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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1905)
THE ; OREGON DAILY ; JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH tV ItZl r X - (,W FflLICEHEH . ADDED TO FORCE v t v Mayor William Appoints Twenty ; i Eight of the Forty Allowed by Council WILL HAVE TQ TAKE, 'USUAL EXAMINATION : Executive Stye He Will Stand by f -Them, No Matter , What Papers Say.'; : ; , Twvnty-etght . policemen " wer ap- pointed by Mayor Williams today. They ' will report at police headquarters Satur- : day .morning ' for Instructions from ' iCbtef Hunt. ..Thia u the flnti step ' toward adding to tbe department tbo - mm authorised., by tho city council two ' .weeks sgo. too appommants are xor 10 -daya, or until the civil servlco som- mission holds an examlnatioa for patrol- enea- and certifies a Mat of ellglblea to jthe chief of pollca from which ho moat . aelect poiiiisaaut officers. - ' i Chief Hunt and Police Commissioners ' Ifilg Sichel and1 Charles- F, Beebe aP' - ipeared - at the city hall thia morning . jwlth the men who sought temporary ap- ipointment. and each applicant waa texamined by Mayor William a.' The men (were ail largo aad well formed, ran teg a are from 21 to yearn. - ' ir One Startling fact was that 1 at the applicants were .Americana.- Among other nationalities were 1 run men, I (Germans, t Swedes, 1 Englishman and J ; tKrenchman. , The name of tho offloera ' (follow: Ed Slnnott, Bey" M. Smith, (Gale A. Burnetts, -Andy Larson, Keyertbolen, K. W. Cheney, Thomas oren. Lester Potter. A.' L. Oustafson, (Frank J. Neck. Barry Riley, Allison C Lister. Oeorge Huber, Raymond J. Mils, Ben Hunt. C H. Tlchenor, Robert iW. Phillips, John O'Brien, Phillip Bod- iway, O. P. Pratt, 8. R. James, ' H. EL 3arker, James W. Reads, C Van, Anker, George A. Gerry, O. E. Cheney and Cheater Inokeep. . -With throe or four exceptions these . men have made application to the civil , servico commission for permanent poet , tlone. ' it was explained to them that althoogh the appointment waa tempo rary and might 'not last longer than a. 'month or two vniaos they succeeded In passing the civil service examina tions, they Would bo required to pur chaao new summer uniforms lmmedl- - ately. -It was with this understanding --that they were appointed. . "Judging from your personal appear ftnoo you -win all pasa the examinations," - wald Mayor Williams. ""What we require . of ear officers Is to be able to read and write, bo strong aad of good moral character. . ; Experience will also oount in tho examinations by the dvij aervtce 1 -commission. -; - - .- . ''I expect every aoaa .that I appoint today to be a -faithful officer and to .perform tbo . duties prescribed by tba -hief of police and tho polios authorities. 'If you do not do your duty you will bo 41achargod. . . ' .' . :. , i :. ' There hag been much criticism' of late regarding' the rigidity of tho rules , of tho police department, but. these rules have beea made with my consent. X hops you will all maintain high moral characters and obey tho rules. If a maa doaa his duty t wUl stand by him so matter what tho newspapers say." ' After the mayor's speech the men -were taken to too city auditor's office, where they were lined up by tbo chief. -Tba oath of office waa administered - by Deputy City Auditor W. 8. Ixttaa. - At the present time all applicants for positions in tho polios department must be under II years of age. la all prob ability the ago limit will bo extended , to allow man of 40 years Ho take the examinations. Chief Bunt la la favor of the change, aad says hu. beat offi cers are between II aad years old, THREATENED TO KILL : ? OTHER AMD BABE V .. ,.' : ; . ;;-..; IMre. Rutherford MJ, Raue Sad j " . Story In Fight for , - Divorce. -. V ,' Kr. Rau threatened to kill mo and . any seven-weeks-old tuftXtlrt." lT-"fl- ftsrarHUaoelh It Rau, today, in her dt ivorca suit against Rutherford M. Rau, ; . 'a traveling as learns n, "Us has shame- - jfully mistreated mo "for a year past, t since tho birth of my baby ha has at home only two evenLnga. and ho waa sick. Those evenings, he several tiroes to my - room azd isaid he was gotng to kill me aad the baby, Eleanor. Ho swore at mo and ithe child and tn every meaner possible -f imado life unbearable."-; ' Tha Raus were married at Astoria ". March It, 1IM. and have lived since ; that time tn Portland. The complaint v i prays that tho court allow her 100 at , tonarya feoo and court costs, and that ' she bo allowed !! a month alimony. Jt states -that be earns till a month . ' salary, and Is allowed all axpenseav for living while oa tho road for tho house th represents, . . . ... v . w. . SOT ,-ry.' ! V (apaelsl Uapateh to The Jenraal.) - , J Corvallla, Or . March 80-Chtef of Po . . nice Lano . this morning took Johnny ; V Wadleigh. a 14-yoar-old hobo, to Al Ihany to ship him to his parenU at Baa I Francisco. , . - The boy waa arrested a month ago and confined with two ne- groes la tho Jail. His release was ob- ( ,tsinsd by W. B. do Varney, superlntnd i ..ant of tho Independent telephone system, "who played tho role of benefactor and gave him a position. The boy left wlth- out a word of thanks to Mrdo Varney. NEWBRO'S". ; !U.;: KwilSti Via saw M. NOT A HAIR-GROWER et hair health the salr alien 11 reean-et hot e g.-e,,-. - mm eat aw l.a I the aear-eesUle. Tihsm , the eair Its Swages. Ie-dls(.Iuamslsmr1Cl Contest sktrwXN.Iwaiashaia mioinon a rmoatiggiw kamaam sxort. . DR. LANE HAS SHOWN. THAT . :V Dr. Hatry Dr. Harry Lane, who today declared his Intention to enter tho race as a can- dldats for tbo mayoralty oa tho Demo cratic ticket. Is conceded to be one Of tho best voto-gstters in tho city. Bo Is a physician of high standing, possesses a . winning personality, belongs to the progreeslvs younger element of tho mu nicipality and yet Is sufficiently mature to give correct judgment la public mat term. - ".- . Three years ago ho was a eandidato for state senator against Henry K. Me dina, and. although tho entire Repub lican legislative ticket was elected by largo majorities. Dr. Lane waa not far behind his opponent . Be la a descend ant of Joseph Lane, territorial governor Of Oregon, ana tho -first senator who represented Oregon at Washington. At tbo meeting or too , J&aiinomaa FUGITERO WILL BE - " HELD1 FOB : MURDER New Wrtnees Found Who Knows Much About the Japanese , i Tragedy, i In view -of the statomonta . made by. City Detect tve L. C Hartmaa, sspedally when the verdict of the coroner's jury Is taken Into consideration, little doubt exists that Bakutaro Baaaoka, win be held by Polloe Jadga Bogus to answer to tho grand jury oa the charge of mur dering aC Fugl. or FugtUro, Ths pre liminary examination takes place to morrow. . At that time, it la said, tho evidence of a new witness will bo given to show that tho police theory of ths homicide la correct. - . - : ' Detective Hartmaa win swear that while on tho train, an routs to 'Portland from Barrtaburg with ' his prisoner, Hanaoka admitted he had stabbed Fugltero and exhibited a pocket knife with which "ho assorted ths dead -waa dona. " Bloodstains wore on tho handle of tho knife. - Tho pollca do not believe that tha crime waa committed with this pocket knlTe. however asUbiada . Is dull and " only two Inches long. Ths wound In' Hanaoka'a abdomen waa evi dently mada with a keen-sdged blade at toast four or flvo Inches in length, presumably a dirk or bowie-knife. Bines tha death of Fugltsro all ths witnesses have refused to tall what they know. . - , .:v t "-.,V ' , took Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. Tho even tenor Mllwmnkla life rudely disturbed Monday . by ; a fence controversy. Mrs. 8. Le welling, aided by a laborer, descended on ths fence of Thomas Driseou and damollabod ths ob struction thoroughly and speedily.' The contention over the fence has con tinned for soma time, and W1U probably bo set tled tn ths courts. Mrs. Lewelllng al lege that tha fence waa oa her property. Mr. DrisooU asserts ths fence was In tbo public street, and that -only town officers had a right to molest It However, tho fence remains down, and every one of In fluence, from tho mayor to tho oldest eltlsen, has viewed tho ruin and as pressed aa opinion. Whether tho fence Inclosed a street, and. if it did. whether or not tha street bad been opened and dedicated, and. If so, who should take tha next atop, and. if .not, whoso land ths fence Inclosed, anyway, are some of tho problems tho various authorities of the town have boon dodging since the-debate began . -,,; HERPICiM the dleeaea. nra eaeeretf, Maes falling heir aa4 f- nvee Iteblas. A eHatnU hair iee estraerslaary resells. Try . mwiliMi WM ieee.n. ' Tv. U tar Mi Hill. - - attest SsiiHiagi ef erals aeitir kaew the Che eeir sets Ms i i ' 1 n 1 1 r snwH ft., .T 1 I J tfcla. 1. HE IS CAPABLE VOTE GETTER 4 i Lan. Democratic club, held last evening, Dr. Lena waa enthusiastically Indorsed for tbo party nomination for mayor. Tho mooting waa largely attended and there wora many expressions of " confidence that Dr. Lane will be Portland's next mayor. . Oeorge U. . Thomas has not sought . tha .indorsement of-oUher- of tho Democratic dubs and has told friends that ha does not desire it at this time, believing that such action should not bo taken in advance of tho primaries. Thomas has boon making a very ener getle personal campaign and his friend! are supposed to constitute - a majority of tho Democrats who have thus far registered for tbo primaries. At the meeting of tho Multnomah Democratic club last evening John li. Stevenson waa Indorsed for' councilman at largo and C. A. Petraln for municipal Judge.. .".-;- 1 : '.-; TEMPERANCE WOMEN DISCOSS Tffi'Ftt Marry -Jromlnerrt, Workers Pres ILz. ent at Midyear Session of - - :JV'v. the W. C. T. U.' ' STATE HEADQUARTERS . . . HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED Committee Appointed to Install I the National Exhibit at ( :v the Exposition.' - V Tbo midyear exeotrtlve meeting of tho stats W. C. T. V. took place this morn ing st the T. M. C. A. rooms, Fourth and Yamhill ' streets. Tbo general officers aad oounty presidents mot first at p'clock, at which tha work of tha execu tive committee was ratified. Btats neadouarterf were eslabluhed for tho first time In tha history of ths 'Oregon W. . X T. VH and they will bo In the Ooodnough building, oa Fifth aad Tam hlil atroeta. Work In connection with the Lawla and Clark' exposition waa considered. Mrs. Whltesides. Mrs. Lillian Amos and Mrs. Ida Barksley are tho committee to install tho national exhibit, which la now on tho way. This is the national ex hibit from tho headquarters at Chicago, which was displayed at Bt. Louis, and will Include statistical maps, palntinga, representative publications, photographs of prominent - workers, snd special ex hibits from special departments of In structive work carried on by ths union. Juno IT and II are the W. C. T. U, days at tho fair, and they will bo espe cially observed. Two special ilower Mission days will be observed at ths booth on ths grounds Juno I, whea unique souvenir will bo given away with tho Cowers, aad Labor day In Septem ber, Tho stats association will conduct one or two receptions at the fair. Plana wers made today for the cam paign work 10 May. " Tho national presi dent Mrs. Lillian M. N. Stevens, of Portland. Me., and tho first vice-presi dent. Miss Annie oordon, or Evanston. 1IL,-together with tho state president, Mrs. Lucia F. Addlton, will tour tha state, giving tnsetitngs in Medford, May IT and 11; in Albany. May 11, and In Portland. May Zl and 21. Mrs. O raves, national organiser, will lecture In eastern Oregon, .and Mr. Ann New ell, stats svangellat, la southern Oregon, covering tho unorganised counties of Klamath. Lincoln and Wallowa. "Among 'tho officers' present at ' thi meeting today wars Mrs. Ida Marsters of Roseburg, ' president or Douglas county W. C T. U.J Mrs. Pugh of Al bany, superintendent of ths work among railway employes; Miss Carrie Nelson of Newberg, president of Tamhlll county W, C. T. V.: Mrs. M. E. Hoxter or Forest Orove, stats superintendent or - rescue work; Mrs. Rebecca Steels, president of Marion county: - Mrs. Alios Fletcher. president of Linn county: Mrs.-Kva Wheeler ef Cottage Oreve, president of Lane oounty. ; BEPORT OF. LINCOLN'S--DEATH PROVES FALSE . W ' t , ... (Journal aserial serrkw.) ChJcago, March II. Report was cir culated about ths city last night and published this morning that Robert K. Lincoln, ex-minister to Great Britain, died suddenly in Florida. . Investigation discloses that Lincoln left for ths north from Augusta. 8. C, Just night for Chi cago, and la expected here tomorrow. , , 5HIHJ mm Affidavits, of v Theatrical lien .Who Say That thi Grand Tfaetr '; , REAL SHENKES FAMILY TO AP- r PEAS AT GRAND APRIL to. Mtnaf tr Errickaon in an interview ' State That He Intends to Pto tect the' Pnblk aa Well V. gg the Grand.' Tbo Grand management . ordinarily would pay no attention to any allega tion mads -by tho management -of the Star, bet tho. clumsy deception- prac ticed upon tho people of this city in oonnectlon'wtth ths alleged Appearance of tha Sbanko family of acrobats has been so raw. Mr. James H. Errickaon, manager of tha Oraad. proposes to give tha truth of tho entire affair r to. tbs theatre-going 'rassses of this city. . on March I, lies, at San Francisco, a contract waa entered. Into .with Jack Shenke, the manager of the family of acrobats of that name, to play for a pe riod of eight weeks, commencing March IS, In the theatres controlled by the Sul livan and Oonsldlno circuit The troupe of Shenke's. la . accordance with said contract, did appear at ths Lyoeum thea tre la San Francisco, one ef tbo theatres owned by Sullivan and Conaldlns. After that Chris Brown, representing the Star management, approached Jack Shenke and, by ottering that outfit a higher sal ary,, secured aa alleged contract. John Consldine hearing of this went to Ban Francisco and compelled tha 8hankes te continue) its contract with his bouses. Ths Star did expect that it had se cured ths Shenke - family away from Consldine, and. advertised ' ths Shenke family to appear at the Star, Monday, March ST. Whea Max Cohan, local man ager of the Star, found that tho under hand work of. his agent, Chris Brown, had failed, and. that tha Shenke family of acrobats intsnded to fill out their original agreement with the. Orand, they scoured tho vicinity fpr any acrobats that could bo found in order to foist off upon tha publlo any aggregation that could be gottes together and to try and make the public bsUevo-tuat us Biar had tho real Shenke family. v They eecured Jake, Paul and1 Frank Malvern, who live near Sell wood, and who are well-known In ' Portland.' and who have always played under tho name of the Malvern Brothers, tho -Brothers Bunts, a team that recently played an engagement at the Btar, aad Breger and Delwyn, making seven men In ail. These teams were qulokly rehearsed right In this city and their full dross suits wers procured right here in Portland. They bad never before appeared together, and they have never appeared as tha Shanks family, which family is today playing at ths Acme theatre, la the elty of Sac ramento, Cat ' - ' ' . Knowing that bo waa absolutely right, a-aaagar Errtckson has offered ISO to tUO, to bo devoted to charity, that the Star cannot show that it Is now playing tho real aad original Bhenkes, hut tho star has not dared to take up tha chal lenge, because tbo Star knows that the brand has all ins xaeis a m pusaw Tbo Orand submits the following sworn affldavlta, which It has gathorod together in connection with this max tu - " . ' ' ' V -. ' '. " Btata -of Orogoo. oounty of i-Mnlt. nnmfth. as ' James H. Ertckson being duly sworn on oath deposes and saya that he Is the managar of tho Orand theatre, Portland. Or. That he holds an original contract mada .with tho real and only original Shenke family of acrobats; that said contract Is dated Ban Francisco, March a, not. . That acting under said con tract the said Shanks family played the Lyoeum theatre at San Francisco, one of tho Bulllvaa ' Consldine houses, week of March IS. Deponent further statss that on Monday, March- ST. Hue, ha instructed his attorneys to notify the attorneys for tho Star management that tho Orand theatre had tho Shenke family of acrobats under contract .to ap pear at tho Grand theatre for ths week of Anril 10. 1S. Deponent further states that ho is Informed aad believes tht the seven men now playing at the Star are the three Malvern brothers, tho two brothers Bunts and serger ana t-. TlMt-S w .ruirKHOM. Subscribed and sworn to before, me this, ths 10th dsy or narca, iv. (Seal) . t W. M. DAVIS. , Notary Public for Oregon. Bute of Oregon, County ef. Multno Walter H. Orr helng first duly sworn doth depose and say that oa tho night of March SS, 1I0S, at ths elty of Port land, he had a conversation with Jake Malvern, now playing at tho Star the atre as one of ths Shenke family. In which said Jake Malvern stated that he was working on his place near Portland when ha was approached by Max Cohen, manager of the Star, on Sunday, March SI, and requested to get his two broth era, Paul and Frank, together te. make up an acrobatic act. that Cohen wired to Brothers Bunt st Astoria and also got Breger and Delwyn and that the ssvsn were to make up a team asd were to play as tbo 'Shenke family- be cause the Shenke family had disap pointed said Cohen of the Btar. That the act wag hastily pat together Sunday and Monday. Deponent has been tn the rtheatrical business for about nine years and Is known as the champion bag puncher of tho world and has known tho said Malvern brothers for about four years and that they, have always, played under ths name of the Malvern brothers or Mai vers family. Deponent further states that two of tho parties are .the Brothers Bunt and .who . have lately played la this eny nnaer tnat name. " ' WALTER K. .ORR. Subscribed and sworn to before me this I Oth day of March, lltl. (Seat) , WK. DAVIS, - t ... j Notary Publlo for Oregon. . Btate of . Oregon, County of Multno mah as. j .- ... Al Hart, being duly sworn.' on oath deposes and says that ho visited the Star theatre, of Portland. Or, on Monday night, March ST, and had a conversation with an employs of said Star theatre, in which this deponent asked, the direct question If tho acrobats playing at said theatre wars ths real Shenke family, and was informed that they were not. but that tha team of seven was composed of - JUka nadimg stoaey. Flndlhg health, la Uks ftndin eo think those who are alcl tdinjt -money sick. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat or chest irritation, better act- promptly Ilka W. C Barber, of Sandy LeveL Va. He says: "I had a terrible chest trou ble, caused by smoke end coal dust on my lungsi but after dodlng no relief In other remedies, I Waa cured by Dr. Klnrs Nsw Discovery for Consumotlotr. Coughs snd Colds.". Ureatest sals . of any cough or lung medlclns In the worm. At nea uroes rnarmaoy, Bixtn and Oak streeta, on the way te tha post offlre. f0c and 11.00, guaranteed, .Trial botUe roe. . .- v HID Areata '. ' for Modes Patterns, lOeV With the CASH fir ths Best Eird3 cn EcrCi In HC'J IICLD CUTOUT 1 ? :t O :For Table Llcins, Towe Crr-3, Lace Curtiis, Tlzz- kets. Comforters, White and Colored Eeirp rtj, Swiss and DitlLxtt Xlui fled Curtalrj, f, Feather Pillows, Down Cushions, Tapestry, Cumins 'and Draperies. ! - ' 7kV'-v..--'--v-,;; .-v-; - '.' Sc;fciccp -:THio- liipt fdsT' Rcfcronco ; --10c Hemmed Pillow Cases for,...i,.;;'.7d' 50c 72x90 Hemmed Sheets. 23V , $2.00 Eobbinet Curtains .'. . ; . .IJlJLtS .60c 60-inch Cream Damask.ViV. ..... .35 V T5c Feather Pillows for,. "''.il60 ' C0c ; Double .Warp, Sheets. . : ; . . 43 . $1.75 ' Colored Bedspreads, . i: 'I : ltyit Stripe Curtain Swiss. . . . . .Cj v 15c Figured Fancy' Swiss.' i .'...eVA.ll $1.00 New1 Nottingham ' '.Curtains . .V . , . ; . 75 50c 'Lace Curtains, pair,'. ; , . . . I. . 35 $1.50 Fancy Lace Curtains . ... , . . . . $1.00 Turkish Wash . Cloths ... . , : h . ' . i . i . ; i '. ; . 2 19-inch Check Toweling. . ; ; '.' ; .V; .... .10e j Bleached Russian Crash ,v . . r . , . . . 5e Brown Linen Toweling. ; .. ..t. i .It 3ft-inch Window Scrim ............ ..5 - 38-inch Stripe Swiss Curtain.r.i..i...7et Check and Colored Border Napkins..". i.:2S4p ; Swiss WE; The character of the stoclr that we carry' is not to be compared ;v";; rt v ;. ' found on trie so-called bargain counter. . Agents for ' Queen x Underrnnslina.1 jM" .'y ."-C o rue r; Th tno three Malverns, the two Brothers Bants and two others whoso name te de ponent la unknown; that deponent baa boon In the theatrical business for 11 years, and has never known any of the seven above referred to to play under the name of the Sbsnke family, AU HART. Subscribed and -sworn to before fne thie Sth day of March, 1S0S. . . W. St. UJITIB, 5- (Seal) v Notary Publlo for Oregon.' Btata of ' Oregon. County of Multno- T. Merrill, being duly sworn, on oath dsposee and says that Lloyd Spen cer, one of the employes of tha Star theatre, called at hie place of . business on or about March SC. 10S. and stated that tha Star had been -disappointed in an aerobatie wet and -wanted to, know that if (Merrill) knew Where th Mal vern Brothers aad other acrobats oouta bo found. .Deponent referred-, him te frits' theatre and tho Jtegie looging bouse, . whore the . local acrobaU and other performers congregate. Deponent further swears . that tho said Malvern Brothers, who reside In Portland, and other acrobats used la the act at the Star theatre, are not members of . tho Shenke family of acrobats, veponeni rnrther states that two of the acrobats. the Bunta Brothers, now playing in the at.r met. are also Marine ax tna UT- theom theatre in thia olty, and that Brawer and Delwm, two other members of said team in said act at ths Star, sre ,w honked at deponent's theatre . at Salem. Said team of seven, to depo nent's knowledge, have never appeared aa tbo Shenke family. or acrooaui. T. . . V. FRED T. MERRILI Bubewrlbedland, sworn to before, me hi lHh Aav of March. lt6SV . (Remit . - W. M. DATU. Hotarr Public foe Oregon. -Aa attempt waa made,' paid Man ager Errteksoa thia morning, no Intar the eiiaawd Shenke at ths Star, but Mas Cohen mads soms excuse and would not permit It. The reason Is obvious he did not dare expose bis made-up aore- batio team to the interviewer, nww he knew that the truth would coma put. and that he could not afford. -;- V ... -i have devoted much attention to the publicity ef this matter to protest the Orand theatre from having a fraud p radioed upon it, and for the reason that It has always boon our policy to deal fairly with ths public I challenge the Star to disprove one single fact set nrth in this article. Its silence will be a publlo confession that It has failed la Its attempt XO oaceivw ..a v- FIGHTS PAIR OF TWINS ' v COME TO AGED COUPLE ... Hal sal Bseclsl aarfles.) . Dsn Moine Ia March SO. The home af Mr. and Mrs. James , Bradley, or Charlton, Iowa, has been gladdened ty the appearance, of the eouple'a eighth pair of twins, una is a - ooy m sis" nminda. tha other a girl weighing Sevn nannds. The father who served through the civil war.. is 7S years of age. but halo and vigorous. - The mother is rears old. Besides the sight pairs of twine one other child waa born to the family. -' " ' ' ,; ; t-'. ' . ': ROOSEVELT FAMILYT0 . - CRUISE OFF FLORIDA ' tJoarssl gpedal Berrtre.) ' 'Washington. March S0 Mrs. Roose velt, with the younger members of the famllv and a party of friends, leave to morrow for Florida, whence they take tha presidents yacht Blyph for a cruise along the southern coast, possibly to West Indies. --t .".:,'.'.. V' STsTW '7saesrraOaTa!.'. , ' - 4p ' ' The following nnmber of nee., 4 4 pl have signed the petition re- e w questing tho J asw . telephone 4 .frehchiss. to no put toa vois. ai..w w .the jurte. election: - March 11. ....... March SI. ......... ........ March ti. ...... March St.... w March Za., ..,. SOs e March ST., i .'' t7 e March SI. ..v. ..'. ,r- 4St . March ..... 411 4 : Total . ...,.-..... 1,7 $2.50" Bobblnet Curtains, cut to, . ...Cl.C3 $3.00 Swcll Styles Bobbinet for....;$l.C5. 50c pleached Table Damask. . . .V , . .CO ; ?5c sis-inch Bleached Damask; ; vi ,..-.23 $1.00 72-Inch Heavy Damask. v.,V,...;. C5f $1.00 1 Heavy, Bleached Napkins ti , . .Va.CS $1.00 Hemmed Restaurant - Napkins.' , ; . .75 $3.50 Oregon Wool Blankets... :,.V. .12.35 $425 White Oregon Blankets. . ; .Y.".C2.3 $4.95 Large Oregon Blankets, . . . . . .7,tp3.5 $1.50 Cretonne Covered Comforters . . .CSd $1.75 Downaline .Comforters ... .'. . ;t1.15 New Silkoleens, yc't 10c, 8c,:..., New Tapestry, 65c, 45C, 35c,.1. Curtains, $1.00, .95c, 65c. ...v,...v.3Se u HAVE 'tool COMPUVTITION ird M o r r 1 and We So crews sad Bridge werk wfiaeat aala. Oar u years' eiDerleaoe la slate work ea aMM sa s myeer awetk eewtarcably. l. w. A. wiee sea extract teeth, abaohitxlr T. P. Wise I aa axaert st sold filling sad crows aad erMce work. Extracting area whea plates st bridges sre srdeieii. . .. .. WISE BROS.. Dentists raOiss ShdlclBg, ear. Tbkd asd Wash Its Osea eveaiags till S a. am. eeadays freai - , to U. Or. Mala Stta). lSwl THREE-SPECIALS TO CARRY CROWD Railway : Conductors From All Over the Country Coming . - . ; to Portland. WILL BE GUESTS OF r - r - MTV HOOD DIVISION The Public Will Not Be Asked for j ; a v Dollar, v aa Enter t. " -' tainment. - Mount Hood. No. II. will entertain the grand divUion of ths Order of Rail way Conductors of ' America for the week's session beginning May t. Not a dollar will be aakod from tba publlo to pay .' expenses of . entertainment: the f mens will befurnished by tho-eon-4 due tors themselves. . a souvenir will be printed which will oontala Interesting reading matter and portraits of ths lead Ing men la ths order, and it will be a good means of advertising Portland and Oregon throughout the country. In thia souvenir soms of .ths business men will be asked to take advertising space to pay only tba expense of printing; but ex cepting this there wiU bo no mention of tho flnaaose of th entertainment to tha nubile. . f .- .. , ' It Is assured that approximately S.Ooe persons will come. Besides tbo visitors. 600 delegates and toe alternates for tho conductors and SS0 delegates and aa many alternates for the ladles' auxiliary are expected. .- . - - - JB. B. Coman Is at the head of the local division, and the committees to attend to the details of the entertain ment - sre: Reception William Dunn, O. W. Dustln, R. S. Blew, W. Q. KMr nell and J. A. Allison. Sntertalnment D.-Ie Houston. I. McKlnney and O.-W. Harris. Finance J. W. Crocker, E. A. Clem and P. Wieden. ' Transportation Bam Veatch, A. W. Zimmerman and Wil liam Maher. Tarda and trackage facil ities Ed Lyon and T. D. Hughes. r Ac commodations C J. Murphy, M. D. Jones and C T. Kingslsy. Badges and registration P. H. Tynan, H. H. Allen and J. I. Hogan. ... -ri :, -; ' The executive committee Is composed of the chairman of tho several commit tees. B. B. Coman, D. I Houston, J. W. Crocker, William Maker, P. H. Tynan, William Dunn and E. J. Murphy. - . Mrs. J. W. Crocker la prealdant ef ths ladles' auxiliary, and tba' commit tees for the entertainment are: Enter tainment Mrs. McKlnney, Mrs, O. W. Harris, Mrs. W. W. Smith aad Mrs. C. H. Csrtsf. : Reception Mrs. .C. H. Carter, Mrs. T. D. Hughes, Mrs. Bern Veatch. Mra. i. 4. tiurns, aira. jr. wie den, Mrs. Robert Chalmers, Mrs. C A. Berry. Mrs.- E. 8. Brown. Mrs. , 1. J Hogan and Mrs. William Maher. Ways and means Mrs. F;.Wlden Mrs. T. S. Hogan and Mrs. F. A. Pelton. Accom modationsMrs. O. W. Dustln. Trans portation Mra. T. D. Hughes and Mrs. Ssm Veatch. Decoration Mrs. Moon, Mrs. A. Nash and Mrs. Robert Chal mers. Badges' and registration airs. Jv J. Hogan, Mrs. P. H. Tynan and "Mrs. H. H. AUsn. ': - Three special trains will oome, one each ever tho Union Paoitlo, Northern Psclfle and Oreat Northern, and many persons will,, arrive on the -r regular trains. The conductors will meet in tns armory and - ,.. "iry In the Elks' hall. . ' , ,.' v . jisius af waa i nil i' i i g-i" - -t - ' Prefsned Stock Oaaaed Veeda, Allen. Lewis' Beet Brand. Ajerti for Thorrran's .7d ' evf Down Cushions, '75c, 33c . 25e Tapestry-Portieres, $3.50, $2.50. . ; .; .10 Couch Covers, $4.50, $3.50, $2.50..;.. .?2.00 Table Covers, $1.00, 75c, 50c.V,.:,";.;. ..23e CotUge Curtains, new; $19.".'. . . .5 with the varnished rags to he J ' Agents for Forest Mills Underwear. bo nV; Sire eta toe ml a safe war te wltaoat sals. Dr. SORPRISESDRe VEBB X Has Never Seen Such Remark Tl able Improvements as Here , t" tjM in Two Years, ttl HARDLY RECOGNIZED . TOWN SINCE LAST VISIT Kind Words for the Southern Pa . cific, Although Not. Con t I-:" ''llL. nected With It. ' Dr. - Seward ' Wsbb, e wealthy New Yorker, who la visiting Portland, 1e not connected .with r the Southern Padfio Railroad company, but declares that it Is one of tho best eads lav the United States, H says It hag improvrd at a. mors rapid rate then any road In tbe PB.-W. A. WT. oountry. '., . ... , , .. ? -. ',- i Dr.. Webb reached the city today, se- . companled by his wife and daughter, Mlas Krederlca, and a party of frlenJ, including Mr. and Mra. Jamas Lawrenov 1 Mr. and Mra J. 8. Purdy, Miss Wetraore, Mr. Klnnicutt and Captain Brlnton., - The party . caraa from Dos Angeles, for which place Dr. Webb wUl start to- night in ths private car of General Mao-r : . ' agar Worthlngtoa, of ths Oregon Rail- ' road ft Navigation- company. . W. C AI v bee, division - superintendent of , the Northern Pacific, of Taooma. will, escort . ths others to that elty la his prlvats , ear. .. j ' . . ,:' .... v - '". It Is Dr. Webb's seventh, trip to ths Psclfle coast, and his seventh trip to h -Portland.-.. r 7 .t, - . "1 bavo-never seen such remarkable-' . Improvement In a elty aa 1 have seen -. - en my present trip to Portland," ho , . said.. ,"H waa only a couple of years ' . ago that t was here last and I thought then that it bad gone forward at a rapid . rate. But Improvement before that was nothing compared with what- has been ; accomplished la the past two years. f. -' hardly knew the place. . . ' -- ,-!( . '.; "in - the way of - Improvements the Southern Pacific Is the greatest road in ' ' the United States. There Is not another road that has progressed so jrapidly and V . that eonUnuea to Improve, - ; ; .-, ' HOMESEEKERS WRECKED ; ; ' ON CANADIAN PACIFIC "V" .' ( josniat Bsaelal Berviee.) v -W' " ; w-.., Winnipeg, Man, March S. Tbe third . section of tho homeseekers'--excursion which left Toronto Wednesday with set- : tiers for ths northwest went into a ditch . at Dryden. SS miles east of Rat Portage. , All doctors in Rat Portage have been -sent to the scene. , About 600 passengers ' wsra on the train. ' . . v . Eia-ht coachss are known to have been : derailed, and railroad officials stats that -'f several paasangsrs wers - injurea, , out : none killed. - ' . --4 : ScbSlitig's Best, p far as it goes, means corn fort, and case, and economy-.' . - Moneyback; at your grocer 'a. "V ; ' a- --v, r ir'