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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1905)
V r ; r ily ' jir t. l. rcr.TLAirD. Tiiur.SDAY evening, march so, " itcx: f. I . U ITr":-:c on G-tfllt Tcdy or Tomorrow will Charged on April cr.. ' rortlzaifs Foremost " Cisre wHh Largest' Stocks on Pacific Slope Quality Che? ' - ' - ' Embroidery lessons ' Free in the crt Shop Anneii, Second Floor ' .' Sole Agents in Oregon for "Bonnet" Sides. Agents for the world-famous "Elock Li;htsM they save half the gas billsThird Floor. "Quick Meal" Ranges Gas and Gasoline Stoves, bake quickly and save fuel Third Floor. ..-.1. i :4 V i 1 ; .v v- ''' t 1 " . f A IOOtli Frtnav 5 :,J':h- -'..1 : !-''" tconomv Sale tt Just ICO weeks ago this store held its first great "FRIDAY ECONOMY SALE." A quick retrospective glance may not be amiss. My! how the store has grown! And yet as a good friend said ; yesterday '"You are more crowded than ever.! . Yes, the patronage has grown faster than we can build, and stocks have grown with it and the sale tomorrow will be a hundred times better than the first. How well the writer remembers that first "Friday Economy Sale, it was with fear and trembling we launched it, Twas something of a new departure for this good, staid and conservative old store but it met the public s favor at once, and nobly they've responded to each recurring weekly Friday Sale, in greater numbers each successive week, until the "Economy Sale" has become a feature and a -fixture in the storekeeping plan. Our imitators have been many we've paid the penalty of success by being copied in this as other moves. Some stores have fallen into the habit of.making Friday a day of excuses for pushing out unseasonable and unwanted nierchandise under 'the guise of "Friday, Bargains.'.' This we have never permitted ourselves. to dor-Every Friday bargain advertised consists of a special purchase made for that day only a big value that is "saved up," as it were, for that particular day and sold only then, and at a price that in the ordinary course of business would mean loss. Each and every one of the items below, selected for Friday Specials,' represent NEW AND SEASONABLE SPRING GOODS, AT PRICES BELOW THAT OF WHOLESALE DEALERS IN MOST CASES.- And not all the bargains are advertised. Twill be a glandsome spring bargain day-come and spend it with us. ' i f V V vl v'l . - r 1 OMOOXi . Of BtfVBRIO; StUJUIOS. ; '.j ; Second Floor..: Z 'i. ; . . Ample of tb Portland T. W. C't SI. ' Tea. . Coffeo.. CkoooUte. , MIW In Bottle Clam Chowder,', v Potato Salad. ; .' .: :. - . i.' '. ,y. : Cruad Efp ,Withj Aparaiia Ilpa.. v , ' Poor Jflnuta Kfa.', . ' (. Tonfuo Saadwtehea.' il:2.' Hot BoUa. r' . .Brwd w ButUr.- .J'V J . . Nttramberf Ologcrbread. " ' The "Century Ran" Sale Has Peculiar . Attractions for Misses, in the , A LITTLE BETTER THAN "MOST EXTRAORDtNAHT" IS THE OFFERINO OF THIS RELIABLK STORE rOR PRIDAT IN PORTLAND'S FOREMOST AP PAREL SALONS AND Pleaaa COMPARE tomorrow thapa regular 1.0 ralua of this atoro and tha New Tork East 8ldo product blaaoncd In print by minor atorea aa "first wj n. val use."' Tba contrast will atlll further atrensthan our position aa abaolnta LEADERS and DICTATORS OF LOW PRICES among tha Suit and, Wrap Storea of the Wast Four Big JLots of Smart, New .Tailored Tan Covert Jackets- $5.75 FOCR STTLES.IN THE GRAND BARGAIN CONVENTION COMPARE VALUES TOMORROW-r-BT COMPARISON WE THRIVE AND GROW. Every Jacktt full aaun-nood and exquiaiteir faiiortd oy expert aniata in u aartonat una, aia www wvbrw- ; , - - j r ah .din.TAi.; iL D-.: j FridayuOnly .1 $5.75 Bijou ' a IVlillinenr i 1 ' V'"."'",''.,'V"'"L'k"' Seeond .Floor Annex; :'' - GREAT SHOWING OF MtBSES' BATS ON FRIDAT. During the grand opening dlaplaya It waa tinpoaalblo t; ;;.to show the immense lino-of Misses' Hats we hare prepared for the season, Friday we -shall -" make a apeclal display of these, and Invite fellj "X-Intaraated "to nealhem. The line embracea a variety of the newest shapes,' such as "Maxlne .Elliott," "Charlotte Corday" and "Edna May" y ..styles In-Tuscan, fancy and plald Straws, trim-,' ,'.med 'tastily, with . flowers,, ribbons, silk. ,orna- - v menu, eta. values from, sack. ...$2.49 to SIO ; , " ; - - - - : : The "Century Run'Sale's ; . . ECONOMY SPECIALS H 'j "I From the Third Floor Stores' ; 'C 'hAVTLAND FRENCH' CHINA In sets of sdparata pieces, beautifully decorated with rose straya. . ;' ' with full gold edges and stippled gold bandies and gnobs-- , '.. ; f 10 piece Dinner Sets, our f S1.I3 value; ' ,i v special at ............ si.'. . . ...... .$22.00 let piece Dinner Seta, our 44.1J value; ; special at . ....... .ji . . . . . , : . ........ ...f 29.88 "tli piece Dinner Bets, our 59.7J value). " . .'8jeolal at f . v . . ... . . .f m . . . .SS3.90 . 117 piece Dinner Bats, our I6I.0 value; - ' ' t special at, f . v. .......... . .$39.50 V vHAVTLAND DECORATED CHINA DINNER SETS. : with decoration of amalV pink flower, border de-' . 'y sign, and atippled gold edges, handles and knobs piece Dinner Seta, our 114.09 value; JT '.' " v specla at ;. . . ...... .$22.75 10 piece Dinner Seta, "Our 44I.T5 value; -. spectaj at w . .i. ..$32.60 ljj piece Dinner Sets, our IS5.S5 value; ' .apeclal at ...... .vv.. ; ;; ............. $36.88 117 piece Dinner Seta, our ttl.BO value; ' 'special at $45.00 ENTIRELY NEW 'LINES OF REFRIGERATORS,' I '.porcelain, enameled or stno lined, perfect dry-air ;' circulators, no odor and very economical In the use ''""" of Ice. -Piicea very reasonable. ' . NEW GARDEN TOOLS OF ALL KINDS Spades, ; ... . Rakesr Trowels, Lswn Mowers, -Garden Hose aad f -Sprinklers all. at Friday Economy Sale apeclal ,' . prices. , :, . ' ' v., 1 ; ' ' : ' . '' . ' J The "Century Run" Sale Brings Sav ings to Home-folk Who Have Spring - House Renbvating in Mind ' ; ! a.'' -,iu -' .Fourih".'Flor.' -'., C -. '"'': "V ' 1100 CURTAINS $1.11. '. v ,fv v . 100 Palra of Ruffled Scrim Curtains, finished with Battenberg edge and ineertlon, I yards long, regu-U "- lar value 11.00; special, pair. ............. .$1.25 . .:.'.." '. :.";iio banfemmes ;; : Banfenimee to match cartalaa, regular1 value tt.00; , special , ...........,.....$1.25 , S ,. tt.ti FEATHER PILLOWS $1.41 .' i i : Feather Filled Pillows, fancy sstln finished ticking. .. regular value 1.2l;.special. each $1.45 LOT 1 -Donble bressted., tight-flttteg. Mnoh hip length, overlap seams. Blscheff sleeves and plaited military cuffs, very Mndaome -.' stitched -velvet collar affeetTflt.OO regular special for ....... ...... . '$5. T5 LOT t Single braastad-jackat trig and trim, popnlar hip length, eorset-fltOng, trtmmed with 11 strappings, stitched collar, fly front, , : leg-o'-muttoa sleeves regular ; $10.00' value special, Friday at i i ...... i. ..... ............................. . $8.75 LOT Single-breasted, tt-lnch hip length. ' eollarleaa. Bsehoff sleevea,.ooUr handsomely .trimmed with stitched taffeta bands and tiny braid, lapels stitched, fancy caff. trimmed to match collar, frog and button fasteners regular $10.M values special. .$5.T5 ' . . : - , 1 " . ' ' . - ' . ... . .... -..j . ; ... ... - ..... .-. ' V. LOT 4 Single-breasted, fly front with harg. buttons., notch collar. It-inch length, leg-pmutton sleeveadmjbla atltched seams., fancy , . V,..' trapped and button trimmed regular $10.00 value epeclal Friday at .. ...... .............. ..$5.T5 "J AU Very latest correct 'modes and new arrivals Just from tha hands of the tailors. 'Soma- stores would say $1S.(0 or $18.00 values.' . .jla our fair way of pricing and advantage In large buying we are able to say our regular $10.00 values special Friday only. $8.78 Exti-a,Special Women's $12.5a Walking Sk ' ALL-WOOL CANVAS CLOTH AND PANAMA CLOTH WALKING SKIRTS, very smart new styles, all in the lateat round walking lengths.' Tbo Canvas Cloth Skirt Is in sevas-gored atyla, with double-stitch seams, trimmed at bottom with four stitched plaits and buttons, baa full round flare, colors are gray ( Ugh t, medium and dark)f bluea, browns and blacks, splendid $12.60 value; special at... .... .... ....t. ...... ..i.. .................... ... ... ,,., $7.98 THE ALL-WOOL PANAMA CLOTH SKmTis a 00-plai ted effect, with Ure thepUlta all stitched and flare graduated, blacks, bhies and browns, regular $11(0 value: special Friday only at -. ... $7.98 STJT -m M m .1 mm "Century Ron to Women's Furnishing . .;':'.'V' FIRST ' F L tX) R . - 40o RIBBONS loA lot of Wide All-Silk, Satin and Oros Grain Ribbons, I Inches wide, in blue, pink, lavender, navy, black, tan, nils, turquoise, eeresa, . brown, red And cream I also a lot of Fancy Rib bons, regular values from 2 So to 40e; special, the' yard .10 .WOMEN'S SOo HANDKERCHIEFS 11 Ho A line of the Famous Richardson's PurW Linen Handker . ' chiefs, M and H-lnch hems,' regular valne 10c; . f j-speciaVoach .......................... .12H . 40c EMBROIDERY 15c A lot of Elegant Wide Em- broideries and Insertions, in Nainsook. Swlaa and Cambric beautiful patterns, regular .values from loa to 0c; special, yard ............... ...15w JJc PERSIAN BANDS 10c Persian Bands, 1 and 1' . Inches wide, embroidered pr cotton, for shirt-- ( waists, large assortmsnt, all colors, regular values '. " 15o and I fro; special, yard 104 SOo TACK LACE lOo A lot of Black Tack" Lace, for ; trimming skirts. 4 to 7 Inches wide, msde of wool, . . slightly discolored, regulsr value to 60o; apeclal. . yard . . , . . . .(..10 r- - . "... - ' -.. ") ' - SOc LACE 10c A beautiful lot of Laoes. Narrow OaU ' i loons aad Bands, suitable for trimming wslsts and .,' children's dresses, in ecru, white and cream, regu lar valuta from a to SOc; special, the yard.l9a . WOMEN'S $1.J GLOVES 18c Two-Clasp Full Pique Oloves, colors snd white, fit well end wear well, '. " regular value $1.16; special, pair ...........88 EMBROIDERED TOP COLLARS We purchased st a very low figure about 100 dosen Embroidered Top Collars, of different styles; your choice at, each .......,...,..5 7f ASTS) 10 Knitwear Aisles contrib- yofexcep. tionai values in Wom en's and Misses' - o ' Hosiery The "Centory Run" Sale in THfi MAN'S SHOP . r ' : First Floor West . AJmex . " . , ;. C MEKS' $0 ' FOUR-IN-HANDS '. ite, '. ' , . '". ' Men's' Graduated ' Four-tn-4iands.- plats, and fancy colors, regulsr value 10c; special, each....,.25e ''-MElsrs'780 MCSLIN NIGHT SraRTS.oicTTf A line 'of Men's Plain White Twill Muslin Night Shirts, extra well ma, wide and long, regular" '".'value 5c; special, each. .v....', ....'..'. .v.-49fV I : and Unde : ' .;.:,forthe:;i.. "CENTURY RUN SALE FRIDAY ; WOMEN'S EXTRA HIGH-GRADE t. BRILLIANT XISLE HOSE, all laoa, assorted styles our direct : ' ; f Importation eJI . full finished, and a good $1.70 qua 11 1 y ; special. ' . pair . ... i ............... $ 1. lO -WOMEN'S 4 BLACK MACO COTTON? HOSE, with , - white sole, velvet finish, donble sole, spliced heel; '.; $to quality, pair. ;.,.. ......304 MISSES FINE BLACK I LISLE ' HOSE.' very fine ribbed, seamless, smes $ t IH; Mo quality; apeclal, pair .. ..;. ,....;. .17a) WOMEN'S FINE EGTPTIAN ' COTTON r UNION SL'ITS. long sleeves and sleeveless; ' 75o quality - ' for, the suit ,.....,...,.49 WOMEN'S DEI MEL LINEN MESH . VESTS AND . PANT8, the genuine linen mesh, $$.(0 quality; special, each .,k.$1.78 $$.00 UNION SUITS, In aarao. suit....... '....$3,67 CHILDREN'S WHITE "Al" KNIT WAISTS, splea . dldly made, 15c quality,-each ...........154 Savings Worth Making in Fdotwcaruyingf A Salient Feature of Ran Sale in the" ;:: Shoe Store. ' ' ass a "Century "M -The "Century Run" Salie'a -.; pomestic Aisle's Offerings '"r j l': ' First ' rtr..', ..".. k ' ; 2 to IMPORTED MADRAS !$. .' r - Fine Imported Madras. 3$ Inches wide, for shirtwaist , V suits, waists snd men's shirts, beautiful line of. (i patterns, regular value lio;, special, yard. ,.,.194 $1.00 HEMSTITCHED 8HEE7sH0o. ' Extra Sis, Best Quality Hemstitched Sheets. " "$los 1141 -yardsi -regular value OOe; speclak ooch 75e Slsen $Hal yarda. regular value $1.00; apeclal. ' , ooch 4. .....v.. ....... ......80a CONDITIONS BETTERED FOB MEN PATRONS. X ' On ths Fair-Way West Annex First Floor. ' Is our Men's Shoe Department we have arranged for - ths men so that It la now axdualve, tbe location being next to the Sixth street entrance and opposite the Men's Furnishing Department . It Is now a strictly down-to-date Men's Shoo Store. - . 1 . . - - - - s r .......' ; WE OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS FOR rRI , 7 . DA.T. BUTERS AS FOLLOWS:; .;..'- ' MEN'S $3.S0 SH0E8 $2.So . ' . '. i' :', ' ,.. Men's Genuine Russia Calf Shoes, regular valne. .$1.S0; apeclal, pstr $2.50 -WOMEN'S $2.50 OXFORDS $1.'$" ;r 's--'-'- Tsn and Black Vlcl Kid Oxfords, patent tips, turn .- soles, all slses and widths, regulsr value $2.&o; ,' special, pair .$1,88- '. .:. r .. ,- .j ... ; ... , i Century Run" Sale Attractions in the - Wardrobe Salons, Art . Shop and Baby-tq ';5;L;flMiss ; StoresiI": Ssoond Flosr Asaes. ; s0o AND 05c CUSHION TOPS...'. 27f ' ' JWOMEN'S UNDERMUSLINS HALF PRICE. CHILDREN'S $150 NEW SPRING JACKETS $1.79 .Cushion Tops. In conventional and oriental design. . ... stamped and tinted on Blltnen crash, art dealma . and Java vanvns, all with plain' backa, 'regular prices lOc.and 05c; special at .............. .2T Another sample line of Muslin Underwear ram to us , . , through , good fortune. We will "sell them while they last at half price. : There are all kinds and at all price of Gowns. Drawers,- Corset Covers. Chemlne snd Skirts In the lot.. Coma early and get " " a good selection. " ' , ' ' 1 . . - m , .- ;. . - Children's Jacket, of fine all-wool, materials, large cape and collar In silk ribbon, and fancy buttons, "' ages 3-0 years, colors red and green, regular prlro 'v ia.10; special st .......... ..... .1 .$1.79 Result of L C School Vote t 10 a. m. Today "Arthur Taylor ' ' f--"" , M. A- SHOGREN ........ ....... 100.M3 Reginald Carter . ; . . i , BELLBOT "THE NORTON" ....... 07.15$ Mae Hughes - ....-....... ..v.. - v KNIGHT SHOE COMPANT ........ 71.540, Guy De Pue PORTLAND DELTVERT COMPANT 27,005 Charles Adler . WOODARD. CLARKE at CO. ....... 2J.S47 Arthur Llndborg - ',"- '. -'"r- -"r L1NDBORO GROCERT $.33$ w ToUl . .341.4SS Scattering , . . , V . ... . , 00,33$ ; Grand total ......$17,773 7 - Extra Special Valoea in " " Silks, Mohairs :s-v Suitins Salons of Correct Dress Fabrics South Annex First Floor. j ' ATTRACTTVB tENTURT RUNS" ON FAVORITE MOHAIRS AND TAFFETA SILKS. ;,.( .COLORED DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT " .Novelty English .JdohaJr . Sultlnga... in checks, stripes snd Illuminated fancy weaves, splendid for shirtwaist snd fair suits, ths beef values ever of-' ... v- fared at $1.00 per yard; special for Friday and 1 Saturday- only, per yard . . .;. . . 63 SILK -DEPARTMENT ".. 1 ' , s V.:. r . , 3000 yarda of Plain and Changeable Colored Taf ' fetaa, whits. Ivory, cream, black and all new col : ore in ths lot. ths best OSo taffeta, ever offered: special for Friday and Saturday only, per yd. 68s) BLACK DRESS GOODS FOR FRIDAT AND BATCH ... . DAT - " i- ... - s,..- -- , . , 50-Inch Imported English Mohair Sicilian; seel . lent weight, with rich silk finish, led value at S5o per yard; special for Friday and Saturday only, .per yard ..,?. ... 59) "Century Run Specials in Small Shop ' J ,: . ; . . . .1 , ' F 1 0 r ' V"1 ; - ':!.--' WORK-BASKET NECESSITIES. TOILET .. SUN DRIES AND STATIONERY AT . . . ECONOMT PRICES. . .. BEST AMERICAN SPOOL- COTTON. - for hand or . - machine use. black or white., all aisea 200-yard aoool best, t-oord thread special Economy Sal price, I spools for 'Vi'TVT.'.'i'. . ZZSt , ENAMEL STOCKING DARNERS, assorted colors; our 7o valoo special Economy Bale price. . CUBE PINS, large sis, beet quality 100 pins In V cube assorted atses and colors our 3o value special Economy Sale price, cube. ........... -5 ' SHELL 8IDECOMBS, of beat quality, smooth finish . . our 350 value special Economy Bale price, . the pair... ...254s BRUSH SKIRT BINDING, in black and colors our to value special Economy 8aJe prlee, the yard ...34 FANCT PERFUMED "TOILET SOAP, hard milled 3 cakes In box our 10c value special Economy t Sale pries, ths box 9 FINE TOILET SOAPS.' 3 eakea In box Oatmeal. Glycerine, Witch Hasel and Tar special Economy Bala price, the box;... 10 CASTILE SOAP, hard milled. In long bars; lathers freely our 7euvalus special Economy Bale - price., the bar 4 ...... . ... ........ .4g TOILET PAPER. In 0 -ounce slse rolls our 4o valuo ' special Economy Bala price. 2 rolla for. .'.; ..54 O.UILL TOOTHPICKS Special Economy Sale price, . two package ............. ...... C WIRE HAIR BRUSHES, black ebonold back, with " very fine wlres-our 35c value special Economy 8a price, each, . .2?4) ' POWDER PtTFF BOXES, of fancy metal our lo V- ' value apeclal Economy' Bale price, each..... .T SHELF PAPER, extra heavy, amooth finish, fine lsoe S edge In white only 10-ysrd pieces special ' Economy Bale price, the piece..- ....7o ROTAL HIGH-GRADE WHITE WRITING PAPER . 1-pound packages 120 sheets of paper In a' ' , package ruled our 2o value special Economy - Sale price, the package.. ..... ........... .IT" RULED .WRITING TABLETS. ' smooth finish t..r , . . Ink whits paper, note .and packet also our I"' ' value special Economy Sale price, each. ...... PAPER LUNCH SETS, contain Table Cloth, 12 N . kins and 12 Dollies complete our 25o value apeclal Economy Bale price, the set ........ .IT; SEALING WAX BETS. In neat cabinets 0 sticks best quality perfumed Sealing Wax. assort I y colors, snd two wax tapers our lOo value- - rial Economy Bale price, Hhe set....) i , ALUMINUM TOASTS, in assorted subjects, on I vt wood bscks round or square shapes our ' L; ' value special Economy Sals price, each..r..f HANDBAGS 7-lnch nickel frames braided bar . with inside coin pars,, Dresden lining, new j black. -brown and tan leathers special L?e Bale price, each. FANCY HATPINS. BKI.T BUCKLES. PIiJ. ; : r , ;; AT B(XNOMY BALE PRICKS. , j, .". First Floor West Annex. FANCY HATPINS, sxtra long pins with f. -. our 33o. value special Economy .!e i each BELT BUCKLR8. of fancy pressed s' - value epeclsl Economy Bale price, .FANCY INDIAN HEAD BROOCH I. -value--apeclsl Economy Bale ortce, T