo; Wataoa, 0.15; Watsoa, 0.20; Wataoa, (0.10; Watsoa.1 (0.20; r. F. r. suMiTiaea l-s at lot la, J andlrided 1-8 ot tot 16. J. F. andlrided 1-8 ef tot 17, J. F. Watsoa, 0.06; andlrided 14 of tot 1A J. t. Wataoa, 0 20. BLOCK A aadlrided 2-4 of lot 1, Haaaah Mason, (0.45; aadlrided 3-4 ef lot 2. Hsaash Maaoa, (0.46; aadlrided 2-3 ef tot A Haanah Maaoa 0.461 aadlrided 2-8 ef tot 4, Hannah Maaoa, 40.46; undtrided 8 ef tot 6. Haaaah i.&; aadmaea z-s of mt a. nsBaan 1.46; aadlrided 2-8 ef tot 7, Haaaah X45; aadlvlded 2-8 ef tot A. Hannah H46; aadlelded 2-8 of tot , Haaaah 1.65; aadlelded 2-8 ef tot 10, Hannah 1.65; aadlrided 2-8 ef lot. It, Hsaash 1.35; aadlrided (-8 af tot 12, .Haaaah 1.26: aadlrided 2-2 af tot 1A Hsaash 0.36; aadlrided 2-8 ef tot lA-rHanaah o.f4; anoiTioee s-a or oi in, rtaBaaa l.3n; aaoieMiea H at , tianaaa 1.86: aadlrided 2-2 of tot 17. Haaaah e.85 eadrrided 24 et tot 1A Usaaah 0.30; andlrided 14 at lot 1. J. w. l 80.20: BBdlrided 14 ef tot A J.. P. Watsno, 80.20; andlrided 14 ef tot A J- P. . Wataoa.- M.20; aadlrided 14 of, tot A J. F. , Watsoa, ' Wataoa. Wataoa, 0.2O; aadlrided 14 of tot 7. J. Wataoa, 0.20; BBdleided 14 at lot, a, i Watsoa. (0.20: aadlrided 14 of tot A Wataoa, 0.25: aadlrided 14 ef lot 10, J. F. Wataea, 0.25; aadtetded 14 ef tot 11, J.' F. Wataoa. 4o.80l asdlTlded 14 af tot 12. JU-P. Wataoa, 0.20; aadlrided 14 ef tot 13, J. F. Wataoa, (0.20; ondlelded 14 ef lot 14, J. P. Watsoa, (0.20; andlrided 14 ef tot 15. J. F. Watsoa, 20.20; aadlrided 14 of tot 14. J. P. Wataea. to. 20: aadlelded 14 ef lot 17. 1. P. 'Watsoa. 80.20: andlrided 14 of tot 18. J. P. wataoa, (O.zu. biam;& a, upairioea s-s ot . tot 1. Hannah Maaoa, (0.80: aadlvlded 24 of lot A Haaaah Maaoa, 0.80; aadlrided 24 -'of tot A Haaaah Maaoa, (0.80; aadrrided 24 at tot f. Hsaash Maaon, 0.80; aadlrided 24 ; ef lot A Haanah Maaon. (0.36; andlrided 24 . or tot 11, Haanah Maaoa, (0.80: aadlrided '2-3 of 'lot 13. Haaaah Maaoa. (0.80: ondl- Thjed 24 et tot 15. Haaaah Maaoa,' (0.30; ..nndivlded 24 ef tot 17. Hannah Maaon. 0.30; aadlrided 14 of tot 1, J. F. Wataoa. i (0.18; aadlrided 14 ef tot . J. : 0.15; aadlrided 14 ef lot 5, J. : 0.16; andlrided 14 ef tot-T, 80.16: andlrided 1-3 ef tot 4. J. P. Watsoa, F. Wataea, P. Wataoa, F. Wataoa, F. Wataoa, P. Wataoa, 40.20; aadrrided 14 ef tot 11. J. t.16; aadlridrd 14 ef lot IS, J. 80.15: aadlrided 14 ef tot 15. J. F. Wataoa, 40.16; aadlTlded 14 at tot 17. J. t. Wataoa, 0.15; tot 2, Baal A Personal Ea late Com ' paay, (0.50: tot A Real Personal Batata Oonrpeay. (0.60; tot A Reel A Persoaal Ratals Company. (0.60: aoatk 14 ef tot A : Real A Personal Hatata Company. . 0.15; aorta 2-2 af lot 8. Hannah Mason. (0.30: tot 10, Haaaah Maaoa, (0.(0; tot 1A Hannah , Mssoa, 4.45; tot 14. Ilannak Maaoa, 0.66; 1 tot 14, Hannah Maaoa. 0.46; tot IS. Hannah Mason, (0 85. RIAICK A undirided 24 of tot . 1, .Uanaah Maaoa, 0.80; aadlvlded 2-8 : nf tot 8. Hannah Maaon, 40.30; aadlrided 24 of tot 5. Hannah Maaoa, 80.30; aadlrided 2-8 , ef tot 7, Haaaah Maaoa, 80.80; aadlrided 24 of tot A Haaaah Maaoa, eO.flft; aadlvlded 2-8 of tot 11. Hannah Maaoa. (0.30; aadlvlded 2-3 of tot 1.1, Hannah Maasa, (0.30; aadlrided 2-8 ef tot 16, Hannsh Maaoa. (0.80: andrrided 24 of tot 17, Haanah Maaea, 0.80; oadl- rlded 14 ef tot 1, J. P. Watsoa, 80.16: an- llrided 14 ef tot A P. Wataoa, andlrided 14 ef tot 6, J. P. Watsoa. 80.18; 8015; (0.15: 40.20; andlrided 1-8 ef lot 7, J.. F. wstsoo, andlrided 14 of tot 9. J. P.-Wataon. andlrided 14 ef tot 11. J. P. Wataoa, 0.16; - aadlrided 1-8 ef tot 13. J. P. Wataoa, eo.15; andlrided 14 et lot in.. J. r. wataoa,; aadlrided 14 ef t 17. J. P. Wataoa, (0.15; tot 2. Kraatlna afhoenhechler. 80.46: tot A Rrnstlaa Srhoenbeehler, 0.85; aouth H ef tot ' A Joha Bekreaheefeler, 0.85) north H of tot .A Braeatlee PeppeL (0-36; tot A Hannah Mason, 0.65; tot 10, Haanah Mssoa, 0.80; tot 12, Hannah Maaoa, 0.65; tot 14.' Bsnash , Masse, 0.65; tot 18, Haaaah Msaoa. 0.66: tot 18. Charles W. Uniae, 0.45. BLOCK 8. andlrided 2-2 ef tot 1 except tbe Ore roe A tAuronua Ksiiroaa uompsny s ngni oi way, Hannah Maaon. 0.80: aadlvlded 14 of tot 1 '- except the Oregon A CaUfornia t Railroad : Company's right of way, Real A ' Peraoasl Ktte Company, 0.15; tot A W. B. Raker, 40.66: andlrided 2-8 of tot 2. Hannah Mason. 0.80; nndlTtded 14 of lot A Real A Persoaal Hatata Company, 0.15; tot 4. Hannah Masa, ' 0.65: lot 5, Martha M. Cmwell. 0.60; lot 8. Martha M. Crowsll.' 0.65: tot 8. Amelia Berreth. (0 65; all of tot 7 exsept the Oregoe A Csllforula Railroad Company 'a right of way, Amelia Berreth, (0.60; all of tot ex cept the Oregon A California Railroad Com panr'a right of way, Martha M. CroweM. 0.60; tot 10, Martha M. Crowsll. 00; all of lot 11 except the Oregon A California Railroad Company's right of way. Martha M CroweU, 0.50; tot 12. hfartba M. Crowsll. ; 0.65; all of M II sxeept the Oregon A California Railroad Company's right of way, -Martha M. CroweU, (0.601 tot 14," Martha M. CroweU. 80.66; tot 16, Joha P. Ward. 0.40; tot 18, Joha P. WarA (0.65: tot 17. John P. Ward. o.S; lot 1A Joha P. Ward, 80. V. . BLOCK 7. tot 1. Rllssberh Yoaag. 80.A1: tot 1 Rllaabeth Toung. 0.65; lot 8, Rllaabeth Toung, 0.45; tot 4. Elisabeth , Young, (0.65: tot (. Charity H. Nelder- merer, 40.05; tot 4, Msry P, A 4a ma, (0.45; tot 7, Dells M. Bchroeder. 0.65; tot A Msry r. Adams. 0.66; tot A T. A. Ltveaiey. 0.80; tot 10, Gottfried Metaler.' (0JI0; tot 11, Annie C. flebmeer, (0.66: tot 12, Annie C. BVbmeer, (0.65; tot IS. Joseph Rest, (0.66; lot 1A Joseph Best. 0.66: tot 16. D. W. Ilielhlng. (0.65; tot 1A D. W. HoelMng. S 66, tot IT.- Hophls . Welsgerher, - 40.66; 1A ftophla Welagerher. (0.64. BLOCK 8. tot I. Ony Bennett, (0.66; tot A flay Ben nett. 40.06 tot A Ouy BennttU n.85;. tot 4. Cay Bennett. 0.45; tot A Perry H. " Blytk. 0.66; tot T. Perry H. Blyth, 0 6ft; tot 0. Percy II. Blyth, 0 46i tot A Loalae 11. Pmilh. 0.65: tot 8, I -outer H. Smith. 40.45; tot 10, Harriett B. Klllen, (0.oT; tot 11, Uaorge H. Vsnghsa, 40 80; tot 1 Ueorge II. Vsnghsa, 40.40, BMK'K 4. tot .1. Albert Dentke. (0.65; tot 2,. Albert Itomke, f6.66; tot 5. Jacob Relsch, (o.t; tot 7, acoh Relath, 0.45; lot 0. Jacob Re tor h, 0.65: tot 10. Jacob Ralsch. 40.40; tot X Albert Drake. 0.86; tot , 4. Albert Demks, 0.(6; tot 8. C. t, Oskes, 0.66; let 4. C. F. Oakea, 0.65: all af tot II lying eaat af wast 26 feet of ssl4 tot. CT F. Oakea, (0.55; all ef tot 12 tytag eaat af west 26 'feet ef ssld lot, C P. flakes, 0.60; west 26 feet af tot II, Oregrja California Rail mad Cnmpany, (0.16; west 26 feet utf tot 12. Oregon A Call feral a Railroad Compaay, 0.15. BIX'K 10. let . Ferry Hee-haw. Trustee, 40.66: tot 8. Ferry Henaksw. Traatee.- (6.66; tot a, Rdwsrd Hnchra Ketate. Ualra ef, 0 6; let t, Edward Htighea Mason, :: Maaoa, I Maaoa, I Maaon, Msaoa, ! ; Maaoa, I ' Maaoa, K Maaoa. . K Maaoa, i x Maaea, a hMssoa. I - Maaon. : Wataoa C.TT FaUts, Helra ef, (0.85; tot 4, Fuwsrd lowkes lata la. . Heirs of. ' 40.801 . tot 11. Ruward Hughes hatata, . Heirs of, 3.5u; ; hit IX Rdward Hughes .Katata, Heir, of, Ju.60; tot A Josl W. Crocker, 0.66 tot 4, uel W. Crocker, 0.65; tot 6. Gehrge editor. 0.65; tot A ' "vs McCarty, 0.a6, lot 14. Ollv Vccsrter, o.4o; all of ; tot 18 sioept west 42 feet, Ale Kissel, . 4O.40; all of let 14 except west 42 feel uf ' IhiandA- Klaai: 40 VI: West 42 feet of - tot i.i Karl Kaaseutiacb. 0.25; wast 42 feet of lot la. Karl jtanaruoaca.. ee-o. . BLOCK 11. tot 1. Mary C. Burt. 40.86; lot 8. lieurge R. aad H. to. Kh-ubeneeB. 40.85; ; tot 6. A, W. Balding, (0.46; lot T. Henry A. Beldlng, 0.6: tot . U. Cora N.' Brtulng, - o.ho; tot 11. WV U. Ueldlng, 0.65; tot, -1A Henry A. Beltflng. 0.80; tot 16, Kmlle C. Pety, 0.75; tot 16, Kmlle C. kety, (0.86; lot 2. to-naat P.- Doach, i.65; tot 4, -Krneat P.-Deach. 40.66; tot A H. A. and A. W. Ueldlng, (0.4&I tot 8 H. A. and A. W. -Holding. (0.65; wtat 26 feet ot tot 10. Ore ' giui A CaUforaia Railroad Company, (0.35; aest-84 feet of tot 10, Rva J. I'arksr, 40.46; tot 12. Rva J. Parker. 0. 85; tot 14. W. , II. Raiding, 0,70. Ul.OCh 12, tot I. Joseph V. Kelly, 0.85; tot 8, Charles W. liruackcl, 0.46; tot A A.' C. lLoamire, (U.46; tot 7, J A. C. Lohmlre, (0.65; tot 8, H. A and A. ' W. Beldlng. (0.80; tot II, Martin WUK-b, , (o.6; tot 13. Mary F. Finch, 0.65; lot i5, Msry P. Finch. 0.60; tot 17. Rudolph ' Becker, 40. TO; tot 14. Rudolph Becker, ko.To; tot A W. C. McMillan. (o.5; tot 4. W. C. McMillan, 40.86; tot 6. W.i C. McMillan, 0.66; toe A W. C. McMlilss, 0 66; tot 10, j Alicia J. Rata, ' (0.80) lot 12, Ella Jared. 40.86; tot 14,. Kliaa Jared. (0.85; tot 1A Mary F. Flock, 0.46. BLOCK 13, aadlrided , H of tot 1. T. V. Braadea. 40, 3o; aailiriitod . V of tot 1, Hales A. Jones, 0.85; tot A . James Humphrey, 0.46; tot 6, James Humph . rey, 0.66; lot T. James Humphrey, 0.06; tot 4. Rohert Jseobeuo, 0.80; tot It. Douga lvngelatad, 0,65; tot 13. Duoga KugeUlad. 40.06; tot 14. W. A Ward, 4". So; tot 1A W. 8.. Wsrd, O0; tot Z Real A Peraoasl . Kststa Company. 0.66; tot A Real I'er sonal Ihute Compaay, 0.05; tot A Francis . Clarso, 40.85C lot 8. FraBria Clgrno, 40-86; tot 10. . W. Welnlraff, 40.80; tot 12. Albert J,. Alhenaoa, 0.86; lot lA'Joarph DeMar tlnl 0.U6r tot 17. Michael Bullert. 40,86; ' lot 1A Michael Bnltort, 0.0. BLOCK 14, tot -1. Fred H. Miller, 0.85) tot 8, Richard Khllnger, -40.85; tot 8. Joseph UrMartlnl, - 40.84; tot 7. WllUam F. Burrell. Trustee. 0.46; west 28 fset of-lot Oregua A Call- '. forala Railroad Company, 0.86; east 34 , feet ef lot , W. K. Walsoa, 40.45; tot -11. Bophla Wslaeerher, 0.45) let r 13. Sophia Welagerher, (0.04: tot 16. George Blttinayee, '-' 0.66: - tot IT, , James L. Car. well. 0.60; ' lot 18. James L. - Carswell, 80.66; lot A Anna M. Keen. 80.65: tot A Aana K. Keeae, (0.68; tot 6. Anna B. Keese, (0.86: tot A Aana K. Keeae, 0.65; tot 111. Aana R. : Keeae, 0.80; tot 1A Anna K. Keeae. 0.65; tot 14, Anna K. Keeae, 0.66; lot 16, Anna , H. Kaene, 0.86; tot 10, David M. Wat kinds, 0.70; tot 20. Fred Bpagele. - 0.70. - BLOCK 1A tot 1, James U Carswell, (0.65; , tot - A Jsmes U Carswell. (0.85; tot A James I Carswell, (0.66; tot 4. James L. Cssewall, . 0.88; lot 6, Jamea Ia tJarswelL (0.85; tot A James L. Carswell. o.6 tot 7, Lilllaa Carswell, (0.66; tot 8. James ' L. Carswell, 0.65; tot A Jsmes L, Carswell, : 0.80; tot 10, James L. CsrswslL (0Jo; tot 11, Jamea L. Carswell, 0.66; lot 12, Jamea U Carswell, 0.65; lot 13, UlUas Carswell.; aorta H or Mt 14. Kate Curray i n.8&; north K ot lot 1A Kate Curray, 0.30; . south to ef tot 14, Kllea Mc.Nnlty, 0.30; ' sooth U of lot It, KUen MeNulty, io.36; tot 1A Hannah Maaoa, 0.65; tot 17, Badoloh ; tteccer, ujw; lot 18. Rudolph Becker, o.m; lot 1, Kste Curray, 40.85: tot 20, Kllea XleNnlir tu ML Rlnr IA In 1 ' J .and K. Weber, (0.86; lot 2. Joee'sn'd K-J , weoer, (; lot A Jose aad B. Weber. (0.66; tot 4, Jose sad R, Weber. (0.66; tot - 8 Jose aad E. Weber. 0.66; tot A Jose aad , K. Webor, 0.(5; lot 7. Jose and R. Weber, ao. an, lot a joes ana weoer,; lot 4, Joes and B, Weber, 0.80; let 10. Jose aad K. Weber. 0.80: tot 11. Jons and M. Weber, 0,86; tot 18. Jose and H. - Weber, (0.86; tot 15. Joaa and R. Weber. , 0.(6; tot li Michael Tsnnler. 40 45; tot . 14. Michael Tana ler, (0.65; lot 10, Anna Btock. 0,40; 'tot 17, rnltoa United Artlaaaa' 7 Bulldlag AaaeeUtton, 0.85; tot 18. Ernest ' House. 0.06; tot 18, Aana Stock, L00; tot 20, Joa. Weber. (0.30, BLOCK 17, tot 1, C. 'N. VcLsod. 0.85; tot X C. N. McLeod, 40. 45; tot A C. N. McLeod, (0 85; tot A . C. N, McLeod, 0.65; tot A C. NV McLeod. 06; tot A C. N. McLeod. 0.65; tot .7. C. N. McLeod. 0.85; tot A C N. McLeod. (0.46; tot A rtora B. Crittenden, 0.80; tot ; 16, Ptora B. Crittendea, Ou80; lot 1A C. n. aaeiAwa.; lot is, u. n. atciAmi, 66; tot 16, C. NY McLeod. (0.65; tot 18, N. McLeod. 40 46: lot 11. Haaaah Maaoa. ?0.66i tot 1A Haaaah Mason, (0.86; tot A Haanah Maaoa, (0.86; . tot 17. Hannah ; Maaoa, .40.65: tot 18. M. McNalty, 0.80; lot 21, M. McNnlty. 0.46; tot 20. Ellss and Joha A. Keller. ( tot 22, Kllaa aad Joha A. .Relief, 0.66: jet 24. Bliss snd , John A, Kellar. 0.65; tot 23, Alphenae LenohT. 0.66; .tot 26 Alphonae iAnolr, :(0.65:Tot 26. Alpharrae Xsnolr, (0.65; tot . 27. Haanah Mason. 0.66; tot 28, Hannah Mason. (0.45. BLOCK 18, tot 1, Clara N. McLeod. 0.65; tot A Clara N. McLeod. ' 80.65; tot 6, The Hibernian Bsrioga Bank. - 40.A; tot T. The Hlbernlaa - Barings Bank, . 30.63: tot 8. Ladwig Wllkclm. 0.80; tot 11, .LadwUr Wllkelm, 0.65; tot 1A . Botomea Kelaa, 0.45; -tot 15, Balomaa Relss. 0.65; , tot 17. Mary I. Hedges, 40.66: tot 18. Mary '. I. Hedges, 0.84; tot 21. Hannsh Mason, : 80.66; tot 23. Haanah Maaoa. 0.66: tot 26, Hannah Mssoa,- 40 46; tot 2A anaah Maaon, ' (0.46: tot X Msrtsane Vandeleur, (0.65; 'tot 4. Mrrianne Vaadeleor. 80.65: tot A Clara R. McLeod, 0.45; lot . WiUtam and Anna Beam. 046; lot 10, W. P. Burrell. Trustee. 40-80; tot 12. W. W. Barren, True. v- tee, ev.e; aaa i, h, ia. .. troonina,; tot 1A James A Johnstone. 80.60: lot 1A ' Jamea A Johnstone, 0.65; tot 20, Northern ' Counties IttTestmeat Traat. Ltd.. (0,80: tot 22. Carl 0. Andereoa, 0.65: tot St, W. A aad Mine o. Vlrgers, 0.66; tot 37, W. A. aad.Llllle C. Vlraera. 80.65: tot 28. W. snd mile C-Vtggwrs.-6,r-BUClt 18. tot 1, W. P. Barrel!. Trna tee, 0.65; lot z. w. e . Borrell. ITnaree. o.6o; lot a, 'W. F. B-rren, Trustee, 0.45: tot A W. P. Burrell, Traatea, (0.66; lot A Clara N. McLend. 40.45: tot A William Kriedlander, ; 80.65; ' lot 7. WIMlsia FriedtsBder, (0.65; tot A WllUam Priedlsndce-80.65: tot a. William - Priedlander. 0.80; tot lft WllUam Pried - isnacr, av.iva; mt 11, iiaitesj ntatee national Baajt,; lot lz. unlteo ntstas national i.oo; mt ., united Htates Isuonsl 1.86; tot 14. United Butes National 1.66; tot IA TTnlted Sutes National .66; lot 16. United Btstag Nstkmsl w-..wF, w u mm. au.i " . mi. ,av. ,; tot in, ta. at. ana w. m. t ake. (0,6ft: tot , Arthur W. Graham, 80.86; .tot 20. Hannsh Mason, (0.66; tot 22. Hsaash Mason, (0.65; tot 21. Reerett R. Smith. (0.86; tot 23, Johanna Irving. (0.65; tot 24, Llaale aad Cora N. Beldlng, 0.66; tot 26, Llaale and Cora N. Beldlng, (O.rH;' lot-it, rLtsle and Cora N. BeMlog. (a65; tot 27,. A,. W, and ' H. A. Beldlng. (0.80; tot 2A A. W. and H. A. Beldlng, 40-66. BLOCK 20. tot 1, W. F. Barrel!, Trustee, (0.46; tot A W. P. Bar rel). Trnstee, 0.A1; lot. 8, : W. P. BnrrelL 40.66; tot 4, W. W. Burrell, ' Trustee, (0.66; tot 6, W. P. Barren, Traatee. 40.86; tot A W. P. Burrell,, Truatea, (0 85; . lot 7. ta . v i.. 1 1 ' eJ - iaai i. a - - , -.., . i ua.n, mrv.w, mJ V, ' Alice P. McCarthy, (0.66;. tot 8, W. P.' Bar ren, Traatee, (0.40; tot 10. AUce P, McCarthy, (0.80; tot 12, Alios P. McCarthy. 0.66; tot II. K award W. and Helen M. tiassstt. 0.66; tot 13, Kra May Gaaaett. 0.65; lot 1A Jea- , sie a. a. rieen, au.ea; lot 14, Jessie K. B. , Fleck. 0.45; tot 16, Jesals R. B, Fleck, 0.65; ' tot 17, Jessie R. B. Fleck. 0-66; tot 18, - Jessie R. 8. Fleck. (0.65: tot 10. Jessie K. 8. Fleck. (0.80; tot 20. Jessie K. A Fleck. 40.80: lot 21.. James 8. , Jsbnatone, (0.66; ' tot 23,' Jafnea B. t Johnstone. (0.66; tot . 26, Marie R. Hoisle. (0.65: tot 26. M4rle R. etale. (0.65; tot 22, Besslnger A Co., Trus tee, eu.oo; lot . Besslnger m ce.. Trustee, (0.65: tot 27, Besslnger A Co., Trustee, (o.Al; . tot 28, Besslnger A to.. Traatee, - 0.66. BLOCK 21. lot7 1. J. ' M. Thomoann. lot 8. J. M. Thompsoa. 0.65; tot 6. t.lcxie - Morrlsoa. 40.46: lot 7, Detoa D. Neer. 0.86; tot A Detoa I. Neer, 0.80; tot II, Joha f a. joanstoo ana James tnaen.; lot -a , Joha A. Johns tea and Jamea Discs, 40.05; tot 16. Mrs, Loriaa -Morrison. 0.65; tot 17, Hlbernls Barings Bank. 40.86: lot 14, HI- nernia Barings Hsnk.; mt 21, T. W. - Hsnnaamn.- 0.65; tot 23. Bernard C. -McCarthy. 40.65: tot 25. Nellie M. Wsrd. 40.86: . tot 27, Charles P. Little. (0.A6; lot 2. Herman , Bleeg, (0.65; tot 4, Herman Blegg. (0.65; tot : 6. Herman Bleeg, (0.65; tot 8. A. W. end 11. ueldlng, 11.86: mt 10, Ksnnle tt, cnrtls, (0.80; tot 12. Nettle 0. Grsdon, 40. 65; tot 14, Nettle a Gradon. (0.66; tot 18, Roasnaa 'Courtney. 0 65; tot 18. William P. Courtaey. 40.86: lot 20. Joaie Bslllrao. (0.80: tot 22. II. . L. Tatiim and J. J. Bowen, (0.66; lot ' Si, Brymour C. Friendly, (0.66; lot 26. W. f F. Burrell. Traatee. (0 66; lot 2A Bessis y.ttnmer. (0.45. BLOCK 22, tot 1. A. Kmnv rey,; kit n.- u. and unlse lachntelr. Jn.86; tot 5. Albert Jlrnmrey, 0.46; tot 7, eanlg Bower, ' 0.05; tot 8, Jennie Bower, 4l. no; tot II. Frrd 8. (filler. 40.06: tot la. red 0. sMIller, (0.66; tot 15. Wlllsmetre "-Trllve, NiiT 6, Improved Order of Red Med. tuns r tot 17, W illamette Trine, No. 6, Im prnred Order of Red Men, (o.fjS: tot 10. Kit tle K. r.mmons, 0.80. tot 21, Mary R. Hoxale, 80.66; tot Rl, Mary R. Iloxale, (rt 83; tot 26, Mere R. IToxsle, (0 65 tot 27, IJasle Beldlng. (0.66; tot 2, George Lscbmeler, 0.66; tot 4. George La ct, meter, (0.65; tot 4. Barah K. KTersnn, so.uri: lot 8, 8a rah E Errt-aoa. 40.Vi; tot 10. II. R. 1 Mt 11 a R. Long. (0.66 1 tot Leng, 80.80; 14. 11. H Long. (0.66; lot 14, Mehlnley Mitchell. 40. 0-1; ,. . ,a .. f 1 . 1 . ' u 1 ...... 1 , a- . 1 .. . aa mt I j. 1 -.1 ii- aiiMvii. a-,.w, vj W. D. Beldlng, 40.80; lot 22, A. Snd A. W. Beldlng, 4066; hit 24. Utile Balding. (0.66; tot 26. Marie R. Hlrle, 40. Al; tot 2A Us- sie BeMlog, (OAS. Blrrk 23, lot 1. Msry ' R. Taylor, 40.66; tot A Mend W. Wonlfolk. 0.65; tot 8. Dsrid Ooodsell. 0.(8; tot 7. Clara B. Crane, 40.46: lot 8. Mary R. Haute. (n.en; lot II, Cslvary Presbyterian Chare. (0.45; tot 13. ChlTsry Prenbyterisa Chneeh, - (0.66; tot 18, Baesana Rlmmerwian, (0.66; ' tot - IT. Rnssnna Rlmnvermaa, (0 66) tot- 18. Basaaaa Klmmermsa, 040; tot 21, Base ana nsnjt, f Rank; V . Bank, 4 Hank, so an " Flan- '"'i n, f"e; tot 2 "r -Rp -"-V- Bao, J.i ; tot ii, y auna I.aiu "W, U wi tot '28, h.i- moori'-a, oo; tot 3. ti. M. and t 4 hJ-oo; tot 4, G. hi. snd Deoa 1 isr, ko.85; tot, 4. Bruno . R. tiuuthrr, i : tot a, Joa. Klhke, 40.46; .ha 10, Ida Loeweuaon, 0.wl; tot 12. George .Wright Coet No. Ji G. A. R..-J0.66; tot 14,, Johu Mattlileeeu, 11,65; tot 18. (tone K. 1 lAwreacc,' (; tot is. A. W. Jones. 0.64; lot 2o. Msggle W. Little, (0.80; hit 22, Mag- t'e H.' Junes sud Msry A. L'oolvy, , 0.0; it 24, Michael Mouler, .43; tot 27.. WU- hrlmlna VaaL 30.U6i lut -JU. I'hrUtlaa loliu. s,iD, 0.3 hJJCK 24. tot 1, Hannah Maaon.; kit z, uauash Maaou, 0.06; kl A Han nah Mason, o.u; tot A Hannah Maaou. o.u; ' hit a, Hannah Mason. o.4&; tot A Hannah Maann. au.Hj, lot I, Hannah Msaoa, 0.oO; tot , 8, Hannah Maaoa, 0.n6;- tot A -liamiau . lltaoa, (0.60 ; lot 10, Hannah Maaon, 0.8o; tot 11, Hannah Maaou. y.6o; tot. 12. Qaonab , Maaou. si,.u; h,t.Jai n,lulh Maaoa, 0.51; tot 14, Hannah Msaou,; lot 16. Hannah Mason. 0.80; tot 18, Hannah Maaoa. (0.80; tot IT, Hannah Msaoa, 40,00; tot 18. .Hannah Jlasou, (o. 86; tot IV. Hannah Maaon . 0.40; tlli"' ..""J!"0. atou. o o; tot 21. Hannah l.?' A0"5 k" Hk Maa.oa. l.6; tot 2.1, Hanuab Maaon. 0.86; lot 21. Hannah Masoti. sti.oo: lot !l it.n...k u.JL a., u.. tot 20, I Ian nah Maeou, u.06; tot 21. Hannah 111 ZJ ' . ., 7.,argare mcKayi av,bo. UUtk 28. aulMllaiMLw, 1 I... a 1- Murphy, u.Ai; sutKllvlaloa 2 of tot A. htaaste ul' t'-'- "Mlri.too of tot au Ifrils J i.d,1".'i,iUi oMIvlaton 4 of tot A, lTh. aad A. U. Maxwell, 0.06; subdlvlsloao of tot w . tf"" Whi! o.8i; subdlTlaioa a of ' JiA i'!'" W"' 0: subdivision , 'i.A' .-tofwret While, 0.66; subdtvlstoa - 2 -Si w . J'-""' Currle, 40.66; sobdlTlatoa ''.""'6 Currle, (0.80;. subdiriaioa ! J? . r! ' Jennie Currle. 0.80; subdiriaioa S L,.A,imui 'furrto, 0.86; subdiriaioa r .jot A. Uauder J-. , Rummlug. - (0.86; - KlSlrW,L,., ot ' A, Margaret White tl SM,m.J to A, Msrgsret r White. 0.06 eubdlTlalou 15 ot lot, A. U. Hansen. 0 88; SuodlTlsloa 16 ot tot A, Tlllle Siii5a,ri?"l'i"' !?'- otoUristoa IT of tot A. - TllUe P. Cornelius, u.06; subdlTlaioa 18 of tot " S'mJi.l'L??,7" "'otolsloa 1 of tot B, Mealey Miller,- 0.66; subdtrieloa 2 of lot v V "". 0.65; subdiriaioa 8 of tot 1 ', J1"u, Msniusm, 40.05; subdlristoa 4 of 7n,. Mriaam.. 40.66; subdiriaioa 5 , $ ,'U")'..J- Ramming, 0,65; subril :'', "'.tot B, Mary aAoama.' 0.65; fi--1r-" 1 B- r- Burrell. Trua: If' o.tto; subdlTlston 8 of tot B, W. F. Btirreil. IYuatM to.o6; subdiTlstoa V of tot B. . W. P. Burrell Traaiaa a,i mi. . . .. - of tot M, W. P. BurrlV T : aX ; lhr!Z. tiif . w- F- Burrell, Trustee. - J? 4' eulidrrisloB 12 of tot B, W. BurrelL . Jrustee. 40.86; bdlri.ton 13 ef lot B, hUr? Ummt"! ,": WbdlTlstoO 14 Of tot B. ! S.f: tdlnuf- eO.86; eubdlrislea 15 of lot hi- k ""t W J' .oodlvlatoB 16 ef ? . ii!! W,' ?.. e0.5; subdlristoa S. Gander J. Bamming. 0.86: . Bubulrislw 18 ef tot B. W. P Burr? I, TmLl -tee, 0.60.- - BLOCK 27. tot 1. BlleaH. rtohoU- : acv. annaiVlalnM U U. A ."T1 TJ""- 80.6&; aabdlTMoa 4 of tot 5- V" w itwU'Jtn0m' tO.66; sabdlrlstoB mtortol3i5B,r,,L Trustee. 0.66; EliSt!.10.'..' eUweelL Trustee k StSo'. J of tot A, Moy Back Hln, rtVA. W. P. - - wuqiTiHDB AT lot A M Hose lli E w. H McKhtowaey and J. Leonard. ii J, r- ea". WMjITUUOa o ot lot B. W. H. VZJfiJLCLUi.'L!M'11- 0.85; nub. ! .T tot B, W. M. Law. 0.86iesuhdl- elstoa 8 ef tot B. Moy Back Uln I ffl aubdiTlstea 4 of tot B, W, M. ' Ls w, to',,- XVSSlI H tt B.-.Moy Bk Hln ' Tr'rb BLOCK 2A tot l. Jeanla aad I. M. 88.86; enhdlvlatoa 1 of lot 5. William and vK! u' U''rr. ?KL "odlvlston S of tot A -MfTc? 4ndw?i?r, t?fr' J"" aabdlrisloa f..?i,-. M1'"10 Rostna Gelger, 40. 80; sul-llTlalt.a 4f tot A WUllam and Rostna Gelger. 40.6O; snbdlTlstoa 6 of tot 2. William !"JrS",n o's?er, (0.60; subdiriaioa of tot " ih I ,""d. Boalna Gelger. (0. 60; eebdl s?S" -WHllaa. and Rorina Gelger. 0.00: subdlTlaioa 8 ef tot A WUftam and r.-01?" o 00A Mlriatoa B of tot X ?J, i SLJ.1"" Utr. (0.60; aubdlTtoton 1 w of tot R, WllUam and Rosins Gelger. (0.80; EWLofJ0.' M- J- Weamer (0.; aubdlrisloa 2 of tot A Mrs. M. J i wearnat v-80.45 aabdleUton 8 of lot 4. Mrs. . M. J. V earner, (cog. a-Miviaioa a as l, li ..w"fr' e0.65: snbdlvisioa 6 . m . ' veaaer,-a.8o; sabdlris " 4 of tot 4. Mra..M. J. Weamsr.- 0.65; , aabdletslon 7 af tot 4. Mrs ' w 1 iir . K 5;. aubdlvlstoe, at tot A Mra M. A . - agnuTBan B Ot lot .6. UrS. . M. J. - Weaaaer. an Ml siivir en ?,',.6: 'ot A Margaret eewuiruiw, P2.w, mf (A, MaTffir ft. nMJ. J?1". fL00: tot A Margaret H DTohoim. T f'J0 ,frt H. Denbela. l.oo; ' lot 6, Margaret H. Leohdlm. 1.410: lot T. Mar- Rrel H. InbobB, (1.00; lot 8.- Msrgsret IL etalm. (0 46; lot 8. Msrgsret H. Itoaholm, (O.Btll lot 10. Msreaeat U riaaknla. aooo BLOCK 80, anhdivlslna 1 ef tot A, Kmliy H. aad James Cerraa. 0.80; subdiriaioa 2 ef tot , A.- Predertrk K.rert, 0.84); subdirisloa 8 ef iaA' r7UJu',t "ggert, 0.86; aubdivlsloa 4 tot A, Frederick KtgrTt, (0.80; snbdlvla afJi ,red'ick Kggert, (0.75; sub- dl-Istoa of tot A. W, F. Barrell. Trustee, i 0.70: snhdlriaion T ef lot A, Jenkins A Btevena, (0.70; aobdlrknea 1 ef lot B, W. P. , RarreU, Traatee, (0.85; subdiriaioa 2 of tot B, W. F. Barrell. Trustee. 40.55. . -Aa-f?rt " lying betweea the aouth line ot Termoat at reel aaa the north Una ef saa leisloa 7 of tot A, btock 80, Boathera Port- lsnd. aad between the east line et Penn- yiTSBia atreet sna tne westerly line ef the " Oregoa A- California Railroad Compaal'a right ef way, Martha M. CroweU. 81. 2u. k A tract of laad rylag aetweaa the aouth Ilea ef Vermont street aad the north Has ef snb- uinrion i ut l. block so. Boathera Port land, aad betweea the weat line of Connect!. eat street Bad the easterly Hue ef the Oregoa - A CaUfornia Railroad Coatpaay'g right ef way. - , . r . t.-rowcii vseiara, neira or, su.ati. BOUTHRRN PORTLAND. OUROONltTtrK , 31. tot 1. ttoloaasa Belas. 0.46: tot A Holomoa . Retos. (0.46; tot A Botomoa Relss. (0.45; tot . e. rniemnw ttetae.; lot a, aoiomon Relss. (0.65; tot A Bolomea Relss, (0.00; tot 7, Botomoa Kelaa, (O.Ou; tot 8. -Botomoa- ltelse, (0.66: let 8. Bolomea Raise, (0.66: tot 10. Rotoam Betas, (0.46; tot 11. rVilomoa Rela. . (o.36; tot 12. Soloraon Retos,-40.40; tot la, ; Kotomon Relsa, 40.60 tot J4, Botomoa Reins, . eo.ov; mvm in, axiiiaon txenw. eu.ovi; ant 18, Holomoa Reiss, (u.reW BLOCK A tot 1, nsnnsa sissoa,; mt X, uaanaa Maaea. 54.65. BIXK-K 83. snbdlelatoa 1 of tot 1, amea B. Bead. (0.65: aabdlrisloa 2 of hit 1. ,'. Jamea A- Reed. 80,66: subdletatou 8 ef lot I. Jaawe-B. Reed. 40.66: sshdlTtsloa 4 of ot 1. Jamea H. RseA 80.ll:- snmllTlaino 8 of l. jamea n, need, sHbdiriston a Br tot . Anna 8. Rlahman. 80.401 aubdiTlaloa T of tot 1. Anas 8. BJukmsa, (0.66; aub- - niTnion a oi mt i, 4. it. i-iistngtoa and A. W. Wright, (0.46; subdlristoa of hit 1. J.- N. Burt, (0.66; mbdlvlslna 10 ef tot 1, J. N.i Burt, (0.66; aabdlrisloa II or tot 1, ; Anns Oleen. (0.70: subdlrisloB 12 of lot 1. if J- B. Pllklngton and A. W. Wright, (0.70; subdivision 13 of tot I, J. B. 'Pllklngton snd - A. W. Wright, (0.70; sabdlvlatoB 14 of tot 1. Joha T. Cook. 0.70; subdivision 13 ef . tot 1. John T. Osok. 0.75; siihdlTlston 1 of . tot a. Cells M. Prier and Kdwln S. Me Cllncy. .T0: subdirisloa 2 of tot A Cells M. Frier sod Edwin 8. McCllney. 0.70; sab dlvlatoB 3 ef tot 2. Cells M. Frier snd Rdwla . h. Mcciincy., sarxitvmoa 4 or lot x Calls . M. Frier, sad Kdwln - 8. ' McCllncv. I (0.T0; subdiTlstoa 8 of tot A Cells M. Frier and Edwin B. McCllney, (O.TO: subdirisloa 8 ef tot t. Oka M. Frier 'aad Edwin 8. Mc- , Hory., (0.44: -snbdlriston 7 of tot 3, Cells . m. mer snd Bawia a. - Met liner, gauo snbdlrisloa 8 of tot 2, tells M. Frier and Rdwla H. McCllney. 0.05: subdivision ot . bit 2.. Cells m. Krler and Edwla B. McCllncv, , fQ.85; suhdiTlston 10 of tot X Cells M. - Prier -and Rdwla A McClloey. o.40; snMleislon II of -tot A Cells M. Frier and Rdwln 8, Mo Cllnev. 80.40: snietrriaton 12 af tot 2. Crlla .' M, Frier and Rdwla B. .McCllney. 0.65; sub dlrlatoa 13 of tot C. Celfa M. Frier and Rdwln B. McCllney, o.on; auhdlrialnn 14 of tot 2. ' Cells M. Frier and Rdeio A McCllney. 0.A1; enraiivision in ot - lot a. iui - M. Prier and - Edwla - A ; McCllney, 0.40. - ItUM-K a. - aniiflivesioa i . or lot o, H. C. Braanngh, 40.30;. suhdlvlaton 3 of Sot G, . H, C Bronaugh, R. C. Bntnauth, R. C. Ilronangh, K. C. Bnmnugh, . R. C. Broaaugh, E. C. BronaiiKh, - K. C.Bronsiigh. D.35: subdiriaioa 5 of tot G. 0..1O: snhdiTletoa 4 of tot G. 0.36: snbtliTialoa 6 of tot a. 6.30; subdiTlstoa 8 of tot G, ,u; sunoiTiaina r or lot u, 30; sohdlTlalea 8 of tot G. I..15; snbdlTlstoa 8 of tot O. K C. Kronsngh, (0.30; subdlTlaioa 10 of tot O, K. C. Broaangh, SO.TO; subdlTlaioa 11 of tot , . R. C. Ilrooangh, (O.m; snlHllTtalon 12 of tot O, R. C. Bronsugb. (0 .16; sntxIlTlsloa 18 of wit G, K. C. Rrnntiigh, 40 80; subdirisloa 14 of hit G, P.. C. Bi-otisngh, 40.46; sulnttTlsloa 16 of kit Gi E. C. Bronsngh, (0.6O; snlHllriaion 16 of tot G, K, C. Bmnangh, S0.:t6; subdlristoa 17 of lot G, - R. C. Bmasngh, 4o.RO; suixllTlalna 18 ef lot U, : R. c. nranaugn, sin; etnwiiTieion mot mt , K. C. Rrnnsilgh. 40 30; auhdlTiston 20 ef lot G, K. C Bronaugh, tO.Hi; snbdlrisloa 21 of tot G, R. C. Bronsugh. iO.KO; autxllrlalon 23 of tot I), ' K. C. Rronsngb. (0.36: snbdlrisloa 23 of tot G, P.. C. Broesngh. fo wl; snbdiriaioe 24 of tot t. " a IV Bronsugh, (o.f'5; subdlTlaioa 26 of tot G. . K. C Bronaugh, (O..KI; anMlTlalon 24 of tot G, K. ( . Ilmnangh, to ST.; snbd.Tlstoa 27 of tot G, K. r. Bmnsueh. tn.Wl: snhdlTlalnn 28 of tot G, E. C. Bronanah. (O .16. ' BLOCK 84. sahdlvlelna iof tot II, K. C. Broneneh, 40..T0; snhdtrlaloa of tot H, K. C, Bronanah. (0.:i6; entxllrlalon 8 of tot IT. R. C. Breeisngh, (rt.ito; anbdlTlaloa a of lot II. R. c. ltronaitrh. 4o.:n: snhdlThiloa ft nf tot II. E. C. Bronsugh. 4o.;in; snhdlrielee 6 af tot H. 9. 0. Bronanah. in ;ift: aubdlTlalon 7 nf tot M, R. C. Brnnengh, go :I0; snhdlTlalen a ef lot H. R. C. Bronsnsh. (O..I6; subdlTbilon sf tot H, K. C. Broaaagh, Le0; guhdivlstoa tT aE,,"tJtlLr of. A86; mdlristoa .m-fi.f A C: " .staeteD, Trosu. 40.8O; sulMilTialoa 2 of tot A il ar- u..., ' a. ,iu t . Hoaa Chee How. Ki.ltft- mhwti.i-S - 14 of tot at r. c. . - "'; s 11 of lot li. K. C. 1 - i. ; s of ht H. hi. C. i i. ; a 14 it tot H. K. C. I'o, i, I ; 14 of hit H. H. . I 4. ' ! s 16 of tot H. K. C. " i, i ; sm 14 of let H. R. C. l-ro I, I ; S- - 'MAI r-iua IT of tot H, K. C. runs,. 1H ot lut H. K. C. Icioa. .;,; s,o-"-w-ea !-,; setMivieioa I... ii suo-llviaioa 1U of hit H, E. t . tirouau tot II. R. SO uf lot II. K. C. Brouauek, -i.lei; suiHiivlsloa 81 of tot H, R. C. Bronauea. 23 of tot H, K. C. Braasu.o, VI ef lot M, K. C. llroaao. a, 24 et tot H, K. 0. Bmuauan, i0.; sorwiiTlaloa i.e-i; e,.a-oTi.Ma t.,-1 ; aouuiTiaMia iKi; snmiTisioa i go I lot tl, n. v, rironauan, et a't a,i"u,. 28 ef tot H, K. C. Ilroaauea. 0.46; sutKllTUI.m 27 of tot H, K- C Bronsush, 0.80; suUliTlsloa IN of lot H. K. V. Bronaugh. 80.86.. frLOCK 86. suhdlslslon 1 ef tot A. Frsdsrark ka-sert. 40-45; siiUllTlatoa 2 of tot -A. Freoerlck k,' Kggert. ' (".86; aubdlvtalon 8 ef tot A, Fred enck Kggert. 40. 06: aubdlvlatoa 4 ef lot A, Frederick Kggert, (0.66; sukdirisloa 8 ef lot ; A. BV Oder Ira. Rggart. 0 46; subdiTlstoa 4 of tot A, C, M. Russell. Trustee, (0.05; subdt etalon 7 af tot A, Frederick Kfgert, 0.65; sslHllristoa 8 of tot A. WllUam Labbe, to.65; subdlTUloa 8 of tot A, W. w.,Logsa, 0.45; sabdlriatoa 10-ef tot A, WllUam Labbe, (0.66; sukdlTlstua 11 of tot A, Augusts Artelu, 0.86; subdlristoa 12 ef tot A, C M. Russell. ... . . .A AS. .J..1.U. , , . L.1 . , -jruaire, av.OO, auiaii.i.Haa w v. a,. ,a.. M. RusaelL Trustee, 0.T0: aubdlvlatoa 14 of tot A. t:. M. RiuselL Trastee. O.TO: subdiTlstoa K I ef let B, W. Q. M. sod M. A. Hayes.- 0 86; auMlTlstoa 2 hf tot B. Harsh A. Brown, , io.tU; subdlTlaioa 8 ot tot B, C. M. Buasell, 40.06; ButHllTisloa 4 -of tot B, Arthur Marher. ' 0.8.'. subdlTlaioa S ef tot B, Moy Back Hln, H.B;wubdlristoa 8 of tot B, t). M. RuaseU. . Traatee 0.85; subdiriaioa 7 of lot B, W. P. ' Barrel!, Tmstee, 0.65; north to of tot L, Martha M. CrowclL 44.66. BLOCK 8A tot 1. Prank H. Grubb, 0.70; tot A Katherlne L. 'i revet t, 0.7v; tot 8, Msrgsret H. Denholm. (; lot 4, Margaret U. Deabolm,-0.Tu; ' tot 5, Margaret H. Denholm, 4O.70; tot A , Maxwell N. Hamilton. (O.TO; tot 7, Maxwell N. Hamlltoa, O.TO: tot 8, Margaret U. Den holm, (O.T0: tot 4 Margaret H. Denholm, 0. To; Tot 10, Jamea F. Bail, tT4; tot It, , James P. Ball, 40.70; tot 12, Margaret H. Driibnlm. 0 To; -tot 18, Msrgsret H. Deebolm, . (O.oTi; tot 14, Jamea P. Bell. 0.65: tot 16, ' D. U. McBrlde, 0.60; tot 1A George Bteu-' - boose, (O.00 ; tot IT, George Btenbouee, (O.To;- lut 1, Donald B. McBrlde, (O.TO; lot 10. ' Donald B. McBrlde. 40. To; -tot 20, Donald B. McBrlde, (0.7O; lot 21. C. D,'RslrB, (O.To; tot 22. Donald B. McBrlde, 0. TO; tot fci. .' Donahl B. McBrlde. 0.70: tot 24, C D. Nairn. 1 0.70; tot 25, Uohert Li rings ton, 0.70; tot 28 Robert ljrineatoa. 40.70: tot 97. Rohert . Llringaton,-0.70: tot 28. Margaret H- lsri holm. 0.707 BLOCK 87, Haaaah Maaea, - s-co-ne. alAa:x .mi, asmn au aaifiiAv. OKKKN'8 AUDITION BU K 1, tot 1. Joha W. Langdoa and wire, w.. tt. Barneti aaa wife, 40.06; tot A John W. langdon aad ' wife, W. U. Barnetf aad wife.. 4o.u4; tot 8, Joha W. Langdte snd aits, W.'U. Bamett and wife, 0 66; tot A John W. Langdoa and V - wife. W. H. Harnett and wife, 0.76. BLOCK : A tot 1, Joha W. Langdoa and wife, W. Ii- Bamett and wife, 0.85; tot A John W.) - " Langdoa and wife, W. H. Baxaett And wife, 1 1.86; tot A Joha W. Langdoa and wife, W. - H. Baraett aad wife, o.86i tot A Joha W. I : laingdon and wife, W. U-Baraett aad wife,; . 0.75; tot A Joha W. Langdoa and wife, W.I 1 S K Baraett snd wife, 0. 76; tot A Joha W.I. - Lanzitoa and wife, W. IL Baraett aad wife., .40.86; tot 7. Joha W, Langdoa and wife, W, ' i H. itarsett aad wife. (0.U6; tot 8, Joha W LangOjoa and wife. W. H, Harnett aud wlfe,t T , 0.66. BLOCK 5, tot 1, Joha W. Las niton, and wife. W. tl. Baraett and twffe, 40. 66; I tot A John W. Langdoa had wife. W. H. Barrett and wife, (0.85; tot A Jeoa, W.( . Langdoa and wife. W. H. Barostt end wife. 1 (0.rii; tot A Henry L. Johnson, 80.76; tot ' A John W. iAtrgoon sod wife. W. H. Barnett, ' aad wife. 0.75, tot A Joha W. Lengdoe and, wife. W.H. Baraett aad wife, t.65; tot A. Joha W. Langdoa and wife. W. H- Barnett aad wife, 0.66; tot A John W. Lang don and I . wife. W, HVBsrnett aad wife, 80.05. BLOCK ' -! A lot 1, Joha W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Baraett and wife, 40.50; lot A Joha W,r ' ' Langdoa and wife. W. H. Baraett aad wife., o.4: tot A Joha W. Langdoa and wife. , W. H. Barnett aad wue. gv.ov; aot a, eoaa W. Laagitoa and wife, W. H. Bamett aaaV wife, 0.76; tot A Joha W. Laagdoa aad wife, W. H. Bamett aad wife, 40.86; tot A Jaha W laaaana And wife. W. IL Baraett aad wife, (0.45: . tot T. Joha W. Lengdoo : and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife, 0 86,, ' BLOCK 6, tot 1, Joha W. Langdoa aad wife, - W. H. Baraett. aad wife, 0.80; lot A Johal . W.' lAtngdoa.aad wife. W, H. Baraett ssd, ' wife, 1 0.55: . tot X Joha W. Langdoa aad wife, W. H. Baruatt end wife, .(O.To; tot . -" A John W langdoa aad wife, W. H. Baraett; - aad wife. 0.80; tot 6. John W. Langdoa aad : wife, W. H. Barnett end wife, 80.60; tot A John W.- langdoa aad wife. W. H. Bamett. . -aad -wife, 0.811; tot 7. Joha W. Laagdoa - aad wife, W. ft. Baraett end wife, o.8; tot A Joha W. Laagdoa aad wife, W. B. Bar j aett and wife, 0.60; tot A John W. Langdoa aad wife. W. H. Baraett- aad wife, 40.80;, -i tot la. Joha W. La as do u and wife. W. U.I ' baraett -aad wife, 0.h0; tot 11. joha W : laingaoa sad wife, W. U. Baraett aad wife., m (; tot 1A -Jha W. 1 esgihrn and .wlfaw, W, II. Baraett aad wife, 40.Ua; lot 1A Job. W. LsngSoa and wife, W. It. Barnett aad wife, O.O0: tot 14, John W. Lengoon and I wife, "W. H. Bareatl aad wife, 48.86. -BIaX'K, .A tot 1, Joha W. Langdoa Ban wife, W. Hj - Bamett and wile, au.aSi tot A I-rdla A., ., Mills, 80.66; tot A Lydla A. MlUs, 80.56; hit 4. John W. Langdoa, aad wife, W. EL Baraett aad - wife. (0.45; tot 6. Joha W, Langdoa and wife. W. U. Baraett aad wife,; 0.86; tot A Joha W. Langdoa aad' wife,! W. it Baroelt aad wife, (0.85; let 7. Joha W. Lsngitoa and wife. W. U, Barnett and 1-, T wife. 40.66: tot A John W. Langdoa and wlfs. W. H. Baraett aad wife, 40.06: tot . Joha W. lamgdoa and wife, W. H. Baraett , aad wife, 8.a0: lot 10, Jobs W.- Langdoa sad " .wife, W. H, Baraett aad wlteaVBO; tot ll.l- ' Joha W. Lengdoav aad wife, W. H, Barnettl : aad wife," 0.65: tot 1A Joha W. Lengoon, , aad wife. W. H. Barnett and wife, Jto.66; a., a a war W I. . J eaat aaT7 II J , 'i- I ITPS A, 0ian WW, sVawJflB Vn pan waASE, rti si P" Barnett andWira, 0.66 ;-tot 14. JtmR-'Waf Laagdoa and wife, W. M. nsraeti aaa wiiej ' - 0.66; tot 15. Joha W. Laagdoa aad wife, Wj - H. Baraett gad wife. 0.45; tot 18, John Wj , ' Langdoa aad wife, W. Ii. Baraett aad wife., - - u.6u. BLOCK 7, lot 1, Joka W. Lando-J , . aad wife. W. H. Bereeit sad wife,. (0.86 , . tot 2. Juka W. Laugdoh tad wife. W. HJ , - Baraett aad wife, U.a6t tot A Joha Wi v Lengdea snd wife, W. .H. Barnett aad wlfaj - (o.85; tot 4. Joha W Leagdoa aad wifeJ " W. H. -Bsraett SBd-wlte. (0.84J tot A-JohaJ. W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Bamett and! wife. (0.66-. lot A John W. lAngdoa and.wlfe-J---. W. H. Barostt sod wife, 0.65; tot 7. Johsi : W. Langdoa sad wife. W. IL .Barnett ee- . wife. 40.85; tot A Joha W. lAogdoa and, wife, W. H. Uaraett and wife, 0 80: tot . "John W. Langdoa aad wife, W. H. Barnettl and wife, 0.80; tot HI, Joha W. Langdoa . and wife? WV H. Baraett and wife, 0.85; totl .11. Joha W, Laagdon and wife, W. 1 r Baraett and wlfs, 0.65; tot 12. J1 W. ., lAtngdow aad Wlfs. W. H. Barnett and wlfe r 0.46; tot 1A Joha W. Laagdoa aad .Wlfe , W. IL Bamett aad wife. 0.e&; tot 14. John, , -WY Langdoa aad wife, W. H. Baraett aadi wife. 0.861 tot 15. Joha W Ungdoa an wife, W. ti. Baraett aad wife. W.96; tot JA Joha W. Laagdoa sad wife. W. It Bamett . aad wife, 0.86. BLOCK A tot 1, Joha Wa , , lAtngdoa and. wife, W. H. Bamett and wrfs. . 40. 86; kit X John W. Lanyttou and wife. W. . H. Barnett snd wife, (O.tkV: tot A Joha W., , t. lAtngdpa and wife. W. H. Barnett and wlfe,j pi.OS; nit 4, Joha W. Langdoa had wltiv. W. H. Baraett ssd wife, 0.85; lot 6. Joan f ''. W.1 Lengdoa and vrlfe, W. H, Baraett aad wife. (0.85; ht A John W. langrida 4n r wife, W. H.' Baraett and wife, 0.80; tot 7. -' ; Joha W. Langdoa aad wife. W. H. Barnett rand Wife, (0.65; tot 8. Joha W, langdne, -. -, aud wife.- W. II." Bsruett sad wife, (0-80. .1 lEftWILMOEK HOMKBTBAD BIXK-K 1. tot , 1, Terwllllger Land Company, (0.70; lot Xr . TerwllUger Iatad Compsny. 0.06; tot 2, Ter- t wllllg.T Land Compaay, VtJm tot A. Tera ' wllliget . Land Company, . 0.65; jot A Tor- t wllliger Land Compsny. (O.80; tot A-TMre- 1 willlger' Land Compsny, 0-10 ,ht T, TerA wllllxer Lend t,mpany, 0.66; tot 8. Tsf. wllMger Land Compsny, 4.70. " : . ' ' A trsct of Isad lying betweea blorha 1 and "X Tsrwilllger Hoatestead. and betweea the , sooth line of Beyamar aeenne and the north .,, line of Admiral srenue, i TerwllUget -a . IbrwiiIlig'homottrad-bt to ' J, Terwllllger Land Compsny, (0.66; tot A . .Terwllllger Laad ttompany, (0.65; tot A Ter- "wllllger Lend Company. 0 65; M ATer. wllllger Land Company, 0.66: tot 5. Ti-JwIUl. , aer Land Compsny, 0-85 : tot A Terwllllgsr ; land Compsny, 40.65; lot JT. TerwUllger Land, -.Company. (0.46; tot 6, TerwllUger Land Com, pany, (0.66. BLOCK A Jot 1. ; Terwt l lger lAind Company. (O.T0: lot X ' Terwllllger Land CoBipsny, - 0.t; tot A -If" . linger Lend . Company, n.86( tot ; ft. 1 TSrWIIIIgcr IMBa uarav r.'-".'i tot hit ' tot tot lot hit h. Terwllllger lAaa, ik", 8, Terwllllger Land Terwllllger Land 8, Terwllllger Mnd 0. Terwllllger lnd 10. Terwllllgi Lend tot II. tot 12, Terwillisee laaa Terwllllger lAind hit i:i. A-ar-nileer Land Company. BLOCK 4. lot 1. Terwllllger LAna t ompany, - (0.86: tot 2. TerwllUget Land company, es l-aaa tiompany, sii.mii; Lit A Terwllllger 80: tot , 4. 4 Tervrllllgef l,,t 5. 1 Terwllllger land Company, (0.76; lAod ' Cnmjniny, ' 0.68; , amd .1nmsny, . 40,811; Lend - (tempaay, ' 0.80; Land Company, (0.66; Lend . Compsny. . 0.66: ' tot i 8, Terwllllger . Terwllllger Terwllllger Terwllllger tot. T, tot A tot A tot 10, lot 11. tot 12, Terwllirger Ind Compsny, 80.661 'lerwilllgrr l-m iw nu . 117 , ai.nn; . ir.earllllaae - lAtid f'ennsar. gn A". BIK'K 5, '.ot 1, Terwllllger Land company, 4(1.66; tot 2. Terwllllger Lead Cnmpany, 80.66; tot A - Terwllllgsr lAtie. i-omnsny. H66e V66I tot tot ht lot 4, aTerwtinger lana (twnpany, B, lerwilllgar BAinii i.mnpinr, n 65 Terwllllger Terwllllger una lAnd 1a nd Land Cram pany. Company, en; 4.1 ; tot 8, Terwllllger I And Company, tot 8. Terwllllger Land tvmoany, S.t in,- Terwllllger lend Cmnnnny. ' Terwllllger Terwllllger an; - en. BLOCK . inr-i. Terwllllger land t-nmnany, ? 0.6ft: lot 2. Terwllllger land Cnmnany, 11.66; nt 3. Terwllllger . land . Cnmeanv, 4o 7o; ; kit 4." Terwllllger land CnnenT, - (o SO; . . lot 6, "rr wllllger Lend Compaa, (0JA - -t-ooi Cotnany, ; 1 ."; Company. - 0.66; Company,, 0.66; Conniany. 0.80; Company, UI.40; Compaay, 10.66; Company. 80.66 1 ' 50.66.