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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1905)
CRT NOTICES, f CTTT K0TI0XS. on 'ifOTiczs. C I 1 t n ) i Wm w . r r, coos atwtui , amj U her-ny (Iks that the Auditor of. T I purtlang lis peruana , e'aat for th eooaUrurttou of is Ix-ujr tmt, o tiuiN,' alley ll block 4, Klvurvtew Addlttoa,. nd ,,-icfc street from Jw feet north of to lln btorka til ud S3, central ". aawar lu Murria au-Mt at Delay uml, a aecertalurd what ke Jt . -nattnt of coat ( the sewer .la arcora- wuk tin epecisl' and peculiar, beuedts 4 by ark parcel of tond nod tot or thereof within the sscsesMot uisinct. hu apportioned tlw oust tar mm c e uMiiiit a opposite each parcel of land lot or part thereof a It easxe of nek pra- 1 objection to tta apportionment of cost Id sewer mmit be wad la writing to i tounoll and Bled wltk the Auditor within va front the date of too Sist publication a nodes, and Bald objeetlosa wll be heard urter mined by tka Council kef or tka pae- of Um .ordinance anueealnA' to , coat of A l-URTIOX OF COOKS ADD BU)CK T. . lot I. James W. Cook, Ja.HO: lot 6. i W. Cook, $34.90; lot 6, Jam W. Cook. wo. BLOCK 15. lot IS. Jamea W, Cook. . .ij; lot 12, Jam W, Cook. $2870. 1 t tot 11 lying westerly of Una 109 -t easterly of -and parallel wltk tka eest .' r Ua of. Cook ITHikv Janica Wv took. .1 of hit 1 lying westerly of V ita 100 . et eestarly of and parnih-l with tka east- e-ty Ua of Cook avenue. J", . took, i i.oo. v. '' . '.Lot 5, Jatn ' TIP.. Cook.-. t35.W.:.-..;;-i V- ' All of lot 11 a wratrrlr of a line 100 feet j 'easterly of and parallel with the easterly I no of Cook etenuv, Jamr . W. Cook, $1.16. lot 4. James W. Cook. $29.33: lot IV James W. Coax, i 00; tot 2. Jaai.a w". took. ! lot i, James W. Cook.- BLOCK 13. 1 W 4?01e Bohman. $13.73: lot arWln Bohmsit; ' 4i8.73; lo 2. Jamr Bohman. $9.15: tot 1. ' m Holuui, .M HUM'S W. lot 20. . Itatt W. Cook, J.oB; lot 1. JaaK-a W. Cook, 1CT5; lot W, Jamra W, Cook. I5.K6; ' k.t IT, Jaawa W. Cook.' 14 S6! lot 14, Jamra W. Cook, 15.85; lot IS. Jaox-a W. Cook, ; i.84; lot la, Jaaira W. Cook. 2.1;. .M I 14, lum W. Cook, 2.1: tot 12. jajnea W. f Cook, A2.15: lot u! Jaaaea W. Cook. J-13; 10, Jam W. Cook. "lft; lot It, Jobmo -if..K'8 ADDITION TO ALBISA BLOCK 12. ' lot 1, Addle K. Elliott, 7.t; lot 2. Addle . F'llett. 21.0; lot 8. Jtnm W. Cook. 1 . 1 n lot 4. JC. i. Gloaev .S0: Wt a. 3 W. Cook. t3Ln. BUKK 11, lot 1. .-lty SaTtoaa Troat Company, kX2u; 4 4, Mary kturfaa, 2.'JU; lot ft, Jam,-a I'. I .if. IX 2u; lot . Jamre P. rarr. M.S0; t 4. iaawa W. Cook, aUH); lot 10, Jamra '. Oook. t2ft.20; lot 11. Jaaira W. Cook. ' '; kit 12, Denial Uloa. lot T, . Rhodaa, $2.20; lot , Hiram Bbodea, ' ; lot 2. EUnbrth White. 22.20; lot 2. -iMHk White, 22.20. BUrCK 10, lot 1. J. t laao. 22.20; lot 4, U J. Kdwards. 22-o; " 8, B. B. Oardwall Eatat. Hetre of, 22.2U; ' t , B. P. Card wall Batata, Uotra of. $2.20; t. Joha K. foater. 1.0: lot 10. Joke H. x trr. 10; lot 11. A. U. KeUer, L8o; S 12, A. B. Kellrr, 21.S0; V T. A. R. 0r, 22.20; lot 6. A. R. Boiler. 2.2o; S. Mary A. Thorapaoa, 22.20; lot 2, Mary A. ThompaoB. 22.20. BLOCfc: 9, lot L Kate L. B jiucs, 22.20; lot 4, Lealle T. Beery.; t S. Catherlae Daniel. 22-20: lot T. Catherine 1, 20.W1; lot 2. Cataortoe DanM. l.0. 1 lot 1. Daniel H. Harnett, 22.20; I t 4. Daniel R. Harnett, 22. SO; lot B. Daniel , H. Harnett, 22-20; tot 8, I. MeK. Kckeraoo, ; j; lot t, V Intent Cook, 22.20; ' lot 10. ' . Cook, $2.20. BIVOCK 4. lot 1, Maria- Ml Mrf, 22.2U; lot 4. Kdwarda B. Twlxjttr, ; let 6. Leu do Klrby. 22.20; lot S. ft. A. . ' J- mom. 2220; lot 8. J. K. Mice, 2.20; lot ) Anna i. Stark, 22 20; lot 11. fnebe A. ) a, 120; lot 11. Phebe A. Kaann. 22.20; i I, W Uliaaa It. Otdaneaa Eatate. Helra of. I i; lot 4. Martin Moraat, 22.20; lot 3. A. Henry, 22.20; lot 2, Any L. Bealry. I i. BLOCK 2, lot 1. M. R. 8ml Lb, 22.20; . ! a, Jaawa W. Cook, 2.20 lot 6. Jarnw - Conk. k&20; lot S. William A. Torn bull. ; hat 8. David B. Dlren, 22.20: lot 10. 1 K. Iilwra. 22.20; lot 11. Andrew Raa -n. 120; lot 12, Andrew BaamnaaiiB, ; M 7. H. P. Win. AnoVreon. 22.20; lota, Hidaraoa, 22,20; lot 3, A. 1. Colllna ; lot 2, A. J. OolUna, 22.20. BLOCK ; t 1. Andrew Paolaaa. tiJDK anrtt V, of I Andrew Fanlacn, 2X10; aontk H of lot & W. and Mary A. Davla, 22.10; lot 0. 8. - rd Mary A. Deria, 2X20; lot S. Martin . jvimvx. 22.20: lot S. A. W. Goddard, ' lot 10. A. W. Uoddard. 22.20: lot 11. Day, 12.20: lot 12. H. K. Noble. Traa--.. 22.20; lot 7. Jamra W. Cook. 22.20; . jamea W. Cook, 22.20; lot 2, Carrie 8. , ---a. 22.20; lot, 2, Carrie B. Jonea, 22.20. atOK 1. lot 1, Pranoaa B. Sellera. 214.70; I t , Ruby M. 6ha(er. 21T.S0: nortk V, of Its. Jobs Andnann. 211.60; eontta of lot hB Wlrk, 21L6S; lot 2, Laurln C, Mick Waaoa, 221.00; lot S, Chrkitlna Neiann, 222.36; it 10, Jamea 0. Mprncer. $20.36; lot 11. i 0. Speneer.' 220.15; lot 7. 1, E. Scott, eia.dO; lot 2. Hocan ATtderaon, 21.20; lot 8. Kuby M. HkaXer, 2Z2u; tot 2, Fraaaea K. iaiera, 32-20. . .- r""i VI 1CW ADDITION ; TO AXBINA - mCK 2, want 21 feet at lot , Wflbelmina . Paqna. L00i. , aaat . 6 feet of lot 4. WUbelmina Paowv fo.26; wnat 88 feet at lot 4, N. Wbealdoa, 31.6B; v . " o, n. ntaaHna, f m o. . r. k .ilh. 16; lot T. r. P. Smith. tl.Mi lot A tax Joknaan. 22.00; lot , A In Jokaaon, : ' '-; lot 10, Thomaa Gray, 32.00: lot 11, -ataa Orayu $2.00; want 21 fort of lot 12. i W. Applecate. 21.00. BLOCK 8. Berth t i feet of lot 2, Pete Lalleek, 81.05; Bur lb ti feet of lot 2. Peter Lalleok. ll.OB; aoatk ; 60 feet of lot 3. Jobs Kill. 30.60; aontk 60 , f -t of lot 1. John HI1L 30.00: lot 8. Thomaa I nrtckson. SLM; lot 4. DarM P, C. Da boo, ! ...kj; lotiV S- J. Sarah B. Wllllajna, - H.KO; lot -Chartra) and MatUda ' L. . Oml 18.40; lot 7, Char lea O. and Ma- i tuoa L. Ober. 231.M: lot 8. Ckarlee O. and J Matilda I Oberc. 42P.2&; lot 8. Charlea U. ' and MatUda U Obrrt, $18.80; lot 10, Cnarlna O. and MaUlda L. Okerg, $Lt; lot 11, : iamea Sonaan. . $1.06; lot 12. Jamae Bar atan. VM; lot 12. Jamee Hamaa. $l.v3; lot 14. Iiaw Bormaa.' $1.06. BLOCK 4. north 64 feet of lot X. Minnie Smith. $14.S!; earth 64 feet of M 2 Minnie Smith. 89.4ft; eoutk 64 feet of let 2. May Kreeft, 314.80; eunth 64 feet of lot li May Kraeft, $20.80; aoatk 64 feet at lot 8. May Kraeft, $14.80; nortk 64 feet of lot 3. Minnie riasltb. 34-80: tot 4. The Northara Couatlra In watmont Trwrt. Ltd.. 828.06; lot 3, .The Northern Coantlee InreBtmant Troat, Ltd.,; tot 4. The Nortbera Cewatiea Innet anent Tmet, Ltd.. $28.83; lot I. The North ern Coantlee Inreetmettt Treat. IA4V822.&K; tot 8, Mania and Balmia Hohaaa, .3 U.ofi; . wrot s of lot 9. Martin and SelmU T-olman, $H ; eaat H of lot 9. H-nry . aaaahelmer. $14.10; lot 10, Henry Bine- : hiraer, $28.86; lot 11. John and Ana Lnnda, 38.8fi; lot 12, Joha and An Landa. $-.t; tot 18. J. S. Church. $28.65; lot 14, t. K. Ckarda, 828.45 , . . BLOCK aV" All of tot T lylnc north ef a Una AO feet anath of and parallel wltk the aoatk ; lino of Cook avenue, John M. Pltteaajar, $4-60 . -1 - - All of tot lylnc nortk af Doe 60 feet anntk of and parallel with the aoatk Ilea of Cook Tenoe. Joha M. Plttanfer, $1.00. :. CKttTRAL ALBINA BLOCK 81. lot t, Pr deace V. Holatoa. $22X0; lot 4, B. ,B. Mene fea. 823166; aontk 18 feet of tot 7. Libhy F. O'Connor. 88.76; north 18H feat of tot 8. I.lbbjr P. O'Conanr, 88.2S; north X feet of tot f, Mra. U A. Thayer, $16.80; Booth 31 feet of north 4Vk ''t of lot 8. Oeonta rVaineller. $1400; aontk feat of tot 8, Kara , Coatello. 20.20; lot 9, Nora . Coatena. $18.00; tot in. Jneeph 8 treed. $1.80; tot II, Catl Hrkieea. $2.20; tot 12, Harriet Newroaib, Cbarlra IV, Krneat W Clarence W. Newcomb. Jraale X. Heed, Emma titofceoo. Tlattte M. Cnater. $2.20; lot 13, Ambroaa B baBtenbrln, $2.20; aooth H of tot 14. Norma Merrill, $1.16; nortk ef tot -14. N.. 8. ErrnaoB, 31.10. BLOCK 82. , hat 8. D. I. Coffey. $2.20; lot . M. K. Tkoinpaan, $2 t tot f . H. D. " Chambera; $20; tot S, M. . Thompaoav $2.20; tot 9. M. B. Tbampaoa. $2.20; tot 10. M. B. Tbomp torn. $26.30; aontk 17H feet of lot 11, M. . llMmpeuevf 11.10;-north 82 H frt of tot 11. Tnouae 1. rarreU, $20 66; tot 12. AJ L. H-l- k.t 14, Boewell H. La meon Katate. Tlrlra'of! r it. m. Bi.'-tv on, nnninoea o at kit 10. 1 bandore Nlrolla. $1.50; nndlrlded 2-8 of tot It, Theodore Kleolla. $1.60: undlrldrd 1- of Kit 11. Anthony Neppach, $0.76; andletded 1-8 of tot lu. Anthony Mapperh, $0.76; lot 12. Panl Oehrke. $2.24; undivided 2-3 of lot lo, loeooure fmiiia. ei.ou; nnaiTiaen Z 4 of tot 14, Theodore Nloolla. $1.60; andiTlded I I of kt 14. Anthony Xerynark.- $0.78: nw- rlded - of. t. 13, AnLbony, Neppaca, W.75. A parcel of mad beandrd and dearrlbrd aa tollowa: - BeKinning 2.133.8 feet weet and 30 feet Baulk of the nertheeet enrnar of awetloa J7v townahlp nortk, ranee 1 eaat, . WlUamette Meridian: tkenoa aonrh 88 feet; thence wneteriy 1,17.2 feet; thence nortk 35 feet; tnenr vaaterly 137.2 feet ta beclnalne, Ooorn. Kmltb. $2.16. A parcel ef land bemded and deecribed aa follnwa: Beaianin S.I38 8 fret wat of the northeaat eome of aeetton 27, townahlp 1 north, ratire 1 eaat, . Willamette Meridian: tnenea Buotk 2w fart; theaea westerly 187.2 fet: tnenre Mil M feet: tbenra eaaterly , 1.17.1 feet to berlnnlaa, Jiarph Streed. 31.86. A parrel of land bounded aad deerrflied aa fMlnwa: - HegliiaJn 8.1.13 8 feet weet aad . (art aoutb ef the anrtbeaat eernar ef aee t -n 27. townahlp 1 nortk. raoae 1 eaat. Willamette Merldlaa: tbeaea aontk 99.48 feet to aoatk line af Iamea Tbompaoni do. -notion land e-letni; thenea Weeterly alona aaid rial as Una 1.17.2 feet; thence north m.$ feet: tkrnre eaaterlr rtl.J feet ta beinlng. Mwrmee Strand. $8.15. . parrel ejf teed lylna bet e'en the treat tie of aVrthwb'fe afreet Bud a line 93 f.-t weet taere'rota and parallel theeewirb, and between the nerth line of auhdlvlrioa 4 lUPnf I lew aVddUtoa to aUfatoS ad 4 Una " 147.48 feat " nortk thereteaW aad parallel therewith. Carrie Church.' J.3. - -' A parcel of land noonded and deacrfbed aa followa: Meainnlna 2.947.7 . feet went of - the northisat corner of .aertloa Xt ; ,.wmM -I o.lh. ranee 1 eiC. WlUamette Meridian; theW anuth IHX4II fee! thence w eater ly 21.1 Xeet to. eaat line ot norxewica. ' atreet; thenea' north a loo the eaat line, of ; Morthwlck atreet 144.4H frfft to the. north llae of aectloa 27; thence , east alotaf the north liar of aertloa 27 21 V0 feet to place af brlnninf, Carrie M. r Ctairck, $24.22. -A- i mi reel .of land bounded . aad . deaerlbed aa . foUowa: ' , B'flimln -al ,' lotereeettoa' ,of .' want. Una of Horthwick f atraet aad the north Una of eerttoa 27. tuwi ' ahlp 1 aortk. rane . 1 eaat, WllUmettn Meridian: tbenra south atomt west line of t BorUwirk atreet 17 feet; , thence meat 94 f.etj thenra fort; Ibenca eaat 93 . tret to brsiuAln. Nora. C. Ooatello, $T., ' A Barrel of land bonneted aad dranrlbed aa ' followa: Ueclnnlnc 21.10.4 . fort , weet of the aortheaat corner ot errtton.27, townahlp . 1 north, ranc 1 aaat. Willamette Mmuian; theBoa went 237:3 feet: thenea eoutk 174.7 feet; thence eaat 2:17.3 tort; thenea north ".. 172.3 feet ta beainalua. A. . Hamaan, $93.86. , A ami of land hounded and deacrined aa - followa:. Br alanine 2.4M.4 feet west, of , the northeaat roraur of section 27. town ahlp 1 north, ranee 1 east, Willamette Ma- - ridiant thence, south 173.3 feet; thenea eaat 5 90 S feet) thence north 173.6 feet to the - north Una ot aectloa 27; tkeaea west atou the nortk line , of paction 27. - township 1 north, raafs 1 eaat. Willamette Meridian, , 90.6 feet to beflonluf. F, Schroeder, 87.06, I Tout, . $l,9t&2u. ,- - , . Auditor of the City of PortUud. Orecoa. ; Date of arst pubUcaAloa AnrU 1, 1903. ' nOPOSXD ASSXSHZirr FOB impkotb- MEKT OP ' PBJE8COTT STKEXT, Notice '! berebr siren that tbe Andttor of tbe City of Portland baa nreoared taroaosed iiiiaiiament for - the . ImproeenirBt of Vreaoott street from tbe west 4ne ot Rest Twelfth atreet to the. aaat line af Kant Ponrtreath atreet and kaa ascertained what, be areata a lust apportionment uf east af the Improvement la accordance with the special and peculiar neneflta derived by each arcel of. land nnd lot or part thereof within the aaaeeament dis trict, -and has aptanrtloord the coat foe said Improvement la the amounts art opposlta each parcel of lead aad tot or part, thereof,, aa It ahare af nnrfc proposed naseaament. . Any oojeruone to tna appurtioiunent or east for said improvement must be made la writing to the Council and filed with the Auditor within 16 daya from the date of tbe ft rat pub lication of this" notice, and aald objections will be heard aad determined by tka Council before the peaasire of the ordinance aim an lug the oust oi sara improvement. - - iiltiLllJl.'MK-BLOCo. ' J, UK Elllorr B. inriora. axon; lot a, r.uiott n. Tucrora, $2.14; tot a. Walter J. Cheney, $4 08; tot 7, V. P. Nelnoav-$44.99. BLOCK 13, -tot 8, Mary J. Hagadoae. $48.90; tot 8, Mary 2. liagaoom, h.uh; kit n, Barnes n, rulllkrre $4.o6; tot l. Murle C. Stavena. $40.99. BLOCK 12, tot fi. iaha Moras. $12.48; lot 3, John Moras. 38.69. KOKTH UtVINUTON BLOCK 24. lot J. The Title Gaarantra A Trust Comnanv. ' 82.68: tot 2. Tka Title Guarantee aV Irnat ComtianT. - $2.14; tot 11. The Title Guar an tna A Trust ' Companx, $2.14; lot 12. The Title Ouaraatee A lrust Company. $2.68. v BLOCK 22, lot 1, The 11 lie Uoarsntee Troat Company, $2.88; . lot a. Jne aitte uuarantee at iruat company, ; W 14: tot 11. Wm. Har Btokes, $2.14: lot IX Wnv Boy Stokea. $2.68. BLOCK 22, tot 1, - Mary A. Botes. $X04; tot 2. Mary A. Boles. $1.98; north 7.8 feet of tot S, Mary A. Botca, 'aotai. 1BOJ. IV ilEVL,lK, - Aadltof of the City of Portlaad, Oregon. Data af first publication. April 1. 19U6. . PKOPOSZIr AMESSnTZXT - VOft XstraOTsV ' IfZHT OF JtAPLX STEER, v Notion la berebr given that tka Auditor of tna City af Portland kaa prepared a proposed aaaeaameat for tbe lmurovamrut of Manto atraet. from tba westerly Une of Mllwaufcie atreet to tne aaatany una or rirst avonue, a an naa aa eertalnad what be deema a Just apportionment af coat of Ike Improvement mi neenrdsnca with the epeclal and peculiar baaeflta derived by each narcol of land and tot or part thereof within the aaaeaameat district, and has aiwor. ttoned tka coat for said Improvement In the smoaata art opposlta each parcel of land and tot or part thereof as lis snare ot euca pan nosed aaaeeament. - - ' Any oO)rtciua to the apportionment of eoat for said improvement most os made, la writing to tba Council and filed with tba Auditor within 18 daya from the data of the first pobUcattoa Of thfat notice, aad aald objections will be beard and determined by tka Council before the paasaga of tka ordinance assessing the cost of said improvement. CITY tlKVf PA UK AilKlTION TO CAST POBTLAND BLOCK 3. tot 4k Louise W. Gibson. 3219.81: tot 8. loo lea W. Gibson. , 824.66; lot . Loalaa W. Gibaocv S6B.88; tot . o, jkoiae w. wiuaon. iMam rtiArcn, a. r wwik fi"iw wmmw, mil - v, -iw., kit 8. August W. H. Poulsen, 878.65; tot 6, W. kf, Lsdd, 308.96; tot 8, tieorsa Flavel r Vmtmt U.ln nf al 7,1 Ln T I L'uhn - 300.01; tot 8, L. Kuhn, $77.26: tot lo, L. , Kaha. $13.08; Ml, L Kuha, $126.09. BLOCK . k.r 1. Oliver il Rli-hM. 31U4.KI: lot 2. OUrer C. Kictaea, $14.74; nodi Tided 4-4 of -. lot 10, Oliver 0. Bichea, $UH.o8; undivided l-ii oi Jot au. tsaiem r muring stnis tximpsay, $17.14; lot S. K1U B. Br bee, $64.77; lot 9, balrm Ptonrlng MUM Ompauy. rsW.33. BLOCK 6, tot X W. M. Ladd, $206.94; tot 2, I 2S. Scott. $68.89; tot 16, Klla IC Byoea, PI Aa . Ins IK Uf M . I mAA ttatat aVs . L.. A '.. A.Vt PVT. AP( vv . Mi ataman mw.vm awrai M B. L Hnlnda, 866.70; tot 13, Salem Ptonrlng ' Ml Da Company. S6sU2; tot 11, Portland Cre mation Association, $12.04; lot 12, Portland tMmattoa . . Assoc lauua, pui.wi. - lotst. $2,ojm. ' i- , THOS. 0. DEVLIN. : : Aadltor of the City of Portland. Oregon. Data at first publication, April 1, 1906. - M.0P08TD ASSISSatriTT T01 DtPlOTS. MiST OP MA8B0LIA STKXXX. - ... Notice la hereby given that tba Aadltor of the City of Portland kaa prepared a proposed aaaeaameat for tbe Improvement of Magnolia atreet from the eaat line of Bset Eighth street to the west Una of Durham avenue, aad kaa ascertained - what aa , deema a - just ap portionment of eoat of the Improvement In nccordeaca arltb the special and peculiar baaeflta derived by each parcel of land nnd tot ar part thereat witoia the .assessment district, nnd kaa anoortioaed the east for said Imorove- maat In the amounts- act opposite each parcel af land aad tot or part thereof aa its sbara of sack proposed aaseaamenC .... Aay objections to the apportionment of mat for said Improvement most be made la writing to the Council and fllrd with the Auditor within 10 aaya from tne oats or tna una pobUcattoa of this notice, and aald objections will be heard and aeteranined by tka Council before tba, paa- aare or toe nroinaaca aiateeing ua cost of sals Improvement. , WOODLAWN BLOCK 20, tot Catherine MsxweU, $23,611 tot 10. 3atae Banna. $.60: ; lot 14. Clarence H. Bnell, $36.89; kit 13, cmreace n. num.; Hn I a, r reo a. Boblnson. $.T7it: tot 11. Prod Keller. $.14.00; tot 10, Pred Keller, $43.63: kit 9, Anna H. . Patron, $34.90: tot 8. George A. Klrkiaud. $66.27. BLOCK 23, tot 1.- John Chamotse. i $33.10; tot 2, Joha Cbsmokta, $:.2; tot 3, Kate N. Stoaa. $42.48: tot 4. J. B. SUnsbrrv. '. .3A6.93; tot 6, J. B. Hunsbery, $70.98. B1XX.'K 24, lot 1. carne v. w limns, gw.STi lot 2, Peder K. Pederaon, $54. IN; kit 8, Hnbert KaMck, $42.63; tot 4. Wllllsm Hyan.' $41.23: lot 6, t. L. Brlgga. $23.61. Total. 3H31.67. - THOH. C. DRTLIN, . - Aadltor of the City of Portland, Oregoa.. Date af first pabllcattoa. April 1, lot 16. PE0P08AL8 TOE STEEET W0 EX. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of tba Aadltor of the City of portlaad nntll Prktay, . April T, 1906, at S o'clock p. - m for tka Improvement of Booker atreet from! the east Una of Third street ta tka west terminal Una ot Hooker atreet. la tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 14.610, snhjert to the provis ions of the charter aad ordinances of the City of Portland.' aud tba estimate of tka City En gineer, ea file. . J - Bids mwt be -Trtrietly fa acenrdaaca with printed blanks, which wilt be fnrnlshed on appli cation at tba office of toe Auditor of the city of Portland. And aald Improvement an sat be completed aa or before 90 daya from tka date of tbe algnlng of tba eon tract by tka parties mereto. anleee accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of tbe Mayor of the City of Portlaad. serf 1 fled by a respnnslbla hank for an ameont eiresl to 10 per cent of tka aggre gate propnsaL " The risht to reject any and kO bids la hereby reserved. By order of the Pxemtlva BasM. . ; , " . . -. THOU. C. DKVLIN, Andttor of the City of portlaad. ' Portland, Oregon, April, l,,190fi7.; . .' PE0P0SALB P0E STEEET WORK. . ' Sealed proposals will Jie received at ' tba of flea of tba Andttor -of tba -City of PortlanJ nntll Priday, April 7, 1906. at 8 o'clock p. an., for the Improvement af Heights terrace from tba west Une of Lownadale atreet to the eeet Una of block 40, Cartor's addition, hvlhe man ner provided by ordinance No. 14.6fl9, antijeel to tna provbiloaa af tbe charter aad ordinances of the City of Portland, and the estimate af Um City Rnglaeer. on file. . Bids must pa strictly la accordance with printed bunks, which will be furnished on application at the office of tbe Auditor af the City ef Portland. - Aad aald Improvement most be anmplrted en or before 90 days from the dsta of tbe signing ,of tba eon tract by the parties thereto. . No . propeesM or bid will be moeidreed holes areompanted by a reruftrd check parable to the order of ta Mayor of ta City of Portland, certified by a respoualbt bank fm? aa amount equal ta 10 per peat of the aggregate proposal. -1 . The right to reject say aad D bid M hereby reserved. By order af the Kveenrtv rVwrd. .. I V ,., , . i THOH. C. DKVLI. Aadltor of the City of PortlaaaL , .Jgtlta4, tea. AscU i, lotlft, - . '. PEOPOSEDi ASSrSSaTTTfT v P0E IsfP0T- IfXsTT OP 00EBETT STBXET (PTIX). Netlr la hereby' given that tna Auditor of the -City of Portland has prepared a proposed Bsesasnient for the lmpr.iTem.ul of Cornrtt street trim 31.4 feat south of the aontk lias o i-enuoyrr atreet- to llo feat aorth f the north Una of Peauoyer atreet and baa aecer- a a'm it apportionment . v vi us impmvrmrat in acrordauco with loe Blleclsl and ueeulUe hMuili. alwl k. each parrel of land and tot or part- thereof within the aaaeaemrnt district, and hen arv imrlliuied tba oust fur s4d Improvement la e auuunu set oprMlte each tiercel ot lead asdtot or part thereof as ii guar of such prepoeed aaaeaeuaent. Any obJrcUbBs to the apportionment af eoat fo said liaprorement must be made la writing SH.,. Council and Bird with the Audit. wllhla 16 dsya from tbe date of tba 8rat pub U..U?" J' 91'" c sad paid objrctlona will lie heard aad determined by the Council H-fure the passage of lbs erdluanca assessing the met of aald Improvement. - . POBTLANIV-BLOCK H. tot 1. Henry Weln . hVdi ,4 Hw7 "'.Inhard; $1.60; w A "j". w'rd. $1.6o; tot 4. Henry !ci?h.rd J096' Welnhard. i t, : ,v Hvur Welnhard. lAO; lot 7. iL'Jf , 6U "t 8. llsnry Weln, l bard. $1.60. BLOCK 106. Mmlth a Witana troB..Work. 84 60- BLOCK 107. tot 1. Smith A Wataoa Iron Wnek. .50: tot X Smith Watson Iron Werke. Wstsoa Iron Works, Wataoa- Iron Works, Watson Iron Work. 1.60; tot 8, Smith 160; tot 4. Smith 1.60; -tot 6, Smith I.60; tot 6. Hmith Wauion Iron Works; $1.6o; kit 7, Smith Wataoa Iron Works, $1.50;. tot 8. Smith waV??" ,rn Worka, 8I.6U. BLOCK 120. ' -, viKvn 1 omiianr. si. mi. Kt 1 t r,.a i-.or. .iki; lot a. orecon Oamoknv. an n $1,601 tot 4, Oregon Con 4, Oregon Comnanv. 1 So: 6. '.. 1!!'' "wetrom, $1.60; north af tot ovpnaa nail, o.TO; sonth. M of tot , 'JirJwB.,,"?l. 0 T5: " WJlllaras, t fii6 l?l ''. 81 60. BLOck i?Va"0,,J,.?,'J8t ' Parker. wtfc 20 feet of weet 20 feet of tot 8. Surl? M. Parker, $0.10; eaat 30 feet of f fret of tot 1. Bet-kie Gordon, $l.4r; "Vlt?H i5 "" eet of tot 2, Heckle tmrdon, $0.45; -east 40 feet of lot 1, A. Baomgardner. $0.90; north 19 feet of east "iL.t. " Bsumgardner. $0.36; - tS. k ht0? " "rtn feet at tot, 4V slsrla V '-": oth 30 feet of ktlx Maria lteke, 80.90; tot S, Marie Daka. $0.86; . lot :$0.9; north 80 feet ef west 80 feet of tot ; L.mT, ''J1"'. 80.60J weet 90 feet of SL' ""J & MeGltwu, $1.20; north 20 f ot 20 feet of tot 7. Socle M. it Si- V J0'. 5 tT" WBwn- Traatae, ' JI M; lot 8, , John CUytoa, $1.50: tot a. , Havlnga Loan Society, $1,497 .' . -VL'l"1"?. trft.,t '"O between tna ! I'ne ot block lo. Car n there' addl- tloa te Portland, aad a Una 100 feet west ParaUel wltk the- west Una af Birst street, Joha Clayton. $1.45. - . ftJ?"f t i .lya eoatberly IL""'. bUKk ,iBJ. Portland,, and the Una of block 10. Carnthera- addltlaa . Portland, and between the aaat Una of . Hecond atreet and a Una 100 feet eaat af aad ' I?rlilr,V.lhwrw""'.. ."""W Loaa Society of Han, Pranclsco. $1.28. POoBJi'jNWr-J,UH,C lzs- M i Savlnga Loan f !tork,,ir s '"""Cisco. $1.50; tot 6, h.t ' Sf ? ""'fc '. " e-rsncUco, $1.6o; Cia V,m,.. W-50- BLOCK 123. A. Wevlln. $1.60; tot S. Jobs A. Devlin $1.60; tot a. trmaa Snvlngs Loaa fi;?" toi L60; "ta; 7, Orvin Kelkig, $1.66; lot 8. Ida H. clear $1.60. BLIRhf isa, o tiTlA. lSdd .KBUU, Helra of. $1.60; tot 3, George H, N ef731JS: a.-,aT.".-'i".J5"wi.."?, Kst.ta. Heirs of, $lb; norwb lo feet of tot . O. n. Si ai. west 90 feet of tot T. C. C. Newcastle. $1 m,' ".'"l. ?! lot V Jr A. Dodd Esute: V ; " 1 u , east id iret oi lot a. Lacy toi IfWni',e- U" 5'- "' BLOCK w7 V a1, 'Oft'" A. Ktoatermaa. $1.60: lot iheir.''u i Kt:, $1.6o;.lot 2. ' ii.. ; , . , ""'a", vi no; ant a, 4osrpn ? iiy oMv "I Vom" Splllman, -$l.5o; 'tf L v S"'l60i oaU W3-8 feet feet of lot 7 Mary K. Arbuckla, $0.96; ,ot .'.J,"r Arbncklt, $1.60. AU of ZriJ.00 - Lk:K 138 evcept iortk , 60 feet, Argnmento Thurlow, $2.46: all of of block 138 isZil Tnortk W fret ..Josephine SulUvan. $1.86; north 80 , feet of west 100 feet ot' block 1387Hattie Goldsmith. $0.90. BLOCK ; 38. m 80 r" 0 fee, of wt 10O feet of btork,- Ltasle A. Blcbardr, $0.60; aortk 60 feet af east 100 feet af block Osrsr Wlhmm, $10. BlflCK 139 tot L p.teTV. vJ?"a- VJ6' J"1 Msna, $1 .60 lot 3, Peter J. Msnn, $1.60; lot 14, Mary 7 Rohlnaou Batata, Helra - of. $0.1017 tot 5. , Mjry KohlusorT Eatate. Hrtte oft $1.0o7 t itn i?. WA-.;D.HIB U" Currant , J, Peter I. ilann. $tM. BLOCK 140. lot , 1. B. h. Mendennall rtate. Helra of, $1.60; f .Lonia P. Chemln Baute. Heirs of ! lMi,Z!i.-LjA?1.T'.cmta Ett. Heir ;,'. T ' Aap"" p- cnemln Estate. Heir, of, $1.50; to fT Benton Klllcb, $L6o1 tot 4, H. B, Burnbsm. $1S0: tot 7. J. M BiVk'st Vaf! J". -' WVtU $1.65: lot 2. Michael J. GeUt. $1.60, lot 8. Chsrlei f ,P.'riyV,ke0ik.t v,,OM" iobnetona. .Van. 2L?L ""'I0 " "bt $1.80; south 4$ feat of lot I, O. K Smith ' K .T. "I"1. V 46: north 2 feet of r saary rranrui riuriey, BO. (XI: south 86 feet .of tot f. Mary Prancl. HurleV. $lTo; J"' J lot T. Annie B. Ha'klna J,5- John Sedtok. $1.60; tot 1 Kmma ; ft" im8rt2?0?a V iS . 'b Merer. IV. K! hrt. J,Kvh blkyer. $1.60; tot 6. ' WlllUm laessee $1.60; tot 6, ' Wllllsm f;. ,!;; lot t. Daniel and Catherine Kelly, $1.60; lot 8, Henry Miller. $1.60. BLOCK 168 tot. 1 J. W and V. tiig $1.60;, tot 4. J. W. and Cook,. $1.60 W 8. y, and V. cook. $1.60; ' tot J. W. aad T. Cook, $1.60; tot 6. J. W. and V. Cook. 41.50; lot 6, J. W. and Cook, , $1.60; tot 7, I. W. and V. Cook, $1.50; tot 8, J. W. and V. Cook; 81.60. BLOCK , 156, east H of totM. William Koehlrr, $0.76; west Vs of tot 1. Herman J. BUeelng, $0.76; tot S. Mary Loalaa Mnllbauf estate, tleirs of. $1.60: tot 3, Mary Louise Multbaaf Katate, Helra of. $4.60: lot 4 Mary Can. $1.60; tot . Morrla Wise, $l.60i tot 6. Thereaa IL Tost, $1.60: tot 7. Jacob WoM , fer. 81.60: east 28 feet of lot a. Joha L. - George. 40.40: weet 7ft feet of tot 8, Ho ma A . catholic ArcbOksnop ot tbe inorsee ot Ora- goa. $1.10. . A trlaagular tract of land lying between the 'south Una af block 166, Portland, the ' north line of block 21. Carnthera' Addition , to Portland, and the east Una of Plfth atraet. ' Maurice Pi Hmdre. $1.95. PORTLAND BlM:K 167. tot 1. Joha Ttobarher, 5t.46: tot 2 Joha Brlsarber, 80.20; lot 6. nsepa Jarobtierger, 80,06 ; tot T. Joseph Jaeobherger. $1.15; tot 8. Bridget - Llllla, $1.60. BLOCK 168. tot 1, A. Shaltnck, $1.60; tot 2. Philip Neat, $1.60; tot 8 Dan iel and Catherine Kelly'. $1.60; lot 4, Daniel aad Catbertn KeUv. $1.60; tot 6, Daniel Pslglelsb Kststs, Helm nf, $1.80; tot 6. Dsnlel and ttherin Kelly, $1.60; eaat 26 feet of tot 7. Cora A. Ponnay, $0.40; eaat 26 feet of tot A Cera A. Poena v, $0.36; west - 75 feet of tot TV Joseph N. Dolph Estate, Helra nf, $1.10; west T5 feet of tot 8, Joaeph N. Dolpb Katate, Helra Sif, $1.15. "BUM:K 1B4 east 73 feet ot north Jo feet of tot 1. Aiigsatns J. Kattoo, $0.66; west 28 fast ot lot 1, Barah K. Paguet, $0.40; west 28 1 feet ef north 20 feet of tot 2. Sarah E. Paguet. $0.15; south 10 feet ef eaat 72 feet of tot 1. J. B. Simpeow, Jr., $0.20; north 10 feet of east TS feet of lot 2. J. B. Simpson, Jr., $0.46; south 80 feet of tot X Abraham Roaenateln. $0.90; tot 8, Otta Boemlrke, $1.60; tot 4, lUttle K Martin, . $1.60; lot S, Me Mass M. Slferd. tl.60; tot 6. Msry A. Thompson,' $1.60; 7. James W. Braky, $1.60; west SO feet of tot S. Jewlsk Church, 30.90: east 40 feet nf tot 8. fonsreratton Noah Eadeck Torah. I 80.80. BIXK'K 160, tot 1. School Irlatrlct L-Ka. 3. $L6t Jot. J.X- School District No. J , 1. $1.60; lot 3. SchooTlilatrlct T!o. I, $1.50; north gg feet or ot a, ocnooi uiatnri no. l, $0.66; south 28 feet of tot 4, Joseph Apfel, $0.86: tot 6. School District No. 1, $1.60; bit 6, School District NO. 1, $1.60; tot T. School Dlatrirt No. 1, $1.60: tot 8, School . District No. 1, $1.60., BU1CK 191, tot 1. W, P. Dwyert Estate, Heirs of. $1.60; tot S. Anna and PbUllnpl Chaperon, $1.60; north Ml feet ot tot 8, Samuel Itoehl. $0.90; anuth -aVffrl af M -Sr- Msrta 1cCnltough, $0.60; tot 4 -T MrCnltoorh, $1.60; tot 6. William Isrnnee. $M0; tot 6. William I sense, 31.60; north 80 fVt af tot 7, C. U Howe, 80.90; . anuth 20 fort nf tot T, W. P. Dwyer Kautn, . Heirs, af, $o60 lot 6. W, P. Dwyer Katate. Heirs of. $1.60. BIK-K 192. tot 1, Wll- ; Ham and Knalna fielger, $1.60; tot 2,-WII. Hani and Roalna Oeiger. $1.60: tot 3, Krlch) - Neswa. $1.60: lot 4. NIU Eklund, $l.6o; ' west H of lot 6, Lucy Deogbertg, $0.78; east ta of tot 5. Anna Semler. $o,76; south Ji of tot 6. Leoa Seanler, 80.76; north 4 of tot, 6. Margie W l.lllle. 30.7S: tot T, Marl McCalkmgb. $160; tot S. Msrla Mc ttilloogh. $1.60. BIOCK -193, tot L James Wilsnu, $1.69; lot 2, James Wllaoa, $1.60; .tot 8, Emll Johnson. $; tot 4, WlllUm . Maetera Batata, Heirs of. $1.66; west 66 feet of tot 6, Frank I. Weber. $1.00: rest 84 feat of lot 6, Joseph N. Dolph Bstste, i. Heirs -of . $0.80; tot 6. Joseph N. . Dolph Katate, Helra of, $1.60; tot 7, W. T. Sctoill i.atate, Hetre f. $1.60: tot 9. W. T. Br bolt totals. Hew of. 81.69. BLOCK 104. eaat 46 feet of tot I. A. J. Parmer. $0.66: aorth 44 fee ef seat 46 feet af tot 2, A. J. Parmer, gn.aot- west 68 feet of lot 1, Pred Pellar, 30. HO; north 44 feet nf west 86 feet of tot 2. Kreda Heller. $0.76: anuth feet of lot 2. Northern Count lea Inveatmrnt A Treat Cum Bsiiy, LUL, f(Uli tot a. HafUaCra CotLatlral I i. ij : 5 --f ........ l. . . . Investment at Trust Company. Ltd., $140; tot 4. Northern Counties luveatmnit A Truat I'omoaar l.lri .10 1A: all of tot 5 ekcrot north 17.2 feet, fcuitly Becker, $0.66; north 11.2 leer of lot 9, rredericg nrnoausr, t rosier, 80.6O: anuth 10, feet .if tot 6. Prederlck ' Neubauer, Trustee, $0.30; north 40 feet of : bit , J. B. Hiemmons. $1.20; aaat 4 of lot . I. Annie Hobtusea. $).75;, seat H of tot b. Annie Kotiiueuo. $0..1; west M ot tot T, " Beiijamlu Pnllay, $u,76; west 4j of ; tot 8. Hrujamiu I'alla.r. $o.7&. ,-. CAUL ill It KS- AUDITION ta Portland BLOCK 1. tot 1. Thomas- Uuluean, 31.00: lot a, ' ThOBiss Uolrean. 31.60: kit X John Canmlwll. " $1.6; tot 4. John Cawpbeli, l not et 6. , William IMwuck. l 00;. tot . William uroucK. , fl.atr; tot 7. Mary K. Wilson. $1.90; tot 8. llarr -K. Wilson. $1.60. BLOCK 2. tot 1, v Kalsm River Boom Compsuy, $1.80; north , of . lot 2, Charles Wsltsr. $o.N0; south . 4 w KK a. d. ruurrion, au.eiii mt s, ; Kslams River Boom Company, $1.60; tot 4, Thomaa Mana, $1.60: tot 8, Tboma Maan, , $1.40 tot 4, . Thomas Mann. $1.6u; bit 7. ' Thomas Maan. 81.60: tot 8. Kalama Klver - Boom Coniiany. $1.60. BLOCK 8. tot 1. i uotlney tiiisan Ksute, Helra or, ai.oo: wt 3. Budney UUaaa Batata, Heirs of, 81.6)1; tot 8, ttloey Uliaaa Batste. Uelra of, $1.60: tot 4, Esther Seastsky, $1.60; tot 6, Albert llnher, $1.60; tot 6. U Outhouse Cottol, f $l.o; tot 7, CuUata M. Pre err, $1.60; tot ; 8. Villain M. Prases. 81.60. BLOCK 4. lot ; 1. Cbarlre L. Parker, $1.60; - tot 2 Charlea I..' rarker,; lot 3, John- Lack el et al.. $1.60; tot 4. Juhn LarKel t al., $1.6i: tot A. B. W later Morrla, $1.80; tot 4. William r A. uroomea. II. 00; lot I, Bsrsh J. Plans. : berry. $1.60: tot 8. Thomaa Guinaaa. 31. an. BLOCK 8. aaat 100 feet of tot 1. Maria Baker. $1.60; weet 6 6 feet of tot 1. WUIIam Meluarr, $0.10; west 4.3 feet of tot 2. Wll '. Ham Pleldner. $0.19; went 6.8 feet of tot 3. 1 William Pleldnee. $0.10: east 106 feet of . lot 2, J. W, Baker. $1.60: eaat 100 feet of .lot a. . Ferry G. Bsker BHtate, Helra or, ,$1.6(1: tot a.'- William Pteldnrr, $l.c: , tot 6. WlllUm Pleldner. $1.60: lot , William Pleldner, $1.00; tot 7. Wllllsm Pkddner. 41.00; lot 8. WlllUm-1 PtoiilneT. $1.99. HUM'K 6. tot 1. John Perrrl' gl ant but 2. Iielphin Whalen, $1.00; tot 3. Rebecca Horb-.-.'febi. $160: tot 4. William Pleldner, $1.60; - e-'i u, vt uuaDB1 riviuner, si. 011; rot a, tairas C'ltaca, i 00; nit 7 . uydia li. Taylor, fi.eo; t a. Lydla H. Tavlue. BLOCK f. tot 1. Clara Oolustaia, $1.00; tot 2,- Alice . j. xsyior. stw; wast BU I ret 01 hit a, Peter Taylor, $0.40; , eaat 90 feet of tot 8. irvmg w. rratt, 31.2UI lot 4, Peter Taylor, $1.6; east 6H feet ot tot 6. Peter Terror. 30.10: east 614 feet of lot . Peter Tavlor. $0.101 ; west luO feet of kit $. Canadian American Mortgage Trust Company, Ltd.. , $1.60; west 100 feat of tot 6. Alfred J. Parmer. $1.60: tot -a. J. W. Hickman. $1.60. ' A 1 tract - af land bounded mA a scribed aa follows: Commencing at a point In the eaat Hue of Second atreet, aald point lieleg 60 feat anuth af tba Intersection of the soulk line ef Sbermaa street wltk tka aaat . Use of Secoad atreet; theaea anuth along the , east Une of Second' atreet to a point luo feet anuth ef ths south Una of Shermaa atreet; tbenra eaat 71.71 feet along a Una 100 feet eoutk of and parallel with the south ller of Sherman street' thence north feet a lour a- Una 71.71' fret aaat of aid parallel with the eaat tine of Second atreet thence aorth 64 degrees 3d minutes wast 16 6 feet; thence west 6 fart along a Una 66 feet aoutb of end parallel with the south line af Bkerasaa atreet; thence north 18 feet along a line 63.01 feet east ot and parallel with aw wi unv i imvai atreet: inenca went along a line 60 feet smith of and parallel wltk tba aoatk Una of Bberaan atr. , ,L . place of -beginning. W. Hick ma a, $0 06. A ..tract of land bounded and described aa follows loara rafuaumlna mt K M.i to Portland; tkeoce south along thi Twist line ot .tou I sad 2. block T?"- Csrathw addition to Portland, to a point loofeet Bonta at soutn use oc Merman atreet: theses , i I a I e. I. - ,i - u..w .. -B a- naa TW rail snsrs of aad parallel wltk tbe south line of bher. anaai atiwrt- llutu. u.l. i iTll . Otter- Una 71.71 fast east et and paralleliflra ast line af SairoBd wtrf.kliZ. the east degreea 36 minutes west 16.8 feet: then), it 6 feat a lour ilhau las -T.i. ISl aet of and parallel wlta tbe esst line of ZrZ 'tTt. if "f ttloB with hi anuth Una of Sbermaa street: thenea east . atong tba aoatk Una of ghermarTtreet to place of beginning, Walter S. Huffnrd II an CbUTHKHS' ADDITION u PortUad-BLOCK 2; ' . Rodney GUsaa Enute. HetaTot tl' "" :. Heirs KT1? ii-T " Charles vf. oottel. him tot J""- Helra of, $1 So! S! S0?"' Olhtaai Kaute, Helra af, $l.60: to2 SsJh 1' J."'.!.-'-' 8tM7. 81.60; 2 ? ,Br"B SUnaberry, $1.60: tot 3. Sarah J. Sunaherrv. ai ,i. i. . t "Ti'.o1,90' ". Sara. jTtanal ton. Si no: rf' im.:.-- a a.u v . tot a. cbw -r W to,"?: . Joseph ShankT sTtK ''. "j JI f- ; Martha A. Cooledge $1.13 West SB 3 fee rl J tot 8 Haakell BrowaT 80 46; west Sl Otto Rothehild. 81.60. BLOCK li C 7 tot'AT- WYl.$0; TV ., a r zzim ."f"'.- , eo- BLOCK l:!'. ." af lot L William Bailie. - C'V I-".. r"t II 43 feet of of feet nSrV '"t ot tot "s! ' feet TUS w.6 feet of tot 2, Louis JX.' He no. $0.80; tw.o teat af tot 1. Co Idle 2ji rtk 85 fen of eaai ik.s tilt . iL.& L .ALal; B,r11- J0: west 43 " win w lest ot lot i Bomaa t'srho , lie Arenbrsbop af the Dloora. Origlnt : ArbUhop of the Dlocree of Oregea, $0.63; north 49 fret of eaat 63.3 fast of tot 1 WlllUm Ballnv 10.98 ; . mil B Wfet of -i iiri oi lot -a, Lusa p. Bean, $9.45; . east 43.8' feet af south un aTJx.T "fV," 5?U,oJl'..Arc.1,bll0,o9 b IHocrae J K-?Tmi f0-?' " ' Catbolle Archbishop af the IMoeese of Ore so. $l.6o; tot S. Bomaa Catholic Arehhiivn e k. J?.. Oregon, $ 1 - 80 ; tot 6. Bomaa Catbo l,,eArrt,b"0' Diocese of Orecoa. '"i-tot T, Roman Catbolle Arrbblabop of tba Dtoreao of Oregon. $1.60; wast 9.4 feet ., o aaai os leri ot eoota 11 reel of lot 8. .Roman Catbolle Archbishop of the Diocese of Oregon, $0.06; went 74.5 feet of south ' i 1 2f tot 8. Bomaa Catbolle Arrhbrabop ! of tbe Diocese of Oregon. 80.26; esst 23.96 IT' of William BaUla, $0.36; west 82.54 feet ef north 89 feat of lot 8. Jennie Belcher. $0.96. BLOCK 14. tot 7. Pratt u. .Lu.., put a. A-rstc - wnitcomo. $L60; tot 8, Pratt Wbltrornb. $1.60; tot 4. Isaae IIamm. 61.80: south XL or w' a Wllllsm li. flrenfeU. 80.80; eaat 20 3 feet or nor to n n ra D, WUIIam H. tlrenfell, M.20; west 80 feet of north of lot 6. Htepbm Prledeaux. 80.60; - lot 6. Anthony - P. Carroll. $1.60: tot T, Anthony P. CarrotC $1.60: tot 8. Ella L. Woodward, - $1.60. BLOCK 16. lot I. George Tgford, $1.60; : tot 2. George Istagford, $1.60; tot 8, Parker P. Marry, fl.90: lot 4, Darby 0. 7001. 81.60; tot , Tuomasin P. Scott, $1.60; tot 6, Tbomaslna P. Scott. $1.60: ' tot 7, Mand fl. Hudson. $1.60; tot 8. Mand fl. Hudson, $1.00. BLOCK 16, tot 1, Harriet M. Plamaa, $1.90: tot 2, Harriet U. Pieman. $10; tot 8. Joha B. lata. $1.60; lot 4, B. jr. Pratt, 61.60; tot 5. Wlllry a Allen, $1.60; lot S. Morera Barde, $1.60; east 14 WJ. Charlea U Parker, WW; eaat H . of tot 8, Charlea L. Parker. $0.80; weat 2 -of tot f. Kllsor-O. Hare. 80.897-weat M 3 tot 8, Elinor 0. Hare. $0.60. BLOCK 17, .. tot 1, Mary D. L. Barn hart, $1.60; tot 2. ! Mary D. La Barn hart, 31.60; eaat 100 feet ' ",..kl ?' 9"rl -. Prket. $1.60: west ,688 feet nf south 1 H of tot 8, Mary E. . A r buckle, $0.05; west $.62 feet af aorth 14 of tot 2, Benaoa B. Arburkle. $0.06; east 106 feet ef -tot 4. Wnilem B. Pnffer $1.60; ; west 9 52 feet af tot 4, Mary B. Emltb, $0.10: tot aV Mary By Smith,- $l.60- eonth la, nf tot 6. Mary E. Arbuckla, $0.80; north '.of tot 6, BrnsoB B. Arburkle. $0.90; tot T, . Joha, J. and Annie U Pahle, $1.60; lot ft, . J An J. and Annie L. Pahle. $1.60. . BLOCK 18, tot 1. German Saving Ia Society. $1.60; tot S. Beth L. Pope. $1.60; tot 8, Charles Bv Parker, $1.60; tot 4. Charlea JT. Parker. $1.80; weat 60 feet of tot 9. BahmelT. $0.75: east 56.8 feet of lot 6. Joha Barney. $0.86; tot Be ; Selling, Trosten, $1.60; west H of lot 7, John Georg .Seed. $0.80; eonth t fret of , weat H of tot 8, - John George Seed. $0.06; , north 48 feet of west V, af tot 8,. Msry Seed, $0.75; esst H of tot 7. WlllUm H. and Prederlrk J. Joyce. $0.80; eaat I of tot 8, William 71. and iTcderlrk J. Joyce. $0.80, ,( JtUK'K 19 lot 1, PreoVrlck D. Mstthewa. $1.60: tot 2, Predrrlt It. Matthews. $1.80: bit 8. Edgar Popnlreap,; tot 4... Ma-r Poppletnn, $1.60: tot 6. Minnie Varjrlg. $1.60; south S3 141 feet of tot 6, Christian Keller. . $ l.lri; north 16 2$ feet of lot 6, Daniel and Catherine. Kelly, $0 66; tot 7. Daniel end , Catherine keUy, $1 60; tot 8. flrsnam fllaaa Pstatn, lirlrs f. $1.60. BLOCK 90. tot 1. , Peter J. Mana. $tv60r tot 2. Graham olaaa 4 Estate, Heirs of, $1.60; tot 3, (irehem tilaaa , Katate. Heir of, $1.60; tot 4. James) J. At- , lard, $101. tot 6. P.IJft D Srsrhrlst. $1 On; ..tot Or W. C. AUuuu. $i.60; tot 7. Jalui W. ii'ii" 7"T.,.a , nsran j. BtaJatkerry. Lti iur.J,TR,urfB i Unrry$lTr in T.V1V.'' StkMberry. $1.60. BLOCK 10, tot 1. Marry fcw JDuffy, $1.60; tot 2. K. J. Hvland. it no- t Zi.Il T Currao, $1.60; tot 6, Peter J. l'n, riui Ti via' linitiloN -TO'CAfctT V ADDITION ta tbe -City of Portland b.i..iv 21. lot 1, Anthony P. Carroll. $1.60; tot a. Aulhony P. Carrglli $10; tot 8, Ma'jf ' Ureniun. $1.60; tot 4, Isaac Ofuer, $14- - tot a, Emn:a Branch. i.wi; an 1, mm filet, $1.60: tot T, Joha B. Price Esute. Heirs of. $1 60; lot 8, lamia J. Oeiitner, SI.00. , BLOCK 22. tot 1.. Wllllsm J. Hawkins. 140; tot 2. WllUsm -r.-llaklns $l.o: it .1 Henrietta c. Mlnahsimnr. $1.60; north i 1. kf Bu, Ta 1- nl !nl a. Hnrmia mns4ar. 11.361 weat 31 feet of tot 4. August J. Harm. $0.45: aoutb Vi f eaat m test ei , mt , tiavia .iiaigiiewn aaata.. ' aiiKn. 1... a a akilomos. 8I.6O: tot 6, 'NsOiaa itoto'nton, $1.60: east H of tot T. H. W. Dsvis Katata, Helra af. $0.60: aaat . H of tot 8, H. W. tiavia Utate. .Iteira 1 , $0.00; weat af tot T. Melissa, M. S ferd. $0 o; weet U ot tot S, Melissa kL Slferd, an, , uutr-if es b.i 1. Bvs Mtemmer. $1.60; tot 2, P.v Mtemmer. $1.60; lot 8. Adolph W. Puldrrmans. $1.60; tot 4. Adulpk W. PoMormann, $1.60; tot 5, Kate Strode Bd Mosius Wleaand Kstst. Hairs of, $1.60; kit 6. tieorg W. Carpeutet, $1.6u; south' H if tot T. Hrhlll Brewing Company, Trustee, $0.80; aorth H ef lot I, Phillips aad Aaaa ' Chaperon, 80.60; tot 8. PhllUps and Ann Chaperon, BIXiCK 34, mt ,. aadrt (i?Lony. I.o: tot1 J. Job t . Hf; ai aw,. a a ... K. Mrera. $1.60 tot 4. Aana B. Myers. $1.90; tot $, ktogea 4 aud Ellas Perlot. 31.60; south H of tot 6, icurena and Elian Perlot. 89.60; aorth H of ; hrt 6, Wllllsm aad Andrew Prlbarg, $01; i tot , Wlllliut aud Andrew. Prlberg., $1.60; ; lot a Johu'DAaner Estate. -Heirs of, 8L60. BLOCK 24. tot 1. Catherine Ptee, $1.60; ' north W of tot 2. WlUlem B. Jolly, $0.80; ' south W , of tot 2. CUra Kneorvtoh. $ojp; ; bit 3, tJeorge Jerome Murphy, $160: lot 4. ; lisua I. 8.hrrBer, $I.6o; lot 6. Hanry J. r'Thompsoa Estate,. Helra at, Sl-uvt. tot J. Louisa A. Csrter, $1.60; east K of tot J. i .Thomaa i. Nelson, $0.90; east H .of lot 8, Tnoma J. Nelson, $0.80; west H of tot 7. a IV r.lM. aunii. eat t4 of lot B. A. W. culver, $0.80. BLOCK 2 tot .' Poulks, $l.t; aorth 47.23 '' 2. " Id U. Church. $12B; aooth 2,76 feet of hu t, Eva H. riynn, ";"''' ' ii... at 'is hi a vrrliui B. Wood. 81.86; , east SO feet 'of aontk H of tot 8. Corrlne E. Wood, 80.46; aaat if feet of amwlk 4 -of tot 8. Eva . Plya $0.26: 5 weat li U U.a1; Wf"nl IV l 7w w- , 1 MtAsgkhs.. Vofkwlwn. S0.06; eJit 90 lWt f r v 77" ..: a p Ka. n avv ut m. kt lo, Steptoca vvasjsrrasa. a van, "' . Axel Peterson. $1.36; esst 4 feet vol wij Carl and Betsy carison, sj.oo, -v fret of nortk 20 fret o? tot a. Carl nd a,.... c.i.. an an: west 80 feat ef tot V -h ... Nelson. - $0.T5 north SO feet r weat &o feet of tot 8. Joha P. Nelson. 80.30; south 30 feet ot tot S.IJamle , U. Leonard. 80.86T tot 9. James Bllbrter, $1.86; s.1 I.a k in I. Wlthrcoub. 1 80.90. BLOCK 27. lot 1. John A. Devlin. $L89l tot 2. WlUlam It Leah, 8L60.-. Beginning at tba aouthwast cornar -af tot IT btork 27. V"lbrr' Addition : , thence north 34 feet; thenea west parallel with ' tthermaa atreet 1 foot; tteac oath M feet; i thence eaat 1 foot to beginning, .WlllUm H. Lesb. $0.09. ' " ' , . , Beginning t northwest roroer of tot I, ', ntock 27. Csrutbers' Addition; tkeoce aouth 96 feet; theaea wast 1 foot; theaea Booth . sa-ra. eksiaes west SO feet: thenea aorth ' 84 feet; thenea aaat 1 foot; tbenra nortk 66 feet; tkenca eaat CO feet to brgtunlng. Id ltrglnalng In aooth Una of Sbermaa trert So feet east af north weat comer of block or . nsrathaM' Addition: thence aoutb 66 feet; thenea aaat 28 feet: thence north fret: taruce weet 28 feat to begtanl -Kd. B. Bchloth. 80.39. "-''.'."w Heslunlna nt northwest comer af block 27. Caruthars' Addition; tbenra aouth 106 feet; theaea eaat 69 feet; ueuee awriu os tbenca weet 28 feet; tbeaea norfli parallel wltk With atregt 66 feet -ta aoutb , Sbermaa atreet; tbenra vast la beginning. a, as . winirrro aavawi , , , .,. ,.. CAKIITHERS' ADDITlOnt .TO?"? AUPi nun to use i ay a . --- 27, tot 8, Ada and A. B. Panno, $1.90: tot 4rJoIeph P. Kelly. $160; tot 6 .tral Trust - Is vestment . Compaay. $1.60; lot : 6. t entral Invvstmsat Compaay. $1.60. BLOCK 28,waat SO feet of tot 1. Helen Hatrm. $0.45; west 80 feet of tot 2. Helen Harris, $0.45; east 76 feet of tot 1. Jacob ScJiwlng, 81.13; aorth $ feet of east 76 feet of tot i Jacob Schwlng. $0.10; south 45 fret of esst 78 feet of tot 2. Ilulda Stelnleln, $1.00: tot 8, David Tjg; J gsrt, $160; tot 6. David Taggart, $1.60: tot S. David Taggart, 31.60 tot 6, David Taggart, $1.60; tot T. Henry i. Tkompaon Kaute. Heirs of. $1.60; tot S. B"'l 1. Thompson Katate, Helra et $1.80. BIX1CK - 29, lot 1. Adam and Mary J. CatUa. $1.60; lot 2. PhllUp r. Dwyer. $1.80; tot 2. Cob red Ordemana, $1.60; tot 4, . Ckarto V. Wlotsengrrode. $1.60; lot 6, Patrick 2. Murphy. $1.60; lot . Mary A. Murphy $1.60; let T, Kruno R. fluntber, $1.60: east 40 feet of tot 8, N. A. Schansn, $0.oO; west 66.03 feet of Tat 8. H. W. Ollpuir $10. BLOCK SO, tot 1. John 8, Prsnjis aad Til lie SUrk.. $1.60) tot 2. Adorn Wildman, $L90; tot 8, Vincent Oook. $1.90; tot 4. C. W. Shlvely, $1,601 tot , Aaaa Berrall, $1.60; south 83 1-8 feet of tof 6. A. IMckla- " aoa. $1.06) aorth 16 2-3 feet af tot 6, Kmma lllcklnaon, $0.66; aouth ' 16 2-8 feet of tot 7, Kmma Dlckinaoa, $9.68; Berth 88 1-3 feet of lot T, Thomaa B. Altoa, L05,. tot S. Klcbard D. Jordoa. $1.90. BLOCK 31. tot I, Pred W. Prrha, $1.60; lot 2, Coaaectlrut Ptre loaarsnce Oumpsny, $1.60; .tot 8. . Cou Beetlcut rtr Iasuraac Compaay. $1.60; west 84.02 feet of tot 4, Prank R, Dlcklnsoo, ' $0.60;. sast 72 feet- of tot 4, Joha Gtobiech, - $1.10; tot B, Emmet B. WllUam, $1.90; north H of tot 6. M. C. and M P. Sed tok. $0.80; south W of tot 6, Bertba and , Pred Manlbesteh, $0.80: north 23 feat ot lot T. Ida Nelsou. $0.70; aoatt J7 feet of lot T. Lena Brbultas. $0.90; tot $, Mary - Beutetopacher. $1.60. BLOCK 32, lot 1. City of Portland, $1.40; tot 4. City of PortlaaafUKirjotT 3 .City of Porlland, . $1.60; tot 4. City of lortUnd, $l.r; tot 6, City at PertUml, $1.60) tot 6. City of Port land, ll.OOi lot T. City ef Portland. $1.60; ' lot a. City et Portland, $1.60. BLOCK 33, , eaat 100 feet ef tot 1. Peter O. Carlson. . $1.60; wast 6 feet of tot 1. Alpheu M. llol- wu. iu u , w.av, mm - - . and Mary P. Manning. $0.96; .aouth 20 feet . af tot 2. Mary A. Bell, 80.66; nortk 10 feet ' mt lot 8. Mary A. BelC $0.30: aontk 40 feet of lot 8, Tkareas IL Toat, $1.80; aortk 20 feet - of tot 4. Tnersa it. Jest, so so; anath 30 feet af tot 4, James U MeCowa. ,- $0.95; tot 6, James L. McCowa, $1.90; - -tot 6, Jamea U McCowa, $1.60; west 28 , feet Of , tot T, H. C Eoglebsrt, ; 80.46 ; weat 26 feet of tot 8. H. C Kaglebart, $0.40; ;- east 28 feet of west 66 feet af tot 7. A. . n , BM.aua a.SA; esst 2H feet af west 66 fect-of tot S, 'A. H. stowaisa, SOeuJ west 29 laet or aaat uv tact ei mi i.-oni Llnklatrr, 40-40; - west 28 -fsanWof eaat. 60 feet af tot 8, Jobs Uaklater. $0.46; eaat . 22 feat ef tot T. Alpbeua Halianaugb, $0.39; , tot 8, Alpbena Hulls baugh, $0.36. BLOCK 84. tot 1. Joha Barbey, $1.90; - aortk 41 1-8 feet of tot X EUasbeth M. Masters. 81.89: aoutb S 2-8 feet of tot 2t lasso Oavarta. 80.301 east 102H feet el north $31-8 feet of tot $,' Isaac Oevarta, $1.10; eaat 102 feet af eeutk 162-$ fast nf tot 3. Margaret . Augusta Hrawgins, $0.50: esst 102 Vs feet ot tot 4, Margaret Augusta Scogglna. $10. tract of land sno . ursrrioru follow: CommcnclDg - at the northwest of tot 1. block 04. Carnthera' Ad dition; tbenra weat . an the aooth Una of ; Sherman atreet 61 feet: tbenca south 08.6 ' feet; - tbenca east 61 feet te a point 99 feet aoatk ef Sbermaa atreet: tkeoce- nortk to piece of beglnnlnr. Janiee Taggart. $L60. . A tract of laud bounded, and described aa follows: Commencing 61 feet' west of the northwest corner of tot 1, block l4, faratk- era' Addition, raid point being 167.628 feet west of the west Una ot Sixth atreet; thence , weat eg tba aouth Una of Sbermaa street 67.378 feet; thence aouth 100 feet; thence east 67.375 feet; thence north to pise of beginning, Bruno B. Guntber, $2.00. - A trsct of land bounded and .described a follower Com memo Ing oa tba aouth Una of Sbermaa street 224.4 feet west of the ' west lias of Sixth -atreet; thenra aoutb 190 , feet, narallel whb ..Sixth street; - thence weat 87.286 feet to the east Una of County rued; theaea northwesterly aa the) east Una of County road to the aoutb Mas of Shermaa street 68.716 fact west of place af beginning; tbenca eaat to place of beginning, Aaale ii. Maloney. $1.40. A trsct of land bounded ' gne) nVarTlhad a follow Commencing at tn north line ( of Csrutbers' atreet rr traded 102.816 feat weat of the weat lln of Sixth atreet; tbenca aorth aad parallel wish Sixth street lot . feet; thence westerly 42 fret on the aoatk line of Taggart' paf-el af land alma ted In btork 84.. Caruth I e' Addition; t bancs southerly 109.23 feet lie the aorth lino af Csrsthers street 13 4(eet west ef plar of brrtunlngr thence seat t piece et begin . ning. K. L. IMion, $0.90. ... A tract of land bounded and 6 ascribed -follows: " Commencing oa the north lln of , Caruther atreet 117.91 feet west af the west - lln -of Sixth atreet; tbruce aorth ', westerly ,109.22 feat to a point 100 feet - anath of Sherman street and 180.71 feet weet et the west Una ot Sixth street theaea east 35.7 feet -to Ua southeast fori , per of B. B. '. Cnntber'9 parrel of laud: , thence north 1.4 feet to the south Una of Taggsrt'a parcel of land; thence ef 10.6 . feet thence eootbeasterty 109.22 feet lo place , of beginning, Christian Wobilffer, 1 $0 33. 4 ' . ' ; , A tract of laed booaded aad deeerlhed a follnava:' Commencing oa the aorth lln of I Srnthers street 117.91 feet west of tbe weat lln of Sixth street', tbenra north- ; weaterly 106.22 feet to a point 180.71 fet Wrst of ths, west line of Sixth street aud Ion feet south of the south Une of Sbermsn street tbenra weat parallel with the snath line iit Hhermsn street 39.46 feet; tnenr snutHesetrrly 100.23 feet to" the north line of 4 smthers atreet If attended no. A feet welt of plsre ef pefflnnlng; thenre eeet te ptoe of beginning, llenrv Hlnahelmer. $1.16. - A trsct -of land hounded and described aa follows: Commenrlng on The- aorth' Ha of .Urtltal lUN, u a,Unded U4.34 taot af a -- l'-s rt f .-"h ' are a.ueau. i .? fr to I ',. i ,1.14 frrt wnl ti.a west liUe of b.a.a ' atrrrt and loo fret eoath of the eoe-h hne of hhermsn street; In race west 87.1 4 feet psrsiurt with toe sou lias of Bnesmaa street lo the eaat Hue ef County nosd; them'C southessteriy Kiug'tb east Use ot County road 109 feet to tka aorth line et Carutkcte treat If extended an 43.94 ' feet weet of Blare ot brouini Umbos oast to putc pf beginning, lautnss B. liulme. $l.4o. . ' A tract of land bounded aud diurrlbed ' fiJknwa! rnmanenciaiar at inteTCecticm of tbi eonth .tin ot Caruthers atraet and th ' weat llae of Sixth street; tbsnca sou in ou the west line of bMith atreet irni ieei; 'thenra west loo feet; thenra north 100 feet; t lieuce eaat ta plac of brguubbg, J. Hvnry su.i,.i a.t An i y A tract of land bounded and deaerlbed ' follow: .Commencing ua the west Una uf 1 Sixth atreet loo feet south of ths aouth Una af Caruther atreet; thence aouth oa , tba wrst Una of With street 69 feet; thenra weat 109 feet; thenea north 50 feet: thenea : east luo feet to lace af beginning, parrnno ' lioger. $1.60. A tract of toad Bounded and deacrined followa:- tXiwmrndug en - tbe west line ot Sixth atreet 2:w feet aouth U tba aoutb lira of Carutbsra atreet ; thence aottb 39 fret; thence east 45 feet; . theaea asuth ' 46 ' feet; tbenca weat ' 199.S feet to ibe ' east Una af Pattoa road; thanes northeasterly on the eaat Uue of Pattoa road to. a point - IiM feet south af the aouth line at Cs rutbers street; thane east 77 6 feet; thence aouth TO feet; tbeaea eaat 1U3 feet to be. , ginning. Mutual Saving Bak at Baa tran : Cisco, $3.00. . '. .1 . , A tract of lend bounded aad deaerlbad a follow: Oouiaienrtag on tba aouth line - at Caruther itreet 100 feat weat of the ' weet line of Sixth atreet; tbenca aorth' 89 -feet. aad parallel With toe west line oi 'Sixth street; tbenra west aw fast; thenea aouth 9 feet; tbeaea weat 40 feet; thence ' eouthraaterly 78 feel and paralltl with tb t Una af County road and 80 feet distant there from; thence west 30 feet to a point . la- the eeat Une of County road, aald point being 209.82 feet west af the weat Una of - Blxth atreet and 43.27 tret aouth of - tb ' south lln of Caruther itreet; thenea aontb . eaaterly on tb east Una of County road to a point lflOa feet asuth af the aoath line -of Csrutbers atreet end 117.6 fort weat of the . weat Use of Blxth atreet; toeuce anst T7.6 feet; tbenca north 1W feet to begln- 'rau.M. a rvwl. M il 1 A tract ef land bounded and vleeerlbed a -follow: Commencing ea the renter Una of Carathera atreet exteaded 2u0 feet west of the weat Una af Blxth atreet; theaea aouth eaaterly aad parallel with tba east lln; ; of ttotuty road 76 feet; thence weat 30 iy rat t a point wnicn la area of the wast Una af Sixth atreet and 43.27 feet anuth . of the Baulk Una-et Car there tract; theaea northwesterly on the east Una - et County road 90 feet; tbenca east 30 toet; tbenca eoutk eaaterly and parallel with . County . road 14 feet ta place of jMglnnuig, ' Jsmea Oaddark. 80.60. ' - CAKUTH KBSf, ADDITION te Port la ad BLOCK 86, wast 81 tee at Mt l. tvertna aa, aviug, ' $a5; west $1 feet of toff.' Berths L. KUig. 80.46; east 88 feet of tot 1, Sophia C. Knsppke, $040: eaat 88 feet of tot 2, Sophia C. Knsppke, -$0.6o; west 33 feet of aaat 71 feet of lot 1, Miunle C. Wkllcotnk, $0.50; "wast 33 feet of eeat Tl feat ef tot 2, Miunle C. Wbltcomb. $6.60: west H of tot 8. Eu genia H. Taggart, $6.80; wast H of tot 4. kugania H. Taggart, $0.80v t M, of tot 2, A. K. and Ads B. Panno, $0.80; east Ml of tot 4, A- K. aad Ada B. Paana. $0.90. AH of block SH. Csmthrif' . Addlttoa to Caruther' Addlttoa to Portland lying be ' tween -a Una 102 feet "west- af tbeWest ' Ha of btork S3 aad Caru there', AdtUtloa ta - Carathers' AddlUoa to Portland, the weat line of Oouaty mad and betweea the sonlh , Una af Graat itreet and tba wist Ua of . Sherman street, D. B. Kelly. $1.40. ' T All of btork 8. Cars I hera Addition t . Caratbara' Addition to I'ortlaad, lying west of the west Una of the County read, Magdetoa P. Miller aad Maria A. t. anther, ' $9.70. , - - ;. ' A tract of ton bounded sad eescrtbed aa follow: Commencing at a point la ' the rth Ua of Lines In "street 20U feet .west the northeaat corner af btork 87. Ca , rath era' Addition to Caruthera' Addition to tba City of Portland; thrace weat 48.T feat: . thence south 7 degree 28 mraatea weat 44.$ fret; thence aouth 27 degree IB minute eaat to a point 106 feat sooth of tbe Booth Una of Lincoln atreet; thence aaat 2U0 feet -to a point 200 fart west sf the west Une ef Seventh atreet: tbenra .north 106 feet to . place af beginning. Maria A. Uupther. $0.90. A tract of toad bounded and deerrlbed ps I follows: Oomanrortng nt a point lu the West - Una of Sixth street 160 feet Booth of the eoutk Une of Carnthera street; thence nmitk SO feet; thence weat 102 feet; thenea north erly 70 feat; thrace eaaterly S feet; thenra . northerly 10 feet; tbeaea easterly 100 feet . to place of beginning. Ellas Beth B. Plnaa ... ai an. CARITHEKrP ADDITION TO CAmCTHERS ADDITION to the dtp at rartiaari biaicb. '87i tot lr Heartotta Bayer. $1.60; tot 2. Henrietta Bayer. $1.50; aorth 87 feet of aaat S3 feet of tot 8. JuUaa H. Hair, $0.90; aoutb 18 feet af eaat 63 feet af tot 3, Vic tor Geoffrey, $0.89; north 19 feet of east - S3 feet , of -tot 4. Victor Geoffrey, $0.46; 'Urartu- 81 feat of east 63 feet af lot 4. Emll C. Goatber, $0.75; weat- 17 -feet of tot . 8. j WUUaai P. Hlmmol, 80.29; weat IT feet of tot 4, WllUam P. Hlmmrl. 80.28: Ssat 18 feet of tot , WlllUm P. HlmmaL $0.30; esst 18 fret of tot 6, Wllllsm P. Illmmel. $0.80; west 82 1 feet of tot 3, Maria - A. , Guntber. $1.25; weat 82 feet of tot 6. Maria A. Gnnthar. $1 J; east H ef tot 7. Julius H. Hsrr. $0.76; eaat ef tot 8, Jails IL Harr, $0.76; wast H of to 7, Marls , A. Canthe, $0.78; west 14 of tot 8, Maria A. Gaathar, 80.78. BleOfK 38. lot 1, Jens T. Bowles, $1.60; tot 2. J ease T. Bowles, $1.60; tot $, Iredsrlck Keabaaar, $1.60; tot 4. . Cella .Herman. $1.60; .weat of kit. 6, Clara Praneta Esute. Helra . af, $0.75; - wtH 9f tot Jk CUra Pr ancle Estate. Heir nf, $0.75; eaat H of tot I, AM Welnateln, $0.75; ' eaat I of tof 6. Abe Wvinateln. $0.76; tot T. Nil Eklund, $L&0; . tot 6. Nile Eklund. $1.60. CARCTHERS' ADDITION TO CARTJTHKRS ADDITION to tka Cltp ar 1'ortia ad A A. all of aortk 46 feet, of lot 1 except weat 22 feet, Sarah J. MrKltrlrk. $1.29; south 4 feet nf aaat 90 feet ef tot 1. Al bert N. Poadlck. 30.18; west 23 -feet ot lot I, Oregon Furniture Manufacturing Com pany, S0.36; west 23 feet of tot 2, tlregoa Par aiturt Manufnctnrlng Compssy, $0.36; all of ImS a,Mal aaaa 94 nal Alhtft M gMri,. $1.26; all of aorth Vi of tot 3 except west 16 feat, Charlea E. Halt, $0.90; .all ot aoutb Vk of tot 3 except west 1 -feet. Nettle A. S. : Seatea, $0.98: weat 16 feet of tot 8, G. ttoedaDO. $0 26: all of north Vi of tot 4 except weat 61.18 feet. P. P. lTlge.. $0.66: south -28 feet ot tot -4- G. Cordsno. 80.66: west - 61.16 - feet of aorth 14 t tot - 4. 0. Cordaao, $0.90; weat ' 90 feet of tot 8. Dimmlck Lagrand. $1.36; west 90 fart ef tot 6, Margaret Coo. , gvovev $L36 eaat 16 feet of tot 6, U. Cordaao. 80.16; eaat 16 feet ef lot 6, O. Cordsno, : $0.16; tot 7. Oregon Ptralturo Maaufaeturing . Company. $1.60: tot 8, Oregon Pnrnltare Mannfarturlng Com pang. $1.60. BUHX B. ' nortk 22 feet ot tot 1. P. W. Watklna. ; $0.66; south 28 feet of tot 1, Ucxte Apple . etoss, , $0.6:. tot 2. Jallua and Caroline Walter. $1.50: north , af tot 8, Portland Trust Company of Oregon, $6:76; anuth H ' ef tot 8. S. llnrbfeld, $0.78; kit 4. .William H.. Courtney. $1.60; east H of tot 6. Jane B. Johnatsne. $0.78: weat H of tot 6, Oiarlr A. Walter, $0.75: tot 6, Perry G. Baker - EsUta Hair of. $1.50; weat " V, -of .tot T. Thorns P. Camp ben. $9.T5; eaat U of tot T, Jacob ' Sialder, $0.76; .tot S.' James P. ,'Davlea. - $1.60; tot 9. D. Marx, $1.00: tot 10. Strphea ' Mead Katate, Heir of. $1.15; tot 11, Ptrry G. Baker Patste,. Heirs of. $1,301 lot ll . Perry 0. Baker KaUte, Heir of, $1.45. BIXTK C, tot 1, Perry 0. Baker Eatatr, Heir of. $1.60; tot i- Perry Q. Baker Estate, Heir of, ' $1.80; tot S, William Wsscber, $1.80: tot 4. William Wascber. " $1.60; tot 6. Ellen Wells, $1.60; south Vt of tot 6, Archie nd Cirtottg - Richardson. $0.76; aorth y, f tot 4, S. Ougllelernelll - Estate, Helra of.' $0.75: south 39 feat of ; tot T. J. A. I'arentl. 80.90; . north 20 feet of tote 7, Emma and Jennht Kafka, $0.80; . tot 8. Emm end Jennl . Kafka, $1.80. . BLOCK D, weat H of tot 1, A, W, Cheney, . 80.76; west Va of tot 2, A. W, ' Cbenry, $0.76; east of tot 1. -HerlUble Security Mortgage Investmeat Company, $0:75;' , eaat of lot 8. Heritable Security Mort gage Investment Company, $0.75; tot , 8, Emily J. Schneider, $1.60; tot 4.. Emily J. Schneider, $1.60; tot 8, Nicholas Behanan, 31.60; tot . Philip Nru. $160: tot 7, Susan C. Butler. $1.60; lot 8. Joarpb rink, $1.60. BLOCK K. sndlvlrted Vi of tot I. London It Sen PranrUra Bank, $0,75: undivided H ef lot 2, Txindon Baa Prnrire Bank. - $9.76;- undivided -H of tot 1, Imndee Mort. gage it Truat Investment Company, Ltd., $0.75; undivided "4 of tot 2, Dundee Mort- gage A Trust Investment Company, IAd., $0.76; tot 3. Carl Ahenrlroth, $iM; lot 4. ' Carl Abendrotb. $1.60; west Vi of lot 6, WlllUm H. Baylor. $0.75; east H of tot 6, Pinny Brrr. $0.76: tot 6. Pannv Barrv. $1.60; aouth vi of lot T, Penny Barry, $0.76; .' north Vi of tot T, Jamea Barry, $0.78; tot nn n or aoi j, snmea narrr, bu.To: lot James Harry. I LOO. BUXTK r, tot 1, C. LockeL. $.&o: tot J. C. tockel .68; tot 3. J. C. Lortel, $0.45: tot 4. J. : $0.68 C. Imckrl. $0.43: tot 8. J. C. Luckel, $0 45: toi 6. J. C. Luckel. $6.48; lot 7. J. C. Luckel. $06; tot 8..W. C. laickel, $0.76; tot 9, ll C, luckel, 80.48; jot 10, "J. C. Luckel.; mi i i, 4. i , Mckel, $0.4.1; lot 12. J. C. Lackel, ' 80.48; tot 13, J. C. T.ackel. r.K6; tot 14, J. C. Luckel. $0.86;" tot 16. C. lxchrl. 80.66: tot 1. J. C. l uckel. .80.53: bit 17. Anguata Mark, $0.46; tot 16. Augnet Marks. $0.46: tot 19. . An met a Marks, 80.46; tot 20. Angus Marka. $0.46; ' tot 21, Ja)ia B. Eleglrr, $0.46: undivided t4 of lot n, William Moats. $0.30: undivided of tot 23. Wllllsm Mentag. $0 20; nndl. Anted H ef tot 24. WlllUm Mentag. $o.2n; nndlvlded 4 of let 26. William Montag, i an Jf.l nnrllviderl U, of lot 52. Ilenrf Cleave, $o w; andlrM.d of tot' 7:1. HrnrV Cleave, tUMi BjaUrldad a of lot 24, Uuurj Ueaog, t ' n- 1 ef 1 1 , . t ' 1 1 t -aa tl. tot 1. 1 ,.'.' . I' Vt'. A. I. a. $1.0-1; 2, I a , , , I W. A. Lewie, $1.13; eat lj i - et of s i .83 fret of tot 8. MxUiu A. 1 , $ ;' eaat 60 fret of west J feet or Hit 4. a tild A. Baker, $0.76; all c tot 8 eare. t . wast 63 feet,. Eomusd K. ' I i. $v.: ail '' of tot 4 OXceot west 63 ferf of tot 4. , Kdmnnd R. Hill, $0.60: weat I'M nf west ' r 60 feet af tot 3, Carlo Lavoratl and 8a I va tor a '. laxaoUan, $0.95; west ' 3 feet at weat bu. - feel- of tot 4. Carlo Lsveratl Sue . Ivatorj ' : laasoUna, $0.0$; eeat 41 feet of tot $, Cantl . lavoratl aad 8a Ira tore laasolina. 9u.1u:. " eaat 47 feet ef tot 6. Carlo lvnratl akil '' Sslvahar lasso Una. $6.70: west 60 fsrt of tot ' 6. Kdmasd B. Kill, $0 76; weat 86 . feet i , of tot 6, aMmund B. Hill. $0.7ni went U ' feet ef tot 7. Joha H. Lewie, $0 26; weat 26 fsrt of tot 8. John H. "Lewla. $ -.; east 76 feat of tot 7, Jsabelta B, aad i'. A. Uwls,- $1.10: east 14 fee ef lot S. laabella B. and W. A. Lrvrta. $1.16. BIX1CK -H. lot 1, Clemens Ceaeer Estste, Helra of, ' $1.18: tot 2. Clemens Cnaeer Istate, Helra of, $1.30; lot 8. Ann Slnnott. $1.46: tot 4. : Ana Slnnot. $1.63; tot 6, Ann Sluastt. 31.20; ' eaat 16 feet or tot 6. Clemens Caesar Estate. . -Hairs of, $0.46: weat 26 fret of tot $, Perry . 0. Baker Estate, Heir of. $0.78. Alt af BLOCK I, Cambers? - Addition ta Carathors' Addition., except westerly 84.$ . feet ef southerly hs.3 feat. Joha C LaekeL $3.90. ' . ,. '''" . - A tract of land ' hounded nnd deaerlbed -. ' followa: Commsaeloa st Intersrrttoa af esst : , lino of Rood street with aorth line of Bsker i street; tbenca easterly oa aorth Una of Baker .' atreet 84.6 feet; theses northerly parallel 'With west aide Hoe ef Moody atreet ad.B feat;-" thence weaterly parallel with north , 11 ttk -of Baker street to esst line at Hood . , Itreet: tbenca aoutkerly on eaat Una of Hood treat to beginning. Uenry Bchaebtod Botste. , Heirs of. i2a - . OARCTnKRS' ADWTIOrt ' TO- CARCTTTERS' i ADDITION te too City of Portland BLOCK -. , - J. Wllllsm Droock, 89.69. - BLOCK K. t Kmma Auatl. $11.48. BLOCK L. Homeo. ' pallilc Hunltl A IHenmaary of Portland. 12.06. BLOCK M. Homeoparhic- Hospital ' . , f . Dlepensary of Portland, $10.60. ' BLOCgK . . I. ff, Homeopathic Hospital at Diaponsary of rsrtlaad, . $9.80.- BLOCK O. Homeopath la Hospital m Dispenaary of Portland.- $12.00. BLOCK P, andlvided 4 of tot I, Ibex Land tympany, $0.78: -undivided Vi of tot t. Ibex Land Company. $0.7B uadlvldrd Vi ' , of tot S, Ibex Land - Company, $0.76; anr Oivlded Vi of tot 4, Ibex Land Company. $0.76; undivided H of tot 6. Ibex Land v , Compsny. $9.76i undivided H f tot 8, Ibex' Land Company, $0.76; andlvided Vi ot tot T. Ibex Land Company, $0.78; andlvlded l . of tot S, Ibex Laad Company, $0.75; nndl. - i vioro g-ot sit i, avaaa D. tannall, so. id; andlvlded V4 of tot 2, Anna B. Coeneil. $0.75; Undivided . undivided andlvlded nndlvlded undivided undivided of tot 8, A an B. ConaelL $0.75; . of tot ,' Anna B. Connell, $0.75; of tot 8. Anna B. Connell, $0.73 of tot ft Anna B. Connell. $0.75; af tot T, Anaa B. Council. $0.73;. of tot 8. Anna B. Connell, $0.73. 1 v BLOCK Q, 9 feet of m i, t mra neii, ai.rMi; aorta ; tot t. Clara Bell. 80.26: anuth . 41 rest of lot 2. German Saving A Loan 7 Society, $1.15; tot $, German Saving Loaa '' " Sorlety, 31.40; tot 4, German Saving A Lean' Society. $1.36: tot 8. Germaa Sarins A Lais a ' Society, $1.60; lot 6, German Saving A l.oen Society, $1.60; north S feat of west 30 feat nf tot 7. tienasa Saving A Loaa Society, $6.10: south .41 feat of lot T. German Ssv : Ing A loxa Society. $1.26: aorth 9 feet of - east TO fset of tot 7, tiara Bell. $0.20; , east 70 feet of tot 8, Clara Bell. ' $1.H6; --' weat 30 feet of tot ft. P. GuitHelmelll, $0.43. BIXICK B, German Saving A Loan Society, ' - $12.00. .'- - ...... A tract of land lying between tb tooth tin : of Meado atreet and tbe northerly line ef ' btork 82, . Caruther' addition to caruther' addlttoa. as show on the "Map ot Portland fnbllahed by the Title Guarantee A Trust ' .. Company, 1902," end betweea the weat tine of - Hood street and a Use 40 feet esst and - narallel with the east lis of Cornett ahraat, ... A. P. Smith, $1.90. ( . . CARrTHitiur - addition to ca ruth err , ADDITION to tbe City of PortUnd BLiK K -8. west 46 fset of north 93 feel of Stock H. -Hannah Csahm, $1.10: west 40 feet of aouth . . 49 feet of btork B, C. M. Hrywood. 80.36. BUK'K T, Tboma E. Edwards. $1.65. BLOCK - . 89, Exama Auatln, $7.70. BLOCK 40. tot 1. ...... E. H. Parker, $0.86; tot E. n. Parker. . - il.15; tot i, B. IL Parker. $l.6t tot 4. ' . H. Parker,' $1.60: cast 4.8 feet ef tot 8. , a H, Parker, $0.06: ra at 4.2 feet af let :', ' 6. K. H. Parker. $0.05; aaat 4 2 feet ef -' tot 7, Jt. H. Parker. $0 Ofti east 42 feet of tot 8. B. IL Parker. $0.06; west 26.8 fart I ; of tot 5. D. W. Campbell. $0.38; west 51.8 . ' ' feet af eoaith 17 feet af tot 6, D. . W. Camp bell. $0.16: weat 28 feat of oast 29.2 feet at lot 8, Joha B. aad P. I. Maan. $0.35; , wear 28 feet of Bast 29.3 fret of sent Vi ' of tot 4, John B. and P. L Maan, 80.20; , . east 26 feet of weet 61.$ feet of tot 6. v George Nothnagl. $0.40; seat 2 feat of : ,' west 61.8 feet of smith 17.6 fset of tot 6. George Notbnagm, . $0.)6; eaat 29 feet ef west 76 8 feet of lot 3. P. W. DeHttff. $0.86; aat 26 feet of Weat 7(1 8 feet ot aouth m of tot 6. P. W. DeHttff, $9.20; west. 101$ feet of aorth M of tot 6. Oeraun Savins A Loaa Sockets. $0.T5 Berth S feat of weat . ot aonta H ot sk . uennaa Baving; a in Society. 80.15: weat 101.8 .feet of Loaa south H nf lot T, Oermaa Saving A lea - Society. $0.78: aorth , 101.$ feet, of aorth , . Vi of tot 7, Sarah L. Carpaater. $0.73: to 8, Germaa Saving A lama Society. $1.69. ;: BLOCK 41, ssat. 73 feet of lot 1. Joha aad ; Laura E. Lantx. $L10; west 33 feet sf tot ' -1, W. end M. Soott, $0.60; tot 2. Thomaa " H. Smith, $1.60; tot 2. Irak M. Parr lata. l.SOi tot 4. Mrs. Aal Do port. $1.60; tot 6. Ferdinand Onsdorpb, $1.60; r tot 6, 8. J. 1 ' : asd K. . L. LaPranca,' $1.60; aooth 49 fsot of lot 1. loui P. Bene, $1.66; north 1 - ' foot of tot 7. Canadian Settlor1 Loaa A-" . Trust Company, lA., $0.06; tot $. Canadian . . , i Settler' Loaa A Trust Company, Ltd.. $1 t). ' BLOCK 42. tot 1. J. M. Matarhek, jl.tai; . tot 2. JT. af. Matacbek, $1.60; tot 3. Joarph Pollvka, $1.60) tot 4, Joarph Psllvka, $l.60t i '-, let 5. Prank Pollvka, $1.60; tot -6. Prank . , ruka, $1.9r 4ot-4, Catherine ttobel, iAI; '.tot 8, Cxthsrlne Sabel. gl.oa BlXiCK ..43. , tot I, A. G. Hemmaad, tl.oo: lot 2. A. U. lUminond. $1.90; kit 8. Diadanna- and Julia . L. Hammond. $1.60; , tot 4, DUdaaaa . and Jnlla la. Hammoad. $L0;. .t 8. A. G. b .Hammond. $1.60; lot. 6, A. Hammoad. . Bl.oo; east 4 feet af tot 7. A. G. Ham $0.10: oast S feet of tot 8. A. G. Hami fo.iu; wsai no reex ar mt 7. Theodore pertn, - $0 75;, wast 90 feet of tot 8, Ikaodore aaaa. A tract of tond bat aaaa. htorfca 48 and 46. Caruthars' Addlttoa to Carutbera'. . Addlttoa. "and betweea the aorth Una of Porter atraet , aad a Una 100 fast nortk thereof aad parallel therewith, A. G. Ilsamond. 11.90 A tract ot tond betweea blocks 43 lad 46, Csru there Addlttoa to Caruther' Addition, and between the south Una at Hookar atreet - aad a lino ino feat aouth thereof and parallel ' therewith, Theodora Brna, $LB6. CARCTHKIur ADDITION TO CARCTRRRS ADpiTION to tbe City of Port tend HI-OCK - 41, oaat 60 feet ef west 100 feat ef tot T. W. D. Smith. $0.76: aaat 60 fret of weat inn feet of tot S. W. D. Smith. $0.75. BI.OCK 4H tot t. John Spltsesberger, $1.00: tot 2. ' John Spl tarn hoi got. $1.60; tot 8. Job M. Brauer. $1.60: tot 4, Catherine P. Ikergel- nou, ui.uu; am a. goaef Pretsche, $1,60; i. 81.60; lot 3. Josef Pretsche. $1.60; 0. Michael Bertaleit, $1.60; tot V, J. A. ieker, $l.6T); tot 8. J. A. Crocker.- $1.60. OCK 46. tot 1. Henry B, Hauftt $1.60; - amv e, i Crocker, BLOCK tot 2, Henry B. Baaft, $1.60; tot 3. M.kkel Trm7r u: mt ,- law rnrd. gi.nti; aa o, sua sail p. Bartow. 31H L60; let 6. Ah. gall n. Barton. 8LB0: lot 1. Ahaaralt at n.e. ton, st.ooi toi a, Abagall hv. Barton, $1.60. BLOCK 46. lot 1. John Sedlek, $1.60; tot 2. John Sedlak. $1.66; tot 3, John . SedUk. . $t.60 tot 4, John SedUk. $1.60; tot 8, John Sedlak, $1.60; tot 6, John Sedlak,, $1.60; lot 7. John SedUk, $1.00; tot 6, Joha SikIUx, 11.60 BLOCK 47, west "uj of tot I, Josto Davis. $6.80; weet Vi of tot- 2, Josto IMvIs, $0.80; aortk 20.68 fret af oaat Vi of i tot 2, Tboataa Melnberg1; $0.39; eeat Vi of tot ;, , .. Thorn Melnberg, io.80: aouth 29.36 fret - Of eaat "4 ot tot 5, Patrick Murray. $0.46; tot 3, Ellaabeth Morgan, $1.60; west 26 1-2 feet of esst TO 2-8 fret of tot 4, -Aaaa II. Grstk,. $0.6; east 0 1- feet- of tot 4. , . Charlea P. Heywood, $0.64; weat 83 1-3 .- feet ef tot 4, Robert and Mary P. MeKweo. -' $n.M;. tot 8, Melissa K, Htig. $1.60; tot 6. Melissa' K. Hug. $1.60; tot T. Mellaaa S3. . Morgan, 81 60; lot 8, Mellaaa E. Morgan. - 11.60. BLOCK 48. east 100 feet of tot 1, - L. P. aad Sarah M. Gatbrla, $1.80; west ' feet of tot 1. P. M. I Jcbtrn thaler, $0.10; ,.weat 0 feet of tot P. M. Lick tenth tor. - 30.10: gist 106 feet ef north Vi of tot 2. li. C. Kaglebart, $0 76; eaat 100 feet ef ' I aouth H- of tot I.' John Dudley, $6.78; tot is. John Dudley, $1.60; tot a, Joha Dudley. I $1.60"-tot 6, Germaa Saving A Loaa Society, . $1.80; Jot 6, Oermaa Saving A Loaa Sorlety, $1.80; weat 78 feet of tot 7. M. li. Llrhren ' thaler. $1.15;' weet TB feet ot tot 8. M. K. v lArbtenthator. 81.18: east 81 feet of lot T. P, M, IJcbtenthaler. $0.43; eaat 81 feet nf tot 8. P. M. Llrhtentbaler. 80.45. BI1CK -40. asuth H ef tot I. Haas Welster. 80.90; north V, of tot 1, Andrew Haneoa, $0.80, -A tract of land lying betweea two line respectively 200 feet aad 220.8 feet north i of asd parallrl with tb north Una of Arthnr - (treet nd between the weet line of Water ,.; itreet nd.s line 109 feet weet thereof and 1 narallel therewith. Andrew Hanson. Born. CARCTHERS' ADDITION TO CAnLTHBHS" ADlUTion to tn t tty or roniasonMH-K ; 49. tot 2. J. W. Bsker. 31.60: tot 3, Kdwsrd ' Mendenhell. $1.60: tot 4, Edward Mendrn haU. $l.0: tot 8. Richard Martin. $1.60; , tot 0. Hannah Martin. $1.60; tot T, Han , Isrsen. $1.60; sooth U of tot 8. Hana jir- k sen $0.80; aorth Vi of lot 3, Belinda Dolaa, $0.80. ... - ' A trad of had lying between two lines fo pecUvely TOO feet and 220.5 feet ' north of ' and parallel with the aorth line of Arthnr " atreet and betweea th eaat lln of Proof street snd lln 106 feet esst nf asd parallel Uterewllh, Belinda Dolan. $0.65. . A tract of land between two linen rasper. lively 220.6 feet' end 241 ' feet north ot snd parallel wllh th north lln of Arthur street ami between th west line nt. Water itreet and a line ' 100 feet weat thereof . aaat parallel therewith. Sophie, gch, $0 66, . 'A least at isad ifUul batwota two iiaaa gga