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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1905)
-zzr:ti:ziA- jtz::::.-. X cr.ri! and. tkussd'ay- cvzrnnor march "sor " lscl r DUDAH DERHIQUZ CLAIRVOYANT rvcy, t:;i re m .j ca:iz.,llt;.i. CLAIRVOYANT TIE VEILED FUCninXSS if. Notice! OUT. WAV OOmnAJTS-a FaUCal FOB , aVKASnrooi Is the saaaa aa ether elalr voyaata charge, and h a onatdarad tn am reliable clalrvoyaat ta rUd. W WaTT BTOT BBB 'Tn : Re Fro Left to , ;.l tUttiniW. Fi0ch. P,i HotiieboMtr, 0. F C- Swindell, , E. Van Burwi 0. F.; Urr Schlafley, B. fc ',ti" ,4 LEAGUE PRESIDEIIT . oil oPEfiii. Mies a. r, Magnate Bert Issues vHopeful Epistle on Outlook for the 1' v '; Baseball Season. - r EVERY CLUB IS IN rT, 1 SPLENDID CONDITION Make-UpH?f Portland Team Re ceives - Flattering - Notice From the High Chief. (y aTVJfeM ef. , lTldt if lMUl uonaTi namif - -, '.. (JoaraaJ Special Borne.) u Francisco. March SO Ta 105 eaon of tb Pacific CcaMt Jearua opana today under ausplcaa tb moat farorabl alnce organised baabaU becam tlx- tun on UiU ooaat,. , ,. i ; ; -.i with tha aix cluba In xwUat finan cial ccpvMtloa.-Uietr fcbjralaal nalti a ahAe' N'vajitiy Jmprofad over' lt aeauoot and tba feneral orsanlaaloii on Inir Wt aafaory,' deajptto a-fow ' dlftoreneM that njurt adjuat thamaarvaa ' aatlsfactorUy, for tb tooa ot tna pni, ha Mminf awaaon oromlaea to bo roe- drd-broaker both aa to lntereat In tha raca tor tbo fia and financial. return . for the elubownora. : ,' . ; i . ixrttm I amaak of tha tmorOTCd Phy vlcal condition aa a whola of tha-cluba: I maaM that tha naroentaae of canoral atrangth ovar last yoar la creator by far than tba reauit of the race miht have cauaod tba (ana to anticipate. , - Take Portland, for Inatanoa. Laat year tba team waa sot In the ronnini ' . an time. . I La ahowlna w a bitter disappointment, -but-the fallore ot laat aaaan hmm had it laaotu and aa a re sult Manaser ifcCredle baa put together a team that not only loot gooa on tr hut nhiya the same la a- man na that tudrtn by ante sea eon wot. ' ahonld keoD it . at or near the top thnMimi tha oomlnc atrvnl. Port' land may net win the pennant, and t am not predicting- that it will, but It wU! I be heard from, and I mia my cueaa tr n not make it decidedly uncomfort able for the other fire clul--v rrr Orezaa awSoti''"' " 1 '" T-cWareepiteeimfttnT-of Orral OTrn, is as strong- aa ever. In losing Overall It lost a great pitcher and a man who-will be a tower of strength to any K-n oinh. hut tf all. that I hear of the -work ot Pitcherntspatrlck le true, the ' hole caused by Cincinnati's drafting- of the big fellow has been most agreeably tilled. The balance 01 me warn a mw . . la rast.lmllr the same, and It should work much better this year because of : tha .knowledge of each other that the aainad in last -year'a groat race. - ijom Angeles has lost Hal Chase and v "Doo" Newton, but the fan of the City of Angels should not daapalr on tbla ac Mimf j Chase and Newton are: great ballplayers; but Frank Dillon, on ot the ; most popular players that erer wore a ' Ioa Ana-elea uniform, and a great flrat- 'i..ii. too. la back la the Morley fold ' and the staff of pitchers in the southern ' city looks Strong enough to hold its aithnna-h Newton is gone. ' The re mainder of the team should ohow better results for the same reason that Tacoma 'should. . -.. ,r..-- ' itan Francisco, On the face Of ante- ' season returns, has Improved . lo . per cent. - Its two shutouts of Chicago,' one GOOD ""THE UKDERWEARj THAT WEAR IT AND CATCH NO N O W IS Jt ' ABSORBS EVERY BIT OF DAMPNESS, ;- , . . , r KEEPS THE SKIN ABSOLUTELY DRY. 1 i M i f, ( 1 ; ALLOWS FREE CIRCULATION OF AIR. . ' ' PREPARES THE BODY FOR ANY AND ALtrCHANOES,0P WEATHER, JUK 70 SEE ITs" J.."Y'' S ' : ;'V, ' ROEII""'3IJ C CASEY . AT . The eutta waaa t krllHaat tor tt. Med- T. .Z.rI roar to twe with bet ea T Innliui aaoro to olay. i Aa4 th waaa Oooaoy tot t Brat, am - Ranrowa dl ta aaao. r f '.. ' A sickly allraea fcll apoa' ia patroaa of tbe A atraairtlDg' tnr' got in) to I la orapair. iTa roar i . - ... ,LJrr- A... w" F p .T at tha bat. -'W: Jao - Bat rirka" preeKtod. aoy i r Jlauay Hlako. r , , , . - Aad tha former waa a lttla and tha latter -i - was- .'ebi J.:. .- i- mw1BZ:A'm'mrl tM,.f.fmar Bat rtras M drive a sughv to me weadsr-i' . com off the kail! , Tkea fnei . tfcroato ad ttot mere rato f ' ,vl"L -Wx'tlU,'Aad taa kaaw that Caaey wookbyt tot TMJT"tmTaP. " ' ' It enacted epoa the aikastila aad reU U ' epaa tha flat, ' ' i" . ' auaaiji laPD, ww, "e 'e.ara' waa aaaa ta Oaapy'a a be atappM lata aw pwx thaaaaaey ere were an kha i rabbed hw aaoo witn aim . - -rtva thoaaaad taaaae aapkradad whea he -v ea bto shirt. , ? or th strongest- of "tn major league team a, stamps it aa a tea flag-eon tender this year, Tba club has a flree-baaeman this year about whose ability to hold down tbe Initial teomer and do hla abare ot tha batting there no longer la any doubt Nealon U a Tomer" of th xirai water, This not oniy ray opinion, i la the opinion of Frank Selee, without a peer aa a Judga of ballplayer. Bo good did Nealon look to Selee that h wanted to buy hi release and sign him for the Chicago Natianala. Kid Mohler, at aeo ond, more than fllla Anderson's shoes, Oochenaur ha shaken th rhaumatlam that spoiled hla work mat year, and chnrlle Irwin at third, with th mana gerial burden of f hla shoulders, will put last" year.'Thel)ltcltnK departmeut toj mm a an naff etnt oauar amma umn w,u all that could do aeaireo, nm ha ha. aaa aa wood aa any In the league. and the outfield would b hard to im prove upon, All In alU the present com poaltlon of th Seals is moat aatlafae tory, and If It doe not ehow up atrong when the real struggle begina, then your Uncle Henry will be a sorely disappoint ed' man. . v A-a,-t :;? -. . Oakland will not thoW many, new K.i nnMii to ' flash the same strength it developed in tbe cond half of lv. - " l ataattl Mas rablas. The Chang In the Beattle team has been conelderabl. and It may hare been -.I..I.UH .weakened by drafts. I can not apeak authoritatively, however, of ita weaknee or atrong Jolnta. becaus I am not familiar with th qualifications of its new player. I do know however, that in Hughe and Hall the Slwaahe have a atrong pair ot pitcher men to be depended upon td win not leaa thn half their games, with th chances that they will win a majority. - BeatU took a bad elump In tha latter part of laat .yaafB aceond half that Is hard t eaplaln. Jump; into: a Suit of v- Ramie . .... . j 4 . .. I V. '. ,,. ... ... ' ft '- Underwear TIME TO TUY IT INSURES HEALTH. , MORE COLDS. , - CO. Hotel Perkins Bunding i .Tr wi. anoa m waaara a ; --r jt- LT kaalla epoa Oaaey'a fapi , , . . ,,..,. 0to "' ..,t,,- t . ;, 'TbmTW'SJtod at kat. Obi eaaarwhar. I. teto mvetod lead tbe C; W.H. McCredie, Mp and O. F..0. -',' ' ' ' ' ' ' THE BAT. Taoa wh tt. wnu.i fin srwa . Deaaaeo glaaaMd la 6asy ft- eya. a ' cetfcjd Caaar up. ami aaw ' tha ' iMtfear-cOTared sgber hartUo tbroagh tka air. . Aad Caaay. atoed a-wateblag it Jm aamgbty iw tba aturdy batnaim ta ball a. ti ' tHH-ika want in a muffled roar. - hiin. nf tka .umu-waeal a - atero aad dtotoat ahoro. - r IHI hlml KIU tha eaiplrar'. aheaiad - - aaau aaaa laa ttfaVflafl . ' Aad It Ukaly tiu-d kava kluX hna bad Bat Uaaey raawa aw aaaa. m ea.e ChrMtaa eharHy great He 'L' T , . , , .M!. utt ,w- Tbey aaw Wa faea jrJ. -4 : that ku e ey agsia. rw. aaa. 1a froaj Oaaar Vs. kla T" .il..r. kla aa 1 taeta ara euacBee w aaa;. - tea piau. . . t . . Aad bow tha alienor BOMS ta aaa, alarlDj kart kre llckt. Aad Be tkare to ao Joy la MadTllto ltlty , ,r:: r uaay aaa au-acm Mb GAMBRIMJS TEAM ' ; IN GREAT FORM ,-: .v. ... . . r-.v Crack Five of Alley Pounders Make a Splendid Record for Three Games. The GambrtnuB bowlers defeated the Pin Knight three straight en th Port' land alleys last night. - Kraae scored, th high average, z7 i, ana tn high sin gl Bcor. .211. r ,, .. Mrs. U C. -Keating scored'' lit i three game, the highest avera mads o tha alleya by a woman. - . . Th AU-Btare and Banker com to gether this vening. -Boor of last even lnr match?r r Pln Knlghta 1 Busan , ........ 14S Mjllett . ....,,11 Pollak i ........115 (I) - (I) Ave. 141 154 161 2- 17. 1171(7 l 1S4 1J 174 t-3 li 15l 1-2 Hysmtth . ......174 swruaw . . .147, 215 12 201 1-1 ls- Totals . .;.i..t4 m 2 Oambrinu 1 Kneyse ....... ..1S Keating . .......201 Hoffman . ......10 Hcbonenback . . .. K. Cloeset .......151 Ball ......... r,17S (J) 172 ' lt ' Aaa. 142149 2-2 10 200117 '1M..V 117 ... - 1-18 1U 157154 2-1 200 217110 2-2 Total .120 111 103 a: a; u. rules will tt' "GOVERN FAIR SPORTS r''.. '...'- . Vaaaa ,'" - It 1 not likely that any trouble will ensue between th A. A. .X& and th North- Pacific association regarding jurisdiction in the handling- of sports at the Iwla and Clara exposition." since th Multnomah club officers discovered that it waa imposalbl to run th vnt without coming under, th ban of th A. A. tr. for professionalism, tha sentl. ment has accordingly changed so aa to favor th national organisation. Rep resentative George McMillan of th A. A. U. say that at all expositions, toui In this country and In Europe, the Juris diction of the A. A. u. prevails ana that It would b on wis for tn M. A. A. C. to endeavor to conduct the sport without ' doing so under tb national auspices. It is practically settled that this eours will be pursued. "C YOUNG C0RBETT TO MEET KID SULLIVAN BaJtlmere, Md March 10. Ia th ring of the . Kurek - Athletio club - tonight Toung' Corbetr' will don tb mitts and ngac In th first fight h baa had slno hi championship colors lowered in th Oolden Gat city. HI oooonent 1 wtU . be "Kid- Bull! ran f Waahkurton. . and t th . contest - scheduled for II rounds. Though Sulli van' refutation does not extend far beyond th limits of his native heath ha he neverthele met and maae creditable showing against some fight ers ef thd first class, and hi admirer count upon htm to gtv a good account of M merit when he faces tba redoubt- aow na hs n m - i - - - i . ui k ai. fa a bv m tank aaaa atun ajea ara laawamg, aad able little Deaverlt. ' T ,. - . t ana a mar Mp-tridt. P.; Lou Ranklt, 3 B.j . ' ' ' ORTLAHD BALL NINE. HOPEFUL OF SUCCESS Manaeer McCredie't , . Team - . Opens Season Today With tne Angeis. ; Th Portland baaeball team will begin tha season today full ot vim, determina tion and hop. The opening; gam will b played with' the Loa Angele nine at the tatter cltyr"- Portlandera- er ! known aa tb moat patiant and apprecia tive baseball enthusiasts in the world and ahould .th taxn prov a winning eomblnaUon It owner will b well re- aaid for the Investment. Tb rans or foruana aamana a gooa baaeball team, a flghtln team that can aria Ita majority or games ana nun a respectable showing; In the percentage column. Financially th Portland club ; la In substantial oondiUon. April it the team will : mak it debut in this City, v- v -.!,.;-: .V.A-'A?. EL CHIHUAHUA BEATS r UNLEASH AT ASCOT . - (enamel Bpaetol Barvke.) Law Angele. March 10. ReeulU Aaeoc. .Park;. ' j -' V " First race, half e mile Lecnat woo. Ilabulla second. Band Btorra third; time, . Becood race, en mile The Borgian won, Hersatn second, Meroe third; time. 1:411. Third race, six furlong B3 cninuae hue, won. Ben Lea second, Bual Chris tian third; time, 1:15H. Fourth race, sue furionx Col rub- pert won. Blue Coat second. , Durban third; time, 1:14. Fifth race, ona mu and yard Borgheal won. Ralph Tonng seoend. At UaUco third; time, 1:47. Blxth race, on mu and a smeenin Ripper won. ' Look way seooDd, , Lowery third urn. y Baa Francisco, March 10. Oakland summary: ' First race, four . runong Aeheuta wun, Boulliern Ldy seeonrt, April Bprid third: tim. :IOtt. Second race, aut furlongs Daksr won. Sincerity Belle second. Calculate third: time, :Xt:-.-i Third race, futurity eours Hurford won. . Albermarle second. Teuowstone third; time.- 1:14. ' v ; " Fourth race, one and an eighth miles. hand! nap Bombardier won. Dr. LegTO second, Nlgrotts third; time, 1:0. Fifth race, on mile Andrew won. Btuiicho second. Hainauit third; time, 1:42. -.v ' BUcth . raee, on mne Deuuyoe won. Marrane second. Gateway third; time. Hit.?, '.; : r-K V r- ; "--'- Mnsotnu taxutt xeina. ", (joaraat Speetal arr1ea.)'u-V. ' Kanaas City; ML, March 20. The club owners and managers of the Missouri Valley Baaeball league ar In session at th Baltimore hotel today for th pur pose of adopting; a schedule and com pleting final arrangement for tbe open- In a or the season. The schedule as adopted provides for a playing; season of 112 game, to. begin May 14. Th mag' 111 gam, la seiin may .a. ins im- an unusually sucoessful season. In keeclnr noctal or buatneas engaire- ment caused by nervous or sick nead- ache, or other pains or aches by those who have learned the merits of Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They simply take a taDiet wnen in symptoms aoDear. and tbey are quickly dispelled, - In fact ;.PDr.L' Miles';' Anti-Pain Pill ; win prevent, and also cur, all pains of every nature, and are absolutely harm less. The soothing Influence upon tne nerve and muaclea quiet and refresh tb irritated conditions. . - "Dr. Miles' Aatl Patn Pill always cur nry headache, and. the beauty of It, it costs such a trifle.- I am glad, there Is such a remedy for people who must work, sick or ' well. -' Headaches never prevent me from keeping my engage ments.' MRS. o. r. uiurriru. nanta Ana, cai. : If first bottle doe not benefit, your money back. i 20 doses, 35 cants. : : ' ' -- Never sold in bulk. BLOOD Is the werst die. aaa en earth, rtt roe aeiet to rare WU KM JfOU kKOW "WHAT TO DO. Maay hare Dim. POIOOOSS eaora oa ta a ia ta are. falllM puna, ra don' I know II IB rIAlu rinrmin. nwna w i'a. " 'i - Arrfc at., PMUdelphla, Pane., for BKOWH'I IXKiD cms. t no per kotttoj laats eae SMMithi Roi1 le Poruaa aaiy ey rraaa aaa, rertlaad botai raaraMay. . , - NoWav SecLJ 3 days only Reacss for Tbrca Dayt Osly 25c I DO mill! SOLEMNLY AOBBS' ARB h 1 WTVU . l m.. W- -mm ma i4irfli If I fall to call ea a,. . la nil. uan ei I MW Ma. eaeatlae ' link 1 Df t tell Tea wbetkat, rear- haaband. wife sweetheart I tree or fa lae, tell 7 . bow to sals IU loae or 1M aa ron am. I m theash mile away I saw to .naeoee , specula nan. . liwwm, - urn. tke na of yoer ckoiee; mum w I --- lia ' -,,.mv , Sea aru limimwa. earaa anas . aennc ' 1 txeaSBree. curaa all oerroae Mi . Hew raa anna rark t 4' . . ' Maw eaa ,:, Row can Row eaa aaewed la kaalaaaat awkt mf kame kapayt . . I aooaaae toy ''.. many the ea I ekeeeet , BMiry Well J . :-r ; :-,' mm I a.aervt Mow aa' Haw aaaa Haw eaa I eaaqaer my rtvalT . Bow eaa 1 make any one toee toet Row m win mr tovor wopaaar ,, , Bow aaa I get a lettorf " " How eaa 1 ft s food postttoat; " How eaa I reamr bad laflnraatol Row eaa I eaotrol any onet '. Row nuke dutaafc. eaas think eftoot Row an I hold my knahaad' tore I Bow eaa t keen my wife' tore! i Borna DAILY. JO TO T, AMU rmtAX BWJM. WAHBIHUTDH BT., UUB " AMD WAHINOTO!t STS ' The : Mew ' Horthivcst Is wll represented by .,' 4 ' pros and vera in . , "'APRIL'?; Sunset Magazine - -r- "With Leerls and Clark." - - -by Julia Fraer. I an--; - other well Illustrated ar-t-v tlol - about . Portland'a -. great exposition, and peo ple of the Northwnat ; should read It and aend , it east, Other articles . , , 1 Include: -American For-;, est Conrress." "Japan's Mission In tbe World." ' Tree Telegraphy," etc. Good abort stories and -, ver.. .J v . '- i-ar? BOXOBTA1VX. Headquarters for 'Elasticii Stockings Trusses LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. Tbtrc and Yauribill Sta. ' Do you appreciate how much ': It will mean to have your food lit you prfaoOy. ; MIMT -t -1 th aot sclano pf good -nes In food; it fit perfeoUy because It digests, 10 cent a packadr. . .-,'Vs'. ':.'v.' , AT ALL GROCERS, - CREASON'S ELEVENTH TRIAL FOR MURDER Mrs. Edwards Expected to Take Stand ' and Clear Her Com panion Accused With Her. r ? (Joarnal gpeeUl iar-rW.) Reading, Pa March 10. In pursuance of th order of the supreme court Judy Ermentrout today reopened the Qreason eaa for th purpos of . hearing wlt nauM who desire to chang the tastl- i - . n. who may gtv evidence. It 1 expected that Mrs. Edwards, whose testimony at th first trial resulted In Qreaaon's conviotlon will relate bar confession In court, de claring; the negro innocent, as she has already told it In affidavit. Attorneys tor Qreason aasert that they have other witnesses In addition to Mrs. Edward h will halo to exonerate the .negro from all connection with th crtm tor which h was eonvicted tnr year are. nraaann and Mr. Edwards had been sentenced to be hanged on February 14. but on tb day previous to tha date set for th execution attorneys for Q reason appeared before th board of pardon and submitted evidence to th effect that Mrs. Edwards had confasaed that O reason was Innocent of th crime of killlna her husband.. Th board there upon reprieved O reason so that his case could be further investigated and reprieved Mrs. Edward . in order that sh might be used as a witness In Oreaaon'a behalf. t - ' . j. -. Nothing- has been done looking toward a new trial for tbe condemned woman, and after tha Qreason case I disposed I of her application for a commutation of sent DCs will o aciea upon oy mo dw-q of pardon a. That tribunal haa twice re fused toi commute her sentence.- Both araaon knd Mr. Edwards hare listened to th reading- of the death warrant 10 times and both have been under tb eya of th death watch for two years. PETITION FOR VOTE - ON LIQUOR QUESTION .t. . mwm mm ,....'Jt- IHoaH.I blanalrk to Th Joemal t .' Pendleton. March 10. A petition for a vote on the liquor question June o M 'V-'ly - I TELL YOUR NAME.' Speclj 3 dayt Ocly . 25c "--aeji3-T':V Tbera are as anetokes I the naaalettoM Yea mar wiab to know it It Is aevtoaoto to rake ckaaga la kaajnaaa, te tor, la maa- "k.ll I saered In mf new dertaktnr -Can I aetola "jy hopn. ms slskas, s saw mieasr'- .... - 1 . , "Shan I ever ea the toiarto es "' i cruet mr mammr- . 1'.ra I eoemlaer' . s , ' Whea ehall I mi Try" - . t i "How often aheil I aaarryw. ' HDeeaVBatlMe aaaaa tha lava that roAtnUW Beinnan t mr- .. . ' If as. "Am I tored la retavet" "la there a rival Is my toeeT -; imjmr "Whoa shall aur lor affair terv'toat VT OWa WtWm. U HI aQBagmwrr-aw hujiiibb " am 1 "Row eaa f make mr Ufa aad name iJVPrr ' "Wbea ahan my abeeat rletMl rerorar- v .. "Why 0 t sot reoelT a tortorT ... ; ' Rnnxs to to o daixt a wirBaT. KiM MsiTlsca St, Center RTA aaaa Flow af Pointed Shinnies Arantacea gained by ' using outw., ' f, machine. Shingle a painted all over when dry, thua forcing paint " inte- all the bore, render ing them .wa terproof. This 'r prevent - t h mill from ruatina-. or th shingle from warning, or rotting off under the lap. They can be laid U a iH.h hum. tn the weather than other shingles and still give better satisfaction. The paint used i man ufactured solely by ua and is espe cially adapted to protect roof from moss and fir. It contains no oreo ot or other Ingredient Injurious to tin gutters. Our modem process ...Rl.a ua tA nalnt them all over aa xhe.nlv a you can paint a few Inches on tbe roof. -wa invita vnu to call at our fae tory and aee for yourself the merit of our procee. or phon your ad dress and our repreaantatlv will call aad give you luu particulars. ,v Clad Dlaaott. Paint k Si&tgle Co. Offlo and Factory 417 E. Main St. COTE"-! CCtMSltrEwewT VlXi-awl UaN.kl Every Uci-n . BJlalsilTI sad skeald kaow afrool ua woaoarnn MMTVtX WMrHwf Bprcy Tk BOW faytaal ,! Jff ' ata-Moat" ConeanlenU nai I I Ifli n r he eennot sanely the svaiu no . bat and avawo f or Uiostrated kook aaaM. tl fall oaruealara sad dlrarUona liw vahtoeat to ledlea. M1UI Tobbm W4 i sew Vara. :ns.ivi2SL0rs t:3rc::3 smu? is j iins a' t m rrr laTiMraa wtaJa Teetolas tor ore Pirty T allay -... - -. . TwyaTT-yivB crrrs a : thro precincts In the north of this county was filed with tha county clerk today. The precincta are those of Mil ton. North Milton and Valley. In which prohibition carried last fall, but in which th vote was set aside on technh-ailUea. Thr ar 140 signer to tbe petition, and it will be acted on at th May term of the county court which convene May I. , Th petition baa been record ea oy the county clerk, disposing of on point upon which th last election waa de clared void. The other point upon which the law was held to be Illegally enacted was that the special meeting- of the court at which tb election wag ordrd waa not regularly caueo. ..... A A FATaAL ERROR. " A maa steps Into your trfflce, draws up his chair and talks sight into your face. His breath la offenstv. Tour only thought 1 how to gat rid ef him and hi business. You cut him short wltU. "I am not Intereated.'' -: ' '' SOZODONT ta essential to one who breath I not nur and sweet Penetrating the little erevloe. it deodorise, swaetena and purine them, aad makea yen feel gen teel and clean-cut. " FORTS: UC'JID, POWPK3U PASTE. I M ktaarallXW toll'. Tk letoa - K. jf IT COOm TOU JtO MOBS. ; CROWDS OF PEOPLB ARK' THRONO- 1NO TO "KM TH. WUWL'eari'u hKMONSTRATIONS OF THK NOTtU PALMUT ANP CLAIRVOrANT. ; AT AQLANCE Befora re hava a eaaaoa to attar ana word ke will toll res wkat yoa eaU for, yosr fall aasw, ynnr motker'a maldea aaae. oar ro- inre wire er ananasa's name, ti faeta. ; aad aamea of -departed ar akaeol frleada. He telle earr wlafc af onr Ufa. how te gal" aoceeaa la love, courtship. Bur rlage snd divorce; whether yon'U be ssrcea. mi ia Daaioaea arraue. in inn. aa ; kat mar aa yoar tear, kepe or amwuaa. rail an this lifted Ban rod Sad renrt. ., til. ' deoertptloo of your e-toods aad a am las ar aa reel aa toeaara way auxn oeiora yaa. 111 aend you away happier, wiser aaa saner thaa evar hafora. , , : Ticrxs too mam ni - . WHOH TOIJ-WtLb KARkT. , . .. , . DO YOU WISH TO alMOW - . Raw ros ea hava rood torkT How yon eaa aereeed la buetoeanT ... i . How yea aaa, make year home happyY " , . How ye aaa eonqner year anemlait 'How yon eaa aiarry tha oas yea eheest! , How sooa yo eaa marry 1 . How yon eaa eooqaer yoar rival T How aoo yoar lorer wilt arenas T Hew yo eaa get a positionT How ye eaa riimera had tnOeiment c How yo eaa hirnma a eteu-eornntt How yo eaa settle yoar qaarrrleT How yo aaa bold yoar haabaad's VweT . . Uaw yo sa hold year wit' toll t will give you lbrk thU wuw snacea ta w- toee. marnaga. eiTorea, anaraiiawm, nana, health and tranaarttooa ef en ktoesi raetora loat affeetioaa, enae speedy ss ? happy Bmirlagea.' reaslte tha separated: 1 '( -wilt tell yea now to gala the tore ot Ike , one roe desire, eves tboash miles sway. ' I win tell roa whea yo will tnerry CUkrwiyaam aad medlnma with nmrfcad Be. -- alaauaue power aaveioaaa. ,'.-., rt Prof. Van Cortland 313J Washlnjton Street Private lntraaae ea Six at. - , Heara S te 0, dally ead ganAava, - - - 7 Dr. W. Norton DavU. IN A WEEK ' We treat m ma fully sB private, am ma a4 ekroale dlaaaaea ef BarH; atoa btoed. aw,' heart, llrer, kidney and throat Ironhtoa. V , ears gTPHnxiS fellaent mweary) to stay enred foreesr, to S3 to n day. W renarje STRICTCan, wltkaat aswstlna or Bala. U . . Wi etna dram, tb reealt m tolf-bne. Imsmstotoly. We ran restore tbe eaiaal mar a aay maa leaar 00 sy saaaa at tonal atone swat parallar to ewsalvaa, . - We Care Gonorrhoea In a Week . The doctor, af this laetltat are all reealaf tradaatea, have bad toaay yeate esjerr-, , baa kee kaawa la Portmed ttftli r baa a reyatattoa ta maiotato sad wtU aea-r. . take b ease sJaa eartola ear eaa be e We anarsatoe to ear t erery roar we af? take er rharya aa fee. Ooaahitatloa free. I tars ea-Adeattal. laetoartlaa BOOS 0 mA Ballad free la ala wraper. ' It ye aaaaot eaU at etCa. write tnr ttoa hUak. Borne treataeat iaiaamriil. .fiortonDavls6 Tsa Bey Xatal. . . O. . POKTLAlfD. v. ThM sad Ita Ma. OBKwOX. p. gu:::3'S' : .. IMPROVED V .. UVEl FiLLG only oms roe a doss ; . K IEST FILL CM EAXTH SIMO RAMI rOR PUIS SAMPLS MX DR. iOSMIKO CO, PHILADELfrllA, PA, U. . a. aOEEWG Tbe Qreat ChloM Doctor : la called greet ; eaue hi WO - I fare ar ea v i nown thrw-' I tbe United -a s and becau so ( neoole ar tu- l to him for e.U their lives ft operatic:3 H treat any u jirr. ' onrerxui n a -aaha. raote. t J barl bark and a that ar entire frv eW thTTWv-e tha- toM SwmSSTM famooa dev-r -th? IcTToTiT v 0 trter.-t that he ha auof-lly need te t dlaeaea. He miwi to eute aat:ma. tun troba rhun votieueea. atomaeh, llewr. . . - . MIMM. TT, ,..u , ' " .-vi. aad all ertvste t an priyn). Hundreds ot - Jnr' vw- moderate Can and eaa " . patient out ot the ' Monk and 1reular. aaalsa rU. 'The c ci2 wo clz . aa f Aia.a.a-ii..M V. 12 Alder Street, p'aa r way of IVa Al t -t i Bee. Mention t.e f a - IT-77! :".f4)' Ofto kear 0 to g aad T to s. laalay i r haUdaya. 1 to IA Tk toadtag speetanats la tha Berthwant. Balakllnkii 1100. . y v-L "-"i ;'V