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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1905)
c t r- goowt . i ;nuri "v'i A' i W or;, lot aaa la is iwur l ., -y; . v..., - I 'a ts'rwiri t ir"- rrt"Ti '' : .prr i. 9a a4 , f i - a k OBgmt 1" I "Was Ad le Skoa aaa." ta 4 . , - wiUMUm aa tMN pa -v -a ka im tetsT r Tt ttliE T t sa Of a JmumL VM akazam fot r--)8 itTiiMM,- iliil Ca teg U aaata... Bo MvgH aunt aor-tt (o I", ' 1 & . aro Lrtoo or . of U itrd U tk earnta. aalsas ftoeom I sal kf ft "Warn w am t-o awnT f aa It. am drs.rtr tad nm autt Be ta fclaok iak am am am alda of tka po-pea only, aaa tka pM moat mot ka l,ri aarau tntta aqua, kaa him aooort u aaek aartooa araat Part ka a on tka m Umaa Is Ih. . "r-a fa w4 ka award mora for to ac!UwUtr,( Ska s-w twAva 44a asussaeloBe . . ( . ka urn, aa adra of tka ofcJM wfc draws ama of tkaaa Oa too aad wrXi a at Jlar aaaat ka ulllit as rrary ama ast t tmbj oiae. ts to okad'a awa haod trrtttaf. , If row fatkar or taotke aamaat ftv r ama of tksM "Waal Ada," auraly aama firiama salgaa earn. . , w, ' . . Ba sa to look far row adaartlaaaatat la tka yspar. - ' Vka Oaataoma asA "Wast Ada" aar ka aauvaraa to Tka Journal or aaat ky man. . 1 .. Vaarly wnry aklld aam writ a Tana ana draw Oartaos. U yoaza ka maaaytoa, yam trltt taaalva ftkAO lm; mtomaj aad kara jomv plotur U Xk JostbaL p.".'. v'-,-., , l; ;2 ". '.,'-. ',: ,-. ,X- IA fJtOIfT STABLBS. M Norta FlflMatk t, 1 4 kck: iwrlal aUcntloa gl 4rtTln . hm, , Wav KuaoldL frop. . i'buaa abtta Opon, black bora, amixl, I fw aid, walrha . fo aMbi pvrpoaea. Thoaa BaiWi w niy. ua-n - v -' - . . rOB BALB Ooa aalr of boraaa. walrht 8. 600; r aia aaa karaa, waurnt l.ano; ana aaania poay, all wall brakao. 86S front, ear. af kill. BOBflBa, 'HIM . klrla bouht. ao Bail. BM Peartb. an at va- aod raatad. Uabart VOB 8XB Caaap, team of kaarr draosbt (.000 uaiur asa maoar at... aioauTiua. BOB SALBi baaa baraai. 1 Dalr wtigk 100; .,, bona 1.46 aad- aaddl aoajr; all wall ... arokea. . soa mat, ear. Mill. raaio 1.000 aeaada. aad nadlcra. t da0. rourU aad Buraald. . l DRIVrNO AMrraa Babbard. Dakaa bld. raana Mia jia. - Ton HI.H-Hmtt taam. aaraaaa aad Pkaa Boott MOO. TO tAXB-UTXSTOCZ. BUBCBRAIt OAIBT. S3 ooara: Bilk roata aar r . lac IM0 oioothlr: will aell all ar aart ol atack. RaUtald 4 BmltA. ,16 Si roorth at.. roa hit anacnxajraoTTB. . pfKClth for rrlTata aad batal kaepara 1.000 nvi. pmu, www yiiww Mim WW wow win ' Xuo laathar plliowa, aowna tmportad (ron " (tcrmaar aod vaad dnrina world'a fair at at. Loala; (raat barfala U aold at oaoa. - I Maraball at., citr. v ' ' ; -... - wTINB. terra baoaaboat. aearlr aa rlaa raawitloa. aontalalaa T alrw la arat onlt t (Ma tor prlvata tamllr or aoblla - nmt raa ba aaen at acllwoad aa loqolra Ballwoaa rarry. Cbaap., 3SIIXIABB AMD Pool, Ublaa far raat ar for aaia oa aaar aoTawnta. 1 TUB BBUMWICK-BALKB COIXBMDBB 0Oh v mira at., rortiaBa. B-OB 8ALB At a aacrtnea, a oonk attrra aad a larra aitrror, botk oamparatlTalr new. 443 - naat Tuitk at, pboaa baat 'MVl.. Tak .Bell -WB prtat yomr aaaMt oa SO ratline tarda, aroprr - oiaa aaa arria. ' znc zna noatona raraa, 11. Brewa m Bcaaia ale, t rtrat.- PortUad. Or. LIOHT Brakaia ehlefcaaa aad am: AadahaUa -"m " k Orora aUtlaa. ,oa ' VI I alla VV ! www. . BO BAt.B A alratr ballt, am , aiaat aril at aore; eaa as aboat. 100 feet aorta t Portland aatpyara: r ; j. ' WAWTKD"BBar rut -faiaala aaTt v aMorba oM; rbaap- - laqalr at -. betel, Taaeoarcr, Waab. mrrarTiaw FOB IAT.B BoevrJfol Mark allk batrraborf riat, band aiada, rraack aeelra., AOdraa C. M. wouraal. . ., .J... , ifXtR I ALB Good aawnaa - wafaa. laqalra , naatara rrea ai raw va.( as rroa av, aat, 'Qllaaa aod Hort. . roa SAL Blark at Attackable Ball-Bear! rlac 03. . . Hab Compear Mock, ckaaa. Aadrwas Buz J Vaaeeaeer. Waab. . . ' ? , OOOD aak wood far onaktoa porpuaaa. Baat SIOB. Plaaaar Weed Mf(. Do., Tib aad Baw. ' roH S ALB net far, aaaa freab, 9 reara aM; alas Beateb eoUle papa. Pbeaa Baott 9U. CAtTBBA :SxT aa aatat, coat . aheap. Oaoa,. Uadell botal, . 00. far Bale rOR I ALB Tarai tare tnay at. - roa tixt oa KtomvaBBB. : .A LABRB. aataral water annr. wltb 4 . of land, mod tori thee for aaw ar arlaraillla. . . aear rionn near, ur. aagraai aiaraa 1 .. am, akedd, or.- ... . ,. - rOB I1U OI TRAOB for rartlaad ' propertr, breatlfal Int. Ut BearA, Waab., s rloaa to bnalneaa; prefer to eall; leartna atata, 0 44, tare Journal. naaoi-Aiw . XXMT BB LONBKOMB dead lOe for the "Mit- rtawaial Becwier,'' waira aaeerilwa orer 00 eweldeata. eata 01 uroa : and- WaablnotDik . who wiea 10 manri p npiaiaa aew to ynn wleb to ear aoelatr; WW Bl kara artaoaad baiwr . Barrlaaee tbaa all aiauiar In the -waat eoBibtnedi taratlate and be Foarlaeed of our ability to find a aonaeolal Ufa rota- Knkm for a; bundreda to cbaoaa from, tenlata - latrodaelDg Boctatr, Boa . 1070, Portland. , - - ., . .v. 1 KANtANBI ATTBNTIOItl Ooaw to mf afaea , aad reftatrr ar aeed aaata end addroaa t beome charter amaber of Kaaaaa aoelatr: ; t 11 for tratlenea, 60 eenat far ledlea. B. W. Vrarer, Baal Kalata Broker. SU Waaklactaa. - - Portlaad. Or. - I WOITLD Ilka to oorrerpond wltk a leu. 1 : ataadlnf widow XO to 40 reara af are. te an k 4 Intereet la a Jewalrr boalaeea. Aaewer In ., wrltlat. . Addrwaa 1 Booaod at. . Charier , Belahort Portland, Or. ., .) MOKTHLT Irretalarlttee rleld proatptly to oar , pelnlaae awthed of treatrawot; wa treat dle- . . aaaea of woatea oalr: aoaaalutloa treat nrl 1 ' eete , aad etrtctlr eooDdeBtlal. X Badlaal ' laatltata. Third and Morrtaoa. Allakr blda. ; BOOK" I BOOKS! BOOK81 The kind reo'ra . tnoklo aari 'Daeeatoroa," -fd Bet Taaialw," . 'Wl Coofeaeoa. "A Bortal Uoa." . - - Tiaole B1U," "The Boantf Spot." 60a each) UaU free. . A. aVkmale, i2 t trat at. ' TOUNO aaaa, SU reara of are, woald' like , arquelnteore of reonr ledf wltk raptul. to lro aaelataare la eaterprlM of fnod rapport; . . ao trlSora; dlaerctlwa e( boner; ohjrct Uetrt awnr. Addreea C 48, eare loaraal. . .YOU J Wl( Nil nea of aieana wtobeo to ith a Uri between IB and 80. of na: rnrereacea eichaorea; rerawra oanrn- tor praforred; objret njatrlniwej, Addreea B. IS. .oaraal... : , , - MANLY -rift reetnred hr Dr. Roberta Nerre Hlobalea. One laontb'a treatment, Pi aieotha, )) arat aeearelr aealed hf wnft Aaenta, Weoeard, Clarke A Co.. PorUaad, Or, .BATB roa aeea the Spencer Cemoaar abnat . , rear ebirtwatet aoltt If ant. barry apt let, ,, ,at atyleai ladlea awa rwda auda aa; (aata' Ulrta a apeelaltr. let Teeth at. - TOITKO arldower wbo baa nod perfiif BnelUwa wuaea a eon ee puna witn auto or wioow; orviert autrtmuar. Addraaa U. . 6S, , cart Journal. . ,1 YOUR Dreaerlritlona are aerwrately and til naaeaablr tiled at Rraael'a Pbarnaer, Marrtaoa t bat. Ftret aad Baroad ata. ITIIIH TFJARR I!t ARKAKSAW" bee re aU ' knnk r" -w- taa, tloaoa' Boob Stare, Kl Akwr at. BAU4 C I - for all f..le dlaaaaea, aM V x r r. axe t :.4o .awV aa- to ncxAvsa. X CHANG B Aa a-roOm beoae, bara aad 10 : lata, oa Atoaat Scott electric Una, to eicbanae for 80 or m aerea tmd land .oa ear Una wiuia a aiiiea 01 dt. JeU 40a McKajr bid. WANTRO To azebanca let la Seattle for lot or vejmeoi oa auaea ana Jot u 1 or una. wwe bj ov, care eoaraai. -. . ,. . WHAT bara raa to trade for aooMetead re- linqafahnieaCt 1 Win trade . for f aralturo. a, ourrr bom .xxALn.r,r OR. OLNBY. the celebrated, aatlonallr-koowa . pronto ter of perrboiue; and exponent of eof aeattre tberaneatlca, bow la tbla tttr; m prepare to rooeult wltk paUrata. Ha la brooouaeed the auat aoted dlacnoatlrlaa aad , healer of the afe. Mf treatment la without drnre or aiinrorr. ' Be taaranteee to rare the Beat atobhora eaaoa of llqoor. . Biorpblno or tobaoe; bablta. No Interference with daltr dntlea. Inatantnoaoua area. The . aick abould anil tbemarlrea of tbla ttraad ep porta q1 t7. Dr. B, Olney, BSbw Waahlaa- 10a. TBB II H VlSK AMATINa 0TICB- Aoalrtleal cbeealat aod aaetallnralat. rTtcei ; fold aad aileer. fit Waafclastoa at, . copper, au aaaia. , avt) J, A. MOB. aeaarer and aaalrtleal caeaalat. aow anaeaj at., cor. angaia. , i ' 'C'k- ASTBLaXT ATOI. THn Trinidad Aanbalt Parlas, C. af rartlaad. untre aaa worceeter blk. ART tftinM, rBOr. BJCBARD MAX MBTBB Portrait aad landaeape artiat: iwtractloa la ell ealatua. ' weter aolor, etc., and drawtnfi art aallerr - eenneetad wttb atadlo; pliHorea for aala and - freaUaa to order. 848 Alder at. Phone 16M BXAJTX BOOK BURTTAmrrBB. HOW R, PATI8 A KltHAM., IOB-IU Beeoad at. . Bans aooa Banniactarere a genu lor : Impioaed lower Leaf ladawai aeo the Boreka kief, the beet aa the market. ' BAJTO 1BITBUBXBTS. CHAR. B TORE A CO.. 104 Plrat BeeoJrara, : piaterai 1 ova m neaa aaa veuare laaiiiiiaeany BICTCLX PffAT tlS COLUMBIA. TRIBDNB AND CRESCENT. SI'ORTINtl COOI18. EXPERT REPAIRINO.- V. r. KKKNAN, 208 THIRD HT. ' Between tailor ako salmon. BATH! 11 MbHIOB. COMB aet-air BMfroetla an BMaaaa tat lowi cur raeaauuem, , bob riaaoera av rBBNCB ladlea rlre hatha aad tajbaaaa treat neat, tna Fifth at. Pboaa Mala tea. COAL AJT0 W00Q. 0RBAT WESTERN COAL CO. Oar leaden ar waabad aootlaea reara. s; lamp, U-oOi , aaeireuaa lump. o.oui aeea BDruaxa wni amp, full 0 ; . aeurereaj ao eereenion ana welfkt aaraataed.- Pboao Mala BAB. WRflTEBN rBED A rCBL CO.. car. rroat aad Hort ata, dealara la ooOMjeue aad ataaa , eoel, bleckemlth ooe4,i eaerceeJ aad aake. ' Pboaa Mala 1018. ' . ' . - . AX.BIN A rOKL CO. Dealera la cord wood, eoel an frees aad drr eiabwee. B, B, aa Al bino are., a Mac aaat of tarrr, m Baat 174. BUPERT rUBL CO. drr la town. Don't forget to pboao Baat 143. Baat Klfbtb at, car. Madleeai STEEL BRIPOB rCBL CO., dealer la aaat. owra woo aad arr aiaa wao. raoaa caaa aaa. "iwaaii m I 0B BOON"TTJXLTJ(7T" all k Inda of 6wal aad woot eee Bwiiwe, rnoaio wu. aa -' KIRK HOOTER, SIS Water at-, wood aad ooaL Mala 40. odxrxT-cixajmia. Wl aleaa roar aroeta a the Boer la areaoo apata. motba and fortae of dla- aaa. dtalafertlna and aattln roar carpeB la a aaaltarr aoodltloai wa aaaraatce te rata a aat; aaaeractioa aaeara. Clajr S31 far a tree deBoaatrattoa. STANDARD Steaa Corart-ClrentBC claanea. reatte. aawed and laid: aiattiooeia. teetbera raaoeatad. Beat Third, aortb, aad PaclSo ta. . pboaa Beat 880. - Morrlaiaa A riartb. '" ., WB elaaa tba Sneat carpeta on the Boerv Ml MaaMoa at. f aoae, liooa mm, . . . . I. BClfTBR. ateaa carpet. M0 left. Mala at. CAJLRIASX AJT0 BUCK 00M1 AB1XB. TBB UNITED CARRTAOB CO. Carrlarre, tallr-b rlra an cerry-elle. 1R3 Kieraatb at., ear. Morriaoa. Pboao Mala X2S. - V- CTOABi ABB TOBAOOO. BJRERO-OTJNST C10AB CO. . . AiuuiMtora or - , .1. , riRB CIO A 88. Portland. oaoozxar ajts aiAsswAax. WHOLESALK cmckoro , rod. rlaaawaro. Praal, Heele A Co., nri CLAIR TOT AM ABB PALMIST. MADAMS JOBNSTON Ctebrmrant, palatial. card reader ( 1 rtra facta reliable aad im portant aa all affair of real Of. Rea diner BOc. m Hereatb at., aear Oak. cAararrtas avd atnuxxa. . J. AUTHORS and R. B. WOOD, earpaatera aad bolldera; repelrlnf and johblna; a tore and afaro Sitarea ballt. Shop BOB Colombia. Pboaa Clay 1S&1. , .. J. O. H018T0N. batlder. 8n Morrieea; brlrk ar tramet eootracta raltbfoliy ralfllled; art my eat 1 mate; eaa aera roa Boaer and time. CLXAVtao ABO BTXIBS. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING A DTEINO Worka; practical batter la connection t feetber boea and plaroeo cleaned aad curled nr aa aa- P-rt. ail aoona. Pbone Oa T04. CLOTHES cleaned and nmaed fl Per amatb. Unique Tallorlnc Co., S4T Waablnktaa at. . I. W. TCRNER. arafeeeeanaT dyer and cleaner. 80S Jeffrreoa at. phono Mala till - 00BOCSSI0BT MZRCKAJfTw. DAVENPORT BROS. Oeneral coaiinlaloa BMC- rbanta; rraita and arodaoe; caoairanenta aa llclted; prompt raturna. 180 . Front at. BTERDINO A rARRBUj, prodoo and coBBla- ilea acrmaate. iav rroai ac, roruaaa, ur. Pbnae Mela IT. "cMtSTOBlABAr CHAA R. CARTER' A CO., cement rontractnre. iwwwi av raaaa aaaa una. '1 M i - t and k. iw til. h- -in -t a o Bt, Fawn kalB . ci-ijumra. atd ' raxs &ra. HATB roar rlotbra cleaand. ' preeeed and paired by b ra. .ryhartoo; laoiea aad aeatl. Biea a aoecteiiy. iwM ruee, pnoao nca aioa. aebjaaaaaoaJaaawja MRS. p. P. LOWS, ladlae'' and ebtldrea's (ar aeata. allk wauHA. walea and wrapper: aa- ' derwear Blade. 1M biareatb at. . Pbava mala SIZT. .. , z - riHHUINlRI.B rti nwniilrlM wralata. At ISO en ahlrtwalat aulta, AO and up. lala K. Bottel- aon, MT Morrieea at. Fbooo Mala AB34. SHIRTWAISTS, wont ar waab allk, made for f 1.1ft; ahlrtwalat enlta, 3 Baat Mar ket. Pkuae Baat tUSl. - .. . KEISTEB'S Ladleo' Talnrln coUrooi parterM cut to amour. AUoky kail 400. Itod Morruaa. UPrTO-DATB dreeaaaktaa, ' ladtea tallotias; a epeeiaity. oen aui aiiaay oio, MRS. MeKlFlBKN. artlatlo naklos. bt Morriaoa at. sad cloak a DRKHSklAltlNO gtrtctly ap to .date; lai deelfoe. 4W Clay at. - ' .- DOS) ABO H0RSX BOSKTAX. DR C.E BROWN.TXT. 8., D.C.M Do, koraa boa. plUI.WT Baraalda.PbMoea: Malo4(lbd;Baat CMS. geon'. remoTod to V Ollaea. bet. 4th and 6th. ar".TTl .11 i T7r 'II "'It li :';'V'',rlTOACXB,?3 i' BOYNTON warm-air rnrnacca aaea fuel. J. C Bayer raraeee Co.. SM aecood. Mela OS1. TXICTTJCAL WORKS. NORTHWEST KLKCTRIQAL XNGINBERINQ Compeay, 308 blark at., Portlaad? 0, K. rot . ererylblnr la the alectrlcai line. , 4aoaa . Mala I808. - PACIKI0 Electric Ce Enaineera. eeo tract ere repalrera. electrla wiring, euppllea. P4 Fleet. or. Stark. Mala M. B. H. Tate. B, rvaxiTUBX rAOToarxs. OREGON Farn I tore Manafactarlog Coapaay Manufactorera . of . famitara for the . trade. . rurtian. ur. - . ... . .- rrRXITtlRE manufacturing and apex-la I orarra, L. Baeeneky'e furniture factory. ST rroat at. roam axszarx scbtp. roREST nssravB scrip ron salb ao- preeed, anreetrlrted. ready for Immediate Owe; fewest price. E. r. A t. B. Bllef, 80S Chamber ot Ooamerce. - aocxaa. WADHAMS A CO.. wholeeale erorera. aaaaa. ; faetarera and .goamktatoa aierckanta. roarth - ao Oak ata. ' ALLEN A LEWIS, eeamtaloa aad Brcdaea chants, rroat and Da Tie-ata., Portland. Or. KA-TMAB BATKB. KINO'S BAMMAN BATHS Oeroer Seeowtb aad . Waablngtoa "ata.; flnaet aad bvgeet batba ta , ue city; elegant none for the aigkt IX aaairaa ' axper aeaeura aad cblrepodlat. BAkDWAaX Portland Hardware Co. anlldta eaportaaltr ta ooote prlcaa. 13S let, ear. Alder. Maia 10. XCITBABT XAia B0LLA J. t. BORO, BMnafactarer of be man balr raOa. ate. 428 B. Kletk. Pboaa Keaf till. swiTcaxs roa tut SWITCHES made, com binge Boogbt or auda ta eroeT. oa a, xweuta at. pnona East- ITia BOTH, aXBTAtTBAirt AJTD CAMP BAJrSES. BOTRTa RBBTATRANT AND tCAMP RANOB8 aribtwa A Scatoa A Co. BeTeataoatb aad . uuahar ata..- largeat Block betel, reataaraat. camp rewaoa. gaaoUae ateree aad rexrlgara- mw in roe dry. . ' - HOTEL rondeltaa, Paadlatoa. Or. T. W. eagr. . , .. . , .-... ..,. Watta, HOTEL Portland. Aaerlcaa plaa; fa.8 par day. HOTEL St, Oeerge, Peadletoa; leading Intel. BELrBDBRBttaropeaa plaa: 4th aad Alder ata. mxraAacE. LAMBERT. WH1TMER A CO. fir laanraae ,, and real eetate, aocceaaora to Artbar Wlleoa A Co.; ofttoaa. woet aide. 107-108 Shcrloek bldg., Mala 1008; aaat etJe dept. 404 Baat Alder (Cutanea' baakV-Beet 41. JAR. Mel. WOOD, emnlerere' HaMHtr and la- (It VT IT 11 At I RrVinf-nT ItlMtV lll-Btllal ABB all M laetA rbonetTT 4u3 IfeKay bldgrT B. r.'BARTELS COMPANY nr Inesrance. 448 Sherlock bldg. Oregon Pbeo Clay 838. LOCKSMITH. key rrrriNO. bicycle and ma china repairing. 1. R. Richardson ids Foorta at. rroat aoi. M0VXT TO LOAN. - THE BTAB LOAN CO. Aar aalartad employe, wage aaraar. eaa Ret aa hla note, without nortgage MonUi. Month. Week. t!W) flft Repay te a 813.83 or 8.S or 88 .85 fJb.00 Repay to aa I AOS ar s.8S ar 81.85 lfl 00 Bopay to aa (4.00 ar a.00 ar il.00 . McKay bldg. riva per aaat balld yea a bona ar loaa yea money oa roar property: month Gramata; laraettfate: open Satnrday are re. Boeaa 18-17 Lab be bid., 237 H Waal itaiy OTen M0NBY TO LOAN aa real, peraoaal aad eel- lateral erearttyi apeciai anentioa to cnattel mortgagee;, gwtra bought. C. W. Pallet, S04-6 reatoa bldg.. 84 Siath at. BIOHLY reapectable plane where ledlea aad aeata aaa borrow can borrow aaer oa dlaaaeoda aad jewelry. Collateral Loaa Baak. ana Waah lagtoa St- Phone Black Tl. 88 LOANS and anward aa all klade of ncy ar to aaianeo people oa uoir note ; mweea retea; no puouciiy, no aetar. , aia Aoiaatoa btdg. Pboao Be ea 1T2A MONEY ADVANCED salaried people, teametern. etc., without aacority: eaay peyaieau; larg est baataewa In 40 principal cltlaa. Tolaaa, 823 Ablngtea bldg. 1 . , CHATTEL loan la amooata raoglog froa 129 to baouo; rooming- houae a apeciaity. new Bra Loaa A Traat Co.. at Ablngtea bldg. LOANS oa furniture. olanoa. otber onailtloa. low eat rataa. S. W. King, rooa 49 Waahlns- tea bldg. Bood 415. MONBY TO LOAN la large ee emeM anoaata anod aecorltT! loweal rates. Wiuua U. Berk. 0T Palling bldg.. LOANS at loweet rataa oa farnltnre. plaaoa; snc aecarlty no tee puretiaeed. Eaatern Loaa of 8ca. 448 Sherlock bldg. THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary Inane, from three ta alt Bwatba; coaadeat tu fit Oregoalaa. MONEY TO LOAN nn Ctackaaes coanty taada. K. r. aaa r. a. Kiiey, au vBaaoar or 00m- P0RTLAND RRAti ESTATE IIANS. 8 AND wa. Dr-nboim.- xai rauiag bids. MONEY TO LOAN, a per rent. Nortkrap A King. XI O-Ill Commercial block. TO LOAN aioo to -88.800-by Char lea tl Intel. RSV, Tblrd at., reeaa A MONBY TO LOAN 1A.00 at I per aaat aa city property. aro atarE ar. - MUSICAL. , SEIAr-PLATINO PIANOS CertlUa Belt-play In planaa praamunce th beet by Medina Buolclane; alee Oelllen pieno-playara, B. U. Wllla Muale Hones. 36 Alder at, . . ' , , ECOND-RAND moalcal loau meant of aR knde at lowaat prices, eeah or laatallaaata taker Maate Ca.. 1M Third at, . MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER, beete, nsedo ajAsAaAbam, JUS VwPaaa- bwAtOwSM t , p tH.. S. get 0-y vmtwu l r - treat swnta; oaaip tree km, a a aiwv-iaUy, 6J3 t laodera at. bTAA 27X710 rXALOO. MRS. L. H. HART aocweaafujiy treats all dis eases; met hud b t. "New Tboaght" readlng-rooaa. 811 looray bldg.. Mala 41TA notary nrmiJC. PREPA RATION of dooda aad aaortgago apeelalty; prlcaa redaeed.' B. A. rrana. 818, the Marqsam. .. . " ' -' ' OSTXOr ATBTT. DR. OTIS P. AKIN, DR. MABEL AKIN, Oetao patble pbyalrlaaa. , 408-404 Maelajr bldg reartb aad Waablaftoa. Pboa CUT T78. noara a to a. DRR. OBArriB A LEONARD Oataopathlc Pi relets na. Belle BlS-gJN ; amoaawa hone TO. -' ; - i PLATTNO. BARTHRN PLATING CO.. t2 PI rat Gold, surer, copper, alckel aad bra as , putlag. " Jewelry 'Work apecUUy. THE OBBOON PL ATI NO WORKS. 481 Waab lngtoa st. Pboaa XtTw. Polishing, plating ano lacquering. ; 0TIKAIXA. BOSS OP THR BOAD OVERALLS Bad aeechs - lea' ciotniugr- aoloa made. Newstaeter Baaafactarera, . Portland, Or. PLUMBfJtS. ' DONNERBKBO - A BADEMACHRB. aaattarf piamnera. aa- roana at. note POX A CO.. sanitary plombera. S3! Sexoad bet. Mela aad Salmea. Oregoa Phone Mala S001. PAXHTS, OIL AKD AljUsB. ' P. B. BEACH A CO Tba Ploaoer Paint 0e. window -flaw . aod . glaalog, - US tint at. " Pboaa 1334. . . .. . BA8MUSSEN A CO Jobbers, paints, oU, sank and doors. Second and Taylor. raivTnfo. BttaiMiNfi a. ra Sh, e . ' . Ins". Htboaraohlnr. blank hooka ana? efBca Buiipllee) work dona oa time; Bwet ooaplat IH-uieg wince in iae weew aula sua. ANDERSON A DDNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing.- bunk booka. Phoaa Mala IT. ma Alder at. - ) -i, -' BTJBBXB STAMPS. : P. O. STAMP WORKS. Is Alder at.. : Mala TV0; rubber ataBpa, araM, stencils, bag- aBaw warn mecaei eeoa tor rauiogae. Boorora. TIN ROOPINQ, gnttaring. repairing aad geaarai jwwwiwa.. e. soeiii, aia aeiiereeB es. aorx. ' PORTLAND CORDAOB CO.. aad Northrop ata.. Portland. Or. . -- :-.wtbbV.-- SAFES Tb maa wba kaows tba food and bad points or au aaroa Boys tba Herrlng-Hail-. karrla. Ate. TO Sixth St.. portlaad. Or. FOB epenlag lockouts and naf kargalaa g ta J. B. Daeic Third at. SH0WCA8EB-ABD nXTVaXB.' SHOWCASES af orary deecrlptloa; beak, bar ow eiore Bitwrra snsoe 10 oreer. aa unm Maaafartartag Co., Portlaad. STOKABX AJTD TRAMErXX, SAPES, plaaoa and feraltara mired, packed reaoy tor snip ping aaa aaippeo; an wars 8 stery. Wick, n re-proof u omcw US TNat sL Pkoao Mala o4T. & O. PICK, efflce SS first St.. betweee Stark , aad Oak sta., pboa 18; planoa and jaral tore Sre proof, ".brick . ware bouse, ' Froat . aad CUy ata. . .. . -..,. ; BTORAOB apace te let la aar aaw baltdlng, , 874 Water at, Slgler MUUag A temaiaalea -. Compe or. TBXATK1CAI. PERFORMERS wanted, aiaaaltloa Sroaad show , alator team, anelcal act, lady atagera, dsnc- , era. poor piaetioeje, trmaie ecu au a lea a, t Bacblne opera rur with machine; 4 aoatha' work; anote loweet aura salary V aa agent. no coramlaatoa; eaa place tew bright, pretty , glrla for ebons, experience atoweaaaary. Ad- or aa full particulars' C SO, care Journal. Tf P1WBITXXA. TOST TYPBWBITKR BCADQ DARTERS . 830 Stark Street. -; Wa raat. repair, aall, exchange tipeaiHeiB. All euppllea for all marlllnes, , Staadard amcbiaaa 825 aad Bp to $108. V9 roa waat a BteaoaTapaer or rrpBHJ,. , res aara uat or gooq a apt . . ft .oe Black .BtTl. . Wl.lfrTM1'wt-T'FB " . t"ij" 1 pairing. Rosa A Rows, Sod Stark. Mala 18T0. rOR RALE Twa homestead reBaoorfuhBent claims; socond growth; will sail cheap. X. P. Nlehma, Hotel BbelBpfabaa. PTL1VO IPA aerea, eorrraaleat. mag. old a, Oregoa . a-rewth; SKtOO. O. W. Cltr. Or. -1 roa B0MBRTRADS. timber eUtesa aad aari; eppvT as mm vomaiorciai sicca. i TOW XL oTTPrLY. CLRAN TOWRLS DAILY Comb, braab, aaaa, at per mown. Lawrence Hros. Towel anppiy Co., roarth aad Coach. Pboaa 48). - TKAJTSTXa ABB BATLIBt. OBROON TRANSTBR CO.. 184 North Sixth. . Pboaa Mala ta. Beary hauling aad staraga. POST SPRCIAL DRLITERT. N. W Waak- ingtoa st. raoa aisia bob. TTOLTRA. MY SPECIALTY RcpaMnt, Torrlng aad ad- it U bids nauBB' i; awnaaoa, rooa is. J. A. WBSCO. Tlolla-makef aad rapalrert work Scat class. 88 Buaaell bldg, 4fb sad MorrtaoB. WAXLPAPXa. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-18 at. aet. lemhiii an Taylor, rortlaed. TTBAJlCtAL. P0BTLAB9 TBirST OOMPANT OT OBXdrSB. . ' Ma, let TaOAB ST. .' The Old art Traat Oempaay la Oregoa, , , . euiTAVL. aaaa.wwB, W aorxtoct a general banklag recelre sarlnga wrooalta. ' Wa drpoalta. Wa ii tlBcatee aad cartiacataa of del ayable a poo 10 days' call. 80 day' call ar 80 dars' all, with latereat at . 8H aad i per real pe aneea, rewnwctlretr. Cell or saad tor ear book ft . ILLUSTBATIOKwV. , BENJ. I. CONKM, ..Preeideat H. L. PITTOCr!,. rfttBAaeltaTlwlBPrw4lflR.l B, LEB PA;KT... Seeretery I. O. UOLTRA.... .AaetaUet M EXCKAKTS RATIONAL BANK. PORTLABb. OBXO0B. ,, 4. FRANK WATSON. .Ju R. I. DURHAM Vloa PrratdcM R. W. ROYT., 1,, ........ ........Ceahler OBOROR W HOTT..... Aeatotant Caebiof Traaaaeta a Seamal Banking Bmlneaa. Drafts aad Letters of Credit leeae Available se an rana or too woria. . Col lee tie na a Specialty. " Sicvarrr sattnos a trdst compart. Sd Morrieea St., Portlaad, Or. Tiaaaania a Seaaral Baakle Bwaiaeaa. , ' BdTTKOS DEPABTM ART, - la l at Almwed oa Tlasa aad SeTlaa ftipsotla. Acta ao Traeteo for Karat we T Drafts tad Letters of Credit available la AR Parte ad ta WorlA. 0. P. DAkfS. ..Pt set dent k A. Law in FTrwt nce-rwrMt A. 1- Alif,' . ....... ...Bseuad Tla Prealdaal ta. 3UB1TB. Secretary MORTOAGE LeOAIVS Oa rartlaad Baal latate at Lwrt Bataa, H ' Tltloa laamad. AVatiaala 1 - ' SXXLK iMAAABTnA A TRUBT go. : - xxrr;:o or btaxx sTaxxr. ,. Whereas, the Council of the City af Portlaad, dceo-.i.g it espMlient to opeo, lay out aad ee taK.n a sew street by fi tending Stark street w.-stcrly In Ita present rourae aud wtdtb frua thb west line of Twelfth street to the east Una of Thirteenth street, did on the 1st day of February, -moo, direct the Cltjr Baglnear to enrrey the same and to aiarfc the boundaries thereof, and to make a plat ot such buxtwx. and a written report containing a fall Bod perfect description of each proposed atreet and Douadarlea thereof, aad of the portion of each lot. tract or part of either to be appropriated for each etrevt, and the City Engineer baring aiada earn surrey, plat and report, and flml aucb plat aad report la the office of the A editor of the Uty of Portland oa the 7th da of February, 10or. aad aald report baring been adopted by ordinance No. 14.4MX entitled: -ordinaaoa adopting tba report of the Uty Ba- tinrer in the. matter or te propoar opening, lying out aud catabllablng of a now atreet by extending Stark atreet westerly la Its present tours and width froa the weet lino of Twelfth atreet Im tba east Use of Thuueonth atreet." New, therefore, all persona Interested are hereby notified that Ue Count II of the City ot Portland baa appointed L. Ackermaa. W. F. White aad F.ooa Swaa elewera to Tlew aald proposed extension of aald atreet and asks aa est I mete af too benefit and 4a ma gee oc casioned by the opening, laying oat and eatab llahlag of tba aama. In accordance with eectloa 848 af the 'charter of tba City ot Portland, nnd aald Tie were to meet at tba office of tba Auditor of tb City of PortUad oa Tbareday. tb Stb day of April. llnKl, at tba boar of 10 o'clock In tba forenoon of aald day. Tba proposed opening, laying out and estab lishing of mark street hi o arot la width aad la Baura particularly bounded aad described as followai . -. Beginning at a point J -tba west. Una of Twelfth street where the am weald be in terser ted by a westerly eatensiop of tba south line of Stark atreet. running I hence On the westerly eiteneioa of the southerly II u of Stark atreet' to A point la the east Una of Thirteen tb atreet.' thence wortbrrlr a twee the aaat boo of Thirteenth atreet a d 1st a ere of ed feet te a point ta tba aootb line of Bora side atreet: three aaaterly along the south Una of Remold atreet a dlataeee of 6I.T8 feet to a oolnt la the westerly extrnawa of the aortb- orly Un of Stark atreet; thence onatbeaeterly along the westerly exteaaloa of the Bortberly line af Stark atreet to a aotat la tba westerly Mm of Twelfth atreet: tbenre south sloe tba westerly Una of Twelfth atreet a distance of 54A4 feet ta a point ; thence - southwesterly along the westerly lino of Twelfth atreet a dlataeee of B.U feet to the place of beclaalna. The proposed opening, laying nut and. ratab- nenin of Clara atreet win inrinne ao neceewl tate tba appropriation to public aar of tb lollowtn aeacripe parcels or tracts ar lead: All that portion of lot of block No. north H of I of the City of Portland, lying within tba bonadariee of tba proposed opening, laying out an establishing of Stark atreet, aa aboee aeacrlbe. aad containing a.iio.i aqua re toot. . Alan all that nnrtloo of 'lot 8. block 10T. rOuch'a addition, lying south' of the north Una af Stark atreet extended westerly. la Ita pras- aax course, romainins; s.wvi.v miliar reex, Alae all that nor t Ion of lot 8. block MIT. Coach's addition, lying sou t berry ot tbs Berth lino of Stark street extended westerly la Ita pre seat morse, containing l.ltN.T eg us re rest. Also all that nortloa of lot A block lOf. Coark'a addltloa. Irlaa north of tbexsootb lino ot Stark atreet extended westerly la Ita pros- ear eoarve, cwuiainins evs.a square xeex. Ahm ill that sort Ion of lot T. block TOT. Cooeh'e addltloa, lying between tba westerly extensions af the Berth snd south Mnea af Stark atreet. containing .4TS.1 aouara feat- All persons claiming da ma res by reaaoa af tbr anoraDrlattoa of the property a bore 1 ecrlhed. ar sny. part thereof. In the proposed opening, laying out and establishing of Mid street ar hereby epeelally notified te file tbelr els lms fur suck damages with tba A editor of the City of Portland before the SU day af April. 1AQA, the, time nppowtsd far tb Boot leg ox in Tie were Herein. By order af the naelL ' .1, ,,.-..-...-.- TH08. C. DBTLIN, -'' -; " Aadltor of tb City of Portland. Portland, Oregoa. Date af first publics Uoa, March 30. 180S. ..'.- Notice la berebr aires that oa tba 80th day of March, llMKk, I took ap aad empoaaded at tba city round, at . no. gat mxteenin atreet, la tba City of Portlaad. Orcaoa, tba follow lag deerrlbod - aalmala: One light Jersey cow with atrap aa Beck. .- One dark Jersey cow. Aad an lees tba owner, or other neeeoa ec persons baring aa Interest therein, shall claim pnesieslna Of taa aaaa, aaa pay an coata an chary es of too Beeping an advertising mem, together with the pound fees on aald animals, aa aroTlded hr ordinance No. 5.038. aa amended. of aald Cltr of PortUad. 1 will aa tba Stb da "i of AprtL.i900.At-tba boas of 10 s. n.r at tb City F-and. at No. Sol Sixteenth, la aald dty. aell tba abora deorrlbrdi aalmala at pablic auction to tbs highest bidder, to pay tba coats and -charges for taking up, keeptog gad sdrer Ualag aarb aalaaw, in was taia aai oay n spin inxm. . , , r r, W. ULU, etr" TJT mXPLZTIOB AJTD AOCXPTABCB OP ' IK- raoTxaxxT or r resoott stxxxt. Notice la hereby glrea .that Charles Waa Cltr Bngfnear. has filed ta the arrir af anderatgoed. notice that Been 111 - Bros., tractors for the laproeeaeat of Praaeett atreet, and the ttrorbilona of ordinaaoa Na. 1A8NO. bare computed aald atreet, froa the wwt Una of Baat Twelfth street to neater Una at Kast roartecata atreet. Said acceptance will he eonsldcred bp th ExecatlTs Roar at 4 o clock oa tba Ttb dar af April. IPun, and ebjectione to the acceptance or aia street, or any part taereor. may aa filed la the office of the ander signed at aa ttaa prUr thereto. , TUB EXBCCTITB BOARD, 1 - f 1 - ; ( By THOS. C DEVLIN, Aadltor of tba City af Portlaad. . Portlaad, Oregoa, April 1. IMS. . COMPUCTION AJTD AOCZPTAXCa or tK- - rxovxMijrr or ska via btbxit. '' Notice ta. hereby glrea that Charles Winner, City Knglaeor, has filed la th afftee of tb Bntmri-1gTt-4 thntlJad -A- Baaar, tractors for th iBproTeatent of Sharer street, ander the proaialona of ordinance No. 14.3M3, Lars completed said street froa tba center Hae of Baat SeraatS straw ta tb crater Una af East Ninth atreet. Held -eareptaar will ba cosaldei-ed by th Kxccotrr Board at 4 o'clock ee the Tth day of April. Ibua. aad objections to the acreptaac Afw iA t - - ms sew aart Uwwrf h Tile la the office at tba aoderslgDOd at any oat prior ueroio. . 1 , THE EXErTTtTB BOARD. ' ' . , I' f THOS. C. DEVLIN, ' Aadltor of tba Cltr of IValaad. ParlUad. Oregoa. AprU L IMS. (WSLPUCTIOB AJTS AOCXPTAJTCX OT H- . rBovxMXBT or MAJV stxxxt. Notir ta hereby glees Uat CtiarW Waaoer. City Englnoar. baa filed ta th office of tb undersigned, aetle that Nlckaa A Kelly, eoa tractors for the Improreaent of Mela atreet, seder the prortslons af ardlaasca No, 14,08. hare roBBteted ssld atreet from the cents lino of Firth atreet to tba center lin of Klith atreet and froa U center lino of Tenth street to tba west line of Fourteenth atreet.. Bald acceptance will ba considered hf th BxornttT Board at '4 o'clock oa tba Ttb alar ot April. 1116, aad select loea to the acceptance or eaio atreet. cr any pari inereoi, amy a filed la tb office mt Ue aadcralsaad at any flaw prlar thereto, THE BXECTmVH BOARD. 1 ' By THOS. C. DBVLIIt. " Aadltor of the City of Portlaad. ' Portland. Orearoa, April 1. 1M0. TTBABCIAL. I tsTTXD STATT8 WATTOBAt BANK, w t a-vKTx,aaiif, uheous, M0RTTWX8T OOa, THIRD AND OAK ST. Ttaa a ata a Sieaeral Banking Bailana . DBAFTS ISRCRD. - , . AraUabla la All Cltlea of the mitred 8 rataa . aad Europe, Boaa Keet sad MaaBa. , . C-T.tTCTtOBI MASX 0B rATOaABXX TEkMl Asalstaof 'caableV.' , .. rr. an rt si Kg A. M. WRIGHT LASS TIL TON BANXIXS. -' (Estahliahed ta laW.V .. Tiaramrta a Oeaeral Baaklng Baataees. ' fwiieatlons Bade at all points en famrable terme. Letters wf credit lesued araltebla la tar-ope and all pal at In the Catted States. Sight Eiebange aad Telerrapbre Traaafera sold sa New York. Wsebtnrroa. Cblcare,. at, Iara, - Denrer Omaha. Sea Francisco and Montana and Brltrab Co torn Ma. Rxehaaaa aold oa Loeden. Paris awn. frankrort. Bong Boas. Yokohama, Maalla aa Beaolaia. ... FIRST NATION At BANK OP PORTLAND. ORISON, twalgaatad ilenoallorr ami klaeacUl Ageat at - tba Halted States. . 1 iwwrai, ....,,,,......... ,m. t,. Si 1 1-t.J Caahlerw,.... .....,....J. W. NEWR1KK aanruil varawr.i,.iiit,l, v.n. d AlTOnn Sersad Aalstaat Cashier. .., R. p, ATETgNS Lettart af Credit leaned Amdahl la Karona sad tb Vest era state. ' Sight Racks or and Telerrsphl Traeafer akt ee Maw York, Bootoa, Chics eo. St, Lee la, Bt, Peat, Oauba. San Frenelse aad tb prlaclpnl points la the Kort sweat. Bight and time bills drawa In same to gall sa Loadoa. -Psra, Rerlla. Praakrort-oa-tho. Main, Hnas Kong. Yokohama. Copeaaapee, Cbraitlasls. Stockholm, 8t , Pataswbars. Moa bTg o-WgVBaTTt, tttiwxm inagu . OalUaUaaa Mada as raassaMa M ORRIS BBO. A C H RiST tBSKlf . , ( ItfH Jinrt Street, rartlaad. 0-. , Offgg Ofrt-Yda TanataaiH ta'. tVettpa Rat in or i.-mis, Assist xx itT roa nrpRorxxrirr or STRIXT. ': Notice ta kerrby glrea Uat Ue Council of t City of Pnrtland. Orraen, at a meeting held ' the Ina held oa tba svtk day a f March. ltMA. decUrrd Ina as sessment uy ordinauco Ho, lull, rot ina nu pruveiurat of MuJn street, from tb west line of Front atreet tu the west line ot fourteenth street In the uianarr prorlded by Ordinance No. 14. WW. upon rarb lot. part ot lot and parrel of Uad, which are soc ially aud pacaUafly bea rfllvd, to ba a follow, tb): -' PtlRTLAND BLOCK , lot , Anale C. Scbmeer, Seu.oT: north of lot 3. Maria J. Baker, 8II.MD; south M of lot S. (hsr lotto , Moffatt Cartwrlgbt. 8As; lot Ferdinand C. Umltk Raute, Heirs of, 8.2B: osdlrlded V, of lot 8, Irsak J. Wataoa. tU lli sudl , Tided V, of lot 8, Ferdtnaad C. Smith Bauta. Heirs of. 833.51. . BLOCK 11. lot 4. 1. LawU Lore Estate. Heirs of, 823.74; kit S. John A. ' Deella. J.3, lot . Leaadrr U Bawklna, EI83: lot A Lessder U Hswklns, 46.70. LOCK 3A. lot 4, Agnes B. Scbusua. 3.0O; t JrMary Ruth Hawkina, U.38; lot a, J. " Cook",2V M W' T PLAZA BLOCK aVasatb 100 fast. City al Portland. 83.54. PORTLAND BLOCK 58, tot 4. Multnomah County, 130.42: lot 3. Multoomak Couaty. . UM; lot A Multnomah t'onaty. ft.nt; Vt 6. Multnomah Ceuaty, 132.14. BLOCK 100, lt 4,. Herman . Seringa A Loaa Society, f3.T0i mt A Oeraan Sa rings Loan 80- ' rlcty, 3.38; lot , AbbU L, Atwood, 877 10; lot 8. Aobie L. Atwood. tl67,o. BLOCK , ISA lot t, Catherine A- Daly, A14s.1T; aouth 4 af lot S, Catberla A. Daly. 13.80 aortb S of lot S, , Lory Treorott Smith. $3.80; , bit , Mary A. Burks, 84.PA: lot 5. Mary A. Burke. 8114. DO. BLOCK 208, hit 4, Loala Pleiacbner Ratal. Helra of, 3.0S: mt 3, , lauia Fiepx horr Estate. Hrlra of. d OB; lot ' A Ila Flelacboer Estate. Helra at, 88 03: lot ' 8. Louie Flelarhnar Kstat. Helra of, 833.18. PARK BIJet'K T. hit X. City of PortUad, . tXOd: lot 3. CUy of PortUad. 82.38, POHTLANIt BLOCK 221. lot 4, noaora Par. rell, to. 19; lot . Henrietta R. Eliot, $0.13; ; lot A. (ieorg A tna ley BaUtc. Heir of. 80.37; lot 5, Ceorge Alnsley KsUte. Helra of. t' BLOCK tts, bit 4. -Annie' S. Nichols. 8 U. TO 1 bit 3, Annie A Nichols. ; $"3.15; aortb So feet of lot 8. Laa Hellentg; ft.rf7: aouth 20 feet of lot 8. A. C. Pike, -r M,r-let.V-A. 1. Plh. Sl21.ll. BLOCK - Ml. lot 4, Josephine C, Child. 10S.M: lot 3. Henrtetta U Stbltb, SALMt eaat H of lot 8, Henrietta L. Stelih, tfiai: east H of lot 5. Henrietta L. Smith, 8T3.T8: north .. S feet, of west H of lot 8, Ferdinand O. Smith Katate, , tlclra af, $4.81 s aoutb .44 , feet ot west U of lot a. Battle Is Martin. t'ia.81; west sf lot 5. Board ot School Trusters. t143.8S. BLOCK P. lot 4, Berth Kobn. I3BO.P8: lot 3, William B. Sews 1 1. J 78.011: eest 22 feet of lot S. WITUaa B. ewalL" 818 34: -met feet of lot 5. Berths i Kobn, $M.70; aortb , of west T8 feet af ' lot 8, , Agnes SnUlmaa, 834.80: aaatb H e west tb reef ot kit a, s,aawia w linens, J 24.80: eaat 8S feet of west T8 feet af lot , Africa a Moaat Eloa Church, 71.23: weet 1 40 feet af lot 5. African Mount Zma Chore h, IIIO.SS. BLOCK M. lot 4. Albert T. Smith". 862.25; lot A Albert T. Smith. I1LT1; eaat 84 feet of lot 8, Cella Burkhard. 8.M.60; eat 84 feet of lot A Cella Burkhard. i8.3: aortb IS feet of west M feet of lot A Harriet number t. t 75: aoutb 88 feet ot west S8 feet of lot A Jacob Kama. 121.43: west 88 feet of lot A Jacob tins: I108.SS. A tract of Und lying between the westerly . line ef Fourteenth atreet and a line !' fret , westerly thereof aad parallel therewith and : between the aortberly and aootberly lines Mala atreet If extended westerly In Ita ferae nt retiree, Jacob Kama, 8224.8. -- BLOCK T, undirlded H of lot T, Mary Ana Cottle, H 13; nndlrldcJ of let T. Ada . Peart Cottle. 82.08: anStrtded M. af lot T. Planch B. Cottle. 82.08; andlrlded 1-18 of lot 8. Elisabeth D. Merer. S3 AS; andlrlded 115 of lot 8. Rather M11U. AT .85; andlrlded 13-15 ot lot S. Tyler Woodward. 850.1. BLOCK 1A lot 1. Dow Shads, 833.T4; wadt Tlded H of kit 2. Lewie Lara Batata, Heir . of, II. TO: aonU is ef lot A Strphea Meade toslale Relee of 81 ATI! lot . - Jonenh N. Teal aad Lea Frede. S4.: lot S. Joseph N.' Teal tad Le FradP. 830.10, ' m-ocn. z, lot 1, tan R. Anderson, S2.03; lot A -f Emma-R.- AaaVrana, 80.28: lot f. EUaM. Smith Estate. Heirs of, 80 JW: lot A tils If am na Errtete. Helra af. 82.42. PLAZA BLOCK 54, aortt 100 fort. City pf -rorTiano. aa.we. . PORTLAND-BLOCK ST. mt 1. Mary Rath Itawklaa. 827 83; let A Mary Ruth Hawkina. S.84; eaat 834 feet ef lot A Mary Rutk iwklns. fllftS: eaat At feet of lot T. Mary BnU Hawkins, ft. TO; sat SSli feet . af lot T, Martha J. McOulre. 12.87; weat 08U feat of lot S, Martha J. McGelro, 820.18. BLOCK ISA eaat 8S 1-3 fat af lot 1. H. U asA flaoewe W trer-r tl S7- jBortt-JA taet--f Taet -SS -A fret VT lot X. It. M. uaaa aaa u corse w. erery. ; : weat 2 1-3 feet of eest S84-S feet af aouth 1A feet nf north U of lot A H. M. Cake and George W. Arary. 80.83; west 18 1-8 feet of ' eaat bb l-a feet or aoata i m t li. at. "I Cab A Oeorg W. ATery, 80.28: Mat 40 , feet at aoutb 40 feet aad treat IS feet ot . anath 25 feet ef eat Wl feet of . lot 2. Meiarlcfc Av ropoleten. 81 .Alt weat SO 2-8 feet . of lot 1, Edward J. Finch. 88.81: weet SO At feet af lot 3. Edward t. Finch. 80.84: lot 7. E. O. Barnes and Lamar B. Seeley, 334.83; lot 8. A. O. Baraaa Lamar B. Sorler. . 8188.82. BLOCK ISA lot 1, .Amanda W. Bead Katat., iHclra of. 838.80: north 2. feat of lot A Renry Soate ; Batata. Helra af. f0.20 aoutb 48 feet af lot ,. A Henry Boole Estate, Helra of. 84.88; east tt of lot T, Henry Tanbenhelmer, 82.85; ' , tz . a U.-HBW e.-kuL-i-u- eiuk re. WWW. Wl w, , WI.W' . WW',", weat U af lot f. Job a M. Hodaoa, 12.80: west H af tot A Joba M. Hodaoa, I1J.WI. BLOCK 20T. lot 1. Martin Winch. 8134.85: lot A Martin Winch. . 88 8: lot T. B. J. Corbett . Estate, , Heirs of, $30,18. lot A Rudolph Becker 873 OA . PABK BLOCK A tot I. dtp of PortUad. fASS; mt 4. city ot rort is no, PORTLAND BLOCK 222. loll. Wllllaa Lsdd. 80.21; lot A Wllllaa Ladd, $0.02: lot T, Wir llam Ladd. ho 2: lot A William LadA . 1100.52. BLOCK 24T, lot 1. Rleberd Krardlng. flAT3tlot A i"bo Srheorer, 8SS57: lot T, Kllaa Belllag. All 41: let 8. Klla Helling, 1172 n. BLOCK 20A kit 1. Jamea P. FalUng, 8224.87: tot A James P. Fallln. 840.2T: lot t. CnroUne BclUag. $A 80: lot S. Carolina I . Selling, gl. BLOCK --,; Tt 1. Beth larari Cwogreganaa.; lot a, Hex a Israel Coaerecation. 878.05: bit T. Beth Israel Congregation. tUS.TT: kt 8. Beth Israel Coa- gregatlaa. glin.Na. RLOCK N. lot 1. Wllllaa . Sewall. $1T8.S aortb 23V feet of tot A WUHaa SawaU. $31. 86: aoutb MA feet of let A Anna C. Quack enbush. 835.02; eaat 8 feet af lot 7, Thomaa Mana, t'.2T2; eaat , feet of lot A Thomas Mann. tHB.35; weat 84 feet ef lot T, Jacob Kama, 428 T; west 84 feet af lot 8. Jacob Kamm. $103.18; right of . wsy af Pertlsad Coaeottdoted Railway Com . pear. 1134.13. Total. 8S.0Mt.2B. A autement or aioremua aseeeeaaat aaa aeea catered to the Docket of City Lleaa. and k now due aad payable at the office of tba Cltr Trees- la lawful money of tb I'nlted State And if ant paid within Utrty dars from the deta of this sotlce, such proceeding will be take for tba eollrcttoo at Ue as roe aa are pmwlded by tb Charter af th City of Port Und. Tb sbere aaaiasnunt will bear Intereet tea days attar Us first pobHcstiaa f thta aotle. ..-. THthS. C. DEVLIN, ; AarfltnT af tb City ef PorUaad. Oreroa. ... Date af first psbllcstloa. April i, Itt. . coariXTxoB ajto aocxptabcx or srwxx or" east TWATrrr-rrxjT stxxxt. " Notloa ta baraby glrrn tthat Charles WaBsrr, City Engineer, bas filed la the office of the auderalgued, notice Uat J. B. Slemmooa, coo tractor for tbs coaetractloa of a aewer la Bast Twenty-first atreet. ander' tba prorlaieae of otdlnaace No. 14,457, baa ooaspleted aald aewer from 1U0 feet Berth at aortb Una sf Oregoa atreet te a oonnicHea wiU la awa la Baat lrrlug street. . . Said acceptance will ba eaaaldarad by tbe fxecetlre Board at 4 O'clock oa tb Tth day of April, 10(i5. and object too to the acceptance of aald sewer, or any part thereof, may be filed la the of flea at tb BBdarelgaed at aay Ua prlar thereto. , . TUB EXXCVTIVB BOARD. - . , . By T110A C. DEVLIN"," i -' Audita t tb City ot PurtlaaA . rorUaad. Oregoa, April 1. W0A . OOMPLXT10B AND ACCXPTAKCX 0T Hf. rxovxMxvT or mtssisstppi avxbpx. Nwth I hereby glrrn that Chsrla Wsaasr, City Knglneer. haa filed In the of fie af tba arMMrelgaed, . notice that Becbll Broa., con resclore for the lBDroetaeat of Mlseleslnnl areaue, ander tba prorlaloos sf ordlnssca bo. 14.2.VX, Bars coojpietea aaia street Iron th aortb lino ot KlUingswortb areutt to tb center Un of Jeseap s treat; also froa the center line of Slmpnea atreet to tb aortb lin of Wat Piedmont. ' - SaM acceptance win do eonsiaere or tbs Rxecutl Board at 4 ' clock ea the Tib dsr ot April, 1WV And wtijectkin to the acceptaace of ssld street, w any part thereof, may ba filed in the oinc t ta aoaersigoea at Bay tlasa prior tberetr. , V TUB EXXrCTTTt BOARD. . By THOA V. DbVUN. ' - Aadltor of tba City of Pur Hand, ' ' Portland. Wreguo, AprU 1, 1SU6. COMPLlnOK ABD AOCXPTABOX OP TJB rXOTXMXBT 01 ALB INA ATlBTrE. Notice ta berctiy gtrr-a that Cbarlee Wtnaer. City bngtaecr, bas filed lu the office of the smderwtgm-d. aotlc teat Bot-blU bcee., coa trarter fur the Improeeraent ot A Ibis a arenne, ander the prorlatnne af ordlneace No. U,3u, brrw rnjnpleted aid ttreM from tl aortb line of kllilnseworth areoue la Ua aortb Ilea of West PsMoaont. ' paid accent nee will be considered by th Rrecwtlee Voerd at 4 a'elorh on the Tth See of April, V. aad ohjertlnna to the acceptance of Mid atreet, or any part thereof, may he file la ue ernca of tba aedrraigaed at any Uaa priar thereto. TUB FXECTTtVE ROr, Mr TFtON. V. I . V, ' Asx-tor of i he i o i U-4 rarUaad, Orvox, AprU U K a , rxc?r- i i SA..f t . . t, . ' tTxrrf. r r r TWIST Y-AtXK3 t . J 4 ' STaxxr. ' ' Notice la herey glrea f t " a I City of lVrlianl ba y .era a k eessmrat fur I- cvi-- i- .w of Bandy Muad, Aat Iwreij-itret a Irr lug atreet, fcst Twenty aua4, a Oregua atreet from tba laterecua t , etrwet and aaady Bond to tba aaw -TwentleU atrwet at Bantiy twod a 4 ccrtalned what be deeasa a just ar of cost of the eewa ta scsurds epertal aad porallar benefits derired I parcel of Uad aad kit or part ,tbwr v th aaiueamewt dUtrkt, and haa a the coat for aald aewer la tb amoan a puslta each parcel of tend ami toe or p-rt af aa Ita abare of each proposed aeaw Any objectlona te Ua aiipurtkenmeat e t frw aald aewer Bast ba Bad ta wnuo t t Council sod filed with Ue Auditor a t days from tb date of the first pu.; ol this nolle, sad aald objections wtU be b- and litter mined by tba Couucll before tba age ot Ue wdlaaaca ssnaalag tba aaat af e aewer. . SI U.IVAN S ADDITION TO TBR CITY t' BAST PORTLAND Beat H of block A Ot. Jobauaeuaea. SMi aA BLOCK 8. bit 8, Pass. - J Byrue. tM.OU: lot A Daairl J. Brrar, IB.oii; lot f, laalc t. Byroe. 84Aui bit . lanlel 3. Byrue, 4d.oO. BLOCK A lot 1. : Kohrloa D. Hcwey. fcTT.wO; tet 2. Amaada M. reraur.;-lot , Tna Aliiaaau its.! Company, Ltd. 837. SO; lot , Tba Alliance Trust Company. Ltd... 834.80: lot A Tba Al liance Trust Compeay, Ltd.. Blub; lot S. The Alliance Trust tjomoear., Ltd. AJ bo: let t. K. li. F. Chard, gilau; lot A the Alliao.a . Truat Company, Ltd., 44.00. BUM K III. K. H. kobblns, 811.8U, BlAH'K 11. Syrwaater W. Race Katate, belra at, H 06, BLOCK IX k 1, Alfred J. Funge,; lot A Alfred J. .tango, po-llv; lot 3. Alfred J. Funge. 825: lot 4, Alfred J. Fungs, 83.30; lot L Alfred J. - Fuuge, (3.N0: lot T. Alfred J. rsege. 34.10:' lot b. Alfred J. Funge, . gd.Sn,. ' BLOCK LI. -bit 1,- Mary Campbell, gift. Hi; lot A Mary Canphell. tsllu; kit A J oka T. axcDoSaail Or lteulei UcAIleo, tow. lot 4, John T. -, Doaaell Daniel McAltaa. AO; lot 5. W a Ham Bbebaa, , t.8t; lot A WUIUm She has. tu-w) lot 7, Annie Ooa way, go-BO; kt , Annie Coaway. to. HO. BLOCK 14, let 1. ..Edward J, ODoa. &5sS; lot A- 'Edward J, li'Dea. $37.80; lot S. tdward J. O'Dea, t-il. : lot 4, Edward J. O'Dea, $37.80; lot 8, Kt 4 . J. O'Dea. ACM; lot A Bdward J. O l .. ' SS.SU; k.t T. Edward J. O'Dea. 37. 411; bt a. Mward j iTDea; 8S0.46. BLOCK lb, kit 5. Roman Catholic Arrbblabop of the IHeceee of ' Portlaad, Oregoa, $4tt.0; lot A b "a Catholic Archbishop af Ua Dloceaa ef I-urt. . Uad. Oregoa, t-K.00; kit f. Boaaaa CaUhnlo Arcbblabop ot Ue Dip aaa ef ForUew. Oregoa, $4AO0; M l, Baaaaa Cath. e Archbishop of -th Dloceaa af . Uad, Oregoa, $4A0u. BLOCK 20, lot A loo ' Hooaa . ot Us Good Shepherd of Port Uad, Oregma. $82.75; lot A . The Roaae of the Uood ..Shepherd of mtbusd. . Oregoa,. $47.TA " BLOCK 21, lot 3, Edward J. O'Dea, $51.10; lot A Edward J. O'Dea, 3Llo; lot S, Edward J. O'Dea, $-.; '. k.t , Edward J. O'Dea. $GATA; lot T, Au-werd J. O'Dea, $5T.65; lot A Bdward J. O l -a, . 85T.65. BlirOK 22. lot 1, Ferdlaaad Ok . . $&A0U; ' lot A Ferdinand Oplte. fe.00; b A Ferdlaand Oplts. 84S.00; lot A Fro i OptU, t-lo.00: fot 5. Fardlnand Oplts. -lot A Fardinaad Oplts, ."; lot T. J- a Aylward, :il.l6; lot A Jaraaa Aylw ., 846.1 A BLOCK 23, lot 1, W. D. Vtaaewr, 84d.l5; lot A W. D. Wearer, $31.13; lot A V. B. Wataoa. $AlW; lot 4. ft. si. Waoaan. tASO; lot A W. B. Wataoa. SA80; lot A V. k. Wataoa. $AM; . lot 7, Mary k . Frslney, tll lo; lot A Mary K. rr!"--r, 34. I. V BliOCK 24. lot 1. Oceana k , M0.15; lot A Oceana Baker, All. lb; b-c : Oceana Baker,; lot 4. Oceana B . $.su; tot A . Ocean Baker,; k - - Oceana Baker. tA80; kit T. Ocean 1 gl.Ui lot A Ocr ana Baker. 80 1A. B. -. tot 1. Henry Holtgrtera, $4. 15; tot Henry Holtgrlrre, J1.15; lot A Hear 1 Key. 84.2U; lot . lleary Holtgrkm, J. 6. Henry lloltgrlere. $0.U; tot 7. f ' Holtgrlere. $l.9u; lot 8. HmrT Hultgr 34. 11. BLOCK 2. Alfred J. range. t ', BLOCK 27, Fred KUere, $30.1. BLOCK i lot 1, t-red Nllera, tu SO; lot A Fred b. id. HO; lot A Fred KUera. JT 4ft: tot 4. . isiiera. 852.45: lot 6. Fred KUera, $42.40; I A red Klhrrs. 837.45; tot T. Fred r ' M.80; tot a, Fred KUera, gd-SO. BLOC a. -lot t. koee A. Hawkloa. $.(;. tot A T A. Hawkm. $.; lot A bvnaa A. Raw- r.45; tot 4. Rosa A. Hawkins, flu.,- , Boa A Hawkina, $04.45; tot A Kew a. ; Haakiaa, $37 46; tot T, Rose A. Be $d.80: tot A Haa A. Hawkina, to. HO. Bia - w , r..u o -- isa. i a , j--Stewart. $4 au; kt 8. Joba Stewart, $37 , .; . tot 4, John Btswart, oa-e; aot a. eowa aew ' art, $53.45; tot 8. Joba Stewart, 837. to; b-t 7, Joba Stewart, $ASO; tot 8, Joba Stewart. 8e.A. BLOCK St, tot X. B latere ot Chart l of Piwrtdeaee ef SA Vincent Uoepitat, 4.t -. lot 2. Kurt are of Charity ef PreTidrac o St. Vincent Hospital. $0.80; lot B, b ' 4 of Charity of Prorldeors ef IM. Vtaceat b.. -pitas, $37.45: lot 4. Misters of Chart'r c Prorldeoce of St. Vincent HoeHUI. ' lot A tatrra of Charity of Prerldrr . ; SU Vincent Hostrlul, to 1.48; let . l -ef Charity- ef ProTtdeocs ef Bt. V- Hospital, $TT.4B; tot T. Waters of Cr ' . pf ProTldeace sf St. Vincent HospltsL ts ' lot 8, Klatera of Charity of Pt"Io '-a St, Vincent HospltsL $8 bO. BLOt A f lot 1. Slsten ef Charity of Baaee of P dene of Vascoumr, Waablngtoa. gd-bo; b 'e ' Slatera af Charity af Hewaa ot Prorl-. - ot VaacoaTor, Wablagtoa. $4.80: b i Slaters of Charity of Iloaae ot Preri of Vaaooarer, Wasblagtan, $37.45; It . Biatera ef Charity of Hoes of Frew e . of Vsacoarrr. Waabingtea. 852.41 w ef lot S, Slater at Charity ef House at. ' or nee ef Vaaooarer, Waahlagtoa. 4 weat H of let A Staters of Charity ef k t ef Pruritic nee at Vaacourer. WwbH 8IAT5; eaat H ef tot A J a aaa Co-. . .$3.2f; -eaat te of let A Jama Ce. .. 818.70: lot T. Slaters of Charity of k ef PrsTldeaoa ot Vaacaarer, Washl $4 80: tot A Batara ef Charity of of ProTideaca of Vtnoaurer, Waab' $.t0. BLOCK S3. bt 5, J. N. 3... ..... 8il.05: tot 8. J. N,Taybf, $4S.0A BYRNES' ADDITION to Bust pora , BLOCK 8, lot A Sarah Byrne. SA I b ; 8. Sarah Byrne, $3T.T0; tot 7. Sara A. iae, - $2.30. ' A pare! af toad tytaf bctwoea, tb geta'b- aaaterly Una ef Saady road aod a- lie I - feet soaUeastarly tbarefraa and p- I therewith and between th weat Hae -" - aaogb'a Adultles, City ef Portland. t -, and Ue east lie ot Byrnes Adoitioa to- . - PortUad are aad except - s-at portr- -s e aid parcel appropriated for street , aa, Oeerg W. Dnrcb. gltb.lO, . BRONAl'OH'S ADDITION a tb City Sf 1 Uad. oregoa BUICK I. tot 10. Ban C. . aaugh, 37.35; tot A Earl C. Breaaaab, $ lot A Karl C Bronaugb. $A4; tot 11, I C. HronaorA $.; tot 1A Reel C. I -as urn, $ 10; tot 13. Karl C. BronaagA ' lot 1, Earl C. Bnaaaagb. fS.15; tot 2, f It. snsnii,. rw. , aiirva. e, era a, wwn , 'Bronaaab.' 8A80: lot A Karl C. ' A47l: lot A Bart C. Breuauab. - ' A parcel of Uad lylag betweee the a'' -eaatarly line ef Saady road aad a line t - fret eoaUeaatarty there pom awl pare . tberewiU and th east Ua ef Bree . a Addition, City af PortUad. Oregoa. asal t- weaterly Use of Logaa'a Addltloa to aU- Port laud. Lee lloffaaaa, $40.80. LOUAN'S ADDITION te Eat Portlaad 91j0C i. tot 1, Harry M. Adaaa. $AB; M 2. - Rarry M. Adaaa, $8.80: let 3. J. A. MorrH 3O.H0; lot A A F. Clarke. 825 au; tot 1 ., Irarld-King and Esther E. , Nicholas, ft)..; tot 11, Darld Kloa and Esther B. KV - . , $15.. BLOCK 2. lot 1, JuUa Monk. 1 .... ; ' tot A Julia Moak. $28.Bo; let 8. H Counties Inrestment Company. Ltd., I u ' tot 4. Northern Counties Iaratatsat ce an, . Ltd.. $tt SO. BLOCK 1. bt 1, let I. I ... n. ,$8.80; lot A las a Brscb. $8.80; so-' rsued of tot A rTederlrk a. Forb-a. $11,.: srv alTlded ef lot A Sell! B. Forbes, $3. to; , uadlwtded "A of tot 4. Frederick R. F-a. II. 70-andlrlded sf lot A, BaUla B. lorsea, S.1A TotsL $3,818. 55. - THOS. P. DEVLIN. - - Aadltor af the City of Portlaad, Ore-ea. Date at Srat pabUrattoa. April 1. lav. coitTLXTtox an aocxptabcx or trwxi ... jb 8 ILL WOOD STRUT. ' Notice la hereby glrea that Char lea Wasscr. dlXMSrmt baa filed bs ff tba undersigned. Botk tba -J. A raemaaorje, ros trsrter tor the roes true tloa of a awa b Pellwood street, ander the pawrlsloaa ef errfl Bnc ' No. 34,481. baa completed aald aewer from leu) -feet west ef west Mo ef Mlanbjalpul arenne to a ceaaertloa with U ana la Delay atreet. ''.''. POM acceptance wilt be oaalded by th r.xecotlre Braird at 4 o'clock we the Ttb day of April, Iwtib, aad bfectlona to tbo Meewtaacw of aald sewer, a any part thereof, ny be filed la the offic of Ua aaderalgasd at aw time prlar thereto. , . TUB KXNrtmVB BOARD. S.V By THOS. tt DRVLI. - ' Aadltsr of the t'Hy ef purtUaA PurtlaaA Oregoa, April A, lied. - OOKPLXTIOK AID ACCITTAXCX Or f-I. PROYXMUfT OT KAJT TeTtBTY-wTC . . iraiKT. . . . .... Notice bt boreby gla that Ckarlee Wa"- -City KBgiueer. bas lll-d In lbs e(". el sudrrslgued notice that Berklll lira., e trartura tot tba ItnproreeaM ef Rest 1 nlnib atreet. ander Ue preewitoae ef asnra be. I4.3KI. bore mmole-ted aM a from the aortb Ho of liae-wee .--ion fret aerth at Ua aortb lure ef I ... . 'eM aereoraac will be saw '" 1 Biei-ullre at 'rwwk ea of Aprtl. 1rs.. and eblcef' iMi of se4 atreet. or Buy ' pied le the afa-e at Ue tlta prlar tb- . if v I." . J