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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1905)
rs. . Cor !..,( at 1 -at 1 weni- i 1 I C .! a streets February . j l..j. It Is -4 t boy waa hurled J r r-s - - I s Unit the sl.e of the ear when It was U - 'Mareuaai ...... Lrrlo ... baker' .. Mew .... lira .. ...,....t p-iuii" A OoataaU e0n" The Lai Mr. tr" Vo-.t. v. ....... VnatniM ' - Th transportation' committee of the Pacif io Nortbweat Jobber' association -will meet la Portland 'April 0, to com plete th work laid eat at a eonferenc toai week ago between them and rep resentative of tb traf f lo departments of transcontinental line. Delegate . from Taooma, Seattle, Spokane and Bel llngham wtU attend. J-J C- Stubba. dt , rootor of traf f to of tha Harrlseaa tinea. bad heeohed Baa rranclaoo on hi' way . 'to Pertkutd- to attend tb meeting! J. M. Haanaford, trelflo director of tho .Northern Pacific, and Baa Campbell, ' who hold a similar off loo In the Oroat Northern, will b bora. The purpose of - tho mooting la to aettla tbo long die- , flawed question of distributive rates in - tbo Pacific coast and Rocky mountain states, and allow Pacific eoaat Jobbers - to do bttsineaa a reaaooable distance ln- land In, competition with 'Chicago, St. . Lioui and Bt. ram jobbers. !.,'y. ."f . :' ' - : ft'-'. " Commander Bra: Booth of tho 8alva tioa Army of America will visit Port- . land, May 12, and the local members of . tb Array are . making great prepara ' tton for her reception. The local corps fts planning for self-denial week, which - baa been fixed from April If to Jt- Dur ing this week alt Salvationists agree to do- without luxuries, and even some of . i tho aeeeaaarlea of life. lp order to help f swell the fund -in aid of tho home mis aionary work of the organisation. This ; money la expended la prison work, la . eolonislag - poor people - in the country and la slum work, " ' i- The third annual meetlag of the Pert' . land VtaHlng Nurses' association will be . hld Thursday, at S O'clock, at the uni tartan chapel. Dr. 1. Allen Gilbert will deliver an addreaa on "The Value of too Visiting Nurse to tha Community." Dr, Otlbert has been In close touch with the . association daring the peat year, aad 1 : enthusiastic about tb wont. ne ports - of the i various officers will be glyen and election Of director .will be held, ; The meeting will be publlo. '..(A Wireless Meaaage This la a wire less message, and the Import of it ' to tell roe that we make any suit In . the bouse to order Mi, aay pasts T.6 no more, no less the wboie year round. j We have a stylish, up-to-date stock of Lurowa from the track. , ' Pv. John Ovall. presiding elder of ao J 'ethou at Lpbtcopal church in tb 8 wed., b district of the Paget sound con ference, will conduct the Quarterly eon ference tonight at the Mwedish Method 1st church. Tomorrow morning he will present to the church Its new pastor. kv. n. siowiy. or Nortnneia. Mass. kv & 9. Falk, the formar pastor, left about a month ago to publish a Swedish paper In Bcattle, and since that time . the church members have Ba eonduottng their own meeting ' every week Tbo ehurch la la a floarlshlng oondlUoa. is of aome It years' standing and la on of the strongest of lta kind In Mr. With Votes to Cpsra Dan McA!ln : Votarf Mnrt Ponular Irlah- " 'v AND WITH THE HONOR ; GOES FINE CLACXTHORN oj'j '"rt. "h vrs ,WMhing- Mony Ralad on VotM Goes for use or .rani&rnerriary rarry . vii is V woolens, employ only flrst-ciaaa tallcraJ don't know what my talks wtt soy when tney hoar what I have done, but I can't help It. I doot want to live any Jonger. i i im neueToa uai ocnorieia .shot Dim- seir heoause of - unrequited- love. The youth is said to have been Infatuated with atattle Doyle, formerly employed at the hotel aa kitchen helper. , Though three ehambera of the weapon found by the side of Schofleld had been emptied. -only one ahot had been fired from the weapon recently. Powder burns showed the revolver had been placed against Schofleld' forehead and dla- enargeu. . ' -. That the . deed was premeditated the authorities . are convinced. Sohof laid wrote that he had traveled with Ulnar. ling's circus, and 'had spent two weeks working in a harvest field In Wasco county. He arrived la this city about nine months in aad waa 111 whoa ha arrived. -.. . . ; . Batlaf action guaranteed. Pay less and . dreaa better by having us make your clothe. . unique Tailoring company, t7 Washington, street. t, t, 1 & P. Bhutt, a well-known newspaper , man of eastern Oregon, who has been in Portland for tbo peat few months, bes brought a. printings plant for Oold - Beach, -Curry county, and la ahlpptsg It -there to open a new publication. Mr, . Shutt'a last paper waa at . (Heads! a, Douglaa county. He aaya that the tor rltery . to which he 1 going will eape - rience a great boom, the next year or twY owing, to Improved transportation. v The state camp of the Royal Neigh' bora will 'meet In Knights of Pythias (ball, Marquam building. Tuesday, April HU at 10 o' el oca. A delegate to tb aupreme eamp and state ori leers wu be elected. Monday evening; In Vp- " church halL seventeenth aad Mar nail. a reception win be' given' to the dele- gates from the eampa outside of Port- 'land. ' ; : J :. r-?: : ' When yow eontemplata a trasooU tiental trip, whether for business' or pleasure, write W. C McBrMe, 114 Third street. Portland, for descrlptlvs and lllustrauv pamphlets of tha Denver 4c Rio Q rand e. Justly termed . The Soenie Line of the World.- No such scenery anywhere on . the face of the globe. , . i . . . -v. . i - ' The Rose City March" is a musical . composition by IB. M. Coartlenne Dwer- . ask. a Portland musician, wnlch stands - a good ehaaee of aoooptaaoe as the of f U ' clal fair lnstrameatal selectton. It will be In press next week. The title page : was drawn by - Carroll. W. Dibble, and ' the Plaches Haste eompeay wlU pubtlsb the Pure paints and etla 1 P. K. Beach A Cow the pioneer paint company, agents - Benours floor paint. UquM veneer, Jap-a- - las, Berry Broa. varnlahee. Blackjack harness oil, NeeTs enamels. New Bra paint, window aad plate . glass, V Ml . rirst street. - Phone 1JI4. , ' l. Immlgraata WantedTo lecat along the Oregon Water- Power A Rail' ' way compear' Una between Portland ,. and Catacada, -Per Informatioa Inquire of tha -Oregon water Power Townalt company. 114 fir Le treat. , North Pad fie Bteamshlp eompairys steamship Roanoke, 3.4M tons, sails for . San Prandsco, Loe Angelee, Coo Bay and Eureka Thursday. April I. n. from Columbia dock No. 1. Ticket office ttl Waahlngton street. H. Young, agent Estaeada Offer - OppertunlUea to maaufaoturers which means millions of dollars If properly handled.- For to formation lncntre of the- Oregon Water Power TownaUe company, H4. Plrst . street. . Phone, Main .. . risnennen Tn trout aeason now - open. On fare for tb round trip to , morrow to Bstacada, reaching -Bagle , creek and the upper Oackamaa. . Car from p. W. P. 4 Ry Co. Waiting room . irst ana juar sxreeta. . turt Black Cocker spaniel, female; 4 months old; answer to the name bf Blossief went set ray la city Park, Sun- aayt - rewara tor nor recovery, (if . Pleaders street, between Twatltk and Twenty-0rst . "-:".-. ; B. A 8. Cough and Crougi Syrup, roe ' ommended by physlclana. - The moat useful domestic remedy for all eolde. coughs, eroup, bronchitis and pneumonia. or sale py Knight Drug company. ' the new U C -Smith A Broa.' VlalM Typewriter la now on exhibition in our storetat Its Third street (Falling build-In).- U A Ji. Alexander A Co., exclu sive dealers entire coast, , , The steamship "Aberdeen" sails from Couch street dock' for' San Fraaoisoo direct -Saturday evening April 1. at o'clock. Cut rates. F. p. Baamgartner, agent.-' Mala ttl,- y A box-lunch sociable will be given : next Tuesday evening In Concordia hall, , Sixth and Alder street, by the Wiscon sin society, which invites all state so cieties to attend., '. . .,'-' ' : i 71 cent round trip, tomorrow ' for fiahermen to Estaoada. Season for trout fishing now open All cars from First end Alder streets. First car :!; and 11:1 a. m. . . - More than 4.M voter have regis tered for the - coming city primaries. Up to last night tha total was 1,(14. Of these, t.tli are Republicans, 41 Dam oorata,. and ' fl refused -to Stat their party, connection. . New reglatration have been t(2, aad ehange of residence . The books, will have been open, If deya up to -tonight,' leaving 11 days la which - the voter may - be re aria tared. County I Clerk Fields believes that the total registration when the hooka close will not be -lea than lO.Oeo, of whom. eoooraing 'to the ratio so lar main talnod, MO ' will be Republicans and 1,100 Democrats,, ; ,"' "Caa Pentecost Be Repeated r Is Dr. Bouse' subject at First Congregational' church, Sunday morning. Preaching at i: p. m. y r.' oetroca. ..iAsalsy dlspUy, Pfunders, id and Oak ' Orpheum, vaudeville, buriesqu, eVna. De, Amoev gurgeon. Dekum belldlag. . Ask your grocer for Ooldsa Cheddar. JOHN SCHOFIELD DIED vs FOR UNREQUITED LOVE i ' - -f; ' w '. ' John Schofleld, found dead yesterday In the basement of R. EL Case' house, at Rodney avenue and Bellwood street; committed humid, f The theory of mur der, waa abandoned when a not In the handwriting of , Schofleld, made In small memorandum book; waa found in bis pocket.' It was addressed to R. E. Caae, th proprteter of the Merchants' hotel, and read: v-a . ' "I am tired of living, and don't know what to do, so this Is th only way. -1 in Ireland. Who' 4h most-popular Irishman In Portland? Why, Dan . McAUea. i of i eours. .. Nobody ever said otherwise, and no One .dares to now, for h ha a big blackthorn, bristling with knob and decorations,, to prove It. The I Hah blackthorn walking-stick that -wae awarded him last algbt 1 model of lta kind. It la silver-mounted, 1 and has numerous : silver shamrock leaves, lyres and harps on It. ; Mr. McAllen was voted the most pop ular Irishman In Portland,' and- Inci dentally awarded the handsome walk- lillii tbev With wla. tec tl. WB ABB tNTBODCOntO TGK vreer TTWT IN THH CITY OF POKTLAND NrW OB. TAB, BTC. . , Balte with be the, bet aaer. elq water as trnoi sat aloxx mm. vy-' ' Dan. UeAIlen..'' ... LOCAL OPTIOH LAW i UPDELD DY SEARS Rsfutea New Trial to Schneider v Convicted of Selling Liquor ; in Montaviila. , MATTER WAS DECIDED "R v ? AT GENERAL ELECTION r-iklair nrAinr -r am rimiio ucoinc iu aiu ' r STRUGGLING PATRIOTS Th United Finnish societies of th city will give an entertainment for the; benefit of the "patriots struxxllne for freedom in Russia, " tomorrow evening at Unchurch hall. Seventeenth and Mar shall street. , The program Include songs, recitations aad addressee la the Bagllah aad Finnish langusgee, and the occasion promise to he one of the most intsrestlng In the history of the local inn tan association. - The -program In fulF Is aa follows i Opening address (In Finnish). A. -81- mola; song (In Finnish), M. lhU; ad- (in, English), Ouy E. Kthertoa; Ing-ettck. a the result of a contest that waa recently- Inaugurated by the United Irlah league of this city. There were many con tenant, and many voters, seen vote waa sold tbo countinx be ran at O'clock last night at 15f Washington street. Judge had been selected from the three Fort' land newspaper to count the vote and money; another committee that - didn't have any regular name watched the pro ceedings Intently, so when the count was over there waa 1X00.40 in the box. representing 1.00 vote. Mr. 'McAllen won, Lwrenee Bhanaaan waa second and John lb Woods third. At the finish tbo vote waa as follows i Dsn McAllen. till Lawrence Shanehan. 64; John E. TV code. 44T:- John B. Coffey, 114; John Manning. 11: M. J.' Mailer, 100: Charles Duggaa, It; James mu- Even Slight Error in Posting No ticea Would Not Affect t : Measure's Legality. ; A new trial was refused today by Judge Sear In the case against Capt. Barman Schneider for selling liquor io Montavlll against th mandaU of tha people proclaimed by their -vote for pro hibition last November. ? Ed Manden- hall, attorney for Schneider, moved for the naw hearing on the ground that th November vol oa prohibition, under the provisiona ox the local-option law. waa in the nature of a special election, end that therefore the posting of notice of th election by the sheriff in exact ac cordance with the law was vital. It alleged that there bad been a alight failure to follow th exact letter of th law aa to selection of place wherein to post the notices, and the defense said ! this vitiated the election, and that the vote for prohibition la Monta villa waa therefore- non-operative a a bar to th sale of liquor In that precinct. juage Bear held against the defense. ana in doing so said that, even though 'there might have been error by th oeruz in selecting live places in which f ' I TXI JX OTOltlL THAT OAVEO YOU MOIICY 1 1 - . J Wi i I ' ' ' ' I i" in iiii mi " ' i li V' , ''; ' i': , I ; . V s "'i' ''' i ',1t.t : : ( ('i::;:'::.;;':; .-'r. v' !,$'';', ,;,.:;v-;;;:,K?'5 Reg. Price ?L00 '-:tv:;-C,:i; -'-'.' "-f.V.' ' i-,v, ,. Open . . j . UnUl 1 . 9 oCkxck This neat little Stand Table, is made of hatdwood, golden oak finish, ; comes, in round or square tope 14 inches square, SO inches high; ; excellent! jr vpot together, and will hold any' reasonable weight.- FURNITURE COMPANY rirtteci Taylor v ! AJauiahuijarrB. era GRAND to poet notices- aeoordinc to the minute ney. 7; Father J. P. O'Brien, I; A. C, I requirements of the law, the November vote on problbiuen waa not a special lection, but was part of the general presidential election, aad that- the wide knowledge the people had that there was to be aa election eliminated aay chances tnat they would not learn that such aa issue was before them. Judg Bear decided for the defendant In the ease of J a. Seed aaalnat J. J. Jennings, holding that the alleged deed ing or tne land in question by tha elder Seed to hi son. J. O. Seed, waa to pre vent Jennings from realising on a Judg ment for IB, ecu which had been secured. Seed sued to prevent 'execution of the deed to the land on the Judgment altos Ing that the land had been deeded to htm, while he was a mlnort that later he reJ deeded It fn hla VaJhee. with the 'nndep. poem , tin nnntsnj, Mrs. K. MemmUat ,jrtl. ,r,.hm . the token should standing that the young man waa to af. ongiin Bnguahjj. J. Anderson; addreaa T . who had done aa firmer disaffirm the deed when he earns tin runuif, ML. nauasrainsai ouaT un I i i-- -- ; , stun, and that ihanV, peanhed hie ma. ... ,,w , m i m. anucn zor um hhiim v& . ... i . . : . r. : : 1 , w- uin Mniid In a erav thai Is I Jortty he dlaafXlrmed the deed. nienj. aw. nounu; song un jiuaaian,i . zl- w. ;.,... ,. , , . I Judae Seara held the Pullman conv O. Bhalalnen; addreaa ln Knxllahl. " " liable for a suitcase entrusted to David N. Moaesaoha; song ta Finnish), I 1. the care of a porter, the opinion eomlng Hemmllai poem (in Finnish). I R PI f-Nil 11 WIIKK llh : ' : " r I in the case of Albert H. anln.t tha K. Hemmllat address (In Finnish), Jo , .... . . ..neei oobput on a claim that on board in a seph Bhalalnen; comic song (In Fla- J LiiT Ma W Aa NIUW I oUrlUUL I train he gave a porter a valla and suit alah), A. Nordstrom; Imitation acrobat, I ., lease, and that when h left the train M. Hlrvi; son (in Finnian). Mis Ida l l , - . .,.h, MvMi .a I the ult-eaae could not be found. Smith, t; CoL D. M. Dunn. L The sum realised will be forwarded at once to Bishop O'Donaell of Rap hoe. Ire I land, national treasurer of the Irish I parliamentary fund. It will he used la I the Irish atruggle for horn' rule. When Conor CKelly, the Irish member bf par liament, lectured In this city a year I am he announced that the sum of 160,- 0 waa expected from America. . Since I that time over 145,00 baa been raised I bv the Irish of Canada and America. This morning ur. a. j. auniin,- preen-1 dent of the league, In this city; James I Hennessey Murphy, vice-president, aad Charles F. Doaxan, . treasurer, : called I uoon Mr. McAllen to present the stick. Dr. 8mlth delivered appropriaU re-1 marka eanresslnx the rratlneatldn of I natrmtia Irishmen that tb token should be awaraea to one woo bm ewv we i nvk tar the can ee of Ireland. Mr. MoAllen replied in a way uau is altogether cbaraoteriatla Thet Wanhala: addreaa (In Flaalah). K. ". .;. T--Ti- i.t I company set up aa defense that although (la Finnish), V. iUlplsau. I " T.X .nTV lcefl- I the paa-en.e, had handed the aultcae eates were prated to student- In " JlaJ. VfTlaV subjects. Many friend. were present. f??"phll u in hli ... .v. .. . Twaident I n pasaenger had It in hie W. M. 1mM presented, tne eeirincatee. Wuorl; song V. Aalto. ', . YOUTH IS PARALYZED- AS RESULT OF HAZING aad B. F. to the porter. It had been taken to tb thereafter POSSSSSlOB and the company was not liable for th value of th property. The court held (Jearaal Saeetal Bervka.) Orand Rapid. Mlctu, -April L Her- Lake, aged Hi " I near death. paralysed, as th result of baaing by member of a high school Greek letter fraternity. One of the feature of the Initiation consisted of a slid-down a Steep hill locked In. a coffin. ' v Lake was also forced to swim a snow- filled gutter and underwent other nerve- racking torture In tb fraternity room, He waa lowered la a ooff In attached to rope from th roof of tb flv-tory Auditorium building. ' ,. - Leka. wh the eon of a widow, re fuse to -give Information that will lead to th Identification of hi tormentors. port of th J.f. protect the property of the paseengera parous year. Since Septetnber, " 1 while ther wtmT In the eaiTonrIta4 DSJDLS UBU wejajam eiMVHwe, -we w- . aw, - - i . haJ thehdkei aWbMsVnjeahaw (n SI , VaaM I V' ous subjects, and z teacher were em fAlfTVwMxL ' 1 f ''( '-V ' . 1 . "-J' Judae A. L. TYaser gave the annual address to the students en The Forma tion of Character in xoung nsnnorxi - E AT THE THEATRES. SUCCESSFUL NIGHT : SpHOOL TERM CLOSES 1 e '' The following number of peo- -pia have signed the petition re . -queaUng the new telephene d, franchise to no put to. -vote at e the June election: ; . i. i March !!... ...... .fTli public night schools closed last night : and ' will not reopen again until next fall.-The past term baa been th most uceeesful In th history of this city. . Ten teachers were employed, six at th high school sod two each at the WUliaana avenue and Hawthorne scnoois. From ths opening night the capacity of h room . baa been - taxed oy men. women and children or U age an nationalities who desired to gat a better education. The work ha been very sue- eeesful and the teachers and school offi cials feel much gratified with the i suits. - '..-.' vi -.. .' . . m Metrcll S3 - 7i Istaircb SS . (24 tfoaVrOa) t4t jef 900 4S4 101 etfATCal He xd tmmmmm 4ftf 1 MATCh) S9 er ev ,' 411 March I.......-..- 171 March SI, .m, SO The Qciaha" Tonight V at the IUreaas-raad theatre eaalsht the PMlard UUsatUa Opera eeatpaay wUl preaeat tor the laet tint tke Beaetlrel Jaaaaea mmmi- eal eaMdr. "The OeUba." Nest hteadar, Teaeaar, Wedneaoay aad Thursday alghta will be oevated to the sew Brodecue of Aefsatl uaiys laaioea i ' lay wnice wiu ae pwa far the first, tlaa at paeelar prices aad tfela will a the flrat thee aarwher that this slay wui save seas sreaeatea ay nitaaiiaa. rrMay atcat aa aaterday Htm ntoe ef "a Oelatr IM'' will be Batareay alfht "As ASNriraa hUUIeaalre' rtaae th eaaatesMst. There will Weaoesday siatlnee aa ptavioasly aaa A,. exauzves -to rrs btas The On It Baal sad Orlaiaal . - ' -,.. . SHBINKB FAMILY :' " WeriTa oveateat aavebahv ' '' ' vxu pogmvaxx imu . savtaatvety s the s',: OBAXD THBATaB , . t em em abottt Aran u. ;'- THS HIT OF HRSt .' i Toalfht sad Dally Msttase, JaJOS XXaXX. "Dr. J-rfl aad ktr. Hr." .. i - - xa oneaiian aut, . i i TED X, VOX. "."T'.. t . !.: ' ' STELT AVD BBXAV. - - r iiaxu. j. t. nwm - rXZ lOCADO. ' mlC AVD WAX? , air axrsaia. la. atatuw (eueat Boadaye aad aeueaya). COLUMBIA THEATRE TeBtiht' Twauiiew aTitmia sad mht, fWe "wU PerfersMeeas ef the rveolar . Colucnbia Stock Company la BarTi maasilag fares lie !,; "ACcalenteufenM greets, she, lee. we, jue. Dnwa-tewa bos efere enea areaa eaadr ahep, tit Mar emtag at theatre. Main tlL Meat work theatre dark. ' lee; BmOsas, aB dsy. Deny IUEQ0AN rxSra' niei ra roixAxo uuimiii onu oa TOXlOHT AT g.-U CCLOCB. . . : THE GEISHA" OP APBfX. . fM. its Tbew Feet "A Runaway Qlrl" fsidax pnoHT SATtmoaT btatihhb,'' "A AIXTT tax." , , .SaTPBJUT KIOHT, "'- ' "ah AMxaioAH xaxiomxax.-, mmtO riUCXB PartaMt. TBej aaraaat r- eie. eoe. aaieaey, aw -4 TINES eats at OS win TotaX ) .9 4f .1,110 ;V;V;':: Fat Folks. ; v I have red need my weight II pounds, Iweeke. wtu he dark. bust nine Inches, waist eight inches aad hips nine Inches In a abort time by a guarsateed, harmless remedy without exercise or starving. . I want to tell you Rats, to W.l: W. Coiwrt - 'LOS AnSTSIM. . , V ga ary, or. Aoeouat of convention , Woodmen Of the World and Women be held at Los Angel The Oahuahta this weak la the else t eajev teed. Berty laasa, tor Boyt'a fare. "A Coatvated Weaias," imailats of s strtax at tadl' iraua Usee and altaauaae searaateed a sjake weeaes ladlas aeraeab The laat thraa aee fonaaaeee ef this reet aseey aad the ehnta pertenaasces ef the ansalar Oelaauila Stork eaaaseay . win take Blaae taaicht, tt BMtlaee sad Insasraw ale at. Nest week the theatre, fee the flrat ttaat n ef woodcrxrt H. H. VVrfght Make Aaatenmant April llL.j , ., ., v a.. ' Th Grand Tbeatr. Jaaw Kaaae has beaa tke Mctvat rawtoc ear the Oread has ever had sad Ted B. Boa ahw hea are we as well aa whea be that alayed the keaee,. Testarday ail the Httl ehape aad ef the PeUar eaaeaaax sew ahirtaa at the Wtiaaasi vtane CM Ursa as tha ef auaaaer snaeaa. - V -, . r . . .. ... .i.w... ousinesa location n. . at. wnioi nav aY'l 1 V aV ml an assignment for the benefit of hi. creditor. HI large stock of sheet ma le, books, aad musical Instruments and piano will be closed out at Immense re duction at 117 Beventa. Portland to Ixte .Angeles, limit day rat of IS. Ticket ean be pur- chased at aay Southern Pacldo ticket face, r i ''.. l . v Mr.- Early at Lrricv ' ' tWuk Mr. Early4 b) toaety farce eeawdy. ad la aaekins tke Lrrl at every aw ft aa. me veek. Ulah elaea aperlaltlM batwvea arte. ratrary a inert, the Lyrte will eat retura a vaaevrtut aaxt weak, sol wiu Damage In th sum of PTI'sr de manded from the Port -1 ( 'ted Pailwav eow"e- y -r-n. The suit is !.. t t 1 i . lASW t!l t I , . Tachnical and 'Industrial Night , -School. 'Classes In plumbing, mechanical draw ing, architectural drawing, mechanic, mathematics and chemistry at the T. M. O. A. nlc-t school. "rrlng term heglne --v evftr. -April t. - Fee. tl.6t I . ... - a t aaexC- TXOB. una or rnuioHAX The Children' Oultd of : Personal Service, mad up of th pupils of the re ligious school of , Temple Beth Israel. will give a purlin at Parsons' hall u I o'clock this evening, te be followed by maak daaoe. Ths program will be re- tamorrdw i(rnoo v ' '; - At tht Baker. "' y At tb Baker are ateht taa 11a art. The Raker orchestra !! ri aaactal aaan that h) treat. -. . . ,'. m i : ' - 't tiTTsaeOV . BTOT K'SdDT. R. W. (Boh) Psttron was arrstgned today, chaired with steal tne; TT worth f .Jewelry frea AUrle Paul, axi took Star Theatre M0DERN VAUDEVILLE C Park sad Wash Bts ...Tel. hkda MM ".- ' THS OBJUT OUOntAL SHENKE PAMILY ;.'.' Varhelad Acrabsts SEN. RICARDO RUIZ ' - gpaalab Oeseart Tlsbnet. .' 7-Other Headline Acts-7 HATOTCXS IBs Aay tea, " BveaiBea log. BOe, BSe. TMtlf hTanae. i ; Bveala. T:0 sad . ( ii iilL I? j: ai JiBHjSakj2- - Tt What Io Needle Fiber? front th PTms KEBiDUO FrBER I a fiber obtained . dies or laavea of the rreat YeDow Pine.' The many peculiar aad valuable properties of the pin needle have been known aad appreciated for a great many year a. The people of Germany and Scotland, In the pine ' ' countries, have used them In crude manner for a long time. , The fiber has been extracted In laborious manner and been woven Into garment of various kiade, hhrhly esteemed for' utility and curative qualities. In some countries It is called , : Pine Wool. , For year It ha bees the constant endeavor t find ami , .way by which the fiber could be extracted In quantities commercially p rentable. Hevetofere all attempts nave re V -suited only In producing a fiber, but Utile better than the crushed needle. . Now, however, by perfected and patented machinery, - a '. fiber le produced of splendid softness, . elasticity and reafll enry, at the same time retaining all the tnvigoratme; and ben ; eflclal ualltlee of the pine, it wfll retain that benencient DsiBamio ooor, ao nitmxiy termea tne ureatn or tne Moun- toe talna." Hence come perfect mattreeav- InvMtlnta l- for full descriptive matter aad come and see ft., -y , ) Th Price U tnt $15.00 ; ; ' ' .'y " " -.- ' . ." ' . .'i I ' t - Hycfieriic Mattreoo Cow 93 Grasd Ave i Portland, Ore. BAUER THEATRlt Third aad Temhlu ate. Keatlnf A Fkws, hfaa aran, aarxen vaaamua Boeaa 4a ssiarliia. , , ' WaXBH AMD UOH. ... JOHX P. BXACX A 00. 'V, 1 -.' ' PBABJOg AJTD rlAkaog. aaavinn AMD CXArTaUJL ',.: ,.. - IXAM WTUMll. , , ,.,..,... . ,; . TUX auOOBArsT, ' ilaatea, dewaatsli. - eaatalra. Mea at J JO. T J aad U a. THE LYRIC THEATRE : , SSt hd tuw irraaBTB. ; Bvery afxiuaa aa Brrajn. "fhelatollr. Early j! A laath PVaatTm annate. ' Net a saQ aoeetaltlea Betweea aeta. at t:m. i:ae aae stis Vmml arlce ef adariaalee, 1 ea. P . .' BLaSIBB eracBarr bvbbt mavt. time te plead. John T. Logan I hla attorney. Charlea Nh-ela and M. K. Chapmen", charged with larceny, and Henry J. wrlxht, accused of assault while armed with a dangerous were also arral r'l. t Im aa i-t .dt-. Dciuty Can Da Cqltivctcd A Prfct Complexioa I Beauty' TT intail Attribut ZV1D VAoa 'iirDjm v ;: '. .vj b tha Qzeca cf AU Complexion OrtzU A fat WUn, nssa aad he Aay far BLOTtAuTO-rBAKK DBD0) 00 DMlBmlara. ' ' i ' .'." & ) Pertlsad, Oregoa. ,' ;' Oregon Bsvlbjj Alleys , OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT In MerrUl Building. Seventh aad Oak streets. . . gwm AXKaTwej Tm nXTKMU. sPBozAi, mm iptbb, Comf ortabl gallertee with chairs for Hpeotators. ' Two hotly-eoateeted match Van eeover Barrack vs. Bruaswick-Balke- Collender co. , Qambtinua vs. Art-Star. " ''. v i Saaaay Vh. April t, lBOS. The publlo i invited to attend. f (Dr.B.E. .:iGiiT riatlfl tiiat f a!l peia la 1 ceratieaa. . Removal Notice v'1 '.V -t -." - - : On account of insuff Intent room and the outgrowing of our preaeat quarter we will be lnaulled in our naw huii.i In.' tS Waahlntton street. In the nw ais-torv bulMIn en the iornr of V, Park and Washtnatoa streeta, about April t. a'or a ah"rt t. any Journal subaenner ivin a mlura tniKulTi can Ir. t env out- t hign a t down and II.' per ". t. , ( $5.0 on tii I. . feliow. "f: