The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 30, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    tie: onrcou daily joxjenai; rcrrrLAiro. tixutcday Evzirnio. match zx i:::
cTKcrrr? Fn Wo .W, iiS; 'nW.;v: WW r?
V' ' '
Southeast Crilish Columijia Land f: Oil Co., Limited
Ccpitel $375,000, Divided Into 1,500,000 Shares, Par Value, 25c
Shares Art Full Paid ,Up and Forerer . Non-8seiubIe.
CHPnSRY Ccr"ht Psid For;
i, r
Per Share
J1M Ml', .nwwmiHIHl i ww ii I ii i ji !! jump in i.i n . , ,.n i po n. m mil
. XV.. ; ,v,-s,-v a ; . ' . .1 ,.
' ' 1 ;. ; 1' '. . t ' V . ... "". .. I
s s- , 1 . 1 ' 1 . .! a.
, ' . I. n ( : i , .-. . TC.. ' 1 v.. '
: Per
' - ' A
1 I
Resource? xT tho Company
, . t The existence of petroleunl in this field has beenlcnon'!or '
many years and was admirably described by the late Dr. Selwuv
the famous Canadian geologist, in, his report to-the geological
department of Canada in 1991 To the day of his death he main
tained that here was onjj of the greatest oil fields of the' world.
The capital of the company is small, its assets are very large
'consisting of 18 square miles of 'carefully selected lands in this
rich oil territory, 12 sections lying dose to the now producing
wells of Alberta, the remaining six sections being selected in the
immediate vicinity of other companies about to commence active
; boring operations, thus it will readily be seen that any lands de-,
veloped in this field will benefit this company. ' - s 1 --'
Vduoof thoOfl"
' This oil being of a paraffin base is very valuable, and is of a
grade superior to any except the finest of the Pennsylvania oils.
What ia more intelligible to investors is that while the average
price of California crude oils range from 15 to 25 cents a barrel,
the oil from this field is worth on the average over L25 a barrel.
Government, , Donas ; f
The Dominion Government gives a bounty of lyi cents per
gallon on all crude oil produced m the Dominion.
We are safe in predicting that in a few months the spirit of speculation will be' in
flamed. It Twill be" OIL! OIL 1 "everywhere. !Mohey win begin to flow in from
every . channeL Representatives of capital will begin to arrive in swarms. Hotels win
be overcrowded. Workingmen. will be eagerly sought . at any price. THE OIL
FIELDS WILL BE ON A BOOM. Everything will begin' to move and the OIL
will outrival the riches of the Klondike. The Klondike during the first year of its de
velopment only sent out a trifle over one minion, yet, when tins became known, streams
of humanity flocked thither.' Yet the; light that lured them on was the glitter of only
a paltry nuuion. : tampare tms witn tne results tnat win be obtained in these "OIL
FIELDS which' are at our very doors. , There is ten times as much moneys in a big
oil well as there is in the best gold mine on earth. The quality of the crude product
found in our fields is surpassed by no other locality in the world. .? . ,
r i
Pass to .,
Secure' an . '
Interest la
ThU .:-Lil-r
PromUlng ..
New; Oil Field. "
To G. N. M'GREGOR, ' ,k
443 Sherlock Bldg Portland, Orl : .
Enclosed find .. ... in full payment for
'' .......... . in. . . i . afaarea-m the
-OIL CO Lonhed, at 25 cents peT share.
yrn ;:, t ' ii' 1 1 ' r t T r r 1 1 .t.t.T'.m; "'
Address.. . ..: ;
r Oet In en
the Qr Mind
- Send In
V . Ypur
Snbscrlptlba -;V
: . Before the
' T "t Stock
CaUw Witttir X II iaWiUIVikt VUvi ul 42UUl
UAUTirui. rkosranvs.
449 Soeriock; Eoaas, Portlxad, Oregon
w 7 V r.
Dcccription of tho Territory ;.V
,' The lands of the Southeast Brimth' Columbia Land ft' Oil
Cow, LtdL, are situated in the Kootenay district, in the extreme
southeast corner of British Columbia, directly south and adjacent :
to the coal fields of the Crow's Nest Pass,' which rival those of'
Pennsylvania in extent and richness.'. They form a part of -the
block of land, over which there has been so' much litigation of
recent vears between the Canadian Pacific railway and the Prov
ince of British Columbia. This controversy is now definitely
settled for all time, and operations win now proceed rapidly, that ,
the mnrttrtr is-mtm for ricvelnnmfent. ' ;v-'-' ?f ? w , I
r A Goinn Concern r
. Toe company was incorporated in January of this year and
has thus far displayed marked activity having already purchased
and paid for 218,000 worth of drilling machinery, and have same
moved on their property and will coon be sinking their first well.
V The investor has also in the character of the Board of Direc
tors a guarantee that the interests of the company wffl be safe
guarded and its business transacted for the benefit of aU the
shareholders and not for that of one or two promoters, i
We invite your thorough Investigation of the merits of this
company, and the standing of the men ia whom the management
is vested. . ' ' .
First, Between Madison and Co.
, lumbia Streets, Impassable
to Man or Horse;
Dr. Chapman Holds Great Crowd
' Spellbound at Marquam as
He Tells Story.
Preaches From Text; The Man
i i : Who Said He Would, and
Could Not"
i i : . . ..'' 4...
. L . . ... I ' .
.theatre, at
of U
the con
' Marquam .Grand
cluaioa ot thm 11009 "seating- today aak
. - ins each other. "Of whom waa ha apeak
. nV--waa It Dr. Toy?" v r
1 ' .J. Wilbur Chapmaa,' leader of ' the
-Tain-ollBt had-toeeir tHlrrthHr a
s atoryw ' . ' ';'.-.-. . ; . .. -.-
: "One," aald ha. "I wu aeated In my
, room at the Piedmont hotel la Atlanta.
. Cte, whea there enured a recced, half
clad bu la j soiled , linen, the atench
1. (ran whoai clothing almost mad ma
pick. Ha caJled maibjr nana without
, any prefix or auffls and holding out Ma
: hand, aald: . "Olv me two Juat two dol-
: . ara;, that all I want Stunned, I
; a-ava. him the amount One I board that
, man preach. I aaked him what hla aal-
a.rr . waa and be told ma. 'Coma wlta
; ' me,' I aald, "and I will incraaae your
' nalary.' Vor ha waa the boat preacher
. vr heard. H began with morphine,
' thnn whlcky, then well, now b ia a
mlnlater of the f oepeL'V.
' Thia nameleaa atory waa related by
c th Chapmaa to llluatrate the awful
r coaaoqaenco of the first eta; and the
Terruiln power of , redemption. Hla
tiermoa was on Man Who Said He
' .Would and Could Not." His text waa
Judges. . xvi:20. Carefully and analyt
loaily tha evangelist recounted the story
' of Samson's life, to which he referred J
one 01 tne saaaesx 01 tDe Bibles
pictures. ... .','.'.
"What a poor thing la physical
atreogta. after - all!" h oxclalmed.
', "Witn yen need St moat It falla you. 1
4 pity ha man who rcllaa oa hla outward
elf and I plty-the man, too, who has
: only-mentality. ' Bamson waa cnUd of
; , ospeeUU Moaatng, Hla parents were
nearly perfect. There are men In this
' audience whoae mothers were th purest
of women and wboaa father were the
noblest of men. But good birth Is not
' all aufftclent great as It la. Rach man
tnuxt hare a apliitaal association with
, Christ - It' a man 1s short - tempered.
, all tha more reason that ho should be a
. Christian. Temper '' Is a. splendid sr
vanc, but an awful master. So strength
.. ta dangerous, aa to Samson's eaao, unless
- ' Ond controls It - Samson was- great
. Joker, but ho Joked one ' too often.
Htremrtti physical etrengtlj waa not
, ' Infallible, aa we sra shown. . He Ignored
- the-atreogth of the adveraary and fell
I by alow degrees. For no man oan sin
and rrotata la touch with Ood. -.
"Samson was having a good time with
. the woman to whom he gar the secret
' if hla strength; h waa trifling with the
' adversary, aa nam Of yo are. And he
' waa a lain. Mn shall all men ha wh fol
low hla eaamplc" . " '. "' ;
' The thatr was filled from the top
' gtllery t th archeatra for th metlng
I nd the aarvlcea were aouwpUonally fine
.trow musical gtaAdpolat. Xa addition
s Ooaao rook, which halt withstood to
storms of centuries and. waa the beat
known sentinel for mariners along the
Pacific coast has fallen. It stood at
th south aid entrance to th channel
loading Into Coos Bay harbor, but la
th last big gala it toppled Into th
sea. v - ' 1." ,.
The rock waa about to fast square
and at high tide waa II feet abov th
sea level. It la presumed that th con
tinuous washing of th water '. wore
away the baa of th ancient landmark.
Captain Hard wick of th steamer AJ
llanc waa th first to note Its disap
pearance. Not jwlng lt heremarkd to
th purser: . -. r "
' "Th highest tide ever . known canst
b running her. It ta th first time
that I have ba unable to Be Ouano
rock." ,.
Than they aaw that It had beam
broken off just below th surfac of
th water. Th hydrographle offloe waa
made acquainted with th elreumatance.
Mariners will greatly mls tha -rock,
aa in crossing th bar aa Coos Bay they
Invariably looked for th big Ion sen
tinel and steered their craft accord'
tngly. Th rook waa tha resting place
of sea gulls and other marine birds.
For that reaaon it waa long ago given
the nam of guano by th early mar
iners who navigated th waters of th
Faclflo coast ....... s .1 ..... .
to th rousing hymns sang by th eon.
I relation, lad by Charles. J. 'Allen, th
Chapman quartet Was heard and Frd
Butler rendered "Was That Somebody
Tickets are being distributed for the
next Sunday's meeting for men only at
tha. Marquara. which promise to be
equally aa great ar that of laat Sunday.
Dr. Heary Ostrom wlH be the speaker,
and hla wublect The Every Day Man.
The music will be under th direction
Int. w Ulllla ' , - .t
W. . . .U.M. ' , ..... .' I ,
Deputy sheriffs ar unable to And
Mrrla 1 Belnsteln, th most Important
witness for th state In th cases
against W. C Elliott J. M.. Caywood,
Henry Chandler. E. W. Rlner and XL M.
Biner, for alleged wrong doing In con
nection with th Tanner creek sewer
construction. -" ". ' ' ' h''
Two deouty sheriffs have bean search
ing for- hire and hav been Informed
that h has gon Mat However, they
assert that it la bellved Kelnsteln has
not left Oregon. Bf forta to locat him
will be redoubled, and If found h will
be compelled to appear at the trials aa
a wltnoaa. -1. ., .
Th aearch for Relnataln has been
thorough enough to dlaclos th fact
that he waa here laat venlng. ;"
. 1 1 v... ftf V;,
(Joorsa! gpselal Berviet.l
Butte. March SO. The Great Northern
overland west-bound passenger train
waa ditched at noon today near Baa In.
Mont. - Engineer John . Weber, waa
scalded and crushed to death, and Fir.
man Tom Davis seriously hurt. The
engine jumped th track. The. train was
lata and running I mues an nour. ..
'- Oaeelal DUfatdi Xa JeoraaLt
Saa Francisco, March JO. United
States District Attorney Francis . J. about, to set th engloea of
th law In motion to restore to th state
of California KO.OM acres of school
land, alleged to hav bora filched' from
It by John A. Benson and F. A. Hyde.
Governor Pardee haa aaked Hny to
submit to him aU -th facta . In. hla
poeaeaatoit, " concerning the 1 alleged
land frauds. " Heney wilt do ao on his
return 4rom Orogoa La- Xt Zhsarb
will 111 a suit In the name of th state
to recover lands- and declare forfeited
the. sum of I11B.B00 paid by Benson and
Hyde aa part of tha purchase price.
- Th suit which Heney proposes to in
stitute will be brought under th pro
vision of th act passed by th last
legislature.' Thia law provides that
where a court of competent jurisdiction
dec Idee that state school lands hav
been obtained by fraud, th purchase
price paid for th earns aball be for
feited to th stata. This measur was
introduced through 'th lnflneno of
Heney, and when It had passed both
houses, was ImmedlaUly algned. by Far
H j';-.' ; , j- .'v,.''.--v it. f
i '' " ' ' 1 v ; ;'
' A woman, whoa nam tha police ar
withholding, but who live at 6tt East
Taylor street reported to th police this
morning that her pocket was . picked
about t o'clock last night on th corner
of Third and Morrison streets. She lost
a purs and til. 1...
' Burglars are also keeping busy.' M.
Clark, of 766 Bartlett street reported
this morning that his house was entered
and til. which had been In his trousers
pocket, stolen -
O. s. Wright of McMinirnn, a guest
at tha Portland hotel, reported th loss
of a gold Elks charm in th form of a
tooth. It was valued at 125.
B. Keith, a guest at the Palmer hotel.
Park aad Alder streets, ' reported lb
loss of a ladles' purse with II. and
also a gold watch, which wer taken
from hla room.
Fred Vlckwolft. a soldier from Van
couver, says that he was robbed of ll.S
and a - revolver whtl asleep Tueaday
night, at th Western lodging-house,
Third aad Buntslda streets.- . '
1 ,
' -' (Joaraal SiMelal service.)' .
Ixs Anles, March .The east-
bound Santa F laat night crowded with
over to passengers, had a remarkable
scape from disaster, the rexult of a
deliberate plot The train waa climb
ing a heavy grade. Passing along a deep
gulch, the front wheels of the engine
left the rail a and ploughed along th
ties for yard. Striking tha guar J
rails, the wheels again found th rails;
When th train waa stopped, the loco.
motive was only partly derailed. In
vestigation showed that, the brake rod ,
pin had been placed In a frog in such
position that It was plain th purpose
dorsal th -train.
'Boxcar" Casey Takes Field for
Big Game, But Meets
Sheriff Word.
If He Had , Gone Up Another
Made Good.
( to
"Box oar" Caswy took the field for 1lg
game this 'morning,, announcing that he
intended to JSck the first officer be met
The first officer he met was eTherlff-Toni
Word. . He tried to "make good." and
how rests In a cell at tha cltr orison.
on a narg or drunk aad disorderly.
Tne.snens 1 sun doing business.
It was about 11 o'clock when Sheriff
Word entered the police station. Under
one 'arm be had a bundle In a paper
wrapper; his other hand had a firm grip
on -Boxcar caseys collar, .-
"Xtock this man up oa a eharM of
drunk and disorderly, said the sheriff.
addressing captain Orttsmacneri
"Whea were you gtven a special ofll
car star, Torn?" Inquired, a bystander
Jocularly...:... ..:7 ...:..'. . .... ,
"I don't need any, replied the sheriff.
1 am almply making you a present of
this fellow. He has been working over
time .on a- whisky . barrel and needs at
The sheriff had hardly , left th sta
tion when three or four boys arrived
at the corner -of Second and Oak streets
and wanted to know what had been don
to Casey..' . ' " r'
"Bar. vou eushter keen dat broke r
up agin de sheriff. said one of the num
ber, a lltue fallow about II years eld.
"It was de funniest ting I ever sea.
"De sheriff was. a-standin' on de cor
ner o' Second and Btsrk wld a bundl
under his arm, and looain out from un
der his eye-wtskers kinder wlse-llks, aa
if be scented Chinks a-gambltn some
where or other. Old 'Boxcar be bad
bee teUln' a lot n' monkeys down de
street wot a fighter h was, and dat he
was a-goin' .to lick 6 first cop b mat
Den ha com a-stumblln' along, ouasln'
to htsself, wan all of a audden , h
catches sight of dat sheriff.:
TVot- fell." says 'Boxcar,' as h
stops aad looks at d sheriff, wld oa
lamp peeled wld end t'other screwed up
funny fashion, - Den. he . steps up In
front o' the sheriff guy and waves bote
hand., wtld-llka ; . ' -
" 'Bay,' he chirps, 1 ain't no good, and
none of me family's any good, but I kin
lick do sheriff o dts county, and I'm
a-goin' to do it . . 1
Den he lifts bis dukes and makes s
swipe wld 'first on and den t'other
Dat little aherirf. he just sidesteps and
tosses his bundle up agin d wall Ilk
he was preparln' to take a plunge In a
swimmin' tank. . ln ha steps back like
Jimmy Brltt workin' Inside a smasher's
guard, brushes bote o' 'Boxcar's arms
down wld one swoop, grab him by the
collar and holy smoke! Ton oughter
see -Boxcar's' feet go 'Way up In d
heavens. Talk about dra acrobgts at
ae, dime' t'eaters dey ain't nuttln' to
d wsy 'Boxcar did a Jig Upside down.
"Finally, dat Utile sherilf quit jug-
glla' "wid Boaoar and staadln hlm-oa
his feet. asks kinder quiet-Ilka; My
friend, don't you rink yon has anodder
t ougbt .oomla' gome time dia springr
'Boxcar,' he stood dere a-bUokln' 1
s-gulpln I guess his collar waa little
bit twisted and den, he ears: nr.
Sheriff, 1 guess you haa de hooks on me
dts time.' - .',,- :., . .. v - v
(iearaal SeeeUl srvies.)
Chicago. March . s. Proof of rail
road discrimination in .favor of packers.
It Is said, has been laid before-' Dis
trict Attorney Morrison by Frank ii
Monett formerly .attorney general of
Ohio, who hag been investigating the
subject v . ,-, i , . .
Remarks by Vifhessea indicate that
the grand Jury Is not confining all its
attention to the business methods of the
packing Anna, but is also taking teati
mony opening an inquiry into the freight
rate question.- which will follow the
beef Inquiry. ' 1 v
Bapid progress ia being, mad in ths
examination of witnesses. Many roars
wore examined today. . Every effort ia
being made by federal officials to shield
from publicity the names of witnesses
and the government consider secrecy to
be the most important factor at wis
stag of the investigation.. . '.
: The Portlanoj section of the Council
of Jewish Women was Incorporated to
day by three of the officers of th local
council. -Blanche K. Blumauer, president;
Hannah Baruh. vice-president and Ella
Hirscb. treasurer. The property owned
by the council is worth 110,000. The
other officers ar: . Sarah Stchel. secre
tary, and these directors. Mm, - Sol
Hlrsch, Mrs. A.' 8. Rosenthal. Mrs. Al
Flelahnsan. Mrs. Ous Simon. Mrs. H.
Oersoa. Mrs. B. Meustadter, Mrs. Aba
Meier, Mrs. 8. Bosenfeld and Mrs. J.
Ooldamith. - One of the -objects ex
pressed in the Incorporation articles is
to establish a School for boys and girls
In which shall. be given Industrial and
manual training. . t . - , , t,,
'..'i- ' 1 1 n ' 1 -,
At a meeting of the executive board
of the Lewis and Clark' fair at noon to
day th matter of commutation tickets
was discussed, and th - board finally
reached a decision In regard to It It
waa decided to offer two photographic
tickets for sale, on good for 1ST admis
sions for tie, and the 'other good for
10 admissions for Ill.iO.
Subscription for eonunotadon tickets
will be received for a period of on
month, and it was also decided to print
only the nam bar for which subscriptions
wr received. - ,y.i;.,.- r
Ueanial Snaelal garviM-t' "'
Washington, March a. Tn later-
state commerce commission hss Issued
orders for Investigation of the mat
ter of rata en corn and corn products
from Missouri river points to Washing
ton. Oregon and California. Rallmad
officials Interested will appear In Chi
cago May I. v , h
T Uww arats OMalae Tr.kl.ta.
sui I ta atnaty if it tail 1
-,, -t- ; ;
Missing Edward J. Delast, Col-
lector; for;' Brother, ..Tells :;
:'n! Strange' Story.
In the north and. under th Influence
of liquor,. Edward 'J. Dalaet was found
this morning by his brother,' Charles,
and declared that he had been robbed
of 1140 in the Brunswick cafe. tlH
Third street Th money belonged te
Charles, who had employed Edward aa
collector. About f t more which had
been eolleetd by the young man - had
also disappeared. The police are work
ing en the ease, and arrests art likely
to follow,.
Charles Del act called at police head
quarter . yesterday morning and - in
formed Chief Bunt that his brother was
mining. The two man live at 14
Union avenue. It was stated a, 'that
time that the relatives of the missing
man believed be had met with foul play,
as it was ascertained that he had col
looted about 1100 for Charles Delaet
- Detective Hartman waa assigned te
investigate the affair. - ' -
The police were Informed by Charles
Delaet that his brother claimed he had
cashed a' check for fl(t at thai Bruns
wick cafe. ' On of the proprietors. It
is alleged, took this money and said he
would return it in th morning.
This1 moraine, it ia alleged, the col
lector went to th saloon for hla money,
but Harry Potts, one of th proprietors.
refused to give aim more than on half
th amount He refused to taka it and
waa walking along th street when be
encountered bus brother.
"Potts denied that he had taken th
money from Edward," said Charles De
laet Tut admitted that he had agreed
to give him $10. if he earn around
broke the next morning. He bad no ex
planaUon to make.-" y
Potts admita that his partner cashed
the check for IMS' but denies th
charges of Delaet
.'.1. ." ' " in 1 I V'. f.
Four ben, members of either th po
lio or fir departments, hav been re
fused the privilege of registering for
the city primaries, because they ar not
yetrciuaens of the United States. Yet
tha city charter expressly provides that
emptors or tn city must be eltlsans
and qualified voters. . Today, out of 10
members of these city department who
went to the county clerks office, four
wer not allowed to register, anil th
others wer barely eligible. Some of
them had been la Oregon but a few days
more than six months and 'all ware
residents of not mora than It months
standing. ' - ": , ; .. .i
Alan Ju Oustafson. 1ST Stanton street
waa on of those refused - His Yather
declared his Intention to bcom .a clti
sea several years ago, but was natural
ised aa late as September,. 1(04. -
.; (Jearsal Sseekil gervtee.) " ' ' '
Berlin. March l. The Frankfurter
Zettung say that a conference of th
power wilt soon assemble ia Fans
to determine conditions of peace. This
IS - regarded as n indication that a
movement Is . on. foot to deprive' th
Japanese of the fruits of victory on th
ground OS thtf.'T -ow - X" -- , ' i
First street .between Madison and Co
lumbia streets, presented a unique ap
pearance yesterday afternoon. Fastened
to stakes stuck la th street were such
signs ss "This work will be completed
when Fred T. Merrill Is elected mayor,"
"Rubber boots for pedestrians," "Good
fishing get permission ' from ' Sheriff
Word" and ajfe-preasrvers necessary
for ail travelers." 1 '-'..,-
Several live fish ' were secured from
market and plassd tn the fan mens pond
which extended for two block over on
half of th street and old and young
went fishing. A string of .decoy duck
was borrowed from a ' Store1 and sent
nesting' en th water, and a Mock hunt
ing party was organised and several toy .
kA. . - lnnnU k.'.u H V
ud for several hours , and , attracted '
hundreds f people. - -
. - During the recent storm th west half
of First street between Madison and .
Columbia streets, haa been a veritable
sea. Qteblsch at' Joplin, contractors, f
who wer laying stone block pavement (
had the street excavated for th ;lm- .
provement when tha storm- came, and
they were unable to continue. the work. ?v
The result has been that for over two "
weeks water has stood . from a few -Inch
to three feet n depth, in the ex- -cavatlona.
1, ; . ''.- . "
Merchants whose place of businass
front, on the 'tmprovemant' hav pro
testad againat th dalay. - . -
Few Feopl Know atew Vssral ft Is la
Stwasonrta Stealth and Beaaty..
- Nearly everybody knows that charcoal
Is the safest aad moat efficient disin
fectant and purifier In nature, but few
re Us its value when taken. Into th
human system for, th same cleansing
P Charooal ta remedy 'thai tha more
Sou take of it the better) It la not a
rug at all. but simply absorbs th
the si
and Impurities always present In
ximacn ana intestines ana
he stomach and intestines and earrise
them out of the system.-- -
Charcoal sweetens the breath after
smoking, drinking or after eating oniond
and other odorous vegetable.
Charooal effectually clears and im
proves th complexion. It whiten th
teeth and further ante asa natural ani
eminently 'safe oathrtlS
It absorbs th injurious gases which
collect In the stomach and bowels: It
disinfect the mouth and- throat from
the poison of catarrh.
All druggists sell charcoal In one
form or another, but brobablv the h..i
charcoal' and the moat, for the money1
la In Stuart's Charcoal' Lose n res; they
are composed of tha finest antlaeptloa in
tablet form or rather in the form of
large, pleasant tasting loseng, th
charooal being mixed with honey.
- The use of these losanma will
non tell In a much improved condition
of the general health, better complexion,
sweeter breath and purer blood, and the
beauty of it la, that no possible harm
can reault from their continued use, but '
on the contrary, great benefit , ..,.
A Buffalo physician, in speaking , of
tha benefits of oharcoal. ears: "I art. -
vise Stuart's Charcoal Ixtsenges to ail
patients suffering from gaa In etomach
and bowels, and to clear ths complex- .
Inn arid purify th breath, mouth and
throat; I also believe th liver Is greatly ,
benefited .by th dally use of them;
they coat but twenty-five cents a box
at drug Stores, and although In some
sense a patent preparation, yet I be- '
Iteva f . et more an4 hetfer .k...n-t iM
Ftusrt's Oiarroal Ixaenss than' In any
it th ardinary charcoal trW., -
1 T-H X T-..1." . ' --'t - ' " " 1