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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1905)
. . 7zn crc-rT daily. jounrJAL, rcmxAiTO. TrromtDAY cvErawa, march so, i:c3. .LL Tiii5 cjATJAiicrre - siAryii-iAiys ci-iahahan's j shat j ahah's , zi if sirs l. ' , i. 1 Le ; ,.vulvCl Preparations 'fcr a Crr.J .(um , inatisn t3 C C-'fen Early AUSTRALIA TO MAKE- FINE FRUIT DISPLAY Utah Delegation Will Arrive To- ; nljrht and Ce Guests of President Goode. Chief E-sginw Thompson.-' ' of th ; Lewis and Clark tir, is preparing' to ' illuminate savarsl acres of Ui (round with incandescent Hgbta next ,wk. (Fiv seres near the Forestry building have been selected' ss the pises for the display. Arc. and iacsndeaoent lights have been arranged In varlsua designs throughout the grounds, and the display win test their efficiency, v ; The lights on Gould's lake and on the government Island and the esplanade. It la announced, will produce a unique effect A. number of original light con- oeptlons have. been, arranged along the ,. waterfront. -v.. - X letter received today by CoL Henry B.v poici), director of exhibits, an. L Bounces that apples., pears sad - other fruits wlllb displayed at the fair from Victoria, Australia; they " will arrive " Juno 15. : The apace devoted to the ex hlbltloa.ot , nears and apples -will ister . be used to display varieties, of pine- apples. r . Henretary Henry ,Reed - has ar ranged for the erection of a building adjoining the 4 Administration ' building " for the use of newspaper men who will be; detailed to the fair. -The building will be-' one story In height and ' will adjoin lb Administration building on the east facing the . grounds to , ths north. There will be four apartments in -"ths-building, one for each or the . three local, papaya, and anotheef oe the . use of vtalttmr newspapermen: At I o'clock Jhls , evening the Utah delegation, headed, by Governor John C Cutler, win reach the city. ' In the party is suuor w . v. nsiisn. r . , w. x xma- '. .burn - and Rudolph Kuchler. oommls. - -sioners, with M.F. Cunningham, secrs- 'tary. and Bpenoer Clawaon. manager. ' While in the city Governor Cutler will : select a site for. ths Utah building. - An invitation by telegraph was sent .' .this morning by President Goods ssklng - the -visitors to be htm guests at dinner ; tonljrht a ths Arlington; club; they so , ,'cepted. FISHERMEN UNITE TO PREVENT LEASE ;4 . TV, r (Contlnyd is; from Pag One.) emraent J&mm a wrong .conception of the - Intention of ths act that provides for the leasing tf military reserves. They think that this applies -to the leasing- of , . grounds lor habitation, farming, gardea .ng, (., and does, aoe aap4r t th-i-llng "of a place as a sits upon which to ;4o "business where it would injurs; tb .pwpiw annrmijy. a ney maintain iwii vw It bout the : nsblng privileges there- is . jiot a spot ea Sand Island that .would .be worth a cent as a leasehold; that It Is a jnere site for hauling fish ashore from ,the Columbia river, whore all men -Should have, equal rights., V- It Is stUl believed that a syndicate I behind the move to 'esse ths Island. , v meeting. of the Tacoma district Epworth .'league and the Tacoma district Minis terial association, as a district mission .sry - convention, will be held In the .Methodist Splscopal church of this city beginning at T:lv o'clock In tb evening of April 4 and continuing thro days. Two forsla-n missionaries, K. H. Jones, 'for. IS years in Japan, and H.- P. -Cochran, for II years In Burma h, will peak. . " . - ... 1 Nervousness n-;V."v: i ...i...V,5 i.7? r:;j. EeU My Offr A Fall XMlar'f Werth of Hy -aasMSy.Tne tslTy-i WHheat Bsfealt er Biik'sr' Fiwslse't4 -ray," ' StUtmkmm: frvtralness. Ml Iwhm, IrrtUblUtT U are tb eutwsrd slsss 4 lavsr aervs Slornrbaaee. The fault Is aM with the- aarrra wktc-S tin yoe warslBt e whs ise- BMe wbms eaasie es t fi.- n ' wtlk, to Ulk, to talnk, to sea. Bet tb IN KIDsf asm. tb autsautlc vevor avrns tkew ' in( the serves tsst vera, vssra out sad werrv -sresks Sow a. . - ,m .. ... v I save not room bar to sxalala sow ''tax ' teeeer, ' tin omres oaui aoo spent utt toatarh. tb . krt. tho kidneys, tko Itn. Hew ejervwa . strain ssd verlodalceac Mtry tkear. SelleaW Snara. How, teroosh a koad of syatpathy, weakaeaa la tm eaaur s enanyed to oaeb of tfc otbor eesters. Ho this mdw boa of aynpatky pmdoer tb out. Want Slavs ( aervnusneas wklrk sboald wars as of tb troobl wlthla.. 1 -hsv aot room to iiia aow taeos aerTM awy a roaebe aaa BBS aad wtll by a strOBatboBod asd vltailard -nawdy I spent thirty years I perti-tlnf aow 1 vt. raaop's kaewa by anutsiMs ararywaer ss Restorative.-- I bbts aot room to explala bow thb) reaiedy,' by reraorlne; tb eaaae. Beta . rertaie end to all fnrras of nervoasneas. Inward snd outward, tarliKllns trstfalnoaa, rwlimni, sleepli Btas. Irrlublllty. AH of thaaa thlncs are runr- aapuuBea u.ue eoos 1 wiu m wkaa roa write. ' la Btor thaa a BlIlloB' bnnea ay reawdy la kaewa, and relied Sana. Xat yo awy aot ssr hear f It. Bo I But a this att to yoa. stranger, that ovary poaslbl eirna for doabt nay he removed. ' Read no swney make a promise aao ao naa. aiaipiy writ as aaa. If yea bbts aever tried my remedy, I will send eon mm ardet a Toot drnniat for a foil dollar Bottle aot a sample, bat tb resslar staadard bottle a keeps eonataatiy ea dm saalve. , Ttif drsftist will require as enedittoas. Ha will . areKpt my offer as cheerfully a thrash yovr dollar lay before aim. U will and lee blU Will rtoatty to leers at 11 Tea seeeat this 01 MV bTXPENHH AIWOLITKLY bow to be rid forever f all forma of Buiuinai I be rid aot ealy the trouble, bet of tb very ceae waica praaaca 111 nnm eaoay. featk 1 as Dyspepsia, S oa the llrart. . re a free order far a full Seller bottl yea mast address Dr. Bank S ea the Kidneys, Sbonp, - Jin u vim, nook i womaa. ; Reelne, Wla. grata - Book for Mea, wklcb bask yes wast, beak kbeamitlam. ;v -,T . . ... ! ' ' MIM ease are efrea eared by Bins' bottle. yW sale at forty tseosaad drag stare. . . . , ' ; ''w' ,-.-' -,.' Yea I vr Know theMomeat Wtsj This loforroatloa lUy ' t Prove of laflntte . ' ;Vf;'- . Value. ;..,-"' .'. It la worth considerable to any cltt sen of Portland tp know how to b cured Of painful' snd Itching pile. Know, than, that Doavn's Ointment is a posltiv remedy for all Itchiness of the skin, for piles, ecsema, etc. , One appli cation relieves and soothes. Head this testimony merit M. Sullivan, employed In the ' street department At the city, who resides on Water street.- st 7S5, says: "Dean's Ointment Is without any exception) tu beat preparation on eartn for in pur poses for. which its use is Indicated and from my own experience I know that It does all that Is claimed for It. For two ears I years I was troubled with the worat kind of Itching and bleeding hemorr holds.- I - tried one remedy after an other and even sent east ' for a well. known medicine, and was' treated b; X Rhyalclana. but 1 got no relief until 1 mrned about Doan'a Ointment. '- 1 pro cured a box-at The Laue-Davl Drug Oc's store, and the first application save m roller aucn a L naa not experieneeu for two years. I continued the treat ment for two or three week, when I wss completely cured, snd sine then I have been free from the tormentln al fllctlon. Whenever I hear any one com plain- or being annoyed with plies 1 never fall to tell them what to do to are' cured. I would willingly giv $29 for a box rather than to suiter one night like I did befor I used Doan a Ointment. For sals by all dealers.' Price 1 SO Cants. Koster-MUburo Co., Buffslo, fii I., sol agents ior too unitea atates. Remember the nam- DO AW B and take no- aubatltut. ARGUMENTS APPEAL TO THE SCAVENGERS rJ--' '-' ., .1 ' il"mmammmmwjsss ..-, f Superintendent Robinson of the Crematory Has a Very Force ful Way.WithHirn.r,X- AT TAOOatA. f -ai w t. . a ..,lewin nrompUy at o'clock Friday even- rorth I "B i" -' " . - - Robert Robinson,' th new- superin tendent of tb garb re 'Crematory . has adopted his own Btetboda- of punishing scavsngsrs ' who refuse- ta -oby th rules for dumping gafbags at ths re duction works. . lsuroay morning, n soundly thrashed a scavenger,' A Froh rer. who Instated on unloading his wsgon at the crematory In hi own way and contrary to the' law -In such cases made and provided. '',:-'' - " ' - Each scavenger is- require! 10 uas garbage to th crematory at certain hour. Some muttered their dissatisfac tion, but young Robinson had his own Ideas of how th creijatory should be run and refused to listen to the pro tests, -i r " Yesterday morning? Frohrer, who ;ia twice, ths sis of th superintendent, ar rived -at th crematory out. of his turn and Robinson remonstrated with - him. Frohrer talked back, ".-rneir anruiinit became heated, and the scaveng-er made a alighting remark to th superintend ent. - Frohrer swung wm. ttooinson sidestepped then sent a right and left to ths Jaw and th scavenger- went oewn and out. When Frohrer recovered h said h would obey' orders in. luture. f Wbea Mayor William sppomwa oo- Inaan he remarked that ha go said e could hold hi own with th acavengws as b had "licked on f tham for not obeying- orders when he had charge ef the crematory before." : If, WHO WILL WIN THE - BLACrCTHORN STICK? ..... r . rt a estimated that over 1 votes have been cast to' data in ths United Irish league' a blackthorn contest to de termine who Is the most popular Irish man In this city. Ths vote counting will Ins No. 161 Washington street, not in tns Allsky . hall, ss ptwvlously announces and th vote will be closed promptly at o'clock, when the Victor will be an nounced, and after his name has been inscribed on the stick, attesting his uimiiaritv it will be his.' Three saw paper men. Messrs. a B. Best C. E. William and Joseph . McQueen, have been Secured to act as Judges of elee It Is reported tnai uan mcAinjn. Law rence Bhananan, ionn- wvuaa uu John B. - Coffey are running necs ana neck for the first place, while -John Manning. M. F. MsJley. James Frainey snd Charles JDuggaa are mors or leas la line as seconds. o votes. wm d cast after e'elock. .. i EX-MAYOR AT-WORK . AS STREET LABORER ' lloaraal goerlal Bervtee.) Tea Moines. la.. - March JO. Pormar Mayor James 3reton today began work ss a dsy laborer, under 'the board" of public, works v In ths city sidewalk. de partment.. -MB ssia mis moraui. 'I . Hove cut out DOjiiics ior b-oou. a a-oing te redeem the lost eeteenv of the public pf pee Moines. Politicians ha took- a hand la driving me to the point where 1. had" to accept a poslUon ss a barkeeper 10 seep my wu iron starvation and to. ssve my home from sheriff .sale, circulated, reports paint- ISsT me oiacaer. inan a to. - . A lawauit-which" hung' ever my head compelled me to aocept iz a month-- the saloon msnsgarahlp offered roe. now my name ss swie. am s"na ta work to earn my living b the sweat of my face ia. the. streets.-: (INDU FOG SAVES - GARDEN AND ORCHARD A ' den fog that settled over the heavy frost this morning wt of .th Cascad rang saved many acres - of fruits snd vegetables from serious dam age. Frost snd fog covered th western parts of Oregon snd Washington. la and around Portland every exposed sur face was covered with a whit frost at sunrise. Flower and ; fruit buds ware slightly frosen, but th fog- shut out th sua's rays and for tore hour th at mosphere gradually warmed, and thawed the froat from vegetation so slowly that no serious Injury wss dona. - -. Weather Observer - Real Is' of tb opinion that there wss but slight dam age anywhere as a result of th frost. He says ths fog savd th gardens from vry srv injury. raw JbOBoa roiM. A new lodge of the Order pf Odd Pal- lows will be organised thl evening st Woodmer park., on .the. Mount Hcott road. K. XS. Mharoo of th'le city, grand secretsry ef the I. O, O. F- will be the organiser. ( . . b. aoacuT xa OV ft. Schley, vice-president of th New York. w Haven A Hartford rall'- rpad. reached- th city today In his pri vate rar KJrala. Its la taurine- the wnat 4 r ... (, . ... r--. ' -- Men' . Heavy Work - Shirts, ; Rouble -. ' and, single-breasted ...... .d)5d Men's Medium Weight Under wear .38d ' Men's' Fleece-IJned Under shirts 2Sa Men's Golf snd Dress Bhlrta, to and -Tto values .................. .39 Men's 811k Pongee Shirts, whit and ' tan colors eysUftO. Meh's Silk Bosom Golf Shirts, whits' - .and fancy atripea .........TS) Men' Heavy Rockford Socks. -i.5d '-Men's , Jio Suspenders'.', . , . ., , 18 Men's Fancy ' Sweaters. ,45 Boys Dress Shirts ...... .....235 "boys'r Knee Pants .. .. ... . . . . ,'. . ,25) .Boys' Sweaters, plain black and - J .atyipeT- ....V. ..... r ,, 39V DUYERS 0R SPI111.G GOODS WHO ARE: OUT SHOPPING r7 " o ,n '0 r1 n y mm Should not overlook the Inducements we are offering in new and season able goods. - We enjoy a visit from you. Surely If your call should benefit you you would not reet.It. , Ve are sure you'll find something :- .:-r-to-your liking both as to style, quality and prlce 'a Wc Give Trcdinj; Sfcmps With Every 10c Purchase Trading C e m e A . .. For every 10ov purchase er multiple thereof w will give you B. V H. stamps. - Past these on the back of a sheet, which contains four paces, which w giv you, holding M stamps -each. When you have Ailed one er more page bring them to us and w will give yon in exchange beautiful Sliver and Chlnaware of th best quality. You will soon secure a handsome Dinner Bet and a full aup ' ply of High Grade Silverware abso lutely free, or, as stated above. It cash or Ii.i0.ln merchandise for. 1 pa or too stamps. - ; - UicCall's MaadRt ; 30e V a" year.' "'A r; swel) i ' monthly- of fashion.. Get i a free copy of pur Fashiqn v ... Sheet, for April. . v ; "ui r " fit : fr A kN A a A V . : , , -. .- ... .. - ,.-- , . , The latest and newest pat terns : for spring . and . suro mer, ; 10-15?. Ask for " ;-' :;.ks: them, j ('T. '. 4 SPECIALS ASP 4 SPECIALS IN SMrds . Site Foor Specials Friday and Saturday in Wash ! Shirt-Waist Suits in the newest materials and latest, up-to-date styles and warranted fast colore. Some Have all tHe appearance of lightweight wool goods, "while others so closely resemble silk that yon have to examine them the second time to satisfy-. yourself-as to their being' taffeta silk." For style and 'fit they are equal fc any shirt-waist suit that will cost you four tunes the price we ask for them. As for durability they will out- V 'wear any shirt-waist suit at four times the price. This is! a good quality tan ' color lawn Full Tailored Skirt, very pret ty waist,-' eight plaits in front, four in back a shirt-waist suit for less than the material, would cost - f 2.15 you. Special. ...,.. . SDcdal No. 2 $3.45 p-wt suit. w Mvvtq . we ear ? a--BT ,DCSt quality cotton voile. We have A 11 55S5b5bs5s5 , I . them in grays and shades of new blue, plaited skirt and waist. A suit that wijl wear and give sat- ' isfaction; the suit for the price of the waist. Special.;..;; i.V.(3.45 ' 1 " ' . . ,. '-'.'lof-assatin foulard that would cost you four times the price arjd will givetheame if not better wear. They, come' in brown with, pretty white figures; plaited- 6kirt. and waist, full man-tailored. ,The suit for the price of;the,$kirCSpecial...'...?3.65 urvVlMi -or ynresvay in a 3hirt-Waist Suit, made from . ' 1 . T . 7 (Nearsilk) a cotton material so s closely resembling silk, that' at first glance you would take it for taf feta.' They come in pretty black a lid white check with three straps pf . - i -t.:. j i.. it j uuc aiuunu bmu, jjisucu waist, tun tailored in every way; .a shirt-waist suit' that has. the style of a $20 silk. "Special...'...;'. - SiFIMNG WASH G New arrivals in all the latest Spring Wash' Goods will be placed on our counters tomorrow and Saturday at the Biggest Bargain Prices ever offered for the . ' :.' .". ' . i newest novelties ever shown in Spring Wash Fabrics, comprising all the highest and most exclusive styles. : ; 1 ; " - ' . AT. 7j4 The I greatest values in , .; Scotch Gingham for " the price ' you v have ever seen; in a iarge assortment of styles and colors ; ginghams .. . . you have paid 10c for. Special Tjif, "ATlOfJA beautiful line of Romola - : Batiste, in 15 different styles of pat . terns and colorings ; they would ; " be cheap at 15c Special, yard. .10 AT. 15 Cotton Voile, in plain col- - - -ofs and neat checks, in gray; brown, I blue and ' tan flaked -with . white V would make a pretty shirt-waist suit. Special for tomorrow and Sat- - 1 : urday 7, . .V. :.i ;..15f r'i'i V-,w''V''':.' v';.'- ' ' :'".:' :! AT 5 Fifty pieces of nice quality . Lawn, in a number of patterns and ,; ' colorings,- warranted ' fast colors,! r' pretty for waists or children's' wear; you have paid 8c for them.' Spe-i s i cui ;.........,........ .....5 AT 25 Here is one of the largest assortments of styles and i patterns : ever shown for the money ; we have ' them in figured, striped and plaids, : h in" such goods as Panamas, taffetas " ' and embroidered voile; nothing . like them for 35c. - Special... ,.25e AT 18f Flaked Cotton EUmine, in - plain checked and striped, in seven different -r colorings ; - att the , same price we - have an elegant line of those Knicker Suitings; you would - say they are a bargain at, 25c. ': Specid.;.U......:...;...V..,.18dii AT.SOf-Crepe de Chine, in light col-' ' ored ground - with handsome 7 rich 5 Jflowers in large and small designs, -the patterns are so natural they look, like hand-painted; 'as pretty goods . . were never shown for less than.- 30c Special',; . ..... . . . . .20 AT. 255 Mercerized Crepe Eolierme and Soresette, tin solid, colors of cream, tan, brown, black and light or - dark blue ; you would not complain ' of 40c for the price. Special 25 AT iOf -There b. no Gingham bet- '. Jter than this line we have, in fact, we say there; is .no better made for : wear and for washing, 78 styles to - choose from; they have never sold .. for less than 12c Special.. .10 AT 12 This is the goods for wear, : the new Canvas Cloth, we in, six of the latest shades and will wash. ' ' like a. handkerchief ; good value - for 20c Special. .........12 J Goods and SiKis Crepe de Albatross, in "all the new shades, suitable, for waistings and evening - - "'. ' wear,' yard . ... . . ...-. - .15 Embroidered Crepe Etamines, figured - ' ' "and stripes. Special. .. .... ; .. .10 46-Inch Mohairs, in all wanted shades;' , . good value 65c Special., 50 New Alamo Cloths, all colors ; 35c grade. -'.: Special .................'r......;;.25 46-Inch Fancy Mohairs, self-dot ; 85c ' Jt 7 Special W...-i .-............ .73 v Black and all colors. ; ):'; , - , ; .. 46-Inch Bourette Voiles, in small neat . checks, latest, spring suitings ; $1-25 '' x value. Special .................... 08 , 42-Inch Crepe "de Paris, black and all ' colors; extra value $1J25.' Special... 93 Black Messaline Taffeta, all silk, guaranteed ' to wear; regular price $1.25. j - Special . ..... ... , ;. .'. ........ .. . .08 " .'"'."."'''. r, -. .- . . Colored Changeable Silks, ; all shades, . pin v, dots, the latest for waists' and shirt- . - waist suitings;, 75c grade Special. ,50 taTJMtftatfMeBtlts 3u: (te:; Corsets We etc showing tn V elegant line of New Spring Corsets in lines for which we are exclusive agents." Arm oroide Corset, the patented vert I. eal boning makes It Impossible to break down at th aides, mad of th - ' beat materials, two styles, long sod short hlpt colors, drab, whit and black . ..:-' - ' Slses IS to to ......-.f l.OO Slses SO to S...... ...... fl.25 r. P. Corset, style Ut. made of best . quality of Alexandria cloth, tan front, "medium -. deep hip, boned. ' throughout with heat Quality- watch- prtns; tempered steal. richly - trimmed with Vslenctennes lacs and satin drawing ribbon, whit and drab f l.OO - - A.sAsseaeaeae.Bs.aa HeaBsBkaH.eSt etfhewa. - aaammAI eUWWWBTJMtTXa-.'yV-.... Corset, styl S9. mad of fin r. p, Alexandria cloth, bias rore, ' wall ' . boned, high bust. Ions- hip, trimmed at top with Valenciennes lace and insertion, has four hoe supporters attached ............ ...... .f l.OO Ladles Fine Sateen Coreets, short and medium lengths, boned throughout . with steel bone, ' colors drab and black: price ...... ..BO T. P. Corset, styl HI. made of. finest . , Alexandria doth, will not break down at the aides, relnforc ' aide ' front, all th bones are t 1 and 1, cannot cut through. ' r - ' sapportnrs, whit ami c J NevSpringH lafants Fin Cashmere Hose, silk heels snd toes, col ors pink, blue, white, red, tan. black.-slses 4 to pedal ...... .....IS) Misses' Fin Ribbed IJsl. Thread Rosa res. tSog ime clal...... ..; Mis' and Boy lxl aad Sxl Ribbed Hose, double knee; special ,.........12K) Boys Iron Clad Hos: spacial .....'....It ' Ladles' Fin Black Cotton Hoes, lisle finish. deMe sole; special . .-. BAXB OB J : Ladles' Fins Black hose, silk smb.; special..... .JA Ladies' Flo Llsls Lac Hose, silk smb.; spe cial .......... w.,..w.35 a axm tom ri.- Ladle' Fancy Colored Hose, asstd. patterns; spl Ladlas Cotton Hose, all shade, .of brawn and t: special , .... t&4 MO J Ladles Out "Bis Black Cotton HoaeT wlth whit f--; peclal ...... k Children's Mndin Un:::' : weer for S-rbs Children's Muslin Drawsrs, with hem and cl- ' tucks; special lo At l Children. Muslin Drawers, with hematite r- apeclal a J Children Whit Twill MnsUn Waists, w 1 f ' special'. ...... kCMldrn's Muslin Oowna, neck and a; v- t ' with ruffle, all slses; special Misses and Children's Whit Or --'j r with flounc of lax and t special ..... Children's Whit Eklrts. wlO t " hemStlthe hem or tr. i j emo. ; specn.1 ...................... O.JMren's T. P. K! C. " I .. r clal ..... ........ and will remain in tb cily for verall