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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1905)
1. THE OREGON' DAILY , JOUTaiAU ,' PQUTXAIID, ..."SATUTJOAY , EVSimTO. V'ATlUIf ; 1,; Ittl ,10. I'. i. 4i TDUEE tITTLE OOYS TOO DRUNK TO STAND Th' Most Rtiabk !: Ever- Seen - In Spectacle a Police Court In Thle City, .; LAOS BURROWED INTO - - ----- it V- CELLAR AND COT WINE Detectives Say CMUJren Not 'to f Blame, and Point Accusingly .y at. "Mother. '- V- - " -Tl Is Um moat pitiable spactable I vsr m,1 .:'-. .".. j . j Tb remark was made Yy Deteettv . Mawlsy, of th Boya' and Girls' Aid mo- i iMtr, tula morning, when um young- , itters, lbs -oldest 11 years, were taken Ink court ob tbe charge of drunkenness. i Patrolman Stuart arrested the lads Claud Thomas and Km mat I and Tommy ',. flumniwl" last . night. - Several . boya tunneled under the EUtrtev saloon, lo ' cated next a vacant lot at Union aveaue avnd Kast Clay streets, and tapped a keg or port wine tn th cairn r. They man gave the liquor to a n urn bar of atber little fellows. . - s ' Tba boya war dirty, and their elotb ' lag was ragged and disheveled. Eminett Qummerm. aged years, had fallen- while '- tutesioeted.. ana a rapine wound bad been made hr tha palm of hla right hand by.a sharp atone. Tha aole of one ehoe ' waa loosened and allowed tba boya bar foot to reat on tha ground. - Tba Thomas boy waa cool and aelf-aoaaaaatd. bat tba ther wept bitterly. .-' ' .-"These boys are not to blame, yonr honor," aald Detective Hawley.k "Their mothers there they alt are rcsponsl i hla for their ooridftion." i - f At he spoke ha gased accusingly at tha mothers, who hung. their heads la shame. ' ',- n ; , X wasn't drunk." stoutly declare the Thomas boy, "but Eminett here, ; was ' 'paralysed.' That's why be fell and ant bis hand." I'"-'.', . .- - , "War- y- drunk. Mar' asked Judge ogu or Tomiy Bummers. . "Jaat a Uttla taenia bit," haaiUMiogiy feplled the arch In. between his sobs. Indairy daralopad that Earl JOllott. a - l-yearold Inaarrlglble. aad aareral ether boya, had burrowed wader the) aa Moa aad pracared tha win. Tha XUMU . hay baa bean la the pollea court oa u wierona oooaslena, and Is said by twtaet te HawVry ta b oaa of tha orst boys coatamlaatlaa 'the youth on tha aast awe. : .. . '-.; f 1 The three tads ware gtvan lata tbd u tody of th Boya and Glrta1 Aid eoeJety teiuBorarUy. Detective Uawlay was dk rati tad by th ourt to arraat all th boya eonoernad In praeurtaa: tba wla from : tba oeilar f tba saJoon. -,.v. , -; i. ; UADTOriAH TWS- SUITOItS BY SCOHE Through Describing Asylum at Her Castle She Attracts' ; n Fortune Hunters: v " (Joaraal BpaeUl aeryksa . . Omaha, Neb April 1. Sixteen gold rings. IM lo money and much TaJuable raiment waa what Vf. Kdna enton, , ' tamata of tha Uneola bspltal or the ' lnaane, secured through th medium of L a" Deader v matiimonuU bureau, with oromlsea to marry more than a acor of , , men. PostoflBc inspectors, wh hav ,' bean lnvasti gating tho acUons of the . woman, declare they round it on oi ' the strangeat cases ta their axperlenoo. Though clearly Insane, tha woman has ' . shown xtraordlnary skill In letter '' writing and found a host of admirers In an parts of th, country. To all of v them she represented herself as dwell tag la a "magnificent east) ef atene . ; and. brick, aurrounda by beaaUful grounds aad abundant flowers, with ' scores af aerraata to attend bad admin ister to ayery want. '' ; Th description f 'tb eastle tallies " well with that bf th hospital where aha -waa con fined, finally a man who ' bad com aU th way front th Paclfto ' coast to marry tb baaatlful helreaa, re- ported to th postofllo authorities that ' ' ha had been mUlsd. Tb fact that she ' waa Insan aaves her from being aman ..'J abl to tb law.. . - , OREGON WINS ANNUAL -: ( : COLLEGIATE DEBATE t'.'V.i f University of Washington De tested ;; in Argument Over Vt Colonial Dependencies. ,; 20-DAY HEN DUY Chief. Hunt's New Policemen y V Will Have Salaries, Paid ; j '.'V-.." by City Council. v, : SOME DON'T UVE HERE J ONE IS NOT A CITIZEN LOT F03 LIBRARY Work Probably Soon Begin and Carnegie Gift to Be Utilized on Building.1 i-'t'. LEAVES LARGE NUMBER ' A OF CREDITORS TO MOURN Only a Few Have Filed Applica r tions for Permanent Po- sWons oh force;';-;:i'." u Sufficient votea ay been pledged In the rltr council to nasa a resolution at ths nasi meeting to appropriate funds with which t pay tha salaries of tba It police orricera appomtd vr Mayor WlUlams last Thursday. : The executive board will ratify tba appointments next Friday and Chief of Polio -Hunt win then b bl to assign his farorrtes for In tha mean time tha anioMs wiu s. euro tbeir uniforms, whisn win ooac not las than ft. In fan of th fact that they .. are temporary f f loera and may not hare ' their poaltloaa onger than thra weeks. , .. The man Who wer ' appointed were selected, by the' chief aad tha member of .the .polio oomm lesion on reoi ndatio of their friends. No notice was rtven the clril serrlc omnl4 that any offlcdts were desired April 1. until after tha chief and tha member of tha commission had auauaoned their favorites to appear before the mayor tor appointment.. ,:. ', --i. '--.. Several of th men sworn in are not residents of the city,' and cannot take tha civil sacvtc examination, while one than; Is . not a: cltlsen of the country. Why such -man desire to get on the de partment in face of the fact that they har to purchase a fit uniform for a thro weeks job ,1s a question . which many ara asking. J ft ta aald mlssloners and Chief hunt are attempt ing to do a littl political tarn for blayar WUllama. f . ' s ' An Mamlnatioa Ter atrotan wut na ailed by tb civil awrvie aowimlasisn in a vary abort ; tlm. - There are l9 appticaaU. and more than half of Ihoae appointed Tbursday hav tiled applications for pcrmanant poattisns. As soon as th examtoau are over ana tt nanara oorreetad a list of allalblas WU1 be certified to Chief of Police Hunt who will hare to appoint bis 4t new patrol man allowed by tba aouncu from tnia list, and tb men who bay been, given temporary appointments will be without noslttona. ..... - WOMAN'S RIGHTS CLUB - FORMED AT HILLSBORO f ,.. - ....i : (Paeeial tNasateh ta Tb f earaaM ntnsboro, Or.. April 1. Mra. Mary K. Chase, chairman - of the organisation commlttoa of th Oregon Bute Equal Saffraga association, has organised a political study club bare. Politic and civ la Improvement ara th objects of th elub, whoa officers ara; Mrs.- D- W. Bath, prsldnt Mrs. W. D. uare, vioa prealdent; Mrs. W. IX Thorn, secretary. PUBLIC PROTEST OVER ' : ' GIFT FROM ROCKEFELLER .r 1 (Jeuraal BpecUl errka.) Boston, slaaa.. April 1. Tha Ongra- gatlonallst eommlttas has -Issued an invitation. Inviting all parsons who wish to protest against tb action of th American board of commissioners for foreign mission in acoepung tn 1 101.009 gift, to send their name to th chairman of the committee. Rev. Dr. Daniel Bvans of Cambridge. - - - . ENGINE CREW KILLED ; IN ERIE ROAP WRECK V (Joaraal SseeUl Bervlea) . . ' littl rails. N. T. April 1. Engineer Wilkinson and Fireman Wright were killed and several passengers slightly injured tn a wreck caused by a .Weat shore train striking a land slid eait af Johnsvlit and rolling down an era- Bkmaat today. -Th angina toppLod Into th Erl oaaaL . FIRST TURBINE STEAMER CROSSES THE ATLANTIC ;. ' (Jearaal gasatat ta-rlea.) " ' '' Halifax April 1. The Allan atea Victorian F., tb first steamship to cross th Atlantic with turbine engine was sighted off this harbor on her Toyag from Liverpool this morning. Th steamer has l.iO passengers, mostly westbound. ... i I i m i .. ' J'" ' : (tsstUI Duaateb U 1W JearaaL) , 1 ' Kusena. Or.. April 1. Th sixth an- nasi debate between th University of ' WMhlagton and th University of Ora- , gon waa won by the utter. Tba ques lion debated was: "Beadlved. That it should b th policy of tb United Btatea not to hold territory permanently unless ; : for the purpoa that It ahail ultimately enjoy statehood." , Francis Oalloway opened the debate, stating Oregon'a case, which was aup - . sorted by Fred Btelwcr and John Veatch. ' - Washington's argument was defended by Floyd Hatfield, Willis Parker and Charles W. Hall. Tba contest was close and th victory a well-earned one, the ; ' Judges' decision being by a vote of two ... to on. I .V-,:.'. Orrgna won by maintaining that a ', ' ' policy of self-government should prevail ' toward th dependencies, while ' the !.? ' - t, .Washington men applied the policy of --opportunism In tbctr srgumants. " , . , ( th. debate wss bald In WUlard hall : ' and Hon. U T. Harris presided. The : " tudcea were Judge J. B. Cleland. w. W. ' ; " Cotton and It ft. Lltar, ail of Portland. SHONTS IS APPOINTED v IN CHARGE OF CANAL 1 Uearaal iaaelal Sarelet.l ' Waahingten, April 1 The president today appointed Thodr P. Bhonts. president of th dovtrleaf railway, to ba , chairman of tba latbmian canal com mission. 'Ssenta visited tb Whit Housa with SeoraUry Morton and re eel v ad tb offer of th appointment front tha pre loan t pereanally and ao- oepted It. v ' ' . i wesujvi (taielal tftaeafc ta iTae Jearsalit Hood Mvrr. or, April A burglar entered tb house f lan Mears In this lty last night. Mr. Mears' wlf parted ine curtains leaning ta tn room with a . Wlnrheatar vine. Tb thief departed In a harry and na else as to his Identity aa seaa nmnm X SECRETARY MORTON NOT TO GO WITH PRESIDENT (Joaraal BpecUl Servlei.) Washington, April Secretary the Navy Paul Morton who waa to accom pany tha president on hla western trip, has been obliged to cancel arrangeraente on account of an abscess la his ear. Tb case is not serious, but necessitates his remaining at Washington, for treatment JUNKIN ANTI-TRUST - - MEASURE IS PASSED (Jearaal Special narrle(. Llneoln, Neb., April 1. Both house of th legislature hav pasaed the Junkln anti-trust bill aimed at the packers who seek to destroy competition by cutting prices In certain localities, Th gov rnor will sign. - ' r I FIRE AT CLEVELAND CAUSES IMMENSE LOSS (Jearaal sestet rtee.fc 4 ( Cleveland, (X, April 1. Th Immense plsat of th National Refining com pany waa totally deatroyed by fire this afternoon, Tba loss la 1100,100. Ton thousand barrels of oil ware . de atroyed. IS V Final Dividend Declared by Ref V ' eree on Estate of H. A. Vin x ; ' ';' ' cent; Bankrupt.'. " !.- k - (geartal Wasatch b TV ieaiual.) ) Eygena, Or April 1-Th JOUgena city council at a special meeting last nlgttt deeMed td purchase a lot 1010 feat from tb Capt. laaae Gray estate at th corner f - jaeventh and Willamette streets, across ths stree from the high school, na a nit for th now Carnegie library building. ' A year ago tha peopt of tha. city voted, to accept tb gift of Andrew Carnegie of th sum of $10,000 for a library building and tha selection of a lot waa made, but there was a big protest against th purchase of tha lot chosen becaua it belonged to one of th city eounellmen, George B. Dorrls, and because of the high. Pr'e asked for It, 14.000. It was charged that there wad a graft tn which all . th ' eounolhua bared. -.- - . .;.; Th mafter has been held la absyano until now.- - it is thought the new selao ttoa of a site will be satisfactory to all. Th price to be paid for th lot Is ,00 and It la In a much better location tban the Dorrla ' lot. Th building will b erected thla summer. ' , ; Xn Bad 9bs Babina. : Alfred A. King, a young man who had been poalag bare aa a capital 1st. adver tising that he had money to loan, has left tha city, leaving a large number of creditors to mourn his depart a re. His debts-here amount to nearly $ 1.000, and those to wbom.h is Indebted hav littl hop of ever getting anything out of Teung King fer a tint oond acted a l&aa sav. lie reoanuy purcnasao a bamas and lot aad fitted th bouse up laxartouslyt gsttlns; sradit for the fur nitueev tew 11 was - not Jong - until th merchants begaa to urge payment for ths goods, and realising that tf b did not make a Mttlement soon b would b In troubl. King gave a deed to his prop, erty and a blli of sale of hla furniture to a ralattv and uitiy left the city. Th furniture in th ho us has bean at tached by the creditors. aad tb sheriff now baa It la hla possession. Xing Is aged abeut 1 years and Is Btngla. Hla father, wk formerly urea en a rnrm near Bug, has mad the statement that th young man la to a oenaia n teat mentally unbalanced. -, , ; Tory ganall Ptvilann "- ' -A Snal dividend of cenU mat th dollar was declared In th aetata of H. A. Vlnoent, bankrupt yeaterday by Baf- C A. ' Wlntarmeier. There waa a former dividend of t cents on th dollar. Vlnoent waa la tb drug business here for several years, filing a petition In bankruptcy last fall. - .-v- v" - 0.'l DANE'S HO President RooseVeVs Cousin WZI Have Charge of Entertain k V ments at ; the Fair. t WAS PROMINENT AT - ' : st. louis cxposrnoN Through Him Portland Waa Able . to Secure Csautiful Statuary, y :"for Exhitlonilere. I i V Theodore Hgrde. who wad rMitly appointed assistant to th president of the ' Lewi aad Clark fair, la souslit of Prealdnnt RooseVelt, though be never Harry Hansen, th li-year -old Osttag Orova boy, whosd father, J. M. Hansen, was recently lined II for beating him, wad today taken to th Boys' and Olrls Aid Society nt Portland, The father of tb -boy mad life a burden for him at bom and It was thought best by tha authorities ta send blm to tba aid so ciety . where he would rsostv ; better treatment ' " v i- Beatb of Mmasagv 7C r : Dr. Joseph W. Mahon of Lan county died In tha lnsan asylum at Balsnt Thursday night from apoplexy.. He was aged 70 years and leaves four grown children In thla county. He came across th plains from Kentucky in lift 2, set tling on a farm near Junction . City, wbr he lived continuously until be was oonunltted to th asylum about year ago. . - Tssterday In Eugene a grower who hag been holding hla 104 bops for bettor prtc refused aa offer of II H seats a pound for a prim lot Th buyer than asked for an option at 17 V cent far a week'a time, but thla too, was refused. Quit a number of Lan county growers ara stUl holding their 1104 crop, and all are hopeful for a much bettor pries, HYDE WILL FIGHT IT I f OUT TO THE BITTER END TICLIf (serial Dlapttea Tb ffearmlt Wood burn, April At a eaucos bald ta thla city last might th following ticket to be voted upon nst Monday at th municipal election, was placed ta nominal toe: Mayor. O. H. Bee be; re corder. Uecrge A. tandon; treasurer. B. C Berry, Marshal. W. H. Broylea. Th meeting was presided over by Hon. Wal ter I Toose, and largely attended. - Th4" question or nconstng saloon wiu also come befor tb voter for artlon nttt Monday. . , " (Joaraal gpeetel gerrlaa.1 . New York, April L When J asses ft Hyde, vice-prealdant of th So at table Aasurano society, reached his ffle at 10:10 this morning ho was asked If he Intended to resign tn response to th demands of President James) W. Alan aaeor, who yesterday threatened to start an Investigation of th actions of Hyd to be aooompnnlad by a pubU exposure of hla alleged questionable methods, Hyd replied: '. "I have nathlDg to nhy: I Intend to maintain my policy of a llano. That may be a statsmant latr." From -people close to BTyd It la learned that Hyde would refuse to re sign and that the fight will go oq to tb bitter end. Representative of the dif ferent factions of tb Bqultabl assem bled at noon In th office of State in surane Superintendent Hendricks. . MASHfeR HERTZ PAYS' " FINE'AND GOES FREE Albert Herts, "th masher," baa es caped handling a plek and shovel en th city rockpil by paying th fin of 111 Imposed oa him by Police Judge Hogue. He waa found guilty of annoying young women on th street and gave notice of appeal, but allowed th statutory tlm to elapa In which, he might fll a bond. "--- . ' . Attorney Cecil Bauer endeavored thin morning to get th court to reduce th fin to 111: Judge Uogu said ha be lieved th punishment for th offense too light already, and suggeated that tn lieu of th remaining II Harts bar dsn hla muscle n tb rockpil. : ATXZOTtO OZ,tTB. BAJTQXrn. .. .. , ; ' Th American PatrloU club about 10 strong, will participate la a banquet at the Portland hotel thla evening, in honor of Jefferson Day. Judge C B. Bellinger will be toast master. The Jefferson toaat will be responded to by John M. Oearln, Tha bnnquat will b. served at 7 o'clock. Allan a lwi' Beat Brand. MAjaOOaTS AJTD 'SSCTB : Uearaal Beeetal garrlea) '. New Torn, April LOugllelmo Mar coni nnd hla brid arrived today n th alaamer .campaaa, from iAvernoot ." MJDVn CXaTJB UUtlAyOlaATjnt ' Th Portland Riding club was Incorporated-today by W. B. Brown, J. Tt K. Irvin aad Oaorg W Joseph, with ,00 capital stock mention that fact At th 0t IiOUla axpoaUUon b was assistant to tb seore tary. ' ' . Hla duUe at th Lewis and oant fair ara largely tt a social nature. . H wUl hav charge of all special events and entertainments during the fair, and It will be among his duties to arrange and carry nut ths details of sntartsialag tno who are guests or tbs rair. Mr.-Harde was -born la MlsslsslpoL. bat vary Uttl of hla llf ban boon spent tn th south. ' Hs has been aa extensive traveler, . and has . been through booth America and baa spent asm Um in Europe and th erteat , la his position at tb Bt lnH po sition Mr. Hard rendered valuable ser vice to th lew!a and Clark fair. It was largely through his efforts that the maaasamnt of th local exposition got th famous atatuary that Is to be ex hibited bare. ' Tb atatdary is valued at 110,000 and. wna secured merely for the fralsht eharces to this altv. 1 Mr. Hardee and -wife "Will lira bt "tb Hobart -Curtis during their rasldeno la Portland. , . . y .- ;. TEDDY SAY$TG00DBYEr TO MANY AT CAPITAL f2C:XIT-f ECilE Over v Two . Thousand : Persons Will Be Invited to Attend :v-7'V;:"::'FIrPpenIhg. NO WOMEN APPEAR IN ; 1 ; : LIST JUST GIVEN OUT Every Line of Endeavor Wilt Be ; . sAsked to Send Represent! " tives In June. . i- aaasnsnsBSBSBBSBSBi V . ,,, 1 A list of promlhent pple Wh wffl be Invited to attend th opening eer- monles of the terwia and Clark fair has been prepared by Theodor JLardee, aa- slstaat to president uooaa. xns net wss ., submitted to Mr. Ooods today. There are mora than l.M nam on tho list which oomprises th following . Governors of the states, terrltortea and possessions of ths United States, Presidents of the pnnotpai rauroaas. Justice of tb supreme court of, the TJnlted BUtes. .- -. - Chairmen and secretaries of national Republican and Democratic commiuaea. College prestdenta. v . v ;UnlUd States senators. . Officials of previous expoaitions. ; Officers of tba Society of Ana rt cava Artists, v- , - Officer of th ' National Sculpture aoeletv. .' ' v ' ; . PWsldentg-trt-Amorlaan - learnaxl -o-l deUea.. ,:.-.', - ) Archbishops of the Cathollo enurcn. Bishops of ths Protestant Episcopal church.'.... '.!,'"'. "; Bishops of th Methodist enurcn. Lauding rabbis of th Jewish faith.' Mayors of I of tha lending cities of the United State. " i ; . J1, United State elrout Judge. . All members of th boose of repr- aentatlvaa of the United States. Presidents of loading New Torn nanus. Ex-presidents nnd as-cabinet officers ef th Cnttof stfttaa. ' - Membsra f tba Amerioan Newspaper libllabsrsf ag riatton. Offlosra ex tha aasoa Kx-Cnltd States senator who war tar songraae wba tb Lewis and Clark bin wad first oei4Td. . g-gorernara . f state wha were friendly to tb bewla and Clark aapeal- - offleera ef tba Grand Army at lb RepubU and ether naUkmal bedms. . t United atatas army emoerg retiree. Msssbsra af tb Amerloaa lseerioal association, and about a of tb leading bistorts ns f tb United Suetaa and Canada. ' - - ; , Tb president f th unite awes, bis cabinet aad tb leading gvemwnt officials, making U7 ail told. ' Principal foreign oaula rnaMant tn th United Statea. . , r. Ajnbsjatadora, ministers - af foreign aeuntriaa accredited to tha United State. Passenger traffld manager and general gai 1 agents of railroads. . United State army of flera at Van couver, Waaa. ' ,! State oommlsa loner. - Tba government of Canada and tb so gemots of th piuvuxje of Canada. ' Principal admiral of tha United Statea navy on th aotbr list, .v Th government of Mexico. - -Principal offloers of tb United States army. - r- t .; Tha"ifovnimnt of Cube.--"-r Presidents of the leading chamber of commerce aad boards of trade tn tbs United. States. , ,.v-; FRIENDLY SCUFFLE .r . ENDS IN MURDER , ,s (Xsaraal Beaetal aarvtaa.) ' Butte; MonW April t Matt Tick son, a miner, was assaulted by Victor North, ex-policeman, en Bast Park street-. with tba blood gushing from ft gaping wound tn hla throat rushed across Wy oming street where he fell In tb gut ter, death following within a few mlfl. ntea. '. .- - . ' "- " Prom the Imperial block saloon, wber tb assault waa comrnltted. Tick son left a crimson trail before be sank down wallowing In hla own blood. H mad a pitiful but futile effort ta'aay aome tblng. 8 sudden was tba attack, of North that no on In tb crowd 1 the saloon realised what bad bappened un til tb blood spurted from tb terrible wund. North made no attempt to es cape after the stabbing, being to much under the ' Indue of Ikraor to fully realise the seriousness at the affair. Apparently ther .waa , a provooaUoa for the attack. ' North weat np to Tfcsknon, elapp4 him la tba face several time, appar ently in Bpirlt ef rough joviality. Tlckson beaked, A?ey. North kept oa with hla slapping. . tlrlD"L man cam tog-iri -bcufning . araund taaybyBtandra thought It waa noth ing more than - fd-aatured tussle. North suddenly drw hla knlf aA alased It across Tlokson'a throat .v . CLERK OF STATE LAND V BOARD MAKES REPORT , -i' , -' ,: "'r ' (Aakalal XMspatch to Tba JesraaLl ' Balsm, Or, April 1. The report of a a. Brown, clerk of th stats land board, for th month of March, abowa that tha receipt In that of flee war $16,062.42. During - tb. earn month last year ' th receipt amounted to Tha different ef 111.414.1! Ig accounted for by th fact that last year at thlg tlm a great many certifi cate wore blng called In. This, la fact, has been an averag month. - The county treasurer af tbne county yesterday ' turned over' to the stat treasurer HM77.C0, which la tba first halt fit that oountya taxes. f BRILLIANT RECEPTION B ; AT WHITMAN COLLEGE ...-M.'-' " i " 1 '. 1 ' ' (tsralal Maaetab to .Ths louraaLt ' Walla Walla. Wash, April 1. A bril liant reception waa glvsn at lUyaolda' hall last night In honor of Mr. Lattice J. tuynolds, founder of th hall, and a great benefactor of .Whitman college, tb Institution under whose au'spioas tba ' reception was given. Invitation 'war ent to ever 1.000 people to be present, beside the entire atudeat body. The guests were received by mem be re of the faculty and! thlr wlvea, led by President and Mrs. Penrose. Commit tees from th student body alas re ceived. Student from th conserva tory ef muslo aided greatly In th an te rtalnment ef guests by rendering nu merous delightful selection A- C H U It C H : SERVICES Presidelht Leaves Monday V Month's Hunting Trip ln- Texas and Colorado. - ' on 1 (Joaraal Bpeetel Service) - ' ' Washington, D. C, April L The re waa a constant ' stream bf callers at the White Hous today. Most of them called simply to say good-bye to th President who leave her Monday for his long trip to th southwest and wsst Secretary Loeb baa sent to each mem ber of th president' party a band noma itinerary ef tb trip aa far aa It baa been arranged. Tb members of th party win include Attorney-General Moody nnd Secretary Loeb and tb naval large corn of Whit Hons stenog raphers and conMantlal clerks. Za addition there will be n number at news paper men. V " Leaving 'Washington Monday after noon, the ft rat objective point will be Louisville, which will be reached early th next morning. After leaving Loala vUl the president' and bin party will go ta Texas, passing threugb South Mo All later and Muscogee, in th Indian Territory, where short a Lops will be mad, la Tessa It has been arranged for the president to Visit Pallas. Waco, Austin, Port Worth and several other point before th bunting country. 1$ reached. - . ,v ' "' After spending several daya pursuing jackrabblU th president will proceed to Colorado to hunt bigger game, Ua lea ths course sf national affairs should demand hla presence, it Is probable that th president wlU not again see Wash ington until tb first of June. - " - COMMERCIAL CLUB IS ' ORGANIZED AT GARFIELD ... . ' ' ' (Special Dispatch ta Tb luuraaL) ' . Garfield. Wash,. AprU 1 A rassa BieeUng of the business and profea tonal men bf Garfield and the sur rounding country was held Wednesday evening to discuss tb organisation of ft commercial club. H. P. Johnson,, presi dent of the Plrst State bank, waa elected chairman and G. W. Nye, cashier of th Bank ef ' Oerfleld, '. secretary. Short speeches relative to th good to be 4e rived by auch aa organisation were made by E. O. Palres. It C. McCreskey, P. U Owlnn, Pater Dunn, Mr. Minx, Mr. Hughe and Mr. Lundy. Commlttosa war appointed to draw up a constitu tion gad by-law and to eoltdit member ship. v. . . t -" TRUST TELEGRAPHERS " GET INCREASED WAGES '-' - (Jearaal taeetal Barrlaa) New Torn, April L Ad ft result af the lnltmtiv taken by the Carnegl Steel company, now a oonstttnent part of the United Statea Steel corporation, la ad vancing wages, ths telegrapher In th mploy af th company are to rooalv an advance of from five to ton per cent the Increase taking effect today. The Increase applies to the operators all ever th country employed In th office ef the company, embracing Pittsburg, New York. Chicago, Younfttown, Cleveland and ther cities, ' V On b Oeid bs On gray. Take taaanve Brew Qola've TahWts. at ararvwre rree the mnumf u It t eat a T. Orave algaatar a sack bea, a, , rxwaaZftATKUIaXi " rtree-Park ad Madii.atrasta! ev. U Bouse, D.' 1., st"r! 1" J a. bl, "Oas Pea teeeet Be Reaeawdr' T:IM a. ak, preaeoinc by lr. uatresi, aaa eoag -errice r r mz. ou. Is: 15. m.. sedr aebeot t.lataa O, hukle, tuDerinteaeMit: 4.S0 p. at., anioe f.- P. H. iX H. Chulr. Mra. Hose Btodi-FaBer, Vra. W. F kuw,. w. II. Ho, w. W. A. Wu.eaeM Prof. W. U. Barer, choir dlreclari. awaa lyes- sore rteaer, araaam. . . Fllgrtai Obapel meead atreet. near UaeDla, M a. n.. MuDda ftdtool, , Wllllaa, B. Brea- 'afSa'iMthEa'et Keren th atreet North. aad faeeaelo Umt) Rev. Vfcarle ft. Cease, ras ter. 0:a a. at.. "Tlie Valley of LerMoa;" 1. m.. naoday sebeal; T:SO p, aa.. aervtca for asea la the rorbea Prvabrteriaa ehareki aar- vlce tor vrawea la- the Tairs bsptmi caurea. St. jahna rlral BocvWea Is Blrkaar'a kail: a. sv, Bnmkir aebool: t.OO p. SW. snecaiag by Hv. A. at. Hoekweod. - . tlatvefahy Park ServleeS 1 . the bauMst ekareh at arBO f. sw, uraaealn sy ftea. btahUtMt-Xtraer , Fresratt aad Bast Sixth ftreei bartk) KT. at. Baokvraed. sastar. 10 a. St., aaaday aekool 11 a. ., "Jedgateot lor Baivatlea:" p. a.. Jaalur Moaeavar. 'Me eveslas sarvle aa the cboreh saltea with tke Albwa ekarelMe la evanmustie servkm at the Pwaes rreabrtenfui eaj.a, r. -V sTJnrsTOZtfft. i - Tartar ' gbrae lr. PraacM PwatM Short, S:!W a. m., awasva: n M a. m., - ra .fc " - ii-ii, m khl u, Srwof Ui laagaet Tr-tS MM. sea.. locret ef Cka day aebeol; ilW . p. aa., evealng aers siaxwell wilt alng. . bl Pr. IteieanraU. math Albert Hesa baa bean awarded th co noes si on for the publication of th ffldal daily program of th Lewi and Clark, exposition. He premise aa alabo rate, richly colored publlratlnn, contain ing only up-tedt tnatter. iknuaut. roes Bsat Pine aa atreeta: WlUlam H. beoae, !. t.. Al 10M a. .. "Tke heirP'rth:" eveaiag tervlcM esaencted ay Dr. bIW.(, the evaage list; a p. a., aalea yeaag sarvtea at the Beeuad Beou-t I M p. m. bmb's BMetlas at WewKsas bail; : a. an. weoMa a aaeetlog at Oeatraarvt 1:1 a. St, rhaaL Chares ef 1 tolwa. KprarU Twt;.ut aad ' lrrtag atreetat Henry T. Atttaee. .saata. IB a. a.. Saaday -- 11 m.. ' "A ami naaertaiuaa.i No eeeain aarvlre. ' . . ' Grace 4'vaar Twelfth and Ttrw street CTareaea flejia Wma, P. U., yct. 10:M a. Z7 "br Oaa knew Hie Waa Pcrglvear? T:BO aa evaaselkstle tsasa mo tins as aa ever- r flair aervtee wiu a aOinanw sy f. Ooob. the eareet sreaehar. Tha elaaa mates will attead with IroL WenU terpveter. B:S a. ., elaaa BMetiog: 13: 19 p. m., Bandar aehoali :kO p. ra... Bpworth aracae xoeeung aaa pareonai mm mu. Trinity Kast Teath aad Great atreetat Bee, Harold Oberg. pastor. 11 a. aa., preaehtag; iu a. aa.r maoay -ocdooi, a:ao p. aaagaa, . . ... , . . , ,-, : ; .. at Savld'awXiaBt Twelfth i treetat Mev, Baoiga B. Van Waters, s. IK, raeto. ft a. a., aasraasg axrart f Je n. at g srayeri a. av, intar tibial. AMaai see. Mlbima, raraor. It a. av. holy naiaiaBaas aad earn l tA Is efcarfe. artaraoea aarrlee, i p. as. at. hell Ciaim at w Inaaaoe a aa reever. a BMarsaag i i'S a-mjw; MkasU tar acraeiat Be. J. B. H. U. a. av.. k'r aaaawantna; 11 prayer ad maai 1 a. St.. BbskU Bt, Jeea'a. HanaocuU BaPaaiB rwafl la ekarca. 11 a. I aa . aa.. anlae i n il i J Chapel ef tkaTaaaOgaratl-a eaA aUxtb, r Oak atreeti tBevuW. ft. i-owaU. ih . 11 a. av, aorrk aad sarwas) a.,, las. Trinity Waw leeaOl asd- West ' Wi at., bolr inaiaiealnei 10:80 a. viea; 1:90 y. ra., ovoasag aen acboel: the asaal aerrloe ad at I.M a , .' CISL'SDODYFCK Hi caupo:ia I ' . 1 1 1 Lrttie PminiM Schmidt pr. LiwerJ5aniJ-rrR Honor of President It e It ak, Baaday WLU BO Sea The-WMts Twaiila OetW Twetffb aad Tay r atreeat: Be. J. Wklteoana (, I). IX. paator. 10:IB-a., bl, "Oaa Aeaor" paayee BMetiag; 10: BO a. aa., Bav. S. a. Toy, aa ef the evasgeUata, wtal preaek. aad tke ealaatt. tkaraie . Hrkart. wUTaiasi bapttaaa at eiaae of th aervteet 11:10 s. nu, Blhla tea sal, p. aa.. aaaaa meeting for woinea eair. awv. a. A. waitoe wiu aaeas aaa waiiar raa wut p tbe aotoaat: tha Uobm Tralalaa aaaaeuUaa wkl am tea aoJldraa: 7 30 a. as., aeeoad laraa SeMt- lag foe vroaaea onlr, -tfr. Chapraa n-lil. speak aad rred Butler sill ting. ',. .. CeatraV-Weodaaea af the WarM bntldlag, Bast Sixth and Bast AVJer streets; Wlluaai B. Baauoil. amlalater. 10.44 a. m., T. PauV ay ae 111 asileaaM;" 13 aa., BIMe eebiat; S:ao a. ta., east side eeeelai aervlee tat aaaa, wlU saaate by the evaosaUstie gaartet. Betkas eVUweod. 11 a. aa.. Baaaay sefcool: IS nu, preecbtng ky Bee. Jeka Beataieai a. m.. BV T. pTc. raeetlsg; TM p, mu, preae tag by Mra. P. J. Adaaia. . . . ' Cnlvarstty Park ktlaolos 10 . aa Paaday erkools 11 a. a. aeaaehlng by Mrs. P. 4. Ae aatas TtBO p. praaehiag br Rev. Jeka Beat atas, saklaet, "Waste A, Mas.",, . , ' ' PaVUBIHIlAB. txuvary JWal ail laeie aaaa -r Bev. W. 8. Ullbart, pastnr. Berrteea 10:M a. m. aad T:0 . aa.; the aaaal qaarterly c- aaa-a aarvtea win be held ta the BMraiiig. The aeeateel ararraai la aa followa: lYelaaa, Katlaa" (Wax. raaikeaH qoartat, "Ooaaa. Te IHaeeaaalata" (gehaeekar) ; of aieUiry uasrtet, "tie Bo Lewd Ike World" (BUraiaarK aaotlarto, MBvea Boag" (Waa. Paalkea). : Ma aveniag it ox tae aaio evaageusiie "Bvea Boa) earl! i. a aa awetla at. fifcnlri MlaB tlaehaua. aoorane: U Bell, seetrelte: lr. Oenrro Alaall, teanri Osag Bweet. barUasaj sues blsrgaret laaak at ait, ersaalst. - . 1 ssaak losooa paata. BeTv We at iM a. aa. IS tke e-anln aeagragatia win BS1U la evangaMatle sarvtee at Uaivary P2at fSfaerUad-arBsr Twelfth asd Baa rayier Btreetai Bev. B. Helm Aiiea, paator. 10 ie a. aa., ''Beaptag the Wktrtwladi' U av. anaaai aesaei, re T-uas tt yaaW xasjllak fbraar West Park sad Jeffertoa aeraatai I. A. Leaa, aaanr. U a. aa.. Ualailat the rvoaalae:" f i a, aa.. wtol A Oaatlraxatlaa Tei" to a. aa., Baaday aoheal) :46 p. Ba., Lataee to roe will be lad by Mlaa lUriaret Jefcaana; saeelal aaoole j tke aeder tke airarUa af i. Kaeler hath aa eeenieg. Merweslo Bjaad Oaiaar Bast Tea Oraat ttraetai 0, llaseea, peator. Bor 11 a. av, aad tt IM p. ant ., Teeth asd Bon t ea at kb CIlay Peal' derma a Bast twelfu tad ta eweets) A. Inm aastar. tone s. av Mrntag eorvwi e a. avi eeealag aarvlee Bis a. aa,, aaaaay araoaii a p. av. ateeting ef tke enerrasatloa. ajka a KmL riiiiaia atiaalt J. JL herrlg, aaator. Barvleat at 11 .Bad B; Bia a, av, aaaaa set ; - . ' St. streets; "Aon sal eel 1 loo B a. ailed aeaool: a: r. n. a atnatonary ata hall. Bavier atreet betweea Twentr-Ant ad Twesty saeoad atreeta; 11. J. lloaapM, aaator. 1 a. av. Bonder aebeol 1 1(5 ao t. av aad T:M p. Si., attaching. Keat Bla Ooraar f'arga aad Kwky atreeu; Bev. 1. Bowereox, paator. 11 a. av, araacfcliur; la tka aveniag iota with the Bates raeetuigt 19 a. ra., Snoday aabeol; YM p. wl, Jaoloe Badearart M 9. av, K. 1 C. JB, bmU tke Bale. , ,-;. .', :. . ., . aTAMZXlOAlaj Beraor e Joke aad Irashe B. B. slevVker, aaatnr. II a. at., Mevtovri" la laouaacloa Wit thla lea Trill be Ike raeapUee ef aaewbere at BU H is expected ta have the palpit aaa 1 by a vtetUag paetav 10 . aj., aaaday at; XJ p av, a. tv, t. 0. B.J 1 p, Sk, X Park aad 0hiaiM v:'j a. aa., ri J , cnanriAS. Pliat Owner Marklvv. aaator. aoauaianie a ilea 'with evaageitstie areeedlogi a veslag aorrtoo jubl U:ia p. ax. .'. r BoOney avtmia uoraar Hoaney avensa b. a. (Pilar. Weekly tletle Berraoa la aebooi at 'aad Kaott street; Alhya Beaoft, nlalstr. 11 B. av, '-Tbo Making af a Chrlstlea;' :S a, av, Sas day aeheol; ae eveaiag service. oannai Keat aa IbmjB aad TwoarHatb, abaoaa. Bev. 4. p. uboravlar, WT.S will opeak at 10:0 a. av oa. "rYota fllory taOtory:'r revival -vieoa, special nrasU: Mrs. McPxataaa Oakv sborlaeeri Mia Bra Byaa, ertaslst. Weeeisws-l a m., "The Tere See-f, f JB p. av, "Tae Meeds ef tfce Verld;"! a. av, Baadal aebo-1; B:eU p. av, T, P. ft. a B. . ' cnrPTiAn' icmoi.' Pirat BeuttaUi Bite eatkesral.' Morrfceaa aad IAwaaoaia etreeta. 11 a. av, Are naay aeneat aad Uaatk Baair Baoday at elaaa af a.iuna- Aoaltnrtaja torildlBA Third, balaaea TaTaer aad Balnaea -treat 11 ft av, "Are Bia. piaeaa ad Peeca BealP 11 a. a., aaaday i X XTTITASIAJI. . rira4 Taaeklll aad Beveetki Dr. 0. 0. ay, aaatue. 11 a. av, aervtee wttk dlaeearae ea Wbet tae TVreatleM n tar Plan lids la m -.. Mil 1 M Bwla arhonl: T a. si., WltUaa O. Billot, "rralee- aityi" IT, ft. Walaole win Ulk ea 'The ( Beard f Ckerttl,i' City . ry AtatxiCAt AtwOOUTIoS. ' r Phut Oftaaa Owner Teatk aad Clay sweeaai irhee. Braa eee. Yv. bj tB twae. ant ef tee Ua)rr Prea,rta t o lee aaik aad Uay atresia ea aoeeoot ef b..';.d I ... 7 ;0,..' JieeLii k From He-Icrtph C:rJc -Summit f.r;tj V.".: n at All Hours, SIGNAL C0RP3 WILL s! PRACTICS DURi: Government to fnstsil ( One 'at ; ExxJon,1 ' ".- 'Other on Mounta!. During the Lewis and Clari United Statea algnal eorp aa maintain a heliograph statii summit bf Mount Hood, cons a similar station located at ground . Experts In tbe Ptrvl kept at both station. ' -' Beemtary Ueary Reed ef Bnd Clark fair haa received a I Mai W. A. Olassford, signal A on th subject which readi ' Tn connection with the al xhblt.t th 14VU and Cla,. nlal ax position, the matur of tng a heliograph station en tk of Mount Hood for tb purpo Banging signals. witn a sunlit on th exposition grounds, to bt by members ox the United Bta eerpe, ta now under cons id era r. bav th honor to Invito an from yea on the subject "The matter af algnal ma course, be a ucoasa, a tt la t tloft to detail such signal cert hav prevloualy rendered expa Sine the tntallatloa of th cable nnd telegraph ayatem ma have become .more or leaa a with tb algnal corps .brunch ef . Tn this connection X might a have bad some, correspondence 1 Steel, of tbe Masamas.. coscer feasibility of sUbllshing k atatloo either on Mount Bt 1 Mount Hood, with th result tl been determined td anuact tha I base of opmttowa. Mr. n-J dared an offer at part af tb : . fPlidal Dtxpateh te la Jew Albany j Or. Anrtl 1. Tha 1 lltUe Paul In Schmidt who was 1 tn tba power canal tn thla eit day noon, wna found after 4 a tofday afternoon In tha Calapa 10 feat above th mouth of tb wber It' empties lnt th Wi Tb rac run Into the Calapoob body had been thrown from 1 down a dlstane of O feet I rtver where. In ft pool SO eet 1 bad lodged. Th funeral ef t girl will be bald unorT--r-' nr. and Mrs. h. a, -w entertained number ot socief. in' honor ot Praldnt aad bf ra Lee, who leave thla city for S couple of weeks, where Prof wUl assume th position -of a pastor of tb Ptret Praabyteruv about th tlm th Chapman 1 begin ta that city. President 1 been at the heed of Albany 00 10 yearn, and his leaving ben grot ted by alL Hla auccaasor I pet beam selected, and he win 1 a head of tho college until tb the year. - Meanwhile subetu look after hla classes. I ELOPING COUPLE TOO ! QUICK FOR On, r (Special Dispatch t Tb Jean Bill In ga, Mont, April LAbI eonple. gtvtng their nam at I Blaokaby and Barabara Pavtov rtved In BUllnga at an early b terday mornlag, aad ftftar aronr trtat a ark Footer from bia'slu aeon ring a marriage Itoense, t married by Judge Maan. Short' tba ceremony had no pern talaarram was received by th poUc from th herlff f Moki XX, asking blm to arrest Mis t aa she waa not af legal aara. T. In bad aad, thougx a Hedly draased and rushed to tt menu of Judge Mann, be ftr minute to lata. t I To young woman naa gives aa 1. and aince tn caremoor performed tbe couple were not . tbe offleera. ' - 'I Ptrst nUao- ae abaeehi B:BB n. SV. Osraer host Plith m Bet. O. W. invsear, paslnr. la eeA aaraaM! 10 a. BV. aeaai II ether Barrios With Bale anettag Baptist ckvstav . -, I .' a. okrosoat, ' otmt I riret inU Heesad atreet Iw-k 1 a. av. Bandar aefcael; 11 a. awi U MeOaaaa, atreet avaagellst of tM 1 an wni present nsioa --- vlea al Tsyhn-atreet Metkealst cav . " "I Plrst Beat Osack ' S. InalL Chfiat Believe la PBiTirgaaT.iarr. . Caack and Beat Elf rfa-WV Rnirltnai Boelety Artlaaar t 1 ft MJl ebV. ajliia at fasWtU Mrs. M. O. Pi-re Baa.sreadeee, Mllleaaial Uawa . . av . e-j reav Becoad sad VerrtoMi stream bv. "BallalpB Hp toe . WUi: aL,e f erbaue AaaBtolla Cfcera Abaky balldbiSjTklrf " anapi done Aivumwr - . apostle. 1 a, av, "Tke rower SeJvatlant3 T:tO a, BV, varalo iad bftorw Pot the ' MaW Charles ATllor, elder la haSB. -j,: Ta reepie e jorvaroaei vmm 414 htorrlaea. -treat, sear Berow OMlter, leader b silalster... wtmj aoototy. U bv,. "Tke raraar- craeterr. is:ia av sv, eiamr . pr-ateaaat t:e B- m-.tmmtj re. 4. Lie. nowirt, , IB, gaVWarw. rhoaght TrsBSfare Tbe sioie aamraai ainir boa aarvV-a In tke A. OTU. W. k huaeh baildlngr- Waabiagtoa and etreeta. ea Bnnday evealng at Mornlag aervleea at 11 a. av -Tbeoaoeky Ita Natar ad WT rare, iT A Narlswlrk, P, tTb., at soaiery atreet auaday avealag at Ikeoliitelr free. J 'rrWaaae Oora-r deat TMriy-tftk ' Mala streeta; Bdward D. BaUlk, P . ., BakoatB eeaeoii 11 a. aa-r M v to., aotoa eervto st BaBS-n ntleoeJ ehareft, . ' f are I dojoi pi-i-ir'T" iw", Allaky ballaieg, eeroer Taa-d ae I p. iv, IV. t. W. Betlar will et Baals; Who Ara Theft Hew Bete Adveatiat aet fci-veath aad Ke Ti p. av r. Leusd -Mmf ".ieniai v sen ana we I ...1 a . s"ni eci-aat omtvk i.j.y b-siBjuag at : - S 1 v ,-