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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1905)
r GOOD EVENING, f . ; ; t " ' Tonight 7 and - -Wednesday, , fair; 5 - . easterly winds. v, .; ; YcxUrday Was 1 ", VOL. lY. j NO. 25, PORTLAND. OREGON, TUESDAY EVENINO, APRIL . 4, 1905, SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE PIVE CENTS. .... i i. l 2.M .-'i '-;.'. i ("' " 1 ,t.; ! I Looked Into, v ' V-... i, , HOW IT SECURED LAND . , - IS QUESTION: RAISED Suspicioh That Methods of Putw ' ;ln Using' Dummy. Locaters ; to'gstValuabls Tracts t 'r-'.wai Widespread '-.r- .; ' Tb Booth-Kelly Iuinbr oompany la :ndergolnf th field tnveatlfatlon of th y fadaral graod jury,' which raoonVitned ; this moraine to resum tha tsak of prob Ins; Into tb land frauds. . Important tndlctmnti ara ezpactad to result. Tha : Booth-Kally company has operatsd on .a hura seal In timber lands In Oracon. and within comparatively few years It 'has amassed treat wealth. ' The methods by which the company ; ' fccqutred K laada hava bn the subject ' of careful Investigation by the govern. i ' ment, and .evidence has beenobtclned rhlc fk ' rf(ar4ed ta .concluaLva ' that f.roas frauds were practiced. . Vast tracts . of ins moat valuable timber land In the " northwest were aecured by tha-companr. thsmaahs mployed being substantially ''..the aante ad by .the notorious Puter McKlnlay rtng. . r -j. 8tate Senator R, A. Booth, the preal v. dent of the company, and Oeorge. John , : and- Abraham Kelly, his part oars, are in . Portland In reaponse to subpoenas, and are awaiting the action of the grand J Jury. : A, small army of wltneases has . been gathered "by the , secret service agents, and' the lobby of the postofflos . building has been crowded today. ,. .-... V. Bfidfaa am tk Stand. " " '- , United States District Attorney Heney . ' Is conducting the ekamlnatjon of wit nesses before the grand Jury. J. T. office, but now under suspension., was " the first witness called. -He was fol lowed by J. Wright of Ko burg and by - Charles Barker of "Oak Creek. . The first witness 'called at . the afternoon s session was 8. 01 Bsrtram. supeiinteud ent of tha Cascade forest reserve. ..- n 'was within this reserve that the Booth. ' Kelly ' company ' secured many of the timber tracts which It owns. ' - " - -No lndlctmenta are expected todsy, for the evidence to be submitted Is volumtn. ' ous and the number of witnesses Is large.. Many subpoenas have been Issued and In the. crowd which filled the lobby outalde of the- Jury room this morning .were tnsny, well known, residents of southern Oregon. Among them were Judge Medley end J. I. Jones of Cottngs Grove, U. E. Bean of ICugena, J. t. Hamilton, Frank Alley ' and Robert Watson of Roseburg, i, T. Bridges and J. H. Booth, the former of. i ficlala of the Roaeburg land office. At torney-Oeneral Crawf ord , was ' one of those present and Stats' Land Agent . Oawald West, who has recently brought to light extensive frauds In the state . school lands, came down from Salem to give his testimony. . - . , rand Jnry Sasssmblss. : - The members of the grand Jury assem bled In Judge Bellinger's courtroom at 10 fi'cJock. Mr; Heney appeared a moment later and the roll of the Jury was called. Judge .Bellinger Informed the Jurora briefly that they had been reconvened to , conclude the work which they had left . unfinished and make soms further tnves- ' tlgatlpns. ' Tha Jury thtm withdrew. ' . W. J., Burns Is directing the gathering of the government's evldsnce and all wltneases are questioned closely by him before being taken before' the grand Jury.None of 'the government officials will' disclose the nature of the evidence (Continued on Page Twa) THINK CHILD. SAW gm EYOND TH E GRAVE 1 seeUI Setviea) 'l ' Alameda, CaL, April 4. while In a state of catalepsy. Alberta Lake Russ. ' ths t-yesr-old dsughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. tt. Russ, of 1244 Central avenue. Is . said to havo been transported to the portals of heaven, and there held con verse with the angello host spirits of - loved ones and with tha Lord. Per soms wseks tbs child has been hovering between life and death, as the result of. an attack of meningitis, and sbost a week sgo went Into a state it , vatslepsy, lasting IT hours. In which the miracle la aald to have occurred. While she was In a comatose state tr. ' Maurice Brown could locate no sense of -feeling. In her body. Flfteeit minutes afteri shs recovered consciousness and , made strange disclosures to her mother . , and ssveral other women. She said: 1 am going to get better; toe lrd Terrorists ; Begin Active L Campaign by Attempt 7 M Assassinations. SERIOUS RIOTING IN -"rtNTERIOR OF RUSSIA Disorders ' Continue Throughout ';. Empire - Sakaroff States ;; "Slavs Were Out-Gen- Uesrssl Special larvles.) ' 8C Petersburg. : April 4. Last nlsht marked the beginning of the campaign of asssssinatloB by terrorists, for which they hays been preparing for g long time. An attempt wss made last night to assassinate Governor-General TrepoftL but through accident the plot failed. A second attempt was mads to assassinate M. Mlsgala, asalatant prefect of police. Three shots were fired af the' carriage tn which, he was driving.: but .the horSaa took fright at the first shot and hoiteiL probably saving the offlcer'siiev (The aaaauame eecspea. . Tvnt. shots were fired todsr at Vir. by a group of 'men t . Police In specter - wanovesy as be ' walked the streets .The--inspector wag wounded twice, but his Inlurles are not danmw ous.- ins wouta-oe aaaasalns escaped. sa. naaonjii. tns assassin of M. Piahve, minister of -the Interior. Is reoorted to nsve escspea ;rom tns prison in the fort. rsss in the prison of BL Peter and St PauL c, : ' t . :, ., -j. t . - . More outrages are exoected in the can. Hal momentarily. - It Is, known that the righting organisation - haer on Its con oemnauon liat 10 persona headed bv urana i'une Alexis and uovernor-Gen era! Trepoff, but although wholesale ar. rests nave been, made and manv- bus. pects taken into custody ths nollca have vwn cumpumj oariiea in tneir snorts to discover the lntlslbls hand which is directing the terrorist osmosis, j- further internal tronbls la feared In nussia. as nsws rrcm the interior is of ths gravest character, and serious -rioting occurred at Wsrsaw yesterday. In which many were Injured. The authori ties are unable to preserve order, and the rioting continues. . . . . - Reports - from Tlflls and tha ' Irani. Caucasus state thst furtbsr rioting took piece mere yeaieraay. The Baltlo prov Inces are also reported to be agitated and aa "outbreak la threatened. The mayors of all cities in the south. era industrial centers of Russia ars en listing special pollre officers from among the loyal classes fn order to have a suitaDie guard to protect the govern ment buildings on the eve of the Easter xestivltles. Renewed rioting Is expected. ' In a statement- todsy. War Minister Sakaroff declared that the men and ma terial of the Russian army at the Bat tie of. Mukden were equal to those of the Japanese, forcing the reluctant con clusion that the Japaneas generalship was superior to thst of the Russians. Sakaroff denied that be had ever In trigued -agarhst Kuropstkln, affirming that he gave the latter the most loysl support He declared thst reports thst Russia was countermanding orders for wsr materials abroad were baseless, and Insists that there has been no relaxation in preparations to continue the war. . Prince and Princess Henry of Prussia enived st Tssrskoe Sele- this morning. Ths princess will remain for some'tlme and the prince will return, to Berlin within a few days.- All attempts to give the visit , of Prince Henry a political character ; are scouted by the German embaasy. 1 !,-'.. r . ' A dispatch from Harbin states thai the report --of the explosion of a bomb destroyed the ' artillery depot, .-causing i, (Continued on Pags Two.) told me so. I saw Ave angels Jncln, cousin, grandma and another lady. - I did not know her. Grandma aald. This Is my dear little granddaughter.' Ail looked so. happy and biighr and wore beautiful robea. . .. . "Other angels passed before me and each repeated a sentence One said to me: Oo back and teach the blind and sick.' I cannot remember what they all aald. and then the lord touched my heart and aald: Ton will get better; go thou back and. I. will call thse when thou art older.' - : The child is much Improved, and Dr. Brown. Is of ths opinion she will re cover. He does not place much credence In the story of the miraculous, but says ths little girl la possessed of a, hystsr. leal i tsmpersment. Members of ths family, however, fufly belle re the child saw beyond the grave, . V . V 7 " ' I Wmm mmm vliili SPO FATALLY WOUNDED Yeee - Men Shoot Policeman Down and Calmly fContihue ; 4 work: on1 trie ' sate. INJURED MAN FOUND ; ; " ; V HALF AN HOUR LATER :! r ...... ......... ::.:':::; i Approach of Daylight - Causes .; Robbers to Flee With . ' ' butooty. : ' ' "" (gpedal Diapatek to Tee Joaraal. 1 i Spokane, Waah, April 4. After fatally shooting Policeman H. A, Stotko,' Tegg men at an early hour this morning calm ly proceeded to blow open the safe In the office of Shlnn eV Co., wholesale commission merchants of thla city. After opening the outer doors with a Charge of nltro glycerins the "robbers were scared away by the approaching daylight' and' left without securing any booty. The safe contained only a small amount of money 'but held a considerable quantity of negotiable paper. . . tbs policeman naa lust gone off duty and was on his wsy homs when he was shot down without warning aa he was passing the1 office. It Is not known how ths robbers recognised him aa an offi cer as hs was wearing a black hat aajti ngnt overcoat. ,Arter rirlng the fatal shot one of the robbers sxclalmed, "let him lie there, he's dead." The body of the still conscious officer wss ' then dragged from the pavement nearly to the railroad track. He was stripped of his gun and his star wss taken from hla coat and pinned to the leg of his trousers. .Ths robbery occurred about 4 o'clock but the p fflcer wss sot found until hail" aa hour . later,' when a member of the merchants police: was attracted to the spot by his groaning. He .was at one removed to the Bsc red Heart hospital, but little hope Is held out for his reoov err. - The bunet entered the neck ' of the officer on the left aids and passed .out through ths right shoulder slmost com pletely paralysing him.. While si 111 con scious, death will be only a matter of a abort time. A reward of $40S has been offered by Mayor Boyd for Information leading to tha arrest of ths robbers. - The wounded officer has been on the po lice force since November, 11(1, Is mar- lied and lives with his wife at 1JJ Eleventh avenue. , 1 . , . , , J' ', (leerssl gpeclal Serelcsl '.,. X' . EHkins, W. Vs.. April 4. Fire In. the plant of the Elkins Tanning company last night caused a loss of 2ITO,o, KABLOFFICER ' HRECORD BREAKING ; rr : . A i 4. Rev. Thomas . Needhafn, Evangelist, at Forbes .. Presbyterian Church.' 1 , 'V ' Photograph by Auas. . . ' BELGIANS DEMAND - CASH EVERY MONTH Holders of. Dominican Bonds Re- i & n : iL...x-.r;" i - iki ri upusou rAiooiiiuui. . With United States. ; - ,.. v ,- j -. t .. - - (Joemsl ipeeUI Bxrrtce.) . r ' Antwerp, April 4. Ths Belgian com mlttee of holders of Dominican bonds refuses to have anything to .do with the proposed . ' arrangement between ' San Domingo and the United States and will protest against the plan. The proposal to deposit money from the customs col lections In an 'American bank until a definite arrangement has been completed Is not satisfactory to Belgian holders, who demand the payment of $17,000 a .month due them In accordance with their contract with the Dominican govern ment instructions have been , sent to the. committee's representative at .San Domingo to oppose) the. agreement, h - Of the total debt, of San Domingo. Which . amounts to about 437,000,000. over ons half Is due to Belgians, who own 414.000.000. worth of Dominican bond the accumulated and unpaid In terest upon which brings ths amount to PAPAL-SANCTION NOT . ; GIVEN TO ALFONSO e ; (Joaraal Hpedal BarrlM.) ' e Roma. April 4. The pope to e day received in private audience e the Duke and Duchess of Con e naught and their daughters, Pa e i tiicta and Margaret. ; The report e 'i that the pope has aanetiened the e marriage of King . Alfonso . of e Spain with the Princess Patricia, e - is declared to be untrue.. Municipal. Ownership Contest r Brings Out the Largest Bal lot in City's History. EACH SIDE CONFIDENTLY. PREDICTS ITS SUCCESS Question Is Whether City Shall Co Into Municipal Owner- ship on Large Scale. ' ' (Jasrsal Special Serrlea.) Chicago, April 4. One of the hardest- fought mayoralty battles tn the history of Chiosgo is In progress today. Mu nicipal ownership advocatea confidently predict the election of Judgs Dunne, the Democratic candidate, while the Republi cans claim that Harlan will win by a small majority. A record-breaking vote la being polled, the clear, .cold weather furnlahtng Ideal conditions to bring out the vote. . The Democratic candidate for mayor is Judge Edward P. Dunne, of the circuit court, and tee Republican, candidate John M. n aria a. son oi mi uniiea ocaies su preme court justice. The Social lata have a ticket In the field, headed by John Collins, as the mayoralty candidate, and a fourth ticket has been put up by the Prohibition Is tsk with Oliver M. Stewart at its head.. - '' CRy ownership of street railways la the . question - that has figured most promlnsntly In the campaign. - It can hardly be said, however, to be an Issue of the tight as both of the leading par ties ars pledged In Its favor. The only question wherein they differ Is aa to how the desired result municipal own ershlp Is to be brought about The franchise of a number of the street rail way lutes have expired or ars about to expire. Tet many obstacles beset the plans of those who dealre that the city should own and operate thla great pub lic utility. It is. therefore, a question of ways and mean tnat forms tha chief Issue. A certain element Is for, over coming all obstacles at whatever coat and assuming Immediate control of the street railways. Others believe that the only practicable plan Is to grant an ex tension of franchise to the present oper ating company" and arrange for the city to gradually take over tbe lines.' While Immediate municipal ownership appears to be fundamentally and physi cally impossible. ' yet tbe Democratic platform declares tentatively for such Immediate ownonhlp. ' although really founded on the principle of steps to ob tain municipal ownership as soon aa pos sible.' ' The Republican platform, on the other hand, seeks te convey tbe Idea jtCootlaued o Paga TwaU SOUTHERN "Dec.IIghted,V Said Ken- tucky to President Roosevelt , . . IN HIGH SPIRITS ALL THE TIME IS TEDDY Cheers the Confederate -and C. A. R. Veterans and Shouts "Comrades" .to Soldiers .. of the Spanish War." : - 1 y .:" . ; (Jceraal bpmUI Berrlea) - fj.iil.ufll- VAMrff 1 Pm1ilM Wma velt arrived on schedule time at I o'clock this morning and was greeted by Clover nor Beckham, acting Mayor Bareth, and Chairman Murray of the reception com mute. ., i.. . i to greet the president. Around the sta tion a ooraon or soiaisrs naa Dees sta tioned, in addition to a roree or police. After an Informal, reception at the s te ll on tbe presidential party entered car riages ana tae paraaa raovea te toe uait house. - Third aveAus sad other thor eeghTares through whtch the procession passed were elaborately decorated and were thronged with, cheering .crowds. Tbe personal escort' of the president consisted of the Oeorge B. Eastoa camp. United. Confederate veterans. ', The mala audience was at the Gait bouse, where the president made a 14 minutes' address from a stand erected la front of the main entrance of the hotel. Tbe president was cheered at Inter vals by a continuous line of people. At Third street and Broadway confederate veterans and members of ths O. A. R, assembled. Ths president stood up la his carriage as they passed. - i "There are the boys for. me," shouted. . , The Spanish war veterans came next. These are my comradea,' said ths pfes IdenC - - ... At Fourth street and Broadway 1.400 school children sang "My Old Kentucky Horn." The president saluted them. - Twenty thousand people preaawu around the reviewing stand to hear the ..m..i'. rui'M'h. . novernor Beckham delivered a brief address of welcome and the prealdent responded pneriy. i ne parade then proceeded to the Louisville t.n,.i where the nrealdent was presented with a flask filled with water from the spring on the-Lincoln farm and an Ink stand made from a tree grown at Lin coln's birthplace. - . . h. Aver tha citv the presidential party again boarded their special train, end at 11 o'clock the train left for St" Louis., - " Ths president Is enjoying every do- . tha iriL ail the war through Ohio, early as 4 J o'clock this morning, nni. -w.r un in crowds to see the president's train. At every station i where a stop was made the presioeni ."i"" and ahook bands. ' .' ' . On entering Louisville the president s salute was "red by the local militia company. , Tha crowds here were te mense. '. - ' .' . John Sauer, a prominent merchant or , ,--ii. . t.d while hurrying to see the president's parade, slipped and felL breaking his neck, and dying In stantly. " .' - ' :"; TCDDITftDV FYCITFD. , r i s-rri i wr .-" t Tkrnn Ooaplu o Casok Umpse ef President Tomorrow. . . : (Journal Spreli'l triir-t -BLnnth -Ural Inter. T T April 4. Presi dent Roosevelt, en route to Teaas, la slated to make two stops In the Indian Territory tomorrow, and this entire sec tion Is on edge In anticipation m tae coming of the chief executive. Ths stops wUl be made at Muskogee anaac-inis (Continued ou- Page Two.) -. .1 K rescuers perish IN ZEIGLER IVIIfl'E (laerssl SasHd ' gsrrfae.) f e.i. in Anrii 4-TnvMtls-alloas are being' conducted to determine whether the explosion In the Letter mine yesterday was tns result ox a piu or u accident, t Union men assert they had nothing to do with It, but that It waa merely the result of accumulated gases or dust. Others hint that tt was tbe result of dynamite. ' Thlrty-Ove? miners were lnstanCr killed by the explosion and aa mar more In J a red more or 'less serloue some ef them fatally. . Rescue r" worked all day yesterday and durl j night but were unable to penetraie t on account of the deadly raa. Several of the reson- . were c I ' : In ' ' Tcmonw Business T70 Cease and Master cd Employe Will Pray. FOUR mass "meetings in center of to;.:: List of Rrms Who Have Decided To Shut Their Doors Be tween - Eleven - Thirty 7 - and Two O'clock. ; Tomorrow will witness tbe crtmsjc l tbe evangcllstlo campaign, It will be a day of prayer. . Business will practically cease fat Port land between ths hours of 11 3 1 a. m. and t p. so- and at noon four great mass meetings will be held in tha center of town under the direction of tha evangel. lists. . - . The following assignments or spook ars are announced for these events: Marquam Orand theatre 1T, J. wa- bnr Chapman.. ; - r- . urana mesire ur, neary usuuis. Baker theatre Dr. W. B. Blederwolf, - Taylor Btreet Methodist, church Dfc" R. A Walton. Bololsta and the Chapman quartet win attend aacbineating. A special invita tion has been extended public ofOclaJs and other prominent business men, and the Indications re that the most noted . audiences ever gathered together tat Port- land will be present. In tha morning the pastors of toe city will meet their regular congregations for brief services, but the great feature of the day- will, of course, be the nooa meetings. Under no circumstances will any of these extend beyond 1 o'clock. Ia each place visited by Dr. Chapman and his associates a day of prayer has been designated, and without exception the cities have been thrilled from end to end by the happenings of that day. I a Minneapolis. Atlanta. Cincinnati. Den- verTC01oTado Bprrng buainess wss suspended not only for . hours, but for a half day, and the whole population swarmed to the meetings, -thouaands being turned away for lack of standing-room. There la every rea son to believe that tomorrow will be no less noteworthy In Portland. . These Mouses TO Close. ' Aa aa indication of the popularity of the movement and Its sweeping extent, here are 174 names of business men and houses that have signed cards agreeing to close In honor of the occasion: Olds. Wortmaa King. Meier Frank company. Llpman, Wolfe tt Co., Honey man Hardware company, Bea Belling, A. B. Btelnbach. Roberta Bros.. McAllea St McDonnell. Toll Olbbs, B. Sllverfield, Famous Clothing company. Rosenthal's, Scaly. Mason Co.. W. M. Kllllnrs worth. Bell Co., Pacific Laundry company. New Tork Life Insurance company (Dept. C. M. Wood). J. B. Martin com pany, Vincent's bakery. Drover aV Araoth, Maxwell A Tllton. E. W. Pierce, W. K. Blegner. Kirk Hoover. M. B. Godfrey, Portland Safe company. The White Cor. ner. Rasmussen Co.. Dayton Hardware company. Equitable Savings 4b Loan as sociation (P. McKsrcher. secretary). Northwestern Muslo company. R yd man Bros- Miller A . Murdoch. Newberg Preened Brick company. M. E. Thorn peon. H. Russell Albee K. QuacKentrash ls vetment company. Knapp A Hart com. pany. M. F. Coatee, Thomas Brand. O'Bryaa tt CBryan. Erickson A Jirt son. Townsend. Drigga te Co-, James T. Work. Utility Mfg. Co., W. & Lauthne. Alvtn 8. Hawk Co. R. E. Conn. Olseo A Chrlstensen, I. R. Gllllhan, A. W. Bag ley, Multnomah Electrical Works, O. H. Scartum, O. W. B. Summons, A. K. Ales. snder, (Albina Pharmacy.) W. N. Cron dahU Oeorge H. Hlmee. (Oregon ITlstori. cal society.) Dr. J. J. Wlgirlna, John Bet. reth. David Klngery, Chrlstensen A Pe terson, Robert J. Klrkwood. S. M. Dun. lap. Dunlao Bros., c. P. wetxler. The Gill Ges Engine Co.. F. V. Cstterllne. Z. (Continued on Page Twa) state mining. lnirpectoT, gad Manager' John Graham died of gas Inhaled while attempting rescues yesterday. ' The work of rescuing tbs bodies one. tlnues, though It is slow and rendtr 1 difficult and dangerous by the t t of the sir.- But two ef tine bo " . t marks cf t e explon'"ie and li t other t i r r . i tt ac ti-. 1 vo '"" " r- t t I 1 1 1 i f ..ooj ty a a It t " ' ' i cr r w . own out. ) it i e I own v t r t e 1 of t t 'I