The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 30, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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i. :
.V':- Dr. Chapman Says Ufa Is But
VwtibuU; Real Existence, :
v '-.j,'';-: Comes Later, '
. Ravivalist X ' Leader , - Addresses
' Greatest Meeting of Season at
.vft the White Temple'. :,vv;
.;' Because .of the sise of the crowds that
"attended the 'erangellatic meetings in
vV district 1 Mo. . vikm Ir. Chapman
. "V ' preaches, the Service waa transferred
, , from the first Presbyterian church to
, tbo Whit Temple last evening; . liven
..this building was crowded to the doors,
. while , , several hand red were turaed
swsy. unable to gala entrance. An
' ' overflow 'meeting will be held. t Once
M. K. church this svsnlng.
.. .; Tbs mu service st the opening of
, last avonlnga meeting; was especially
good. Charles F. Allen directed the
h ' large chorus choir, and Feed ' Batter
.Jbell the attention of the vast audience.
When Pr. Chapman faced the Immense
audleaoe, there was a hush of espec
. tancy over all. His subject was the old
,V... yet ever-present question. "Etarnlty
; Wheref His scripture was Luke xvi,
conttMM frost verse 19, - the .aecouat
X1 Laxarua and Dives,, He spoke. In
'.'I' part, as follows: -' ). -m
"Eternity-where afar we nsvsrget
away from the words until we answer
- the ejuestton. - The answer to the ques
tion depends entirely, upon yourself.
Ufa Is but the vestibule. Eternity Is
. , the real existence. ; Where will you
spend itT I should be an unfaithful
.minister at Jesus Christ, did 1 not ask
'you this question. Jesus always did It.
1 1 confess when I realise that It means
everlasting night away from Ood -and
' away from Josus Christ, and you san-
not be satlsned without Him. it Is the
-saddest word In-all tha KoalUh lan-
" ' guags, -eternity, eternity. It alas means
forever to be with Ood, forever to be
. . with Jesus Christ.". :
, ;. . Hundreds of people had stood through
' oat tha- eaUre service; and they re-
, aieined to the aftermeeting. When Dr.
. Chapman made bis appeal for hands to
'. raised for prayer, the response earns
all aver tne Duuaing. uunng me
a af prayer a very unusual sight
reseated. The great eengrsga-
i ties knelt. It was one of the greatest
meetings of the series thus far held la
. tha eltv.
, The services for the Whits Temple to
day are as follows;. :1 p. m.. Rev. J.
. H. Thompson wUl speak on "Christ's
". Method of Dolna- Personal Work." At
i a. m- Dr. Chapman win speak n
. -why Our Praysrs Are Not Answered."
At I p. aa. he will preach at the White
.Temple, At the dose of the service
tonight, this section will Join the great
, midnight parade to the north end, form-
V ing oa Alder, Between oevsuia
' ,'v''-';'v ' '' "
k Development Goinf Aheed Rapidly
' la Soutfaera Brhish Columbia-
.'2. O. N, HoOregor," general agent of the
Southeast British Columbia Lna et uu
company. In speaking about the oil
. situation tn the newly-dlacovered fields.
' uvs: "Prom the' reports I have
eelved from the Kootenay district, great
activHr U belnc displayed In the
eeatly opened oil and coal fields la that
section. Quits number of companies
are going in with machinery to develop
the new fields and it Is sxpected that
-some gushers will be struck during the
.coming summer, several weus nave
; been brought In' In Alberta, whloh Is
- a contiguous territory, and the refinery
"at Alberta Is In operation. With our
1 eemoanr we are leading the prooesstoa
- with machinery and the greater part of
' it Is now oa the ground. ' We have II
' square miles of the most desirable land
In the section. That It la bald as a
v. 'great prospect Is evident from the fact
, that we hava received, two vary flat.
terlng offers from California oil men
for aeottona of pur land. Ws have not
. decided w bother-to accept these offers
'or not, for If the prospect Is goad to
'them It la good to us. but if ws do seH
the sections they wast, dividends will
, be la order and wa will sUll hava left
I tha meat desirable sections for- develop
I ment. The oil situation in Canada Is
most attractive. It has the protection
.of tha government, as It not only pro-
i tests the Industry by, a tariff, but also
' . greats a bounty of i cents per gal'
' loa Another thing Is that the laws of
' Canada are not favorable to the Stand
; ard Oil company, and taken altogether
the aummer promises to show great
' : strtdea In this new oil field."
Prizes for
-. -':'-
Pasclnatlng as this game Is,
it becomes more so when
your -winning efforts nave
been rewarded by an at
tractive token. Selected
from our stock, tney pos
sess that "difference . In
style" end - ."security of
quality," at the most moa
srete of prices.
v.vARV;-: :y:
Miniature Mirrors. Hatpin
Holder. Automobile Hat
pins, Pastelle Bosss, Per
petual Celnndars,, boto
rrames, . Vine Cups and
llaueers, French Minlaturea,
Colognes and Vsses In De
posit war a.
" Feldsnbdmer
w ,' UTZTAX rmOwaVaJS.
The program for tomorrow In-
cuues .
11:11 p. m. Noon meeting at
the Marquam Orand, conducted
d by Rev. H. W. Steuah.
e ... S bv m. Services in all dis
e. trlcta. ' ' .
e p. m. Address by Dr. Stoogh
d to students of Portland s bual
e ness eoUeges at T. M. C A. -d
. I:4( p. m., Children's meet
4 ing st First Congregational by
e .Rev, a T. Schaeffer. -e
T:45 p. m. eervloes 111 all dls-
' trlcta. - .i.--. ' t
d Dr. Dsalel 8. Toy's sermon for
4 men only on Krom, Sporting
Mfe te Preaching" will be de
e IWered, at o'clock Saturday
4 night., probably at the Men's re-
sort.-' -v;!:-:
Or, Needham Tells Hopeful Story
V to People at Forbes Congre
V? gational Church, v
-Clifton Powers made tha people for.
get themselves at rorbes Presbytarisn
church last plght A new note was
struck at this meeting. " It was sounded
In the prayers and shown la -the great
eagerness of the testimonies. . There was
a greater consciousness of need, and
above all a greater longing to aave thosq
who have never experts need the biess
Inga of ths higher life. -, The audience
was breathless when Mr. Powers sang
"Is It Nothing to Tour
Mr. Heedham's' text was I Cor. v,
and his messsga waa -not an announce
ment of the law, but ringing not of
good tidings. -. - .
"What la the gospel V ne asked. "Is
It to UU a man to leave his slnT No.
It Is to proclaim to men that their sins
are taken away. Par as the east is
from the west, so far are our trans
greesions removed from us. lit Need'
hem's message is a simple one. Msny
have a great deal to say about the love
of Ood who never put It to any use,
But with him the message of his life
Is this simple message of the love of
Ood; It malts men's hearts and makes
them-tender. . '
"Now ths sting of death Is slaj he
said, "and Jasus takes away tha sting
of -death when we surrender ta him,
because ha takes away our sin."
' Following an appeal which waa more
than usually Under, there was a good
response, and a great many expressed
the desire for the Christian life. Mr.
Needham has' a character which draws
men ts him and gives his words au
thority, and when bo makes his appeal
men feel that they can trust him and
that what ns says is true. . .-x '
Pr. Walton Preachee to Sunny-
1 aide People oa Obedience
to Divine Will. .
"Obedience to God's Will" was the
subject of a powerful and heart-search.
Ing sermon preached by Dr. R. A. Wal
ton at the Sunnysids Congregational
church last night. ' Ths usual . large
audience waa all attention when this
popular preacher of the gospel of Christ
gave out his text, taken from I Bam,
xv s Jt "Behold, to obey to better than
aacriflca.7 ..
The sermon was mads to serve a dou
ble purpose; complete as it was In It
self, the speaker used It with great ef
fect to drive home and clinch the con
clusions reached in sermons preached
oa previous - evenings. - Dr. Wsltoa
knows how to use ths results already
achieved in making them means to still
grester ends. He said in part: :
"Tha chapter read In your hearing to
night is the story or Baul taken from
ths life of a plain country boy to be
come king- of Israel with Us glorious
possibilities for the doing of God's will.
Tha man who falls ta obey God s will
falls absolutely. Wesley used to say
that an unbeliever was a walking in
sult to Ood. .
"Why don't ws believer Because wt
are unwilling to give up our sine. We
may give other reasons, but that is the
reel one. There Is" n salvation -with
out 1 complete surrender. Men cannot
get saved because they will not give up
their sins.- But as Samuel heard the
lowing of tha stolen cattle, so will the
sinner soma dsythear his own slaa cry
out against him. Christ Is hsrs to par
don every ainner. . Call ys upon him
while ha is near." . t
The fruits of Dr. Walton's strong
esaage developed rapidly in ths after-
meeting. Boo res of s ravers were of
fered at tbs altar for loved once) still out
of Christ, and many earns forward to
ask a part in tbs prayer of the Chris
tiana . A number of clear conversions
crowned the efforts of those -who hsd
tenderly sought to lead them to Christ
Y. M. C. A. Night School,
Courses in IT subjects will be given
at the T. M. C A. night school during
ths spring term beginning Monday,
April S. , Inquire at association ' build
ing. Fourth and Tambill .streets, for
partleulare. - .. .
7, ' ADSBXM TO eTUDJUITS. '.-,.-
Evangelist H. W. Stsugh will sddress
ths students and teachers of ths Port
land., Holmes and Behnke-Walker busi
ness course at tha T. M. C A. audito
rium at o'clock tomorrow. .
-Ll 1- I , 'I U I,. ,1,-WI
mmmm upmwvot wmw wmm HIV MWmmMM. I BSVa
Vms a aa.rar f raw dUMpala aa4 avar iMk!
for tke laat tva rn. km taklaa awdt
Ra. aa4 ethw 4rag, ta) aal4 Sad s ralMaaly
r a .ken tlai. twill MomsMa4 CH.anaa e
aiy rrt.4t a tke ealr for IndlaMWoa aa
soar aanaaaa ami e kara ta Wvala fsgase ee
sltles. Tsay srf wry f u W.
Vrfar eraakaa ararlM. la. SM. Ue. Mmr
ieiu:.v.ifmyrrr, zsr
Sterllsg Saoaedy Ce.i ChieegS er H.Y. am
c::uijieitui:iu:j cans
Sour Stomach
ffrSyi Best for
Jegsf The Bowels- " '
V Vfc. , Csevemtsjrrsj -.
judghent co;:es
Or.' Biederwolf s . Warning Stirs
V the Vast Crowd at Tajflor
' - ''i Street Churchv'7
, The Interest was greater than ever at
ths Taylor-street church last nlgntj
hundreds srers turned away. The sing
ing under the direction of Harry Max-
well was unusually enthusiastic, and a
solo was effectively rendered by. Mrs,
riyon. A feature of the service was
the attendance of a large number of
deaf mutes, for whose benefit the ssr
moa and , prayers were - interpreted.
Forty-five cards were signed by those
declaring tbelr intention to lead Chris
tian lives. Dr. Biederwolf s sermon
was founded on tha , words of tbs
prophet Amos, chapter 4. veree 12, "Pre
pare to meet thy Ooa.T ie sua. in pern
"I would to God I could this night put
a trumpet to my lips and sound this
text loud enotlgM to awake tne wona:
Prepare to meet thy God; prepare for
lurivmant dar.' . Bvery man - must
stand before tha Judgment seat of Ood.
It would be an awful thing to meet Ulm
i rmA. -, ' i .-" - r ' '- .
, "There are two things to which,' 11 a
imb will arlva himself, ha will no tea
out of the labyrinths of doubt and out
of tha bondage of bis sin Into the clear
est light and the fullest creeaom.
"The first Is an honest desire to know
tha truth. And this leads to the sec
ond thought, which Is an honest effort
to live up to the-trutht and having dons
these things, the man In earnest will be
disposed to maks an open confession
to tbs world and maks aa pooest effort
to forsake sin." -
y;t -t - -' ' ' ' ' '.
Dr. Ostrom Saya That Men Must
Uve Their Religion and
Teach It.,...
The revival la the First Congrega
tional district is growing witn ovary
meeting, and Evangelist Ostrom la
..kinin marked success. Laat even
ing the seating capacity of the church
was taxed. The service opened with a
brief testimony meeting In which those
ho daairad had an opportunity OI lett
ing when and how they became Chris
tiana A rtr tha usual aosnei sons Mr-
vice Dr. Ostrom announced 'tola text from
Matt, xx 111, - and preached an eloquent
sermon on the subject, -Tne Moral uie
Its Danger." He said In part: -it is
great thing to be bom of a goca
father or a good mother, or both, out
that la not sufficient In itself.'. When
men tells me he does not swear-i
ssy, 'Yes, your IStner prooaoty toea. au
that out of you with tha birch rod.', and
If he dees not steal It to because bis
mother caressed It out of him when he
n .babe, - Obi this moral me, now
it deceives us I What .to really needed
la a stsuBOh alleglanca ta our saviour.
How many heartaches and heartbreaks
would never occur It men whould only
(wear loyalty to Christ, . - '"'
"The moral life to n stx-rsot jump
at nine-foot ditch good as far as it
goes, but there is no merit in tt aaii
has not the signature of Christ's ap
proval. Morals will not count before
God, but character will. If you under
take to talk religion and not live it you
are Ilka the man In -the boat with one
osr. whoso Hns of progress Is a elrclt.
What Is nseded is ths man wns isms
his religion and Uvea It, too."
An Interesting feature or tne oven-
ina's proaram wss n lO-mlnute sermon-
ette bv Dr. Schauer of the German Bvan
gellcal church, wno maas a piss in bis
native tongue lor tail nis countrymen
present to stand forth like man and live
sincere Christian lira, . -Following
the regular service were
two after-meetlns. one for ' women In
the large auditorium, and a second for
men in the vestry. '.,: '-
Thla evenlna this district will be rep
resented In the religious march which
Is to start at the corner of Seventh and
Morrieon at 10:11 p. m. and will find its
station on Alder street between Park
and West Park. Tha regular services
will be held In the church this evening
and Mr. Hlllls Is on ths program to
sing one of his newest and best solos.
Dr. McComb Gives the Message
to Large Crowds on
"i' Street Corner. . .-.
Of all the work of the present re
vival, there to none, perhaps, that Is
accomplishing more good then the street
raeetlna-s of Rev. 1. 1 Mccomo. Kacn
svenlna he addresses hundreds of men
and women at the corner or Jkiaer ana
Third streets, and Invites thsm to follow
to ths Tsylor Street church, where many
seats ars reserved for those who may
aooeot the Invitation. '
On Sunday st ll s. tn. nr. Mcuomo
will speak at the M. B. chureh South.
niH Second street. The announcement
that Mr. McComb would maks a special
address drew sn unusually targe crowd
to the corner of Third and Alder streets
lsst evening. 1 The auto truck waa agala
filled with aa earnest crowd or. cnurcn
and T. H. C. A. workers, whp sang with
a rest enthusiasm a number of gospel
hymns, the sudlsnce joining heartily la
the refrain. : After a brief prayer by Dr,
Short of tha Taylor Street church, Mr.
McComb began his address. There u no
doubt that many were deeply stirred
ss ths speaker portrayed the love of Ood
in sending His son. Jesus, te dls for a
lost and guilty world. .
The evangelist evidently believes in
what hs preaches, snd endeavors In
every legitimate way to press ths truths
on ths hearts of his hearers, t
Tonight a meeting will be held on
the- asm a corner promptly at T o'clock,
when Mr. MoC6mb will speak on the
subject, "Does Portland Need a Re
vival r -.' , , I 4- '.-
(Continued from Psge One)
quarters of sn hour, and by 11 o'clock
the crowds hsd slmost dispersed. Those
ho remained resumed tbelr , former
eata of entertainment. '
'During the services Dr. .AVhltrorab
Brougher end a number of other minis
ters snd their wives -occupied a box di
rectly across tbs hall from tha plat-
. ; if' l. .' v . . 1
' "Every report from tne-ais- e
trlcta tost atgfct Indicates thgt In
most remarkable way tha
spirit of tha work Is deepening
"All the ehurehea were crowded
and tbs svangeltsts ssy that not - 4
thla season hava they witnessed e
such a manifest presence of the d
spirit of Ood. '
"At the WWte Temple nan- e
drede, , were turned away and
scores mads decision of Christ.
. "The midnight service tonight e
will be) remarkable. - It will be a e
greet , demonstration of tha
church of Christ la Portland. - 4)
"I am greatly1 cheered by the e
first week In the city.
NOTIi'6 IS (10
Dr. Elliott Tells" People of East
Side They Sell Their Uvea
f. ' .-Too Cheaply. ?C?.
Blnrer 'Rykert's 'great chorus In Can.
tenary church waa at Us best last night.
It hsd ovary reason to be Inspired: the
spacious auditorium, tas Sunday school
room and all the galleries were filled.
It was tha largest gathering yet bald oa
the aest side, exoept the monster over
flow of Sunday night - Tha - workers
were enthusiaatlo and wars much en
couraged by the presence af a large per
centage of men from all walks of life.
Dr. Klllott spoka en tha text. "Whet
shall It profit a man If ha shall gala the
whola world sad lose his own souir
"In ths.nsw revised version the word
Voul' Is. properly translated, nifs,' "
said he. "There la no break between
this life and that which la ta ton. Ood
looks M It as all one. Thla life to only
a preparation. What can be mora fool
ish, then, . than ta lose our reateet
treasure t When tha alder VanderblU
died, two men on the stock axebangs
were discussing - If Ons asked, "How
much did he leaver 'All that ha had.'
replied tke other. 1 This Is literally true,
and aa trua of tha beggar as of ths
millionaire, . Soma people sell their
UVes very cheaply. They grasp - the
baubles. Ilka a little child. But. thank
Ood. there to aa Increasing number of
young people wno are eoming to saw tnai
the wise thlag ta do to 'to seek first the
kingdom of heaven. . And they are oo-
tng it" - ":''-' - ' -
K. R. Steels waa appointed marshal
of the Vast Central district la tonight's
parade. Tha Woodmen's ball has boon
secured for the meeting for men only
next Sunday afternoon at :! o'clock.
n,. vjiiiaat will sneak and the Chapman
quartet, which sang last Sunday at the
Marquant. will alng. Besides, Mr. Ry
kert will have a fine chorus.
Dr. Stough Says Acceptance of
' Christ la the Question ,
' of the Day. . 4
Tha attendance at the Calvary Bap
tist church last evening was ths largest
of ths eamnaton. .The sin sing et w. n-
Colllssoa aad ths asrmsn by Dr. K. W, wars eaaerlv listened to. UT,
Stough spoke on "Ths World's Ques
tion,' from the text, "What shall I do
with Jesus, which to called Christ r
Hs said In part:-- ."The craven gueotlon
of Pontius Pilate has become the world's
question. Bver slnos ha took H . aad
flung It down among unbelievers, the
world of unbelief has been wrestling
aad ouarreltng and snarling over lu
Kvery class of people has bad. Its turn
at it ths philosopher, the skeptie, ths
moralist, tbs scientist. . What snail we
do with this JssusT They have disposed
of Him times without -number, but to
day oven ss nsver before ths questlos
at tha hour la. What shall wa do With
JssusT Jesus to never disposed of un
til He In disposed of risntiy,
''Never waa there a time when mea
had mors .remedies and panaceas for ths
worlds Ills. And we talk about ths
various questions that ars pressing upon
ua t aattlaaaant --There to one Question
which presses its way before thesa alLl
That settled, every otner quesuon wui
be settled. Mr. Oladstons ones replied
to a. questioner that there was really
only one question before Greet Britain
and that was ths question of Christian
ity. Wbsn will man ever gst real wis
dom? , When will they dlseover that
there is one and only one cure-all for
everv til of life! ' .
"Tbere are doubtless presslnf que
tlons before the people of Portland to
day. Tbe papers are full af political
matters. Men denounce or laud, ac
cording to their point of view, the ad
ministration of alvto affairs. Tha fact
of .the oass to that tsars Is only one
question before Portland, and that is
ths question of the text. What shall
we do with Jasus Christ t Whsn she
settles that she will begin to. solvs very
other suestlon. Plumb your city gov
ernment not by the platform of any po
litical party but by that of Jesus Christ
Let mea accept Christ with His spirit
and tha selfishness and dishonesty that
are the roots of all sins will disappear!
The auditorium of the White Temple
waa completely filled yesterday to bear
Dr. Ostrom -on the subject of "New Tes
tament ' Prayer." Bplrited . 'Congrega
tional singing, under the leadership of
sir. Hulls, wss a feature of the service,
Dr. Ostrom read Luke xl:l-ll, and on
the subject of prayer, said la part:
"Ws sre not so much sngsged.te) get
tbs thsory of praysr. as ths spirit of
prayer. Praysr Is more truly a life
than It Is a practice. There to mote
In the four gospels on tbs subject of
prayer than on the subject of church.
or baptism. -or of heaven. Prayer must
- 4m Ton Bagngedt . ;' , . t
Bnassed people should remsmhaV
that, after tnarrlaae. many duarraia
be avoided by keeping their digestions
In good eonsution with miserlo Blttera
B. A. Brown, of BennettsvUle, g. IX,
savs: "For rears mv wlfs suffaras In.
tensely from dyspepsts, romp) lea tad
with a torpid liver, until ahs lost her
strength and vigor, and became a mara
wreck of her former self. Then she
tried Electric Bitters, which helped her
at once, and Anally made her entirely
well. Hne la now strong snd healthx."
Red Cross Pharmacy. Sixth sod Oik
streets, on I he way te the postofflce.
aeiia and guarantees imo, at-aeoa, bat-
iny norer r!w. cslra
r.rrrti cy trortla Ccrianptlon. ' I rca trm la mlztt
r?. tZz-fm trr Csortry, I gtlaeil Izzt uj,cszz
Thls kirfalr oolUhed.
, . Wt Ci . k. -
. vawwa umnww , w -
' inch ton. worth tt.S of anybody's:
i feet. 14-
roner--peclal; all day tomorTaw
.. Offers Tike these don't ooour every;
day. If you need a Center Table,,
bore's your chance, , , . ,tft ( j,
Henry Jcnriihg
c& Sons
;Tba Lanrest and Most Complete
Btocks of Houaefurnlshlags ta the.
, City. - Coma and Sea. , ,
be In tha- forefront Of Christian under
taking. .If we try to supplant . prayer
with energy. Skill, planning, or work, ws
shall find our services bereft of the
vary victory we hoped.
"Jesus gave us 10 distinct lessons oa
the subject- of prayer.. Toil will never
be efficient In prayer until you are effi
cient and proficient la tha study of the
Lord s word. Ths Lord, haa Instructed
as now toy pray. There to no ejuestloa
about it You can meet Ood and get aa
snswer, Jesus has taught us. 'Ha that
co math unto Ood, must believe that He
Is.' ... : - : - -
, vjesus ssys that whatever a man will
ask for in His name, the-Father . will
give It '' There to a guarantee wa can
always hold to, Ood has placed 'this law
In His plan. -'Ask la tha name of Jesus,'
and the name af Jesus stands. .for all
Jsaaa to savior, teacher, liord.. ' ,
"Here to the great secret victory pf
praysr for revivals. There to but ass
guarantee for the victory of thla work,
and that-Is ta pray In Uls name of
Jssua,' - Ood help as that In Portland
ws shall hava a greater, revival than
any we -have -yet seen. Why should
we not claim of Ood aa awakening that
will convert tha hardest man, and the
most antagonistic man la to war'.
When Krelaler had nntohed the ntw
luda of tha delightful Bach sonata that
haa a piano accompaniment arranged by
Robert Sohumaiuv he- hsd the most
apatbetlo pereon la ths audlaaos deeply
stirred. Krslslsr haa a style so broad,
so convincing, that it to at times abso
lutely deflaat. In superb contrast how
ever, come tha expressions of tnantte
tenderness whsn Krelaler makes his vio
lin sing and sob ss If Its heart were
breaking. Tha Vleuxtempa concerto No.
t In T sharp minor waa a splendid me
dium to display ICrelalar's technique as
well aa his tasta There was tha ex-
qulslte ooloring of the brilliant meas
ures and the appealing daintiness of ths
melodies that went oa singing through
numberless measures.. . t
ins s- wnat aan rraneisce cntfcs
thought of Krelelefs plsylng, and of the
numbers which he will present to his
Portland audlsnce at the Empire theatre
next Tueaday. " No ' one xan afford to
miss the great vtollnlat, Vnd ths open
ing of the bog bffloe Saturday morning
la aa eagerly expected event - The re
cital Is -under tha personal direction of
boto Steers and Wynn Comas. , ,4 .
'".'..'. x stQro
Ths following licenses have been en-
proved by the liquor lloensa eommlttss
of tbe eooacil: ' A. J. Kobertson, Ml Irv
ing street; Paul Z in merman, 440 Bast
Morrison street; Martin Olson. 21 Kast
Morrison street;. Landgren A Budeen,
HI North Sixth street) William Mills,
ft Salmon street; C V. Oulnn..ttS
North Seventeenth street H. j. Martin.
14 North Sixth street: John Sinner. 1i
Vaughn street; Char lea Winter, 7M
Washington street; Nell a Owens. (
Upshur street: HaehfeM as Brora her 8.
IT1 -Tbursnan street; Kweng Pong eos
pany, Hecnnd street; Keener A Van
Kleberg. 4tl Thirman gtessw
ft trivia t!r:?, t3 t:tiit
. .' ' ' . v.- , '- '
Tit e.iy trriffe
':: MHO SsOUSsSY. r
'.: . i i in s aim I i in i
. i iai' - inUD'i'
The Wonderful Qualities of the Pine Needle; af-,r
ter years of patient endeavor, now utilized in a most '
;r beneficent manner, , The Pine Needle Fiber Mat-
tress . bruits the breath of tbe mountain to soothe ;
vbuf slumber. ": i .-' '-.v -r v.v :.v---'-h:-i-:.j-.- .i' '
v purifies thb;air yr;:;:'
t;;: t v HEALS THE SICK '-J V' ; -; !--,: I?
V A soft and comfortable, bed, "soothing the 'ttred':(,i;
nerves with the delisitful and healing frs francs qIs l t
th nine -air.' . ' ' - ' "'' v
puce. Hygienic M:ttress Co.ei.
Ml ITA!3aa ' e r.s a arr 1 a rvatrTn I'-? ' rail .
93 Git AND
i: 1 j
i , I. , , 3
rrss ert IstCoctalit3 ndr
Oriimjrorflne norKaeroL
Tlon. Sour Stoinach.DiaTrtca
Worms Xmvuliions Jcverislv
nesa and Locs or ix7. v
; ' FaXSavsat SifMlwagf t ;'-'( i
new Yorx.
i ' - .:
Aperfecl Remedy for Consta
, , pnTfiii'O n ?:
' - . ' 1 ... -
czrtzx xzzft -tA-W
' ' - .
zr$fa ft Uirj C-tzzzs,
. I ii ' a
to IZl Ita. t?z? trl!- 7 j
tzltzzl ttiltr tin l.r ;
- -
Ve Have a Large Line
AOTt gTJTTai also Ladles' -Underwear, .
Swiss-Ribbed Vesta. Fine Lials Vsstsr Ion and !
abort sleeves, low neck., all colore white, Jink and jj
, bine; all gtoes. Prices ;,? .v : , . ;,.
Ulc tVESTEOil ' ir.lPOI2TI7G CO.
m-i9jrrn9Tnxat, prr. ew aaroo
of Ohlnass and - Xap
ii a minim -D : IT
.1 -V
crfpUve Mattir
Tcr Infants and (Thildreni j '
Tfc3 Kfcu jfclilavfb
: SlgDite
L t - ".'''I 1 af '
For Ovpr ;
thirty Yoars -V
. . a.V