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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1905)
'' '" ' V , '" ' V V -4 f-.k TII2 CS-XON DAILY JVw-triAL, -PC2TLAID. SATUZSAY- CVr":aV.I - - 2. to-, Wfrerttitcd and cured byTtte latest of aUrind Throat and Long Troublea, Cocjbs, Colde, Bronchltia, Va Grippe, etc.; vi t ' Fen go:;se?ti3:v gc::::s o gilds ..;v:.-v j VJu . TELOFfl. AHEAD icc:;i;iceavei Dr. Toy T!U Picpl of South Portland to TsJco Prtpartd v ; ' Place " Now.! ta th 'Soafh Pwtlasd dtatHct laat lUgki Dr. Dutel R Toy pok from tb ktt. I r to pmrt ixiao toe ro- : B Mid, In wt: . " . . .: -It r SOiBC - U WV k , wrald ui to knw aom thine about tka pUoo to which bo n votes. Bverr eaa hould aak hbaaeU, Whr am I .goto to opona otornitrr Loan toward tbo world aad wo will apoad atoralty awar troai Ooa, Lama -upoa Joaoa Christ and ytm w out of thia world Into '41iit aad' lira and Joy. s f - - . n baliova that bam la a pUeo of aboda la a uao hoaToa la within na ' whoa - wo aooopt Jamau ChriMt. ; Tbo crtptnrao a wars apoak of hoaToa aa a laoo. r It "la alao a praparod plaoo aad " tor a proparod poopla. . : . .s . "If oror rou aoa tbo faeo of Ood H . will ho throuah tho Intareoaaloa of Bla .Bon. Soma think that la hoavon wo will .aontlano la tho aaaao baslnooa aad Juat - oTolata hlcbar aad . higher. Bat la " hoaroa thoro win bo ao alckaooa. tho aoetora aiuat vo oat of bmaluoaa. Thoro wOl bo aa sorrow tsar. Aad tboro will o ala thoro. - , -. "Wo aaar also know what parsons to :. ozpoet to moot thoro. 1 Many eoald say ny nothar is thoro. Boom eoald say 107 (atbor la thoro. '. - "Wt aaay knew that wo aro sstoA for Atarnlty aad heirs of hoaToav A lady at la tho hotel, boeasso a bo had toletraphod ,:-r-:l3: tile-,; " ?7 V tft.v-r.;.: ',;''v " ' t;v r -f: 7?" r , 'V- l V ,J : , '"'. .- .;..';,. .v.. -r.'-.' " ' ' -r;-'v. -t.-' TV'' J'.V?-.. No one. can J tcfl good v bakipcrMdar lToni bad ; merely by the appeaitics; I Kaa ' nrv 1 cnmja rrmrU Kut wvtv " '-'7 oae cneap brands may race me cccti,; yet contain lawhotesome ingrejifists, 4.. 1 There is otic afe, strni way. i; e.f to follow the recomcaendations cf the; hi U S. GOTBlEEIfT A1ULYSTS,; ' THE HIGHEST AUIUUKlllbS ON HTXTnB TIZl' TEE EDST DAinWG; - x .-J. 9 i I g . - I '.,. i. . li M " : GOTO - ' 7'.-' r '. j ' . '" tl.f' t. , i' Vvl . i'i?V :"--., S-.y Rr. jR. A. Walton, 7U H Appean ivtV,"' s"-''--.'l jaUooal aboad for It Tm oaa Uloaraph ahaad and tall Jaaoa to propars a homo for you." . .'..-v ... r.-. . ;. ; . Thomaa CL Orooao will apoak on Tb Diroct Jtiaiary Nomination' at tho Poo- pi a 1 oram at I o 'dock anday avoaing at tho Xaighta of Prthlas ball la tbo Marquam building. Tho asaal discos alon will foUow. aad It la oxpootod that thoro wta bo h larto attoadaaeo of thoao who wlah ta Inform :thomsol'vos with roapoet to tho work of tbo direct prt- aiary law..-. , x. r. nr the worldJ r ' EftS ETER1 .POWi33 i "..,-x..I;4v..-, " .. ' y f- ' ' U-1.) , .Y, .V la ht Tolptt at Sunnyaidd CoBtr Church, ,!. .,; . v- ,5 ' i CUM8T IS CEnTRAL FIGURE Of fllSTOHY Dr. Chapman Urges Hia Haarars to Accept 8avior Who la t. Passing By.- " Tho capacity of tho Whlta tampla was taxad last aight whoa Rot. J. Wilbur Chapmaa spoko . J oat before his aiUlr a bo eallod on tbo aadloaea aad ehoraa tor a song, aaylngi As I cams p tho stroct from the hotol '-. toward ' thia mooting, a soond grostod my oars, . Bomo ono was pick ing oat a tan on a piano, and eridenUr with ono fin swv-The piano was out or to ao and tho voice aeoompanylng It f eoald scarcely amg. Bat It was tho old TOlory song. im as suig it bow.- - juu tho audmaoa made that balls fairly ring With IC . : Dr. Chapman' subject was,- "Jeans of Naaaroth paaaoth by.M Lake XTlU, 17. Bo said la part: -y '- .j'. - "Lake's Is tbo gospel - of humanity. Jesus la hero presented as. ear great older brother, and la thia narrative taenia to eotse eloeer to as than at any other part of the Now Testament He reaches eat for all classes of people. Bis mission Is world wide. ' "Jonas Is BtUl passing by. ' He la tb central flgoro la history. It la aa soar to prove Bis existence as it is that or George Washington. This being proved, what He was in his cnaracter is aiso es tablished by what Ho said. Br what He did ba also proves His diTinity" Men in all ages have certainly not been do oelvoa. Ho la now at the right band of Ood. seated because His - work Is fin ished. . Tbo nation may do aaaeo, uten, fHow ean Bo bo berer Ho tells as Him self, la John xlv, 1-H. He Is hero In tho person or tne ioiy spinb - wnue we may not see Him with oar eyes, yet He Is passing by. ' . i ,: : .' "In the Impressions abroad In thia city, hia footsteps are hoard. la tbo conversation of Christian friends wa catch the tone of His votes; In tbo sing-, lng of sweet hymns and tbo appeals of tho preacher, wo know He la aaar, and by Hia aharp provtdoncoa from time to time Ho reveals Bla preseaoo. "What If wo should never call to Him as He Is passing bvT Thea life will bo a failure Indeed. Tboro wOl come a time when money will not ooanf, when posi tion will bo a failure, wnea prayer win bo Impossible, and because of this. I plead with all who hear my voice to call upon Him while yet Us is near. .. ILava you noticed tna iie is repre- sonted as posslngT Thia In Itself is saggestlva aad startling, Tboro are throe ways to treat Christ, yvst, with lndlfferenee, and this Is not worthy of oar manhood or vommnooo. second, we mar re)ect Him. and this Is heartless. Third, aeoept Him. aad If ws Him, Ood wia aeespt as, ana apoa no other ground Is oar acceptance with Ood poaslbla'lx.,. .4 . '. ..t... SALTATXOS 'a,; This avening at t o'clock Evangelist Thomas Needhsm and CUfton Powers, the stager, will conduct a reusing song and praleei service at. tho Halvatloa Army halL 111 First street. Tomorrow, all day, meetlngs-Wtlf bo conducted by Jialga and-jfra.iihm DEVIL SDERIFF OF 1ESSP1T Dr. ' Walton Preachea In - Epi grams, and WIna Souls by J'f Dr. B- A, "Wal toa, who leads the re vivalist host In tbo Sunnralde district Is aa artist In word-painting. Ba also la a producer of epiarazne whole aer mons in ono sentence, terrible troths condensed Into halt a dosra words- Dr. Walton preached on "The Personality or tho Davit" Bis text was J Peter v:l, "Bo sober, bo yigUant lor yoor adver- sary, tho devil, as a roaring ilea, walk eta aboat seeking whom hajnay devour; whom resist steadfastly la tho faith." Before preaching this sermoa to tb elder noonlo in the CoatgrogatMaal church Dr. Walton had talked to the children in tho Methodist church. Illus tration with sweet simple atones too beauty of Ufa of those who follow tho afaa of Hasaroth.' . . Afterward at tho . Caiigragatlonal church M man and women hoard Dr. Walton thonder out: .- " - 'The devU hia nam U deceiver, .de stroyer, slanderer, liar and Satan. . . H la tbo sheiirt or use bottomless pit . ; - - "He la. as some one baa said, wicked extremely wlckad. always wicked,, to- taJJy wlckedV Tboro is notnlng la tna uni versa like him. Tboro aro wjcxea ma In tho world, monsters of crime, bat they are not fiends, they are not oni- Tsrsally cortraptthsy arr capable of some good, sometimes they reel tender emotion. - Kven Nero could be generous at times. Bat tbo devil la tbo absoiot stranger to all love, all pity, all good. Ha is tho very embodiment of all ma lignity, tbo concentration of all wrong, the essence of all injustice. There Is not a single bright spot la all his dark character, Tboro is not a happy being anywhere " that he would not eurae. Heaven Itself ho would make boa Bis lans-uaa-o Is blasphemous, his mind re venge, his life perpetual damnation. It Is his dark shadow that lends its nor rora to all stnv sorrow, sad no s, sigh ing and shame. What an enemy I Bo la tbo prince of all ths hosts of demons 'devil with dovU, to damn, firm aonoord hOid.' : ".I". ' -, .' ' - I "When Satis reigned In Parts la the daya of terror in 101 the record of ono year was men and li women som-i mlttad suicide, II men were murdered.1 If women were slaughtered, there, were 44 divorces. 1 .21 1 persons condemned to death and 1,111 to hard Isbort In the city there were 11.971 women or bad cnar acter, Ito licensed bouses or sin. 7 children poisoned by their fathers, 1 wives killed by their husbands, moo -murdered by their wives, and II children put their parents to Beam. " ; -, ' . . There Is Another SMe. , ' Dr. Walton hurled forth those troths with tho Intensity of his southsrn na ture. He is a native of Virginia, and needa to hand ono no record of hia birth- placs to tell ono be came from. DtxM land. ' Thea ha paused for lost a-oaomeat took from tho table a copy of the Bible, smoother Its pages tenderly, and , then said: 7 1 i. . . . - "Friends, there s another cloture more beautiful than that which I have drawn. It requires no master mind to under stand its excellence, ao skilled Judge of art to appreciate It - Let me ahow It to you. A little girl ts r about to die Hamma, ajr ana, 1 am arraia w go alone; pteas go ; with mo.' Her mother, -- weeping .. An despair, - she turns - to - her . father - and - walls: 'Papa, I cannot go alone; I am ao Afraid,' And then, whan she Is made to ander- stsnd that they cannot go with ber, she suddenly smiles, reaches forth her little arms, and says: "Why, mamma and papa, I am not- afraid now, for Jesus will go with wo . v . .- ., "And this little girt, and later ber father and mother, will find In tho Sav ior tbo nam sweet companionship, the Miti strong help, in lire as well as. in death."-. 1 A short Prayer, while the people bowed their heads, and then a quirt Invitation for those who wanted the people to peti tion, foe their souls' salvation, s-id f mm v,;i -i A, CBTA ot ' ai k. u TeIi-ra rsrt8Sf Aliu a MOM vv.a ui aw. tetter until i tnaa iir. 50C gUuVd fSlrfPO "I J REVIVAL BECAUSE . -- GOD VAHTS ONE Dr. Ostrom Telle Congregation Why the Evangelists Hate -; Come to Portland. il -1 "W are oat. novices, we have not come to Portland to make a -reputation, wo aro not bore , to be testedV but wo aro hero . because tho pastors and tbo Christian people of this city have a desire to see it shaken spiritually, and because ws believe' we have been celled of Ood to this field. Too are not having a revival because tbo evangelists sre hero, but you are having ena bocaoss Ood want It Call those revivals emo tional if yea will, bat I say It la amo tion of a healthy kind. I never have yet preached sermons to atones or song hymns to cotton batting. Men can laugh easily enough, and ir tney eaa laugh they can wood, and It does them good. Portland oaa go no slowar than Denver. It la striking Its. gait Last night waa a great night but we are going to have greater before this cans pal go ta done." ' - ' . Thus said Dr. Hoary Ostreas at the First Congregational chard- A band of singing oooverts came la aad Joined tho already large aombera la tbo auditorium. Dr. Cwtrom'a subject "The Broad Re nglea,' was treated by klm In bis usual forceful manner. "Who la tho bread aeaar bo aaked. "H la the man who eaa oaaaage the affmira of this busy world aad still have a heart for tbo rest of homanity. and a nature that , eaa romp with hia -hlldroav "I beilevo la an awful -art' X believe wa cannot preach - la words atroag enongh tho tort ares of this -plaoo for tho lost, bat If people say that preach ers aro not talking of hell-fire aa they used to years ago, X agree with them, and am thankful. X believe that It la because wo have made progress la our rellgioua thought and that we no longer place the emphasis on the man's sea tiny, but that If hia eharmcter la right his destiny will take ear of Itself. I am no longer concerned ao much about keeping men oat of beU as about keeping hall oat pf men." : . - Tho mooting was followed by a largo after-mooting, to which pi-ettcsJly the wholo eongrogation remained, -. every part of tho bouse wont up the hand, some- timidly, some boldry, ..and Dr. Walton asked Divine mercy for alL Bvcn pi i inns mm w.www . 1H yui .wus i" . w - Sanayslds Congregational church since tbo revivals began. Last night a score were Added.. Before the end Dr. Walton and hi assistants. Beva , E. afemtngev of ths Mount Tsbor M, EL church, EL M. Sharp of the Mount Tabor Presbyterian church, T. B. Ford of tbo Suanysido M. E. churcn, j. 4. ntauB 01 u m o-jinj.ia. Ctengrogati onal ehurch, - aad Edward Bmltk of the Friend churcn, expect tho list to grow to hundreds. . . Oospsl Singer O. F. Pogh, who la numklH PklUlnai firaoka. "tho gratis giant" bugs of bofty and of aaagnineeai voice, pans --, souse salvation and brought tears to the eye k .I., I V M ... K I Wt .. lit ft. ULW HW MM ... u. . W lor beckoning with "ns41-piereed hands." Us has a enoir or , ana jews uwra with the mastery of tho perfect muslcaj director, i;v,....' v.'..-.. ; SOW A HABIT AND V ; 1YOU REAP A DESTINY mtimVm. fJha a anraltat to worfc- ngma, addressed a mooting at tho In-maa-doaloen mUUt yesterday at noon. Cbarles H. Hart sang several solos. : Mr. Stelale spent several years In aa eastern machine ahop. Ho said: "The k.,T I. alwava carta! n. "A .man al ways reaps mora than ho sows. Sow aa act and you reap a nasti. sow a naou sad yon reap a destiny. There is no varatvaneas sf sla m tho Physical world. Only Ood forgives gin." DEMOCRATS CELEBRATE ) BIRTH OF JEFFERSON ' ' - 1: , ' - . . . losrsal Iperlsl ganlia l . ' ' Dos Moines, la April 1 Prominent Democrats of Iowa aro gathering hero for tbo banquet to bo held at the Savory tonight In celebration of .afferson's birthday. Tbo affair Is expected to ba a notable one. James B. Weaver wUI act aa taastsstsr sad tho Itst of scheduled spsaksrs Inolodes tbo names of .Wil liam J. Bryaa of Nebraska, and Go -amor Johnson Of Mlnnesots. " . Van a rra-kl are thrae Unes from J. H. Simmons, of Casey, la. Think what might have re sulted from bis terrible coush If he had sot taken the medicine about which bs writes: "I had a fearful sdogh. that disturbed my night's rest I tried ev ervthing. but nothing would relieve it until 1 took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Cold, which completaly cured me.". Instastlf throat and lung dlseesaa; praventa grin and pn-vmonia. At Bed Croaa phar mary. bth and Oak atreats. on the a-ey to the postouira; giiarajiteod, 00 nl .! .-.-. . ' '. i ' leroiiJa After Doctor, rc. ' , iwtm writs PnAtrmasia.' " . aiul waj under tte care cf two aucxa new vixsovmrj - oaveoa - twmiastl - . -rAAII'IEl-l AMO gOUt Bf RED CROSS PHARMACY, SIXTH AND OAK. W IS HAPPY rici(ED. ran ekd Many Preachers Carry the Mes sage of God to the Castaways- of Portland.?. ... -. ..; In three of tho north end couoert balls evangelists preached last night aad sang to hordes of men and a ftw women, - At Ericsson's tho crowd was idlo aad Ust sned-attentively ; at Blaster's ths evan gellata appeared - unexpectedly.- '- and gamsa of pool aad billiards wars Inter rupted and -the play era gave close at tention. At Frtte'a the preacher ap peared on tho atago Immediately after a peroxide soprano had rendered a song appropriate to tho place and crowd; but tho audience became laterostoc at ones. At rlc-son's tho services were con ducted by Rev. W. at Btederwolf. as sisted by Harry Maxwell, who sang. "My Mother's Hand." which wsa vigorously encored. Mr- Blodorwolt spoke on tho immortality of tho soul. . "Too tell a man that whoa he caaha In,' that's tho end of him, aad he wont ba offended, but will likely agroa with you." he said. -lot. toll . nun that bla seotber, ana friends, who have, gonaw aro no more. that whoa they died it waa all over, and he'll tell yoa you're a liar." - - Aa tho sm oae were in progress at Krtckson's, - Rev, H -.W. Stough sod ingor w. H. cooisaoa wont into ,tsi sior'a Tho pises waa packed aad reeked of tobacco. Women gaudily dressed oc cupied tho boxes. , Mr. Stough spoke 09 "Pesos of Mind." Bo declared that la that throng thoro wsa not a happy Each was troubled, no said, and waa there simply to max a himself be lieve that ho was happy aad contented. "Ton do not have the peaoa or mind snd tho oontentmont that cornea with the, grace of Ood." ho said. -. v The semosa at jsnegaon's naa con cluded by tbo time tho even relists In vaded Frits' s. Mr. Biederwoif-and Mr, Maxwell accordingly went there, and Mr. Maxwell gang and Be v. Mr. Shaffar preached.' ' ' , ho spoko on -wauung m las war or Ood," and told la a graphic way how persons who bad fallen wore led Into sin; how they fought at first, and fi nally tost all powers of reslata oa, and Bought sin because they could not do otherwise. Then bo asked those who de sired to lead a better life to arise their hands, aad many responded, v SAMP OLD GOSPEL HAS POWERTO SAVE Last evening' were tho most suceess- 6f all tho street meetings thus far held. Rev., J. L. McComb spoko at tho comer sf Alder and Third streets to a crowd of 1.009 composed of worklngmsn, machan Ics and boalceaa and professional: men who were on their way homo from work. Dr. McComb said: i - "Tboro Is nothing now to na told, it Is the same old gospel , with power to save tbo lost girl who Is some mother's darting. When Christ speaka .it la with authority. Be never argues, but pro claims. Wo do not have to wait Until wo die to bo sared, bat we are saved now In this world." : ' - Mr. McComb said that word had gone oat that Portland was tho worst city ta the country, but it was refined and cul tured, great-hearted and hospitable, yet stood In need of tho Savior. A aooro or more of bands wore raised for prayer, YOU CANNOT DECEIVE C . YOURSELF OR THE LORD 11 I f 1 1 t In Aha aaaaallatlat ' !? merit on' tho east aide reached a high pitch hurt night Many had to stand. Little Gladys Pugh-ssag.- Mr, Rykerfs chorus of lit waa excellent. -Dr. IB lotfs text wsa "Ba not deeef vodj Ood a not mocked; tor whatsoever a man soweth, that snail no aia reap. . -t .h. lane Vua thave are three thlnso that on cannot do saoosssfally," said the evangelist. man oumn aiway. deoorve himself.' Again, a du aaanot f 11 1 Amu.! wm atiMini aiwava. nor can a .ma dseetrg Ood.. He most reap. ror be is aiways pqwi. i CHURCH IS HELPFUL 1 - ' ;T0 ALL, THE PEOPLE ; ' Nf --'- 1 ' ' ' Rsv. H. W. Stoogh preached St Cal vary Baptist church . last evening on "Tho Church." Ho gars- a tory.aev- W, . .mil. . rv v. satkm- like the chureh in. good- work.- love ano -aeaixniuu am sa, wui i.u lyuiauy and spiritually. . '. t.m 'waa a larva attendant., and many cards , were. signeuV Tbo singing of W. H. CeUlsson waa a feature, gun day evening at 1 11 Coloek Ma. Conisaon will tell tho story ot bla life; At 7:10 o'clock the regular services will bo eon ducted by Evangelist Stough, ,;. ' k ' - - v -'. torn n nn fmjo, '"-'.' (Jasraal !ia-l' tarvlsa.) .'. tv'. ' . n. Anell 1 The la rare - rubber km- sf J. H. Thlns- 4 Co. was de- alroyed try -fire today. . Ths less U 2I0: ''i'-f V''' i ?''.V' writes J. 17. EeSInnon cf . . ,, Co-tcrs, bat grew no r)t --,. . .... ,:- .--.:. :.f.v p a. STREETS., REVIVAL'S RESULTS Says Things took Just the Same to -Him aa .They Did Last Month. '- Chief ofPoUcfuiitniuilpotJbeen affected by the moral wave sweeping over , tho coihmualty. . He ta decidedly skeptical aa to any good having been aooompllshed by tae evangelists, -r ' "The evangelists nave been aero oette g while, hew, but I dost sea much dif fers no la the ctty.t said tho chief. "Things seem to be about tbo same." " In nroof of his statement tho bead of the police deparimeat polnU out that tho number of arrests ror March .was to. not materially less than for , the preceding month.'-:'' - v," . a -.!. t--. It la deemed probable end reason for the difference Is awing to ths Institu tion of the rockpllo snd chain gang. As ths, chief has opposed a roekptls with all tho means at bis command, however, he cannot consistently direct attention to thia fact , ,. :'-'', v - It cost the city to make those CI arrests. . The chief officiated aa kumiDt , Judas seven daya each, week and dlsobarged boot two-thirds of, , tho A' weighty aocunoa was ronaerea oy "Judge". Bunt this morning. . "BUly" White was arrested last night by De tectives Vaughn gad Hartman and booked on suspicion of being drank.1 This was novel charge.' The "Judge." how ever, decided this morning that tha aus-. ptclon bad not been verified, end tne defendant was honorably discharged from custody. ;',-.:.f ... ,j .,.t-4,':v' ELrVENTH 'HOUR . BAD v : f TIME TO BE SAVED V'; ' ' I.'.' ' ' ..'.'" "'',. : Another great audience greeted Evan gelist Need ham at the Forbes Presby terian church last night Ths service waa opened by a worker's prayer servics In. the- lecture-room. .A double male quartet was led by Mr. Powers.. 'The Finished Work" was the auojeci 01 r. . Needham'a dlscoarse, '.! - . J ' ; "I tremble for tbo man wno nopes ror salvation a tho eleventh boar," said the sneaker. "While one thief on tho croaa was saved, it moat not ba forgotten' that tho other was'loot" v-i- , !: ..',,;,:- :.r - vS' . ' StiZt CHAPtL anu HOLD MOCK SERVICES V (Bbwaal Disaetrh at Ts Joaraalr, . unii.Mt. - tmtvavattv . : Halam. : Dr.; . April 1. Ths student body captured the university chapel yesterday morning, and. having locked oat the faculty, the ; members coad-ctea cnapoi - exercmea themsslves. . Mr. Trill Imperaonated ' Presideot Coleman, and In ai dignified : manner gave some selections from a ' speech recently delivered by -Dr. Cole- ; mam Miller aad Gilbert brought down' tho boos by repeating' oharaotoriotlo-v sneeehoa of different members of the 4 faculty. ' There ht a custom at Wilhun-,. . stts to maJce April 1 a noiiaay, ana uie students made us of March tl this year. .. . , mmm nm RafturMav. ' After- this, monk Chapel sarvice toe students , met in the gymnaslom and. Indulged In nomerooa ouege games, - - , , 1 stasy IMhwa adartasrtar pla' Car whes Ikatf s-oras ssve pasanine Orasp. r . , , i ' fipsrl!' DWpatrk t the' ! ) -a TIT. l. i-l t Mimrlmmm fM I'S dwelling waa partially destroyed by firs l - - ihtMHrii tha si an wir Bnr - 1 m imm wba . had . boon shooting firecrackers tho night be fore. Alter naro vw checked the flames. At ono time It was' t eared the large public school across the street would be destroyed. . - " Hav yon nbtlood . a " difc-lty In -breathing shoit autek breath--when ; you are walking, gobg up stairs, sing ing, or are engry fcnd excited? Y011 mR "wot think what this meamV but dootors will toll yoo It means wee itMD0iarf N' Heart Cure at ;' oncoT It win strengthen and buM up the weakened nerves snd muscles ot thJ heart, and; aks, it . Strong : and Thm'la ons wsy-the .right way. ' Nesle It a little while, and. you will then notice Fluttering, f aipiiation. ini- rr nsar biiuob biiu sat '" - an"Kldny troubles. Thia Is sertoua. It Is tns other srsy the wrong ;wsy ; tn iTZz llzzxt Ccrtj - Is' a safe, sure remedy.' and Is 'coring Heart disease right along, as thousands "i had'enlargement of the heart.' Ths dorters seM f oild llvr.bnt s Short ' time. I took Dr. Mile' Nw liaart C.trs, whlrh, reafrl t t rerfeet health. A. M. TT. AVelltnrtoi,. (H1o. , Uy t IX firat bouli falls U ba-wi. -'-..'.''.. '.', DUIiT SKEPTICAL OF