. :: .. ..- J v j ol? : slays : . 1 The, Circulation ef Tit V7irJ!.sr. .The Sunday Jsurr.d I I ' . Tonight, fairs Tuesday, flr; cooler; - easterly windi. . -y- - vol. iv. no. 24. :msm I Hermann, William son and. Others WEI k rBePiifonTrid.it PROSECUTOR F. J. HENEY .' ; : ANNOUNCES HIS:PLAN Will Insist ort Promptly Disposing lipi r ot case and will See the v Ai, c Deck Cleared Before ; v"'-f'::v.-l-'lWt Goes Away'.-iv(-r Fraireis J. Heney returned to Portland - - last rnng, prepared to rasnme wlUi vigor th prosecution of the land frauds. Ths first buslaeaa that win ensaga hU ,- Huninii wiu . p in rtnewu or tn ia. vestlgatloo. by tha federal grand Jury, ; which I t reeouren tomorrow mora Ins. ' Preparation la also to be made ' ' for . tha' trials In' Jane, when Senator Jobs - H. r Mitchell. ' ContTeaamen - Bar-, ' maaa and 1 William eon and other who , were Indicted for complicity tn the Jan frauds, will appear tn Judge BelUngrs . court to answer to tn charge against . '.then. 'ZV. : - - ; Senator bi,tcheH .will b1 ths fl,rt of ,71he defendant to be placed on trial, and tje two congressmen -will follow. Dlla - tory tactic on th part of . the defend .'. ant will b rigorously opposed, for Mr. ' v lleney 1 determined to bring tb easea ; 't :arir trlal--;vi 'A protracted eonfurenc was beld by Mr. Heney today with W. J. Burn of th secret service, and VS. B. Neahauaeii, and he-lna-erranmenta--were aaade for the reaumptlon of the Inveatication before tb grand Jury. "Although non . -of th government offlclala will disci tern their plana, It t behoved that tb trana i . action of th Booth-Kelly lumber com pany will be th ehief-jubject of tb - Jury" Inqulrlea, rand Important indict ment are expected, to result. . Www 9mmt:9wtf i;?J t Th lif .of (be present grand Jury ', explrea with the end of thl term of th district court, the last day being next Saturday..: Rumors have been current - that owing to th shortness of the time iand th Impossibility of presenting ail ' tha evidence which th government has accumulatedTaholher grand Jury might .' be called Immediately, to begin Ita ae- o caueq immeaiaieiy, w aegin iia see-i ,,t-i.-. ss,.. airmin anl ...w Th., wmTnf aaaaas It-T"1"! Waketteld saw Furey stain ana ion next wee Thee twluorg PPw i-.7ii .Viijniiailia converse- - ta tui w1 1 h aii t f mmriat tnn . "I tblnkr th public want to see some oonvietlon before many ' more Indict . menu are returned." said llf' Haney slg ' nlflcanUy this .morning, and he -added sv plain Intimation that be would not re quest tha calling of another grand Jury until after th June trials. v , , '. When naked this morning what ess would b th first to b tried. Mr. Heney repliad: ! .". : '.' . s , "In view of th fact - that Senator Mitchell 1 one of Oregon'r two repre sentatives In th upper bouse of con gress, and of th great Interest In th case which la felt by all th people of th - state, who are directly concerned ' la th outcom of th charge against th senator who represent them. I eon elder It la due to th public as well aa to Senator Mitchell that he should bar an early trlaL Hie request for . aa early trial I In my optnlon not only reason ' able one, but th' peopl of Oregon hav th right to aspect that It will be sranted. Furthermore Senator Mitchell's position chairman of .th senate com mlttee on tn istnmiaa ,canu max it or tb highest Importance that, U Innocent, h ahould return to Washington aa soon as possible. on--o bar fur aentatlon In congress, and neither Sen tor Mitchell nor Congressman William son have taken any part In congressional proceedlpg lnc they wer Indicted. . Th interest of tb tt demand that ' this stat of things should not oontlnu gay longer than oaa be helped. - Th peo pl of Oregf n are, therefor, concerned la baring Senator Mitchell's case tried aa early aa polbl. " ' ' "Th congressmen ought to b triad Bast," Mr. Hney added. "The people bar a right to know whether these peo- (Contlnued on Page Two.) SENATO R STEWART M BEGINSn ; v ' (tonal ipeetal rrlas.)v Washington. -Aprils I. Bx-United States Senator ' Stewart of Nevada la goins to Tooopah t asUbllsh a law Of fice. He I 7)year of Sgt but seems hale and hearty. He went to California wbniuTil"witgtlliyovrd na began work with a pick and shovel. ' I s ac cumulated a fortune arl j t "y ha been regarded as a . syppTty, kotrt- CMHil "I" JohnColeraan, Slayer of :EdnapoffD3n; Xols Airortt'tteliM!!. ADMITS KILLING WOMAN . . ; HERE LAST SATURDAY Recognized by Charles Wakefield on Northbound Train at Che ' halis,' Is Taken Into Cus- ' 3 today and Attempts Life. , . (8pUl Dwpsteh tha Je?a-al Cb balls. Waab, ' April' -Jdha' 'T. Coleman, 'who- murdered Jdn Hoffman la Portland Saturday night, waa cap tured hr this morning. .SJLghl. . Mar shal George ' Stmonds, assisted by Charles Wakefield, a Chehsil; business made ..v tb capture. Although searched by four men. no dangerous weapon wer found. A Taaor, however, waa cleverly concealed In hla aboe. On driving up la front of the courtbous Coleman alighted from th- wagon and began. slashing ax nis nroai.wiia ma raaor. ' Before be we secured he bad cashed half a dosea times, severing hi wind, nlna and aliaoat. ouUlna tb Jugu lar Vein, ana waa mucn viunnv rum loss of blood. Whan an effort waa made to find tha weapon ba pointed whr in mm-iaiii and. In renlr to a query from th marshal, mumbled "yea" to a question as to whether ne aiuea me woman In-Portland. A Sheet of paper waa secured sad he scrawled, ."Send my clothe to Spokane." An attempt was also mad to writ Til name, but It was ni.ihi The end of tb rasor bad a piece out,of th blattertSlit-whether don when be cut nis or iai vvb- " U unknown. ' ' s " . v t mad Basa th Maa JMfot. 'Wakefield' connection with th affair ta interesting- H I a wu-anowa Chehalla business man and th past wak waa In . Portland oa buslneea. 'Thursday Bight b was, In th Midway saloon on North rounn auwe wama with J. Purer: the manarer. wnea uoie- msa anterad. Furey pointed, him out to Wakefield a a bad actor receQUy from Spokane, who bad thratned to kill a woman and rursy lmunaiea n b w afraid of him. ' Wakefield alaed tnia low an but nothing waa said.. Yesterday Hon, etatlng that ' the man ne naa pointed out waa tb murderer of Edna Hoffman. Purer bad been warned by or fleers to ana himself and shoot Coleman oa sight, a th latter waa after mm. Last night Wakefield boarded tbe train to return borne and kept a lookout for Coleman. . At Kalama Coleman entered the amoklna ' ear. . Wakefield told the conductor and the latter told him the fellow bad only 0 cent and be ex pected to put him off at Kelso. After Wakefield' Information h agreed that h would tell Coleman h could rid to Seattle, where he wanted to go. - coie maa went to sleep, covering his head with hi overcoat. It was Impossible to wire th officers at Chehalla .until Wln loojc waa reached and - a messags to Sheriff Urquhart reached bar too late for th aberlff to reacn th train, mapeata Attempt oa Mis Xdf. Marshal Blntond was tbr and de cided to make th arrest. H boarded tha train aa It Dulled into Central la and Colemaa was take in. . Ha mad llttl reslstsnc.. On hi return her Coleman attempted ' to commit sulolde at half paat ( o'clock. He Is lying at Kennlcott hospital carefully guarded by Deputy Sheriff SchHttler. ' He ta conscious, and, th bandagea from his throat and complete hi wort of self-ceatructlon. on,coi man were found a gold watch and chain, a Canadian stamp book and an unpaid bill from firm at Ferguson. B.C a receipt for revenue tax there, a card bearing the nam of Walter Ott, Rath drum, th picture of a woman, a card of th Vendom hotel. Bpokane, and th RoyaK hotel. Portland. . - - " Detective Jack Kerrigan ef Portland la her and will return' to that city with tb prisoner . tbla afternoon.- ' Coleman (Continued en Page Two.) LIFE ANEW nntB It I now necessary for hint to re sume th practice of law. He hopes to profit by th nw gold and silver dis coveries. . Stewart aerved 10 yaara la th oenata HI term expired March S. Moving to Tonopah -to begin llf anes . Senator Stewart la cheerful and hopeful. He ha had many hard knocks and believes he I -He n stand a t "W more and bel levee ti " ' - i him is lug f - 5 1 ' v -t.,.4.... I! PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL ms -J f '""T"Ajf w " rtrT POLICE HUNTING 3weet Faced Sophie Beck" Crui- Ing v ln 1 English : Waterji f Aboard a yacht. ,-1 -i FLED WITH MILLION OF r; - i ; i CET-RICH-PVICrC' ASSETS -::;. :---. -'t-T Romantic Story of Absconding ' H; Typewrite Who ' Success i'J . : fully Cujled Public'. : J ?Ur- ... , ( ; ..f',' .' ' '' (Jearaal Special aerruw!) ; '' ' . Philadelphia. .' April. t. Bewitching Sophie Beck, the, beautiful stenographer who fld th country -with '1 1.000,000 plunder of a .got-rlch-qulck oonoern, la being anxiously searched for la all- ng liah seaport cities. Sh I supposed to be beatlna- about the harbors near uver naol andeavOrlns; to reach London. " ' A message receirea irom - iirerpooi state "Susolclou yacht, mysterious men and woman on board, berleved to be crowd wanted in Philadelphia outside Liverpool. Watching." , Th Inspectors believe that' Sophie Beck, her husband, Richard Graham, and a comber of missing men wno are re sponsible for tha -rue (and fall-or -t as Storey Cotton -company, and the Provi dent Investment bureau, sr aboard a yacht from Now Torkought: by, tb Beck woman with' the money, of the dupe. - She la thought to have planned tb escape of bar ednfaderat, mapped our her own flight and gathered together tbe loot- V ' - J' ' The sweet-faced girl became manager of -the Storey company, which waa, la It general working, an ordinary get-rich- anick concern. - It pretended to al in cotton, but never bought or sold a bale. even on margins. Th rorioent mreai mnt company pretended to deal In wheat "Handsome. Hsrry" Latimer, Stanley Francis. KTank Marin and Sophie nark are believed to bar plundered the public of upward of 11.000.000. Frand la now under arrest; but tha real' sensa tion was caused when It was found that th lovely Bopbl and 11.000,00 or as sets wr son. uviUM threw rwm wmxru. (Joeraal Rpeelal Se-rle.) 'T',X".' IjmAan. Anrll t. rlt Is announced to day thai ths Prince of Wales has under gone a sliaht operation, th nature of which Is 'St tate - . ' SWITIDLERSLO DEATH SUMMONS DR. H ; W. CARDWELL ;.r . Eminent Physician and Brave Soldier Succumbs to Typhoid Fever M y -T-Repeated Attacks; of .Crip Weakened Him---Officer . .1 Speak Warmly of His' Brilliant Record.' - .; Dr. Herbert . W. Cardwell ' died early thl morning at hi bom at 101 North Twenty-fourth street of typhoid fever. He ' had been HI three weeks, but had been confined to. his bed only a short time. Two . attack of th grip in th paat .winter left hlra very weak. , . Bora and reared in thl city,. Dr. Card- well was one of the best known aa well aa on - of the most popular of local physician. He was th son of on of Portland' beat known pioneer famlll, Mr. and Mrs. Byron p. cardwell. r . He ' was perhaps beat known by the military record mad in the Philippine during the Spanish and Filipino wars. He was-considered by th offloera, both regular nd volunteers, who fought ln th islands from S to '01. being on of tb yery best. If not ths ' best, field" surgeori that followed, the boy In blue through th jungle and across tb morasses. Several time promoted for merit, hi last . recommendation was written by Gen. IIvW,Lawton Just be fore tlfat famous warrior was killed, ' When tb war - with Spain waa de clared. Dr. Cardwell waa serving -k surgeotl-general of tb stat with th rank of colonel oa tb taff of Governor W. P. Lord. - - - plradld Wag SMrl He at one volunteered to go. to tb fronC and waa assigned to th Second Oregon. United State volunteers, ar riving at Manila a ssslstant surgeon of th regiment .with th rank of captain. Soon afterward he waa promoted to surgeon wltb th rank of major, and waa assigned to tb ataff of Gen. T. W. Anderson, who waa In command of tb first -division-of th eight errny corps, nis Work on the battle field waa quickly noticed by various commanding officer. When Oeneral Lawton began his famous campaign,, which ended with hi death, h asked that Major Cardwell b aa-3-V (.'., ;.;A.i v"y - 3, 1905 FOURTEEN PAGES, President Names New Isth J mlah Commission to; Dig Panama Candev; BIG'SAlimES eiVEN T0?i . CHAIRMAN AND ENGINEER Work Is Divided Into. Three Oe- Tpartments, One Headed by nil Shont, Oneby .Walker " y. -' and One by Wallace. ; S ' ' (Jesraal Bpteial aerW) ' ;Waabrngtor4 D. C "April S. tary Taft thl. morning mad publia tb Droont of th new iathmlan canal commission, as follo-r: - Theodore P. Sbont. president of tb Clover Ief. chairman and member of tbe commis sion: Charles Magoon. -law - department of 'tb - war depaj-tinent, member "-and governor of th canal son; John V. Wallace, now la charge of tb engineer ing work on th canal son, member and chief engineer. Other member . are Rear Admiral Mordecal ' T. Bndlcott, ttrlc.Clan. Peter C Ham, and Col. Oswald H. Ernst and Benjamin M. Har- rlod, who waa the only present member t be reappointed. " Prof. William H. Burr. William Barclay Parsons, who are present members. . will ' be appointed member of tb eonsujlns board of sn giBra 4! Th smlari. of th member will be tei0 ' par annum and x traveling , ex- penses. . i The Chairman .. is ., iu , rscai vs (Continued on" Pag Fir.) :-a: 'V- ,W '-r Dr." Herbert W. CardwelL signed to his taff; General Lawton' request waa granted. . Later Dr. ' Card well was detached from bis staff poal- . jLConUstid on Pag Flv,), Fgrce of Explosidn Timbers Thrown J High in Aii I 1 SEarth Cracked for Rods." ;J M Smoke and Ham tially ; Cutting '; Olf ? Whether Disaster r (Jearsal Bperlal Ssrrleal Zls1a- TIL. anrll 1 An axBlosdoa of wmm nr-upMrf t T .el f e mine t hla mA-B, ln at :4 o'clock,' Just after tb men bad been lowered to work in tn lower levels. At least 14 men were entombed IV v luj -eiA taajagguga, siu asiss-a - w entertained that many of them are alive. Oil report Slates Uiai zw oeaa oavna have bean recovered. 'and It injured SMI have been taken out. Tha explosion threw timbers, rauroaa tie and debris 300 feet Into tb air. Th earth for rods from tb mine 1 cracked aa though by an earthquake, Smoke and flames rushed .from tb shaft and through th breaker. Only OB man In th air shaft escaped, and tha rescuer are kept back from in mourn. 01 shaft by ths extras- heat, . ,k. .kn it, lain la nnlllnr From th mouth' of the shaft and tun nels jet of flame are shooting -with dense volume of amok. It I rldent that th coal bed r .on fire, and, tb nlna must he flooded before th flam can be extinguished. - .'' . Th dead number between Ift and 0 miners wbq ara entombed tn the shaft. They wr employed, on tn nay aaiit. n. . 1 j hav ,eeand. X3 U ,111 WW miw w . Two of these are o badly Injured that probably they wlU dl. At 11 o'clock two more miner wer rescued through th air haft but'Wrlbly burned. At tempts to rescue the other are useless on account of th flame from th burn-, lng mine. All entrances to tha under ground works are blocked by debris It la not, tnougnt possioie uni mar uw entombed miner are alive. Smoke and the eraeka in tha earth Indi cate that all of thffn have bead burned to death or uffocata. . i . It I reported, though th report is not confirmed, that th dlsaater la th result of a plot among Jormerworkers. ThereIs nothing," however, a to show whether te dlsasUr la the , result ef accident s plofe- V """V For nine months a atrlke has been .In progress at tb mine. During most of GRAND JURY CHOSEN TO INVESTIGATE FRAUDS : ' (Joaraal Sperial Ber-ice.) - Salem, or, apnt . ' w umrtn avxintr "arand larr. called. to Investigate tb fraud In tb school lands of Oregon was drawn today, the following be- i- xhnsen-. , William Kraus. farmer: O. W. Needham. barber; John A. Smith, farmer N. Miller. - e laborer; ' Andrew "Cone, hop mimr' w. J. Weld, farmer: W. - H. Grabenhorst. farmer. . MORE TURKISH TROOPS WILL GARRISON CRETE ' ' IJesraal SpecUt Sarvlea) iv: ; Constantinople, April . Owing to disturbances la 1 Crete, th power ar sending reinforcement to Join tb gar rison which has been established there. -l.C: worn XsTQirtJiT.' ; ' (Jearasl Spaelal Service.);, ' ' London, April . The Catholio Her ald lates that th pop ba appointed a commission of prelaw to proceed to America and report on th atatu of Polish Catholic In that -country. - SPURNS TITLES' TO - WED A PARSOr.' ' (Jm-hI tatrlil fcrrlev) Bostoa April .. An heiress to 110. 000,000. Mis Daorh Bay lea, tb daugh ter of Frederick S. Baylea, the late cot ton king Of Rhod Island, has spurned two Italian noblemen for th lor of Bar. Frederick B. Hill, assistant paster of the CongresatlonaJ church, In which th Beyle family hold a membership. The wedding I to be in June, and It la Sid that In addition to bringing dlt-'v to th Jtslians. ths ceremony will tt heart paci J,. Its KW lork t. Sunday Jsm Vestardiy Wa 1 1 PRICE FIVE CZNTC EscapeRot I Known Is Accident or Plot this time th union . men hav beet campad soms distance from tb mlae, which Is operated mostly by negro strikebreakers. On account of the effsc Ursaeaa of tb boycott, Letter recently announced hla Intention 'of abandonin-r tb mine, and th men bad bean noti fied aooordlngiy. It Is estimated that Jo Letter, mo ot tb tat Chicago millionaire, he spent 12.000. 0 In fighting tbe TJaitsvi MlQO Worker of America. At a coat ofMLwOMM b buUt th' model mlnlnx town of Zeigler, stockaded It. guarded it with aa armed force, mounted rapid fir gun and ran live- lctrio w tr around th stockade. ... Th anion mine- 1 and- their families were victd frc , the town aad their place taken by ne gro n from Slanama. .,, . , Tb stockade enclose 11H squ- 1 mUee. and Lsltsr has ruled. It as t -feudal barons. In medieval day ru. , their eastleav All tbe miners oauf it I today's explosion' , ar employe c Loiter, and all the persons Sow llvi -In Zelgler are employe or members t tbe. families of men oa. the payroll c' Joseph Letter. ' . : Opposed to "Letter are 10,000 anlo t miner tn southern Illinois Seld. Llr declared that he will permit no dictation from th union, nor would ba arbltrat about"the wage to b paid, and Inalau i on makkos hla own seals of wagoa ani employing whom b pleased. -. - Before a spade waa struck to eart or a nail driven bom. Zeigltr existed o pap as It is today. Streets wer lail out, altea located for stores, ehurcbes. .company offices and dwellings for min ers. Shafts wer sunk and ararytnti T ready for the season of real mining to begin Uat July. On July-?, Letter announced to tit miner his proposed scale. It was 1 J ceniI6wFlnanrlnn . union acai for . Willlsmson county, which Is the low-it la th state. Th miner were idl la next day and Letter immediately ousted all union man f rom-the town. . 1 LEGAL BATTLE OVER SMITH'S EXTRADITICII Part of Papers for Removal Lost i r. Necessitating Postpone- ; ;V '". '" ment of Case. .-J' , " (Joaraal Special service.).' ' ' ' - Cincinnati. April t. The legal battl for th extradition of i. Morgaa Smith and hla wife to New Tors? In connection wltb th Nan Patterson case was begun In Judg Spelgel'a court this morning. . with arguments on th habeas corpus writ) returnable today. . Attorney Shay represented the Smiths, , while County Prosecutor Rullson and Assistant Dis trict Attorney Gargan of New York ar gued against th Issuance of tb writ. Prosecutor Rullson declared that be felt certain, there was. no ehano for ths Smiths; to escape extradition. - Th pris oners looked worn and tired when they ntered th Court. - Judge Spelgel continued th case ntn Wednesday at 1 o'clock p. m. 01 the statement of Prosecutor Rullson that It ; waa necessary, tut part or the extradi tion papers had been lost between Colum bus and Cincinnati. . Th prisoners wer returned to JalL -"- Thar la no doubt that a strenuous ef fort will be made to prevent the Smiths from bains taken to New York. Tbe let ter which ar said to Incriminate Naa Patterson are still kept secret,. '- wealtb. who wer fasdaateS by V' Sayl wit and buty last sut -r ' Europe. ' Two year ago ' " i r 1 '1 fthr of her J preacher. T 1 ' Sayl, abro I girl v of t f , I t (