, t , - " ' ' .'' ' ,. ' j - ' - '.'';.::-'-- '." . V-'vV''' ' :'-';C.-':s.' -I v..:v ... V . .... v.... PAG23 1 1 T020 'I . ,-. . .'.' '- ' " ' ' ' .-i "V t 'l . - '.; ' '" 1' ' " ' ' . i . . . . s ' . . , ... ,,-..'-...,-..' -i v ; i ,--,.'.. . .- I HI MAN AN MATE 110 FORGETS GOD ill: 4 1" : Or".' Henry, Ottrom Preaches Elo ":'Jt quently on What le Due f : : the Creator. 'vUIi;'.. GREAT; CONGREGATION t : i ; - I IS VISIBLY AFFECTED Many Come Forward and ' Ask ' Prayers to'Helpi Thern . 1 - '; ; Led Better Lives. ' ' ' "No man cin truly boast that e la of himself a self-mad man. no man la to , dependent but what be -is dependent on God, who baV. bought him and whoa property he Ik.v Is not a man an tngrat ' who takes )Htread Qod provides for : him, wears XI clothes Ood. give, him, breathes hla flfare, fresh air and revels " In his aunsnlSe, yet refuses to aeknow! ' edaw that OoJ la his maaterT" , . ,, . Thasa and similar remarks formed th burden of a very effective sermon - preached before a Urge audience In the First Congregational church last even v ing by Rev., Henry Ostrom, evangelist. That Dr. Ostora-was successful In eon ' vlnclng his hearers that they were not ' tbelr own proAerty, but belonged to Ood, - was attested bt the faot that at the close of his remarlfa a largo- number an-1 nouDced tha Intention to lead a Christian 'life. . I Dr. Ostrom furged hl hearers not to lose sight af tna ract that tn most valu able piece of rf-operty In the world did Jiot -equal 'the Worth of be llttleboy or; girl - In hla laudlanee. . .. ; : on to OM for -rrotectlon. . ' "In times wbl,i everything la 'coming our way,'" haald, "we are apt to acknowledge oil. .dependence, - but there oemes a time of bufjand diatress when w fly to Ood IS protection. This -la natural, becauswe - are, not our own. but Ood a . "Ufa', is a dajitVoDS undertaking; ' wrecks of what prornd to be brilliant, happy, neiprui iiveey are strewn every. .'. where along Its h lam ways. No on real. . Harry MizwtH, Singer. , ; tees this better than doea Ood. ' That -, " Is why ha appealwt you to oome to Ulm , as a haven." j .- . . ."W are living In an age of advance ', ment But even though wa are, so far " ' advanced in learning, what man is there " who haa yet Invented a grain of corn. . .. or who haa caused potatoes to sprout out ' of the ground T Therefore, will you be . llev me when t tell you it la oommon ; sanity to thank Ood at our .table for ith food that He providear" y ' i .The Christian life, aa Dr. Ostrom plo j' tured It. la not life from which all pleaaur las been given up, but to at tain 'Its pleasures It is necessary that ' certain things should be given up. -When .'. theee things have ' been, discarded,- Ood ' retArns infinitely mora,, than 'ha has ..f taken. .. - , . . 7 , . Xlluatiatlona Am Vaiaa. . : . Dr. Ostrom's methods - of proving 'man's dependence-on Ood are -unique. , and though hla lUustratlons moved hla nearer 10 .wui.wr, in. very . pex mo ment- when an appeal waa mad - for those willing to surrender -many rose via tbelr seata. : : .One of ' the Interesting parts of the . discourse was that In which the speaker ' denounced the prevailing methods - la .-American educational institutions where . teachers carry on their grand, work for a mere pittance. . . i . : . . . ' "No one of us," ha said, "Van estimate how much patience, how much careful m - planning and toll it took to teach us to 7 . ,ki. 1 a- m . . v w i i,,hw. tin" . . great disgrace to pey such a mean wag , to those who guide us during those try , Ing days and who help-to mould, our future Uvea. The day la surely coming 1 when Ood -will have It out with ue un ' leas ws see to it that these condition are -altered." - -Dr. Ostrom Is ably, seconded In his f work by John P. Hlllls, who. leads the great - chorus choir, and who aang i a hymn of his own composition- which has become popular in the work f the even - gHts. - . l ".'-'. . The , meetings ponduct .at th First Congregational -church-continue to grow in interest under Dr. Ostrom's guidance. A. number of pastors, whose churches are In the district represented. by this church were present last evening, and responded with scriptural readings stth call of th presiding minister. .rrsrni m o ri Dr. Ch:pr.:a Tells Great Cocrcgatfcn What Re- generatfca-Mecnl 1 ; CAN'T ARGUE YOURSELF. INTO THE KINGDOM Force - of the Revivalist's. Power : Lies In His Great Earnestness . and Sincerity Which Draws ;?-;''' Hearers to the Altar.; , At ths WUU Ttmplt last Dizht Of crowd throaced about th titranc Ions b(or th doora waf opsnad, and on foapal aoac tollowad . another, as they waited. ' After' the doora ware opened very eaat waa quickly taken, and Orace H. K. church waa filled for an overflow meetlnc - i. ' . - The large choriia choir, tbrether with the cornet rend vloltrie, under the leader hip of C'-F. Allen," led the oonT tlonal alnflng with a precision and snap which fairly made the good old eonsa alnc . themaelvea.' ,A parUcolarly effeo- tly chorus number net with merited applaua from- the oonsrermtlon. Mrs. 1. H. Thonapaon la a splendid accom- pan lit" at 'the piano. When Dr. Chapman faced th immense audience It was impressed) -with hla earnestness and directness. Much of his fore aa a preacher Ilea In his relation of experiences - which have oome under hla own observation, and In a few simple words he can make hla audience expert enoa It with him. He took for hla text John 111:1. -"Ye -must be bora regain." Among other things ha said; : " "Bora again?' What in th world doea that meanT Doctrtnally It . means, re genarationJ. It doea mean that wa are to b mad over. It. doea not mean that w are) to b more thoroughly educated, or more highly cultured. That which la bora of tha flesh can never be anything else. It can be cultivated flesh, but It is flesh' Just tha same. It la pot re generated. It la .not 'resolution -to be better. It la not going to church. It la not baptism. It; is not -saylng your prayers. ( ' . ' t". . J .. . -.- , . r. "Regeneration . la , an absolute necea slty. - 'Except-a 'man be -born again, he cannot see th kingdom.' '. Teb I cannot explain regeneration, . It la a miracle. I only know that regeneration changes a man completely! and changes him In stantly. All the resolution la tha world will not save you.' But, I know what wUL Jesus ' will. . Tou ' cannot argue yourself Into the -kingdom. -.Ton can argue ' to th boundary . Una, but you hare to take one step by faith." - At the close of tha address many tes timonies from .'Christiana - were given. Many hands were raised for prayer. while a number made definite" surren der o Christ Then fully 1,300 from the congregation passed .out ' to tak their place In the procession for th midnight meetings in the .theatres. r - ' At the overflow- meeting In Orace church. Dr. Brougher preached, and at tta close many cam -forward to th altar, and there were a large number of decisions.- v ,- ' Todny at over In the Whit Temple J.- H. Thompson met personal workers. - Hit subject wis "How to Deal With Too Who Hav - Falsa Hopes." Dr. Chapman spoke at f and will apeak again at 7:Sv p. m. i. . PERSUADING PEOPLE . ; : TO BE CHRISTIANS .' - ,'.. ' y . i i n :-.-,,; . Tha usual large crowd attended the meeting at Taylor street af. E. church, filling every seat;J many were stand ing, when Harry Maxwell Inspired the great chorus choir with enthusiasm andl sang with telling affact a elmpl song entitled, "Shall Ton. Shall I " Dr. Slederwolf was St his . best and preached a masterful and powerful ser mon from the text, "Almost thou per suadest ma to be a Christian." - Tha scene of Paul's trial before King Agrlppa waa. graphically - depicted . and men and women .were made -to realise vividly the serious eonsequeneee of fall ure to yield to tha arguments' presented and invitations - extended to adopt tha Christian Ufa.:,'., ,-,t x, . From th Houston Post ' "H la what you would term reckless. Why, he actually courts danger." "Oh, well, don't blame him for that; lots of these widows axe mighty pretty." Charles EV' Fykert, Sinter. POrTLAHD. ' OnZGON. FRIDAY EVEtlllia., V YOUR OVN EFFORTS AREN'T EVERYTHING Dr. ' Elliott Says '. Resoldtions Without Christ's Assistance Are of Little AvaiL Dr.- Elliott last night at Centenary 1C B. ; church spoke from the- text. "How shall we escape if w neglect so groat salvation T" - '- ' i ' y .. "I would not say a word against tha man who makes resolutions,.", said be. "That Is a sign of healthy action of th soui. But the trouble la. that even if he can . and doea keep hla resolution. It does not go fsr enough. . "What about the paatr If yon could live perfectly from now on. bow are you to make right that which la. behind? Tbs ladder of your own efforts will not help you much. It Is good, of courao, so far aa it goea, but It doea not go far enough - The ChrlstlanVought. to be a peculiar man that la, he ought to have the right kind of peculiarity. And be will, have the right kind, If. like Paul, he can say, 'Let no man trouble me, for I bear In my body tha marks " of the liord 'Jesus.' ' . "This old text haa three' great' words. "Escape.' There la no possibility of es cape. Did Tou ever think how very few criminals, "after all, finally escape from the clutches of the law? From the great Judge no escape la possible. 'Neglect' Tou do not have to be desperately bad In order to be lost , The business man haa only to neglect his business.' and the sheriff will soon, have -It "Salva tion.' Oh, how great it la. We eaa never know how powerful It Is. It can reach down to the lowest of us and lift us up Into the very Image of Christ" . - r Following Dr. hJllott a powerful plea a number of men and women, husband with their wivea, came forward and pub licly took the evangelist's hand to sig nify that they Intended to live a better life. . The workers were, busy, and a large number of cards were turned In. The Increasing number of men attending these raervtcea Is commented ' on ; with great satisfaction. v'. Dr. Elliott spoke this afternoon la the Third Presbyterian church on "Per sonal work; what It Is; who may do it; how to do It" At the conclusion of to night's services there la to be a meet Ing of paatora and Sunday school work ers In the Btoond Baptist church. There will be no services tomorrow. The program for Sunday Includes a sun rise prayer meeting at ? o'clock In the Third Presbyterian church for the Chris tian Kndeavorera and young people, to be led by Mr. Rykert Morning services and Bible school In the churches aa usual, At o'clock a meeting for men only In tha Woodman hall. - The famoua Chapman quartet will sing, and Dr. Elliott who Is aa old worker amone; men, will give hla address on the "Hid ing Places of Men." "At, th same hour there will be a meeting for women only, In-Centenary. .church, to be addressed by one of the evangelists. At I o'clock there will be a union young people's service la the Second Baptist church. , 7 nr r umM WORLD'S MARVEL IS At th Calvary Baptist church last night Evangelist H. W. Stough spoke on "God's Faith in Humanity." He said in part: "The one and only hope ot tbe race Is that Ood believes la the race. For Ood so loved the world.' can only mean that Ood so believed In the world. He believed not In what men are or In what they do nor In what they pro fess. He does, however, believe In the soul possibility of vry one, not In the real but In the Ideal. Nor Is this baaed on Ignorance of th human heart "Ood haa sounded the deepest depths of men's ruin; He knows all. And .the marvel la that he still believes In us. Fred butler, linger. HAHCII 81, 1SC3. . - ''-,',''-' - r' ' . . REV. J.E. SNYDER ; 'LKADINQ - EVANGELISTIC WORK IN -THE - NORTH- ENEW- LORD'S PATIENCE W would'' probably find It difficult to believe la our deareat friends If we saw them as Ood aeea them. - A ratner wnen asked why he loved his Imbecile child so much, replied, 1 love him for what hs might hav been.' ' "Far abev all the rest, of creation towers man. Only ha It waa that was endowed with an Intellect to understand Ood, with an affection to lov Him and a will to serve Him. Tha pity of men' sin Is thla that they should take then wonderful Instruments , of worship and turn them Into weapons with which they assault Ood. It la baa ingratitude.' Th history of th rao Is th his tory af Ood's confidence and continual effort to reeeu man. One who reads history but superficially cannot help but wonder why Ood did not wipe th race out lone ago... And when one once looks back oh hla own life In the lighf of thia truth, he marvels that Ood haa been so patient and long suffering with him. - . .....:."''.- v "If one would know In the highest revelation - thla truth let him look at Jesus Christ He Is the heart 'of Ood. Tha history ot hla life for three and thirty years, his death on tha cross, were all to show men how much Ood believed In them. Every effort of the church to day la further evldenoo. Tour sin Is not your breaking of the moral' laws, wicked aa that la. Tour aln Is this, that Oot believes tn you and has- tried la every way to reveal thla fact to you, and you will not believe that He believes In you; and thla la your great sin."- - ; . , HOLD SERVICES IN - ; : - NORTH END TONIGHT . The campaign or th vangeMata In the north end did not eonclode with last night's .demonstration.- Far - from. - It There will be three addresses , made la the concert halls tonight at 10 o'clock. W. K. Blederwolf will talk at Krlck sen's. Dr. C. T. Sohaeffer at Blaaler's and Dr. H. W. Stough at Frits'. Thar will be music in each service. , The north end district Is under K van- gel I T J. E. Snyder and the work there I la being: vigorously prosecuted. , 3T CM m TO beach ec;: -issri n Religion That Dr; Daniel S. Toy Preaches At tracts Great Throng.-: CROSSES WE BEAR HELP OTHERS CARRY THEIRS Christ Loved People So Much He Died for Them That He ' . Might Hav Them WKh '? Him AlvvaysJ-..';'-;'-" ; A. large audience greeted Dr. Toy last evening at - the . Fourth Presbyterian church. It la very certain that tha 'gos pel Dr. Toy v preaches does not keep peo ple away from the meetings, nor does It keep ' them from accepting Christ .Mrs. Dickson and Mrs. Ogden aang . duet " 'T:. .--air-: Dr." Toy took for his text Luke xlv:CT, "And ; whosoever doth not take up hla cross "and follow- me, cannot be my dlsotpJe.'nr He said in part: . . 'A disciple Is one - who' accepts -the teachings of another and follows In his footsteps. ' Crosses were made tn differ ent shape and eruolflalon waa aoom . mon mod of axeoutlag criminals.. v- . "But the,' shadow of one cross haa fallen athwart the ages; it is the -oroas of Christ ' Christ could have commanded twelve millions of ' angels - to aav him from the cross. . There were not enough" of spikes in the Roman empire to nail him to tha cross, nor enough of soldiers to drive them. And yet he meekly sub mitted to all, ' Jesus died upon the cross In six. hours; others hung for It or 41 hours. One reason for thla waa a pro phetic reason; another waa a pathetic reason. Ha was virtually a dead man when h waa nailed to the cross. For days hs had been dying. ' In Oethsemane he sweat great drops of blood In physi cal Bwrrertnav '. .--. - "Why did Jesua die? 'For you and for ma. There la not a man or woman In tha world who. If they had one spark of gratitude In their hearts, could help loving this Christ - Christ loved us so much that he died lor ua that he might have ua In companionship with him, throughout feternlty. Christ bora his cross to hav ua. . W must bear our cross In order to be saved. W bear our cross by crucifying self. "We hav three enemies with which to contend th world, tha flesh and the devtL Spell flesh, drop the last letter, and - spell tha . remaining letters back ward, and It spells self. We must sub due self. If Ood would allow aa to go tor heaven Just aa ' w are we would do Just as tha devil did start aa Insurrec tion within It hours. We must conquer self, and take .up any cross that Ood sends to us.. . . - "Aa infidel's daughter. Just returned from ' school, - wandered - Into a little church and found Christ Her " father commanded her to dealst or leave his home. On her refusal, ha threw out her oldeet dress, ordered her to don It, and leave' her home, never to return. She complied, but asked ons request before she went . Sh want into, th parlor, alt at th piano and sang 'Jesua, I my cross have taken, all to leave and fol low thee.' Then rising aha walked out of the house, down th street out of her father's sight Ha stood and watched her. until her form disappeared from view, then hastening after her. sought her, took her In his anna and said. Daugher, oome home.. If your religion makea yoa wlUlng to bear a cross like that for Jesua' sake, I want It too.' - "Christ gains his followers because he bore bis cross. . Ws win others for him by bearing our erosaaa.1 ' SAXTASIO-f At tba Salvation Army hall, lit First street a big time is expected tomorrow ( Saturday evening. Evangelist Need ham- and hla singer, who are conduct ing revival servlcs at Forbes . rreeby ter lan church, will be there ana conduct a roueipg prats and song service, - The Salvationists are looking rorwara to a big time. Everybody la- invited to at tend and aa the hail will seat only 404 oome early la order to get a seat -. TO rums. Tfr.- . Henry . . Oatrum addressed ; the teachers and pupils of tbe Holmes, , th Behnke-Walktr and .the Portland busl nes college at the T. M. C. A., audi torium at a o'clock thla afternoon.. C N, D. Power. Slnfet ?'., Frank Dickson, Singer. EDITOR SUBJECT Cf Dr. - McCorrib Asks God to FCY Aged - Journalist's 7 Heart ; With Understanding. NEWSPAPER TELLS ONE V SIDE ONLY- HE SAYO First in the . Country That Haa Not . Been Courteous to the : ' ; People's Invited Guests. - In th present- of a large crowd at tha corner of Third and Alder atreeta last night prayers were offered for the editor of the Oregon Lan by the street evangelists of th- Chapman party. Kev. J. Ik McComb had charge of tha meeting and spoke from a large au tomobile truck. , After th prayers Mr. McComb said: - "Tha Oregonlaa print only on kids -of a question and Is not fair. , "We are. strangers In your etty, but , we did not force ourselves apoa you.1 Wa came at the earnest request of your ministers and business men, - Thia Is tha first city that wa have visited where a newspaper haa not been oourteoua enough to treat ua not only with civility, but with cordiality. All we ask Is a square deal., . There la noth ing that appeals to tha American sens of honor Ilka fair treatment, and that la. all we ask. "I am not blaming tha people of Portland nor the city. It Is only tha Oregonlan that I condemn. That paper la not fair. . "But. there Is a paper la your dty that la a newspaper and that Is fair. It' stands for the square deal' In all things. It atanda for the things that will bet" ter yoor - city. It la Tha Journal. - "I only wish to advance tba cause of Christ Wa hold no bitterness toward the Oregonlaa nor toward - Its editor. We pray for him' constantly and hop that he may be made to know that he la as nothing In tha sight of Ood; that -ha la a common sinner ilka th rest of CHRIST SAYS TO v SONS ' OF - H:ETJ:" C0"E 1 have no us for a man - who be comes a Christian after a life of cheat ing, unleea he makea restitution," were the wortls in which Rev. Thomas Need ham expressed the true purpose of evan gelism last night at the Forbea Pros bytertaa church.. . , After all. a large part of th appeal of the men Is simply for clean, true, alncer live. - And excitement or emo tionalism 1 entirely subordinate to th it The coming of a higher Ufa to thla city is very much 'on the minds and hearts of th -people.- to Judge by th chorus of hearty "Aniens"' which greeted the petition - of Dr. Olbaon when he prayed that the kingdom of Satan -her might be shaken to Its depths. ,j The church waa crowded, as at previous meetings, and heartier - interest was manifested. A spirit of expectation pervaded the atmosphere.'. The duets, "O, .It la Wonderful." by Mr.- Powers and Mrs. Miller, and "Some Day." by Mr. Powers and Mrs. Allaton. brought tba audience to the receptive attitude. and many were touched. Meanwhile the house waa filling up end every seat was taken before t o'clock, wnen Mr. Ncd hard -began, ' .' . :' Th great thought of his sermon " expressed by the word. "Come." "". Christian life," h said, "mean t thing separation front sin, and ' lowshlp with Ood. And this t, u runs ail through the Bible, be with the Invitation to come Into t of safety, snd ending with -the John in Revelation. He that Is let him come; snd whosoever him take tha water of life fre The Rev. Mr. Needham n,- . lag Impression by descrli-'og a f shipboard, taken from hu -own ence, when a shipload of fr eight days without w -, t moaning in pain and dy "I shall Uke that so. . with me," said ha; "an-1 . la to every one who la t personal call, a a'4 to L t once." Many responded to r'l ' close aad- tha lnte t . V