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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1905)
Tii2 daily jou....YaL. ; otl;...d. :AF TEAM fATS GAS1BRINUS ack Team of - BowUrt "wb 9ut ' Three, e Last; Evening. gii match on tbs Portland venlng th Oold Leaf tsajn Irst 'two ' (amis from . th - Th Gambrtnu , tm the third snd iron it. Cap be Gambrinu bad th high 1-8. He also had th hih- me. making 23 I hla third. will bo ladles' day and ail Invited to come and bowl brge. Wednesday- evening khta and All-Staro bowt of last evening's natch I ' ....ITS .,..18$ . e.ll ...,17 ii 168 155 11 til S) Av. 178 m i-i 1S4 174 1-J 143 1)1 174 16f-8 sst :o7 i-i .....$ -.,$70 1T,;VV;; .,..184 ' 1B J 90 1SI 1-4 ,...1 lt lo5-t-157 i an . 1 k ' 1 al aft ..,.313 , . - .1 ..$$ . i7j Tin i :' ')''; EE DERBY WON bWtt'S COLT AGILE Iras! Special ServUO : , Tenn.. April 4. The . Ten- worth 11.100 to the win- a red by Copt. 8. 8. Brown's aek Martin up. - Summary: nga Odella won. Bloe PI- Osslneks third: time. :0-. d Pat won. Dapple Oold e :t third: timet 1:K. -'., nffs Mansard won, Monaa- jDuchosa OUla third; time, derby sweepstake, mils and (lie. 111. (J. Martin), l to BmulskL 1 (H. Phillips), hd; Jack Lory. HI tHllde- 1, third; time. -a half furlong Tanks Kllnsor second. Joe Coyao kensla won. Docile second, third; time, 1:44. -. - ns. April 4. New Orleans result: -----t la won, Lee Snow second, d; time, 1:4$. . tyre -Grande won, Jom Me nd, Verdant; third; . time, Luminast won. Hard teg see third; time 141 S-o. Togan ond - but - was ; disqualified 0 yards Alma Dufour won. second, - Or VlTa third; bngo Thespian ' won, aptu Icood, KUUes third; tiro. longs Resolute won. Red kid. Got. Sayres third; time, LACMSSE FLAYERS co:.:::ErxE; practice Local Team Hat Been Strength ened by Several ;Well ':'.;'?'-v- Known1 Men. ; t ': The' v Portland " lAcroase " Club has started practice la earnest, and confi dently aspect to put a winning team in the field during the coming season. The locals have been strengthened by the addition of several star players who have . taken up their residence in this city.- .- w..-r .,-; Among the" new r faeas " who have Joined . the local team ,. are such well known lacrosse players as -Dan McNeil of Nelson. . B. C. . Porter' of Seafnrth,, Matthlsou and Murray of Van couver, B. C Marshall and Jennings of Seattle, - Tommy Burns of ..Chicago, Hague and Mills McCanc. The members of. last season's, team who are participating in the , weekly practice ' games that take place, every Sunday are Haus. Braden. the Stewart brothers, Shaw, McDougaJI. McDonnell brothers, -Beckwith and Monroe. The members are enthusiastic, and the local club , promise to furnish some splen did sport In this city during the sum- mer. , : - - .. i .,,-..."' STARK TO PUNCH . ; ; BAG AT Y. M. C. A. To the 8 porting Editor of The Jour nal On Thursday evening I will give s short exhibition on the 'bag at the T. M. C. A.r after which I will give an endur- anoe exhibition. By this I mean punch ing ths bag as fast as possible without a miss until my strength compels me to stop. The record for such a test is II minutes. I am In nns condition and as pect to make JO. This Is endurance ot the art of bag-punching. -I -will give any man 11,000 that can do what I will show. on Thursday night at the T. M. C A. I have an offer from my manager. J. D. Hardy, who atatea that Lanky Bob Fltaslmmons desires mo to go Into the ring again and that ha will train ma. can get down to 111 and can strike a punch as hard as Fits. - At present I can not consider F7lr offer. If bag-puncher Orr wants to accept my several offers he had better do so today, sir else I will not consider him again. ,; . t , HENBT S. STARK. N KNOCKS OUT K JOST IN THE NINTH Olspeteb te The Tea sat) . ' prll . 4. Charles - Jost , of ho boxes 'under- the ' name ritsslmmons. - was ' knocked k "Twin" Bujllvan Is the ox wna was o nave oeea bout. '' - r .i..,". ' Its was outpointed and out- almost every - round, and k showing In the. sixth and hds. whan ho mixed It rather lb Boatonian. round came near resulting lor all-fight, when Fltsslm- being floored by Sullivan, his feet anl claimed fouL t Sullivan and In ths scuffle pped to ths floor, during bctator Jumped In. the ring. toll elected ths outsider and (restored. 1 , fith round Fits lowered his he Boston man was quick to kg of ths opening, and with the jaw put the Portlander lit. A fats slsed house wit- ffalr. . ... , . - , ND CUSTENINCS. will eagerly watoh ths re on ths score' boards at ths Ir stores this cfternaon. for tets the' undefeated San lam today. ' - - - k, th crack young twlrler. h Salt Luke, or Ely Cates, alnst the Seals today, while eler will 'occupy the rubber nclsoo. . ' tt Is hot yet In shape to hele Hsnk, and It Is quit wheeler and Whalen will a two game against Ma li, corortt la troubled wun and will probably b out for a couple of weeks. Illler Is also -on the sick or arm list, so th seals will rmldabls contestants during week, and Portland should efe, Tacoma's star. Is an league crack who Is not yet As th Tigers meet th week.' It looks rather bad Ithout Keef e's services. ; i and the Oakland bunch b profit by ths weakness of taking th lead this week, f course Portland Is able Seals a few games. bhmeer, the Portland boy, known to the local fans by d for th Helena. San Fran Portland teams during the aeons, has been secured as 9 Portland High School base- ooIL who Is in charge of ths tho team, has wired Charles to .that plkee and Join the m. Co will In aU probabil bHseoU's" -offer. f th local fans engaged fient last venlng as to what s constituted th celebrated Li were purchased from Buf fi . Detroit team. , They war ardson, Dan Brouthers, Jack "Deacon' Whit, and were h ail-around ability. There vtr was m quartet of lnfleld- team at on tlms that pos- capabUlllas of thee four land lacrosse -club has se- rvlces of A. M. Hyatt who her Of th Fergus lntarmedl itm of Canada a few years will play at cover point oa km and will prove a welcome th laical team. i 0Oxjp Tomurwr. . , (Jevrsal Bpedal gerrlei.) . PlnehuTst, N. C, April 4. Pinohurst's big ' golf tournev. the annual united north and abuth amateur championship, opened auspiciously today knd wUl con tinue through th , remainder of - th week. Many of ths leading amateurs of th country a,r among th -participants and the event promises to t on of th most successful of Its kind ever seen here. In addition to the champion ship event, th week's program provides for a woman's championship,, an II bole medal play handicap and an open championship , event.- - - - mm S for ' yoor boy to succeed In th business world If he Is not thor , ' ougbiy trained. Why not listen' to a little sensible, stralghtfor- ', - wsrd tslk on th subject today by calling here and letting ua explain' . to you the advantages to be de ' rived by giving your children a - couro in bookkeeping or short' " .handT .," j , BEHNKE - WALKER I BUSINESS COLLEOE ": Cor. Sixth and Morrison' 'Streets, - -r- Portland, Or. J Day and night all th yeas. Call ! or send f or Cataiogus. - - - , . r m r n a 111 E J J ft J artt. yet the eaaleet III to rare WI1KN TOO M IL M CJ fj KNOW ' WHAT TO w do. Man ka aim. plea, , po ea the is. sores Is the Mta. slow. nUllec kalr, sane palBS.. .ea. terra, sod dua't kaow It Is BLOOD POISON. ' sen te DR. BROWN. a Arch ft., Pbiiadelphla, Pesa.. tar BBOWN'I BLOOD CUBS, S2.U0 per aetne; uats eae oath. Bold la Porttaae ealy by traak Baa, Portland Hotel Pharmeey. JtEH'lBv BOTICK. ED.' D. BBOTTUaB CX)!tVtOmON8 ef Oresaa loAgm No. I. a. P.. beM ovary Tbm. ar erealss at I o'clock. Mamoaai salMlBg. - TMtors are cordial 1 ,. lm Tlted to attend. , KfOBNB B. DOWTJKO, 0. 0. CTTBTIB. K. R. t-. 150J B. 13th st bzlp wAjrrrn-sTsTs- ; ' BTCCTJRB A GOOD POBITIONI It Clerical, Tachaleal or Commercial l is. . We sasiat eompeteet OfBCS BMa. Saalatant boekkeepera Paokkaepers. .-. , ,- - Oeseral efsea derka Btaaosrapoera. .Hotal eierka. ataaasecs. ' i. Bsliroed eUrta. Correapaaoeat clerka, . . Timekaapara. Aeeenntasts. , t , ' t . 1 10eUf tor laablera. ' ' . ; blpplng eierka Kntry eierka. l- ' " . ' Bill eterka. Oeneral rleHeal. teetmleel. eosiDerctal siea. Aaplr BI HINKtifl MBN'B CUBAKINO HOUHB. 00401 MclUy M0., 102M M at Fertlead, WANTBD Aomne aavta M te fSO to hi eat la e aata, aoond aoalBeaa propoaltkia, kere la : taodTtal pee cent sad onfc-k rataroa, WriU wllkoat deiay. A S. ear JooraaL - - - WAMTBD -Mea te leers barber traole: S weak eanelatei poeltlose fearaataed: taltiea eara4 , arklU learalB; write tor taraia. kWi Barb OoUes, 044 Clay sU a rreaeleaa. GOOD fraterBal loearesee solicitor wasted; -, good refereaee renolradj eaury aed cooh Blealon enaal te $75 par saontk snareateed. OaU 4 Kaat Uelawat at. Beat 1361. WANTED Te talk with foang sua oealroes et preparing f Ufa sealtloa, with rood salary gaaraateed by Uncle neov eager a. noaa. SIS Chamber or vammt WANTED steady, Bober, yeang aa with Itno esk tor enxl. leciii ate fcoali akopper ar ajenta. , e 10. etsee worki rare JearaaL DBTwrtlTBB kfes te - leerat paid while learning. narrate rams aoi auaaf Dldg. Third and Merrtaoa au. Opca erealnr. TRB PKOPLB WANT ear elrk aad acetrteat pellrlea and there's S tuaana. We wast areola, eiemat y. wa mwrywmm mum WB want 4 erparleaeed aaatln awcainery. Ce.. BeaaMe. Or. ar naming eaab Bsrsee lauabar waarran A ' Mrat-elae slater: sand were. Pboee Best ml. Adarees 1. 5. Caraoo, s.i rare St., eity. - ,..-, WAfrrfTV Cart-w'ee. Apply A. K. Beatle . er foresus teminal meat, sniaa oepet. - WANTBD I smart esweeaaeea; par da. Appl JAM Uay V Ml ears 'I y ' 19 '. Journal . Branch Offices ADTXBTlBKMXXTg will be reeeleed t reruiar male order ratea at the followla place and aetit to The Joeraal la time tot putiliratloa la the ant laaae: - r ' ;:"' B0BTH. ' , K. A.' Preatea. drs(lt. X34 sad Thar- man atreeta. . Mob Hill Pharmaey, 430 GUaaa treat eoreer Slat. A W. Allea. pkaraaelat, llth aad Mar. Shan atreeta. B. H. Jacks. CMfaetleaery. 800 Waak- tog tea atreot, earner Wtk, . B. P. Jonri Ce.,' drsggtet, rreat and (llboa ateeats. . ' ' ' . . Cot lei .Drag Caopauy, . Flrat and Grant atreeta. ,-.-" ZAIT sTOX. r Tattle's Pharsuey. BUS Mlaataatppl ST. sue, earner Bbaeer treat. . , Mlebole ft ThoBieana. 1M Boseall Street, corner Alblaa arena.- . - lant-ka Drns CosipaBT, ears Haw. ; tkarae and'Craod aeeanaa. " - J. A. IHek. tobaroaa, 2x4 Croaby (east end ateel brile). ,-: :' ' . 9. Knlton. nfertloejeryi T4 Bast Bomside: eorner Unle aeenna. Issraw ft Sua a. toheccoaleta, lU Grand ' i eraaee. . - ' ' f. 1 B. Worth, phantnclat, t Behsest ;-. .J, BBOOJttTH. .. ' :- 'fVA Brenklra Phamaey.- eersar Paw 11 and .MUvaskle atreeta. . BT0TIOX '"-r.r'n.' , KOTICB OP BFCBlTltR'B BALB-Jletlea la herebr flrea that the aaoersisne receiew dnlr appointed aorh by Ike .circuit court et th aute et Oreoa tat aUUtnoaiaheoeBty. or Ua Weat uoaai naan a iwor- vnupuv. In tk. antt tit the-erat- Natoe JUaa, at " PertiaiMt plaintiff, acalnat th Weat Ooaat naan ft uoar ' eompeoj, aeieoaeji.. wi. - vlrtne et aa order ot the aald circuit court ef the elate of Oreson for laultoonuk eauaty. duly Bade and entered oa tbe 8Kb day of Marrk. 1906, offer tor aale and Bell at pnbll aortloat te the klfbeat bidder for eaab Is band, at the eeaaty eoortbooae door la tb city ef fort la ad. Oresoa, ea Batnrday, tbe Kd day et April. J0u&, at 10 e'clork a. St., tb real- property belonslog te tea defeadaat Weat Ooaat Sash ft Door ranrpaay, toerrtker with tb mill, machinery, atork ea hand and goeda la proeeae ef Ba no factum, la the pon aeaaloa aad nnder tbe-eootrol of th receiver. All bide takes at aw aele eabjeet to the approval aad teanisiatloa ef tbe said etreslt eiori. ...... N. B. AYBR, . Here leer et the West Coast .Bash A Door Cempasy. . s. ' - BAVTCRrPTCT NOTIfT!. Notice to hereby flrea that oa tbe Slat say ef Karen. I nun. Ienry II. Wrlfbt et Portland. Oretoa. wa duly edjndlrated bankrupt, and that tb Brat meeting ef bis creditor arlll be held at room St a. (dumber ot Vommaree building, Portland. Ore, o the ' 14th -day ' of AnriLrUPuo, st 10 o'clock a. aa.. at wklch time the aald creditor may attend, preee' their elalms. appal at s trustee, examine tbe bankrupt and tranaaet aneb other baalneaa as may properly Come before aut-h meeting. . ALEX BWEKK. Refer e Is Bankruptcy. ; Deled. Fertlaad. OregoaapekprU I. ll. , ... NOTTCB Modera Bretheraoed of America will bold anniversary rierrleea at wiuamette Baal, 170V Second at.. Tneaday. April 4. Ail M.-B. A. 'a are earueetly renuested -te be sreeeac A large claaa will be Initiated, after wklch a blatory sf th aociety from I la birth, hlatory ef Mly of tbe Valley todre. No. SIT. Talk aa FYatermal Inauraor and Its Orowtk. and many . feature of Internet. A Lee refreshments will - Be anna ana a tooo time guaranieeo. By erder ef soeamltte. , . W. J. APPU0ATB. '' Chain DANCINO asd whlat party by Ladle Paychl social elsh wedneeday. April s, weacars Aredemy er M uale, aecona an siomaeei Btfaagers laTlted, 2B.oa BBWABD far th arreet ul aaarle- lion ex ui uuiH ee- MiiieMiai way pnaean dog Bt 134 KBOtt at, : - ug abd ram KHker Lest ar Teuad wards for IS eeata.' rata H UWIT Between rtrat aad Madiaoa sts. and Meant Tabor, S email, yellow grip eoaiaining eedee hooka, aamnlee ef tea, monthly etete nests sad ether papers ef so value except te owner. Keware ir returnee io Lioaeel m Devcra, Proat -A Ankeny els. v - POt'ND A wheetf ewner ran have eesae by proving property Boo. paying coat ot aaver tkMBMBt. Uas Works, front abd Bverett. POtTND A piece te have hair main i earn re no- rated ana retsmea aame say. raeae aula 474. Pertlaad Curled Hair factory. BTBATKD aaklme- Bolts dog, aBsweiing t same ef "Bmarty." Br turn te Westers Unlea TeMgrapa ersee. - Keware, LOUT Pearl sansaret fceeoeh, epel center. Ra. tura a A. A. wngBi, la lews jeweler. Itewsrd. .... i' . -j LOST Oa Thkfd set. Washliptea anvar nous eurva, 144 Ash sC snd Aah ata. LOBT Meaday, sonar stnraeee pane enatah. lag SO. Hetura u a rirat st. newer. - tOBT Small gold watch with fob asd picture in sacs; reware. mmbtb see rarx . BOOM AJTD B0AXS, T0UN0 men. If yea went to board sad room Is a piamanrst an drachmae Bouae. waere rates are exeeedtnely low. Bad wlu re mala tbe eaaae aext rummer aa they are sew. eall at the Aster Hoaae. SM Seveata at., corner ef Madiaoa. Tel. Mala 6231. THS LINDRLbNew PnmUy betel. Market at.. bet. -Tbirs ana roara; ecrem sear, eieetrc ' llsht, pereelalB bathe; e lea-ant eetalde ronme with Dret-claae board ; two neople, $4S-0. tea BKmta. i'boD Mala 5641. . BOARD sod room for 4 gwitlrmas at 229 West Park ; seta ana near, rseae eeu.- reraui aent boardera preferred. MIOKLT fun la bed frost parlor, , awl table for two; noera n aesirea; oau, gas,, paoae. 1T0H TeaU at. BOOMA and hoard, -brick Hat bath, phone; gentleman - nreicrres, . - pes irnag. Mala 328T. ... BTTtrATIOKI WABTEDM4T.T, PRr!TTKR Good, all-arouad printer wasts eoam- - try job; ffnea at joo wora, anaemia n da ell , kinds of ptteaea and enrlnee; yood reference from last employer. Audraae, giving wagea, I. B.. cere Box U. Arieta, Or., via Pertlaad. A WBLL-BECOMMBNDBD porter wants work la hotel or etore; yearr eiperlencei small wagea. AJdreaa u. v., 1O04 cerbett at, . POSITION wanted aa blackaaxttk; eity or country, a. Maeuoaara, n. sasnts at. XXLP WAJTrXD TT-KAXB. WANTBD Ladles to leers srher trade 1 1 ' I ' lag) halrdreeeuic, maatliii( and facial rnae " Moear Byatem OollefV ges franetere, , . WANTBD 6M ladlee te aend their same oa a - pnatal and receive S toe Otneon girl brau'h rreei s thing te Ben you, . juet aend yonr same. I'eoplr'a Bnppiy Co., Deak a, B. St .. Uals..tU. : .-...... . tt -r ,.- . : LADIRa Rarn 20 per hsndred writing ehert , letter: enclose tamped envelop. Americas Belt Work. Batavia, 111. WANTBD Bttnatloa la bakery! two yearn' ex . perieare) cake work preferrr 14 Plftk at, koeaa i. Wm. J. keaer. V LADlBS Tour name a th flea netting cards. So, peetpald. Royal Card Odm Stratfor. Cone, WANTRD Mlddle-eged. woman te keep bouse. . A newer V S. car Journal. ros t Hovazj. rOR BR NT Modem cntUge, 9 reoma. 131 MadV ana near Seventh at., 1 nvmth. Joan ' Ktostermas. SI Nsrth Tweat orat (t., . ar 834 PelUng kldg. , . - KADDRRLT TRANrKRVMnMION CO. I'lanae and furniture moved promptly he ex--serieeeed mea.. 110 Third t. Mala 18. . ROOM nonae. 4 eee. fruit, beerlea, gerdthi , bars Caraos Heights. C. P. Waraac, . BIT1XATI0BB WAVTXD rCALZ) rorXO man 'bookkeeper Seelree position; beet referem-re; gad habit: uuoVratauda- reitrbex veteut Ihnroutckly. Addree II iU. Juej-B.U A MKHPKlTAKI.M. etnerleeeed Chrtattan wo. men want butta ch'nlng or work by th day;- good -worker, Phone Main ITXl. TbllNO lady, experienced,' wtahea position ea caabler or rlerk; gwod raferenue, Addreaa C- ft. Journal. . j - WANTKD Pwaltloa s yosng lady a atenog. rapuer er bookkeeper. C , rare JooraaL WANTBIV lireaamaklng and plain rewlng of all ktiMHt; price reeaouauie. i-wme ain joiw. XMPLOTHZJIT AOlOrCTBS, eCANDlNATIAN-AhtF-RICAN fur. Office Real eel ate, rooming honaea asd bualneea rchaaees specialty. 170 Burnald. Mala ausa. Piano . coast kmplotmbnt agbnct Kemoved te 12H North Second st. rhea ' Bed 10L- . ' ; ' - -' HANSEN'S BkfPLOTMENT OIT1CI. . FOB MBN. J I N. Second at. Pbeas Mala UBs. PIONBBR EMPLOYMENT CO. labor eontrae ' tare; help free te employer. Slfi Moirlaoa. BKLP wanted and espplled. male or female, a. C DRAKE. )0Vy Wasblngtea St. Clay 44ft. J 83 MORB IRON Columbia Bluer mp., agency i kllUd Ubor fore U bed. Phone Main gin. ALPINh iemploynMnt Bureau Help faralihad . ... - , W.Ik t f, 1 - WAJTTID ytNAllOIAX. WANTBD To borrow SSOO na good Improved property.- , Fi Dubois, inoVk Morrisaa at., room S. : ' ' WABTID-CO MMWt. BOOMS la all parts et the city. Apply zzo uoeonougn Brag. .EXPOSITION ACCOMMODAmON BCBBAU. Undnr'irtloa'ef th Lewis and Clark fshj Corporatlea. Mala IP YOU want to rent your hobaekeeplng roe mi Hat them wits ua urn Liars rurnijDea Haom aaaoctatloa, 1M hartk Slktk St. Pbooe Mala 141.- ' - WANT 8 t U Addruae C 4T, farnlabed er BBfuratahed. greuiKlB; w Journal. '; - central or pear fair. groinl; wtu pay well. jour WANTRD Store er part of atere, back part win do, wit particular. will de. with privilege ef abew window; glv u lu, joornau WANTBD 4 er aafBnukhed aute eoareaiaacea. u, xii nrax ex. WANTKD I cottages for rent at tot ereneoe-Brown Ce,, Sao Stark. AtOTI WAJTrXD. WANTS D Good, H sgvnts to sell ear stock; dkirrlcts epea In Washington aed Oregua; outflU farnlabed free; eommlaalea pah) weekly. Writ st once for particulars and choke of - territory. Oregua Nuraery Co., Salem. Or. MONBY TO' BURN Send SSe and get sample bills of C S. A. money and my prteeuat ef hill and mln. . Tb. Otahaa Cola Ce., Bos i. Ogdea, Utah. GOOD, Hvs sgeats wasted to sell lots ea eeea. mlaatoa., la on ef tbe eboteeet auburhe ef : FurtlaBd. 7 Addreaa P. O. Bex TO, city. " WANTKD A rent te fcandla high eat eg toilet article, tuo Pleaders et. WABTXD UXKKLLUrtan, THB PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS says asy. t-aoae maiB boob, at sit rum st, - WANTED More praying and whltewuehtag; ' the only gasoline compreeeed air apraylng ' outfit on the eoeat. M. O. Morgas ft Co.. 970 Mllwankle at. Pbeae Beat 231T. HTOHBfrT prices paid for mea'a caet-oft ekth. Ing, aone as nata at nw norta itiiro. ' Black OOS. - Ordect grxspUy rtveided WANTBD S.4XW mea snd wnmea te aend rc . to-Borlaliat Mail Order Library, Box tg, dry. and reed ap oa Social lam, ' - WANTKD A small, seensdVhand Incnhetori moat he cheap fur rain, Addreer C 42, care TUB Port land Honeec leaning Co, ;" Biinnetmssing; jaaiaur aervieas. 46HX. - Phone Mais LACB curtain laundered at hnma t firut-claea Mrs. Ids Baeblea. rneoe Daiea 1B4C SHORT ORDBR Wntlns Beeoad aad Waahingtoa ale. J. Clay M Ryder. BORRS. ahrub and trees planted and laws and gardes work. Phone 2o4. TOB BXBT ITBBTSHKD BOOKS. THB sfONNARTBS, BHUj Wet St.; shtgl rooms from fl to $3; farnlabed beaaekeeplsg ,eulte from $1.78 te $e- per week; rnnaaa ner Bight, see aad zftc: tourlata solicited. - THB DBXTBB, 1S4 Twelfth, earner Washing. ton, entirely newly fsrnlebed ruuaas ef TUB DEXTKH ANNKX aew ready for occupancy. ' ' Pbeae Or 48s. , ' XkV WASH.; bet Pint and Prontr farnlahed . room la suites sad single, with er without honaekeeplngi very reasonable, . Phone Hood MARQTTAM HOrSK. 14H1 tb Roome en salts or single; baoaekeeplng room; gae.eteves, hath, electrie light; tranelenta aoliclted. BOOMs, $2.50 week; best la the city; every - - urng aew; sot ana eoia wsten oelD. etc.; ' north went eorner Seventeen th, asd Overton, 0NB furalabed room with all convenience. altabl tor ene or two gruuemea er la dles. 450 TamhlU. . LA BOB. bright room, for two: part er fall board. Tweaty-seeooa St.- ft. .pboa Mala 1091. ... . WKLL farnlabed ft-romn been ta deetraht hicetloa. Inqulr til Weat Park, l-bos Proat 1404. . . ' TWO nicely fnrnamed row for rent to re. apectabla parties. Call Monday. 830 Harrl- bub at. . - KBAMRR'S BOOMIN4 HOCSB first-claaa far nlabed rooms -for gestiemea only, ruts aad Buraalde. ... THB OLADfJTONB 41SV4 Savior St., faralahed reoma; aaocr saw atanageareni; prices res. seaabl. NICRLT famlahed reoma, with phone, gas. hath, 13.60 per week aad ap. at 200 Jeffereoa. CHRAPKftT asd heat located mm ts Portland. $1 week an. -Oilman, That end Alder eta. MICELT fiirnlahed rooms, 11.35 per week sod ap. S47H Plfth, bet. Mala and Madiaoa. CLRAN, cheap farnlahed room and lodgings, 8-ift Blghteenth at., 8 block from fair ground. FOR" RUNT Pnrnlahrit room downutalrs; gen tleman preferred. - 854 Salmon, cor. Park. t LABOR furntbed houeekeeplBg aew. 48 Baat seven th el, N. ST BBWLT furnished, gntet, trnist Pourth St. l'bose Bed 8333. ' 1M rt'BNISHED ronwia, A.OO per swath, private family, 1080 Belmont at. NICELY farnlahed rooma; rent reatoaablst Z31 Morrleon. : - riNB, jomfortabl Taylor. reoans, tot Tooth, set. TOB BIBT HOTnanPIMd B00MB. On tnaertles fat this elsaaHeatlna, rsto,' words for It eeuta." . , , 11 FOR s cotmle, 8 nice reorait hath, gaa, attic; anltable for light honeekeeplng. 008 Pront at., ut-t. Sbrrmas snd t'arotbere sts. Inquire swrnlngs. . . . , PURNIRIIED houaekeeptng as stsgl reaeas by tbe week ar by month; gas, bath sad - phone, rut Third at. 1.TS PF.R WERK Large. class. faille bed hoaaekeeplng ronm: toasdry, BU. .. 184 Khermaa, sear froat. POfl BRNA 1 front room for honeekeeplng: Fart of furniture fur aalc. Tift Proat at., nr. looker.- - ' . r- 0XB large front .mem foe honeekeeplng ; single room st sXA,per week., IOJ Third, toz x ret i - - 1 1 WB boy year rural tore Is ssy onestttr for (not eeh or aell It at yoor reaiuear. be -re ' and call ap Portland Aecuoe koosnm, Weia nujo, (ur eeai reauite. . ., , , . THB PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS will SU roar furniture lor yen -at yoor veudeaca ar st an rirst ft. Mala Mud. LOOK Muet sell quick S-renea flat, sll sew eak furniture; very ctoae In; new Building; grovuMi hoot. sjuu. iuo yi'BNITUBB f T-moa konee la best meaOoa, - 84M); rent reasonable. 1 Madison. P0B BZJTT BTOBXS. LA BOB a tore Par reat. lecshrd oa Morrmna . at. Por particular Inquire of B, L Mel tya, 800 Oregoniaa Bldg. LA KG B storeroom la boat nee eepterj Bas m catlon; reeaooehle, Addreaa 0 42. Journal. ros PARM for rent, atock knd farnltnre for Bale: 88 - acre. 4 miles frost Portland; lOuoea bouse, : oa car line, 1344 acre, email fruit, l.Ouo healing fruit tree, eruoe in: will aell with out furniture. Union 4U.18. Woodstock car; get an uetmaa etetioa. Big reu BtTSnrXBS OaUUIOKS. - - BOOMINQ-HOPSB. BBADQUA-BTBBS. ... ' -)K.L TAPT ft 00.. .; laft-S AhUgtoa bleok. Phone Mala 1C ' " We ' make a SPBCIAXTT OP KOOVIltO HOLHR8 and have many ef the MOST DB- HIRAHLB - - LOOATIONS that are tar sal. Uood location are going faaLi Note ear Par tial Hat below ef both large tad email ease. If these doa t salt yes, call la, 1 BOOMS Nicely tarahmed. gee lBcatmai : boue fuU all th timet dolus sued hen lam: 8 years' lees; rent only 870 per month; saw soaae, aew runuauuagai sovjsju, part SB ROOMR Fairly wall fm ntohiid. ser brk-k balldlng, ea Waehlnxtoa St.; reat Mly f7ft. Price fur few deys fuoO; Must sail. 80 BOOMS Swell asratiea. sear Misilfial well farnlahed; rent only 100 per aaoath; houae always fail; - this house good bay. U4U0. . . 88 BOOMS Boa Tea hmtioai reat 8178; good lease: steam beat, hot aad cold water la moat all rooms; nnW clearing a boot fin fas swats. - A cheap pries far t4.00B, ' id BOOMS Steam beat, sewtr snd remodeled; t years' loess; teat ealy (Is per Baoulh. . Prlo 83.UOO. . . . 18 R 00 kt S Elegantly tainlih 1 1) fVut-clase loratloa, ehees rest. - A . special attar this week tor 81,600, ''; :', . .- It BOOMS Be aad eold wetor Is aeerty all rooms; best kacattos to the city; eawrmg . above ail expeaees 865 per saoata. Price - 81,300. .,.-. , . . .. , ... farnlahlrirs all aew: rent fat: large yard; lets flowers. 8700. 18 BOOMS Nicely ferula bed: goad kxatlee; rooma always full. Pries 81.800, er will reat furniahed, .... '.)-,. - .- Xt ROOMS Good earner brick BwOalnrT B sstalde raoaaa; oa oa floort reat ealy (Ml 4 i years' leas. Price ealy 81,700. (, :' BOOMS Good brick vacant; lease for eas year at 8M per ssontb',- for sale. This Is aarely s big' snap, laveetlgsts If yea wsat s good eowatowa proposlUoa. : n BOOMS-flood lecsties; i rented; . rent ealy sea - wit, i - baudiag. , inc gi.suwv . ''. '"'' '"' '" BBSTAURAJfT. . Good. - first -class place, doing very profit able euatnie ; good leaee; rsssouable rent; right downtowa; beet looaUe. Pries right. "-'' SALOONS. -'' ' We have two n-eotlouaHy rood hvys Is the beet pert ot town; everything very fa vorabla to eae wasting good, flrst-emss plea. t- CIAAB BTOBBS. 1 - ' " ''"' - Ws here a nice Hat asd sued Vila Haas place that will bear cms toTstlgatfcV OENERAL MBBCHANDT8B S frrut-elaas pkeea. at invoice. WUl sear inv tlgattea. WK CAN MAKB TKBktS ON ANT OP THB - AROVB. ' ' ALL TTTLBS OV AaUWTEKD. - BfJTaVBS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SBLLKMS. - WB WANT '10 TO 18-BOOM BOCSB8; ALSO TO 40, . '. : TAPT ft otX,' i.-i.i.-. 1E44 Ahlagtoa block. 10 Thtrd st ' tewil awn r-Tk Rtr vnmkahed - ties, 131 n. aixta street, we sevw eeverui of th best location la the eity la ledglag bouseei ... ' ' no-room ' house - with trass, ' eJeerlsg saw , 30O per aaoath 83,000. ' ai-TOont bouse ea Hlitk St.. with lease, . clearing 820 per swath; price 83.1M. - 83-room hoaae. extra good furniture, with . beer 84.000. - ,-. .- ., - 14-nem hooas 11.200. . ; - S-rooTO house 84UO. Lodging boast ssd aa loos, nUth lee as If Ues don't salt, call la: we bars sleety ethers; ante a large llat ef farm aad eity ' property. 181 N. Sixth St. UsuO Booming boase. rooms, rest 880. 10, lino wood an coal Doaineea. centra uy ie . rated: 3 doable teaom, 4 wagons, 150 sards ef wood. - gone Rooming hoaae. 10 rnnma, reat 80, . 81,000 Rooming house, 18 rooms, rent 800. 81,800 Rooming hone. 14 rooma, ewell. PACIPlO COAST BBALTT CO. 848 H Morrleoa St. . l'sea Mais 1UB. Portlsad, Oregoa. . . FBEB LANDS IN OREOON. PXBTILB anil, pore water, dellghtfol climate; , land of aifelfa. apples ssd clover. Per full Informattoa sddress th Columbia Soathers Irrigation Co., 539 Worcester block. Port land. POB RALE - Interest la S paying buetneau; party meat have 84,000 or 85,000 to Invent; . s good propoaltloa to right party; muet he either a workman ar B aa lea man. Address ' Watts Marble Works, Ths Dalies. Or. . POB SALE Stock general njervbandls, splendid farming sad manufacturing tows, population 1,000; rare opportunity; 84,000 to 88.000 ease, accessary. - P. a Box 175, SiarlngOeld. Or. WANTED More hneliMs propoaltloa bring big pay. u New Madrid, Me. men to send for oar sew that yo will like; Griffith Oft, 137P FOR, SALE Brick snd frame hotel, good grow ing tows et X.DUO, on Bear corner sn miiuv; 28 rooms, always full; s bargain. , Cell er Bddreas 1088 Baat Alder St. $150 BE8TATJBANT, newly tarnished, with I nvtng raoens, sne loceuou, reni iu; musi sell at ode. Address or call 892 East Clay. GOOD grocery atock and sutures; place for aale or rent.- Mrs, . as nusxirx, at ues Drove auttoa, aa Oregon City ear Una. POB BALE Small grocery and branch ''bakery, 4 mcu living rooma, noree ana wagos; oeiBg good baalBeaa. Addreaa 0 9, Joarssl. f-OnV-SALB The beet .paying, talles shop In city; Income 8300: ewner leaving city. No, 4 Nerth Eighth at Price 875. " . OH ARTS and placer elalma for sale la Cracker Creek dlitriet from gl.OOO to Sa,A0a. A. M. mitn. twarse, ur. GROCERY store ta good location, eity. For parth-nlan- call oa Jaojee Tbempsaa, with Wadham ft Kerr Brothers. .- DENTAL office, oouarry, good locetles; reason for- selling - - appilsatise.--: Mrs .- -w. Chredle, Ihaaoa. . POR BALE 14 farnlahed , price, nuatneee good; less 2 yesrs, N. Sixth. - 125 H PIPTT rooma, 80 bed, well located asd r. epeetable; rest $45, with lease. lBonirs $02 Madiaoa. kRHTAt-ftANT prrrll. ouulIe the fair gn to lease ta navlllna grounde. PBS Twatylitb. TO! SALE -Bt AX XgTATB. 0-BOOM bonne, t lata 100x100; peine $1.80. leaairs P3T Ban aixta au, aorta. rOR SAT.B cheap, l-rank PuMk. H aronm boa Scott 500, bona, Woodlaws. SALE cheap. 0-moa house, Woodlaws, PB' fob rrank PuMk bone Scott fteno. TWO enntee 'Ml ea Sevier St. 848 Rose at. - i Apply te POr'saI.R New 8-room houea, Wt 40x100. $00 Morrto et. . e "'' i . v. . A'--V t e r. '. sefc . t I 1 T 'el ttwu , ie w- A." $2,800 New 0-toom BwwWa honae, on ear 11' e. partly furuieoed. beef ef every tb lug; lut ,'uiluO; good terms. ' ' $STo 8 acres en Ml. Scott ear Hoe. !. 8) 0000 ts on Mt. Bcolt car Hue. . , 4 I-ot &iioii, rceldeuc property,, f -MS-room honae, lot Milte). ' -o 4-ruom house.' lot OiixltiO, one halt cash. $u.!0 Two bouses, 8. and T aouup, aa Sams lot, near new city market. $4,0.10 Two souses, 0 sud 9 rooms, Ineome $ per montk. $0,000 Three 5-room hand-flnaw cottages, as lot lOuxlOO, all rented. -$ooo Half acre lot, small house, water . Is PACIFIC COAST RBALTT CO. ; ' S49s MorrsMB HI. I'hone Mala 1428. ' , Portland, Oregon, , ,. MO vg your family into a honae of year earn; . fan cash aad $10 s aaoath; good 8-resm, hard- Oalehed cottage, 76xVu, as I is peeved atraet; alee 0, T and 8-roum heuaas ea year ewa term. East Ankeny ear, opp. broom factory. Call aad examine these. , Twe . new. ft-roem, mosers eertagea sad rnree ot. ThlrtylghU - asd Bast balnaea, $1,700 and $1,800. - t rnnma, Twenty- venth and' East Hcyt, $1.40a '.' 5 reoans asd Wt, lOOslOS, -Mouut Tabor, BURDEN, tlnlo 4015. POR SALE New 0 and 8 room haoaasi bath. Stationary ufashatand. cuacrete baaamant- sas and electrie lights, furnace; house tinted. seas pantry, urge oearooms wits esneete Is each, wood lev tor, tatlonary waabtnha ta basement ; oa Cnwa a vs. car Unst five min ute service; Bear good achaol. laws, streets ' Imputed: ksoec sow opea for lnspeetloa; oash or Installments. Inquire Owner, U. B. Stemmr, 122 Third St., er st residence. Kit ' Uoloa are. north, eas block south ef kaaaia, . THB PACmC COAST BEALTT CO. si tn . , the Oeld with s choice list of proper ties; k w handle timber land, mines, stone euwr- ries. farms, atork toBcaes, city aad anburhea - bamsa, - baalueaa ruanee end eastern prop. . art lac leans, leasee. Insurance, at ear -e -. Bee. 849 Morrlaoa at.; notary pabllc; eae na beforn buying or Btlllag. . Paoae Mala 142a. Dally Shersua ft Pender, - , DO yea Uv ts s rented honest Look this up: 40S Oxford at., take Weedlewa car, gt eft st Oxford sc.. go S blocks set; boose Is , empty., hey aext doer: 0 rnnma, sew. beta. '-" bell, sentry. 50-foot lot: a greet baraala; , . , en comfortable terms. - Dr. Elwis Houses, ' 810 Abtngtea bldg. Phone Bed 1788; 8.O0O ACRES of Bee green timber. S ml lee from Colombia river, for earn at greet bargain. We have-else 0 heesUfsl cottages, 08 city Vms, reaches, farm, ea easy terms; sll ta ' aad around Portland. , N. Sprsgea,' 122m .' brand are., room 13. . . S AND 10-Bcre tracts. 000 ser sere: aew I o asms, si.wu; new soaae, a acres, gTao: . house, 8 acres, $400; these - ere real sad . bergaina; eery easy terms; 10 car far.. .. Take K tared ear. Sec sgeat Srst seas eouui uawi POR BALK 8 room cottar. Thirty-sixth ssd . Bast Taylor sts.; an amdars lmaroetmants sad coa vesle ocas: electricity, gas. fruit, flower. ' lewa: muet be sees to be epfretilehid. . Prtes . $1,800. Teiaphnas Seett 651. i BODMU, wall nallt S-room cottage, with roll haeemeat. porcelain plumbing; rernur lot ' . ' 40x100; Twenty-ainth and Heat Gliaani cash A er installments. J. J. iUchardeoa. eontreetor. - . rooma 11 aad 12. 305 Waahlagtoa St. GOOD INTE8TMBNT Cor. lot Bad two flaa orchard and Pitteager's addltlea, $700. bouses, . Heech - and Michigan, $1,800; seca, a lias erenara ana a a room eouee. nwoe Scot 5485. PLANT year garden new; 10 s f sere cultivated great line, 25 minutes te nth win boy water piped a half sere cultivated . to each tract, electric tows, se fare. P. C Little, 107 Khar lock bldg. TWENTY acres, good hoes, here aad orchard, . all Improved, seer ear; good term; 040 acres is wnxauam rusurvu, . caveat,. - eve -vusBasar-elal Bldg. ..,", , CANNON'S addltlea offers yea th heat possi ble Inducement l for yoa to obteia a cheep home. Call 800 McKay build! eg aad shut details.- . . . - - . LOT with aomp lately faralshcd 0 roam cottage. ea car ua. cms in; a a entice; must eeu; at eace) xrolt. Ois Marouam bug. POB BALM CHEAP oree-H mOe rres Moatavllla car, Hoe: all ander rultlvatloa; good satl; swear Maying town. - A 27, Journal. MODES 0-roers soone, with balk, gaa.- hot aad cold water; full lot; jrnod euodltloas .empty Jsasj J.,. .taqulre. wa rreat . aw $1.800 H ACBEB, heuse, 1 acre small fruit; Cmd loratloa In Montavllla. rrank A., Ti ll rd. Isqalre Hertoa'a tere. MosUvllle. T POB 8AUC Prscttaeal lot sattaMe for Sate; - usobalrscted view; 1 block from steel Bridge. Cell ea sweat. 190 Cleckamaa at. . POR 8AL8-S Kta ee Portland Heights; beet . view; arar Lewis aad Clark observsbsry; aU cheep. Call at 554 Elm at FOB SALE S lets with 2-try 0 -rosea koane, asodern: arte 83, "AO: high and slgktty. US Baet cngnta St., Bouts. GILT BDGB 15 per Seat Inveetnvewt, corner kt auaiuv, s-snery mirm, mrmwtx arssav, wwa .u. saeath. CsB 550 Delay SC . EOtlITT ta aearly aew O-room beoae, Hlghlssd, far aale; easy terms, or trade for let er 'farm. - Pbeae Brett 0623. FOB SALE New 0-reoai boase; ewner leaving ; city; eeay payment. Thirty- yea's sad , Baet Alder (miaayalde). .-- . . GILT-EDOB Investment. 10 per rent net e -84.70U. Owner, 807 Corbetti esr to doer. POB SALB CHEAP 4 room cottage ee ' Bsst Twenty second. Cell Mais 2410, Last 1124. TOB oVAXB TABaTS, WB TELL THB TRUTH WHEN WB SAT THKT ARB HNAPH 4M0 acres land, 100 acres bettoaf. 150 sere ander raltivstme, orchard. Urge eouee, barn, creek rose through piece, apiesdld water, srhool house os place, 4 Biles trek Beiee, $10,000; terms give. eo-erre piece, 15 acres ander catllvatloB. S seres ta orchard, live water, aplendld noil, ' on eoajBty road. k axils froat school boas. ' . $Vfc mile from Kalae; terxaa. - 100-acre piece, 40 acres ander rnrtlvxtles, . orchard, 4-room hoaae, large bars, live water, mostly bottom anil very fertile, good road, .1 mile from Kelso." $3,000; terme. ' -COWLITZ COUNTx LAND COMPANY. - , Krlss. Waah. " . ' ; WHEAT faraas for eat by owners; 2no acres Is cultivation, 100 In crop, 2 sores paeture, part ef which can be broken up; acre ar- ' chard; - good house, bam and outbuildings; 3 aprlnsa and s creek; tale' farm yielded 4.7 bushels ef wheat per acre last year an the growing rrop I ad lea tea a large yield niM to easy graile to Dernr, to wnica point rne Columbia Sonthera railroad will he running trains froaPTh Dalles by Jaly or- Augnsi. Our price. Including, crop. .$2$ per acre; term y, , cash. Hemingway - Bros., ., Da fur, Or. 'i , - .' " - tne growing rrow luun-stes a a this year: all fenced, hog tight; V, school. '4 mile to chnrrh; B- mll. down hill graile to Dnfnr, to which p 40 ACER, sll la- esltlvstle,' rsnnlng water. Snd pond Bear farm, good house, hearing prune , orchard, oa condensed milk and crests route: ' $1,800 cash, bal. 7 per cant. 10 acre good timber, boos aad running creek; aom; In culti vation, ea s cream route, mile from Ore--pn Cltjp; $10 sere. ' Inquire 049 'lmtf t srv- - , . . . ... .. emlewtaavlkaasJ crop .nd Implemerita at I per sere. For --perticslars phone Scott 4SJ2 or addreur V'ausvas. atu iwwi,'. --- - , FOB RALE 1.120 scresof land Bear "ummlt. t i.rt level, good anil, sbeut 30 i scree la caltlvatlon. 2.600,6ii0 feet good aaw timber, an excellent tor k ranch, 88 per Sere. W. II. Parker, at state pvrnwug one, , Or. FOB SALE Ideal Borne St T;I"t' o!, ...? Und and Medford. os M.'VomJi0 - acre la trait and grain, windmill, Hrl ' lea tank, 8-reom soiam with hath, goo out- balldlng; nj,mjw, SOITTHEBN OREGON fruit, farming andatock . ranrhea; large or . " .' '.r. ifhlta cedar timber on coast. $12 per acre. Mllard ft aatea. Real BsUte Ageala, Rose burg. Or. S ' '. " . . .', turn LAND IN OBBOQN nnder the "Oarer l"gOoo Act." "Deed direct fro. .tatc. Writs today. Booklet and map free. B. B. Cook ft Co., 951 Alder at. Portland. Oregoa. PBEB homesteads, ftrat-etaas wheat land;' Ma ; our r lab; special rates oa parties ef five: end ever; land le sow worth 111 ser sere. Hobes ft Taggsrt, looH Sixth aL IP TOtJ want s good fruit, grain, bay ar hop ranch, call oa or a on reus r.uar h. nnan, 810 Chamber of Commerce, phone Mais 1704. 470-ACHB farm and stork ranch adlntnlng Vl'llmtr on th R. I. ft. R.; mnatly level land. S. J. Cheaoweth, Wilbur,. Oregon. - T" $000 80 ACRES (nod aell. hoes and anrtng, 2 ml lea reat ef Oregon City courteous. . w. W. Baathasi. over Oregoa City hash. ''