The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 30, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    c:r:cc:i ,d.'.xlt jcut.ijajl, xxkcvlaho, thuksuax jsykmnu. march so. 18o.
. k' arena a
t-aoa ...
l-iker ...
"IM Bui's of Nw York
r..,."A o "'ole' W" o'
"la a Jbata -.
, .V.inovIIIs
Portland hif h ' echool ' student have
bi ottered a prise or 2 tor the beet
say on the general proposition-that
war la ycwel and Inhuman tbay will o
. expected to show why It should lv
war to arbitration. The Oregon Human
society has offered the prise. , At -the
. society s annual meeting Tuesday even
'" lor the following- officer were electea
President, ' Alfred F. Sears. " Jr.;. lcs-
,. president, Jr. K. Towneend; treasurer, C.
r, Adams eorrosponatne saaretaxy, w.
i T. 8hanaban;rcordIng secretary. Otto
J. Kramer.- These with C. H. Woodward
and A,. Berg will act as director.
" Tonight. the number. oi voters regis
tered for the city primaries rwlll ap
proximate MBwV.whioh, for the IT days
.the books will be open, will bring. the to about .00. wttnout the usual
; Increase that always uomea In the last
week.. Tha proportion Of Republicans,
according to tha averages so -far main
. talned, will be about I.JS8 to 119 Demo
vcrais. Those who have refused to state
" party preferenoes number Up to
last night I.l - Republicans and 493
. Democrats had registered. New' regl
tratlons were tt and changes of real'
The Oregon Bums Cottage associa
'' tlon was Incorporated today to collect.
I -r.ell-and exhibit books, relics and sou.
, venire of tha Scottish poet at tha Lewis
.and Clark exposition. They will have a
capital atoclbof U.Sv9. and the Incor-
' porators are .Qeorga -J. Cameron,. A...8-,
Urown. A.- H.' Blrrell, Tom I Johnson
and J. A. Patterson. Incorporation pa
per are also filed by the Multnomah
." Electrlo .company, with 41.000 -capital
, stock, by Charles C Boott, Arthur Dang.
guOi, Alfred B. Cratty and Howard W.
Hoot. - .-.'" '' )
The executive committee of the
' , Woman's auxiliary of tha clvlo Improve
.ment board had a abort meeting y eater-
day to complete plans, for the- -dtstrtet
wori r! .uajrraen lor some civta aim-
tricts were appointed. Tha .auxiliary
. plana tor hold a ma - meettnr at the
Marquam . after complete .organisation
1s effected, and enlist tha -Interest - of
many who have not taken up tha work
: yet, r Special - attention wilt- be given to
tbe work that the women, can do for
' clvlo Improvement. '..:.., '''.;-'
-' Xoula Goldman, a young man la the
vmploy of tha Banflald-Vayaey Fuel
company, was kicked by a vicious bors
..' yesterday while driving It without har
ness.' The animal's hoot struck htm
'squarely In tha Jaw and, besides cutting
a deep gash In his lower Up, loosened
several .teeth. HI breast-was - also
bruised by the" force of tha 1tw.--The
- boy was taken to St. .Vincent's hospital
xor treatment. ... . . . -4 , -
' i- If you most travel make year trip one
; of pleasure. You can do this by going
' over the Denver 4k Bio Grande. Spend
day sight-eeelng "In - the'. Mormon
capital;7, and-' have n -day-light Tide
through- the - Royal Gorge of -the
. Arkansas, tha acme of Nature grandeur.
. W. C McBrlde. 1X4 Third street, Port
land, will mall you Illustrated booklet
If you will writ him. : ;- .'. .'.- t
A i The rrwln-Hodson company? Which re
eently ougnt'n lot at tha corner -or
Washington and Eighteenth street, has
sold the property for II .-to Mr
-T. l -. LI ..I- a .1 ,
11 V,IU, UU S. I u I
. Smith. Tha lot has a frontage of 100
- feet on Washington" street, and 61 feet
on Eighteenth street. It Is reported that
- tha new owners will erect a three-story
. ouuaing w iii " -
' There will be a civil sarvlca examine-
r tlon bora on April 15. for tha positions
. 'of boUermaker, carpenter-and copper-
. smith In the Panama .service: On April
' II for Instructor In carriage-making In
' the Indian. service, at 780 year; on
.April 21 for the position of chief of di
vision of chemistry Jn the marina hos
pital at Washington, at tl.ZO a year.
' Mrs. - Lawson O. ' Bradley 1 ' dead at
Orangevllle, Idaho, after an illness of
1 1 roe week, from typhoid fever.- Mrs.
Bradley was a daughter of CapU W. H.
Roberta, lighthouse ' Inspector at Ta-
eome, and wife of a former member of
. the Oregonlan staff. Tbe marriage took
rHaoe on January 1. Mr.' and Mrs.
1 Bradley-were well known la Portland. .'
Tha-nimbers of Upohurch- liodge.- No.
1 J4, A. OU. W, celebrated tbe fifteenth
anniversary of -their organisation last
' evening at Upebnrrh tolls- An address
of welcome was delivered by Past Grand
Master Ralph Keener, and the response
waa by Newton-Clark. - Other speeches
nd recitations, and tnuslo . completed
the Interesting program, . ;'Y , v -v ',' -
, .' Wong Ho, n Chinese resident' of As
toria, was brought her yesterday and
.placed In the county jail on a charge
of being in tha country unlawfully, a The
'arrest was made by the local lmmlgra
' tlon officials, ho are making an at'
' tompt - to - locate . ell ; Chinese who are
not provided with cerlincate. v-. .
.. I''., : -r - - '
- An Ordinance providing for the ap
pointment of a meat Inspector and three
.deputies to Inspect - hotels and restau
rant and butcher . shops during the
Lewis and Clark' exposition was Intro
, dured at the meeting of the council yes
terday' and- referred ., to tha, police and
.'health committee.., .. . .-.'v-
' Pure paints and oils. F. E. Beach i
' Co..' .the pioneer paint company, agents
. Benour's floor paint, liquid veneer, jap-a-lac,
Barry Bros.', .varnlehea. Blackjack
harness oil. Neat's enamels. New Era
paint. window and' plats glass. ' 111
Frat street. ; Pbona lite. ,i , (
The will of tha late Charles- B. Bartel
has been admitted to probate. It leaves
the estate, valued, at tll.00. to tha
1 SP R I N G
iS Ii I RT -S
Hv you leen our line?. If
not . you'r mined lomt-
1 thing worth while.
: "Coat" Shirt art it nowi"
and we- have them, ' 7 .
Plain and plaited boeoma;,
y newest patterns.
Ol.OO to 0350 ;
Hswctt. ZrtCzy O Co.
. " Hatter and Furnishers.
S4$ Washington frl '
J 'llear Grand Theatre.' , ;
, 4-
j iL.UC;CI!"rd
If You C&tch a Te&mttar Puttlnj
' -. Rutbiah on Them, You
. Earn Flva Dollar.
Eastern1 Railroads Reconsidering
Rates, and Letter. Carriers'
; Convention May Come.
. A reward of tt will be offered by
the chamber' of commerce to Avery, per
son who will report and Identify any
teamster or garbage collector who -deposits
rubbish .of any sort on a vacant
lot within tbe crty limits. Tbe chamber
la making a styeouou effort to induce
owners of vacant lots to clean up their
property; after that It will be tha' care
of the chamber to prevent further dis
figurement of tha landscape. .
"We would like It if everybody would
take an Interest in this clvlo Improve
ment work and help us out," said Presi
dent Wheelwright- "It is everybody's
business to asalat In presenting a clean.
up-to-date city to the view of our. vis
ttora this summer, and all should get in
and help clean up. There are some
property owners who have thus 'far
shown no disposition to clean up their
own vacant lota." . -.--'--. v.
The chamber' effort to secure a re.
dueitof rats, -over ,atttara., roada-lor
the conventions to be held In Portland
during tha Dawla and Clark - fair, and
particularly for the letter, carriers con
vention. - is having Important results.
The demand for a reduction of the rat
between Chicago and : Atlantlo coast
points Is considered favorably. Through
A..U Craig and J.. C Stubba. of the
Harrlman lines, a stand In favor of Port
land baa been taken by . F. C. .Donald.
commissioner of . the Central Passenger
eolation, and -Influence baa ben
brought to bear on other in that terrj
tory by Howard Elliott, president' of tbe
Northern Pacific, and . Dariua Miller,
general traffic manager of the Great
Northern. -
Tha American institute of mining en
gineers, the leading organisation of mut
ing men on the American continent, has
been invited by President Wheelwright,
of the chamber, to Adjourn to Portland
t tbe 'dose of tha convention in Van-
eouver, B. CL, this summer. . -
widow, tbe property to go In equal ndrts
at her death to. Anna Holmes, Walter
H. BarteL. Kllxabeth l Bden.-. Caroline
Eden. Louise Edejy Bdward Sehlaget and
inimn. stoitssr ,
ll.eoe Immigrants Wanted To locate
along the Oregon Water Power eV Rail
way company's " line . between Portland
and Eataoada. ' For Information Inquire
of the Oregon Water Power Townslte
company. 114 First street. Phone. Main
II. . .. J , ;'-......' .-. s-.
The ' Wftmen'a i PI vie . ImBmnmint
league of Midway, organised two weeks
ago. will meet, at I o'clock tomorrow
afternoon -At tha crematorium . office.
Committees will . be appointed and the
work or ; the league laid put. , .
'. Company E. Third Infantry. O. N." G..
was inspected by .CoL James Jackson
last night. , Battery 3 will be inspected
Friday evening ana tnis win complete
the Inspection of state troops, required
annually by tha government.
Esteeada - Offers Opportunities to
manufacturers which means millions
of dollars rf properly handled. For in
formation inquire of the Oregon Water
Power Townslte company. 114 First
street Phone. Main lit, .
Lost Black Cocker spaniel, female: 4
months old; answers Jo tbe name Of
Blossle: went astray In City Park. Sun
day: reward for her recovery. 67
Flanders street, between Twentieth and
Twenty-first .. ... ......,. . .-. . . ...
School of Domestic' Sfclcnoe "Soap
Making.- a lessons oeginnlna . Friday.
March II, I a. m.' Course in Invalid
Cooking. lessons, begins .: Saturday.
April i, 2:30 p. m. I Jl lenu'lroU
The steamahlp "Aberdeen' sails from
Couch street dock, for Ban Francisco
direct Saturday evening. April L it I
o'clock. 'Cut rates.. F. P. Baurnggrtner,
agent Main hl , v
B. 8. Ilpmeopathla Cough and
Croup Syrup. - A specific for oolds on
the chet. Keep it on -hand for emer
gencies. For sal by Knight Drag Co.
Steamer Alliance sails from Couch
street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka at
p. m., Thursday,- March -10. , F. P.
Baumgartner, agent Main 111, . . . .
B at B. Cough and Croup Syrup. . . Two
generations have been .brought up on It
As jrood now as ever. Prevents croup.
For sale by Knight Drug Co. . , ,
Woodward's Dancing Academy, Burk-
hard's hall, Monday and Thursday even
ings. . Everest's, orchestra, Spectators
InVlted., ,, ' ; . ; ; j
Edith Hickey todsy ' sued Daniel
Hlckey. for divorce, alleging deeertton.
They were married In Dos , Angeles in
Ansley's display, Pf under, Id and Oak
Orpheum, vaudeville, burlesque, eVna.
' Ask your grocer for Golden Cheddar. '
. t
, ' Mr. Harris Opens Office.
Mr. JR. A. Harris has opened an of
fice In the Marquam building, where he
will design, write, revise, correct and
superintend the production of all kinds
of business literature. Mr. Harris Is a
man of exceptional qualification for this
work, having spent II of his II years
In the various departments of the news
paper' and printing business, and for
many years past giving special attention
to ad vert lain g. - He-realised this to be a
work' of , great promise and that none
could be in a better-position to know
of . the Innumerable leaks In- tbe produc
tion of advertising matter than n prac
tical printer.- 1 - .
Mr. Harris has for the past two years
been engaged with one of ' the largest
lithographing end printing houses In the
city, where he hss held the position of
compositor and proof-reader as well as
that of writer of advertising matter for
the trade. , He holds a. number of flat
tering letters covering his work both
as a writer and as an originator of good
advertising. . In addition .to this he Is
active, conscientious ane ehtnnslsaltc.
and It wilt be his aim te lend hi ser
vices to such work only as he csa con-scWitiou-ily
indorse a having positive
merit and drnervlng o puhlta patronage,
a he bellrVe there la plenty O-f this
kind to b bad.- He 'Is a charter rnember"
of the i'ortlspd Ad Men's leu.
r-t --. ' -
Portland A Asiatic Ctsamship
Company Nejotiatinj for
Uftcj of )Urs Craft. ' -
Exporters Have Enough Freight
V on Hand Now to Fill a r;
.:."(,.'.."; Big 8tamar.'.c,y'.-;
In all probability ' the . Portland a
Asiatic Steamship company will charter
a steamer this afternoon to carry flour
to Japan. ' Before closing' the deal the
local officials of the line decided to
await the advice of General Manager
Scherwln of San Francisco.
Tbe choice of two vessels have been
offered the company at r a reasonable
rate. Either will be available for load
ing In May. Exporters have almost
enough orders on hand to nil a freighter
of 1,001 tons, and they are anxious to
have tbe Portland A Asiatic company
take . car of the business. If it does
no do so the shippers will be obliged
to charter a vessel themselves, - but
there Is said to be no doubt that ' the
deal tending wilt be closed, -
Department Sends tnf ornuUlom of Unas
la,iT4ajSi . r.Snen at-SjiMi'-;-ij---..
Collector of Custom Patterson
celved notice from the department " of
commerce and labor thla morning that
tbe following Uses dividing the high
seas from rivers, harbor ' and Inland
waters at Jnan d . Fnca - etrait and.
Puget sound will be established on
May 1: A line from New Dungedeas
lighthouse N. W. to Cattle Point
light on tbe southeasterly end .of San
Juan Island (Mount Constitution, on Or
caa island. Is In range with Cattle Point
light on this Ilhe) f front Belleroe-Pohrt,-San
Juan island NW. Wi, miles,
to Kellett Bluff, -Henry Inland 4 tan
gent to the point and the bluff); 'thence
NW. N., I miles, to Turn Point
light on the northwesterly end of Stu
art Island; thedce NE. H ft It the
westerly point - of Bhlpjaek- island;
thence N. by E. E. to PatoS Islands
light; from tha easterly -end of Patos
Island NW. . H W. northerly to tbe
southwesterly point ef Point Robert.
Schooners - Mabel Gale ' and Erie . ar
rived this morning to load lumber for
California portav The -former - wnx. be
supplied with a 'cargo at the Inman-
Poulsen mill ana tno latter at tne -on
land., v. . .. . -1 '- - t
Barge Columbia left this .morning
with 10 .tons of coal which, will be
placed aboard the ship St Nicholas at
Astoria. . .The vessel will leave hortly
after the first of the month for the
fishing grounds at Nushagak, Alaska. .
Steamer Aberdeen, Captain Kelly, ar
rived this morning from San Francisco.
and reports a rough voyage as far aa
Caps .Mendocino.. Fine weather was exr
perlenced the balance of. the trip... The,
ateamer , brought II passenger. . She
will take out lumber:
With 10 tons of flour and 101 tens
of general, freight tha steamer Alliance
will sail tonight for Eureka and way
ports. ,"-f i-i- v .'
8teamer Cascade cleared for San
Francisco yesterday-' with -110.60 feet
of lumber." ',...,--. . t .'.-'..
Schooner Hugh Hogan sailed from the
Bay Oty thin morning to load lumber
for a California port' This will be her
first Visit ; - - ;
Fred J. Brauer, purser on the steamer
Leona, says that within the past few
days one and a half feet of enow has
fallen In the foothills back of the north
fork of the Lewis river. He also states
that this la the first time it has snowed
In that locality aa late as - this. For
the past few nights there have been
heavy frosts In the town ef Woodland.
Tbe British ' Ship pythomene has
moved from tbe ColomaAo the Star sand
dock, where she will' complete discharg
ing. The vessel is sum on tne aisen-
gaged list ; : : .' ' ...
Astoria. March 19. Arrived at 1:15
and left up at II a. tn., steamer Harold
Dollar,, from San FrancUico. . Sailed at
7:11 a. m., briglntlne Lurllne, for fsn
Francisco. Arrived down at 1:10 a. nx.
Oerman ship Norola. r- ,
Ban ' Francisco. Msfca 10 Balled,
schooner Hugh Hogan, for Portland. Ar
rived at mldnlghU steamer Columbia,
from Portland and ; schooner - Boulah,
from Portland. '
Astoria, March II. Arrived at 1:10
and left up at 1:11 p. m., steamer
Aberdeen, from San Francisco, .
Ssn Pedro, March I. - Arrived.
acbooner Polaris, from Portland.
Astoria. March 10. Sailed at 10 a. m..
schooner John A. Campbell, fos-Redondo.
Astoria. March 10. Condition of the
bar at I a. m., smooth; light north wind;
weather cloudy. . . ', t-
Cant Orln Kellogg, -who looks after
the affairs 01 tne Ketiogg 1 ransporxa
tlon company, returned yesterday from
a boalness trip to Toledo, the head of
navigation en the Cowl Ira river. ' He
says a number of bars in that stream
should be dredged this season, or It will
be 'Impossible to operate boat regu
larly. To interest government agents
In the 'matter he called on tne unitea
8tatea engineers yesterday, afternoon.
An appropriation has been set aalde for
the improvement .of the Cowllts . and
Lewis rivers.. The captain states that
If steamers are unable to reach the
towns down that way Portland will lose
trade that will go to ruget souno.
svooaass cattaxx .
Cantaln Frye, who succeeds Captain
dammoo aa master of the American
ship C. Tt Ssrgeant, arrived from San
Francisco this morning, captain asm-
mons was badly Injured In n street rail
way wreck a number of weeks ago and
resigned from the Sergeant because of
his Inability to go to .sea. The erart
has been anchored near the Columbia
alougb all winter, but came here yester.
day for supplies before ' sailing for
Nushsgak. Alaska, where she goes eVery
spring at the beginning of tbe salmon
fishing season. Captain "Osmmons la
slowly recovering from his injuries.' :-
oouron ' wits bVaxxaoab .fha.
The steamer Maria, belonging fo Y. V.
Jones of this city., ran Into a floallna;
railroad lie on the Lewis river yetr-
dsr and had her. wheel broken. The
steamer ulenola K..naprend aioMT.and
with borrowed. wheel bucket. add. arwtw
the darnafeto the Marin.-war repaired.!
i :o uivcro
e A w -J ' Ww.a
Low price, easy terms, and
will produce isnnoall many
times present price per acre.,
A S::d:l Excursion
WO leave Portland Saturday
evening, arriving beck Mon
day morning no lost of time.
Low round trip rates sr
' ranged by calling on
. ; General, Sales Agent !,.v
K 246 tlxxk Street :
"A Contented Woman." ;
'The 'verV title ef Boyt'l arest fare eeaMdr
tbst Is amain peoei at the Oolambla this
werfet k a surprise, sad the eoasuwt stria
ef clever , sod ladleroes sewe.. sajd eMnaUae
SB ea eedleac. kn a atsta ef awrrloMnt.
Tbe eoBpeay. wU kow in Pertlsad.
is ezesumg Ibmu.. mi being the tint earns
I ea m atveral moatk. . The las earrwi.
ane Saoday sight sd fraei pnarat eotlook
thla la the Isst weak ef tbe compeay' career,
Itstlaaes Saturday sod Bandar. ,
The Pollards Tonight'.
At the - lUrmsai Oraad ' tanlrht tka .pallard
Opers earn pan r wUl sent at lor the lsst turn
"The Bell ef New York." Friday ad a tar
da r Bights, "The Oelsh' wlU he the bUI.
and for the v Saturday BMtie . pWtornaiBce
"Plnarora" will be the eear praaanted.
Oa sezt Maaesy, Tnajadsy, Yt't cliieertay sad
Tberadsy slcbts "A .Runaway Girt" will be
steged tar ts met time here by e Pallajwla,
sad the CI rat time at popular prices. Bossa aa
eaadlasly asadaosae aad picturesque ensrame
sre wara by tbe part 1H pants, riower fir Is,
seadellera, bricsnds. seesanla, soldiers and aabot
Ciris, an annii la pprofjrtate eostaaMs. and
beaaUfelly painted sat ef saaaery aarve te
make a grand partur. .- .-, c , - .
Tha' Grand Theatre, . V-
laaaaa Keen a "Dr. Jekrll and Ur. Hrde"
has beeoeie the talk ef tbe town. This Is the
first UaM that eeeb an aaablttooa attampt has
besa Baa da la vasoevtll. Ted H. Bol has be.
so SeneraJ tsvertt by tbe ezealleajce ot
bis eoanedy war.' rThe- araodiaeop -enswhw
Presldeat Roosevelt to knur the eeta of eftlc
Is a greet, factor ef the a sow. s . t
AO at the. Star.
The taarvaloeal (thank fanlilr bf 'Sarlvtled
serobsts, Saaor Blesrda Rals, the eminent
alb esBcert vtoUhhit. Meed Carter, "The
Widow," tbe McOsrvers la late seesrs, CMsdlas.
king ef tbe banjo, Bsraes A Wssbberae, Rosese
Ar back la ta "Uooa-ey Bia" and the projecto.
scope soak ap e Mil that . ha sever bees
caallty. '...'..;,..'.'
..- m
Suit, was transferred yesterday froin
the state district ourt to the federal
eonrt In the ease ef J. A. SUllman against
tbe Jfonnt Hood Lumber company,'. It
Is sought to secure a perpetual injunc
tion - restraining the lumber company
from diverting the waters of Beaver
creek from their natural channel... ,
At the request ef Collector ef Customs
Patterson - the department of commerce
and labor will send John J. Miller, who
has been In the customs service at St.
Louis, to this iort te assume charge
of the foreign exhibits at the Lewis
and Clark fair grounds, and. establish
n suD-port on tne exposition grounds.
Bee Dally Ada. for Bargains.
Sale of Morris Chairs
t T---V-
FuTl spring seat and back; velour
cushion in various colors; In golden
oak or mahogany These Chairs
sre worth $12. 30 YOUR CHOICE
ONLY ...... ..... tj 7eUU
. J 1S4-18S nUT ST. .
Formerly . STew Tork Famltnre Oo.
t-r "...
Tbe old eUbllhmnt of JOHN DK1
large store with II show windows, also
a newly-located store room, .cor. THIRD
AND DAVIS, with four show wlndowa
New gooda arriving dally. .
Tha latest style In Men's snd Boys'
Suits, Spring Overcoats. Pants. lists.
Shirts, with a general- line of Ladles',
Men's. Ml' and Boy' Shoe, 4ct kid.
tan or patent leather.
It la for your own Interest to Invest).
gat those stores on quality as well as
price. . ... ,., j ,..,' .
we ssve you se per cent. ,
W are but plain people and we mark
prices. In plain flgurea, .
C!:rV C-t end -Crfeh::ii
' 'l;Ti t the)' ' V , .-';;'
Eycnieiists fllretings
Now Being Held in Portland.
Just to Show You How Good
'yp.).rK . : a Paper . ,.yx . - .
The Journal
Is and tha high Ideals it atanda
. .for, wa will give you a ..
Subscribe now or aend it to your
- . ' friends.. - ,.
" The Journal -
Fifth and Yamhill Streets. ,
PH1DNK MAIN 500. ; 7
Indicate eye strain. Don't wait 1
until serious trouble develops
have the strain removed
the adoner the easier. PROP
VIU DO IT. , ' .
rxamination Made And
, Advice 1 Given Free : "F-
Hotel Eaton
Qereer Msrrwia sad West Fmrk Btnet.
Randaenjely rsralakad, elegantly eoalpped.
Are proof, See Balnute wslk frosi heart ef
sbopplns end buslneas dlatrlet. all ' lart.
airy, outside rooaas, steeni basted, electric
11 rata, telephone In each apartment, ate.
Large efneas. . loanila. smoklna, wrltlsc.
ladles' raeeptloB parlors. Booms ' reserved
by Bull r telephoe.
IrHate asaalbe meats ttalae aad ataamm.
Sinr la raaaaa, aeeerdlag to lesatloa, fl.M
to M room wit private WU, . ii
a day I saitae with frivata bata, IS.00
.00 a day. .-.." v i
- KaS. HAS IAT0V. Freprletiess.. '
(raranrly et Botel Hedpstli, Spoksas.r
PcrtAi, iftnrca-
SlKll ON
Great banrala la
beatae. All kinds of
garde, plsnta.. Satie
faetloa aaaraatead. -
Kid snd Ollsaa.
Phoa Mala Mk,
csaaswuLUM .
' Vb Oalv aal and Orlglaal
Werld'a fleasteat Aameats,
wnx roaTrmxT imu -
' v Bsdaslvely at the ' ' ;
'. o oa ajout aran, to, f
Tnalgtit aad Dally Marine.
JAMZS XXAJTC, -rr. Irkyll -end Mr. Hyde."
, .. -s u4i' aut. '
, ' TED . BOX. . . . -.' ,
' mil AXO SHXAJf. -" ;-,
m. aud Mas. 1. t. rowtas.
LnoADoa. kick amo wAiTxai
axr 1011EE,
TBI eaAJroisooFi. .
vasta? srlee. Inwer Soor. 30r: feelesnjr. lOe.
Msttaa . (ezespt ftudar and kotldays), loe.
an seam, sdc.
Toaiaxr-lixxa' ..noxri
' rarvweTl "Week ef tbe Popelar '
Columbia Stock Company
hi Hoyt'S 1 seraasilBg farce eomedy.
"A Contented Woman"
; Ma Usees Saturday aad Sasdsy.
Sventae. fiOe. S9e. e, Uti matinee. He.
Ue. loe.
IkMrn-tow bos efSee eeen alt dav. -' rlnn
Tardea eandy nbOD. 32T Morrison). Mais 110:
evealsg at theatre. Mala 111.
Star Theatre
Park and Wash Its Tel. Mala MM
Carlvsled acrobats Wuvnmm. !--
- Spa alsk CoKvrt TMloW '
7-0ther Headline Acts-7
' r . auwaaaa ia t Any a..
Kreatnra Ke, SOo, ate.
Dally Matlne.; geealna. T : sad 1:00.
,', Tenigbt at I: IS O'clock, last performance.
"Th Ull of New York"
. Te Pollard MUlnetlan ' Opera Company
Tosanrmw asd Satarday nlfhta, "Tks Oelaha."
... Bargala matlne llatardaj, " Pisa fere. '
, ' Matinee' pricet.' loe asd ate.
. Keenlns pelros. T,V, one. aile, sv. '
Meat weeks' aaals' sow oa sale. .
r. :
slack a aaoa
cencaaT gvsat man, ;
' ' .SdS-Sat BUBJtaTDB.
.4, j ' 'V.'' !' '
Folte That
: Vlll Vant .to Borrow, One
'-' r 1 ' 1 . 1 ..,,,,', !V 1 ' mi ' 11 ' 11 .ii ' 1 1 is '''''
Jh'Sx ( ' --l k t'.'0-'":': .'O'. ' ';;;::r';:'''
- . ' When they-see the excellent Boys' Shoes we are
?v selling for fi.50'. 1,)0'
': f 2.75 and 93.OO and the splendid Baseball Mitt 'XL .
or Ball that we give' aWay' free with every pair. 4 V:
. V New - shoes lend a new interest to 'a boy's life. -
'. i'
Every Rurj in Our Store Marked Down
Azr to Absolute Coat":1: Q-'S:
' ' 'i-'- :. I i ''- :.'. , , , s..' ''.:"'.':. V--"V" V' j- x-.' .v-v ; ' .
Never in the history of the Pacific northwest has the public
been offered an opportunity of purchasing' genuine imported
Oriental Fugs at the figure we are now selling. We are de
termined to clear out our present stock in order to make room
for our two cars of goods now on the road from Persia and
vTurkey.We are selling at absolute COST PRICE and take
this opportunity of notifying our patrons and the public You
-will miss it if you overlook calling upon us. We invite close
inspection of our' stock.: Many elegant selections and bargains
1 to be picked up. '. Remember, everything AT COST. '.
Direct Oriental Rug Importers.'
Spring Styles in Women's Vear .
Are Here in Greater Variety Than Has Ever Been Shown
'.'.; on the East Side.. . - ', t .
7; 7 New Drc Goods 30c to 9 1.23 L4 .1
' Tbe prettiest and best patterns in all the new weaves in'
Spring Dress Goods are here at very small '.
prices.... ...... .........50e, 75f, 85f , fl.OO, fl5
'i Women White Shlrtwelstft ii to $2.W '
, Tfie prettiest and best values in trimmed and embroidered
White Waists that can be found in the city. Perfect fit and .
... ; . newest styles. ' .
White Emb'd Wfibt Patterns $LB3 and 0
Very fine Lawn Embroidered Waist Patterns, of most hapd
some designs. Patterns advertised by some stores as worth
.'"' ; : 'V.r;v " - ; $2.00 to $2.25.": ",.-' '
v Ready-to-Wear Dress 5klrts $4X0 to $7.CD
Handsomely Tailored Dress Skirts, in newest materials, In
browns, tans, grays, blues and blacks. Skirts that are models
V .. ':,,,-:.":;' for style and fit. A: v;'r;,.:,.v
Special Prices to Large Consumer. : -'v;
Phone Main 1685
- AMuaajtaaTTa,
Kv.rr Aftnnnn sue RriMtln,
The latest Mow Tark Cornea Sin nasi, .
"The Late Mr. Early".
la airs mlante. . ' Kot a utl BMejeat
SnaHalttM hrlT aa.
rerformaMv at 3 V -J awl S:1S n, bl
Laasl prtre of semlaaloa, 10 coots.
Haven't a Coy
Our Entire Stock Most Go at
.', Cost PostiTely. ;
411 Washington St
110 North Third Ctrc::
TTiM a4 TamMII ara. Fiixo a ?
- stars. Larf-at V.4tiiw K. , ,
t . wi.a i i.
i "; tnwi r. r - -
... I'-aAaaO-l 0 f ,
'..';.,. ta. BIw.- . . J.
Admliw. Snamatalra, v; a
rwlaaauaea at S.JO, .
. '